



Chase Cup Cebu 2024: Main Event – Final Day

Reloading active.

Chase Cokaliong reigns as first ever Chase Cup Main Event champion!

Chase Cokaliong
Chase Cokaliong

Following nearly eight hours of play, series founder Chase Cokaliong bagged the inaugural Main Event title for PHP 1,140,183 (~USD 19,930) after a three way deal. Cokaliong came into the final table with a commanding lead yet found it difficult to chip up throughout the day and saw his stack go through several ups and downs. Fortunately, Cokaliong rose to the top once more after delivering the last elimination, allowing him to secure the victory just before a three way deal was finalized.

Congratulations to all the winners!

Chase Cup Main Event Final Table Results

Rank Player Prize (PH₱)
1st Chase Cokaliong ₱1,140,183*
2nd Conrad Lumaban ₱1,140,183*
3rd Junnie Pamplona ₱1,140,183*
4th Chris Boys ₱522,400
5th Joel Diaz ₱391,800
6th Alex Lai ₱319,300
7th Martin B ₱261,200
8th Kenrick Lim ₱204,100
9th Mike Takayama ₱130,600

*Denotes deal was made

22:56: Deal in place!
Level 27: 75,000-150,000 ante 150,000

A deal has been struck with Chase Cokaliong taking the Main Event victory and all three splitting the money prize evenly three ways. Junnie Pamplona and Conrad Lumaban will share the Rolex Submariner timepiece in consolation.

22:44: Icm being discussed
Level 27: 75,000-150,000 ante 150,000

With three players left in the running for the first ever Chase Cup Main Event, talks of an ICM deal is currently in action.

Chip Counts

Chase Cokaliong – 6,000,000
Junnie Pamplona – 5,700,000
Conrad Lumaban – 3,150,000

Remaining Payouts

Rank Prize (PH₱)
1st ₱1,600,350
2nd ₱1,110,100
3rd ₱710,100

22:26: Chris Boys exits in 4th place – PHP 522,400
Level 27: 75,000-150,000 ante 150,000

Chris Boys
Chris Boys

Small blind Chase Cokaliong raised all-in with KcJs and found Chris Boys behind calling off for his remaining 2,800,000 with Qh10s. In for a race, the board Jd10hAdJhKd connected with both players, Cokaliong with a boat to take it down.

Chase Cokaliong – 6,000,000
Chris Boys – Eliminated

22:17: Chris Boys shoves it in
Level 27: 75,000-150,000 ante 150,000

Cutoff Junnie Pamplona opened to 400,000 and shortly folded after small blind Chris Boys moved all-in for 2,000,000.

Chris Boys – 2,800,000
Junnie Pamplona – 4,500,000

22:00: Break Time!
Level 27: 75,000-150,000 ante 150,000

Still at four players remaining for the first ever Chase Cup Main Event with Junnie Pamplona currently in the lead.

Chip Count Update

Junnie Pamplona – 5,100,000
Chase Cokaliong – 3,300,000
Conrad Lumaban – 2,800,000
Chris Boys – 2,000,000

21:58: Junnie Pamplona claims the pot
Level 27: 75,000-150,000 ante 150,000

Button Chris Boys limped in, followed by a check from big blind Junnie Pamplona, revealing flop 3h3c10c. Boys sent out a 400,000 bet, check called by his opponent. Turn 5h was checked by both, moving on to river Jh. Pamplona sent out a hefty 1,000,000 to which Boys folded.

Junnie Pamplona – 5,100,000
Chris Boys – 2,050,000

21:56: Chase Cokaliong fires double barrel
Level 27: 75,000-150,000 ante 150,000

Chase Cokaliong
Chase Cokaliong

Button Chase Cokaliong opened to 300,000 and saw both players on the blinds come along on flop 9h3h6s. Cokaliong continued for 300,000, check called by Chris Boys. Another 9s came on the turn and saw Cokaliong barrel a bigger 700,000, Boys with a final check fold.

Chase Cokaliong – 4,200,000
Chris Boys – 2,600,000

21:53: Chris Boys takes it down
Level 27: 75,000-150,000 ante 150,000

Chris Boys completed from the big blind following a button open from Junnie Pamplona and headed to flop 10d2h7h. Pamplona continued for 200,000, check called by his opponent. Turn 5d went check check, with the river Jc seeing Boys with a lead for 400,000. Pamplona gives it up and finds a fold.

