



Poker Dream Manila 2023: Live Updates

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Warm Up – End of Day 1 chip counts

Buy in: PH₱ 15,000 (~US$ 270)
Guarantee: PH₱ 54,000
Entries: 314
Prize pool: PH₱ 4,158,000 (~US$ 74,870)
ITM: 48 players

Flight A: 60 entries / 9 advanced
Flight B: 179 entries / 27 advanced
Flight C: 75 entries / 12 advanced

1 David Jansen Erquiaga Philippines 811,000
2 Xiyu Xie China 352,000
3 Ephraim John Guevarra Philippines 316,500
4 Christopher Mateo Philippines 313,000
5 Victor Guevara Lansag Philippines 289,000
6 Tsai Wei-Jung China 257,000
7 Jessie Leonarez Philippines 249,000
8 Edgar Asehan Philippines 246,000
9 Ferdinand Aguinaldo Philippines 227,000
10 Cezar Quiambao Ii Philippines 221,000
11 Duhan Lee Korea, South 213,000
12 Wai Keong Yong Malaysia 208,000
13 Geeheon Lee Korea 207,500
14 Janno Eliel Alvarez Philippines 199,000
15 Michael Bueza Philippines 199,000
16 Ricardo Singapan Philippines 198,000
17 James Leong Theng Aik Malaysia 197,000
18 Maxwell Rosete Philippines 194,000
19 Edwin Dela Cruz Philippines 191,000
20 Joseph William Magnotti USA 170,000
21 Mike Takayama Philippines 162,000
22 Alfredo Boligor Philippines 148,000
23 Junnie Pamplona Philippines 137,000
24 Wai Loong Lee Malaysia 128,000
25 Ryan Patrick Mc Allister United States 120,000
26 Jeffrey Calonge Philippines 118,000
27 Aifonso Baja Philippines 116,000
28 Alan Tsang Hong Kong 116,000
29 Danilo Ola Philippines 112,000
30 Joseph Talamayan Philippines 105,000
31 Cheong Yew Lee Malaysia 97,000
32 Chao Yan China 97,000
33 Chierro De Leon Philippines 97,000
34 Edmil Marcelo Philippines 93,000
35 Xia Oi Philippines 86,000
36 John Paul Flores Philippines 70,500
37 Jester Intia Philippines 70,000
38 Kannapong Thanarattrakul Thailand 70,000
39 Li Jun Zhang China 69,000
40 Richard Marquez Philippines 66,000
41 Wai Loon Ng Malaysia 65,500
42 Bryan Khoo Hou Hyin Malaysia 63,000
43 Kenny Kevin Richard Malaysia 62,500
44 Renato Alcano Philippines 61,000
45 John Niko Costiniano Philippines 56,000
46 Jie Jun Zhang China 52,000
47 Siew Key Yee Malaysia 42,000
48 Ahmadi Muqsith Indonesia 31,000


Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly. Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.

Warm Up – Final Day

Filipino Ricardo Singapan clinches the Poker Dream Manila Warm Up Event!

Warmup Final Day 27
Ricardo Singapan

On the ninth hour, Ricardo Singapan eliminated Ryan McAllister to seize the first Poker Dream side event trophy at the Warm Up and a career high tournament payout of PH₱ 807,700 (~US$ 14,500). 

 21:55: Ryan McAllister eliminated in 2nd place for PH₱ 514,000 (~US$ 9,230)
Level 32: 100,000-200,000, 200,000 ante

Warmup Final Day 154
Ryan McAllister

After taking a hit to his stack, Ryan McAllister is all in with Qs10d, Ricardo Singapan slightly ahead with QcJs, the final board fans 7h7c3dJh9d.

Ryan McAllister – eliminated in 2nd place for PH₱ 514,000 (~US$ 9,230). 

21:50: Ricardo Singapan sends McAllister plunging
Level 32: 100,000-200,000, 200,000 ante

Ricardo Singapan limps in, big blind Ryan McAllister checks. Both players check the flop 8hJsQh. On the Qs turn, McAllister leads out for 350,000, Singapan answers with a raise to 700,000, back to McAllister with a three-bet jam to which Singapan quickly called.

Singapan Qd3h trips
McAllister 10dJd  draw

The river 8d is no help to McAllister to plunge to 750,000, Singapan soars to 7,000,000

21:41: Heads up begins! Ricardo Singapan versus Ryan McAllister
Level 32: 100,000-200,000, 200,000 ante

Ryan McAllister – 5,000,000
Ricardo Singapan – 2,900,000

21:40: Jessie Leonarez out in 3rd place for PH₱ 382,000 (~US$ 6,855)
Level 32: 100,000-200,000, 200,000 ante

Warmup Final Day 168
Jessie Leonarez

Small blind Ryan McAllister shoves with Kd8d, big blind Jessie Leonarez risks it all with 10d10c. The board run 4d2h6cKh5s for a higher pair spiked by McAllister. Leonraez is eliminated.

Ryan McAllister – 5,800,000
Jessie Leonarez – eliminated in 3rd place for PH₱ 382,000 (~US$ 6,855)

21:25: Ricardo Singapan gets back at McAllister
Level 31: 100,000-150,000, 150,000 ante

Small blind Ryan McAllister shoves with Ac2h, big blind Ryan McAllister calls with Kh4h. The board runs Js2dAsJd2c for a double up to Singapan.

Ricardo Singapan – 2,130,000
Ryan McAllister – 1,800,000

21:15: Ryan McAllister chunks Singapan to 3 bb
Level 31: 100,000-150,000, 150,000 ante

Small blind Ricardo Singapan goes all in with Qh9c to battle with, big blind Ryan McAllister calls with Ah5h. The board runs 10d6cAdAs10d.

Ryan McAllister – 3,600,000
Ricardo Singapan – 490,000

20:50: Jeffrey Calonge stopped in 4th place for PH₱ 309,000 (~US$ 5,550)
Level 30: 60,000-120,000, 120,000 ante

Warmup Final Day 59 1
Jeffrey Calonge

Button player Jessie Leonarez limps, big blind Jeffrey Calonge checks, the flop runs 4c2s3s. Leonarez bets 150,000, Calonge check-raises to 300,000, Leonarez three-bets all in, Calonge calls for his tournament life.

Leonarez Ks8s flush draw
Calonge 3c3d set

The turn 6s grants the flush and with the river 8c, Calonge is eliminated in 4th place.

Jessie Leonarez – 4,350,000
Jeffrey Calonge – eliminated in 4th place for PH₱ 309,000 (~US$ 5,550)

20:30: Jeffrey Calonge stages a comeback
Level 29: 50,000-100,000, 100,000 ante

After losing nearly all of his stack, Jeffrey Calonge went on a spree to try to recover some of the lost chips. He started by winning a double up off Jessie Leonarez with 9c{0h} beating 3h3c. Several hands later, he picked another pot off Leonarez to rise to 1,600,000.

20:15: Jeffrey Calonge plunges, McAllister soars
Level 29: 50,000-100,000, 100,000 ante

Under the gun Ryan McAllister shoves with JdJs, big blind Jeffrey Calonge calls with 6d6s. The board runs 9dAc2h7sAd for Jacks to stay ahead. McAllister ships a big double as Calonge plunges to 2.5 bb.

Ryan McAllister – 2,700,000
Jeffrey Calonge – 250,000

19:35: Cezar Quiambao eliminated in 5th place – PH₱ 244,000 (~US$ 4,380)
Level 28: 40,000-80,000, 80,000 ante

Warmup Final Day 123 1
Cezar Quiambao

Cezar Quiambao shoves from the button with Ad4h, he is called by small blind Ricardo Singapan with KcKh. No bad beats arrive for Sinagapan to ship it and Quiambao to ship out.

Ricardo Singapan – 2,300,000
Cezar Quiambao – eliminated in 5th place for PH₱ 244,000 (~US$ 4,380)

19:20: Jessie Leonarez doubles through McAllister
Level 28: 40,000-80,000, 80,000 ante

Warmup Final Day 74
Jessie Leonarez

Small blind Ryan McAllister raises to 240,000, big blind Jessie Leonarez three-bets all in with 6h6c, McAllister calls with Ad3d. With the board running 4c9s4d10c8s, Leonarez’s pocket pair is good for a doube up

Jessie Leonarez – 1,100,000
Ryan McAllister – 1,330,000

19:15: Jeffrey Calonge scores a big pot against McAllister 
Level 27: 30,000-60,000, 60,000 ante

From under the gun, Ryan McAllister riases to 130,000, big blind Jeffrey Calonge defends, the flop runs 9c9dAs. McAllister c-bets 60,000, Calonge check-calls. On the turn 8s, Calonge switches up and bets 200,000, McAllister calls. On the river 2s, Calonge fires another 200,000, McAllister calls. Calonge opens Qh9s trips, McAllister mucks.

Jeffrey Calonge – 2,750,000
Ryan McAllister – 1,500,000

19:00: McAllister chunks Leonarez
Level 27: 30,000-60,000, 60,000 ante

From under the gun, Jessie Leonarez raises to 120,000, button player calls, big blind Ryan McAllister three-bets all in, Leonarez calls for his tournament life.

Leonarez AcQc
McAllister 8d8h

The board runs 10c3h6d3d7h, Leonarez misses the board to plunge to 6 bb.

Ryan McAllister – 2,300,000
Jessie Leonarez – 350,000

18:40 Danilo Ola out in 6th place – PH₱ 183,200 (~US$ 3,280)
Level 26: 25,000-50,000, 50,000 ante

Warmup Final Day 120 1
Danilo Ola

Danilo Ola had a good run but it was cut short of the title in two losing hands. The first one was up against Ryan McAllister who jammed from cutoff and limper Ola called.

Ola 6s6d
McAllister As10s

The board ran 10dAcJdKdJs for McAllister to win the flip. Following that hand, three-bet shoves with QhJc, Jeffrey Calonge calls with Ah10s, both players miss the board entirely. Ola busts.

Ryan McAllister – 1,200,000
Jeffrey Calonge – 2,650,000
Danilo Ola – eliminated in 6th place for PH₱ 183,200 (~US$ 3,280)

18:20: Wei Jung Tsai eliminated in 7th place – PH₱ 136,000 (~US$ 2,440)
Level 25: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante

Warmup Final Day 108
Wei Jung Tsai

Cutoff Jeffrey Calonge raises to 110,000, small blind Wei Jung Tsai and big blind calls. At the flop 3s9h6c, blinds check to the aggressor Calonge who c-bets 220,000. Tsai answers with a check-raise to 540,000, bb folds, Calonge calls. On the turn 4d Tsai moves all in, Calonge calls.

Tsai 5s6s
Calonge QcQs

The river Ac is no help to Tsai to bust out.

Jeffrey Calonge – 2,550,000
Wei Jung Tsai – eliminated in 7th place for PH₱ 136,000 (~US$ 2,440)

18:10: Ricardo Singapan gets max with rockets
Level 25: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante

Preflop war starts with Wei Jung Tsai bumping it up to 90,000, small blind calls, big blind Ricardo Singapan three-bets to 290,000, Tsai four-bet jams, sb folds, Singapan calls.

Tsai AdKd
Singapan AhAc

The board runs out 5s10h9c7cJc for a huge double up to Singapan.

Ricardo Singapan – 2,100,000
Wei Jung Tsai – 900,000

18:00: Cheong Yew Lee out in 8th place PH₱ 100,000 (~US$ 1,795)
Level 25: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante

Warmup Final Day 105
Cheong Yew Lee

From button position, Cheong Yew Lee jams, small blind Wei Jung Tsai re-jams, big blind Jessie Leonarez joins for a three-way party.

Lee QcQs
Tsai 5c3c
Leonarez AhJh

The board runs out 10d3dKhQdJd and with none of the players holding a diamond, Leonarez’s straight wins to score the side pot against Tsai and the main pot to boot Lee.

Jessie Leonarez – 1,100,000
Wei Jung Tsai – 1,170,000
Cheong Yew Lee – eliminated in 8th place for PH₱ 100,000 (~US$ 1,795)

17:50: David Erquiaga eliminated in 9th place – PH₱ 83,100 (~US$ 1,490)
Level 25: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante

Warmup Final Day 114
David Erquiaga

End of the line for the day’s entering chip leader David Erquiaga who pushes with Js7s that fails to improve against Jeffrey Calonge’s AcKs.

Jeffrey Calonge – 1,150,000
David Erquiaga – eliminated in 9th place for PH₱ 83,100 (~US$ 1,490)

17:30: Danilo Ola spikes two-outer
Level 24: 15,000-30,000, 30,000 ante

Lojack player raises to 60,00, hijack Cheong Yew Leong three-bets to 200,000, big blind Danilo Ola calls, initial raiser folds. At the flop 2cKs2h, Ola jams, Leong calls, Ola behind 8c8d to Leong’s JcJd. The turn 7h is no help to Ola but the river 8s is the much needed two-outer to survive elimination.

Danilo Ola – 1,000,000
Cheong Yew Leong – 170,000

 17:15: Final 9 players
Level 24: 15,000-30,000, 30,000 ante

Warmup Final Day 24 1

Final 9 By seat

1 Ricardo Singapan Philippines
2 David Erquiaga Philippines
3 Jeffrey Calonge Philippines
4 Ryan Patrick Mc Allister USA
5 Cheong Yew Lee Malaysia
6 Wei-Jung Tsai China
7 Jessie Leonarez Philippines
8 Cezar Quiambao Philippines
9 Danilo Ola Philippines

17:10: Xiyu Xie misses the final table, falls in 10th place
Level 24: 15,000-30,000, 30,000 ante

Warmup Final Day 147
Xiyu Xie

Cutoff Xiyu Xie raises to 70,000, button player Cheong Yew Lee calls, the flop is 6hAd4h. Xie shoves, Lee calls. Xie has JhJc, Lee with Ah5c top pair, the turn 7s and river 10d is no help to Xie to settle for 10th place.

Cheong Yew Leong – 710,000
Xiyu Xie – eliminated in 10th place for PH₱ 69,800 (~US$ 1,250)

17:00: Michael Bueza eliminated in 11th place
Level 24: 15,000-30,000, 30,000 ante

Warmup Final Day 122
Michael Bueza

Button player Michael Bueza sends it all in preflop with 9d9h to battle with, big blind David Erquiaga calls with KdQh. The board runs Kh4hAs4c7s for a higher pair spiked by Erquiaga.

David Erquiaga – 1,150,000
Michael Bueza – eliminated in 11th place for PH₱ 69,800 (~US$ 1,250)

16:45: Wai Keong Yong eliminated in 12th place
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

Warmup Final Day 144 1
Wai Keong Yong

Battle of the blinds ends with Wai Keong Yong out in 12th place. Small blind Yong raises to 55,000, big blind David Erquiaga three-bet jams, Yong calls for his tournament life.

Yong 4c4d
Erquiaga Ah2h

The board is kind to Erquiaga as it runs 2s7s8h2d8d for a victorious full house to end Yong.

David Erquiaga – 1,000,000
Wai Keong Yong – eliminated in 12th place for PH₱ 69,800 (~US$ 1,250)

16:40: Ryan McAllister drags in a good pot
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

Warmup Final Day 89 1
Ryan McAllister

From under the gun, Ryan McAllister min-raises to 50,000, button player Xiyu Xie and small blind both call. At the flop Qs2c4h, McAllister c-bets 55,000, Xie raises to 110,000, sb folds, McAllister calls. On the turn 3c, more bets land with Xie betting 55,000 and McAllister check-calling. Both players opt to check the 7c river. Xie has Qh8d top pair but is outkicked by McAllister’s Kd[qc}.

Ryan McAllister – 950,000
Xiyu Xie – 450,000

16:35: Wai Leong Lee out in 13th place
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

Warmup Final Day 107
Wai Leong Lee

Button player Wei Jung Tsai raises to 55,000, small blind calls, big blind Wai Leong Lee three-bets all in, Tsai four-bet jams, small blind folds.

Lee QhJc
Tsai Jh10c

The cards land Qs9dKs8d9h for a straight to Tsai and the exit for Lee

Wei Jung Tsai – 1,400,000
Wai Leong Lee – eliminated in 13th place for PH₱ 61,500 (~US$ 1,100)

16:30: Victor Guevarra out in 14th place
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

Warmup Final Day 136
Victor Guevarra

In an earlier hand, Victor Guevarra paid Ryan McAllister a costly double up with Ad8d unable to improve against JdJh. This sent McAllister soaring to 66,000 and Guevarra down to 16 big blinds. He proceeded to drop further and busted in 14th place to Xiyu Xie.

Xiyu Xie – 750,000
Victor Guevarra – eliminated in 14th place for PH₱ 55,200 (~US$990)

16:20: Ephraim Guevarra eliminated in 15th place
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

Warmup Final Day 111
Ephraim Guevarra

Ephraim Guevarra three-bet all in and Cezar Quiambao calls. Guevarra is behind As8s to Quiambao’s AcKs. The board runs Kh3c3h7s10c to end Guevarra’s run.

Cezar Quiambao – 1,250,000
Ephraim Guevarra – eliminated in 15th place for PH₱ 55,200 (~US$990)

16:00: Janno Alvarez out in 16th place
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

Warmup Final Day 113
Janno Alvarez

All in preflop, short stacked Janno Alvarez 4s7h finds no luck on the board to fall to Jeffrey Calonge KhQh.

Jeffrey Calonge – 550,000
Janno Alvarez – eliminated in 16th place for PH₱ 49,000 (~US$ 880)

15:50: Xiao Oi out in 17th place
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

From under the gun Xiao Oi goes in preflop with KcQs, small blind Wai Keong Yong calls with Ac8c, the board lands 10c5d2h5h2s. No hits for Oi to bust.

Wai Keong Yong – 750,000
Xiao Oi – eliminated in 17th place for PH₱ 49,000 (~US$ 880)

15:45: Danilo Ola on a knockout spree, Thanarattrakul eliminated
Level 21: 10,000-15,000, 15,0000 ante

52849424905 57f46dcdbe k
Kannapong Thanarattrakul

All in preflop, Kannapong Thanarattrakul is at risk with As10c against Danilo Ola’s 7h7c, the board comes Qd7d4c8sKd.

Danilo Ola – 970,000
Kannapong Thanarattrakul – eliminated in 18th place for – PH₱ 43,200 (~US$ 775)

15:40: Another takedown by Ola
Level 21: 10,000-15,000, 15,0000 ante

Danilo Ola added another bust to his counter with Edwin Dela Cruz getting the boot. After a preflop betting war, Dela Cruz was all in with 4c4s, Ola with AdKd for a race. The board spreads 4hAcKc6sKh for a higher full house to Ola.

Danilo Ola – 700,000
Edwin Dela Cruz – eliminated in 19th place

15:35: Danilo Ola rails Magnotti
Level 21: 10,000-15,000, 15,0000 ante

All in preflop, Danilo Ola 8c8d, Joseph Magnotti Ac9h, the board runs {9dQdJd2dJc for a straight on the river to Ola.

Danilo Ola – 535,000
Joseph Magnotti – eliminated in 21st place

15:30: Big stacks
Level 20: 6,000-12,000, 12,000 ante

Victor Guevarra – 800,000
Wai Keong Yong – 790,000
Cheong Yew Lee – 750,000
Ephraim Guevarra – 630,000
Wei Jung Tsai – 550,000

14:45: Cezar Quiambao wins three-way, Takayama out
Level 19: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

Warmup Final Day 16 2
Cezar Quiambao

Three way all in.

Mike Takayama 3s3c
Cezar Quiambao KcKs
Danilo Ola AdQd

The board is 9sJs2c5h4d. Kings hold.

Cezar Quiambao – 510,000
Danilo Ola – 370,000
Mike Takayama – eliminated

14:20: Ricardo Singapan cleans out Muqsith
Level 19: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

Ahmedi Muqsith shoves with 8h8s, Ricardo Singapan joins the shovefest with 10c10d, the board runs 9sQd3dQc6d.

Ricardo Singapan – 230,000
Ahmedi Muqsith – eliminated in 29th place

13:55: Jessie Leonarez doubles through Erquiaga
Level 18: 4,000-8,000, 8,000 ante

The day’ entering massive chip leader David Erquiaga has been brought down to earth by Jessie Leonarez. It’s all in preflop with Leonarez ahead 10c10s, Erquiaga attempting to eliminate with {ah|}10h, the board is Queen-high.

Jessie Leonarez – 450,000
David Erquiaga -510,000

13:50: Michael Bueza beats Lee’s aces
Level 18: 4,000-8,000, 8,000 ante

Micheal Sueza
Michael Bueza

From under the gun, Michael Bueza limps then calls big blind Douhan Lee’s 20,000 raise. With the board running 3hJhKh6dQc, Lee bets every stage 16k, 26k, 39k, Bueza calls him down. Lee shows AhAs,  Bueza ships it with Jc3c two pair.

Michael Bueza – 300,000

13:45: Yong and Leong stand behind small pockets pairs
Level 18: 4,000-8,000, 8,000 ante

From cutoff, Wai Keong Yong riases to 17,000, both blinds call. At the flop 7h7c9s, big blind James Leong bets 17,000, Yong calls, small blind folds. On the turn Kh, Leong switches up and this time check-calls Yong’s 22,000 bet. The river 8s, more chips go in the pot. Yong bets 32,000, Leong calls. Yong shows 3c3s, Leong wins the pot with 5c5h.

James Leong – 200,000

13:35: Cheong Yew Lee rails Asehan
Level 18: 4,000-8,000, 8,000 ante

Mid position Cheong Yew Lee opens for 25,000, small blind Edgar Asehan calls, the flop runs Ac3d4c. Ashehan check-calls 25,000. On the turn Jc, Asehan check-raises all in with AsKs top pair, Lee calls with Qc5c draw. The river is 6h.

Cheong Yew Lee – 420,000
Edgar Asehan – eliminated in 40th place

13:28: Cheong Yew Lee dominated Dela Cruz
Level 17: 3,000-6,000, 6,000 ante

Mid position opens for 14,000, button Edwin Dela Cruz three-bets to 35,000, small blind Cheong Yew Lee four-bets all in, initial raiser folds while Dela Cruz calls.

Lee JcJs
Dela Cruz 10c10d

The board runs 9c2hAhKd7d for a double up to Lee.

Cheong Yew Lee – 200,000

13:25: Wei-Jung Tsai rails Geeheon Lee
Level 17: 3,000-6,000, 6,000 ante

End of the line for Geeheon Lee with Ah7c losing the race against Wei-Jung Tsai’s KhQs on a board running Js7hKc9d6h.

Wei Jung Tsai – 320,000
Geeheon Lee – eliminated in 47th place

13:15: Wai Keon Yong wins the flip
Level 17: 3,000-6,000, 6,000 ante

Warmup Final Day 2
Wai Keon Yong

From under the gun, Geeheon Lee raises and is joined to the flop Ad7c9c by utg+1 Wai Keon Yong. Lee opts to check, Yong takes a stab with 12,000, Lee calls. Both players check the turn Js to bring the river Qs. Lee switches up and sends out 60,000, Yong calls. Lee has 3c3d, Yong wins the pot with AsKc.

Wai Keon Yong – 420,000
Geeheon Lee – 120,000

13:10: Kannapong Thanarattrakul sends Yee out first
Level 17: 3,000-6,000, 6,000 ante

Warmup Final Day 1 Ten minutes into the first level of Day 2, short stacked Siew Key Yee shoved on the button with AhQh, big blind Thai big wig Kannapong Thanarattrakul called from the big blind with 10s4d, With the cards coming 10d4c3hJs7d, Yee was first to cash out.

Siew Key Yee – eliminated in 48th place
Kannapong Thanarattrakul – 100,000

13:05: Duhan Lee takes some from Singapan
Level 17: 3,000-6,000, 6,000 ante

From mid position, Duhan Lee limped, big blind Ricardo Singapan raised to 14,000, back to Lee with the call. At the flop 5cAh7s, Singapan slowed to a check, Lee bet 15,000, Singapan called. On the turn, same action with Lee betting 25,000 and getting check-called. The river 2s, both checked, Singapan had JdJh, Lee won the pot with AdJs.

Duhan Lee – 270,000
Singapan – 130,000

13:00: Cards in the air!
Level 17: 3,000-6,000, 6,000 ante

Warmup Final Day 16 1

The first Poker Dream title is up for grabs! Welcome to the final day of the Warm Up event! 48 players out of 314 entries are back on the felt, all of them ready to chase down the bragging rights first win and the PH₱ 807,000 (~US$ 14,500) champion’s purse.

Leading the charge with an uber-massive stack is Filipino lion David Erquiaga who has been tearing up the felt around Asia since last year. Erquiaga enters with a jaw dropping 135 big blinds which players will attempt to shave down. Given the pro’s impressive stats it will be tough a challenge for all.

Running second in chips is China’s Xiyu Xie who enters with 58 bb. We will keep a close watch to see how she fares on her first tournament in the country. Here are the top 10 in chips.

Buy in: PH₱ 15,000 (~US$ 270)
Guarantee: PH₱ 54,000
Entries: 314
Prize pool: PH₱ 4,158,000 (~US$ 74,870)
ITM: 48 players

Chips in play: 7,850,000
Average stack: 163,540

Top 10 in chips entering the final day

1 David Jansen Erquiaga Philippines 811,000
2 Xiyu Xie China 352,000
3 Ephraim John Guevarra Philippines 316,500
4 Christopher Mateo Philippines 313,000
5 Victor Guevara Lansag Philippines 289,000
6 Tsai Wei-Jung China 257,000
7 Jessie Leonarez Philippines 249,000
8 Edgar Asehan Philippines 246,000
9 Ferdinand Aguinaldo Philippines 227,000
10 Cezar Quiambao Ii Philippines 221,000

Seat Draw for Day 2

Ephraim John Guevarra 316,500 1 1
Jeffrey Calonge 118,000 1 2
Chierro De Leon 97,000 1 3
Jiejun Zhang 52,000 1 4
John Niko Costiniano 56,000 1 5
Aifonso Martin Baja 116,000 1 6
Jessie Leonarez 249,000 1 7
Maxwell Philippe Rosete 194,000 1 8
John Paul Flores 70,500 2 1
Lijun Zhang 69,000 2 2
Wei-Jung Tsai 257,000 2 3
Jester Intia 70,000 2 4
Janno Eliel Alvarez 199,000 2 5
Joseph Talamayan 105,000 2 6
Ryan Patrick Mc Allister 120,000 2 7
Joseph William Magnotti 170,000 2 8
Ahmadi Muqsith 31,000 3 1
Geeheon Lee 207,500 3 2
Wai Keong Yong 208,000 3 3
Alan Honyin Tsang 116,000 3 4
Oi Xia 86,000 3 5
Victor Guevara Lansag 289,000 3 6
Theng Aik James Leong 197,000 3 7
Michael Bueza 199,000 3 8
Kannapong Thanarattrakul 70,000 4 1
Wai Loong Lee 128,000 4 2
Wai Loon Ng 65,500 4 3
Christopher Mateo 133,000 4 4
Danilo Ola 112,000 4 5
Ronato Alcano 61,000 4 6
Siew Key Yee 42,000 4 7
Cezar Ii Quiambao 221,000 4 8
Duhan Lee 213,000 5 1
Richard Marquez 66,000 5 2
Bryan Khoo Hou Hyin 63,000 5 3
Chao Yan 97,000 5 4
Ferdinand Aguinaldo 227,000 5 5
Xiyu Xie 325,000 5 6
Ricardo Singapan 198,000 5 7
Kenny Kevin Richard 62,500 5 8
Edwin Dela Cruz 191,000 6 1
Cheong Yew Lee 97,000 6 2
Alfredo Boligor 148,000 6 3
Edmil Marcelo 93,000 6 4
Junnie Pamplona 137,000 6 5
Edgar Asehan Jr. 246,000 6 6
David Erquiaga 811,000 6 7
Mike Takayama 162,000 6 8

Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly. Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.

Crazy Weekend Day 1A

The Crazy Weekend tournament featuring a PH₱ 4,000,000 (~US$ 71,800) guarantee filled a large portion of the floor as 119 signed up to Day 1A. With only 15% eligible for the next stage of the race, it was a hard grind to claim one of the 18 spots.

Just before the tenth hour of play, the bubble burst with Scott Hess scooping up with pocket Aces. This gave him the second largest stack of the day. Bagging the chip lead was Korea’s Duhan Lee who secured his second cash of the series. He placed 22nd at the Warm Up event.

Crazy Weekend 105
Duhan Lee

Date: April 28, 2023
Buy in: PH₱ 25,000 (~US$ 460)
Guarantee: PH₱ 4,000,000 (~US$ 71,800)
Day 1A entries: 119

End of Day 1A survivors – 18 players

1 Duhan Lee Korea 540,000
2 Scott Michael Hess USA 366,000
3 Florencio Campomanes Philippines 339,000
4 Jongmin Won Korea 285,000
5 Jayvon  Carreon Philippines 273,000
6 Raymundo Gomez Jr Philippines 234,000
7 Joseph Talamayan Philippines 232,000
8 Jose Colada III Philippines 215,000
9 Jeongmin Park Korea 175,000
10 Johnson Tan Philippines 140,000
11 Ryan McAllister USA 137,000
12 Christopher Mateo Philippines 119,000
13 Sang Won Song Korea 110,000
14 Jimmy Johan Philippines 94,000
15 Keijiro Shimojo Japan 93,000
16 Rio Kitaoji Japan 68,000
17 Adones Carmona Philippines 67,000
18 Darren Ong Abdullah Malaysia 54,000

Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly. Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.

Crazy Weekend Day 1B

Entries: 190
Starting stack: 30,000
Chips in play 5,700,000
ITM: 29 players

00:30: Evan Hong delivers the bubble, Day 1B ends
Level 16: 3000-6000, 6000 ante

Crazy Weekend Day 1B 9

Under the gun player shoves with 9c9s, big blind Evan Hong snaps with [qc}Qd, the board runs 6h8c7s6dAs to crash the utg’s hopes on the bubble.

Evan Hong – 250,000

That ends Day 1B with 29 players now bagging up. Liew Lee Wee is heat leader with 718,000 in chips.

Crazy Weekend Day 1B 10
Lee Wee Liew

End of Day 1B survivors – 29 players

Lee Wee Liew Malaysia 718,000
Jarvinen Jukka Tapani Finland 355,000
Maxwell Philippe Rosete Philippines 350,000
Kah Yew Teng Malaysia 341,000
Christopher Martin Philippines 321,000
Andrej Nagy Philippines 316,000
Alfredo Boligor Philippines 314,000
Kyongrok Moon Korea, South 295,000
Yehonatan Behor Israel 287,000
Richard Bati Tolentino Taiwan 254,000
Kwok Wai Wong Hong Kong 248,000
Edmil Marcelo Philippines 204,000
Lloyd Locsin Philippines 181,000
Anton Welo Norway 166,000
Foo Kuen Chong Malaysia 135,000
Jonathan Tek-Wye Looi Malaysia 129,000
Jiego Erquiaga Philippines 128,000
Bell John Perez Philippines 112,000
Akira Matsuo Japan 112,000
Yu Chen Hong Kong 98,000
Po Hsun Liao Taiwan 95,000
Joseph William Magnotti United States 82,000
Tung Duy Nguyen Duy Vietnam 82,000
Gary Pound Thomas United Kingdom 82,000
Emmanuel Segismundo Philippines 69,000
Kento Sato Japan 68,000
Wai Keong Yong Malaysia 58,000
Jonald Garcia Philippines 48,000
Suya Lee Korea, South 31,000

 00:25: Maxwell Rosete chunks one 
Level 16: 3000-6000, 6000 ante

Cutoff Maxwell Rosete wakes up with QcQs and min-raises, button three-bet jams with Ah6c, the board fans 7dJc10h7s2s for the ladies to hold.

Maxwell Rosete – 350,000
Button – 50,000

00:10: Teng Kah Yew rails one
Level 16: 3000-6000, 6000 ante

Three spots to the money, Teng Keh Yew is all in with 7d7s that dominates a shorter stack’s 6s6h. The board runs 9h9s4c3sKd.

Teng Keh Yew – 350,000

23:55: Christopher Martin rails Marquez
Level 16: 3000-6000, 6000 ante

Cutoff raises to 12,000, small blind Richard Marquez three-bet jams, big blind Christopher Martin four-bet jams, cutoff folds, Marquez attempt to steal blunders and shows Jd5c, Martin way ahead with QhQc. The board comes 7sJc9hKsAd, Marquez is eliminated.

Christopher Martin – 300,000

23:35: Liew Lee Wee ships a three-way
Level 15: 2500-5000, 5000 ante

Crazy Weekend Day 1B 3

Cooler! Hijack all in with QdQc, button Liew Lee Wee AcAs, and small blind KcKs. The board runs Jh10s5h6c10c. Aces hold to ship it and eliminated the small blind.

Liew Lee Wee – 500,000

23:25: Sawada Nayuko gets lucky
Level 15: 2500-5000, 5000 ante

Cutoff raises to 12,000, button Sawada Nayuko three-bets all in with KdQc, cutoff calls with AhKs. With the board running 10dQs2hQh6h, Nayuko survives and doubles up with trips.

Sawada Nayuko – 150,000

22:45: Jigs Erquiaga dusts one
Level 14: 2000-4000, 4000 ante

Hijack is all in for 18,000, button and small blind call. No bets on the flop 6hQh7c, on the turn 2c, button bets 22,000, small blind folds. Erquiaga opens 2s2d set, hijack Ah10c and is drawing dead.

Jigs Erquiaga – 250,000

22:30: Jukka Jarvinen doubles up
Level 13: 1500-3000, 3000 ante

All in preflop, under the gun +1 is all in with AdQd, lojack Jukka Jarvinen risks it with AcJc.  The board runs KhKd2cQs10s for a straight to Jarvinen to double up.

Jukka Jarvinen – 140,000

22:20: Kyongrok Moon hits the flush for a double
Level 13: 1500-3000, 3000 ante

Under the gun Kyongrok Moon raises to 6500 and finds three callers to the flop 5d9c8d. Moon c-bets all in, only small blind joins the race.

Moon Kd10d flush draw
SB 9s10s top pair

Moon hits the flush on the Jd turn, and river Qc completes the board. Moon doubles up to 150,000, small blind drops to 20,000.

22:00:  Tung Duy Nguyen ships it
Level 12: 1000-2500, 2500 ante

Under the gun raises to 5,000, cutoff jams, small blind Tung Duy Nguyen four-bet shoves, utg folds.

