



PS Live Manila Megastack 17 (2023): Live Updates

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PS Live Manila Megastack 17 – Deepstack Challenge – Final Table

17:30: Jaime Ramon Reyes ships Event #6: Deep Stack Challenge!
Level 23: 10,000 – 25,000 ante 25,000

Jaime Ramon Reyes

Following four and a half hours of final table play, Jaime Ramon Reyes emerged victorious and clinched the Deep Stack Challenge title for PHP 933,000 + PHP 35,000 Main Event ticket! Reyes outlasted the 53-entry field and defeated Wang Weixuan in heads up play to land the top spot.

Congratulations to all the players!

Full Payouts

Place Player Flag Prize (PHP)
1 Reyes Jaime Ramon USA ₱933,000
2 Wang Weixuan China ₱675,000
3 Cardyn Nicolas France ₱430,000
4 Shin Hyeonho South Korea ₱326,000
5 Loganathan Niroshan Canada ₱252,000
6 Sayo John Carlo Philippines ₱193,000
7 Wu Shenghao China ₱156,000

17:30: Wang Weixuan busts in 2nd place – PHP 675,000
Level 23: 10,000 – 25,000 ante 25,000

Wang Weixuan

Button Jaime Ramon Reyes shoved all-in with As5d and Wang Weixuan called off with AcQc. Whilst dominated, Reyes was able to spike a five on turn AhAdJc5c3h and seal the win with a full house.

Jaime Ramon Reyes – 2,120,000
Wang Weixuan – Eliminated

17:13: Jaime Ramon Reyes wields big stack
Level 22: 10,000 – 20,000 ante 20,000

Wang Weixuan

Button Jaime Ramon Reyes opened to 40,000, called by Wang Weixuan. Flop came Kd5c4c, checked to Reyes, he bet 30,000. Wang put in a raise to 110,000 and Reyes clapped back with an all-in. Wang folds once again and survives with 21 BB.

Jaime Ramon Reyes – 1,688,000
Wang Weixuan – 432,000

17:07: Back and forth continues
Level 22: 10,000 – 20,000 ante 20,000

Button Wang Weixuan opened to 40,000 and big blind Jaime Ramon Reyes pushed all-in. Wang folds and moves on to the next hand.

Jaime Ramon Reyes – 1,480,000
Wang Weixuan – 640,000

16:21: Jaime Ramon Reyes steals the lead
Level 21: 8,000 – 16,000 ante 16,000

Jaime Ramon Reyes

Button Jaime Ramon Reyes defended his open and called Wang Weixuan’s three bet to 104,000. Flop 7c9c5d saw Wang continue for 124,000, and shortly call Reyes’ 582,000 all-in.

Reyes Qs9s
Wang 8s8d

A huge favorite with top pair, Reyes locked in the double up after the turn 7h and river 10c failed to change the results.

Jaime Ramon Reyes – 1,388,000
Wang Weixuan – 732,000

16:10: Heads up!
Level 21: 8,000 – 16,000 ante 16,000

Action now on heads up for the title.

Wang Weixuan – 1,570,000
Jaime Ramon Reyes – 550,000

16:09: Cardyn Nicolas eliminated in third place – PHP 430,000
Level 21: 8,000 – 16,000 ante 16,000

Cardyn Nicolas

Small blind Wang Weixuan limp-called 48,000 to see flop AdKd5c. Checked to the raiser, Cardyn Nicolas bet 32,000, called by Wang. Turn 9s saw Cardyn push another 82,000, Wang with another check-call. River Qd pushed Wang to lead all-in with Cardyn calling behind (210,000) for his tournament life.

Wang shows 10d7d for a flush and beats Cardyn’s lower 4d2d flush to send his opponent out of the running.

Wang Weixuan – 1,570,000
Cardyn Nicolas – Eliminated

16:00: Wang Weixuan folds to jam
Level 21: 8,000 – 16,000 ante 16,000

Wang Weixuan

Small blind Jaime Ramon Reyes limped in and big blind Wang Weixuan bumped it up to 40,000. Reyes answered with an all-in, Wang follows with a fold.

Jaime Ramon Reyes – 620,000
Wang Weixuan – 1,150,000

15:53: Blinds up!
Level 21: 8,000 – 16,000 ante 16,000

Action is on three handed play with Wang Weixuan still in the lead!

15:49: Jaime Ramon Reyes doubles through
Level 20: 6,000 – 12,000 ante 12,000

Button Wang Weixuan opened to 24,000 and called off big blind Jaime Ramon Reyes’ 287,000 jam.

Reyes Ah4h
Wang Kh10d

Up for a race, Reyes remained ahead all the way having landed top pair on Ac4d10h8h5d.

Jaime Ramon Reyes – 592,000
Wang Weixuan – 1,200,000

15:45: Shin Hyeonho bows out in 4th place – PHP 326,000
Level 20: 6,000 – 12,000 ante 12,000

Shin Hyeonho

Button Shin Hyeonho opened to 25,000 and called off his 230,000 stack after chip leader Wang Weixuan moved all-in.

Wang Jh10s
Shin As5d

Slightly ahead of his opponent, the board Qh8sJs3d9d ran in favor of Wang, landing him a straight on the river for the knockout.

Wang Weixuan – 1,500,000
Shin Hyeonho – Eliminated

15:42: Niroshan Loganathan crashes in 5th place – PHP 252,000
Level 20: 6,000 – 12,000 ante 12,000

Niroshan Loganathan

Utg Niroshan Loganathan open shoved his last 130,000 with Ac2h and was called by Cardyn Nicolas with AdJd. In terrible shape, Loganathan exited shortly after the board Kc3c9s4cKh turned up on the table.

Cardyn Nicolas – 370,000
Niroshan Loganathan – Eliminated

15:33: Shin Hyeonho pairs up for the win
Level 20: 6,000 – 12,000 ante 12,000

Utg Cardyn Nicolas opened to 24,000 and called button Shin Hyeonho’s three bet to 54,000. Board AdQd10s2h4d was checked through by both players on all streets with Shin showing Kd10c, enough to beat Cardyn’s 9d9h.

Shin Hyeonho – 330,000
Cardyn Nicolas – 270,000

15:20: Wang Weixuan continues to dominate
Level 20: 6,000 – 12,000 ante 12,000

Wang Weixuan

Utg Jaime Ramon Reyes opened to 24,000, called by Wang Weixuan and big blind Shin Hyeonho. Flop 6d5d2d was checked to Wang who bet 54,000. Both opponents fold, leaving Wang to pick up the pot.

Wang Weixuan – 1,200,000
Jaime Ramon Reyes – 340,000
Shin Hyeonho – 250,000

15:03: Break Time!
Level 20: 6,000 – 12,000 ante 12,000

Five players still in for the Deepstack Challenge Final Table!

Chip Counts

Wang Weixuan – 1,100,000
Cardyn Nicolas – 328,000
Jaime Ramon Reyes – 275,000
Shin Hyeonho – 251,000
Niroshan Loganathan – 157,000

15:03: Niroshan Loganathan dodges bust
Level 19: 5,000 – 10,000 ante 10,000

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Niroshan Loganathan

Utg opened and was met with two all-ins – Cardyn Nicolas with AhKc followed by Niroshan Loganathan with AdJd. Original raiser gets out of the way and the two run the board Jc3s5h10c3c. Loganathan outflops Cardyn and is saved from elimination.

Niroshan Loganathan – 157,000
Cardyn Nicolas – 328,000

15:00: Wang Weixuan cripples Niroshan Loganathan
Level 19: 5,000 – 10,000 ante 10,000

Utg Niroshan Loganathan opened to 22,000, joined by small blind Wang Weixuan. The two checked flop 6h2sJc and headed to turn 10s. Wang led for 34,000 and called Loganathan’s raise to 105,000 total. River 6s completed the board and Wang check-called a river bet of 206,000. Loganathan shows Jd10d, no good against Wang’s flush KsQs.

Wang Weixuan – 1,100,000
Niroshan Loganathan – 73,000

14:41: Cardyn Nicolas loses flip
Level 19: 5,000 – 10,000 ante 10,000

Cardyn Nicolas

An all-in preflop situation, button Cardyn Nicolas called off with 8s8c and was up against big blind Shin Hyeonho’s AcJh. With Shin at risk, the board 4d7s5h3h2d saved him from elimination with the river completing his straight.

Shin Hyeonho – 207,000
Cardyn Nicolas – 340,000

14:39: Niroshan Loganathan wins one
Level 19: 5,000 – 10,000 ante 10,000

A limp pot, both blinds saw a flop of 3h5c7c. Small blind Cardyn Nicolas check-called for 17,000 from Niroshan Loganathan behind. Turn Kh saw Loganathan pull a bigger 33,000, Cardyn with another check-call. River 9c led Loganathan to bet a final 105,000, Cardyn this time, makes the fold.

Niroshan Loganathan – 460,000
Cardyn Nicolas – 440,000

14:28: Niroshan Loganathan bags another loss
Level 19: 5,000 – 10,000 ante 10,000

Shin Hyeonho

Folded to small blind Niroshan Loganathan, he shoved all-in with Qd2s and big blind Shin Hyeonho called off for his last 94,000 with AdQc. Dominated, Loganathan suffered another loss after the board ran AhKhJc4hJh.

Shin Hyeonho – 198,000
Niroshan Loganathan – 350,000

14:26: Blinds up!
Level 19: 5,000 – 10,000 ante 10,000

Five players remaining in contention for the Deep Stack Challenge title and PHP 933,000 top prize!

14:23: Pocket aces for Wang Weixuan
Level 18: 4,000 – 8,000 ante 8,000

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Jaime Ramon Reyes

Small blind Jaime Ramon Reyes limp-called 24,000 preflop and saw 4cJs10h face up on board. Checked to the raiser, big blind Wang Weixuan bet 16,000, called by his opponent. Turn Kc saw Reyes go for another check-call (32,000), and a final check-call for 84,000 on river 3s. Wang shows AdAh, Reyes mucks.

Wang Weixuan – 750,000
Jaime Ramon Reyes – 294,000

14:17: Jaime Ramon Reyes wins blind battle
Level 18: 4,000 – 8,000 ante 8,000

Jaime Ramon Reyes

Small blind Shin Hyeonho opened to 24,000, called by big blind Jaime Ramon Reyes. On flop 6sQh5h, Shin bet 22,000 and Reyes continues. Turn 2h saw Shin this time, check-call a 24,000 bet from his opponent and fold the river 10d after Reyes bet all-in.

Jaime Ramon Reyes – 470,000
Shin Hyeonho – 100,000

14:06: Niroshan Loganathan continues to descend
Level 18: 4,000 – 8,000 ante 8,000

Cutoff Niroshan Loganathan raised to 17,000, joined by Wang Weixuan on the big blind. Flop AhQs2s saw Loganathan continued for 15,000, check-called by Wang. Loganathan fired another 62,000 on turn 6h, Wang with another check-call. River Ac went check-check and Wang reveals QdJd. Loganathan mucks and gives up the lead.

Wang Weixuan – 580,000
Niroshan Loganathan – 415,000

14:00: Shin Hyeonho bounces back
Level 18: 4,000 – 8,000 ante 8,000

Folded to Niroshan Loganathan on the small blind, he shoved all-in with Qc6s and Shin Hyeonho called off with 9c9d for his last 103,000. The board 2s10c6hAh8d ran safe for Shin as he claimed the double up.

Shin Hyeonho – 214,000
Niroshan Loganathan – 510,000

13:53: Wang Weixuan takes it down
Level 18: 4,000 – 8,000 ante 8,000

Cutoff Shin Hyeonho opened to 17,000 and called small blind Wang Weixuan’s three bet to 65,000. Flop came 2sKhJs, Wang continued for 42,000, called by Shin. Turn Jh saw Wang this time shove all-in and Shin gives up the spot.

Wang Weixuan – 472,000
Shin Hyeonho – 125,000

13:49: John Carlo Sayo railed in 6th place – PHP 193,000
Level 18: 4,000 – 8,000 ante 8,000

John Carlo Sayo

Folded to Jaime Ramon Reyes on the small blind, he shoved with Ad9c and big blind John Carlo Sayo called off for his remaining 135,000 with As3s. The board JhAc7s10c6h gave both players top pair, Reyes with a better kicker for the win.

Jaime Ramon Reyes – 400,000
John Carlo Sayo – Eliminated

13:42: Blinds up!
Level 18: 4,000 – 8,000 ante 8,000

Six players remain the final table games with everyone now guaranteed a minimum payout of PHP 193,000!

13:37: Jaime Ramon Reyes gives up the river
Level 17: 3,000 – 6,000 ante 6,000

Button Shin Hyeonho opened to 15,000, joined by small blind Jaime Ramon Reyes. Both players checked flop 7s3d8h through to turn Jd. Reyes led out for 15,000, called by Shin. River Qh saw Reyes gun for another 17,000 but snap fold after Shin pushed a raise to 70,000.

Shin Hyeonho – 218,000
Jaime Ramon Reyes – 320,000

13:33: Niroshan Loganathan doubles another
Level 17: 3,000 – 6,000 ante 6,000

Niroshan Loganathan

Button Niroshan Loganathan opened to 15,000 and called off small blind Shin Hyeonho’s 72,000 jam.

Shin 10c9c
Loganathan Ks7c

Running a race, the board 2s4h2d10h10d tabled Shin a full house tens over deuces for his survival.

Shin Hyeonho – 159,000
Niroshan Loganathan – 630,000

13:17: Wang Weixuan bags a double up
Level 17: 3,000 – 6,000 ante 6,000

Wang Weixuan

Button Wang Weixuan opened to 12,000 and called off for his tournament life with 7h7s against chip leader Niroshan Loganathan’s all-in. Loganathan shows Js6s and runs the board KhQs8s6hQd. Wang’s pocket sevens remains ahead, giving him a full double up.

Wang Weixuan – 395,000
Niroshan Loganathan – 700,000

13:09: Shin Hyeonho slips down
Level 17: 3,000 – 6,000 ante 6,000

Shin Hyeonho

Button Cardyn Nicolas defended his open vs Shin Hyeonho’s three bet to 40,000 and saw a flop of Qc10h3d. Shin continued for 37,000 and Cardyn followed with an all-in for the rest of Shin’s chips. Shin makes the fold and slips down to 16 BB.

Cardyn Nicolas – 425,000
Shin Hyeonho – 100,000

13:04: Wu Shenghao knocked out in 7th place – PHP 156,000
Level 17: 3,000 – 6,000 ante 6,000

Wu Shenghao

First hand of the day sees shortest stacked Wu Shenghao on the losing end of a cooler. Bringing in a 48,000 stack, Wu got it in with KcKd and was up against Cardyn Nicolas’ AdAc. The board Qh2d10d3c8c delivered no bad beats, leaving Wu to exit within the first five minutes.

Cardyn Nicolas – 339,000
Wu Shenghao – Eliminated

13:00: Shuffle Up & Deal!
Level 17: 3,000 – 6,000 ante 6,000

Final table action resumes, good luck to all the players!


The Manila Megastack 17 festivities at Okada Resort & Casino Manila, Philippines is playing down its first seven-figure guarantee on schedule with Event#6: Deep Stack Challenge set to crown a champion today! Niroshan Loganathan tops the remaining 7-player list, followed by Jaime Ramon Reyes. All contenders are now guaranteed a minimum payout of PHP 156,000 (~USD 2,820) with first prize seeing PHP 933,000 (~USD 16,385) up top.

Action will resume at 1 p.m. on Level 17: 3,000 – 6,000 ante 6,000, running 40 minute blind levels all the way through.

Date: December 4 to 5, 2023
Buy in: ₱ 55,000 (~$1,000)
Guarantee: ₱ 3,000,000 (~$54,150)
Entries: 53
Prize pool: ₱ 3,000,000 (~$54,150)
ITM: 7 places

1 ₱ 933,000
2 ₱ 675,000
3 ₱ 430,000
4 ₱ 326,000
5 ₱ 252,000
6 ₱ 193,000
7 ₱ 156,000

Chips in play: 2,120,0000

End of Day 1 – Chip Counts

Loganathan Niroshan 806,000
Reyes Jaime Ramon 374,000
Cardyn Nicolas 276,000
Wang Weixuan 202,000
Shin Hyeonho 182,000
Say John Carlo 132,000
Wu Shenghao 48,000

PS Live Manila Megastack 17 – Kick Off – Final Day

23:40: Alvir Inocentes claims Kick Off victory!
Level 31: 80,000 – 160,000 ante 160,000

Alvir Inocentes

Local runner Alvir Inocentes outlasted the 488-entry field and claimed victory in Event #7: Kick Off for PHP 877,000 following a four way ICM deal. Inocentes takes with him the trophy and the PHP 35,000 Main Event entry in addition for landing first place.

Congratulations to all the players!

Event #7: Kick Off Final Table Results

Place Player Flag Prize (PHP)
1 Alvir Inocentes Philippines ₱877,000*
2 Jayvon Carreon Philippines ₱788,000*
3 Marcial Lou Philippines ₱619,000*
4 Ryan Platon Philippines ₱596,000*
5 Wallac Chan Wai Hong Kong ₱330,000
6 Jan Jason Leoncio Philippines ₱260,000
7 John Clyde Tan Philippines ₱195,000
8 Raymundo Gomez Philippines ₱135,000
9 Canale Kier Philippines ₱108,852

*Denotes deal was made

23:40: Jayvon Carreon falls short in 2nd place – PHP 788,000
Level 31: 80,000 – 160,000 ante 160,000

Jayvon Carreon

Button Jayvon Carreon opened to 500,000 and called off Alvir Inocentes’ all-in for his tournament life.

Inocentes Ac10d
Carreon Ks10s

In rough shape, the board 5dJc8cQh3c wasn’t of any help and left Carreon to settle for a runner up finish.

Alvir Inocentes – 14,600,000
Jayvon Carreon – Eliminated

23:34: Alvir Inocentes continues to lead
Level 31: 80,000 – 160,000 ante 160,000

Button Jayvon Carreon opened to 320,000, called by Alvir Inocentes. Flop came 2c3c10h and Inocentes check called for 500,000. Turn 7h and river 3s collected no more bets with Carreon showing Ad7s, no good against Inocentes’ 6h10c.

Alvir Inocentes – 8,900,000
Jayvon Carreon – 5,700,000

23:09: Marcial Lou exits in 3rd place – PHP 619,000
Level 30: 60,000 – 120,000 ante 120,000

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Marcial Lou

Small blind Marcial Lou opened to 260,000, called behind by big blind Jayvon Carreon. Lou went on to triple barrel board 5hKs8s6h8h then call a river all-in from his opponent. Carreon shows 10h8d and bags the win after Lou reveals 8c9c for trip eights as well.

Jayvon Carreon – 7,000,000
Marcial Lou – Eliminated

22:43: Ryan Platon succumbs in 4th place – PHP 596,000
Level 30: 60,000 – 120,000 ante 120,000

Ryan Platon

Button Ryan Platon defended his open and called a three bet to 500,000 from small blind Marcial Lou. Flop came 3h5h10h and Lou bet all-in. Platon called off his remaining 1,000,000 with Js10d and was crushed to see Lou’s KhKc. The turn 2c and river Jh completed the board, running a one card flush to Lou’s heart for the win.

Marcial Lou – 3,100,000
Ryan Platon – Eliminated

22:34: ICM deal in place
Level 29: 50,000 – 100,000 ante 100,000

An ICM deal is in place with Alvir Inocentes taking the biggest loot out of the three. Play continues for the trophy and PHP 35,000 Main Event entry.

ICM Payouts

Alvir Inocentes – PHP 877,000
Jayvon Carreon – PHP 788,000
Marcial Lou – PHP 619,000
Ryan Platon – PHP 596,000

22:23: ICM talks
Level 29: 50,000 – 100,000 ante 100,000

ICM is being discussed on the table with 4 left in the final table games.

Chip Counts

Alvir Inocentes – 6,365,000
Jayvon Carreon – 4,480,000
Marcial Lou – 2,015,000
Ryan Platon – 1,770,000

22:12: Wallac Chan Wai eliminated in 5th place – PHP 330,000
Level 29: 50,000 – 100,000 ante 100,000

Wallac Chan Wai

Utg Wallac Chan Wai got his remaining 3 BB in with 7c7h and had to beat big blind Marcial Lou’s 9h5h for his survival. Unfortunately for Wai, the board revealed 8hQs8dQd9c and counterfeited his pocket pair and paired up Lou’s nine for the win.

Marcial Lou – 2,000,000
Wallac Chan Wai – Eliminated

22:05: Jan Jason Leoncio bows out in 6th place – PHP 260,000
Level 29: 50,000 – 100,000 ante 100,000

Jan Jason Leoncio

Down to 7 BB, utg Jan Jason Leoncio got his last 720,000 in with KdJs and faced big blind Jayvon Carreon’s As4h. The board 3c9s4cQhAh turned up on the felt and locked in Leoncio’s elimination with his opponent’s two pair.

Jayvon Carreon – 4,500,000
Jan Jason Leoncio – Eliminated

22:00: Wallac Chan Wai gets crippled
Level 29: 50,000 – 100,000 ante 100,000

Utg Wallac Chan Wai opened to 250,000 and called off Ryan Platon’s 785,000 jam.

Platon 9h9d
Wai 6c6s

A huge favorite, Platon survives and doubles through following a board of AsJs7dKcAh. Wai is crippled down to 5 BB from the loss.

Ryan Platon – 1,770,000
Wallac Chan Wai – 500,000

21:45: Jayvon Carreon locks in double up
Level 29: 50,000 – 100,000 ante 100,000

Jayvon Carreon

Hijack Jayvon Carreon opened to 200,000, joined by both players on the blinds. Flop Ad3s8d was checked to Carreon who continued for 400,000. Small blind Ryan Platon reshoves all-in and Carreon calls off for 1,265,000. Platon reveals Kd10d for a flush draw against Carreon’s top pair AcQc. Turn Kh and river 9c drew blank, forcing Platon to take the loss.

Jayvon Carreon – 3,230,000
Ryan Platon – 1,900,000

21:42: Blinds up!
Level 29: 50,000 – 100,000 ante 100,000

Six players still in the Kick Off final table with the minimum payout now listed at PHP 260,000.

21:40: Alvir Inocentes overtakes Ryan Platon
Level 28: 40,000 – 80,000 ante 80,000

Marcial Lou

A multiway pot began with utg Marcial Lou’s open to 175,000, joined by both players on the blinds. Flop KcQs4d was checked to Lou who continued for 150,000, called by both small blind Ryan Platon and big blind Alvir Inocentes. Lou fired another 250,000 on turn 6d, called only by Inocentes this time. River 8s saw Lou bet a final 500,000, Inocentes with a check call.

Lou shows AhAd, crushed against Inocentes two pair KdQd. Inocentes claims the pot and climbs to the top spot.

Alvir Inocentes – 4,700,000
Ryan Platon – 3,400,000
Marcial Lou – 2,000,000

21:30: Split pot for Alvir Inocentes and Ryan Platon
Level 28: 40,000 – 80,000 ante 80,000

Alvir Inocentes

Hijack Alvir Inocentes opened to 170,000, joined by two players on flop AdQd5s. Inocentes continued for 150,000, called by both Ryan Platon and big blind Jayvon Carreon. Turn 8c was checked to Platon who bet 500,000, keeping both opponents still in. River 6s was again checked to Platon, pushing him to fire a bigger 1,500,000. Carreon folds and Inocentes tanks then makes the call. Platon shows AhJh and splits the pot with Inocentes’ AsJs.

Alvir Inocentes – 3,300,000
Ryan Platon – 3,800,000
Jayvon Carreon – 1,250,000

21:18: Marcial Lou regains top spot
Level 28: 40,000 – 80,000 ante 80,000

Small blind Ryan Platon opened to 225,000, called by big blind Marcial Lou. Platon continued for 150,000 on flop QcQd7s and another 450,000 on turn 3d. Lou called both bets with the river Ks checked through by both players. Platon shows 9h4h air, Lou with As7h for the pot.

Marcial Lou – 3,500,000
Ryan Platon – 3,300,000

20:51: Break Time!
Level 28: 40,000 – 80,000 ante 80,000

6 players remain in contention for the Kick Off title and PHP 1,180,000 top prize.

Chip Count Update

Ryan Platon – 4,150,000
Marcial Lou – 2,900,000
Alvir Inocentes – 2,500,000
Jayvon Carreon – 2,200,000
Wallac Chan Wai – 1,700,000
Jan Jason Leoncio – 1,280,000

20:50: Two pair good for Marcial Lou
Level 27: 30,000 – 60,000 ante 60,000

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Marcial Lou

Hijack Ryan Platon opened to 135,000, called by Marcial Lou behind. Flop Ah9s8c saw Platon continue for 105,000, called by Lou. Platon then checked turn 7c and Lou bet 150,000. Platon put the chips in and saw river Kc. Platon check-calls another 175,000, revealing Lou’s 8d9d for two pair. Platon mucks and Lou takes the pot down.

Marcial Lou – 2,900,000
Ryan Platon – 4,150,000

20:31: Ryan Platon takes the lead
Level 27: 30,000 – 60,000 ante 60,000

Ryan Jerico Platon

Small blind Ryan Platon raised to 130,000 and big blind Marcial Lou completed to see flop 3h4hJh. Platon bets 80,000 and another 225,000 on turn 5d, Lou with a call on both streets. River 6h saw Platon send out a final 700,000 and Lou uses up three time banks before making the call. Platon shows AhAc, Lou mucks.

Ryan Platon – 4,700,000
Marcial Lou – 2,300,000

20:15: John Clyde Tan busts in 7th place – PHP 195,000
Level 27: 30,000 – 60,000 ante 60,000

John Clyde Tan

Running a short stack, John Clyde Tan finally got his last 480,000 in with KsJs and was called by small blind Wallac Chan Wai with AdQd. Wai being a favorite, sealed Tan’s elimination after 3h2c9s5d10s rolled on the board.

