



APPT Cambodia 2022: Live Updates

Main Event Day 1A ends with Nam Hyung Kim bagging the largest stack

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Namhyung Kim

After 14 rounds of 40-minute blinds, Day 1A of the Main Event concluded and navigating his way to the top once again was none other than Korea’s Nam Hyung Kim. Stunningly, this is the fourth time Kim has dominated the counts. He bagged up 410,000 which is over 100 BB. 21 players advanced to the next stage. We will have the list up shortly.

Top 5 players in chips

Player Chips BB
Nam Hyung Kim 410,000 103
Renniel Glavez 347,000 87
Chris William Backhouse 289,000 72
Tzai Wei Phua 279,000 70
Masamichi Hayashi 246,000 62


22:40: Tzai Wei Phua outkicks Madsen for the pot
Level 14: 1500-3000-3000 BB Ante

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Tzai Wei Phua

A pot of 53,000 is in the middle and a board of 7sAh8sQh6c. Tzai Wei Phua bet 35,000 that sends Lars Madsen tanking. He eventually calls and shows AcJc. Phua wins it with AdKc higher kicker.

22:25: Ceesvin Abdulla busts to Autran
Level 14: 1500-3000-3000 BB Ante

Action folds to the blinds, Ceesvin Abdulla shoves, big blind Jean Robert Autran calls. Adbulla AdJc, Autran 10d10s, no help arrives on the board for Abdulla and is eliminated.

22:15: Christopher Backhouse takes it with a straight
Level 14: 1500-3000-3000 BB Ante

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Christopher Backhouse

Zhao Feng and Christopher Backhouse build a 63,500 pot preflop, the cards land 5h9h8c, both check to the turn 7c. Feng bets 32,000, Backhouse calls. On the river 4s, both check. Backhouse wins it with 6s7s straight.

22:00: Jean Robert Autran double barrels
Level 13: 1000-2500-2500 BB Ante

By the turn, a pot of 55,000 has been built, and a board Kd2s9dQh. Jean Robert Autran bets 26,000 Daniel Smiljkovic check-calls. On the river As, Autran jams and takes it with no challenge.

21:50: Markus Garberg cleans out Nevan Chang
Level 13: 1000-2500-2500 BB Ante

Short stacked Nevan Yu Chung Chang all in for his remaining 21,000 stack and gets called by Markus Garberg. Chang’s AdQs fails to improve for Garberg to collect with KcKs.

21:45: Vincent Huang gets paid for higher straight
Level 13: 1000-2500-2500 BB Ante

On a board that completed 4h6s7c5d8s with Finn Penderak initiating the betting action, on the river Vincent Huang jammed with a straight showing and Penderak called. Huang showed his Ah9c higher straight to win it. Penderak had Qd10s.

21:40: Tzai Wei Phua with quads
Level 13: 1000-2500-2500 BB Ante

Tzai Wei Phua banked another big pile of chips, this time taking all of Hwany Lee’s stack. According to Pokernews reporter Christian Zetzsche who saw the action, Lee risked it all with just top pair while Phua had pocket Fours turned quads. Phua soars over 300,000 and is now closing in on chip leader Nam Hyung Kim with nearly 400,000.

21:30: Zhao Feng rails a buddy
Level 12: 1000-2000-2000 BB Ante

Singaporean player shoves his very short 11,500 stack, it finds three callers until landing on Zhao Feng who joins the shove and says “protecting my buddy” and laughs. Action folds around to Lars Madsen who gives it a thought then opts to fold. Zhao opens AsKs and eliminated his buddy AhQc on a dry board. Zhao up to 113,000.

21:20: Markus Garberg enjoying the new table
Level 12: 1000-2000-2000 BB Ante

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Markus Garberg

According to the table chatter, Markus Garberg entered the table with just 20,000 and has now driven it to 141,000. The latest hand that helped get him there saw Garberg raise from under the gun, called by three players. At the flop JhKh5s Garberg c-bet 5,000 that finds two callers. On the Qs turn, Garberg bet again, Marc Joseph jams, one player folds, snap call by Garberg.

Joseph QcJc
Garberg Ah10h

The river As is not what Joseph needed for a big double up to Garberg. Joseph dropped to 88,000.

21:15: Hoa Thinh Nguyen shows rockets
Level 12: 1000-2000-2000 BB Ante

On a board showing 8c8s6cKd, Hoa Thinh Nguyen bet half 6k which is half the pot, and Minxuan Fu calls. On the river Jh, Nguyen bets 22,000 and gets the check-call from Fu. Nguyen shows AdAh, Fu mucks.

21:10: Eric Wasylenko vs Vincent Huang
Level 12: 1000-2000-2000 BB Ante

By the flop, Eric Wasylenko and Vincent Huang build a 12,000 pot to see a turn board Jh9d5sJd. Wasylenko bets 4,000, Huang check-calls. The river comes 8c, check again by Huang who then folds to Wasylenko’s 14,000 bet.

21:00: Rajeev Kanjani jams into Phua’s cowboys
Level 12: 1000-2000-2000 BB Ante

Rajeev Kanjani attempted to push out Tzai Wei Phua in a preflop raise war instead got the boot with pocket Sevens dominated by pocket Kings. Phua shipped a big one and is at 170,000.

20:40: Hoyt Corkins returns and doubles up 
Level 11: 1000-1500-1500 BB Ante

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On his first bullet, Hoyt Corkins plunged on a sick bad beat with Ori Elul hitting the one-outer. Corkins was then eliminated on a losing end of a flip against Tzai Wei Phua. With one re-entry allowed, he re-entered and picked up a double up. Corkins all in with AdKh, Rajeev Kanjani with QdQs, an Ace landed on the board As4s6c2h7c for a double up to Corkins to 64,000.

20:30: Lars Madsen scoops up Lai’s chips
Level 11: 1000-1500-1500 BB Ante

After Marc Joseph eliminated Natalie Teh, he paid off short stacked Zhao Feng, then another all in followed. Benjamin Lai risked it with AhJd, Lars Madsen looking to bust him with KhKs. The board ran a low Nine-high to lose Lai next. Madsen chipped up to 210,000.

20:20: Dhanesh Chainani goes bust to Autran
Level 11: 1000-1500-1500 BB Ante

Another all in with Dhanesh Chainani sending his 22,000 stack in with 5h4h. He was called b Jean Robert Autran who had AsJc. The board landed JhKd7h5s10c and down went Chainani. Autran up to 130,000.

20:15: Marc Joseph eliminates Natalie Teh 
Level 11: 1000-1500-1500 BB Ante

Marc Joseph has been quite at the table, nurturing his big stack until he woke up with KsKc. Music to his ears to hear Natalie Teh announce all in and show 7d7s. The board ran 2h8h5h8dJh to ship it and send Teh packing.

20:00: Registration closes with 113 entries 
Level 11: 1000-1500-1500 BB Ante

That’s it! Day 1A closed with 113 entries, 20 of which were re-entries. Four levels left to play out before the player bag up.

19:50: Hoyt Corkins loses the flip to Tzai Wei Phua
Level 10: 600-1200-1200 BB Ante

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Several hands after losing to a one-outer, Hoyt Corkins was all in with pocket Sevens to battle with, Tzai Wei Phua called with Ad10d. A Ten found the board for a higher pair to Phua. Corkins will have to settle for late registration or sign up tomorrow.

19:45: Ori Elul sick one outer against Corkins 
Level 10: 600-1200-1200 BB Ante

If there was a bad beat jackpot here, Hoyt Corkins would have won it. All in on a flop 9h2d8s, Corkins had 9c9s set that was way ahead of Ori Elul’s 8d8s. The turn 5c was a dud but the river 8h was the one out to save Elul. This sent Corkins down below 15,000 while Elul doubled up over 125,000.

19:30: Ceesvin Abdulla bags a double off Collin Ho
Level 10: 600-1200-1200 BB Ante

Another all in preflop situation with Ceesvin Abdulla’s pocket Fours holding against Kuen Seng Collin Ho’s AhKs that missed the board. Abdulla up to 60,000.

19:25: Finn Penderak ends Huu Dung Nguyen’s run
Level 10: 600-1200-1200 BB Ante

Second bullet also not good for Huu Dung Nguyen who takes a stand with pocket Fours. He is called by Finn Penderak with pocket Sixes. The board doesn’t improve Nguyen. Pender chips up to 110,000.

19:20: Nam Hyung Kim rails Ido Aboudi
Level 9: 600-1200-1200 BB Ante

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Nam Hyung Kim

Big stacked Nam Hyung Kim raises from under the gun, acting next was Ido Aboudi who shoves all in for 28,500, Kim calls showing AdKc, Aboudi with 9h9c, the board runs 10d5cJdAh10c which send Aboudi up and out. Kim rises to 270,000.

19:10: Second bullet also no good for Crawshaw
Level 9: 600-1200-1200 BB Ante

Re-entry player Hamish Crawshaw is all in on flop 9h6c2h and shows Ad9s top pair, however, Masamichi Hayashi turns over JcJs over pair with holds to the end 5s turn and 5d river. Hayashi rises to 105,000.

19:00: Yu Qi Zhao pushes out Appledorf
Level 8: 500-1000-1000 BB Ante

On a flop 2d9d5c, Yu Qi Zhao bet 1,000, Huu Dung Nguyen calls, then Howard Appledorf three-bets to 7,000, back to Zhao who calls, Nguyen folds. On the turn 7h, Appledorf bets 21,500, Zhao shoves, Appledorf tank-folds and drops to 57,000. Zhao chips up to 180,000.

18:50: Minxuan Fu ends Fechter
Level 8: 500-1000-1000 BB Ante

On a turn board 8s7d6h8c with 7500 in the pot, Trent Fechter Jc9c was all in for 15,100 and was drawing against Minxuan Fu’s Ac6c. The river As were not Fechter’s out so out he went.

18:30: Zarvan Tumboli doubles up to starting
Level 7: 400-800-800 BB Ante

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All in preflop, Zarvan Tumboli Ac10s, called by a player with Jh10h, the board runs low for a double up to Tumboli to starting stack.

18:20: Nam Hyung Kim boots a champion
Level 7: 400-800-800 BB Ante

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We’ve been wondering how Nam Hyung Kim builds a big stack and we caught one hand that certainly answered it. From mid position he raised with then four-bet Florencio Campomanes three-bet. Campomanes called and the flop came 7h6dQc, Kim c-bet and Campomanes called. On the turn 8h, both were all in. Kim with 4d5d  straight, Campomanes was drawing dead with AdQd top pair. The river was Qc. Campomanes eliminated, Kim zoomed to 185,000 and was now one of the leaders.

18:10: Jean Robert Autran rails one 
Level 7: 400-800-800 BB Ante

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Jean Robert Autran and a player are all in at the flop of 8h6hJd. Autran with 10hQh, at risk player with Kh7h. The turn As gives Autran more outs which comes on the river Ks for a winning straight. Autran rises to 105,000.

18:00: Seongmin Lee shoves for the pot
Level 7: 400-800-800 BB Ante

Facing a board Ah5c10dAsJd with 20K in the pot, APPT National champion Seongmin Lee is all in for 19,300 with two players to decide. Both opt to fold for Lee to scoop it up and rise to nearly 40,000.

17:50: Eric Wasylenko jams on Villanueva
Level 7: 400-800-800 BB Ante

On a flop 10hAhQh and 21,600 in the pot, cutoff Eric Wasylenko bet 4500 and Renato Villanueva Jr check-calls. The turn comes Ah both players check it. The river 10c, Villanueva takes a stab with 3400 bet, Wasylenko slides out a stack of oranges that well covers Villanueva. Quick fold from Villanueva.

17:30: Big stacks
Level 7: 400-800-800 BB Ante

Christopher Backho – 170,000
Marc Joseph – 127,000
Nam Hyung Kim – 100,000

17:20: Florencio Campomanes overbets the river
Level 6: 300-600-600 BB Ante

On a board 6hKs4c9d10h, Florencio Campomanes bet 15,000 onto a pot of 11,000, one player folds, Koen Breed opts to join the fold.

17:15: Christopher Backhouse takes from Elul
Level 6: 300-600-600 BB Ante

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Christopher Backhouse

On a flop 4c2hAs, sb Ori Elul bet 3500 and button Christopher Backhouse calls. On the turn 10h, Elul continues with an 8,000 bet and this time Backhouse raises to 23,500, Elul folds. Backhouse up to 170,000.

17:00: No stealing allowed
Level 6: 300-600-600 BB Ante

Akshay Kapoor opened for 1500, Zhao Feng three-bet to 4500, big blind player Jose Colada shoved, the raisers quickly folded.

16:30: Fritz Douhan busts to Christopher Backhouse
Level 5: 200-500-500 BB Ante

Fritz Douhan is all in for just under half stack with 8h7h and Christopher Backhouse calls with better AcQs, the board further improves Backhouse to broadway and out goes Douhan. Backhouse up to 80,000.

16:20: Pocket threes good to Suparerk Totsaponisad 
Level 5: 200-500-500 BB Ante

Suparerk Totsaponisad is on tournament life support with just under 7,000. He risks it all with 3d3h and has to dodge AsQh. The board runs 3s8dKh8c5c for a full house and a double up to half starting stack for Totsaponisad.

16:10: Double KO! Marc Joseph zooms to 150K
Level 5: 200-500-500 BB Ante

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Marc Joseph

All in preflop with Marc Joseph holding the nuts AhAs against KcQc and 10d10c, the board runs 9d2d3h9c7c. Joseph sweeps it to rise to around 150,000.

15:50: Selim Souissi triples up
Level 4: 200-400-400 BB Ante

Selim Souissi struck a deal at last night’s Main Event qualifier that ended up costing him $800 for his ticket today. Action before him sees two players shove and he joins in for a three-way. Facing pocket Kings and Ace-King, Souissi had pocket Fives. Getting ready to pack up on the Jack-Jack-Ten flop, the turn was a Five and Souissi roared his luck, the Three assured the triple up to 54,000.

15:40: Ji Jun Xu rails Victor Chong
Level 4: 200-400-400 BB Ante

Victor Chong is a newcomer to this level but is unable to survive the heat. He sends his short stack all in with King-Ten and is dominated by Ji Jun Xu with King-Queen. No help comes for Chong. He quickly heads to reg to take advantage of the lone second bullet he is allowed.

15:10: Marc Joseph shoves, climbs to 90K
Level 3: 100-300-300 BB Ante

Catching the action on a board 2d9s7h8d8h and a pot of 16,700 brewed, big blind positioned Marc Joseph check-jams Huu Dung Nguyen’s 19,000 bet. Nguyen tanks then gives up his stake on the pot. Joseph climbs to 90,000, Nguyen drops to starting stack.

15:00 Minxuan Fu gets some pay for his straight
Level 3: 100-300-300 BB Ante

On a flop 7s5cKh, Minxuan Fu check-calls a 2500 bet by Howard Barry Appledorf. Both players check the 8s turn to see the river 4c. Fu leads out for 5,000, Appledorf calls then mucks to Fu’s Ac6c straight.

14:50: Lars Madsen wins a good pot
Level 3: 100-300-300 BB Ante

From hijack, Lars Madsen opens for 800, finds two callers in cutoff Huu Dung Nguyen and the big blind player. At the flop 8dJc4c, Madsen c-bets 1600, both players call. On the turn 2c, Madsen fires 3600, Nguyen continues while big blind check-folds. The river 6s, Madsen checks, Nguyen checks back, Madsen shows 10c9s flush to claim the pot. He climbs to 48,000, Nguyen drops to 43,000.

14:40: More late arrivals
Level 3: 100-300-300 BB Ante

More players trickling in. Among the late arrivals are Pham Bao, Bonil Koo, Chi Ling Tsang, Hwany Lee, and Hua Wei Lin. Filipinos on their maiden international voyage as well, Jose Colada and Bonifacio Mondalo.

14:20: Masamichi Hayashi doubles up then folds queens
Level 2: 100-200-200 BB Ante

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Masamichi Hayashi

Catching the action on a board 3hQhKc4c7h, Yu Qi Zhao puts Masamichi Hayashi all in, Hayashi finds the courage to call and shows Ks9h to beat Zhao’s AhQd. On the next hand, preflop raise war with Harry Ross firing a massive four-bet of 6,000. Hayashi tank-folds, Zhao folds right after. Hayashi shows his QdQc, Ross returns the gesture showing his AsKs. Both players – Ross and Hayashi – have 32,000.

14:00: Luke Oliver Keay relieved at the split
Level 2: 100-200-200 BB Ante

Re-entry player Luke Oliver Keay is on his second bullet having lost his first one on the losing end of a straight. Once again he is under pressure with Huu Dung Nguyen pushing on a board 7sQc3hJc. Keay calls it and is relieved to see both of them have Queen-Jack offsuit to split the pot. The river comes 2s.

13:45: More players arrive; 37 entries so far
Level 2: 100-200-200 BB Ante

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The Main Event is starting to pick up with 37 entries now on the board, 2 of those are re-entries. Players need to keep in mind only one re-entry is allowed per starting day. Among the late stragglers are the French contingent – Jean Robert Autran, Vincent Chauve, and Leo Soma. Also jumping in was Sweden’s Sofia Lovgren Fullmer.

13:10: Newcomers 
Level 1: 100-100-100 BB Ante

More players have arrived. Pulling up seats are WPT Vietnam champion Hamish Crawshaw, Zhao Feng, Calvin Tan, Hoa Thinh Nguyen, and Monster Jam Poker Tour’s Marc Joseph.

13:00: Cards in the air for the APPT Main Event!
Level 1: 100-100-100 BB Ante

And we are off! The first deal of the inaugural APPT Cambodia 2022 – Main Event – has been felted here at NagaWorld Phnom Penh. Slow start however with only 12 players seated at the moment. The pot is currently at a guaranteed $400,000 and is expected to be breached with a total of three starters to qualify for Day 2. Currently seated are last night’s Bounty champion Yu Qi Zhao, and known players Ceesvin Abdulla, Ori Elul, Fritz Douhan.

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Main Event Day 1B closes with 32 players and Valeriy Pak up top

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Pak Valeriy

After 14 rounds of scheduled play, Day 1B of the Main Event bagged up with 32 players remaining. Up top was Russia’s Valeriy Pak with 409K in chips, just 1K shy of matching up to the Day 1A leader. We will have the chip counts posted shortly. Congratulations to the qualifiers! For those that missed the mark, Day 1C is  still ongoing. Registration closes at 12:40am.

Day 1B – Top 10 in chips

Valeriy Fedorovich Pak 409,000
Omair Javed 397,000
Brett Colmar Pullen 396,000
Quoc Huy Phan 381,000
Jonathan Wayne Sanborn 313,000
Chhay Lem Lim 291,000
Abbouchi Mohamad 262,000
Zdravko Duvnjak 258,000
Hwany Lee 235,000
Bryan Diwei Huang 229,000


23:10: Benjamin Sai lays down top pair to Mohamad
Level 14: 1500-3000-3000 BB Ante

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Last hand of the night and it’s quite intense with Benjamin Sai facing a big raise. On a flop Ks7d4s, Sai bet 25,000 onto a pot of 46,000 and Mohamad Abouchi fires a raise of 80,000. Sai tanks for a some time and finally folds while showing KcQc top pair. Mohamad returns the gesture and shows 4s4d set.

22:40: Calvin Tan falls to Chik Fatt Chan
Level 14: 1500-3000-3000 BB Ante

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Calvin Tan goes all in on a board 10d4d2c6c and Chik Fatt Chan calls, costing him only 36,000. Tan is behind with Ad2d and is only hoping for the flush against Chan’s Ac10s. However the river is Qh to end his run.

22:35: Zdravko Duvnjak ends Mangal
Level 14: 1500-3000-3000 BB Ante

Christopher Mangal all in on a flop 4hQcJc with 8h9h and is called by Zdravko Duvnjak who is also looking for the flush with Kh3h. The turn comes Jd and river 7s to end Mangal’s day.

