



APPT Cambodia 2023: Live Updates

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Chip Counts ABC

Buy in: US$ 350
Guarantee: US$ 50,000
Entries: 346
Prize pool: US$ 105,720
ITM: 51 players

Day 1A: 133 entries / 20 advanced (ITM)
Day 1B: 157 entries / 24 advanced (ITM)
Day 1C: 56 entries / 7 advanced (ITM)

1 Daoxing Chen 772,000
2 Guiyang Wang 554,000
3 Vincent Chauve 549,000
4 Armon Van Wijk 426,000
5 Xinan Zou 382,000
6 Van Binh Pham 364,000
7 Emil Ukalaev 335,000
8 Xinshou Xu 304,000
9 Xiaosheng Zheng 286,000
10 Yuwen Pan 279,000
11 Haisheng Bi 273,000
12 Eric Wasylenko 268,000
13 Haisheng Qiu 268,000
14 William Bolton 260,000
15 Qiyuan Huang 245,000
16 Jihao Feng 226,000
17 Roman Kokotiuk 212,000
18 Gokul Raj Dharmarajan 205,000
19 Cheng Zhang 202,000
20 Vishal Ojha 190,000
21 Thomas Walters 180000 180,000
22 Ley Kydatov 171,000
23 Siarhei Chudapal 171,000
24 Yoongwon Woo 168,000
25 Tom Maguire 154,000
26 Bo Jin 151,000
27 Pheeratham Lerdthammatavee 141,000
28 Bihari Michael Adam 137,000
29 Andrew Kim 136,000
30 Chu-Yen Lin 129,000
31 Xiaohua Fu 128,000
32 Hwang Wei Choong 122,000
33 Zhenshan Wu 115,000
34 Chengbei Li 107,000
35 Adrien Michel Tantaro 100,000
36 Jounghun Kim 95,000
37 Quan Zhou 93,000
38 Bien Mai 88,000
39 Oleg Voschinin 84,000
40 Jiyang Gan 83,000
41 Yinfei Xiao 80,000
42 Yannick Jobin 79,000
43 Amit Kaushik 75,000
44 Vinay Boob 68,000
45 Dave Labrecque 60,000
46 Rodolphe Mathias 49,000
47 Roland Kivi 42,000
48 Martin Zheng 37,000
49 Fedor Dedelov 34,000
50 Kyoungchul Lee 29,000
51 Maxime Costas 24,000

Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly. Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.

NagaWorld Kickoff Final Day

Buy in: US$ 350
Guarantee: US$ 50,000
Entries: 346
Prize pool: US$ 105,720
ITM: 53 players

Day 1A: 133 entries / 20 advanced (ITM)
Day 1B: 157 entries / 24 advanced (ITM)
Day 1C: 56 entries / 9 advanced (ITM)

Day 2 starting blinds: 2,000-5,000, 5,000 ante
Starting stack: 30,000
Chips in play: 10,380,000

China’s Guiyang Wang wins the NagaWorld Kickoff 

Guiyang Wang

China’s Guiyang Wang overcame the swings at heads up against William Bolton to capture the NagaWorld Kickoff Event title and PokerStars Spade Trophy! Impressively, Wang turned his US$ 350 buy in into a hefty US$ 20,615.

From the start, Wang was a force to reckon. He bagged the chip lead at Day 1A, entered Day 2 running third in chips, then held the top rank for nearly the entire stretch. Out of the numerous heads he claimed was Chinese pro Xixiang Luo in 16th place. Congratulations to the newest APPT champion!

00:15: William Bolton eliminated in 2nd place –  US$ 13,109
Level 30: 60,000-120,000, 120,000 ante

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William Bolton

The final hand has been dealt. William Bolton all in with As9h, Guiyang Wang ahead in chips and in hand with AhJs, the board runs 10c6c10h8s2d. Bolton is out in 2nd place.

00:00: Guiyang Wang back on top
Level 30: 60,000-120,000, 120,000 ante

On a board 6dQd5d3c and 700,000 in the pot, Guiyang Wang bet 625,000, William Bolton check-called. On the river 9h both checked. Bolton had Qh8h top pair, Wang shipped it with QcQs set.

Guiyang Wang – 5,500,000
William Bolton – 4,800,000

00:15: William Bolton takes down three pots to overtake
Level 30: 60,000-120,000, 120,000 ante

William Bolton picks up a few pots to jump ahead in the counts. His first pot saw Guiyang Wang raise to 260,000, Bolton calls. On the flop Qd9hAc, Bolton check-called 350,000. On the turn, Wang bet 800,000, Bolton check-raised all in for a total of 2,260,000, Wang folded.

Another big pot was built of around 1,300,000 on a board of QdQh6d10c4s. Wang bet 600,000, Bolton called. Wang showed 10h3h two pair, Bolton had AcAh for a higher two pair.

00:10: Guiyang Wang takes down a big one
Level 29: 50,000-100,000, 100,000 ante

The pot built up to 925,000 and the board was 9h2d8s2s. Guiyang Wan bet 700,000, William Bolton check-called. On the river 4h, both players checked. Bolton had Kh9c top pair, Wan shipped it with 10s10h.

00:00: Guiyang Wang grinds down Bolton
Level 29: 50,000-100,000, 100,000 ante

Guiyang Wangis clearly the aggressor, entering nearly every hand with a raise. He grinds to retake the lead and is up 6,300,000 to Bolton’s 4,000,000.

23:35: Heads up between William Bolton and Guiyang Wang
Level 29: 50,000-100,000, 100,000 ante

Heads up between William Bolton and Guiyang Wang. Up for grabs is the US$ 20,615 champion’s purse and of course one of the coolest trophies, the PokerStars Spade. Bolton is ahead with 5,900,000, Guiyang Wang with 4,400,000.

23:30: Daoxing Chen eliminated in 3rd place – US$ 9,504
Level 28: 40,000-80,000, 80,000 ante

All in preflop, Daoxing Chen with Ks9d and is at risk against Guiyang Wang’sAd10c. The board runs Ad6s10s10h4h. Chen is eliminated.

Eliminations 4th – 8th

4 Siarhei Chudapa US$ 7,707
5 Armon Van Wijk US$ 6,121
6 Eric Wasylenko US$ 4,694
7 Yuwen Pan US$ 3,446
8 Emil Ukalaev US$ 2,495

20:10: Choong Hwang eliminated in 9th place – US$ 2,019
Level 25: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante

First hand of the final table, Choong Hwang falls to Armon Van Wijk with JsJd standing solid against As10h. The board was KsQc10c5c7d.

20:00: Final table 
Level 25: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante

DJR09812 1

By seat

1 Hwang Wei Choong 440,000
2 William Noble 670,000
3 Siarhei Chudapa 575,000
4 Armon Van Wijk 460,000
5 Daoxing Chen 1,450,00
6 Eric Wasylenko 1,700,000
7 Guiyang Wang 4,180,000
8 Yuwei Pan 530,000
9 Emil Ukalev 425,000

19:55: Xinan Zou eliminated in 10th place – US$ 1,670
Level 25: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante

Xinan Zou all in preflop with Ah10s, Guiyang Wang calls with 10h10c. With the board running 4c8s5h4s6d, no hits for Zou to miss the final table by one spot.

19:40: Another good pot for Hwang
Level 24: 15,000-30,000, 30,000 ante

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Choong Hwang

With 200,000 in the middle and a flop 10c{9h]10h, Choong Hwang bets the pot and utg Eric Wasylenko tank-calls. On the turn 3d, no brakes for Hwang who jams, Wasylenko quickly folds. Hwang shows 10d trips.

19:20: Choong Hwang shoves everyone out
Level 24: 15,000-30,000, 30,000 ante

Under the gun Xinshuo Xu limps, Yuwei Pan raises to 90,000, button Armon Van Wijk three-bets to 215,000, big blind Choong Hwang shoves, no callers.

19:15: Guiyang Wang four-bets shoves Chen
Level 24: 15,000-30,000, 30,000 ante

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Guiyang Wang

Big stacks Guiyang Wan and Daoxing Chen battle for pot that grew to 175,000 before the flop 8cAs7c. Wan bets, Chen raises to 500,000, Wan shoves, Chen has a big stack but is covered. He opts to fold.

Guiyang Wang- 3,240,000
Daoxing Chen – 1,280,000

19:00: Pheeratham Lerdthammatavee eliminated in 12th place – US$ 1,448
Level 24: 15,000-30,000, 30,000 ante

Chip leader Guiyang Wang soars to 2,000,000 after railing Pheeratham Lerdthammatavee in 12th place. He is the overwhelming chip leader with 11 remaining.

18:45: Jin Bo eliminated in 14th place – US$ 1,279
Level 24: 15,000-30,000, 30,000 ante

Jin Bo pushes all in with Ace-Four and runs into a player’s Ace-King to bust in 14th place. He earns US$ 1,279.

18:00: Xixiang Luo eliminated in 16th place – – US$ 1,152
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

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Xixiang Luo

End of the road for Chinese pro Xixiang Luo who shoves with AsQs then misses the board 3h9d3c5cKh for Guiyang Wan’s {10d10h to hold and ship it.

Guiyang Wang- 1,900,000
Xixiang Luo – eliminated

17:45: Bien Mai eliminated in 17th place – US$ 1,152
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

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Bien Mai

Vietnam’s Bien Mai will not be bringing home a back to back here at the NagaWorld Kickoff having just busted in 17th place to Armon Van Wijk. His final hand was all in on a flop 4dKs10h with QsJh open ended, Van Wijk had Kc3s top pair. The turn 8h and river 7d were no help to Mai.

16:00: Big stack update, 24 remaining
Level 20: 6,000-12,000, 12,000 ante

Guiyang Wang – 1,200,000
Daoxing Chen – 1,070,000
Xiaosheng Zheng – 800,000
Armon Van Wijk – 670,000
Yuwei Pan – 600,000
Eric Wasylenko – 550,000
Xixiang Luo – 500,000

Reigning champion – Bien Mai – 460,000

14:00: Big stack update, 34 remaining
Level 17: 3,000-6,000, 6,000 ante

Haisheng Bi – 635,000
Daoxing Chen – 610,000
Van Binh Pham – 610,000
Vincent Chauve – 575,000
Guiyang Wang – 560,000
Xixiang Luo – 540,000
Yuwei Pan – 530,000
Eric Wasylenko – 500,000

Reigning champion – Bien Mai – 380,000

Day 2 players

Rank Player Stack BB
1 Daoxing Chen 772,000 154
2 Guiyang Wang 554,000 111
3 Vincent Chauve 549,000 110
4 Xixiang Luo 462,000 92
5 Armon Van Wijk 426,000 85
6 Xinan Zou 382,000 76
7 Van Binh Pham 364,000 73
8 Emil Ukalaev 335,000 67
9 Xinshou Xu 304,000 61
10 Xiaosheng Zheng 286,000 57
11 Yuwen Pan 279,000 56
12 Haisheng Bi 273,000 55
13 Eric Wasylenko 268,000 54
14 Haisheng Qiu 268,000 54
15 William Bolton 260,000 52
16 Qiyuan Huang 245,000 49
17 Jihao Feng 226,000 45
18 Roman Kokotiuk 212,000 42
19 Gokul Raj Dharmarajan 205,000 41
20 Cheng Zhang 202,000 40
21 Vishal Ojha 190,000 38
22 Thomas Walters 180000 180,000 36
23 Ley Kydatov 171,000 34
24 Siarhei Chudapal 171,000 34
25 Yoongwon Woo 168,000 34
26 Tom Maguire 154,000 31
27 Bo Jin 151,000 30
28 Pheeratham Lerdthammatavee 141,000 28
29 Bihari Michael Adam 137,000 27
30 Andrew Kim 136,000 27
31 Chu-Yen Lin 129,000 26
32 Xiaohua Fu 128,000 26
33 Hwang Wei Choong 122,000 24
34 Zhenshan Wu 115,000 23
35 Chengbei Li 107,000 21
36 Adrien Michel Tantaro 100,000 20
37 Jounghun Kim 95,000 19
38 Quan Zhou 93,000 19
39 Bien Mai 88,000 18
40 Oleg Voschinin 84,000 17
41 Jiyang Gan 83,000 17
42 Yinfei Xiao 80,000 16
43 Yannick Jobin 79,000 16
44 Amit Kaushik 75,000 15
45 Vinay Boob 68,000 14
46 Dave Labrecque 60,000 12
47 Rodolphe Mathias 49,000 10
48 Roland Kivi 42,000 8
49 Martin Zheng 37,000 7
50 Fedor Dedelov 34,000 7
51 Kyoungchul Lee 29,000 6
52 Maxime Costas 24,000 5

Final Table Payouts

1 US$ 20,615
2 US$ 13,109
3 US$ 9,504
4 US$ 7,707
5 US$ 6,121
6 US$ 4,694
7 US$ 3,446
8 US$ 2,495
9 US$ 2,019

Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly. Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.

APPT National – Chip Counts ABC

Buy in: US$ 800
Guarantee: US$ 100,000
Entries: 314
Prize pool: US$ 219,298

Starting stack: 30,000
Chips in play: 9,420,000
Average stack: 120,769

Day 2 qualifiers – 78 players

Rank Player Flag Stack BB
1 Minwoo Kang Korea 451,000 150
2 Choi Hun Tae Korea 322,500 108
3 Cheng Zhang China 305,500 102
4 Paul King England 279,000 93
5 Eric Wasylenko Canada 272,000 91
6 Liu Yuhan (Hans) China 271,500 91
7 Xiaosheng Zheng China 264,000 88
8 Adam Smith UK 250,000 83
9 Vincent Ferrafiat France 243,500 81
10 Vishal Ojha India 242,500 81
11 Duy Tung Nguyen Vietnam 212,500 71
12 Xixiang Luo China 210,000 70
13 Dylan Wayne Australia 208,000 69
14 Andy Li Singapore 207,000 69
15 Somashekar KM India 192,500 64
16 Seongmin Lee Korea 191,500 64
17 Emil Ukalaev Russia 181,000 60
18 Liang Song China 179,500 60
19 Matt Douhan Sweden 172,000 57
20 Abhinav Iyer India 162,000 54
21 Hua Wei Lin Taiwan 160,500 54
22 Huangqi Yuan China 147,500 49
23 Koen Breed Holland 146,500 49
24 Gokul Raj Dharmarajan India 146,000 49
25 Maxime Costas France 142,500 48
26 Thomas Carlin USA 133,500 45
27 Lim Yue Ming Hong Kong 132,500 44
28 Guy Taylor UK 126,000 42
29 Haisheng Qin China 123,000 41
30 Le Ngoc Khanh Vietnam 119,000 40
31 Curtis Lim Singapore 118,500 40
32 Jennifer Cassell Australia 116,000 39
33 Sebastian Mueller Germany 115,500 39
34 Hal Rotholz USA 114,000 38
35 Mateusz Kalzmarek Poland 108,500 36
36 Roman Kolotiuk Russia 105,000 35
37 I-Chun Chiu Taiwan 104,000 35
38 Worawat Kiatponglap Thailand 103,500 35
39 Ting-Yi Tsai (Eric) Taiwan 102,500 34
40 Cheon Young Jo Korea 94,500 32
41 Li Fang China 93,500 31
42 Evgenii Kalymaev Russia 90,000 30
43 Yonngwon Woo Korea 89,500 30
44 Yuwen Pan China 88,000 29
45 Wu Zhen Shan China 87,000 29
46 Lev Kydatov Russia 85,500 29
47 Lin Ente China 78,500 26
48 William Bolton Austrailia 75,500 25
49 Eike Soren Strub Germany 74,000 25
50 Zhang Hongru China 69,000 23
51 Chien Chih Weng Taiwan 68,500 23
52 Betrix Manoe Switzerland 66,500 22
53 Amit Kaushik India 65,500 22
54 Luu Huyen Duc Vietnam 65,500 22
55 Sameer Agarwal India 64,500 22
56 Tom Maguire Australia 64,000 21
57 Siarhei Chudapal Belarus 57,500 19
58 Wei Guo Liang China 56,000 19
59 Shardul P India 55,500 19
60 Tian Hao China 51,000 17
61 Truong Do Vietnam 48,000 16
62 Kelvin Pang Malaysia 45,000 15
63 Simon Andrew Criowe UK 45,000 15
64 Liu Xiang China 43,500 15
65 Pete Chen Taiwan 43,000 14
66 Terence Tan Singapore 42,000 14
67 Roland Kivi Estonia 41,500 14
68 Fedor Dedelov Russia 39,500 13
69 Zhang Yun China 39,000 13
70 Evgenii Nekrasov Russia 37,500 13
71 Vinay Boob India 36,500 12
72 Kenny UK 32,000 11
73 Xiao Yin Fei China 30,000 10
74 Chao Ting Cheng Taiwan 29,000 10
75 Victor Chong Malaysia 28,500 10
76 Lun Loon Malaysia 28,000 9
77 Will Kwok Hong Kong 26,500 9
78 Xiaohua Fu China 26,500 9

Chip Counts – Day 1 flights

Day 1A
1 Minwoo Kang Korea 451,000
2 Choi Hun Tae Korea 322,500
3 Cheng Zhang China 305,500
4 Liang Song China 179,500
5 Matt Douhan Sweden 172,000
6 Maxime Costas France 142,500
7 Thomas Carlin USA 133,500
8 Hal Rotholz USA 114,000
9 Roman Kolotiuk Russia 105,000
10 Eike Soren Strub Germany 74,000
11 Amit Kaushik India 65,500
12 Tom Maguire Australia 64,000
13 Liu Xiang China 43,500
Day 1B
1 Paul King England 279,000
2 Liu Yuhan (Hans) China 271,500
3 Xiaosheng Zheng China 264,000
4 Adam Smith UK 250,000
5 Vincent Ferrafiat France 243,500
6 Vishal Ojha India 242,500
7 Duy Tung Nguyen Vietnam 212,500
8 Xixiang Luo China 210,000
9 Dylan Wayne Australia 208,000
10 Andy Li Singapore 207,000
11 Seongmin Lee Korea 191,500
12 Emil Ukalaev Russia 181,000
13 Abhinav Iyer India 162,000
14 Hua Wei Lin Taiwan 160,500
15 Gokul Raj Dharmarajan India 146,000
16 Lim Yue Ming Hong Kong 132,500
17 Curtis Lim Singapore 118,500
18 Jennifer Cassell Australia 116,000
19 Mateusz Kalzmarek Poland 108,500
20 Li Fang China 93,500
21 Evgenii Kalymaev Russia 90,000
22 Yonngwon Woo Korea 89,500
23 Yuwen Pan China 88,000
24 Wu Zhen Shan China 87,000
25 Betrix Manoe Switzerland 66,500
26 Luu Huyen Duc Vietnam 65,500
27 Sameer Agarwal India 64,500
28 Siarhei Chudapal Belarus 57,500
29 Shardul P India 55,500
30 Truong Do Vietnam 48,000
31 Pete Chen Taiwan 43,000
32 Terence Tan Singapore 42,000
33 Roland Kivi Estonia 41,500
34 Fedor Dedelov Russia 39,500
35 Evgenii Nekrasov Russia 37,500
36 Vinay Boob India 36,500
37 Chao Ting Cheng Taiwan 29,000
Day 1C
1 Eric Wasylenko Canada 272,000
2 Somashekar KM India 192,500
3 Huangqi Yuan China 147,500
4 Koen Breed Holland 146,500
5 Guy Taylor UK 126,000
6 Haisheng Qin China 123,000
7 Le Ngoc Khanh Vietnam 119,000
8 Sebastian Mueller Germany 115,500
9 I-Chun Chiu Taiwan 104,000
10 Worawat Kiatponglap Thailand 103,500
11 Ting-Yi Tsai (Eric) Taiwan 102,500
12 Cheon Young Jo Korea 94,500
13 Lev Kydatov Russia 85,500
14 Lin Ente China 78,500
15 William Bolton Austrailia 75,500
16 Zhang Hongru China 69,000
17 Chien Chih Weng Taiwan 68,500
18 Wei Guo Liang China 56,000
19 Tian Hao China 51,000
20 Kelvin Pang Malaysia 45,000
21 Simon Andrew Crowe UK 45,000
22 Zhang Yun China 39,000
23 Kenny UK 32,000
24 Xiao Yin Fei China 30,000
25 Victor Chong Malaysia 28,500
26 Lun Loon Malaysia 28,000
27 Will Kwok Hong Kong 26,500
28 Xiaohua Fu China 26,500


Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly. Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.

APPT National Day 2

Buy in: US$ 800
Guarantee: US$ 100,000
Entries: 314
Prize pool: US$ 219,298
ITM: 47 places

Starting stack: 30,000
Chips in play: 9,420,000
Opening blinds: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

Final 9 players


Final 9 players by stack size

Seat Player Stack BB
7 Abhinav Iyer 2,560,000 102
6 Hun Tae Choi 1,925,000 77
2 Andy Li Xueyan 965,000 39
5 Chien-Chih Weng 885,000 35
1 Minwoo Kang 875,000 35
3 Eric Wasylenko 770,000 31
9 Vincent Ferrafiat 700,000 28
4 Mateusz Kaczmarek 410,000 16
8 Cheng Zhang 385,000 15

Final 9 by seat

Seat Player Stack BB
1 Minwoo Kang 875,000 35
2 Andy Li Xueyan 965,000 39
3 Eric D Wasylenko 770,000 31
4 Mateusz Kaczmarek 410,000 16
5 Chien-Chih Weng 885,000 35
6 Hun Tae Choi 1,925,000 77
7 Abhinav Iyer 2,560,000 102
8 Cheng Zhang 385,000 15
9 Vincent Ferrafiat 700,000 28

Remaining Payouts

Place Payout In USD
1 $42,737
2 $27,149
3 $20,351
4 $16,469
5 $12,982
6 $9,912
7 $7,281
8 $5,351
9 $4,386

20:35: Evgenii Kalymaev eliminated in 10th place – US$ 3,684
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

52883910080 9c93c23cba c
Evgenii Kalymaev

Under the gun Abhinav Iyer raises to 80,000, big blind Evegenii Kalymaev shoves his short stack, Iyer calls and is ahead As9h to Kalymaev’s 10d8s. With the board running 9c4sKh8dQh, Kalymaev is eliminated and the final table is formed.

20:25: Chien Chih Weng celebrates her second double up 
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

From the button, Abhinav Iyer raises to 50,000, big blind Chien Chih Weng three-bet shoves her 387,000 stack. Iyer calls and shows 6d6h. Weng has KhQs for a flip. When the board runs Kd3d5h2hJs, Weng cheers on her win and doubles up.

Chien Chih Weng – 809,000

20:20: Choi Hun Tae shows his Aces
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

Utg Minwoo Kang raises to 50,000, big blind Choi Hun Tae three-bets to 125,000, Kang calls. On the flop 4h8s7s, Choi check-calls Kang’s 110,000 c-bet. On the turn 6h, Kang bets 185,000, this time Choi check-raises to 400,000. Kang folds. Choi shows his AdAc hole cards and rises to 1,800,000.

20:15: Evgenii Kalymaev triples up 
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

From the button, Cheng Zhang raises to 1 bb, small blind Evgenii Kalymaev sends his remaining 29,000 out front, big blind Abhinav Iyer shoves his monster stack to push out Zheng.

Kalymaev Kd7d
iyer AdQd

The board runs 8d4c8s10cKh for a pair to Kalymaev to triple up to 112,000.

20:10: Chien Chih Weng doubles through Kalymaev
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

52883982273 76a1c939c3 c
Chien Chih Weng

Chien Chih Weng is all in with Ad6c, Evgenii Kalymaev calls with 2h2s. The board runs 5cAc9h3d6d for a double up to Weng.

Chien Chih Weng – 497,000
Evgenii Kalymaev – 29,000

20:00: Adrian Smith eliminated in 11th place – US$ 3,684
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

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Adrian Smith

Adrian Smith is all in with ducks that can’t get passed Vincent Ferrafiat’s cowboys to exit in 11th place.

19:50: Matt Douhan eliminated in 12th place – US$ 3,246
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

DJ700861 2
Matt Douhan

All in preflop, Matt Douhan at risk with Kh6c against Eric Wasylenko’s AcKc. With the board running JhJs2h9dAd, Douhan is eliminated in 12th place.

Eric Wasylenko – 640,000

19:45: Thomas Carlin eliminated in 13th place – US$ 3,246
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

52883693069 9896ff5482 c
Thomas Carlin

Thomas Carlin was dealt his last hand with Ah2d dusted by chip leader Abhinav Iyer‘s Qs10s on a board 6dQc2s7dJc.