Chris Boys – 3,200,000
Junnie Pamplona – 4,500,000

21:38: Junnie Pamplona continues to chip up
Level 27: 75,000-150,000 ante 150,000

Cutoff Junnie Pamplona opened to 300,000, joined by small blind Chris Boys. On flop 5c9dQc, Boys pulled a check raise to 900,000 after Pamplona bet 350,000. Pamplona answered with an all-in for his opponent’s 15 BB behind and Boys folds.

Junnie Pamplona – 6,100,000
Chris Boys – 2,100,000

21:15: Junnie Pamplona gets lucky
Level 27: 75,000-150,000 ante 150,000

Junnie Pamplona
Junnie Pamplona

Facing a cutoff open from Chris Boys, small blind Junnie Pamplona shoved all-in for 2,800,000 total and was called by the raiser with AhKc. Pamplona in trouble with Ac7c was spared from elimination after the flop 9sAd7d10dQh quickly earned him two pair for the double up.

Junnie Pamplona – 5,900,000
Chris Boys – 3,200,000

21:10: Conrad Lumaban loses back to back pots
Level 27: 75,000-150,000 ante 150,000

Conrad Lumaban completed his big blind following a raise to 300,000 from small blind Chris Boys. On flop 4d7c6d, Lumaban called a 450,000 bet from his opponent but eventually gave it up after Boys barreled another 500,000 by the river AcKd.

The following hand, Lumaban called 400,000 preflop against Boys’s button open and check folded on flop 10h3d6s after facing a 500,000 bet.

Chris Boys – 5,100,000
Conrad Lumaban – 2,800,000

21:02: Bottom pair good for Chris Boys 
Level 27: 75,000-150,000 ante 150,000

Chris Boys
Chris Boys

Button Junnie Pamplona opened to 300,000 and saw big blind Chris Boys come along on flop 9dJc2d. Both checked it through with Boys leading out the turn 10h for 325,000. River 9s went check check and Boys reveals 2s4s, good against Pamplona’s AcKs.

Chris Boys – 4,100,000
Junnie Pamplona – 3,700,000

21:00: Blinds up!
Level 27: 75,000-150,000 ante 150,000

4 players still in the Main Event Final Table, each vying for the PHP 1.6M top prize.

20:53: Junnie Pamplona bounces back
Level 27: 75,000-125,000 ante 125,000

Junnie Pamplona defended his big blind vs a button open from Chris Boys and called one continuation bet from his opponent on board 7c4h9sJhKh to get to showdown. Pamplona reveals 9h10h for the win.

Junnie Pamplona – 3,400,000
Chris Boys – 2,800,000

Moments later, Pamplona picked up another pot following a raise and one delayed cbet on board Ad5d8hKh saw Chase Cokaliong unable to continue.

Junnie Pamplona – 3,800,000
Chase Cokaliong – 4,400,000

20:42: Chris Boys hero calls with bottom pair
Level 27: 75,000-125,000 ante 125,000

Cutoff opened, called by button Chris Boys along with the big blind Junnie Pamplona. Flop 4h10s6c was checked to Boys who bet 300,000. Only Pamplona found a call, continuing to turn 2d. Action went check check, pushing Pamplona to fire a 500,000 bet on river 9s. Boys put in the chips with bottom pair Ad2h and was enough to beat Pamplona’s 5c7c busted draw.

Chris Boys – 4,000,000
Junnie Pamplona – 2,700,000

20:36: Chase Cokaliong lands a double up
Level 27: 75,000-125,000 ante 125,000

Chase Cokaliong
Chase Cokaliong

With the PHP 200,000 bounty still in effect, Junnie Pamplona had all the incentive to call small blind Chase Cokaliong’s 1,675,000 jam following his button open.

Cokaliong 9c8c
Pamplona KdJh

Running a race, Pamplona almost had it up until the river 2s4c3d4h8h landed an eight to give Cokaliong the win.

Chase Cokaliong – 3,600,000
Junnie Pamplona – 4,100,000

20:32: Junnie Pamplona on the rise
Level 27: 75,000-125,000 ante 125,000

Junnie Pamplona defended his big blind once more this time against Chase Cokaliong’s cutoff open. On flop 10cJc7s, Pamplona check called another 250,000, revealing turn 2c. Both players checked it down to river 2c where Pamplona led out 400,000. Cokaliong finds a fold, saving his 16 BB behind.