Wallac Chan Wai – 1,800,000
John Clyde Tan – Eliminated

20:11: Blinds up!
Level 27: 30,000 – 60,000 ante 60,000

7 players remain in contention for the Kick Off title and PHP 1,180,000 top prize.

20:03: Set over set lands Raymundo Gomez in 8th place – PHP 135,000
Level 26: 25,000 – 50,000 ante 50,000

Raymundo Gomez

Button Ryan Platon opened to 135,000, joined by small blind Raymundo Gomez. The two saw flop 6h5hJd where all the chips went piling in, Gomez with 5s5d and Platon with 6c6s. Both with a set, Platon secured the pot shortly after with his sixes topping Gomez’ fives for the latter’s elimination.

Ryan Platon – 3,500,000
Raymundo Gomez – Eliminated

19:53: Jayvon Carreon steals pot away
Level 26: 25,000 – 50,000 ante 50,000

Jayvon Carreon

Utg Ryan Platon opened to 110,000, called by two players behind. Flop 3sQs6c saw Platon continue for 160,000, called by Jayvon Carreon. Platon then checked turn 8h, leading Carreon to fire a 350,000 bet. Platon gives it up and throws in the fold.

Jayvon Carreon – 2,300,000
Ryan Platon – 1,800,000

19:48: Canale Kier railed in 9th place – PHP 108,852
Level 26: 25,000 – 50,000 ante 50,000

Canale Kier

Utg+2 Canale Kier pushed all-in with JcJs for his remaining 440,000 and ran smack into Jan Jason Leoncio’s AdAc. Drawing slim, the board 7cKh7d10dKd delivered no bad beats and earned Leoncio the pot with his aces.

Jan Jason Leoncio – 1,500,000
Canale Kier – Eliminated

19:46: One bet does it for Ryan Platon
Level 26: 25,000 – 50,000 ante 50,000

Utg+2 Ryan Platon opened to 113,000, called by chip leader Marcial Lou behind. On flop 7dKs9s, Platon continued for 135,000 and collected a fold from Lou shortly after.

Ryan Platon – 2,300,000
Marcial Lou – 3,800,000

19:37: Marcial Lou continues to lead
Level 26: 25,000 – 50,000 ante 50,000

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Marcial Lou

Utg+1 Marcial Lou opened to 100,000, called by Jayvon Carreon behind. Flop 6cQc10d went check-check and headed to turn 7s. Lou this time, led for 125,000, Carreon with a fold.

Marcial Lou – 3,900,000
Jayvon Carreon – 1,900,000

19:16: The final table is set!
Level 26: 25,000 – 50,000 ante 50,000

Nine players remain in the Kick Off games, each guaranteed a minimum payout of PHP 108,852. Champion set to win PHP 1,180,000 + PHP 35,000 Main Event entry!

Final Table Chip Counts

Marcial Lou – 3,665,000
Alvir Inocentes – 2,305,000
Jayvon Carreon – 2,045,000
Ryan Platon – 2,010,000
Wallac Chan Wai – 1,375,000
Raymundo Gomez – 1,130,000
Canale Kier – 565,000
John Clyde Tan – 465,000

19:10: Henriquez Antonio falls out in 10th place – PHP 90,000
Level 26: 25,000 – 50,000 ante 50,000

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Henriquez Antonio

Henriquez Antonio defended his big blind vs cutoff Ryan Platon’s open and saw flop Qh2cAc. Henriquez led out a 200,000 bet, called by Platon. Turn came 9d and Henriquez shoved all-in for 400,000. Platon makes the final call and gets to showdown.

Henriquez Ad10h
Platon Ah4d

Henriquez ahead with a better kicker, came crashing down after the river 4h completed the board. Platon earns the pot with two pair, eliminating Henriquez one spot short of the final table.

Ryan Platon – 2,100,000
Henriquez Antonio- Eliminated

19:08: Ralph Nazareno crashes in 11th place – PHP 90,000
Level 26: 25,000 – 50,000 ante 50,000

Ralph Nazareno

Cutoff Wallac Chan Wai opened to 125,000 and called off button Ralph Nazareno’s 430,000 jam.

Nazareno JcJd
Wai Ks9s

Nazareno ahead with his pocket pair instantly lost the advantage after the flop Kc7c4d gave Wai top pair. Wai’s hand improved further to trips on runout Kh3c and locked in the win.

Wallac Chan Wai – 1,375,000
Ralph Nazareno – Eliminated

19:05: Jan Jason Leoncio puts in a squeeze
Level 26: 25,000 – 50,000 ante 50,000

Cutoff Raymundo Gomez opened to 105,000, called by Marcial Lou on the small blind. Action on big blind Jan Jason Leoncio, he decided to bump it up to 400,000. Both opponents fold and Leoncio picks up the dead money.

Jan Jason Leoncio – 1,100,000
Raymundo Gomez – 1,100,000
Marcial Lou – 3,650,000

18:58: Blinds up!
Level 26: 25,000 – 50,000 ante 50,000

11 players remain in the running for the Kick Off title, two more eliminations before the final table.

18:54: Top pair good for Henriquez Antonio
Level 25: 20,000 – 40,000 ante 40,000

Ryan Jerico Platon

Cutoff Ryan Platon opened to 100,000 and called off big blind Henriquez Antonio’s 400,000 all-in.

Henriquez Kh10s
Platon As4h

Up for a race, Henriquez quickly flopped top pair on 8s6s10d5s3d and sealed the win after no ace came on either turn or river.

Henriquez Antonio – 860,000
Ryan Platon – 1,250,000

18:34: Mike Takayama railed in 12th place – PHP 77,000
Level 25: 20,000 – 40,000 ante 40,000

Mike Takayama

After getting his aces cracked, Mike Takayama got his remaining 220,000 stack in with KsQh and faced button Alvir Inocentes’ AsQc. Inocentes running hot, delivered another elimination after the board 2sJhJs9h3h turned up on the felt.

Alvir Inocentes – 2,400,000
Mike Takayama – Eliminated

18:20: Christopher Mateo knocked out in 13th place – PHP 77,000
Level 24: 15,000 – 30,000 ante 30,000

Christopher Mateo

Folded to Christopher Mateo on the small blind, he shoved his remaining 220,000 in with Jc6c and was called by Alvir Inocentes with KdJs. The board ran 5c8c8h6dKh, giving two pair for both players, Inocentes with the better one for the win.

Alvir Inocentes – 1,700,000
Christopher Mateo – Eliminated

18:13: Mike Takayama gets aces cracked
Level 24: 15,000 – 30,000 ante 30,000

Alvir Inocentes

Utg opened to 75,000 and was met with an all-in for 480,000 behind from Alvir Inocentes. Action on small blind Mike Takayama, he reshoved, pushing the original raiser to fold.

Inocentes AcQh
Takayama AsAd

A huge underdog, Inocentes luckily flopped a flush draw on 5c4cQc3sKc and went on to fill up for the crucial double.

Alvir Inocentes – 1,045,000
Mike Takayama – 300,000

18:08: Wallac Chan Wai pumps up the aggression
Level 24: 15,000 – 30,000 ante 30,000

Wallac Chan Wai

Cutoff Christopher Mateo opened to 60,000 and called a three bet to 200,000 from small blind Wallac Chan Wai. Flop came 7h6h5s and Wallac shoved all-in for 610,000. Mateo folds and saves his 16 BB on to the next hand.

Wallac Chan Wai – 1,175,000
Christopher Mateo – 500,000

18:04: Bernard Chua runs into aces in 14th place – PHP 67,000
Level 24: 15,000 – 30,000 ante 30,000

Canale Kier

Folded to Bernard Chua on the button, he shoved all-in for 150,000 with 9s10s and ran right into small blind Canale Kier’s AcAs. Up against a monster, Chua’s pair on 5cQc2c6d10h couldn’t save him from elimination leaving him to exit in 14th place.

Canale Kier – 1,500,000
Bernard Chua – Eliminated

17:56: Huang Chun Kai busts in 15th place – PHP 67,000
Level 24: 15,000 – 30,000 ante 30,000

Huang Chun Kai

Cutoff Raymundo Gomez opened to 60,000 and Huang Chun Kai flicked in his 50,000 stack.

Gomez Ad2h
Huang KdJd

Huang with a micro stack, failed to win the race on board 9d5dAc2s3c, awarding Gomez the pot with top pair.

Raymundo Gomez – 1,500,000
Huang Chun Kai – Eliminated

17:48: Fandalian Prolan stacks off in 16th place – PHP 59,000
Level 24: 15,000 – 30,000 ante 30,000

A limp pot blind vs blind, small blind Fandalian Prolan led out 75,000 on flop Jx 6x 7x, called by big blind Marcial Lou. Turn Qx saw Prolan continue for another 100,000. Lou then put in a raise to 275,000, pushing Prolan to shove all-in. Lou makes the final call with Qx Jx for two pair and crushes Prolan’s Jx 9x entirely.

Marcial Lou – 3,300,000
Fandalian Prolan – Eliminated

17:45: Raymundo Gomez stacks high
Level 24: 15,000 – 30,000 ante 30,000

Raymundo Gomez

Utg Jose Ruzzel shoved all-in for 200,000 with Ax 9x and was called by Raymundo Gomez behind with AsQs. Dominated, Ruzzel exited shortly after the board 4s7s7cJd10d landed rightfully for Gomez.

Raymundo Gomez – 1,400,000
Jose Ruzzel – Eliminated

17:44: Kyung Ho Moon crashes with tens
Level 24: 15,000 – 30,000 ante 30,000

Kyung Ho Moon

Utg+1 Kyung Ho Moon jumped the gun with his remaining 150,000 and was called by button Wallac Chan Wai with Ac9h. Kyung is ahead with 10h10c up until the turn Qd7s7dAhJd peeled an ace for Wallac’s win.

Wallac Chan Wai – 600,000
Kyung Ho Moon – Eliminated

17:39: Fandalian Prolan locks in a double up
Level 24: 15,000 – 30,000 ante 30,000

Utg+1 Fandalian Prolan open shoved 490,000 in with 8h8s and was called behind by Marcial Lou with AsKs. Running another flip, Prolan scooped up this one with his pocket eights filling up to a straight on 9s6c3d7h10s for his survival.

Fandalian Prolan – 1,055,000
Marcial Lou – 2,200,000

17:34: Alvir Inocentes gets a boost
Level 24: 15,000 – 30,000 ante 30,000

Alvir Inocentes

Button Pak Paul shoved his remaining 145,000 in with Ad10c and was called by big blind Alvir Inocentes with 7d7c. Up for a flip, the turn 9d2h9c7sAc locked it in for Inocentes with a full house to send his opponent out.

Alvir Inocentes – 625,000
Pak Paul – Eliminated

17:34: Break Time!
Level 24: 15,000 – 30,000 ante 30,000

21 players remain in contention for the Kick Off title with each guaranteed PHP 47,000!

Top Chip Counts

Marcial Lou – 2,700,000
Ryan Jerico Platon – 1,500,000
Jayvon Carreon – 1,400,000
Ralph Nazareno – 1,200,000
John Clyde Tan – 1,000,000

17:22: Kyung Ho Moon lands trips
Level 23: 10,000 – 25,000 ante 25,000

Kyung Ho Moon

Utg Kyung Ho Moon shoved his 85,000 in and was called by three other players. Flop 7c3c8h was checked through leading to turn 4s where big blind Marcial Lou sent out an 80,000 bet for the sidepot. Small blind Fandalian Prolan makes the call and sees river 7s. Prolan leads out 150,000, Lou with a final call.

Kyung 10h7d
Prolan Ad9h
Lou 6h6c

Kyung scoops up the main pot with trip sevens while Lou takes the sidepot with his pair of sixes beating Prolan’s ace high.

Kyung Ho Moon – 365,000
Marcial Lou – 2,700,000
Fandalian Prolan – 450,000

17:16: Ralph Nazareno flops quads
Level 23: 10,000 – 25,000 ante 25,000

Lee Seojin

Utg+2 Ralph Nazareno limp called big blind Lee Seojin’s 240,000 shove with 9s9h and faced Lee’s KcQd for a flip. The flop instantly came 9d9cAc, leaving Lee drawing dead right away.

Ralph Nazareno – 1,200,000
Lee Seojin – Eliminated

17:09: Marcial Lou rails Jeorge Lagatuz
Level 23: 10,000 – 25,000 ante 25,000

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Jeorge Lagatuz

Hijack Jeorge Lagatuz stuffed his 225,000 in with Ad5c and was called by small blind Marcial Lou with AhQd. Dominated, Final Day chip leader Lagatuz headed for the rails shortly after the board 8d8cJcKh3s turned up on the felt.

Marcial Lou – 2,500,000
Jeorge Lagatuz – Eliminated

17:03: Marcial Lou continues to dominate
Level 23: 10,000 – 25,000 ante 25,000

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Marcial Lou

Marcial Lou defended his big blind vs utg+1 Huang Chun Kai’s open to 55,000 and saw a flop of 10hJd2s. Lou led out for 40,000, called by Huang behind. Turn 4c saw Lou put out another 120,000 and a final 120,000 on river 3h. Huang called both streets only to muck after Lou revealed top pair Jc8d.

Marcial Lou – 2,200,000
Huang Chun Kai – 250,000

17:01: Yoshiki Miura pushes all-in
Level 23: 10,000 – 25,000 ante 25,000

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Yoshiki Miura

Utg Ryan Platon opened to 55,000 and was met with an all-in from Yoshiki Miura for 410,000. Platon makes the fold and gives up the fight.

Yoshiki Miura – 525,000
Ryan Platon – 1,350,000

16:45: Ashley Patterson gets knocked out
Level 23: 10,000 – 25,000 ante 25,000

Ashley Patterson

Cutoff Raymundo Gomez opened to 60,000 and called off big blind Ashley Patterson’s 250,000 all-in.

Patterson Js10s
Gomez As10h

Patterson at risk, both players missed to connect with board 5h4c8s2s2d and left Gomez’ ace-high good for the win.

Raymundo Gomez – 1,100,000
Ashley Patterson – Eliminated

16:42: Wallac Chan Wai doubles through Marcial Lou
Level 23: 10,000 – 25,000 ante 25,000

Marcial Lou

Folded to Wallac Chan Wai on the small blind, he shoved all-in for 345,000 with Ad6c and was called by big blind Marcial Lou with 5d5h. A blind vs blind battle, the board 9sJh7hAh10c ran in favor of Wai for a full double up.

Wallac Chan Wai – 715,000
Marcial Lou – 1,600,000

16:38: Mike Takayama delivers bust
Level 23: 10,000 – 25,000 ante 25,000

Cheong Mun Leong

Hijack Mike Takayama opened to 70,000, joined by big blind Cheong Mun Leong on flop 9c3c4s. Takayama continued for 105,000 and was check raised all-in for 150,000 by Cheong. Takayama completes, revealing Cheong 6h2d for a gutshot straight draw, Takayama with KdJh. The turn Kh left Cheong drawing thin with the river 2s sealing the win for the Filipino pro.

Mike Takayama – 700,000
Cheong Mun Leong – Eliminated

16:35: Blinds up!
Level 23: 10,000 – 25,000 ante 25,000

26 players remain in the running for the Kick Off title, each guaranteed a payout of PHP 41,000.

16:31: Leonard Aban runs into kings
Level 22: 10,000 – 20,000 ante 20,000

Ralph Nazareno

Utg+1 Leonard Aban opened to 50,000 and called off for his 360,000 stack with AcQh vs Ralph Nazareno’s KcKd. The flop AhKhJc instantly landed Nazareno a set which further improved to a full house by the river Jh for the pot.

Ralph Nazareno – 1,100,000
Leonard Aban – Eliminated

16:27: Mike Takayama takes it down
Level 22: 10,000 – 20,000 ante 20,000

Mike Takayama

Utg Yoshiki Miura opened to 50,000, joined by both players on the blinds. All three checked through flop 4c9cJd and saw turn 5c. Checked once more to Miura, he fired 150,000. Big blind Mike Takayama used up two time banks before making the call for his tournament life. Miura shows AsKc up against Takayama’s midpair 5d2s. River 7s ran dry and Takayama earns the double up for his pair of fives.

Mike Takayama – 465,000
Yoshiki Miura – 459,000

16:14: Huang Chun Kai lands a set
Level 22: 10,000 – 20,000 ante 20,000

Huang Chun Kai

Utg Huang Chun Kai open shoved for 285,000 with 6h6d and was called behind by

Cheong Mun Leong with AcKc. Tabling another flip, Huang managed to lock in a double up after landing a set on 6s10c3d7h5d.

Huang Chun Kai – 610,000
Cheong Mun Leong – 380,000

16:09: Paolo Boccaletti knocked out
Level 22: 10,000 – 20,000 ante 20,000

Raymundo Gomez

Utg Paolo Boccaletti shoved all-in for his last 105,000 with Jh10d and was called by big blind Raymundo Gomez with Ac10s. In a tough spot, the flop Ad3c3h crushed Boccaletti even more so as he exited shortly after the turn 6s and river 3s completed the board.

Raymundo Gomez – 950,000
Paolo Boccaletti – Eliminated

15:57: Zhuchkov Victor hits the rails
Level 22: 10,000 – 20,000 ante 20,000

Edward Penaflorida

Cutoff Zhuchkov Victor open shoved his last 105,000 in with Qd9d and was called by small blind Edward Penaflorida with AhJd. A slight underdog, the board 10s2d6c3dAs left Zhuchkov with queen high and out of the tables shortly after.

Edward Penaflorida – 605,000
Zhuchkov Victor – Eliminated

15:55: Blinds up!
Level 22: 10,000 – 20,000 ante 20,000

34 players remain in the Kick Off games, each guaranteed PHP 31,000 in prizes.

15:48: Lee Chung Kiong gets eliminated
Level 21: 10,000 – 15,000 ante 15,000

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Lee Chung Kiong

Button Lee Chung Kiong shoved all-in for 148,000 with Ac10s and was called by small blind Marcial Lou with 9c9s. Lou running hot, captured the win after the board ran 8c5sQd7s9h to rail Lee.

Marcial Lou – 1,400,000
Lee Chung Kiong – Eliminated

15:43: Raymundo Gomez bounces back
Level 21: 10,000 – 15,000 ante 15,000

Ashley Patterson

Following an excruciating bad beat, Raymundo Gomez got a full double up with AcAh against Ashley Patterson’s QcQd. Gomez instantly flopped top set 6hAdJc8d4c and recovers back to a 41 BB stack.

Raymundo Gomez – 624,000
Ashley Patterson – 90,000

15:35: Ryan Jerico Platon hits big
Level 21: 10,000 – 15,000 ante 15,000

Ryan Jerico Platon

A four bet jam from Ryan Jerico Platon for 468,000 saw Raymundo Gomez make the call with AdKd. Gomez is a huge favorite vs Platon’s Ac2d up until the flop came 2c7s5sAhJd. Platon bags the pot with two pair and surges to one of the top stacks in the game.

Ryan Jerico Platon – 966,000
Raymundo Gomez – 280,000

15:35: Wallac Chan Wai claims pot
Level 21: 10,000 – 15,000 ante 15,000

Wallac Chan Wai

Utg Wallac Chan Wai opened to 35,000 and called a three bet to 160,000 behind from Acosta Harold Ian. On flop 6c3d2s, Wai bet all-in, urging Acosta to save his remaining 9 BB and give up the pot.

Wallac Chan Wai – 675,000
Acosta Harold Ian – 125,000

15:29: Weon Jae Yoon bows out
Level 21: 10,000 – 15,000 ante 15,000

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Marcial Lou

Button Marcial Lou opened to 30,000, joined by small blind Weon Jae Yoon. Flop came JsQh8c and Yoon check raised to 78,000. Lou puts in the call and both players check turn 4d through. Yoon pushed all-in on river Qs and was called by Lou with Qc9s. Yoon shows Kh3h and busts with a bluff.

Marcial Lou – 900,000
Weon Jae Yoon – Eliminated

15:25: Raymundo Gomez bags a flip
Level 21: 10,000 – 15,000 ante 15,000

Oleg Mordassov

All the chips piled high in the middle preflop – Oleg Mordassov with AsKc against Raymundo Gomez’ JhJd. Gunning for overcards, the board 10s9d2d7d8c spared none and instead ran a straight for Gomez to cripple Mordassov down to 4 BB.

Raymundo Gomez – 700,000
Oleg Mordassov – 65,000

15:21: Jeorge Lagatuz jams it in
Level 21: 10,000 – 15,000 ante 15,000

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Jeorge Lagatuz

Jeorge Lagatuz defended his big blind vs Karen Talamayan’s button open and saw a flop of Ac6s9d. Checked to Talamayan, she sent out a 20,000 bet and shortly folded after Lagatuz moved all-in.

Jeorge Lagatuz – 227,000
Karen Talamayan – 350,000

15:15: Sevens good for Huang Chun Kai
Level 21: 10,000 – 15,000 ante 15,000

Utg Huang Chun Kai open shoved 180,000 in with 7s7h and was called by Alexis Lim behind with a lesser stack. Lim shows AcQc for a flip and fails to pair up on 9hJh4s5s3s for his elimination.

Huang Chun Kai – 370,000
Alexis Lim – Eliminated

15:02: Break Time!
Level 21: 10,000 – 15,000 ante 15,000

44 players remain in today’s Kick Off Final Day with a chance to claim the PHP 1,180,000 listed up top.

Top Chip Counts

Jayvon Carreon – 700,000
Marcial Lou – 653,000
John Clyde Tan – 600,000
Wallac Chan Wai – 550,000
Yoshiki Muira – 515,000

14:56: Marcial Lou ahead all the way
Level 20: 6,000 – 12,000 ante 12,000

Marcial Lou

Utg Marcial Lou opened to 25,000, joined behind by another. Big blind Karen Talamayan pushed a three bet to 112,000 and Lou clapped back with an all-in for 305,000. Tamalayan takes the spot and completes.

Lou AsQh
Talamayan KsJs

Ahead of his opponent, Lou doubled through on 10h6c3h3cAd with the river landing him top pair to seal it in.

Marcial Lou – 653,000
Karen Talamayan – 410,000

14:50: Pocket kings no good for Norbert Koh
Level 20: 6,000 – 12,000 ante 12,000

Jayvon Carreon

Utg Norbert Koh opened to 30,000 and was met with a three bet to 60,000 from Jayvon Carreon a seat after. Koh pushed a four bet to 130,000, Carreon makes the call. Flop Ac6h10d saw Koh continue for 40,000, Carreon bumped it up to 100,000 and went on to call Koh’s 199,000 jam for showdown. Koh reveals KsKh, outflopped by Carreon’s As5s. The turn 8c and river 4s complete the board, eliminating Koh from the running.

Jayvon Carreon – 708,000
Norbert Koh – Eliminated

14:43: Hyunmock Yu triples up
Level 20: 6,000 – 12,000 ante 12,000

Hyunmock Yu

Utg+2 opened to 26,000 and Hyunmock Yu shoved all-in behind with is last 65,000. Button calls and big blind Marcial Lou rejams for 290,000. Both players fold and the two run the board.

Yu As2s
Lou AcQs

Yu at risk, was saved from elimination after the board Qd6d4h5c3d offered him a straight for the triple up.

Hyunmock Yu – 239,000
Marcial Lou – 225,000

14:37: Karen Talamayan continues to chip up
Level 20: 6,000 – 12,000 ante 12,000

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Karen Talamayan

Lee Chung Kiong defended his big blind vs utg Karen Talamayan’s open to 25,000 and flopped QcAc2d. Talamayan continued for 42,000, check called by Lee. Turn came another As with both players playing a check. River 10c saw Lee lead out a 60,000 bet and fold to an all-in from his opponent.

Karen Talamayan – 730,000
Lee Chung Kiong – 340,000

14:32: Chang Chia Wei crushed by bad beat
Level 20: 6,000 – 12,000 ante 12,000

Utg+1 Karen Talamayan opened to 25,000 with 8s10s and called off small blind Chang Chia Wei’s 82,000 jam with Ac10h. In a great spot to double through, the flop QsAs6h instead gave Talamayan some hope, with the river Js coming a third spade to fill up Talamayan’s flush.

Karen Talamayan – 585,000
Chang Chia Wei – Eliminated

14:28: Blinds up!
Level 20: 6,000 – 12,000 ante 12,000

50 players remain in the Kick Off games with the first pay jump done and all players now guaranteed PHP 26,000.

14:26: Euryd Rivera gets dominated
Level 19: 5,000 – 10,000 ante 10,000

Euryd Rivera

Hijack Euryd Rivera opened to 22,000 and pushed a four bet jam for his 255,000 stack against small blind Oleg Mordassov’s three bet. Mordassov called off with AhKc and is ahead of Rivera’s AsQs. In a terrible spot, the board 7h3c10h6s7d failed to save Rivera, leaving Mordassov to claim the pot.

Oleg Mordassov – 670,000
Euryd Rivera – Eliminated

14:21: Yoshiki Miura busts Renniel Galvez
Level 19: 5,000 – 10,000 ante 10,000

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Yoshiki Miura

Utg+1 Renniel Galvez shoved his last 130,000 in with AhQc and faced Yoshiki Miura’s 7c7h behind. In for another flip, the board 8dJcKh8c7s leaned towards Yoshiki’s pocket pair with a full house on the river to lock in the win.

Yoshiki Miura – 410,000
Renniel Galvez – Eliminated

14:15: Chargualaf Joshua loses classic flip
Level 19: 5,000 – 10,000 ante 10,000

John Clyde Tan

An all-in preflop situation, Chargualaf Joshua got his 250,000 stack in with AsKs and was up against John Clyde Tan’s QcQd. Needing to pair up, Chargualaf missed out on board 9c7h4d4sQs and was eliminated from the table.

