



USOP Danang 2024: Mini Main – Day 2

Nguyen Manh Hung wins the record breaking Mini Main Event

Nguyen Manh Hung at USOP Danang 2024 Mini Main Event Day 1B
Nguyen Manh Hung

After a lengthy 13+ hours, Nguyen Manh Hung emerged victorious at the record breaking USOP Danang 2024 Mini Main Event, pocketing a career high payout of VN₫ 1,810,000,000 (~USD 73,000). Nguyen defeated Yu Xiao Tong at heads up with Ac10h dominating Kc9d with a final board 9c6h7c7sAc. This was Nguyen’s first USOP title.

For runner up Yu, his comeback from just 5 bb also awarded a billion, walking away with a  career high score of VN₫ 1,066,000,000 (~USD 43,000).

Yu Xiao Tong at USOP Danang 2024
Yu Xiao Tong

The event drew a record 1,112 entries for a prize poolof VN₫ 11,649,300,000 (~USD 470,600). A total of 138 players returned in Day 2, each one paid a piece of the enormous pot.

Date: March 25 to 27, 2024
Buy in: VN₫ 12,000,000 (~USD 494)
Guarantee: VN₫ 3,000,000,000 (~USD 121,000)
Entries: 1,112 (826 unique)
Prize pool: VN₫ 11,649,300,000 (~USD 470,600)
ITM: 138 players

Place Player Flag Payout in VN₫ ~USD
1 Nguyen Manh Hung Viet Nam 1,810,000,000 73,013
2 Yu Xiao Tong China 1,066,000,000 43,001
3 Lee Jung Hyun Korea 715,300,000 28,854
4 Zhi Yuan Xu China 530,900,000 21,416
5 Bartlomiej Swieboda Poland 417,900,000 16,858
6 Giuseppe Murabito Italy 332,500,000 13,413
7 Chou Yu Hinh Taiwan 264,600,000 10,674
8 Lu Wei Chen Taiwan 216,500,000 8,733
9 Wang Hao Zhao China 185,000,000 7,463

Chips in play: 33,360,000

01:29: Lee Jung Hyun eliminated in 3rd place – VN₫ 715,300,000 (~USD 28,854)
Level 36: 250,000-500,000 ante 500,000

Lee Junghyun at USOP Danang 2024
Lee Junghyun

Lee Jung Hyun shoves his last 13 bb with 10c9h and is dominated by caller Nguyen Manh Hung’s Kc9c. No hits on the board for either player to end Lee’s run in 3rd place.

Nguyen Manh Hung – 15,200,000 (30 bb)
Lee Jung Hyun – eliminated

01:04: Zhi Yuan Xu eliminated in 4th place – VN₫ 530,900,000 (~USD 21,416)
Level 35: 200,000-400,000 ante 400,000

Zhi Yuan Xu at USOP Danang 2024
Zhi Yuan Xu

Zhi Yuan Xu is all in for his last 2 bb holding 2h2c, two players call. The board makes a flush 3dKd4d7d8d with Lee Jung Hyun’s KsQd higher flush claiming the pot.

Lee Jung Hyun – 14,000,000 (35 bb)
Nguyen Manh Hung – 15,800,000 (39 bb)
Zhi Yuan Xu – eliminated

00:59: Nguyen Manh Hung takes a chunk from Yu Xiao Tong
Level 35: 200,000-400,000 ante 400,000

Nguyen Manh Hung opens and big blind Yu Xiao Tong calls. Yu check-calls the flop and turn Ks7s7h bets 500,000 and 2,000,000, then on the river 8s, Yu switches up. Yu bets 2,000,000, Nguyen snaps all in, Yu folds.

Nguyen Manh Hung – 17,900,000 (44 bb)
Yu Xiao Tong – 2,700,000 (6 bb)

00:54: Lee Jung Hyun scores a double to stay in the game
Level 35: 200,000-400,000 ante 400,000

Button Zhi Yuan Xu all in Qs10h, Lee Jung Hyun joins and is covered, he has 5d6d. The board gives Lee a pair 9d3dAh7hQd for a double up.

Lee Jung Hyun – 11,050,000 (27 bb)
Zhi Yuan Xu – 1,600,000 (4 bb)

00:13: Chip counts
Level 34: 150,000-300,000 ante 300,000

Seat Player Flag BB
1 Nguyen Manh Hung 9,300,000 23
2 Lee Jung Hyun 10,400,000 26
7 Yu Xiao Tong 6,900,000 17
9 Zhi Yuan Xu 6,700,000 17

00:10: Bartlomiej Swieboda eliminated in 5th place – VN₫ 417,900,000 (~USD 16,858)
Level 34: 150,000-300,000 ante 300,000

Bartlomiej Swieboda at USOP Danang 2024
Bartlomiej Swieboda

Bartlomiej Swieboda three-bets all in with AcQc then falls to Lee Jung Hyun’s Kc4c on board 6c10c5h6h4d.

Lee Jung Hyun – 11,300,000 (37 bb)
Bartlomiej Swieboda – eliminated in 5th place

23:55: Giuseppe Murabito eliminated in 6th place – VN₫ 332,500,000 (~USD 13,413)
Level 34: 150,000-300,000 ante 300,000

Giuseppe Murabito at USOP Danang 2024
Giuseppe Murabito

Down to 9 bb, Giuseppe Murabito all in with Jc9c, Zhi Yuan Xu dominates with Ac9d. Board runs Kh2c7d3h10h.

Zhi Yuan Xu – 6,100,000 (20 bb)
Giuseppe Murabito – eliminated

23:40: Bartlomiej Swieboda doubles up
Level 33: 100,000-250,000 ante 250,000

Bartlomiej Swieboda all in for 1,475,000 with As7h, big blind Zhi Yuan Xu calls with KsJs. Board runs Jd4h8hAhQh for a flush to Swieboda and a double up.

Bartlomiej Swieboda – 3,300,000 (13 bb)
Zhi Yuan Xu – 2,200,000 (8 bb)

23:37: Chou Yu Hinh eliminated in 7th place – VN₫ 264,600,000 (~USD 10,674)
Level 33: 100,000-250,000 ante 250,000

Chou Yu Hinh all in holding 4s4h, Yu Xiao Tong dominates with QsQc, board runs clean Jd3d5cAs9s.