22:30: Hak Do Kim sends Minami to the tank
Level 14: 1500-3000-3000 BB Ante

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With 43,500 in the pot and a board showing [ah}3h8h9c, Hak Do Kim check-shoves Keita Minami’s 20,000 bet to make it 142,000. Minami tanks for a long time and folds when the clock is called.

22:25: Brett Pullen picks up a pot with cowboys
Level 13: 1000-2500-2500 BB Ante

Catching the action on a board 3s8c5d4c8d, Brett Pullen calls the 26,500 bet and wins the hand with KhKd. He is over 280k.

22:20: Corine Shi dusts it all to Sanborn
Level 13: 1000-2500-2500 BB Ante

Corine Shi’s aggression got the best of her while all her chips went to Jonathan Sanborn. The hand saw a raise war preflop that began with Sanborn calling a raise from the button, big blind Shi three-betting to 24,000, initial raiser dropped out, Sanborn flat. At the flop 2sJh5s more chips found the pot with Shi betting 16,000 and Sanborn calling. The turn 4s was checked by both. On the river 2c, Shi jammed with Ah7c, snap-called by Sanborn with AsJs nut flush. Shi packed up as Sanborn stacked up nearly 400k.

22:00: Corine Shi ends Newey’s day
Level 13: 1000-2500-2500 BB Ante

Paul Newey moves all in for his remaining 32,000 with AsQs and is called by Corine Shi with QhQc. A queen finds the turn to ensure the win for Shi as Newey packs up to go.

21:45: Jacob Yong rails Ido Aboudi
Level 13: 1000-2500-2500 BB Ante

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Jacob Yong

Jacob Yong all in preflop with 9h9c and is called by Jacob Yan Chee Yong with QcQd. No help for Aboudi on the board to pack up and go. Yong rises to 145,000.

21:30: Jonathan Sanborn eliminates Harry Ross
Level 12: 1000-2000-2000 BB Ante

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Jonathan Sanborn

Utg Harry Ross raises preflop and gets called by utg+1 Jonathan Sanborn and big blind Hak Do Kim. At the a flop 3c5h2h, Sanborn bets 7500, Kim check-folds, Ross check-jams to send Sanborn tanking. He eventually makes the call and is ahead with 8c8s, Ross with AhKd. The turn 7d and river 10s are no help to Ross to leave the field. Sanborn climbs to 277,000.

21: 20: Corine Shi goes aggro
Level 12: 1000-2000-2000 BB Ante

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Corine Shi

Cutoff player raises 4000 and big blind Corine Shi defends. At the flop 2s{d}4c, Shi check-raises from 4000 to make it 11,500, and is called. On the turn 2c Shi jams, player folds.

21:10: Guodong Shi shoves for the pot
Level 12: 1000-2000-2000 BB Ante

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Guo Dong Shi

On a turn board 3dJc5c4h, Guodong Shi check-jams Yota Mitusi’s 15k bet and takes it. He chips up to 82,000.

20:50: Quan Qiu claims the pot
Level 11: 800-1600-1600 BB Ante

From utg, Pak Valeriy raises and gets called by the blinds. On the flop 7d2d3s, Valeriy c-bets 6500, Quan Qiu goes check-raises to 18,000, big blind folds, Valeriy calls. On the turn 6s Qiu shoves for 41,800, Valeriy folds.

20:40: Michael Soyza vs Keita Minami
Level 11: 800-1600-1600 BB Ante

Catching the action on the river with a board showing QcJh3sKcJd, and 28,000 in the pot, Michael Soyza bets 10,000, Keita Minami thinks about it then folds. Soyza at around 125,000, Minami sitting on 130,000.

20:25: Short stacked Paul Newey survives overcards
Level 11: 800-1600-1600 BB Ante

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Paul Newey

Short stacked Paul Newey tosses it all in with 8s8d hole cards, he is called by Nevan Yu Chung Chang with As10h. No bad beat lands on the board for a double up to Newey to 50,000.

20:20: Day 1B closes with 186 entries
Level 11: 800-1600-1600 BB Ante

That’s it! Day 1B registration closed with 186 entries. Combined with Day 1A, that’s 199 entries. For those that missed the mark in this heat, Day 1C is up next.

Day 1B continues for another four rounds. 70 players remaining.

20:15: Harry Ross doubles through Yota Mitsui 
Level 10: 600-1200-1200 BB Ante

All in preflop with Yota Misui Ah9s and at risk player Harry Ross with AdKd. It ends with a Jack-high board with no hits for either player for a double up to Ross who is up ot 41,000. Mitsui down tom 51,200.

20:10: Keita Minami soars, Kristian Lunde plunges and out
Level 10: 600-1200-1200 BB Ante

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Utg player Keita Minami raises for 1300 and big blind Kristian Lunde defends to see the flop land 10d4h7h. Lunde checks, Minami c-bets 4000, Lunde jams 55,400, Minami tank-calls.

Lunde 10c7s two pair
Minami 10h9s

The turn Ks doesn’t help Minami but the river 9h awards him a higher two pair to double up to 109,200. Lunde plunges to 3000 then busts on the next hand.

20:00: Mohamad Abbouchi doubles up through Yu Qi Zhao
Level 10: 600-1200-1200 BB Ante

Mohamad Abbouchi bags the max through Yu Qi Zhao with pocket Jacks staying ahead of pocket Sixes. He is up to 45,000.

19:50: Nines good for Lim to win it
Level 10: 600-1200-1200 BB Ante

On a flop 8c5h2s and 16,500 in the pot, Chhay Lim check-calls 8500. On the turn 8h, same betting action with Lim check-calling a 15,000 bet. On the river 8d, both players check, Lim has 9h9s full house and wins it.

19:40: Vu Thai Bao rails Sanh Bao Huy Thai
Level 10: 600-1200-1200 BB Ante

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Vu Thai Bao

From hijack, Vu Thai Bao raises to 2400, small blind Sanh Bao Huy Thai shoves his 29,000 stack, Bao tanks then makes the call.

Vu Thai Bao 8c8d
Sanh Bao Huy Thai Ad10c

When the flop comes Qc5cKc, Sanh is adds outs to his overcards but the turn 6h and river 5d aren’t them to bust. Vu chips up to 70,000.

19:30: Sofia Lovgren cleans one out
Level 9: 600-1200-1200 BB Ante

Sofia Lovgren is now at 170,000 having just eliminated a player who calls her river shove. Both players face a board Kh7h2c8s3d with 65,500 in the pot. Lovgren lays out a stack of oranges that covers her opponent’s stack. He tanks for a long time then decides to risk his tournament life. Lovgren shows AdAc which is way ahead of his 7d5d.

19:20: Shaun Conroy rails Hua Wei Lin
Level 9: 600-1200-1200 BB Ante

Hua Wei Lin shoves with Kd10h and is denied the blinds and antes with Shaun Conroy calling with KcJc. No help arrives for Lin to send her to the rail.

19:10: Brett Pullen vs Hwany Lee
Level 9: 600-1200-1200 BB Ante

Hwany Lee raises to 3000 preflop and big blind Brett Pullen defends. The flop comes 2dJcQs, Lee bets 3000 and Pullen check-calls. On the turn Js, both players check it and the river lands Qh. Pullen leads out 7000, Lee raises to 20,000, Pullen calls. Lee shows 6d6h and pays Pullen’s Qd10h boat. Lee down to 113,000, Pullen up to 215,000.

18:50: Mai Bien rails Erquiaga
Level 9: 600-1200-1200 BB Ante

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Mai Bien

NagaWorld Kickoff champion Mai Bien sends David Erquiaga to the rail with AhJc staying ahead of Qs10h on a dry board. Bien rises to 170,000.

18:40: Dale Townsend pushes short stacked Zong Chi He
Level 8: 500-1000-1000 BB Ante

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Dale Townsend

Dale Townsend and Zong Chi He stare down a board 8d7dKh4s, Townsend bets 1500, Zong calls. On the river 7s, Townsend lays down a stack of yellows that well covers Zong’s stack and wins the pot then and there. Zong down to 17,000, Townsend up to 118,000.

18:30: Rajeev Kanjani on the rise
Level 8: 500-1000-1000 BB Ante

 According to players at the table, Rajeev Kanjani was down to 800 in chips and has now won his third all in to jump back to 18,500. The hand was all in with Qc10d over 10s9c, Queen on the flop to hold.

18:20: Leo Soma vs Kristian Lunde
Level 8: 500-1000-1000 BB Ante

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Leo Soma

Leo Soma and Kristian Lunde go head to head in back to back hands. The first clash saw a flop 2d6h3h and 6000 already in the pot. From late position Soma bet 4000, sb Lunde called. On the turn 4d, Lunde led out for 4000, Soma raised to 8000, Lunde called. The river 9c both opt to check. Lunde shows Qh2c bottom pair, Soma takes it with 8c6c second pair.

On the very next hand, Soma raised to 2200 and button Lunde called. At the flop 3s6d10s, Soma check-raised from 7000 to make it 17,000, Lunde answered with a three-bet all in, Soma folded. Soma down to 33,000, Lunde back up to 84,000.

18:00: Pak Valeriy claims a good one against Campomanes
Level 7: 400-800-800 BB Ante

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Pak Valeriy

A pot of 18,000 is in the middle and hijack Pak Valeriy and cutoff Florencio Campomanes are staring down a board 3d5sQd2dJh. Valeriy checks to Campomanes who bets 10,000, Valeriy raises to 32,000, Campomanes tanks then calls showing JcJs. Valeriy opens Kd10d flush and wins it. Campomanes down to 49,000, Valeriy rises to 130,000.

17:45: Konstantin Pogodin down to one 100 chip, doubles 3x then falls
Level 7: 400-800-800 BB Ante

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Konstantin Pogodin

Down to 13,200, Konstantin Pogodin sends all his chips out front with AcQs and is joined by Oliver Schulze with 13,100 and a better AdKh. At the runout, it is a Jack-high board. Schulze doubles up to 30,000, Pogodin chunked down to one 100 chip.

Pogodin wins the next two hands to rise to 1400 but no chip and a chair story as he busts on the next shove.

17:35: Chhay Lim mucks to Minh A Nguyen
Level 7: 400-800-800 BB Ante

The board drops the turn Jd2s4h9s with 8,900 in the pot. Minh A Nguyen calls Chhay Lim’s 4500 bet and the river comes Kd. Lim sends out 7500, Nguyen doesn’t hesitate to call all his chips. Lim quickly mucks. Nguyen takes it without having to show.

17:30: Quang Nguyen rivered by Soyza
Level 6: 300-600-600 BB Ante

APPT champion Michael Soyza ships himself a stack while apologizing. Facing Quang Nguyen’s all in, Soyza calls. Nguyen ahead with AhQc, Soyza AdJd, the board is good to Nguyen until the river slaps down a Jack. Nguyen busts and Soyza climbs to over 50,000.

17:25: Hak Do Kim jams for it
Level 6: 300-600-600 BB Ante

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Hak Do Kim shoves his remaining 11,900 stack on a board of Qd3cKd4s7s and a pot of 16,000. Vu Thai Bao doesn’t bite and folds.

17:20: Hieu Ngo’s bluff exposed, Quan Qiu doubles up 
Level 6: 300-600-600 BB Ante

On a board of 3dJd10s4sAs and 17,5000 in the pot, sb positioned Hieu Ngo shoves and mp player Quan Qiu calls for his tournament life. Ngo showed 5d6d bluff, Qiu wins it with KdQh straight. Ngo drops below starting to 21,000, Qiu rises to 53,000.

17:10: Clement Van Driessche and Hwany Lee 
Level 6: 300-600-600 BB Ante

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Clement Van Driessche

Three way to the flop 3sQh6c and 5600 in the pot, Clement Van Driessche bets 1700 and only Hwany Lee calls. On the turn 2c, both check it to get a free river 5c. Lee leads out for 6,000, Van Driessche raises to 21,000, back to Lee who tank-folds. Van Driessche takes it to rise to 68,000, Lee dips to 100,000.

17:00: Sofia Lovgren doubles up through Aaron Lam
Level 6: 300-600-600 BB Ante

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Sofia Lovgren

On a board 3s4s9c7dJc and a pot of 26,000 brewed, Sofia Lovgren goes all in and sends Aaron Lam tanking. She shows 7c7s set, Lam mucks, she doubles up to 74,000. Lam down to starting stack.

16:40: Ceesvin Abdulla zooms over 100K
Level 5: 200-500-500 BB Ante

As told by the winner of this hand…. Action folds to the small blind who raises to 1500, big blind Ceesvin Abdulla three-bets to 5000 and is called. On the flop Kx9x7x, both players check. The turn 4x, sb bets 4000, Abdulla calls. The river Jx, sb risks it all, Abdulla calls and ships it a set of Jacks over pocket Aces. Abdulla climbs over 100K.

16:35: David Erquiaga folds to Chik Fatt Chan’s river shove
Level 5: 200-500-500 BB Ante

On a board that completes JcKd7d10s5h and a pot of 26,600, Chik Fatt Chan is all in for his remaining 25,500. David Erquiaga tanks then folds.

16:30: Zong Chi He wins the raise war
Level 5: 200-500-500 BB Ante

Action opens with Chi Ling Tsang with a 1200 raise, Mohamad Abbouchi three-bets to 3600, Yu Qi Zhao calls, Zong Chi He four-bets all in, no callers and no show.

16:25: Luke Oliver Keay jams and takes it
Level 5: 200-500-500 BB Ante

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Luke Oliver Keay

On a flop As4h4d, hijack player Luke Oliver Keay bets 8000 then faces a raise to 18,000 from the button player. This sends Keay tanking and says “I am not calling. Just deciding if I push or fold, that’s it.” After several seconds, Keay shoves for a total of 45,200 and wins it with the raiser folding.

16:15: Cao Ngoc Anh doubles up
Level 5: 200-500-500 BB Ante

Cao Ngoc Anh is all in with AhQc and needs to hit the board with his challenger showing 7d7h. The board grants it as it runs 10sJd9d4cAs. He doubles up to over 40,000.

16:10: Tung Nguyen versus Chi Ling Tsang
Level 4: 200-400-400 BB Ante

Tung Nguyen raised to 1100, called by two players, Chi Ling Tsang three-bets to 4000, called by Nguyen and another player. At the flop 4sJd4c, Tsang c-bets 9000 and takes it without further challenge. He says “just this time” then shows KdKh. Tsang chips up to 45,000.

16:00: Akshay Kapoor’s failed bluff boosts Holmedahl
Level 4: 200-400-400 BB Ante

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Daniel Holmedahl

On a flop Ac3c8d, cutoff Akshay Kapoor bets 1800 and hijack player Daniel Holmedahl check-calls. On the turn 3h, same action with Kapoor’s 3500 bet called. On the river 9c, Kapoor shoves and still can’t push out Holmedahl to have to show his KdJs bluff. Holmedahl ships a double up to 45,000 with As9s top two pair.

15:55: Champions go head to head, Seongmin Lee busts
Level 4: 200-400-400 BB Ante

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Seongmin Lee

With 9000 already in the pot by the river Ac9s7s9hQc, small blind High Roller champion shoves his 20,200 stack, APPT National winner Seongmin Lee tanks with less chips. Lee eventually risks it all and shows Ah10d two pair then busts to Van Driessche’s Kc9c trips. Van Driessche up to 40,000.

15:50: Sofia Lovgren triple barrels 
Level 4: 200-400-400 BB Ante

Button player Mohamad Abbouchi raises to 400, gets called by the small blind but big blind Sofia Lovgren three-bets to make it 1800 to go. Only Abbouchi calls and the flop comes 6sJd2c. Lovgren c-bets 1800, Abbouchi calls. The turn Ks, Lovgren sends out 3500 and wins the pot as Abbouchi folds.

15:40: Fritz Douhan jams for the pot
Level 4: 200-400-400 BB Ante

Fritz Douhan is on his second bullet today and isn’t afraid to test it against his new tablemates. Action opens with cutoff player raising to 1000, button Douhan and sb David Koy call, big blind re-raises to 5000, and loses only the initial raiser from cutoff. At the flop 9c[6c}2h, Douhan jams, no callers.

15:35: Terry Nguyen wins a pot versus Breed
Level 4: 200-400-400 BB Ante

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Terry Nguyen

A pot of 5,500 is in the middle and a board Ah2d8c6h. Koen Breed bets 1100 then faces a raise of 6700 from Terry Nguyen. Breed calls and the river is Qd. Breed checks to the aggressor Nguyen who sends out 16,000, Breed folds.

15:30: More notables flood the felt
Level 4: 200-400-400 BB Ante

More notables at the scene, Hieu Ngo, Terry Nguyen, Maggie Chien Chih Wei, David Erquiaga, Zong Chi He, Chi Ling Tsang, and Vu Thai Bao.

15:20: Level 4 begins with 104 entries
Level 4: 200-400-400 BB Ante

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Three levels have come and gone. Players are back from the first break of the day. Day 1B has already breached the 100 marker and should exceed the 113 Day 1A entries before the level closes. Among the new arrivals are APPT champion Florencio Campomanes, NagaWorld Kickoff champion Seongmin Lee, Poker Dream champion Minh Anh Nguyen, two time WSOP bracelet winner Pete Chen, High Roller winner Clement Van Driessche, Natalie Teh, Hak Do Kim, and Vietnamese pro Cao Ngoc Anh.

14:30: New level, 80 entries and climbing
Level 3: 100-300-300 BB Ante

Another 40-minute level has gone by. The field has now climbed to 85 entries with more seen at registration. If this pace keeps up, we should see the $400K guarantee breached. Among the late arrivals are Akshay Kapoor, Zarvan Tumboli, Benjamin Lai, Satoshi Kuriga, and Hwany Lee.

14:15: Vietnam in the house
Level 2: 100-200-200 BB Ante

More Vietnamese players have joined the action. Seen out there are Harry Duong, Tung Nguyen, Xuan Van Nguyen, Dang Duy Thanh, and Le Ngoc Khanh.

13:50: New level, more notables 
Level 2: 100-200-200 BB Ante

New level with more notables around the room, Super High Roller winner Gary Thompson, Sofia Lovgren, Huu Dung Nguyen, Quang Nguyen, Jun Hao Wu, and Konstantin Pogodin. Currently over 50 players seated.

13:40: More arrivals
Level 1: 100-100-100 BB Ante

The entries have now more than doubled with 46 seated. One table has APPT National runner up Freezeout winner Hassaan Arif, WSOP bracelet winner Leo Soma, and NLH KO champion Yu Qi Zhao.

13:10: Cards in the air!
Level 1: 100-100-100 BB Ante

Cards in the air for Day 1B of the Main Event! The screens currently have 17 players with more lined up at registration. Among the early birds are Hamish Crawshaw, Aladin Reskallah, Rajeev Kanjani, Dale Townsend, Ceesvin Abdulla, Fritz Douhan, Masatoshi Tanaka, and NagaWorld Kickoff champion Mai Bien.

Welcome to Day 1B of the Main Event $400K GTD!

Good afternoon players and welcome to another day at the Main Event. Today’s schedule is Day 1B with 10 levels of late registration open, closing at the start of Level 11. Buy in is $1,500. For those that enter by the starting gun, you start with a 30,000 stack which is equivalent to 300 times the opening blinds. Blinds increase every 40-minutes.

This is a single-re-entry tournament which means you are only allowed one re-entry per starting day. Multiple stacks are not allowed.

At yesterday’s Day 1A, 93 players entered with 20 using their second bullet for a total of 113 entries. Nam Hyung Kim bagged up a massive stack of 410,000, he will be the player to catch for today’s race. You can read up on the action via the Day 1A LIVE UPDATES.

Good luck to all!

Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly.
Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.

Main Event Day 1C ends with 22 remaining led by Yu Qi Zhao

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Yu Qi Zhao

Main Event Day 1C is a wrap! That means all three starters have completed. Bagging up the chip lead was USA’s Yu Qi Zhao with just over 200K. We will have the complete Day 2 chip counts via the link provided.