Cutoff As10s
Nguyen AcJh

The board spreads 9c6c8s5d6d for Nguyen’s kicker to play and send one packing.

Tung Duy Nguyen – 150,000

 21:50: Richard Tolentino scores with Aces
Level 12: 1000-2500, 2500 ante

Lojack Richard Tolentino pushes all in with AhAc, shorter stacked cutoff joins in with Ks3s, the board is 6hJhAs2s4s, out goes cutoff.

Richard Tolentino – 120,000

21:30: Ricardo Torres knocks out two players
Level 11: 1000-2000, 2000 ante

From lojack, Ricardo Torres limps, small blind shoves, big blind shoves, back to Torres who calls.

SB 6d6h
Torres AhKs

The board lands 10cQcAdKc10s, Torres has the best two pair to ship it and send two players packing.

Ricardo Torres – 220,000

 21:05: 190 entries at Day 1B
Level 11: 1000-2000, 2000 ante

Crazy Weekend Day 1B 1

Crazy Weekend Day 1B closes with 190 entries, and combined with 119 Day 1A entries that brings the total to 309 entries. We will have the official prize pool and payouts shortly.

Day 1B plays down to 29 players.

Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly. Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.

Crazy Weekend Final Day

Christopher Mateo wins the Crazy Weekend title

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Christopher Mateo

Event info

Buy in: PH₱ 25,000 (~US$ 460)
Entries: 309
Prize pool: PH₱ 6,722,100 (~US$ 120,670
ITM / Final Day: 47 players

Final table payouts

Place Player Flag
Payouts in PHP
1 Christopher Mateo Philippines 1,071,000
2 Jose Colada III Philippines 1,071,000
3 Lloyd Locsin Philippines 623,000
4 Richard Tolentino Philippines 504,000
5 Jukka Jarvinen Finland 397,000
6 Jeongmin Park Korea 303,900
7 Raymundo Gomez Jr Philippines 223,000
8 Edmil Marcelo Philippines 164,000
9 Jayvon Carreon Philippines 134,500

Payouts 10th – 47th

10 Jiego Erquiaga philippines 113,000.00
11 Maxwell Philippe Rosete philippines 113,000.00
12 Kyongrok Moon Korea 99,600.00
13 Kah Yew Teng Malaysia 99,600.00
14 Yehonatan Behor Israel 89,400.00
15 Joseph Talamayan philippines 89,400.00
16 Kento Sato Japan 79,400.00
17 Christopher Martin USA 79,400.00
18 Yu Chen Hong Kong 69,500.00
19 Scott Hess USA 69,500.00
20 Lee Wee Liew Malaysia 69,500.00
21 Jimmy Johan Philippines 62,600.00
22 Johnson Tan Philippines 62,600.00
23 Duhan Lee Korea 62,600.00
24 Andrej Nagy Slovakia 55,800.00
25 Kwok Wai Wong Hong Kong 55,800.00
26 Rio Kitaoji Japan 55,800.00
27 Bell John Perez Philippines 55,800.00
28 Adones Carmona Philippines 49,100.00
29 Jongmin Won Korea, South 49,100.00
30 Florencio Campomanes Iv Philippines 49,100.00
31 Thomas Gary Pound United Kingdom 49,100.00
32 Foo Kuen Chong Malaysia 43,100.00
33 Tung Duy Nguyen Vietnam 43,100.00
34 Alfredo Boligor Philippines 43,100.00
35 Ryan Mcallister United States 43,100.00
36 Po Hsun Liao Taiwan 43,100.00
37 Jonathan Looi Malaysia 43,100.00
38 Akira Matsuo Japan 43,100.00
39 Jonald Garcia Philippines 43,100.00
40 Tor Anton Welo Norway 38,400.00
41 Joseph Magnotti USA 38,400.00
42 Keijiro Shimojo Japan 38,400.00
43 Emmanuel Segismundo Philippines 38,400.00
44 Suya Lee Korea 38,400.00
45 Darren Ong Abdullah Malaysia 38,400.00
46 Sang Won Song Korea 38,400.00
47 Wai Keong Yong Malaysia 38,400.00

Final 9 players
Level 25: 15,000-30,000, 30,000

Crazy Weekend Final Day 78

Seat 1: Jose Colada – Philippines – 1,000,000
Seat 2: Jukka Jarvinen – Finland – 700,000
Seat 3: Richard Tolentino – Philippines – 2,530,000
Seat 4: Edmil Marcelo – Philippines – 480,000
Seat 5: Christopher Mateo – Philippines – 1,500,000
Seat 6: Jeongmin Park – Korea – 650,000
Seat 7: Raymundo Gopez – Philippines – 300,000
Seat 8: Jayvon Carreon – Philippines – 635,000
Seat 9: Lloyd Locsin – Philippines – 850,000

Watch the livestream broadcasted in the Poker Dream facebook page

18:35: Jiego Erquiaga eliminated in 10th place – PHP 113,000
Level 25: 15,000-30,000, 30,000

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Jiego Erquiaga all in  on a flop 2d6s5c and is called by Jayvon Carreon. Erquiaga with As10h overcards, Carreon Js6h top pair. The turn Qs and river 5s is no help to Erquiaga to fall in 10th place for PHP 113,000.

18:25: Maxwell Rosete falls in 11th place – PHP 113,000
Level 25: 15,000-30,000, 30,000

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Maxwell Rosete

Down to crumbs, Maxwell Rosete goes all in with Jc8c and loses it all to Christopher Mateo As7c with an ace on the flop ensuring the bust. Rosete earns PHP 113,000 for his efforts.

18:20: Kyongrok Moon out in 12th place – PHP 99,600
Level 25: 15,000-30,000, 30,000

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Kyongrok Moon

Button player Kyongrok Moon opens, big blind Richard Tolentino three-bets to 150,000, Moon calls. At the flop 9d3d6c, Moon bets 275,000, Tolentino check-raises to 550,000, Moon puts the rest in.

Tolentino AdQh
Moon KdQd

The turn 7s and river Js ends Moon’s run as Tolentino ships a monster.

Richard Tolentino – 2,300,000
Kyongrok Moon – eliminated in 12th place for PHP 99,600

18:15: Kah Yew Teng busts in 13th place – PHP 99,600
Level 25: 15,000-30,000, 30,000

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Kah Yew Teng

All in preflop, Kah Yew Teng at risk with KcQd, Jukka Jarvinen ahead with AsQs, the board comes 3c6s10c9hQc.

18:10: Raymundo Gopez doubles through Rosete
Level 25: 15,000-30,000, 30,000

All in preflop, Raymundo Gopez with AcAd, Maxwell Rosete As7d, the board runs 7sJc3d9cJd for aces to hold and double up Gopez to 500,000.

18:00: Yehonatan Behor eliminated in 14th place 
Level 24: 10,000-25,000, 25,000

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Yehonatan Behor

Yehonatan Behor is all in preflop with JcJs and is called by Richard Tolentino with 2c2h. With the board running 5sAc3d6d4d, Tolentino celebrates his straight on the river to ship it and rail Behor.

Richard Tolentino – 1,500,000
Yehonatan Behor – eliminated in 14th place for PHP 89,400.

17:20: Christopher Mateo rails Sato
Level 23: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

End of the line for Kento Sato JsKh. having fallen to Christopher Mateo AsJh. All in preflop, the board is 8hQhJc3s10d.

Christopher Mateo – 1,000,000
Kento Sato – eliminated in 16th place

17:00: Jeongmin Park doubles through Locsin
Level 23: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

From cutoff, Jeongmin Park shoves his 278,000 stack, small blind Lloyd Locsin calls.

Park KcKh
Locsin JcJd

The board runs 10h6c6d7cAd for a double up to Park.

Jeongmin Park – 596,000
Lloyd Locsin – 608,000

16:55: Jayvon Carreon doubles through Gopez
Level 23: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

All in preflop, Jayvon Carreon QcQs, Raymundo Gopez AhJh, an ace lands on the turn 7h3c8hAd2d for a double up to Carreon.

Jayvon Carreon – 500,000
Raymundo Gopez – 820,000

16:40: Richard Tolentino rails Yu Chen
Level 23: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

All in preflop, Richard Tolentino 8h8c, Yu Chen Ah10h, board runs 4h2s8sQs7s. With no spade for either player, Tolentino ships it with the set. Chen is eliminated.

Richard Tolentino – 900,000
Yu Chen – eliminated in 18th place

16:30: Air over air: Yehonatan Behor versus Maxwell Rosete
Level 23: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

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Yehonatan Behor

Yehonatan Behor raises to 45,000 from hijack, big blind Maxwell Rosete defends. At the flop 2d6dKs, Behor c-bets 38,000, Rosete check-calls. No bets land on the Kc turn. The river Js, Rosete leads out 80,000, Behor calls, Rosete shows the failed bluff 5c8s. Behor wins it with better air Ah5s.

Yehonatan Behor – 860,000
Maxwell Rosete – 300,000

16:00: Raymundo Gopez delivers a double bust
Level 22: 10,000-15,000, 15,000 ante

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Raymundo Gopez

Three players all in preflop, Raymundo Gopez AcAs, Lee Wee Liew 10d10c, Jimmy Johan 5h8s. The board runs Qh9d7c5c3c. Gopez ships it and sends two packing simultaneously.

Raymundo Gopez – 900,000
Lee Wee Liew – eliminated in 20th place
Jimmy Johan – eliminated in 21st place

15:52: Jeongmin Park rails Tan
Level 21: 6,000-12,000, 12,000 ante

Under the gun Christopher Martin raises to 24,000, next to him Jeongmin Park three-bets to 65,000, button player Johnson Tan jams his short stack of 99,000, Martin folds.

Park AsKc
Tan KdQs

The board runs Ad9c3h3s7s.

Jeongmin Park – 452,000
Johnson Tan – eliminated

15:50: Christopher Mateo steamrolling, rails Duhan Lee
Level 21: 6,000-12,000, 12,000 ante

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Duhan Lee

Christopher Mateo is cruising here, claiming another good pot. From cutoff he raises to 26,000, big blind Duhan Lee three-bet jams, Mateo calls.

Lee 10d10s
Mateo KsQh

The board runs 8cKd6d5c7d, Mateo wins the flip.

Christopher Mateo – 830,000
Duhan Lee – eliminated in 23rd place

15:45: Christopher Mateo versus Jayvon Carreon 
Level 21: 6,000-12,000, 12,000 ante

From cutoff Christopher Mateo raises to 26,000, Jayvon Carreon defends on the big blind. At the flop 9hAc8c, Mateo c-bets 25,000 and is called. No bets land on the turn 3c for a free river card Ks. Carreon leads out 67,000, Mateo bumps it up to 200,000, Carreon folds.

Christopher Mateo – 740,000
Jayvon Carreon – 280,000

15:40: Rio Kitaoji falls to Locsin
Level 21: 6,000-12,000, 12,000 ante

Preflop action, hijack Lloyd Locsin raises to 24,000, cutoff Rio Kitaoji calls, the flop comes Qc9c6d. Locsin c-bets 30,000, Kitaoji raises to 90,000, Locsin jams, Kitaoji calls for his tournament life.

Locsin Qh9s
Kitaoji 6c6s

Kitaoji is ahead but with the turn Qd it is a higher full house to Locsin. The river 10h doesn’t help Kitaoji to bust out.

Lloyd Locsin – 364,000

15:30: Maxwell Rosete doubles through Marcelo
Level 21: 6,000-12,000, 12,000 ante

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Maxwell Rosete

From hijack, Maxwell Rosete raises to 25,000, small blind Edmil Marcelo calls. No bets on the flop QhQd10c for a free turn look 4d. Rosete bets 35,000, Marcelo check-calls. Same action on the 2c river with Rosete firing 150,000. Rosete shows 2s2d for a full house on the river. Marcelo mucks.

Maxwell Rosete – 700,000
Edmil Marcelo – 250,000

15:20: Christopher Martin wins the flip against Hong
Level 21: 6,000-12,000, 12,000 ante

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Christopher Martin

Button Christopher Martin shoves, small blind Evan Hong calls, Martin shows Kc8h, Hong with JdJh, the board runs 10sKd10dAc6s. Martin spikes the King for a double up.

Christopher Martin – 220,000
Evan Hong – 25,000

15:10: Lloyd Locsin rails Perez
Level 20: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

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Lloyd Locsin

All in preflop, Bell John Perez KsQc, Lloyd Locsin AcKh, the board runs 7dAd10sQh3c. Locsin rises to 452,000.

15:00: Rio Kitaoji chunks Hess
Level 20: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

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Rio Kitaoji

From cutoff, Rio Kitaoji raises to 20,000 and big blind Scott Hess defends. On the flop 9dJd7s, Hess leads out 30,000, Kitaoji calls. On the turn 2s, Hess bets 40,000, Kitaoji shoves, Hess tank-calls.

Kitaoji – Ks10s
Hess – Jh10d

The river 6s further improves Kitaoji to a flush for a double up.

Rio Kitaoji – 191,000
Scott Hess – 19,000

14:45: Yu Chen doubles through 
Level 19: 4,000-8,000, 8,000 ante

Yu Chen AsKc all in, the caller has AdQh, the board runs low for a double up.

Yu Chen – 650,000

14:30: Another one for Joseph Talamayan
Level 19: 4,000-8,000, 8,000 ante

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Joseph Talamayan has cleaned out another player with 8d8s winning the flip against a player’s AdJc. He rises to 450,000.

14:15: Joseph Talamayan takes one down
Level 19: 4,000-8,000, 8,000 ante

All in preflop, Joseph Talamayan AcJc, at risk player with AdKs, the board runs 2cAs5sJs8h.

Joseph Talamayan – 330,000

14:05: Christopher Mateo continues to rise
Level 19: 4,000-8,000, 8,000 ante

52857172557 7e6a59b742 k

‘From hijack, Christopher Mateo raises to 16,000 and finds two callers in the blinds. At the flop Ac10dKd, small blind bets 27,000, big blind folds, Mateo calls. On the turn 3s, Mateo bets 40,000 and is check-called. The river 10h, Mateo fires 55,000, small blind folds. Mateo shows Ad as he ships it.

Christopher Mateo – 380,000

13:55: Kyongrok Moon doubles through Duhan Lee 
Level 19: 4,000-8,000, 8,000 ante

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Action folds hijack who raises to 27,000, small blind Duhan Lee calls, big blind Kyongrok Moon three-bets to 45,000, hijack folds, Lee calls. At the flop 8s2c9h. Lee checks, Moon c-bets 40,000, Lee calls. On the turn 5h, Moon jams, Lee check-calls.

Moon AsAd
Lee Jc9c

The turn 3c and river 5h completes the board for a double up to Moon.

Kyongrok Moon – 630,000
Duhan Lee – 220,000

13:45: Florencio Campomanes doubles through Gomez
Level 19: 4,000-8,000, 8,000 ante

After paying a double up to Mateo, Florencio Campomanes earns a boost of his own. From hijack, he pushes with 6d10d, small blind Raymundo Gomez calls with AsKs, the board brings a spread 5c5s3d7h4c for a straight to Campomanes.

Florencio Campomanes – 220,000
Raymundo Gomez – 130,000

13:40: Christopher Mateo doubles through Campomanes
Level 18: 3,000-6,000, 6,000 ante

Cutoff Alfredo Boligor raises to 15,000, Florencio Campomanes thee-bets to 45,000, small blind Christopher Mateo four-bet jams, Boligor folds, Campomanes calls.

Mateo 2d2c
Campomanes AsKc

The board runs out 2sJd4d3d5d.

Florencio Campomanes – 100,000
Christopher Mateo – 320,000

13:35: Andrej Nagy wins a good pot
Level 18: 3,000-6,000, 6,000 ante

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Superstack champion Andrej Nagy is attempting for his second title here and is on his way having scored a big pot. On a board showing 2h7dQhKs, he bets 30,000 and finds two callers, lojack and big blind. On the river 6d, the three players toss in another 50,000 each in the pot. Nagy has AdKc and wins the pot. He rises to 500,000

13:25: Richard Tolentino takes down one
Level 18: 3,000-6,000, 6,000 ante

Cutoff shoves his 15 bb with AdQd, button Richard Tolentino calls with 3d3c, the board runs Kh4d8dKs5s.

Richard Tolentino – 510,000

13:15: Anton Welo boots Lee
Level 18: 3,000-6,000, 6,000 ante

All in preflop with short stacked Suya Lee As10c and needs to pair up to survive Anton Welo’s JcJd. The board doesn’t grant it 2d6s2s5c9h.

Anton Welo – 160,000
Suya Lee – eliminated in 44th place

13:10: Jeongmin Park rails Segismundo
Level 18: 3,000-6,000, 6,000 ante

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Jeongmin Park

Emmanuel Segismundo all in preflop with two callers Scott Hess and Jeongmin Park making the call. At the flop and turn 10hKsQc6h, no side pot bets land. On the river 3s, Park bets, Hess folds, Park shows 3d3h set, Segismundo is eliminated with AhQh.

Jeongmin Park – 337,000
Scott Hess – 273,000
Emmanuel Segismundo – eliminated

13:07: Jose Colada rails Abdullah
Level 18: 3,000-6,000, 6,000 ante

Jose Colada ends short stacked Darren Ong Abdullah early with AhJc dominating 8s7c. He rises to 214,000.

13:05: Rio Kitaoji rails Yong
Level 18: 3,000-6,000, 6,000 ante

Preflop betting war leads to Rio Kitaoji AhJc putting Wai Keong Yong at risk with 7d7s, the board runs Kc5hJs4s4c.

Rio Kitaoji – 120,000
Wai Keong Yong – eliminated in 47th place

Final Day chip counts

1 Lee Wee Liew Malaysia 718,000
2 Duhan Lee Korea 540,000
3 Scott Michael Hess USA 366,000
4 Jukka Jarvinen Finland 355,000
5 Maxwell Philippe Rosete Philippines 350,000
6 Kah Yew Teng Malaysia 341,000
7 Florencio Campomanes Philippines 339,000
8 Christopher Martin USA 321,000
9 Andrej Nagy Slovakia 316,000
10 Alfredo Boligor Philippines 314,000
11 Kyongrok Moon Korea 295,000
12 Yehonatan Behor Israel 287,000
13 Jongmin Won Korea 285,000
14 Jayvon Carreon Philippines 273,000
15 Richard Tolentino Taiwan 254,000
16 Kwok Wai Wong Hong Kong 248,000
17 Raymundo Gomez Jr Philippines 234,000
18 Joseph Talamayan Philippines 232,000
19 Jose Colada Philippines 215,000
20 Edmil Marcelo Philippines 204,000
21 Lloyd Locsin Philippines 181,000
22 Jeongmin Park Korea 175,000
23 Anton Welo Norway 166,000
24 Johnson Tan Philippines 140,000
25 Ryan McAllister USA 137,000
26 Foo Kuen Chong Malaysia 135,000
27 Jonathan Looi Malaysia 129,000
28 Jiego Erquiaga Philippines 128,000
29 Christopher Mateo Philippines 119,000
30 Akira Matsuo Japan 112,000
31 Bell John Perez Philippines 112,000
32 Sang Won Song Korea 110,000
33 Yu Chen Hong Kong 98,000
34 Po Hsun Liao Taiwan 95,000
35 Jimmy Johan Philippines 94,000
36 Keijiro Shimojo Japan 93,000
37 Joseph Magnotti USA 82,000
38 Tung Duy Nguyen Vietnam 82,000
39 Gary Thomas USA 82,000
40 Emmanuel Segismundo Philippines 69,000
41 Rio Kitaoji Japan 68,000
42 Kento Sato Japan 68,000
43 Adones Carmona Philippines 67,000
44 Wai Keong Yong Malaysia 58,000
45 Darren Ong Abdullah Malaysia 54,000
46 Jonald Garcia Philippines 48,000
47 Suya Lee Korea 31,000

Payouts in PH₱

1 1,310,000
2 832,000
3 623,000
4 504,000
5 397,000
6 303,900
7 223,000
8 164,000
9 134,500
10-11 113,000
12-13 99,600
14-15 89,400
16-17 79,400
18-20 69,500
21-23 62,600
24-27 55,800
28-31 49,100
32-39 43,100
40-47 38,400

Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly. Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.

Super High Roller – Final Day

Ogura Takashi wins the Super High Roller!

Ogura Takshi came from just six big blinds at the start of the final table to champion! He defeated Gary Thompson at heads up to bank the PHP 6,170,000 (~US$ 111,350) top prize.

Poker Dream 67

Buy in: PH₱ 500,000 (~US$ 9,175)
Entries: 39
Prize pool: PH₱ 18,154,500 (~US$ 327,650)
ITM: 6 places

Place Player Flag
Payouts in PH₱
1 Ogura Takashi Japan 6,170,000
2 Gary Thompson Ireland 4,270,000
3 Ewe Eng Soon Malaysia 2,720,000
4 Ajitpal Singh Singapore 2,090,000
5 Danny Tang UK 1,634,500
6 Ewe Eng Siang Malaysia 1,270,000

00:10: Gary Thompson eliminated in 2nd place – PHP 4,270,000 (~US$ 77,000)
Level 24: 150-000-300,000, 300,000 ante

Poker Dream 62
Gary Thompson

From the button, Gary Thompson raises to 600,000, big blind Ogura Takashi three-bet jams, Thompson calls for his tournament life.

Takashi – Ac4c
Thompson 9c9s

The board runs 5c10d3h10c6c for a victorious flush to Takahashi. Thompson is eliminated in 2nd place.

00:05: Takashi calls out the bluff
Level 23: 100-000-200,000, 200,000 ante

Gary Thompson limps from the button, Ogura Takashi checks, the flop comes JdAdKh. Thompson bets 450,000, Takashi check-calls. No bets land on the turn Kd. The dealer felts the river 9s, Thompson bets 1,100,000, Takashi check-calls. Thompson shows 10c5h bluff, Takashi ships it with Js9d two pair.

Ogura Takashi – 14,300,000
Gary Thompson – 5,2,00,000

23:50: Thompson continues to climb
Level 23: 100-000-200,000, 200,000 ante

Button player Gary Thompson limps then calls Ogura Takashi’s raise of 850,000. At the flop 5h8h6c, Thompson bets 540,000, Takashi check-calls. On the 3h turn, Thompson bets 1,100,000, Takashi check-folds.

Gary Thompson – 7,900,000
Ogura Takashi – 11,600,000

23:40: Gary Thompson doubles up
Level 23: 100-000-200,000, 200,000 ante

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Ogura Takashi raises to 500,000, Thompson three-bet jams, Takashi calls. Takahashi AsKh, Thompson Qc10c, the board runs 7h10h9h9d2c.

Gary Thompson – 7,000,000
Ogura Takashi – 12,500,000

23:20: Heads up! Ogura Takahashi versus Gary Thompson
Level 22: 100,000-150,000, 150,000 ante

Poker Dream 61

Heads up here at the Super High Roller. The champion will pocket the PHP 6,170,000 top prize. Here are the counts.

Ogura Takashi – 16,000,000 – 110 bb
Gary Thompson – 3,500,000 – 23 bb

23:15: Ewe Eng Soon eliminated in 3rd place – PHP 2,720,000 (~US$ 49,090)
Level 22: 100,000-150,000, 150,000 ante

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Ewe Eng Soon

Ewe Eng Soon shoves with Jh9c, small blind Ogura Takashi calls with KdJs. The board runs 4hQh2s5dJc.

Ogura Takashi = 16,000,000
Ewe Eng Soon – eliminated in 3rd place

23:05: Ogura Takashi bets every street
Level 22: 100,000-150,000, 150,000 ante

Another big pot for Ogura Takashi , this time against Gary Thompson. From the small blind, Takashi limps, Thompson checks. When the board completes {5c{P8d}Ad4c7h, Takashi bets the whole way – 350,000, 900,000, 1,100,000 – Thompson calls him down. Takashi opens Ac5d two pair beating Thompson’s Ah9s.

Ogura Takashi – 12,000,000
Gary Thompson – 4,100,000

22:45: Big pot for Ogura Takashi against Soon
Level 22: 100,000-150,000, 150,000 ante

Poker Dream 63
Ogura Takahashi

Button Gary Thompson raises to 300,000, blinds calls. At the flop 10h2h6c, big blind Ogura Takahashi bets 410,000, Thompson folds, Ewe Eng Soon calls. On the turn 7h, Takahashi fires 1,100,000, Soon calls. On the river 9d, both check, Soon with 9s7c two pair, Takahashi wins it with 9h8d straight.

Ogura Takahashi – 8,600,000
Ewe Eng Soon – 4,400,000

22:35: Gary Thompson takes from Takashi
Level 22: 100,000-150,000, 150,000 ante

Small blind Ogura Takashi limps, big blind Thompson checks. At the flop 2h2c8d, Takashi bets 150,000, Thompson calls. Same action on the turn Ad, Thompson calls a 300,000 bet. On the river 2d, Takashi checks, Thompson bets 800,000, Takashi folds.

Gary Thompson – 7,000,000
Ogura Takashi – 8,000,000

22:20: Ogura Takashi calls out the bluff
Level 22: 100,000-150,000, 150,000 ante

Small blind Ewe Eng Soon raises to 300,000, big blind Ogura Takashi calls. At the flop 9c10sQs, Soon c-bets 200,000, Takashi calls. No bets land on the turn Ad. On the river 4c, it is back to betting. Soon sends out 600,000, Takashi calls. Soon opens his 8d3d bluff, Takashi ships it woth 10d8c pair.

Ogura Takashi – 8,600,000
Ewe Eng Soon – 5,000,000

22:00: Ajitpal Singh eliminated in 4th place – PHP 2,090,000 (~US$ 37,720)
Level 21: 60,000-120,000, 120,000 ante

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Ajitpal Singh

Big blind Ajitpal Singh three-bet shoves with QdJs, initial raiser Ogura Takashi on the button calls with 2d2h. The board runs 5h7h8sKs3d.

Ogura Takashi – 8,400,000
Ajitpal Singh – eliminated in 4th place

21:40: Gary Thompson calls the big bet, Takashi mucks
Level 21: 60,000-120,000, 120,000 ante

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Small blind Ogura TakTakashi ahashi raises to 350,000, big blind Gary Thompson defends. At the flop 7s9hQc both check. On the turn 2s, Takashi leads out 430,000, Thompson calls. The river 10c sees more chips go in with Takashi betting 800,000, Thompson calls. Takashi mucks.

Gary Thompson – 6,000,000
Ogura Takashi – 5,800,000

20:40: Ajitpal Singh takes from Soon
Level 20: 50,000-100,000, 100,000 ante

Small blind Ajitpal Singh raises to 200,000, big blind Ewe Eng Soon defends. At the flop Kd7h3d, Singh c-bets 200,000 and is called. On the turn 7d and river 4c, no bets land. Singh has Ks7c full house.

Ajitpal Singh – 2,500,000
Ewe Eng Soon – 6,100,000

20:35: Takashi again
Level 20: 50,000-100,000, 100,000 ante

Utg Ewe Eng Soon raises to 200,000, button Ogura Takashi calls. At the flop 2cJh9h, Soon c-bet 250,000, Takashi calls. On the turn 6h same action with Takashi calling a 600,000 bet. On the river 3d, Soon checks, Takashi bets 1,400,000, Soon calls. Takashi shows Ah8h flush and wins the pot. Soon had pocket Tens.

Ogura Takashi – 6,500,000
Ewe Eng Soon – 6,600,000

20:20: Another pot for Takashi
Level 20: 50,000-100,000, 100,000 ante

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Ogura Takahashi

Battle of the blinds, Ewe Eng Soon limps big blind Ogura Takashi raises to 300,000, Soon calls. At the flop 9d5hJs, Takashi c-bets 300,000, Soon check-folds.

Ogura Takashi – 3,200,000
Ewe Eng Soon – 8,400,000

20:15: Ogura Takashi wins the betting war
Level 20: 50,000-100,000, 100,000 ante

From under the gun, Ogura Takashi raises to 200,000, big blind Ewe Eng Soon re-raises to 700,000, Takashi jams, Soon folds.

Ogura Takashi – 2,900,000
Ewe Eng Soon – 8,700,000

20:00: Danny Tang eliminated in 5th place for PHP 1,634,000
Level 19: 40,000-80,000, 80,000 ante

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Danny Tang

Small blind Ajitpal Singh jams with Ac10s, big blind Danny Tang risks his tournament life with As3h, the board runs 9dJs2s4c8s. Tang exits in 5th place.

Ajitpal Singh – 3,500,000
Danny Tang – eliminated in 5th place

19:55: Eng Siang Ewe eliminated in 6th place for PHP 1,270,000
Level 19: 40,000-80,000, 80,000 ante

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Eng Siang Ewe

Eng Siang Ewe three-bets all in with 9s9h, initial raiser Gary Thompson calls with AdKs. The board runs 6d7d8d7h5d for a one card flush for Thompson to eliminate Siang in 6th place.

Gary Thompson – 3,100,000
Eng Siang Ewe – eliminated in 6th place

19:40: Ogura Takashi on the rise
Level 19: 40,000-80,000, 80,000 ante

After scoring a double up off Danny Tang, Ogura Takashi wins two more pots. The first was against Eng Soon Ewe with pocket Aces holding, then against Eng Siang Ewe who raises from utg to 160,000, big blind Takashi calls, the flop comes 9sAcQd, Siang c-bets 120,000, Takashi check-raises to 470,000, Siang folds.

Ogura Takashi – 1,900,000

19:20: Ogura Takashi doubles through Tang
Level 18: 30,000-60,000, 60,000 ante

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Ogura Takahashi

Hijack Danny Tang raises to 170,000, button Ogura Takashi three-bet jams, big blind calls, Tang calls. At the flop 5c7d2d, Tang bets 220,000, big blind check-folds. Takashi As5h, Tang Ad8c. The turn 2s} and river 6c is a double up for Takashi .

Ogura Takashi – 600,000
Danny Tang – 1,600,000

19:15: Ogura Takashi vs Eng Siang Ewe
Level 18: 30,000-60,000, 60,000 ante

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Eng Siang Ewe

Button raises to 120,000, small blind Ogura Takashi shoves, big blind Eng Siang Ewe shoves, button folds. Takashi Jc9c, Siang AdAh, the board runs 6s10dQs6c3d.

Eng Siang Ewe – 2,000,000
Ogura Takashi – 360,000

18:55: Final 6 players
Level 18: 30,000-60,000, 60,000 ante

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18:50: Eng Soon Ewe delivers double bust on the bubble! 
Level 18: 30,000-60,000, 60,000 ante

Poker Dream 42

Three way all in, Ling Loon AdKh, Fei Chen AsAh, Eng Soon Ewe KsKd, the board runs 7c8sKcJd2c. Ewe sweeps with a set to burst the bubble.

Eng Soon Ewe – 9,500,000

18:45: Danny Tang eliminates Sriharsha Doddapaneni  
Level 18: 30,000-60,000, 60,000 ante

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Sriharsha Doddapaneni

Hijack raises to 100,000, small blind Sriharsha Doddapaneni three-bet jams KdQc, big blind Danny Tang four-bet jams with 9h9c, hijack folds. The board runs 6s6d2d2h3c.

Danny Tang – 2,000,000
Sriharsha Doddapaneni – eliminated

18:25: Fei Chen rails Ng
Level 18: 30,000-60,000, 60,000 ante

Action folds to small blind Wai Leon Ng who is all in with Kd5c, big blind Fei Chen calls with Ah5s. Board runs 8cKs4c7hAc.

Fei Chen – 2,600,000
Wei Leon Ng – eliminated

17:55: Gary Thompson takes some from Tang
Level 18: 30,000-60,000, 60,000 ante

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From under the gun Gary Thompson raises to 100,000, button Danny Tang calls, the flop is 3s7c3h. Thompson bets 240,000, Tang calls. On the turn 8c, Thompson fires another 470,000. Tang calls. On the river 9c, Thompson checks, Tang jams, Thompson calls for his tournament life. Tang has {d6d}7d bluff, Thompson ships a double with 8sQs two pair.

Gary Thompson – 3,200,000
Danny Tang – 1,200,000

Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly. Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.

Mystery Bounty – Day 1 results

Event info

Buy in: PH₱ 36,000 (~US$ 36,000)
Guarantee: PH₱ 5,000,000 (~US$ 90,240)
Total entries: 267
Prize pool: PHP 5,187,276 (~US$ 93,620)
Bounty pool: PHP 3,204,000 (~US$ 57,825)
ITM: 41 players

Day 1A: 118 entries
Day 1B entries: 149 entries

End of Day 1A – 18 players

Player Flag Stack
Yuta Kitazumi Japan 425,000
Wai Keong Yong Malaysia 358,000
Tian Yu Lee Taiwan 324,000
Lijun Zhang China 286,000
Masashi Yoshikawa Japan 270,000
Xiyu Xie China 241,000
Jason Magbanua Philippines 240,000
Jinlong Hu China 212,000
Yin Liu China 187,000
Lloyd Locsin Philippines 163,000
Hou Hyin Bryan Khoo Malaysia 148,000
I Hsuan Liu Taiwan 145,000
Joseph Sia Philippines 119,000
Tor Anton Welo Norway 113,000
Suya Lee Korea 100,000
Long Meng China 95,000
Edgar Asehan Jr. Philippines 79,000
Joseph Magnotti USA 43,000

End of Day 1B – 23 players

Player Flag Stack
Chuning Tan China 487,000
Jonald Garcia Philippines 378,000
Hiromasa Teraoka Japan 375,000
Vamerdino Magsakay Philippines 353,000
Lai Heng Foo Malaysia 347,000
Bell John Perez Philippines 300,000
Bonifacio Mondalo Jr. Philippines 276,000
Henrik Tollefsen Norway 235,000
Christopher Mateo Philippines 205,000
Cheng-Wen Huang China 173,000
Cezar Quiambao Ii Philippines 153,000
Stochita Ionut Aurelian Romania 144,000
Conrad Lumaban Philippines 140,000
Edwin Dela Cruz Philippines 132,000
Lim Wee Lee Malaysia 115,000
Ryan Patrick Mc Allister United States 110,000
Kai Rong Daniel Wong Malaysia 106,000
Kah Chun Ng Malaysia 103,000
Lemmor Patulot Philippines 87,000
Jiaqi He China 86,000
Shohei Oyanoki Japan 72,000
Tung Duy Nguyen Vietnam 38,000
Jayvon Pacaba Carreon Philippines 24,000

Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly. Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.