Junnie Pamplona – 5,900,000
Chase Cokaliong – 2,100,000

20:16: Chris Boys continues to lead
Level 27: 75,000-125,000 ante 125,000

Cutoff Conrad Lumaban opened to 300,000, called by big blind Chris Boys. On flop As7c9s, Boys led for 300,000 to which Lumaban made the fold.

Chris Boys – 4,900,000
Conrad Lumaban – 4,000,000

20:04: Conrad Lumaban folds to three bet
Level 27: 75,000-125,000 ante 125,000

Conrad Lumaban
Conrad Lumaban

Button Conrad Lumaban opened to 300,000 and folded shortly after Junnie Pamplona fired a three bet for 400,000 more.

Junnie Pamplona – 3,700,000
Conrad Lumaban – 4,200,000

19:46: Break Time!
Level 27: 75,000-125,000 ante 125,000

The 495-entry field is down to its final four players remaining in contention for the Chase Cup Main Event title.

Chip Count Update

Chris Boys – 4,800,000
Conrad Lumaban – 4,200,000
Junnie Pamplona – 3,100,000
Chase Cokaliong – 2,800,000

19:45: Joel Diaz succumbs in 5th place – PHP 391,800
Level 26: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

Joel Diaz
Joel Diaz

Folded to button Joel Diaz, he shoved his 785,000 stack in with 7d4c and was called by big blind Conrad Lumaban with As5h. At risk, Diaz was left with seven high after the board 9d2hQcJc3c failed to connect with his low cards.

Conrad Lumaban – 4,200,000
Joel Diaz – Eliminated

19:44: Chris Boys pairs up on the river
Level 26: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

Chris Boys defended his big blind against hijack Conrad Lumaban‘s 300,000 open and headed to flop 5s2dJh. Action was checked through with Boys leading out for 200,000 on turn Jd. Lumaban continues and went on to check river As for showdown. Boys reveals Ac6s and claims the pot.

Chris Boys – 4,300,000
Conrad Lumaban – 3,400,000

19:34: Joel Diaz triples up
Level 26: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

Cutoff opened to 300,000 and saw small blind Joel Diaz move all-in for 5,000 more. Big blind Chris Boys comes along, revealing flop 5s9s3c. Boys bets 300,000 for the side pot to which the raiser folded.

Diaz 4h6h
Boys 9d10c

Drawing to a straight, Diaz was saved from elimination after the turn rolled a 2c for the win.

Joel Diaz – 1,015,000
Chris Boys – 4,600,000

19:26: No callers for Conrad Lumaban
Level 26: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

Conrad Lumaban
Conrad Lumaban

Hijack Conrad Lumaban opened to 250,000 and was joined by two other players on flop QhJcJd. Lumaban sent out another 250,000 and picked up the pot after raking in no calls.

Conrad Lumaban – 3,300,000

19:21: Chris Boys shoves for the win
Level 26: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

Hijack Chase Cokaliong opened to 225,000, called behind by Chris Boys on the button. On flop 8c6c6d, Cokaliong continued for 225,000 and another 225,000 on turn 9c. Boys put in a raise to 550,000 and proceeded to jam the river 2d for 1,400,000. Cokaliong gives it up and throws in the fold.

Chris Boys – 3,300,000
Chase Cokaliong – 2,900,000

19:10: Joel Diaz surrenders
Level 26: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

Junnie Pamplona defended his big blind vs cutoff Joel Diaz’ 250,000 and saw flop 7c2h2d. Diaz fired a 150,000 continuation bet and surrendered after Pamplona pulled a check raise to 400,000.

Junnie Pamplona – 4,100,000
Joel Diaz – 1,800,000

19:07: Chase Cokaliong jumps back to 4 million
Level 26: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

Chase Cokaliong
Chase Cokaliong

Cutoff Chase Cokaliong opened to 250,000 and was met with two callers from the blinds. All three checked flop 4hAc6s through, revealing turn Jh. Small blind Chris Boys led for 200,000, called by the raiser. On river 10d, Boys check folded after Cokaliong fired a 600,000 bet.