Yu Xiao Tong – 7,100,000 (28 bb)
Chou Yu Hinh – eliminated

23:34: Lu Wei Chen eliminateed in 8th place – VN₫ 216,500,000 (~USD 8,733)
Level 33: 100,000-250,000 ante 250,000

Lu Wei Chen at USOP Danang 2024
Lu Wei Chen

Lu Wei Chen three-bets all in with KhJh and falls to Yu Xiao Tong ‘s Kd[qs}. Board ran Qd8c4d7d10s.

Yu Xiao Tong – 6,700,000 (26 bb)
Lu Wei Chen – eliminated in 8th place

23:30: Lee Jung Hyun on attack mode
Level 33: 100,000-250,000 ante 250,000

Cutoff Nguyen Manh Hung min-raises and finds two callers to see the flop 6c5cAs. Button Lee Jung Hyun bets 800,000, only Nguyen calls. On the turn 2h and river Qh no bets land. Lee takes it with Ah10s

Lee Jung Hyun – 8,700,000 (34 bb)

23:25: Lee Jung Hyun doubles up
Level 33: 100,000-250,000 ante 250,000

Button Nguyen Manh Hung shoves his massive stack with Ah4c, small blind Lee Jung Hyun AcQd calls for his tournament life. Nguyen misses the board 6h2h8s7dKs for a double up to Lee.

Lee Jung Hyun – 5,700,000 (23 bb)
Nguyen Manh Hung – 10,700,000 (43 bb)

23:19: Nguyen Man Hung bullying with his big stack
Level 33: 100,000-250,000 ante 250,000

Utg Lee Jung Hyun opens 500,000, two spots over Lu Wei Chen calls, big blind Nguyen Manh Hung re-raises 1,500,000, no takers.

Nguyen Manh Hung – 13,300,000 (53 bb)
Lee Jung Hyun – 3,700,000 (14 bb)
Lu Wei Chen – 2,600,000 (10 bb))

23:14: Wang Hao Zhao eliminated in 9th place – VN₫ 185,000,000 (~USD 7,463)
Level 33: 100,000-250,000 ante 250,000

Wang Hao Zhao called all in preflop with 4s4c and was on his way to a double up when a set landed on the flop 4d6c10h, however, with the turn Ks and river Qs, Lee Jung Hyun’s AdJs improved to straight to send Wang out in 9th place.

Lee Jung Hyun – 4,200,00 (16 bb)
Wang Hao Zhao – eliminated in 9th place

23:03: More chips for the leader
Level 32: 100,000-200,000 ante 200,000

Nguyen Manh Hung three-bet from cutoff and iniital raiser Yu Xiao Tong calls. At the flop 10h10c8h Nguyen c-bets 600,000, Yu tanks then folds.

Nguyen Manh Hung – 11,500,000  (57 bb)
Yu Xiao Tong – 4,450,000 (22 bb)

10:59: Nguyen Manh Hung reaches 10M
Level 32: 100,000-200,000 ante 200,000

Nguyen Manh Hung at USOP Danang 2024 Mini Main Event Day 1B
Nguyen Manh Hung

Button Nguyen Manh Hung raises 400,000, small blind Lee Jung Hyun calls then both check the flop 8d5c2s. On the turn 2c, Lee leads out 500,000, Nguyen flats. The river Jc Lee checks, Nguyen announces all in, Lee folds.

Nguyen Manh Hung – 10,000,000 (50 bb)

Final 9 players
Level 32: 100,000-200,000 ante 200,000

USOP Danang 2024 Mini Main Event final table

Seat Player Flag BB
1 Nguyen Manh Hung 8,800,000 44
2 Lee Jung Hyun 3,450,000 17
3 Bartlomiej Swieboda 2,600,000 13
4 Lu Wei Chen 3,700,000 19
5 Giuseppe Murabito 3,550,000 18
6 Wang Hao Zhang 900,000 5
7 Yu Xiao Tong 500,000 25
8 Chou Yu Hinh 395,000 5
9 Zhi Yuan Xu 4,550,000 23

Remaining Payouts

Place Payout in VND ~USD
1 1,810,000,000 73,013
2 1,066,000,000 43,001
3 715,300,000 28,854
4 530,900,000 21,416
5 417,900,000 16,858
6 332,500,000 13,413
7 264,600,000 10,674
8 216,500,000 8,733
9 185,000,000 7,463

22:30: Tran Duc Kien eliminated in 10th place – VN₫ 160,800,000 (~USD 6,480)
Level 32: 100,000-200,000 ante 200,000

Tran Duc Kien at USOP Danang 2024
Tran Duc Kien

After getting chunked to 2 bb, Tran Duc Kien was able to double up but on his next shove the buck stopped there. Tran’s Ks5s was no match for Nguyen Manh Hung’s AcQs that ran a board KdJdJh10h8s.

Nguyen Manh Hung – 8,800,00 (44 bb)
Tran Duc Kien – eliminated in 10th place

22:18: Nguyen Manh Hung pulling away, chunks Tran Duc Kien 
Level 32: 100,000-200,000 ante 200,000

Cutoff Nguyen Manh Hun min-raises, big blind Tran Duc Kien calls, both check the flop 7h2h5c. On the turn 10c, Tran bets 400,000, Nguyen calls. The river sees more action with Tran betting 1,200,000, Nguyen all in for 3,000,000, Tran uses all of his time extensions before calling. Nguyen has Ah6h nut flush, Tran with 8s9s straight.

Nguyen Manh Hung – 5,900,000 (29 bb)
Tran Duc Kien – 400,000 (2 bb)

22:13: Lee Jung Hyun lands quads to stay in the running
Level 32: 100,000-200,000 ante 200,000

Small blind Lee Jung Hyun 10d7d shoves, big blind Bartlomiej Swieboda calls 9s9c, board runs 7c7s7h10s4c for quads to Lee.

Lee Jung Hyun – 3,550,000 (17 bb)
Bartlomiej Swieboda – 2,200,000 (11 bb)

21:57: Vitaliy Ivanov eliminated in 11th place – VN₫ 160,800,000 (~USD 6,480)
Level 32: 100,000-200,000 ante 200,000

Vitaliy Ivanov at USOP Danang 2024
Vitaliy Ivanov

Vitaliy Ivanov all in for his last 2 bb and is called by sb Tran Duc Kien and bb Wang Zhao. On the flop Ad8h5s, Wang bets 400,000, Tran check-calls. Both players check the turn Kh. On the river 2s, Tran shoves, Wang folds. Tran has 8d2h two pair, Ivanov 7c6c and goes bust.