Mystery Bounty Final Day

Event info

Buy in: PH₱ 36,000 (~US$ 36,000)
Guarantee: PH₱ 5,000,000 (~US$ 90,240)
Total entries: 267
Prize pool: PHP 5,187,276 (~US$ 93,620)
Bounty pool: PHP 3,204,000 (~US$ 57,825)
ITM: 41 players

Chips in play: 8,010,000

Jinlong Hu wins the Mystery Bounty for PHP 900,000 (~US$ 16,240)

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After nearly twelve hours of tough competition, China’s Jinlong Hu outlasted the 41 Day 2 field to capture the Mystery Bounty title and a payout of PHP 900,000. In addition, he collected a mountain of bounties amounting to well over PHP 600K. Congratulations to the champion!

Buy in: PH₱ 36,000 (~US$ 36,000)
Guarantee: PH₱ 5,000,000 (~US$ 90,240)
Total entries: 267
Prize pool: PHP 5,187,276 (~US$ 93,620)
Bounty pool: PHP 3,204,000 (~US$ 57,825)
ITM: 41 players

Final table payouts (bounties not included)

Place Player Flag
Payouts in PH₱
1 Jinlong Hu China 900,000
2 Chuning Tan China 810,000
3 Edgar Asehan Philippines 496,000
4 Hiromasa Teraoka Japan 399,076
5 Vamerdino Magsakay Philippines 312,200
6 Bell John Perez Philippines 234,800
7 Lee Tian Yu Taiwan 171,000
8 Jason Kyle Magbanua Philippines 124,300
9 Masashi Yoshikawa Japan 105,000

00:40: Chuning Tan eliminated in 2nd place – PHP 810,000 (~US$ 14,615)
Level 29: 50,000-100,000, 100,000 ante

Poker Dream 119
Chuning Tan

Despite entering heads up with a slight advantage, Chuning Tan could not stop the charging Jinlong Hu to fall in 2nd place. Tan’s final hand sees him limp on the button and Hu check. At the flop 9d6hQc, Hu bets 150,000, Tan calls. Same action on the turn Kh with Hu sending out 300,000 and Tan making the call. On the river Jc, Hu bets 850,000, Tan shoves, Hu calls. Tan has 10h3d straight but not good enough against Hu’s Ah10c higher straight.

00:25: Jinlong Hu takes the lead
Level 29: 50,000-100,000, 100,000 ante

Button Jinlong Hu raises to 200,000, big blind Chuning Tan re-raises to 650,000, Hu calls. At the flop 2h8dJh, Tan c-bets 400,000, Hu jams, Tan folds.

Jinlong Hu – 5,600,000
Chuning Tan – 2,400,000

23:50: Deal reached
Level 28: 40,000-80,000, 80,000 ante

Before playing it out, the final two opted on an ICM deal and divide the remaining bounties. They will play for the trophy and remaining PHP 100,000.

Chuning Tan – PHP 810,000 guaranteed +PHP 413,300 in bounties remaining
Jinlong Hu – PHP 800,000 guaranteed +PHP 604,700 in bounties remaining

23:45: Heads up for the Mystery Bounty title! Jinlong Hu versus Chuning Tan
Level 28: 40,000-80,000, 80,000 ante

It is heads up at the Mystery Bounty between Chuning Tan and Jinlong Hu. Up for gra

Chuning Tan – 4,110,000
Jinlong Hu – 3,900,000

23:30: Edgar Asehan eliminated in 3rd place – PHP 496,000 (~US$ 8,950)
Level 28: 40,000-80,000, 80,000 ante

Poker Dream 113

From the button, Edgar Asehan jams with Ah3d, big blind Jinlong Hu calls with Ac10c and is ahead to put Asehan at risk. With the board running 7cQs10s6hJd, Asehan is eliminated in 3rd place.

Jinlong Hu – 3,900,000
Edgar Asehan – eliminated in 3rd place

23:10: Another double up for Jinlong Hu
Level 28: 40,000-80,000, 80,000 ante

Chuning Tan shoves on the small blind with Kd7c, big blind Jinlong Hu risks his remaining 700K stack with Ac3h. The board comes 10h6s5c6hJh for a double up again to Hu.

Jinlong Hu – 1,600,000
Chuning Tan – 4,400,000

23:00: Jinlong Hu doubles up through Tan
Level 28: 40,000-80,000, 80,000 ante

Button Jinlong Hu shoves with Ac6d, big blind Chuning Tan calls with AhJs to put Hu in danger of elimination. With the board running 9h5h6c3h8c, Hu pairs up his kicker card to survive and double up.

Jinlong Hu – 1,100,000
Chuning Tan – 4,500,000

22:30: Chuning Tan fires every street
Level 27: 30,000-60,000, 60,000 ante

Poker Dream 119
Chuning Tan

Button Chuning Tan raises to 120,000, big blind Edgar Asehan defends. At the flop 5cKdQc, Tan c-bets 90,000, Asehan check-raises to 260,000, Tan calls. On the turn 3d, Tan fires 600,000, Asehan flats. The river 2d, no stopping Tan who bets 1,100,000. This time Asehan opts to fold.

Chuning Tan – 4,800,000
Edgar Asehan – 2,100,000

22:05: Hiromasa Teraoka eliminated in 4th place – PHP 399,076 (~US$ 7,200)
Level 27: 30,000-60,000, 60,000 ante

Poker Dream 118
Hiromasa Teraoka

Button Edgar Asehan raises to 150,000, small blind Chuning Tan calls, big bling Hiromasa Teraoka calls, the flop comes Jd4c6h. Blinds check, button Asehan bet 220,000, Tan calls, Teraoka shoves. Back to Asehan who folds, Tan calls.

Teraoka AhJs
Tan KcKs

The turn 2c and river 9d don’t improve Teraoka to bust in 4th place.

Chuning Tan – 4,300,000
Edgar Asehan – 2,600,000
Hiromasa Teraoka – eliminated in 4th place

21:50: Vamerdino Magsakay eliminated in 5th place – PHP 312,200 (~US$ 5,630)
Level 26: 25,000-50,000, 50,000 ante

Poker Dream 117
Hiromasa Teraoka

From under the gun, Vamerdino Magsakay shoves with JhJd, button Hiromasa Teraoka calls with KdQd for a flip. With the board running 4d8h5s5cKc, Teraoka finds the river to rail Magsakay in 5th place.

Hiromasa Teraoka – 2,000,000
Vamerdino Magsakay – eliminated in 5th place

21:35: Bell John Perez eliminated in 6th place – PHP 234,800 (~US$ 4,235)
Level 26: 25,000-50,000, 50,000 ante

Poker Dream 111
Bell John Perez

Edgar Asehan shoves from the button, big blind Bell John Perez risks it and opens QhQc. Asehan with Kd10d. The board runs 6d10c9c10h9d for a full house to Asehan. In addition to laddering up, Asehan drew a bounty ticket of PHP 110,000!

Edgar Asehan – 2,700,000
Bell John Perez – eliminated in 6th place

21:30: Lee Tian Yu eliminated in 7th place – PHP 171,000 (~US$ 3,080)
Level 26: 25,000-50,000, 50,000 ante

Poker Dream 115
Lee Tian Yu

From under the gun, Lee Tian Yu shoves, to his immediate left, Edgar Asehan calls. Yu opens Kc3c, Asehan with AcAd. The board runs 7cQs3h10h8c. Aces hold to send Yu packing in 7th place.

Edgar Asehan – 2,200,000
Lee Tian Yu – eliminated in 7th place

21:15: Vamerdino Magsakay doubles through Asehan
Level 26: 25,000-50,000, 50,000 ante

Edgar Asehan raises to 100,000, Vamerdino Magsakay three-bet jams, Asehan calls and opens Kc9c. Magsakay is ahead with AsKd. With the board running 8dQd2dJsJh. it’s a double up for Magsakay.

Vamerdino Magsakay – 905,000
Edgar Asehan – 1,600,000

20:30: Jason Kyle Magbanua eliminated in 8th place – PHP 124,300 (~US$ 2,240)
Level 25: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante

Poker Dream 116
Jason Kyle Magbanua

From mid position, Jason Kyle Magbanua shoves, big blind Jinlong Hu calls. Magbanua 6c6s, Hu AhQd, the flip goes to Hu as the board runs 8hQcKs3hAd.

Jinlong Hu – 1,100,000
Jason Kyle Magbanua – eliminated in 8th place for PHP 124,300

20:20: Masashi Yoshikawa eliminated in 9th place – PHP 105,000 (~US$ 1,900)
Level 25: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante

Poker Dream 114
Masashi Yoshikawa

Mid position Edgar Asehan opens for 100,000, button Masashi Yoshikawa three-bet jams, Asehan calls. Yoshikawa Ac6c, Asehan Ad3h, the board runs 8cQsKhQh3d. Small pair for Asehan on the river to eliminated Yoshikawa in 9th place.

Edgar Asehan – 2,100,000
Masashi Yoshikawa – eliminated in 9th place for PHP 105,000

18:10: Final table
Level 24: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

Poker Dream 110

Seat Player Flag Stack
1 Chuning Tan China 1,420,000
2 Hiromasa Teraoka Japan 875,000
3 Jinlong Hu China 1,170,000
4 Tian Yu Lee Taiwan 370,000
5 Edgar Asehan Philippines 810,000
6 Jason Kyle Magbanua Philippines 800,000
7 Vamerdino Magsakay Philippines 550,000
8 Bell John Perez Philippines 1,030,000
9 Masashi Yoshikawa Japan 995,000

Watch the livestream broadcasted in the Poker Dream facebook page

Final 9 payouts

Place Payouts in PH₱
1 1,030,000
2 680,000
3 496,000
4 399,076
5 312,200
6 234,800
7 171,000
8 124,300
9 105,000

18:00: Xuya Xie eliminated in 10th place
Level 24: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

After suffering two cracked aces, Xiyu Xie three-bet jams with Jh9h, initial raiser Edgar Asehan calls with AdJd. With the board running 4c7cJc3sAs, Xie is eliminated in 10th place.

Xiyu Xie- eliminated in 10th place
Edgar Asehan – 800,000

17:50: Suya Lee eliminated in 11th place, Magsakay draws PHP 400K bounty
Level 24: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

All in preflop, Suya Lee at risk with KhJs, Vamerdino Magsakaya 6c6d, the board runs { 8c}6h3s10hAh. Lee out in 11th place. Magsakay goes to draw and pulls the PHP 400K bounty!

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Vamerdino Magsakay – 705,000

17:45: Rockets fail Xie again
Level 24: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

Cutoff Masashi Yoshikawa raises to 50,000, big blind Xiyu Xie jams, Yoshikawa calls.

Xie AhAc
Yoshikawa Ad10d

The board runs 9c}Qd6d3d5d for a flush to Yoshikawa and another failed aces for Xie.

Xiyu Xie – 250,000
Masashi Yoshikawa – 1,000,000

17:40: Bell John Perez avoids elimination against Xie’s aces
Level 24: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

Cutoff Xiyu Xie calls, big blind Bell John Perez shoves, Xie calls. Perez has AdKc, Xie has him dominated with AcAs. However with the board running 6s6dJcQh10s, Perez survives elimination with a straight.

Bell John Perez – 1,200,000
Xiyu Xie – 800,000

17:20: Jinlong Hu scores a big pot against Magbanua
Level 23: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

From cutoff, Jason Kyle Magbanua raises to 40,000, big blind Jinlong Hu defends. At the flop Jd4h6h, Hu checks, Magbanua c-bets 55,000, Hu raises to 135,000, Magbanua calls. On the turn Kc, Hu leads out 150,000, Magbanua calls. On the river 5s Hu jams, Magbanua folds.

Jinlong Hu – 1.800,000
Jason Kyle Magbanua – 390,000

17:15: More chips for Xie
Level 23: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

Hijack Bell John Perez raises to 60,000, button Xiyu Xie calls. At the flop 6s8h8c, Perez c-bets 40,000, Xie raises to 80,000, Perez calls. On the turn Kc, Xie fires 120,000, Perez snap-calls to bring the river Qc. Perez checks, Xie doesn’t bet. She shows Qs8s full house. Perez mucks.

Xiyu Xie – 1,300,000
Bell John Perez – 500,000

17:10: Lee Tian Yu doubles through Hu
Level 23: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

Hijack Lee Tian Yu doubles through with Kd6d flush against Jinlong Hu’s AsKs top pair on a board Ad4c6dJd9s.

Lee Tian Yu – 238,000
Jinlong Hu – 1,800,000

17:05: Christopher Mateo eliminated in 12th place, Yoshikawa draws PHP 315K bounty
Level 23: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

Cutoff Christopher Mateo all in with 7h9d, big blind Masashi Yoshikawa calls with 7d7s. The board runs empty for Mateo to bust in 12th place. Yoshikawa draws for his bounty and scores PHP 315K!

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Masashi Yoshikawa – 550,000

16:50: Xiyu Xie get Tan to fold higher pocket pair
Level 23: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

Action folds to the small blind Xiyu Xie who raises to 40,000, big blind Chuning Tan three-bets to 100,000, Xie calls. At the flop QhKcQs, Xie leads out for 100,000, Tan folds and shows 10c10s. Tan returns the gesture and shows JcJs.

Xiyu Xie – 900,000
Chuning Tan – 1,200,000

16:40: Vamerdino Magsakay doubles through Teraoka
Level 23: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

All in preflop, Vamerdino Magsakay with Ac10d, Hiromasa Teraoka attempts to rail with QdQs, the board runs Ah4s8dAs5d for a double up to Magsakay.

Vamerdino Magsakay – 490,000
Hiromasa Teraoka – 697,000

16:30: Ryan McAllister busts to Xie
Level 22: 10,000-15,000, 15,000 ante

Cutoff Xiyu Xie raises to 59,000, big blind Ryan McAllister jams, Xie calls.

Xie Kh{jh{
McAllister 7d7h

The board favors the big cards as it runs Kc4c9h5dAs. McAllister is out in 13th place.

Xiyu Xie – 800,000

16:10: Jinlong Hu rails Yong
Level 22: 10,000-15,000, 15,000 ante

Three players in on a raised pot, the flop is 2dQc8s. All check to the turn 4d. Hiromasa Teraoka bets 30,000, Jinlong Hu raises to 120,000, Wai Keong Yong jams, Teraoka folds, Hu calls.

Yong 9d8d
Hu QdQh

The river As is no help to Yong to fall out of contention in 14th place.

Jinlong Hu – 1,200,000

16:05: Set over set! Chuning Tan rails Locsin then draws PHP 195K
Level 21: 6,000-12,000, 12,000 ante

Action folds to the small blind Lloyd Locsin who raises to 24,000, big blind Chuning Tan three-bets to 132,000, Locsin calls. At the flop 10cQdAs, Tan bets 65,000, Locsin check-calls. On the turn 6h, Tan jams, Locsin check-calls.

Tan draws for his bounty and draws PHP 195K!

Tan AhAc set
Locsin 10d10h set

The river Kh ends Locsin’s run in 15th place.
Chuning Tan – 1,200,000

15:50: Masashi Yoshikawa rails Tan
Level 21: 6,000-12,000, 12,000 ante

Poker Dream 109
Masashi Yoshikawa

Utg limps, hijack Chuning Tan raises to 30,000, cutoff Masashi Yoshikawa three-bet jams, back to utg who folds while Tan calls.

Chuning Tan Qd8d
Masashi Yoshikawa AhKd

The board runs [6c}5hJc9c4h. No hits for either player for big slick to win the pot and double up to 300,000. Tan drops to 600,000.

115:40: Xiyu Xie with higher flush against McAllister
Level 21: 6,000-12,000, 12,000 ante

52866030957 1e9d115dee k
Xiyu Xie

Hijack Xiyu Xie raises to 24,000, big blind Ryan McAllister calls. On the flop 9dJs5d, McAllister check calls 35,000. On the turn 4d, Xie jams, and McAllister check-calls.

Xie KdQd flush
McAllister 7d8d straight flush draw

The river 4c isn’t the out McAllister needs to pay the double up.

Xiyu Xie – 800,000
Ryan McAllister – 200,000

15:25: Chuning Tan wins some off Locsin
Level 20: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

52866102987 1d70ba68f5 k
Chuning Tan

Lojack Lloyd Locsin raises to 20,000, hijack Chuning Tan three-bets to 58,000, Locsin calls. No bets at the flop and turn for the board to complete AcAdJd9h3d. Tan bets 38,000, Locsin check-calls. Tan opens As4s for the pot.

Chuning Tan – 800,000
Lloyd Locsin – 470,000

15:05: Jason Kyle Magbanua delivers double KO
Level 20: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

52867177538 2934c16b7f k

From utg Henrik Tollefsen raises with As8s, button Jason Kyle Magbanua three-bet jams JhJc, small blind I Hsuan Liu goes all in with KdQs, and Tollefsen joins to make it a three-way. With the board running 8d5c7s3h2d, Jacks hold for a double knockout. Magbanua draws PHP 135,000 and PHP 35,000 for PHP 170K total.

Jason Kyle Magbanua – 950,000
I Hsuan Liu – eliminated in 17th place
Henrik Tollefsen – eliminated in 18th place

15:00: Edgar Asehan rails Kitazumi
Level 20: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

From under the gun, Yuta Kitazumi shoves holding As10d, small blind Edgar Asehan calls with 4c4d, the board runs 7h2s3c7sQc. No hits for Kitazumi to bust out.

Edgar Asehan – 800,000

14:50: Lloyd Locsin bets every street 
Level 20: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

52867072870 63626f2afc k

From under the gun, Lloyd Locsin raises to 24,000, cutoff Christopher Mateo calls. The board completes 2d10s3d4sQs, Locsin bets the whole way – 27,000, 74,000, all in – and Mateo calls him down. Locsin shows Ks10d mid pair beating Mateo’s Ah4h small pair.

Lloyd Locsin = 570,000
Christopher Mateo – 100,000

14:40: Edgar Asehan cleans one out
Level 20: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

Hijack Lijun Zhang all in with As4s, big blind Edgar Asehan calls with AhKc. No hits on the board for either player for Asehan to ship it.

Edgar Asehan – 550,000
Lijun Zhang – eliminated

14:35: Hiromasa Teraoka rails Garcia
Level 20: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

All in preflop, Jonald Garcia jams with QdQs, Hiromasa Teraoka calls with Ac5c. The board favors the drawing hand as it runs 5hKhAdJd6d. Garcia is eliminated.

Hiromasa Teraoka – 184,000

14:30: Vamerdino Magsakay goes aggro
Level 20: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

From under the gun, Brll John Peres raises to 24,000, lojack Vamerdino Magsakay three-bets to 70,000, Perez calls. At the flop Qs9c3h, Magasaky bets 50,000, Perez folds.

14:20: Suck out vs suck out vs suck out Vamerdino Magsakay ships it
Level 19: 4,000-8,000, 8,000 ante

52867073035 75783eb82d k 52867125790 3bd3529c95 k

Another three-way showdown. Christopher Mateo with QdQs, Vamerdino Magsakay with AhAs, and Joseph Sia KdKs. When the flop lands Qh2d5c, it’s a set for Mateo to take the lead, however with the turn Kh, Sia jumps ahead. Then the river Ac sends Magasakay back on top and celebrates his win.

Vamerdino Magsakay – 650,000
Christopher Mateo – 100,000
Joseph Sia – eliminated

14:10: Jonald Garcia ends Quiambao
Level 19: 4,000-8,000, 8,000 ante

From under the gun, Jonald Garcia raises to 16,000, cutoff calls, small blind Cezar Quiambao thee-bet jams, Garcia four-bet jams, cutoff folds.

Garcia KsJd
Cezar Quiambao 10c10s

The board runs 4hKdAc3c9c for a higher pair to Garcia. He eliminates Quiambao.

Jonald Garcia – 320,000

13:55: BJ Perez wins set over set
Level 19: 4,000-8,000, 8,000 ante

52867124583 3b793d6c2f k

Bell John Perez is all in with AsAh and has a player holding 9d9h well dominated. With the board runnnig 9c10dAd2hJc, it is a set over set to eliminate a player.

BJ Perez – 800,000

13:50: Three-way goes to Locsin
Level 19: 4,000-8,000, 8,000 ante

Three way shove, Christopher Mateo 8c8d, cutoff player 10s8s, and button Lloyd Locsin with a dominating KsKh. With the board running Qs6h2d4h3s, cutoff was eliminated, Mateo dropped to 300,000, and Locsin scooped it up.

Lloyd Locsin – 360,000
Christopher Mateo – 300,000

 13:35: Xiyu Xie rails Khoo
Level 18: 3,000-6,000, 6,000 ante

Not long after Bryan Khoo sent a player packing, he was also dusted. Khoo was all in with 7c7d and ran into Xiyu Xie’s AcAs.

Xiyu Xie – 350,000

13:15: Bryan Khoo rails Carreon
Level 18: 3,000-6,000, 6,000 ante

Bryan Khoo knocked out Jayvon Carreon with AsKh dominating Kc9s. Not only did he ship a nice pile of chips but also drew PHP 49,000.

Bryan Khoo – 100,000

13:10: Vamerdino Magsakay knocks out two
Level 18: 3,000-6,000, 6,000 ante

Three way all in, Joseph William Ad6d, Shohei Oyanoki 8c9c, Vamerdino Magsakay Jh9h, the board runs Qc9dKd10c2s. Straight for Magsakay to earn two bounty tokens. He draws and earns 47,000 total.

Vamerdino Magsakay – 400,000

Day 2 chip counts

Chuning Tan China 487,000
Yuta Kitazumi Japan 425,000
Jonald Garcia Philippines 378,000
Hiromasa Teraoka Japan 375,000
Wai Keong Yong Malaysia 358,000
Vamerdino Magsakay Philippines 353,000
Lai Heng Foo Malaysia 347,000
Tian Yu Lee Taiwan 324,000
Bell John Perez Philippines 300,000
Lijun Zhang China 286,000
Bonifacio Mondalo Jr. Philippines 276,000
Masashi Yoshikawa Japan 270,000
Xiyu Xie China 241,000
Jason Kyle Magbanua Philippines 240,000
Henrik Tollefsen Norway 235,000
Jinlong Hu China 212,000
Christopher Mateo Philippines 205,000
Yin Liu China 187,000
Cheng-Wen Huang China 173,000
Lloyd Locsin Philippines 163,000
Cezar Quiambao Philippines 153,000
Bryan Khoo Malaysia 148,000
I Hsuan Liu Taiwan 145,000
Stochita Ionut Aurelian Romania 144,000
Conrad Lumaban Philippines 140,000
Edwin Dela Cruz Philippines 132,000
Joseph Sia Philippines 119,000
Lim Wee Lee Malaysia 115,000
Tor Anton Welo Norway 113,000
Ryan McAllister USA 110,000
Kai Rong Daniel Wong Malaysia 106,000
Kah Chun Ng Malaysia 103,000
Suya Lee Kore 100,000
Long Meng China 95,000
Lemmor Patulot Philippines 87,000
Jiaqi He China 86,000
Edgar Asehan Philippines 79,000
Shohei Oyanoki Japan 72,000
Joseph Magnotti USA 43,000
Tung Duy Nguyen Vietnam 38,000
Jayvon Carreon Philippines 24,000

Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly. Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.

White Horse Cup Short Deck Super High Roller – Day 1

Event Info

Buy in: PHP 1,380,000 (~US$ 25,300)
Guarantee: PHP 55,000,000 (~US$ 987,350)
Entries: 41
Prize pool; PHP 55,000,000 (~US$ 987,350)


Place Payouts in PHP
1 18,700,000
2 12,920,000
3 8,250,000
4 6,330,000
5 4,950,000
6 3,850,000

Final 6 players

52859394850 f2e4b06663 k

Chips in play: 12,300,000
Average stack: 2,050,000
Opening blinds: 20,000-40,000

1 Winfred Yu Hong Kong 4,610,000
2 Danny Tang UK 2,300,000
3 Jun Yap Malaysia 1,860,000
4 Ming Hong Teoh Malaysia 1,440,000
5 Paul Phua Malaysia 1,315,000
6 Chen Ming Kong Malaysia 775,000

03:15: Bubble bursts! Ewe Eng Siang eliminated
Level 13: 20,000-40,000

Super High Rollers 46
Ewe Eng Siang

First to act Ewe Eng Siang jams with 8s9s, beside him, Danny Tang calls with AhKd. The board runs 7dQsKs6h7d for a pair to Tang. Siang is eliminated.

Danny Tang – 2,300,000
Ewe Eng Siang – eliminated on the bubble

03:10: Bubble round: Winfred Yu claims a big pot
Level 13: 20,000-40,000

Winfred Yu and Paul Phua stare down a board Kh6d10d with 220,000 in the middle, Yu check-calls Phua’s 200,000 bet. On the tunr 9s both check it. Then with the river 8c, Yu leads out 300,000, Phua callls. Yu opens QdJh straight to win it.

Winfred Yu – 4,500,000
Paul Phua – 1,400,000

02:10: William Teoh eliminated, bubble round begins
Level 12: 15,000-30,000

Second position William Teoh raises, button Jun Yap three-bet jams, Teoh snap calls.

Jun Yap AdKh
William Teoh AsAh

The board runs 7dJhQdJd10h for a straight to Yap. Teoh is eliminated. The players now enter the bubble round with 7 remaining.

Jun Yap – 1,700,000

02:05: Danny Tang versus Paul Phua
Level 12: 15,000-30,000

Danny Tang is all in with Ac7h, button player Paul Phua calls with Ad9h.  The board runs 6h6cJc7d8c for two pair to Tang.

Danny Tang – 1,450,000
Paul Phua – 1,300,000

02:00: William Teoh plunges 
Level 11: 12,000-24,000

On a board 9hQc10c10s, William Teoh bets 200,000, Winfred Yu check-calls. On the river 7s, both check. Yu shows AdAh, Teoh mucks.

Winfred Yu – 3,700,000
William Teoh – 700,000

01:55: Flush for Danny Tang 
Level 11: 12,000-24,000

52858373306 dabd5a7140 k
Danny Tang

On a turn board As6cAc7c, Danny Tang bets 35,000, button Ming Hong Teoh raises to 110,000, Tang calls. On the river 6d Teoh bets 320,000, Tang check-calls.

Teoh AdJs
Tang Jc10c

MIng Hong Teoh – 1,700,000
Danny Tang – 2,000,000

01:40: Winfred Yu claims another pot
Level 11: 12,000-24,000

First to act Winfred Yu calls, Ewe Eng Siang raises to 110,000, Yu calls. At the flop QhJdAd, Siang bet 110,000, Yu check-raises all in, Soon opts to fold.

Winfred Yu – 3,400,000
Ewe Eng Siang – 550,000

01:30: Winfred Yu wins the betting war
Level 11: 12,000-24,000 – 9 remaining

First to act calls, second position raises to 90,000, Winfred Yu three-bets to 400,000, no callers. Yu rises to 3,000,000.

00:45: Chen Ming Kong rails Wai Kin Yong
Level 10: 10,000-20,000 – 10 remaining

All in preflop, Wai Kin Yong 9c9d is dominated by Chen Ming Kong QcQh. The board offers no help running 8h10sAc8sJs to send Yong packing.

Chen Ming Kong – 750,000

00:40: Winfred Yu rails Lee
Level 10: 10,000-20,000

52857794392 4375190c70 k

Winfred Yu limps, cutoff Wai Kiat Lee shoves with KsQc, Yu calls with AcJs. The board comes 9h8d10d6d6c. No hits Lee to hit the rail.

Winfred Yu – 2,300,000

 00:30: William Teoh on the rise
Level 10: 10,000-20,000

52859113098 82e15c63c9 k
William Teoh

Latecomer William Teoh is making up for lost time. On a board showing 7cKhJsKc, Wai Kiat Lee checks, button Teoh bets 124,000, Lee calls. On the river 9h both opt to check. Lee opens AdAh, Teoh has better Ks8s trips.

William Teoh – 2,200,000
Wai Kiat Lee – 250,000

00:20: Ming Hong Teoh rails Van Krevelen
Level 10: 10,000-20,000

Chip leader Ming Hong Teoh picks up another pot to further boost his already big stack. Early position player calls, Rene Van Krevelen shoves, cutoff Teoh three-bet shoves, early position folds.

Van Krevelen QdQs
Teoh AhKd

The board runs 8dJc9c10hQh for broadway to dust set of queens.

Ming Hong Teoh – 2,600,000
Rene Van Krevelen – eliminated

23:52: Richard Yong doubles through Yap
Level 9: 8,000-16,000

From hijack, Richard Yong goes all in, cutoff Ghai Pang Yap calls. The board runs Ac10dQhJhAh, Yong lands trips for a double up.

Richard Yong – 530,000
Ghai Pang Yap – 450,000

23:50: Paul Phua sends Yang packing
Level 9: 8,000-16,000

First to act calls, Paul Phua calls, Wei Kwan Yang raises to 32,000, first to act and Paul Phua both call. At the flop Kd10s6s, action is checked to Yang who shoves. Only Phua calls

Yang KsQs
Phua Kc10c

With the turn 7c and river 8d, Phua ships it and Yang is eliminated.

Paul Phua – 1,000,000

23:40: Registration closes at 41 entries; Ming Hong Teoh leads
Level 9: 8,000-16,000

52858670851 d380831382 k
Ming Hong Teoh

After 8 rounds of late registration, the White Horse Cup closes with 41 entries on register. This just meets the guarantee. We will have the official prize pool and payouts once it it has been made available.

Leading the 18 remaining players is Ming Hong Teoh with 1,900,000. There are four more levels to play bagging up at the end of Level 12.

23:00: Paul Phua in the house then triples
Level 8: 6,000-12,000

Super High Rollers 41
Paul Phua

First to act Ling Loon raises all in, next to him Paul Phua joins the jam, then Wei Hsian Yeu follows for a three-way.

Loon AsQc
Phua 10d8d
Yeu AhQd

The board runs Ad6c9d6h7c for a straight to Phua to triple up.

Paul Phua – 900,000
Ling Loon – 100,000
Wei Hsiang Yeu – 150,000

22:50: Rene Van Krevelen eliminates Ewe Eng Soon
Level 8: 6,000-12,000

First to act Rene Van Krevelen shoves with 10s10c, cutoff Ewe Eng Soon risks it all with 7d7h. The board runs 9dKcQsKdQc for Tens to hold. Soon busts.

Rene Van Krevelen – 550,000

22:47: Richard Yong rails Ling Loon
Level 8: 6,000-12,000

52858763335 7fe089e828 k
Richard Yong

Early position Richard Yong raises to 40,000, action folds to the button Ling Loon who three-bet jams. Yong calls. Yong opens JhQs, Loon hasKcKs. The board runs out QdQh8cAc9h, Yong lands trips to eliminate Loon.

Richard Yong- 450,000
Ling Loon – eliminated

22:45: Last level to enter, 39 entries
Level 8: 6,000-12,000

This is the last level to enter. There are currently 39 entries and 18 players remaining.

22:40: Ivan Ermin eliminated again
Level 7: 5,000-10,000

52858095587 c39e8de439 k
Ivan Ermin

Ivan Ermin three-bets all in with Js10s and initial raiser Rene Van Krevelen calls with JdJh. The board is 7sKdAh7h10d. Ermin goes bust for the second time. Van Krevelen chips up to 400,000.

22:35: Wai Kin Yong wins the three-way
Level 7: 5,000-10,000

52857794242 0e2eafa75f k
Wai Kin Yong

Triple Triton champion Wai Kin Yong collects on a three-way. First to act Rene Van Krevelen shoves, cutoff Yong calls to put Van Krevelen at risk, button Ivan Ermin also joins to put his tournament life on the line.

Van Krevelen 10dJh
Yong AsKh
Ermin 8h9h

The board comes KsJcQdKdAh.

Wai Kin Yong – 35,000
Rene Van Krevelen – 220,000
Ivan Ermin – one bullet left

22:20: Jun Yap cleans out two
Level 7: 5,000-10,000

52858813798 8cf4efe43f k
Jun Yap

Three-way all in preflop, Wei Hsiang Yeu JcJd, Jun Yap QsQd, button Nobuaki Sasaki 8d9c. The board comes Qc9dAs6c6s, the ladies hold. Yap ships it all.

Jun Yap – 800,000
Wei Hsiang Yeu – one bullet left
Nobuaki Sasaki – eliminated

22:10: Nobuaki Sasaki down to his last bullet
Level 7: 5,000-10,000

52858763375 18ee33eaf8 k
Nobuaki Sasaki

First to act Nobuaki Sasaki shoves with AhJc, two spots over Jun Yap calls with AdKc. With the board running As9cKs8s8c, Sasaki is cleaned out and has to use his last bullet.

Jun Yap – 500,000
Nobuaki Sasaki – one bullet

21:55: Ling Loon recovers
Level 6: 4,000-8,000

52859113328 30958f8ed8 k
Ling Loon

On a board that completes Ah9sQdJd8d, Ling Loon wins the pot with Kd10d flush over Paul Teoh’s QcJc two pair. Loon recovers to 220,000, Teoh dips to 400,000.

21:45: Paul Teoh chunks Ling Loon
Level 6: 4,000-8,000

Paul Teoh calls, to his immediate left Ling Loon jams, all fold to Teoh who calls.

Teoh {acAs
Loon KcJs

The board comes QdQs8h10h6c. Loon plunges to 25,000, Teoh doubles to 500,000.

21:40: Wai Kiat Lee gets some back from Tang
Level 6: 4,000-8,000

Early position raises to 26,000, Wai Kiat Lee and button Danny Tang call. At the flop 8dQc10h, early position checks, Lee bets 40,000, Tang calls, early position folds. On the turn Qs, Lee sends out 60,000, Tang folds.

Wai Kiat Lee – 400,000
Danny Tang – 600,000

21:35: Danny Tank cleans out Ewe Eng Soon
Level 6: 4,000-8,000

52858763280 f80b11435f k
Ewe Eng Soon

First to act Danny Tang calls, Ewe Eng Soon goes all in, Tang calls.

Soon AhQc
Soon KcJd

The board comes Js9h9c8sKd. Soon is eliminated. Tang rises to 650,000.