01:50: Good pot for Florencio Campomanes
Level 14: 1500-3000-3000 BB Ante

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Florencio Campomanes

The board completes 7h5s9s8d8c with Florencio Campomanes laying out a 28,000 bet onto a 31,000 pot. Haozhen Gu tank calls. Campomanes has Ad6c straight that beats Gu’s Ah9c trips.

01:45: Chen Yong rails Max Menzel
Level 14: 1500-3000-3000 BB Ante

Max Menzel all in with 9s9d, Chen Yong puts pressure with KdQh overcards. The flop runs clean 2s2h3c but the turn Kc and river Kh spelled the end for Menzel with a full house to Yong.

01:40: David Erquiaga rivers it to stay alive
Level 13: 1000-2500-2500 BB Ante

David Erquiaga three-bet jams with AsQh and initial raiser Seongmin Lee calls iwth 9d9h. An ace turns up on the river for Erquiaga to survive.

01:35: Tit for tat between Huu Dung Nguyen and Jiazhi Zhong
Level 14: 1500-3000-3000 BB Ante

Huu Dung Nguyen looks down at KsKh and shoves. Jiazhi Zhong has AsKd. The board runs 2h6d3h4cQc for a double up to Nguyen.

Immediately following that hand, Zhong goes all in with JdJc and Nguyen calls with Ac8c. No hits on the board for Nguyen to send some of his earlier winnings back to Zhong.

01:10: Mike Takayama eliminated by Haozhen Gu
Level 12: 1000-2000-2000 BB Ante

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Haozhen Gu

Quang Nguyen raises to 3000, Mike Takayama three-bet jams for 9500, Haozheng Gu calls, Nguyen folds. Takayama is ahead with AsJs to Gu’s Ac8c however the flop runs Qs8d4d7c5s for a pair to Gu to clean out Takayama.

01:05: Yu Qi Zhao boots one
Level 11: 1000-1500-1500 BB Ante

Yu Qi Zhao raises to 4500, one player jams, David Erquiaga tank-folds, back to Zhao who calls while saying “I am way behind”. Zhao opens Kc10s and sees he is live with the at risk player holding Ad9d. The board comes 10hKd9hJcJh. Zhao ships it and rises to 120,000.

01:00: Donation for Jiazhi Zhong
Level 11: 1000-1500-1500 BB Ante

Zong Chi He raises to 3500, Japanese female player three-bets to 10,000, small blind Jiazhi Zhong four-bet jams which was enough to push out Zong but not the three-bettor who risks it all as well. She turns over Ac10h and stays behind Zhong’s AdKd throughout the board. Zhong rises to 80,000.

00:55: Meerwais Hussein doubles up
Level 11: 1000-1500-1500 BB Ante

We got to the table and Meerwais Hussein was already shipping a double up with pocket Kings standing firm against Ace-Queen. He now has 69,500.

00:50: Oliver Schulze gets max from Cao Ngoc Anh
Level 11: 1000-1500-1500 BB Ante

Oliver Schulze all in with Ace-King and gets the maximum from Cao Ngoc Anh who tried to eliminate with Ace-Four suited.

00:30: Yu Qi Zhao versus Haozhen Gu
Level 10: 500-1000-1000 BB Ante

Action opens with Leo Soma raising to 2500 and finds three callers to the flop 5cKh3h. Zhao c-bets 3300, one player folds, Haozhen Gu check-raises to 7300, another player folds. On the turn 4s and river 4h, both check it. Gu shows Kd8s and Zhao has him outkicked with KsJs to win the pot. Zhao rises to 111,000, Gu drops to 116,000.

00:20: Le Ngoc Khanh bags a double 
Level 10: 500-1000-1000 BB Ante

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Le Ngoc Khanh

Utg player makes it 2800, Yu Qi Zhao calls, Le Ngoc Khanh goes all in for 20,700, utg player all in right back, and Zhao folds. Khanh has AdJs, utg player with KsQc, the board runs 7d10s8c9d6s for a straight to Khanh and a double up.

00:15: Ido Aboudi boots Pete Chen
Level 10: 500-1000-1000 BB Ante

On a flop 9h7cJd with 20,300 in the pot, both utg Pete Chen and button Ido Aboudi check to see the turn 5d. Chen checks, Aboudi bets 13,000, Chen shoves, quick call by Aboudi who shows 9s7s. Chen needs help with KsJh top pair. The river 3c isn’t it to pack up to leave. Aboudi rises to 80,000.

00:10: Cao Ngoc Anh rails one
Level 10: 500-1000-1000 BB Ante

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Cao Ngoc Anh

A player limps in, Cao Ngoc Anh raises to 7000, back to the limper who jams. Anh quickly calls. At risk player is ahead with 10s10c, Anh with 7d7h, the board runs 8h9s4s6d5d for a straight to Anh to send one packing. Anh chips up to 126,000.

00:00: David Erquiaga shoves out Soma
Level 9: 400-800-800 BB Ante

With 18,400 in the pot and a flop 9s6dQh, sb Leo Soma bets 5,000 and is called by cutoff David Erquiaga. On the turn 5c, Soma checks, Erquiaga shoves, no call.

23:50: Quang Nguyen muscles Huu Nam Nguyen
Level 9: 500-1000-1000 BB Ante

On a board 8h10d3d5s and 18,000 already in the pot, Quang Nguyen bets 5600 and Huu Nam Nguyen calls. The river 4s, Quang shoves and takes it.

23:20: 66 entries with reg still open for until 12:40am
Level 7: 400-800-800 BB Ante

The tables are buzzing with players trying to find their way into Day 2 of the Main Event. Registration closes at the start of Level 11. Currently in action are notables Florencio Campomanes, Minh A Nguyen, Quang Nguyen, David Erquiaga, Dhanesh Chainani, Gary Thompson, Natalie Teh, Terry Nguyen, and Rajeev Kanjani. We will have more updates once it closes.

Main Event Day 1C underway! 

Main Event Day 1C is up and running and quickly 25 sign up which means, the $400K guarantee has been breached! Registration stays open  until the start of Level 11. Blinds for this heat increases at a faster 20 minute pace so make sure to sign up by the latest of 1230am.

Notable players seen on the felt are Zong Chi He, Gary Thompson, Leo Soma, Seongmin Lee, Natalie Teh, and Max Menzel. Others also seen are Satoshi Kuriga, Mark Hammond, Christopher Mateo, and Huu Nam Nguyen.

Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly.
Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.

Main Event Day 2 ends with the final 9 formed! 

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After nine hours of play, the Main Event reached its final 9 contenders led by Taiwan’s Nevan Yu Chung Chang with 3,165,000. On the opposite end of the counts is APPT Korea 2018 champion Michael Soyza, the only player seeking a second title. Players return on Sunday, November 13 at 1pm to chase down the coveted PokerStars shard trophy and the $96,028 up top. We’ll be back then!

Player Chips BB
Yu Chung Chang 3,115,000 125
Markus Garberg 2,420,000 97
Alexander Puchalski 1,700,000 68
Akshay Kapoor 1,485,000 59
Christopher Backhouse 990,000 40
Huy Phan 565,000 23
Quoc Dinh Nguyen 530,000 21
Renniel Galvez 340,000 14
Michael Soyza 165,000 7

Chips in play: 11,340,000
Average stack: 1,260,000
Blinds: 10,000-25,000-25,000 BB Ante

22:00: Nam Hyung Kim eliminated in 10th place – $7,821
Level 23: 10,000-25,000-25,000 BB Ante

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The day’s entering chip leader Nam Hyung Kim had difficulty recovering after a cooler that paid big to Akshay Kapoor two levels prior. Grinded down below 400K, Kim risked it all with AdQc and faced Kapoor again who had 6d6c  for a flip. The board ran 7h2hJs9d8c. Kim busted in 10th place, missing the final table for the first time this series.

21:45: Michael Soyza chunked down; Nevan Chang barrels every stage
Level 23: 10,000-25,000-25,000 BB Ante

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Nevan Chang

Michael Soyza is down to 6 BB after losing a monster pot to Nevan Yu Chung Chang. From cutoff, Chang opens with a raise and Soyza calls from the big blind. At the flop, turn, and river Chang fires bets KcKh6h4dQc. Soyza calls him throughout then mucks to Chang’s KsQs full house. Soyza down to 150,000, Chang zooms to over 3.1M.

21:25: Markus Garberg doubles up on Kapoor bluff
Level 22: 10,000-20,000-20,000 BB Ante

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Markus Garberg

On a board that completes 4hAs9h3cQd with 950,000 in the pot, massive stacked Akshay Kapoor goes all in sending Markus Garberg tanking. Garberg eventually finds a call and Kapoor shows 5d7d bluff. Garberg ships a double with AhJd. Garberg up to 1.325M.

21:10: Sofia Lovgren-Fullmer bluffs out in 11th place – $7,821
Level 22: 10,000-20,000-20,000 BB Ante

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Sofia Lovgren

Action opens with utg Sofia Lovgren raising to 45,000 that finds three callers. On flop KhAh7c, Lovgren c-bet and only Akshay Kapoor continued to see the turn 7c. Both players checked. The river landed 5c. Lovgren jammed for 677,000, Kapoor called, Lovgren opened QcJc bluff, Kapoor shipped it with AcJs. Kapoor zoomed to 2.25M and is now chip leader.

21:00: Payouts from 12th place – 55th place

12th Zdravko Duvnjak $6,782
13th Hoa Thinh Nguyen $6,782
14th Jiazhi Zhong $5,989
15th Jean Robert Autran $5,989
16th Ido Aboudi $5,395
17th Dhanesh Chainani $5,395
18th Natalie Teh $4,900
19th Jonas Magdalinski $4,900
20th Paul Newey $4,900
21st Chhay Lem Lim $4,405
22nd Jianguo Zhou $4,405
23rd Valeriy Pak $4,405
24th Bryan Huang $3,911
25th Mohamad Abbouchi $3,911
26th Mai Bien $3,911
27th Phuong Ngoc Nguyen $3,911
28th Zhao Feng $3,416
29th Jonathan Sanborn $3,416
30th Benjamin Sai $3,416
31st Yong Chen $3,416
32nd Omair Javed $2,921
33rd Vincent Huang $2,921
34th Chik Fatt Chan $2,921
35th Brett Pullen $2,921
36th Tzai Wei Phua $2,921
37th Suparerk Totsaponisad $2,921
38th Finn Penderak $2,921
39th Oliver Schulze $2,921
40th Cao Ngoc Anh $2,425
41st Lars Madsen $2,425
42nd Masamichi Hayashi $2,425
43rd Vu Thai Bao $2,425
44th Robert Schiffbauer $2,425
45th Collin Ho $2,425
467th Renato Villanueva Jr $2,425
47th Ori Haim Elul $2,425
48th Ho Xiao Wang $2,425
49th David Erquiaga $2,425
50th Zachary Duce $2,425
51st Hamish Crawshaw $2,425
52nd Daniel Smiljkovik $2,425
53rd Florencio Campomanes $2,425
54th Keita Minami $2,425
55th Duy Tung Nguyen $2,425

00:45: Zdravko Duvnjak falls to Kapoor in 12th place – $6,782
Level 22: 10,000-20,000-20,000 BB Ante

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Zdravko Duvnjak

Zdravko Duvnjak all in preflop with Ad8d and falls to Akshay Kapoor’s 7d7c with the board running 10s10c5h2c4d. He earns $6,782 for 12th place. Kapoor chips up to 1.25M.

20:40: Akshay Kapoor doubles up through Kim
Level 21: 8000-16000-16000 BB Ante

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Akshay Kapoor

Akshay Kapoor raises to 35,000, Nam Hyung Kim three-bets to 100,000, Kapoor four-bet jams and is called. When they open, it’s a cooler with Kapoor KdKc and Kim QhQs. No bad beat comes for a double up to Kapoor to 1M, Kim drops to 660,000.

20:25: Christopher Backhouse doubles up through Soyza
Level 21: 8000-16000-16000 BB Ante

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Christopher Backhouse

Action folds to the small blind Christopher Backhouse who raises and big blind Michael Soyza defends. On the flop 10h3s2d, Backhouse checks, Soyza bets, Backhouse calls. On the turn 4s Backhouse checks again, Soyza bets, Backhouse jams, Soyza tanks then calls with Jd10d top pair. Backhouse turns over 6d5d straight. The river is Jh. Soyza drops to around 800,000, Backhouse zooms to nearly 1.1M.

20:10: Hoa Thinh Nguyen falls to Chang in 13th place – $6,782
Level 21: 8000-16000-16000 BB Ante

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Hoa Thinh Nguyen

Action opens with utg+1 Michael Soyza raising to 32,000, button player Hoa Thinh Nguyen calls, small blind Nevan Yu Chung Chang three-bets to 200,000, Soyza calls, Nguyen jams, Chang jams while simultaneously saying to Soyza “I cover you so you can’t call”. Soyza folds and shows 10h10c. Nguyen has AcQd, Chang dominates with AdKc, the board runs 3dKd9sQs6c for a pair to Chang and 13th place for Nguyen. He earns $6,782 for his efforts.

20:05: Jiazhi Zhong busts to Soyza in 14th place – $5,989
Level 21: 8000-16000-16000 BB Ante

Jiazhi Zhong all in for his remaining 172,000 and Qd3d to try to save him. Michael Soyza calls with a better Ks3h. A king finds the board to finish off Zhong in 14th place for $5,989.

20:00: Jean Robert Autran eliminated in 15th place – $5,989
Level 21: 8000-16000-16000 BB Ante

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Jean Robert Autran

Jean Robert Autran three-bet shoves with Kc10s, initial raiser Alex Puchalski calls with Ac7c. The flop quickly awards the better hand an improvement to two pair which holds to end Autran’s day in 15th place. He earns $5,989.

20:00: Nevan Chang on a rush
Level 21: 8000-16000-16000 BB Ante

Back from the break, it was Nevan Yu Chung Chang again. He five bets Hoa Thinh Nguyen from 45,000 to 100,000, to 245,000 to 1.1M, Nguyen folds. Chang shows 9s9d.

19:35: Nevan Chang ships it
Level 20: 6000-12,000-12,000 BB Ante

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Yu Chung Chang

On a turn board 2d3c5dJc, heavy betting action with three battling for the pot, Akshay Kapoor decides to get out of the way leaving Renniel Galvez and Nevan Yu Chung Chang to fight it out. Chang is all in with JhJs set, Galvez drawing dead with KsJd. The river is 3h. Chang rises to just under 1.1M.

19:20: Ido Aboudi rivered by Soyza, falls 16th – $5,395
Level 20: 6000-12,000-12,000 BB Ante

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Catching the action only on the turn with a board 4s9s4c10h and 45,000 in the pot, Ido Aboudi sends nearly his entire stack out amounting to 110,000, leaving himself 4,000 behind. Soyza puts Aboudi all in. Aboudi puts his remaining chips in. Soyza shows QcJs, Aboudi with AhKh, the river 8h completes a straight for Soyza to end Aboudi in 16th place. Aboudi earns $5,395.

19:15: Quoc Huy Phan rails Dhanesh Chainani in 17th place – $5,395
Level 20: 6000-12,000-12,000 BB Ante

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Dhanesh Chainani

From utg, Dhanesh Chainani goes all in preflop with 10c9d, big blind Quoc Huy Phan calls with AsJc. The board runs 4hQsKs7c8c. Cbainani eliminated in17th place for $5,395.

It is down to two tables. Redraw time.

19:10: Natalie Teh out in 18th place – $4,900
Level 20: 6000-12,000-12,000 BB Ante

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Natalie Teh and Akshay Kapoor

Natalie Teh is almost all in again. She send everything but one 1K chip out front, Akshay Kapoor calls the 101,000, and with no other customers, the flop runs JsAs10h. After taking a bit of time to see if someone at the other table goes bust for a pay jump, no one does so she checks. Kapoor bets the remaining 1K, Teh calls for her tournament life.

Teh has 6c6h which is behind Kapoor’s Ac8s. The turn Qs  and river 4d ends Teh’s run in 18th place for $4,900.

19:00: Hoa Thinh Nguyen eliminates Magdalinski
Level 20: 6000-12,000-12,000 BB Ante

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Jonas Magdalinski all in with 9d9s and is flipping with caller Hoa Thinh Nguyen QsJs. When the flop lands AsKh10s, all Magdalinski can hope for is a split but it doesn’t come. The turn is Qc and river Ac.

18:47: Akshay Kapoor claims a big pot 
Level 20: 6000-12,000-12,000 BB Ante

Ido Aboudi is all in on a board that completes 7c8h4sAs4h and around 140,000 in the pot, Akshay Kapoor bets 86,000, Aboudi tanks then folds.

18:45: Jiazhi Zhong doubles through Lovgren
Level 20: 6000-12,000-12,000 BB Ante

Another all in here with Jiazhi Zhong sending his last 93,000 into the pot. Sofia Lovgren gives him some action and turns over AhJs. She is behind Zhong’s AdKh. A king finds the turn for a double up to over 200,000.

18:40: Paul Newey exits in 20th place 
Level 20: 6000-12,000-12,000 BB Ante

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Paul Newey

Paul Newey has been struggling with his short stack for sometime and despite a double up he is still far behind the big stacks. He sends it all in with AdKs and is facing a flip with Markus Garberg turning over 9d9c. The board runs a dry Jack-high to exit in 20th place.

18:38: Nevan Chang doubles through Puchalski
Level 20: 6000-12,000-12,000 BB Ante

Having laddered up, Nevan Yu Chung Chang goes all in for his remaining 93,000 and gets called by Alex Puchalski. Chang turns over 5d5s, Puchalski Qd10d, the flop runs 9d5c7s for a set to Chang, and with the turn 8d and river 4c, he happily doubled up to over 200,000.

18:35: Jean Robert Autran banks it off Kim
Level 20: 6000-12,000-12,000 BB Ante

Jean Robert Autran scores a double with 9s9c standing firm against Nam Hyung Kim‘s AdJh. The board was QcQs5d10d4s.

18:30: Chhay Lim falls to Galvez 
Level 19: 5000-10,000-10,000 BB Ante

Chhay Lim three-bet shoved his last 233,000, initial raiser Renniel Galvez slow-rolled and turned over QdQh. Lim had AhKc. The ladies won the flip to send Lim out in 21st place.

18:20: Jiazhi Zhou eliminated
Level 19: 5000-10,000-10,000 BB Ante

Jiazhi Zhou shoves with pocket Nines and is challenged by Dhanesh Chainani with overcards As10s, the board has an Ace land on the flop for Zhou to exit in 22nd place.

18:10: Michael Soyza delivers a double KO
Level 19: 5000-10,000-10,000 BB Ante

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Michael Soyza

Three way action with Bryan Huang all in, Michael Soyza shoves his much much larger stack, then Valeriy Pak also dominated by Soyza decides to join the party.

Soyza KcKs
Huang 10s10d
Pak JdJh

The flop comes 5sJs7s for a set to Pak, the turn 6c keeps him ahead, but the river 4s is exactly what Soyza needed to overtake and boot out the two.

18:05: Mohamad Abbouchi falls to Kapoor
Level 19: 5000-10,000-10,000 BB Ante

Mohamad Abbouchi jams his 143,000 stack and nearly gets through with the blinds and antes but Akshay Kapoor on the big blind calls and send him home. Abbouchi had Ad4s, Kapoor with 4h4c, no hits on the Qd9h3cKdJs board for a 25th place finish for Abbouchi.

18:00: Hoa Thinh Nugyen doubles up through Soyza
Level 19: 5000-10,000-10,000 BB Ante

Catching the hand just at the payout, the board completed 8c7h4s9c9d, Hoa Thinh Nguyen with JhJs doubles up through Michael Soyza with Ac10c. Nguyen climbs to over 700,000.

17:50: Sofia Lovgren up and up and up
Level 19: 5000-10,000-10,000 BB Ante

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Sofia Lovgren

Sofia Lovgren is now sitting with around 1.2 Million after going pound for pound multiple times that sent one plunging and another packing. The first clash was against Mai Bien whose AsQh missed the board against Lovgren’s KcKd to pay the double up.

