



WPT Korea 2024: Main Event – Day 1B (Live Updates)

Reloading active.

00:50: Pan Hai leads Championship Event Day 1B
Level 11: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Pan Hai leads WPT Korea Main Event Day 1B
Pan Hai

The second flight on schedule drew a staggering 361 entries with 108 runners making it through to Day 2. China’s Pan Hai bagged the largest across Day 1B with a massive 616,000 chip stack followed by Zhou Yun with 481,500. Poker icons Phil Ivey and Stephen O’Dwyer likewise survived the qualifying round and will be back on the felt on Sunday, March 31st for the Day 2 games.

Chip Counts

Pos. Last Name First Name Flag Chip Count
1 PAN HAI China 616,000
2 ZHOU YUN China 481,500
3 YANG SUWEI China 383,000
4 LIN WENGUO China 380,000
5 XU JIEMING China 365,000
6 ZHAO YAO China 348,500
7 MORI AKIHITO Japan 342,000
8 LI LEI China 323,500
9 SHEBAT CHRISTOPHER JAMES United States 306,500
10 LEE CALVIN SUNGWON United States 306,000
11 MA ZHAOXI China 294,000
12 Chen Chuan Shu China 270,000
13 OULMEKKI SELIM France 268,500
14 YIMING LI China 267,500
15 CHEN FENG China 266,500
16 AGHAYEV FARHAD Azerbaigian 258,000
17 SMILJKOVIC DANIEL Germany 255,500
18 TANIGAWA SHUJI Japan 254,000
19 LIU DAHAI China 253,000
20 QI XUMING China 249,000
21 YAMADA KOZO 245,500
22 KANAZAWA TAIKI Japan 241,000
23 Li Xiao China 234,500
24 HONG ZHU China 229,000
25 Fan Fan China 221,000
26 HAN TAE HOON New Zealand 221,000
27 JIN BAOJUN China 219,000
28 ZHOU JIXIN China 217,000
29 NIE YIZHOU China 215,500
30 XUE WENWU China 211,000
31 HUANG CHI LUN China 208,000
32 CHENG PING China 205,000
34 WANG WEINAN China 200,500
35 WU CHIA YUN Taiwan 190,500
36 XU HANG China 188,000
37 ZHANG CHI China 188,000
38 ZHENG BING China 187,500
39 HAO CHEN China 187,000
40 CHEN WENJIA China 185,500
41 ODWYER STEPHEN Ireland 184,500
42 ZHOU QUAN China 182,000
43 HAN YADONG China 180,000
44 YUNFENG SUN China 177,000
45 Mitsugi Shunsuke Japan 175,000
46 JIN BOXIN China 171,000
47 Zhang Ze Liang China 170,000
48 TIAN KAILE China 165,500
49 Yin tao China 165,500
50 ZHAO JIANING China 155,500
51 KAKIUCHI YUSUKE Japan 155,300
52 EMMANUEL SEGISMUNDO Philippines 155,000
53 CHU CHI JEN Taiwan 154,000
54 NAKAYAMA TAKUMI Japan 151,500
55 Chen Weihang China 151,000
56 JIANG XINXIN China 147,500
57 SHI QIZHENG China 146,500
58 CAI YUANDA China 141,500
59 LIU XIANG China 141,000
60 Yang Hong China 141,000
61 WADA HIDETOMO Japan 136,500
62 WANG BO China 133,500
63 GIAM JIAN HUI Singapore 131,500
64 Zhou Bing China 127,000
65 FENG XUEFENG China 123,000
66 YANG XI China 122,000
67 IVEY JR PHILLIP DENNIS United States 117,000
68 YUN BAWOO United States 117,000
69 NAMIKI TAKAMITSU Japan 115,500
70 CHEN XINGWEI China 114,500
71 XU JIYUE China 112,500
72 ZHOU LIN China 109,500
73 LIU SEN China 109,000
74 LIU YUHANG Australia 102,500
75 DU XUANHAO China 98,500
76 HUANG PENG China 93,500
77 WU YIN China 93,500
78 HSU TENG-KUEI China 93,000
79 TIAN GUODONG China 93,000
80 HUANG SHAO-WEI China 92,500
81 LIN PING China 91,000
83 LUI YANG China 88,500
84 TANG QIANYUN China 87,500
85 YANG REN JUN China 86,500
86 LEE DANIEL HYONGIN United States 79,000
87 CHEN ZHIFENG China 75,500
88 GUO PENG China 74,500
89 KOGA GENJI Japan 70,500
90 LIU YUHAN China 68,500
91 CHEN WEN WEN China 68,000
92 LEE JUNG CHOU Taiwan 66,000
93 LEE SHIN CHIN China 65,500
94 LYU WEN China 65,500
95 KUN WANG China 65,000
96 AKIZUKI TAKUTO Japan 64,500
97 Sun Wei Xiong China 61,000
98 ZHANG HONGXI China 57,000
99 YU XIANGYU China 55,500
100 XU ZINAN China 53,000
101 JIA BIN China 48,500
102 LO YU-JUNG Taiwan 36,000
103 NAGY ANDREJ Slovakia 35,500
104 ZHUO DAJIE China 32,600
105 RUAN JIAYU China 28,500
106 MAK KA SHING Hong Kong 22,000
107 MA YANJUN China 19,500
108 NAGASAKA KOJI Japan 19,500