Chase Cokaliong – 4,000,000
Chris Boys – 2,400,000

18:59: Chris Boys continues descent
Level 26: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

Small blind Chris Boys limp called a 300,000 raise from big blind Conrad Lumaban and went on to see flop 4s3h4c. Both players checked it through with Boys leading 200,000 on turn 2c. Lumaban makes the call and faced another hefty 900,000 on river Ad. Lumaban puts in the chips once more and ships the pot after his opponent failed to show.

Conrad Lumaban – 3,900,000
Chris Boys – 2,700,000

18:49: Blinds up!
Level 26: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

5 players remain in battle for the inaugural Chase Cup Main Event title, each guaranteed PHP 391,800 in prizes.

18:49: Junnie Pamplona doubles through Chris Boys
Level 25: 40,000-80,000 ante 80,000

Junnie Pamplona
Junnie Pamplona

Hijack Junnie Pamplona opened to 250,000 and was met with a three bet to 550,000 from small blind Chris Boys. Pamplona four bet shoved 1,800,000 total, called by Boys.

Pamplona KcKh
Boys QcJs

Up against a monster, Boys forked over the chip lead after the board Ac8h10d2d10c offered him no help.

Junnie Pamplona – 3,800,000
Chris Boys – 3,700,000

18:40: Chase Cokaliong fires min three bet
Level 25: 40,000-80,000 ante 80,000

Small blind Junnie Pamplona opened to a hefty 300,000 yet folded shortly after big blind Chase Cokaliong clicked back to 600,000.

Chase Cokaliong – 3,400,000
Junnie Pamplona – 1,900,000

18:36: Chris Boys spikes runner runner
Level 25: 40,000-80,000 ante 80,000

Button Joel Diaz opened to 200,000, joined by small blind Chris Boys on flop Qc4hJd. Diaz continued for 200,000, check called by his opponent. Turn 6h collected no bets, heading to river 8h. Boys led for 300,000 and Diaz makes the final call. Boys shows 5d7s and collects the pot after Diaz slips his hand in the muck.

Chris Boys – 5,300,000
Joel Diaz  – 2,400,000

18:28: Chase Cokaliong wins blind battle
Level 25: 40,000-80,000 ante 80,000

Small blind Chase Cokaliong opened to 200,000, followed by a complete from big blind Joel Diaz. On flop 6s9s4h, Cokaliong sent out another 200,000 to which Diaz made the fold.

Chase Cokaliong – 3,000,000
Joel Diaz  – 3,200,000

18:26: Joel Diaz jams for the win
Level 25: 40,000-80,000 ante 80,000

Hijack Joel Diaz opened to 200,000, called by Chase Cokaliong in the small blind. On flop 5d9s2s, Cokaliong led for 400,000, called by the raiser. Turn 9h went check check, leading to river 7c. Cokaliong checked once more, pushing Diaz to jam 2,200,000 in and collect the pot after his opponent folded.

Joel Diaz  – 3,500,000
Chase Cokaliong – 2,700,000

18:20: Midpair good for Chris Boys
Level 25: 40,000-80,000 ante 80,000

Chris Boys
Chris Boys

Small blind Joel Diaz bumped it up to 200,000 and saw Chris Boys complete behind. Action on flop Qd3hKh was checked through, revealing turn 6d. Diaz this time, check called 200,000 and got to showdown after both players checked the river Jc. Boys shows Qc7c, Diaz with a muck.

Chris Boys – 4,300,000
Joel Diaz – 2,800,000

18:13: Joel Diaz slams it in
Level 25: 40,000-80,000 ante 80,000

Hijack Chris Boys opened to 275,000 and folded shortly after big blind Joel Diaz moved all-in for 2,500,000 total.

Joel Diaz – 2,800,000
Chris Boys – 3,800,000

18:06: Chris Boys remains on top
Level 25: 40,000-80,000 ante 80,000

Chris Boys defended his big blind against cutoff Chase Cokaliong’s 200,000 open and saw flop 3d10dQc. Cokaliong sent out another 200,000 and Boys check folds.

Chase Cokaliong – 3,800,000
Chris Boys – 4,100,000

17:57: Alex Lai crumbles in 6th place – PHP 319,300
Level 25: 40,000-80,000 ante 80,000

Alex Lai
Alex Lai

Small blind Alex Lai pushed all-in for 500,000 with 5h5s, called behind by Chris Boys with Kc2c. A great spot for Lai, the board 3c2d2h8cKh unfortunately, ran a boat for Boys, kicking Lai out of the Main Event running.