Following that hand, Phuong Ngoc was all in with pocket Jacks, Lovgren had pocket Kings to drag more chips in.

Hands later, Bien was all in again, this time with KsJh but missed the board to fall to Lovgren’s Ah9s. The board was 3c8d5d3d4c.

17:40: Eliminations

29th Jonathan Sanborn Canada $3,416
30th Benjamin Sai Singapore $3,416
31st Yong Chen China $3,416
32nd Omair Javed Pakistan $2,921
33rd Vincent Huang Australia $2,921
34th Chik Fatt Chan $2,921
35th Brett Pullen $2,921
36th Tzai Wei Phua Singapore $2,921
37th Suparerk Totsaponisad Thailand $2,921
38th Finn Penderak Germany $2,921
39th Oliver Schulze $2,921
40th Cao Ngoc Anh Vietnam $2,425
41st Lars Madsen $2,425
42nd Masamichi Hayashi Japan $2,425
43rd Vu Thai Bao Vietnam $2,425
44th Robert Schiffbauer USA $2,425
45th Collin Ho Singapore $2,425
467th Renato Villanueva Jr Philippines $2,425
47th Ori Haim Elul Israel $2,425
48th Ho Xiao Wang China $2,425
49th David Erquiaga Philippines $2,425
50th Zachary Duce Australia $2,425
51st Hamish Crawshaw New Zealand $2,425
52nd Daniel Smiljkovik Germany $2,425
53rd Florencio Campomanes Philippines $2,425
54th Keita Minami Japan $2,425
55th Duy Tung Nguyen Vietnam $2,425

17:30: More chips for Kim as Sai goes bust
Level 18: 4000-8000-8000 BB Ante

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Namhyung Kim

More chips for the leader Nam Hyung Kim with AsQs dusting Bejamin Sai’s Kd10d shove. The board was Jd5s3h7c5h.

17:25: Paul Newey scores another double but still short
Level 18: 4000-8000-8000 BB Ante

Paul Newey gambles all of his chips with 5c3c and is called by a player with KsKh. The board runs 5dAc10s7c10c for a flush to stay in the running.

17:20: Yong Chen busts to Ido Aboudi
Level 18: 4000-8000-8000 BB Ante

Yong Chen all in with AhJs, Ido Aboudi looking to eliminate with 7h7c. With the board running 2d6sJc{7s|}Ks , out went Chen.

17:15: Clement Van Driessche gets the max 
Level 18: 4000-8000-8000 BB Ante

Action opens with a raise by Renniel Galvez, beside him Clement Van Driessche shoves, Hoa Thinh Nguyen calls, and Galvez folds. Van Driessche has 10s10c, Nguyen with AsKd, it’s a Jack-high board for a double up to 380,000 for Van Driessche. Nguyen dipped to 475,000.

17:10: Omair Javed eliminated by Bien
Level 18: 4000-8000-8000 BB Ante

Omair Joved entered the day as one of the big stacks but couldn’t bring it further than 32nd place. He tumbled to Mai Bien with AdJc way dominated by AcAh.

17:00: Bryan Huang banks it 
Level 18: 4000-8000-8000 BB Ante

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Bryan Huang

Bryan Huang all in with 7d7h and fades Nam Hyung Kim‘s KcJs with the board running 2cAsQd5s4s. He rises to 160,000.

16:50: Natalie Teh bags two double ups
Level 18: 4000-8000-8000 BB Ante

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Natalie Teh

Natalie Teh is hanging in there with a short stack and finds herself on the better end of two shoves to rise to 270,000. The first was a double up through Dravko Duvnjak with 9d9s flush cracking AcAs on a board Kd7d8c4d6d.

Her next win was against Jonathan Sanborn with 10d10c standing firm against AdKh that missed the board. Sanborn down to 6 BB.

16:40: Paul Newey doubles up through Galvez
Level 18: 4000-8000-8000 BB Ante

Paul Newey raises to 45,000 then faces Renniel Galvez’s push. Newey tanks then risks his tournament life. At the showdown, Newey is surprised to see he is ahead Ad5d to Galvez’s As2h. A Five comes in the flop and holds for a double up to Newey to over 110,000.

16:30: Jack-Seven good to Markus Garberg 
Level 18: 4000-8000-8000 BB Ante

Markus Garberg was seen playing two Jack-Seven hole cards and both times he got some good pay out of it. The first one was all in on a turn board JsQc5c7h10h. Garberg had two pair to double up through Chik Fatt Chan. On the next Jack-Seven hand, Garberg landed a straight to eliminate Vincent Huang.

16:20: Ido Aboudi rails Tzai Wei Phua
Level 18: 4000-8000-8000 BB Ante

Tzai Wei Phua all in with a premium AsKs but misses the board to fall to Ido Aboudi’s pocket Queens.

16:15: Quoc Huy Phan pays Jiazhi Zhong in full
Level 18: 4000-8000-8000 BB Ante

Quoc Huy Phan just sent Suparerk Totsaponisad when he decides to call a Jiazhi Zhong’s shove. He shows Ac10d which stays behind Zhong’s JdJc. At the end of the runout Phan says “I shouldn’t have called, but it was 10 BB” with the board showing Kd{}10h}Qc2h2s.

16:10 Suparerk Totsaponisad falls with second nuts
Level 18: 4000-8000-8000 BB Ante

On a board 3cQs4c6cQc, Suparerk Totsaponisad bet 20,000, Quoc Huy Phan jams, Totsaponisad tanks then opts to risk his tournament life. He turns over AdKc flush but is not good enough against Phan’s Ac10s nut flush. Phan rises to 580,000.

16:00: Quoc Huy Phan five-bet jams Bien
Level 17: 3000-6000-6000 BB Ante

Heated preflop war with Mai Bien raising to 13,000, big blind Quoc Huy Phan three-bets, Bien four-bets to 88,000, Phan five-bet jams, Bien tank-folds. Phan up to 440,000, Bien down to 265,000.

15:50: Michael Soyza doubles again, Hayashi down 8K
Level 17: 3000-6000-6000 BB Ante

Michael Soyza and Masamichi Hayashi face a flop 7s6h8c and 49,000 in the pot. Big blind Soyza calls Hayashi’s all in and is ahead with 6d7d two pair over 10d10h over pair. The turn 7c further improes Soyza to a boat, and with the river 5c, Hayashi pays the double up and drops to 8000. Two hands later, Hayashi goes down in 42nd place.

15:45: Big stacks
Level 17: 3000-6000-6000 BB Ante

There are two players with monster stacks here, Nam Hyung Kim with 950,000 and Alex Puchalski with 850,000.

15:40: Vu Thai Bao falls to Duvnjak’s straight
Level 17: 3000-6000-6000 BB Ante

On a flop 8dQc10c and 38,000 built preflop, Vu Thai Bao is in for all he has with 10s10d, however, Zdravko Duvnjak has Js9s straight. The turn 6c and river 5s are not Bao’s outs to exit the tournament in 43rd place.

15:30: Quoc Dinh Nguyen rails Schiffbauer
Level 17: 3000-6000-6000 BB Ante

All in preflop with Robert Schiffbauer needing help with his Ac9s against bigger stacked Quoc Dinh Nguyen’s 7s7d. The board runs 10d8sKsKhJs to end Schiffbauer’s run in 44th place.

15:20: Michael Soyza doubles through Natalie Teh
Level 17: 3000-6000-6000 BB Ante

Michael Soyza is on his second shove and finds a customer in Natalie Teh. Soyza has 9h9c, Teh hoping to ship it with AhQh. The board however runs 3d10c6sJcJs for a double up to Soyza. He is the last APPT Main Event champion in the field with Florencio Campomanes eliminated in 53rd place.

15:00: Break time – 49 players remaining
Level 17: 3000-6000-6000 BB Ante

Players are on their first break. 6 players have already cashed out.

50th Zachary Duce Australia $2,425
51st Hamish Crawshaw New Zealand $2,425
52nd Daniel Smiljkovik Germany $2,425
53rd Florencio Campomanes Philippines $2,425
54th Keita Minami Japan $2,425
55th Duy Tung Nguyen Vietnam $2,425

14:50: Bubble bursts! Sofia Lovgren rails Guodong Shi
Level 16: 2000-5000-5000 BB Ante


Bubble bursts! Short stacked Guodong Shi is all in with Jc8c, is called by Sofia Lovgren with Kh4h, the board runs Qs7s9c3d5s.

14:45: Bubble round: Sofia Lovgren doubles through Yong Chen 
Level 16: 2000-5000-5000 BB Ante

All in on a board Qc2d8sAh9d, Sofia Lovgren with QdQs for a set to double through Yong Chen with 9s7d.

14:40: Bubble round: Jean Robert Autran vs Alexander Puchalski
Level 16: 2000-5000-5000 BB Ante

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On a flop Qc9d8d, Jean Robert Autran is all in and is called by Alexander Puchalski who has less chips. Autran shows KcJc draw, Puchalski with 9s9h set. The turn As and river Qd are no help to Autran for a double up to Puchalski.

14:30: Hwany Lee outkicked by Jianguo Zhou
Level 16: 2000-5000-5000 BB Ante

All in at the flop 4h6h10c. Hwany Lee with 10h9h, Jianguo Zhou with a better kicker Qh10s, the turn 2c and river 6s ends Lee’s day just one spot from the money.

14:20: Zhao Feng delivers a double bust
Level 16: 2000-5000-5000 BB Ante

Hand opens with Hak Do Kim all in with Ah{}, Meerwais Hussain joins with JcJs, then bigger stacked Zhao Feng puts them both at qsrisk by calling with a dominating KsKh. The board comes 2c7s7d8d7h for a sweep. Zhao chips up to 225,000.

14:10: Zdravko Duvnjak earns a good pot 
Level 16: 2000-5000-5000 BB Ante

On a board showing Jh4c10d4dKs, button player Zdravko Duvnjak bets 45,000 onto a pot of 77,000 with 5c4s trips and big blind Chhay Lim calls then pays.

14:05: Guodong Shi doubles through Lovgren
Level 16: 2000-5000-5000 BB Ante

Guodong Shi jams his remaining 17,000 stack with 2s2h and on the big blind Sofia Lovgren feels obligated to call with 10d3d. Though she is happy to see she has overcards, the board runs 2dKh9s3hAd for a set to Shi and a double up.

13:55: Nam Hyung Kim claims another stack
Level 15: 2,000-4,000-4,000 BB Ante

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Nam Hyung Kim

We only caught the hand as the player eliminated was walking away and APPT beast Nam Hyung Kim smiling while raking it in. It was a cooler with Kim holding AsAd over KdKh. Kim now sits with 760,000.

13:50: Eric Wasylenko doubles up through Duvnjak
Level 15: 2,000-4,000-4,000 BB Ante

Big blind special for Eric Wasylenko with his Kc6s landing trips on a board 5h6h2h6cJc to stay alive against Zdravko Duvnjak’s 10c10h.

13:40: Three way sends Yu Qi Zhao out early
Level 15: 2,000-4,000-4,000 BB Ante

Day 1C chip leader Yu Qi Zhao gambled his stack that ended up in a three way showdown. The hand opened with Haozhen Gu all in, Zhao joined in, then top dog Nam Hyung Kim called them both.

Kim KhQh
Zhao Ad6h
Gu QdJd

Kim hit the turn Jc7c3hKs5s to deliver a double knockout. He zoomed to 630,000.

13:30: Quang Nguyen in then out
Level 15: 2,000-4,000-4,000 BB Ante

At last night’s Day 1C turbo flight, Quang Nguyen said he just wanted to qualify into Day 2. He got his wish but his time in was very brief with his pocket Eights running into Dhanesh Chainani’s pocket Tens.

13:25: Natalie Teh doubles up through Jun Hao Wu
Level 15: 2,000-4,000-4,000 BB Ante

Natalie Teh all in with AhJd, and is in danger of elimination against Jun Hao Wu with KdKc, however, the gods of poker shined down on her with two Aces on the flop for trips Aces.

13:20: Xiao Wang doubles up with rockets
Level 15: 2,000-4,000-4,000 BB Ante

While players are being picked off, Xiao Wang is happy to survive his all in with AhAs dominating Chhay Lim’s AcKs. He climb to over 100,000.

13:18: Akshay Kapoor eliminates Shimabukuro
Level 15: 2,000-4,000-4,000 BB Ante

Another player goes bust. Takuya Shimabukuro jams with AcKh but runs into Akshay Kapoor’s KcKs. Kapoor at the 200,000 mark.

13:16: Chik Fatt Chan drags in a pot
Level 15: 2,000-4,000-4,000 BB Ante

Three players build a pot of 32,000 and the flop comes KhKsKs, all check. The turn 4d sees utg Chik Fatt Chan take a stab with a 9000 bet, called only by Daniel Smiljkovic as Cao Ngoc Anh folds. On the river Qd, Chan sends out 26,000 and claims the pot.

13:15: Benjamin Leblond eliminated by Duce
Level 15: 2,000-4,000-4,000 BB Ante

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Runt of the pack, Benjamin Leblond pushed his last 8 BB in the middle with KsQs but could not improve to fall to Zachary Duce’s AdJh.

13:10: Lars Madsen doubles up through Nevan Chang
Level 15: 2,000-4,000-4,000 BB Ante

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Lars Madsen

Nevan Yu Chung Chan all in with 4c4d, two spots over Lars Madsen joins the shove with KcKd. No bad beat arrives for a double up to Madsen to 85,000.

13:05: Michael Soyza wins a big pot against Ori Elul
Level 15: 2,000-4,000-4,000 BB Ante

On a board QcJcAs8sKc, Ori Elul has AhJd, Michael Soyza has 10d9d to win the 140,000 pot. Soyza just under 200,000.

Cards in the air for APPT Main Event Day 2!

We are back at the Grand Ballroom of NagaWorld Phnom Penh with the Main Event seeing 75 players on the hunt for a piece of the $494,991 prize pool and a seat to tomorrow’s final table race. The money begins at 55th place with the first payout earning $2,425. Good luck to all!

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Canada’s Alexander Puchalski wins the Main Event! 

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Alexander Puchalski

After seven hours of play, Canadian player Alexander Puchalski wins the first ever APPT Cambodia Main Event! He defeated Akshay Kapoor at heads up to seize the PokerStars shard trophy and the $96,028 top cash prize. Congratulations to the champ!

1st Alexander Puchalski $96,028
2nd Akshay Kapoor $60,884
3rd Renniel Galvez $44,005
4th Yu Chung Chang $35,590
5th Dinh Nguyen $28,165
6th Christopher Backhouse $21,681
7th Markus Garberg $16,137
8th Quoc Huy Phan $11,682
9th Michael Soyza $9,454

20:00: Akshay Kapoor eliminated in 2nd place – $60,884
Level 29: 50,000-100,000-100,000 BB Ante

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Akshay Kapoor

Alexander Puchalski limps in and big blind Akshay Kapoor checks it. Both players check it the flop and the turn 3c3sQd4h. The river 6h, Kapoor bets 400,000, Puchalski jams, Kapoor snap calls and shows Jd3d trips, Puchalski wins it with Qs3h full house.

19:50: Another double up for Akshay Kapoor
Level 29: 50,000-100,000-100,000 BB Ante

Akshay Kapoor limps in, Alexander Puchalski shoves, Kapoor snap-calls. Puchalski shows 9s7h, Kapoor with a premium AcKh, the board runs QsKd4s10d3d for another double up to Kapoor to 2,680,000. Puchalski dips to 8,660,000.

19:45: Akshay Kapoor doubles up
Level 29: 50,000-100,000-100,000 BB Ante

On the second heads up hand, Akshay Kapoor scores a double up to rise to 1,590,000. The hand opens with Alexander Puchalski shoving Qs9h, Kapoor snap calls for his tournament life with AsQc. The board is 10s8h3s6h2h. Puchalski dips to 9,750,000.

19:21: Heads up between Alexander Puchalski and Akshay Kapoor
Level 28: 40,000-80,000-80,000 BB Ante

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We are now heads up here at the Main Event with Alexander Puchalski sitting on a massive 10,175,000 (127 BB) stack to Kapoor’s 1,165,000 (14 BB).

Remaining payouts 

1st $96,028
2nd $60,884

19:20: Three way all in! Renniel Galvez eliminated in 3rd place – $44,405
Level 28: 40,000-80,000-80,000 BB Ante

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Renniel Galvez

Three way showdown here at the Main Event sends Renniel Galvez out in 3rd place for $44,405 and Alexander Puchalski soaring to the lead with over 10 Million in chips. The hand opens with button Akshay Kapoor raising to 160,000, small blind Galvez shoves his 2.25M stack, big blind Puchalski also moves all in for a larger 3.855M, Kapoor calls with the largest stack.

Galvez Ac4c
Puchalski JdJs
Kapoor QcQs

Kapoor ahead and looking like a sweep when the flop land 5h3c10d however with the turn Jh, the staunch Puchalski shows life for the first time and stands up to celebrate his set. The river 7c no change. Puchalski soars to 10,175,000, Kapoor down to 1,165,000.

19:10: Akshay Kapoor grinds to chip leader
Level 28: 40,000-80,000-80,000 BB Ante

Akshay Kapoor and Alexander Puchalski are active at the final three with both players getting small bets in to see the full board. Kapoor has been winning most of the pots and has now taken the lead. The most recent hand sees Puchalski limp in and Kapoor check the big blind. The board completes 7dAh7c9cJd. Kapoor bets 80,000 on the flop then 170,000 on the river that doesn’t get called. Kapoor shows 5c.

18:55: Alexander Puchalski wants to play
Level 28: 40,000-80,000-80,000 BB Ante

After cleaning out Yu Chung Chang, Akshay Kapoor asks the table again if they want to look at the numbers. The first time he asked was at four-handed and Yu Chung Chang said no. This time Alexander Puchalksi turns it down and say he want to continue playing. From here on, the blinds increase every 30 minutes instead of 60 minutes.

18:50: Yu Chung Chang eliminated in 4th place – $35,590
Level 28: 40,000-80,000-80,000 BB Ante

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End of the road for Taiwan’s Yu Chung Chang in 4th place. On his last hand, he raises from the button 160,000, small blinds Akshay Kapoor three-bets to 340,000, back to Chang with a four-bet jam, Kapoor calls.

Chang AdJs
Kapoor QhQc

The flop runs Ac9dJh for Chang to take the lead. The turn 10d adds more outs for Kapoor which he hits on the river Kc for a victorious straight. Chang is eliminated and earns a payout of $35,590. Kapoor rises to 4,300,000.

18:35: Alexander Puchalski now in the driver’s seat
Level 28: 40,000-80,000-80,000 BB Ante

Akshay Kapoor’s time up top was short lived after losing a pot to Alexander Puchalski. It opens with utg Puchalski raising to 160,000, small blind Kapoor three-bets to 600,000, Puchalski calls and the flop runs 6h5s10c. Kapoor c-bets 300,000 and Puchalski smooth-calls. Both players check the turn Kc, and the river lands 10d. Kapoor checks again, Puchalski announces all in. Kapoor folds then spends the next five minutes trying to get Puchalski to tell him what he had, at least one card. Puchalski says “maybe I had 4-5 suited, you know it’s one of my favorite hand”.

Puchalski climbs to 4,440,000, Kapoor drops to 2,855,000.

18:23: Akshay Kapoor steals the lead
Level 27: 30,000-60,000-60,000 BB Ante

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Akshay Kapoor

From the small blind Akshay Kapoor limps then calls Renniel Galvez’s 260,000 raise to see the flop 7s3d9d. Kapoor check-calls the 175,000 c-bet and the turn comes 10h. Both players check. The river Kc, Kapoor checks, Galvez bets 700,000, Kapoor jams, Galvez with the fast fold. Galvez down to 2.735M, Kapoor zooms to 3,850,000 and is the new race leader.

18:20: Renniel Galvez  under pressure
Level 27: 30,000-60,000-60,000 BB Ante

Renniel Galvez is no longer chip leading here having lost two pots back to back. The first one Akshay Kapoor limps from the small blind, big blind Renniel Galvez raises to 200,000, Kapoor three-bets all in, Galvez folds.