Abhinav Iyer – 2,300,000

19:40: Thomas Carlin cleans one out
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

All in preflop, Thomas Carlin ahead with pocket Kings, at risk player with pocket Jacks, no bad beat arrives on the board for Carlin to ship it.

19:30: Andy Li doubles through Wasylenko
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

52883981338 0e3a6bed13 c
Andy Li

Button Eric Wasylenko raised then called small blind Andy Li’s three-bet shove. Wasylenko with 6d6s, Li with 10c10s, the board dropped blanks JhKc3hqc}7d for a double up to Li.

Andy Li – 898,000
Eric Wasylenko – 520,000

19:25: Choi  Hun Tai roars as he rails Hongru Zhang, soars to 1.5M
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

Huge takedown by Choi Hun Tae to send Hongru Zhang out of contention. Preflop action opened with cutoff Cheng Zhang raising to 40,000, buttong Hongru Zhang re-raised to 100,000, small blind Choi Hun Tae called, back to Zheng who joined for a three-way to the flop.

On the flop 4c9c7s, Choi bet 160,000, Zheng folded, Zhang shoved, Choi called.

Zhang Ad9h top pair
Choi QcQs overpair

The turn 5c and river 2s were no help to Zhang. Choi roared in triumph as he shipped it and catapulted to 1,500,000.

19:25: Blinds up, 15 remaining
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

Blinds up, 15 players remaining. Abhinav Iyer has taken command with over 1,500,000. Second in chips is Minwoo Kang with 1,200,000.

19:15: Paul King eliminated int 17th place – US$ 2,858
Level 21: 8,000-16,000, 16,000 ante

Paul King

Paul King goes all in with 5d5h, Minwoo Kang calls with Kd9d, the board runs Qd3d4dQc2c to end King in 17th place.

19:10: Eric Wasylenko drags a big one against Carlin
Level 21: 8,000-16,000, 16,000 ante

52882954922 8ecc2e123c c
Eric Wasylenko

Eric Wasylenko and Thomas Carlin stare down a flop 3s5cKs. Wasylenko bets 40,000, Carlin raises to 120,000, Wasylenko calls. On the turn 6d not bets land to bring the rive Jc. Waylenko leads out 225,000, Carlin folds.

Eric Wasylenko – 940,000
Thomas Carlin – 500,000

19:00: Cheng Zheng top pair is good
Level 21: 8,000-16,000, 16,000 ante

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Cheng Zheng

On a turn board 6d10hKsAc and 88,000 in the pot, button player Cheng Zheng bets 34,000, big blind Thomas Carlin raises to 85,000, Zheng calls. On the river 5c, both chec. Cheng Zheng wins it with Ah8h over Qh7h.

Cheng Zheng – 740,000
Thomas Carlin – 660,000

18:40: Blinds up, 20 remaining
Level 21: 8,000-16,000, 16,000 ante

Blinds are up again with 20 remaining. Day 2 plays down to the Final 9 players.

18:20: Haisheng Qiu doubles through
Level 20: 6,000-12,000, 12,000 ante

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Haisheng Qiu

Haisheng Qiu is all in, one player joins in for all his chips, Adrian Smith tank-folds. At risk player Qiu has 6h6s and caller has Ad8c, no hits for the drawing player for a double up to to 628,000.

18:15: Hongru Zhang ships it, Paul King drops to 140K
Level 20: 6,000-12,000, 12,000 ante

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Hongru Zhang

On a flop 7h6cJh and 77,000 in the pot, Liu Yuhan shoves for 71,000, Paul King calls, small blind Hongru Zhang with a check-raise all in, King calls.

Liu 6d8d
Zhang AsJh
King KsJc

The turn {10} and river Js is good to Zhang to ship a huge pot.

Hongru Zhang – 850,000
Liu  Yuhan – eliminated
Paul King – 140,000

18:10: Abhinav Iyer doubles up big through Qiu
Level 20: 6,000-12,000, 12,000 ante

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Abhinav Iyer

Catching the action as Abhinav Iyer was getting paid. The board was AsQcKh3dQs, Iyer with qd}Jc trips, Haisheng Qiu with a bluff 10c6s.

Abhinav Iyer – 900,000
Haisheng Qiu – 80,000

18:05: Cheng Zhang eliminates Alex Nguyen 
Level 20: 6,000-12,000, 12,000 ante

Catching the action as the pot was being shipped to Cheng Zhang, he had JhJd that easily defeated Alex Nguyen’s Ks8h. All in was at the flop, the board completed 3d9s8d3cAs. Zhang rises to 660,000.

17:50: Blinds up, 25 remaining
Level 20: 6,000-12,000, 12,000 ante

Blinds are up again, with 25 players remaining.

17:45: Thomas Carlin doubles through Choi
Level 19: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

Thomas Carlin

Cutoff Thomas Carlin and small blind Choi Hun Tae built a pot of 85,000 preflop and the flop runs 6dQd10h. Choi leads out 15,000, Carlin raises to 44,000, Choi re-raises to 80,000, Carlin calls. On the turn 9c, more chips fired with Choi sending out 100,000 and Carlin fast-calling. On the river Jc, Choi shoves, Carlin snap-calls then shows KcQs straight. Choi has Js9s two pair and pays up.

Thomas Carlin 690,000
Choi Hun Tae – 460,000

17:40: Evgenii Katymaev doubles through Ojha
Level 19: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

With 100,000 in the pot and a board Jh3cJs2c, two players are all in. Evgenii Ojha way ahead with QdJd trips, Vishal Ojha with 6d6h. The river 8s secures the double up for Katymaev.

Evgenii Katymaev – 553,000
Vishal Ojha – 225,000

17:35: Choi Hun Tae drags in one against Smith
Level 19: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

Choi Hun Tae

Choi Hun Tae and Adrian Smith stare down a turn board Qh2dKh5h and 75,000 in the pot. Smith bets 25,000 and Choi calls. On the river 6h, Smith checks, Choi bets 40,000, Smith tanks and remarks “you are very lucky” then folds.

Choi Hun Tae – 910,000

17:30: Choi Hun Tae massive stacked
Level 19: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

We aren’t sure what went down but Choi Hun Tae is now the chip leader with nearly 800,000 while Hongru Zhang has been chunked down to 355,000.

17:05: Blinds up, 30 remaining
Level 19: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

Since the start of the money round, 17 players have gone bust but with extra money in their pocket. 30 players remaining

16:50: Xiaosheng Cheng doubles through Yuhan
Level 18: 4,000-8,000, 8,000 ante

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Xiaosheng Cheng

All in preflop, Xiaosheng Cheng’s 8d8h holds against Liu Yuhan’s overcards KhQs for a double up to 190,000. Liu dropped to 145,000.

16:45: Vishal Ojha doubles through Lin
Level 18: 4,000-8,000, 8,000 ante

Vishal Ojha all in with {7h7c then proceeds to win the flip against Hua Wei Lin with AdKh. The board ran {6v}7s5hJd6h. Ojha doubles up to 226,000.

16:40: Big stacks update, 35 players remaining
Level 18: 4,000-8,000, 8,000 ante

Minwoo Kang – 860,000
Hongru Zhang – 605,000
Eric Wasylenko – 540,000
Andy Li – 480,000
Abhinav Iyer – 470,000

Defending champion Seongmin Lee is still in the running with 158,000.

16:35: Dylan Wayne dominated by Ferrafiat
Level 18: 4,000-8,000, 8,000 ante

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Dylan Wayne

Dylan Wayne moves all in with 8s8d, Vincent Ferrafiat calls with 10d10s, the board runs 4c3sKh2d10h. Dylan is eliminated in 36th place.

Vincent Ferrafiat – 550,000

16:15: Break time! 38 players remaining
Level 18: 4,000-8,000, 8,000 ante

Field is down to 38 players. Minwoo Kang maintains his lead with 720,000. It will be a long grind before they stop at the Final 9 players.

15:30: Bubble bursts! Amit Kaushik falls to Carlin
Level 17: 3,000-6,000, 6,000 ante

Evgenii Kaytmaev

The bubble round saw four players double up starting with Evgenii Kaytmaev 8s8d full house over Cheng Zhang Ks10s trips on a board 8h10h10d5sAs. Another survivor was short stacked Vinay Boob with Ah10s winning the flip against Hongru Zhang‘s {1h}8h on a board 10d9h5d4dAd


In addition to short stacks rising, big stacks Minwoo Kang, Eric Wasylenko, and Hongru Zhang were also putting pressure on their tablemates to stack up further.

Minwoo Kang

Minwoo Kang – 700,000 (chip leader)
Hongru Zhang – 600,000
Eric Wasylenko –  420,000


After forty minutes, it finally popped on ailing stacked Amit Kaushik who was down to 15,000 and was on the big blind. Two players called his all in, on the flop 6cKcQh Thomas Carlin bet 22,000 that pushed out a player. Carlin opened AsKd top pair, Kaushik 9c9s, the turn was 10h and river 4c.

Thomas Carlin – 170,000

14:20: New level begins, 54 players remaining
Level 16: 2,000-5,000, 5,000 ante

Another twelve players went bust at the previous level leaving 54 at the start of the new one. Among the fallen was two-time WSOP bracelet champion Wei Guo Liang.

Bubble round is approaching with the money starting at 47th place.

13:40: New level begins, 66 players remaining
Level 15: 2,000-4,000, 4,000 ante

Eight players went bust during the first level of Day 2. 66 players remain. The money begins at 47th place. Minimum payout is $1,250.

Cards in the air for Day 2 of the APPT National!

The APPT National is back on with 78 players returning for a shot at the first PokerStars Shard Trophy and the US$ 42,737 top prize. We will track the action throughout the day with more up to date gameplay from the bubble onwards. Money begins at 47 places. Here are the payouts and list of returning players.


Place Payout In USD
1 $42,737
2 $27,149
3 $20,351
4 $16,469
5 $12,982
6 $9,912
7 $7,281
8 $5,351
9 $4,386
10-11 $3,684
12-13 $3,246
14-15 $2,917
16-17 $2,858
18-29 $2,259
21-23 $2,039
24-27 $1,820
28-31 $1,601
32-39 $1,404
40-47 $1,250

Day 2 qualifiers – 78 players

Rank Player Flag Stack BB
1 Minwoo Kang Korea 451,000 150
2 Choi Hun Tae Korea 322,500 108
3 Cheng Zhang China 305,500 102
4 Paul King England 279,000 93
5 Eric Wasylenko Canada 272,000 91
6 Liu Yuhan (Hans) China 271,500 91
7 Xiaosheng Zheng China 264,000 88
8 Adrian Smith UK 250,000 83
9 Vincent Ferrafiat France 243,500 81
10 Vishal Ojha India 242,500 81
11 Duy Tung Nguyen Vietnam 212,500 71
12 Xixiang Luo China 210,000 70
13 Dylan Wayne Australia 208,000 69
14 Andy Li Singapore 207,000 69
15 Somashekar KM India 192,500 64
16 Seongmin Lee Korea 191,500 64
17 Emil Ukalaev Russia 181,000 60
18 Liang Song China 179,500 60
19 Matt Douhan Sweden 172,000 57
20 Abhinav Iyer India 162,000 54
21 Hua Wei Lin Taiwan 160,500 54
22 Huangqi Yuan China 147,500 49
23 Koen Breed Holland 146,500 49
24 Gokul Raj Dharmarajan India 146,000 49
25 Maxime Costas France 142,500 48
26 Thomas Carlin USA 133,500 45
27 Lim Yue Ming Hong Kong 132,500 44
28 Guy Taylor UK 126,000 42
29 Haisheng Qin China 123,000 41
30 Le Ngoc Khanh Vietnam 119,000 40
31 Curtis Lim Singapore 118,500 40
32 Jennifer Cassell Australia 116,000 39
33 Sebastian Mueller Germany 115,500 39
34 Hal Rotholz USA 114,000 38
35 Mateusz Kalzmarek Poland 108,500 36
36 Roman Kolotiuk Russia 105,000 35
37 I-Chun Chiu Taiwan 104,000 35
38 Worawat Kiatponglap Thailand 103,500 35
39 Ting-Yi Tsai (Eric) Taiwan 102,500 34
40 Cheon Young Jo Korea 94,500 32
41 Li Fang China 93,500 31
42 Evgenii Kalymaev Russia 90,000 30
43 Yonngwon Woo Korea 89,500 30
44 Yuwen Pan China 88,000 29
45 Wu Zhen Shan China 87,000 29
46 Lev Kydatov Russia 85,500 29
47 Lin Ente China 78,500 26
48 William Bolton Austrailia 75,500 25
49 Eike Soren Strub Germany 74,000 25
50 Zhang Hongru China 69,000 23
51 Chien Chih Weng Taiwan 68,500 23
52 Betrix Manoe Switzerland 66,500 22
53 Amit Kaushik India 65,500 22
54 Luu Huyen Duc Vietnam 65,500 22
55 Sameer Agarwal India 64,500 22
56 Tom Maguire Australia 64,000 21
57 Siarhei Chudapal Belarus 57,500 19
58 Wei Guo Liang China 56,000 19
59 Shardul P India 55,500 19
60 Tian Hao China 51,000 17
61 Truong Do Vietnam 48,000 16
62 Kelvin Pang Malaysia 45,000 15
63 Simon Andrew Criowe UK 45,000 15
64 Liu Xiang China 43,500 15
65 Pete Chen Taiwan 43,000 14
66 Terence Tan Singapore 42,000 14
67 Roland Kivi Estonia 41,500 14
68 Fedor Dedelov Russia 39,500 13
69 Zhang Yun China 39,000 13
70 Evgenii Nekrasov Russia 37,500 13
71 Vinay Boob India 36,500 12
72 Kenny UK 32,000 11
73 Xiao Yin Fei China 30,000 10
74 Chao Ting Cheng Taiwan 29,000 10
75 Victor Chong Malaysia 28,500 10
76 Lun Loon Malaysia 28,000 9
77 Will Kwok Hong Kong 26,500 9
78 Xiaohua Fu China 26,500 9

Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly. Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.

APPT National Final Table

Buy in: US$ 800
Guarantee: US$ 100,000
Entries: 314
Prize pool: US$ 219,298
ITM: 47 places

Starting stack: 30,000
Chips in play: 9,420,000
Opening blinds: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

Singapore’s Andy Li wins the APPT National! 

Andy Li

After a 2.5 hour heads up grind and 13 all in showdowns, Singapore’s Andy Li Xueyan wins the APPT National. Due to an ICM deal, he pockets US$ 36,687 and brings home the PokerStars Shard Trophy. Congratulations to the champ!

21:10: Minwoo Kang eliminated in 2nd place – US$ 33,087
Level 37: 300,000-600,000, 600,000 ante

Minwoo Kang

From the button, Andy Li goes all in with Qc6h, Minwoo Kang calls for his tournament life with Ah7c. The board runs 6c9h4cKd4s for two pair to Li to eliminate Kang on 2nd place.

21:05: Another double up for Li
Level 36: 250,000-500,000, 500,000 ante

After Andy Li doubled up in the previous hand, he lost a succession of pots that switched the counts again. With Kang back on top, Li shoves with 10d4d, Kang calls with Ac5s. The board runs 8c6h7h10c6d for a pair spiked by Li to survive elimination.

Andy Li – 6,180,000
Minwoo Kang – 3,240,000

21;00: Andy Li doubles up 
Level 36: 250,000-500,000, 500,000 ante

Another preflop shove, Andy Li with Jc7c, Minwoo Kang calls with KdQh, the board favors the lesser hand as it runs 3c7s4c8h10h for a double up to Li.

Andy Li – 6,400,000
Minwoo Kang – 3,020,000

20:55: Minwoo Kang’s ducks hold
Level 36: 250,000-500,000, 500,000 ante

Button Andy Li shoves with Kd10h, Minwoo Kang calls with 2h2c. The board runs 3d4dQd8s}Jc. No hits for Li for Kang to double through.

Minwoo Kang – 6,480,000
Andy Li – 2,940,000

20:45: Andy Li ships a double with higher pockets
Level 35: 200,000, 400,000, 400,000 ante


All in again, Andy Li with AdAs, Minwoo Kang behind with 9h9d. The board runs Jh7s5s2d10s. Li doubles through.

Andy Li – 6,360,000
Minwoo Kang – 3,060,000

20:40: Minwoo Kang catches the river 
Level 35: 200,000, 400,000, 400,000 ante

All in, Andy Li pushes with 5c5s, Minwoo Kang calls for his tournament life with Jd2s. When the board runs Ah7s10h{87c}9h, it’s a dobule up for Kang.

Minwoo Kang – 6,520,000
Andy Li – 2,900,000

20:35; Andy Li lands his fourth double up off Kang
Level 35: 200,000, 400,000, 400,000 ante

Button Minwoo Kang all in with Jd7c, big blind Andy Li calls for his tournament live with Kd3c, the board runs {5s4sQs3s5c. Li bags his fourth double up.

Andy Li – 5,940,000
Minwoo Kang – 3,380,000

20:30: Two double ups for Kang to reclaim the lead
Level 34: 150,000-300,000, 300,000 ante

Minwoo Kang

Minwoo Kang is on desperate mode and shoves two mediocre hands and gets there for two double ups to retake the chip lead. The first hand, Andy Li shoves with 10c5c, Kang calls with 8cQd, the board comes 8s7dAs4d3s.

Next winning shove, Kang has Kc6h, Li with AdQc, the board runs Ks4c9h2sJc.

Minwoo Kang – 6,280,000
Andy Li – 3,140,000

20:20: Andy Li doubles through again
Level 33: 125,000-250,000, 250,000

Minwoo Kang limps, Andy Li shoves 3,615,000, Kang calls and shows Ks4h. Li is ahead with AcQs. The board runs out 7sJd2hQd8c for a third double up to Li.

Andy Li – 7,530,000
Minwoo Kang – 1,900,000

20:15: Minwoo Kang regains the lead 
Level 33: 125,000-250,000, 250,000

Minwoo Kang goes back to grinding and rises to 5,500,000. One of the biggest pots was 1,250,000 on a board Jh10d10s. Andy Li bet 350,000, Kang check-raised to 1,000,000. Li folded.

Minwoo Kang – 5,500,000
Andy Li – 4,420,000

20:10: Andy Li survives the showdown again
Level 33: 125,000-250,000, 250,000


From the button, Andy Li shoves, big blind Minwoo Kang tank-folds. Several hands later, Kang limps, Li shoves again, Kang asks for the count and calls the 2,570,000.

Li AdKc
Kang 10h9h

The board runs Qc6s8d8h8c. Double up for Li.

Andy Li – 5,390,000
Minwoo Kang – 4,030,000

20:00: Minwoo Kang grinding
Level 32: 100,000-200,000, 200,000 ante

Minwoo Kang is back on top after successful grinds to drive his stack to 6,000,000. His latest win saw a pot of 1,575,000 by the turn 5s10s9s5d Both players checked. On the river 6h. Kang shoves, Li folds. Li down to 3,400,000.

19:50: Andy Li doubles through Kang
Level 32: 100,000-200,000, 200,000 ante

Minwoo Kang limps, big blind Andy Li shoves for 2,510,000, Kang calls and opens QsJs, Li is slightly ahead with Kd10h. The board keeps Li out front running KsAc7d5dAh.

Andy Li – 5,120,000
Minwoo Kang – 4,300,000

19:45: Minwoo Kang on the move
Level 31: 80,000-160,000, 160,000 ante

Minwoo Kang has picked up a few consecutive pots with the largest one earning him 580,000. Kang limped, Li checked, the flop was 10h4cAh. Kang bet 160,000, Li check-called. On the turn 10d, another 260,000 from Kang, check-called again. On the river 435,000, Li checked then folded to Kang’s 435,000 bet.

Minwoo Kang -6,500,000
Andy Li – 2,900,000

19:35: Minwoo Kang doubles through Li
Level 31: 80,000-160,000, 160,000 ante


Minwoo Kang shoves from the button with Jc10d, big blind Andy Li calls with Kh10s. The board runs KdQdKs for trips to Li, but with the river Ad, Kang jumps ahead with a straight. The river 4s doesn’t improve Li to pay the double up.

Minwoo Kang – 5,090,000
Andy Li – 4,850,000

19:15: Li continues to rise
Level 30: 60,000-120,000, 120,000 ante

Andy Li continues to rake in pots both big and small. His recent pile sent his stack to 8,900,000. He raises from the button to 275,000, Kang calls. On the flop 8d5c4s, Kang bets 210,000, Li calls. On the turn Qd and river 6h, no bets land. Kang has [kc}10s that missed completely, Li has 10c6c pair to claim the pot.

Andy Li – 8,900,000
Minwoo Kang – 2,500,000

19:05: Another pot for Li
Level 29: 50,000-100,000, 100,000 ante

Button Minwoo Kang limiped then called big blind Andy Li’s 350,000 raise. At the flop 6s5d4h, Li check-called 125,000. On the turn 9h both checked it. On the river Jh, Li shoved, fast fold from Kang.

19:00: Fast action sees chips go back and forth, Li takes the lead
Level 29: 50,000-100,000, 100,000 ante

Andy Li

Players are betting quite fast with chips moving back and forth between them. Andy Li has taken over the chip lead in this hand. Button Minwoo Kang raises to 225,000, Li flats. On the flop 9h{9sAd, Li check-calls 130,000. On the turn 7d, both check to bring the river 6c. Li leads out 425,000 and is called. Li shows Ac4d, Kang mucks

Andy Li – 5,260,000
Minwoo Kang – 4,110,000

18:50: ICM deal reached
Level 29: 50,000-100,000, 100,000 ante

An ICM deal has been reached. Here is the breakdown.

Minwoo Kim – US$ 33,199
Andy Li – US$ 32,687

They will play for US$ 4,000 and the trophy. The players have also agreed to speed up the blinds to 15 minutes.

18:45: Heads up!
Level 29: 50,000-100,000, 100,000 ante


Down to the final two players. An ICM deal is being proposed.

Kang  – 4,865,000
Andy Li Xueyan – 4,555,000

18:40: Choi Hun Tae eliminated in 3rd place – US$ 20,351
Level 29: 50,000-100,000, 100,000 ante

Choi Hun Tae

End of the line for Choi Hun Tae who limp-calls all in from the button with Qd9d against big blind raiser Minwoo Kang’s AdQh. The board runs out 3s3dJc2h5s. Kang ships it as Choi gets up to leave in 3rd place. He turns his US$ 800 buy in into a sizable US$ 20,351.

18:25: Minwoo Kang wins he pot
Level 29: 50,000-100,000, 100,000 ante

Three way raised pot preflop, the board comes 8c9s9h. Action folds to button Minwoo Kang who bets 325,000. Only small blind Choi Hun Tae calls and the turn is Kh. Both players check, and also check the river 8d. Kang claims the pot with Ac10d as Choi mucks.

Minwoo Kang – 3,000,000
Choi Hun Tae – 1,400,000

18:15: Choi Hun Tae getting drained
Level 28: 40,000-80,000, 80,000 ante

Another big pot by the river Ac5h5c10sAh. Minwoo Kang checks, Choi Hun Tae checks, Kang shows Kc7h to claim the 1,575,000 pot.

Choi Hun Tae – 1,200,000

18:00: More chips for Andy Li
Level 28: 40,000-80,000, 60,000 ante

After doubling up huge through Minwoo Kang, Andy Li has been keeping a tight grip on his stack, giving only a little and controlling pots. He recently picked up another sizable one in a hand against Choi Hun Tae. By the turn board of Ad10sKd9s, both players had built a 740,000 pot. Li bet 650,000, Choi called. On the river Jc both opted to check it. Cjhoi had Kc10c two pair, Li had better AhKs higher two pair.

Andy Li – 6,100,000
Choi Hun Tae – 1,450,000
Minwoo Kang – 1,800,000

17:35: Minwoo Kang doubles through Choi Hun Tae
Level 27: 30,000-60,000, 60,000 ante

 Minwoo Kang is at all in with Kd6d and is up against Choi Hun Tae’s Qh10s. The board runs out 6h7s7c7hKh for a double up to Kang.

Minwoo Kang – 1,900,000
Choi Hun Tae – 3,200,000

17:25: Andy Li doubles through Kang
Level 27: 30,000-60,000, 60,000 ante

All in preflop, Andy Li ahead with 10d10h, called by Minwoo Kang with KhQs. The board runs out 7h7dAcAh5c for a double up to Li.

Andy Li – 4,050,000
Minwoo Kang – 1,200,000

17:05: Chip count update
Level 26: 25,000-50,000, 50,000 ante

Final three players and their chip counts.