21:30: Danny Tang outkicks Wai Kiat Lee
Level 6: 4,000-8,000

52858373321 ea7e943400 k

Danny Tang calls, Wai Kiat Lee raises to 30,000, button calls, Tang calls. At the flop Ks10d6h, Tang checks to Lee who c-bets 45,000, button folds, Tang calls. Both players check the turn 8d. The river 6c sees Tang lead out 55,000, Lee calls.

Tang KdQh
Lee KhJh

Tang wins the pot with the higher kicker and rises to 580,000, Lee dips to 350,000.

20:20: Dinner break
Level 5: 3,000-6,000

One hour dinner break. 24 entries. We will be back.

20:15: Wai Kiat Lee sends Ewe Eng Soon down to one bullet
Level 5: 3,000-6,000

From the small blind, Ewe Eng Soon limps, Wai Kiat Lee raises to 21,000, Ewe calls. At the flop QdJhQh, Ewe shoves, Lee calls. Ewe 10h9h, Lee KdQs, The turn As and river Qc for quads to Lee.

Wai Kiat Lee – 600,000
Ewe Eng Soon – last bullet

20:05: All in fest, Winfred Yu sweeps
Level 5: 3,000-6,000

52858763310 898c1cce9a k
Winfred Yu

Three-way all in, Ivan Ermin AhKh, Winfred Yu JdJh, Wei Hsiang Yeu KcKd. The board comes 9s7hJc9h9c. Wei drops to 40,000, Ermin out of bullets, and Yu ships it.

Winfred Yu – 950,000

19:50: Wei Hsiang Yeu depletes Ermin 
Level 5: 3,000-6,000

52858546529 0cc3889c65 k
Wei Hsiang Yeu

All in preflop, Ivan Ermin at risk with Kh10h, Wei Hsiang Yeu AdAs. The board runs 7d8h10cJc8d. Ermin down to his last bullet.

19:00: Three way sweep for Ming Hong Teoh
Level 4: 2,000-4,000

After a wild preflop betting war, Ming Hong Teoh has QcQs, and is up against Jh9h and Nobuaki Sasaki’s 8d9d. With the board running 6cKc10c10d9c, Teoh sweeps and rises to 500,000. Sasaki eliminated.

18:50: Paul Teoh cracks Tang’s aces
Level 3: 1,500-3,000

52858373286 3885b9022b k
Paul Teoh

Button Danny Tang raises to 15,000, Paul Teoh calls. No bets on the flop Jh9cQc. On the turn 9d Tang send out 16,000, Teoh calls. On the river 6c, both check. Tang has AdAh, Teoh wins it with JdJs full house.

Paul Teoh – 150,000
Danny Tang – 320,000

18:35: Richard Yong down to last bullet
Level 3: 1,500-3,000

Richard Yong all in for his last 8 bb and Danny Tang looks him up. Yong JcQh, Tang AhKc, the board runs 9c7hAsKh9d. Yong reaches for his last bullet.

Danny Tang – 200,000

18:30: Wai Kiat Lee ships it
Level 3: 1,500-3,000

52858813748 2429ea3868 k
Wai Kiat Lee

Two players all in preflop, the board runs out JcAhAd7cQs, Wai Kiat Lee with AsKh to ship it and rise to 500,000.

18:00: Jun Yap down to one bullet
Level 3: 1,500-3,000

All in on a turn board 6s7h10sAh, Jun Yap has 6h9h and is trailing his opponent’s Ac7s. The river Js is no help to Yap to lose his second bullet.

17:50: Wei Hsiang Yeu down to last bullet
Level 3: 1,500-3,000

All in on a board As10s7cJh, Yeu at risk with Ah10h two pairs against a player’s 8d9c straight. The river 7s is no help. Yeu down to his last bullet.

17:45: Danny Tang loses first bullet
Level 2: 1,000-2,000

All in preflop, the board completes 7d9dAd9cJc, player shows Qd10d flush, Danny Tang mucks and loses his first bullet.

17:40: Wai Kiat Lee wins some off Van Krevelen
Level 2: 1,000-2,000

Cutoff Rene Van Krevelen raises to 76,000, Wai Kiat Lee jams, Van Krevelen calls.

Lee AsAd
Van Krevelen KcJc

The board runs 7s7hJsAc10c for a boat to Lee to double up.

Wai Kiat Lee – 230,000
Rene Van Krevelen – 2 bullets left

White Horse Cup – Short Deck Super High Roller USD 1 Million guarantee

343980418 576559357621315 6067827324918040843 n

And they’re off! The biggest event of the series has kicked off with 11 players coughing up the huge PHP 1,380,000 (~US$ 25,300) buy in. Among them are Richard Yong, Danny Tang, Wai Kin Yong, Paul Teoh, Wai Kiat Lee, Rene Van Krevelen, Nobuaki Sasaki, and Poker Dream founder Winfred Yu. More players are expected. We will track the action throughout the day right here.

Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly. Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.

White Horse Cup Short Deck SHR – Final Day

Event info

Buy in: PHP 1,380,000 (~US$ 25,300)
Guarantee: PHP 55,000,000 (~US$ 987,350)
Entries: 41
Prize pool: PHP 55,000,000 (~US$ 987,350)

Chips in play: 12,300,000
Average stack: 2,050,000
Opening blinds: 20,000-40,000

19:45: Winfred Yu wins the White Horse Cup Short Deck Super High Roller! 

Poker Dream 11

After tugs and pulls for pots, Poker Dream founder Winfred Yu defeats Paul Phua to clinch the White Horse Cup Short Deck Super High Roller! Last hand sees Phua go all in with Ad8s, Yu calls with JdJc. The board runs As9sJh10d8c for a set over two pair.

Yu wins the PHP 18,7000 top prize while Paul Phua has to settle for the PHP 12,920,000 runner up prize.

19:15: Paul Phua jams 
Level 20: 100,000-200,000

Paul Phua limps, Winfred Yu raises to 700,000, Phua shoves, Yu folds.

Paul Phua – 5,200,000
Winfred Yu – 7,100,000

19:10: No go for Phua
Level 20: 100,000-200,000

Poker Dream 2 1

After paying out big to Winfred Yu, Paul Phua attempts to recover the chips, and wins several pots, only to slip back down again. He limps, Yu checks, flop is 7c8s9h. Phua bets 200,000, Yu calls. On the turn 7h, Phua check-calls 550,000. No bets land on the river 10d. Phua has Ad9c two pair, Yu wins the pot with 9d8d higher two pair.

Winfred Yu – 8,100,000
Paul Phua – 4,200,000

18:40: Winfred Yu doubles up to take the lead
Level 19: 80,000-160,000

Poker Dream 1

One hand was all it took to reverse the counts. Winfred Yu limps, Paul Phua raises to 560,000, Yu shoves, Phua calls to put Yu at risk of elimination.

Yu AcKd
Phua AdQs

The board comes Jd7c7hAh10c, the King kicker plays for a huge double up to Yu.

Winfred Yu – 8,400,000
Paul Phua – 3,400,000

18:30: Paul Phua jams 
Level 19: 80,000-160,000

Winfred Yu raises to 560,000, Paul Phua shoves, Yu folds.

Paul Phua – 8,700,000
Winfred Yu – 3,600,000

18:20: Paul Phua bets the whole way
Level 19: 80,000-160,000

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Paul Phua calls, Winfred Yu checks. The board runs Ac8h6cJhKs, and Phua bets the entire way – 150,000, 450,000, and 500,000. Yu folds on the river bet.

Paul Phua – 8,100,000
Winfred Yu – 4,200,000

18:05: Winfred Yu jams for the pot
Level 18: 60,000-120,000

Several hands into the heads up round and Winfred Yu has finally picked up a decent pot. He raises to 320,000, Phua calls from the button. On the flop QdKs9c, he fires another 500,000 and is called. Both players check the turn Ad but on the river 6s, Yu jams, Phua folds.

Winfred Yu – 4,000,000
Paul Phua – 8,300,000

17:51: Who will win the Short Deck Super High Roller trophy?

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17:50: Heads up! Paul Phua versus Winfred Yu
Level 18: 60,000-120,000

It is heads up for the title and the top payout of PHP 18,700,000 (~US$ 336,970).

Paul Phua leads – 9,100,000 (76 bb)
Winfred Yu – 3,200,000 (27 bb)

Place Payouts in PHP
1 18,700,000
2 12,920,000

17:45: Chan Ming Kong eliminated in 3rd place – PHP 8,250,000 (~US$ 148,660)
Level 18: 60,000-120,000

Poker Dream 24

Chan Ming Kong pushes with Ah10d, button Paul Phua engages with AsJs. The board comes 7dJhKd10s7c. Kong is eliminated.

Paul Phua – 9,100,000
Chan Ming Kong – eliminated in 3rd place for PHP 8,250,000 (~US$ 148,660)

17:40: Chan Ming Kong takes some back from Yu
Level 18: 60,000-120,000

Ailing short stack Chan Ming Kong jams As8s, Winfred Yu defends on the button with Jc10h. With the board running AhKh7cKc8d, Kong survives for a double up.

Chan Ming Kong – 2,000,000
Winfred Yu – 3,200,000

17:35: Winfred Yu finds the river to send Kong plunging
Level 18: 60,000-120,000

Three limp in, button Chan Ming Kong jams with JsJh, only Winfred Yu makes the call with AcKc. With the board running 10h9s8h6sKs, Yu connects on the river to chunk down Kong to 985,000 (8 bb).

Winfred Yu – 4,200,000
Chan Ming Kong – 985,000

17:20: Paul Phua widens his lead
Level 18: 60,000-120,000

First to act Chan Ming Kong calls, button Paul Phua checks. Kong bets the flop 200,000 and turn 400,000 KcJc9c6d, on the river Jd both check. Kong has 10c9s, Phua has better Kh8c

Paul Phua – 7,300,000
Chan Ming Kong – 3,000,000

 17:10: Chan Ming Kong earns off Yu
Level 17: 50,000-100,000

Chan Ming Kong and Winfred Yu limp in, button checks. No bets land on the flop Qd8s7d, at the turn Js, Yu bets 200,000, button folds, Kong calls. On the river 8h, Kong bets 600,000 and Yu folds.

Chan Ming Kong – 3,900,000
Winfred Yu – 1,800,000

17:00: Danny Tang eliminated in 4th place – PHP6,330,000 (~US$ 114,000)
Level 17: 50,000-100,000

Poker Dream 26
Danny Tang

Danny Tang pushes with QdQh then falls to Paul Phua’s AdAc. He takes 4th place and earns PHP6,330,000 (~US$ 114,000.

Paul Phua – 6,800,000

16:45: Chan Ming Kong versus Paul Phua
Level 17: 50,000-100,000

Cutoff Paul Phua limps, button Chan Ming Kong checks. At the flop Ks10d7d, Phua bets 100,000, Kong calls. On the turn 9c another 300,000 check-called by Kong. On the river Kh, Phua slows to a check, Kong bangs out 500,000, Phua folds.

Chan Ming Kong – 3,900,000
Paul Phua – 3.600,000

16:40: Jun Yap eliminated in 5th place – PHP 4,950,000 (~US$ 89,200)
Level 17: 50,000-100,000

Poker Dream 25

End of the line for Jun Yap who three-bet shoves AsQs and is called by initial raiser Chan Ming Kong with Ah10h. The board runs JdQdKh9sQc for a straight over trips.

Chan Ming Kong – 3,400,000
Jun Yap – eliminated in 5th place for PHP 4,950,000 (~US$ 89,200)

16:30: Another pot for Phua
Level 17: 50,000-100,000

Three limpers, button checks, flop comes Jh9hJd. Paul Phua bets 500,000, no takers.

Paul Phua – 4,600,000

16:15: Paul Phua takes the lead
Level 16: 40,000-80,000

First to act Paul Phua calls, hijack calls, cutoff Winfred Yu raises to 300,000, only Phua continues. Both players check the flop 9c6cJs but on the 8h turn, Phua bets 470,000, enough for Yu to fold.

Paul Phua – 4,200,000
Winfred Yu – 3,100,000

16:00: Chan Ming Kong attempts to steal 
Level 16: 40,000-80,000

Action folds to Chan Ming Kong and raise to 250,000 from cutoff. Short stacked Jun Yap three-bet jams his 5.5 bb stack, Kong calls.

Kong 9s6h
Yap AcJh

The board comes JcKcKh8cKs. Kong drops to 2,000,000, Yap survives and chips up to 880,000.

15:55: Danny Tang switches up
Level 16: 40,000-80,000

Poker Dream 20

Hijack Danny Tang limps, button Chan Ming Kong checks, flop comes 7cKcQd. Tang check-calls 170,000. Same action on the turn Kd with a 250,000 check-called. On the river 6c Tang switches up and leads out 250,000, Kong folds.

15:30: Paul Phua bets to win it
Level 15: 30,000-60,000

Three players limp, button Danny Tang checks, the flop comes 7c9cAh. From cutoff, Winfred Yu bets 130,000, Tang calls, utg Paul Phua check-calls, utg+1 folds. On the turn Qc, Phua leads out 50,000, Yu and Tang fold.

Paul Phua – 2,500,000
Winfred Yu – 4,100,000
Danny Tang – 2,200,000

15:10: Chan Ming Kong continues to rise
Level 15: 30,000-60,000

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From under the gun Chan Ming Kong raises, cutoff Danny Tang calls. The board runs As7dJs10cKh, Kong bets the whole way, 150,000, 250,000, and 700,000, Tang folds on the river bet.

Chan Ming Kong – 3,000,000
Danny Tang – 2,500,000

15:00: Paul Phua doubles through Yu
Level 13: 20,000-40,000

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On a flop AhQh8c, Winfred Yu bets 250,000, Paul Phua shoves, button player folds. Yu calls and shows AdJs top pair, Phua has 8h8s set. The turn 9h and river Jh are good for a double up to Phua.

Paul Phua – 2,400,000
Winfred Yu – 4,300,000

14:40: Another full boost for Kong
Level 14: 25,000-50,000

Chan Ming Kong is well out of the hole having landed his second double up. This time, it was Jun Yap paying up. Kong pushed with Ac10c, Yap with AdKc, the board ran JsKs8d6cQc for a straight.

Chan Ming Kong – 2,200,000
Jun Yap – 715,000

14:30: Ming Hong Teoh eliminated in 6th place – PHP3,850,000 (~US$ 69,375)
Level 13: 20,000-40,000

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Ming Hong Teoh

First casualty of the final 6 is Ming Hong Teoh. He shoves with KhKc, button Danny Tang calls with AdKd. The board runs 9dAcJdQh9s for a higher pair spiked by Tang.

Danny Tang – 2,800,000
Ming Hong Teoh – eliminated in 6th place for PHP 3,850,000

14:25: Winfred Yu jams for the pot
Level 13: 20,000-40,000

Four players call, button Winfred Yu jams, everyone folds. Yu claims the pot and rises to 5,400,000.

14:10: Danny Tang picks up a small one
Level 13: 20,000-40,000

Having just lost a hand, Danny Tang raises to 130,000, Paul Phua calls, the flop is 8dAhQd. Tang c-bets 120,000, quick fold from Phua.

Danny Tang – 1,900,000
Paul Phua – 1,100,000

14:05: Chan Ming Kong doubles through Tang
Level 13: 20,000-40,000

Second position Chan Ming Kong is all in for 595,000 and Jd10s to battle with, cutoff Danny Tang joined the shove and with button folding, it was heads up.

Kong Jd10s
Tang AcQc

The board runs 10h7s8s8dKc.  Kong doubles up to 1,300,000, Tang drops to 1,600,000.

14;00: Small pot for Winfred Yu 
Level 13: 20,000-40,000

From cutoff, Winfred Yu calls and button Danny Tang checks. Both check down the board KcKdQcJc9s. Yu wins the pot with 10h10c.

Winfred Yu – 5,000,000
Danny Tang – 2,200,000

Final Day updates will begin soon…………

Event info

Buy in: PHP 1,380,000 (~US$ 25,300)
Guarantee: PHP 55,000,000 (~US$ 987,350)
Entries: 41
Prize pool; PHP 55,000,000 (~US$ 987,350)


Place Payouts in PHP
1 18,700,000
2 12,920,000
3 8,250,000
4 6,330,000
5 4,950,000
6 3,850,000

Final 6 by chip rank

The White Horse Cup Short Deck Super High Roller PH₱ 55,000,000 (~US$ 1M) guaranteed was under the spotlight on Day 5 especially with everyone wondering who was going to cough up the staggering PH₱ 1,380,000 (~US$ 25,300) buy in. This was to be the first of its kind in the Philippines since Triton several years back. 

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Wai Kin Yong

When the players streamed in, among them were Super High Roller gurus and enthusiasts such as triple crown Triton champion Wai Kin Yong, Triton founder Richard Yong, WSOP Online champion Paul Teoh, pros Nobuaki Sasaki and Wai Kiat Lee. At the close of registration, there were 41 entries, and by the end of Day 1 scheduled play, six remained led by Poker Dream founder Winfred Yu. 

Read up on the Day 1 action via the SMP Live Updates.

Super High Rollers 50

Final 6 by chip rank

1 Winfred Yu Hong Kong 4,610,000
2 Danny Tang UK 2,300,000
3 Jun Yap Malaysia 1,860,000
4 Ming Hong Teoh Malaysia 1,440,000
5 Paul Phua Malaysia 1,315,000
6 Chen Ming Kong Malaysia 775,000

Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly. Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.

Main Event Day 1A

Wai Keong Yong ends Main Event Day 1A as chip leader 

Poker Dream 199
Wai Keong Yong

After 13 hours of play, the first flight of the Main Event concluded with 22 players and Wai Keong Yong up top with 421,000.

Player Flag Stack
Wai Keong Yong Malaysia 421,000
Alessandro Taranto Italy 368,000
Hal Rotholz USA 282,000
Lijun Zhang China 281,000
Wai Loon Ng Malaysia 271,000
Junho Kim Korea 266,000
Wooseok Kim Korea 251,000
Suya Lee Korea 238,000
Edwin Dela Cruz Philippines 223,000
Mok Hui Shen Brunei 207,000
Bonifacio Mondalo Jr. Philippines 186,000
Artem Utevskii Russia 155,000
Alan Tsang USA 136,000
 Maurillo Bulauitan Philippines 126,000
Harun Mzb Brunei 119,000
William Teoh Malaysia 112,000
Yin Liu China 103,000
Youngsoo Yang Korea 103,000
Gai Lax Lim Malaysia 101,000
Jose Drilon Philippines 100,000
Anant Samant India 84,000
Shuta Nakane Japan 78,000

02:10: Suya Lee delivers the bubble
Level 17: 4,000-8,000, 8,000 ante

Poker Dream 201
Suya Lee and Cheong Xian

Button Suya Lee raises to 16,000, small blind Cheong Xian is all in with AsKh. Lee calls and is dominated with AcJs. However, with the board running Ad8dJdAh4d, Lee improves to a full house to oust Cheong on the bubble.

Suya Lee – 238,000

02:05: Taranto eliminates Ding Yoong Piu
Level 16: 3,000-6,000, 6,000 ante

Under the gun Ding Yoong Piu all in with Qd5d, big blind Alessandro Taranto calls with KhQh. No help comes for Ding on a board Jd4dAs7c4c to bust two spots before the money.

Alessandro Taranto – 340,000

02:00: Harun MZB pays a double to Teoh
Level 16: 3,000-6,000, 6,000 ante

From cutoff, Harun MZB raises to 15,000, small William Teoh jams AdJc. Harun calls with Js10s. With the flop running Kh5dQs, it’s a sweat for Teoh, but with the turn Qd and river 2c, it’s a double up.

William Teoh – 160,000
Harun MZB – 200,000

01:50: Alessandro Taranto rails Willy
Level 16: 3,000-6,000, 6,000 ante

Taranto Alessandro
Alessandro Taranto

From the button, Indonesian player Willy is all in with AsQs, big blind Alessandro Taranto calls with AhKc. The window card is a King, the board completesKs4s2d5c4c to end Willy’s run three spots before the money.

Alessandro Taranto – 270,000

01:40: No hearts for Sze Chi Fu to bust to Yong
Level 16: 3,000-6,000, 6,000 ante

Under the gun Wei Keong Yong all in with 10h10c, Sze Chi Fu risks it all with Jh9h, the board runs KdQd4d2c3d not the suits Fu needs to stay in the game. Yong ships it and rises to 250,000.

01:35: Preflop betting war goes to Utevskii
Level 16: 3,000-6,000, 6,000 ante

Cutoff Artem Utevskii raises to 12,000, button Gai Lax Lim three-bets to 34,000, big blind Lijun Zhang calls, back to Utevskii who jams, both Lim and Zhang fold.

Artem Utevskii – 150,000
Gai Lax Lim – 130,000
Lijun Zhang – 300,000

01:30: Back up for William Teoh
Level 16: 3,000-6,000, 6,000 ante

Cutoff William Teoh enters another all in and ships it with Ah10c both pairing up on a board 4d8s10hAs3c. He outdraws Sze Chi Fu’s AdQh.

William Teoh – 170,000
Sze Chi Fu – 40,000

01:20: William Teoh plunges, Tsang doubles through
Level 16: 3,000-6,000, 6,000 ante

William Teoh caught a lucky break earlier but on his next all in showdown, he dropped in chips. Allan Tsang was all in with KdKh, Teoh called with Ad[qs}. With the board running 4c10s3c10d5d, no ace for Teoh to pay the double up.

Allan Tsang – 150,000
William Teoh – 50,000

01:10: Lucky pair for Teoh to double up
Level 16: 3,000-6,000, 6,000 ante

Theo Williams
William Teoh

All in preflop, William Teoh with As4s, his caller Wai Keong Yong with AdQs, the board comes Kd3d7h4c6h for a pair to Teoh. He survives elimination and rises to 140,000. Yong drops to 170,000.

00:45: No hearts give Torres the triple
Level 15: 2,500-5,000, 5,000 ante

Hijack raises to 10,000, button Artem Utevskii three-bet jams, short stacked big blind Ricardo Torres joins the shove, this pushes out hijack. Utevskii opens AsKs, Torres 10d4c, with the board running JsJh3h5h4h, Torres pairs his small card to triple up.

Ricardo Torres – 40,000
Artem Utevskii – 65,000

00:40: Junho Kim earns some off Harun
Level 15: 2,500-5,000, 5,000 ante

On a turn board 5h5s3h7d and 60,000 in the middle, cutoff Junho Kim bets 45,000 and Harun MZB calls. On the river 10d, another 25,000 bet by Kim, Harun calls then mucks to Kim’s JcJs.

Junho Kim – 350,000
Harun MZB – 350,000

00:30: Gai Lax Lim’s set of aces hold
Level 15: 2,500-5,000, 5,000 ante

On a flop 5h7cAc and 42,500 in the pot, under the gun Gai Lax Lim checks, cutoff Ma Yicun shoves, Lim calls. Yicun opens 5c6c, Lim with AsAh trips, the turn 9s and river 10h don’t produce the flush for Yicun to fall out of contention.

Gai Lax Lim – 150,000

00:20: Allan Tsang saved by the river
Level 15: 2,500-5,000, 5,000 ante

Allan Tsang all in from the button with Jh10c, small blind William Teoh looks him up with 9h9s. With the board running Ad5c4sQc10s, it’s a higher pair on the river for Tsang to avoid the rail.

Allan Tsang – 120,000
William Teoh – 160,000

00:15: Wai Keong Yong rails Choi
Level 15: 2,500-5,000, 5,000 ante

Wai Keong Yong
Wai Keong Yong

All in preflop, Chuck Choi with Ad3d, his caller Wai Keong Yong with KhKc, the board runs 6c2c10hKs3c. Choi is eliminated.

Wai Keong Yong – 270,000

00:05: Harun MZB with the better two pair
Level 14: 2000-4000, 4000 ante

From under the gun, Harun MZB raises to 10,000 and is called by the blinds. At the flop Ks6hAd, action is checked to Harun who c-bets 8,000. Only big blind Junho Kim calls to bring the turn 2s. Again Harun bets 10,000 and Kim check-calls. On the river Qc, Harun fires a large 80,000, Kim check-calls and shows As6s two pair however it is not good enough to win the pot. Harun opens AhKh top two pair to ship it.

Harun MZB – 480,000
Junho Kim – 220,000

23:50: Harun MZB rails Yu
Level 14: 2000-4000, 4000 ante

On a flop of Ah3s4d and 12,000 in the pot, small blind Winfred Yu bets 2,000, Harun MZB raises to 4,000, Yu jams, Harun calls. Yu is behind 7d7c against Harun’s QcQh. The turn 4h and river 8h are no help to Yu to lose all his chips.

Harun MZB – 320,000
Winfred Yu – eliminated

23:40: Good call by Teoh to expose Kim’s bluff
Level 14: 2000-4000, 4000 ante

With 50,000 in the pot and a board completing KhAh10dJh9d, Wooseok Kim checks, button William Teoh bets 187,000, Kim raises to 50,000, Teoh tank-calls. Kim shows his 6h4h failed bluff, Teoh takes it down with 2h9h bottom pair.

William Teoh – 200,000
Wooseok Kim – 160,000

23:25: Two good pots for Junho Kim
Level 13: 1500-3000, 3000 ante

Kim JunHo 1
Junho Kim

Two nice pots for Junho Kim. The first pot sees a flop 6c7c9c and a hefty 60,000 in the middle, lojack Kim and cutoff Artem Utevskii check. Same action on the turn 5c, but on the river 8h, lojack bets 30,000, Utevskii folds.

On the next hand, lojack Youngsoo Yang raises to 7,000, small blind Kim calls. On the flop Qc10d6d, Kim check-calls a 6,000 c-bet. On the turn Ac, Kim check-calls 11,000. Then on the river 3d both check. Kim has Ad9c top pair beating Yang’s 5h5s.

Junho Kim – 310,000
Artem Utevskii – 80,000
Youngsoo Yang – 120,000

23:10: Lijun Zhang’s pocket pair holds
Level 13: 1500-3000, 3000 ante

Poker Dream 56
Lijun Zhang

Four players in for 9,000 each and the flop runs 4sAsJc. Action is checked to the raiser Lijun Zhang on the button, she c-bets 12,000 and finds one caller in the small blind Ma Yicun. Both players play it safe on the turn Kd and river Jd with no bets fired. Zhang wins the pot with 9s9d over Yicun’s Qs8s missed flush.

Lijun Zhang – 350,000
Ma Yicun – 180,000

23:00: William Teoh outkicks Sze Chi Fu
Level 13: 1500-3000, 3000 ante

On a board showing Qs10c3s and a pot of 19,500 brewed, utg William check-calls a 7,000 bet by cutoff Sze Chi Fu. No bets land on the turn 5d. On the river Js, Teoh checks, Sze bets 11,000, Teoh shoves, Sze calls. Teoh opens KhJc, Sze with 8dJd. Teoh’s kicker plays.

William Teoh – 120,000
Sze Chi Fu – 120,000

21:50: Wooseok Kim beats Yong’s overpair
Level 11: 1,000-2,000, 2,000 ante

wooseok Kim
Wooseok Kim

Hijack Wooseok Kim opens for 4,000, small blind Wai Keong Yong re-raises to 15,000, Kim calls, and the flop runs 5d7h9h. Yong c-bet 2,000, Kim calls. On the turn 2h, both check for a free look at the river 8d. No more checking as Yong bets 30,000, Kim calls. Yong oopens JsJh overpair, Kim has 8s9s two pair to ship the pot.

Wai Keong Yong – 50,000
Wooseok Kim – 170,000

21:30: Lijun Zhang eliminates Fukoya
Level 11: 1,000-2,000, 2,000 ante

On a board showing AhKs10d and 17,000 brewed, under the gun position Lijun Zhang bets 15,000, hijack Keisuke Fukoya goes all in, Zhang calls.

Zhang Kd10c two pair
Fukoya Ac8c top pair

The turn 9c and river 5h keep Zhang ahead to clean out Fukoya.

Lijun Zhang – 200,000

21:25: Wai Keong Yong spikes two-outer, eliminates PD Malaysia champion Tang
Level 11: 1,000-2,000, 2,000 ante

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Devan Tang

Reigning Poker Dream Main Event champion Devan Tang will have to return tomorrow if he wants to defend his title as he has just been dusted by Wai Keong Yong in a brutal two outer. Tang had KcKs, Yong with 5d5c, the board came down 7s3s3h5s8d for a full house to Yong.

Wai Keong Yong – 130,000

21:20: Junho Kim doubles through Dinh Tien Thanh
Level 10: 1,000-1,500, 1,500 ante

Kim JunHo 1
Junho Kim

Hand opens with utg raising to 3,000, and finds four callers to the flop 8c9s10s. Utg+2 Junho Kim bets 5,500, and only small blind Dinh Tien Thanh calls to see the turn 3d. Kim bets 8,500, Dinh check-raises to 20,000, Kim shoves, Dinh calls.

Kim QsJs straight
Dinh Qc9h

The river 4c is no help to Dinh to pay the double up.

Junho Kim – 80,000
Dinh Tien Thanh – 75,000

21:10: Lloyd Locsin eliminates Thompson
Level 10: 1,000-1,500, 1,500 ante

Utg raises to 3,000, cutoff Gary Thompson shoves, button Lloyd Locsin also shoves, back to utg who opts to fold. Thompson opens AsQs, Locsin has 10s10d, it’s a flip. The board runs 10hKh4sAh3c for victorious set to Locsin and Thompson the boot.

Lloyd Locsin – 65,000

21:05: Campomanes ends Clarke
Level 10: 1,000-1,500, 1,500 ante

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Florencio Campomanes

Ug+2 opens for 3,000, lojack Patrick Clarke three-bets all in, small blind Florencio Campomanes joins the shove, utg+2 opts to get out of the way.

Clarke AcKs
Campomanes JhJc

With the board running 8d2h9d10h6s, Jacks hold to finish off Clarke.

Florencio Campomanes – 80,000

20:55: Edwin Dela Cruz sends Sumendap packing
Level 10: 1,000-1,500, 1,500 ante

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Edwin Dela Cruz

Action folds to the small blind Marvin Sumendap who shoves with Kd9d, he is called by big blind Edwin Dela Cruz with AcJd. The board runs 6cKhAd10cQs for a straight to Dela Cruz and the boot for Sumendap.

Edwin Dela Cruz – 90,000

20:50: Wai Loon Ng doubles through Rotholz
Level 10: 1,000-1,500, 1,500 ante

Poker Dream 113 1
Wai Loon Ng

On a board showing 6h10c3c and a pot of 20,000 in the middle, button Hal Rotholz overbets 55,000, Wai Loon Ng check-shoves, Rotholz folds.

Wai Loon Ng – 175,000
Hal Rotholz – 60,000

20:45: Triple up for Utevskii
Level 10: 1,000-1,500, 1,500 ante

Artem Utevskii
Artem Utevskii

From utg, Ryan Ming Hong raises to 3000, utg+2 three-bets to 7,000, lojack Jhon Hendri four-bets all in, small blind Artem Utevskii joins the jam party, Hong as well and utg+2 folds.

Hong AcKs
Hendri 8c8d
Utevskii AdAs

The board runs 4cKd2s9c3d, Utevskii scores a triple up to 80,000, Hong drops to 15,000 and Hendri crippled to 2,000.

20:20: Day 1A registration closes at 141 entries
Level 10: 1,000-1,500, 1,500 ante

Main Event Day 1A registration is closed! 141 entered the first flight and will race for a seat to the next stage. They bag up when the field is down to 15% of the field / ITM of 22 players.

19:45: Suya Lee doubles through Colada
Level 9: 600-1200, 1200 ante

Suya Lee

Lojack Jose Colada raises to 2700, small blind Suya Lee calls. On the flop JdAs4c, Lee check-calls Colada’s 2500 c-bet. On  the turn Qd another 3,000 bet by Colada called by Lee. On the river 10c, Lee switches up and bets 10,500, Colada jams, Lee calls.

Colada KsKh
Lee KdJh

Lee doubles up with a straight and rises to 120,000. Colada drops to 40,000.

19:25: Another head for Sze Chi Fu
Level 9: 600-1200, 1200 ante

Sze Chi Fu adds another bust to his list with pocket Sevens dominating Ewe Eng Soon’s pocket Fours.

Sze Chi Fu – 100,000
Ewe Eng Soon – eliminated

19:15: Sze Chi Fu eliminated Aurelian
Level 9: 600-1200, 1200 ante

From cutoff, Stochita Aurelian shoves with KsQh and finds one caller in big blind Sze Chi Fu with  As10c. With the board running KcAc9sKdAd it’s a full house over full house with Sze having the higher five card spread.

Sze Chi Fu – 50,000
Stochita Aurelian – eliminated

19:10: Andrew Nguyen doubles through Clarke
Level 9: 600-1200, 1200 ante

Under the gun Andrew Nguyen shoves with AcKc and is called by big blind Patrick Clarke with 8d8h. The board favors the big cards as it runs Ah6c3d10s6h for a double up to Nguyen.

Andrew Nguyen – 35,000
Patrick Clarke – 17,000

19:00: Three way goes to Utevskii
Level 8: 500-1000, 1000 ante

All in preflop, Thijs Hilberts AhKs, Artem Utevskii 4d4c, and Xiao Oi Ad7c. The board runs 8c2d4h6d9h for the small pair to improve further.

Artem Utevskii – 35,000
Xiao Oi – 60,000
Thijs Hilberts – eliminated

18:50: Runner runner flush for Xiao Oi
Level 8: 500-1000, 1000 ante

Xiao Oi 1
Xiao Oi

Preflop betting war leads to Paul Fontan Castrillon all in with Ac9c and is at risk of elimination against Xiao Oi’s AdKs. With the flop running 8h9s4s, Castrillon jumps ahead, but with the turn 7s and river 8s, it’s a runner runner flusb to Oi to ship it.

Xiao Oi – 80,000
Paul Fontan Castrillon – eliminated

18:40: Vage Babayan’s queens hold
Level 8: 500-1000, 1000 ante

All in preflop, Vage Babayan at risk with QsQc against Maurillo Balautan’s AdKh. The board runs low for a double up to Babayan.

Vage Babayan – 35,000
Maurillo Balautan – 25,000

18:35: Thompson jams on the big blind
Level 8: 500-1000, 1000 ante

Edwin Dela Cruz raises t0 4800, Gary Thompson jams, Dela Cruz folds. Thompson rises to 40,000, Dela Cruz down to 75,000.

