U Series Of Poker (USOP): Elevating Live Poker in 2023
In 2023, the U Series of Poker (USOP) emerged as a new brand in the Southeast Asia live poker scene and has since hosted more than half a dozen live poker stops with main focus on Vietnam and Taiwan. The brand is aiming for a fun approach in the gaming environment and caters to casual players as well as professionals with their diverse tournament schedules, boasting the slogan “Unleash Your Inner Champion”.
In February 2023, the Asia Poker Arena in Taipei City hosted the first USOP stop. Its massive success quickly brought another three festivals, all taking place in Vietnam at Crown Poker Club Hanoi and the Furama Resort Da Nang. The very same pattern of live events repeated in 2024 and the prize pool guarantees increased with the most recent USOP Grand Finale in Hai Phong dubbed as the largest live poker festival in the history of the country.
The flagship VND 35 Million (~USD 1,380) Main Event sailed past the VND 40 Billion guarantee thanks to 1,958 entries and attracted a massive prize pool of nearly VND 58 Billion (~USD 2,282,490), one of the largest in the region with such a buy-in range for 2024.