Minwoo Kang – 3,465,000
Choi Hun Tae – 4,140,000
Andy Li – 1,815,000

17:00: Maggie Weng eliminated in 4th place – US$ 16,469
Level 26: 25,000-50,000, 50,000 ante

Chien Chih Weng

From utg, Maggie Weng sends her last 355,000 stack out front with 6c6s to battle with, she is challenged by big stacked Minwoo Kang with KhJh. Big blind Andy Li tank-folds and says he had pocket Nines. The board favors the big cards as it runs Ks10hJc5hQs. Two pair for Kang rails Weng. Li would have hit a straight.

Minwoo Kang – 3,465,000
Maggie Weng – eliminated in 4th place

16:45: Abhinav Iyer eliminated in 5th place – US$ 12,982
Level 26: 25,000-50,000, 50,000 ante

Abhinav Iyer

Big blind Abhinav Iyer dusts off his massive stack to cutoff Choi Hun Tae to fall in 5th place. By the turn 8d3d6sKc with 605,000 in the pot, Iyer check-calls Choi on every street. On the river 5c, Iyer checks again Choi bets the amount of Iyer’s remaining stack, Iyer calls and opens Ks10s top pair. Choi ships with KdQd higher kicker.

Choi Hun Tae – 4,200,000
Abhinav Iyer – eliminated in 5th place

15:45: Andy Li doubles through Kang
Level 25: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante

Andy Li is all in with 10c10d and is flipping against chip leader Minwoo Kang with AcKd. No hits on the board 7s7c6h5h3s for Kang for a double up to Li.

Andy Li – 1,360,000
Minwoo Kang – 2,490,000

15:35: Eric Wasylenko eliminated in 6th place – US$ 9,912
Level 25: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante

Eric Wasylenko

From cutoff, Abhinav Iyer raises to 80,000, button Eric Wasylenko shoves his remaining 265,000 stack, small blind Minwoo Kang calls, back to Iyer who folds. Wasylenko opens KhKs and is ahead of Kang’s Ac10s, but with the board running {ah9c4s5c9d, Wasylenko is eliminated.

Minwoo Kang – 3,300,000
Eric Wasylenko – eliminated in 6th place

15:25: Mateusz Kaczmarek eliminated in 7th place – US$ 7,281
Level 25: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante

Mateusz Kaczmarek

From cutoff, Mateusz Kaczmarek raises to 90,000, small blind Minwoo Kang three-bets to 500,000. Kaczmarek tanks then goes all in with just over 600,000. Instant call from Kang.

Kang KcKd
Kaczmarek AhQh

The board runs4c9c10cKh5c, Kang ships it as Kaczmarek packs up.

Minwoo Kang – 3,100,000
Mateusz Kaczmarek – eliminated in 7th place

15:10: Break time chip counts, 7 remaining
Level 25: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante

Seat 2: Maggie Weng – 1,260,000
Seat 3: Abhinav Iyer – 1,025,000
Seat 4: Mateusz Kaczmarek – 675,000
Seat 5: Eric Wasylenko – 365,000
Seat 6: Minwoo Kang – 2,250,000
Seat 7: Choi Hun Tae – 2,015,000
Seat 9: Andy Li – 900,000

15:00: Maggie Weng beats Wasylenko’s rockets
Level 24: 15,000-30,000, 30,000 ante

On a board that completed 5s2s3sJd2c and 375,000 brewed, mid position Eric Wasylenko bets 250,000, big blind Maggie Weng check -calls. Wasylenko has AcAs overpair, Weng claims the pot with Qs9s flush.

Maggie Weng – 1.300,000
Eric Wasylenko – 365,000

14:50: Maggie Weng pushes out Mateusz Kaczmarek
Level 24: 15,000-30,000, 30,000 ante

On a flop 6dKhJs and 175,000 brewed, cutoff Maggie Weng bets 50,000, small blind Mateusz Kaczmarek check-raises to 110,000, Weng calls. On the turn 10d, Weng jams, Kaczmarek check-folds.

Maggie Weng – 810,000
Matesusz Kaczmarek – 200,000

14:40: Choi Hun Tae vs Abhinav Iyer
Level 24: 15,000-30,000, 30,000 ante

On a board that completes Ad3h10c4h6c with utg+1 driving the pot to 330,000, small blind Choi Hun Tae checks then calls Iyer’s 120,000 bet. Iyer has As5s top pair, Choi wins the pot with 3s4s two pair.

Choi Hun Tae – 2,700,000
Abhinav Iyer – 1,400,000

14:20: Cheng Zhang eliminated in 8th place – US$ 5,351
Level 24: 15,000-30,000, 30,000 ante

Cheng Zhang

Mid position Minwoo Kang raises to 65,000, button Cheng Zhang three-bet shoves with under 200,000, Kang snap-calls with KcJh. Zhang at risk of elimination with Ks10s. With the board running Qd5c2s4h2h, Kang ships it as Zhang ships out.

Minwoo Kang – 1,125,000
Cheng Zhang – eliminated in 8th place

14:10: Minwoo Kang drives the pot
Level 24: 15,000-30,000, 30,000 ante

Minwoo Kang

Hijack Minwoo Kang raises to 60,000, finds two callers to the flop Jc6c6d. Kang c-bets 65,000, cutoff Choi Hun Tae calls, big blind Maggie Weng check-folds. On the turn Kc, Kang sends out 135,000, no call.

Minwoo Kang – 900,000
Choi Hun Tae – 2,600,000
Maggie Weng – 750,000

13:45: Wasylenko didn’t see the limper
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

Choi Hun Tae limps from utg, action folds around to the small blind Eric Wasylenko who raises to 75,000. Big blind Minwoo Kang calls and Choi joins to make it a three-way to the flop JcAh10h. Wasylenko c-bets 150,000, Kang calls, Choi folds. On the turn 6h Wasylenko shoves his last 500,000, Kang tank-folds. Wasylenko says he didn’t see the limp.

Eric Wasylenko – 1,050,000
Minwoo Kang – 685,000

13:35: Vincent Ferrafiat eliminated in 9t

Vincent Ferrafiat

h place – US$ 4,386
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

Vincent Ferrafiat risks his big stack against the bigger stacked Choi Hun Tae by shoving with KdQd preflop. Choi calls with AcKc. The board runs Js2s8s10cJc to end Ferrafiat’s run in 9th place.

Choi Hun Taei – 2,600,000

13:25: Mateusz Kaczmarek shoves out the limpers
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

From utg, Choi Hun Tae limps, cutoff Abhinav Iyer limps, button Mateusz Kaczmarek goes all in for 340,000, no takers.

Mateusz Kaczmarek – 450,000

13:20: Choi Hun Tae c-bets for the pot
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

From utg+1, Choi Hun Tae raises a 75,000, finds two callers in lojack Andy Li and big blind Eric Wasylenko. At the flop 3c10c3d, Choi c-bets 80,000 and wins the pot.

Choi Hun Tae – 1,800,000

13:15: Vincent Ferrafiat three-bets Zhang
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

Utg Cheng Zhang opens and button Vincent Ferrafiat calls to build a preflop pot of 115,000. At the flop JcJh7c, Ferrafiat bets 55,000, Zhang check-raises to 125,000, Ferrafiat answers with a three-bet shove, Zhang folds.

Vincent Ferrafiat – 800,000
Cheng Zhang – 180,000

13:07: Cards in the air for the final day of the APPT National! 
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante


Shuffle up and deal! The APPT National final table race to the first APPT Cambodia Shard Trophy is underway! Blinds go up every 60 minutes. Up top is a US$ 42,737.

Final 9 players

DJR00071 1

Final 9 players by stack size

Seat Player Stack BB
7 Abhinav Iyer 2,560,000 102
6 Hun Tae Choi 1,925,000 77
2 Andy Li Xueyan 965,000 39
5 Chien-Chih Weng 885,000 35
1 Minwoo Kang 875,000 35
3 Eric Wasylenko 770,000 31
9 Vincent Ferrafiat 700,000 28
4 Mateusz Kaczmarek 410,000 16
8 Cheng Zhang 385,000 15

Final 9 by seat

Seat Player Stack BB
1 Minwoo Kang 875,000 35
2 Andy Li Xueyan 965,000 39
3 Eric D Wasylenko 770,000 31
4 Mateusz Kaczmarek 410,000 16
5 Chien-Chih Weng 885,000 35
6 Hun Tae Choi 1,925,000 77
7 Abhinav Iyer 2,560,000 102
8 Cheng Zhang 385,000 15
9 Vincent Ferrafiat 700,000 28

Remaining Payouts

Place Payout In USD
1 $42,737
2 $27,149
3 $20,351
4 $16,469
5 $12,982
6 $9,912
7 $7,281
8 $5,351
9 $4,386

Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly. Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.

Chip Counts Day 1A and Day 1B

Buy in: US$ 550
Entries: 243
Prize pool: US$ 116,677
Day 2 players: 38

Day 1A: 69 entries / 11 ITM
Day 1B: 174 entries / 27 ITM

Mystery Bounty – Day 1A results

Zhou Quan

End of Day 1A – 11 players

Player Flag Stack
Zhou Quan China 458,000
Amit Kaushik India 342,000
Xu Wei China 245,000
Hua Wei Lin Taiwan 240,000
Yuwen Pan China 201,000
Ng Duc Thanh Vietnam 166,000
Xing Chen Dao China 149,900
Ming Xi China 130,000
Low Jiayi Singapore 74,000
Weng Jun China 37,000
Erik Rozhynskyi Ukraine 30,000

Mystery Bounty – Day 1B results

52887047984 57126f3465 c
Bin Zhang

End of Day 1B – 27 players

Player Flag Stack
Bin Zhang China 526,000
Sven McDermott Ireland 502,000
Bien Mai Vietnam 393,000
Van Binh Pham Canada 386,000
Vincent Chauve France 355,000
Liu Qiao Nan China 332,000
Asish Kumar Ghosh India 282,000
Zheng Xiaosheng China 269,000
Ashish Munot India 262,000
Harute Murata Japan 250,000
Shoji Shimabukuro Japan 226,000
Roman Kolotiuk Russia 224,000
Bo Jin China 193,000
I Chun Chiu Taiwan 182,000
Bonifacio Jhun Mondalo Philippines 154,000
Seung Hun Ko Korea 112,000
Chan Wing Kei Hong Kong 110,000
Anthony Cierco France 108,000
Emil Ukalaev Russia 108,000
Fedor Dedelov Russia 100,000
Li Shan Kui China 100,000
Khayal Abbasov Azerbaijan 96,000
Betrix Manoe Switzerland 95,000
Huang Jiang Ho Singapore 65,000
Anton Widjaya Indonesia 24,000
Tiang Tian Yuan China 18,000
Mohit Bohra India 10,000

Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly. Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.

Mystery Bounty Final Day

Buy in: US$ 550
Entries: 243
Prize pool: US$ 116,677
Day 2 players / ITM: 38 15

Chips in play: 7,290,000
Day 2 opening blinds: 3000-6000, 6000 ante

China’s Bin Zhang wins the Mystery Bounty and draws the largest bounty!

Bin Zhang

Bin Zhang is the next player from China to lift a trophy at APPT Cambodia. He entered the final day as chip leader and despite others catching up, two crucial double ups at heads up against Ashish Munot practically ensured his victory. Zhang won the US$ 15,598 top prize, in addition, he picked up five bounties which included the largest of US$ 7,700 for a total of US$ 11,700 added to his winnings.

Bin Zhang

19:40: Ashish Munot falls in 2nd place – US$ 10,370
Level 28: 40,000-80,000, 80,000 ante

Ashish Munot

From the button, Bin Zhang shove, Ashish Munot calls for his tournament life. Zhang ahead with Ah8c, Munot with KdQd. When the flop runs Ac7h7d, Zhang’s rail erupts. Then with the turn 9s it is all over. Munot is drawing dead. The river is 4c. Munot has one last bounty and draws US$ 980.

19:35: Ashish Munot lands three boosts, rises to 16 bb
Level 28: 40,000-80,000, 80,000 ante

Down to 2 bb, Ashish Munot does an all-in no look with Js5d, and pairs the Jack to double up against Bin Zhang’s }as}9h. He rises to 4 bb.

Two hands after, Munot is all in again, this time with AdQd, Zhang calls with Jd5d, the board runs 10sQc4h10dQh full house for second double up. Munot now up to 8 bb.

Next shove, Munot has 6h6d, Zhang with overcards Kh10h, the board runs 4s2sJhAh3c, Munot ships it to rise to 16 bb.

19:30: Bin Zhang doubles up twice, Munot plunges to 2 bb
Level 27: 30,000-60,000, 60,000 ante

Ashish Munot was backed by a massive stack but not anymore after Bin Zhang scored two double ups to build a dominating stack. The first showdown was Zhang QdQh, Munot As2d, no hits on the board for Munot.

The next all in came five minutes later with Munot ahead AdJs and Zhang As8d. With the board running 6c8h9dKhKd, Zhang caught an Eight on the flop to pair up and score a second double up.

Bin Zhang – 7,860,000
Ashish Munot – 410,000

19:10: Yuwen Pan eliminated in 3rd place – US$ 7,585
Level 27: 30,000-60,000, 60,000 ante

Yuwen Pang

From the small blind, Yuwen Pan shoves with Ace-Jack off suit, big blind Ashish Munot shoves and Pan risks his tournament life. Munot has Ace-Seven off suit. With the board running Qx2xKx7x8x, it’s a pair for Munot to boot out Pan.

17:10: Final table
Level 21: 8,000-16,000, 16,000 ante


17:05: Daoxing Chen misses the final table by one spot
Level 21: 8,000-16,000, 16,000 ante

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Daoxing Chen

Short stacked Daoxing Chen is all in Qs4s and is called by Zhou Quan with JhJs. No hits land on the board 6hKs6dJd4d to eliminate Chen in 10th place.

16:05: Wing Kei Chan doubles through
Level 20: 6,000-12,000, 12,000 ante

Wing Kei Chan doubles up with AsJs both finding partners on a board Jc6sAh10c to double through a player with Ac10s.

16:00: Four way pot, Yuwan Pan scoops it up
Level 20: 6,000-12,000, 12,000 ante

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Yuwen Pan

Two players shove, big stacks Zhou Quan and Yuwen Pan call. When the board completes As5s4s8h7h, Pan bets, Zhou folds. Pan has Qs10s flush and ships it all.

15:55: Yuwen Pan doubles through Mai
Level 20: 6,000-12,000, 12,000 ante

Bien Mai loses another pot, this time paying a double up Yuwen Pan. The board showed Ad2c4h10d3s, Pan had As6c, Mai with Kc8c.

15:30: Zhou Quan banks a big one against Mai
Level 20: 6,000-12,000, 12,000 ante

On a board showing 4d8s8dQh6c and around 200,000 in the pot, Bien Mai raises double to 200,000, Zhou Quan calls. Mai opens KsQc top pair, Zhou takes it with AdAs overpair.

14:40: Highlights as of the first break
Level 19: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

IMG 1693
Bien Mai

Break time: Bien Mai draws US$ 2,400

14:30: Xiaosheng Zheng gets lucky with pocket Sevens set on the flop to double through a player with pocket Eights.

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Ashish Munot

14:20: Ashish Munot rails Ng Duc Thanh; Munot 4c4s, Thanh AhKh, board runs 3s9cKsJd4h. Munot draws US$ 400 on his fifth bounty.

14:15: Ashish Munot draws a fourth bounty, earns US$ 300, sits with 960,000

14:10: Sven McDermott rails Bonifacio Mondalo in 18th place, rises to 560,000

IMG 1459
Zhou Quan and Bien Mai

14:05: Zhou Quan rails Anthony Cierco then later sucks out on a player. Zhou’s KdQs spikes the King on the turn to rail one with AdQh. Zhou soars to 830,000.

14:00: Bin Zhang rails Bo Jin then Ming Xu. Against Xu his {s}Ad stays ahead of AhKh. Zhang catapults to 1,100,000

13:50: Three-way, Ng Duc Thanh triples up with AhAc,  Ashish Munot wins the side pot and bounty as one player goes bust. Munot draws US$ 300.

13:45: Ming Xi draws US$ 400

13:40: Zhou Quan Qs10c cracks Fedor Dedelov’s AcAs with the board running 9d6hKc9hJd; rises to 547,000

13:15: Ashish Munot draws  two bounties – US$ 600, US$ 300

13:07: Xiaosheng Zheng draws first bounty – wins US$ 600

By Stack Size

1 Zhang Bin China 526,000
2 Sven McDermott Ireland 502,000
3 Zhou Quan China 458,000
4 Bien Mai Vietnam 393,000
5 Van Binh Pham Canada 386,000
6 Vincent Chauve France 355,000
7 Amit Kaushik India 342,000
8 Liu Qiao Nan China 332,000
9 Asish Kumar Ghosh India 282,000
10 Zheng Xiaosheng China 269,000
11 Ashish Munot India 262,000
12 Harute Murata Japan 250,000
13 Xu Wei China 245,000
14 Hua Wei Lin Taiwan 240,000
15 Shoji Shimabukuro Japan 226,000
16 Roman Kolotiuk Russia 224,000
17 Yuwen Pan China 201,000
18 Bo Jin China 193,000
19 I Chun Chiu Taiwan 182,000
20 Ng Duc Thanh Vietnam 166,000
21 Bonifacio Jhun Mondalo Philippines 154,000
22 Xing Chen Dao China 149,900
23 Ming Xi China 130,000
24 Seung Hun Ko Korea 112,000
25 Chan Wing Kei Hong Kong 110,000
26 Anthony Cierco France 108,000
27 Emil Ukalaev Russia 108,000
28 Fedor Dedelov Russia 100,000
29 Li Shan Kui China 100,000
30 Khayal Abbasov Azerbaijan 96,000
31 Betrix Manoe Switzerland 95,000
32 Low Jiayi Singapore 74,000
33 Huang Jiang Ho Singapore 65,000
34 Weng Jun China 37,000
35 Erik Rozhynskyi Ukraine 30,000
36 Anton Widjaya Indonesia 24,000
37 Tiang Tian Yuan China 18,000
38 Mohit Bohra India 10,000


Place Payout In USD
1 $15,598
2 $10,370
3 $7,585
4 $6,123
5 $4,800
6 $3,633
7 $2,668
8 $1,960
9 $1,633
10-11 $1,361
12-13 $1,190
14-15 $1,074
16-17 $957
18-29 $840
21-23 $762
24-27 $724
28-31 $646
32-38 $568

Bounty Prizes

1 $7,700
1 $5,200
1 $3,800
1 $3,000
1 $2,400
1 $1,800
1 $1,300
1 $980
1 $800
2 $700
2 $600
4 $500
10 $400
11 $300

By Table / Seat

Bin Zhang 12 6 526,000
Vincent,Fabien Chauve 12 2 355,000
Bo Jin 12 3 193,000
I-Chun Chiu 12 1 182,000
Anthony Cierco 12 8 108,000
Emil Ukalaev 12 5 108,000
Khayal Abbasov 12 7 96,000
Sven Doyle Mc Dermott 11 2 502,000
Van Binh Pham 11 7 386,000
Xiaosheng Zheng 11 5 269,000
Wei Xu 11 3 245,000
Daoxing Chen 11 6 149,900
Jiang Ho Huang 11 4 65,000
Erik Rozhynskyi 11 1 30,000
Bien Mai 7 5 393,000
Amit Kaushik 7 1 342,000
Shoji Shimabukuro 7 7 226,000
Yuwen Pan 7 2 201,000
Seunghun Ko 7 8 112,000
Manoe Betrix 7 6 95,000
Jia Yi Low 7 4 74,000
Tianyuan Tang 7 3 18,000
Quan Zhou 2 7 458,000
Qiaonan Liu 2 1 332,000
Ming Xi 2 4 130,000
Wing Kei Chan 2 6 110,000
Fedor Dedelov 2 8 100,000
Shankui Li 2 5 100,000
Haruto Murata 2 2 25,000
Mohit Bohra 2 3 10,000
Asish Kumar Ghosh 1 5 281,000
Ashish Munot Anilkumar 1 4 262,000
Hua-Wei Lin 1 3 240,000
Roman Kolotiuk 1 6 224,000
Duc Thanh Nguyen 1 7 166,000
Bonifacio Jr Delingon M0Ndalo 1 1 154,000
Jun Weng 1 8 37,000
Anton Widjaya 1 2 24,000

Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly. Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.

APPT Super High Roller Final Day

Buy in: US$ 10,000
Entries: 22
Prize pool: US$ 206,998
ITM: 4 places

Australia’s Joshua McCully wins the APPT Super High Roller for US$ 86,939!

Joshua McCully

Joshua McCully eliminated Chinese pro Xixiang Luo in 2nd place to claim the US$ 86,939 first prize and his first ever PokerStars Shard Trophy. McCully denied Luo a second series title. We will have a recap for you shortly.

Congratulations to the new champ!


Place Player
Payouts in USD
1 Joshua McCully $86,939
2 Xixiang Luo $57,959
3 Hao Tian $37,260
4 Pete Chen $24,840

16:40: Xixiang Luo eliminated on first heads up hand, takes 2nd place – US$ 57,959
Level 19: 25,000-50,000, 50,000 ante

Xixiang Luo

On the first heads up hand, both players had it all out front. Xixiang Luo behind with 6s6c, McCully dominating with 9h9s. At the flop 9c5sKs, the Aussie rail celebrated the set as the Chinese rail called out for a runner runner. The turn 7h sent Luo’s rail erupting as the runner runner was possible. However, the river 7s wasn’t it. Luo busted in 2nd place.

16:30: Heads up! 
Level 19: 25,000-50,000, 50,000 ante

In just over three hours, the Super High Roller event has reached heads up. Here are the counts.

Joshua McCully – 3,210,000
Xixiang Luo – 2,340,000

16:25: Tian Hao eliminated in 3rd place – US$ 37,260
Level 18: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante

52888812799 c0758a37ec c
Tian Hao

Tian Hao held the chip lead for quite some time and looked to be running away with the title but not to be as two costly pots sent him down to 1 bb. Despite tripling up on the next hand, he was still way behind the leaders and fell in 3rd place to Luo with Ah5s beating Jd9s.

16:20: Xixiang Luo doubles through Hao
Level 18: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante

Tian Hao is down to crumbs after paying out another double up. This time it was to Xixiang Luo with 9c9s standing firm against AdJc. Hao down to 1 bb.

16:10: Joshua McCully doubles up huge off Hao
Level 18: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante

Joshua McCully

Joshua McCully is all in with KhKc, Tian Hao attempts to eliminate with Ah9h, with the board running 3d4dJh5d5d and neither player with a diamond, cowboys takes it for a huge double up to 3,100,000. That’s over half of the chips in play.

15:50: Pete Chen eliminated in 4th place – US$ 24,840
Level 18: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante

Pete Chen

From cutoff, Pete Chen shoves with around 10 bb and As7s, small blind Xixiang Luo puts him at risk with Ad9d. With the board running 8x8x4xKx[3x} with no dominant suit on the board, Luo’s kicker plays to send Chen out in 4th place.

15:20: Final four payouts
Level: 17: 15,000-30,000, 30,000 ante

The final four players are now in the money and are guaranteed US$ 24,840.  Up top is US$ 86,939 and the PokerStars Shard Trophy. Here is the breakdown of payouts.

1st: US$ 86,939
2nd: 57,959
3rd: 37,260
4th: 24,840

15:15: Jhon Hendri bubbles
Level: 17: 15,000-30,000, 30,000 ante

Jhon Hendri

The day’s entering chip leader Jhon Hendri got pummeled early on at the final table but hung on to reach the bubble round. After a long race to the money, Hendri was all in with AsKd and was at risk against big stacked Tian Hao with 10c10d. With the board running 9c10hKc6s8h, he was eliminated.

Final Day players

Rank Player Flag Stack BB
1 Jhon Hendri Indonesia 1,663,000 104
2 Xixiang Luo China 1,381,000 86
3 Josh McCully Australia 742,000 46
4 Yuhang Chen China 628,000 39
5 Tian Hao China 562,000 35
6 Pete Chen Taiwan 230,000 14
7 Chang Yu Chang Taiwan 156,000 10
8 Chen Fu Wei China 138,000 9

Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly. Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.

Main Event Day 1A

Buy in: US$ 1,500
Guarantee: US$ 400,000
*Single re-entry per flight

Day 1A: 176 entries / 41 survivors

Cheng Zhang bags the chip lead at the end of Main Event Day 1A; 41 survive

Cheng Zhang

Main Event Day 1A is in the books with 41 players out of 176 entries surviving the 13 rounds. Cheng Zhang bagged the chip lead with 399,000 and at his heels was hot running Bien Mai with 394,000.