18:25: Wooseok Kim doubles through Soon
Level 8: 500-1000, 1000 ante

On a board showing Jd10hQs and 20,000 in the pot, Wooseok Kim goes all in with AcKc straight and gets the call from Ewe Eng Soon with Qd10d two pair. With the turn 5h and river 5c, it’s a double up for Kim to 85,000. Soon drops to 20,000

18:10: Alessandro Taranto rails Doddapaneni
Level 8: 500-1000, 1000 ante

Preflop betting war leads to Alessandro Taranto JdJh putting Sriharsha Doddapaneni 9s9d at risk of elimination. With the board running Kc8c7sAd8h, that’s exactly what happened. Doddapaneni out as Taranto chips up to 50,000.

18:05: Marc Rivera eliminated
Level 8: 500-1000, 1000 ante

Marc Rivera three-bet all in with AhJc. He is called by initial raiser Yuan Xiang Cheong with 9d9h. The board runs dry for Rivera to bust out.

17:50: Ryan McAllister rails Chao
Level 7: 400-800, 800 ante

After losing a pot to Hao Cheng, Ryan McAllister recovers some chips by railing Yau Chao. It is all in preflop, Chao with AdKh runs into McAllister’s AhAc.

Ryan McAllister – 25,000

17:45: Hao Cheng wins the flip for a double up
Level 7: 400-800, 800 ante

Cheng Hao 1
Hao Cheng

Preflop betting war leads to Ryan McAllister all in for all his chips with 9d9h. He is put on the ropes by Hao Cheng with overcards AdQh. A queen quickly lands on the flop and holds for a double up to Cheng

Hao Cheng – 28,000
Ryan McAllister – 15,000

17:25: Bonifacio Mondalo outkicks Kim
Level 6: 300-600, 600 ante

From utg Min Hwa Kim raises to 1200, lojack Bonifacio Mondalo three-bets to 3,000, Kim four-bets to 8,000, Mondalo flats. At the flop 4d10d2c, both players check. On the turn Jd, Kim leads out 5,000, Mondalo calls. On the river 9c, another 6,000 bet from Kim, Mondalo calls. Kim opens KcJc top pair, Mondalo has slightly better AcJs higher kicker.

Bonifacio Mondalo – 100,000
Min Hwa Kim – 35,000

17:15: Bonifacio Mondalo shows the bluff
Level 6: 300-600, 600 ante

From utg+1, Min Hwa Kim raises to 1,200, hijack Bonifacio Mondalo calls, big blind Chao Yan three-bets to 4,600, Kim and Mondalo call. At the flop Qd6hAs, Yan and Kim check, Mondalo bets 3,200, Yan and Kim call. On the turn Qc, action checked to Mondalo again who bets 6,000, this time only Yan joins to the river Kc. Yan checks, Mondalo bets a large 20,000, Yan folds. Mondalo shows his Jc7c bluff.

Bonifacio Mondalo – 84,000
Chao Yan – 7,000
Min Hwa Kim – 55,000

17:00: Anant Samant rails Valeriy Pak
Level 6: 300-600, 600 ante

On a board showing Jh6d5s2s and 15,000 in the pot, under the gun Anant Samant checks, lojack William Teoh bets to 6,100, cutoff Valeriy Pak shoves, Samant three-bet jams, Teoh decides to fold.

Samant KhKc overpair
Pak Jc8c top pair

The river 3s doesn’t help Pak to bust out. Samant rises to 55,000, Teoh dips to 50,000.

16:50: Ngoc Anh Cao out again
Level 6: 300-600, 600 ante

Ngoc Anh Cao is back in and is quickly sent packing. From lojack he raises to 1,200, cutoff Joshua June Chun three-bets to 4,000, Cao jams, Chun calls.

Cao Ad9c
Chun QsJs

The board runs Qd2d6s{3d{}jh} for two pair to Chun.

Joshua June Chun – 45,000

16:40: Sze Chi Fu spikes it on the river
Level 5: 300-500, 500 ante

Sze Chi Fu 1
Sze Chi Fu

Valeriy Pak raises to 2000 from cutoff, button Sze Chi Fu three-bet shoves, Pak calls. Pak has 7d7s, Sze Jh10h, with the river dropping the a Ten 8cAh2s3d10s, the flip goes to Sze for a double up.

Sze Chi Tu – 30,000
Valeriy Pak – 40,000

16:30: Wai Keong Yong rails Gonzales
Level 5: 300-500, 500 ante

On a flop Qd3d3s and 9,000 in the middle, big blind Wai Keong Yong bets half pot of 4,500, small blind Ryan Gonzales check-raises to 15,000, back to Yong who jams. Gonzales calls for his tournament life.

Yong KcKs
Gonzales Qh8h

The turn 4c and river Js completes the board. Gonzales is eliminated. Yong rises to 90,000.

16:25: Jung Wonwook rails Cao
Level 5: 300-500, 500 ante

On a flop showing 10sQd2d and 9,000 in the pot, utg+1 Ngoc Anh Cao bets 5,500 hijack Jung Wonwook shoves, Cao calls for his tournament life. Cao opens Qc10d two pair, Jung 10h10c set, the turn Ah and river 6c are no help to Cao to bust out.

Jung Wonwook – 55,000

16:15: Shu Kawakami rails Lee
Level 5: 300-500, 500 ante

Under the gun Lee Cheong Yew goes all in, utg+2 Shu Kawakami calls, lojack Beh Kok Weng calls. When the board completes 6h7d10d2s7c, it is checked the whole way for no side pot. Lee has AhKs and is eliminated, Kawakami ships it with 10h8d.

Shu Kawakami – 40,000

16:05: Harry Duong falls to Tabucal
Level 4: 200-400, 400 ante

Lojack Bonifacio Mondalo raises to 800, cutoff Harry Duong three-bets to 2500, button Chev Tabucal ad Mondalo call. At the flop 5h2c10s, Duong c-bets 3500, Tabucal calls, Mondalo folds. On the turn Jc, Duong switches up and checks then calls Tabucal’s 6,000 bet. The river 7h Tabucal jams, Duong risks his tournament life with Kd10d, Tabucal has 2d5d two pair to ship is. Duong is eliminated.

Chev Tabucal – 80,000

15:55: Bonifacio Mondalo hits a very lucky river
Level 4: 200-400, 400 ante

Cutoff raises to 1200, button Bonifacio Mondalo three-bets to 3500, small blind Hao Cheng four-bets to 5,700, cutoff folds, Mondalo calls. At the flop Jc8d6h, Cheng c-bets 6,500, Mondalo calls. On the turn {2h, Cheng jams, Mondalo calls and shows 10d6d which is way behind Cheng’s KcKs. The river 10h saves Mondalo from elimination with two pair.

Bonifacio Mondalo – 75,000
Hao Cheng – 15,000

15:45: Seungsoo Jeon bets every street against Utevskii
Level 4: 200-400, 400 ante

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Button Seungsoo Jeon raises to 900, small blind Artem Utevskii calls. At the flop 2s5h7s, Utevskii check-calls a 1,300 bet from Jeon. On the turn 2c same action with a 3,000 bet called by Utevskii. On the river 4c, Jeon shoves, this time no call from Utevskii

Seungsoo Jeon – 20,000
Artem Utevskii – 25,000

15:40: Artem Utevskii pairs up the river
Level 4: 200-400, 400 ante

Hijack limps in, cutoff raises to 1,100, small blind Seungsoo Jeon calls, big blind and hijack call. At the flop 2cJdJc, action is checked to cutoff who bets 500, small blind Seungsoo Jeon check- raises to 2,000, Artem Utevskii calls, hijack and cutoff call. On the turn 10s, Jeon bets 3,500, Utevskii calls. On the river 6h both check it.

Jeon 4h4c down wo 15,000
Utevskii Ac6c higher pair, rises to 30,0000

15:20: Top pair, top kicker, boat, all for Rotholz
Level 4: 200-400, 400 ante

On a flop showing 9c7h3h} and 3,000 in the pot, utg+1 Hal Rotholz raises to 1400, button calls, big blind Terje Bratberg three-bets to 4500, back to Rotholz with a four-bet raise to 16,600, button folds, Bratberg jams, Rotholz calls.

Rotholz Ah9h
Bratberg 9s7d

The turn 8h and river Ad further improves Rotholz to a boat to ship a double up to 60,000. Bratberg plunges to 5,000.

15:00: Warm Up winner Singapan eliminated
Level 3: 200-300, 300 ante

Lojack raises to 2,200, Warm Up event winner Ricardo Singapan three-bet jams, button Sang Nguyen four-bet jams, initial raiser lojack folds.

Singapan KhJh
Nguyen AcQc

The board runs 8d10c9d4s5c, both players miss the board. Nguyen’s five card spread is best to eliminate Singapan.

Sang Nguyen – 36,000

14:55: Jung Ho Kim’s pockets hold
Level 3: 200-300, 300 ante

Hijack raises to 600, button Jung Ho Kim and small blind calls, big blind Alexis Cruz three-bets to 3600. Only Kim calls. At the flop 8c8h5s, another 3,5000 bet by Cruz and called by Kim. On the turn Jc and river 4d, both players check. Cruz opens AsKd, Kim wins the pot with 9c9h.

Jung Ho Kim – 35,000
Alexis Cruz – 50,000

14:45: Jung Wonwook takes it with trips
Level 3: 200-300, 300 ante

Utg raises to 800 and finds three callers to join to the flop 10s7h6c. Lojack Marvin Sumendap bets 1,300, cutoff folds, small blind Jung Wonwook check-calls, utg folds. On the turn 6h both check it to bring the river 7s. Jung leads out 2,500, Sumendap calls, Wonwook shows 9d6d trips, Sumendap mucks.

Jung Wonwook – 40,000
Marvin Sumendap – 35,000

14:40: Hao Cheng gets good pay for his boat against Mondalo
Level 3: 200-300, 300 ante

Cutoff Bonifacio Mondalo raises to 600, small blind Hao Cheng three-bets to 2100, Mondalo calls. On the flop Js4c10s, both players check to get a free look at the turn 10h. Mondalo leads out 3,000, Cheng check-raises to 9,000, Mondalo calls. On the river 3c, Cheng sends out a larger 17,100 bet, Mondalo calls then mucks to Cheng’s 10dJd full house.

Hao Cheng – 60,000
Bonifacio Mondalo – 22,000

14:30:  Bad board for Mondalo’s aces
Level 2: 100-200, 200 ante

On a board showing 5d9c7h8d and 10,000 in the pot, Chev Tabucal bets 2500, Alexis Cruz calls. On the river 9s, both check.

Tabucal 10s9h trips beats Mondalo’s AhAs. Tabucal rises to 30,000, Cruz dips to 55,000.

14:20: Alexis Cruz doubles his stack
Level 2: 100-200, 200 ante

On a board showing 9s9d6s4s, and 8,000 in the pot, Alexis Cruz bets and is called by Moses Saquing. On the river Ac, Cruz check-calls 13,000, Saquing mucks.

Alexis Cruz – 60,000
Moses Saquing – 9,000

14:10: Jhon Hendri earns a pot
Level 2: 100-200, 200 ante

From utg, Jhon Hendri raises to  500, Joseph Magnotti calls, button Xiang Cheong three-bets to 1600, both players call. At the flop 2h4c2d, buttong Cheong c-bets 1,800, only Hendri calls. On the turn 6c, no bets from either player and the river is Qh. Hendri bets 5,000 and wins the pot with no challenge.

Jhon Hendri – 33,000
Xian Cheong – 40,000

14:05: Chow Pak Khin has the straight
Level 2: 100-200, 200 ante

On a board showing 10sKd7d4c and 8,000 in the pot, cutoff Jhon Hendri bets 3,000, Chow Pak Khin check-calls. On the river Jh, Chow leads out 5,000 and Hendri calls. Chow has 8s9s straight beating Hendri’s Ks7s two pair.

Chow Pak Khin – 43,000
Jhon Hemdri – 20,000

14:00: Joseph Magnotti gains with cowboys
Level 2: 100-200, 200

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From utg, Joseph Magnotti raises to 500 and finds two callers to the flop 3s10c2h. Magnotti c-bets 600, only cutoff continues. On the turn 6d and river 6s, Magnotti check-calls Mok Hui Shen’s 1600 and 3,000 bets. Shen opens AhQh high cards, Magnotti scoops with KsKd.

Joseph Magnotti – 40,000
Mok Hui Shen – 25,000

13:50: Pot for Weng
Level 1: 100-100, 100 ante

From lojack, Beh Kok Weng raises to 300 and finds two callers to the flop 7dAcJs. Weng c-bets 800, and is called by both. On the turn 4c, Weng sends out 2,200 and takes the pot with no callers.

Beh Kok Weng – 24,000
Aurelian Stochita – 29,000
Harum – 32,000

13:40: Patrick Clarke wins one
Level 1: 100-100, 100 ante

From lojack Patrick Clarke raises to 300, small blind Ivan Tabucal and big blind calls. On the flop and turn 6s9c4s5d, Clarke calls Tabucal’s 400 and 1300 bets, bb folds. On the river 2c, Tabucal checks, Clarke bets 1800, Tabucal calls. Clarke opens 10s10d, Tabucal mucks.

Patrick Clarke – 32,000
Ivan Tabucal – 28,000

13:30: Mondalo with quads, Hilberts eliminated
Level 1: 100-100, 100 ante

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Early elimination here at Level 1. With a pot of 8,000 already brewed and a board of 10c7h10d4d10h, Bonifacio Mondalo goes all in, Thijs Hilberts check-calls. Mondalo has Jd10s quads, Hilberts is eliminated with QsQh full house.

Bonifacio Mondalo – 70,000
Thijs Hilberts – eliminated

13:25: Hongin Tsang calls out Harum’s bluff
Level 1: 100-100, 100 ante

From utg, Harum MZB raises to 500, bug blind Hongin Tsang three-bets to 900, Harum calls. At the flop 9d8c9c, no bets fired. On the 7s turn, Tsang bets 1,100, Harum calls. On the river Ks, Tsang bets 2,200, Harum raises to 5,700, Tsang calls and wins with Qs8s. Harum shows his bluff AhQc.

Hongin Tsang – 36,000
Harum – 29,000

13:20: Harum MZB wins a good pot
Level 1: 100-100, 100 ante

From utg, Harum MZB raises to 300, button Beh Kok Weng three-bets to 1,000, big blind Hongin Tsang calls, initial raiser Harum calls. At the flop 9d10c5c, action is checked to Weng who c-bets 150, both players call. No bets on the turn 9c to bring the river Kh. Weng bets 3,000, Tsang check-folds, Harum check-calls.

Weng KcQs
Harum Kd10d higher two pair

Harum wins the pot with a higher two pair. He rises to 37,000, Weng drops to 24,000, and Tsang down a bit to 27,500.

13:15: Poker Dream cap for all participants
Level 1: 100-100, 100 ante

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Every Main Event participant receives a Poker Dream cap!

13:05: Main Event Day 1A is underway! 
Level 1: 100-100, 100 ante

Poker Dream 8 1

After eight days of pre-games, Poker Dream opens Day 9 with the Main Event. Highlighting the tournament is the PHP 20,000,000 (~US$ 360,960) guarantee. Cards in the air at 1pm at the Grand Wing of Newport World Resorts in Manila, Philippines.

The Main Event runs from May 4 to 7 with three starting flights scheduled. Players start with a 30,000 stack. Buy in is PHP 66,000 (~US$ 1,210). Day 1A kicks off today at 1pm, Day 1B takes place tomorrow, Friday, May 5, also kicking off at 1pm. Both flights will see blinds increase every 40 minutes. Last chance for players to get in is the Day 1C Turbo flight which runs on Friday, May 5 at 8pm. Blinds increase at a faster 20 minutes. All flights bag up at ITM of 15% of the field.

Good luck to all!

Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly. Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.

Main Event Day 1B & Day 1C

Buy in: PH₱ 66,000 (~US$ 1,200)
Guarantee: PH₱ 20,000,000 (~US$ 360,960)
Total Entries: 499
Total Day 2 qualifiers / ITM: 77 players

Day 1A:  141 entries / 22 advanced (ITM)
Day 1B: 265 entries / 40 advanced (ITM)
Day 1C: 93 entries / 15 advanced (ITM)

Starting stack: 30,000
Chips in play: 7,950,000

Day 1C ends with Won Jae Lee as heat leader

Poker Dream 34
Won Jae Lee

With the elimination of Noel Llamedo, that wrapped up Day 1C. All Day 1 heats are now completed. Bagging the biggest in this final heat was Won Jae Lee with 627,000 (52 bb).

Won Jae Lee Korea 622000
Terence Dizon Philippines 336000
Jason Kyle Magbanua Philippines 257000
Czar Ian Marcos Philippines 223000
Sriharsha Doddapaneni India 195000
How Chee Chong Malaysia 161000
Bell John Perez Philippines 140000
Darren Yu Philippines 110000
Richard Tolentino Philippines 106000
Lloyd Locsin Philippines 101000
Jose Drilon Philippines 100000
Ahmed Ibrahimi Morocco 96000
Beh Kok Weng Malaysia 83000
Valeriy Pak Belarus 63000

03:15: Bubble bursts on Llamedo
Level 19: 6,000-12,000, ante 12,000

Poker Dream 37

Small blind Noel Llamedo raises to 36,000, big blind Terence Dizon calls. At the flop 9d4hQh, Llamedo checks, Dizon bets 50,000, Llamedo answers with a shove, Dizon calls.

Llamedo Ad9h
Dizon Js8s

The turn 8c and river 10d improve Dizon to a straight to eliminate Llamedo on the bubble. With that Day 1C ends.

Day 1B ends with Ryan McAllister bagging a monster stack!

Poker Dream 18 1
Ryan McAllister

It took nearly twelve hours of Day 1B play to whittle the field down from a roaring 265 entries to 40 players. Bagging the largest stack of 777,000 (155 bb) was USA’s Ryan McAllister to take command of the overall Day 2 survivors list.

End of Day 1B – 40 survivors

Ryan Mcallister USA 777,000
Terry Gonzaga Philippines 483,000
Nicola Nontalbano Italy 454,000
Anthony Tacda Philippines 423,000
David Erquiaga Philippines 416,000
Cho Minseong Korea 398,000
Anh Byungwook Korea 377,000
Ricardo Torres Philippines 350,000
Hung Manh Dinh Vietnam 300,000
Andrej Nagy Philippines 278,000
Tay Wee Shen Malaysia 278,000
Anton Del Rosario USA 233,000
Richard Matthew Sheils England 226,000
Jinlong Hu China 202,000
Emmanuel Segismundo Philippines 202,000
Henrik Tollefsen Norway 202,000
Tom Radbone Australia 195,000
Gary Thompson Ireland 176,000
Jason Ong Philippines 164,000
Ikseok Kang Korea 152,000
Ruderico Dela Cruz Philippines 130,000
Benigno Ledina Jr Philippines 123,000
Cheong Yuan Xiang Malaysia 122,000
Joven Huerto Philippines 120,000
Jhon Hendri Indonesia 118,000
Junnie Pamplona Philippines 115,000
Lin Hao Hong Kong 114,000
Hou Hyin Bryan Khoo Malaysia 106,000
Jeffrey Calonge Philippines 91,000
Ginbert De Villa Philippines 87,000
Dieu Phuong Linh Nguyen Vietnam 76,000
Liao Po Hsun Taiwan 68,000
Ronn Ryan Mesina Philippines 66,000
Jose Marquez Cheung Philippines 65,000
Cezar Quiambao Ii Philippines 60,000
Yu Chen Hong Kong 58,000
Ngoc Anh Cao Vietnam 57,000
Rasid Paitao Philippines 55,000
Moses Saquing USA 48,000
Stephen Nathan UK 41,000

00:55:: Bubble bursts! 
Level 15: 2,500-5,000, 5,000 ante

Poker Dream 14

Edgar Asehan all in with 10s10d and runs into Cho Minseong’s JcJd. With the board running 3c4hQc5sKs, Asehan busts on the bubble.

Cho Minseong – 398,000

00:50: David Erquiaga dominates Mesina 
Level 15: 2,500-5,000, 5,000 ante

Heavy preflop action opens with a 12,000 raise by cutoff Ryan Mesina, big blind David Erquiaga re-raises to 40,000, back to Mesina with a four-bet to 120,000, Erquiaga shoves, Mesina calls.

Mesina 10d10h
Erquiaga JdJs

With the board running 3c2h7d2cAc, it’s a double up for Erquiaga.

David Erquiaga 416,000
Ryan Mesina – 66,000

00:45: Ryan McAllister soars to 800K
Level 15: 2,500-5,000, 5,000 ante

Under the gun Ryan McAllister raises to 12,000, button Ewe Eng Soon shoves, back to McAllister with the call to put Soon at risk.

Soon QcQs
McAllister AsKs

The board runs 4hKh5c2s6d for a higher pair to McAllister and Soon out of the running. McAllister rises to 800,000.

00:40: Big pot for Gonzaga
Level 15: 2,500-5,000, 5,000 ante

Two players built a 100,000 pot by the river 2h3h2s2cKd. Liao Po Hsun checked, lojack Terry Gonzaga bet 50,000, Liao called then mucked to Gonzaga’s AcKh full house.

Terry Gonzaga – 440,000
Liao Po Hsun – 80,000

00:35: Ryan Mesina spikes a pair to rail Jeremias
Level 15: 2,500-5,000, 5,000 ante

All in preflop, Ryan Mesina AhJh, Joseroy Jeremias at risk with AsKd, the board runs Jc7c5h6hQh. Mesina pairs his kicker card to rail Jeremias.

Ryan Mesina – 250,000

00:25: Terry Gonzaga wins a big pot
Level 15: 2,500-5,000, 5,000 ante

Preflop action builds a 70,000 pot, the flop runs AhQc4h. Big blind Terry Gonzaga bets 50,000, utg+1 Lin Hao folds.

Terry Gonzaga – 330,000

00:20: Kang Ikseok rails Tan Boon
Level 15: 2,500-5,000, 5,000 ante

Preflop betting war leads to Tan Boon risking it all with AdKd, called by Kang Ikseok with Ah7h. When the board runs 10h9d4d7cQs, Kang spikes his kicker card to boot Tan out of the running.

Kang Ikseok – 160,000

00:15: Ewe Eng Soon doubles through Reyes
Level 15: 2,500-5,000, 5,000 ante

Heavy preflop betting leads to two players all in. Dante Reyes AsKh, Ewe Eng Soon JhJc. The board runs low, no hits for Reyes to plunge to 10,000.

Ewe Eng Soon – 150,000

00:00: Full house over flush for double up to Liao
Level 14: 2,000-4,000, 4,000 ante

On a flop QcJs3c with 34,000 in the pot, small blind Liao Po Hsun bets 15,000, button Nicola Montalbano shoves, back to Liao who calls.

Liao QdJd two pair
Montalbano Qs9c top pair

The turn Ac and river Jc improves both players with Liao’s full house the higher spread.

Liao Po Hsun – 180,000
Nicola Montalbano – 400,000

23:45: Tom Radbone shoves the river 
Level 14: 2,000-4,000, 4,000 ante

A big pot of 60,000 in the middle brewed by the time the turn landed 3c9hAcQs. Lojack Tom Radbone checks, Jose Marquez Cheung checks, the river comes Qh. Radbone shoves, Cheung folds.

Tom Radbone – 280,000
Jose Marquez Cheung – 60,000

23:40: David Erquiaga wins a big pot with Tens
Level 14: 2,000-4,000, 4,000 ante

A pot of 40,000 brewed preflop and the cards run 2d3h5c. Small blind Cezar Quiambao bets 16,500, big blind David Erquiaga calls. No bets land on the turn Jh, but on the river {9d{m Erquiaga sends out 38,000, Quiambao check-calls. Erquiaga opens 10s10d, Quiambao mucks.

David Erquiaga – 250,000
Cezar Quiambao – 70,000

23:35: Jason Ong doubles through McAllister
Level 14: 2,000-4,000, 4,000 ante

Jason Ong jams from under the gun with Ad10d, small blind Ryan McAllister puts him at risk with 8c8d. With the board running 5s3d3h7cAc, Ong pairs up on the river to survive and double up.

Jason Ong – 70,000
Ryan McAllister 470,000

23:30: Ng Kah Chun double barrels
Level 14: 2,000-4,000, 4,000 ante

A big pot brewed preflop of 60,000, the flop runs Jd9h6s. Small blind Ng Kah Chun bets 20,000, cutoff Richard Matthew calls. On the turn 7s, Ng shoves, Matthew folds.

Ng Kah Chun – 200,000
Richard Matthew – 70,000

23:15: Anh Byungwook muscles Thompson
Level 13: 1,500-3,000, 3,000 ante

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Anh Byungwook

On a flop Ad9sJs and 70,000 in the pot, button Gary Thompson bets 20,000, big blind Anh Byungwook check-calls. On the turn 6c, betting switches with Anh laying out 65,000, Thompson calls. On the river Qs, Anh shoves his 106,000 stack, Thompson folds.

Anh Byungwook – 250,000
Gary Thompson – 170,000

23:05: Daewoong Kim has trips for the pot
Level 13: 1,500-3,000, 3,000 ante

Cutoff Phuong Linh Nguyen opens for 6,500, small blind Daewoong Kim calls, and big blind Ewe Eng Soon calls. At the flop Jc6h9d, Soon bets 4,000 and is called by both opponents. All three check the turn 6c to bring the river 4d. Kim leads out for 15,500, Soon calls and Nguyen folds. Kim shows 6d8d trips, Soon mucks.

Daewoong Kim – 120,000
Ewe Eng Soon – 75,000
Phuong Linh Nguyen – 50,000

23:00: Tom Dwan eliminated by Kang Ikseok
Level 13: 1,500-3,000, 3,000 ante

Under the gun Tom Dwan goes all in with Kh10h to battle with, utg+1 Phuong Linh Nguyen joins the shove with AsKd, button Kang Ikseok in as well with JhJc. With the board running 4s3s6dJs3d, Dwan is eliminated and Kang ships it.

Kang Ikseok – 120,000
Phuong Linh Nguyen – 18,000
Tom Dwan – eliminated

22:55: Lin Hao doubles up with big slick
Level 13: 1,500-3,000, 3,000 ante

Hijack payer raises to 16,000, button Lin Hao jams, hijack calls. Hao opens AhKd and is way ahead of hijack’s Kc8c. No change with the board running ten-high. Hao ships a double to 86,000.

22:30: McAllister shaves down Dwan
Level 12: 1,000-2,500, 2,500 ante

On a flop Ks3hKc and a large 50,000 in the middle, small blind Tom Dwan bets 16,000, cutoff Ryan McAllister calls. On the turn 4h, Dwan bets 20,000 and is called again. On the river Jc, Dwan opts to check then folds to McAllister’s 200,000 bet.

Ryan McAllister – 450,000
Tom Dwan – 35,000

22:25: Tom Dwan rails Jester Intia
Level 12: 1,000-2,500, 2,500 ante

Small blind Jester Intia is down in chips and shoves with Kh2c, big blind Tom Dwan calls with AcKd. No help arrives for Intia on a board As8c8s2h3c to bust out.

Tom Dwan – 100,000

22:20: Tay Wee Shen eliminates Dela Cruz
Level 12: 1,000-2,500, 2,500 ante

Hijack Mark Dela Cruz shoves holding As10d, big blind Tay Wee Shen calls with 9c9s, the board runs low for the pocket pair to stand and eliminate Dela Cruz.

Tay Wee Shen – 200,000

22:10: Straight for Ryan McAllister 
Level 12: 1,000-2,500, 2,500 ante

On a flop 7h9c9d, utg+1 Tom Dwan bets 10,000, hijack Chai Yeong Keong and big blind Ryan McAllister call. On the turn 6h, Chai shoves, McAllister calls, Dwan folds.

Chai Ad9s trips
McAllister 10h8h straight

The river 3s is good for McAllister to boot Chai and soar to 400,000.

22:05: Ryan McAllister banks a three-way
Level 12: 1,000-2,500, 2,500 ante

Three players build a pot preflop of 60,000 and the flop comes 9dQd10c. Button payer Ewe Eng Soon bets 35,000, small blind Han Yeong Woo check-shoves, under the gun Ryan McAllister four-bet shoves, back to Soon who quickly calls.

McAllister 9h9c set
Soon AcAs over pair
Han Yeong Woo – Jd10h

The turn 6d and river Jc is good to keep McAllister ahead. He rails Han and chunks down Soon to 150,000.

Ryan McAllister – 330,000

21:55: Three way all in goes to Ngoc Anh Cao
Level 12: 1,000-2,500, 2,500 ante

Three way shove, Benigno Ledina 8s8h, Ding Tien Thanh AsKd, Ngoc Anh Cao AhQc, the board runs 7hQh7s9c4h. Ngoc ships a triple, Ledina wins the side pot.

Ngoc Anh Cao – 40,000
Benigno Ledina – 22,000
Dinh Tien Thanh – 20,000

21:45: Chai doubles through Dwan 
Level 11: 1,000-2,000, 2,000 ante

Action folds to the small blind Tom Dwan who announces all in, big blind Chai Tiong Keong calls for his tournament life. Dwan opens AhJs, Chai has QcQh, the board runs 8dJh7h8h8s for a double up to Chai.

Tom Dwan – 80,000

21:40: Han Yeongwoo hits it on the river 
Level 11: 1,000-2,000, 2,000 ante

Hijack Han Yeongwoo raises to 5,000, cutoff Kang Ikseok three-bets to 15,0000, Han calls. On the flop 6c3hKc, Kang c-bets 5,000, Han shoves, Kang calls and opens AsAh. Han with Qc7c flush draw. The turn 9d is no help to Han but the river 2c grants the flush to double up.

Han Yeongwoo – 60,000
Kang Ikseok – 9,500

21:30: Chop pot for Dwan
Level 11: 1,000-2,000, 2,000 ante

Poker Dream 9 1
Tom Dwan

On a flop Ac6hAh and 10,000 in the pot, action checks to button Tom Dwan who bets 4500, big blind Jung Wonwook and utg+1 call. On the turn Jd, Dwan bets 11,000, Jung check-raises to 31,000, utg+1 folds, Dwan shoves, Jung calls.

Dwan Ad4d
Jung As3s

With the river 6c, it’s a split pot. Both players now sit with 100,000 each.

21:25: Ng Kah Chun picks off one
Level 11: 1,000-2,000, 2,000 ante

All in preflop, Ng Kah Chun ahead with 10d10h against a player’s 8c8s. The board runs 6c7s4cAh6d to keep Tens ahead. Ng ships it while railing one in the process.

Ng Kah Chun – 110,000

21:20: Zhining Chen shoves for the pot
Level 11: 1,000-2,000, 2,000 ante

From under the gun, Christopher Puyat raises to 5,000, button Zhining Chen and big blind Terry Gonzaga call. At the flop 8sKc8h, Puyat c-bets 5,000, Chen goes all in, Gonzaga checks out, Puyat opts to fold as well.

Zhining Chen – 45,000
Terry Gonzaga – 100,000
Christopher Puyat – 25,000

21:15: Liu shoves to claim a good pot
Level 10: 1,000-1,500, 1,500 ante

On a board of Ad4c4d8sJc and 50,000 in the pot, utg+1 I Hsuan Liu shoves, John Hendri folds.

I Hsuan Liu – 100,000
John Hendri – 90,000

21:10: Tay wins the three way, Dela Cruz plunges
Level 10: 1,000-1,500, 1,500 ante

Lojack Tay Wee Shen raises to 3500, button three-bets jams, small blind Mark Dela Cruz joins the shove, Shen calls for a three-way.

Button 3c3s
Dela Cruz QcQd
Shen AsJs

With the board running 7c10dJh7dJd, it’s trips Jacks for Shen to ship it. Shen eliminates the button and chunks down Dela Cruz.

Tay Wee Shen – 80,000
Mark Dela Cruz – 3,000

21:05: Meng Long doubles up through Castrillon
Level 10: 1,000-1,500, 1,500 ante

All in preflop, Meng Long with JdJc, button Paul Fontan Castrillon calls with AsJh, the board runs Kc6h3h10s5c. Jacks hold for a double up to Long.

Meng Long – 50,000
Paul Fontan Castrillon – 110,000

21:00: Pot for McAllister
Level 10: 1,000-1,500, 1,500 ante

On a turn board 10d7h3sKs and 26,000 brewed, no bets from Ryan McAllister and button player. Same on the river Ac no bets land. McAllister opens 10s8s and wins the pot.

Ryan McAllister – 120,000

20:55: Thijs Hilberts outkicks for a double up
Level 10: 1,000-1,500, 1,500 ante

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Thijs HIlberts

On a turn board 4cAsJs2h and 14,000 in the pot, button Gary Thompson bets 7,000, cutoff Thijs Hilberts check-calls. On the river 5d, Thompson shoves, Hiiberts check-calls. Thompson has Ah9c top pair however Hilberts has Ad10s top pair higher kicker to double up.

Thijs Hilberts – 70,000
Gary Thompson – 70,000

20:45: Anthony Tacda rails Delos Santos
Level 10: 1,000-1,500, 1,500 ante

Poker Dream 215
Anthony Tacda

On a flop 6cJh8c and 14,000 in the pot, utg +1 bets 4,000, button Jose Delos Santos calls, small blind Anthony Tacda three-bets  to 17,000, big blind folds, back to utg+1 who folds, then Delos Santos shoves, Tacda calls.

Delos Santos 10s9h open ended
Tacda KsJs top pair

The turn 4c and river Jd are no help to Delos Santos to lose all of his chips to Tacda.

Anthony Tacda – 200,000

20:35: Ewe Eng Soon hard-bets for the pot
Level 10: 1,000-1,500, 1,500 ante

Cutoff Jung Wonwook raises to 3,500, button Ewe Eng Soon three-bets to 9,000, Jung calls. At the flop 5h2d8d, Soon c-bets 6,000, Jung check-calls. On the turn 6h, Soon fires a large 55,000, this is enough to get Jung to fold.

Ewe Eng Soon – 140,000
Jung Wonwook – 30,000

20:40: Hieu Trung Tran claims a good pot 
Level 10: 1,000-1,500, 1,500 ante

On a turn board Ac3s6c9s and 30,000 in the pot, utg+2 bets a small 3,300, Hieu Trung Tran check-calls. On the river 10c, both check, Tran shows 10d10h to win the pot.