John Clyde Tan – 680,000
Chargualaf Joshua – Eliminated

14:13: Christopher Mateo double barrel folds
Level 19: 5,000 – 10,000 ante 10,000

Christopher Mateo

Utg+2 Christopher Mateo opened to 20,000, joined by big blind Jayvon Carreon. Flop 10h5h3h saw Mateo continued for 20,000, check called by Carreon. Mateo went for another 36,000 on turn Kc but shortly folded after Carreon check raised all-in.

Jayvon Carreon – 399,000
Christopher Mateo – 110,000

14:08: Karen Talamayan saved by the board
Level 19: 5,000 – 10,000 ante 10,000

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Karen Talamayan

Hijack opened to 20,000, called by Karen Talamayan behind. Big blind Weon Jae Yoon shoved all-in, original raiser folds, and Talamayan calls off for her 157,000 stack.

Yoon KdQd
Talamayan KcJc

Dominated, Talamayan lucked out and tabled a board of 9sAh7d8h10h for a straight and her survival.

Karen Talamayan – 349,000
Weon Jae Yoon – 270,000

13:55: Quoc Cuong Khoang heads for the rails
Level 19: 5,000 – 10,000 ante 10,000

Yong Yuan Yan

Cutoff Yong Yuan Yan open shoved for 86,000 with 3s3h and big blind Quoc Cuong Khoang called off with Ad5h. Still a flip, the board KsJs5s10s8c ran a one card flush to  Yong’s spade for the pot.

Yong Yuan Yan – 172,000
Quoc Cuong Khoang – Eliminated

13:51: Lee Chung Kiong rivers backdoor flush
Level 19: 5,000 – 10,000 ante 10,000

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Lee Chung Kiong

A multiway raised pot, four players flopped KcQd4h and checked it through. Turn came 3h and big blind Marcial Lou led for 22,000, called only by button Lee Chung Kiong. Lou then checked river 5h, allowing Lee to bet 55,000. Lou makes the final call and mucks his hand after Lee shows 7h10h for a backdoor flush.

Lee Chung Kiong – 450,000
Marcial Lou – 300,000

13:46: Cbet does it for Jeon Seungsoo
Level 19: 5,000 – 10,000 ante 10,000

Utg+2 Jeon Seungsoo opened to 20,000, joined by three other players behind. Flop 9c8h9h was checked through to turn 3s. Jeon threw in a 50,000 delayed cbet, meriting a fold from all three opponents.

Jeon Seungsoo – 300,000

13:42: Blinds up!
Level 19: 5,000 – 10,000 ante 10,000

60 players remain in the running with minimum payout still listed at PHP 23,500!

13:37: Cheong Mun Leong doubles through
Level 18: 4,000 – 8,000 ante 8,000

Hyunmock Yu

Facing an utg open, Hyunmock Yu fired a three bet to 45,000 and called off after button Cheong Mun Leong pushed all-in for 74,000.

Cheong AcKd
Yu 7s7c

Flipping for his tournament life, Cheong luckily flopped top pair on Ah10c8dQs4d, keeping him alive in the Kickoff games.

Cheong Mun Leong – 186,000
Hyunmock Yu – 260,000

13:30: Wallac Chan Wai crushes with aces
Level 18: 4,000 – 8,000 ante 8,000

Wallac Chan Wai

Rodillo Parsacalla Jr. defended his big blind vs Wallac Chan Wai’s 20,000 open and saw a flop of 2hJc5h. Wai continued with a 30,000 bet and another 76,000 on turn 6s with Parsacalla check-calling both streets. River 4c saw Parsacalla this time lead for 70,000, Wai with the final call.

Parsacalla shows Js7s for top pair, crushed against Wai’s AhAc.

Wallac Chan Wai – 530,000
Rodillo Parsacalla Jr. – 181,000

13:22: Chang Jae Yi suffers bad beat
Level 18: 4,000 – 8,000 ante 8,000

Utg+1 Zhao Xiangyun open shoved 108,000 in with Ac9c and was met with another all-in behind by Chang Jae Yi with AdKs. A good spot to claim his opponent’s stack, Chang was instead crippled after the board 9h2h10h8d9d landed Zhao trip nines.

Zhao Xiangyun – 236,000
Chang Jae Yi – 14,000

13:17: Marcial Lou wins flip to survive
Level 18: 4,000 – 8,000 ante 8,000

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Jeorge Lagatuz

Utg opened to 16,000, called by button Marcial Lou. Action on small blind Jeorge Lagatuz, he pushed a three bet to 50,000. Original raiser folds and Lou shoves all-in for 197,000. Lagatuz puts in the call with QdJh and is up against Lou’s 10h10s. In for a flip, the board 8c8h3h9h2d revealed no overcards to Lou’s pocket pair for the double up.

Marcial Lou – 426,000
Jeorge Lagatuz – 320,000

13:13: Jayvon Carreon gets a boost
Level 18: 4,000 – 8,000 ante 8,000

Jayvon Carreon

Utg+1 opened to 17,000, called by Jayvon Carreon behind and big blind Renniel Galvez. Flop QcJs9h was checked to Carreon who bet 21,000, called by Galvez. On turn 9d, Carreon continued with an all-in, Galvez with a check fold.

Jayvon Carreon – 340,000
Renniel Galvez – 51,000

13:08: Marciel Cerbito exits as day’s first casualty
Level 18: 4,000 – 8,000 ante 8,000

Folded to small blind Marciel Cerbito, he slammed his 94,000 in with Jx 8x, and was called by big blind Alexis Lim with Ac3d. At risk, Cerbito found no help on board 3hKh5s6dKd as he headed for the exit shortly after.

Alexis Lim – 278,000
Marciel Cerbito – Eliminated

13:00: Cards are in the air!
Level 18: 4,000 – 8,000 ante 8,000

Final Day of the Kick off event begins, good luck to all the players!


Listing one of the bigger guarantees on schedule, Manila Megastack 17’s Kick-off event attracted a total of 488 entries with only 74 runners advancing through to today’s Final Day. The tournament’s great turnout generated a PHP 6,248,352 (~USD 112,990) prize pool well-smashing the PHP 3,000,000 (~USD 54,150) guarantee. All players returning to the felt are guaranteed PHP 23,500 (~USD 424) in prizes and a fighting chance to claim the PHP 1,180,000 (~USD 21,330) top prize.

Date: December 4 – 6, 2023
Buy-in: PHP 15,000 (~USD 270)
Guarantee: PHP 3,000,000 (~USD 54,150)
Prize pool: PHP 6,248,352 (~USD 112,990)
Entries: 488
ITM: 74 players

Flight A: 140 entries, 21 qualified
Flight B: 232 entries, 35 qualified
Flight C:116 entries, 18 qualified

Top 10 Chip Counts

Rank Player Flag Chip Count
1 Lagatuz Jeorge Philippines 429,000
2 Tan John Clyde Philippines 422,000
3 Wallac Chan Wai Hong Kong 384,000
4 Lee Seojin Korea, South 383,000
5 Rivera Euryd Philippines 378,000
6 Cerbito Marvin Philippines 370,000
7 Parsacalla Rodillo Jr Philippines 351,000
8 Hara Yosuke Japan 342,000
9 Chang Chia Wei Taiwan 341,000
10 Jean Seungsoo Korea, South 339,000

Manila Megastack 17 Kick-off Final Day Chip Counts

Event #7: Kick-off Final Table Payouts

Pos. Prize (PHP)
1 ₱1,180,000
2 ₱750,000
3 ₱530,000
4 ₱420,000
5 ₱330,000
6 ₱260,000
7 ₱195,000
8 ₱135,000
9 ₱108,852

PS Live Manila Megastack 17 – Main Event – Chip Counts


Date: December 7 – 11, 2023
Buy-in: PHP 35,000 (~USD 630)
Guarantee: PHP 10,000,000 (~USD 180,830)
Prize pool: PHP 26,582,850 (~USD 480,080)
Entries: 870
ITM: 133 players

Flight A: 167 entries, 26 qualified
Flight B: 235 entries, 36 qualified
Flight C: 468 entries, 71 qualified

Day 2: December 10, Sunday
Final Day: December 11, Monday

Day 2 Qualifiers


2 1



PS Live Manila Megastack 17 – Main Event – Day 1A

23:03: Shah Chirag tops the first Main Event flight!
Level 13: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Shah Chirag

Following ten hours of Main Event play, 26 players made it through to Day 2 with Shah Chirag topping the list with 402,000 in chips. Shah took the lead after doubling through William Teoh in a top pair battle.

Two more flights remain with today’s prize pool recording already half of the PHP 10 Million guarantee.

Top Chip Counts

Pos. Player Flag Chip Count
1 Shah Chirag India 402,000
2 Tai Weiliang Singapore 370,000
3 Jeon Seungsoo Korea, South 298,500
4 Dela Cruz John Philippines 294,000
5 Liu Zhiqiang China 277,500
6 Chong Kai Shing Peter Philippines 273,500
7 Nagy Andrej Slovakia 266,500
8 Sayo John Carlo Philippines 258,000
9 Teoh William Malaysia 255,500
10 Seshimoto Sayaka Japan 213,500

23:02: Juanito Ibarra exits as Flight A’s bubble
Level 13: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

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Tai Weiliang

Utg Juanito Ibarra open shoved his last 29,500 in with KsQc and was called by Tai Weiliang behind with AcQs. Dominated, the board 4c3c10cAdKh failed to save Ibarra from elimination, sending him out right on bubble time.

Tai Weiliang – 370,000
Juanito Ibarra – Eliminated

22:57: Jeffrey Pamplona bags triple up
Level 13: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Jeffrey Pamplona

Utg+1 Renniel Galvez opened to 6,000 and was met with two all-ins behind – Kirill Gladchenko for 46,000 and Jeffrey Pamplona for 59,500. Galvez makes the final call and the three run the board.

Gladchenko KsQh
Pamplona KhKd
Galvez QsQd

A quick win for Pamplona, the board 9s6c2dAs6d left him nothing to worry about with Gladchenko headed for the exit two places short of the money.

Jeffrey Pamplona – 169,500
Renniel Galvez – 155,000
Kirill Gladchenko – Eliminated

22:52: Liu Zhiqiang takes it down
Level 13: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Liu Zhiqiang defended his big blind vs Tai Weiliang’s button open and headed to flop AdQd3c. Tai continued for 5,000, check raised by Liu to 17,500 total. Tai completes and moves on to turn 10h. Liu sends out a 45,000 bet and convinces his opponent to make the fold.

Liu Zhiqiang – 280,000
Tai Weiliang – 330,000

22:45: Shah Chirag overtakes chip lead
Level 13: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Shah Chirag

Utg+1 Shah Chirag opened to 6,000 and was met with a three bet to 20,000 behind from William Teoh. Shah answered back with a four bet to 55,000, called by Teoh. Flop Ad5d9c saw the rest of the chips pile in, Shah ahead with AcQd against Teoh’s AsJd. Both with top pair, Shah secured the win after the turn 4h and river 7d completed the board.

Shah Chirag – 409,500
William Teoh – 335,000

22:33: Break Time!
Level 13: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

30 players remain in the Flight A games with four more eliminations before the Day concludes.

Top Chip Counts

William Teoh – 540,000
Tai Weiliang – 365,000
John Dela Cruz – 290,000
Chong Kai Shing Peter – 270,000
Nagy Andrej – 250,000

22:30: John Dela Cruz delivers bust
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

John Dela Cruz

An all-in preflop situation, Tanabe Yuta got his last 50,000 in with JsJc up against John Dela Cruz’s AhJh. Looking to fade an ace, the board 2cKcJdAdAs unfortunately for Tanabe, ran a full house for both players, Dela Cruz for the better one.

John Dela Cruz – 290,000
Tanabe Yuta – Eliminated

22:25: Szetho Zhong claims pot
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Button Szetho Zhong opened to 6,000, joined by both players on the blinds. Flop JcQc7d was checked to Zhong who bet 20,500. Small blind Shah Chirag continues and turns 8s. Zhong goes for another 50,000, Shah with a check-fold.

Szetho Zhong – 130,000
Shah Chirag – 200,000

22:16: Ivan Tabucal gets railed
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

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Ivan Tabucal

Hijack William Teoh defended his open vs small blind Ivan Tabucal’s three bet to 23,000 and saw a flop of Ac10c4s. Tabucal continued for 22,000, Teoh with a snap bet all-in for Tabucal’s 110,000 stack. Tabucal calls off with AsQs and is up against Teoh’s Kc5c nut flush draw. At risk, Tabucal was left drawing dead right on the turn 8c with Teoh picking up the pot for his flush.

William Teoh – 480,000
Ivan Tabucal – Eliminated

22:11: Jeon Seungsoo wins with jack high
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Jeon Seungsoo

Cutoff Jeon Seungsoo opened to 5,000 and called small blind Zhuchkov Victor’s three bet to 12,500. Flop 3d2d5s saw Zhuchkov continue for 12,500, called by Jeon. Turn 9s pushed Zhuchkov to bet all-in for his remaining 30,000, Jeon with a final call.

Zhuchkov 7d8d
Jeon Jd9d

Both with draws, the river 3s ran dry and left Jeon’s pair of nines good for the knock out.

Jeon Seungsoo – 280,000
Zhuchkov Victor – Eliminated

22:03: Seshimoto Sayaka fills up on turn
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Seshimoto Sayaka

Cutoff Seshimoto Sayaka opened to 6,000 and called off small blind Jeorge Lagatuz’ 56,000 jam.

Lagatuz Ad10s
Seshimoto KhQh

Slightly ahead, Lagatuz flopped the nuts on KsQcJdQd8s yet was instantly crushed after the turn filled up Seshimoto’s full house for his elimination.

Seshimoto Sayaka – 240,000
Jeorge Lagatuz – Eliminated

22:00: Raphael Bulaong cracks kings
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Raphael Bulaong

Utg opened to 5,500, joined by button Raphael Bulaong. Action on big blind Tsuda Yugo, he shoved his remaining 31,500 in and was called by Bulaong for the rundown.

Tsuda KsKh
Bulaong AsJs

A great spot to double up, Tsuda was instead left drawing thin after an ace high flop AdJd7d6d6h turned up on the felt.

Raphael Bulaong – 220,000
Tsuda Yugo – Eliminated

21:57: Trip aces good for Pecho Rico
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

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Pecho Rico

Utg Yamada Akihiro opened to 5,000 and Pecho Rico a seat after min raised to 10,000. Big blind William Teoh and Yamada completes and sees flop AcAh3c. Action was checked through as well as on turn 6d, revealing river 10d. Pecho bets 10,000, called by Yamada. Pecho shows AsQc and bags the pot.

Pecho Rico – 85,000
Yamada Akihiro – 130,000
William Teoh – 310,000

21:51: Blinds up!
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

37 players remain in today’s Flight A with 11 more eliminations to go before the day wraps up.

21:50: William Teoh gets paid
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

William Teoh

A multiway pot on flop 2c2h9s saw Teoh bet 9,000 after it was checked to him in position. Big blind Kirill Gladchenko made the call and headed to turn Kc. Teoh fired another 13,000 and a final 25,500 on river 8d with Gladchenko check calling both streets. Teoh reveals Qs2s for trips and Gladchenko mucks.

William Teoh – 310,000
Kirill Gladchenko- 30,000

21:44: Shah Chirag good at showdown
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

Shah Chirag

Four other players joined in following a utg+1 open and saw flop 10d4s2c. Checked to Szetho Zhong, he bet 12,500, called only by Shah Chirag behind. Turn 3c was checked by both players, leading to river 7d. Zhong led for 10,000, called by Shah. Zhong shows 5c5d and Shah with a better 8c8d to take it down.

Shah Chirag – 250,000
Szetho Zhong – 210,000

2136: Ashley Patterson rails Liu Kunhao
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

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Liu Kunhao defended his big blind vs utg Ashley Patterson’s open and was spotted check calling all three streets on board Js9c4dKs6c. Patterson bet all-in on the river and Liu called for his tournament life with Jh10s. Patterson reveals KcQs for top pair to bust his opponent from the flight.

Ashley Patterson – 225,000
Liu Kunhao – Eliminated

21:29: Yamada Akihiro wins preflop war
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

Yamada Akihiro

Utg+1 Szetho Zhong opened to 4,000 and was met with a three bet to 11,000 from hijack Shah Chirag. Button Yamada Akihiro pushes a four bet to 30,000, meriting folds from both his opponents.

Yamada Akihiro – 105,000
Shah Chirag – 210,000
Szetho Zhong – 250,000

21:24: Liu Zhiqiang bounces back
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

Liu Zhiqiang

After doubling up Tai Weiliang just previously, Liu Zhiqiang called a raise and was in for a multiway pot. Flop 8c3cJh was checked to Liu who bet 12,500. Big blind Ashley Patterson makes the call and heads to turn 10h. Liu jams for 98,500, Patterson with another check-call. Liu reveals Jd9d for top pair, behind against Patterson’s 10s8h two pair. The river 9c however, turned things around and awarded Liu the pot for a better two pair.

Liu Zhiqiang – 238,000
Ashley Patterson – 185,000

21:16: Kirill Gladchenko doubles through
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

Utg+1 opened, called by button Renniel Galvez. Action on small blind Kirill Gladchenko, he shoved all-in for 46,000, Galvez with a final call.

Gladchenko AhJh
Galvez 10s10d

In for a flip, Gladchenko quickly landed top pair on AdKh8sQh9c and sealed the double up after Galvez failed to catch up on either turn or river.

Kirill Gladchenko – 100,000
Renniel Galvez – 170,000

21:11: Blinds up!
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

44 players remain in the Main Event Flight A with 26 guaranteed a spot into Day 2.

21:06: Shayne Blanco Villanueva cruises with kings
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Shayne Blanco Villanueva

Cutoff Roland Ferrer open shoved his last 12,500, followed by a three bet to 26,000 from Wallac Chan Wai behind. Small blind Shayne Blanco Villanueva shoves all-in for the rest of Wai’s chips, pushing the latter to fold.

Ferrer 6c6s
Villanueva KcKd

A huge favorite, Villanueva sent his opponent out after 9d5d7d7sAs rolled on board.

Shayne Blanco Villanueva – 200,000
Wallac Chan Wai – 70,000
Roland Ferrer – Eliminated

21:02: Liu Zhiqiang wins 100K flip
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Liu Zhiqiang

Folded to button Taku Kubota, he open shoved his 50,000 stack in with KdJh and was called by small blind Liu Zhiqiang with 8c8s. At risk with his overcards, Taku exited shortly after the board 5s6s3dAdQh tabled none of his outs.

Liu Zhiqiang – 230,000
Taku Kubota – Eliminated

20:58: Rick Jason Ambata triples micro stack
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Rick Jason Ambata

Utg Liu Zhiqiang opened to 3,000 and Rick Jason Ambata flicked in his remaining 8,500. Ashley Patterson calls behind and Liu completes to see flop 6d2cJc. Both players check with turn showing 8c. Patterson throws in a 10,000 bet for the sidepot, Liu folds.

Ambata 9c9h
Patterson Ah8h

The river Ks completed the board and Ambata bags the triple up with his pocket nines.

Rick Jason Ambata – 29,500
Ashley Patterson – 290,000
Liu Zhiqiang – 180,000

20:54: John Carlo Sayo sends Rahman Shahir packing
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

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John Carlo Sayo

Cut off opened and was met with two all-ins behind – Rahman Shahir with QcJc and John Carlo Sayo with 2h2s. Original raiser folds and the two run the board. Sayo quickly gets ahead having flopped a set on 2d7c8c8h5h, filling up on the turn to lock in the win.

John Carlo Sayo – 75,000
Rahman Shahir – Eliminated

20:52: Jacks no good for William Teoh
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Renniel Galvez

Utg+2 Renniel Galvez opened to 3,000, called by the cutoff. Action on small blind William Teoh, he bumped it up to 12,000 with only Galvez completing. Flop 9c4sAh was checked through, revealing turn Ac. Teoh bet 6,000 and called Galvez’ raise for 10,000 more. River Kc went check-check and Teoh shows JhJc, no good against Galvez’ Ad6d trip aces.

Renniel Galvez – 120,000
William Teoh – 155,000

20:48: Szetho Zhong shows down quads
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Szetho Zhong

Utg Yamada Akihiro opened to 3,500, called by button Szetho Zhong along with the big blind. Flop came AsAh6s, checked to Zhong he fired a bet of 8,500. Yamada continues and sees turn Ad. Zhong goes for another 12,500 and a final 16,000 on river 8s with Yamada calling down. Zhong reveals Ac8d quads and takes the pot down.

Szetho Zhong – 240,000
Yamada Akihiro – 80,000

20:42: Ashley Patterson fires a three bet
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

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Ashley Patterson

Hijack Liu Kunhao opened to 3,000 and called a three bet to 8,000 from button Ashley Patterson. The two saw flop KsQs2d, Patterson continued for 6,500 and Liu puts in a check-fold.

Ashley Patterson – 300,000
Liu Kunhao – 45,000

20:35: Shayne Blanco Villanueva spikes a runner runner
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Shayne Blanco Villanueva

Shayne Blanco Villanueva defended his big blind vs utg Chong Kai Shing Peter’s 3,500 open. Flop came Qd6h5h and saw Villanueva lead out for 3,000, called by Chong. Villanueva continued for another 12,000 on turn 4c and a final 20,000 bet on river 3c with Chong calling both streets. Villanueva shows Ah7d for a runner runner straight, Chong with a muck.

Shayne Blanco Villanueva – 170,000
Chong Kai Shing Peter – 100,000

20:10: Registration is closed!
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Registration for Day 1A of the Manila Megastack 17 Main Event is now closed with 54/167 total entries recorded. Flight will conclude once the field is down to 15% at 26 players.

Top Chip Counts

William Teoh – 270,000
Shah Chirag – 270,000
Ashley Patterson – 220,000
Szetho Zhong – 190,000
Liu Zhiqiang – 170,000


Midway through the Manila Megastack 17 festival at Okada ManilaPhilippinesPokerStars LIVE is pulling out all the stops with its PHP 10,000,000 (~USD 180,830) guaranteed Main Event about to hit the felt. The first of three flights begins today, December 7th with the players set to play down to 15% of the field.

All Main Event players start off with a 30,000 chip count and will cruise through 40 minute blind levels through to Day 2. Registration will remain open across ten levels, closing down at 20:10 to wrap up the flight entries.

Date: December 7 – 11, 2023
Buy-in: PHP 35,000 (~USD 630)
Guarantee: PHP 10,000,000 (~USD 180,830)
ITM: 15% of the field

Flight A: December 7, Thursday
Flight B: December 8, Friday
Flight C: December 9, Saturday
Day 2: December 10, Sunday
Final Day: December 11, Monday

Manila Megastack – Coverage
Manila Megastack – Festival Results
Manila Megastack – Schedule

PS Live Manila Megastack 17 – Main Event – Day 1B

00:30: Rick Jason Ambata bags the lead in Main Event Flight B
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

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Rick Jason Ambata

Local runner Rick Jason Ambata caps the day with the lead after running hot the last two levels to stack a 428,000 high into Day 2. Joining Flight A’s 26 qualifiers are 36 more out of the 235 entries from today’s Flight B games. The PHP 10 Million guarantee has already been breached with the prize pool currently standing at PHP 12.2 Million with one more flight to go.

Top Chip Counts

Pos. Player Flag Chip Count
1 Ambata Rick Jason Philippines 428,000
2 Kengo Kumagai Japan 410,500
3 Carreon Jayvon Philippines 396,000
4 Angeles Rommel Philippines 395,500
5 Chong Joseph Singapore 380,500
6 Derecho Emmanuel Australia 354,500
7 Thong Kue Seong Australia 349,500
8 Tutay Jr Carmelo United States 295,000
9 Taranto Alessandro Italy 273,000
10 Yamada Daisuke Japan 269,000

00:30: Kim Jaejoong bubbles Flight B
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

Kim Jaejoong

Utg Kim Jaejoong stuffed his last 45,000 in with KdQh and was called by Jayvon Carreon behind with 10s10d. Gunning for overcards, Kim headed for the rails after the board 9s8s4s2dJs spared none.

Jayvon Carreon – 396,000
Kim Jaejoong – Eliminated

00:22: Paolo Boccaletti wins blind battle
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

Paolo Boccaletti

Action on bubble time saw small blind Paolo Boccaletti move all-in for 84,000 with Ah4h, called by big blind Shin Hyeonho with QhJh. Up for a race, Shin spiked a queen on flop 3d3sQc7cAd but eventually rivered an ace for Boccaletti to take the pot down.

Paolo Boccaletti – 173,000
Shin Hyeonho – 210,000

00:16: Carmelo Tutay Jr. folds two pair
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

A limp pot blind vs blind saw flop 10d6s7c roll on board. Small blind Jayvon Carreon bet 6,000, called by Carmelo Tutay Jr. Carreon continued on turn 4c for another 25,000, and a final 120,000 on river Ah. Tutay called the turn bet yet was unable to continue on river and showed 6d4d for two pair.

Jayvon Carreon – 350,000
Carmelo Tutay Jr. – 250,000

00:05: Jayvon Carreon runs a boat
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

Jayvon Carreon

Joseph Chong defended his big blind against a 12,000 utg+1 open from Jayvon Carreon. Flop came Ac8s3s and saw Carreon continue for 6,000, called by Chong. Turn 3h was checked through to river 6c where Chong led for 27,000. Carreon shoved for 125,000 total and Chong makes the final call. Carreon reveals As3d for a boat, crushing Chong’s 3c7s trip threes for the win.

Jayvon Carreon – 293,000
Joseph Chong – 350,000

00:00: Lee Suya cripples Estor Rolando
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

Lee Suya

Hijack Estor Rolando opened to 10,000 and called off a 109,000 jam from Lee Suya behind.

Lee 8h8s
Estor AdKs

Running a flip, Lee claimed the pot after the board 10s5c2s7d3s spared none of Estor’s outs. Estor chips down to 4 BB and busts the following hand.