Chris Boys – 3,600,000
Alex Lai – Eliminated

17:55: Martin B falls in 7th place – PHP 261,200
Level 25: 40,000-80,000 ante 80,000

Martin B
Martin B

Cutoff Chase Cokaliong opened to 200,000 and called the 410,000 more after small blind Martin B moved all-in.

B 9s9c
Cokaliong QcJh

Flipping for his tournament life, B headed for the rails shortly after a queen high board Qs4d4c6c10s turned up on the felt.

Chase Cokaliong – 3,800,000
Martin B – Eliminated

17:47: One bet does it for Joel Diaz
Level 25: 40,000-80,000 ante 80,000

Junnie Pamplona defended his big blind against utg+1 Joel Diaz’ 200,000 open and headed to flop 7c4cKc. Diaz continued for another 200,000 and Pamplona check folds.

Joel Diaz – 2,300,000
Junnie Pamplona – 2,000,000

17:30: Break Time!
Level 24: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

7 players left in the Chase Cup Main Event with its first ever champion deemed to be crowned tonight.

Chip Count Update

Chris Boys – 3,100,000
Chase Cokaliong – 3,100,000
Conrad Lumaban – 3,100,000
Junnie Pamplona – 2,100,000
Joel Diaz – 1,900,000
Martin B – 670,000
Alex Lai – 460,000

17:27: Kenrick Lim bows out in 8th place – PHP 204,100
Level 24: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

Kenrick Lim
Kenrick Lim

Utg opened, called by Conrad Lumaban behind. Big blind Kenrick Lim shoved all-in for 535,000 total and was called by Lumaban with 6h6c. Lim shows As8s for a flip and was left instantly crushed after his opponent flopped a set on Js9c6s9hAc to bust him out.

Conrad Lumaban – 3,100,000
Kenrick Lim – Eliminated

17:23: Conrad Lumaban takes it down
Level 24: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

A four way raised pot led by Conrad Lumaban headed to flop QsAcKh. Lumaban continued for 400,000 and picked up the 15 BB boost after all three opponents folded.

Conrad Lumaban – 2,400,000

17:09: Chris Boys chips down even more
Level 24: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

Chris Boys defended his big blind vs an early open from Junnie Pamplona and saw flop 6d7hJh. Action checked through, leading to turn 2c. Pamplona this time, bet 100,000, check called by Boys. On river 10h, Boys led for 300,000, called by his opponent. Boys shows KcQh, no good against Pamplona’s Kd10d.

Junnie Pamplona – 1,965,000
Chris Boys – 3,000,000

17:07: Joel Diaz traps Chris Boys
Level 24: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

Utg Chris Boys opened to 150,000, joined by Joel Diaz behind. On board 9s2h6dAh7h, Boys triple barreled all streets with Diaz calling all the way down to the river where he put in a min raise to 500,000. Boys gives it up and fails to get to showdown.

Joel Diaz – 2,400,000
Chris Boys – 3,500,000

16:59: Kings no good for Chris Boys
Level 24: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

Chase Cokaliong
Chase Cokaliong

Facing an open, Chris Boys threw in a three bet to 200,000, called by small blind Chase Cokaliong along with the original raiser. Flop came QcAd8h and Boys fired a 500,000 bet, check called by Cokaliong. Both players checked the turn Qs and river Js through, revealing Cokaliong’s Ah9h good against Boys’s KcKs for the pot.

Chase Cokaliong – 3,300,000
Chris Boys – 4,300,000

16:55: Martin B scores a double up
Level 24: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

Utg+1 Martin B shoved his remaining 380,000 with 6d6s and was up against Alex Lai’s AdKs. Running a flip, B instantly flopped a set on Jd3d6c4dKc to lock in the double up.

Martin B – 880,000
Alex Lai – 540,000

16:52: Chase Cokaliong gives it up
Level 24: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

Utg Chase Cokaliong opened to 150,000, called by button Chris Boys. Cokaliong continued for another 150,000 on flop 4c7hAc, Boys with a call once more. On turn Qd, Cokaliong check folded after Boys churned out a 300,000 bet.

Chris Boys – 4,150,000
Chase Cokaliong – 2,300,000

16:50: Chris Boys continues to dominate
Level 24: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

Utg Chris Boys opened to 200,000, called behind by Chase Cokaliong. On flop 10c4dKd, Boys pushed another 200,000 in the middle and Cokaliong folds.