Hieu Trung Tran – 90,000

20:20: Registration closes at 265 entries
Level 10: 1,000-1,500, 1,500 ante

That’s it! Day 1B registration has closed with a whopping 265 entries! The prize pool is now well past the guarantee at around PHP 23 Million. Day 1B bags up at 40 players. Last chance to sign up is at Day 1C Turbo which is currently underway. Registration closes at 11:30pm.

19:30: Lim Tiong Lek rails Watanabe
Level 9: 600-1200, 1200 ante

On a flop 2c5c4h and 6,000 built preflop, small blind Kyosuke Watanabe bets 3500, big blind Lim Tiong Lek shoves, back to Watanabe who calls with 5d8d top pair. Lim opens Kc10c draw. With the turn Ac Lim hits the flush, and with the river 6h, Watanabe is out and Lim rises to 80,000.

19:25: Hieu Trung Tran back to starting stack
Level 9: 600-1200, 1200 ante

On a board that completed 5hAd2s5d7d and 24,000 in the pot, Hieu Trung Tran shoves from the big blind, button folds. Tran claims the pot and rises to starting stack.

19:20: Dinh Manh Hung chunks one
Level 9: 600-1200, 1200 ante

On a flop 2h6c10s and a pot of 14,000 brewed, under the gun bets 5,000, lojack Dinh Manh Hung raises to 10,000, utg calls. On the turn 3h, Dinh bets another 10,000, utg check-raises all in, Dinh calls and shows KdKh. Utg is behind AdJs. The river 8h is a double up for Dinh as utg plunges to 1500.

Dinh Manh Hung – 75,000

19:00 Rasid Paitao outkicks Chiu
Level 8: 500-1,000, 1,000 ante

On the flop 10dAdKs and 9,000 in the pot, cutoff Chiu Jen Chun bets 2,500, button Rasid Paitao raises to 6,000, Chiu calls. On the turn Ac, Paitao bets 8,400, Chiu check calls. On the river 5s, Paitao shoves, Chiu risks it and shows As8d trips. Paitao has trips as well AhJs and also has him outkicked. Chiu is eliminated.

Rasid Paitao – 50,000

18:50: Castrillon ships it with cowboys
Level 8: 500-1,000, 1,000 ante

Another preflop betting war leads to two players all in. Paul Fontan Castrillon with KhKs, Won Jae Lee with QsJc, with the board running 3h10dKd3sQd, Castrillon was sweating it then held relieved for the full house. Lee is eliminated.

Paul Fontan Castrillon – 100,000

18:35: Gary Thomas sends one packing
Level 8: 500-1,000, 1,000 ante

From cutoff, Gary Thomas raises to 2,000, big blind jams with AcJd, Thomas snap calls with 9d9h. With the board running 6d5h7c6h2s, Thomas scoops it up and rises to 110,000.

18:30: Wrong timing to try to bluff Terry Gonzaga 
Level 8: 500-1,000, 1,000 ante

From under the gun +1, Terry Gonzaga raises to 2,200, big blind calls. At the flop 10c2s[2h}, Gonzaga bets 2,000 and is called. On the turn 10h, both players check to bring on the river 2c. Big blind leads out 10,000, Gonzaga calls. Big blind has Jh6d bluff, Gonzaga ships it with QdQh full house.

Terry Gonzaga – 70,000

18:25: Top pair is good for John Costiniano 
Level 8: 500-1,000, 1,000 ante

On a flop 2h7d4c and 12,000 in the pot, John Costiniano bets 4,400, hijack Richard Marquez check-calls. On the turn Ac, another 9,000 bet by Costiniano and called by Marquez. On the river Qc, both players check. Marques has KcKs, Costiniano ships the pot with Ad9s top pair.

John Costiniano – 60,000
Richard Marquez – 15,000

18:20: Stephen Nathan rails Quiambao
Level 7: 400-800, 800 ante

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Stephen Nathan

On a board showing 8d10sQcQh7s, under the gun Stephen Nathan and cutoff Cezar Quiambao are all in. Nathan opens Kh[qd} trips to dust and boot Quiambao’s AhKd.

Stephen Nathan – 120,000

18:15: Toru Sekimoto four-bets for the pot
Level 7: 400-800, 800 ante

Hijack Toru Sekimoto raises to 2,000, cutoff calls, button Cezar Quiambal three-bets to 7,500, back to Sekimoto who four-bets to 17,000, no takers.

Toru Sekimoto – 45,000
Cezar Quiambao – 35,000

18:00: Alvir Inocentes boots Jeon
Level 7: 400-800, 800 ante

From under the gun, Alvir Inocentes raises to 1600, utg+2 three-bets all in, small blind calls, Inocentes calls. At the flop Qc9h10s, Inocentes goes all in, small blind folds. Inocentes has QdJd top pair, all in player Jeon Seong Cheol with AdKd. The turn 5c and river 3h are no help to Jeon to bust out.

Alvir Inocentes – 30,000

17:55: Dinh Young Piu lucks out on the river against Saquing
Level 7: 400-800, 800 ante

All in preflop, Dinh Young Piu with 5h5c and needs some luck against Moses Saquing‘s JdJh. With the board running Ks3h6cKh5s, Dinh lands the two-outer on the river for a double up to 30,000. Saquing drops a bit to 110,000.

17:50: Liao Po Hsun spikes the two-outer to boot Chun
Level 7: 400-800, 800 ante

Poker Dream 6 6
Liao Po Hsun

Cutoff raises to 2,000, button Chun Joshua Jone three-bets to 5,000, small blind Liao Po Hsun and cutoff both call. At the flop 3d9h5d, action is checked to the button Chun who c-bets 7,000, Hsun goes all in, cutoff folds, Chun calls.

Chun AcAs
Hsun QhQc

Hsun spikes the two-outer on the turn Qs, and with the river 8d, Chun is eliminated.

Liao Po Hsun – 120,000

17:45: Lloyd Locsin jams on the river
Level 7: 400-800, 800 ante

From under the gun, Lloyd Locsin raises to 2,000, hijack Dinh Young Piu three-bets to 4,000, Locsin calls. At the flop 3dQd7h, Locsin checks, Dinh bets 4,500, Locsin raises to 11,000, Dinh calls. No bets come on the turn 8d to bring the river 6h. Locsin goes all in, Dinh folds.

Lloyd Locsin – 50,000
Dinh Young Piu – 16,000

17:20: Joseph Sia lands the straight for a double up
Level 6: 300-600, 600 ante

Flop shows 10cJc6d and 9,000 in the pot, small blind Joseph Sia and big blind Dinh Manh Hung are all in. Sia has open ended KdQh, Dinh with KsKh, the turn 8d keeps the cowboys ahead but with the river 9c Sia connects with a straight to double through.

Joseph Sia – 24,000
Dinh Manh Hung – 17,000

17:15: Chai Tiong Hong with a lucky two-outer
Level 6: 300-600, 600 ante

On a flop 10h8c8d and 17,000 in the pot, button Chai Tiong Hong bets 8,000 then calls Anthony Tacda’s shove. Hong has JcJs and is at risk of elimination against Tacda’s KsKd, however with the turn Jh and river 4d, Hong spikes the two-outer to double through.

Chai Tiong Hong – 75,000
Anthony Tacda – 90,000

17:10: Edizon Canzon rails Leonarez
Level 6: 300-600, 600 ante

With a flop 5d6s4c and 8,000 in the pot, hijack Jessie Leonarez goes all in, big blind Edizon Canzon check-calls.

Leonarez QsJh
Canzon 8d6d

The turn Kd and river 3s are no help to Leonarez to bust out. Canzon rises to 40,000.

16:45: Apling Pamplona doubles through Seng
Level 5: 300-500, 500 ante

Under the gun raises to 1200, button Wee Lee Seng calls, big blind Apling Pamplona re-raises all in, utg folds, Seng calls.

Pamplona AsKh
Seng Ad5d

The board runs 4h8d3h7cJd for a double up to Pamplona to 30,000. Seng drops to 13,000.

16:30: Cai Zhen Hao lands a straight for a double
Level 5: 300-500, 500 ante

Smal blind Jose Ruzzel raises to 1,100, big blind Cai Zhen Hao three-bets to 4,100, back to Ruzzel who four-bets all in. Hao calls.

Ruzzel  10d10s
Hao Ac3c

The board runs 2h9c5d6c4d. Hao lands a straight to double up.

Cai Zhen Hao – 40,000
Jose Ruzzel – 30,000

16:25: Jose Ruzzel wins with Aces
Level 5: 300-500, 500 ante

On a board that completed 10hQc7h5cKc and 28,000 in the middle, Dinh Manh Hung checks then mucks to Jose Ruzzel’s AcAh.

Jose Ruzzel – 56,000
Dinh Manh Hung – 13,000

16:20: Sriharsha Doddapaneni doubles through Weng
Level 5: 300-500, 500 ante

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Sriharsha Doddapaneni

On a board showing Qc10c7hAs and 18,000 in the pot, small blind Beh Kok Weng bets 7,500, button Sriharsha Doddapaneni calls. On the river Kc, Weng shoves with 9s8c bluff, Doddapaneni calls with Jh9h straight and ships a double up.

Sriharsha Doddapaneni – 70,000
Beh Kok Weng – 3,600

16:15: Jeseung Lee wins two pots
Level 5: 300-500, 500 ante

With Xian Nathan down to just 2 bb, he loses the rest to Jeseung Lee. Lee goes on to pick up a 16k pot by jamming on a board As6d8s4hKd and his opponent folding.

Jeseung Lee – 50,000

15:55: Enrico De Rosa doubles with Aces
Level 4: 200-400, 400 ante

From under the gun, Enrico De Rosa raises to 3,000, hijack Xian Nathan three-bets to 8,000, De Rosa shoves, Nathan calls. De Rosa has AdAh, Nathan with JdJc, the board runs 9d2sAc10cQs for a double up to De Rosa to 50,000. Nathan drops to 1,100.

15:50: Janno Alvarez with a lucky river to double up
Level 4: 200-400, 400 ante

Preflop betting war leads to Janno Alvarez risking his entire stack with 4d4c, his challenger has KhKs, the board runs 6cJc3h6s4s for a full house to Alvarez and a double up. 

Janno Alvarez – 25,000

15:40: Big slick good to Joseroy Jeremias
Level 4: 200-400, 400 ante

Hijack Joseroy Jeremias raises to 2,500, button Patrick Clarke three-bets to 6,500, Jeremias flats. At the flop and turn 7h3sKhQs Jeremias check-calls 3,500 and 5,500, then on the river 4s, both players check. Jeremias opens AcKc top pair, Clarke mucks.

Joseroy Jeremias – 40,000
Patrick Clarke – 20,000

15:30: Earldale Rivera hits the river to dust Tan’s Queens
Level 4: 200-400, 400 ante

From utg+2 Earldale Rivera raises to 1,000, cutoff Johnson Tan three-bets to 3,200, Rivera calls. At the flop 8c7d10d, Tan c-bet 2,900, Rivera check-calls. On the turn 7s, another bet by Tan of 6,000, Rivera check-calls again to bring the river 3d. This time Rivera takes the lead with a 11,500 bet, Tan calls. Rivera shows his Ad6d flush that beats Tan’s QsQd.

Earldale Rivera – 55,000
Johnson Tan – 15,000

15:05: Queens give Carmelo Flores a hefty pot
Level 3: 200-300, 300 ante

Heavy action preflop with hijack player raising to 800, cutoff Carmelo Flores three-bets to 2,100, button and hijack call. At the flop 6c6d2c, Flores c-bets 3,500 and is called only by hijack. On the turn 7s, another 5,000 bet from Flores and is once again check-called. On the river 4h, hijack leads out 6,000, Flores calls, hijack has AcQh high cards, Flores wins the hefty pot with QdQs.

Carmelo Flores – 40,000

14:55: Andrej Nagy doubles up
Level 3: 200-300, 300 ante

On a board 7s4d8c6h10s and 24,000 in the middle, Li Dafeng shoves, Andrej Nagy calls, Li missed the board with AcKs. Nagy shipped a double up with KcKh.

Andrej Nagy – 60,000
Li Dafeng – 6,000

14:40: Anton Del Rosario wins a good pot
Level 3: 200-300, 300 ante

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Anton Del Rosario

On a flop 6dAh9s and 10,000 already brewed, utg Anton Del Rosario bets 3500 and is called by lojack Adrian Te John. On the turn 10h, Del Rosario sends out another 3,500, Te John raises to 8,500, back to Del Rosario who calls. On the river 4d, Te John bets 4,500, Del Rosario check-calls. Te John has AsKd top pair, Del Rosario wins the pot with Ah9d two pair.

Anton Del Rosario – 80,000
Adrian Te John – 12,000

14:15: Saquing eliminated Nagy
Level 2: 100-200, 200 ante

With a pot of 6,000 and a complete board 8dQc5dJcQd, hijack Moses Saquing checked, button Andrej Nagy bet 4,500, Saquing raised to 14,500, Nagy shoved, Saquing called. Saguing has QhJh full house and eliminates Nagy AcQs trips.

Moses Saquing – 90,000

14:05: Kang Ikseok rails one
Level 2: 100-200, 200 ante

On a turn board Js8h2c9s, Kang Ikseok calls a player’s all in and opens JhJd. At risk player has AsAh. Kang ships it on the river 8s.

Kang Ikseok – 80,000

14:00: Nsu Wen Kang muscles Nguyen
Level 2: 100-200, 200 ante

From cutoff, Sang Van Nguyen raises to 2100, button Nsu Wen Kang three-bets to 5500, back to Nguyen who calls. At the flop Kd3s5h, Nguyen check-calls 1,500. On the turn 6d, Kang fires a larger 5,500 bet, this time Nguyen gives up his stake on the pot.

Nsu Wen Kang – 35,000
Sang Nguyen – 22,000

13:55: Kang Ikseok pushes out Weng
Level 2: 100-200, 200 ante

Kang Ikseok

Action folds to the small blind Beh Kok Weng raises to 500, big blind  Kang Ikseok three-bets to 1700, Weng calls. At the flop 4hJd3h, Kang c-bets 1700, Weng check-raises to a large 6,700, Kang calls. On the turn Qh, more chips in the pot with Weng betting 7,500 and Kang making the call. On the river 6c, Weng checks, Kang jams, Weng folds.

Kang Ikseok – 50,000
Beh Kok Weng – 13,600

13:40: Daewoong Kim sends Watanabe plunging
Level 1: 100-100, 100 ante

Poker Dream 3 3
Daewoong Kim

By the turn board 2d9h5dQh, two players had built a pot of 22,000, big blind Daewoong Kim bet 4500, utg+1 Kyosuke Watanabe calls. On the river 7h, Kim checks, Watanabe shoves, Kim calls and shows JsJh. Watanabe has AdKh and plunges to 100.

Daewoong Kim – 60,000

13:25: Higher two pair for Tacda against Nathan
Level 1: 100-100, 100 ante

Three players stare down a flop Ad3h8d, button Anthony Tacda bets the pot of 1500, small blind Stephen Nathan and cutoff both check-call. On the turn Jh, another 3,500 fired by Tacda, only Nathan continues to see the river 10s. Both players check.

Nathan has 10d8d two pair, Tacda has AsJs higher two pair, Tacda ships it and rises to 40,000. Nathan drops to starting stack of 30,000.

13:15: Early shoves, Chiu cracks Bulaong’s aces
Level 1: 100-100, 100 ante

Poker Dream 8 2
Chiu Jen Chun

From utg+1, Chiu Jen Chun raises to 400, button calls, small blind three-bets to 2,200, back to Chiu who four-bet jams. Bulaong calls.

Chiu AcKd
Bulaong AdAh

The board comes Kh8sKcJh4c for trips to Chiu to double up to 50,000, Bulaong drops to 1,000.

Main Event Day 1B underway! 

Cards are in the air for Day 1B of the Main Event!

Poker Dream 6 5

The Main Event runs from May 4 to 7 with three starting flights scheduled. Players start with a 30,000 stack. Buy in is PHP 66,000 (~US$ 1,210). Day 1A drew 141 entries with 22 reaching ITM. Day 1B has just kicked off at 1pm. Blinds increase every 40 minutes. If you miss that window, the last chance to get in is the Day 1C Turbo flight which runs tonight at 8pm. Blinds increase at a faster 20 minutes. All flights bag up at ITM of 15% of the field.

Good luck to all!

Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly. Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.

Main Event Day 2

Buy in: PH₱ 66,000 (~US$ 1,200)
Guarantee: PH₱ 20,000,000 (~US$ 360,960)
Total Entries: 499
Prize pool: PH₱ 28,751,400 (to be confirmed)
Total Day 2 qualifiers / ITM: 77 players

Day 1A:  141 entries / 22 advanced (ITM)
Day 1B: 265 entries / 40 advanced (ITM)
Day 1C: 93 entries / 15 advanced (ITM)

Starting stack: 30,000
Final Day opening blinds: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante
Chips in play: 14,970,000

Final 9 players of the Main Event

By Seat

1 Nicola Montalbano 640,000
2 David Erquiaga 1,335,000
3 Tor Anton Welo 2,080,000
4 Edwin Dela Cruz 4,325,000
5 William Teoh 1,470,000
6 Terry Gonzaga 1,180,000
7 Alessandro Taranto 1,630,000
8 Ryan McAllister 1,165,000
9 Valeriy Pak 1,030,000

By Rank

Seat Player Stack BB
4 Edwin Dela Cruz 4,325,000 108
3 Tor Anton Welo 2,080,000 52
7 Alessandro Taranto 1,630,000 41
5 William Teoh 1,470,000 37
2 David Erquiaga 1,335,000 33
6 Terry Gonzaga 1,180,000 30
8 Ryan McAllister 1,165,000 29
9 Valeriy Pak 1,030,000 26
1 Nicola Montalbano 640,000 16

Final 9 payouts

Place Payouts in PHP
1 5,510,000
2 3,460,000
3 2,471,382
4 1,946,000
5 1,523,000
6 1,184,000
7 885,000
8 609,000
9 499,000

21:55: Beh Kok Weng eliminated in 10th place – PHP 412,000 (~US$ 7,440) 
Level 25: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante

From utg Edwin Dela Cruz raises to 80,000, cutoff Beh Kok Weng calls, the flop lands 3h6d9d. Dela Cruz checks, Weng bets 80,000, Dela Cruz calls. On the turn 3s Weng bets 200,000, Dela Cruz check-raises to 500,000, Weng tank-shoves, Dela Cruz snap-calls.

Dela Cruz 6c6s full house
Weng KdKc

The river 9s is not one of Weng’s outs to bust in 10th place.

Edwin Dela Cruz – 4,325,000

21:50: Czar Ian Marcos out in 11th place – PHP 412,000 (~US$ 7,440
Level 25: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante

Before Czar Ian Marcos busts in 11th place, he pays a costly showdown to Terry Gonzaga with AsKs unable to improve against Gonzaga’s JcJs. Down to 1.5 bb, Marcos goes all in with Ah9h, big blind David Erquiaga calls with Qs2d, a Queen finds the flop and holds.

David Erquiaga – 1,600,000
Czar Ian Marcos – eliminated in 11th place

21:45: Terry Gonzaga outkicks for a double up
Level 25: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante

From utg, Terry Gonzaga shoves, hijack Czar Ian Marcos calls with AdQd. Gonzaga ahead with AhKh. The board runs low 3h9c5s2h8s for the King kicker to play.

Terry Gonzaga – 680,000
Czar Ian Marcos – 850,000

21:25: Stephen Nathan eliminated in 12th place – PHP 352,000 (~US$ 6,360)
Level 24: 15,000-30,000, 30,000 ante

Stephen Nathan all in with JhJd, Ryan McAllister puts him at risk with AhQh. With the board running 9sAd6h5d10h, Nathan is out in 12th place.

Ryan Mcallister – 1,300,000
Stephen Nathan – eliminated in 12th place

21:15: Won Jae Lee eliminated in 13th place – PHP 352,000 (~US$ 6,360)
Level 24: 15,000-30,000, 30,000 ante

From utg +1 Won Jae Lee raises to 160,000, hijack Edwin Dela Cruz re-raises to 400,000, Le calls. At the flop QsQc2h, Lee checks, Dela Cruz bets 100,000, Lee calls. On the turn 8d, Lee checks again, Dela Cruz tanks then bets 400,000, Lee tank-calls. On the river 4d, Lee send the rest of his chips out front (215K), easy call for Dela Cruz.

Lee has 5h5c, Dela Cruz has him way beat with KhKs. Lee is eliminated.

Edwin Dela Cruz – 3,000,000
Won Jae Lee – eliminated in 13th place

21:05: Anton Welo Tor saved by the river 
Level 24: 15,000-30,000, 30,000 ante

On a flop 5dJhKs and a large 200,000 in the pot, lojack William Teoh bet 120,000, hijack Anton Welo Tor calls, big blind folds. On the turn Jd, Anton adds 220,000 more into the pot, Teoh raises to 500,000, Anton shoves, and Teoh calls.

Teo Kc10c
Anton AhJc

The river is a lucky Js for a very lucky double up to Anton.

Anton Welo Tor – 2,000,000
William Teoh – 1,200,000

20:55: Anthony Tacda eliminated in 14th place – PHP 306,000 (~US$ 5,530)
Level 24: 15,000-30,000, 30,000 ante

Action folds to the small blind Anthony Tacda who raises to 70,000, big blind David Erquiaga three-bets all in, Tacda calls for his tournament life.

Tacda Jh10h
Erquiaga As10s

The board offers no help to Tacda running Kc6sQs6c2s.

David Erquiaga – 1,500,000
Anthony Tacda – eliminated in 14th place

20:35: Anton Del Rosario eliminated in 15th place – PHP 306,000 (~US$ 5,530)
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

Lojack Anton Del Rosario shoves his short stack, button Anton Welo Tor raises to 55,000, big blind Anthony Tacda calls. At the flop and turn 9s8h7c10d, both players check. On the river 3h, Tacda bets 60,000, Welo Tor folds.

Tacda KdJc straight, Del Rosario busts with Kh8c pair.

Anthony Tacda – 750,000
Anton Welo Tor – 900,000
Anton Del Rosario – eliminated in 15th place

20:30: Suya Lee eliminated in 16th place – PHP 272,000 (~US$ 4,915)
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

Utg+1 raises to 65,000, hijack Suya Lee three-bets all in, Czar Ian Marcos calls, big blind William Teoh joins the shove with his massive stack, utg+1 and Marcos opt to fold.

Lee AhKd
Teoh 10c10h

The board runs 7d4dQd6s7s. Lee is eliminated. Teoh rises to 2,200,000. Marcos drops to 900,000.

20:25: Teoh catches Erquiaga bluffing
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

From utg, William Teoh raises to 55,000, button David Erquiaga  calls, the flop is KcQc3s. Both players check and the turn lands 4s. Teoh bets 50,000, Erquiaga calls. On the river 6h, Teoh checks the calls Erquiaga’s huge 350,000 bet. Erquiaga was bluffing with 8c{9}, Teoh shipped it with AdKh top pair.

William Teoh – 1,600,000
David Erquiaga – 850,000

20:07: Tollefsen tumbles in 17th place – PHP 272,000 (~US$ 4,915)
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

Two players brew up a 120,000 pot preflop then stare down a flop 9s7c10c. Cutoff position Henrik Tollefsen bets 50,000, big blind spot Anton Welo Tor check-raises to 130,000, Tollefsen shoves, Anton calls to put the Norwegian pro at risk.

Tollefsen AcAd
Anton 6s8d

With Anton sitting on a straight, Tollefsen is nearly drawing dead. The turn Qc assures it. The river Qs is of no consequence.

Anton Welo Tor – 1,000,000

20:05: Tay Wee Shen eliminated in 18th place – PHP 243,000 (~US$ 4,390)
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

Another shove at the feature table with Tay Wee Shen three-bet all in with 9h9c, his caller Alessandro Taranto opens AhKh for a flip. With the board running 3d10d5sAdJs, Shen is eliminated.

Alessandro Taranto – 1,700,000

20:00: Joven Huerto burned by the river
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

After Emmanuel Segismundo busted, Joven Huerto quickly joined him at the rail. He pushed with Ah7h and was called by Czar Ian Marcos Ks9d. Huerto hit the flop 3cJc7d, and stayed ahead on the turn 8d but the 9h burned him on the river.

Czar Ian Marcos – 1,300,000

19:58: Erquiaga rails Segismundo
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

All in preflop, Emmanuel Segismundo at risk with Ah9s against David Erquiaga‘s JdJc. No help comes on a low board to end Segismundo’s run.

David Erquiaga – 1,400,000

19:55: Won Jae Lee’s big blind special chunks Huerto
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

Preflop action Joven Huerto raises to 55,000 big blind Won Jae Lee defends. At the flop 2d2h5s Lee checks, Huerto bets 60,000, Lee calls. On the turn Ac, both players check to bring the river 10d. Lee leads out 150,000, Huerto calls then pays Lee for his 3s4h straight.

Won Jae Lee – 2,200,000
Joven Huerto – 335,000

19:50: Won Jae Lee picks up a heavy pot against Segismundo
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

Utg+1 Emmanuel Segismundo raises to 55,000, hijack Won Jae Lee calls, the flop comes 9c7cJd, Segismundo c-bets 30,000, Lee calls. On the turn 9d, Segismundo fires again, this time a larger 155,000, Lee flats. On the river 6c, Segismundo checks, Lee shoves to send Segismundo tanking. Segismundo folds.

Won Jae Lee – 1,800,000

19:40: Anton Welo Tor goes aggro
Level 23: 10,000-25,000, 25,000 ante

Button player Anton Welo Tor raises to 50,000, big blind Edwin Dela Cruz defends, the flop comes 3d9cKh. Dela Cruz checks to the aggressor Anton who sends out 30,000, Dela Cruz flats. On the turn Js, another barrel fired of 125,000 by Anton, this time Dela Cruz folds.

Anton Welo Tor – 650,000
Edwin Dela Cruz – 1,600,000

18:45: Dinner Break – 21 players remaining
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

Main Event is on a 50-minute dinner break. 21 players left. They play down to the final 9 players.

18:40: Lots of hearts for Stephen Nathan to double up 
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

Stephen Nathan

Beh Kok Weng raises to 40,000 from utg, action folds to the button Stephen Nathan who three-bet jams. Weng calls and opens AcQd, Nathan with AhQh. Despite having similar cards, the board runs 7h6h2h7s4h for lucky flush to Nathan and a double up.

Stephen Nathan – 650,000
Beh Kok Weng – 700,000

18:30: David Erquiaga drags in a hefty pot against Segismundo
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

On a board 9cJh2cQc6c and a large 250,000 in the pot, big blind Emmanuel Segismundo bets 135,000, David Erquiaga raises to 310,000, Segismundo folds.

David Erquiaga – 1,000,000
Emmanuel Segismundo – 400,000

18:25: Quads for Stephen Nathan for a double up
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

Small blind Darren Yu goes all in with 7h6d, big blind Stephen Nathan wakes up with 4c4h and risks it all. With the board running Kd5d10h4d4s, it’s quads for Nathan and a double up to 300,000. Yu drops to 90,000.

18:15: Doddapaneni’s pocket counterfeited, Pak ships it
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

From under the gun, Sriharsha Doddapaneni shoves with 3d}3h, big blind Valeriy Pak calls with As2d. With the board running 5d10cKh10sKc, both players play the two pair on the board. Pak has the better kicker to send Doddapaneni packing.

Valeriy Pak – 660,000

18:05: Edwin Dela Cruz cleans out Hendri
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

Edwin Dela Cruz

From utg, Edwin Dela Cruz raises to 40,000, big blind Jhon Hendri defends. At the flop 5h3d3s, Dela Cruz c-bets 30,000, Hendri check-raises to 85,000, Dela Cruz calls. On the turn 2d, Hendri shoves, Dela Cruz calls. Hendri has 2s4s and is at risk against Dela Cruz’s KdKh. The river Qd doesn’t help Hendri to bust out.

Edwin Dela Cruz – 1,600,000

18:00: David Erquiaga on the rise
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

52874095616 7e10d37e7f c
David Erquiaga

With a 90,000 pot brewed and a turn board of 10c4h8h9h, big blind Tay Wee Shen bets 40,000, cutoff David Erquiaga calls. On the river 2c, Shen bets 60,000, Erquiaga answers with a 210,000 raise, Shen folds.

David Erquiaga – 950,000
Tay Wee Shen – 450,000

17:55: Nicola Montalbano’s aces boots Dinh
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante


Under the gun William Teoh raises to 40,000 then gets out of the way when Nicola Montalbano and Dinh Manh Hung three-bet and four bet that leads to both all in.

Montalbano AsAh
Dinh Manh Hung AcKs

The board runs 7dKd6cAd3h to end Hung’s run.

Nicola Montalbano – 900,000
William Teoh – 600,000

17:50: David Erquiaga wins a hefty pot against Tollefsen
Level 22: 10,000-20,000, 20,000 ante

Preflop action builds a 100,000 pot and two players staring down a flop 3c4cJs. Hijack Henrik Tollefsen bets 35,000, small blind David Erquiaga check-calls. On the turn Ks, Erquiaga switches up and shoves, Tollefsen folds.

David Erquiaga – 730,000
Henrik Tollefsen – 650,000

17:45: Teoh wins the three-way, Torres busts
Level 21: 10,000-15,000, 15,000 ante

William Theo

Three way all in preflop, two players with tens – Sriharsha Doddapaneni 10s10h and cutoff Ricardo Torres 10d10c, William Teoh with 6d6h. When the flop lands 6s9h9c, it’s a quick full house for Teoh. The turn 3s and river 2s completes the board for a triple up to Teoh and Torres goes buts.

William Teoh – 650,000
Sriharsha Doddapaneni – 650,000
Ricardo Torres – eliminated

17:40: Edwin Dela Cruz denies Nathan a flop
Level 21: 10,000-15,000, 15,000 ante

Hijack Stephen Nathan raises to 100,000, big blind Edwin Dela Cruz shoves, Nathan folds and drops to 300,00. Dela Cruz rises to 1,100,000.

17:35: Marcos stands behind his pocket pair
Level 21: 10,000-15,000, 15,000 ante

Czar Ian Marcos raises to 30,000, hijack Terry Gonzaga three-bets to 90,000, Marcos calls. On the flop QsJdQh, Marcos check-calls a 60,000 bet. On the turn 4d and river 5h, both players check it down. Marcos opens 9c9h, Gonzaga mucks.

Czar Ian Marcos – 900,000
Terry Gonzaga – 500,000

17:30: Kicker plays for Torres to double up
Level 21: 10,000-15,000, 15,000 ante

Ricardo Torres shoves from utg with Ah8h, small blind Sriharsha Doddapaneni calls with Ad6d. When the cards spread 5c4c7d2hQs, Torres’ kicker plays to double up.

Ricardo Torres – 170,000
Sriharsha Doddapaneni – 850,000

17:25: Valeriy Pak claims a good pot
Level 21: 10,000-15,000, 15,000 ante

A big pot of around 200,000 brewed by the river board 9sQd3c2hKc. Valeriy Pak goes all in for 450,000, Dinh Manh Hung folds.

Valeriy  Pak – 650,000
Dinh Manh Hung – 200,000

17:10: Won Jae Lee cleans out Tolentino
Level 21: 10,000-15,000, 15,000 ante

Won Jae

Button players Emmanuel Segismundo raises to 35,000, small blind Won Jae Lee calls, big blind Richard Tolentino shoves, Segismundo folds, Lee calls. Tolentino opens Ad2h and is at risk of elimination against Lee’s 7c7s. With the board running 9s4h2d5d10h, it’s the end for Tolentino.

Won Jae Lee – 1,400,000
Emmanuel Segismundo – 700,000
Richard Tolentino – eliminated

17:00: David Erquiaga triple barrels 
Level 21: 10,000-15,000, 15,000 ante

David Erquiaga raises to 35,000 from cutoff, big blind Ewe Eng Soon calls. At the flop AhJh2s, Soon check-calls 30,000. On the turn 5d, Erquiaga sends out 90,000, this time Soon opts to check-fold.

David Erquiaga – 300,000
Ewe Eng Soon – 300,000

16:50: Emmanuel Segismundo check-raises Tolentino for the pot
Level 21: 10,000-15,000, 15,000 ante

Emman segismundo

Two players pump up the pot to 100,000 preflop, the flop comes 9hAc9d. Lojack Emmanuel Segismundo bets 20,000, cutoff Richard Tolentino raises to 50,000, Segismundo calls. On the turn 5d, Tolentino c-bets 75,000, Segismundo check-raises to 185,000, Tolentino folds.

Emmanuel Segismundo – 880,000
Richard Tolentino – 500,000

16:35: Won Jae Lee hits two-outer, rails Cheung
Level 19: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

Jose Marquez Cheung three-bets all in and initial raiser Won Jae Lee calls. Cheung is ahead with QcQs, Lee with 9h9c. The board runs safe for Cheung As4sAc3s but with the river 9d, Lee spikes the two-outer to end Cheung’s run in brutal fashion.

Won Jae Lee – 850,000
Jose Marquez Cheung – eliminated

16:30: Segismundo takes some from Shen
Level 19: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

Hijack Tay Wee Shen raises to 30,000, button Emmanuel Segismundo and big blind call. At the flop 4hQdKh, Shen c-bets 35,000, Segismundo calls, big blind folds. On the turn 5h, Shen slows to a check, Segismundo bets 87,000, Shen folds.

Emmanuel Segismundo – 600,000
Tay Wee Shen – 900,000

16:25: Sriharsha Doddapaneni lands quads to rail Thompson
Level 19: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

Sriharsha Doddapaneni raises to 70,000 from hijack, small blind Gary Thompson shoves with AdKd, Doddapaneni calls with JdJh. With the board running 6sJc6cJs2s, it’s overkill with quads for Doddapaneni to rail Thompson.

Sriharsha Doddapaneni – 1,100,000
Gary Thompson – eliminated

16:20: Cezar Quiambao boots out two simultaneously
Level 19: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

Poker Dream 6 7
Cezar Quiambao

Preflop betting war leads to three players going mano a mano a mano. Maurillo Bulaitan with 7c7h, How Chee Hong with Ac9s, and Cezar Quiambao ahead in chips and in pocket pair KsKh. With the board running 4cJc6d10d4d, it’s a sweep for Quiambao.