Lee Suya – 230,000
Estor Rolando – 21,000

23:53: Pee Jay Aratea wins classic flip
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

Hijack Jimmy Tunggadjaja opened to 10,000 and called off big blind Pee Jay Aratea’s 69,500 all-in.

Aratea QhQs
Tunggadjaja AhKd

Flipping for his tournament life, Aratea bagged the win after no ace or king showed up on board 2c10s4d7c3c. Tunggadjaja survives but is crippled down to 6 BB.

Pee Jay Aratea – 146,000
Jimmy Tunggadjaja – 30,000

23:51: Osuna Lopez Francisco claims another double
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

Osuna Lopez Francisco

An all-in preflop situation, original raiser Linus Sivalingam found his Kc9s up against Osuna Lopez Francisco’s JsJc for a 40 BB pot. The board Qd5d2c9c5s ran safe for Osuna, saving him from a potential elimination.

Osuna Lopez Francisco – 204,000
Linus Sivalingam – 180,000

23:46: Blinds up!
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

Only 39 players remain in the Main Event Flight B games with three more busts to wrap up the qualifying round.

23:45: Joseph Chong scores back to back eliminations
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

Hijack Joshua Chargualaf opened to 8,500 and rejammed for 108,000 after big blind Joseph Chong sent out a 22,500 three bet. Chong makes the call with AcQd and is ahead of Chargualaf’s KdJd. The two run the board 5d4h9c10h7c with Chong taking it down with ace-high.

Joseph Chong – 530,000
Joshua Chargualaf – Eliminated

23:42: Suzuka Ryogi runs into kings
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

Joseph Chong

Utg Suzuka Ryogi open shoved his remaining 64,500 with 6c6d and was called by Joseph Chong with KdKs. Suzuka in rough shape, exited shortly after the board Kh2s5h8h9c faced up on the felt.

Joseph Chong – 410,000
Suzuka Ryogi – Eliminated

23:38: Aleksand Litovchenko takes a hit
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

Utg+1 Aleksand Litovchenko opened to 8,000 and called off a 52,000 jam from small blind Osuna Lopez Francisco.

Osuna 8h8c
Litovchenko AcKs

Osuna at risk, had nothing to worry about after the flop landed him a set on 2d8s4c4s5h for the win.

Osuna Lopez Francisco – 112,000
Aleksand Litovchenko – 120,000

23:34: Linus Sivalingam bets hard preflop
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

Linus Sivalingam

Button John Matsuda opened, followed by a 24,000 three bet from small blind Irimajiri Hiroshi. Action on big blind Linus Sivalingam, he fired a bigger 80,000 and collected no calls from both opponents.

Linus Sivalingam – 300,000
Irimajiri Hiroshi – 180,000
John Matsuda – 160,000

23:30: Rommel Angeles loses another pot to John Matsuda
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

Button Rommel Angeles opened to 15,000 and called a three bet to 40,000 from big blind John Matsuda. Flop As9s4c saw Matsuda continue for 17,000, called by Angeles. Turn came another Ac and Matsuda bet all-in. Angeles gives it up and slips his hand in the muck.

John Matsuda – 170,000
Rommel Angeles – 330,000

23:22: Estor Rolando pushes four bet
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

Estor Rolando

Small blind Estor Rolando min raised and faced a three bet to 28,000 from big blind Lee Suya. Estor answered back with a four bet for his opponent’s remaining chips, pushing Lee to fold.

Estor Rolando – 200,000
Lee Suya – 76,000

23:17: Emmanuel Derecho lands a double up
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

Emmanuel Derecho

Utg Emmanuel Derecho opened to 8,000 and pushed a four bet to 100,500 after Kim Pyeongkang put in a raise. Kim completes and calls Derecho’s remaining 2BB on flop Ad2s3s.

Derecho AsKh
Kim AhQc

Both with top pair, Derecho claimed the pot with his better kicker after the turn 5cJd landed on board.

Emmanuel Derecho – 227,000
Kim Pyeongkang – 140,500

23:13: John Matsuda chips off from the chip leader
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

John Matsuda

Utg+1 John Matsuda opened to 8,000, called by chip leader Rommel Angeles. Action on flop 4d4cQc saw Angeles check raise Matsuda’s 5,500 bet to 16,500. Matsuda continued and headed to turn 8d where he called another 35,000. Angeles checks river Jc and Matsuda bets all-in for 52,500, Angeles with a fold.

John Matsuda – 177,500
Rommel Angeles – 380,000

23:08: Rick Jason Ambata triple barrels
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

Small blind Rick Jason Ambata opened to 10,000, called by big blind Ivan Tan to see flop 4d10hJc. Ambata bets 6,000 and another 14,000 on turn 3c, Tan with a call on both streets. River Ac saw Ambata bet a final 35,000 and reveal 10s10d for a set after Tan made the fold.

Rick Jason Ambata – 380,000
Ivan Tan – 90,000

22:57: Break Time!
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

47 players remain in the Main Event Flight B games with 11 more eliminations before the day wraps up.

Top Chip Counts

Rommel Angeles – 450,000
Rick Jason Ambata – 340,000
Tchong Kue Seong – 300,000
Kengo Kumagai – 290,000
Carmelo Tutay Jr. – 280,000

22:54: Rommel Angeles crushes with kings
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Rommel Angeles

Utg+2 Endo Yoshikazu defended his open vs Rommel Angeles‘ three bet to 15,000 and saw a flop of 9d5d2s. Angeles continued for 20,000, check called by Endo. Both players checked turn 4d through to river 10s. Endo led for 60,000, Angeles with a final call. Endo shows 6c6d and is behind Angeles’ KcKh for the pot.

Rommel Angeles – 350,000
Endo Yoshikazu – 180,000

22:49: Kobayashi Hisanor busts Lee Wei
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Kobayashi Hisanor

Another all-in preflop situation, Lee Wei was spotted at risk with JcJd for his last 58,000 vs Kobayashi Hisanor’s AcQs. The board AdKd4s4dKs once again, favored the overcards, giving Kobayashi a much needed boost.

Kobayashi Hisanor – 130,000
Lee Wei – Eliminated

22:44: Linus Sivalingam wins flip
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Linus Sivalingam

An all-in preflop situation, Linus Sivalingam was seen calling off his 63,000 stack with AsKc and was up against Irimajiri Hiroshi’s 10d10h. Flipping for his tournament life, Sivalingam was spared from elimination after the board Ah9s6s3h2s paired up his overcards.

Linus Sivalingam – 133,500
Irimajiri Hiroshi – 240,000

22:42: Osuna Lopez Francisco ahead all the way
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Osuna Lopez Francisco

Facing a cutoff open, Osuna Lopez Francisco slammed his remaining 32,000 in with AsKs and was called behind by Endo Yoshikazu with AcJs. Dominating his opponent, Osuna cruised to a double up after the board revealed Qc8s9s6c9h.

Osuna Lopez Francisco – 77,000
Endo Yoshikazu – 280,000

22:36: Rick Jason Ambata gets value from Shin Hyeonho
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

ambata 1
Rick Jason Ambata

Cutoff Rick Jason Ambata opened to 7,000 and called a three bet to 22,500 from small blind Shin Hyeonho. Flop 3s7c8h saw Shin continue for 20,500, called by his opponent. Turn 10c saw Shin this time check call for 30,000 and another 60,000 on river Qh. Ambata shows 6h9c for a straight and Shin mucks behind.

Rick Jason Ambata – 320,000
Shin Hyeonho – 170,000

22:32: All in does it for Jimmy Tunggadjaja
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Jimmy Tunggadjaja

Utg opened to 7,000 and was met with a three bet to 23,000 from Naito Yuta. Button Jimmy Tunggadjaja cold calls and original raiser throws in a fold. Flop 7d2h5h was checked to Tunggadjaja who bet all-in, Yuta with a muck.

Jimmy Tunggadjaja – 120,000
Naito Yuta – 145,000

22:25: Jeffrey Calma doubles through
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Utg Jeffrey Calma got his last 10 BB in with 2d2h and faced Goh Chee Kiong’s AdKs for a flip. The board ran 9s4d5d3c10d, leaving Calma’s pocket pair good for the win.

Jeffrey Calma – 67,500
Goh Chee Kiong – 40,000

22:20: Joshua Chargualaf gives it up
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Suzuka Ryogi

Utg+1 Joshua Chargualaf opened to 7,000, called by the hijack. Small blind Suzuka Ryogi fired a three bet to 20,000, and Chargualaf answered with a four bet to 51,000. Hijack gets out of the way and Suzuka five bet jams, pushing Chargualaf to give up the fight.

Suzuka Ryogi – 176,000
Joshua Chargualaf – 60,000

22:15: Blinds up!
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

55 players remain the Main Event Flight B games with 36 guaranteed a spot into Day 2.

22:14: Kashimoto Takashi gets coolered
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

leewoobeen 2
Lee Woobeen

Utg+1 opened to 5,000 and was met with a three bet behind to 13,000. Small blind Kashimoto Takashi pushed a four bet to 33,000 and was cold called by big blind Lee Woobeen. Heads up, the flop came Jd3d3h and Kashimoto bet all-in. Lee snap calls for his remaining 62,500 and shows AsAh. Kashimoto is crushed with overpair QsQh and dropped down to 7 BB after the turn 8h and river 5s completed the board.

Lee Woobeen – 211,500
Kashimoto Takashi – 18,000

22:08: Aces locks it in for Chen Tao
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Chen Tao

Utg+1 opened to 5,500, called by Lee Woobeen behind. Cutoff Chen Tao fired a three bet to 21,000, joined only by Lee. Both players checked the board 7h5h2c8hJd through to river 8h with Chen throwing in a final bet of 20,000. Lee makes the call and mucks after Chen shows AhAs.

Chen Tao – 175,000
Lee Woobeen – 120,000

22:04: Sandy Cea chips up
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Sandy Cea

Button limp was followed by a 38,500 all-in from small blind Ace Pestanas, called by big blind Sandy Cea.

Pestanas QdJd
Cea AdJs

Left with little hope, Pestanas found no help on board 2s7s7c6d9s knocking him out from the tables.

Sandy Cea – 325,000
Ace Pestanas – Eliminated

21:56: Emmanuel Derecho tables aces
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Emmanuel Derecho

Hijack Edzel Villares shoved his remaining 28,500 with Ah8c and was called by Emmanuel Derecho with AdAs. Villares flopped top pair on 7h8d4s3s9h but remained behind Derecho’s premium hand for his elimination.

Emmanuel Derecho – 175,000
Edzel Villares – Eliminated

21:53: Bernard Chua crashes with overpair
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Utg+1 Endo Yoshikazu opened to 5,500 and called a three bet to 15,000 behind from Bernard Chua. Flop 10h2cJc was check called by Endo for 20,000. Chua barreled all-in for 35,000 on turn 7s, Endo with a final call. Chua reveals overpair QcQh, no good against Endo’s 7d7h turned set. The river 10s sealed Chua’s fate, forcing him out of today’s Main Event.

Endo Yoshikazu – 320,000
Bernard Chua – Eliminated

21:50: Lee Wei doubles with a set
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Lee Wei

Utg+1 Nonaka Masayuki opened to 5,500, joined by both players on the blinds. Flop 10d9d4h saw big blind Lee Wei lead all-in for 29,000, called by the raiser.

Lee 4s4c
Nonaka As10s

Up against a set, Nonaka was drawing to only a runner runner which ultimately did not come on runout 7c5s.

Lee Wei – 77,000
Nonaka Masayuki – 100,000

21:44: Kengo Kumagai outflops Reynaldo Osete
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Utg Reynaldo Osete opened to 5,000 and rejammed for 60,000 following a three bet from Kengo Kumagai. Kengo makes the call and the two run the board.

Osete QcQs
Kengo Ad10d

In a good spot to double up, Osete instead came crashing down after an ace high board As10c5d5c2d turned up on the felt.

Kengo Kumagai – 270,000
Reynaldo Osete – Eliminated

21:38: Bernard Chua bags triple up
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Bernard Chua

A three way all-in situation saw Bernard Chua put his remaining 27,000 in, followed by Murakami Junichi and Jain Kunal for the final call.

Chua Ad10d
Murakami 6c6h
Kunal 5c5d

The board ran Jc4hAh10dJd securing a triple up for Chua with his overcards. Murakami claims the sidepot against Kunal for his sixes.

Bernard Chua – 87,000
Murakami Junichi – 12,000
Jain Kunal – 75,000

21:33: Blinds up!
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

68 players remain in today’s Main Event Flight B with only 36 making it through to Day 2.

21:30: Endo Yoshikazu calls down through river
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

Endo Yoshikazu

Utg Aleksand Litovchenko opened to 4,000 and called small blind Endo Yoshikazu’s three bet to 16,000. Flop came 4c3s7h and Endo check-called for 16,000. Turn 2h saw the same action for a bigger 21,000 with Litovchenko pulling the trigger on river 4h. Endo calls off and reveals KcKh, good against Litovchenko’s Ks10s air.

Endo Yoshikazu – 172,000
Aleksand Litovchenko – 90,000

21:20: Tchong Kue Seong jams it in
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

Utg+2 Tchong Kue Seong opened to 4,500, called by both button Jayvon Carreon and big blind Terry Gonzaga. Flop Qc8hKc saw Tchong continue for 7,000, called by both opponents. Tchong fired another 18,000 on turn 5d with only Carreon continuing to river Kd. Tchong checks and Carreon throws in a 45,000 bet yet fold after Tchong move all-in for 76,000 total.

Tchong Kue Seong – 194,500
Jayvon Carreon – 85,000
Terry Gonzaga – 110,000

21:10: Aleksand Litovchenko wins preflop battle
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

Utg Aleksand Litovchenko opened to 4,000, called by a player behind. Button Osuna Lopez Francisco squeezed to 15,000 and shortly folded after Aleksand put in a four bet to 35,000.

Aleksand Litovchenko – 115,000
Osuna Lopez Francisco – 110,000

21:05: Sung Park Hee dominates Aldave Juvilyn
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

A three bet pot, all the chips were spotted in the middle on flop Ac4s9h – Sung Park Hee with AdKs vs. Aldave Juvilyn’s AhQd. Dominated, Aldave was sent packing after no queen came on the runout.

Sung Park Hee – 140,000
Aldave Juvilyn – Eliminated

21:02: Benedict Koh cracks aces
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

Benedict Koh

Utg+1 Benedict Koh open shoved his last 33,500 with 6c6d and was up against Paolo Boccaletti’s AcAs. Drawing slim, things turned around right on the flop 6h3cKd2cQs with Koh landing a set for the double up.

Benedict Koh – 72,000
Paolo Boccaletti – 32,000

20:56: Blinds up!
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

81 players remain in the Flight B games with only 36 advancing through to Day 2.

20:51: Jimmy Tunggadjaja claims pot
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Jimmy Tunggadjaja

Utg+1 opened to 3,500, called by the button. Big blind Jimmy Tunggadjaja fired a three bet to 10,500 and was joined by both opponents. Flop 7c6h3h saw Tunggadjaja continue for 12,500, meriting two folds behind.

Jimmy Tunggadjaja – 95,000

20:46: No sweat for Yamada Daisuke
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Yamada Daisuke

Cutoff Yamada Daisuke opened and faced a three bet to 8,000 from big blind Yang Woohyuk. Yamada pushed a four bet to 29,000, Yang with a complete. Flop came 6s3s9s and Yamada bet all-in. Yang calls for his last 20,000, only to see his 6h4h crushed by Yamada’s KsKd. Turn 7c and river 7h changed nothing, sealing Yang’s bust.

Yamada Daisuke – 155,000
Yang Woohyuk – Eliminated

20:40: Jayvon Carreon takes it down
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Jayvon Carreon

Hijack Jayvon Carreon opened to 3,500 and called a three bet to 8,000 behind from Terry Gonzaga. Flop came Kc6sJs and Carreon led for 20,100, called by Gonzaga. Carreon continued on turn 7s with an all-in for 35,000, Gonzaga with a fold.

Jayvon Carreon – 95,200
Terry Gonzaga – 145,000

20:33: Sandy Cea fills up on turn
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Sandy Cea

Cutoff Tan Ai Lin Nan opened to 4,000, joined by big blind Sandy Cea on flop 7s7cKc. Cea led for 11,000, called by Tan. Turn 5c saw Cea gun for another 14,000 and shortly call Tan’s all-in.

Tan Kh6h
Cea Jc4c

Drawing to four outs, Tan gets crippled down to 6BB after the river 2d failed to improve his hand.

Sandy Cea – 102,500
Tan Ai Lin Nan – 10,000

20:27: Osuna Lopez Francisco delivers elimination
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Osuna Lopez Francisco

Cutoff Osuna Lopez Francisco opened to 3,000, called by the small blind. Big blind Kwan Ngo Yin shoved all-in for 45,500 and goes head to head with the original raiser.

Kwan 6h10h
Osuna AhQh

Running a race, the board 9hAc7c4cKc quickly favored Osuna, giving him top pair for the pot.

Osuna Lopez Francisco – 155,000
Kwan Ngo Yin – Eliminated

20:24: Queens no good for Jaime Ramon Reyes
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Terry Gonzaga

Cutoff Terry Gonzaga opened to 3,500 and called off big blind Jaime Ramon Reyes’ 16,500 jam.

Reyes QhQs
Gonzaga Ah4c

A major underdog, Gonzaga instantly flopped top pair on AdKh9c4sJc and further improved to two pair to knock Reyes out.

Terry Gonzaga – 180,000
Jaime Ramon Reyes – Eliminated

20:20: Osete Reynaldo claims three bet pot
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Osete Reynaldo

Hijack Osete Reynaldo defended his open vs button Irimajiri Hiroshi’s three bet to 10,000 and saw flop 4h5d6s. Both players check it through and sees turn 8c. Osete leads for 10,000, Irimajiri with a fold.

Osete Reynaldo – 120,000
Irimajiri Hiroshi – 70,000

20:14: Registration is closed!
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Registration for Flight B of the Manila Megastack 17 Main Event is now closed with 96/235 total entries recorded. Flight will conclude once the field is down to 15% at 36 players.

Top Chip Counts

Rommel Angeles – 200,000
Lee Suya – 160,000
Carmelo Tutay Jr. – 150,000
Sung Park Hee – 145,000
Takeomi Miyazawa – 140,000


Midway through the Manila Megastack 17 festival at Okada ManilaPhilippinesPokerStars LIVE is pulling out all the stops with its PHP 10,000,000 (~USD 180,830) guaranteed Main Event currently underway. Flight B runs today, December 8th with the players set to play down to 15% of the field.

All Main Event players start off with a 30,000 chip count and will cruise through 40 minute blind levels through to Day 2. Registration will remain open across ten levels, closing down at 20:10 to wrap up the flight entries.

Date: December 7 – 11, 2023
Buy-in: PHP 35,000 (~USD 630)
Guarantee: PHP 10,000,000 (~USD 180,830)
ITM: 15% of the field

Flight A: 167 entries, 26 qualified

Flight B: December 8, Friday
Flight C: December 9, Saturday
Day 2: December 10, Sunday
Final Day: December 11, Monday

Manila Megastack – Coverage
Manila Megastack – Festival Results
Manila Megastack – Schedule

PS Live Manila Megastack 17 – Main Event – Day 1C

01:15: Monziar Villariaza tops overall count into Day 2
Level 17: 3,000 – 6,000 ante 6,000

Monziar Villariaza

Following twelve hours of play in today’s Flight C games, Monziar Villariaza came out to top the 468 entry field and bag the biggest stack after delivering the bubble. Villariaza surpasses Flight B chip leader Rick Jason Ambata and leads the charge with a 527,500 chip count.

Action resumes on Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000 at 13:00, December 10th.

Top Chip Counts

Pos. Player Flag Chip Count
1 Villariaza Monziar Philippines 527,500
2 Drilon Jose Philippines 520,500
3 Supnet Jessie Philippines 507,500
4 Pena Jharome Philippines 506,500
5 Cruz Alexis Philippines 418,000
6 Calonge Jeffrey Philippines 378,000
7 Hidaka Yusuke Japan 371,000
8 Rikaya Jinbo (Jehan) 364,500
9 Matsushita Masafumi Japan 359,500
10 Callaway Lloyd United States 343,000

01:15: Phenix Oesterstroem rails as Flight C’s bubble
Level 17: 3,000 – 6,000 ante 6,000

Phenix Oesterstroem

Folded to Phenix Oesterstroem on the small blind, he shoved all-in for 45,000 with AcKh and was called by big blind Villariaza Monziar with 8s9s. At risk, Phenix found himself behind by the turn after the board 5d4s2c9d7s paired up his opponent for the win.

Villariaza Monziar – 527,500
Phenix Oesterstroem – Eliminated

01:07: Blinds up!
Level 17: 3,000 – 6,000 ante 6,000

Action still on bubble time with 72 players remaining in the Main Event Flight C games.

00:48: Matsushita Masafumi bets heavy
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

Ryan Gebow defended his big blind vs button Matsushita Masafumi’s open to 15,000 and saw flop 4s2s10d. Matsushita continued for 8,000, check called by Gebow. Turn 10h didn’t stop Matsushita as he fired 25,000, Gebow for another check call. River 5c pushed Matsushita to send a final 40,000, finally convincing Gebow to throw in the fold.

Matsushita Masafumi – 400,000
Ryan Gebow – 130,000

00:32: Jessie Supnet rises to chip lead
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

Jessie Supnet

Hijack Tanaka Hidekazu open jammed his last 58,000 and was followed with another all-in from Pavlon Anastasios for 190,000. Covering both stacks, button Jessie Supnet put in the final call for a three way show down.

Tanaka Kd10c
Pavlon KsQc
Supnet AsAc

The board Qs8c7hKc7d gave Supnet a slight scare on the turn which gave Pavlon two pair but quickly received justice after the river gave him a higher two pair. Supnet knocks out both opponents and earns the chip leader status.

Jessie Supnet – 530,000
Pavlon Anastasios – Eliminated
Tanaka Hidekazu – Eliminated

00:20: Blinds up!
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

78 players remain in the Main Event Flight C games with seven more eliminations to go before the day wraps up.

00:19: Edward Penaflorida jams it in
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

Edward Penaflorida

Small blind Edward Penaflorida opened to 14,000, called by big blind Bonil Koo. Flop came 10s10h4s and saw Penaflorida continue for 10,000. Koo put in a raise to 30,000, Penaflorida with a complete to see turn Ah. Koo fires another 45,000 yet fold shortly after Penaflorida check raised all-in for 103,500 total.

Edward Penaflorida – 280,000
Bonil Koo – 140,000

00:15: Cho Min Ho left drawing thin
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

Benigno Ledina

Small blind Cho Min Ho opened to 12,000 and was met with a three bet to 28,000 from big blind Benigno Ledina. Cho pushed a four bet jam for 157,500, Ledina with a tank call for a chunk of his stack.

Cho AdJd
Ledina QhQc

A huge favorite, Ledina secured the 78 BB pot after the board Qs7dJcJh8h landed him a full house to beat Cho’s trip jacks.

Benigno Ledina – 350,000
Cho Min Ho – Eliminated

00:10: Tor Anton Welo delivers elimination
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

Tor Anton Welo

Utg+1 Tor Anton Welo opened to 8,000 and called off Kang Juri’s 70,000 jam behind.

Kang 8d8s
Welo QcQs

An 80-20 battle, Welo cruised through and earned the pot after the board ran 10s2d7d6h2c,

Tor Anton Welo – 230,000
Kang Juri – Eliminated

00:02: No chops for Bonil Koo
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

Bonil Koo

Hijack Bonil Koo opened to 10,000 and called a three bet to 20,000 from Hidaka Yusuke behind. Flop 6d5s8h saw Koo check call for 20,000 with both players checking turn 7c. Koo led for 50,000 on river 9s, Hidaka with a final call. Koo reveals 10d10s for a higher straight on board and Hidaka mucks.

Bonil Koo – 235,000
Hidaka Yusuke – 315,000

23:57: Jeffrey Calonge bags huge boost
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

Small blind Sergei Davydov opened to 10,000 and fired a four bet jam for 120,000 against big blind Jeffrey Calonge’s three bet. Covering his opponent, Calonge put in the call and the two run the board.

Sergei AhQc
Calonge AdKs

A huge pot in the middle, Calonge bagged the win with his better ace after the board 7c9c6d10d7s missed to connect for either player.

Jeffrey Calonge – 320,000
Sergei Davydov – Eliminated

23:50: Pavlou Anastasios claims pot
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

Pavlou Anastasios

A multiway pot, four players went on to see flop 2d3h5c. Big blind Jessie Supnet led out for 19,000 and tank folded after small blind Pavlou Anastasios fired a check raise to 42,000.

Pavlou Anastasios – 210,000
Jessie Supnet – 230,000

23:40: Blinds up!
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

97 players remain in the Main Event Flight C games with the field set to play down to 71 runners.

23:35: Elliot Paul John saved by river
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Elliot Paul John

Cutoff Elliot Paul John open shoved all-in with KdJs for 41,500 and was up against Lee Hangeul’s 5d5h. Luckily for Elliot, the board Qc9d2h9hKs ran in favor of his overcards with the river pairing him up for the win.

Elliot Paul John – 90,500
Lee Hangeul – 55,000

23:28: Joseph Magnotti claims three bet pot
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Joseph Magnotti

Hijack opened and small blind Joseph Magnotti bumped it up to 16,000. Big blind Marcial Lou cold called and went on to go heads up on flop KdQh2d. Magnotti bet 10,000, Lou with a fold.

Joseph Magnotti – 110,000
Marcial Lou – 260,000

23:26: Jesse Salazar dominates Fritz Magsumbol
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Jesse Salazar

All-in preflop, utg Fritz Magsumbol called off the 29,000 jam with AhJs and faced cutoff Jesse Salazar’s AdKs. An underdog, Magsumbol flopped two pair on Ac9hJhKd9c but was crushed after the turn saved Valle from elimination.