Bien Mai

Top 10 in chips

Rank Player Flag Stack BB
1 Cheng Zhang China 399,000 133
2 Bien Mai Vietnam 394,000 131
3 Riki Yokono Japan 282,000 94
4 Chao-Ting Cheng Taiwan 241,000 80
5 Seunghun Ko Korea 194,000 65
6 Sungrock Jung Korea 188,500 63
7 Abhinav Nataraj Iyer Inidia 187,000 62
8 Miakishev Ilia Russia 182,500 61
9 Hao Tian China 173,000 58
10 Hal Rotholz USA 172,000 57

22:30: Chao Ting Cheng tanks Fu
Level 13: 100–2500, 2500 ante

Chao Ting Cheng

On a board that completed 5h7s6c8sAd and 53,500 in the pot, Xiaohua Fu bets 11,000, Chao Ting Cheng shoves 141,500, Fu tanks. After a few minutes, Fu agonizingly folds.

Chao Ting Cheng – 194,500

22:25: Riki Yokono rails Nguyen
Level 13: 100–2500, 2500 ante

Riki Yokono

Under the gun raises, down the orbit Quang Nguyen calls, big blind Riki Yokono three-bets, utg folds, Nguyen four-bet shoves 120,000, Yokono calls.

Nguyen Ax10x
Yokono JxJx

The board runs 10x4x5xQx3x and out goes Nguyean.

RIki Yokono – 310,000

22:20: Minwoo Kang has the boat
Level 13: 1000–2500, 2500 ante

Minwoo Kang

On a board 8c9s6cQh9h, Minwoo Kang shoves, a player tank-calls for his tournament life and opens AcQc. However, it is not good enough against Kang’s Qc9d full house to hit the rail.

Minwoo Kang – 135,000

22:10: Zong Chi He pays then doubles up
Level 13: 1000–2500, 2500 ante

Zong Chi He

Zong Chi He calls a four-bet shove by Quan Qiu and sees that his AsQd is dominated by AhKc. No change on the board 5h9dAd10h10d for a double up to Qiu to 76,000.

Down to 49,500, He shoves on the next hand with {a}Jc and is called by Toshi Kataoka with 8s8h. The board runs QsJh3s9h4s for a double up.

Zong Chi He – 105,000

22:00: Adrien Tantaro busts another one
Level 13: 1000–2500, 2500 ante

Adrien Tantaro

Two hands prior, Adrien Tantaro railed a player with Ace-King dominating Ace-Queen. He cleaned out another player with action first opened by Junnie Pamplona to 5500, three bet to 14,000 by Tantaro, Sebastian Mueller shoved, Pamplona tank-folded, and Tantaro called.

Adrien Tantaro – AhJh
Sebastian Mueller – AcQd

The flop came 9sQh4h for top pair to Mueller, but the turn 7h was a flush for Tantaro, Mueller was drawing dead. The river was 5d

Adrien Tantaro – 150,000

21:50: Chang says no to Iyer
Level 13: 1000–2500, 2500 ante

With 17,000 in the pot and a flop 5h2s5d, Abhinav Iyer and Nevan Chang both check. On the turn Kc, Iyer leads out 12,500, quick fold from Chang who laughs and says “no no”. Iyer said he had the King.

21:40: Last level of the day, 48 remaining
Level 13: 1000–2500, 2500 ante

Last level of the day. 40 minutes before they bag up.

21:38: Xiaohua Fu wins a good pot
Level 12: 1000-2000, 2000 ante

Xiaohua Fu

Three players stare down a flop 2dQs3d with 23,000 in the middle, utg+2 Enzo Vellucci bets 6,000, to his immediate left Xiaohua Fu calls, and cutoff calls. On the turn Qh, Vellucci checks, Fu bets 18,000, cutoff folds, Vellucci calls. On the river 8h, Fu fires 42,00,0, Vellucci check-folds.

Xiaohua Fu – 240,000
Enzo Vellucci – 170,000

21:35: Minwoo Kang loses 11 bb to a short stack
Level 12: 1000-2000, 2000 ante

Short stack player shoves with 23,500 and Kd10c, Minwoo Kang puts him on the ropes with Ad{qh, however with the cards running JhQd4d7hAs, it is a straight for the short stack, Kang pays up and drops to 100,000

21:30: Riki Yokono hard-bets the leader Zhang
Level 12: 1000-2000, 2000 ante

On a flop 9s4c3s and 13,000 in the pot, small blind Cheng Zhang check calls big blind Riki Yokono’s 6,000 bet. On the turn Qc, Zhang checks again, Yokono fires 15,000, Zhang opts to fold.

21:25: Quang Nguyen tilts from the menu, Gardner down to 4.5 bb
Level 12: 1000-2000, 2000 ante

Quang Nguyen

Quang Nguyen has asked three wait staff for a specific menu but no one has yet produced it. He then found himself all in  with Qs10s against Grant Gardner with 10h10c. The board runs 6c9sQd9cQh for a full house and a double up. Nguyen apologizes to Gardner for the beat, jokingly Gardner says it must have been the menu that made you go all in.

Quang Nguyen – 120,000
Grant Gardner – 9,000

21:20: Jeremy Jehanne rails Julian
Level 12: 1000-2000, 2000 ante

Julian is all in with AsKd, he runs into bigger stacked Jeremy Jehanne’s AcAd. With the board 9h8s8d3dKc, aces hold to end Julian’s day.

Jeremy Jehanne – 146,000

21:10: Kataoka rails Xixiang Luo
Level 12: 1000-2000, 2000 ante

Toshi Kataoka

Toshio Kataoka three-bets shoves with AsAd, initial raiser Xixiang Luo calls for his tournament life with 10h10d. The board runs KcKh8d9dKh, and Luo goes bust.

Toshio Kataoka – 185,000

21:00: Blinds up, 58 remain
Level 12: 1000-2000, 2000 ante

The first round after registration closed saw 25 players go bust to bring the number of players remaining to 58. They have two more rounds to play before bagging up at the end of Level 13.

20:55: Junnie Pamplona with a lucky two-outer to triple up
Level 11: 1000-1500, 1500 ante

Junnie Pamplona

All in preflop, Frank Lillis 10h10h, Junnie Pamplona {99h}9s, big stack AcQh. The board runs 8h4hKd9d7c for a lucky two-outer spiked by Pamplona. He rails Lillis and double through.

20:50: Aladin Reskallah wins a 10 bb pot
Level 11: 1000-1500, 1500 ante

On a board that completed 8d4hQsQc3h and 20,500 in the pot, hijack Aladin Reskallah bets near pot of 20,000, button Pete Chen and big blind Cheng Zhang fold.

Aladin Reskallah – 78,000

20:45: Minwoo Kang rivers broadway to crack kings
Level 11: 1000-1500, 1500 ante

A player is all in with pocket Queens, Minwoo Kang attempts to eliminate with Ace-Queen, Kang improves to broadway on the river to ship it and send one packing.

20:40: Nevan Chang wins the shovefest
Level 11: 1000-1500, 1500 ante

Nevan Chang

After finishing 2nd at the Deepstack Turbo, Nevan Chang just made it to registration for Day 1A. He quickly turned his starting stack to more than twice over in a three way jam. Chang opens for 3000, player beside him calls, three spots over one player shoves, Chang opts to join to put himself at risk, to his right the initial caller makes it a three-way.

Chang KhKd
Short stack caller As10d
Three-bet shover QhQs

With the board running 9sJs10c6c3s, shover plunges to 10,000, short stack is out, and Chang scoops it all up.

Nevan Chang – 68,000

20:30: Selim Souissi swinging
Level 11: 1000-1500, 1500 ante

Hijack opens for 3000, button Selim Souissi calls. At the flop 9c3sAc, hijack checks then calls Souissi’s 3000 bet. On the 6h turn, Souissi pushes, hijack folds.

Selim Souissi – 90,000

20:20: Registration closes at 176 entries
Level 11: 1000-1500, 1500 ante

After over seven hours of play, registration closes at 176 entries with 83 players remaining. From here on, they play for another two hours, bagging up at the end of Level 13.

20:10: Break time, last chance to enter; 175 entries
Level 10: 600-1200, 1200 ante

Last chance to enter Main Event Day 1A. It closes at the start of Level 11. Currently 175 entries on the screen.

20:05: Hyunkyou Park denies Weng’s second bullet
Level 10: 600-1200, 1200 ante

Having just returned to from using up her first bullet, Maggie Weng shoves from the button with around 22K+ and Kh5h. Hyunkyou Park calls from the big blind with As8d. The board runs Ah3sQs2h5d. Weng is out and cannot re-enter until tomorrow.

Hyunkyou Park – 45,000

20:00: Cheng Zhang cracks Ceret’s cowboys
Level 10: 600-1200, 1200 ante

All in preflop, Jeremy Jehanne AcKc, Eric Ceret KsKh, an ace on the window that holds to the river to knock out Ceret.

Cheng Zhang – 340,000

19:50: Jeremy Jehanne doubles, Chauve plunges
Level 10: 600-1200, 1200 ante

Four way raised pot to 11,800, the flop runs 8s10sJh and all check. On the turn 7c, small blind Jeremy Jehanne bets 7,000, two players fold, hijack Vincent Chauve calls. On the river 2s, Jehanne shoves, Chauve tanks a bit then calls. Jehanne opens As4s flush, Chauve disappointed with his Js9c straight.

Jeremy Jehanne – 83,200
Vincent Chauve – 1,500

19:40: Quan Zhou coolered, Bien Mai soars to 275,000
Level 10: 600-1200, 1200 ante

After a preflop betting war, small blind Bien Mai is all in with AhAc, big blind Quan Zhou with KhKd, the board runs Ad6h6c4c5d. Bien ships it as Zhou busts.

Bien Mai – 275,000

19:30: Blinds up, last level to enter
Level 10: 600-1200, 1200 ante

Last level to enter, 175 entries so far.

19:25: Aladin Reskallah versus Quang Nguyen
Level 9: 600-1200, 1200 ante

On a flop 2s10hQc and 8200 in the pot, two players check to button Quang Nguyen who sends out 5200. One player folds, cutoff Aladin Reskallah check-calls. On the turn 2h both check to bring the river Qd. Reskallah checks, Nguyen bets 16,200, Reskallah shoves, fast fold from Nguyen.

Aladin Reskallah – 77,000
Quang Nguyen – 22,000

19:20: Thomas Carlin sends one out on a counterfeit
Level 9: 600-1200, 1200 ante

Short stack with 7500 shoves with 3c3s, Thomas Carlin joins in with 17,700 and Ah3h, with the rest folding, it is heads up. The board runs 4h9hQd9d4c. With a higher two pair on the board, Carlin’s ace plays to send one out of the running.

Thomas Carlin – 28,200

19:10: Stefen Zhang with trips
Level 9: 600-1200, 1200 ante

On a board 3h2c3s9d8s and no flush possibility, Stefen Zhang bets 22,000 onto a 66,000 pot, Vincent Ferrafiat check-calls. Zhang opens 3d5d for trips and ships it.

Stefen Zhang – 110,000

19:00: Selim Souissi hit back on Bien
Level 9: 600-1200, 1200 ante

Selim Souissi came over to tell us what just went down between him and Bien Mai. In an earlier bout, Souissi lost 30,000 of his stack to Bien with a set beating his top two pair. In this new round, Souissi hit back in a three way all in preflop. He had pocket Sevens, Bien with Ace-King, at risk player also with Ace-King, a seven showed up on the board to ensure Souissi’s win as one player goes bust.

Selim Souissi – 135,000
Bien Mai – 185,000

18:50: Blinds up, 162 entries 
Level 9: 600-1200, 1200 ante

Registration has slowed with only seven picked up on the previous round. The screens show 162 entries.

18:45: Jenam Yu rises to 60,000
Level 8: 500-1000, 1000 ante

On a flop JhAcKd and 14,500 in the pot, hijack Jenam Yu checks, button bets 3500, Yu calls. On the turn 7c both players check, but on the 9h river, Yu leads out 2500 and is called. Yu wins the pot with KsQd.

Jenam Yu – 60,000

18:40: Cheng Zhang finds the river, Mondalo dismayed
Level 8: 500-1000, 1000 ante

On a turn board 3d5c9c7d and 24,5000 in the pot, Bonifacio Mondalo tanks then check-calls Cheng Zhang’s 14,500 bet. On the river Qd both players check. Mondalo is first to show and has 2d2s good call at the turn but Zhang spiked the river with KdQc to win the pot. Mondalo cannot believe it.

Cheng Zhang – 98,000
Bonifacio Mondalo – 22,000

18:30: Junnie Pamplona rails Ojha
Level 8: 500-1000, 1000 ante

All in preflop, Junnie Pamplona with 6c6s and it’s a flip with Vishal Ojha holding Ah7h. No help arrives for Ojha to bust out.

18:20: Bien Mai picks up two pots to rise over 200K
Level 8: 500-1000, 1000 ante

Bien Mai

Bien Mai is visibly one of the chip leaders with 208,000 after taking down two beefy pots. The first one sent a player packing. Lojack player raises. cutoff calls, button Bien Mai three-bets to 7500, lojack call, cutoff jams, Bien quickly jams, lojack folds.

Cutoff JcJs
Bien As4s

When the flop lands Ad6c2h the all in player gets up to go and leaves as the board completes 10h turn and Qd river.

Next winning hand was told to us by Selim Souissi who lost 30,000 to Bien. Souissi says he had AxQx, Bien had 5x5x, the board ran As5x3xQx8x, Bien checks to Souissi who opted to check back, thus avoiding the trap.

Selim Souissi – 50,000
Bien Mai – 208,000

18:10: Blinds up, 155 entries
Level 8: 500-1000, 1000 ante

Blinds are up, 155 entries. Two more levels of late registration available, closing at 8:10pm.

18:05: I-Chun Chiu fights for a pot
Level 7: 400-800, 800 ante

A pot of 5,600 brewed preflop, the flop shows 10d2c7c. Big blind I-Chun Chiu checks, mid position bets 1500, Chiu raises to 4600, mp calls. On the turn 3c, Chiu leads out 3500 and ships it then and there.

I-Chun Chiu – 34,300

18:00: Anthony Cierco over 100K
Level 7: 400-800, 800 ante

Anthony Cierco

On a flop 2c6c2s, small blind Anthony Cierco bets, big blind raises, Cierco calls, the pot rises to 12,400. On the turn Jc, Cierco checks, big blind bets 3,500, Cierco raises to 11,000, he is called. On the river Ac, Cierco checks, bb bets 12,000, Cierco tank-calls and wins it without having to show. BB mucks.

Anthony Cierco – 104,000

17:50: Enzo Vellucci doubles through 
Level 7: 400-800, 800 ante

On a flop 8s3hKs, and 4,800 in the pot, two players find themselves all in. Enzo Vellucci leads with KhQc top pair against a player’s Kd10d. The turn 9c and river 2h is a double up for Vellucci.

Enzo Vellucci – 92,000

17:40: Abhinav Iyer pushes Nguyen
Level 7: 400-800, 800 ante

Abhnav Iyer

With 4,600 in the pot and a flop 6sKh10h, cutoff Huu Dung Nguyen bets 1,600, small blind Abhnav Iyer check-raises to 4500, big blind folds, Nguyen calls. On the turn Qh, Iyer leads out 20,000 which is more than Nguyen’s chips behind, Nguyen opts to folds.

Abhinav Iyer – 65,000
Huu Dung Nguyen – 9,100

17:30: Blinds up, 147 entries
Level 7: 400-800, 800 ante

Ashish Munot

Six levels behind us, players have just entered Level 7. 100 players seated with Ashish Munot sporting the chip lead of around 200K. There are 147 entries on the screen and rising. Players that sign up now will still have 37.5 bb to start. Registration closes at 8:10pm, which is at the end of Level 10. Buy in is US$ 1,500.

17:25: Selim Souissi with higher pockets
Level 6: 300-600, 600 ante

Selim Souissi

From utg+1, Jun Weng raises to 1,400, late position Selim Souissi and big blind call. On the flop As5d3c, Weng c-bets 1,500, only Souissi calls. On the turn 2s and river 6c no bets land. Weng opens 7c7s, Souissi wins the pot with 10d10h.

17:20: Thomas Carlin shoves for the pot
Level 6: 300-600, 600 ante

Two players built a pot of around 25,000 preflop, the cards come 10c3cQh. Thomas Carlin check-calls a 9,300 bet from Shixiao Qin. On the turn 5h, both check it. The river 9c Carlin shoves, no call.

Thomas Carlin – 56,000

17:10: Craig Jones with the higher flush
Level 6: 300-600, 600 ante

Craig Daniel Jones

Vincent Ferrafiat and Craig Daniel Jones stare down a flop 8c2c9c with 8,700 in the pot, both check. On the turn Kc, both check again. On the river 9d, Ferrafiat checks then calles Jones’s 7,300 bet, Jones opens Jc3d that beats Ferrafiat’s 10c9s.

Vince Ferrafiat – 45,000
Craig Jones – 52,000

 17:00: Aladin Reskallah folds and shows top pair
Level 6: 300-600, 600 ante

With a 3,300 pot brewed, Cheng Zhang and Aladin Reskallah check a flop 5d8c4h. On the turn 2d, Zhang leads out 1600, Reskallah calls. On the river As, Zhang fires 5,100, Reskallah folds and shows Ad top pair.

Cheng Zhang – 36,000

16:50: Lorenzo Nyein has big slick
Level 6: 300-600, 600 ante

Lorenzo Nyein

On a board 2s9dQh, and over 22,000 in the pot, Lorenzo Nyein bets 6,300 and is called. On the turn Ac he fires another 10,000, and is called. On the river 10c both players check. Nyein opens AhKd and wins it.

Lorenzo Nyein – 50,000

[High Roller KO update]: The US$ 2,500 buy in High Roller Knockout got underway at 3pm. 26 entries so far. Among them is John Perry, Josh McCully, Victor Chong, and Lester Edoc. They are on their first break of the day. Registration closes at 7:40pm.

[Deepstack update]: The Deepstack Event drew 179 entries with the final 9 returning today to hunt down the US$ 17,309 top prize and the coveted spade trophy. Currently sitting on a fat stack is Thijs Hilberts with 6 players remaining.

16:40: Blinds up, 139 entries
Level 6: 300-600, 600 ante

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Xuming Qi

Registration has slowed down with only 12 signing up at the previous round to bring the entries to 139. There’s still plenty of time to jump in with reg closing at 8:10pm. Buy in is US$ 1,500. Among the new faces in the crowd is Chinese superstar live and online Xuming Qi.

16:20: Halfway through this rounds, 132 entries
Level 5: 200-500, 500 ante

Lots of action out there with 132 entries and climbing. Quan Zhou, Vincent Chauve, Sameer Agarwal, Dylan Wayne Foster, and Bo Jin are among the players hunting.

16:00: Blinds up, 127 entries, incoming players start with 60 bb
Level 5: 200-500, 500 ante

The Main Event is three hours in with 127 entries so far. Registration closes at the end of Level 10 which means still another four hours to jump in. Buy in is US$ 1,500, guarantee is US$ 400,000. Incoming players start with a 30,000 stack which is a deep 60 big blinds.

15:20: Back on the felt, 110 entries
Level 4: 200-400, 400 ante

Christopher Mateo
Christopher Mateo

Numbers are certainly much more promising than last year’s Day 1A turnout of 113 entries with just under that at the start of Level 4. More players seen at registration including the Aussies trickling in. New arrivals are Filipino pro Christopher Mateo who recently won two events at Poker Dream Manila and Vietnam pro Huu Dung Nguyen.

15:10: First break of the day,  91 entries
Level 4: 200-400, 400 ante

First break of the Main Event. 91 entries on the screens. For latecomers, there are still six levels of late registration available, closing at the end of level 10 at 8:10pm.

14:50: Halfway through the round, 81 entries
Level 3: 100-300, 300 ante

The field continues to grow with 81 entries at the halfway mark of Level 3. Shardul Parthasarathi and Mystery Bounty champion Bin Zhang were among the new entries.

14:35: Reigning champion Alex Puchalski in the house
Level 3: 100-300, 300 ante

Alex Puchalski

Inaugural APPT Cambodia Main Event champion Alexander Puchalski is in the house and is seated with WSOP bracelet winner Abhinav Iyer and fellow Canadian Eric Wasylenko.

14:30: Blinds up, 67 entries
Level 3: 100-300, 300 ante

Blinds are up again and so is the number of entries with 67 on the screens. There is already one re-entry. Among the arrivals were Jenam Yu, choi Hun Tae, Koen Breed, Somashekar, and Vishal Ojha.

14:10: Halfway through this round
Level 2: 100-200, 200 ante

Quang Nguyen

Halfway through Level 2 picked up another 10 entries to bring the field to 61 entries. Ashish Munot and Yunsheng Sun have pulled up seats, new arrival Vietnamese pro Quang Nguyen has also jumped in. Registration closes at the start of Level 10 at 8:10pm.

13:50: Blinds up, 51 entries
Level 2: 100-200, 200 ante

Dang Duy Thanh

More arrivals with the field now at 51 entries. Joining the action were Chinese players Xixiang Luo, Xiaosheng Zheng, and Vietnamese new arrival, Dang Duy Thanh.

13:25: Some of the early goers
Level 1: 100-100, 100 ante

Zhao Feng

The field has grown to 37 players, among the early goers were Valeriy Pak, Bien Mai, Roland Kivi, Vincent Ferrafiat, Matt Douhan, Jin Woo Kim, and new arrivals to festival, Singapore’s Zhao Feng and Tunisia’s Selim Souissi.

13:05: Cards in the air for Main Event Day 1A
Level 1: 100-100, 100 ante


The Asia Pacific Poker Tour (APPT) Main Event has kicked off at the Grand Ballroom of the NagaWorld Integrated Resorts in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. At the first deal 30 were seated with many more at registration which stays open until 8:10pm. The event is highlighted by its US$ 400,000 guarantee.

For a buy in of US$ 1,500, players begin with a 30,000 stack. Today’s blinds increase every 40 minutes. Remaining players bag up at the end of Level 13.

Good luck to all!

Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly. Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.

Main Event – Day 1B & Day 1C


34 players bag up at Main Event Day 1C with Lev Kydatov as chip leader

Lev Kydatov

After a fast day at the Main Event Day 1C races, 34 survived out of 81 entries. Topping the counts was Lev Kydatov with 166,500. We will have the chip counts up shortly.

00:35: Denis Pham doubles through Gonzales
Level 13: 1000-2500, 2500 ante

From cutoff, Martin Gonzales raises to 12,000, button Denis Pham three-bet shoves with 57,000, Gonzales calls. It’s a flip with Gonzales 10s10d and Pham AdQs. An ace lands on the flop and holds Ac7c8sQdJc.

Denis Pham – 120,000

00:30: Lester Edoc scores a double up Pham
Level 13: 1000-2500, 2500 ante

From mid position, Anton Widjaya limps, small blind Van Binh Pham raises to 21,000, big blind Lester Edoc shoves for 39,500, Widjaya folds, Pham calls and has KsQd. Edoc dominates with AhKd. With the board running Qc10cJsKh3s, it’s a winning straight for Edoc.

Lester Edoc – 76,000

00:25: Yueming Liu dominates Yu for a full boost
Level 13: 1000-2500, 2500 ante

Yueming Liu all in with KcKs, big blind Jenam Yu calls and not happy being dominated iwth QhQd. The board runs Jh9cJh10s10c for a higher two pair to Liu.

Yueming Liu – 61,500

00:20: Vinay B takes it to the river and gets paid
Level 12: 1000-2000, 2000

Vinay B

Cutoff / chip leader Lev Kydatov raises to 5000, big blind Lev Kydatov defends. At the flop 6c2s10d, Vinay check-calls 3000. On the turn 7d, Vinay again check calls 9,000. On the river he checks, Kydatov goes all in, Vinay calls for all his chips and opens 8c9h nuts straight, Kydatov pays with Jc10c top pair.

Vinay B – 84,000

00:15: Guiyang Wang doubles up 
Level 12: 1000-2000, 2000

Guiyang Wang all in with his last 9000, Timur Khamidullin calls. Wang has Ac8c, Khamidullin with QsQd, an ace comes on the turn with the board completing 2h7d3cAs9h.

Wang – 23,000

00:10: Ben Loo will take it
Level 12: 1000-2000, 2000

Ben Loo

Short stack shoves with Jd8d, action folds around to the big blind Ben Loo who calls with Ah7s. The board runs 6h10c4cKd6s. Loo wins the pot and is happy despite it being light.