Now on the small blind, Galvez limps then calls Alexander Puchalski‘s 200,000 raise. Both check the flop Qh9d8d. The turn 6h Galvez check-calls 200,000. The river 10c both check again. Galvez has Ad10c that loses to Puchalski’s 9h6d two pair.

18:05: Akshay Kapoor celebrates his luck
Level 27: 30,000-60,000-60,000 BB Ante

From under the gun, Akshay Kapoor shoves his remaining 785,000 and big blind Yu Chung Chang calls. Kapoor is behind As9s to Chang’s AhQs. The board runs out 4dJs8h4s9h for a big cheer coming from Kapoor. He doubles up to 2,120,000. Chang drops to 2,540,000.

18:00: Yu Chung Chang wins half a mil off Puchalski
Level 27: 30,000-60,000-60,000 BB Ante

Action opens with utg player Yu Chung Chang raising to 125,000, big blind Alexander Puchalski defends, the flop comes JsAhKc. Chang c-bets 150,000, Puchalski check-calls. The turn Jd is checked by both, but the river 10h sees chips back on the felt with Chang betting 225,000. Puchalski calls then mucks to Chang’s AcKs. Chang over 3.5M, Puchalski drops to 2.5M.

17:50: Chips moving around the felt
Level 27: 30,000-60,000-60,000 BB Ante

Action has slowed significantly with everyone picking up small pots. Renniel Galvez won a couple to boost his stack to 4.25M to stay in high command. Short stacked Akshay Kapoor is sitting 1M even after winning a couple of pots.

17:30: Preflop war goes to Puchalski
Level 27: 30,000-60,000-60,000 BB Ante

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Alexander Puchalski

Button Alexander Puchalski raises to 120,000, small blind Yu Chung Chang three-bets to 400,000, Puchalski four-bets to 1M, Chang folds. Chang down to 3.1M, Puchalski rises again to 3M.

17:25: Alexander Puchalski shave half a mil off Kapoor
Level 27: 30,000-60,000-60,000 BB Ante

On a  board 9sKc4cQdJh, big blind Alexander Kapoor bets 320,000 and button Akshay Kapoor calls. Puchalski had 10c3c straight, Kapoor mucks his pocket Aces. Kapoor down to 1.25M, Puchalski rises to 1.76M.

17:15: Break time, 4 remaining
Level 27: 30,000-60,000-60,000 BB Ante

Second break of the final table, 4 players remaining. Average stack is 2,835,000.

Player Chips BB
Renniel Galvez 4,035,000 67
Nevan Yu Chung Chang 3,560,000 59
Alexander Puchalski 1,880,000 31
Akshay Kapoor 1,760,000 29

17:10: Dinh Nguyen eliminated in 5th place – $28,165
Level 26: 25,000-50,000-50,000 BB Ante

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Quoc Dinh Nguyen

From the button Dinh Nguyen shoves 1,030,000, small blind Yu Chung Chang tanks then announces all in, big blind Akshay Kapoor folds.

Nguyen Ac8h
Chang 7h7c

The board runs Kh3hKsJd5s to end Nguyen’s run in 5th place. He earns $28,165. Chang charges north to 3.7 Million.

16:50: Christopher Backhouse eliminated in 6th place – $21,681
Level 26: 25,000-50,000-50,000 BB Ante

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Hand opens with cutoff Akshay Kapoor bumping it up to 100,000, small blind Alexander Puchalski calls, big blind Christopher Backhouse three-bet jams, Kapoor folds, Puchalski calls and shows KcQc. It is a flip with Puchalski holding 5d5c. The board runs empty for Backhouse 8d10h2h3s10s to pack up in 6th place for $21,681. Puchalski climbs to 1,400,000.

16:45: Alexander Puchalski muscles Nguyen
Level 26: 25,000-50,000-50,000 BB Ante

Under the gun +1 Dinh guyen raises to 100,000, big blind Alexander Puchalski calls, the flop comes 6sJc4s. Both players check. The turn lands 4s, Puchalski bets 150,000 and is called. The river 9d, Puchalski double barrels with a 320,000 bet, Nguyen folds.

16:40: Yu Chung Chang picks up some off Puchalski
Level 26: 25,000-50,000-50,000 BB Ante

From cutoff, Alexander Puchalski raises to 100,000 and big blind Yu Chung Chang defends to see the flop Qc3h2d. Cbang check-calls 75,000 then both check the turn 8h. The river 9d, Chang leads out 185,000 and wins the pot. Chang rises to 2,600,000, Puchalski drops to 1 Million.

16:30: Renniel Galvez wins another two good pots
Level 26: 25,000-50,000-50,000 BB Ante

Chip leader Renniel Galvez is in command of the final 6 table picking up two pots to rise to 4.3 Million in chips. The first hand he siphons 275,000 off Alexander Puchalski‘s stack with a river bet of 210,000 on a board 4d10d7d5h{ks].

Galvez’s next winning hand he raises from utg to 100,000, button Dinh Nguyen calls, big blind Akshay Kapoor three-bets to 450,000, Galvez shoves, no callers.

16:20: Christopher Backhouse outdraws Galvez
Level 26: 25,000-50,000-50,000 BB Ante

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Christopher Backhouse

From cutoff, Renniel Galvez raises to 100,000 then faces a jam of 450,000 from the small blind Christopher Backhouse. Galvez calls and shows Ad8h, Backhouse is behind with KhQd. At the flop a King is on the window and the pair holds for a double up to Backhouse to 1 Million. Galvez drops a bit to 3,250,000 and is still chip leader.

16:10: No break for Markus Garberg, ousted in 7th place – $16,137
Level 25: 20,000-40,000-40,000 BB Ante

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Markus Garberg

Markus Garberg sends the last of his chips out front amounting to 330,000 and is called by button player Renniel Galvez. Garberg shows 7h7s, Galvez with Ac9c same hand where he won with quads. The board came JhJd5c6c8c for a flush to Galvez and 7th place for Garberg for $16,137. Galvez chips up to 3,800,000.

15:50: Dinh Nguyen turns the nut flush to avoid the rail
Level 25: 20,000-40,000-40,000 BB Ante

Another player doubles up through Markus Garberg with Dinh Nguyen spiking the flush to avoid the rail. Hand opens with an 80,000 raise from mid positioned Alexander Puchalski. Button player Nguyen shoves his 610,000 stack, small blind Garberg joins the jam, Puchalski gets out of the way.

Nguyen AdQs
Garbeg QcQd

The board runs 7d9d2d8d9c for the nut flush to Nguyen. Nguyen rises to 1,480,000, Garberg down to 330,000.

15:35: Heavy action ends with Akshay Kapoor banking a double up
Level 25: 20,000-40,000-40,000 BB Ante

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Akshay Kapoor

Action hand sees utg Markus Garberg raising to 80,000, called by three players to the flop 5s9s9d. It folds to Alexander Puchalski who bets 130,00, Dinh Nguyen check-folds, Markus Garberg check-raises to 325,000, mid position Akshay Kapoor check-raise-jams, instant fold from Puchalski and Garberg tanks. Garberg eventually calls and shows JdJh that’s behind Kapoor’s QcQh. The turn 7h and river 2c close the hand with a double up to Kapoor to 1,960,000. Garberg down to 1,150,000.

15:30: Renniel Galvez gets max pay for quads, new chip leader
Level 25: 20,000-40,000-40,000 BB Ante

Change of leadership here with short stacked Renniel Galvez at the start of day now the new chip leader. After cracking aces, he proceeds to double up again, this time getting maximum pay for quads.

The hand opens with button Yu Chung Chang raising to 90,000, big blind Galvez defends. At the flop 9d5s2c, Galvez check-calls the 100,000 bet. The turn lands 9s, Chang bets 150,000, Galvez check-raises to 350,000, Chang tank-calls and shows QhQs full house but Galvez has the nuts Ac9c quads. Galvez soars to the lead with 3,175,000, Chang drops to 2,100,000.

15:20: Renniel Galvez cracks aces to stay in the running
Level 25: 20,000-40,000-40,000 BB Ante

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Renniel Galvez is not going anywhere! Action opens with utg Nevan Chang raising to 80,000, mid position Galvez pushes with 10c10s, big blind Markus Garberg calls, Chang folds.

Galvez 10c10s
Garberg AhAc

The cards come 2c10hQs for a set to at risk player Galvez, the turn 4s and river 8c keep him ahead to crack aces and double up to 1,540,000. Garberg drops to 1,980,000.

15:05: Break time
Level 25: 20,000-40,000-40,000 BB Ante

First break of the day. 7 players remaining. Average stack 1,620,000.

Player Chips BB
Nevan Yu Chung Chang 3,585,000 90
Markus Garberg 2,680,000 67
Alexander Puchalski 1,630,000 41
Akshay Kapoor 905,000 23
Christopher Backhouse 1,060,000 27
Quoc Dinh Nguyen 860,000 22
Renniel Galvez 620,000 18

14:50: Renniel Galvez doubles up 
Level 24: 15,000-30,000-30,000 BB Ante

From lojack, Renniel Galvez pushes it all out front amounting to 310,000, Alexander Puchalsi calls, the rest fold. It is a flip with Puchalski 8c8s, Galvez KhQc. No hits on the board for Galvez until the river 10d2h10h4sQd for a double up to 715,000. Puchalski dips to 1,600,000.

14:25: Christopher Backhouse wins two pots
Level 24: 15,000-30,000-30,000 BB Ante

Action opens with cutoff Christopher Backhouse bumping it up to 60,000 and finding one caller in button player Dinh Nguyen. The flop AsKs7c, Backhouse c-bet 60,000, Nguyen calls. On the turn 7h no bets land for a river 2c. Backhouse checks again, Nguyen sends out 110,000, Backhouse calls and wins it with Ac3c two pair beating Nguyen’s Ac9c.

Several hands later, Backhouse wins another pot, this time defending his big blind from Yu Chung Chang who opens from hijack to 60,000. On the flop 3d2h5d, Chang c-bets 55,000, Backhouse calls. On the turn 6c Backhouse switches up and leads out 180,000, Chang folds. Backhouse goes over 1.2M.

14:00: Yu Chung Chang in action
Level 24: 15,000-30,000-30,000 BB Ante

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Chip leader Yu Chung Chang continues to grind for chips. He was seen in three hands within the orbit. The first one he min-raises and big blind Christopher Backhouse calls to see no bets to the turn QcJh10hKh. On the river 7s Chang bets 50,000, Backhouse folds.

Next hand, Chang raises from the big blind and small blind limper Markus Garberg calls. The board completes Qs6s5c5dQd, Garberg fires an overbet of 325,000, Chang loses this pot with a fold.

The very next hand, Chang raises from the small blind to 90,000 and is called by big blind Akshay Kapoor. At the flop 10sAsQs, Chang bets 60,000, Kapoor raises to 150,000, Chang answers with a shove, Kapoor folds while showing Ad top pair. Kapoor drops to 915,000, Chang rises to 3,450,000.

14:00: Renniel Galvez doubles up with Jacks
Level 23: 10.000-25,000-25,000 BB Ante

Short stacked Renniel Galvez down to 220,000 and shoves with black Jacks, he is called by Markus Garberg on the small blind with red Nines. The board runs low, no hits for Garberg for a double up to Galvez to 500,000. Garberg dips to 2.5M.

13:50: Quoc Huy Phan flushed out in 8th place – $11,682
Level 23: 10.000-25,000-25,000 BB Ante

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Quoc Huy Phan raises 50,000 from under the gun, small blind Alexander Puchalski calls to see the flop 4c4h10s. Puchalski check-calls a 75,000 bet. The turn 3h Phan bets 150,000, Puchalski check-raises all in, and Phan call for his tournament life.

Puchalski AhJh
Phan Ac10h

The river Kh grants the flush to end Phan’s run in 8th place for $11,682.

13:45: Akshay Kapoor gains a little from the big blind
Level 23: 10.000-25,000-25,000 BB Ante

Action folds to the small blind Yu Chung Chang who bumps it up to 100,000, big blind Akshay Kapoor defends, the flop comes 3h8c10d, both check. The turn 8s Chang bets 155,000, Kapoor calls. The river 2h is checked by both. Chang shows Qs2c bottom pair, Kapoor wins it with Ks3s to rise to 1.3M. Chang drops to 2.85M.

13:37: Alexander Puchalski versus Yu Chung Chang
Level 23: 10.000-25,000-25,000 BB Ante

For the second time, Nevan Yu Chung Chang raises 50,000 from cutoff and big blind Alexander Puchalski defends. The first round, Chang wins it with a flop bet. This time, both players check down the board 8c2d5cQc3c, Puchalski shows his AcQd nut flush that gets a chuckle from Chang.

13:35: Dinh Nguyen doubles up through Kapoor
Level 23: 10.000-25,000-25,000 BB Ante

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Dinh Nguyen raises from hijack and small blind Akshay Kapoor shoves, no thinking for Nguyen who risks his tournament life.

Nguyen QsQd
Kapoor AcQc

The board runs clean for Nguyen 6dKs8s8h2d for a fist pumping double up. He is over 1.1M, Kapoor drops to 1M.

13:25: Michael Soyza eliminated in 9th place – $9,454
Level 23: 10.000-25,000-25,000 BB Ante

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Michael Soyza is the first casualty of the final table. From mid position, Yu Chung Chang raises to 50,000, small blind Soyza three-bet jams, instant call by the leader Chang who has AsJd to Soyza’s Js10s. The cards ran QdAc9s for an open ended to Soyza, the turn Qs gave him more outs with a straight flush draw, but the river 2h isn’t one of them to end Soyza’s bid for second title short in 9th place. He earns $9,454 for his deep run.

13:20: Michael Soyza shoves on first hand
Level 23: 10.000-25,000-25,000 BB Ante

First hand of the day, short stacked Michael Soyza raises from mid position, no callers. He says “Okay ten more of those and then we’re good.” He climbs to 9 BB.

13:15: Cards in the air for the Main Event final day!
Level 23: 10.000-25,000-25,000 BB Ante

Welcome to the final day of the APPT Cambodia 2022 Main Event! The final 9 players are at the table and the first deal has been tabled. Up for grabs is $96,028 and the PokerStars shard trophy. Good luck to all!

Player Chips BB
Nevan Yu Chung Chang 3,115,000 125
Markus Garberg 2,420,000 97
Alexander Puchalski 1,700,000 68
Akshay Kapoor 1,485,000 59
Christopher Backhouse 990,000 40
Huy Phan 565,000 23
Quoc Dinh Nguyen 530,000 21
Renniel Galvez 340,000 14
Michael Soyza 165,000 7

Chips in play: 11,340,000
Average stack: 1,260,000

Remaining payouts

1st $96,028
2nd $60,884
3rd $44,005
4th $35,590
5th $28,165
6th $21,681
7th $16,137
8th $11,682
9th $9,454

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Korea’s Seongmin Lee wins the first APPT National of Cambodia

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Seongmin Lee

Korea’s Seongmin Lee entered heads up as chip leader and after two hours he defeated India’s Rajeev Kanjani to clinch his first ever APPT title! For his achievement, Lee banked the $30,133 top prize and was awarded the first iconic PokerStars shard trophy in Cambodia. Congratulations to the champ!

Final table payouts

1st Seongmin Lee Korea $30,133
2nd Rajeev Kanjani India $20,288
3rd Le Ngoc Khanh Vietnam $14,304
4th Eric Wasylenko Canada $11,597
5th Nam Hyung Kim Korea $9,175
6th Victor Chong Malaysia $6,967
7th Chi Ling Tsang Canada $5,086
8th Hak Do Kim Korea $3,719
9th Hua Wei Lin Taiwan $3,079

19:50: Rajeev Kanjani eliminated in 2nd place – $20,288
Level 26: 25,000-50,000-50,000 Ante BB

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From the button, Rajeev Kanjani raises to 100,000 and Seongmin Lee calls. At the flop Ac10h4c, Lee bets 100,000, Kanjani raises to 275,000, Lee jams, and Kanjani snaps.

Lee Ah2c

Kanjani 3c5c

The turn Js and river 5h come which are not the outs Kanjani is hoping for to end his run in 2nd place. Kanjani earns the $20,288 runner up cash prize.

 19:25: Rajeev Kanjani recoups some chips
Level 25: 20,000-40,000-40,000 Ante BB

Several hands after Seongmin Lee shipped a double up, he pays some back. Rajeev Kanjani all in with KsQc, Lee snap-calls with Kh10h, a Queen finds the board to further improve Kanjani. He doubles u p 2,300,000. Lee drops to 3,820,000.

19:20: Seongmin Lee doubles up 
Level 25: 20,000-40,000-40,000 Ante BB

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Button Rajeev Kanjani raises to 80,000, Seongmin Lee three-bets to 290,000, Kanjani calls and the flop comes 8c9h3h. Lee bets 210,000, Kanjani jams, snap-call from Lee.

Lee Qc9c top pair, Kanjani has 6s7s draw, the turn 7d gives Kanjani more outs, but the 2h isn’t one of them to pay Lee the maximum. Lee up to 4,430,000, Kanjani drops to 1,690,000.

18:50: Rajeev Kanjani grinding down Lee
Level 25: 20,000-40,000-40,000 Ante BB

Rajeev Kanjani continues to grind down Seongmin Lee. He has now surged to over 2:1 in chips. One of the hands helping him saw the pot build to 520,000. The flop 7h6cKh added more to the pile with Kanjani betting 500,000 and Lee fast calling. The turn 7s and river Ac saw no more bets land. Kanjani showed 8d8s to win it. Lee showed his Jh9h missed draw.

Kanjani rises to 4,14,000, Lee drops to 1,980,000.

18:40: Rajeev Kanjani takes the lead
Level 24: 15,000-30,000-30,000 Ante BB

After numerous pots going to each side, Rajeev Kanjani takes down a big one to claim the status of chip leader for the first time. On a board 2hQh3d6d, Kanjani bets 275,000 and Lee check calls. On the river Ks, Kanjani bangs out 650,000 and Lee calls once more. Kanjani turns over AsAh, Lee mucks.

Kanjani rises to 3,410,000, Lee drops to 2,710,000.

18:05: Heads up between Seongmin Lee and Rajeev Kanjani
Level 24: 15,000-30,000-30,000 Ante BB

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After five hours, it is down to the final two players Korea’s Seongmin Lee and India’s Rajeev Kanjani! The pair is guaranteed $20,288 but what they will be battling for is the $30,133 top prize and the iconic PokerStars shard trophy.

Seongmin Lee – Korea – 3,960,000
Rajeev Kanjani – India – 2,160,000

18:00: Le Ngoc Khanh out in 3rd place – $14,304
Level 24: 15,000-30,000-30,000 Ante BB

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Le Ngoc Kanh

The day’s entering chip leader Le Ngoc Khanh settles for a 3rd place finish with all of his chips claimed by Seongmin Lee. Khanh all in with Ah10s, Lee with AcJc, the board comes Qs4d2s8h2d. Khanh earns $14,304 for his strong run.

17:40: Eric Wasylenko eliminated in 4th place – $11,597
Level 24: 15,000-30,000-30,000 Ante BB

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Eric Wasylenko

Eric Wasylenko is the next player to depart here at the final table. He three-bet jams on Seongmin Lee’s min-raise preflop, Lee tanks using up a time bank then calls.

Wasylenko Ac6h
Lee Ah10c

Wasylenko is dominated and stays that way throughout the 5d4h10d8hJh board. He earns $11,597 for his efforts. Lee drives his stack t 2,800,000.

17:25: Chip counts at the break
Level 24: 15,000-30,000-30,000 Ante BB

Seongmin Lee – 2,270,000
Rajeev Kanjani – 2,215,000
Le Ngoc Khanh – 1,100,000
Eric Wasylenko – 590,000

17:15: Nam Hyung Kim exits in 5th place – $9,175
Level 23: 10,000-25,000-25,000 Ante BB

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Nam Hyung Kim is once again denied a title here at APPT Cambodia. Sitting on his fourth final table, the hot running Korean settles for a 5th place finish at APPT National. He puts it all in with Ac2c and is snap-called by Rajeev Kanjani with KhKd. The board produces two clubs but dries up on the river. Kim adds $9,175 to his other series winnings.