Jesse Salazar – 65,500
Fritz Magsumbol – 116,000

23:21: Lee Chongzhi pairs up on river
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Hijack Lee Chongzhi opened to 6,500 and called off Rano John’s 49,500 all-in behind.

Rano JhJd
Lee AsKh

Flipping for the 36 BB pot, Lee paired up on the river 2d5d7h10cKd to claim the pot and knock Rano from the running.

Lee Chongzhi – 250,000
Rano John – Eliminated

23:19: Takamori Tomoya takes it down
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Takamori Tomoya

A limp pot blind vs blind saw flop 2h4c8h. Small blind Murase Katsumari checked and followed with a raise to 8,000 after big blind Takamori Tomoya fired a 1BB bet. Takamori completes and both players check turn 3d. Murase led river Kc for 10,000 and shortly folded after Takamori bumped it up to 30,000.

Takamori Tomoya – 190,000
Murase Katsumari – 125,000

23:13: Jacks hold for Woon Bao Sheng
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Woon Bao Sheng

Hijack Joshua Figuerres opened to 6,000, called by the button. Big blind Woon Bao Sheng squeezed all-in for 85,000 and Figuerres makes the call risking half his stack.

Woon JhJd
Figuerres AsQc

Gunning for overcards, Figuerres found none on board 3hKd10d3c7c, forcing him to take in the loss.

Woon Bao Sheng – 180,500
Joshua Figuerres – 90,000

23:06: Maxwell Rosete dodges bust
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Maxwell Rosete

Facing two limps, button Maxwell Rosete slammed his 52,000 stack in with KdJh and was called by first limper Go Byeongu with AhJs. Rosete in trouble, found his aggression paid off after the board Kc9d3dJd2s landed him two pair for the double up.

Maxwell Rosete – 111,500
Go Byeongu – 115,000

22:26: Break Time!
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

A 20 minute break will take place as the Main Event runners head to the Players’ Party! 119 players remain in the Flight C games with only 71 advancing through to Day 2.

Top Chip Counts

Jose Drilon – 400,000
Hidaya Yusuke – 320,000
Alexis Cruz – 280,000
Lee Thomas – 270,000
Orestidis Georgios – 220,000

22:23: Jeffrey Calonge outflops Leung Yiu Yeung
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Jeffrey Calonge

A raised pot, all the chips rushed to the middle on flop 5cAc9h with raiser Leung Yiu Yeung at risk with top pair Ad10h. Small blind Jeffrey Calonge managed to outflop Leung with Ah9d for two pair and took the pot down shortly after Leung missed to improve on runout KcQd.

Jeffrey Calonge – 180,000
Leung Yiu Yeung – Eliminated

22:18: Jun Talosig heads for the rails
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Henriquez Antonio

Utg+2 Jun Talosig opened to 5,500, called by the small blind. Action on big blind Henriquez Antonio, he shoved all-in with only Talosig calling off for his tournament life.

Henriquez AsKh
Talosig 6s6h

Up for a flip, Henriquez quickly paired up on the flop KdJh5dQs7s to earn the pot.

Henriquez Antonio – 110,000
Jun Talosig – Eliminated

22:13: Orestidis Georgios doubles through Royly Oracion
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Orestidis Georgios

An all-in preflop situation saw Orestidis Georgios stuff his 77,000 stack in with KsKd and faced Royly Oracion’s JsJc. Both with premium pocket pairs, Orestidis takes the cake with no jacks seen on board 2c7d3d8cQc.

Orestidis Georgios – 160,000
Royly Oracion – 180,000

22:08: Murase Katsunari triple barrels
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Murase Katsunari

Utg+2 Murase Katsunari opened to 6,000 and was joined by three other players on flop JcAh3h. Checked to Murase, he continued for 8,000, called behind by Marvin Cerbito and small blind Lloyd Callaway. Turn Qs saw Murase send out another 28,000 with only Cerbito continuing to river 7c. Murase bet all-in and Cerbito throws in the fold.

Murase Katsunari – 250,000
Marvin Cerbito – 30,000
Lloyd Callaway – 75,000

22:01: Easy win for Leonard Aban
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Leonard Aban

Button Leonard Aban opened to 6,000 and called off big blind Michael Piedragoza’s 35,000 jam.

Piedragoza Ad9c
Aban AcQh

In rough shape, Piedragoza was left drawing even slimmer after Aban flopped top pair on 2h4hQs10cJs to eventually lock in the win.

Leonard Aban – 90,000
Michael Piedragoza – Eliminated

21:55: Jesse Rivera busts two
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Hijack Nishi Daiki open shoved his last 18,000 with Kh3h, followed by another 15,000 all-in from Chan William Kyung with QcQd and a final call from big blind Jesse Rivera with AcAh. Up against a monster, the lesser stacked two were railed shortly after the board 4cJd2d9s7h ran safe for Rivera’s pocket aces.

Jesse Rivera – 140,000
Nishi Daiki – Eliminated
Chan William Kyung – Eliminated

21:47: Hyeon Junho bricks runout
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Lee Chongzhi

Utg+1 Lee Chongzhi opened to 5,000, called by button Hyeon Junho. Flop Kc5cKh saw Lee continued for 6,000 and call Hyeon’s raise to 12,500. Hyeon sent out another 11,500 on turn Qh and a final 22,000 on river 3s with Lee calling both streets. Hyeon reveals Ac6c for a busted flush draw with Lee’s KsJs good for the win.

Lee Chongzhi – 183,500
Hyeon Junho – 65,000

21:43: Blinds up!
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

133 players remain in the Flight C games with only 71 joining the qualifiers in their return for tomorrow’s Day 2.

21:36: Hidaka Yusuke gets value
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

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Hidaka Yusuke

A limp pot blind vs blind saw flop 9cJs8h. Checked to big blind Hidaka Yusuke, he bet 1 BB, pushing small blind Mike Wong to throw in a raise to 6,000. Hidaka answered back with another raise to 20,000, Wong with a complete to see turn 9h. Hidaka fired another 20,000, check-called by Wong. River 3c saw Hidaka bet all-in and Wong calls off for his remaining 53,000. Hidaka shows Jc9d for a full house to crush Wong’s KhKc.

Hidaka Yusuke – 340,000
Mike Wong – Eliminated

21:27: Truong Huy Vu lands two outer
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

Truong Huy Vu

An all-in preflop situation saw Kevin Bortfeld get his 70,000 stack in with AcAs against Truong Huy Vu’s KcKs. An obvious cooler, Bortfeld bid his Main Event dreams goodbye after Truong landed his two outer on river 5d4h4cQsKh.

Truong Huy Vu – 230,000
Kevin Bortfeld – Eliminated

21:21: Quick boost for Jessie Supnet
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

Jessie Supnet

Hijack Chua Woo Hian open shoved his last 21,000 in with 10h9h and was called by button Jessie Supnet with AsQh. At risk, Chua exited shortly after the board 2s2c3d6s4h missed to pair up either player, leaving Supnet’s ace-high good for the take down.

Jessie Supnet – 130,000
Chua Woo Hian – Eliminated

21:14: Raymond Ho delivers bad beat
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

Raymond Ho

Utg+1 Raymond Ho opened to 4,000 and fired a four bet jam for 54,500 after cutoff Orestidis Georgios three bet to 20,000. Orestidis makes the call and the two run the board.

Ho Ac7s
Orestidis AsQd

Orestidis ahead, was crushed to see Ho pair up on the river 2s3d6h4h7c to earn the pot. Orestidis survives but slips down to 25 BB.

Raymond Ho – 114,000
Orestidis Georgios – 50,000

21:09: Reiji Tsuchiya spikes lucky river
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

Reiji Tsuchiya

Utg+1 Reiji Tsuchiya opened to 4,000 and called off a 28,000 button shove from Kishimoto Kaoru.

Kishimoto AhQd
Reiji KsQc

Dominated, Reiji lucked out and landed a straight on board AcJs7d5d10h to claim the boost and eliminate his opponent.

Reiji Tsuchiya – 145,000
Kishimoto Kaoru – Eliminated

21:06: Jonald Garcia folds to three bet
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

Thomas Lee

Hijack Jonald Garcia opened to 4,500 and was unable to continue after chip leader Thomas Lee threw in a three bet to 15,000.

Thomas Lee – 275,000
Jonald Garcia – 75,000

21:02: Blinds up!
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

164 players remain in the Main Event Flight C games with only 71 guaranteed a spot into Day 2.

20:57: Hitomi Nisihimura outruns Zalpys Marius
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Hitomi Nishimura

Utg+1 limped and Hitomi Nishimura a seat after bumped it up to 5,000. Big blind Zalpys Marius shoved all-in for 33,500 and Hitomi puts in the call.

Zalpys AhKc
Hitomi As6s

A great spot for Zalpys to double up, the board Js3d2d6c3h unfortunately paired up Hitomi’s six to knock Zalpys off the tables.

Hitomi Nishimura – 120,000
Zalpys Marius – Eliminated

20:53: Chien Wan Chen survives
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

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Chien Wan Chen

Hijack Kevin Bortfeld opened to 4,000 and was met with an 11,000 all-in behind from Chien Wan Chen. Big blind Anacleto Quijano puts in the call yet folds after Bortfeld reraise all-in.

Chien AsQd
Bortfeld 9h9s

Flipping for his survival, Chien instantly landed top pair on Ah6d4d2s10h to continue on the Main Event games.

Chien Wan Chen – 34,500
Kevin Bortfeld – 90,000
Anacleto Quijano – 25,000

20:46: Slam dunk for John Estrella
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

John Estrella

Another three way all-in ensued with utg Ye Kejie calling off with 8h8d for his tournament life against Tominaga Yuma’s 6c6s and big blind John Estrella’s AdKh. With 93 BB in the middle, the board AsQcJsKs9h} quickly ran in favor of Estrella’s overcards, landing him a huge pot to survive.

John Estrella – 139,500
Tominaga Yuma – 3,000
Ye Kejie – Eliminated

20:42: Joseph Sia doubles through
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Joseph Sia

Utg Wu Jianping opened to 3,500 and called off Joseph Sia‘s 25,000 jam behind.

Sia AdQc
Wu QsJs

Dominated, Wu found no help on board 5h9d6dKs5c, earning Sia the double up.

Joseph Sia – 54,500
Wu Jianping – 33,000

20:38: Michael Bueza bags three way all-in
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Michael Bueza

Utg Michael Bueza opened to 3,500 and was met with an all-in from Joaquin Manglon Jr. for 13,500. Small blind Choi Yun Su makes the call and completes once more after Bueza reshoved for 34,000 total.

Manglon KsQd
Bueza 8h8d
Choi 4h4d

A three way all-in, Bueza scooped the pot shortly after 2h2s10d3h7d rolled on board.

Michael Bueza – 84,500
Choi Yun Su – 50,000
Joaquin Manglon Jr. – Eliminated

20:31: Umehara Ngato gets rivered
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Lee Chongzhi

Utg opened to 3,500, followed by a three bet to 8,500 from small blind Lee Chongzhi and an all-in behind from Umehara Ngato for 35,500 total. Original raiser folds and Lee completes.

Umehara QdQh
Lee AhJh

With the advantage, Umehara remained ahead up until the river KdKc3dJcAs peeled an ace to eventually knock him out.

Lee Chongzhi – 160,000
Umehara Ngato – Eliminated

20:25: Set wins it for Ryan Gebow
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Ryan Gebow

Cutoff Ryan Gebow opened to 3,500, called by button Renato Alcano. Both players checked flop Ac2c5d through to turn 8c. Gebow continued for 6,000 and called a click back from Alcano. River Jd collected no more bets with Gebow showing 2h2d for the win. Alcano reveals top pair Ah before throwing his hand in the muck.

Ryan Gebow – 105,000
Renato Alcano – 45,000

20:24: Registration is closed!
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Registration for Flight C of the Manila Megastack 17 Main Event is now closed with 202/468 total entries recorded. Flight will conclude once the field is down to 15% at 71 players.

Top Chip Counts

Callaway Lloyd – 170,000
Maliskiy Alexey – 165,000
Konishi Yuma – 160,000
Drilon Jose – 150,000
Kori Maiko – 130,000


Playing through the Manila Megastack 17 festival at Okada ManilaPhilippinesPokerStars LIVE is pulling out all the stops with its headlining Main Event currently underway. The PHP 10 Million guarantee has already been breached yesterday with the prize pool currently standing at an impressive PHP 12.2 Million. Flight C runs today, December 9th with the players set to play down to 15% of the field.

All Main Event players start off with a 30,000 chip count and will cruise through 40 minute blind levels through to Day 2. Registration will remain open across ten levels, closing down at 20:10 to wrap up the flight entries.

Date: December 7 – 11, 2023
Buy-in: PHP 35,000 (~USD 630)
Guarantee: PHP 10,000,000 (~USD 180,830)
ITM: 15% of the field

Flight A: 167 entries, 26 qualified
Flight B: 235 entries, 36 qualified

Flight C: December 9, Saturday
Day 2: December 10, Sunday
Final Day: December 11, Monday

Manila Megastack – Coverage
Manila Megastack – Festival Results
Manila Megastack – Schedule

PS Live Manila Megastack 17 – Main Event – Day 2

00:20: Wu Shenghao leads Main Event Final Table!
Level 29: 50,000 – 100,000 ante 100,000

Wu Shenghao

The final table is set following 11 hours of play with China’s Wu Shenghao in the lead after landing a huge double up from Matsushita Masafumi minutes before the day wrapped up. Wu brings with him 4.8 Million in chips, putting him in a great position to secure the PHP 5,005,000 top prize!

Final Table Chip Counts

Pos. Player Flag Chip Count Big Blinds
1 Wu Shenghao China 4,880,000 49
2 Garcia Jonald Philippines 3,295,000 33
3 Jeon Seungsoo Korea, South 3,235,000 32
4 Matsushita Masafumi Japan 3,070,000 31
5 Bulaong Raphael Philippines 2,745,000 27
6 Hidaka Yusuke Japan 2,615,000 26
7 Teo Zi Sheng Singapore 2,250,000 23
8 Leoncio Jan Jason Philippines 2,225,000 22
9 Reiji Tsuchiya Japan 1,780,000 18

Remaining Payouts

Place Prize (PHP)
1 5,005,000 
2 2,985,000
3 2,090,000 
4 1,570,000 
5 1,220,000 
6 ₱ 905,000
7 648,000 
8 461,850 
9 ₱ 365,000

00:16: Yamamoto Kaji bubbles final table in 10th place – PHP 305,000
Level 29: 50,000 – 100,000 ante 100,000

Yamamoto Kaji

Small blind Teo Zi Sheng raised all-in with As6h and saw big blind Yamamoto Kaji call off for his 700,000 stack with KsQh. The board 2h3h2s3c10c missed to pair up either player with Teo’s ace-high good for the win.

Teo Zi Sheng – 2,250,000
Yamamoto Kaji – Eliminated

00:11: Wu Shenghao collects with aces
Level 28: 40,000 – 80,000 ante 80,000

Matsushita Masafumi

Small blind Matsushita Masafumi shoved all-in with 7h7s and ran right into Wu Shenghao’s AsAc.  60 BB in the middle, the board ran 3s9s6sQd3d with Wu securing the win for the chip lead.

Wu Shenghao – 4,860,000
Matsushita Masafumi – 3,100,000

00:05: Reiji Tsuchiya doubles through
Level 28: 40,000 – 80,000 ante 80,000

Covering his opponent’s stack, small blind Yamamoto Kaji shoved all-in with 3s4h and was called by big blind Reiji Tsuchiya with KhQc. Reiji at risk, instantly flopped the nuts on AdJc10cQs4s for the quick double up.

Reiji Tsuchiya – 1,780,000
Yamamoto Kaji – 675,000

23:59: Jan Jason Leoncio dodges elimination
Level 28: 40,000 – 80,000 ante 80,000

Jan Jason Leoncio

An all-in preflop situation ensued with Matsushita Masafumi calling off big blind Jan Jason Leoncio’s 1,000,000 jam. Matsushita ahead with AdQc against Leoncio’s AsJc was in good shape to deliver a bust up until the river 8h7h3c7dJh ran one of his opponent’s three outs to survive.

Jan Jason Leoncio – 2,300,000
Matsushita Masafumi – 6,300,000

23:57: Marcial Lou busts in 11th place – PHP 305,000
Level 28: 40,000 – 80,000 ante 80,000

Marcial Lou

Raphael Bulaong opened to 200,000 with AhKd and called off Marcial Lou’s 1,100,000 all-in. Lou with Qc8d landed a pair on the flop 9s8c4d2dKs for the advantage but soon lost it after the river ran a king.

Raphael Bulaong – 3,000,000
Marcial Lou – Eliminated

23:53: Bonil Koo crashes in 12th place – PHP 276,000
Level 28: 40,000 – 80,000 ante 80,000

Bonil Koo

Cutoff Bonil Koo stuffed his remaining 975,000 in with 9d10c and was called behind by Wu Shenghao with KsQs. Needing to catch up, Koo was railed shortly after the board ran KhQc5h4h8s with Wu’s two pair claiming the pot.

Wu Shenghao – 2,800,000
Bonil Koo – Eliminated

23:48: Matsushita Masafumi running hot
Level 28: 40,000 – 80,000 ante 80,000

Cutoff Yamamoto Kaji opened to 180,000, called by big blind Matsushita Masafumi. Flop came 8sAsJc and Matsushita check called for 100,000. Turn 8d went check check, leading to river 10d. Matsushita bet 500,000 and merited a fold from his opponent. Matsushita reveals 8hJs for a full house.

Matsushita Masafumi – 7,300,000
Yamamoto Kaji – 2,000,000

23:46: Alexis Cruz knocked out in 13th place – PHP 276,000
Level 28: 40,000 – 80,000 ante 80,000

Alexis Cruz

Utg Matsushita Masafumi opened to 175,000 and called off button Alexis Cruz’ all-in for 1,850,000 total.

Cruz 5s5d
Matsushita AdAc

A quick call from Matsushita felted board Kc3s3h3d6d to bust Cruz out of the Main Event games.

Matsushita Masafumi – 6,900,000
Alexis Cruz – Eliminated

23:41: John Dela Cruz falls short in 14th place – PHP 247,000
Level 28: 40,000 – 80,000 ante 80,000

John Dela Cruz

Hijack Matsushita Masafumi opened to 175,000 and called off button John Dela Cruz’ 650,000 all-in.

Dela Cruz AcKd
Matsushita 6h6s

Flipping for his tournament life, Dela Cruz exited shortly after Matsushita landed a set on 3c6d8hKcAs.

Matsushita Masafumi – 4,600,000
John Dela Cruz – Eliminated

23:39: John Dela Cruz slips down
Level 28: 40,000 – 80,000 ante 80,000

Button opened to 160,000, called by small blind Jonald Garcia. Big blind John Dela Cruz pushed a three bet to 500,000, with only Garcia continuing through. Both players check down to river Ah5c7dJdKh, revealing Garcia’s KsQs for the win.

Jonald Garcia – 3,200,000
John Dela Cruz – 700,000

23:35: Jonald Garcia takes some off chip leader
Level 28: 40,000 – 80,000 ante 80,000

Jonald Garcia

Small blind Matsushita Masafumi opened to 200,000 and called a three bet to 505,000 behind from big blind Jonald Garcia. The two saw flop 2d6dQc where Garcia continued for 265,000. Matsushita check folds and gives up the pot.

Jonald Garcia – 2,450,000
Matsushita Masafumi – 3,900,000

23:25: Break Time!
Level 28: 40,000 – 80,000 ante 80,000

14 players remain in the running for the Main Event games with each guaranteed a minimum payout of PHP 247,000.

Chip Count Update

Teo Zi Sheng – 1,825,000
Bonil Koo – 1,165,000
Wu Shenghao – 1,835,000
Hidaka Yusuke – 2,755,000
Raphael Bulaong – 2,135,000
Jeon Seungsoo – 1,180,000
Marcial Lou – 925,000

Alexis Cruz – 1,635,000
Reiji Tsuchiya – 970,000
Jan Jason Leoncio – 1,500,000
Matsushita Masafumi – 4,745,000
Jonald Garcia – 1,800,000
John Dela Cruz – 1,280,000
Yamamoto Kaji – 2,285,000

23:19: Jan Jason Leoncio scores a double up
Level 27: 30,000 – 60,000 ante 60,000

Jan Jason Leoncio

Utg Jan Jason Leoncio got his remaining 670,000 in with 4c4d and faced Matsushita Masafumi’s AsQh on board 5h9hJs2c9c. Bricking his overcards, Matsushita doubled up his opponent to keep in the Main Event games.

Jan Jason Leoncio – 1,490,000
Matsushita Masafumi – 4,500,000

23:17: Matsushita Masafumi continues to dominate
Level 27: 30,000 – 60,000 ante 60,000

Matsushita Masafumi

Cutoff Matsushita Masafumi opened to 120,000, called by the small blind. Big blind Yamamoto Kaji bumped it up to 306,000 with only Matsushita continuing to flop Jd8s6c. Yamamoto led for 100,000, and another 450,000 on turn 5s, Matsushita with a call on both streets. Yamamoto checked river 2c through and folded after Matsushita pushed a final bet of 700,000

Matsushita Masafumi – 5,200,000
Yamamoto Kaji – 2,300,000

23:08: Marcial Lou bounces back
Level 27: 30,000 – 60,000 ante 60,000

Marcial Lou

After running into aces previously, Marcial Lou was able to bounce back after things turned around, with him getting AsAd against Jeon Seungsoo’s JsJd. The board KhQh2sKcKs once more ran safe for the rockets, giving Lou the much needed double up.

Marcial Lou – 1,230,000
Jeon Seungsoo – 900,000

22:59: Wu Shenghao cripples Marcial Lou
Level 27: 30,000 – 60,000 ante 60,000

Wu Shenghao

Utg Wu Shenghao opened to 130,000 and faced a three bet to 280,000 from button Marcial Lou. Wu clapped back with an all-in for 680,000 total, called by Lou.

Wu AsAd
Lou JcJd

In for a cooler, Lou was left crippled down to 9 BB after the board Ks9s7h5d8d delivered no bad beats.

Wu Shenghao – 1,510,000
Marcial Lou – 575,000

22:57: Alexis Cruz plays back
Level 27: 30,000 – 60,000 ante 60,000

Alexis Cruz

Cutoff John Dela Cruz opened to 120,000, called by small blind Alexis Cruz. Flop As4s5s saw Dela Cruz continue for 100,000 and shortly fold after Cruz fired a check raise all-in for 1,585,000.

Alexis Cruz – 2,045,000
John Dela Cruz – 1,650,000

22:47: All-in does it for Reiji Tsuchiya
Level 27: 30,000 – 60,000 ante 60,000

Reiji Tsuchiya

Reiji Tsuchiya defended his big blind vs John Dela Cruz’ 150,000 open and saw flop 4h4c2c. Reiji proceeded to check call for 100,000 and follow through with check raise all-in on turn 3h. Dela Cruz fails to complete and loses the pot.

Reiji Tsuchiya – 1,520,000
John Dela Cruz – 1,800,000

22:44: Nergui Otgonbayar railed in 15th place – PHP 247,000
Level 27: 30,000 – 60,000 ante 60,000

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Nergui Otgonbayar

Hijack opened to 135,000 and was met with two all-ins behind – Nergui Otgonbayar for 400,000 and Alexis Cruz for 1,000,000. Original raiser folds and the two run the board.

Nergui 5s5c
Cruz 9c9d

Both with pocket pairs, Cruz locked in the bust after no fives were seen on board Ks2c10s9s2h.

Alexis Cruz – 1,600,000
Nergui Otgonbayar – Eliminated

22:41: Blinds up!
Level 27: 30,000 – 60,000 ante 60,000

15 players remain in contention for the Main Event title with six more eliminations before the day wraps up.

22:41: Yamamoto Kaji double barrels through
Level 26: 25,000 – 50,000 ante 50,000

Yamamoto Kaji

Cutoff Yamamoto Kaji opened to 110,000, called by big blind Jonald Garcia. Flop came 10h3h9d and saw Yamamoto continue for 75,000, check called by Garcia. Yamamoto fired another 215,000 on turn Qd, convincing Garcia to put in the fold.

Yamamoto Kaji – 2,850,000
Jonald Garcia – 2,100,000

22:37: Bonil Koo claims pot
Level 26: 25,000 – 50,000 ante 50,000

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Bonil Koo

Raphael Bulaong defended his big blind vs cutoff Bonil Koo’s open and saw flop 10c5cJh. Checked to Koo, he continued for 90,000, called by his opponent. Turn 8s went check check, leading to river Qd. Bulaong sent out a 150,000 bet then shortly fold after Koo pulled an all-in for 720,000 total.

Bonil Koo – 1,325,000
Raphael Bulaong – 2,400,000

22:32: Midpair good for Reiji Tsuchiya
Level 26: 25,000 – 50,000 ante 50,000

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Reiji Tsuchiya

Utg+2 Jonald Garcia opened to 125,000, joined by big blind Reiji Tsuchiya on flop 9h8h5h. Both players check it through and peeled turn 2s. Reiji led out for 90,000, called by Garcia. River 10s went check check with Reiji revealing Kd8d to take it down.

Reiji Tsuchiya – 1,250,000
Jonald Garcia – 2,000,000

22:28: Leonard Aban eliminated in 16th place – PHP 218,000
Level 26: 25,000 – 50,000 ante 50,000

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Leonard Aban

Utg+1 Leonard Aban flicked in his last 175,000 with Ah2c and faced Jeon Seungsoo’s AdQh. A huge underdog, Aban bid his Main Event dreams goodbye after the board landed 5d9dKcQc8d.

Jeon Seungsoo – 1,000,000
Leonard Aban – Eliminated

22:27: Field Update
Level 26: 25,000 – 50,000 ante 50,000

Main Event action is down to two tables with 16 players left in the running. Day will conclude once the final table is set.

