



People News: Hellmuth scores another 3-0 in High Stakes Duel II match against Negreanu; PayPal concedes defeat in Moneymaker funds dispute; Galfond’s insightful thread on Twitter

In this column, we deliver you the latest and most interesting news and gossip from our favourite poker people.

Hellmuth scores another 3-0 in High Stakes Duel II match against Negreanu

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While many have had doubts as to whether #1 World Series of Poker bracelet winner Phil Hellmuth really has the chops to beat today’s best players, the long-time pro once again proved himself worthy of the title. After his first sweep in the High Stakes Duel against Antonio “The Magician” Esfandiari late last year, Hellmuth has landed another one, this time with six-time bracelet winner Daniel Negreanu.

The last of the duo’s three matches concluded earlier this week at the PokerGO Studio in ARIA Resort & Casino, with both players posting a much bigger buy-in of $200,000 as compared to the initial $50,000 buy-in back in April and the $100,000 one in May. Considered as the underdog in both challenges, Hellmuth battled his opponents with quite the aggression, five-betting 8c3c and three-betting Qh3h as seen in their latest match. The latter move proved to be favorable for Hellmuth after he flopped trip three’s against Negreanu’s 9s9c and quickly claimed a 4:1 chip advantage following the hand.

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Not giving up without a fight, Negreanu held on and managed to double up twice even after the hefty loss. It appeared luck was on Negreanu’s side as a huge cooler with both players holding pocket Kings – Hellmuth with KsKc and Negreanu with KdKh, awarded the pot to the younger pro when a one-card flush to the diamond ran on the board. With chips rallying back and forth, Hellmuth was set to pay up once more as Negreanu’s three-bet jam with Kc3d won another significant double up against his opponent’s AcQd

The final hand soon came, beginning with a limp pot and a flop of 2d7s9d saw Negreanu firing a bet of 6,000 (1 big blind) as to which Hellmuth just check-called with his 10d6d. An 8h came on the turn giving both players a straight, albeit Negreanu with a lower one. Holding 6s5s himself, Negreanu jammed his remaining 172,000 after Hellmuth check-raised his initial turn bet of 12,000 to 30,000. With all the chips no doubt going in the middle, Negreanu’s chances for the win dwindled to 0 as the river came a 3s.

Settling the challenge like the professionals they were, both icons handled the outcome impressively, leaving one another with good sentiments and a higher respect for each other’s gameplay.

You played great buddy,” said Negreanu after the two shook hands to conclude the match. “You really deserve it.

You played well Daniel, I think you are one of the all-time greats“, replied Hellmuth.

PayPal concedes defeat in Moneymaker funds dispute

After Chris Moneymaker brought his issue with PayPal to light last month, over 50 people have come to join his impending class action lawsuit against the popular e-wallet. The 2003 WSOP Main Event winner shared his experience in social media showing evidence that his funds valued at $12,000 had been seized due to a violation of the company’s policies. 

What likely appears to be outright theft, Moneymaker threatened to sue the global brand, having enlisted attorney Eric Bensamochan’s services soon after. PayPal, in a possible attempt to settle the dispute, recently returned Moneymaker’s funds and while this solution removes Moneymaker from the escalating case, he highlighted that the lawsuit will remain to be in process.

I will not be a plaintiff in the lawsuit anymore but an advisor and facilitator to get people that do not have a big platform their money back.  I gave you a shot but Hell is still coming @paypal”, Moneymaker added.

Galfond’s insightful thread reveals thoughts on returning to the poker limelight

The Run It Once Poker founder Phil Galfond shared a lengthy yet insightful thread on Twitter yesterday, revealing his inner battles and enlightening experience as he returned to the modern online poker scene as a player himself. While many admire the American pro for his earlier achievements, it appeared he had his own bout of worries, fears and self doubt as would anybody else.

In his post, he highlighted monumental realizations he had in recent years while working with mindset and performance coach Elliot Roe. These new learnings he had geared him to once again delve into competing against the industry’s top players and immersing himself with modern strategies he previously avoided. 

It wasn’t until months later, through group conversations with Elliot & others, that I realized I wasn’t content moving on from high-level poker to “bigger & more important things” – that was an excuse I made up because I was afraid to try. I absolutely loved playing poker”, wrote Galfond.

Having reached further success in his poker career, the 36-year old Galfond wishes everyone to find the same inspiration he has and to focus on the positivity it has similarly brought him. Clipped below is Elliot Roe’s course which ultimately sparked his progress in the field of poker, available for viewing in his Run It Once Youtube channel.

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Janette Dee

Graduated from De La Salle University, Janette works as a full time teacher in Manila, Philippines. She has long joined the local poker community as a recreational player for the last decade. Having a natural love for the game, she decided to branch out into a different avenue of poker. Currently, Janette works for Somuchpoker as a content writer reporting local and international news for the site.

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