Chris Boys – 4,700,000
Chase Cokaliong – 2,600,000

16:36: Martin B survives race
Level 24: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

Junnie Pamplona
Junnie Pamplona

Mp Martin B went with 7c8c for his last 220,000 and was called by big blind Junnie Pamplona with 6s9d. At risk, B dodged elimination after the turn 2c4dAh8dAc gave him a pair.

Martin B – 530,000
Junnie Pamplona – 920,000

16:33: Conrad Lumaban fills up on the river
Level 24: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

Utg+1 Conrad Lumaban opened the action, called by small blind Kenrick Lim. Both players checked flop 5d8c3c, revealing turn 7s. Lim led for 250,000, called by the raiser. River Qs saw Lim this time, check call 300,000, only to muck after Lumaban showed 9s10s for a rivered flush.

Conrad Lumaban – 1,900,000
Kenrick Lim – 1,500,000

16:30: Blinds up!
Level 24: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

8 players remain in contention for the first ever Chase Cup Main Event title. Current payout listed at PHP 204,100.

PHP 200,000 bonus bounty on Chase Cokaliong’s head is still on!

16:26: Chase Cokaliong shoves it through
Level 23: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

Hijack Kenrick Lim opened to 100,000, joined by both players on the blinds on flop 7d10s6s. Checked to Lim, he fired a 150,000 bet, followed by a raise to 300,000 from small blind Junnie Pamplona. Big blind Chase Cokaliong moved all-in for 2,100,000 total and shipped the pot after both opponents were unable to continue.

Chase Cokaliong – 3,200,000
Junnie Pamplona – 1,560,000
Kenrick Lim – 2,100,000

16:21: Mike Takayama crashes in 9th place – PHP 130,600
Level 23: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

Mike Takayama
Mike Takayama

Utg Mike Takayama moved all-in for his last 11 BB with AdJd and was called by Chris Boys with Kd10d. In for a race, Takayama instantly fell behind after the flop 10h3c2dQs10s came ten high, improving Boys to trips to completely knock him out of the running.

Chris Boys – 3,900,000
Mike Takayama – Eliminated

16:19: Chris Boys puts on the pressure
Level 23: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

Utg+2 Mike Takayama opened and saw both players on the blinds come along on flop QcQdAs. Action checked through, moving on to turn Kh. Small blind Chris Boys this time led for 200,000, called by the raiser. Boys sent out a final 500,000 on river Kd to which Takayama eventually made the fold.

Chris Boys – 3,200,000
Mike Takayama – 550,000

16:11: Joel Diaz doubles through Chase Cokaliong
Level 23: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

Joel Diaz
Joel Diaz

Facing an open and a call, button Joel Diaz moved all-in for his last 434,000 with AdQd and was called by Cokaliong with Ac10s. Looking for a double up, Diaz remains in the game after the runout KdQh2h6c4h missed Cokaliong’s straight outs.

Joel Diaz – 1,295,000
Chase Cokaliong – 2,200,000

15:59: Kenrick Lim recovers
Level 23: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

A four way raised pot led by Chase Cokaliong revealed flop 10c6hJh. Cokaliong continued for 125,000, called by Kenrick Lim along with the small blind. On turn 10s, Lim led out 250,000 and shipped the pot after both opponents folded.

Kenrick Lim – 2,175,000
Chase Cokaliong – 3,375,000

15:55: Kenrick Lim packs in another loss
Level 23: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

Folded to small blind Kenrick Lim, he opened to 175,000 and saw Chris Boys behind complete. Lim continued for 125,000 on flop 5c7h9d and shortly called Boys’s raise to 300,000. Boys barreled another 200,00 on turn 6d and checked down the river Ac. Boys reveals Ad5d and Lim mucks.

Chris Boys – 3,40,000
Kenrick Lim – 1,025,000

15:51: Mike Takayama pairs up for the win
Level 23: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

Hijack Mike Takayama opened to 125,000, called by big blind Kenrick Lim. Flop came 10hKh3s with Takayama continuing for another 125,000. Lim makes the call and gets to showdown after turn 9h and river Qc raked in no more bets. Lim shows 4d4c, no good against Takayama’s Ad9s.