22:15: Marcial Lou dominates Chien Wen Chen
Level 26: 25,000 – 50,000 ante 50,000

Marcial Lou

Button Marcial Lou opened to 115,000, called by the small blind. Action on big blind Chien Wen Chen, he shoved all-in for 190,000 total and was followed with another all-in from Lou. Small blind folds and the two run the board.

Chien Ac4c
Lou AsKc

Dominated, Lou easily clipped the win after landing top pair right on the flop Ks5c9c10h7s.

Marcial Lou – 1,800,000
Chien Wen Chen – Eliminated

22:11: John Dela Cruz chips off of Bonil Koo
Level 26: 25,000 – 50,000 ante 50,000

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John Dela Cruz

Utg Bonil Koo opened to 100,000 and called off big blind John Dela Cruz’ 1,175,000 all-in. Koo with AhQh was looking to pair up against Dela Cruz’ 9h9s to win the pot. The board 4c3dJc7d5d however, found none of his overcards and instead earned Dela Cruz the 48 BB pot.

John Dela Cruz – 2,425,000
Bonil Koo – 1,200,000

22:08: Darren Yu slams into aces
Level 26: 25,000 – 50,000 ante 50,000

Darren Yu

Cutoff Jonald Garcia opened to 100,000 and called off big blind Darren Yu’s 800,000 jam.

Yu 4h5h
Garcia AcAs

Drawing slim, Yu found little hope after turning a straight draw on AdQh4c2dJc but ultimately bricked the river to seal his bust.

Jonald Garcia – 2,500,000
Darren Yu – Eliminated

22:04: Rick Jason Ambata heads for the exit
Level 26: 25,000 – 50,000 ante 50,000

Rick Jason Ambata

Utg+2 Rick Jason Ambata slammed his last 325,000 in with Ad5c and ran into Teo Zi Sheng’s better AsJc. In rough shape, Ambata headed for the rails after the board 4h9c2s7h9d failed to save him from elimination.

Teo Zi Sheng – 1,900,000
Rick Jason Ambata – Eliminated

22:01: Matsushita Masafumi surges to the top
Level 26: 25,000 – 50,000 ante 50,000

Matsushita Masafumi

Utg+1 Takeomi Miyazawa opened to 105,000 then called a three bet to 475,000 from small blind Matsushita Masafumi. Flop Ad8s6h saw all the chips pile in the middle, Takeomi at risk with AsQh against Matsushita’s 8c8h. Up against a set, Takeomi left the table shortly after the turn 10s and river Js completed the board.

Matsushita Masafumi – 2,950,000
Takeomi Miyazaw – Eliminated

21:51: Blinds up!
Level 26: 25,000 – 50,000 ante 50,000

The field is down to its last 22 players with the minimum payout currently listed at PHP 163,000.

21:50: Takeomi Miyazawa ahead all the way
Level 25: 20,000 – 40,000 ante 40,000

Takeomi Miyazawa

Cutoff Takeomi Miyazawa limp called small blind Joshua Figuerres’ 335,000 all-in to reveal Figuerres’ KdQd, slightly behind Takeomi’s As3s. The two run an eight high board 7h2c7s8c5c, leaving Takeomi’s ace-high good for the pot.

Takeomi Miyazawa – 2,400,000
Joshua Figuerres – Eliminated

21:43: Teo Zi Sheng takes a loss
Level 25: 20,000 – 40,000 ante 40,000

Teo Zi Sheng

Utg Teo Zi Sheng opened to 80,000 and called off button Alexis Cruz’ all-in for 610,000 more.

Cruz AcKd
Teo AsJc

Dominated, Teo bagged the loss after the runout 3c4d4h2h4c offered no chops.

Alexis Cruz – 1,480,000
Teo Zi Sheng – 1,630,000

21:39: Reiji Tsuchiya doubles through
Level 25: 20,000 – 40,000 ante 40,000

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Reiji Tsuchiya

Small blind Reiji Tsuchiya shoved all-in for 530,000 with JsJd and was called behind by big blind Alexis Cruz with Kh10d. Ahead with a pair, Reiji secured the double up after the board AdAc8h9c7h delivered no bad beats.

Reiji Tsuchiya – 1,100,000
Alexis Cruz – 700,000

21:36: Jeon Seungsoo gives up the fight
Level 25: 20,000 – 40,000 ante 40,000

Jeon Seungsoo

Utg Jeon Seungsoo opened to 80,000 with big blind Yamamoto Kaji completing to see flop KsKc3d. Checked to Jeon, he continued for 80,000, called by Yamamoto. Turn 2c saw Jeon go for another 150,000 and shortly fold after Yamamoto put in a raise to 365,000.

Yamamoto Kaji – 2,300,000
Jeon Seungsoo – 1,400,000

21:19: Jonald Garcia chips up
Level 25: 20,000 – 40,000 ante 40,000

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Jonald Garcia

Cutoff Jonald Garcia opened to 80,000, joined by both players on the blinds. Flop Ad5dAs was checked to Garcia, who bet all-in. Small blind Seshimoto Sayaka called off for her remaining 310,000 with a flush draw QdJd.

Garcia KcKh

Drawing to eight outs, the turn 3s and river 7s came a spade, failing to fill up Seshimoto’s flush to knock her out of the Main Event arena.

Jonald Garcia – 1,150,000
Seshimoto Sayaka – Eliminated

21:14: Crushing win for Raphael Bulaong
Level 25: 20,000 – 40,000 ante 40,000

Utg Jessie Supnet opened to 85,000 and shortly fired a four bet jam for 700,000 against Raphael Bulaong’s three bet behind. Bulaong makes the call and the two run the board.

Supnet AhQh
Bulaong AsAd

A tough spot for Supnet, his two pair on board 3s2cQd6hAc remains headed for the muck with Bulaong claiming the win with top set.

Raphael Bulaong – 2,550,000
Jessie Supnet – Eliminated

21:08: Jaime Ramon Reyes scores a double up
Level 25: 20,000 – 40,000 ante 40,000

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Jaime Ramon Reyes

Cutoff Yamamoto Kaji opened to 80,000 and called off small blind Jaime Ramon Reyes’ 325,000 all-in.

Reyes KcQs
Yamamoto Ah5s

In for a race, the board JcJd8c5h3d quickly favored Reyes, earning him a double up to survive through.

Jaime Ramon Reyes – 730,000
Yamamoto Kaji – 2,200,000

21:05: Jan Jason Leoncio takes it down
Level 25: 20,000 – 40,000 ante 40,000

Jan Jason Leoncio

Utg Reiji Tsuchiya opened to 80,000, joined by big blind Jan Jason Leoncio on flop AcJc3h. Reiji continued for 50,000, and Leoncio responded with a check raise to 250,000. Reiji folds and Leoncio takes the pot down.

Jan Jason Leoncio – 720,000
Reiji Tsuchiya – 1,100,000

20:55: Break Time!
Level 25: 20,000 – 40,000 ante 40,000

Four tables on the floor with 27 players remaining in the Main Event games. All runners are now guaranteed a minimum payout of PHP 140,000.

Top Chip Counts

Kaji Yamamoto – 2,500,000
Hidaka Yusuke – 2,000,000
Bonil Koo – 1,800,000
Raphael Bulaong – 1,700,000
Hyeon Junho – 1,500,000

20:51: Top pair good for Lee Chongzhi
Level 24: 15,000 – 30,000 ante 30,000

Lee Chongzhi

Yamamoto Kaji defended his big blind against cutoff Lee Chongzhi’s open and saw flop Js6c4c. Checked to Lee, he bet 70,000, called by his opponent. Turn Ah went check check leading to river 2c. Yamamoto led for 75,000, Lee with a final call. Yamamoto reveals 9s9d, no good against the raiser’s AcKd.

Lee Chongzhi – 1,300,000
Yamamoto Kaji – 2,000,000

20:45: Libo On Ryan runs backdoor flush
Level 24: 15,000 – 30,000 ante 30,000

Libo On Ryan

Utg+1 Libo On Ryan shoved all-in for 320,000 with Ac6c and was called by Emmanuel Derecho with JsJh. Running the same stack, Derecho landed a set right on the flop Jd7sQcKc5c but came crashing after Libo pulled a runner runner backdoor flush.

Libo On Ryan – 715,000
Emmanuel Derecho – Eliminated

20:35: Raphael Bulaong rails Sandy Cea
Level 24: 15,000 – 30,000 ante 30,000

Raphael Bulaong

Button Raphael Bulaong opened to 65,000 and snap called big blind Sandy Cea’s 650,000 all-in for a rundown.

Cea 2h2s
Bulaong JsJh

Crushed against his opponent’s premium pair, Cea headed for the exit following no deuces were seen on board Kc5s3d5h9s.

Raphael Bulaong – 1,625,000
Sandy Cea – Eliminated

20:32: Yamamoto Kaji rises to chip lead
Level 24: 15,000 – 30,000 ante 30,000

Yamamoto Kaji

Button Shah Chirag stuffed his remaining 325,000 in with Ax Kx and was called by big blind Yamamoto Kaji with 6c6h. The flop Ad6d5c4cJh connected with both players but left Shah’s top pair doomed against Yamamoto’s set.

Yamamoto Kaji – 2,300,000
Shah Chirag – Eliminated

20:26: Edward Penaflorida runs into aces
Level 24: 15,000 – 30,000 ante 30,000

Edward Penaflorida

Button Edward Penaflorida pushed all-in for his remaining 230,000 with QhQc and ran smack into Alexis Cruz’ AdAs. On a momentum, Cruz claimed the pot once more after the board Jc7c8c10d6s sealed his opponent’s elimination.

Alexis Cruz – 1,300,000
Edward Penaflorida – Eliminated

20:20: Alexis Cruz claims pot
Level 24: 15,000 – 30,000 ante 30,000

Alexis Cruz

Small blind Sandy Cea put in an 80,000 raise, called by big blind Alexis Cruz. The two headed on to flop 8s4d8h with Cea continuing for 30,000. Cruz put in a raise for 40,000 more and Cea completes. Cruz went on to barrel 90,000 on turn 3h, pushing Cea to make a fold.

Alexis Cruz – 1,050,000
Sandy Cea – 700,000

20:13: Raphael Bulaong survives through
Level 24: 15,000 – 30,000 ante 30,000

Joshua Figuerres

Utg+1 Raphael Bulaong opened to 60,000 and called off for his 440,000 stack after big blind Joshua Figuerres moved all-in.

Figuerres AdJc
Bulaong 10s10c

At risk, Bulaong was glad to see his pocket pair hold on board 5s9dKd8c3h and move on to the next hand.

Raphael Bulaong – 955,000
Joshua Figuerres – 300,000

20:11: Blinds up!
Level 24: 15,000 – 30,000 ante 30,000

35 players still in the Main Event games with the day set to cap at 9 players remaining.

20:09: Rick Jason Ambata knocks out Jeffrey Calma
Level 23: 10,000 – 25,000 ante 25,000

Rick Jason Ambata

Utg Jeffrey Calma shoved all-in for 195,000 with JcJd and ran right into Rick Jason Ambata’s AsAh. Gunning for two outs, the board 7s7cQd2hQc spared none, leaving Calma out of the running.

Rick Jason Ambata – 725,000
Jeffrey Calma – Eliminated

20:05: Nines hold for Negui Otgonbayar
Level 23: 10,000 – 25,000 ante 25,000

An all-in preflop situation saw Negui Otgonbayar’s remaining 340,000 in with 9c9s up against big blind Takamori Tomoya’s AdKc. A crucial flip, the board felted Jc6s2sKs8s running a one card flush to Negui’s spade for the double up.

Negui Otgonbayar – 715,000
Takamori Tomoya – 5,000

19:58: Seshimoto Sayaka doubles off Jonald Garcia
Level 23: 10,000 – 25,000 ante 25,000

Seshimoto Sayaka

Having doubled off previously from Jonald Garcia, Seshimoto Sayaka once more locked in a full double up from her opponent after raising all-in for 185,000 and Garcia putting in a complete.

Seshimoto QdQc
Garcia Jd7d

A landslide win for pocket queens, the board 10h10c6c8dJs left Seshimoto nothing to worry about as she piled in the chips shortly after.

Seshimoto Sayaka – 430,000
Jonald Garcia – 650,000

19:52: Joshua Figuerres wins blind battle
Level 23: 10,000 – 25,000 ante 25,000

Small blind Joseph Chong flicked in his last 200,000 with Ad8h and was called behind by big blind Joshua Figuerres with Ac5d. A possible chop, this wasn’t the case as Figuerres instantly flopped two pair on As5c6sKd10c for the win.

Joshua Figuerres – 1,020,000
Joseph Chong – Eliminated

19:50: No showdown for Jessie Supnet
Level 23: 10,000 – 25,000 ante 25,000

Jessie Supnet

Utg Christopher Mateo opened to 55,000 and called a three bet to 165,000 from big blind Jessie Supnet. The two headed to flop QhJh4d where Supnet led all-in for 240,000. Mateo gives it up and makes the fold.

Jessie Supnet – 605,000
Christopher Mateo – 900,000

19:45: Easy double up for Sandy Cea
Level 23: 10,000 – 25,000 ante 25,000

Sandy Cea

Cutoff Seshimoto Sayaka opened to 55,000 and called off big blind Sandy Cea’s 315,000 jam.

Cea Ad10c
Seshimoto Kh10h

Dominating his opponent, Cea cruised to a double up after an eight high board 5d7c6c8d8s faced up on the table.

Sandy Cea – 665,000
Seshimoto Sayaka – 105,000

19:43: Teo Zi Sheng reaches 1 million mark
Level 23: 10,000 – 25,000 ante 25,000

Teo Zi Sheng

Cutoff Osuna Lopez Francisco open shoved his last 175,000 with Js8s and was called by big blind Teo Zi Sheng with Qs7s. Up for a race, the flop Jh5hQc6s10h quickly paired up both players with Teo eventually taking it down with top pair for the win.

Teo Zi Sheng – 1,075,000
Osuna Lopez Francisco – Eliminated

19:33: Emmanuel Derecho drops down
Level 23: 10,000 – 25,000 ante 25,000

Darren Yu

Folded to small blind Emmanuel Derecho, he stuffed all-in with Jd9h and saw big blind Darren Yu call off with Ac8d for his remaining 380,000. Yu ahead, secured the double up after the board 6d10s4h5c10h ran dry for both players.

Darren Yu – 785,000
Emmanuel Derecho – 700,000

19:21: Break Time!
Level 23: 10,000 – 25,000 ante 25,000

42 players left in the Main Event Day 2 games with minimum payouts now listed at PHP 89,000.

Top Chip Counts

Bonil Koo – 2,200,000
Hyeon Junho – 1,450,000
Yamamoto Kaji – 1,300,000
Alexis Cruz – 1,200,000
Jonald Garcia – 1,100,000

19:19: Bonil Koo banks big
Level 22: 10,000 – 20,000 ante 20,000

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Bonil Koo

Utg Bonil Koo opened to 40,000 and called a raise to 125,000 from Hong Soojing. Flop 9d2s6d saw Hong continue for 100,000, check called by Koo. Koo checked turn Kc once more and Hong sent out a 225,000 bet. Koo clapped back with a raise to 600,000 and complete after Hong moved all-in for 836,000 total.

Hong AsKs
Koo 9c9h

Koo with a set, left Hong drawing dead right on the flop, gaining him the 1.7 Million pot for the chip lead.

Bonil Koo – 2,192,000
Hong Soojing – Eliminated

19:13: Wu Shenghao gives up the river
Level 22: 10,000 – 20,000 ante 20,000

Utg+1 Christopher Mateo opened to 40,000 and called a three bet to 110,000 from Wu Shenghao behind. On flop 6s5h7d, Mateo was seen check calling for 115,000 and headed to turn 10c. Both players check it through and saw river 8d complete the board. Mateo sent out a hefty 306,000 and Wu gives up the fight.

Christopher Mateo – 930,000
Wu Shenghao – 320,000

19:05: Alexis Cruz suffers bad beat
Level 22: 10,000 – 20,000 ante 20,000

Utg Seshimoto Sayaka open shoved her 282,000 stack in with AhJd and ran into Alexis Cruz’s AsKh. Luckily for Seshimoto, the board QhJc5h8c8d landed him a pair to take the pot down and survive through.

Seshimoto Sayaka – 614,000
Alexis Cruz – 650,000

19:03: Yamamoto Kaji busts Michael Bueza
Level 22: 10,000 – 20,000 ante 20,000

Yamamoto Kaji

Utg opened, called by Yamamoto Kaji and followed with an all-in from Michael Bueza for 352,000. Original raiser folds and Yamamoto happily puts in the call.

Bueza AcQs
Yamamoto KcKs

Up against a monster, Bueza missed to land an ace on Js2d7h9d5c and is shortly eliminated from the table.

Yamamoto Kaji – 1,365,000
Michael Bueza – Eliminated

19:01: Nergui Otgonbayar outruns Younhyuk Lim
Level 22: 10,000 – 20,000 ante 20,000

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Nergui Otgonbayar

Another all-in preflop situation saw Younhyuk Lim raise call-off with Ac10s against Nergui Otgonbayar’s As4s. Nergui at risk, was spared from elimination after the board 6s7sKc9s10c gave him a nut flush for the win.

Nergui Otgonbayar – 382,000
Younhyuk Lim – 360,000

18:50: River saves Bernard Vu
Level 22: 10,000 – 20,000 ante 20,000

Bernard Vu

Button John Clyde Tan opened to 50,000 and called a 304,000 all-in from big blind Bernard Vu. Tan is ahead with AsQc against Vu’s Kh10d, up until the river 7d7s6h5dKc peeled a king to seal the win for Vu.

Bernard Vu – 638,000
John Clyde Tan – 400,000

18:45: Younhyuk Lim finishes off Jeffrey Calonge
Level 22: 10,000 – 20,000 ante 20,000

Younhyuk Lim

Cutoff Younhyuk Lim opened to 40,000 and called off Jeffrey Calonge’s 110,000 jam to run the board.

Calonge KsQh
Lim Ah5h

Hanging on to his 5 BB, Calonge soon lost his chance at the Main Event title after the board came JdJc6h10d8h.

Younhyuk Lim – 530,000
Jeffrey Calonge – Eliminated

18:43: Blinds up!
Level 22: 10,000 – 20,000 ante 20,000

The field is down to 49 players with each guaranteed PHP 89,000 in prizes. Play will conclude once the final nine is set.

18:42: Marcial Lou gets lucky
Level 21: 8,000 – 16,000 ante 16,000

Marcial Lou

Utg+1 Marcial Lou opened to 35,000 and called off cutoff Tor Anton Welo’s 139,000 all-in.

Welo AhKc
Lou KdQd

In rough shape, Lou managed to pull a straight on board 10s9h5h3cJd, knocking Welo out of the Main Event games.

Marcial Lou – 600,000
Tor Anton Welo – Eliminated

18:39: Joseph Chong survives with deuces
Level 21: 8,000 – 16,000 ante 16,000

Joseph Chong

Utg+2 Matsushita Masafumi opened to 32,000 and called off a 169,000 jam from big blind Joseph Chong.

Chong 2h2d
Matsushita KdJs

Anyone’s game, the board 9c10dAh6sAd ran clear of Matsushita’s overcards, earning Chong a full double up.

Joseph Chong – 362,000
Matsushita Masafumi – 500,000

18:33: Seshimoto Sayaka gets value
Level 21: 8,000 – 16,000 ante 16,000

Seshimoto Sayaka

Small blind Jeffrey Calonge opened to 35,000, joined by big blind Seshimoto Sayaka on flop Ah5c10h. Both players check it through to river Ks6d where Calonge led for 50,000. Seshimoto answered back with an all-in for 242,000 and Calonge put in the final call. Seshimoto shows 10d6c for two pair, Calonge with a muck.

Seshimoto Sayaka – 570,000
Jeffrey Calonge – 100,000

18:26: Jayvon Carreon crashes with seven high
Level 21: 8,000 – 16,000 ante 16,000

Darren Yu

Cutoff Jayvon Carreon open shoved 172,000 with 7s5s and was called by big blind Darren Yu with 6s6d. A huge favorite, Yu scored the pot and knocked out Carreon after the board 2sAd3cKcJc ran safe for his sixes.

Darren Yu – 460,000
Jayvon Carreon – Eliminated

18:19: Jose Drilon wins flip
Level 21: 8,000 – 16,000 ante 16,000

Jose Drilon

An all-in preflop situation, hijack John Estrella got his 148,000 stack in with 9c9d and faced Jose Drilon’s AhKd. Flipping for his tournament life, Estrella got the short end of the stick after his pocket pair failed to hold on 7h2d8hKc3s.

Jose Drilon – 920,000
John Estrella – Eliminated

18:15: Emmanuel Derecho pulls the trigger
Level 21: 8,000 – 16,000 ante 16,000

Emmanuel Derecho

Cut off Jayvon Carreon opened to 32,000, called behind by Emmanuel Derecho. Flop Ad7sJs saw Carreon check call for 55,000, and another 70,000 on turn 2h. On the river 2s however, Carreon was left unable to continue after Derecho fired a triple barrel all-in.

Emmanuel Derecho – 675,000
Jayvon Carreon – 210,000

18:07: Alexis Cruz tables a boat
Level 21: 8,000 – 16,000 ante 16,000

Utg+2 Alexis Cruz opened to 35,000 and was met with a three bet to 105,000 from Younhyuk Lim. Small blind Seshimoto Sayaka joins in as well as Cruz, making it a three way pot. All three checked the board 4c10dQhAs4h through up until the river where Cruz fired 200,000, called by Lim.

Cruz shows 10h10s for a full house and Lim slips his hand in the muck.

Alexis Cruz – 930,000
Younhyuk Lim – 400,000
Seshimoto Sayaka – 350,000

18:04: Shah Chirag gets a boost
Level 21: 8,000 – 16,000 ante 16,000

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Shah Chirag

Down to a few BBs, cutoff Rikaya Jinbo flicked in his 73,000 stack with Kd4c and was called by big blind Shah Chirag with Js7d. Running a race, Shah landed top pair on board 4s3h8sJd10d to earn the pot.

Shah Chirag – 420,000
Rikaya Jinbo – Eliminated

18:02: Blinds up!
Level 21: 8,000 – 16,000 ante 16,000

The field is down to 56 players, each guaranteed a minimum payout of PHP 75,000.

17:57: Split pot for Joseph Chong and Lee Suya
Level 20: 6,000 – 12,000 ante 12,000

Hijack Joseph Chong open shoved his last 130,000 in with AhQh, called all-in by Lee Suya with AsQc for 40,000, and a final call from Taranto Alessandro with Ad10c. A three way all-in, the board ran 3s5cQsJc5h and left Chong and Lee in for a split pot with ace-queen high.

Joseph Chong – 162,000
Lee Suya – 72,000
Taranto Alessandro – 210,000

17:48: Tchong Kue Seong bricks runout
Level 20: 6,000 – 12,000 ante 12,000

John Clyde Tan

John Clyde Tan called utg Tchong Kue Seong’s open and saw flop 4s10sQd. Checked to Tchong, he bet all-in for 160,000, called by Tan.

Tchong As8s
Tan QhJc

Drawing for a flush, Tchong headed for the exit after the turn 9d and river 8c bricked out with Tan’s top pair claiming the win.

John Clyde Tan – 430,000
Tchong Kue Seong – Eliminated

17:36: Lee Suya chips down
Level 20: 6,000 – 12,000 ante 12,000

Taranto Alessandro

Cutoff Lee Suya open shoved with Kd4d and was joined by button Taranto Alessandro with a lesser 106,000 stack. Taranto is ahead with AsJs and locked in the win after the board 3h5s9dQs6c missed to pair either player.

Taranto Alessandro – 242,000
Lee Suya  – 52,000

17:30: Shah Chirag puts in a squeeze
Level 20: 6,000 – 12,000 ante 12,000

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Shah Chirag

Button Michael Bueza opened to 26,000, called by the small blind. Action on big blind Shah Chirag, he pushed all-in for 219,000 and met no callers behind.

Shah Chirag – 283,000
Michael Bueza – 420,000

17:10: Break Time!
Level 20: 6,000 – 12,000 ante 12,000

63 players remain in contention for the Main Event title with the day set to conclude once the final nine is reached. All players are now guaranteed a minimum payout of PHP 75,000.

Top Chip Counts

Philip Reyes – 1,000,000
Jonald Garcia – 860,000
Jeon Seungsoo – 840,000
Jose Drilon – 820,000
Christopher Mateo – 800,000

17:04: William Teoh knocks out Thorne Ernesto
Level 19: 5,000 – 10,000 ante 10,000

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William Teoh

Utg+1 opened to 24,000, called by William Teoh behind. Small blind Thorne Ernesto slammed his remaining 161,000 in and was called by Teoh for a rundown.

Thorne 8s8d
Teoh Kh10h

At risk, Thorne was left drawing thin after Teoh flopped top pair on 10s2h4dQs4s, knocking him out eventually from the running.

William Teoh – 610,000
Thorne Ernesto – Eliminated

17:00: Hong Soojing wins three bet pot
Level 19: 5,000 – 10,000 ante 10,000

Hong Soojing

Utg Tor Anton Welo opened and called a 55,000 three bet from Hong Soojing a seat after. Flop came 2s9c8c with both players checking it through to turn 7h. Welo led for 75,000 and ended up folding to a raise to 175,000 from Hong.

Hong Soojing – 660,000
Tor Anton Welo – 255,000

16:55: Jeffrey Calonge lands a double
Level 19: 5,000 – 10,000 ante 10,000

Utg+1 opened, called by Sandy Cea behind. Action on big blind Jeffrey Calonge, he stuffed all-in for 83,000 and was called by Cea for heads up.

Calonge AdKh
Cea As10s

Dominating his opponent, Calonge cruised to a double up after running trips on 8c6hKdKc7h3d.