Ben Loo – 35,000

00:00: Double ups 
Level 11: 1000-1500, 1500 ante

Short stacked Eike Strub all in for 13,600 and KhJc to battle with, he is called by a player with As10c. The board runs 4hKc{6sQc2s. It’s a pair for Strub to double up.

Eike Strub – 31,200

Vinay Boob all in for 21,000 and is called. He opens QdQs and is flipping against AdKd. The board runs 7cJs4d4c3h for a double up.

Vinay Boob – 46,000

Junichi Kato all in with 8c8d, Yunsheng Sun challenges with AsQd. The board runs 8dQsKc9c7d. Kato doubles through.

Junichi Kato – 118,000

23:50: Day 1C registration closes at 81 entries
Level 11: 1000-1500, 1500 ante

Day 1C closes with 81 entries to bring the total Main Event entries to 476 and a prize pool of US$ 623,322.

Vishal Ojha bags big at Main Event Day 1B

Vishal Ojha

Day 1B is a wrap with Vishal Ojha earning the chip lead by bagging a massive 407,000 stack. That bested Day 1A chip leader Cheng Zhang to take the top spot in the Day 2 counts. 58 players out of 219 entries survived the day’s 13 rounds. We will have chip counts for you shortly.

22:50: Vishal Ojha eliminates McCully
Level 13: 1,000-2,500, 2,500 ante

Last hand, Joshua McCully at risk with JsKd against massive chip leader Vishal Ojha JcJh. With the board running 7c7h8h5c10d, no hits for McCully to hit the rail.

Vishal Ojha – 407,000

22:45: Victor Chong takes it with a check-raise
Level 13: 1,000-2,500, 2,500 ante

Victor Chong

With 22,000 in the pot and a board Qh[qd}2hJhAc, Victor Chong checks, player beside him bets 10,000, Chong raises to 35,000 and wins it.

Victor Chong – 200,000

22:40: Heng Seng Lau falls to Curtis Lim
Level 13: 1,000-2,500, 2,500 ante

In desperation, Heng Seng Lau goes all in with his remaining 10,500 and Kh6d to battle with then goes bust against Curtis Lim’s KcQd. The board was As{7c{}ac}6sKd.

Curtis Lim – 320,000

22:35: Yuan Yang doubles through Heng Seng Lau
Level 13: 1,000-2,500, 2,500 ante

Yuan Yang

All in preflop Yuan Yang 9s9h, Heng Seng Lau AdQh, board runs KsQs3h9d7h. With no hits on the board for Lau, he pays the double up to Yang.

Yuan Yang – 81,000

22:30: Kien Tat Heng not backing down 
Level 13: 1,000-2,500, 2,500 ante

Kien Tat Heng

On a board showing Kc8dKsJd and 11,000 in the pot, a player bets 6,000, Kien Tat Heng raises to 12,000, gets called. On the river Kd, player bets 13,000, Heng calls. Player has As10h air, Heng wins the pot with 6s6h.

Kien Tat Heng – 105,000

22:25: Don’t bluff John Perry
Level 13: 1,000-2,500, 2,500 ante

John Perry

On a board QcQs5dAh5h, a player bets, John Perry goes all in, player folds and laughs while saying “bluff!” Perry shows his Qh trips and says “you don’t bluff me”.

22:20: Up and down for Qiyuan Huang
Level 13: 1,000-2,500, 2,500 ante

Qiyuan Huang

Nonstop pushing action at Table 1 with another showdown, this time it’s between Xixiang Luo with KcKs and Qiyuan Huang with AsJd. The board runs 9s8d3d5sKh, Luo with the fist pump for the double up.

Xixiang Luo – 88,000

Immediately following that hand, Huang shoves on a flop As6sKc with Ah5s and is called by Luo with Ac10h higher kicker. With the turn 8s and river 5d, Huang celebrates his two pair to double through.

Qiyuan Huang – 113,000

22:15: Philip Tan earns for trips
Level 13: 1,000-2,500, 2,500 ante

Philip Tan

With 30,500 in the pot and a board that completed Ad[ah}5s6s2h, small blind Choi Hun Tae checks to Philip Tan who bets 19,500. Choi tanks then calls. Tan has Ac4s trips, Choi folds and shows his 7c7h.

Philip Tan – 135,000
Choi Hun Tae – 70,000

22:10: A pot and a knockout for Ojha
Level 13: 1,000-2,500, 2,500 ante

Vishal Ojha has been sitting the largest stack midway through Level 11 and continued to drag in pot after pot. Here were a few of the winning hands we caught.

On a flop Qc[7d}10d and 13,500 in the pot Ojha bets 7,500 and Alex Nguyen check-calls. On the turn 3c, Ojha sends out 16,500, Nguyen check-folds.

Next winning hand, Ojha rails a player calling with Jh4h against Ac2h. The board runs Jc4cKh8h10c for two pair.

Vishal Ojha – 360,000

22:00: Hyunkyou Park doubles through Tsai
Level 13: 1,000-2,500, 2,500 ante

Short stacked Hyunkyou Park is all in with QdQc and Eric Tsai gives him a sweat with As10c. The board favors Park 2sQh9d5h4h for a double up.

Hyunkyou Park – 65,000
Eric Tsai – 120,000

21:55: Victor Chong cleans out Florent
Level 13: 1,000-2,500, 2,500 ante

Florent Remi is all in with 10h10s and is flipping against Victor Chong’s AdQd. The board runs 7d9sAhAc2c, Remi goes bust.

Victor Chong – 180,000

21:50: John Perry survives 
Level 13: 1,000-2,500, 2,500 ante

On a flop AdKd2d and 14,000 in the pot, John Perry is all in for 16,000, and has Ah8s. He is up against a player with 8d8c. The turn is Qc and river 6s.

John Perry – 44,000

21:45: Qiyuan Huang triples up
Level 13: 1,000-2,500, 2,500 ante

Qiyuan Huang goes all in for 37,500, Jiazhi Zhong calls, Haisheng Qiu three-bets to  75,000, Zhong tank-calls. On the flop Ah4s10d, Zhong checks then tanks again to Qiu’s shove. Zhong eventually folds for Qiu to take the side pot. Huang has AdQc, Qiu with 9s9d, the turn Kh and river Ac. It’s a triple up for Huang.

Qiyuan Huang – 116,000
Jiazhi Zhong – 33,000
Haisheng Qiu – 133,000

21:40: Florent Remi doubles through Huang
Level 12: 1000-2000, 2000 ante

Florent Remi

Qiyuan Huang in another showdown. He calls Florent Remi’s Ad9d all in with KhKc. The board runs Ah5c2s7d7h.

Florent Remi – 49,000
Qiyuan Huang – 36,000

21:35: Anil Adiani outdraws and rails one 
Level 12: 1000-2000, 2000 ante

Anil Adiani

Catching the action with the chips out front and Wei Guo Liang folding. Anil Adiani with KsJs outdraws a player with AhKh on a board 4dJd2c3dQd.

Anil Adiani – 82,000

21:30: Anh Nguyen wins pot against Dedelov
Level 12: 1000-2000, 2000 ante

On a flop 4d7c2c and 14,000 in the pot, cutoff Anh Nguyen check-calls button Fedor Dedelov’s 6500 bet. On the turn Jc and river Ad, both check. Nguyen opens As2d two pair, Dedelov mucks.

Anh Nguyen – 52,000
Fedor Dedelov – 122,000

21:25: Li Shan Kui with quads
Level 12: 1000-2000, 2000 ante

Li Shan Kui and Qiyuan Huang all in on a turn board 9c5c3h4d, Li Shan Kui dominates with 3c3d against Huang’s Ac6c. The river 3s gives Kui quads to ship a double up to 145,000. Huang drops to 45,000.

Li Shan Kui – 145,000

21:20: Amit Kaushik wins the flip
Level 12: 1000-2000, 2000 ante

From hijack, Sebastian Mueller raises to 5,000, cutoff raises to 12,000, button Amit Kaushik shoves, Mueller folds, cutoff calls. Kaushik has 7h7d and is flipping against AcQs, the window card is an ace then the board fans out Ah8d7c9s4h.

Amit Kaushik – 44,000

21:10: Philip Tan with the boat
Level 12: 1000-2000, 2000 ante

With 27,000 in the pot and board that completed AsQc6sAd10s, small blind Dhanesh Chainani checked, mid position Philip Tan bets 11,000, Chainani called then tapped the table indication a nice hand when Tan opened Ac6c full house.

Philip Tan – 135,000
Dhanesh Chainani – 42,000

21:00: Natural 9 for Quang Nguyen doubles through Ledina
Level 12: 1000-2000, 2000 ante

Quang Nguyen down to his last 9,000 shoves and Benigno Ledina with a healthy stack calls to put the Vietnamese pro at risk ofe elimination. Nguyen opens 4c5c and says “Natural 9”, Ledina has AdQs. With the board running 8h4h2d9d6d, Nguyen survives for a double up to 23,000.

20:55: Xiaosheng Zheng muscles McDermott
Level 11: 1000-1500, 1500 ante

With 30,000 in the pot and a flop 3d2s5h, Sven McDermott bets 8500, button Xiaosheng Zheng makes it 20,500, quick fold from McDermott.

Xiaosheng Zheng – 125,000

20:50: Jhon Hendri bets every street 
Level 11: 1000-1500, 1500 ante

Jhon Hendri

On a flop 10s6s10d Jhon Hendri bet 7000 and Shankui Li called. On the turn 10h another 7000 bet by Hendri that’s called. On the river Kh Hendri ups it to 15,000, Li folds. Hendri takes down a 38,000 pot.

Jhon Hendri – 165,000

20:45: Vincent Chauve wins a good pot
Level 11: 1000-1500, 1500 ante

With 11,500 brewed and Qh7hJc flop, big blind Eric Tsai checks, utg Vincent Chauve checks, hijack bets 6000. Tsai folds, Chauve calls. On the turn 10c both check and the river is As. Chauve bets 5,000 and wins the pot.

Vincent Chauve – 65,000

20:40: Zhao Feng eliminated by Liang Song
Level 11: 1000-1500, 1500 ante

Liang Song

Zhao Feng all in with 25,000 and AhJs, down the orbit Liang Song wakes up with AsKc, the board runs low to send Feng packing.

Liang Song – 75,000

20:35: Jin Woo Kim tank calls, Warhurst nosedives on failed bluff
Level 11: 1000-1500, 1500 ante

On a board showing Jc2h6h3d3s and 31,500 in the pot, small blind Jin Woo Kim bet 13,200, big blind Julian Warhurst shoved with 76,500, Kim tank-called. Warhurst shows the 2c4s bluff and nosedives to 4,500. Kim ships a double up.

Jin Woo Kim – 172,500
Julian Warhurst – 4,500

20:30: Joy Xie shoves the river
Level 11: 1000-1500, 1500 ante

Cutoff Joy Xie and button player stare at a flop Ah9h8s and 12,000 in the pot. Xie bet 6,000 button calls. On the river Jc, Xie shoves with around 22,000 and wins the pot then and there.

Joy Xie – 46,000

20:25: Chip leaders at the start Level 11
Level 11: 1000-1500, 1500 ante

Curtis LIm

Level 11 is underway with 102 seated out of 219 entries. Here are the top three in chips.

Curtis Lim – 240,000
Vishal Ojha – 194,000
Bo Jin – 160,000

20:20: Registration closes at 219 entries for Day 1B
Level 11: 1000-1500, 1500 ante

That’s it! Day 1B registration closes at 219 entries. Combined with the Day 1A entries, the pot ballooned to well over half a million US dollars. From here on, three more levels of play before this flight is bagged and tagged.

For those that missed the window or the mark here, Day 1C is up and running. This is a turbo flight which means blinds increase every 20 minutes. Registration closes at 11:40pm.

19:50: Live updates back up and running
Level 10: 600-1200, 1200 ante

Last level to enter! 218 entries on the screens. Prize pool is well over half a million dollars! Among the players in the field are decorated Filipino player David Erquiaga, Kickoff champion Guiyang Wang, Super High Roller champion Joshua McCully, Jennifer Cassell, Dhanesh Chainani, Maggie Weng, and Eric Tsai.

16:43: $400K guarantee and Day 1A turnout dusted
Level 6: 300-600, 600 ante

Day 1B is smokin’ with action! The current turnout sent the prize pool soaring past the US$ 400,000 guarantee and past the Day 1A attendance of 176 entries. There are currently 178 entries.

16:00: New level begins, 160 entries 
Level 5: 200-500, 500 ante

Coming close to breaching Day 1A’s turnout of 176 entries with 160 at the start of Level 5. Registration closes at the end of Level 10. Plenty of time for latecomers to jump in.

15:40: Halfway through this round, 144 entries
Level 4: 200-400, 400 ante

More arrivals and re-entries as the turnout pushes to 144 entries. Registration is open until 8:20pm. Buy in is US$ 1,500.  This is a single re-entry tournament so make it count!

15:20: Level 4 begins, 128 entries
Level 4: 200-400, 400 ante

Lester Edoc

The ten-minute break is over, cards are back in the air with another 7 added to the entry list bringing the numbers up to 128. Among the players pulling up seats were CIPT founder Yunsheng Sun, Anh Nguyen, Dylan Wayne Foster, Xixiang Luo, and Filipinos Lester Edoc, Jessie Leonarez, Martin Gonzales.

15:10: First break of the day, 121 entries
Level 3: 100-300, 300 ante

First break of the day with 121 entries and pumping!  Still another seven rounds for latecomers to jump in. Looks like it is headed for 200+.

14:50: Tables filling up, 108 midway through this round
Level 3: 100-300, 300 ante

Harry Duong

Numbers continue to rise as more players make their way to the Main Event. Among the new arrivals were APPT 2014 Main Event champion Harry Duong, Denis Pham, and High Roller Knockout champion Yuhan Liu. At the half of Level 3, there were 108. Registration stays open until the end of Level 11 which is at 8:20pm.

14:30: Two rounds down, 94 entries 
Level 3: 100-300, 300 ante

Alexander Puchalski

Two rounds in the books with 94 entries. Among the new arrivals was inaugural APPT Main Event champion Alexander Puchalski. Also returning was Quang Nguyen who just picked up a nice big pile and is up to 70,000. He landed a straight that crushed Vinay Boob’s set.

14:10: 75 entries by halfway through this round
Level 2: 100-200, 200

Junzhong Loo

Main Event is halfway through Level 2 with another 16 picked up to bring the total entries so far to 75. Among them was WSOP bracelet winner Junzhong Loo, Eric Wasylenko, Zhao Feng, Huu Dung Nguyen, Sven McDermott, Daoxing Chen, Le Ngoc Khanh, and Jenam Yu.

13:50: One level in the books, 59 entries
Level 2: 100-200, 200

The first level of the Main Event is in the books with a total of 59 in the field and 2 players knocked out. Registration closes at the start of Level 11 so plenty of time for latecomers to jump in.

13:30: Halfway through opening round
Level 1: 100-100, 100

The Main Event is halfway through the first round with 30 entries and rising. Among the players in the field are yesterday’s fallouts Xiaosheng Zheng, Sebastian Mueller, Anton Widjaya, and Valeriy Pak. New arrivals were Calvin Tan and Deepstack champion Thijs Hilberts.

13:15: Jin Woo Kim rails Nilcolle on the first hand
Level 1: 100-100, 100

Jin Woo Kim

Fireworks at the table! First hand and already it was a showdown. Getting the story from the winning player, Jin Woo Kim, he retells that from the button he raised to 700 and the big blind Peter Nilcolle called. The flop is QxQxQx. Nilcolle bet a misclick 5500, Kim made it 11,000, Nicolle shoved, snap-called by Kim with AxQc quads. Nilcolle with 10x10x The turn 10x and river Ax was the end of Nilcolle and a double up for Kim.

Jin Woo Kim – 60,000

Welcome to Main Event Day 1B! Cards are flying for the next flight of the Main Event. Two tables were up and running by the first deal. This is the first of two flights running today. Day 1B closes at the start of Level 11 which is at 8:20pm.


If you miss that window or miss the mark and use up your two bullets, there’s one more flight to find your way to the next stage. Day 1C starts at 8pm with registration closing at 11:40pm. Good luck to all!

Buy in: US$ 1,500
Guarantee: US$ 400,000
Day 1A: 176 entries / 41 advanced
Day 1A chip leader: Cheng Zhang (399,000) and Bien Mai (394,000)

Starting stack: 30,000
Bagging time: end of Level 13
Level intervals: 40 minutes

Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly. Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.

Main Event Day 2

Dates: May 12-15, 2023
Buy in: US$ 1,500
Guarantee: US$ 400,000
Entries: 476
Prize pool: US$ 623,322
ITM: 71 places

Chips in play: 14,280,000

APPT Cambodia Main Event – Final 9 players

After twelve hours of play, the APPT Cambodia Main Event Final 9 players was formed! Filipino Junnie Pamplona bagged the largest stack with Taiwan’s Eric Tsai and Colombia’s Jimmy Torres close behind. The finalists return at 1pm on Monday, May 15, 2023 and will chase down the coveted title, trophy, and six figure US$ 120,300 payout. Somuchpoker will bring you the blow-by-blow action via Live Updates.

Seat Player Flag Stack BB
7 Junnie Pamplona Philippines 3,015,000 101
1 Eric Tsai Taiwan 2,960,000 99
9 Jimmy Torres Colombia 2,725,000 91
5 Chao Ting Cheng Taiwan 1,825,000 61
2 Evgenii Nekrasov Russia 1,080,000 36
3 Curtis Lim Singapore 850,000 28
6 Kien Tat Heng Singapore 795,000 27
8 Hua Wei Lin Taiwan 600,000 20
4 Bien Mai Vietnam 410,000 14


Place Payouts in USD
1 120,300
2 75,795
3 54,290
4 42,670
5 33,597
6 26,242
7 19,759
8 13,775
9 10,908

01:10: Philip Tan eliminated in 10th place – US$ 9,038
Level 24: 15,000-30,000 ante 30,000

Philip Tan

Philip Tan sends his last 290,000 out front and is quickly called by Jimmy Torres. Tan has Ah4c, Torres with 9h9d, the board runs {8s|}4hQd6h9c to further improve Torres and clean out Tan in 9th place.

01:00: Big pot for Pamplona
Level 24: 15,000-30,000 ante 30,000

Cutoff Jimmy Torres opens for 60,000, button Chao Ting Cheng three-bets to 185,000, small blind Pamplona calls, Torres calls for a three-way to the flop As7cQc. Two checks, Cheng bets 150,000, Pamplona calls, Torres folds. Both players check the turn Ks. The river 4d, Pamplona leads out for 525,000, Cheng tanks then gets timed out.

00:50: Curtis Lim doubles up
Level 24: 15,000-30,000 ante 30,000

Curtis Lim

Small blind Curtis Lim goes all in with As10h, big blind Kien Tat Heng calls with Jd4d, the board runs 5sQh5hAc5d. Double up for Lim

Curtis Lim – 400,000
Kien Tat Heng – 1,600,000

00:45: Kien Tat Heng gets some pay for his straight
Level 24: 15,000-30,000 ante 30,000

Kien Tat Heng

On a board showing JsKc8sAc9d and 300,000 in the pot, Kien Tat Heng bets 275,000 on the river, Evgenii Nekrasov calls, Heng shows Qs10s straight.

00:40: Chao Ting Cheng nuts on the flop
Level 24: 15,000-30,000 ante 30,000

From under the gun, Junnie Pamplona raises to 65,000, small blind Jimmy Torres and big blind Chao Ting Cheng both call to see the flop 3s5s2d. Torres leads out 75,000, Cheng calls, Pamplona folds. The turn Kd, another 205,000 by Torres called by Cheng. On the river 8c, Torres slows to a check, Cheng bets a large 700,000, Torres calls then pays Cheng’s 6s4d straight. Torres shows 3d3c set.

Chao Ting Cheng – 2,400,000
Jimmy Torres – 1,700,000

00:35: Eric Tsai claims a good pot against Kien
Level 24: 15,000-30,000 ante 30,000

From under the gun, Eric Tsai raises to 65,000, big blind Kien Tat Heng defends to bring a flop 6h7d2s. Kien leads out 60,000, Tsai calls. On the turn 4s Tsai calls a 125,000 bet, then on the river 2d, same action, Kien fires a 250,000 bet, Tsai calls. Kien has As5s, Tsai ships it with Ks6s pair.

Eric Tsai – 2,760,000
Kien Tat Heng – 1,600,000

00:30: Evgenii Nekrasov doubles through Tsai
Level 24: 15,000-30,000 ante 30,000

Evgenii Nekrasov

All in preflop, at risk player Evgenii Nekrasov with QdQs, challenger Eric Tsai attempts to eliminate with 2s2h. The board runs 7h7d6c6h3h for a double up.

Evgenii Nekrasov – 1,220,000

00:25: Jun Lai eliminated in 11th place – US$ 9,038
Level 24: 15,000-30,000 ante 30,000

Jun Lai

Short stacked Jun Lai is all in with KhJh and big stacked Junnie Pamplona gives him a sweat with Ac6d. The board runs Ah6s9d10s9c.

Junnie Pamplona – 2,650,000
Jun Lai – eliminated in 11th place

00:15: Break time
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

Players are on a ten minute break. 11 remaining.

00:05: Chao Ting Cheng lands another full boost
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

Chao Ting Cheng

Another double up for Chao Ting Cheng who pushes with AdKc, Junnie Pamplona calls with AhQc. No hits on the board for Pamplona to pay the double up to Chao.

Chao Ting Cheng – 1,190,000
Junnie Pamplona – 2,650,000

23:55: Chao Ting Cheng doubles through Mai
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

Chao Ting Cheng shoves with AcKd and Bien Mai snap calls with AsQh, the board runs 6h7c8d10s5h for a double up to Cheng.

Chao Ting Cheng – 600,000
Bien Mai – 550,000

23:45: Junnie Pamplona ships a big pot against Tan
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

Junnie Pamplona

Catching the action on a board showing 9c4s10d9s6h, Junnie Pamplona roars upon winning the huge pot with As10h beating Philip Tan’s KdQc.

Junnie Pamplona – 3,200,000
Philip Tan – 650,000

23:35: Tsai three-bets to take it down
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

Kien Tat Heng raises to 60,000, Eric Tsai three-bets to 175,000, no callers.

Eric Tsai – 2,500,000

23:25: Betting war goes to Hua Wei Lin
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

Eric Tsai raises to 55,000, button Evgenii Nekrasov three-bets to 150,000, small blind Hua Wei Lin four-bet jams, no callers.

Hua Wei Lin – 1,060,000

23:15: New round begins, 11 players remaining
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

11 players remaining. Two more bust before the day wraps up with the final 9.

23:10: Nut flush for Torres 
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

JImmy Torres

Catching the action on a board 6c9c4h7d10c, Bien Mai bets 150,000, Jimmy Torres raises to 500,000, snap-called by Mai who then folds when the AcKc nut flush is revealed.

Jimmy Torres – 3,175,000
Bien Mai – 950,000

23:00: Evgenii Nekrasov jams, Lin tank-folds
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

Cutoff Evgenii Nekrasov raises to 45,000, button player Hua Wei Lin three bets to 140,000, back to Nekrasov with a jam of 980,000, Lin folds.

22:50: Andy Li Xue Yan eliminated in 12th place – US$ 7,729
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

Andy Li

Andy Li Xue Yan goes bust with 10h10d outdrawn by KsQc on a board of 6c2c4dAc10c. Tsai completes a flush.

Eric Tsai – 2,550,000
Andy Li Xue Yan – eliminated in 12th place

22:45: Lukasz Janowicz eliminated in 13th place – US$ 7,729
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

Lukasz Jankowicz

Lukasz Jankowicz is all in with AhQh, Hua Wei Lin calls with 9s9h, with the board running Jc3c10sJd2d, Lin ships it as Jankowics ships out.

Hua Wei Lin – 1,100,000
Lukasz Jankowicz – eliminated in 13th place

22:40: Asish Ghosh eliminated in 14th place – US$ 6,732
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

Asish Ghosh

On a flop 9sJc{ad, Asish Ghosh is all in for 310,000 and is called by Kien Tat Heng. Ghosh has Qd10c, Kien with As6s top pair. With the turn Jd and river 6c, Ghosh is out in 14th place.

Kien Tat Heng – 1,200,000
Asish Ghosh – eliminated in 14th place

22:35: Lev Kydatov eliminated in 15th place – US$ 6,732
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

Lev Kydatov

Down to 5 bb, Lev Kydatov is all in with Ad5d and is called by Jun Lai with AcJc, the board comes 2c6cQcKhAd to end Kydatov’s run in 15th place.