00:46: Cai Ning runs into aces
Level 11: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Yang Suwei
Yang Suwei

Utg Cai Ning defended his open vs cutoff Yang Suwei’s three bet to 15,000 and saw flop 2hKdJs. Cai proceeded to check raise to 37,500 and call off his 79,000 behind after Yang moved all-in. Yang shows AhAc, crushing Cai’s KcQc. The turn Jh and river 3c doesn’t help Cai’s case as he heads out on the last level of the day.

Yang Suwei – 360,000
Cai Ning – Eliminated

00:31: Koga Genji throws in the fold
Level 11: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Facing an utg open, Yunfeng Sun fired a three bet to 16,000. Koga Genji a seat after raised it up to 45,000 yet folded after Yunfeng moved all-in for his 72,000 behind.

Yunfeng Sun – 220,000
Koga Genji – 72,000

00:23: Xu Jiyue four bets for the win
Level 11: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Xu Jiyue
Xu Jiyue

Xu Jiyue opened to 5,500 and was met with a three bet to 13,000 from Aghayev Farhad. Xu bumped it up to 30,000 and collected a fold from his opponent not long after.

Xu Jiyue – 140,000
Aghayev Farhad – 230,000

00:17: Wu Chia Yun doubles off of Kun Wang
Level 11: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Wu Chia Yun opened to 5,000 and was raised by Kun Wang to 15,000. Wu answered with an all-in for 99,500, called by Lin.

Wu AhAc
Kun 9d9s

Drawing slim, Kun dropped down to 31 BB after no nines were seen on board 10c2s10sKd2d.

Wu Chia Yun – 205,000
Kun Wang – 78,000

00:15: Lin Wenguo shoots down
Level 11: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Chen Feng opened to 5,500 and was raised by Lin Wenguo to 15,000. Chen answered with an all-in for 107,000, called by Lin.

Chen QhQc
Lin Ah10h

A great spot for Chen, an eight high board ran on the felt, easily earning him a full double up.

Chen Feng – 220,000
Lin Wenguo – 55,0000

23:46: Break Time!
Level 11: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

123 players remain on the felt out of the 361 entry field with play concluding by the end of this level.

Top Chip Counts

Pan Hai – 545,000
Oulmekki Selim – 370,000
Zhuo Daije – 340,000
Zhou Yun – 330,000
Zhao Yao – 330,000

23:36: Jin Bao Jun claims pot
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

Facing an open and two calls, big blind Suzuki Takaaki bumped it up to 18,500. Both players fold, leaving only Jin Bao Jun continuing to flop 6d9d4c. Suzuki continued for 15,500 yet folded shortly after Jin check raised to 40,000.

Jin Bao Jun – 195,000
Suzuki Takaaki – 148,000

23:33: Tang Zhen bows out
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

Mori Akihito opened from late position and was met with a 20,000 three bet from button Tang Zhen. Mori pushed for Tang’s 78,000 behind with the latter calling off with AdJc. Mori shows AcKd and cruised to victory after the board 8c2c3d10dQd missed to pair either player.