Tran Duc Kien – 3,825,000 (19 bb)
Wang Zhao – 1,450,000 (7 bb)
Vitaliy Ivanov – eliminated in 11 th place

21:50: Zhi Yuan Xu doubles up with aces
Level 31: 100,000-150,000 ante 150,000

Utg Tran Duc Kien raises 300,000, big blind Zhi Yuan Xu three-bets 650,000, Tran four-bets all in, Xu calls for his tournament life.

Xu Ac[ah}
Tran KhQd

The board runs 2d6d6s8dQs, aces hold, Nguyen doubles up.

Zhi Yuan Xu – 4,650,000 (31 bb)
Tran Duc Kien – 2,950,000 (19 bb)

21:45: Vitaliy Ivanov’s pair counterfeit
Level 31: 100,000-150,000 ante 150,000

Utg Zhi Yuan Xu opens 300,000, button Vitaliy Ivanov shoves 2,050,000, big blind Nguyen Manh Hung all in for 1,625,000, initial raiser folds. Vitaliy has 7d7h, Nguyen AhQc. The board runs KhJh8dJc8c ships it.

Nguyen Manh Hung – 3,800,000 (25 bb)
Vitaliy Ivanon 425,000 (5 bb)
Zhi Yuan Xu – 2,350,000 (15 bb)

21:30: Chou Yu Hinh takes it preflop
Level 31: 100,000-150,000 ante 150,000

Button Giuseppe Murabito raises 300,000, small blind Yu Xiao Tong calls, big blind Chou Yu Hinh jams, no takers.

Chou Yu Hinh – 3,400,000 (22 bb)
Giuseppe Murabito – 3,600,000 (24 bb)
Yu Xiao Tong – 3,100,000 (20 bb)

21:08: Tran Duc Kien continues to rise
Level 30: 60,000-120,000 ante 120,000

Big blind Tran Duc Kien three-bets 500,000, button Nguyen Manh Hung calls. At the flop Jh9h6d, Tan bets 100,000 and gets called. On the 5c turn, Tran bang out all of his chips, Nguyen folds.

Tran Duc Kien – 4,100,000 (34 bb)
Nguyen Manh Hung – 2,300,000 (19 bb)

20:59: Wang Hao Zhao’s snowmen takes down a pot
Level 30: 60,000-120,000 ante 120,000

Two players call a 250,000 raise and see the flop 10d8d4d. Two checks follow, Vitaliy Ivanov on the button bets 200,000, only Wang calls. On the turn Qd and river 2d no bets made, Vitaliy with {qc10c} two pair loses to Zhao’s {8c8s.

Wang Zhao – 2,500,000 (20 bb)
Ivanov Vitaliy – 3,250,000 (27 bb)

20:57: Laury Vanlerberghe eliminated in 12th place – VN₫ 160,800,000 (~USD 6,480)
Level 30: 60,000-120,000 ante 120,000

Laury Vanlerberghe at USOP Danang 2024
Laury Vanlerberghe

Down to 8 bb, Laury Vanlerberghe shoves As3s, Yu Xiao Tong calls with KhQh, then finds the river 6d5c4h10hKc to eliminated Vanlerberghe.

Yu Xiao Tong – 3,600,000 (30 bb)
Laury Vnalerberghe – eliminated in 12th place.

20:52: Lee Suya eliminated in 13th place – VN₫ 141,300,000 (~USD 5,700)
Level 30: 60,000-120,000 ante 120,000

Suya Lee at USOP Danang 2024
Suya Lee

Tran Duc Kien opens then calls Lee Suya’s shove. Lee is ahead AdAc to Tran’s KcQd. With the board running Qh[9c}9hKd10d, Tran improves to eliminate Lee.

Tran Duc Kien – 3,200,000 (2636 bb)
Lee Suya – eliminated in 13th place

20:39: Tae Wook Kim out in 14th place – VN₫ 141,300,000 (~USD 5,700)
Level 30: 60,000-120,000 ante 120,000

Tae Wook Kim at USOP Danang 2024
Tae Wook Kim

Tae Wook Kim three-bet all in with 2d2s and runs right into Zhi Yuan Xu’s Ad[ah}. The board offered no help to end Wook’s day in 14th place.

Zhi Yuan Xu – 2,800,000 (233 bb)
Tae Wook Kim – eliminated

20:30: Nguyen Manh Hung pushes out Tae Wook Kim
Level 29: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

Nguyen Manh Hung opens then calls big blind Tae Wook Kim’s re-raise of 450,000. Kim c-bets 275,000 on the flop Jc7c8d, Nguyen calls. On the turn 5d, Kim fires 425,000, this time Nguyen shoves 1,335,000, Kim tanks using up all of his remaining time banks then folds.

Nguyen Manh Hung – 3,360,000 (33 bb)
Tae Wook Kim – 1,000,000 (10 bb)

20:22: Chen Yu Hinh makes a bold call
Level 29: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

Facing a min-raise, cutoff Chen Yu Hinh calls, small blind Lee Jung Hyun three-bets 650,000, initial raiser folds, Chen calls. At the flop As7d8h, Lee shoves, Chen tank-calls and shows KdKs ahead of Lee’s JsJc. the turn 7h and river 10h is good for a double up to Chen.

Chen Yu Hinh – 2,260,000 (22 bb)
Lee Jun Hyun – 2,850,000 (28 bb)

20:12: Laury Vanlerberghe spikes the pair to survive
Level 29: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

Laury Vanlerberghe all in for just under 3 bb, Giuseppe Murabito calls, button Yu Xiao Tong three-bets, Murabito folds. Vanlerberghe has Kd8c, Yu with AcKh. The flop grants Vanlerberghe a pair then completes 9d8s5c7h2c.

Laury Vanlerberghe – 1,105,000 (11 bb)
Yu Xiao Tong – 1,700,000 (17 bb)
Giuseppe Murabito – 3,600,000 (36 bb)

20:02: Tae Wook Kim goes aggro for the pot
Level 29: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

Tae Wook Kim defends the small blind calling cutoff Wang Zhao’s 210,000 raise. At the flop Ks5c9d, Tae check-raises bumping it up from 175,000 to 400,000. Wang tank-folds.