Jun Lai – 550,000
Lev Kydatov – eliminated in 15th place

22:30: Chao Ting Cheng wins the next bout against Kydatov
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

Chao Ting Cheng and Lev Kydatov meet again. Cheng is now ahead with QsQd, Kydatov with KdQh, the board runs 2d7dJs9d6s for a double up to Cheng.

Chao Ting Cheng – 420,000
Lev Kydatov – 100,000

22:25: Chao Ting Cheng runs into Kydatov’s rockets
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

Chao Ting Cheng limps in, Lev Kydatov shoves, Cheng calls and sees he is behind. Kydatov has [ad}Ac, Cheng with As10c, the board is QhQc10s6c6s. Cheng pays the double up of 225,000.

Lev Kydatov – 500,000
Chao Ting Cheng – 335,000

22:20: Huu Dung Nguyen eliminated in 16th place – US$ 5,984
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

Huu Dung Nguyen

Huu Dung Nguyen al in with AhQh and is flipping against Kien Tat Heng 8c8h. With the board running 9c7s6c8sJc, Kien further improves to rail Nguyen.

Kien Tat Heng – 820,000
Huu Dung Nguyen – eliminated in 16th place

22:15: Jun Young Park falls in 17th place – US$ 5,984
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

Jun Young Park

Jun Young Park all in with Ks{qh and is dominated by Bien Mai’s AdQs, no help comes as the board runs 2hAs6c4s5s.

Bien Mai – 1,750,000
Jun Young Park – eliminated in 17th place

22:05: Ashish Munot eliminated in 18th place – US$ 5,361
Level 21: 8000-16,000, 16,000 ante

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Ashish Munot

Down to his last 130,000, Ashish Munot is all in with Qd5d, Philip Tan calls with 10h10s, the board runs 5s7s9h6hJh.

Philip Tan – 1,800,000
Ashish Munot – eliminated in 18th place

22:00: Lukasz Janowicz doubles through Mai
Level 21: 8000-16,000, 16,000 ante

All in preflop, Lukasz Janowicz dominates with 8c8s against Bien Mai 7d7h. The board runs QcKd9cJhAs.

Lukasz Janowicz – 440,000

21:55: Philip Tan banks a massive double up. Pamplona stunned
Level 21: 8000-16,000, 16,000 ante

IMG 2123 1

From hijack Junnie Pamplona raises to 36,000, cutoff Ashish Munot calls, button Philip Tan three-bets to 151,000, Pamplona calls, Munot shoves, Tan shoves, Pamplona tanks and expresses his disbelief. He then folds and shows JhJd

Munot AdQh
Tan AcKs

When the board runs 6d3c7d9h8c, Pamplona is shaken as he would have won, instead, Tan ships a massive double up and Munot plunges. 

Philip Tan – 1,850,000
Ashish Munot – 140,000
Junnie Pamplona – 1,200,000

21:50: Bo Jin eliminated in 19th place – US$ 5,361
Level 21: 8000-16,000, 16,000 ante

Bo Jin

Bo Jin is all in with Ad10h and is dominated by Jun Lai with AcJd. The board offers no help to Jin as it runs 5c9d4dKd5h to exit in 19th place.

Jun Lai – 490,000
Bo Jin – eliminated in 19th place

21:40: Hao Tian eliminated in 20th place – US$ 5,361
Level 21: 8000-16,000, 16,000 ante

Hao Tian

Hao Tien is all in for 28,000 and finds two callers, Eric Tsai and Bo Jin. With the board running 5hAd3d, and no side pot bets, Hao has Qd10h, Tsai with KcJh, Jin mucks.

Eric Tsai – 1,900,000
Hao Tian – eliminated in 20th place

21:35: Bo Jin doubles through
Level 21: 8000-16,000, 16,000 ante

Bo Jin is all in with pocket Sixes and is challenged by Hal Rotholz with overcards King-Queen. Jin further improves with a six on the turn to double up his short stack.

21:30: Yannick Jobin eliminated in 21st place – US$ 4,737
Level 21: 8000-16,000, 16,000 ante

Yannick Jobin

Short stacked Yannick Jobin all with 10s8h and finds no luck on the board to fall to Junnie Pamplona‘s AdJh.

Junnie Pamplona – 1,300,000
Yannick Jobin – eliminated in 21st place

21:25: Ilia Miashikev eliminated in 22nd place – US$ 4,737
Level 21: 8000-16,000, 16,000 ante

Ilia MIashikev

Ilia Miashikev raises to 35,000, Eric Tsai three-bets to 125,000, Miashikev four-bets to 350,000 leaving himself 25,000 behind. Tsai shoves, Miashikev tosses in the rest and opens 10s10h. He is dominated both by chips and hand by Tsai with pocket QcQh. Despite calling out for some help, none arrives on the board for Miashikev to bust in 22nd place.

Eric Tsai – 1,900,000
Ilia Miashikev – eliminated in 22nd place

21:20: Jimmy Torres drags in a big pot against Jin
Level 21: 8000-16,000, 16,000 ante

From utg, Bo Jin raises to 32,000, cutoff Jimmy Torres three-bets to 95,000, Jin calls. At the flop Jc4c7s, Torres c-bets 80,000, Jin check-calls. Both players check the turn Kd, but on the river Kd, Torres resumes betting with 100,000 laid out, Jin check-calls then mucks to Torres’ AsJd.

Jimmy Torres – 1,700,000
Bo Jin – 135,000

21:15: Philip Tan versus Junnie Pamplona
Level 21: 8000-16,000, 16,000 ante

Junnie Pamplona and Ashish Munot both limp, button Philip Tan raises to 40,000, Pamplona calls, Munot folds. At the flop 5s4h8h, both check. On the turn Jh, Pamplona bets 33,000, Tan raises to 103,000, Pamplona flats. On the river Qh, Pamplona checks to the aggressor Tan who fires 400,000, Pamplona folds.

Philip Tan – 950,000
Junnie Pamplona – 940,000

21:10: Bien Mai keeps jabbing
Level 21: 8000-16,000, 16,000 ante

Three way to the flop 4hQs7s9d. Utg Bien Mai bets, Lukasz Jancowicz folds, big blind Hua Wei Lin check-calls. On the turn 6h, Lin checks again, Mai fires 175,000, this time Lin folds.

Bien Mai – 1,200,000
Hua Wei Lin – 540,000
Lukasz Jankowicz – 385,000

21:05: Jin Woo Kim eliminated in 23rd place – US$ 4,737
Level 21: 8000-16,000, 16,000 ante

Jin Woo Kim

Down to 135,000, Jin Woo Kim shoves with KhQd, big stacked Bien Mai calls with Qs9s, the board runs {9h7h4sAsKs for runner runner flush to Mai.

Bien Mai – 975,000
Jin Woo Kim – eliminated in 23rd place

21:00: Yuhan Liu eliminated in 24th place – US$ 4,114
Level 21: 8000-16,000, 16,000 ante

Yuhan Liu

Yuhan Liu raises, Eric Tsai three-bets, Liu shoves with JhJc, Tsai calls, and it’s a flip. With the board running As3cKhAh3d, Liu is eliminated.

Eric Tsai – 1,100,000
Yuhan Liu – eliminated in 24th place

20:55: 24 players remaining
Level 21: 8000-16,000, 16,000 ante

Seat redraw. Next draw is at 16 players.

20:50: Nasty way to go for Tantaro, Nekrasov skyrockets
Level 20: 6000-12,000, 12,000 ante

Adrien Tantaro

All in preflop, Adrien Tantaro ahead with JhJd and is headed for a double up against Evgenii Nekrasov with 10h10c, but as the board ran 9c7h6c9h8s, Nekrasov celebrates the straight and Tantaro gets up to cash out.

Evgenii Nekrasov – 1,350,000

20:45: Lukasz Janowicz doubles with cowboys
Level 20: 6000-12,000, 12,000 ante

Preflop all in Lukaz Janowicz with pocket Kings and Jin Woo Kim looking to rail him with Ace- Queen, a queen lands on the turn but Kim is still behind at the runout to pay the double up.

Lukasz Janowicz – 630,000
Jin Woo Kim – 180,000

20:40: Hal Rotholz falls to Tsai
Level 20: 6000-12,000, 12,000 ante

Short stacked Hal Rotholz all in with Kh10c and runs into big stacked Eric Tsai’s AsKd. With the board running 8d8c7s5hKc,the bigger kicker plays.

Eric Tsai – 1,350,000
Hal Rotholz – eliminated

20:30: Sanchez eliminated, Lim takes the pot
Level 20: 6000-12,000, 12,000 ante

Mauricio Sanchez

Mauricio Sanchez is down to 14,000, Curtis Lim cand Andy Li call. At the flop 10dQs4h, Lim bets 10,000 into the side pot, Li calls. On the turn Ad both players check. The river 9c, Lim sends out 50,000, this time Li folds. Lim has Ah10h and eliminates Sanchez 4s2d.

Curtis Lim – 400,000

20:20: Ilia Miakishev wins a good pot
Level 20: 6000-12,000, 12,000 ante

On a board JhAs2c and 76,000 in the pot, small blind Philip Tans bets a small 7,000 and big blind Ilia Miakishev calls. Both players check the turn 2d then on the river Ac, Miakishev bets 65,000, Tan check-calls then mucks to Miakishev’s Ad10d trips.

Ilia Miakishev – 465,000

20:15: Rotholz timed out, Nekrasov claims the pot
Level 20: 6000-12,000, 12,000 ante

From cutoff, Hal Rotholz raises to 25,000 then calls button Evegnii Nekrasov’s three-bet to 75,000. At the flop 9cQh6c, Rotholz checks to the aggressor who fires 55,000, Rotholz calls. On the turn Qd, Rotholz switches up and sends 110,000 out front, Nekrasov calls. The river 6h, Nekrasov shoves, Rotholz tanks and uses up his last time-bank. When the clock runs out with still no action, his hand is declared a fold.

Evgenii Nekrasov – 1,000,000
Hal Rotholz – 120,000

20:10: Jun Young Park doubles with cowboys
Level 20: 6000-12,000, 12,000 ante

All in preflop, Jun Young Park with pocket Kings, Mauricio Sanchez with pocket Nines, the board brings no help to Sanchez for a double up to Park.

Jun Young Park – 530,000
Mauricio Sanchez – 14,000

20:05: Pot for Huu Dung Nguyen 
Level 20: 6000-12,000, 12,000 ante

With 74,000 in the pot and a flop 4sQd6c, utg Huu Dung Nguyen check-raises cutoff Ashish Munot’s 20,000 bet to make it 40,000 to go. On the turn 3h, both players check. On the river 7c, Nguyen goes all in, Munot folds.

Huu Dung Nguyen – 270,000

20:00: Lukasz Jankowicz three-bet jams 
Level 20: 6000-12,000, 12,000 ante

Cutoff Ilia Miakishev raises to 25,000, button Lukasz Jankowicz three-bet jams for 213,000, Miakishev folds.

Lukasz Jankowicz – 213,000

19:45: Break time, 31 players remaining
Level 19: 5000-10,000, 10,000 ante

Break time, 31 players remaining.

19:40: Eric Tsai rails Mueller
Level 19: 5000-10,000, 10,000 ante

All in preflop, at risk player Sebastian Mueller with 8h8c, Eric Tsai with AdQs, the board runs 4sAs2cKs4d to end Mueller’s run.

Eric Tsai – 900,000

19:35: Vishal Ojha eliminated by Kim
Level 19: 5000-10,000, 10,000 ante

On a flop Ac8c10h2s4d and 145,000 in the pot, Vishal Ojha is all in with Ks10s that falls to Jin Woo Kim’s AdJs top pair. He finishes in 33rd place.

19:30: Jimmy Torres with the flush, Kang eliminated
Level 19: 5000-10,000, 10,000 ante

JImmy Torres

On a board showing Jc3d6c5c7d, Minwoo Kang shoves from the big blind and cutoff Jimmy Torres calls and says “I have the nuts” as he shows AcQc. Kang mucks and packs up.

Jimmy Torres – 1,300,000

19:20: Seugnhun Ko eliminated by Liu
Level 19: 5000-10,000, 10,000 ante

From utg Seunghun Ko shoves with 9c9s, action folds around to the big blind Yuhan Liu who looks down at AcAd and snap calls. No help comes on the board for Liu.

Yuhan Liu – 600,000
Seunghun Ko – eliminated

19:10: Chip count update, top 5 
Level 19: 5000-10,000, 10,000 ante

Ashish Munot – 1,000,000
Eric Tsai – 945,000
Junnie Pamplona – 910,000
Jimmy Torres – 820,000
Asish Ghosh – 750,000

19:00: Romain Morvan falls to Liu
Level 19: 5000-10,000, 10,000 ante

Romain Morvan all in with AcJc, Yuhan Liu calls with 9h9s, when the flop comes Qd4h2c, Morvan happy to improve but with the turn 9c he quickly gets up. The river 6d ensures the win for Liu as Morvan goes bust.

Yuhan Liu – 360,000
Romain Morvan – eliminated

18:45: Three way triple up for Morvan, Liu wins side pot
Level 19: 5000-10,000, 10,000 ante

Romain Morvan

Three way all in preflop, Romain Morvan with pocket Eights, Yunhan Liu with pocket Tens, Eric Tsai looking for a double knockout with Ace-Queen. The window card was an Eight and the set held to the river for triple up to Morvan. Liu doubled through with no hits on the board for Tsai.

18:40: New level, 40 players remaining 
Level 19: 5000-10,000, 10,000 ante

Eric Tsai

Five levels down, and 93 players dusted, the new round begins with 40 players. In the lead is Eric Tsai with over  a million in chips. No other player comes close.

18:25: Philip Tan doubles through Ojha
Level 18: 4000-8000, 8000 ante

Philip Tan

All in preflop, Philip Tan is all in with 9h9c, Vishal Ojha attempts to rail with AsKd. With the board running 2s8c6d5dJh, Ojha misses for a double up to Tan.

Philip Tan – 272,000
Vishal Ojha – 320,000

18:20: Grant Gardner falls to Nekrasov
Level 18: 4000-8000, 8000 ante

From under the gun, Grant Gardner shoves, action folds around to the big blind Evgenii Nekrasov who calls with AsKh. With the board running Ks2h4h5c9h, Nekrasov wins the flip to rail Gardner.

18:15: Lukasz Jankowski drags in a big one
Level 18: 4000-8000, 8000 ante

On a board 7s5s3h4h8d and 142,000 in the pot, Lukasz Jankowski shoves and wins the big pot with Feng Qiu folding.

18:10: Guoliang Wei falls to Andy Li
Level 18: 4000-8000, 8000 ante

Immediately after paying a double up to Minwoo Kang, Guoliang Wei was all in for his remaining 85,000 stack with Ac9c to battle with. Big stacked Andy Li denied the double up with QcQs further improving to a full house on a board QdJdJh5d5c.

Andy Li – 700,000

18:05: Minwoo Kang doubles through Wei
Level 18: 4000-8000, 8000 ante

Minwoo Kang

Guoliang Wei shoves with Kd10d, beside him Minwoo Kang tank-calls and opens Ad6d. The board runs Qh7h6c9sAs.

Minwoo Kang – 200,000
Guoliang Wei – 85,000

18:00: Lucky Yuhan Liu doubles through 
Level 18: 4000-8000, 8000 ante

High Roller KO Bounty champion Yuhan Liu is all in with AdJc and runs into a player’s AhKd. With the board running Qd5cJh3h9h, Liu spikes the jack for a pair to double through.

Yuhan Liu – 320,000

17:50: Junnie Pamplona’s top pair hold for a huge double
Level 18: 4000-8000, 8000 ante

On a three-bet raised pot by big blind Roman Kolotiuk, Junnie Pamplona called and the flop ran Ad9h7d. Kolotiuk c-bet 150,00, Pamplona shoved, Kolotiuk called putting Pamplona at risk of elimination. Kolotiuk opens 10d5d, Pamplona with AsQs, the turn 5s and river Kc were no good for Kolotiuk. Pamplona doubles up huge. This was the second time Pamplona shipped in a pot with top pair holding against a missed draw.

Junnie Pamplona – 620,000

17:45: Blinds up, 46 players remaining
Level 18: 4000-8000, 8000 ante

New round with 46 players remaining.

17:35: Hua Wei Lin doubles up
Level 17: 3000-6000, 6000 ante

On a flop 7c9d4c and 32,000 in the pot, Hua Wei Lin check-calls Vishal Ojha’s 16,000 bet, proceeds to check-call the turn Jh bet of 30,000, and same on the river Qc with Ojha shoving. Ojha opens Ac6h, Lin ships a double with 10c8s straight.

Hua Wei Lin – 222,000

17:30: No repeat for Puchalski, falls to Torres
Level 17: 3000-6000, 6000 ante

Alexander Puchakski

Last year’s champion Alexander Puchakski will not be bringing home a back to back having been dusted by Jimmy Torres. On a raised pot preflop, both players checked the flop JhJd6h. On the turn Kd, Puchalski led for 40,000, Torres flat-called. On the ruver 8d, Puchalski bet 50,000, Torres raised, Puchalski shoved, snap-called by Torres.

Puchalski QsJs trips
Torres KcKh full house

Jimmy Torres – 670,000
Alexander Puchalski – eliminated

17:20: Eric Tsai rails Carlin
Level 17: 3000-6000, 6000 ante

All in preflop, Thomas Carlin with KcKh, Eric Tsai attempts to rail with Ac10s, the board runs As5h2d7c8s.

Eric Tsai – 770,000
Thomas Carlin – eliminated

17:15: Vishal Ojha jams on the river, Mueller folds
Level 17: 3000-6000, 6000 ante

On a board of 5h8dQc4d and 70,000 in the pot, Vishal Ojha checks, Sebastian Mueller bets 50,000, Ojha shoves, Mueller tank-folds.

Vishal Ojha – 630,000
Sebastian Mueller – 71,000

17:05: Halfway through this round, 55 players remaining
Level 17: 3000-6000, 6000 ante

Bien Mai

The first half hour of the new level saw 16 players go bust. 55 players remaining. Here are the top 5 in chips. Bien Mai leads. We were told by a player that Bien shipped big pot with pocket Aces against Ace-King.

Bien Mai – 700,000
Erick Tsai – 635,000
Bo Jin – 605,000
Andy Li – 515,000
Ilia Miakishev – 500,000

16:35: Quan Qiu delivers a double KO
Level 17: 3000-6000, 6000 ante

Quan Qiu

Immediately after the bubble burst there is a three-way all in at Table 1. Jenam Yu shoves from utg, mid position Guy Taylor shoves, big blind Quan Qiu calls to put the all in player at risk.

Yu Ad2h
Taylor 9s9d
Qiu AsJc

The flop ran {qskh}10c for an instant straight to Qiu which held to the turn 7h and river Ks. Qiu ships it and rises to 315,000

16:30: Adrien Tantaro eliminates Abhinav Iyer on the bubble
Level 16: 2,000-5,000, 5,000 ante

Adrien Tantaro

Action folds to button Adrien Tantaro who opens, small blind Abhinav Iyer jams his 142,000 stack, Tantaro calls.

Iyer JdJs
Tantaro QcQs

The board runs low 8h8s5d2h7s to eliminate Iyer on the bubble.

Adrien Tantaro – 380,000

16:20: Bubble round: Daoxing Chen doubles through Mueller
Level 16: 2,000-5,000, 5,000 ante

Daoxing Chen

All in preflop, Daoxing Chen’s pocket Jacks fold against Sebastian Mueller’s AhJh for a double up.

Daoxing Chen – 78,000
Sebastian Mueller – 210,000

16:15: Bubble round: Jin Woo Kim doubles through Jung
Level 16: 2,000-5,000, 5,000 ante

Jin Woo Kim

All in preflop, Jin Woo Kim dominating with AsAd against Sungrock Jung’s {78s}8d. No bad beats arrive for a double up to Kim.

Jin Woo Kim – 149,000
Sungrock Jung – 170,000

16:10: Bubble round: Mauricio Sanchez wins a pot
Level 16: 2,000-5,000, 5,000 ante

On a flop KcAd10d, small blind Mauricio bets 25,000 and button Martins Ivanovs calls. On the turn 2s, Sanchez sends out 65,000, this time no challenge to claim the pot.

Mauricio Sanchez – 320,000
Veelaphan Siewlee – 230,000

16:05: Fedor Dedeov wins the three-way, Qiyuan Huang out
Level 16: 2,000-5,000, 5,000 ante

Fedor Dedelov

Three way all in with Fedor Dedelov KcKh, Qiyuan Huang AsJd, and Feng Li AcKd. The board runs {9h{}6h}QdJc2s. Dedelov ships it, Huang busts, and Li chunked.

Fedor Dedelov – 340,000
Feng Li – 67,000
Qiyuan Huang – eliminated

16:00: Feng Li wins a pot against Munot
Level 16: 2,000-5,000, 5,000 ante

On a board that completed Qc3hQs9s7d, Feng Li and Ashish Munot have built a pot of 107,000. Both opt to check the river. Li wins it with Ac9c.

Feng Li – 210,000
Ashish Munot – 300,000

15:55: Andy Li on the rise
Level 16: 2,000-5,000, 5,000 ante

Not long after Andy Li doubles up with queens, PokerNews reporter Christian Zetsche informs us that Li scores another big pot, this time against Tian Hao to take the chip lead.

Andy Li – 580,000

15:50: Ashish Munot boots Zhong
Level 16: 2,000-5,000, 5,000 ante

DJ703028 1
Ashish Munot

Action folds to the small blind Jiazhi Zhong who goes all in with crumbs and Qx4x, big blind Ashish Munot with a huge stack calls with 8x6x. Both of Munot’s cards pair up to take it down and take down Zhong.

Ashish Munot – 390,000

15:45: Anil Adiani doubles through
Level 16: 2,000-5,000, 5,000 ante

Small blind Anil Adiani shoves with 48,000 and AsQc, big blind tanks then attempts to eliminate with Qh7d. The board runs good for Adiani 4sKc10sKsKh.

Anil Adiani – 103,000

15:40: Philip Tan has the straight
Level 16: 2,000-5,000, 5,000 ante

Raise pot preflop, the cards come Qs10sKd, cutoff Vishal Ojha and button Philip Tan check. On the turn Ac, Tan bets 10,000, Ojha check-calls. The river 3c, Tan bets 27,000, Ojha check-calls again then mucks to Tan’s JhJc straight.

Philip Tan – 233,000
Vishal Ojha – 375,000

15:35: Ilia Miakishev rails Guillem Lopez
Level 16: 2,000-5,000, 5,000 ante

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Ilia Miakishev

Battle of the blinds, Ilia Miakishev shoves with KhQd, Guillem Lopez calls for his tournament life with AhKs, a queen starts off the board Qs4d6cAc2s.

Ilia Miakishev – 560,000

15:30: Junnie Pamplona rails Tang
Level 16: 2,000-5,000, 5,000 ante

Junnie Pamplona

Hard-hitting Tian Yuan Tang is out of the running. After losing a succession of pots, he goes all in from the big blind on a flop Jh4c5h, hijack Junnie Pamplona calls. Tang is drawing with Pkh}7h, Pamplona hoping his AcJc top pair holds. With the turn Qs and river 2c, the pair holds, Tang is eliminated.

Junnie Pamplona – 370,000

15:25: Gardner and Edoc split, Lopez folds nines
Level 16: 2,000-5,000, 5,000 ante

From under the gun, Guillem Lopez raises to 11,000 then folds to two jammers, Grant Gardner and Lester Edoc. Both have pocket Kings. With the board running 5c7cJs8h6d, Lopez would have won it with pocket Nines.

15:20: Riki Yokono wins a little against Bohra
Level 16: 2,000-5,000, 5,000 ante

On a raised pot preflop, the flop comes {7}Jc2c, big blind Riki Yokono check-calls Mohit Bohra’s 800 bet. On the turn 2s and river Kc, both check. Yokono wins the pot with 10c9s flush.

15:15: Jehanne would have had quads, Andy Li doubles through
Level 16: 2,000-5,000, 5,000 ante

Andy Li

Nearly a three-way showdown but Jeremy Jehanne opted to fold and show his pocket Jacks. Had he joined the party, he would have landed quads and swept it against Andy Li QsQd and Jhon Hendri AcQc. Li doubles through.

15:05: First break of the day
Level 16: 2,000-5,000, 5,000 ante

First break of the day, there are 77 players remaining which means the bubble round approaches with 71 paid.