Cezar Quiambao – 350,000
Maurillo Bulaitan – eliminated
How Chee Hong – eliminated

16:15: Big stacks tangle
Level 19: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

On a flop 4d7c2s and 70,000 in the pot, small blind Alessandro Taranto bets 400,000, big blind Ryan McAllister calls to bring the turn 7d. Taranto checks, McAllister bets 105,000, Taranto gives it a thought then folds.

Ryan McAllister – 800,000
Alessandro Taranto – 900,000

16:10: Alessandro Taranto earns some for his straight
Level 19: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

On a board showing 3cQsAh7cJd and 90,000 already in the pot, small blind Wai Keong Yong bets 35,000, big blind Alessandro Taranto raises to 100,000, utg folds, back to Yong who calls and shows 8d8s. Tarranto wins the pot with Kd10c straight.

Alessandro Taranto – 950,000
Wai Keong Yong – 500,000

16:05: Ryan McAllister boots Shen
Level 19: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

Lojack Ryan McAllister raises to 24,000 and finds three callers to the flop 3s4h10d. McAllister c-bets 70,000, cutoff Mok Hui Shen shoves, two players fold, back to McAllister who calls. McAlister has JcJd, Shen with Kh10c, the turn is Qh and river 9h. McAllister ships it and Shen ships out.

Ryan McAllister – 740,000

15:45: Big stack update, 38 players remaining
Level 19: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

Tay Wee Shen – 1,000,000
Alessandro Taranto – 940,000
Henrik Tollefsen – 850,000
Terry Gonzaga – 800,000
Won Jae Lee – 750,000

15:30: Tay Wee Shen delivers a double KO 
Level 19: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

Tay Wee Shen
Tay Wee Shen

Preflop betting war leads to three players all in, Tay Wee Shen ahead with AcAd, Linh Phuong Nguyen with JdJc, and Harun MZB with AsKc. The cards land 6s10hAhKd5h for a commanding set to Shen for a sweep.

Tay Wee Shen – 1,000,000
Linh Phuong Nguyen – eliminated
Harun MZB – eliminated

15:25: Terry Gonzaga ends Magbanua
Level 19: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

Preflop raise war leads to Jason Kyle Magbanua all in with AcQc and is up against bigger stacked Terry Gonzaga with 10d10s. With the board running 2s9c9d3s4c, out goes Magbanua as Gonzaga ships it.

Terry Gonzaga – 900,000

15:10: Richard Tolentino check-raises McAllister
Level 19: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

Richard Tolentino
Richard Tolentino

From utg+1, Richard Tolentino raises to 24,000, hijack Ryan McAllister three-bets to 75,000, Tolentino flats. On the flop 9h5h5c, McAllister c-bets 50,000, Tolentino check-raises to 150,000, McAllister folds.

Richard Tolentino – 500,000
Ryan McAllister –  420,000

15:00: Pot for Minseong Cho
Level 19: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

On a board showing Js8c7s2c and 50,000 in the pot, small blind Artem Utevskii bets 25,000, big blind Minseong Cho raises to 75,000, Utevskii folds.

Minseong Cho – 280,000
Artem Utevskii – 200,000

14:45: Linh Phuong Nguyen triples up
Level 18: 4,000-8,000, 8,000 ante

All in preflop by Linh Phuong Nguyen and is called by two players that check down the board 6c2d8cJs4s. Nguyen opens 8d8h, the callers muck for a triple up.

Linh Phuong Nguyen – 150,000

14:40: Tacda spikes two outer against McAllister
Level 18: 4,000-8,000, 8,000 ante

After a preflop battle, Ryan McAllister opens KdKh, at risk player Anthony Tacda with QdQh. With the board running 6s9s9c4d McAllister is coasting but when the river felted Qs, Tacda spiked the two-outer to avoid elimination.

Anthony Tacda – 500,000
Ryan McAllister – 400,000

14:35: Suya Lee outkicks Tollefsen 
Level 18: 4,000-8,000, 8,000 ante

Button Suya Lee raises to 22,000 and big blind / big stacked Henrik Tollefsen calls. At the flop As4d2c, Lee c-bets 24,000, Tollefsen check-calls. On the turn 8d both players check for a free river 7c. Tollefsen leads out 73,000, Lee calls. Tollefsen shows AhJd and is outkicked by Lee’s AdKh.

Suya Lee – 340,000
Henrik Tollefsen – 850,000

14:15: Ngoc Anh Cao survives the flip. Liu plunges
Level 18: 4,000-8,000, 8,000 ante

Under the gun raises to 16,000, small blind Ngoc Anh Cao shoves, big blind Yin Liu calls, utg folds. Ngoc has 10h10c and is up against Liu’s AhKc for a flip. The board runs Qs5d3d5sQh for a double up to Ngoc as Liu plunges to 2.5 bb.

Ngoc Anh Cao – 170,000
Yin Liu – 20,000

14:05: Ricardo Torres pushes out Quiambao
Level 18: 4,000-8,000, 8,000 ante

From cutoff, Ricardo Torres raises to 20,000 then four-bet shoves on top of Cezar Quiambao’s 60,000 re-raise. Quiambao folds.

Ricardo Torres – 300,000
Cezar Quiambao – 240,000

14:00: Taranto rails Pamplona
Level 18: 4,000-8,000, 8,000 ante

Alessandro Taranto

New level sees Junnie Pamplona go bust. Action opens with lojack raising to 16,000, cutoff Alessandro Taranto three-bets to 38,000, big blind Pamplona shoves, lojack folds, Taranto calls and opens AcAs. Pamplona sees the big pair and needs luck to survive however the board favors Alessandro as it runs 9cAh4s4c8d for a full house.

Alessandro Taranto – 50,000
Junnie Pamplona – eliminated

13:50: William Teoh doubles through 
Level 17: 3.000-6,000, ante 6,000

On a flop 2s7d10d and 82,000 in the pot, hijack William Teoh shoves and is check-called by small blind Anton Welo Tor. Teoh has Ad6d draw, Anton with KsKh, at the turn Ah Teoh jumps ahead, and with river 7s Teoh scores a double up.

William Teoh – 250,000
Anton Welo Tor – 240,000

13:45: Utevskii banks the max against Dinh
Level 17: 3.000-6,000, ante 6,000

Having just paid a double up to Radbone, Artem Utevskii gained a full boost of his own. Action opened with lojack Dinh Manh Hung raising to 12,000, cutoff Utevskii three-bet to 33,000, back to Dinh who shoved well covering Utevskii. No thinking needed, Utevskii calls and opens AsKs, Dinh has Ah5d. The board runs 7h8h2cQcKh.

Artem Utevskii – 250,000
Dinh Manh Hung – 370,000

13:40: Radbone outkicks to double through Utevskii
Level 17: 3.000-6,000, ante 6,000

On a flop 8c2hJs and 30,000 in the pot, hijack Artem Utevskii overbets 50,000, small blind Tom Radbone check-raises all in. Utevskii calls with Jh10h, Radbone ahead with QdJc, the turn 5s and river 9s is good for a double up to Radbone.

Tom Radbone – 130,000
Artem Utevskii – 120,000

13:30: Segismundo builds it then claims it
Level 17: 3.000-6,000, ante 6,000

Hijack Ng Wai Loon raises to 12,000, cutoff Emmanuel Segismundo three-bets to 37,000, Ng calls. At the flop 2s10c8c, Segismundo bets 24,000, Ng check-calls. On the turn Qc both players check, and the river 9d is checked by Ng again. Segismundo goes the other direction with a shove, Ng folds.

Emmanuel Segismundo – 250,000
Ng Wai Loon – 150,000

13:25: Anton Del Rosario boots Mesina
Level 17: 3.000-6,000, ante 6,000

Anton Del Rosario
Anton Del Rosario

More shoves going bust with Ryan Mesina sent packing. He risks it with AcJc and is called by Anton Del Rosario with AsQs. The board runs low for Del Rosario’s kicker to play.

Anton Del Rosario – 250,000
Ryan Mesina – eliminated

13:20: Richard Sheils falls to Ong
Level 17: 3.000-6,000, ante 6,000

Jason ONg
Jason Ong

Jason Ong four-bet all in pushing Richard Sheils to the max, Sheils calls for his tournament life with KsJs and is behind Ong’s AhKh. The board drops an Ace on the turn to dust Sheils.

Jason Ong – 380,000
Richard Sheils – eliminated

13:15: Jose Marquez Cheung outdraws Erquiaga
Level 17: 3.000-6,000, ante 6,000

Cutoff Jose Marquez Cheung jams with 6h7h, button David Erquiaga calls with AcQd. The board favors Cheung as it runs 4c6d9c5hJc. Cheung survives and doubles through.

Jose Marquez Cheung – 110,000
David Erquiaga – 340,000

13:06: Short stacked Saquing sacked
Level 17: 3.000-6,000, ante 6,000

Moses Saquing with 8 bb goes all in with KdJc, he is called by Jose Drilon with KhKc, no help comes for Saquing to pack up and go.

Jose Drilon – 147,000
Moses Saquing – eliminated

13:05: William Teoh wins the flip against Dizon
Level 17: 3.000-6,000, ante 6,000

Another all in shove fest preflop with Terence Dizon AhKh and at risk player William Teoh 10d10h. The board run Queen-high for Teoh to double through.

William Teoh – 250,000
Terence Dizon – 260,000

13:00: Full house over full house! Quiambao doubles through Ledina
Level 17: 3.000-6,000, ante 6,000

From under the gun, Cezar Quiambao shoves with AhKc, small blind Benigno Ledina snap calls with KhKd, the board runs an exciting AdKs2s4cAc for a full house over full house.

Cezar Quiambao – 130,000
Benigno Ledina – 60,000

Main Event Day 2 underway at 1pm

Poker Dream 2 6

Welcome to Day 2 of the Main Event! The Main Event drew 499 entries over three starting days to more than crush the PHP 20M guarantee. The 77 returning players are now looking at a prize pool of over PHP 28.7 Million. We will have the official number and payout breakdown for you once that’s been made available. Today’ stage will play down to the Final 9 players. Leading the race is Ryan McAllister with a towering 777,000 stack which is equivalent to 129 bb. Live updates begin at 1pm.

Day 2 players

Ryan Mcallister USA 777,000
Won Jae Lee Korea 622,000
Terry Gonzaga Philippines 483,000
Nicola Nontalbano Italy 454,000
Anthony Tacda Philippines 423,000
Wai Keong Yong Malaysia 421,000
David Erquiaga Philippines 416,000
Cho Minseong Korea 398,000
Anh Byungwook Korea 377,000
Alessandro Taranto Italy 368,000
Ricardo Torres Philippines 350,000
Terence Dizon Philippines 336,000
Hung Manh Dinh Vietnam 300,000
Hal Oscar Rotholz United States 282,000
Lijun Zhang China 281,000
Andrej Nagy Philippines 278,000
Tay Wee Shen Malaysia 278,000
Wai Loon Ng Malaysia 271,000
Junho Kim Korea, South 266,000
Jason Kyle Magbanua Philippines 257,000
Wooseok Kim Korea, South 251,000
Suya Lee Korea, South 238,000
Anton Del Rosario USA 233,000
Edwin Dela Cruz Philippines 233,000
Richard Matthew Sheils England 226,000
Czar Ian Marcos Philippines 223,000
Hui Shen Mok Brunei 207,000
Jinlong Hu China 202,000
Emmanuel Segismundo Philippines 202,000
Henrik Tollefsen Norway 202,000
Tom Radbone Australia 195,000
Sriharsha Doddapaneni India 195,000
Tor Anton Welo Norway 187,000
Bonifacio Mondalo Jr. Philippines 186,000
Gary Thompson Ireland 176,000
Jason Ong Philippines 164,000
How Chee Chong Malaysia 161,000
Artem Utevskii Russia 155,000
Ikseok Kang Korea 152,000
Lloyd Locsin Philippines 145,000
Bell John Perez Philippines 140,000
Alan Honyin Tsang United States 136,000
Ruderico Dela Cruz Philippines 130,000
Maurillo Bulauitan Philippines 126,000
Benigno Ledina Jr Philippines 123,000
Cheong Yuan Xiang Malaysia 122,000
Joven Huerto Philippines 120,000
Harun Mzb Brunei 119,000
Jhon Hendri Indonesia 118,000
Junnie Pamplona Philippines 115,000
Lin Hao Hong Kong 114,000
William Teoh Malaysia 112,000
Darren Yu Philippines 110,000
Hou Hyin Bryan Khoo Malaysia 106,000
Richard Tolentino Philippines 106,000
Yin Liu China 103,000
Youngsoo Yang Korea, South 103,000
Gai Lax Lim Malaysia 101,000
Jose Drilon Philippines 100,000
Ahmed Ibrahimi Morocco 96,000
Jeffrey Calonge Philippines 91,000
Ginbert De Villa Philippines 87,000
Kanishka Anant Samant India 84,000
Beh Kok Weng Malaysia 83,000
Shuta Nakane Japan 78,000
Dieu Phuong Linh Nguyen Vietnam 76,000
Liao Po Hsun Taiwan 68,000
Ronn Ryan Mesina Philippines 66,000
Jose Marquez Cheung Philippines 65,000
Valeriy Pak Belarus 63,000
Cezar Quiambao Ii Philippines 60,000
Yu Chen Hong Kong 58,000
Ngoc Anh Cao Vietnam 57,000
Rasid Paitao Philippines 55,000
Moses Saquing USA 48,000
Stephen Nathan UK 41,000

Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly. Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.

Main Event Final Day

Buy in: PH₱ 66,000 (~US$ 1,200)
Guarantee: PH₱ 20,000,000 (~US$ 360,960)
Total Entries: 499
Prize pool: PH₱ 28,751,400 (~US$ 519,480)
Total Day 2 qualifiers / ITM: 77 players

Starting stack: 30,000
Final Day opening blinds: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante
Chips in play: 14,970,000

Edwin Dela Cruz wins the Poker Dream Manila Main Event 

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Filipino Edwin Dela Cruz is the newest Poker Dream champion! Dela Cruz, known by his friends as “Hit D Heat” defeated Alessandro Taranto in a grueling heads up match that lasted over 3 hours. This was Dela Cruz’s second major title of the year. He also pocketed a handsome first prize of PHP 5,510,000 (~US$ 99,400).

Congratulations to the champion!

Final table payouts

Place Player Flag
Payouts in PHP
1 Edwin Dela Cruz Philippines 5,510,000
2 Alessandro Taranto Italy 3,460,000
3 Terry Gonzaga Philippines 2,471,382
4 Tor Anton Welo Norway 1,946,000
5 Ryan Patrick Mc Allister United States 1,523,000
6 William Teoh Malaysia 1,184,000
7 Valeriy Pak Uzbekistan 885,000
8 Nicola Montalbano Italy 609,000
9 David Erquiaga Philippines 499,000

21:40: Alessandro Taranto eliminated in 2nd place – PHP 3,460,000 (~US$ 62,500)
Level 34: 100,000-200,000, 200,000 ante

52876885062 5ab893a63e k Alessandro Taranto limps, big blind Edwin Dela Cruz checks the big blind, on the flop Jh6s10s, Dela Cruz bets 300,000, Taranto calls. On the turn 3h, Dela Cruz bet 750,000, Taranto check-raises to 2,000,000, Dela Cruz shoves, Taranto snap-calls.

Dela Cruz 10h6d
Taranto QdQc

The river 8d completes the board. Taranto is eliminated in 2nd place.

21:30: Double up for Taranto
Level 34: 100,000-200,000, 200,000 ante

Alessandro Taranto limps, Edwin Dela Cruz shoves, Taranto calls for his tournament life. Taranto Ac10h, Dela Cruz [QD}10c, the board is Ah3c9c7dKc for a double up to Taranto.

Edwin Dela Cruz – 9,100,000
Alessandro Taranto – 5,900,000

21:20: Dela Cruz doubles right back
Level 33: 100,000-150,000, 150,000 ante

52877420076 a27bed0cf8 c
Edwin Dela Cruz

After Alessandro Taranto shipped a huge double up, it didn’t take long for Edwin Dela Cruz to answer back and land one of his own. Dela Cruz limps from the button, Taranto checks the big blind. On the flop Jd5dQd, Dela Cruz bets 250,000 and is check-called. On the turn Kc, check again by Taranto, Dela Cruz bets 650,000, Taranto raises to 2,500,000, Dela Cruz goes all in, Taranto calls.

Dela Cruz 7d2d flush
Taranto  10c9d

Edwin Dela Cruz – 12,000,000
Alessandro Taranto – 3,100,000

21:15: Full house over full house! Taranto ships a double
Level 33: 100,000-150,000, 150,000 ante

Button Alessandro raises to 300,000, big blind Dela Cruz calls, the flop runs 9h8h4s. Taranto c-bets 150,000, Dela Cruz check-calls. On the turn 7s, another 600,000 sent out by Taranto, Dela Cruz check-calls. On the river 8c, Taranto shoves, Dela Cruz also sends it all in.

Dela Cruz 8s{7h{ full house
Taranto 9c9s higher full house

Alessandro Taranto – 9,100,000
Edwin Dela Cruz – 5,900,000

20:50: Edwin Dela Cruz surges ahead
Level 33: 100,000-150,000, 150,000 ante

Button Alessandro Taranto raises to 300,000, Edwin Dela Cruz defends. At the flop 7dJsQh, Taranto c-bets 400,000, Dela Cruz calls. Both players check the turn Jc. On the river Ad, Dela Cruz check-calls a 1,100,000 bet by Taranto. Dela Cruz opens Jd10d, Taranto mucks.

Edwin Dela Cruz – 9,500,000
Alessandro Taranto – 5,500,000

20:45: Tug of war for the chip lead
Level 33: 100,000-150,000, 150,000 ante

Limped pot sees a flop 6h4hAh, big blind Alessandro Taranto check-calls 200,000. Both check the turn 2s, the river 8s Taranto bets 650,000, Edwin Dela Cruz calls, then mucks to Taranto’s As9c.

Next hand, limped pot sees a flop JsQs4c, both players check. On the turn 7d, big blind Dela Cruz bets 250,000, Taranto calls. On the river 3d, Dela Cruz bets 400,000, Taranto calls then mucks to Dela Cruz’s Jh8c pair.

Edwin Dela Cruz – 7,800,000
Alessandro Taranto – 7,200,000

20:35: Two pots for Dela Cruz to retake the lead
Level 33: 100,000-150,000, 150,000 ante

Edwin Dela Cruz reclaims the lead by taking down two pots. First one sees Alessandro Taranto raise to 200,000, big blind Del Cruz calls. When the board completes Qc2h3s8d9d no bets until the river. Dela Cruz fires 500,000, Taranto calls, Dela Cruz has Qd7c top pair and claims the pot.

Next winning hand, Dela Cruz limps from the button, big blind Taranto checks. At the flop Jc4c5c, Taranto check-calls Dela Cruz’s 250,000 bet. On the 10c turn, Taranto leads out 500,000, Dela Cruz calls. On the river, Taranto checks, Dela Cruz bets 800,000, this time Taranto folds.

Edwin Dela Cruz – 8,500,000
Alessandro Taranto – 6,500,000

20:20: Two pots for Taranto to take the lead
Level 33: 100,000-150,000, 150,000 ante

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Alessandro Taranto

Alessandro Taranto has taken the lead after claiming two good pots. The first one sees Edwin Dela Cruz limp from the button and Taranto checks. On the flop Ks2c7c, Taranto leads out 150,000, Dela Cruz calls. On the turn 6s, Taranto send out a larger 750,000, Dela Cruz folds.

Next winning hand, Dela Cruz limps in again, big blind Taranto checks. Both players check the flop 9cAh10c to bring the turn 2h. Dela Cruz bets 200,000, Taranto check-calls. On the river 5s, same action with Taranto check-calling 700,000. Dela Cruz opens 8d4h bluff, Taranto wins the pot with Qh5c pair on the river.

Alessandro Taranto – 8,400,000
Edwin Dela Cruz – 6,600,000

20:05: Near even stacks!
Level 32: 60,000-120,000, 120,000 ante

Button Edwin Dela Cruz limps, Alessandro Taranto checks the big blind. At the flop 8s6hKc, Dela Cruz bets 150,000, Taranto check-raises to 500,000, Dela Cruz calls. On the turn 9h no bets land. The river Ks, Taranto checks, Dela Cruz fires a large 1,000,000 bet, Taranto shoves and is called.

Taranto 7c5c for another straight, Dela Cruz pays up with Kd4h trips.

Alessandro Taranto – 7,300,000
Edwin Dela Crus – 7,700,000

19:55: Taranto stages a comeback
Level 32: 60,000-120,000, 120,000 ante

Down to 4 bb, Alessandro Taranto stages a comeback winning multiple pots to rise back to health. The first hand he shoves with 8h3h, Dela Cruz calls with 7c2c, the board runs Qc9c5dQdAh for the Eight card to play.

Next shove, Taranto doubles up again. This time he has AsQd dominating Dela Cruz’s Qs9c. The board runs 10dKh7hJh8c for a higher straight.

The next pot, Dela Cruz limps, Taranto checks the big blind, the flop comes 5c5s6s. Dela Cruz bets 120,000, Taranto check-calls. No bets on the turn 3s to bring on the river 9h, Taranto leads out 600,000, Dela Cruz calls, Taranto opens 7h8c straight, Dela Cruz mucks.

Alessandro Taranto – 3,800,000
Edwin Dela Cruz – 11,100,000

19:30: Series of wins for Dela Cruz, Taranto down to 4 bb
Level 32: 60,000-120,000, 120,000 ante

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Edwin Dela Cruz

Button Alessandro Taranto raises to 400,000, big blind Edwin Dela Cruz shoves, Taranto folds.

Next winning hand for Dela Cruz, Taranto limps, Dela Cruz checks, the flop runs 2c3cQs Dela Cruz check-calls the 120,000 bet. On the river, Dela Cruz checks again, Taranto bets 400,000, Dela Cruz jams, Taranto folds.

The third winning hand, Dela Cruz limps on the button, Taranto checks on the big blind, the flop comes AdQc8s, Dela Cruz bets 150,000, Taranto check-calls. No bets o nthe Qd turn. On the river 7h, Dela Cruz shoves, Taranto folds.

On the fourth winning hand, Dela Cruz shoves on the button, Taranto folds.

Edwin Dela Cruz – 14,490,000
Alessandro Taranto – 480,000

19:00: Dela Cruz hard-bets, Taranto calls and takes it
Level 31: 50,000-100,000, 100,000 ante

On a limped pot preflop, the board completes Jh4s7s9c7d. Alessandro Taranto calls Edwin Dela Cruz’s flop and turn bets 100,000, 500,000, then both check the river. Taranto opens Jd6h top pair and takes the pot.

Alessandro Taranto – 4,500,000
Edwin Dela Cruz – 10,000,000

18:55: Dela Cruz drags in a big pot with two pair
Level 31: 50,000-100,000, 100,000 ante

Button Alessandro Taranto raises to 200,000, big blind Edwin Dela Cruz defends. When the board completes 5h10hQdJh4c, Dela Cruz check-calls – 150,000, 350,000, 1,800,000, Dela Cruz opens Jc5s two pair. Taranto mucks

Edwin Dela Cruz – 11,000,000
Alessandro Taranto – 3,800,000

18:40: Two pots for Taranto
Level 31: 50,000-100,000, 100,000 ante

Button Alessandro Taranto raises to 200,000, big blind Edwin Dela Cruz calls. At the flop 6hAd7c, Taranto c-bets 150,000, Dela Cruz check-calls. On the turn 8c, another 580,000 bet by Taranto, Dela Cruz mucks.

Next winning pot for Taranto, Dela Cruz limps from the button and Taranto checks, both players see a flop 3h3dQs. Both check for a free turn 9c. Taranto leads out 100,000, Dela Cruz calls. On the river Kh, Taranto bets 400,000, Dela Cruz calls. Taranto opens Qc4d, Dela Cruz mucks.

Alessandro Taranto – 6,700,000
Edwin Dela Cruz – 8,300,000

18:25: Heads up! Edwin Dela Cruz vs Alessandro Taranto
Level 31: 50,000-100,000, 100,000 ante

52876531417 ca93ea6362 k

It is heads up at the Main Event! Up for grabs is the PHP 5,510,000 top prize. Both players are quite deep so it will be a long race to glory.

Edwin Dela Cruz – 9,100,000 (91 bb)
Alessandro Taranto – 5,800,000 (58 bb)

18:20: Terry Gonzaga eliminated in 3rd place – PHP 2,471,382 (~US$ 44,650)
Level 31: 50,000-100,000, 100,000 ante

52876965715 4fb36467f9 w
Terry Gonzaga

Preflop betting war begins with button Terry Gonzaga raising to 220,000, small blind Alessandro Taranto three-bets to 670,000, Gonzaga flats. On the flop 5c4d2d, Taranto leads c-bets 280,000, Gonzaga shoves, Taranto calls.

Gonzaga 6h5h top pair
Taranto Ac3c straight

The turn Ks and river 6c are no help to Gonzaga.

Alessandro Taranto – 5,800,000
Terry Gonzaga – eliminated in 3rd place

18:00: Tor Anton Welo eliminated in 4th place – PHP 1,946,000 (~US$ 35,160)
Level 31: 50,000-100,000, 100,000 ante

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Tor Anton Welo

Button Tor Anton Welo shoves with Qh4h, small blind Edwin Dela Cruz calls with Ac7s. The board runs 8c5h9h9c8s for Dela Cruz’s Ace-high to ship it as Welo ships out.

Edwin Dela Cruz – 9,600,000
Tor Anton Welo – eliminated in 4th place

17:35: Terry Gonzaga wins some with trips
Level 30: 40,000-80,000, 80,000 ante

Battle of the blinds, Edwin Dela Cruz limps, big blind Terry Gonzaga checks, both players check the flop 10h10c3s. On the turn 6s and river Ac Gonzaga bets 200,000 and 400,000, Dela Cruz check-calls both bets. Dela Cruz has Ad7d top pair, Gonzaga has Qc10s trips to win the pot.

Terry Gonzaga – 3,000,000
Edwin Dela Cruz – 8,100,000

17:30: Not a second time for Taranto
Level 30: 40,000-80,000, 80,000 ante

Having just doubled up through the leader, Alessandro Taranto raises to 160,000 from the button, big blind Edwin Dela Cruz three-bets to 480,000, Taranto folds.

Edwin Dela Cruz – 8,800,000
Alessandro Taranto – 2,500,000

17:25: Taranto doubles through the leader
Level 30: 40,000-80,000, 80,000 ante

From under the gun, Alessandro Taranto raises to 160,000, small blind chip leader Edwin Dela Cruz three-bets to 540,000, Taranto four-bet shoves, and is called. Taranto is at risk with AdQd and needs to hit against Dela Cruz’s Jd10d. Taranto connects on the turn with a Queen showing up to survive and double through.

Alessandro Tarano – 2,900,000
Edwin Dela Cruz – 8,100,000

 17:20: Edwin Dela Cruz drives the pot and ships it
Level 30: 40,000-80,000, 80,000 ante

Big stacked Edwin Dela Crus raises from utg to 170,000, and Tor Anton Welo defends from the big blind. When the board completes Ah10c4h5s7c, Dela Cruz bets every street – 180,000, 600,000, 2,0000, Welo check-calls. Dela Cruz shows 6h8h straight, Welo mucks.

Edwin Dela Cruz – 9,300,000
Tor Anton Welo – 1,600,000

17:10: Ryan McAllister eliminated in 5th place – PHP 1,523,000 (~US$ 27,500)
Level 30: 40,000-80,000, 80,000 ante

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Ryan McAllister

Ryan McAllister four bet shoved with AsKs and was called by Edwin Dela Cruz with 7s7d. With the board running 5d10h9s7c2c, McAllister was dusted in 5th place.

Edwin Dela Cruz – 6,200,000
Ryan McAllister – eliminated in 5th place

16:50: William Teoh eliminated in 6th place – PHP 1,184,000 (~US$ 21,400)
Level 30: 40,000-80,000, 80,000 ante

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William Teoh

Button player William Teoh shoved with Ad6d, big blind Alessandro Taranto called with Qc9d to put Teoh at risk. With the board running 2h8h9hQdJc, Taranto improves to two pair to clean out Teoh.

Alessandro Taranto – 1,300,000
William Teoh – eliminated in 6th place

16:25: Valeriy Pak eliminated in 7th place – PHP 885,000 (~US$ 16,000)
Level 29 30,000-60,000, 60,000 ante

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Valeriy Pak

Small blind Valeriy Pak raises to 650,000 then risks his entire stack on a three-bet shove by big blind Tor Anton Welo. Pak has Ac5d, Welo As4s, with the board running JsAh4cKs2s, Welo hits two pair to send Pak packing in 7th place.

Tor Anton Welo – 4,800,000
Valeriy Pak – eliminated in 7th place

16:15: Tor Anton Welo shaves a mil off Gonzaga
Level 29 30,000-60,000, 60,000 ante

From utg+1, Tor Anton Welo raises to 120,000, button Terry Gonzaga calls, the flop comes Jh7hAh. Welo bets 150,000, Gonzaga calls. On the turn Ac, Welo checks then calls Gonzaga’s 250,000 bet. On the 8c river, Gonzaga bets 500,000, Welo check-raises all in, Gonzaga folds.

Tor Anton Welo – 4,100,000
Terry Gonzaga – 1,200,000

15:55: Nicola Montalbano eliminated in 8th place – PH₱ 609,000 (~US$ 11,000)
Level 29 30,000-60,000, 60,000 ante

52877036308 b0aa1f9785 c
Nicola Montalbano

Nicola Montalbano tumbled out in 8th place after dropping to just 4 bb. The hand saw utg Tor Anton Welo raise to 120,000, hijack Terry Gonzaga three-bet to 300,000, Montalbano went all in with less chips. Back to Welo who called, the flop ran AhKh10s, Gonzaga c-bet 300,000, Welo check-called. On the turn 6s, Gonzaga shoved, Welo opted to fold. Gonzaga opened KcKs set, Montalbano was drawing dead with 4c2c. The river was 4h.

Terry Gonzaga – 2,900,000
Tor Anton Welo – 2,800,000
Nicola Montalbano – eliminated in 8th place

15:45: Terry Gonzaga doubles through Teoh
Level 29 30,000-60,000, 60,000 ante

From utg+2 Nicola Montalbano raised to 250,000, button William Teoh three-bet to 550,000, small blind Terry Gonzaga four-bet shoved, Montalbano folded, Teoh called and opened 8c8s. Gonzaga had AhKc. The board ran 5sKh4dJc10d for a double up to Gonzaga.

Terry Gonzaga – 2,100,000
William Teoh – 785,000
Nicola Montalbano – 245,000

15:05: William Teoh shoves on the leader 
Level 28: 25,000-50,000, 50,000 ante

Button Edwin Dela Cruz raises to 120,000, small blind William Teoh calls. On the flop and turn 4c10h4d2h, Teoh check-calls 100,000 and 300,000, then on the 2c river he bets all in. Dela Cruz folds.

William Teoh – 1,700,000
Edwin Dela Cruz – 4,200,000

15:00: Tor Anton Welo wins a splash
Level 28: 25,000-50,000, 50,000 ante

Alessandro Taranto raises from utg+1 and finds three callers to the flop 2h8s9c. Taranto c-bets 130,000, and everyone calls. On the turn, action is checked to the button Tor Anton Welo who sends out a 300,000 bet, no callers to claim the pot.

Tor Anton Welo – 3,200,000
Edwin Dela Cruz – 4,800,000
William Teoh – 1,000,000
Alessandro Taranto – 1,700,000

14:50: Ryan McAllister doubles through Taranto
Level 28: 25,000-50,000, 50,000 ante

Hijack Alessandro Taranto raises to 100,000, cutoff Ryan McAllister three-bets all in, Taranto calls to put the American at risk. Taranto opens QhQc, McAllister has KhJh, the window card is a King, and the board completes Kd7s5h7c10h for a double up to McAllister.

Ryan McAllister 1,700,000
Alessandro Taranto – 1,900,000

14:45: Terry Gonzaga pushes all out
Level 28: 25,000-50,000, 50,000 ante

Hijack Edwin Dela Cruz raises to 100,000 and finds three callers to the flop 3h2cAc. Action is checked to cutoff William Teoh who bets 220,000, button Terry Gonzaga three-bet shoves, no callers.

Terry Gonzaga – 1,400,000
William Teoh – 1,300,000

14:35: Edwin Dela Cruz claims with top pair
Level 28: 25,000-50,000, 50,000 ante

Chip leader Edwin Dela Cruz adds to his stack in a hand against Alessandro Taranto. He opens from cutoff for 100,000, big blind Taranto defends. At the flop and turn 9s7dKh3s, Dela Cruz bets 80,000 and 250,000, Taranto check-calls. On the river 6hm both players check. Taranto opens Ad[qc}, Dela Cruz wins the pot with Kd10h.

Edwin Dela Cruz – 5,200,000
Alessandro Taranto – 2,400,000

14:30: Hard betting Welo
Level 28: 25,000-50,000, 50,000 ante

Under the gun William Teoh limps, small blind Tor Anton Welo raises to 250,000, back to Teoh who calls. On the flop Qd6d7c, Welo c-bets 220,000 and claims the pot.

Tor Anton Welo – 2,600,000
William Teoh – 1,600,000

14:20: David Erquiaga eliminated in 9th place – PHP 499,000 (~US$ 9,015)
Level 27: 20,000-40,000, 40,000 ante

52876005582 e9e120bcc8 c
David Erquiaga

The first casualty of the final table is David Erquiaga who raises from utg to 90,000, cutoff Alessandro Taranto calls and the flop comes 9sJh3c. Taranto bets 70,000, Erquiaga check-raises to 300,000, Taranto calls. On the turn 7s, Erquiaga shoves with 8d8c, Taranto calls with KsJs top pair, the river 4d is no help to Erquiaga to depart in 9th place.