Tae Wook Kim – 2,600,000 (26 bb)
Wang Zhao – 1,300,000 (13 bb)

20:00: Michael Kim Falcon eliminated in 15th place – VN₫ 141,300,000 (~USD 5,700)
Level 29: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

Michael Falcon
Michael Falcon

Action folds to the small blind Michael Kim Falcon who jams his last 13 bb holding Ks3s and doesn’t get past big blind Giuseppe Murabito who calls with Kc10h. The board is KhJd8d8cQh for a winning straight to Murabito.

Giuseppe Murabito – 4,200,000 (42 bb)
Michael Kim Falcon – eliminated in 15th place

19:57: Wang Hao Zhao gets the boost
Level 29: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

Down to 9 bb, Wang Hao Zhao pushes with KcKs, Tae Wook Shin calls with Js9s. Kim pairs his nine on the turn but no further for a double up to Wang.

Wang Hao Zhao – 1,980,000 (19 bb)
Tae Wook Kim -1,900,000 (19 bb)

19:50: 15 players remaining
Level 29: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

Five players left on the hunt for the coveted title and fat VN₫ 1.8 Billion (~USD 73K) champion’s purse. Minimum payout is VN₫ 1141,300,000 (~USD 5,700).

19:46: Giuseppe Murabito lucks out on Michael Falcon
Level 28: 40,000-80,000 ante 80,000

Giuseppe Murabito three-bet to 375,000 and initial raiser Michael Kim Falcon calls. Both see the flop Kc10h3h, Falcon check-calls 225,000 bet. On the turn 10c, Murabito jams, Falcon snap-callls and is ahead Js10h trips to Murabito’s AhJh gutshot. The three-outer Qc appeared on the river. Murabito was saved.

Giuseppe Murabito – 2,790,000 (34 bb)
Michael Kim Falcon – 1,350,000 (16 bb)

19:40: Lu Wei Chen knocks out Khoi Nguyen (17th) and Ha Tran (16th)
Level 28: 40,000-80,000 ante 80,000

Khoi Nguyen at USOP Danang 2024
Khoi Nguyen

Double knockout for Lu Wei Chen that kicks off with utg+2, Nguyen raising it 380,000, cutoff Chen repops to 680,000, big blind Tran calls for her remaining 485,000, Nguyen is all in as well, and Chen has them both covered.

Khoi Nguyen AcJs
Ha Tran Kc9c
Lu Wei Chen AsKh

The board runs Jd10c9d6hQc for a broadway double knockout.

Lu Wei Chen – 3,400,000 (40 bb)
Khoi Nguyen – eliminated in 17th place – VN₫ 123,600,000 (~USD 5,000)
Ha Tran – elimniated in 16th place- VN₫ 123,600,000 (~USD 5,000)

Final 17 players
Level 28: 40,000-80,000 ante 80,000

Seat Player Flag BB
1 Thi Xuan Ha Tran 700,000 9
2 Tran Duc Kien 1,700,000 21
3 Wang Hao Zhao 1,000,000 13
4 Nguyen Khoi 370,000 5
5 Lee Suya 1,900,000 24
6 Tae Wook Kim 3,200,000 40
7 Lu Wei Chen 2,200,000 28
8 Nguyen Manh Hung 1,500,000 19
9 Zhi Yuan Xu 1,300,000 16
Seat Player Flag BB
1 Vitaliy Ivano 420,000 5
2 Lee Jung Hyun 3,250,000 41
3 Laury Vanlerberghe 580,000 7
4 Batlomiej Swieboda 4,000,000 50
5 Michael Kim Falcon 2,300,000 29
6 Giuseppe Murabito 1,500,000 19
7 Yu Xiao Tong 2,400,000 30
8 Chou Yu Hinh 1,000,000 13

19:18: Jun Young Park eliminated in 18th place – VN₫ 123,600,000 (~USD 5,000)
Level 28: 40,000-80,000 ante 80,000

Jun Young all in with 3s3d but can’t get past Lee Jung Hyun’s 7c7d to fall in 19th place.

Lee Jung Hyun – 3,250,000 (40 bb)
Jun Young Park – eliminated in 18th place

19:10: Suck out then burned, Xu Bo falls to Yu Xiao Tong
Level 28: 40,000-80,000 ante 80,000

Cutoff Yu Xiao Tong raises 160,000 then faces a jam by Xu Bo. Yu calls and shows his KsKc. Xu Bo has AcJd. When the flop lands {}as}Js6d Xu Bo quickly improves to two pair, with the turn Ah, Xu Bo improves to a commanding full house. But with the river Kh, Yu takes the lead with a higher boat and ships it as Xu Bo goes bust.

Yu Xiao Tong – 2,000,000 (33 bb)
Xu Bo – eliminated

19:05: 20 players remaining
Level 28: 40,000-80,000 ante 80,000

20 players remaining on the hunt for the fat VN₫ 1.8 Billion (~USD 73K) champion’s purse. Minimum payout is VN₫ 107,700,000 (~USD 4,345).

19:03: Wang Hao Zhao hard-bets Michael Kim Falcon
Level 27: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

From cutoff, Wang Hao Zhao min-raises, button Michael Kim Falcon calls. Falcon proceeds to call the 200,000 flop c-bet 4dAd then folds on the turn jam Kc.

Wang Hao Zhao – 1,400,000 (26 bb)
Michael Kim Falcon – 2,000,000 (33 bb)

19:00: Jun Young Park’s jacks earn the max
Level 27: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

Jun Young Park with JhJc doubles up through caller Zhi Yuan Xu with 7s7c.

Jun Young Park – 780,000 (13 bb)
Zhi Yuan Xu – 1,300,000 (21 bb)

18:42: Zhi Yuan Xu doubles through Michael Kim Falcon
Level 27: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

Michael Kim Falcon calls Zhi Yuan Xu’s shove then finds his As9c is dominated by Xu’s AhQc. The board offers no help running 4c7hAc10h8h for a double up to Xu.