15:00: Junnie Pamplona rails Luo
Level 15: 2000-4000, 4000 ante

Junnie Pamplona with AsJs, Xixiang Luo risks it with Ad9d, with the board running 8s4h3c2h8c, Luo is eliminated.

Junnie Pamplona – 250,000
Xixiang Luo – eliminated

14:55: Vishal Ojha vs Vinay B
Level 15: 2000-4000, 4000 ante

Cutoff Vishal Ojha and Vinay B stare down a board Qd3dQcQs4h and 110,000 in the pot. Both players use up a couple of time-banks then check. Ojha has AcJs, Vinay mucks.

Vishal Ojha – 432,000
Vinay B – 120,000

14:50: Jaeshie Kim cracks kings and celebrates
Level 15: 2000-4000, 4000 ante

Jaeshie Kim

Hand opens with Daoxing Chen limping in from the button, big blind Jaeshie Kim (Manila Satellite Package winner) raises to 22,000, back to Chen who three-bet jams, Kim uses up two time-banks then calls for his tournament life. Kim opens KhQd and is well dominated by Chen’s KdKc. When the board runs Js7s9dJh10d, Kim improves to a straight to exuberantly double up.

Jaeshie Kim – 110,000
Daoxing Chen – 50,000

14:40: Jeremy Jehanne in back to back hands
Level 15: 2000-4000, 4000 ante

Jeremy Jehanne

From cutoff Jeremy Jehanne raises to 9000 and big blind Guoliang Wei defends, the flop runs 5hAd3d. Jehanne c-bets 6,000, Wei check-raises to 18,000, Jehanne folds.

Immediately following that hand, Jehanne raises again to 9,000, button Eric Tsai calls, the flop runs Ad7sAh, Jehanne c-bets 6,000, Tsai folds.

Jeremy Jehanne – 85,000

14:35: Thomas Carlin rails Gonzales
Level 15: 2000-4000, 4000 ante

Martin Gonzales got fancy pushing all in with 10h9s only to run into Thomas Carlin’s KhKc and bust out.

14:30: Hal Rotholz happy for the double up
Level 15: 2000-4000, 4000 ante

Hal Rotholz is all in preflop with KsQd and is challenged by Feng Li with AhQs. With the board running 5dAs10c3hJc it’s a straight for Rotholz.

Hal Rotholz – 62,000

14:25: Nevan Chang moved to a new table and quickly fills up
Level 15: 2000-4000, 4000 ante

Nevan Chang

Another all in at Dylan Foster’s table but this time he isn’t in the hand, instead it is newly moved player Nevan Chang all in with AsAd that doubles through Jimmy Torres'{100h}10c.

Nevan Chang – 125,000
Jimmy Torres – 374,000

14:20: Evgenii Nekrasov rails Kato
Level 15: 2000-4000, 4000 ante

Evgenii Nekrasov

Junichi Kato gets it all in with KhJc and is ahead of caller Evgenii Nekrasov QsJs however with the board running 9s6cAdQc5s Nekrasov improves to eliminate Kato.

Evgenii Nekrasov – 235,000
Junichi Kato – eliminated

14:10: Tian Yuan Tang wins the pot but argues over paying the time-bank
Level 15: 2000-4000, 4000 ante

Tian Yuan Tang

From mid position, Junnie Pamplona raise to 8000 and big blind Tian Yuan Tang calls. At the flop 9s8c7h, Pamplona c-bet 8,000 and Tang check-calls. No bets come on the turn 3s but on the river Tang leads out 18,000 and Pamplona folds.

After shipping in the pot, the dealer asks to pay one time-bank. According to the dealer he bet on the river after the counter was at Zero. Tang says otherwise. The TD was called and it was decided, Tang owed the time-bank as he let second lapse before betting after the initial 30 seconds.

Tian Yuan Tang – 180,000
Junnie Pamplona – 100,000

14:05: Dylan Foster rails Reskallah
Level 15: 2000-4000, 4000 ante

Dylan Foster is in another all in showdown with AcJs flipping against Aladin Reskallah’s 2s2d. With an ace landing on the river, out goes Reskallah.

Dylan Wayne Foster – 200,000

13:55: Hua Wei Lin gives up the pot
Level 14: 1500-3000, 3000 ante

Hua Wei Lin

On a board showing 7s{2s]9h4d2d and 112,500, Hua Wei Lin checks to Feng Qu who bets 35,000. Lin tank folds.

Feng Qu – 270,000
Hua Wei Lin – 72,000

13:50: Tian Yuan Tang drag in a big pot, Xixiang down
Level 14: 1500-3000, 3000 ante

Tian Yuan Tang and Xixiang Luo in an stare down over a board Ah3c2s6d10s and 62,000 in the pot. They decide to check it. Luo with Ac8c and is outkicked by Tang’s AdKh.

Tian Yuan Tang – 160,000
Xixiang Luo – 73,000

13:40: Back to back for Foster
Level 14: 1500-3000, 3000 ante

Dylan Wayne Foster

Back to back shoves for Dylan Wayne Foster who first gets it all in on the river board 5dJh7c8dAs holding 10h10c and loses to Jimmy Torres AdQd.

Jimmy Torres – 220,000

Down to 43,000, Torres shoves on the next hand with AcKh and is up against Chit Chuan Lim with JhJs. The board drops an ace on the turn for a double up.

Dylan Foster – 93,000
Chit Chuan Lim – 30,000

13:30: Cheng Zhang ships it, Somashekar ships out
Level 14: 1500-3000, 3000 ante

Cheng Zhang

Action opens with three players in on a raised pot and the cards come 6h3sQs, Cheng Zhang bets 12,000, Charlie Chiu and Somashekar call. On the turn 8h Zhang checks, Chiu calls, Somashekar jams, Zhang calls, Chiu folds. Somashekar has Qh9h top pair, Zhang has him trapped with KdKc. The river 4c is no help to Somashekar.

Cheng Zhang – 470,000

13:25: Vellucci doubles through Heng
Level 14: 1500-3000, 3000 ante

From lojack, Kien Tat Heng opens, hijack Andy Li calls, button calls, small blind Enzo Vellucci shoves his remaining 51,000, back to Kien who calls, the rest fold. Vellucci has AsKh and is flipping against Kien’s 8d8h, the board comes Ad6s3dKc9c for a double up to Vellucci.

Enzo Vellucci – 120,000
Kien Tat Heng – 50,000

13:20: Jianming Luo rails Pham
Level 14: 1500-3000, 3000 ante

Van Binh Pham all in with JsJd and is dominated by Jianming Luo’s KhKd, no help comes on the board to get the boot.

Jianming Luo – 180,000
Van Binh Pham – eliminated

13:15: Eike Strub doubles through Zhong
Level 14: 1500-3000, 3000 ante

Eike Strub all in with KhQd and doubles through Jiazhi Zhong with KdJd on a running board 5dQh7cJs4h.

Eike Strub – 105,000
Jiazhi Zhong – 90,000

Main Event Day 2 underway! 


Welcome to Day 2 of the APPT Main Event here at NagaWorld Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Back on the felt are the 133 Day 1 qualifiers. They are gunning for a spot in the money round with 71 players guaranteed a piece of the US$ 623,322 prize pool. It will be a long grind with blinds increasing at a slower 60 minute pace. The day ends once the final 9 players is determined.

Stick with us here as we track down the bubble and hunt down the biggest hands.

Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly. Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.

Main Event – Final Day


Buy in: US$ 1,500
Guarantee: US$ 400,000
Entries: 476
Prize pool: US$ 623,322
ITM: 71 places

Chips in play: 14,280,000

Taiwan’s Chao Ting Cheng wins the APPT Main Event PokerStars Shard Trophy!

Chao Ting Cheng

After 13 heads up hands, Taiwan’s Chao Ting Cheng defeated Filipino Junnie Pamplona in dramatic fashion. Pamplona had a full house, Cheng had quads. What a great way to end this exciting tournament! Cheng earned an ICM deal payout of US$ 94,448 and the coveted PokerStars Shard trophy.

Place Player Payouts in USD
1 Chao Ting Cheng 94,448*
2 Junnie Pamplona 101,647*
3 Eric Tsai 54,290
4 Jimmy Torres 42,670
5 Evgenii Nekrasov 33,597
6 KIen Tat Heng 26,242
7 Hua Wei Lin 19,759
8 Curtis Lim 13,775
9 Bien Mai 10,908

*Heads up deal

19:35: Junnie Pamplona eliminated in 2nd place – US$ 101,647
Level 31: 80,000-160,000, 160,000 ante

Junnie Pamplona

Button Chao Ting Cheng limps, Junnie Pamplona raises to 250,000 but doesn’t meet the minimum so tosses in another 100,000 to make it 350,000. Cheng calls. On the flop 9c9s9d, Cheng bets 200,000, Pamplona check-calls 600,000, Cheng calls. On the turn 4d both check to bring the river 8h. Pamplona bets 1,000,000, Cheng tanks then jams. Pamplona calls for his tournament life. Cheng says “game over!” Then slaps down 9h5d quads. Pamplona has AcAs.

Pamplona walks away in 2nd place and will just have to settle for the highest ICM deal payout of US$ 101,647.

19:25: Chao Ting Cheng scores huge double up
Level 31: 80,000-160,000, 160,000 ante

On the tenth heads up hand, it was fireworks. Action opened with button Junnie Pamplona limping in then calling Chao Ting Cheng’s 500,000 raise. At the flop 8h5h2s, Cheng checked, Pamplona bet 350,000, Cheng raised to 1,000,000, Pamplona shoved, and Cheng snap-called.

Pamplona 8c7s top pair
Cheng QhQs

With the turn Kh and river 5d, Cheng with the fist pump for his win.

Chao Ting Cheng – 11,090
Junnie Pamplona – 3,190,000

19:10: Junnie Pamplona wins first good pot of heads up
Level 30: 60,000-120,000, 120,000 ante

After a few hands with small chips passed around, Junnie Pamplona claimed the first good pot. From the button, Chao Ting Cheng raised to 250,000, Pamplona called, the flop was2h2d10s. Both players checked and the turn came 2s. Pamplona led for 200,000, Cheng called. The river 9d, Pamplona bet 420,000, Cheng called then mucked to Pamplona’s 9s5s full house.

Junnie Pamplona – 8,880,000
Chao Ting Cheng – 5,400,000

18:40: Heads up ICM deal reached, play for the trophy
Level 30: 60,000-120,000, 120,000 ante


The remaining two players have agreed on an ICM deal. Here are the guaranteed payouts. They will play for the PokerStars Shard Trophy.

Junnie Pamplona – US$ 101,647
Chao Ting Cheng – US$ 94,448

18:35: Eric Tsai eliminated in 3rd place – US$ 54,290
Level 30: 60,000-120,000, 120,000 ante

Eric Tsai

Button Junnie Pamplona raises to 260,000, small blind Eric Tsai three-bets to 760,000, big blind Chao Ting Cheng four-bets all in for 2,850,000, Pamplona folds, Tsai calls for his tournament life with 2,755,000.

Cheng AhQc
Tsai QdQs

With the flop running KhJsJh, Cheng gained outs, and with the turn 6h, more outs on a possible flush. The river 7h was the money card for Cheng to dust Tsai.

Chao Ting Cheng – 5,985,000
Junnie Pamplona – 8,295,000

18:25: Junnie Pamplona pulling away
Level 30: 60,000-120,000, 120,000 ante

Chip leader Junnie Pamplona has won the next few hands to rise back up to 8,100,000. That’s well over half of the chips in play. On the first hand, button Chao Ting Cheng opens for 210,000, small blind Pamplona three-bets to 625,000, no call.

Next hand, Pamplona raises from the button to 260,000, Eric Tsai calls, the flop runs Js5c{5h. Tsai checks, Pamplona c-bets 150,000, Tsai folds.

On the third consecutive hand, Cheng limps from the small blind, Pamplona checks on the big blind, then bets 150,000 on the flop 9c6h8c. Cheng check-folds.

Junnie Pamplona – 8,100,000

18:15: Eric Tsai vs Junnie Pamplona
Level 29: 50,000-100,000, 100,000 ante

From the small blind, Junnie Pamplona raises to 325,000, big blind Eric Tsai three-bets to 930,000, Pamplona folds.

A few hands later, Pamplona is back in the small blind and raises to 225,000, big blind Tsai three-bets to 675,000, Pamplona four-bets to 1,600,000, Tsai folds.

18:05: Chao Ting Cheng doubles up through Pamplona
Level 29: 50,000-100,000, 100,000 ante

Button Junnie Pamplona opens for 210,000, big blind Chao Ting Cheng shoves his 1,350,000 stack, Pamplona calls.

Cheng Ad8h
Pamplona As3s

The board runs 9dQc8d9h7h for a double up to Cheng.

Chao Ting Cheng – 3,200,000
Junnie Pamplona – 6,800,000

17:50: New round brings no action
Level 29: 50,000-100,000, 100,000 ante

New round begins with barely any action. The chip leader picks up a pot of 950,000 against second in chips Eric Tsai.

17:35: Break time chip counts
Level 29: 50,000-100,000, 100,000 ante

Player Stack BB
Junnie Pamplona 8,000,000 80
Eric Tsai 5,500,000 55
Chao Ting Cheng 1,250,000 12.5

17:25: Jimmy Torres eliminated in 4th place –  US$ 42,670
Level 28: 40,000-80,000, 80,000 ante

Jimmy Torres

Jimmy Torres has been slowly losing chips and eventually lost it all to Junnie Pamplona in a big hand. Torres shoves 1,695,000 from utg, button Eric Tsai calls, big blind Pamplona tank-shoves to push out Tsai who says he had pocket Jacks.

Pamplona KhKc
Torres 8c7c

The board runs 9d2sQd9hQc. Torres is out in 4th place.

Junnie Pamplona – 8,000,000
Eric Tsai – 4,800,000
Chao Ting Cheng – 1,565,000

17:15: Pamplona’s pair on the flop holds
Level 28: 40,000-80,000, 80,000 ante

From under the gun, Junnie Pamplona raises to 200,000, button Jimmy Torres calls, the flop is 4d6h9d. Pamplona c-bets 160,000, Torres calls. On the turn Js Pamplona check-calls Torre’s 250,000 bet, then both check the river Kc. Pamplona shows 9c8d and Torres mucks.

Junnie Pamplona – 4,900,000
Jimmy Torres – 1,860,000

17:00: Junnie Pamplona builds a nice pot and wins it
Level 28: 40,000-80,000, 80,000 ante

Under the gun Chao Ting Cheng opens, button Junnie Pamplona three-bets to 350,000, Cheng calls. Pamplona c-bets 250,000 on the flop 10d6c2h, Cheng calls. They chekc the turn Ah, then Pamplona bets 550,000 on the river 9c. Cheng folds.

Junnie Pamplona – 3,950,000
Chao Ting Cheng – 2,250,000

16:50: Jimmy Torres pushes
Level 28: 40,000-80,000, 80,000 ante

Jimmy Torres

Under the gun Junnie Pamplona raises to 200,000, shortest stacked Jimmy Torres shoves his 1,595,000 stack, no call.

Jimmy Torres – 1,955,000

16:40: Pot for Cheng
Level 28: 40,000-80,000, 80,000 ante

From utg Eric Tsai raises to 160,000, button Chao Ting Cheng and big blind Jimmy Torres call. On the flop 7cKc8d, it is checked to Cheng who bets 250,000 which is enough to take it down.

Chao Ting Cheng – 3,175,000
Eric Tsai – 5,500,000
Jimmy Torres – 1,265,000

16:35: Chao Ting Cheng muscles Torres
Level 27: 30,000-60,000, 60,000 ante

From cutoff, Chao Ting Cheng raises to 120,000 then faces a three-bet o 375,000 from small blind Jimmy Torres. Cheng calls, the flop runs 10h5hJs. Torres c-bets 175,000, Cheng calls. On the turn 2s, Torres sends out 500,000, Cheng tanks then shoves with 1,525,000 in chips. Torres folds.

Chao Ting Cheng – 3,100,000
Jimmy Torres – 1,650,000

16:25: Eric Tsai with the four-bet
Level 27: 30,000-60,000, 60,000 ante

From utg Eric Tsai raises to 125,000, small blind Junnie Pamplona three-bets to 330,000, back to Tsai who sends out a four-bet to 700,000. Pamplona folds.

16:20: Junnie Pamplona takes two without a flop
Level 27: 30,000-60,000, 60,000 ante

From the button, Junnie Pamplona raises to 125,000, small blind Jimmy Torres three-bets to 350,000, back to Pamplona who four-bets to 700,000. Torres folds.

Two hands later, Torres raises to 120,000 from utg, Pamplona three-bets from the button to 450,000, Torres folds.

16:15: Eric Tsai vs Chao Ting Cheng
Level 27: 30,000-60,000, 60,000 ante

From cutoff, Eric Tsai raises to 125,000, button Chao Ting Cheng calls, the flop runs 2s10s6d. Tsai c-bets 350,000, Cheng calls. On the turn 7c both check it to bring the river 3c. Tsai leads out 725,000, Cheng folds.

Eric Tsai – 4,800,000

16:10: Cheng with Jacks to claim it
Level 27: 30,000-60,000, 60,000 ante

From utg Eric Tsai raises to 125,000, button Chao Ting Cheng calls. On the flop and turn AsAh6cKs, Cheng check-calls 60,000 and 180,000. Both players check the river 5c, Cheng wins it with JcJd over Tsai’s Qh6c.

Cbao Ting Cheng – 2,800,000
Eric Tsai – 4,400,000

16:00: Two pots for Eric Tsai
Level 27: 30,000-60,000, 60,000 ante

Eric Tsai

Small blind Jimmy  Torres raises to 155,000, big blind Eric Tsai defends, the flop runs 8dKh6h. Torres c-bets 125,000, Tsai raises to 380,000, Torres folds.

A couple of hands after, Torres raises from utg, button Tsai calls, small blind Chao Ting Cheng three-bets to 450,000, initial raiser Torres folds, Tsai calls. No bets land on the flop Qd9s3h, but on the turn 8h, Cheng checks, Tsai bets 275,000, Chao calls. On the turn 9c, both check again. Chao has AsJc, Tsai ships it with 6h6d.

Eric Tsai – 4,500,000
Chao Ting Cheng – 2,315,000

15:45: Betting war goes to Cheng
Level 27: 30,000-60,000, 60,000 ante

Chao Ting Cheng

From utg, Chao Ting Cheng raises  to 120,000, button Junnie Pamplona three-bets to 320,000, back to Cheng with a four-bet to 760,000, Pamplona tank-folds and says “nice hand” while showing Ah.

Chao Ting Cheng – 2,900,000
Junnie Pampona – 4,400,000

15:40: First hand after the break to Torres
Level 27: 30,000-60,000, 60,000 ante

Cards are back in the air, utg Jimmy Torres min-raises and big blind Junnie Pamplona defends. At the flop 10s7dQc, Torres c-bets 100,000, Pamplona check-calls. Both players check the turn 3s and Qs, Pamplona has Jh7s, Torres wins it with 10c6c pair.

Jimmy Torres – 3,720,000
Junnie Pamplona – 4,440,000

15:25: First break of the final table, 4 players remaining
Level 27: 30,000-60,000, 60,000 ante

Remaining players of the Main Event have reached their first break of the day. Here are the chip counts.

Player Stack BB
Junnie Pamplona 4,875,000 81
Eric Tsai 3,550,000 59
Jimmy Torres 3,490,000 58
Chao Ting Cheng 2,360,000 39

Remaining payouts

1 120,300
2 75,795
3 54,290
4 42,670

15:15: Jimmy Torres takes some back
Level 26: 25,000-50,000, 50,000 ante

From cutoff, Jimmy Torres raises to 100,000, big blind Junnie Pamplona defends to see the flop 3sKs7c. Torres bets 75,000, Pamplona check-calls. Same action on the turn 10c with a 250,000 bet by Torres check-called by Pamplona. On the river Jc, both players check. Pamplona shows 8s2s missed flush, Torres wins the pot with Ad2h.

Jimmy Torres – 3,815,000
Junnie Pamplona – 4,000,000

15:05: Another pot for Pamplona, jumps to 5M
Level 26: 25,000-50,000, 50,000 ante

Junnie Pamplona

Cutoff Junnie Pamplona raises to 105,000, button Jimmy Torres three-bets to 250,000, big blind Chao Ting Cheng tosses in the 105,000 then realized there was a three-bet. The floor was called and ruled that he can fold but loses the bet. Cheng folds, Pamplona calls.

At the flop Ah9h9c, Pamplona leads out 175,000, Torres calls. Both players check the turn Ks, then on the river 6h, Pamplona sends out 310,000, Torres folds.

Junnie Pamplona – 5,100,000
Jimmy Torres – 3,265,000

14:55: Junnie Pamplona claims the pot
Level 26: 25,000-50,000, 50,000 ante

Battle of the blinds, Junnie Pamplona limps then calls big blind Jimmy Torres’ 125,000 raise. At the flop 4c8dQs, Pamplona check-calls 100,000. The turn 7c and river 7d, both check. Pamplona has 8c9d two pair, Torres mucks.

Junnie Pamplona – 3,525,000
Jimmy Torres – 3,450,000

14:40: Evgenii Nekrasov eliminated in 5th place – US$ 33,597
Level 26: 25,000-50,000, 50,000 ante

Evgenii Nekrasov

From under the gun, Junnie Pamplona raises to 105,000, small blind Evgenii Nekrasov shoves for 835,000, Cheng calls and shows KcQs. It’s a flip with Nekrasov holding 10c10d. With the board running 5h4sKh9hQh, Cheng outdraws Nekrasov to ship it and send the Russian out in 5th place.

Chao Ting Cheng – 3,800,000

14:35: Evgenii Nekrasov not happy to see the flush
Level 26: 25,000-50,000, 50,000 ante

Button Jimmy Torres raises to 100,000, big blind Evgenii Nekrasov defends, the flop comes 8c[as}2h. Nekrasov check-calls Torres’ 75,000 c-bet. On the turn 7c, both check to bring the river Qc. Nekrasov leads out for 80,000, Torres raises to a tower of greens amounting to 500,000, Nekrasov calls. Torres shows 2c4c flush, Nekrasov shakes his head as he pays up.

Jimmy Torres – 3,585,000
Evgenii Nekrasov – 835,000

14:25: Kien Tat Heng eliminated in 6th place – US$ 26,242
Level 25: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante

Kien Tat Heng

Under the gun +1, Chao Ting Cheng raises to 85,000, next to him Kien Tat Heng who has been quiet up until this time announces all in. Action folds around back to Cheng who calls and shows KhKs. Kien has Jd9d. With the board running Ac10d4d6h8h, Cheng ships it and Kien exits in 6th place.

Chao Ting Cheng – 2,360,000

14:15: Jimmy Torres defends and wins the pot
Level 25: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante

Cutoff Chao Ting Cheng raises to 80,000 and big blind Torres defends. At the flop {9dQcJd, both check. The turn 3c Cheng bets 65,000, Torres check calls. On the river Ac, Torres leads out 125,000, Cheng calls, Torres wins the pot with Ah9h two pair.

Jimmy Torres – 2,890,000
Chao Ting Cheng – 1,550,000

14:05: Chao Ting Cheng rivers it, Pamplona knew it
Level 25: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante

From utg+1, Junnie Pamplona raises to 85,000, big blind Chao Ting Cheng calls to see the flop Qd[10c}7h. Both check for a free turn 6c. Cheng checks again, Pamplona bets 55,000, Cheng calls. On the river 8h Cheng switches up and leads for 85,000, Pamplona calls and as Cheng shows his Jh9d striaght, Pamplona says in his native tongue “I knew it!”

Chao Ting Cheng – 1,800,000
Junnie Pamplon – 2,860,000

14:00: Hua Wei Lin eliminated in 7th place – US$ 19,759
Level 25: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante

Hua Wei Lin

After a total three uncalled shoves since the final table started, Hua Wei Lin was finally put to the test with Eric Tsai making the call. Lin has Kh10h, Tsai with 6s6h, it’s a flip. With the board running 9cQcAs7c3h, Lin was eliminated in 7th place.

Eric Tsai – 4,880,000

13:50: Curtis Lim eliminated in 8th place US$ 13,775
Level 25: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante

Curtis Lim

From under the gun, Curtis Lim shoves with 8h8s and button player Jimmy Torres calls with QcQh. With the board offering no help 2d4d10sJh6h, Lim exits in 8th place. 