Kanjani zooms to 2,250,000 and trails the leader Seongmin Lee by only 6 BB.

17:00: Eric Wasylenko survives 
Level 23: 10,000-25,000-25,000 Ante BB

Eric Wasylenko risks his tournament life with As6s and is put in the hot seat by Le Ngoc Khanh with a bigger stack and Qd8d. When the flop runs 9s10c8c Khanh pairs up. The turn Ah changes them up with top pair to Wasylenko which holds on the river 7d. Wasylenko up to 725,000, Khanh drops to 825,000.

16:45: Victor Chong packs up in 6th place – $6,967
Level 23: 10,000-25,000-25,000 Ante BB

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Victor Chong

Victor Chong all in preflop with AcKc, Le Ngoc Khanh challenges with Ad9s, the board runs 2hQs9c10h3h. Chong earns $6,967, Khanh climbs back up to 1,200,000.

16:35: New chip leader! Seongmin Lee doubles up through Khanh
Level 23: 10,000-25,000-25,000 Ante BB

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The biggest pot of the day so far with Seongmin Lee banking a massive double up off Le Ngoc Khanh. That means we have a new leader here. The hand sends Khanh down to 830,000 while Lee catapults to  2,700,000.

Catching the action only at the river betting, the board is 7cKs3s2dJh and 575,000 weighing down the middle. Big blind Khanh bet the pot, Lee shoves 990,000. With 415,000 to call, Khanh tanks, using up his remaining two time banks. Khanh reluctantly calls and shows Kh2h however he is way beat by Lee’s JcJs.

16:30: Adrian Tsang eliminated in 7th place – $5,086
Level 23: 10,000-25,000-25,000 Ante BB

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Chi Ling Tsang

Despite Adrian Chi Ling Tsang’s early double up, he still struggled as the shortest stack. Down to 7 BB, Tsang sends it all in with Jd4d and gets called by the leader Le Ngoc Khanh with Ad8c. The board drops an Ace on the flop and a Jack on the turn but no more to end Tsang’s run in 7th place. He earns $5,086.

16:00: Up and down for Eric Wasylenko 
Level 22: 10,000-20,000-20,000 Ante BB

Eric Wasylenko’s stack has been seesawing quite a bit. After paying a double up to Rajeev Kanjani, he wins a small pot against short stacked Chi Ling Tsang, then loses some to Seongmin Lee. The second hand Lee raises 40,000 from mid position, Wasylenko three-bets to 140,000, Lee calls. At the flop 5hAh6s, Wasylenko slides out 70,000, Lee announces all in, fold from Wasylenko who is now down to 525,000. Lee rises to 1,270,000.

15:40: Rajeev Kanjani fully paid for his top two pair
Level 22: 10,000-20,000-20,000 Ante BB

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Rajeev Kanjani

From hijack, Eric Wasylenko raises to 40,000, cutoff Rajeev Kanjani and small blind Seongmin Lee calls. On the flop 6d5sQh, Wasylenko c-bets 50,000, only Kanjani calls. The turn Kc, Wasylenko bets 90,000, Kanjani goes all in for 420,000, Wasylenko with the quick call.

Wasylenko AdKd
Kanjani KhQd

The river Qc further improves Kanjani to a full house to double up to 1,120,000. Wasylenko drops to 640,000.

15:30: Nam Hyung Kim gains some off Khanh
Level 22: 10,000-20,000-20,000 Ante BB

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Namhyung Kim

From utg+1, Nam Hyung Kim raises to 40,000, big blind Le Ngoc Khanh defends to see the flop Ah4c2s. Kim c-bets 35,000, Khanh check-raises to 105,000, Kim calls. On the turn 10h, Khanh checks again, Kim bets 80,000, Khanh folds.

Kim rises to 770,000, Khanh dips to 1,760,000.

15:15: Chip counts at the break
Level 22: 10,000-20,000-20,000 Ante BB

Chips in play: 6,120,000
Average stack: 874,285

Le Ngoc Khanh 1,880,000 94
Seongmin Lee 1,233,000 62
Eric Wasylenko 1,200,000 60
Nam Hyung Kim 470,000 24
Rajeev Kanjani 470,000 24
Victor Chong 300,000 15
Chi Ling Tsang 300,000 15

14:40: Rajeev Kanjani doubles up through Wasylenko
Level 21: 8,000-16,000-16,000 Ante BB

All in preflop with at risk player Rajeev Kanjani showing pocket Kings, Eric Wasylenko challenges with pocket Jacks, no bad beat arrives for a double up to Kanjani to 606,000. Wasylenko dips to 1,400,000.

14:30: Hak Do Kim eliminated in 8th place – $3,719
Level 21: 8,000-16,000-16,000 Ante BB

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Hak Do Kim

Eric Wasylenko raises to 33,000, Hak Do Kim three-bets to 100,000, Wasylenko pushes, Kim risks it and shows AdKd. Wasylenko ahead with QdQh. No help comes on the board for Kim to end his run in 8th place for $3,719.

Wasylenko goes back up to 1,680,000.

14:20: Eric Wasylenko mucks to Le Ngoc Khanh
Level 21: 8,000-16,000-16,000 Ante BB

Eric Wasylenko raises to 33,000, big blind Le Ngoc Khanh defends. On the flop 9c4cQc, Khanh check-calls Wasylenko’s 25,000. On the turn Kc both players check. The river Ah, Wasylenko bets 50,000, Khanh tanks then slides in the call. Wasylenko mucks.

Khanh rises to 2,100,000. Wasylenko drops to 1,15,0000.

14:10: Hua Wei Lin eliminated in 9th place – $3,079
Level 20: 6,000-12,000-12,000 Ante BB

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Hua Wei Lin

Hua Wei Lin is the first casualty of the final table. Hijack Rajeev Kanjani opens with a 25,000 raise, from cutoff Lin three-bet shoves with 209,000, small blind chip leader Le Ngoc Khanh calls and Kanjani bows out.

Lin As10s
Khanh AhQs

With the flop Ac6s4c Lin is deeper in the hole. The turn 4c keeps her behind with only a possibility of a Ten or split. However, the river 7h are none of her outs to stay in the running. She earns $3,079 for her 9th place finish. Khanh rises to over 2,000,000.

13:40: Two more pots for Eric Wasylenko, rises to over 1.2M
Level 20: 6,000-12,000-12,000 Ante BB

Eric Wasylenko is owning this opening level with another two pots sent his way. Action for the first pot, mid position Wasylenko raises to 25,000, beside him Rajeev Kanjani and big blind Seongmin Lee call. At the flop Kh8h[2c}, Wasylenko c-bet 22,000, check-called only by Lee. On the turn 5d, Lee check-folds to a 100,000 bet.

Two hands after, a bigger pot for Wasylenko. He raises from utg+1 to 25,000 and both blinds call – Victor Chong and Nam Hyung Kim. At the flop Qc7c5s, blinds check, Wasylenko c-bets 30,000 and only big blind Kim continues. On the turn 5d both players check. The river Jd, Kim switches up and leads out for 125,000, Wasylenko calls it. Kim shows 10c2c missed draw, Wasylenko takes it with 9s9h.

Wasylenko up to 1,240,000 to climb in to second rank, Kim drops to 630,000.

13:30: Le Ngoc Khanh takes from Seongmin Lee
Level 20: 6,000-12,000-12,000 Ante BB

Chip leader Le Ngoc Khanh and Seongmin Lee stare down a board AcJd3cQs6h and a 182,000 pot already in the middle. Both players checked the river. Khanh shows Ah2h, Lee quickly mucks.

13:20: Eric Wasylenko wins back to back pots
Level 20: 6,000-12,000-12,000 Ante BB

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Eric Wasylenko is now sitting with over 800,000 chips having won back to back hands. The first pot sees Nam Hyung Kim raise from the button to 24,000, big blind Wasylenko three-bets to 95,000, back to Kim with a four-bet to210,000, Wasylenko shoves. Kim folds giving up his big bet. Kim drops to 750,000.

Next hand, mid position Seongmin Lee raises from mid position and gets called by the blinds Wasylenko and Rajeev Kanjani. At the flop 8d3hQh, Lee c-bets 32,000, Wasylenko check-folds while Kanjani drops out. No bets land on the Kd turn, but the river Qs Wasylenko sends out  110,000 that gets a fast fold from Lee.

13:10: Chi Ling Tsang hits the nut flush 
Level 20: 6,000-12,000-12,000 Ante BB

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Immediate showdown here at the final table as Adrian Chi Ling Tsang three-bet shoved his 8 BB stack from the button position and initial raiser Victor Chong calling.

Tsang AcJc
Chong 10c10d

The board runs 9c3cQhKc3h. Chong drops a tower to 373,000, Tsang up over 230,000.

Welcome to the FINAL DAY of the APPT National!
Level 20: 6,000-12,000-12,000 Ante BB

Cards are in the air! Blinds increase every 60 minutes. Good luck to all!

Final table formed!

With the fall of Marc Joseph in 10th place, the final 9 was formed. They return tomorrow, November 9 at 1pm for the last dash to the finish line. Awaiting the champion is the $30,133 top cash prize and the PokerStars shard trophy. Congratulations to the qualifiers!

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Upper row (L-R): Le Ngoc Khanh, Seongmin Lee, Nam Hyung LKim, Eric Wasylenko; Lower row (L-R): Victor Chong, Hua Wei Lin, Rajeev Kanjani, Hak Do Kim, Chi Ling Tsang

Final 9 players by rank

Chips in play: 6,120,000
Average stack: 680,000
Final day opening blinds: 6,000-12,000-12,000 Ante BB

Player Chips BB
Le Ngoc Khanh 1,673,000 139
Seongmin Lee 1,081,000 90
Nam Hyung Kim 1,070,000 89
Eric Wasylenko 609,000 51
Victor Chong 473,000 39
Hua Wei Lin 408,000 34
Rajeev Kanjani 387,000 32
Hak Do Kim 319,000 27
Chi Ling Tsang 100,000 8

Remaining payouts

1st $30,133
2nd $20,288
3rd $14,304
4th $11,597
5th $9,175
6th $6,967
7th $5,086
8th $3,719
9th $3,079

Payouts 10th to 31st

10th Marc Joseph $2,607
11th Chhay Lem Lim $2,607
12th Duc Thanh Nguyen $2,322
13th Pete Chen $2,322
14th Harry Nicholas Ross $2,109
15th Max Menzel $2,109
16th Nevan Yu Chung Chang $1,895
17th Chao Ting Cheng $1,895
18th Bonil Koo $1,681
19th Florencio Campomanes $1,681
20th David Erquiaga $1,681
21st Michael Soyza $1,539
22nd Meerwais Hussein $1,539
23rd Ceesvin Abdulla $1,539
24th Natalie Teh $1,396
25th Zhao Feng $1,396
26th Dhanesh Chainani $1,396
27th Zdravko Duvnjak $1,396
28th Kyle Bao Diep $1,254
29th Dale Townsend $1,254
30th Yu Qi Zhao $1,254
31st Jonas Magdalinski $1,254

18:40: Marc Joseph misses the final table by one spot
Level 20: 6,000-12,000-12,000 Ante BB

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Marc Joseph

Marc Joseph has been surviving with a short stack all day but his path forward was eventually blocked by Hua Wei Lin. All in preflop, Lin’s As5h dominated Joseph’s 8s6c. The board ran AhJh5dKd8d. Joseph exited in 10th place for $2,607.

18:30: Le Ngoc Khanh takes from Kim again, climbs to 1.6M
Level 20: 6,000-12,000-12,000 Ante BB

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Le Ngoc Khanh

Le Ngoc Khanh continues to take on Nam Hyung Kim to drive his stack to 1.6M. Button Kim raised preflop and big blind Khanh defended. At the flop 4dJsKs, Kim c-bet 30,000, Khanh check-called. On the turn Jc, Khanh switched up and led for 75,000, Kim called. The river 7d, Khanh banged out 140,000, Kim called once more. Khanh had it QdJd trips to beat Kim’s AdAc. Kim drops to 1M.

18:20: Clem Lim busts in 11th place to Wasylenko
Level 20: 6,000-12,000-12,000 Ante BB

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All in preflop for Clem Lim with QcQd, Eric Wasylenko is flipping with AdKs, the flop finds a King and holds to end Lim’s run in 11th place for $2,607. 

18:15: Le Ngoc Khanh takes the lead
Level 20: 6,000-12,000-12,000 Ante BB

Le Ngoc Khanh has taken command having just won three consecutive pots with the largest one against Nam Hyung Kim. The hand between them saw a board complete 3dKhJc7s9d and a pot of 400,000. Kim showed As10s, Khanh shipped it with QcQd. Khanh up to 1.4M, Kim with 1.34M.

18:00: Seongmin Lee with quads, ends Duc Thanh Nguyen
Level 19: 5,000-10,000-10,000 Ante BB

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Seongmin Lee

Seongmin Lee was happy to share the action of his recent takedown. Lee opened from utg+1, big blind Duc Thanh Nguyen three-bet to 70,000, Lee called. At the flop 6x7x3x, Nguyen checked, Lee shoved, Nguyen snap-called and showed pocket JxJs. Lee had 6x6s set, and with the turn 7x and river 6x Lee further improved to quads to eliminate Nguyen and chip up to 900,000. Nguyen ends in 12th place for $2,322.

17:50: Le Ngoc Khanh chunks Tsang
Level 19: 5,000-10,000-10,000 Ante BB

After back to back pots, Chi Ling Tsang enters the next one. Action opens with utg Pete Chen all in for his last 2,000, button Le Ngoc Khanh raises to 22,000, small blind Tsang three-bets to 80,000, Khanh calls for a big side pot. No bets on the flop 4sKcAd but on the turn Ah, Khanh bets 60,000 and Tsang check-calls. The river 9s, Tsang leads out for 100,000, and just before time runs out, Khanh calls. Tsang shows 10s10h, Chen Jc8d, Khanh ships it with Ks7s. Khanh rises to 1M, Tsang drops to 186,000. Chen eliminated in 13th place for $2,322.

17:40: Chi Ling Tsang on the rise, cripples Chen
Level 19: 5,000-10,000-10,000 Ante BB

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Chi Ling Tsang

Chi Ling Tsang sends his 133,000 stack out front and finds a caller in Pete Chen who has 135,000. Tsang has 7h7d, Chen AhQc, the board grants Tsang the nuts Kc7sKs5d7c for quads and the double up. Chen down to 2,000.

Next hand, Nam Hyung Kim raises from cutoff to 22,000, big blind Tsang defends. At the flop Kd9s4d, Tsang check-calls 25,000. On the turn Jc, Tsang check-jams, Kim folds. Tsang chips up to 425.000.

17:30: Final 14 players
Level 19: 5,000-10,000-10,000 Ante BB

1 Rajeev Kanjani 453,000
2 Nam Hyung Kim 1,590,000
3 Hak Do Kim 280,000
4 Le Ngoc Khanh 925,000
5 Chi Ling Tsang 130,000
6 Marc Joseph 217,000
7 Pete Chen 160,000
1 Hua Wei Lin 370,000
2 Eric Wasylenko 300,000
3 Duc Thanh Nguyen 220,000
4 Harry Ross 44,000
5 Chhay Lem 470,000
6 Seongmin Lee 613,000
7 Victor Chong 490,000

17:10: Duc Thanh Nguyen paid with rockets
Level 18: 4,000-8,000-8,000 Ante BB

Short stacked Duc Thanh Nguyen ships a double up with AsAh dominating Max Menzel’s KdQh. The board ran low with an Ace on the river.

17:00: Nam Hyung Kim rails Bonil Koo, rises to 1.36M
Level 18: 4,000-8,000-8,000 Ante BB

Another one bites the dust to the chip leader Nam Hyung Kim. His latest victim was Bonil Koo who topped Day 1B. We aren’t sure on the action but the board was 3d7c8dKsQd. Koo had 8s7s two pair on the flop, Kim had 10d7d flush on the river.

16:40: Clem Lim doubles up through Chen
Level 18: 4,000-8,000-8,000 Ante BB

Clem Lim opened from cutoff, small blind Pete Chen jammed, Lim called with AcQs, Chen had 8s8d for a flip. With the board running 10s7cQd5d5c it was a double up for Lim to 420,000 and Chen down to 45,000.

16:30: Double KO! Michael Soyza and David Erquiaga fall to Khanh
Level 17: 3,000-6,000-6,000 Ante BB

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Three way all in with button player Michael Soyza initiating the shove, joined by small blind Le Ngoc Khanh, then big blind David Erquiaga tank called despite being covered.

Soyza Kc2c
Khanh AhKh
Erquiaga 9c9d

The board came 10dJh8hAcKh for a sweep for Khanh. He shot up to 600,000. Soyza finished 21st and Erquiaga 20th.

16:20: Rajeev Kanjani four-bets Lee
Level 17: 3,000-6,000-6,000 Ante BB

Rajeev Kanjani raised to 30,000, Seongmin Lee three-bet to 70,000, Kanjani quickly four-bet shoved, Lee folded.

16:10: Nam Hyung Kim breaches 1M
Level 17: 3,000-6,000-6,000 Ante BB

Nam Hyung Kim continues to exert dominance with another pot claimed to see his stack spill over 1M. At 22 remaining, he is way over the average of 266,000. The hand opened with a shove by Meerwais Hussein, action folded around to the big blind Kim who called. Hussein was behind KsQd to Kim’s As7c. The board ran low.

16:00: New Level sees Nam Hyung Kim on the move
Level 17: 3,000-6,000-6,000 Ante BB

After four levels, no other player has come close to Nam Hyung Kim‘s stack. Though they try, he continues to rake in the chips. His recent win was against button Le Ngoc Khanh who called utg Kim’s 12,000 raise preflop. At the flop 10c8h6c, Kim c-bet 15k, Khanh called. On the turn Jd, Kim checked, Le slid out 55k, Kim shoved, Khanh folded.

15:55: Pete Chen rails Ceesvin Abdulla
Level 16: 2,000-5,000-5,000 Ante BB

All in preflop with short stacked Ceesvin Abdulla risking it with Js10s but Pete Chen had AhQc that further improved when an Ace turned up.

15:50: Le Ngoc Khanh’s aces get the max
Level 16: 2,000-5,000-5,000 Ante BB

Short stacked Le Ngoc Khanh only had 35,000 behind by the turn board 5c7dJs6h. Natalie Teh bet his stack, Khanh called and showed AhAc. Teh had AsKh and was drawing dead. Khanh doubled up to 155,000.

15:45: David Erquiaga finishes off Zhao
Level 16: 2,000-5,000-5,000 Ante BB

Yu Qi Zhao tossed the rest of his chip in with AsJc to battle with, David Erquiaga had 8c8h. The board ran 8s4sQd4d2c for the boat.

15:40: Max Menzel ships a monster off Zhao
Level 16: 2,000-5,000-5,000 Ante BB

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Max Menzel

Yu Qi Zhao plunged to 6 BB after paying a monster double up to Max Menzel. From utg+1 Zhao opened 12k preflop, got called by a player in mid-position, and big blind Menzel defended. The flop 5x6x8x Menzel checked his 5x6x suited, Zhao jammed with pocket Tens, fold by mp player. The turn and river didn’t produce Zhao’s two-outer for Menzel to ship it and climb to 340,000.

15:20: Florencio Campomanes shoves out Cheng
Level 16: 2,000-5,000-5,000 Ante BB

On a turn board 4s6h2s10s, Florencio Campomanes pushed his 82,000 stack which was just under the 84k pot, Chao Ting Cheng tanked then folded. Campomanes showed a 2c.