Zhi Yuan Xu – 1,370,000 (22 bb)
Michael Kim Falcon – 2,700,000 (45 bb)

18:40: Le Ngoc Minh is out of the running
Level 27: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

The day’s entering chip leader is nowhere to be found. According to Lee Jung Hyun, he doubled up through Le Ngoc with a straight over two pair. Down to 600,000, Le Ngoc lost it to Michale Kim Falcon.

Lee Jung Hyun – 2,300,000 (46 bb)
Michael Kim Falcon – 3,000,000 (50 bb)

18:35: Vitaliy Ivanov ends Pham Tien Dung’s day
Level 27: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

Having just doubled up, Pham Tien Dung couldn’t keep his chips intact. He three-bet shoves with Ace-Five and is dominated throughout by Vitaliy Ivanov’s Ace-Queen.

Vitaliy Ivanov – 3,400,000 (56 bb)
Pham Tien Dung – eliminated

18:29: Pham Tien Dung hangs in there, doubles through Lake Zhang
Level 27: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

Pham Tien Dung
Pham Tien Dung

Pham Tien Dun all in for his last 11 bb holding As10c and doubles up through Lake Zhang’s 7s7h on a board QcQh9c10hKh.

Pham Tien Dung – 1,400,000 (23 bb)
Lake Zhang – 650,000 (11 bb)

18:22: 24 players remaining
Level 27: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

24 players left on the hunt for the fat VN₫ 1.8 Billion (~USD 73K) champion’s purse. Minimum payout is VN₫ 91,500,000 (~USD 3,700).

18:20: Barlomiej Swieboda sends two to the rail
Level 26: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

Yao Yao opens Lee Jungyeol three-bets all in for 10 bb, Bartlomiej Swieboda calls, Yao four bets all in 20 bb, again Swieboda calls.

Yao Yao JdJs
Lee Jungyeol JcJh
Bartlomiej Swieboda AhKh

The board 7c10d10cAdKd improves Swieboda to deliver a double KO.

Bartlomiej Swieboda – 4,300,000
Yao Yao – eliminated
Lee Jungyeol – eliminated

18:13: Yu Xiao Tong spikes two-outer to crack Aces 
Level 26: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

All in preflop, Yu Xiao Tong looking out with KsKc way behind Johnatan Tan’s AcAd. However when the flop runs Kh9d9h, Yu quickly improves to a boat, and with the turn 7c and river 4d, it’s a double up instead of the exit.

Yu Xiao Tong – 2,195,000 (44 bb)
Johnatan Tan – 235,000 (4 bb)

18:04: Big jam by Bartlomiej Swieboda 
Level 26: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

Utg+1 Bartlomiej Swieboda opens and finds two calllers to the flop 7s[qs}5d. No bets land to get a free turn look 5s. Big blind Lee Suya bets 150,000, Swieboda calls, next player folds. The river Qd sees a check from Lee, Swieboda fires all of it and wins the pot as Lee folds.

Batlomiej Swieboda – 2,600,000 (52 bb)
Lee Suya – 650,000 (13 bb)

17:49: Zhi Yuan Xu wins with rockets
Level 26: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

Tae Wook Kim raises 100,000 then calls button Zhi Yuan Xu’s 320,000 three-bet. Both check the flop and turn as the board completes 7h10h9s9cKh. Kim bets 250,000, Xu snap-calls. Kim has 8d8s, Xu wins with AhAs higher pair.

Zhi Yuan Xu – 2,100,000 (42 bb)
Tae Wook Kim – 2,060,000 (41 bb)

17:40: 30 players remaining
Level 26: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

Only 30 players left at the Mini Main with the intent of shipping the fat VN₫ 1.8 Billion (~USD 73K) champion’s purse. Minimum payout is VN₫ 69,800,000 (~USD 2,816).

17:38: Chang Tao Wei donks his chips and heads to the HR Megastack featured table
Level 25: 20,000-40,000 ante 40,000

Another shove by Chang Tao Wei, this time with 4d8s, Tae Wook Kim rakes it in with Ah10c winning on the board 7c6s3s3h7s.

Tae Wook Kim – 2,800,000 (70 bb)
Chang Tao Wei – eliminated

17:32: Yu Xiao Tong finishes off a couple of short stacks
Level 25: 20,000-40,000 ante 40,000

Yu Xiao Tong calls the shoves before him and delivers a double bust with KcKs dominating Bhavik Kha QsQc and Chang Jun Kim 8c8h.

Yu Xiao Tong – 1,400,000 (35 bb)

17:27: Round 3 between Chang Tao Wei and Yao Yao
Level 25: 20,000-40,000 ante 40,000

Chang Tao Wei pushes 11 bb and Yao Yao calls for the third face-off between them in this level. Chang 5h7d, Yao Qd3c, board runs 8c7c7sAsAc. Chang pairs up.

Chang Tao Wei – 1,020,000 (25 bb)
Yao Yao – 750,000 (18 bb)

17:21: Chang Tao Wei loses round 2 against Yao Yao
Level 25: 20,000-40,000 ante 40,000

Chang Tao Wei three-bets all in QsQd, Yao Yao risk it with AcKd, board runs AhQh10dJs3c Yao’s straight bets the set to recover some of the lost chips.

Yao Yao – 1,240,000 (31 bb)
Chang Tao Wei – 430,000 (11 bb)

17:14: Xu Bo’s rockets earn the maximum then pays the maximum
Level 25: 20,000-40,000 ante 40,000

All in preflop with Xu Bo’s AsAc pulling through against Julian Salvesen’s AdQh on a jack-high board.

Xu Bo – 1,920,000 (48 bb)
Julian Salvesen – 275,000 (7 bb)

Next hand, Xu Bo wakes up with JsJc and engages in a preflop bet war with Tran Duc Kien that leads to both all in. Tran has AsQc. The board runs AdKs4d5c3h.

Tran Duc Kien – 2,200,000 (55 bb)
Xu Bo – 900,000 (22 bb)

17:05: Multi-tabling Chang Tao Wei survives
Level 25: 20,000-40,000 ante 40,000

Chang Tao Wei is multi-tabling here at Day 9 playing both the Mini Main Day 2 and High Roller Megastack which is now down to the final 9 players. Chang just doubled up at the Mini Main with Jd3h outdrawing Yao Yao’s AsKd.