Mori Akihito – 307,000
Tang Zhen – Eliminated

23:24: No sweat for Suzuki Takaaki
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

Roh Sung Ho opened to 4,000, followed by a three bet to 10,500 from Suzuki Takaaki behind. Roh called and headed to flop Js6s9h. Suzuki continued for 8,500 and barreled another 21,000 on turn Qh. Roh called both streets and jammed his remaining 9,500 on river 4s with Suzuki calling behind. Roh shows Ac9s, way behind Suzuki’s top set QsQc.

Suzuki Takaaki – 195,000
Roh Sung Ho – Eliminated

23:18: Xu Jieming bricks runout
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

A raised pot, four players saw flop 4sJc10s. Action was checked to hijack Zhou Bing who bet 7,500, called by both the raiser and Xu Jieming. On turn 4c, Xu this time led for 25,000, called only by Zhou behind. River Kd went check check and Zhou shows Ad10d, good against Xu’s As5s missed flush.

Zhou Bing – 115,000
Xu Jieming – 270,000

22:45: Blinds up!
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

140 players remain on the floor out of the 361 entry field. Two more levels of play before bagging time.

22:38: Gecevicus Kestutis heads out
Level 9: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Utg opened, called by three other players. Action on big blind Gecevicius Kestutis, he squeezed to 19,500 and was followed by an all-in from button Tamigawa Shuji. Gecevicius calls off for his remaining 35,000 with AdJc and is dominated by Tamigawa’s AhQs. Board ran 6sQh2hAc4s, leaving Gecevicius drawing dead by the turn.

Tamigawa Shuji – 315,000
Gecevicius Kestutis – Eliminated

22:33: Yin Tao throws in the towel
Level 9: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Utg Yin Tao opened the action, called by Feng Xuefeng. Flop came 8dKsJc and saw Yin pull a check raise to 14,000. Feng completes and sees turn Qd. Both players check it through, revealing river 3d. Checked to Feng, he bet 26,500, convincing Yin to give it up.

Feng Xuefeng – 124,000
Yin Tao – 121,000

22:24: Wu Chia Yun wins crucial flip
Level 9: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Facing a cutoff open, button Liu Yuhang bumped it up to 12,000 and was followed by an all-in from small blind Wu Chia Yun for 77,000. Liu makes the call with JdJs and is in for a flip against Wu’s AdKs. The flop 6h6d3sAc7c faded Wu’s overcards up until the turn and sealed Liu’s loss by the river.

Wu Chia Yun – 161,000
Liu Yuhang – 81,000

22:08: Yashiro Naoki wins blind battle
Level 9: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

A small blind vs big blind battle saw Yashiro Naoki at risk with Ah7c for his last 39,500 and faced Shi Qizheng’s Kc6s for a race. The board 10c3s4s9s8c ran safe for Yashiro, earning him a double up with ace-high.

Yashiro Naoki – 81,000
Shi Qizheng – 238,000

22:05: Yuzhu Wang runs into kings
Level 9: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Yuzhu Wang opened to 4,000 and was met with a three bet to 11,000 from Lin Wenguo. Yuzhu answered with an all-in, called by Lin with KdKh for his remaining 70,000. Yuzhu with 9d9s is drawing slim and was left crippled down to 9 BB after the board 6h5hJhJs3h delivered no bad beats.

Lin Wenguo – 143,000
Yuzhu Wang – 13,000

21:46: Registration is closed!
Level 9: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Today’s Main Event Day 1B flight collected a total of 361 entries with only 187 players remaining on the felt. Play will conclude at the end of Level 11.

Top Chip Counts

Zhou Yun – 320,000
Chen Chuan Shu – 265,000
Yiming Li – 256,000
Qi Xuming – 240,000
Valeriy Pak – 220,000

21:16: Phil Ivey squeezes all-in
Level 8: 600 – 1,200 ante 1,200

Phi Ivey
Phi Ivey

Utg Lau Yun Fung opened, called by three other players. Button Phil Ivey jammed his 42,000 stack in with 9c4c and was followed by an all-in with Kc10c from raiser Lau for a slightly lesser stack. Running a race, Ivey flopped a pair on 8h9sAd2s3c to put him at an advantage and eventually ship the pot.