15:10: New round begins
Level 16: 2,000-5,000-5,000 Ante BB

31 players have returned from a 10-minute break. They are all in the money and are guaranteed $1,254. They play down to the Final 9.

14:55: Zdravko Duvnjak doubles up through Chang
Level 15: 2,000-4,000-4,000 Ante BB

After the bubble burst, Zdravko Duvnjak was all in with pocket Queens which held against Nevan Yu Chung Chang’s pocket Tens for a double up.

14:50: Patrick Liang bubbles! 
Level 15: 2,000-4,000-4,000 Ante BB

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Less than two hours into the final day, the bubble burst with Patrick Liang falling to Eric Wasylenko. By the river 5s8hAs3c7c, the pair built a pot of 162,000. Wasylenko slid out a tower of oranges that well covered Liang’s stack. Liang tanked using up two time banks then closed his eyes and called for his tournament life. Liang turned over Ac10c top pair but was way behind Wasylenko’s 7d7h set.

14:35: Max Menzel rises to 140k
Level 15: 2,000-4,000-4,000 Ante BB

Max Menzel entered the day with 11 BB and has now bumped it up to 20 BB of 140,000. One hand that helped him was a double up through David Erquiaga with pocket Nines dominating pocket Eights.

14:30: Kyle Bao Diep doubles up through Madsen
Level 15: 2,000-4,000-4,000 Ante BB

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Kyle Bao Diep

Kyle Bao Diep is all in with AsKc and Lars Madsen gives him a sweat with AdQh. The flop runs QsJc9c for added stress to Diep, no change at the turn 7s but the river Kh is a sigh of relief for Diep as he doubles up to over 100,000.

14:20: New level sees Rajeev Kanjani rail Raja Puttamsetty
Level 15: 2,000-4,000-4,000 Ante BB

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Rajeev Kanjani

Raja Puttamsetty is all in with 4c4s and Rajeev Kanjani calls it with KdJc. A king finds the board to end Puttamsetty. Kanjani chips up to 385,000.

14:10: Back to back jams for Yu Qi Zhao against Nam Hyung Kim
Level 14: 1,500-3,000-3,000 Ante BB

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Namhyung Kim and Yu Qi Zhao

Two consecutive pots sent Yu Qi Zhao zooming to 285,000 and both hands were against the leader Nam Hyung Kim. On the first clash, they faced a flop 2d9dKc with a raised pot pre in the middle. Hijack Kim check-called cutoff Zhao’s 24,000 bet. On the turn 2h, Zhao jammed, Kim check-folded.

The next hand, Kim raised to 9,000 preflop, called by Zhao. The flop JsJcQd, Kim check-raised the 9,000 bet to make it 27,000. Zhao called. On the turn 6d, Kim bet 45,000, Zhao shoved, quick fold from Kim.

14:00: Lars Lind Madsen doubles up through Magdalinski
Level 14: 1,500-3,000-3,000 Ante BB

Heavy action preflop began with a raise by utg+1 Lars Madsen, called by Hak Do Kim, three-bet jam by Jonas Magdalinski, Madsen joined with less chips, Kim folded.

Magdalinski AdQs
Madsen 10h10s

The board ran 6s9d3c4cJs for a double up to Madsen to 145,000. Magdalinski down to 24,500.

13:50: Seongmin Lee chips ip with two pair
Level 14: 1,500-3,000-3,000 Ante BB

Facing a board Ah8h10s3d7s, Florencio Campomanes bet 27,000 onto a pot of 56,500, Seongmin Lee calls. Campomanes has AcQs, Lee wins it with Ad8d two pair to chip up to 171,000.

13:40: New level begins
Level 14: 1,500-3,000-3,000 Ante BB

Six players fell in the opening level. New round begins with 45 players. Money is still 14 spots away starting at 31st place.

13:35: Hamish Crawshaw jams for the pot
Level 14: 1,500-3,000-3,000 Ante BB

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Hamish Crawshaw

On a raised pot preflop, the cards come 10h6s5h, Quan Qiu checks, Hamish Crawshaw bets 12,500, Qiu makes it 25,000, Crawshaw three-bet jams, Qiu tank folds after using up one time bank. Crawshaw up to 110,000.

13:30: Nevan Chang rails Derek Wang
Level 13: 1,000-2,500-2,500 Ante BB

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Yu Chung Chang

One of the day’s early casualties is Derek Wang. He raise-shoves Nevan Yu Chung Chang on a flop 8h9s3h and finds his 9h7s dominated by Chang’s Ad9d. The turn 3d and river 2s change nothing to send him packing. Chang climbs to around 260,000.

13:20: Rajeev Kanjani wins a splash of chips
Level 13: 1,000-2,500-2,500 Ante BB

From utg, Rajeev Kanjani min-raises to 5,000 and finds three players to the flop 5d8hJs. No bets land for a free look at the turn 9h. Kanjani bets 12,000, everyone folds. Kanjani chips up to around 265,000.

13:10: Top dog Namhyung Kim earns a decent pot
Level 13: 1,000-2,500-2,500 Ante BB

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Namhyung Kim

Catching the massive chip leader Nam Hyung Kim in action, he gathers in a pot against David Erquiaga. From button Kim shows 10-3 offsuit that paired on a board 10-King-2-6-2. Erquiaga called the river bet and said he had Ace-high.

13:00: Cards in the air! 
Level 13: 1,000-2,500-2,500 Ante BB

Cards in the air for Day 2 / Final Day of the APPT National! Updates here throughout the day.

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Welcome to the final day of the APPT National! 51 players return today to hunt down the iconic PokerStars shard trophy and the $30,133 top cash prize. They play down to the Final 9 players. Korea’s Nam Hyung Kim leads the pack with a mighty 221 BB stack. Money begins at 31st place. Chip counts and payout below. Cards in the air at 1pm.

Buy in: $800
Guarantee: $100,000
Entries: 204 (126 unique, 78 re-entries)
Prize pool: $142,474
ITM: 31 places

Final day qualifiers – 51 players

Chips in play: 6,120,000
Average stack: 120,000
Opening blinds: 1000-2500-2500 Ante BB

Player Chips BB
Nam Hyung Kim 553,500 221
Yu Qi Zhao 275,000 110
David Erquiaga 232,500 93
Rajeev Kanjani 229,000 92
Bonil Koo 227,000 91
Florencio Campomanes 202,000 81
Harry Nicholas Ross 199,000 80
Hua-Wei Lin 196,500 79
Hak Do Kim 195,000 78
Alessio Isaia 183,000 73
Raja Sekhar Puttamsetty 174,000 70
Pete Yen Han Chen 165,500 66
Chao Ting Cheng 151,500 61
Dale Andrew Townsend 149,500 60
Duc Thanh Nguyen 147,000 59
Lars Lind Madsen 141,500 57
Natalie Teh 138,000 55
Emmanuel Segismundo 133,000 53
Po Wen Fang 128,000 51
Chay Lem Lim 123,000 49
Eric Wasylenko 119,500 48
Marc Joseph 109,500 44
Meerwais Hussain 108,000 43
Jimmy Hien Diep 108,000 43
Chi Ling Tsang 105,500 42
Dhanesh Chainani 104,500 42
Jonas Magdalinski 104,000 42
Hoa Thinh Nguyen 98,500 39
Patrick Liang 96,500 39
Michael Soyza 90,500 36
Clement Van Driessche 88,500 35
Trent Fechter 88,000 35
Quan Qiu 78,500 31
Victor Chong 72,000 29
Zhao Feng 70,500 28
Zdravko Duvnjak 62,000 25
Derek Wei-Yee Wang 62,000 25
Yu Chung Chang 60,000 24
Ngoc Khanh Le 58,000 23
Kyle Bao Quoc An Diep 57,000 23
Gyula Ryan Revai 52,000 21
Hassaan Arif Siddiq 51,000 20
Koen Breed 48,000 19
Seongmin Lee 48,000 19
Daniel Holmedahl 46,500 19
Ceesvin Abraham Abdulla 45,500 18
Hamish Crawshaw 39,000 16
Renniel Galvez 38,500 15
Zarvan Tumboli 33,000 13
Max Menzel 27,500 11
Go Mori 21,500 9


1st $30,133
2nd $20,288
3rd $14,304
4th $11,597
5th $9,175
6th $6,967
7th $5,086
8th $3,719
9th $3,079
10th-11th $2,607
12th-13th $2,322
14th-15th $2,109
16th-17th $1,895
18th-20th $1,681
21st-23rd $1,539
24th-27th $1,396
28th-31st $1,254

Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly.
Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.

Vietnam’s Mai Bien wins the NagaWorld Kickoff for $15,709!


Vietnam’s Mai Bien dominated heads up against Mike Takayama to climb from behind and win the NagaWorld Kickoff! Mai pocketed the $15,709 first prize and the coveted spade trophy. Congratulations to the new champ!

Final table payouts

1st Mai Bien $15,709
2nd Mike Takayama $9,695
3rd Adrien Franck Berger $7,267
4th Dhanesh Chainani $5,881
5th Yu Qi Zhao $4,636
6th Eike Soren Strub $3,540
7th Renniel Galvez $2,600
8th Koen Breed $1,911
9th Namhyung Kim $1,566

Payouts 10th to 46th 

10th Tung Nguyen $1,316
11th Trent Fechter $1,316
12th Quoc Huy Phan $1,159
13th Veronica Safonova $1,159
14th Wai Meng Khor $1,041
15th David Koy $1,041
16th Jonathan Sanborn $924
17th Kim Lay Ly $924
18th Quan Qiu $807
19th Pete Chen $807
20th Le Ngoc Khanh $807
21st Panitan Poopadsri $728
22nd Jonas Magdalinski $728
23rd Zarvan Tumboli $728
24th Yu Chung Chang $650
25th Tony Phaysith $650
26th Mohamad Abbouchi $650
27th Selim Souissi $650
28th Marc Joseph $572
29th Go Mori $572
30th Bin Chen $572
31st Kyle Bao Diep $572
32nd Kristian Wiermyhr $501
33rd Christopher Mateo $501
34th Luke Oliver John Keay $501
35th Jerome Khao $501
36th Nhu Hai Le $501
37th Kane Yoon Ko $501
38th Jonathan Looi $501
39th Leo Du Boisbaudry $501
40th Benjamin Sai $446
41st Frederic Souksamlane $446
42nd Ido Aboudi $446
43rd Jonggu Choi $446
44th Akshay Kapoor $446
45th Ricky Sun Kim Gov $446
46th Ori Haim Elul $446

00:45: Mike Takayama eliminated in 2nd place – $9,695
Level 31: 80,000-160,000-160,000 Ante BB

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After numerous uncalled shoves, big stacked Mai Bien finally called Mike Takayama and was happy to see it was a flip. Takayama had 2h2s, Mai with Ah6h, the board granted Mai all the love as it ran 6d5h7dQh3h. Takayama settled for 2nd place for a payout of $9,695.

00:20: Mai Bien grinding down Takayama
Level 30: 50,000-100,000-100,000 Ante BB

Mai Bien continues to command here with more chips funneled in. One of the bigger pots saw a board complete 3s6s2s8h7h, Takayama had a seven but Mai had the Eight to win nearly 500k from Takayama. Mai up to 5.7M.

00:15: Raise war goes to Bien Mai
Level 30: 50,000-100,000-100,000 Ante BB

It has been a betting and raise war here with both players very aggressive. Mai Bien has been claiming a majority of the pots and has moved ahead of Mike Takayama in the count. Mai is now over 5.5M and Takayama trailing 4.47M.

00:00: Heads up!
Level 29: 40,000-80,000-80,000 Ante BB


Mike Takayama – 4.72M
Mai Bien – 4.25M

23:55: Adrien Franck Berger eliminated in 3rd place – $7,267
Level 29: 40,000-80,000-80,000 Ante BB

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Adrien Franck Berger

Adrien Franck Berger was just given his walking papers by Mike Takayama in a hand that started with a 200k by Takayama on the button. Berger defended his big blind and the flop ran 10c2c8d. Berger check-raised Takayama’s 150k c-bet, bumping it up to 450k. Takayama called. On the turn 8s, check again by Berger, Takayama jammed, Berger snap-called.

Berger Qh10h two pair
Takayama Qs8h trips

The river 7h was no help to Berger to finish in 3rd place for $7,267.

23:50: Mai Bien takes over 1M from Takayama
Level 29: 40,000-80,000-80,000 Ante BB

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Bien Mai

Catching the action on a board Jd10c2h6s9d, Mike Takayama bet 250k, Mai Bien raised to 800, Takayama called and mucked upon seeing Mai’s Qs8s straight. Mai soared to 4.25M, Takayama lost the lead, dropping to 2.97M.

23:45: Mike Takayama takes a chunk from Berger, rises to 4.1M
Level 29: 40,000-80,000-80,000 Ante BB

Mike Takayama is back in the driver’s seat having just won a big pot against Adrien Franck Berger. On a raised pot preflop, the flop ran 3s6sKh. Takayama bet 150k and Berger check-called. No bets landed on the turn Js but the river Qc saw Berger lead out 1.1M, Takayama snap called. Berger said “good call” while showing 2s2c. Takayama claimed it with Ah10d straight. Berger dropped to 1.47M, Takayama up to 4.1M.

23:25: Adrien Franck Berger doubles up through Mai
Level 29: 40,000-80,000-80,000 Ante BB

Adrien Franck Berger is clawing his way up. Pushed by the small blind Mai Bien, he took on the risk and was ahead at the showdown. Berger had Ks10s, Mai with 4c7c, both players hit the flop 7s5d10d, and with the turn Jc and river Qs, Berger’s higher pair prevailed for a double up to 2.84M. Mai dropped to 2.3M.

23:15: Final three players
Level 29: 40,000-80,000-80,000 Ante BB

Mai Bien 3.9M
Mike Takayama 3.5M
Adrien Franck Berger 1.170M

(estimated counts)

23:10: Dhanesh Chainani exits in 4th place – $5,881
Level 28: 30,000-60,000-60,000 Ante BB

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Dhanesh Chainani

After suffering two hits, Dhanesh Chainani shoved his 15 BB stack holding Ac9c only to run into Mike Takayama”s KcKs. The board offered no help to Chainani to take 4th place for a payout of $5,881. Takayama chipped up to over 3.4M.

23:05: Dhanesh Chainani also gives Takayama the maximum
Level 28: 30,000-60,000-60,000 Ante BB

Shortly after Dhanesh Chainani paid the max to Berger, he did the same to Mike Takayama who had AhQh against Chainani’s  6s6d. The board came Kh7cJs9d10d for a straight to Takayama for a double up to 3.1M. This sent Chainani’s stack to plunging to 920k.

23:00: Adrien Franck Berger survives another showdown
Level 28: 30,000-60,000-60,000 Ante BB

Adrien Franck Berger is surrounded by massive stacks that he’s been seen shoving numerous times throughout the final table. His latest all in with Kd8dwas called by Dhanesh Chainani who dominated with KsQd, however, the poker gods shined on Berger giving him an Eight on the turn to stay in the running. He doubled up to 1M.

22:50: Yu Qi Zhao eliminated in 5th place – $4,636
Level 28: 30,000-60,000-60,000 Ante BB

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Yu Qi Zhao

Yu Qi Zhao moved all in with QcQd, and Mai Bien snap-called with AdKd. The board came 9sKs9hAs7d to crush the ladies and send Zhao out in 5th place. He earned $4,636. Mai zoomed to 3.8M and is back up as chip leader.

22:45: Eike Soren Strub busts out in 6th place – $3,540
Level 28: 30,000-60,000-60,000 Ante BB

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Eike Soren Strub

On a flop 7dJdQh, Eike Soren Strub was all in with Js9h and was sorely behind Mai Bien‘s QsJh two pair. With the turn Qd, that sealed his fate in 6th place for a payout of $3,540. The river was 7s. Mai chipped up to over 2.3M.

22:35: Mai Bien hits the open ended to crack Takayama’s aces
Level 28: 30,000-60,000-60,000 Ante BB

Mike Takayama raised to 130k and big blind Mai Bien defended. At the flop 8s5d10c, Mai jammed, Takayama snap-called. Mai had Jc9c open ended straight draw, Takayama with AdAh. The turn 7s quickly granted the straight and with the river 5c, Mai doubled up to 860k. Takayama dropped to 1.85M.

22:30: Eike Soren Strub doubles up 
Level 28: 30,000-60,000-60,000 Ante BB

After losing majority of his chips to Zhao, Eike Soren Strub shoved his 3.5 BB stack with Jd9c and big blind / chip leader Dhanesh Chainani felt obligated to call. Chainani was ahead with Qs7c but with the board running 10hJh4hKs8c it was a double up to the short stacked Strub. He is up to 510k.

22:25: Yu Qi Zhao outdraws Eike Soren Strub
Level 27: 25,000-50,000-50,000 Ante BB

Eike Soren Strub raised to 100k, to his immediate left Yu Qi Zhao shoved his 825k stack, back to Strub who had Zhao slightly covered made the call.

Zhao AcQd
Strub JcJs

The board ran 4cQc7c9d8h for a double up to Zhao to 1.775M. Strub plunged to 210k.

22:10: Adrien Franck Berger sweats it
Level 27: 25,000-50,000-50,000 Ante BB

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Adrien Franck Berger

Preflop showdown between chip leader Mike Takayama 9h8h and short stacked Adrien Franck Berger As7s. The board ran 6s4dAd2s10c for a double up to 1M. Takayama dropped to be at par with Dhanesh Chainani with 2.5M.

21:50: Mike Takayama straight on the flop, doubles up via Mai
Level 27: 25,000-50,000-50,000 Ante BB

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Mike Takayama

Mike Takayama has regained the lead on a big blind special hand against the charging Mai Bien. From cutoff, Mai min-raised to 100k, Takayama defended his big blind. On the flop Ad4s2d, both players checked. At the turn 9s chips went flying. Takayama led for 125k, Mai raised to 425k, Takayama quickly announced all in, and Mai snap-called.

Takayama had 3c5s straight, Mai was drawing dead with AcKd. The river 9c completed the board. Takayama skyrocketed to 2.875M, Mai plunged to 800k.

21:40: Renniel Galvz misses all his outs for 7th place – $2,600
Level 26: 20,000-40,000-40,000 Ante BB

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Renniel Galvez

From the button, Dhanesh Chainani raised and big blind Renniel Galvez defended. At the flop 4s2c5c, Galvez went all in, Chainani called.

Galvez 6c7c
Chainani 9c9d

Despite the many outs in the deck for Galvez, the 5s and Jd were not one of them to end his run in 7th place. He earned $2.600.

21:30: Koen Breed eliminated in 8th place – $1,911
Level 26: 20,000-40,000-40,000 Ante BB

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Koen Breed

After a series of uncalled shoves and small pots moving around the felt, Koen Breed three-bet all in with 570k left, Mai Bien joined the all in, and initial raiser Renniel Galvez folded from utg.

Breed 9s8s
Mai AdJd

The board ran 3s5c4h4dJs to finish off Breed in 8th place. He earned $1,911. Mai climbed to 1.990M.

20:50: Eike Soren Strub survives overcards
Level 25: 15,000-30,000-30,000 Ante BB

After losing a series of consecutive small pots, Eike Soren Strub was down to 275k and three-bet shoved Koen Breed’s 60k raise. Big blind Bien Mai called but then folded when Breed joined the shove.

Strub 9h9c
Breed AsKc

The board ran Kh7c8h for a higher pair to Breed but the turn 9d granted Strub the set to score a double up. The river was 5d. Strub climbed to 900k, Breed dropped to 715k.

20:30: Namhyung Kim falls to Yu Qi Zhao in 9th place – $1,566
Level 25: 15,000-30,000-30,000 Ante BB

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Namhyung Kim

Namhyung Kim and Yu Qi Zhao went head to head twice and both times Zhao shipped it to end Kim’s run early in 9th place. The first hand saw Zhao double up with Ac10s over Kh10c. The next all in, Zhao had AhKh, Kim with 4s4h, the board ran 2s6h10h3hJc for a crushing nut flush to Zhao. Kim earned $1,566 for 9th place, Zhao zoomed to 1.25M.