Chang Tao Wei – 970,000 (24 bb)
Yao Yao – 550,000 (13 bb)

17:00: 40 players remaining
Level 25: 20,000-40,000 ante 40,000

40 players remaining on the hunt for the title and the VN₫ 1.8 Billion (~USD 73K) champion’s purse. Here are the top 5:

Michael Kim Falcon – 2,100,000 (52 bb)
Lu Wei Chan – 1,900,000 (47 bb)
Le Ngoc Minh – 1,700,000 (34 bb)
Ivanov Vitaliy – 1,500,000 (37 bb)
Lee Suya – 1,450,000 (36 bb)

16:38: Big slick brings in a large pile for Le Ngoc Minh 
Level 24: 15,000-30,000 ante 30,000

Le Ngoc Minh at USOP Danang 2024 Mini Main Event
Le Ngoc Minh

Utg Lee Jungyeol raises 60,000, button Le Ngoc Minh three-bets 195,000, Lee calls and both head to the flop 4s10s7d. Le c-bets 135,000, Lee check-calls. Both check the turn 4c. The river Kh, Le fires 395,000, Lee check-calls then mucks to AsKc.

Le Ngoc Minh – 1,700,000 (56 bb)
Lee Jungyeol – 240,000 (8 bb)

16:32: Set over set, Ng Duc Hieu doubles through
Level 24: 15,000-30,000 ante 30,000

All in preflop, Ng Duc Hieu ahead 6s6c to Wang Hao Zhao’s 3c3d. Both players improve to a set on the board 6d3s5h4d10c. Ng’s spread is higher for the double up.

Ng Duc Hieu – 605,000 (20 bb)
Wang Hao Zhao – 560,000 (18 bb)

16:25: Raju Jaruplavath’s queens clean out Kim Jiyoo
Level 24: 15,000-30,000 ante 30,000

Raju Jaruplavath at USOP Danang 2024
Raju Jaruplavath

Raju Jaruplavath raises then calls Kim Jiyoo’s 285,000 jam. Raju ahead QsQd to Kim’s AsQc. No bad beats come on the board [jd}8d6s4s10c.

Raju Jaruplavath – 1,650,000 (55 bb)
Kim Jiyoo – eliminated

16:15: Tae Wook Kim applies pressure on the big stack
Level 24: 15,000-30,000 ante 30,000

Utg Le Ngoc Minh min-raises, lojack Tae Wook Kim three-bets 150,000, Le four-bets 275,000, Kim five-bets 500,000, Le calls. Both proceed to check the flop JsQs8c. Kim leads out 300,000 on the turn Qc and Le lets go of his hand.

Tae Wook Kim – 1,600,000 (53 bb)
Le Ngoc Minh – 1,550,000 (51 bb)

16:10: 46 remaining players
Level 24: 15,000-30,000 ante 30,000

Dropouts have slowed down as players tighten up. Only 46 left on the hunt for the title and the VN₫ 1.8 Billion (~USD 73K) champion’s purse.

16:00: Cooler sends Chou Yin Yinh up and Corey Van Jaarsveldt out
Level 23: 10,000-25,000 ante 25,000

Waking up with AhAs, Chou Yu Yinh enters a preflop betting war with Corey Van Jaarsveldt who has KcKs. All the chips go in preflop. And with the board running 10h9d2d6d9c, Jaarsveldt is eliminated.

Chou Yin Yinh – 875,000 (43 bb)
Corey Van Jaarsveldt – eliminated

15:50: Jun Young Park spikes the higher pair
Level 23: 10,000-25,000 ante 25,000

Lojack Tae Wook Kim raises 55,000, big blind Jun Young Park calls then both check the flop 10h5s5d. The 6c turn sees Kim bet 65,000, Park check-raises all in for 215,000, Kim calls and opens 9d9h. Park is ahead Ac10s. The river 2s ensures the double up.

Jun Young Park – 575,000 (23 bb)
Tae Wook Kim – 1,100,000 (44 bb)

15:46: Wang Hao Zhao shaves some off Pham Tien Dung
Level 23: 10,000-25,000 ante 25,000

Pham Tien Dung raises 50,000, big blind Wang Hao Zhao defends, both see a flop 2s4sAd. Wang check-calls 65,000 then both check the turn 9c. On the river 8d, Wang leads out 9=110,000, Pham calls then mucks to Wang’s As4d two pair.

Wang Hao Zhao – 1,100,000 (44 bb)
Pham Tien Dung – 1,200,000 (48 bb)

15:39: Pham Tien Dung rises to over a mil, Nguyen Anh Minh calls to his doom
Level 23: 10,000-25,000 ante 25,000

Utg+1 Pham Tien Dung opens 55,000, big blind Nguyen Anh Minh three-bets 150,000, Pham four bets all of it amounting to 605,000, Nguyen calls and covers Pham. Nguyen has AhJd, Pham with a dominating AdAs. The board runs Jh5d2d3s6h.

Pham Tien Dung – 1,250,000 (50 bb)
Nguyen Anh Minh – eliminated

15:34: Michael Kim Falcon earns a little from Lake Zhang
Level 23: 10,000-25,000 ante 25,000

Big blind Michael Kim Falcon defends Lake Zhang’s raise to head to the flop 9cKd10h. Falcon check-calls 40,000 then both check the turn 6h and river Qd. Zhang mucks to Falcon’s Qd10s two pair.

Michael Kim Falcon – 1,600,000 (64 bb)
Lake Zhang – 800,000 (32 bb)

15:30: 51 players remaining
Level 23: 10,000-25,000 ante 25,000

The field continues to thin out with only 51 players remaining on the hunt for the title and the VN₫ 1.8 Billion (~USD 73K) champion’s purse.

15:29: Ian Lee and Andrey L saved by the river 
Level 22: 10,000-20,000 ante 20,000

Raju Jaruplavath at USOP Danang 2024
Raju Jaruplavath

Ian Lee min-raises from utg+1, button Junnie Pamplona calls, small blind Andrey L shoves 6 bb, Lee makes it a pair with a shove of 13 bb, Pamplona has them both covered and call.

Andrey L Ac[js}
Lee As2s
Pamplona 10d10h

The board runs 3c8sKc3hAh, both Andrey and Lee are saved by the river.