Mike Takayama – 930,000
Kenrick Lim – 1,700,000

15:40: Chris Boys takes it down
Level 23: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

Hijack Chris Boys opened to 150,000 and called a min three bet from small blind Chase Cokaliong. Flop came Kd4c7h and Cokaliong sent out a 150,000 continuation bet. Boys put in a raise to 350,000, and Cokaliong slips his hand in the muck.

Chris Boys – 2,350,000
Chase Cokaliong – 3,600,000

15:38: Chase Cokaliong bets hard
Level 23: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

Conrad Lumaban
Conrad Lumaban

Button Conrad Lumaban defended his open and called a 250,000 three bet from big blind Chase Cokaliong. On flop 5hAc4c, Cokaliong fired a hefty 300,000, quickly convincing Lumaban to give it up.

Chase Cokaliong – 4,000,000
Conrad Lumaban – 1,500,000

15:36: Junnie Pamplona claims pot
Level 23: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

Junnie Pamplona defended his big blind vs Chase Cokaliong’s utg open and saw flop 3d7h2s. Cokaliong continued for 100,000, check called by his opponent. Turn 6h went check check, revealing river Kd. Pamplona led for 245,000 and Cokaliong folds.

Junnie Pamplona – 2,300,000
Chase Cokaliong – 3,700,000

15:30: Blinds up!
Level 23: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

9 players still in the Main Event Final Table, each guaranteed a minimum payout of PHP 130,600.

15:30: Kenrick Lim gets a boost
Level 22: 20,000-40,000 ante 40,000

Kenrick Lim
Kenrick Lim

Utg Chris Boys opened to 120,000, joined by two other players on flop 8c3c9s. Boys continued for 250,000, check called by big blind Kenrick Lim. Turn 10h and river 4d were checked through with Lim showing Jd10d to take it down.

Kenrick Lim – 2,200,000
Chris Boys – 1,650,000

15:25: Joel Diaz pulls a squeeze
Level 22: 20,000-40,000 ante 40,000

Action began with an open from Alex Lai to 100,000, called by button Chase Cokaliong. Big blind Joel Diaz squeezed all-in for 665,000 total and collected two folds behind to pick up the pot.

Joel Diaz – 925,000
Chase Cokaliong – 4,000,000
Alex Lai – 810,000

15:12: Cards in the air!
Level 22: 20,000-40,000 ante 40,000

Main Event Final Table action begins, good luck to the remaining nine!


Today, May 7th marks the final day of the inaugural Chase Cup series where the first Main Event champion will be crowned by the end of the night. With five starting flights on schedule, the smashing Main Event drew in a total of 495 entries with 64 players cutting a piece of the PH₱ 8,162,000 (~USD 143,000) prize pool. Series founder himself, Chase Cokaliong leads the charge with a commanding lead of 4,165,000 (104 BB) to kickstart the final round.

Top prize is listed at PH₱ 1,600,350 (~USD 28,045) along with the 24K gold plated Chase Cup trophy, and Rolex Submariner timepiece.

Action resumes at 15:00.

Chase Cup Review

Date: May 1 to 7, 2024
Buy in: PH₱ 18,800 (~USD 327)
Guarantee: PH₱ 5,000,000 (~USD 86,900)
Prize pool: PH₱ 8,162,000 (~USD 143,000)
Cumulative entries: 495
ITM: 64 players

Day 1A: 41 entries / 6 ITM
Day 1B: 32 entries / 4 ITM
Day 1C: 84 entries / 11 ITM
Day 1D: 134 entries / 17 ITM
Day 1E: 204 entries / 26 ITM

Chase Cup Main Event Final Table Chip Counts

Rank Player Stack BB
1 Chase Cokaliong 4,165,000 104
2 Junnie Pamplona 2,255,000 56
3 Chris Boys 2,080,000 52
4 Conrad Lumaban 1,905,000 48
5 Kenrick Lim 1,525,000 38
6 Martin B 770,000 19
7 Mike Takayama 710,000 18
8 Joel Diaz 705,000 18
9 Alex Lai 430,000 11

Total chips in play: 14,850,000
Average stack: 1,650,000

Remaining Payouts

Rank Prize (PHP)
1st ₱1,600,350
2nd ₱1,110,100
3rd ₱710,100
4th ₱522,400
5th ₱391,800
6th ₱319,300
7th ₱261,200
8th ₱204,100
9th ₱130,600