Alessandro Taranto – 3,000,000
David Erquiaga – eliminated in 9th place

Final 9 players of the Main Event

Poker Dream 21

52877225293 9678dd11b5 c

By Seat

1 Nicola Montalbano 640,000
2 David Erquiaga 1,335,000
3 Tor Anton Welo 2,080,000
4 Edwin Dela Cruz 4,325,000
5 William Teoh 1,470,000
6 Terry Gonzaga 1,180,000
7 Alessandro Taranto 1,630,000
8 Ryan McAllister 1,165,000
9 Valeriy Pak 1,030,000

By Rank

Seat Player Stack BB
4 Edwin Dela Cruz 4,325,000 108
3 Tor Anton Welo 2,080,000 52
7 Alessandro Taranto 1,630,000 41
5 William Teoh 1,470,000 37
2 David Erquiaga 1,335,000 33
6 Terry Gonzaga 1,180,000 30
8 Ryan McAllister 1,165,000 29
9 Valeriy Pak 1,030,000 26
1 Nicola Montalbano 640,000 16

Final 9 payouts

Place Payouts in PHP
1 5,510,000
2 3,460,000
3 2,471,382
4 1,946,000
5 1,523,000
6 1,184,000
7 885,000
8 609,000
9 499,000

Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly. Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.

Festival Results

White Horse Cup – Short Deck Super High Roller

Poker Dream 11

Buy in: PH₱ 1,380,000 (~US$ 25,300)
Guarantee: PH₱ 55,000,000 (~US$ 987,350)
Entries: 41
Prize pool: PH₱ 55,000,000 (~US$ 987,350)
ITM: 6 places

Place Player Flag Payouts in PH₱
1 Winfred Yu Hong Kong 18,700,000
2 Paul Phua Malaysia 12,920,000
3 Chan Kong Ming Malaysia 8,250,000
4 Danny Tang UK 6,330,000
5 Jun Yap Malaysia 4,950,000
6 Ming Hong Teoh Malaysia 3,850,000

Main Event

52877843400 7e3bf69310 c 1

Date: May 4-7, 2023
Buy in: PH₱ 66,000 (~US$ 1,200)
Guarantee: PH₱ 20,000,000 (~US$ 360,960)
Total Entries: 499
Prize pool: PH₱ 28,751,400 (~US$ 519,480)
ITM: 76 players

Place Player Flag
Payouts in PH₱
1 Edwin Dela Cruz Philippines 5,510,000
2 Alessandro Taranto Italy 3,460,000
3 Terry Gonzaga Philippines 2,471,382
4 Tor Anton Welo Norway 1,946,000
5 Ryan McAllister USA 1,523,000
6 William Teoh Malaysia 1,184,000
7 Valeriy Pak Uzbekistan 885,000
8 Nicola Montalbano Italy 609,000
9 David Erquiaga Philippines 499,000
10 Beh Kok Weng Malaysia 412,000
11 Czar Ian Marcos Philippines 412,000
12 Stephen Nathan UK 352,000
13 Won Jae Lee Korea 352,000
14 Anthony Tacda Philippines 306,000
15 Anton Del Rosario USA 306,000
16 Suya Lee Korea 272,000
17 Henrik Tollefsen Norway 272,000
18 Wee Shen Tay Malaysia 243,000
19 Joven Huerto Philippines 243,000
20 Emmanuel Segismundo Philippines 243,000
21 Darren Yu Philippines 214,000
22 Sriharsha Doddapaneni India 214,000
23 Terrence Jhon Dizon Philippines 214,000
24 Hung Manh Dinh Vietnam 185,000
25 Wai Keong Yong Malaysia 185,000
26 Ricardo Torres Philippines 185,000
27 Artem Utevskii Russia 185,000
28 Alan Honyin Tsang USA 162,000
29 Cezar Quiambao Ii Philippines 162,000
30 Bonifacio Mondalo Jr. Philippines 162,000
31 Richard Tolentino Philippines 162,000
32 Jose Drilon Philippines 139,000
33 Lijun Zhang China 139,000
34 Jose Marquez Cheung Philippines 139,000
35 Minseong Cho Korea 139,000
36 Gary Thompson Ireland 139,000
37 Chee Chong How Malaysia 139,000
38 Maurillo Bulauitan Philippines 139,000
39 Hui Shen Mok Brunei 139,000
40 Junho Kim Korea 119,000
41 Andrej Nagy Philippines 119,000
42 Po Hsun Liao Taiwan 119,000
43 Jason Ong Philippines 119,000
44 Harun Mzb Brunei 119,000
45 Linh Dieu Phuong Nguyen Vietnam 119,000
46 Jason Kyle Magbanua Philippines 119,000
47 Ngoc Anh Cao Vietnam 119,000
48 Youngsoo Yang Korea 119,000
49 Hal Oscar Rotholz USA 119,000
50 Ikseok Kang Korea 119,000
51 Lloyd Locsin Philippines 119,000
52 Tom Han Radbone Australia 119,000
53 Jinlong Hu China 119,000
54 Anant Samant India 119,000
55 Yin Liu China 119,000
56 Ahmed Ibrahimi Morocco 105,000
57 Gai Lax Lim Malaysia 105,000
58 Byungwook Ahn Korea 105,000
59 Beill John Perez Philippines 105,000
60 Junnie Pamplona Philippines 105,000
61 Jhon Hendri Indonesia 105,000
62 Hou Hyin Bryan Khoo Malaysia 105,000
63 Jeffrey Calonge Philippines 105,000
64 Ruderico Dela Cauz Philippines 105,000
65 Yu Chen Hong Kong 105,000
66 Wai Loon Ng Malaysia 105,000
67 Wooseok Kim Korea 105,000
68 Ronn Ryan Mesina Philippines 105,000
69 Ginbert De Villa Philippines 105,000
70 Rasid Paitao Philippines 105,000
71 Richard Matthew Sheils England 105,000
72 Hao Lin Hong Kong 105,000
73 Moses Saquing USA 105,000
74 Benigno Ledina Jr Philippines 105,000
75 Yuan Xiang Cheong Malaysia 105,000
76 Shuta Nakane Japan 105,000

Event 1: Warm Up

Screenshot 2023 04 27 231919
Ricardo Singapan

Date: April 26-27, 2023
Buy in: PH₱ 15,000 (~US$ 270)
Guarantee: PH₱ 54,000
Entries: 314
Prize pool: PH₱ 4,158,000 (~US$ 74,870)
ITM: 48 players

Place Player Flag Payouts in PHP
1 Ricardo Singapan Philippines 807,000
2 Ryan McAllister USA 514,000
3 Jessie Leonarez Philippines 382,000
4 Jeffrey Calonge Philippines 309,000
5 Cezar Quiambao II Philippines 244,000
6 Danilo Ola Philippines 183,200
7 Wei-Jung Tsai Taiwan 136,000
8 Cheong Yew Lee Malaysia 100,000
9 David Jansen Erquiaga Philippines 83,100
10 Xiyu Xie China 69,800
11 Michael Bueza Philippines 69,800
12 Wai Keong Yong Malaysia 61,500
13 Wai Loong Lee Malaysia 61,500
14 Victor Guevara Lansag Philippines 55,200
15 Ephraim John Guevarra Philippines 55,200
16 Janno Eliel Alvarez Philippines 49,000
17 Oi Xia Philippines 49,000
18 Kannapong Thanarattrakul Thailand 43,200
19 Edwin Dela Cruz Philippines 43,200
20 Chao Yan China 43,200
21 Joseph William Magnotti USA 38,600
22 Duhan Lee Korea 38,600
23 Ferdinand Aguinaldo Philippines 38,600
24 Theng Aik James Leong Malaysia 34,000
25 Aifonso Martin Baja Philippines 34,000
26 Mike Takayama Philippines 34,000
27 Lijun Zhang China 34,000
28 Alan Honyin Tsang USA 30,300
29 Ahmadi Muqsith Indonesia 30,300
30 Christopher Mateo Philippines 30,300
31 Ronato Alcano Philippines 30,300
32 Chierro De Leon Philippines 26,600
33 Alfredo Boligor Philippines 26,600
34 Jester Intia Philippines 26,600
35 Junnie Pamplona Philippines 26,600
36 Maxwell Philippe Rosete Philippines 26,600
37 Joseph Talamayan Philippines 26,600
38 Hou Hyin Bryan Khoo Malaysia 26,600
39 Edmil Marcelo Philippines 26,600
40 Edgar A Sehanjr. Philippines 23,700
41 John Niko Costiniano Philippines 23,700
42 Kenny Kevin Richard Malaysia 23,700
43 Richard Marquez Philippines 23,700
44 Wai Loon Ng Malaysia 23,700
45 Jiejun Zhang China 23,700
46 Geeheon Lee Korea 23,700
47 John Paul Flores Philippines 23,700
48 Siew Key Yee Malaysia 23,700

Event 2: Superstack

SuperStack Final 33
Andrej Nagy

Date: April 27-28, 2023
Buy in: PH₱ 20,000 (~US$ 370)
Entries: 85
Prize pool: PH₱ 1,484,100
ITM: 11 places

Place Player Flag
Payouts in PHP
1 Andrej Nagy Slovakia 408,000
2 Edilberto Gopez Jr Philippines 290,000
3 Won Jae Lee Korea 190,000
4 Anthony Wanghei Chan Austria 146,000
5 Myeon Jung Kim Korea 115,800
6 Stephen Nathan UK 90,600
7 Jason Nocon Philippines 71,300
8 Scott Michael Hess USA 55,700
9 Enrico Dela Rosa Italy 42,300
10 Jeongmin Park Korea 37,200
11 Yehonatan Behor Israel 37,200

Event 3: KO Bounty Turbo

Bounty Turbo 3
Darren Abdullah

Date: April 27, 2023
Buy in: ₱ 15,000 (~US$ 270)

Entries: 52
Prize pool: ₱ 665,808 (~US$ 11,950) 
ITM: 7 places

Place Player Flag
Payouts in PHP
1 Darren Danial Ong Abdullah Malaysia 127,808
2 Soo Sing Foong Malaysia 92,300
3 Richard Nakila Philippines 58,800
4 Seungeon Lee Philippines 44,600
5 Christopher Mateo Philippines 34,500
6 Theng Aik James Leong Malaysia 26,400
7 Sandro Marco Burkhard Switzerland 21,400

Event 4: 200K Short Deck Ante-Only

200K Short Deck 69
Ghai Pang Yap

Date: April 28, 2023
Buy in: PH₱ 200,000 (~US$ 3,670)
Entries: 31
Prize pool: PH₱ 5,532,880 (~US$ 99,300)
ITM: 5 places

Place Player Flag
Payouts in PHP
1 Ghai Pang Yap Malaysia 1,000,000
2 Kreveien Van Netherlands 2,456,880
3 Nobuaki Sasaki Japan 900,000
4 Daniel Tang UK 650,000
5 Wei Zhen Ng Malaysia 526,000

Event 5: Crazy Weekend

52859442333 7bbec6e27a k
Christopher Mateo

Date: April 28-30, 2023
Buy in: PH₱ 25,000 (~US$ 460)

Entries: 309
Prize pool: PH₱ 6,722,100 (~US$ 120,670
ITM / Final Day: 47 players

Place Player Flag
Payouts in PHP
1 Christopher Mateo Philippines 1,071,000
2 Jose Colada Iii Philippines 1,071,000
3 Lloyd Locsin Philippines 623,000
4 Richard Tolentino Philippines 504,000
5 Jukka Tjarvinen Finland 397,000
6 Jeongmin Park Korea 303,900
7 Raymundo Gomez Jr Philippines 223,000
8 Edmil Marcelo Philippines 164,000
9 Jayvon Carreon Philippines 134,500
10 Jiego Erquiaga philippines 113,000.00
11 Maxwell Philippe Rosete philippines 113,000.00
12 Kyongrok Moon Korea 99,600.00
13 Kah Yew Teng Malaysia 99,600.00
14 Yehonatan Behor Israel 89,400.00
15 Joseph Talamayan philippines 89,400.00
16 Kento Sato Japan 79,400.00
17 Christopher Martin USA 79,400.00
18 Yu Chen Hong Kong 69,500.00
19 Scott Hess USA 69,500.00
20 Lee Wee Liew Malaysia 69,500.00
21 Jimmy Johan Philippines 62,600.00
22 Johnson Tan Philippines 62,600.00
23 Duhan Lee Korea 62,600.00
24 Andrej Nagy Slovakia 55,800.00
25 Kwok Wai Wong Hong Kong 55,800.00
26 Rio Kitaoji Japan 55,800.00
27 Bell John Perez Philippines 55,800.00
28 Adones Carmona Philippines 49,100.00
29 Jongmin Won Korea, South 49,100.00
30 Florencio Campomanes Iv Philippines 49,100.00
31 Thomas Gary Pound United Kingdom 49,100.00
32 Foo Kuen Chong Malaysia 43,100.00
33 Tung Duy Nguyen Vietnam 43,100.00
34 Alfredo Boligor Philippines 43,100.00
35 Ryan Mcallister United States 43,100.00
36 Po Hsun Liao Taiwan 43,100.00
37 Jonathan Looi Malaysia 43,100.00
38 Akira Matsuo Japan 43,100.00
39 Jonald Garcia Philippines 43,100.00
40 Tor Anton Welo Norway 38,400.00
41 Joseph Magnotti USA 38,400.00
42 Keijiro Shimojo Japan 38,400.00
43 Emmanuel Segismundo Philippines 38,400.00
44 Suya Lee Korea 38,400.00
45 Darren Ong Abdullah Malaysia 38,400.00
46 Sang Won Song Korea 38,400.00
47 Wai Keong Yong Malaysia 38,400.00

Event 6: Short Deck Ante-Only

Short Deck Ante 23
Ming Hong Teoh

Date: April 28, 2023
Buy in: PH₱ 15,000 (~US$ 275)
Entries: 28
Prize pool: PH₱ 358,512 (~US$ 6,435)

Place Player Flag
Payouts in PHP
1 Ming Hong Teoh Malaysia 132,600
2 Choon Kwang Lim Singapore 91,400
3 Tin Lam Wong Hong Kong 58,212
4 Kwok Wai Wong Hong Kong 42,200
5 Svyatoslav Dvornikov Russia 34,100

Event 7: NLH Turbo

52856056382 302d4c474e k
Seungsoo Jeon

Date: April 29, 2023
Buy in: PH₱ 15,000 (~US$ 275)

Entries: 22
Prize pool: PH₱ 288,090 (~US$ 5,190)
ITM: 4
Champion: Seungsoo Jeon – Korea – PH₱ 121,000 (~US$ 2,180)

Event 8: 280K Short Deck

52858427012 93ead487aa k
Rene Van Krevelen

Date: April 29-30, 2023
Buy in: PH₱ 280,000 (~US$ 5,140)

Entries: 28
Prize pool: PH₱ 6,746,544 (~US$ 121,570)
ITM: 5

Place Player Flag
Payouts in PHP
1 Rene Van Krevelen Netherlands 2,495,000
2 Ewe Eng Siang Malaysia 1,720,544
3 Wai Kiat Lee Malaysia 1,097,000
4 Ivan Ermin Russia 793,000
5 Kim Wah Ng Hong Kong 641,000

Event 9: KO Bounty Turbo

52856810274 62c07fe0f5 k 1
Sang Won Song

Date: April 29, 2023
Buy in: PH₱ 15,000 (~US$ 275)

Entries: 47
Prize pool: PH₱ 366,788 (~US$ 6,610)
Bounty pool: PH₱ 235,000 (~US$ 4,235)
ITM: 6 places

*Payouts do not include bounties

Place Player Flag
Payouts in PHP
1 Sang Won Song Korea 124,800
2 Marvin Sumendap Indonesia 85,888
3 Marcuss Liow Australia 55,100
4 Ma Annunciata Trangco Philippines 42,200
5 Lester Edoc Philippines 33,100
6 Jimmy Johan Philippines 25,700

Event 11: Big Bounty

Poker Dream 2 2
Date: April 30 – May 1
Buy in: PH₱ 27,000 (~US$ 550)

Entries: 97
Prize pool: PH₱ 1,085,430
Bounty pool: PH₱ 1,455,000
ITM: 13 places

*Bounty prizes not included

Place Player Flag
Payouts in PHP
1 Jiaqi He China 288,000
2 Alfredo Boligor Philippines 200,000
3 Masashi Yoshikawa Japan 132,330
4 Richard Nakila Philippines 103,700
5 Sandro Bruni Italy 83,600
6 Thijs Ar Hilberts Netherlands 65,200
7 Andrew Desmarais United States 51,600
8 Bell John Perez Philippines 40,200
9 Seung Hun Han Korea, South 30,400
10 Wai Keong Yong Malaysia 23,400
11 Jonald Garcia Philippines 23,400
12 Ellezer Jose Castillo Philippines 21,800
13 Yosuke Sanehira Japan 21,800

Event 12: Flipout

52859442563 00d2970d0e k
Duhan Lee

Date: April 30, 2023
Buy in: PH₱ 5,000 (~US$ 90)
Entries: 20
Prize pool: PH₱ 85,360 (~US$ 1,540)
ITM: 2 places

Champion: Duhan Lee – PHP 42,680
2nd: Sandro Bruni – PHP 42,680
*Heads up even chop

Event 13: Mystery Bounty

Poker Dream 163 1
Jinlong Hu

Buy in: PH₱ 36, 000 (~US$ 36,000)
Guarantee: PH₱ 5,000,000 (~US$ 90,240)
Total entries: 267
Prize pool: PH₱ 5,187,276 (~US$ 93,620)
Bounty pool: PH₱ 3,204,000 (~US$ 57,825)
ITM: 41 players

*Heads up deal, play for trophy and PH₱ 100K

Place Player Flag
Payouts in PH₱
1 Jinlong Hu China 900,000
2 Chuning Tan China 810,000
3 Edgar Asehan Jr. Philippines 496,000
4 Hiromasa Teraoka Japan 399,076
5 Vamerdino Magsakay Philippines 312,100
6 Bell John Perez Philippines 234,800
7 Tian Yu Lee Taiwan 171,000
8 Jason Kyle Magbanua Philippines 124,300
9 Masashi Yoshikawa Japan 105,000
10 Xiyu Xie China 90,800
11 Suya Lee Korea 90,800
12 Christopher Mateo Philippines 79,400
13 Ryan Mcallister USA 79,400
14 Wai Keong Yong Malaysia 71,600
15 Lloyd Locsin Philippines 71,600
16 Lai Heng Foo Malaysia 63,800
17 I Hsuan Liu Taiwan 63,800
18 Henrik Tollefsen Norway 56,100
19 Yuta Kitazumi Japan 56,100
20 Lijun Zhang China 56,100
21 Jonald Garcia Philippines 50,900
22 Ionut Aurelian Stochita Romania 50,900
23 Kai Rong Daniel Wong Malaysia 50,900
24 Joseph Sia Philippines 45,700
25 Tor Anton Welo Norway 45,700
26 Conrad Lumaban Philippines 45,700
27 Cezar Quiambao Ii Philippines 45,700
28 Lemmor Patulot Philippines 40,500
29 Wee Lee Lim Malaysia 40,500
30 Yin Liu China 40,500
31 Bonifacio Mondalo Jr. Philippines 40,500
32 Hou Hyin Bryan Khoo Malaysia 35,800
33 Edwin Dela Cruz Philippines 35,800
34 Long Meng China 35,800
35 Kah Chun Ng Malaysia 35,800
36 Cheng-Wen Huang Taiwan 35,800
37 Jayvon Carreon Philippines 35,800
38 Shohei Oyanoki Japan 35,800
39 Tung Duy Nguyen Vietnam 35,800
40 Joseph Magnotti USA 35,800
41 Jiaqi He China 35,800

Event 14: Super High Roller

Poker Dream 66
Ogura Takashi

Date: May 1 to 2
Buy in: PH₱ 500,000 (~US$ 9,175)
Entries: 39
Prize pool: PH₱ 18,154,500 (~US$ 327,650)
ITM: 6 places

Place Player Flag
Payouts in PH₱
1 Ogura Takashi Japan 6,170,000
2 Gary Thompson Ireland 4,270,000
3 Ewe Eng Soon Malaysia 2,720,000
4 Ajitpal Singh Singapore 2,090,000
5 Danny Tang UK 1,634,500
6 Ewe Eng Siang Malaysia 1,270,000

Event 15: NLH Turbo

Poker Dream 12

Date: May 1, 2023
Buy in: PH₱ 15,000 (~US$ 275)

Entries: 46
Prize pool: PH₱ 588,984 (~US$ 10,630)
ITM: 6 places

Place Player Flag
Payouts in PH₱
1 Christopher Mateo Philippines 200,384
2 Tin Lam Wong Hong Kong 138,000
3 Lee Wee Liew Malaysia 88,400
4 Maggy Mae Domingo Cenon Philippines 67,800
5 Teng Kah Yew Malaysia 53,100
6 Sungkyu Jeon Korea, South 41,300

Event 16: 6 Handed

Poker Dream 7 1
Beh Kok Weng

Date: May 2, 2023
Buy in: PH₱ 15,000 (~US$ 275)

Entries: 29
Prize pool: PH₱ 371,316 (~US$ 6,700)
ITM: 5 places

Place Player Flag
Payouts in PH₱
1 Beh Kok Weng Malaysia 137,216
2 Ken Yoshihara Japan 94,700
3 Soo Sing Foong Malaysia 60,400
4 Guo Guang Ng Singapore 43,700
5 Jason Kyle Magbanua Philippines 35,300

Event 17: 300K NLH

Poker Dream 6 3

Date: May 2, 2023
Buy in: PH₱ 300,000 (~US$ 5,500)

Entries: 7 
Prize pool: PH₱ 1,874,000 (~US$ 33,820)
ITM: 2 places

Place Player Flag
Payouts in PH₱
1 Beh Kok Weng Malaysia 1,218,000
2 Gary Joseph Thompson Ireland 656,000

Event 18: Bubble Rush

Poker Dream 2 4

Date: May 2,2023
Buy in: PH₱ 15,000 (~US$ 275)
Entries: 16
Prize pool: PH₱ 204,864 (~US$ 3,700)
ITM: 4 places

Place Player Flag
Payouts in PH₱
1 How Chee Chong Malaysia 86,000
2 Sumendap Marvin Leonardo Indonesia 57,364
3 Leong Theng Aik James Malaysia 36,900
4 Soo Sing Foong Malaysia 24,600

Event 19: Single Day High Roller

Poker Dream 49
Wei Hsiang Yeu

Date: May 3, 2023
Buy in: PH₱ 200,000 (~US$ 2,670) 

Entries: 44
Prize pool: PH₱ 7,853,120 (~US$ 141,730)
ITM: 6 places

Place Player Flag
Payouts in PH₱
1 Wei Hsiang Yeu Malaysia 2,670,000
2 Wai Keong Yong Malaysia 1,845,000
3 William Jia Australia 1,177,120
4 Rolands Norietis Latvia 904,000
5 Sang Van Nguyen Vietnam 707,000
6 Valeriy Pak Uzbekistan 550,000

Event 20: NLH/PLO

Poker Dream 1 4
Wooseok Kim

Date: May 3, 2023
Buy in: PH₱ 30,000 (~US$ 550)

Entries: 31
Prize pool: PH₱ 811,890 (~US$ 14,650)
ITM: 5 places

*Heads up deal, trophy awarded to the chip leader

Place Player Flag
Payouts in PH₱
1 Wooseok Kim Korea 267,300*
2 Jun Takada Japan 240,000*
3 Marvin Sumendap Indonesia 132,000
4 Keita Takashima Japan 95,390
5 Enrico De Rosa Italy 77,200

Event 21: Mystery Bounty Turbo

Poker Dream 1 5
Darren Yu

Date: May 3, 2023
Buy in: PH₱ 15,000 (~US$ 275

Entries: 77
Prize pool: PH₱ 600,908 (~US$ 10,845)
Bounty pool: PH₱ 385,000 (~US$ 6,950)
ITM: 11 places

*Bounties not included

Place Player Flag
Payouts in PH₱
1 Darren Yu Philippines 165,300
2 Raymundo Gomez Jr Philippines 116,908
3 Richard Marquez Philippines 77,000
4 Harun Mzb Brunei 59,200
5 Yuki Tsumura Japan 46,900
6 Shun Kawakami Japan 36,700
7 Linh Dieu Phuong Nguyen Vietnam 28,900
8 Yuta Onishi Japan 22,600
9 Sum Lih Jian Malaysia 17,200
10 Tung Duy Nguyen Vietnam 15,100
11 Edwin Dela Cruz Philippines 15,100

Event 23: KO Bounty Turbo

Poker Dream 35 1
Chierro De Leon

Date: May 4, 2023
Buy in: PH₱ 15,000 (~US$ 275)
Entries: 67
Prize pool: PH₱ 522,868 (~US$ 9,440)
Bounty pool: PH₱ 335,000 (~us$ 6,045)
ITM: 9 places

*Bounties not included

Place Player Flag
Payouts in PH₱
1 Chierro De Leon Philippines 153,000
2 Seungyoon Rhy Korea 109,600
3 Yew Fai Wong Malaysia 71,268
4 Terry Gonzaga Philippines 53,800
5 Shuhei Ikushiba Japan 41,900
6 Tiang Luok Ronny Lee Malaysia 32,500
7 John Lamert Samiento Philippines 25,700
8 Rico Adrian Pecho Philippines 19,900
9 Ryan Gonzales Platon Philippines 15,200

Event 24: NLH Turbo

Poker Dream 22 2
Wai Yan Koo

Date: May 5, 2023
Buy in: PH₱ 15,000 (~US$ 275)
Entries: 15
Prize pool: PH₱ 192,060 (~US$ 3,465
ITM: 6 places

Place Player Flag
Payouts in PH₱
1 Wai Yan Koo Malaysia 42,060
2 Kai Rong Daniel Wong Malaysia 30,000
3 Deokryong Kim Korea 30,000
4 John Kim USA 30,000
5 Ryoya Miyazawa Japan 30,000
6 Kazuki Akamatsu Japan 30,000

Event 25: NLH Turbo

Poker Dream 6 8
Kyosuke Watanabe

Date: May 6, 2023
Buy in: PH₱ 15,000 (~US$ 275)

Entries: 35
Prize pool: PH₱ 448,140 (~US$ 8,100)
ITM: 8 places

Place Player Flag
Payouts in PHP
1 Kyosuke Watanabe Japan 137,040
2 John Jay Magadan Philippines 90,400
3 John Kim USA 67,300
4 Ricky Cheung UK 51,600
5 Ha Thanh Duong Vietnam 40,400
6 Kai Rong Daniel Wong Malaysia 31,400
7 Jimmy Valle Philippines 15,000
8 Kyunghun Kim Korea 15,000

Event 26: High Roller

52878109894 78fe485923 c
William Jia

Date: May 6-7, 2023
Buy in: PH₱ 130,000 (~US$ 2,385)

Entries: 59 
Prize pool: PH₱ 6,844,708 (~US$ 123,670)
ITM: 8 places 

Place  Player Flag
Payouts in PH₱
1 William Jia Australia 2,054,000
2 Richard Marquez Philippines 1,485,000
3 Thijs Ar Hilberts Netherlands 958,000
4 Jonald Garcia Philippines 725,708
5 Czar Ian Marcos Philippines 561,000
6 Mike Takayama Philippines 438,000
7 Edgar Asehan Jr. Philippines 349,000
8 Renniel Galvez Philippines 274,000

Event 27: Monster Stack

52877887099 66c27fbeab c
Janno Alvarez

Date: May 6-7, 2023
Buy in: PH₱ 30,000 (~US$ 550)

Entries: 86
Prize pool: PH₱ 2,252,340 (~US$ 40,695)
ITM: 11 places

*Three way deal, Janno Alvarez wins the trophy

Place Player Flag
Payouts in PH₱
1 Janno Eliel Alvarez Philippines 400,000*
2 Daniel James Francis New Zealand 547,640*
3 Ruderico Dela Cauz Philippines 400,000*
4 Mantos Mc Yeldarb Philippines 221,900
5 Kyosuke Watanabe Japan 175,700
6 Sunwook Baek Korea 137,400
7 Richard Nakila Philippines 108,200
8 Raymundo Gomez Jr Philippines 84,500
9 Justin Jerome Geronimo Philippines 64,200
10 Ronn Ryan Mesina Philippines 56,400
11 Mandy Lim Malaysia 56,400

Event 28: Mini Main Event

52878521853 d593068b9a c
Wai Ming Felix Chong

Date: May 7, 2023
Buy in: PH₱ 33,000 (~US$ 605)

Entries: 49 
Prize pool: PH₱ 1,411,641 (~US$ 25,505)
ITM: 7 places

Place Player Flag
Payouts in PH₱
1 Wai Ming Felix Chong Malaysia 444,700
2 Gai Lax Lim Malaysia 321,000
3 Stephen Nathan UK 204,641
4 Lijun Zhang China 155,300
5 John Niko Costiniano Philippines 120,000
6 Ewe Eng Soon Malaysia 91,800
7 Yu Chen Hong Kong 74,200

Event 29: Mini High Roller

52878733010 443509efc1 c
Vamerdino Magsakay

Date: May 7, 2023
Buy in: PH₱ 33,000 (~US$ 605)
Entries: 33
Prize pool: PH₱ 1,872,585 (~US$ 33,830)
ITM: 6 places

Place Player Flag
Payouts in PH₱
1 Vamerdino Magsakay Philippines 637,000
2 Cezar Quiambao Ii Philippines 440,000
3 Ahmed Ibrahimi Morocco 280,585
4 Ewe Eng Soon Malaysia 215,000
5 Lijun Zhang China 169,000
6 Norbert Koh Shi-Fu Singapore 131,000

Event 30: Deep Stack Turbo

52878194474 39d0d722c2 c

Date: May 7, 2023
Buy in: PH₱ 15,000 (~US$ 275)
Entries: 34
Prize pool: PH₱ 435,336 (~US$ 7,865)
ITM: 7 places

Place Player Flag
Payouts in PH₱
1 Tiang Luok Ronny Lee Malaysia 133,000
2 Chierro De Leon Philippines 102,000
3 Alexis Lim Philippines 65,400
4 Yuma Watanabe Japan 50,100
5 Edmil Marcelo Philippines 39,336
6 Darren Yu Philippines 30,500
7 Ronato Alcano Philippines 15,000

Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly. Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.

Key Info Poker Dream Manila 2023 2023

  Location: Newport World Resorts

  Dates: April 26th to May 7th


Sharpen those skills because in one month’s time Poker Dream makes landfall in Manila, Philippines! Running from April 26 to May 7 at Newport World Resorts, the festival features 30 trophy events and a mighty PHP 95,000,000  (~US$ 1,750,000) in guarantees.

Among the highlights are the Main Event PHP 20,000,000 (~$370,000) guaranteed and the jaw dropping Short Deck Super High Roller Ante-Only PHP 55 Million (~US$ 1,010,000) guaranteed. Mark your calendars!

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As one of the hottest new brands to emerge last year, Poker Dream, has impressed players with its massive turnouts and incredibly rich prize pools. Its official launch in Malaysia in July 2022 generated nearly $3M in prizes, a stunner for a newcomer, then in October, its Vietnam debut set new country records – Main Event prize pool of ₫17.9 Billion (~US$ 731,350) and Super High Roller prize pool of ₫19.7 Billion (~US$ 803,100). In total, the festival  paid out over $3.8 Million, making it the richest in Southeast Asia in 2022.

DSC 5665

In addition, with poker icon Winfred Yu  as the driving force, the festival brought together the biggest names in Asia such as Danny Tang, Webster Lim, Elton Tsang, Devan Tang, Paul Phua to play alongside aspirants and recreational players.

For the upcoming games, players can expect another lucrative series as Poker Dream Manila is sure to attract a big crowd to the popular metropolitan destination. Through the years, the Philippines has been home to some of the “biggest games in Asia” and tournaments consistently generate fat prize pools. Here are the schedule highlights.

Poker Dream Manila schedule

The Poker Dream Manila schedule has been out for some time. Out of the 30-game lineup, seven are highlighted by guarantees from PHP 2,000,000 (~US$ 36,840) to PHP 55,000,000 (~US$ 1,010,000).

Event Guarantee (PHP) Dates Buy in (PHP)
Event 1: Warm Up PHP 3,000,000 April 26 to 27 PHP 15,000
Event 5: Crazy Weekend PHP 4,000,000 April 28 to 30 PHP 25,000
Event 10: SHORT DECK SUPER HIGH ROLLER PHP 55,000,000 April 30-May 1 PHP 1,380,000
Event 13: Mystery Bounty PHP 5,000,000 May 1 to 3 PHP 36,000
Event 22: MAIN EVENT PHP 20,000,000 May 4 to 7 PHP 66,000
Event 26: High Roller PHP 6,000,000 May 6 to 7 PHP 130,000
Event 27: Monster Stack PHP 2,000,000 May 6 to 7 PHP 30,000

High Roller events

With Poker Dream notorious for drawing star studded fields, a total of seven High Roller events are lined up. The Short Deck Super High Roller brings in the heftiest load with over a million USD guaranteed and an expensive price tag of PHP 1,380,000 (~US$ 25,420). On the lower end is the two-day High Roller featuring a PHP 6,000,000 (~US$ 110,500) guarantee, buy in is PHP 130,000 (~US$ 2,400). Check out the image below.

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Early Bird Packages

As early as now, players can avail of Early Bird Packages offered on numerous events. These packages are limited so grab yours fast. For bookings and inquiries please scan the QR code provided in the image below.

1. Main Event pre-registration

  • Hotel discount up to 25% off
  • Lucky Draw to win one of two Main Event seat rebate
  • Bubble protection to all entries in Main Event

2. High Roller pre-registration (applicable to events of PHP 66,000 buy in and higher)

  • Hotel discount up to 25% off

3. Key Events pre-registration (Warm Up, Crazy Weekend, Mystery Bounty, Monster Stack)

  • Pre-register to any 1 Key Event: hotel discount up to 10% off
  • Pre-register to any 2 Key Events: hotel discount up to 20% off

4. Short Deck Super High Roller pre-registration

  • 4 nights free accommodation at Hilton or equivalent hotel

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Tourist information

For players seeking accommodations, there are ample choices right outside the venue. Prices vary from highly affordable to pricey. Just take your pick.

For those flying in, the closest airport is NAIA Terminal 3. From there, you can take a Grab to your destination. It is the most reliable and rates are the most reasonable. Players staying near the venue can take the pedestrian bridge called Runway Manila. It connects the airport to Newport City.

Important note for international travelers, although the pandemic is practically behind us, the Philippine government still requires non-vaccinated travelers to provide a negative result RT-PCR test or antigen test taken 24 hours prior to arrival. Otherwise, a test will be performed at arrival at the traveler’s expense.

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