Phi Ivey – 87,000
Lau Yun Fung – Eliminated

21:13: Stephen O’Dwyer cracks queens
Level 8: 600 – 1,200 ante 1,200

Stephen O'Dwyer
Stephen O’Dwyer

Facing an open and a three bet, big blind Stephen O’Dwyer shoved his 32,000 stack in with Ah8h and was called by small blind Peng Meng Dian with QdQh. Whilst behind, O’Dwyer instantly flopped the nuts on 3hKh2h4d4c, earning the full double up.

Stephen O’Dwyer – 81,000
Peng Meng Dian – 36,000

21:11: Chzhen Evgenii barrels through
Level 8: 600 – 1,200 ante 1,200

Hijack Chzhen Evgenii defended his open against button Yang Yifei’s 10,000 three bet and headed to flop 5s10c5c. Both players check it through, revealing turn 10h. Chzhen leads out for 7,000, called by Yang. On river 6s, Chzhen fired a heftier 22,000 and Yang folds.

Chzhen Evgenii – 112,000
Yang Yifei – 51,000

20:49: Eman Segismundo floats Yang Lifeng
Level 8: 600 – 1,200 ante 1,200

Eman Segismundo
Eman Segismundo

A raised pot, action on flop 5d5h9s saw Yang Lifeng check raise to 5,200, called by Eman Segismundo. Yang barreled another 8,700 on turn 4d and a final 30,000 jam on river Jc. Segismundo called all the way with Js10s, knocking out Yang’s 6c8h eight high.

Eman Segismundo – 160,000
Yang Lifeng – Eliminated

20:39: Chen Shaoyi shoves blind
Level 8: 600 – 1,200 ante 1,200

Chen Shaoyi shoved his remaining 32,000 blind and was called by Yu Jingyang with AdKs. Chen turns over 5s6c and is in for a race for his tournament life. The board 6h4h9h7d4d instantly flopped Chen a pair to put him ahead all the way.

Chen Shaoyi – 68,000
Yu Jingyang – 26,000

20:30: Blinds up!
Level 8: 600 – 1,200 ante 1,200

A whopping 340 entries have so far been recorded for today’s Day 1B with registration set to close by the end of this level.

20:07: Top pair lands Yang Hong in trouble
Level 7: 500 – 1,000 ante 1,000

Yang Hong opened to 21,100, joined by three callers behind. Board came Jc3h4h6s4d and saw Yang barrel all three streets with only big blind Koga Genji left in contention for the pot by the river. Koga check shoved and Yang makes the final call with AhJh. Koga shows 5c2d for a turned straight to take it down.

Koga Genji – 57,000
Yang Hong – 29,000

20:03: Pocket pair holds for Fan Fan
Level 7: 500 – 1,000 ante 1,000

Another all-in preflop situation saw Suen Wai Kin limp jam 18,000 in with AsKh and faced big blind Fan Fan’s JdJh. The board 9h3d10d6sQd spared none of Suen’s overcards to knock him out of the Main Event games.

Fan Fan – 91,000
Suen Wai Kin – Eliminated

19:56: Chen Xianling doubles up
Level 7: 500 – 1,000 ante 1,000

Han Yadong
Han Yadong

Hijack Han Yadong opened to 2,200 and called a 15,000 jam from Chen Xianling behind. Chen is ahead with JhJs against Han’s AsJc and secured the win after the board ran clear of any ace.

Chen Xianling – 32,500
Han Yadong – 68,000

19:54: Set wins it for Chen Chi Jen
Level 7: 500 – 1,000 ante 1,000

Three players in a three bet pot headed to flop 9c3cKc. Action was checked through, revealing turn Qc where Liu Yuhan fired a 6,200 bet, called by both Chen Chi Jen and Kakazu Ryo. On river 9s, Chen led out for another 6,000 with only Kakazu calling for showdown. Chen shows 3h3d and wins the pot with a set.