Jimmy Torres – 2,230,000

13:45: Torres mucks again, Tsai wins the pot
Level 25: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante

With 240,000 in the pot, big blind Jimmy Torres and utg Eric check the flop 5h6c8h. On the turn 10c, Torres fires 150,000, Tsai calls. On the river Qh, Torres checks, Tsai leads out 275,000, Torres calls then mucks to Tsai’s Ad10h second pair. 

Eric Tsai – 4,250,000
Jimmy Torres – 1,700,000

13:40: Top pair good for Cheng
Level 25: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante

From under the gun, Jimmy Torres opens and finds one customer in Chao Ting Cheng. At the flop and turn Js4d2h10s, Torres bets 60,000 and 130,000 and Cheng calls. On the river 3c Torres checks, Cheng fires 150,000, Torres calls then mucks to Cheng’s AdJh top pair.

Chao Ting Cheng – 1,875,000
Jimmy Torres – 2,250,000

13:35: Evgenii Nekrasov doubles up 
Level 25: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante

First double up of the final table goes to Evgenii Nekrasov who shoves with AsKs and is flipping against caller Chao Ting Cheng with QdQh. The board runs Kd3d10cKc2c.

Evgenii Nekrasov – 1,740,000
Chao Ting Cheng – 1,320,000

13:30: Eric Tsai picks up back to back pots
Level 24: 15,000-30,000, 30,000 ante

Eric Tsai

From utg+1, Curtis Lim opens for 60,000, big blind Eric Tsai calls, the flop runs 3h3s5s. Tsai check-raises from 55,000 to 165,000, Lim calls. Both players check the turn 4d and river Qd. Tsai opens Kc5h two pair, Lim mucks.

Next hand, Tsai picks up a small pot. Hua Wei Lin raises to 80,000 from the button, Tsai shoves from the small blind. Lin folds. 

Eric Tsai – 3,275,000
Hua Wei Lin – 580,000
Curtis Lim – 525,000

13:25: Bien Mai eliminated in 9th place – US$ 10,908
Level 24: 15.000-30,000, 30,000 ante

Bien Mai

The first casualty of the final table has been delivered. On the fourth hand, from mid position, short stacked Bien Mai shoves, beside him Chao Ting Cheng calls, no other joiners for the first heads up showdown.

Mai KdQd
Cheng 6d6h

Mai happy to see the flip however the board runs in Cheng’s favor 6s8s5c2c8c.

Chao Ting Cheng – 2,200,000

13:18: Hua Wei Lin first to shove
Level 24: 15.000-30,000, 30,000 ante

Curtis Lim raises to 60,000, action folds to big blind Hua Wei Lin who shoves, Lim folds.

13:15: Cards in the air for Main Event Final Day
Level 24: 15.000-30,000, 30,000 ante


And they’re off! The hunt for the APPT Cambodia Main Event title has kicked off! Everyone is guaranteed a minimum US$ 10,908 but all eyes will be on the PokerStars Shard Trophy and US$ 120,300 top prize.

Seat Player Flag Stack BB
7 Junnie Pamplona Philippines 3,015,000 101
1 Eric Tsai Taiwan 2,960,000 99
9 Jimmy Torres Colombia 2,725,000 91
5 Chao Ting Cheng Taiwan 1,825,000 61
2 Evgenii Nekrasov Russia 1,080,000 36
3 Curtis Lim Singapore 850,000 28
6 Kien Tat Heng Singapore 795,000 27
8 Hua Wei Lin Taiwan 600,000 20
4 Bien Mai Vietnam 410,000 14

Remaining payouts

1 120,300
2 75,795
3 54,290
4 42,670
5 33,597
6 26,242
7 19,759
8 13,775
9 10,908

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Festival Results

Main Event

Chao Ting Cheng

Date: May 12-15, 2023
Buy in: US$ 1,500
Guarantee: US$ 400,000
Entries: 476
Prize pool: US$ 623,322
ITM: 71 places

Place Player Payouts in USD
1 Chao Ting Cheng 94,448*
2 Junnie Pamplona 101,647*
3 Eric Tsai 54,290
4 Jimmy Torres 42,670
5 Evgenii Nekrasov 33,597
6 KIen Tat Heng 26,242
7 Hua Wei Lin 19,759
8 Curtis Lim 13,775
9 Bien Mai 10,908

*Heads up deal

Payouts 10th to 71st

10 Philip Tan $9,038
11 Jun Lai $9,038
12 Andy Li Xue Yan $7,729
13 Lukasz Jankowski $7,729
14 Asish Ghosh $6,732
15 Lev Kydatov $6,732
16 Huu Dung Nguyen $5,984
17 Jun Young Park $5,984
18 Ashish Munot $5,361
19 Bo Jin $5,361
20 Hao Tian $5,361
21 Yannick Jobin $4,737
22 Ilia Miakishev $4,737
23 Jin Woo Kim $4,737
24 Yuhan Liu $4,114
25 Cheng Zhang $4,114
26 Adrien Tantaro $4,114
27 Hal Oscar Rotholz $4,114
28 Mauricio Sanchez $3,615
29 Yunsheng Sun $3,615
30 Feng Qu $3,615
31 Jia Yi Low $3,615
32 Sebastian Muller $3,117
33 Vishal Ojha $3,117
34 Minwoo Kang $3,117
35 Seunghun Ko $3,117
36 Romain Morvan $3,117
37 Yen-Han Chen $3,117
38 Yu-Chung Chang $3,117
39 Anil Adiani $3,117
40 Grant Gardner $2,680
41 Guoliang Wei $2,680
42 Quan Qiu $2,680
43 Wei Xu $2,680
44 Thanh Duy Pham $2,680
45 Martins Ivanovs $2,680
46 Roman Kolotiuk $2,680
47 Sungrock Jung $2,680
48 Alexander Puchalski $2,680
49 Thomas Carlin $2,680
50 Dylan Wayne Foster $2,680
51 Jeremy Jehanne $2,680
52 Xiaohua Fu $2,680
53 Daoxing Chen $2,680
54 Jaeshie Kim $2,680
55 Mohit Bohra $2,680
56 Timur Khamidullin $2,369
57 Jennifer Cassell $2,369
58 Riki Yokono $2,369
59 Yong Cheong Foo $2,369
60 Hao Gu $2,369
61 Lester Edoc $2,369
62 Feng Ji Chua $2,369
63 Leonid Poles $2,369
64 Eric D Wasylenko $2,369
65 Siarhei Chudapal $2,369
66 William Bolton $2,369
67 Zong-Chi He $2,369
68 Yang Yuan $2,369
69 Vinay Boob $2,369
70 Guy Taylor $2,369
71 Jenam Yu $2,369

Event 1: NagaWorld Kickoff

Guiyang Wang

Dates: May 5-7, 2023
Buy in: US$ 350
Guarantee: US$ 50,000
Entries: 346
Prize pool: US$ 105,720
ITM: 53 players

Place Player
Payout In USD
1 Guiyang Wang $20,615
2 William Bolton $13,109
3 Daoxing Chen $9,504
4 Sirahei Chudapal $7,707
5 Armon Van Wijk $6,121
6 Eric Wasylenko $4,694
7 Yuwen Pan $3,446
8 Emil Ukalaev $2,495
9 Choong Hwang $2,019
10 Xinan Zou $1,670
11 Xinshuo Xu $1,670
12 Pheeratham Lerdthammatakydatov $1,448
13 Lev Kydatov $1,448
14 Bo Jin $1,279
15 Rudolphe Mathias $1,279
16 Xixiang Luo $1,152
17 Bien Mai $1,152
18 Jihao Feng $1,047
19 Xiaosheng Zheng $1,047
20 Roman Kolotiuk $1,047
21 Yoongwon Woo $941
22 Vincent Chauve $941
23 Haisheng Bi $941
24 Xiaohua Fu $835
25 Binh Van Pham $835
26 Raj Dharmarajan $835
27 Vishal Ojha $835
28 Bihari Adam $729
29 Dave Labrecque $729
30 Oleg Voshchinin $729
31 Haisheng Qiu $729
32 Chengbei Li $624
33 Adrien Tantaro $624
34 Yinfei Xiao $624
35 Chun-yen Lin $624
36 Tom Maguire $624
37 Yannick Jobin $624
38 Zhenshan Wu $624
39 Qiyuan Huang $624
40 Andrew KIm $550
41 Cheng Zhang $550
42 Kyoungchul Lee $550
43 Fedor Dedelov $550
44 Thomas Walters $550
45 Joungchun Kim $550
46 Yu Ogusu $550
47 Quan Zhou $550
48 Martin Ng $550
49 Amit Kaushik $550
50 Roland Kivi $550
51 Jiyang Gan $550
52 Vinay Boob $550
53 Maxim Costas $550

Event 2: Turbo Re-Entry

Takaaki Arai

Date: May 5, 2023
Buy in: US$ 200
Entries: 49 (38 unique, 11 re-entry)
Prize pool: US$ 8,555
ITM: 7 places

1 Takaaki Arai Japan US$ 2,695
2 Seongmin Lee Korea US$ 1,946
3 Aayush Arya India US$ 1,241
4 Zuxiong He China US$ 941
5 Karma Darwa Sherpa India US$ 727
6 Aike Ing Myanmar US$ 556
7 Pheeratham Lerdthammatavee Thailand US$ 5449

Event 4: Freezeout

Khayal Abbasov

Date: May 6, 2023
Buy in: US$ 200

Entries: 55
Prize pool: US$ 9,603
ITM: 7 places

Place Player Payout in USD
1 Khayal Abbasov $3,026
2 Zhangbin Ying $2,185
3 Jun Weng $1,392
4 Dave Labrecque $1,056
5 Chihiro Kiire $816
6 Yuya Fujita $624
7 Huanqi Xiao $504

Event 6: APPT National

Andy Li

Dates: May 8-10, 2023
Buy in: US$ 800
Guarantee: US$ 100,000
Entries: 314
Prize pool: US$ 219,298
ITM: 47 places

Place Player
Payouts in USD
1 Andy Li $36,687
2 Minwoo Kang $33,199
3 Choi Hun Tae $20,351
4 Chien Chih Weng $16,469
5 Abhinav Iyer $12,982
6 Eric Wasylenko $9,912
7 Mateusz Kaczmarek $7,281
8 Cheng Zhang $5,351
9 Vincent Ferrafiat $4,386
10 Evgenii Katymaev $3,684
11 Adrian Smith $3,684
12 Fritz Matt Douhan $3,246
13 Thomas Carlin $3,246
14 Xiang Liu $2,917
15 Hongru Zhang $2,917
16 Sebastian Mueller $2,588
17 Paul King $2,588
18 Guy Taylor $2,259
19 Yueming Liu $2,259
20 Haisheng Qiu $2,259
21 Yuhan Liu $2,039
22 Duy Thanh Nguyen $2,039
23 Qiyuan Huang $2,039
24 Yun Zhang $1,820
25 Hua Wei Lin $1,820
26 Vishal Ojha $1,820
27 Evgenii Nekrasov $1,820
28 Zheng Xiaosheng $1,601
29 Kenneth Burke $1,601
30 Le Ngoc Khanh $1,601
31 Emil Ukalaev $1,601
32 Seongmin Lee $1,404
33 Shardul Parthasarathi $1,404
34 Somashekhar Nahadeva $1,404
35 Youngjo Cheon $1,404
36 Dylan Wayne Foster $1,404
37 Ting Yi Tsai $1,404
38 Hal Rotholz $1,404
39 Xixiang Luo $1,404
40 William Bolton $1,250
41 Betrix Manoe $1,250
42 Yoongwon Woo $1,250
43 Gokul Raj Dharmarajan $1,250
44 Liang Song $1,250
45 Roman Kolotiuk $1,250
46 Vinay Boob $1,250
47 Kelvin Pang $1,250

Event 7: KO Bounty Turbo Freezeout

Xixiang Luo

Date: May 7, 2023
Buy in: US$ 500

Entries: 48
Prize pool: US$ 16,152
ITM: 7 places

Place Player Payout in USD
1 Xixiang Luo $5,087
2 Qiaonan Liu $3,675
3 Yang Yuan $2,342
4 Erik Rozhynskyi $1,777
5 Quan Zhou $1,373
6 Xiaosheng Zheng $1,050
7 Panitan Poopadsri $848

Event 8: Win The Button Re-Entry

Hyunkyou Park

Date: May 7, 2023
Buy in: US$ 200
Entries: 31
Prize pool: US$ 5,413
ITM: 5 places

Place Player
Payout in USD
1 Hyunkyou Park $2,003
2 Tyler Warken $1,380
3 Thomas Jack Walters $880
4 Jan Gregonia $636
5 Chien-Chih Weng $514

Event 10: PLO Knockout Re-Entry

Yao Yao

Date: May 8, 2023
Buy in: US$ 300

Entries: 70
Prize pool: US$ 11,333
ITM: 10 places

* Bounties not included

Place Player
Payout In USD
1 Yao Yao $3,314
2 Cheng Bei Li $2,380
4 Konstantin Generalov $1,547
5 Armon Van Wijk $1,167
6 Tom Maguire $907
7 Yoke Woon $703
8 Chun Chan $555
9 Jani Malmivara $431
10 Lars Hougaard $329

Event 12: Mystery Bounty

Bin Zhang

Buy in: US$ 550
Entries: 243
Prize pool: US$ 116,677
Day 2 players / ITM: 38

Place Player Bounties
Payouts in USD
1 Bin Zhang $11,700 $27,298
2 Ashish Munot $4,180 $14,550
3 Yuwen Pan $6,500 $14,085
4 Quan Zhou $4,500 $10,623
5 Sven McDermott $1,800 $6,600
6 Amit Kaushik $400 $4,033
7 Van Binh Pham $2,668
8 Wing Kei Chan $1,960
9 Xiaosheng Zheng $600 $2,233
10 Daoxing Chen $5,200 $6,561
11 Jia Yi Low $400 $1,761
12 Bien Mai $2,800 $3,990
13 Hua-Wei Lin $1,190
14 Qiaonan Liu $1,074
15 I-Chun Chiu $1,074
16 Seunghun Ko $400 $1,357
17 Duc Thanh Nguyen $957
Bonifacio Mondalo Jr
19 Wei Xu $840
20 Shankui Li $840
21 Vincent Chauve $762
22 Ming Xi $400 $1,162
23 Manoe Betrix $762
24 Anthony Cierco $724
25 Emil Ukalaev $724
Asish Kumar Ghosh
27 Fedor Dedelov $724
28 Jun Weng $646
29 Khayal Abbasov $646
30 Bo Jin $646
Shoji Shimabukuro
32 Tianyuan Tang $568
33 Mohit Bohra $568
34 Jiang Ho Huang $568
35 Haruto Murata $568
36 Roman Kolotiuk $568
37 Anton Widjaya $568
38 Erik Rozhynskyi $568

Event 13: Mini High Roller

Wei Guo Liang

Date: May 9-10, 2023
Buy in: US$ 2,000
Entries: 68
Prize pool: US$ 121,366
ITM: 9 places

Place Player Flag
Payout In USD
1 Wei Guo Liang China $35,498
2 Jin Woo Kim USA $25,487
3 Asosh Ghosh India $16,567
4 Emil Ukalaev Russia $12,501
5 John Perry Australia $9,709
6 Grant Gardner UK $7,525
7 Hao Tian China $5,947
8 Valeriy Pak Uzbekistan $4,612
9 Konstantin Generalov Russia $3,520

Event 14: 6-Handed Hyper Turbo

Mohit Bohra

Date: May 9, 2023
Buy in: US$ 300
Entries: 56
Prize pool: US$ 14,666
ITM: 8 places

*Heads up deal

Place Player
Payout In USD
1 Mohit Bohra $3,741*
2 Seongho Cho $3,840*
3 Jounghun Kim $2,053
4 Shixiao Qin $1,555
5 Chang Kim $1,203
6 Hyunkyou Park $939
7 Jennifer Cassell $748
8 Guy Taylor $587

Event 16: Super High Roller

Joshua McCully

Buy in: US$ 10,000
Entries: 22
Prize pool: US$ 206,998
ITM: 4 places

Place Player
Payouts in USD
1 Joshua McCully $86,939
2 Xixiang Luo $57,959
3 Hao Tian $37,260
4 Pete Chen $24,840

Event 17: Short Deck

IMG 1401
Yinfei Xiao

Date: May 10, 2023
Buy in: US$ 300
Entries: 29
Prize pool: US$ 7,595
ITM: 5 places

*Heads up deal

Place Player Flag
Payout In USD
1 Yinfei Xiao China $2,290*
2 Lev Kydatov Russia $2,457*
3 Li Fang China $1,234
4 Seongho Cho Korea $892
5 Feng Qu China $722

Event 19: Deepstack

Thijs Hilberts

Date: May 12-13, 2023
Buy in: US$ 500

Entries: 179
Prize pool: US$ 78,134
ITM: 27 places

Place Player
Payouts in USD
1 Thijs Hilberts $17,309
2 Yu Chung Chang $11,681
3 Changbum Jeon $8,040
4 Shravan Singh $6,555
5 Anton Widjaya $5,227
6 Junnie Pamplona $4,016
7 Manoe Betrix $2,922
8 Anil Adiani $2,117
9 Evgenii Nekrasov $1,750
10 Liang Song $1,485
11 Seongho Cho $1,485
12 Vinay Boob $1,289
13 Thomas Carlin $1,289
14 Minwoo Kang $1,172
15 Le Ngoc Khanh $1,172
16 Thanh Duc Tran $1,055
17 Seunghun Ko $1,055
18 Jaeshie Kim $938
19 Baolin Lyu $938
20 Dongjae Lee $938
21 Konstantin Generalov $859
22 William Bolton $859
23 Xiaohua Fu $859
24 Haisheng Bi $781
25 Li Fang $781
26 Zizheng Huang $781
27 Yannick Jobin $781

Event 20: Single Day High Roller

Tianyuan Tang

Date: May 12, 2023
Buy in: US$ 3,000
Entries: 65
Prize pool: US$ 174,018
ITM: 9 places

Place Player
Payouts in USD
1 Tianyuan Tang $50,900
2 Hongru Zhang $36,544
3 John Perry $23,753
4 Juial Warhurst $17,924
5 Yuwen Pan $13,921
6 Hao Tian $10,789
7 Wei Guo Liang $8,527
8 Jin Kim $6,613
9 Ting-Yi Tsai $5,047

Event 21: Turbo Freezeout

Bien Mai

Date: May 12, 2023
Buy in: US$ 300
Entries: 46
Prize pool: US$ 12,047
ITM: 6 places

Place Player Payouts in USD
1 Bien Mai $4,097
2 Trent Fechter $2,831
3 Sung Son $1,807
4 Eric Ceret $1,385
5 Fei Wang $1,084
6 Rindra Norodom $843

Event 26: High Roller Knockout Bounty

Yuhan Liu

Date: May 12, 2023
Buy in: US$ 2,500

Entries: 39
Prize pool: US$ 48,009
Bounty pool: US$ 39,000
ITM: 6 places

Place Player
Payouts in USD
1 Yuhan Liu $16,323
2 Fedor Dedelov $11,282
3 Jhon Hendri $7,201
4 Valeriy Pak $5,521
5 Lev Kydatov $4,321
6 John Perry $3,361

Event 27: Megastack Turbo

Zhangbin Ying

Date: May 12, 2023
Buy in: US$ 500 

Entries: 62
Prize pool: US$ 27,063
ITM: 8 places

*Three way deal

Place Player
Payouts in USD
1 Zhangbin Ying $6,5948
2 Zizheng Huang $5,593*
3 Haisheng Bi $5,593*
4 Somashekar Nahadeva $2,869
5 Christopher Mateo $2,219
6 Chengbei Li $1,732
7 Eric Wasylenko $1,380
8 Tian Yuan Tang $1,083

Event 31: Superstack Turbo Freezeout


Date: May 13, 2023
Buy in: US$ 500
Entries: 58
Prize pool: US$ 25,317
ITM: 8 places

Place Player Payouts in USD
1 Seunghun Ko $7,595
2 Michael Collins $5,494
3 Armon Van Wijk $3,544
4 Yuki Nakazawa $2,684
5 Yu-Chung Chang $2,076
6 Cheng Zhang $1,620
7 Kun Young Park $1,291
8 Zong-Chi He $1,013

Event 32: Superstack Single Re-Entry

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Hyunkyou Park

Buy in: US$ 800
Entries: 103
Prize pool: US$ 71,935
ITM: 13 places

Place Player Payouts in USD
1 Hyunkyou Park $19,099
2 Evgenii Katymaev $13,270
3 Liang Song $8,776
4 Qiyuan Huang $6,870
5 Yun Zhang $5,539
6 Gokul Raj Dharmarajan $4,316
7 Duy Thanh Dang $3,417
8 Somashekar Kurkhepally $2,662
9 Christopher Mateo $2,014
10 Fedor Dedelov $1,547
11 Shixiao Qin $1,547
12 Le Ngoc Khanh $1,439
13 Jeremy Jehanne $1,439

Event 35: Super Knockout Turbo

Krishan Menon

Buy in: US$ 500
Entries: 64 
Prize pool: US$ 12,557
Bounty pool: US$ 16,000
ITM: 9 places

*Bounties not included

Place Player Payouts in USD
1 Krishnan Menon $3,673
2 Victor Chong $2,637
3 Junjian Yu $1,714
4 Feng Qu $1,293
5 Mohit Bohra $1,005
6 Zhangbin Ying $779
7 Yen-Han Chen $615
8 Guoliang Wei $477
9 Feng Ji Chua $364

Event 36: APPT Mini Main Event

Rodolphe Mathias

Buy in: US$ 300
Entries: 158
Prize pool: US$ 41,380
ITM: 23 places

Place Player Payouts in USD
1 Rodolphe Mathias $8,071
2 Calvin Tan $8,070
3 Thai Dinh Te $4,345
4 Fedor Dedelov $3,559
5 Aayush Arya $2,855
6 Zhongyang Hu $2,214
7 David Koy $1,639
8 Seongho Cho $1,204
9 Trung Hieu Dinh $960
10 Grant Gardner $807
11 Shixiao Qin $807
12 Ben Abrahams $703
13 Aladin Reskallah $703
14 Sungrock Jung $641
15 David Erquiaga $641
16 Suparerk Totsaponisad $579
17 Benigno Ledina $579
18 Unyoung Jeon $521
19 Yen-Han Chen $521
20 Haruto Murata $521
21 Daoxing Chen $480
22 Adam Seyer $480
23 Romain Morvan $480

Event 37: Mix PLO/NLH

Asish Ghosh

Buy in: US$ 500
Entries: 39
Prize pool: US$ 17,024
ITM: 6 places

Place Player Payouts in USD
1 Asish Ghosh $5,787
2 Somashekar Kurkhepally $4,001
3 Vincent Chauve $2,554
4 Evgenii Nekrasov $1,958
5 Qi Dong $1,532
6 Martins Ivanovs $1,192

Event 38: Last Chance Super Hyper Turbo

Jian Tao

Buy in: US$ 200
Entries: 55
Prize pool: US$ 10,137
ITM: 7 places

Place Player Payouts in USD
1 Jian Tao $3,193
2 Khayal Abbasov $2,306
3 Matthew Bevin $1,470
4 Ilya Firstov $1,115
5 Yannick Jobin $862
6 Anzhela Vasylenko $659
7 Qiyuan Huang $532


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Key Info PokerStars LIVE APPT Cambodia

  Location: Cambodia

  Dates: May 5th to 15th

  Main Event Buy-In: 1500$

  Schedule: PokerStars LIVE APPT Cambodia 2023 Schedule

Key Events

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Highlighting the festival is the APPT Cambodia Main Event which features a $400,000 guarantee. It runs from May 12 to 15 with a buy in of $1,500. At last year's inaugural APPT Cambodia, the festival amassed over $1.3 Million with the Main Event paying out nearly half a million dollars. Canadian player Alexander Puchalski emerged the first champion for a payout of $96K.

The festival hits the ground running with the $50,000 guaranteed APPT NagaWorld Kickoff event from May 5 to 7. Buy in is $350. This is followed by the highly popular APPT National which runs on May 7 to 10. For a buy in of $800 players have a chance at the $100,000 guaranteed prize pool.

High Roller Events

Players with deep pockets will also be glad to hear that two high roller events were confirmed. The APPT Cambodia Super High Roller is scheduled for May 10 to 11. With a buy in of $10,000, it is the most expensive event of the series. Bookending the festival is the APPT High Roller which runs from May 14 to 15. Buy in is $5,000.

As early as now, players can start qualifying for APPT Cambodia 2023 events via PokerStars online poker platform. You can also start booking accommodations at NagaWorld Phnom Penh.