Jeffrey Calonge – 201,000
Sandy Cea – 200,000

16:49: Christopher Mateo shows air
Level 19: 5,000 – 10,000 ante 10,000

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Christopher Mateo

Christopher Mateo defended his big blind vs utg+2 Rikaya Jinbo’s 20,000 open and saw flop Ac5d4h. Checked to Rikaya, he continued for 35,000 and threw in a raise to 160,00 after Mateo bumped it up to 72,000. Action on Mateo, he puts in another raise to 530,000, to which Rikaya folded. Mateo shows Ks8s for complete air.

Christopher Mateo – 820,000
Rikaya Jinbo – 270,000

16:43: Seshimoto Sayaka takes it down
Level 19: 5,000 – 10,000 ante 10,000

Seshimoto Sayaka

Hijack Sandy Cea opened to 21,000, called by big blind Seshimoto Sayaka. On flop AdJs5s, Cea was seen continuing for 26,000, called by his opponent. Turn Qh went check check leading to river 4c. Seshimoto took the chance and led out 40,000, convincing Cea to throw in the fold.

Seshimoto Sayaka – 340,000
Sandy Cea – 360,000

16:34: Blinds up!
Level 19: 5,000 – 10,000 ante 10,000

72 players remain in the running for the Main Event title with each guaranteed a minimum payout of PHP 65,000.

16:33: Jayvon Carreon lands a big pot
Level 18: 4,000 – 8,000 ante 8,000

Jayvon Carreon defended his big blind vs button William Teoh’s open and headed on to flop QhKs8d. Teoh continued for 20,000, check called by Carreon. The turn 5d however, saw all the chips pile in with Carreon calling off his 220,000 stack behind.

Teoh Qc6h
Carreon Ks3s

At an advantage with his top pair, Carreon bagged the pot after the river As missed to improve Teoh’s hand.

Jayvon Carreon – 524,000
William Teoh – 500,000

16:32: Huge double for George Salud
Level 18: 4,000 – 8,000 ante 8,000

George Salud

A three bet pot, action was seen on flop 3sKs10c where big blind George Salud pushed all-in for 223,000, called by Irimajiri Hiroshi behind.

Salud AdQs
Irimajiri JcJs

Ahead with his pocket pair, Irimajiri suffered a terrible beat after the turn rolled a Jd to complete Salud’s nut straight.

George Salud – 320,000
Irimajiri Hiroshi – Eliminated

16:25: Darren Yu back in the game
Level 18: 4,000 – 8,000 ante 8,000

Down to 4 BB at one point, Darren Yu bounced back in the game and opened the cutoff to 20,000. Shin Hyeonho defended his big blind and saw flop 8s10h6h. Both players checked it through leading to turn 4s. Shin led for 18,000 yet shortly folded after Yu snap raised all-in.

Darren Yu – 170,000
Shin Hyeonho – 80,000

16:20: No showdown for Benigno Ledina
Level 18: 4,000 – 8,000 ante 8,000

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Benigno Ledina

Benigno Ledina defended his big blind vs hijack Tor Anton Welo’s open and saw flop KsJd6d. Ledina proceeded to check call for 24,000 with both players checking turn 7d through. River came 4d and Ledina sent out a 15,000 bet. Welo folds, shipping Ledina the pot.

Benigno Ledina – 370,000
Tor Anton Welo – 580,000

16:15: Bayomunknev Bayarto doubles up
Level 18: 4,000 – 8,000 ante 8,000

Bayomunknev Bayarto

Utg Bayomunknev Bayarto open shoved all-in for 75,000 with Ac5d and was called by Takeomi Miyazawa with KdJd. Slightly ahead, the board ran As10c4cAh7s, leaving Bayomunknev to collect his double up with trip aces.

Bayomunknev Bayarto  – 162,000
Takeomi Miyazawa – 50,000

16:08: Jose Drilon crushes with aces
Level 18: 4,000 – 8,000 ante 8,000

Jose Drilon

Cutoff Carmelo Tutay Jr. opened to 17,000, called by the button. Big blind Jose Drilon pushed a three bet to 62,000 with both opponents continuing through. Flop came 5c7dQd and saw Drilon bet all-in, called by Tutay.

Drilon AsAh
Tutay QcJc

Crushed against Drilon’s overpair, Tutay headed for the rails shortly after the runout came Kh6c.

Jose Drilon – 760,000
Carmelo Tutay Jr. – Eliminated

16:04: All-in does it for Ellezer Castillo
Level 18: 4,000 – 8,000 ante 8,000

Ellezer Castillo

Ellezer Castillo defended his big blind vs Takeomi Miyazawa’s 18,000 open and saw flop Ad3dKs. Castillo proceeded to check call a 22,000 bet from his opponent and move on to turn Qs. Castillo this time led all-in for 64,000, and merited a fold from Takeomi.

Ellezer Castillo – 156,000
Takeomi Miyazawa – 125,000

15:59: Philip Reyes continues to ascend
Level 18: 4,000 – 8,000 ante 8,000

Philip Reyes

A cooler situation saw John Carlo Sayo call off his 205,000 stack after using three time banks following a four bet jam from chip leader Philip Reyes.

Sayo QdQc
Reyes KsKd

Drawing slim, Sayo landed a set on flop QhJh9d10c6c but turned the opposite way after Reyes ran a king-high straight.

Philip Reyes – 1,200,000
John Carlo Sayo – Eliminated

15:55: Tens wins it for Kengo Kumagai
Level 18: 4,000 – 8,000 ante 8,000

Kengo Kumagai

Folded to button Buyanjarg Bat Erdene, he shoved all-in for 137,000 with As2h and was called by lesser stacked Kengo Kumagai with 10c10h. A good spot to double up, Kengo secured the win after no bad beats were delivered on board 3h8dQc7dQh.

Kengo Kumagai – 130,000
Buyanjarg Bat Erdene – 80,000

15:53: Blinds up!
Level 18: 4,000 – 8,000 ante 8,000

84 players remain in the Main Event Day 2 games with play set to conclude once the final table is set.

15:49: Yamamoto Kaji rails Jharome Pena
Level 17: 3,000 – 6,000 ante 6,000

Yamamoto Kaji

Hijack Yamamoto Kaji went head to head preflop against button Jharome Pena which led to over 200,000 in the middle once flop 9s8s5h turned up on the felt. Yamamoto continued for 80,000, snap called by Pena. Turn 8c didn’t slow things down with Yamamoto betting all-in and Pena calling off for 220,000.

Yamamoto KdKs
Pena 3s3h

A long way behind, Pena railed shortly after the river Qd completed the board.

Yamamoto Kaji – 875,000
Jharome Pena – Eliminated

15:37: Lee Suya delivers elimination
Level 17: 3,000 – 6,000 ante 6,000

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Lee Suya

Folded to small blind Lee Suya, he raised all-in with Jc9c covering big blind Anthony Kenneth’s 35,000 stack. Anthony called off with 8c8s and tabled a flip for his survival. The flop ran safe for Anthony up until the river 2h7hQd10dKd gave Lee a straight.

Lee Suya – 380,000
Anthony Kenneth – Eliminated

15:30: Osuna Lopez Francisco checks it through
Level 17: 3,000 – 6,000 ante 6,000

Osuna Lopez Francisco

Utg+1 Irimajiri Hiroshi opened to 13,000, called by Osuna Lopez Francisco behind along with the small blind. Flop 9d4d2c saw Irimajiri continue for 14,000, called by both opponents. Turn 4c and river 3d were checked through with Osuna claiming the pot with 6c6d to beat two ace-kings.

Osuna Lopez Francisco – 410,000
Irimajiri Hiroshi – 245,000

15:22: Philip Reyes rises to chip lead
Level 17: 3,000 – 6,000 ante 6,000

Philip Reyes

Cutoff Philip Reyes opened to 12,000 and called a three bet to 45,000 from small blind Raphael Bulaong. Flop 10d2d6h saw Bulaong bet a hefty 70,000, Reyes with a call behind. Bulaong continued on turn Ks for 90,000 and shortly called a raise to 185,000. Reyes bet the river 10c all-in for 180,000, Bulaong with a final call.

Reyes shows 2s2h for a full house, cracking Bulaong’s AdAh for the massive pot.

Philip Reyes – 972,000
Raphael Bulaong – 130,000

15:16: Katsuragawa Yohei gets crippled
Level 17: 3,000 – 6,000 ante 6,000

Chong Kai Shing Peter

Utg Chong Kai Shing Peter open shoved 163,000 in with AsKs and was called by Katsuragawa Yohei behind with JdJh. Running a flip, Chong managed to pair up on the river 7s2sQcQsKd to earn him the pot. Katsuragawa survives but is crippled down to 4 BB.

Chong Kai Shing Peter – 341,000
Katsuragawa Yohei – 25,000

15:00: Break Time!
Level 17: 3,000 – 6,000 ante 6,000

98 players still in the Main Event games with only 9 players surviving through for tomorrow’s Final Table. All runners are now guaranteed a minimum payout of PHP 58,000.

Top Chip Counts

William Teoh – 730,000
Alexis Cruz – 700,000
Monziar Villariaza – 520,000
John Dela Cruz – 510,000
Rick Jason Ambata – 490,000

14:56: Jaime Ramon Reyes spikes lucky river
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

Jaime Ramon Reyes

A four way pot was spotted after hijack Jaime Ramon Reyes opened to 10,000 and flopped 2d4s10s. Checked to Reyes, he bet 10,000, called by button Paolo Boccaletti and the small blind. Reyes then bet all-in for 63,500 on turn 8c and was followed by another all-in from Boccaletti. Small blind opts out, revealing Reyes’ 10dJc against Boccaletti’s AcAd. Top pair vs overpair, Reyes shipped the pot after a second 10h rolled on the river.

Jaime Ramon Reyes – 202,000
Paolo Boccaletti – 70,000

14:50: Top pair good for Jeffrey Calonge
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000


Utg Jeffrey Calonge opened to 10,000 with both players on the blinds completing to see flop AcJc4h. Small blind Fandalian Prolan led out a 9,000 bet, called by big blind Lee Woobeen. Calonge put in a raise to 27,000, and left only Prolan continuing to turn 3s. Both players check it down to river 2h with Calonge showing Ah8c for top pair to beat Prolan’s Qc3c busted flush draw.

Jeffrey Calonge – 540,000
Fandalian Prolan – 97,000
Lee Woobeen – 120,000

14:45: Raphael Bulaong dominates Murase Katsunari
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

Raphael Bulaong

Cutoff Raphael Bulaong opened to 11,000 and called off Murase Katsunari’s 72,000 jam.

Murase Ah9d
Bulaong AdQc

Dominated, Murase exited shortly after the board ran Ks10s3c4s2h to seal his elimination.

Raphael Bulaong – 435,000
Murase Katsunari – Eliminated

14:43: Bonil Koo delivers bust
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

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Bonil Koo

Utg+2 Bonil Koo opened to 10,000, called by two players behind. Action on small blind Ching Zi Lok, he squeezed all-in for 89,500 and was called by Koo for heads up.

Ching 9c9d
Koo Ah10h

Flipping for his tournament life, the board KhQd4d3cJh spared none of Koo’s overcards yet landed him a straight by the river to knock Ching out.

Bonil Koo – 415,000
Ching Zi Lok – Eliminated

14:36: Lloyd Callaway lands a straight
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

Lloyd Callaway

Utg Renniel Galvez opened to 10,500, called behind by Lloyd Callaway. Flop 9s9hJs saw Galvez continue for 8,000, called again by his opponent. Galvez then checked turn Qc, pushing Callaway to bet 20,000. Galvez continues and sees river 6h where he fired 50,000. Callaway snap called and showed Kh10h for a straight, Galvez with a muck.

Lloyd Callaway – 400,000
Renniel Galvez – 100,000

14:27: Tchong Kue Seong runs into aces
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

Bernard Vu

Utg Bernard Vu opened to 10,000, joined by both players on the blinds. Vu continued for 17,000 on flop 6d2c4c and collected a call only from small blind Tchong Kue Seong. Turn 8h saw Tchong check call another 45,000 to get to river Ac. Tchong led for 65,000 and Vu put in the final call. Tchong reveals 7c4h, no good against Vu’s AdAh.

Bernard Vu – 420,000
Tchong Kue Seong – 140,000

14:22: Blinds up!
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

111 players remain in the Main Event Day 2 games with only 9 runners advancing through to the Final Day.

14:20: Younhyuk Lim bags multiway pot
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

Younhyuk Lim

A multiway raised pot, four players headed to see flop Qs2s10c. Checked to original raiser Woon Bao Sheng, he fired a 15,000 bet, called by the rest. Turn Kd saw big blind Szetho Zhong this time lead for 28,500, called by button Rommel Angeles. Action back to small blind Younhyuk Lim, he shoved all-in for 73,000 leaving only Angeles with a call.

Lim Jh9h
Angeles KcJs

A straight vs two pair, the river 10s sealed the win for Lim, gaining him a massive boost to a healthy 70 BB stack.

Younhyuk Lim – 280,500
Rommel Angeles – 200,000
Woon Bao Sheng – 200,000
Szetho Zhong – 330,000

14:07: William Teoh jams it in
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

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William Teoh

Utg+1 Edgar Asehan opened to 8,000, called by two opponents to peel flop 2h2cKd. Checked to Asehan, he bet 16,000 with both callers continuing to turn 9c. Small blind William Teoh led for 46,000, called only by the raiser. Teoh then proceeded to bet all-in on river Ac and left Asehan with a tank fold.

William Teoh – 350,000
Edgar Asehan – 90,000

14:01: Monziar Villariaza fires hefty river
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

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Monziar Villariaza

Joseph Chong defended his big blind vs cutoff Monziar Villariaza’s open and saw flop 3dJh9c. Checked to Villariaza, he continued for 6,500 and called a raise to 13,000. Turn 7c saw Chong this time lead for 20,000, called by his opponent. Chong checked river 5c and faced a 40,000 bet from Villariaza to which he folded.

Monziar Villariaza – 500,000
Joseph Chong – 200,000

13:54: No chops for Takashi Shiono
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

An all-in preflop situation saw Takashi Shiono his 137,000 stack in with AdKh against Sivalingam Linus’ AsKd. Holding the same cards, Takashi was in luck to find the board 9h5d10dJd2d running a one card flush to his diamond for the win.

Takashi Shiono – 274,000
Sivalingam Linus – 60,000

13:47: Jonald Garcia bags a boost
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

Jonald Garcia

Utg opened to 9,000 and was met with a 22,000 three bet behind from Lee Woobeen. Cutoff Jonald Garcia pushed a cold four bet to 61,000 with only completing the raise. Flop Ks6s5d was checked through to turn As where Lee led for 53,000. Garcia bumped it up to 107,000 and Lee folds.

Jonald Garcia – 550,000
Lee Woobeen – 180,000

13:43: Blinds up!
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

120 players remain in the Main Event 2 games with the day wrapping up once the field is down to 9 runners.

13:41: John Dela Cruz claims pot
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

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John Dela Cruz

Utg+1 John Dela Cruz opened to 6,500 and called a three bet to 17,500 behind from Joshua Figuerres. Flop came Ac6s7h and saw Figuerres continue for 13,000, check called by Dela Cruz. Turn 10s went check check, leading to river 10c. Dela Cruz led for 30,000 and Figuerres finds a fold.

John Dela Cruz – 370,000
Joshua Figuerres – 300,000

13:35: Christopher Mateo doubles through
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

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Christopher Mateo

Cutoff Shah Chirag opened to 6,500 with both players on the blinds joining him on flop 3hJh6c. Small blind Christopher Mateo led for 10,000 and another 17,000 on turn 9d with Shah calling both streets. River Qd saw Mateo push all-in for 46,500, Shah with a final fold.

Christopher Mateo – 123,000
Shah Chirag – 350,000

13:29: Oliver Duran lands two outer
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Oliver Duran

Utg+1 Oliver Duran opened to 8,000, called by two opponents to see flop 8h6h9d. Checked to last to act Jose Cheung, he bet 15,000 and snap called Duran’s 38,000 all-in shortly after.

Duran 9c9h
Cheung JcJd

Crushing Cheung’s overpair with a set, Duran claimed the double up after the turn 6s and river 10h revealed no jacks.

Oliver Duran – 106,000
Jose Cheung – 100,000

13:24: Jayvon Carreon bets hard
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

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Jayvon Carreon

Utg+2 Jayvon Carreon opened to 6,000, joined by both players on the blinds. Flop 9d8h8d was checked to Carreon who bet 11,000. Small blind Shikano Ryuni made the call and headed to turn 8c. Carreon fired another 17,000, Shikano with a check call to see river 6h. Carreon bet a final 60,000, putting Shikano in a tank before giving it up.

Jayvon Carreon – 430,000
Shikano Ryuni – 120,000

13:20: Tanabe Yuta steals pot away
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Tanabe Yuta

Small blind Murase Katsunari opened to 9,000, called by big blind Tanabe Yuta. Flop came 7d3hJd and Murase continued for 7,000. Tanabe put in a raise for 10,000 more, pushing Murase to fold.

Tanabe Yuta – 126,500
Murase Katsunari – 60,000

13:17: Rommel Angeles bounces back
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

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Rommel Angeles

Woon Bao Sheng defended his big blind vs utg Rommel Angeles‘ open and saw flop 3d4h9c. Angeles continued for 10,500, check called by Woon. Angeles pulled another 25,000 on turn Jd with Woon this time, going for a check fold.

Rommel Angeles – 320,000
Woon Bao Sheng – 260,000

13:12: Straight good for Woon Bao Sheng
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

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Woon Bao Sheng

Utg+2 Woon Bao Sheng defended his open and called a 14,000 three bet behind from Rommel Angeles. On flop Qc9c9h, Woon check called for 16,000 and another 35,000 on turn Jh. River 4s collected no more bets with Woon showing Kh10c for a straight. Angeles mucks and Woon takes down the pot.

Woon Bao Sheng – 280,000
Rommel Angeles – 290,000

13:08: Takashi Shiono takes it down
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Takashi Shiono

Utg Takashi Shiono opened to 6,500 and pushed a four bet to 46,500 against button Christopher Mateo’s three bet. Mateo completed and headed to flop QdQh8c. Takashi sent out a 57,000 bet leaving Mateo unable to continue.

Takashi Shiono – 200,000
Christopher Mateo – 110,000

13:04: Shiao Long Hin exits as day’s first casualty
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Buyanjarg Bat Erdene

Utg+2 Shiao Long Hin open shoved his 62,500 stack in with 8d8h and ran into Buyanjarg Bat Erdene’s JsJd. A huge underdog, Shiao managed to flop a straight draw on 6d7h9sKh2s but exited shortly after the runout missed to fill up.

Buyanjarg Bat Erdene – 208,500
Shiao Long Hin – Eliminated

13:00: Day 2 action begins!
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Shuffle up & deal, good luck to all the players! All survivors are now guaranteed a minimum payout of PHP 53,000.

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A step closer to crowning a champion, PokerStars LIVE’s Manila Megastack 17 Main Event played down its last flight yesterday, December 9th to wrap up its qualifying rounds. Combining all three flights puts this season’s total record up to a staggering 870 entries for a record-breaking PHP 26,582,850 (~USD 480,080) prize pool. This serves to be the festival’s biggest turnout throughout the past 17 editions with the eventual champion slated to take home PHP 5,005,000 (~USD 90,300) in winnings. Only 132 runners return to the felt today with the Day 2 games set to play down to the final table.

Main Event action resumes on Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 30,000 at 13:00, December 10th.

Date: December 7 – 11, 2023
Buy-in: PHP 35,000 (~USD 630)
Guarantee: PHP 10,000,000 (~USD 180,830)
Prize pool: PHP 26,582,850 (~USD 480,080)
Entries: 870
ITM: 133 players

Flight A: 167 entries, 26 qualified
Flight B: 235 entries, 36 qualified
Flight C: 468 entries, 71 qualified

Day 2: December 10, Sunday
Final Day: December 11, Monday

Top Chip Counts

Pos. Player Flag Chip Count
1 Villariaza Monziar Philippines 527,500
2 Drilon Jose Philippines 520,500
3 Supnet Jessie Philippines 507,500
4 Pena Jharome Philippines 506,500
5 Ambata Rick Jason Philippines 428,000
6 Cruz Alexis Philippines 418,000
7 Kengo Kumagai Japan 410,500
8 Shah Chirag India 402,000
9 Carreon Jayvon Philippines 396,000
10 Angeles Rommel Philippines 395,500

Manila Megastack – Coverage
Manila Megastack – Festival Results
Manila Megastack – Schedule

PS Live Manila Megastack 17 – Main Event – Final Day

17:25: Matsushita Masafumi wins the Manila Megastack 17 Main Event!
Level 34: 150,000 – 300,000 ante 300,000


In a quick final table run, Japan’s Matsushita Masafumi emerged victorious and claimed the title for this season’s Manila Megastack Main Event after defeating Wu Shenghao in heads up play! Matsushita takes with him PHP 3,941,000 in winnings, the PokerStars spade trophy, and a PHP 105,000 APPT Package for his dominating performance.

Congratulations to all the winners!

Final Table Results

Place Player Flag Prize (PHP)
1 Matsushita Masafumi Japan ₱3,941,000*
2 Wu Shenghao China ₱3,944,000*
3 Garcia Jonald Philippines ₱2,090,000
4 Leoncio Jan Jason Philippines ₱1,570,000
5 Bulaong Raphael Philippines ₱1,220,000
6 Teo Zi Sheng Singapore ₱905,000
7 Jeon Seungsoo Korea, South ₱648,000
8 Reiji Tsuchiya Japan ₱461,850
9 Hidaka Yusuke Japan ₱365,000

*Denotes deal was made

17:25: Wu Shenghao succumbs in 2nd place – PHP 3,944,000
Level 34: 150,000 – 300,000 ante 300,000

Wu Shenghao

Button Matsushita Masafumi opened to 700,000 and called off Wu Shenghao’s 6,000,000 jam for the final hand.

Wu Ad3c
Matsushita QcQs

Facing a premium pair, Wu settled for a runner up finish after no bad beats were delivered on board 4d4hJh9c7h.

Matsushita Masafumi – 26,000,000
Wu Shenghao – Eliminated

17:19: Wu Shenghao continues to chip down
Level 34: 150,000 – 300,000 ante 300,000

Matsushita Masafumi

Button Wu Shenghao opened to 700,000, called by Matsushita Masafumi. Flop Js6s5d saw Wu continue for 600,000, check called by Matsushita. Wu barreled another 2,000,000 on turn 9h yet shortly folded after Matsushita pulled a raise to 5,000,000 total.

Matsushita Masafumi – 18,000,000
Wu Shenghao – 8,000,000

17:17: Matsushita Masafumi scores a double up
Level 34: 150,000 – 300,000 ante 300,000

Matsushita Masafumi

After being grinded down by the blinds, Matsushita Masafumi managed to recover and reclaim the lead following the hand. Button Matsushita limp called an 800,000 raise from Wu Shenghao and saw flop Ah2h3d. Wu continued for 800,000 and called a raise to 2,000,000 from his opponent. Turn 9c pushed Wu to bet all-in, Matsushita with a call for his 4,050,000 behind.

Wu AcQc
Matsushita 4h5h

Facing a straight with his top pair, Wu was left drawing dead, allowing Matsushita to claim a full double up.

Matsushita Masafumi – 14,000,000
Wu Shenghao – 12,000,000

17:02: Back and forth blind steals
Level 33: 125,000 – 250,000 ante 250,000


Button Wu Shenghao opened to 600,000 and shortly folded after Matsushita Masafumi fired a three bet to 1,500,000.

Wu Shenghao – 16,500,000
Matsushita Masafumi – 9,500,000

16:33: ICM deal in place
Level 33: 125,000 – 250,000 ante 250,000

An ICM deal has been agreed upon with Wu Shenghao taking a bigger PHP 3,944,000, and Matsushita Masafumi with PHP 3,741,000. Play will continue with the eventual champion receiving an additional PHP 200,000, the PHP 105,000 APPT package, and the trophy.

16:20: ICM being discussed
Level 33: 125,000 – 250,000 ante 250,000


Heads up! ICM is being discussed with two players remaining in contention for the Main Event title.

Wu Shenghao – 14,425,000
Matsushita Masafumi – 11,650,000

16:18: Jonald Garcia falls short in 3rd place – PHP 2,090,000
Level 33: 125,000 – 250,000 ante 250,000

Jonald Garcia

Crippled down, Jonald Garcia flicked in his micro stack with KdJh and faced Wu Shenghao’s Ad4c. The board Ac10h7hAh7s ran in favor of Wu, giving him a full house to knock out Garcia in third.

Wu Shenghao – 14,425,000
Jonald Garcia – Eliminated

16:15: Jonald Garcia gets crippled
Level 33: 125,000 – 250,000 ante 250,000

After just doubling up, Jonald Garcia took a huge hit after calling off small blind Wu Shenghao’s 6,425,000 jam.

Wu 4h4d
Garcia AdJd

Running another flip, Wu this time clutched the win after the board Kh5c7s6d2s spared none of Garcia’s overcards.

Wu Shenghao – 13,350,000
Jonald Garcia – 700,000

16:07: Jonald Garcia survives flip
Level 33: 125,000 – 250,000 ante 250,000


Button Wu Shenghao opened to 600,000, called by small blind Matsushita Masafumi. Action on big blind Jonald Garcia, he shoved all-in and was called by the original raiser for heads up.

Garcia AdKd
Wu 7h7c

Flipping for his tounament life, Garcia was saved from a potential elimination after the board ran AhJd9c6s6h.

Jonald Garcia – 7,050,000
Matsushita Masafumi – 13,325,000
Wu Shenghao – 5,700,000

15:59: Wu Shenghao scoops three bet pot
Level 33: 125,000 – 250,000 ante 250,000

Button Matsushita Masafumi opened to 500,000 and called a three bet to 1,250,000 from big blind Wu Shenghao. Flop Ad4cJc saw Wu continue for 1,400,000, meriting a fold from the chip leader.