Chen Chi Jen – 81,000
Liu Yuhan – 78,000
Kakazu Ryo – 60,000

19:47: Pocket queens no good for Chen Zhifeng
Level 7: 500 – 1,000 ante 1,000

With 14,000 in the middle on board Jc10d4s3h, Treccarichi Walter check called two streets with Chen Zhifeng leading the betting. River Js slowed down the action, Treccarichi shows KhKd, good against Chen’s QdQc.

Treccarichi Walter – 174,000
Chen Zhifeng – 100,000

18:30: Dinner Break!
Level 7: 500 – 1,000 ante 1,000

Tournament runners will go on a 60 minute dinner break with play resuming at 7:30 – Level 7. 301 entries have been recorded so far for today’s Main Event flight with registration open through Level 8 @ 21:45.

18:16: Liu Zhexu surrenders
Level 6: 400 – 800 ante 800

A three way three bet saw flop Js6h7h, checked to aggressor Liu Zhexu, he fired an 11,000 continuation bet. Big blind Akizuki Takuto check calls and goes to turn Ac. Akizuki shoves all-in for 21,000, Liu with a tank fold.

Akizuki Takuto – 60,000
Liu Zhexu – 38,500

18:11: Bilodeau Louis tables aces
Level 6: 400 – 800 ante 800

Chen Feng defended his big blind against utg+1 Bilodeau Louis’ open and saw flop 8s8c7d. Bilodeau continued for 2,500, called by Chen. Turn 8d went check check, peeling river 10h. Chen leads for 8,600 and receives just a call from Bilodeau. Chen shows JdJs, no good against Bilodeau’s AhAc.

Bilodeau Louis – 96,000
Chen Feng – 45,000

18:04: Aghayev Farhad spikes the river
Level 6: 400 – 800 ante 800

Aghayev Farhad
Aghayev Farhad

Button Aghayev Farhad opened the action and was joined by both players on the blinds on flop 10cQhQc. Aghayev continued for 1,500 and called small blind Cheng Ping’s raise to 3,500. Turn 4h saw Cheng bet 6,300 then jam the river 8h. Aghayev snap calls with his remaining 14,000 and shows Jc9s for a straight, crushing Cheng’s QsJs.

Aghayev Farhad – 52,000
Cheng Ping – 24,000

17:55: Tens good for Zhitnik Aleksandr
Level 6: 400 – 800 ante 800

Zhitnik Aleksandr
Zhitnik Aleksandr

Utg Zhitnik Aleksandr opened and called a 6,200 three bet from Ruan Jiayu, revealing board 7h6h5c7c5h. Ruan fired a 6,000 continuation bet and another 12,000 on turn 7c with Zhitnik check calling both streets. River 5h went check check, Zhitnik shows 10s10c and Ruan mucks behind.

Zhitnik Aleksandr – 127,000
Ruan Jiayu – 21,000

17:30: Blinds up!
Level 6: 400 – 800 ante 800

290 entries in so far for today’s Day 1B flight with all tables on the floor filled up. Registration open through the end of Level 8 @ 21:45.

17:28: Easy call for Daniel Lee 
Level 5: 300 – 600 ante 600

Daniel Lee called Zhang Xin’s 3,900 three bet preflop and saw 4h3sQc face up on the felt. Zhang bets 3,000 and proceeds to jam 17,000 on turn Jc with Lee quickly calling behind. Zhang reveals 8s8d, crushed against Lee’s flopped set 4d4s. The river Kc changed nothing, leaving Zhang out of the Day 1B flight.

Daniel Lee – 70,000
Zhang Xin – Eliminated

17:17: Li Zei chips up
Level 5: 300 – 600 ante 600

Utg Li Zei opened to 1,500, joined by two other players on flop 4dKdQh. Li continued for 2,000, raised by Long Xiaohan to 8,000. Only Li continues to turn Jd with both players checking it through. Li leads the river 8h for 15,000, called by his opponent. Li shows 10d7d for a flush and ships the pot.

Li Zei – 62,000
Long Xiaohan – 30,000

16:52: Zhou Lin ships three way pot
Level 5: 300 – 600 ante 600

On flop 5d2s3d, three stacks came rushing in with big blind Zhou Lin landing the nuts with 4d6c against Yanagimoto Shun’s AdAs and Jin Guodong’s QcQs. Both premium pairs drawing dead, Zhou scooped the three way pot and chips up to a 188 big blind stack.