20:25: Mai Bien’s runner runner doubles through Takayama; takes the lead
Level 25: 15,000-30,000-30,000 Ante BB

Mai Bien is on fire at the final table. Having just won a big pot against Namhyung Kim he took on chip leader Mike Takayama and landed a huge double up to take the lead. Takayama opened from utg+1 for 65k, sb Mai three-bet to 195k, Takayama called. At the flop Ks9dQd, Mai c-bet 150k, Takayama jammed, Mai with the fast call.

Mai AsQh second pair
Takayama KhQs two pair

The turn 10h and the river Jd completed a straight for Mai who celebrated with a huge double up to 1.725M. Takayama dropped to 1.68M.

20:20: Mai Bien earns first big pot of the final table
Level 24: 10,000-25,000-25,000 Ante BB

Cutoff Namhyung Kim raised preflop and big blind Mai Bien defended. At the flop QcKd3d, Mai check-raised the 60k c-bet to make it 165k. Kim called. On the turn 6c, Mai was all in for 345k, Kim tanked using up two time banks then folded.

19:50: NagaWorld Kickoff – Final table formed!
Level 23: 10,000-25,000-25,000 Ante BB

With the elimination of Tung Nguyen, the final table of nine was formed. We have them listed by chip rank.

Player Chips Seat
Mike Takayama 2,505,000 2
Dhanesh Chainani 1,430,000 1
Namhyung Kim 1,045,000 5
Koen Breed 1,000,000 4
Adrien Franck Berger 860,000 9
Mai Bien 645,000 8
Eike Soren Strub 590,000 6
Renniel Galvez 560,000 3
Yu Qi Zhao 305,000 7

Remaining payouts

1st $15,709
2nd $9,695
3rd $7,267
4th $5,881
5th $4,636
6th $3,540
7th $2,600
8th $1,911
9th $1,566

19:50: Payouts 10th to 17th 

10th Tung Nguyen $1,316
11th Trent Fechter $1,316
12th Quoc Huy Phan $1,159
13th Veronica Safonova $1,159
14th Wai Meng Khor $1,041
15th Davidyouveakreach Koy $1,041
16th Jonathan Sanborn $924
17th Kim Lay Ly $924

19:45: Tung Nguyen misses the final table, eliminated in 10th place
Level 23: 10,000-25,000-25,000 Ante BB

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Tung Nguyen

On a turn board Ac7hAh5c, Tung Nguyen was all in with AdJd trips but Dhanesh Chainani had better AsKs and a bigger stack. With the river Kd, Chainani shipped it as Nguyen shipped out in 10th place for a $1,316 payout. 

19:40: Koen Breed boosted by Yu Qi Zhao
Level 23: 10,000-25,000-25,000 Ante BB

Koen Breed all in with KcKs, Yu Qi Zhao hoped to eliminate with QdQc. No bad beat arrived to give Breed a full boost to over 1M.

19:35: Trent Fechter eliminated in 11th place
Level 23: 10,000-25,000-25,000 Ante BB

Trent Fechter may have settled his challenges with pocket Sixes but Ace-Jack came in and took its place. Fechter paid Renniel Galvez a double up with AcJs unable to hit against 9d9s. Down below 10 BB, Fechter moved all in with AcJh and missed again to fall to Dhanesh Chainani’s 2h2s. Fechter earned $1,316 for 11th place.

19:30: Mai Bien doubles up through Adrien Franck Berger 
Level 23: 10,000-25,000-25,000 Ante BB

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Bien Mai

On a flop 7hQd10s, Mai Bien bet 100k onto a preflop raised pot, Adrien Franck Berger jammed to send Mai to the tank. Mai eventually found the courage to risk his tournament life. He opened QcJs and was happy to see he was ahead of Berger’s Ah10h. The turn Jc and river 5h were no help to Berger for a double up to Mai.

19:20: Mike Takayama calls Quoc Huy Phan with King-high, Phan packs up in 12th place
Level 23: 10,000-25,000-25,000 Ante BB

No matter his attempts, Quoc Huy Phan could not get past chip leader Mike Takayama to eventually fall in 12th place. Prior to his bust, Takayama shaved down around 200k of Phan’s stack with a sick call holding King-high. On a board 2xQx10x3x3x, Takayama bet the flop and the turn, then called Phan’s river lead out while asking “you have Jack-Nine?” Phan did for a missed draw. Takayama had King-Nine.

Hands later, Phan moved all in with Qd2d, Takayama had JsJd, the board further improved Takayama to quads to ship it and zoom to over 2.2M. Phan earned $1,159 for his 12th place finish. 

19:15: Mike Takayama in command, rises to 2M
Level 23: 10,000-25,000-25,000 Ante BB

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Mike Takayama

Mike Takayama has breached the 2M marker after picking up three near consecutive pots against Eike Soren Strub. The biggest pot saw sb Strub raise to 75k, big blind Takayama called. At the flop Ah8d6s, both checked. The turn 7s Strub bet 110k, Takayama raised to 375k, Strub folded.

19:00: Trent Fechter takes down a good pot
Level 22: 10,000-20,000-20,000 Ante BB

Raised pot preflop and a board 7cKh10c felted. The blinds checked to the aggressor Tung Nguyen who c-bet 40k. Sb Trent Fechter check-raised to 110k, bb folded, Nguyen called. On the turn As, Fechter jammed and claimed the pot. He chipped up to 750k.

18:45: Veronika Safonova’s overcards miss to fall in 13th place
Level 22: 10,000-20,000-20,000 Ante BB

Veronick Safonova three-bet jammed with KsQh, initial raiser Namhyung Kim called with JcJd. The board ran low to end Safonova’s run in 13th place for a pay jump to $1,159.

18:35: Wai Meng Khor busts in 14th place
Level 22: 10,000-20,000-20,000 Ante BB

Wai Meng Khor all in with AdQs, runs into Yu Qi Zhao’s AcKh to fall in 14th place for $1,041.

18:20: Koen Breed doubles through Phan
Level 21: 8,000-16,000-16,000 Ante BB

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Koen Breed

All in preflop with Koen Breed Jc{jh called by Quoc Huy Phan with AsQs. The flop gave Phan the lead 3s9hQd and stayed ahead on the turn 7c but the river Js switched them up for a victorious set to Breed to double up to 620k. Phan dropped to 450k.

18:15: David Koy out in 15th place
Level 21: 8,000-16,000-16,000 Ante BB

Another head claimed by Tung Nguyen! Action folded to small blind David Koy who sent his short with AdQh to battle with, big blind Nguyen called with Qc7d. With the board running 10d8h10s6h9s, it was a straight on river for Nguyen and the exit for Koy in 15th place for $1,041. Nguyen over 1.2M.

18:10: Jonathan Sanborn eliminated by Tung Nguyen in 16th place
Level 21: 8,000-16,000-16,000 Ante BB

End of the line for Jonathan Sanborn in 16th place. He was down to 10 BB and three-bet shoved with 8d8h. Nguyen challenged with KhJc. The board ran clean until a Jack showed up on the river. Nguyen shipped it and climbed to 1.1M. Sanborn tripled up his buy in with a $924 payday.

17:55: Eliminations 18th to 20th – $807

18th Quan Qiu $807
19th Pete Chen $807
20th Le Ngoc Khanh $807

17:50: Quoc Huy Phan muscles Fechter
Level 21: 8,000-16,000-16,000 Ante BB

Trent Fechter raised to 35k, big blind Quoc Huy Phan defended, the flop ran Jc2h9s. Fechter c-bet 45k, Phan check-raised to 120k, Fechter called. The turn 7d, Phan fired 300k, Fechter folded. Phan climbs to 1M.

17:45: Eike Soren Strub eliminates Kim Lay Ly in 17th place 
Level 21: 8,000-16,000-16,000 Ante BB

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Soren Strub

Short stacked Kim Lay Ly went all in with AhKc but despite the increasing outs, he could not get past Eike Soren Strub’s 10s10d with the board running Qh9hJh9dJs. He finished 17th to break the tables down to the final two. Strub up to 920k.

17:40: David Koy stays alive with aces
Level 20: 6,000-12,000-12,000 Ante BB

Facing a raise of 32k, David Koy shoved his short 93k stack with AsAh, initial raiser Jonathan Sanborn called the 61k difference with KhJd. No hits on the board for Sanborn for a double up to Koy to over 200k. Kim earned $924. 

17:30: Double KO! Le Ngoc Khanh and Pete Chen bust to Takayama
Level 20: 6,000-12,000-12,000 Ante BB

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Mike Takayama is back to a massive stack having just railed Pete Chen and Le Ngoc Khanh simultaneously. The hand saw Khanh all in first, Takayama called, Chen followed, Takayama called it too, putting both at risk.

Khanh Ah9c
Chen JhJc
Takayama QdQs

The board ran low with no hits for the chasers. Takayama zoomed to 1.37M.

17:25: Eliminations 21st to 23rd – $728

21st Panitan Poopadsri $728
22nd Jonas Magdalinski $728
23rd Zarvan Tumboli $728

17:15: Sixes give Trent Fechter a triple boost
Level 20: 6,000-12,000-12,000 Ante BB

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Trent Fechter

Trent Fechter has told us how pocket Sixes have been the bane of his game these days but not anymore. He shoved 6c6d from hijack, got called by cutoff Namhyung Kim and button Veronika Safonova. On the flop 10s6sAd, Safonova bet to push out Kim. She had AhKh top pair, Fechter way ahead with a set. Safonova was drawing dead by the turn 9c. The river was 7c. Fechter tripled up to 342k.

17:00: Dhanesh Chainani doubles up through Pete Chen
Level 20: 6,000-12,000-12,000 Ante BB

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Dhanesh Chainani

From cutoff, Pete Chen raised, small blind Dhanesh Chainani shoved his 20 BB stack, Chen snapped it off. Chen ahead with AcKs, Chainani was alive with 4d7d, the board ran Qd5s5dKd6c for a lucky flush to Chainani. He doubled up to 522k, Chen dropped to 435k.

16:40: Veronika Safonova doubles through Takayama
Level 19: 5,000-10,000-10,000 Ante BB

Veronika Safonova picked up her second double up of the day, this one from chip leader Mike Takayama. The hand opened with cutoff Safonova raising to 22k, button Takayama three-bet to 66k, Safonova called. At the flop 2c4d4h, Safonova check-jammed Takayama’s 40k bet and got the call.

Safonova JsJh
Takayama 6c6s

The turn Ac and river Qc completed the board. Safonova sighed in relief at winning the hand. She chipped up huge to 579k. Takayama dropped to 835k.

16:30: Eliminations 24th to 27th – $650

24th Yu Chung Chang $650
25th Tony Phaysith $650
26th Mohamad Abbouchi $650
27th Selim Souissi $650

16:20: Koen Breed rails Tony Phaysith
Level 19: 5,000-10,000-10,000 Ante BB

Koen Breed started the day with 15.5 BB and is now sitting on 580k. One of the hands that got him there was the elimination of Tony Phaysith. Breed’s pocket Kings held against Phaysith’s Ace-King.

16:10: Eliminations 28th to 31st – $572

28th Marc Joseph $572
29th Go Mori $572
30th Bin Chen $572
31st Kyle Bao Diep $572

16:00: Mike Takayama sends Yu Chung Chang tanking; rises to 1.2M
Level 18: 4,000-8,000-8,000 Ante BB

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Mike Takayama

In an earlier hand, Mike Takayama railed Kristian Wiermyhr to send his stack near the million mark. It didn’t take long to cross it, taking chips from table newcomer  Nevan Yu Chung Chang to drive north of 1.2M. During the hand, the board completed 3h6h8d8s4d with around 180k already weighing down the middle. Small blind Takayama bet 110k, big blind Chang tanked using up two time-banks, then folded. Chang dropped to 300k.

15:55: Marc Joseph falls to Keay
Level 18: 4,000-8,000-8,000 Ante BB

After the sick hand against Safonova, Marc Joseph survived several hands then risked it all with KcQh. However, he no help arrived on the board to fall to Luke Oliver Keay’s 8d8c. Keay chipped up to 300k.

15:50: Pete Chen cleans out Go Mori
Level 18: 4,000-8,000-8,000 Ante BB

Entering the day as the runt of the bunch with just 8 BB, Japan’s Go Mori held on to ladder up a couple of spots until he was denied by Pete Chen in 29th place. Mori was all in with Ac8d, Chen had a better Ah10c. No help came for Mori while Chen found a Ten on the river. Chen up to 520, Mori earned $572.

15:45: Wai Meng Khor lands a runner runner to stay alive
Level 18: 4,000-8,000-8,000 Ante BB

Wai Meng Khor shoved his short stack with KsJs and was looked up by big stacked Namhyung Kim with 8c8s. The flop came 9s8h7h to further improve Kim to a set, but with the turn 3s and river 4s it was a runner runner flush for Khor to stay alive.

15:40: Sick board awards Veronika Safonova a double; Marc Joseph plummets
Level 18: 4,000-8,000-8,000 Ante BB

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Veronica Safonova

Marc Joseph shared the details of this hand. He raised preflop with AcQc and Veronika Safonova flat-called with AsKh. On the flop 8cAh{lc}, Joseph c-bet, Safonova raised, Joseph jammed. The turn Ad full house sealed the double up for Safonova. The river Qh also improved Joseph but was still behind. Safonova chipped up to 300k, Joseph dropped to 85k.

15:30: Eliminations 32nd to 39th – $501

32nd Kristian Wiermyhr $501
33rd Christopher Mateo $501
34th Luke Oliver John Keay $501
35th Jerome Khao $501
36th Nhu Hai Le $501
37th Kane Yoon Ko $501
38th Jonathan Looi $501
39th Leo Du Boisbaudry $501

15:10: Eliminations 40th to 46th – $446

40th Benjamin Sai $446
41st Frederic Souks $446
42nd Ido Aboudi $446
43rd Jonggu Choi $446
44th Akshay Kapoor $446
45th Ricky Sun Kim Gov $446
46th Ori Haim Elul $446

15:05: Yu Chung Chang shoves for the pot
Level 17: 3,000-6,000-6,000 Ante BB

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Yu Chung Chang

Catching the action on a turn board 6c2h3sKd and roughly 150k in the pot, Yu Chung Chang shoved on top of Yu Qi Zhao’s bet and shipped it without further challenge. Chang said he had pocket Sixes for a set. He climbed to 580k.

14:55: Tony Phaysith with premium hands on the button
Level 17: 3,000-6,000-6,000 Ante BB

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Tony Phaysith

Over at table 1, Tony Phaysith was on his second showdown with KdKc dominating nhu Hai Le’s 9c9d. With no bad beats, he doubled up to 360k. According to the players, one orbit prior, Phaysith also scooped up a pot with pocket Aces over pocket Deuces.

14:50: Jonathan Looi eliminated
Level 17: 3,000-6,000-6,000 Ante BB

Among the early fallouts of the second level of Day 2 is Jonathan Looi with mid pair behind Renniel Galvez’s AcQh straight on the river. Galvez has doubled his stack from today’s start with over 300k.

14:45: The lowdown on how Sanborn sent Ori Haim Elul packing first
Level 16: 2,500-5,000-5,000 Ante BB

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Jonathan Sanborn

Quick day at the races for Day 1C chip leader Ori Haim Elul who got it all in against Jonathan Sanborn and busted as the day’s first casualty. Retold by Sanborn, he had 375k behind, Elul had 340k. Utg player Davidyouveakreach Koy min-raised to 10k, sb Elul three-bet to 40k, bb Sanborn four-bet to 105k, Koy folded and Elul called. At the flop Ax9x5x, Sanborn c-bet 40k and Elul check-called. Both players checked the turn 10x. The river 2x Elul led for 40k, Sanborn shoved, Elul called with A-K top pair, Sanborn shipped it with pocket Tens set on the turn.   

14:40: First round 7 go bust
Level 17: 3,000-6,000-6,000 Ante BB

The first level saw seven players go bust. There are 39 remaining. Leading the charge are:

Jonathan Sanborn – 640,000
Namhyung Kim – 620,000
Mike Takayama – 570,000
Yu Qi Zhao – 480,000
Pete Chen – 400,000

(estimated chip counts)

14:00: Technical difficulties…
Level 16: 2,500-5,000-5,000 Ante BB

We are currently experiencing technical difficulties. Live updates will begin once we are up and running.

Welcome to the Final Day of the NagaWorld Kickoff $50K GTD!

The APPT Cambodia 2022 series opener got underway on November 3 at NagaWorld Phnom Penh with three starting heats leading up to today’s action. A combined 299 entered to easily break past the $50KGTD. Each entry day played down to ITM which means all returning players are guaranteed a piece of the boosted $78,308 prize pool.


While everyone is looking to bring home a minimum of $446, the hunt will be for the $15,709 top prize and the coveted spade trophy. Cards in the air at 2pm. We will bring you updates of the action throughout the day.

Entering with the largest stack is Filipino pro / WSOP bracelet holder Mike Takayama with a towering 100 BB. Other notable players in the lineup are Natural8 Team Hot Pro Pete Chen and WPT champion Zarvan Tumboli.

Day 2 players

Mike Takayama Philippines 601,000
Namhyung Kim Korea 460,000
Yu Qi Zhao 390,000
Jonathan Wayne Sanborn Canada 375,000
Quoc Huy Phan Vietnam 375,000
Ori Haim Elul Israel 341,000
Eike Soren Strub Germany 299,000
Selim Souissi Tunisia 295,000
Yu Chung Chang Taiwan 288,000
Bin Chen China 284,000
Kim Lay Ly Canada 267,000
Jonas Magdalinski Sweden 255,000
Le Hai Nhu Vietnam 246,000
Pete Chen Taiwan 219,000
Mai Bien Vietnam 217,000
Christopher Mateo Philippines 203,000
Dhanesh Chainani Singapore 203,000
Panitan Poopadsri Thailand 201,000
Luke Oliver John Keay USA 199,000
David Koy 197,000
Zarvan Tumboli India 183,000
Veronika Safonova 175,000
Adrien Franck Berger 175,000
Tony Phaysith USA 170,000
Renniel Galvez Philippines 161,000
Quan Qui 161,000
Le Ngoc Khanh Vietnam 160,000
Trent Fechter USA 160,000
Nguyen Tung Duy Vietnam 152,000
Kristian Wiermyhr Norway 145,000
Marc Joseph South Africa 145,000
Leo Du Boisbaudry France 140,000
Wai Meng Khor Australia 136,000
Jonggu Choi Korea 124,000
Ido Aboudi Israel 123,000
Kyle Bao Diep Vietnam 101,000
Mohamad Abbouchi Lebanon 81,000
Jonathan Tek Wye Looi Malaysia 77,000
Jerome Khao 72,000
Koen Breed Netherlands 72,000
Benjamin Sai Singapore 63,000
Frederic Souksamlane Vietnam 61,000
Akshay Kapoor India 59,000
Kang Yoon Ko 51,000
Ricky Sun Kim Gov 46,000
Go Mori Japan 43,000

Final table payouts

1st $15,709
2nd $9,695
3rd $7,267
4th $5,881
5th $4,636
6th $3,540
7th $2,600
8th $1,911
9th $1,566

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Latest poker news about PSLiveAPPTCambodia

Overall poker festival dates are:

Tuesday, November 3rd - Sunday, November 13th, 2022

Pokerstars Live APPT at NagaWorld Cambodia 2022 Main Event dates are:

Tuesday, November 10th to Sunday 13th, 2022

Buy In


Prize Pool

$400,000 GTD

Other Guaranteed Events

APPT Naga World Kick-off: Nov 3-5, 2022 – $300 buy-in – $50,000 Guarantee

APPT National: Nov 6-8 2022 – $800 buy-in – $100,000 Guarantee

APPT Cambodia Super High Roller: Nov 9-10, 2022 – $10,000 buy-in

APPT High Roller: Nov 12-13 2022 – $5,000 buy-in

Event News & info - PokerStars LIVE APPT Cambodia Schedule