Ian Lee – 475,000 (23 bb)
Andrey L – 210,000 (11 bb)
Junnie Pamplona – 250,000 (12 bb)

15:18: Chu Myai Thwe dominates for a good double
Level 22: 10,000-20,000 ante 20,000

Down to 8 bb, Chu Myai Thwe three-bet shoves with AsQc and doubles through Ng Duc Hieu’s Ad10h on a low board.

Chu Myai Thwe – 390,000 (19 bb)
Ng Duc Hieu – 700,000 (35 bb)

15:09: Ivan Ermi makes a straight to survive Kings
Level 22: 10,000-20,000 ante 20,000

Big blind Ivan Ermi Ad4d three-bet all in and initial raiser Yu Xiao Tong snap-calls with KcKs. The board runs 7c3d2c5c9h for a straight and double up to Ermi.

Ivan Ermi – 690,000 (34 bb)
Yu Xiao Tong – 405,000 (20 bb)

15:04: Lee Jung Hyun shaves some off Junnie Pamplona
Level 22: 10,000-20,000 ante 20,000

Utg+2 Lee Jung Hyun opens 40,000, small blind Junnie Pamplona calls. On the flop 5dJh9c, Pamplona check-raises from 35,000 to 90,000, Lee calls. Lee continues to bet the turn Ac 100,000, Pamplona calls. Both opt to check the river 8h. Pamplona shows JdKh, Lee has better AsJc.

Lee Jung Hyun – 900,000 (45 bb)
Junnie Pamplona – 575,000 (28 bb)

14:50: Pradeep Sharma defends the big blind
Level 22: 10,000-20,000 ante 20,000

Seeing two jams before him, big blind Pradeep Sharma joins the party and turns over AdKd which is ahead of Do Tuan Phong’s Kc9c and Michael Kim Falcon’s Ah5h. The board drops three diamonds Js8c3d6dJd to further ensure Pradeep’s win.

Pradeep Sharma – 820,000 (41 bb)
Michael Kim Falcon – 1,750,000 (87 bb)
Do Tuan Phong – eliminated

14:29: Zhi Yuan Xu’s pocket pair rails two 
Level 21: 10,000-15,000 ante 15,000

Zhi Yuan Xu opens, small blind Cao Kai Lin three-bets all in, Le Dong joins with less chips, Xu calls to put both players at risk.

Xu 9c9s
Lin AhQh
Dong AsJs

Zhi Yuan Xu – 800,000 (53 bb)
Cao Kai Lin – eliminated
Le Dong – eliminated

14:15: Corey Van Jaarsveldt doubles through Lee Jungyeol
Level 21: 10,000-15,000 ante 15,000

Utg+2 opens 30,000, big blind Corey Van Jaarsveldt calls, both head to the flop AcKc8c. Lee c-bets 35,000, Jaarsveldt check-raises all in for 200,000, Lee calls. Jaarsveldt is ahead 10c4c flush, Lee KsQc with mid pair. The turn Kh improves Lee to trips, and with the river Js, Jaarsveldt survives.

Corey Van Jaarsveldt – 485,000 (32 bb)
Lee Jungyeol – 1,000,000 (66 bb)

14:00: Chip leaders at the break, 79 players remaining
Level 20: 6000-12,000 ante 12,000

Michale Kim Falcon – 2,300,000 (191 bb)
Le Ngoc Minh – 1,500,000 (125 bb)
Lee Jungyeol – 1,250,000 (104 bb)
Tae Wook Kim – 830,000 (69 bb)
Wang Hao Zhao- 825,000 (68 bb)
Lee Suya – 800,000 (66 bb)

13:52: Hernan Villa falls to Chang Xiu Kim
Level 20: 6000-12,000 ante 12,000

Shortly after getting chunked to 2 bb, Hernan Villan three-bets all in and proceeds to fall to Chang Xiun Kim with KcQd dusted by Ac10h on a board AdQc5s4c3h.

Chang Xiun Kim – 315,000 (26 bb)
Hernan Villa – eliminated

13:40: Big pot for Michael Kim Falcon soars to 2M
Level 20: 6000-12,000 ante 12,000

Michael Kim Falcon crossed into 2M after taking down a massive pot. It opens with Julian Salvesen raising to 24,000, hijack Hernan Villa and button Falcon both call. More chips tossed in on the flop 8s6hKs. Salvesen c-bets 35,000, Villa snap-calls, Falcon calls.

The turn 5h sees another c-bet from Salvesen of 75,000, Villa snap-calls, Falcon raises to 200,000, and is called by both. The river 6c is checked to Falcon who fires 250,000, gets called again by both players, Falcon tables 7d4d straight. Salvesen mucks, Villa shows AdKc two pair.

Michael Kim Falcon – 2,200,000 (183 bb)
Julian Salvesen – 600,000 (50 bb)
Hernan Jaybee Villa – 23,000 (2 bb)

13:20: 97 players remaining
Level 20: 6000-12,000 ante 12,000

Another batch of players go down in the previous round leaving 97 players in the running for the title and the VN₫ 1.8 Billion (~USD 73K) champion’s purse. Minimum payout now is VN₫ 25,700,000 (~US 1,037).

13:15: Chun Hui Ji boots two shortys 
Level 19: 5000-10,000 ante 10,000

Utg+2 Pham Tien Dung opens 20,000, short stacks Ngoc Ha Alice three-bets her last 59,000, small blind Huynh Ngoc Thai four-bets 94,000, big blind Chun Hui Ji calls, initial raiser Pham opts to get out of the way.

Alice As4c
Huynh 9s9c
Chun JdJc

The higher pair prevails on board Qc2h3cKc4s.

Chun Hui Ji – 460,000 (46 bb)
Ngoc Ha Alice – eliminated
Huynh Ngoc Thai – eliminated

12:55: Wang Hao Zhao given a one round penalty for keeping a card 
Level 19: 5000-10,000 ante 10,000

After a table was broken, the dealer noticed a missing card which was eventually found in the pocket of Wang Hao Zhao and was given a one round penalty.

12:51: Hoang Le Anh Tuan takes it with aggressive bets
Level 19: 5000-10,000 ante 10,000

Another action packed preflop battle starts with Michael Kim Falcon raisig 22,000 from lojack, cutoff Chang Xiun Kim calls, button Cao Kai Lin calls, smalll blind Hoang Le Anh Tuan three-bets 68,000, Falcon folds, Kim calls, Lin folds. On the flop Jc5h5s, Hoang c-bets 68,000, Kim calls then Hoang jams the turn 9h. Kim folds.