Zhou Lin – 113,000
Yanagimoto Shun – Eliminated
Jin Guodong – Eliminated

16:30: Blinds up!
Level 5: 300 – 600 ante 600

A total of 255 entries have been recorded so far for today’s Main Event Day 1B flight. Registration remains open through Level 8 @ 21:45.

16:08: Qi Xuming triple barrel bluffs
Level 4: 300 – 500 ante 500

Ota Nozomi
Ota Nozomi

Hijack Ota Nozomi opened and called Qi Xuming‘s 3,200 three bet right behind. On board 7s8cQd5c8h, Ota proceeded to check call all three streets, his tournament life at risk by the river. Qi shows Kc2c air and lost the pot to Ota’s AhQs.

Ota Nozomi – 123,000
Qi Xuming – 12,000

15:42: Aces good for Pan Hai
Level 4: 300 – 500 ante 500

With 12,000 in the middle by river Qh5c9dJh4d, Pan Hai led out a 7,000 bet and was raised by Zhendong Li to 25,000. Pan makes the call with AdAc and is good against Zhendong’s Kc9h.

Pan Hai – 63,000
Zhendong Li – 11,000

15:40: Ji Xiaqing takes it down
Level 4: 300 – 500 ante 500

Button Ji Xiaqing defended his open and called a 7,500 three bet from Feng Xuefeng. Both players checked flop Qc10d8c} through, revealing turn 2h. Feng led for 8,000, called by Ji. River Qd completed the board, and saw Feng check fold vs Ji’s 32,500 jam.

Ji Xiaqing – 63,500
Feng Xuefeng – 32,000

15:26: Kakiuchi Yusuke gets max value
Level 4: 300 – 500 ante 500

An 18,000 pot saw Kakiuchi Yusuke shove all-in by the river 4h4d8c6d3s for 21,000 and was called by Shebat Christopher with 8h9h. Both with two pair, Kakiuchi’s kicker goes into play, earning him the pot.

Kakiuchi Yusuke – 60,000
Shebat Christopher – 32,000

15:15: Blinds up!
Level 4: 300 – 500 ante 500

208 entries in so far for today’s Main Event Day 1B flight with registration open through Level 8 @ 21:45.

14:50: Tsujisaka Tetsuya lands a double up
Level 3: 200 – 400 ante 400

Tsujisaka Tetsuya
Tsujisaka Tetsuya

Utg Tsujisaka Tetsuya open shoved 18,000 in with 4c4s and was met with another all-in behind from Lu Yingjun with AcKs. Flipping for the 92 BB pot, Tsujisaka doubled through after the board 8d5d3c9c4d faced up on the felt.

Tsujisaka Tetsuya – 37,000
Lu Yingjun – 10,000

14:48: Nakada Yuki busts Yang Hong 
Level 3: 200 – 400 ante 400

An all-in preflop situation saw Yang Hong all-in for his last 11,000 with 10s10d and faced Nakada Yuki’s QsQc. The board 7hKh9s3hQd felted no tens, sending Yang out of the flight.

Nakada Yuki – 43,500
Yang Hong – Eliminated

14:43: Nakada Yuki busts Yang Hong 
Level 3: 200 – 400 ante 400

An all-in preflop situation saw Yang Hong all-in for his last 11,000 with 10s10d and faced Nakada Yuki’s QsQc. The board 7hKh9s3hQd felted no tens, sending Yang out of the flight.

Nakada Yuki – 43,500
Yang Hong – Eliminated

14:30: Xu Jieming gets crippled
Level 3: 200 – 400 ante 400

With 12,000 in the middle on 10d3h4h, action was seen on Xu Jieming who fired a 4,000 bet, called by Wang Weinan. Xu barreled another 10,000 on turn 3s and another 23,000 on river 10c. Wang called all three streets and Xu instantly mucks. Wang shows QdQc.

Wang Weinan – 114,000
Xu Jieming – 1,500

14:15: Blinds up!
Level 3: 200 – 400 ante 400

158 entries have already been recorded for today’s Day 1B flight with registration open for over seven more hours.