Wu Shenghao – 10,400,000
Matsushita Masafumi – 12,125,000

15:56: Matsushita Masafumi continues with aggression
Level 33: 125,000 – 250,000 ante 250,000

Matsushita Masafumi

A limp pot blind vs blind saw flop Qh8hKc. Both small blind Matsushita Masafumi and big blind Jonald Garcia checked it through to turn 8c. Matsushita led for 300,000, called by Garcia. Matsushita fired another 800,000 on river Ks and Garcia makes the fold.

Matsushita Masafumi – 13,375,000
Jonald Garcia – 3,675,000

15:51: Wu Shenghao folds to three bet
Level 33: 125,000 – 250,000 ante 250,000

Wu Shenghao

Folded to small blind Wu Shenghao, he bumped it up to 600,000 but folded shortly after Matsushita Masafumi threw in a raise to 1,500,000.

Matsushita Masafumi – 13,325,000
Wu Shenghao – 8,150,000

15:50: Blinds up!
Level 33: 125,000 – 250,000 ante 250,000

Only three players remain in contention for the Main Event title.

Chip Count Update

Matsushita Masafumi – 12,725,000
Wu Shenghao – 8,750,000
Jonald Garcia – 4,600,000

15:47: Jan Jason Leoncio eliminated in 4th place – PHP 1,570,000
Level 32: 100,000 – 200,000 ante 200,000

Jan Jason Leoncio

Utg Matsushita Masafumi opened to 400,000 and called off big blind Jan Jason Leoncio’s 2,000,000 all-in.

Leoncio KhQd
Matsushita Ac4c

Matsushita ahead, quickly flopped top pair on As10c7d4s2c, improving to two pair to seal the win.

Matsushita Masafumi – 12,725,000
Jan Jason Leoncio – Eliminated

15:39: Matsushita Masafumi takes another from Jonald Garcia
Level 32: 100,000 – 200,000 ante 200,000

Matsushita Masafumi defended his big blind vs utg Jonald Garcia’s open and saw flop 6c9cQh. Checked to Garcia, he continued for 350,000 yet shortly fold after Matsushita put in a raise to 800,000.

Matsushita Masafumi – 9,825,000
Jonald Garcia – 5,550,000

15:37: Jonald Garcia folds to jam
Level 32: 100,000 – 200,000 ante 200,000

Jonald Garcia

Utg Matsushita Masafumi opened to 400,000, called by button Jonald Garcia. Action on flop Qc7c2d saw Matsushita continue for 500,000. Garcia makes the call an sees turn 8d. Both players check it through and move on to river 2c. Matsushita bet all-in, Garcia with a final fold.

Matsushita Masafumi – 8,925,000
Jonald Garcia – 6,350,000

15:34: Matsushita Masafumi chips down
Level 32: 100,000 – 200,000 ante 200,000

Button Matsushita Masafumi opened to 400,000, called by small blind Jonald Garcia to see flop 4sKc8c. Matsushita continued for 225,000, check called by his opponent. Turn 5c went check check, leading to river 3s where Garcia led for 650,000. Matsushita gives up the pot and throws in the fold.

Jonald Garcia – 7,525,000
Matsushita Masafumi – 7,250,000

15:31: Wu Shenghao regains lead
Level 32: 100,000 – 200,000 ante 200,000

Wu Shenghao

Button Wu Shenghao opened to 400,000, joined by Matsushita Masafumi on the small blind. Flop came AhKh4d and Matsushita was seen check-calling a 500,000 bet from Wu. Wu fired another 1,600,000 on turn 2s with Matsushita unable to continue, giving Wu the pot.

Wu Shenghao – 8,300,000
Matsushita Masafumi – 7,750,000

15:28: Wu Shenghao bounces back
Level 32: 100,000 – 200,000 ante 200,000

Button Matsushita Masafumi opened to 400,000, joined by both players on the blinds on flop 4hJsKs. All three checked it through to see turn 4c. Small blind Jonald Garcia led for 450,000, called by both opponnents. River 7s collected no more bets with big blind Wu Shenghao claiming the pot with Kd8d.

Garcia 3d3h

Wu Shenghao – 7,200,000
Jonald Garcia – 6,625,000
Matsushita Masafumi – 9,250,000

15:26: Top pair good for Jonald Garcia
Level 32: 100,000 – 200,000 ante 200,000

Matsushita Masafumi

Small blind Matsushita Masafumi opened to 400,000, joined by big blind Jonald Garcia. Flop came 7sAh9d and saw Matsushita continue for 350,000, and another 600,000 on turn 3s. Garcia called both streets and got to river 8c. Both players checked it back, revealing Matsushita’s 6h6s, no good against Garcia’s top pair As5c.

Jonald Garcia – 7,475,000
Matsushita Masafumi – 10,100,000

15:23: Jan Jason Leoncio scores a double up
Level 32: 100,000 – 200,000 ante 200,000

Small blind Jan Jason Leoncio stuffed his remaining 1,400,000 in with KcJc and was called by big blind Matsushita Masafumi with AsJh. Slightly behind, Leoncio spiked a lucky river on Ac10s9d3hQs, saving him from elimination.

Jan Jason Leoncio – 3,000,000
Matsushita Masafumi – 11,450,000

15:18: Raphael Bulaong railed in 5th place – PHP 1,220,000
Level 32: 100,000 – 200,000 ante 200,000

Raphael Bulaong

Button Matsushita Masafumi opened to 400,000 and was met with two all-ins – small blind Raphael Bulaong for 2,625,000 and big blind Jonald Garcia for 2,900,000. Matsushita opts out and the two run the board.

Bulaong 8s8d
Garcia AdKh

Up for a flip, the board Jh9h3cKcJs ran in favor of Garcia’s overcards, eliminating Bulaong in 5th place finish.

Jonald Garcia – 6,125,000
Matsushita Masafumi – 13,450,000
Raphael Bulaong – Eliminated

15:12: Wu Shenghao plays big blind defense
Level 32: 100,000 – 200,000 ante 200,000

Wu Shenghao

Wu Shenghao defended his big blind against button Raphael Bulaong’s open and peeled flop Qc5hJs. Both players checked it through to turn 8h where Wu led a hefty 1,000,000 bet. Bulaong folds and Wu picks up the pot.

Wu Shenghao – 4,300,000
Raphael Bulaong – 3,025,000

15:00: Break Time!
Level 32: 100,000 – 200,000 ante 200,000

Five players remain in contention for the Main Event title.

Chip Count Update

Matsushita Masafumi – 13,350,000
Wu Shenghao – 3,800,000
Raphael Bulaong – 3,425,000
Jonald Garcia – 3,200,000
Jan Jason Leoncio – 2,300,000

14:54: Wu Shenghao slips down
Level 31: 80,000 – 160,000 ante 160,000

An all-in preflop situation, the two chip leaders went head to head – Wu Shenghao with AsKc against Matsushita Masafumi’s AcAh. The board ran 6c9c7hQs9s, shipping Matshushita the massive pot to reclaim the lead.

Matsushita Masafumi – 13,370,000
Wu Shenghao – 3,800,000

14:50: Raphael Bulaong picks up three small pots
Level 31: 80,000 – 160,000 ante 160,000

Raphael Bulaong

Utg Raphael Bulaong opened to 350,000 and was joined by big blind Matsushita Masafumi on flop 8h9hKs. Checked to Bulaong, he continued for 300,000 and shortly claimed the pot after Matsushita folded.

Raphael Bulaong – 4,290,000
Matsushita Masafumi – 6,700,000

14:36: Matsushita Masafumi claims pot
Level 31: 80,000 – 160,000 ante 160,000

Matsushita Masafumi defended his big blind vs button Wu Shenghao’s open and saw flop Ks5sQd. Matshushita proceeded to check call Wu’s 250,000 continuation bet with turn 6h and river Js checked down by the two. Matsushita shows Qh6h for two pair, Wu with a muck.

Matsushita Masafumi – 7,300,000
Wu Shenghao – 9,800,000

14:23: Blinds up!
Level 31: 80,000 – 160,000 ante 160,000

Only five players remain in the Main Event Final Table.

Chip Count Update

Wu Shenghao – 10,300,000
Matsushita Masafumi – 5,670,000
Raphael Bulaong – 3,600,000
Jan Jason Leoncio – 3,200,000
Jonald Garcia – 3,150,000

14:22: Matsushita Masafumi double barrels through
Level 30: 60,000 – 120,000 ante 120,000

Utg Matsushita Masafumi opened to 250,000, called by button Jonald Garcia. Action on flop AsKc6c saw Matsushita continue for 175,000, called by his opponent. Matsushita fired another 4255,000 on turn 4d which left Garcia to use three time banks before throwing in the fold.

Matsushita Masafumi – 6,000,000
Jonald Garcia – 2,800,000

14:16: Teo Zi Sheng busts in 6th place – PHP 905,000
Level 30: 60,000 – 120,000 ante 120,000

Teo Zi Sheng

Crippled previously, Teo Zi Sheng flicked in his last 75,000 and was joined by three other players on board 3c5d5hKh6d. Teo with Jd8s, failed to connect with the runout as small blind Raphael Bulaong claimed the pot with his straight 2d4h.

Raphael Bulaong – 4,000,000
Teo Zi Sheng – Eliminated

14:11: Jan Jason Leoncio hits two outer
Level 30: 60,000 – 120,000 ante 120,000

Cutoff Teo Zi Sheng open shoved his 1,720,000 stack in with 10h10d and was called by Jan Jason Leoncio with 9s9h. At risk, Leoncio needed two spike a two outer to continue on which luckily for him, arrived right on the flop 9dJs5s7d3c.

Jan Jason Leoncio – 3,530,000
Teo Zi Sheng – 75,000

14:07: Wu Shenghao continues to lead
Level 30: 60,000 – 120,000 ante 120,000

Wu Shenghao

Hijack Matsushita Masafumi opened to 250,000, called by button Jonald Garcia along with big blind Wu Shenghao. Flop came AhKhQd and Matsushita continued for 120,000, called by both opponents. Turn 6d was checked through leading to river 4h. Action was checked to Garcia, who bet 775,000 and shortly call a raise to 2,000,000 from Wu. Wu reveals Qh6h for a flush, Garcia with a flush as well Jh9h, a lower one at that.

Wu Shenghao – 10,400,000
Jonald Garcia- 2,800,000
Matsushita Masafumi – 5,800,000

13:59: Jeon Seungsoo knocked out in 7th place – PHP 648,000
Level 30: 60,000 – 120,000 ante 120,000

Jeon Seungsoo

Following a couple failed opens, small blind Jeon Seungsoo pushed all-in for 1,390,000 with 10h6h and was called by big blind Matsushita Masafumi with Ah4s. Up for a race, Jeon was instantly crushed to see his opponent land top pair on AdJd3s10sAs, sending him out of the Main Event games shortly after.

Matsushita Masafumi – 6,465,000
Jeon Seungsoo – Eliminated

13:51: Jonald Garcia slams it through
Level 30: 60,000 – 120,000 ante 120,000

Jonald Garcia

Facing a cutoff open to 400,000 from Jeon Seungsoo, big blind Jonald Garcia shoved all-in covering his opponent and took the pot down.

Jonald Garcia – 5,350,000
Jeon Seungsoo – 2,000,000

13:49: Raphael Bulaong pushes a squeeze
Level 30: 60,000 – 120,000 ante 120,000

Utg opened to 260,000, called by a player behind. Action on big blind Raphael Bulaong, he shoved all-in and was followed with two folds from his opponents. Bulaong takes the 580,000 boost and packs in a 27 BB stack.

Raphael Bulaong – 3,245,000

13:44: Reiji Tsuchiya crashes in 8th place – PHP 461,850
Level 30: 60,000 – 120,000 ante 120,000

Reiji Tsuchiya

Cutoff Reiji Tsuchiya open shoved his 1,470,000 stack in with 6s6h and was called by big blind Wu Shenghao with AdJh. Flipping for his survival, Reiji was left drawing thin after Wu flopped two pair on AhJd7c8s7h to eventually knock him out.

Wu Shenghao – 7,700,000
Reiji Tsuchiya – Eliminated

13:41: Blinds up!
Level 30: 60,000 – 120,000 ante 120,000

Eight players remain in the Main Event games with minimum payout now listed at PHP 461,850!

Chip Count Update

Wu Shenghao – 6,140,000
Jonald Garcia – 5,150,000
Matsushita Masafumi – 4,300,000
Jeon Seungsoo – 2,760,000
Jan Jason Leoncio – 2,385,000
Raphael Bulaong – 2,250,000
Teo Zi Sheng – 1,490,000
Reiji Tsuchiya – 1,470,000

13:38: Midpair good for Jan Jason Leoncio
Level 29: 50,000 – 100,000 ante 100,000

Jan Jason Leoncio

Reiji Tsuchiya defended his big blind vs hijack Jan Jason Leoncio’s open and saw flop As2c5d. Checked to Leoncio, he continued for 200,000, called by Reiji. Turn Jc and river 4h collected no more bets with Leoncio showing down QcJs for the pot.

Jan Jason Leoncio – 2,135,000
Reiji Tsuchiya – 1,520,000

13:34: Wu Shenghao takes it down
Level 29: 50,000 – 100,000 ante 100,000

Utg+2 Teo Zi Sheng opened to 200,000, called behind by Wu Shenghao. Flop came Ks8s4h and Teo check folded after Wu sent out a 375,000 bet.

Wu Shenghao – 6,140,000
Teo Zi Sheng – 1,690,000

13:23: Hidaka Yusuke eliminated in 9th place – PHP 365,000
Level 29: 50,000 – 100,000 ante 100,000

Hidaka Yusuke

Utg opened and saw Hidaka Yusuke shove all-in for 2,165,000 a seat after. Small blind Jonald Garcia reshoves to isolate and goes on to run the board heads up.

Hidaka As9s
Garcia AhAc

In rough shape, Hidaka was left drawing dead right on the flop AdKcQc7sQd, eliminating him as the final table’s first casualty.

Jonald Garcia- 5,410,000
Hidaka Yusuke – Eliminated

13:18: Matsushita Masafumi bags another
Level 29: 50,000 – 100,000 ante 100,000

A limp pot blind vs blind saw flop 8dJh5d. Action was checked through turn Js where small blind Jeon Seungsoo led for 100,000, called by big blind Matsushita Masafumi. River As completed the board, pushing Jeon to send out a final bet of 500,000. Matsushita finds the call and left Jeon to muck shortly after.

Matsushita Masafumi – 4,470,000
Jeon Seungsoo – 2,765,000

13:13: Matsushita Masafumi claims first pot
Level 29: 50,000 – 100,000 ante 100,000

Matsushita Masafumi

Utg+2 Matsushita Masafumi opened to 200,000, joined by small blind Hidaka Yusuke on flop 5c6s10s. Both players checked it through to turn 8c. Hidaka led for 250,000, called by the raiser. River 7h saw Hidaka check call for 300,000 to get to showdown. Matsushita reveals Ac4c for a straight, spiking the river to beat Hidaka’s 10c6c.

Matsushita Masafumi – 3,770,000
Hidaka Yusuke – 1,765,000

13:09: Cards are in the air!
Level 29: 50,000 – 100,000 ante 100,000

Main Event Final Table action begins, good luck to all the players!

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Main Event Final Table

Following a staggering turnout across its starting flights, this season’s Manila Megastack 17 Main Event serves to be the biggest to date with a total of 870 entries recorded. This record-breaking attendance pumped up the prize pool to a massive PHP 26,582,850 (~USD 480,080), well-smashing the tour’s PHP 10,000,000 (~USD 180,830) listed guarantee. China’s Wu Shenghao leads the final nine in today’s games with a champion crowned by the end of the night.

Main Event action resumes at 13:00 on Level 29: 50,000 – 100,000 ante 100,000.

Date: December 7 – 11, 2023
Buy-in: PHP 35,000 (~USD 630)
Guarantee: PHP 10,000,000 (~USD 180,830)
Prize pool: PHP 26,582,850 (~USD 480,080)
Entries: 870
ITM: 133 players

Flight A: 167 entries, 26 qualified
Flight B: 235 entries, 36 qualified
Flight C: 468 entries, 71 qualified

Final Day: December 11, Monday

Final Table Chip Counts

Pos. Player Flag Chip Count Big Blinds
1 Wu Shenghao China 4,880,000 49
2 Garcia Jonald Philippines 3,295,000 33
3 Jeon Seungsoo Korea, South 3,235,000 32
4 Matsushita Masafumi Japan 3,070,000 31
5 Bulaong Raphael Philippines 2,745,000 27
6 Hidaka Yusuke Japan 2,615,000 26
7 Teo Zi Sheng Singapore 2,250,000 23
8 Leoncio Jan Jason Philippines 2,225,000 22
9 Reiji Tsuchiya Japan 1,780,000 18

Remaining Payouts

Place Prize (PHP)
1 5,005,000 
2 2,985,000
3 2,090,000 
4 1,570,000 
5 1,220,000 
6 ₱ 905,000
7 648,000 
8 461,850 
9 ₱ 365,000

Manila Megastack – Coverage

Manila Megastack – Festival Results
Manila Megastack – Schedule

Key Info PokerStars LIVE Manila Megastack 17

  Location: Okada Manila

  Dates: Manila Megastack 17 - Okada Manila - December 3 - 12, 2023

  Main Event Buy-In: PHP 35,000

  Schedule: Manila Megastack 17 Schedule

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After hosting several guarantee crushing festivals throughout 2023, PokerStars LIVE is finishing the year strong with a final series this December 3-12 at Okada Manila, Philippines. The upcoming Manila Megastack 17 features a total of 40 events with over PHP 22 Million (~USD 392,370) in guaranteed prizes to be given away. 

The ten-day lineup continues to include a number of eye-catching highlights centered around the PHP 10 Million (~USD 178,350) guaranteed Main Event for a buy-in of PHP 35,000 (~USD 624). Three Day 1 flights beginning on Thursday, December 7th, are set to play through with 15% of the field making the money and moving on to Day 2. Players looking to jump in the games should start padding their bankrolls early with unlimited re-entries allowed for each flight, ensuring players the chance to build stacks and qualify multiple times. 

An event definitely not to miss, last February’s Main Event saw its prize pool swell to over PHP 16 Million (~USD 285,360), with local runner Terry Gonzaga clinching the trophy and claiming PHP 2 Million (~USD 37,229) in winnings following a three-way ICM deal. 

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While that may catch everyone’s attention, the festival also focuses on its share of high roller tournaments, deep stack structure, and bounty games on schedule. Buy-ins for the events range from as low as PHP 5,000 (~USD 89) to its highest PHP 150,000 (~USD 2,675) entry fee for the multi-day High Roller tournament. 

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The Manila Megastack series has come a long way having debuted in January 2015, and recording only 61 entries for its inaugural Main Event. The next few editions however, would see its momentum quickly pick up and transform into a household name offered twice a year.

By May 2018, the well-loved festival reached its highest peak to date, having welcomed an enormous 695 entries to its Main Event festivities. Singapore’s Ignatius Ee Joo Meng took this one down and bagged PHP 4 Million (~USD 71,340) in prizes plus an additional PokerStars Players No Limit Hold’em Championship Platinum Pass worth US$30,000. Since then, the Manila Megastack series has stayed strong, collecting more than 400 runners each time while also steadily recovering its way from the global health situation experienced not too long ago. 

Manila Megastack Main Event Past Winners

Date Manila Megastack  Edition Champion Prize (PHP) Prize (USD)  Entries Prize pool
February 2023 16 Terry Gonzaga ₱2,051,000* $37,229* 533 ₱16,285,815
November 2022 15 Bell John Perez ₱2,234,000 $40,017 487 ₱ 14,880,285
September 2019 13 Hiroshi Naito ₱2,840,000 $54,824 435 ₱12,531,915
May 2019 12 Lisa Tan ₱3,186,000 $61,086 485 ₱13,972,365
March 2019 11 Alex Lee ₱3,173,000 $60,772 483 ₱13,914,747

2023 Manila Megastack Full Schedule

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Date Time Event # Tournament Name Buy-in (PH)
Sunday, December 3 13:00 #1 Early Bird Special(₱800K GTD)Value Added Main Event Seat ₱7,500 (6,600+900)
17:00 #2 Super Stack ₱15,000 (13,200+1,800)
21:00 #3 Hyper Turbo ₱6,000(5,280+720)
22:00 Q4 Qualifier to Deep Stack Challenge – Win Your Seat at 80K Chips ₱7,800(7,200+600)
Monday, December 4 12:00 #5 Deep Stack ₱10,000 (8,800+1,200)
15:00 #6 Deep Stack Challenge –   Day 1(₱3 Million GTD) ₱55,000(49,500 +5,500)
17:00 #7A Kick-offPlay ITM – Flight A(₱3 Million GTD) ₱15,000 (13,200+1,800)
22:00 #8 Knockout Hyper Turbo [₱5K Bounty] ₱10,000(8,800+1,200)
Tuesday, December 5 12:00 #9 Freezeout Challenge(₱1 Million GTD) ₱25,000(22,000+3,000)
13:00 6 Final Deep Stack Challenge – Final  
15:00 #7B Kick-offPlay ITM – Flight B(₱3 Million GTD) ₱15,000 (13,200+1,800)
17:00 #10 6 Handed NLH ₱35,000 (31,500+3,500)
15:00 #7C Kick-off (Turbo)Play ITM – Flight C(₱3 Million GTD) ₱15,000 (13,200+1,800)
22:00 #11 Hyper Turbo ₱10,000(8,800+1,200)
Wednesday, December 6 12:00 #12 PLO Knockout [₱1K Bounty] ₱10,000(8,800+1,200)
13:00 7 Final Kick-off – Day 2 Final  
13:00 #13A Mystery Bounty Play ITM – Flight A(₱2 Million GTD) ₱20,000 (17,600+2,400)
15:00 #14 Mini High Roller  ₱75,000 (67,500+7,500)
16:00 #15 Bubble Rush ₱10,000(8,800+1,200)
18:00 #13B Mystery Bounty Play ITM – Flight B(₱2 Million GTD) ₱20,000 (17,600+2,400)
21:00 16A Mega Stack Turbo Play ITM – Flight A(₱2 Million GTD) ₱10,000(8,800+1,200)
22:00 #Q17 Qualifier to Main Event – Win Your Seat at 80K Chips ₱5,100(4,500+600)
Thursday, December 7 12:00 #18 ₱15K Deep Stack ₱15,000 (13,200+1,800)
12:30   Flip out to Main Event ₱3,500 (3,500+1,500)
13:00 #13Final Mystery Bounty – Day 2 Final  
13:00 #19A Main Event Play ITM – Flight A (₱10 Million GTD) ₱35,000 (31,500+3,500)
15 :00 #20 Single Day High Roller ₱100,000 (92,000+8,000)
17:00 #21 Mix NLH/PLO ₱15,000 (13,200+1,800)
21:00 16B Mega Stack Turbo Play ITM – Flight B(₱2 Million GTD) ₱10,000(8,800+1,200)
22:00 #Q22 Qualifier to Main Event – Win Your Seat at 80K Chips ₱5,100(4,500+600)
Friday, December 8 12:00 #23 ₱15K Deep Stack ₱15,000 (13,200+1,800)
12:30   Flip out to Main Event ₱3,500(3,500+0)
13:00 #19B Main Event Play ITM – Flight B (₱10 Million GTD) ₱35,000 (31,500+3,500)
15:00 #24 High Roller Knockout[₱25K Bounty]  ₱100,000 (92,000+8,000)
17 :00 #25 Knockout Turbo [₱5K Bounty] ₱25,000 (22,000+3,000)
21:00 #16C Mega Stack Turbo Play ITM – Flight C(₱2 Million GTD) ₱10,000(8,800+1,200)
22:00 Q26 Qualifier to Main Event – Win Your Seat at 80K Chips ₱5,100(4,500+600)
Saturday, December 9 12:00 #27 Super Stack – Freezeout ₱25,000(22,000+3,000)
12:30   Flip out to Main Event ₱3,500(3,500+0)
13:00 #19C Main Event Play ITM – Flight C (₱10 Million GTD) ₱35,000 (31,500+3,500)
17:00 #28 Super Knockout Turbo[₱10K Bounty] ₱20,000 (17,600+2,400)
20 :00 #39 High Roller – Day 1(Day 2 – Re-Entry Allowed) ₱150,000 (138,000+12,000)
21:00 #16D Mega Stack Turbo Play ITM – Flight D(₱2 Million GTD) ₱10,000(8,800+1,200)
23 :00 #30 Short Deck Turbo ₱15,000(13,200+1,800)
Sunday, December 10 13:00 #31 Mini Main Event ₱15,000(13,200+1,800)
13:00 #19 Day 2 Main Event – Day 2  
15:00 #29 High Roller – Day 1(Day 2 – Re-Entry Allowed) ₱150,000 (138,000+12,000)
17 :00 #32 Win The Button – Turbo ₱10,000 (8,800+1,200)
19 :00 #33 Hyper Turbo Knockout[₱5K Bounty] ₱15,000 (13,200+1,800)
20:00 #34 Hyper Turbo Freezeout ₱5,000 (4,750+250)
21:00 #16Final Mega Stack Turbo – Final(₱2 Million GTD)  
Monday, December 11 13 :00 #35 Super Stack(₱500K GTD) ₱7,500 (6,600+900)
13:00 #19 Final Main Event – Final  
18 :00 #36 Knockout Turbo [₱1K Bounty] ₱10,000 (8,800+1,200)
20:00 #37 Hyper Turbo ₱5,000 (4,400+600)
Tuesday, December 12 13 :00 #38 Knockout[₱1K Bounty](₱500K GTD) ₱7,500 (6,600+900)
18 :00 #39 6 Handed Turbo ₱10,000 (8,800+1,200)
20 :00 #40 Last Chance Super Hyper Turbo ₱5,000 (4,750+250)