Hoang Le Anh Tuan – 425,000 (42 bb)
Changxiun Kim – 220,000 (22 bb)
Michael Kim Falcon – 1,300,000 (130 bb)

12:45: 114 players remaining
Level 19: 5000-10,000 ante 10,000

The opening round saw 24 players bite the dust leaving 114 players on the hunt for the title and the VN₫ 1.8 Billion (~USD 73K) champion’s purse.

12:42: Lee Jea Won doubles through Phan Minh Duc
Level 18: 4000-8000 ante 8000

Phan Minh Duc was able to spin up his stack from just 7 bb to around 28 bb then was sent back down again in a hand against Lee Jea Won. Hand opens with utg+2 Lee raising 18,000, button calls, small blind Phan three-bets all in, Lee calls with slightly less, button folds. It’s fifty-fifty with Lee 10h10d and Phan AhKh. The board runs 6hJd2cQs4s.

Lee Jea Won – 412,000 (51 bb)
Phan Minh Duc – 34,000 (4 bb)

12:35: Big takedown as Le Ngoc Minh gives Chenbo the cowboy boot
Level 18: 4000-8000 ante 8000

From utg+2, the day’s entering chip leader Le Ngoc Minh min-raises, cutoff Chenbo three-bets 60,000, Le four-bets 114,000, Chenbo calls. At the flop Qs10d6s, Chenbo bets 70,000, Le check-raises all in, Chenbo calls for his remaining 210,000 and opens up AdQd top pair which is behind Le’s KdKs overpair. The turn 2h and river 10c changes nothing and Le ships it.

Le Ngoc Minh – 1,410,000 (176 bb)
Chenbo – eliminated

12:26: An Ji Hyeon wins the flip against Tommy W
Level 18: 4000-8000 ante 8000

Several hands after tripling up, Tommy W calls An Ji Hyeon’s three-bet shove of 170,000 and is flipping with 8s8c against An’s QcJd. A jack quickly finds the flop as the board completes Js3h7d2h5s. An doubles through.

An Ji Hyeon – 360,000 (45 bb)
Tommy W – 270,000 (33 bb)

12:17: Chang Jun Kim’s queens earn the max
Level 18: 4000-8000 ante 8000

Facing a min-raise, Day 1A chip leader Hernan Villa KdJc three-bets to 48,000, big blind Chang Jun Kim QsQd four-bets 162,000, initial raiser folds, Villa calls. The board runs 3d8s3cQh4h. Kim doubles up.

Chang Jun Kim – 352,000 (44 bb)
Hernan Jaybee Villa – 750,000 (93 bb)

12:12: Big hands clash sends Tong Van Viet near empty
Level 18: 4000-8000 ante 8000

Utg+2 Tommy W As8sopen-shoves 151,000, cutoff Phan Minh Duc KdKs joins the party with 181,000, small blind Tong Van Viet AhKh makes it a three-way with 189,000. The board runs 10s4s6dJs4c. Tommy survives with a flush for the main pot, Phan wins the side, and Tong plunges to 1 bb.

Tommy W – 469,000 – (58 bb)
Phan Minh Duc – 60,000 (7 bb)
Tong Van Viet – 8,000 (1 bb)

12:08: Broadway for Raju Jaruplavath sends Luo Shao Hua packing
Level 18: 4000-8000 ante 8000

From utg, Raju Jaruplavath min-raises with QdJd then loosely calls a three-bet shove from utg+1 Luo Shao Hua of 120,000, just under half of his stack. Luo has a premium AcKd, The board improves both As10h2sKh7d. Jaruplavath’s straight ships it and boos Luo.

Raju Jaruplavath – 390,000 (48 bb)
Luo Shao Hua – eliminated

12:00: Cards in the air! 
Level 18: 4000-8000 ante 8000

The race to the title and VN₫ 1.8 Billion (~USD 73K) champion’s purse is underway!

Mini Main Event – Day 2

USOP Danang 2024 Mini Main Event trophy

After three entry flights, the Mini Main Event attracted a combined 1,112 entries to send the prize pool north to VN₫ 11,649,300,000 (~USD 470,600). This was more than triple the guarantee. Two players bagged over a million. Day 1B chip leader Le Ngoc Minh earned the chip leader title with 136 bb followed closely by Day 1C chip leader Michael Kim Falcon with 127 bb. The event resumes on Wednesdy, March 27. 138 players return to hunt down the title and most especially the VN₫ 1.8 Billion (~USD 73K) top prize.

Date: March 25 to 27, 2024
Buy in: VN₫ 12,000,000 (~USD 494)
Guarantee: VN₫ 3,000,000,000 (~USD 121,000)
Entries: 1,112 (826 unique)
Prize pool: VN₫ 11,649,300,000 (~USD 470,600)
ITM: 138 players

Top 10 in chips

Rank Player Flag Stack BB
1 Le Ngoc Minh Vietnam 1,091,000 136
2 Michael Kim Falcon Denmark 1,013,000 127
3 Jaybee Hernan Villa Philippines 950,000 119
4 Nguyen Manh Hung Vietnam 805,000 101
5 Wan Hao Zhao China 712,000 89
6 Xu Bo China 599,000 75
7 Julian Salvesen Norway 561,000 70
8 Suya Lee Korea 528,000 66
9 Lee Jung Yeol Korea 521,000 65
10 Lee Sung Hyun Korea 489,000 61

Top 9 payouts

Place Payout in VN₫ ~USD
1 1,810,000,000 73,013
2 1,066,000,000 43,001
3 715,300,000 28,854
4 530,900,000 21,416
5 417,900,000 16,858
6 332,500,000 13,413
7 264,600,000 10,674
8 216,500,000 8,733
9 185,000,000 7,463
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Tricia David

Tricia David has long experience as a recreational poker player and has been covering poker events since 2010 for numerous outfits in Asia. She spent one year working part time with Poker Portal Asia then became editor and lead writer for all event coverage of the Philippine Poker Tour (PPT). Under the PPT, she overlooked content for their website, and produced live updates on all their events. In addition, she served as the live and online events website content writer for the Asian Poker Tour. Currently, she does live events reporting in Asia for online news site Somuchpoker and is also one of their news contributors.

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