13:54: Nie Yizhou fills up on the river
Level 2: 200 – 300 ante 300

Erdene Ochir Tsolmol-Erdene
Erdene Ochir Tsolmol-Erdene

With an open and three calls behind, big blind Nie Yizhou squeezed to 2,700, called by Lu Yingjun and Erdene Ochir. Flop came 7dJc5d and Nie continued for 2,000. Only Lu made the call and headed to turn 9s. Nie this time, check called for 6,500 and saw river 8c. Nie leads for 16,000 and gets to showdown after Lu puts in the call. Nie shows 10c10s for a straight, Lu with a muck.

Nie Yizhou – 78,000
Lu Yingjun – 34,000
Erdene Ochir – 26,000

13:14: No showdown for Zhang Chi
Level 2: 200 – 300 ante 300

Facing an utg open from Zhang Chi, Yoshimura Konosuke fired a three bet to 2,200 and was called by both Zhang and small blind Odaka Ryunosuke. Flop AdKsJd was checked to Zhang who bet 3,500, called by Odaka. Zhang raised it up to 18,000 with only Yoshimura continuing to turn Qd. Zhang moves all-in for 30,000 and claims the pot after Yoshimura gives it up.

Zhang Chi – 73,000
Yoshimura Konosuke – 41,000
Odaka Ryunosuke – 43,000

13:01: Blinds up!
Level 2: 200 – 300 ante 300

77 entries in for today’s Main Event Day 1B with registration open through Level 8 @ 21:45.

12:43: Chzhen Evgenii crashes early
Level 1: 100 – 200 ante 200

Xue Wenwu
Xue Wenwu

Three players in a four bet pot preflop headed to 6c10c5c. Checked to Chzhen Evgenii on the button, he fired an 8,000 bet, called by Utsunomiya Shota. Xue Wenwu pulled a check raise to 20,000 and saw only Chzhen complete. Xue barreled turn 8h and Chzhen called off for his remaining 14,000.

Xue AcJc
Chzhen 9s9c

Chzhen drawing dead against Xue’s nut flush, headed right to registration to re-enter.

Xue Wenwu – 130,000
Utsunomiya Shota – 40,000
Chzhen Evgenii – Eliminated

12:36: Top pair good for Chen Zhifeng
Level 1: 100 – 200 ante 200

Takeya Naoto
Takeya Naoto

A three way three bet pot saw flop 10h5sKs. Aggressor Takeya Naoto continued for 1,600 and was raised by button Chen Zhifeng to 3,500. Lau Yung Fung check calls and Takeya puts in the fold. Turn 3s went check check, revealing river 7c. Chen sent out a 6,000 bet, check called by Lau. Chen shows AsKd and takes it down.

Chen Zhifeng – 64,000
Lau Yung Fung – 38,000
Takeya Naoto – 46,000

12:00: Shuffle up & deal!
Level 1: 100 – 200 ante 200

Main Event Day 1B action begins, good luck to all the players!


WPT Korea 2024 Main Event action at Landing Casino, Jeju Shinhwa World is in full swing with the second of three flights set to play down today. Each entry will set players back KR₩ 2,800,000 (~US$ 2,100) for a starting stack of 50,000, equivalent to 250 times the opening blinds. Structured similar to that of the WPT Main Tour, 60 minute levels will be up on the clock all the way down to the Final Day.

Action starts at 12 noon.

Date/s: March 28 – April 2, 2024
Buy-in: KR₩ 2,800,000 (~US$ 2,100)
Guarantee: KR₩ 2,000,000,000 (~US$ 1,500,000)

Day 1A: 319 entries, 84 qualified
Day 1B: Friday, March 29
Day 1C: Saturday, March 30
Day 2: Sunday, March 31
Day 3: Monday, April 1
Day 4: Tuesday, April 2

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Tricia David

Tricia David has long experience as a recreational poker player and has been covering poker events since 2010 for numerous outfits in Asia. She spent one year working part time with Poker Portal Asia then became editor and lead writer for all event coverage of the Philippine Poker Tour (PPT). Under the PPT, she overlooked content for their website, and produced live updates on all their events. In addition, she served as the live and online events website content writer for the Asian Poker Tour. Currently, she does live events reporting in Asia for online news site Somuchpoker and is also one of their news contributors.

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