



USOP Hanoi 2023: Live Updates

Latest poker news about USOPHanoi2023

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Action packed opening day at U Series of Poker (USOP) Hanoi with trophy hunters filling up the Crown Poker Club. Three players navigated to triumph – Abhinav Iyer, Yuan Xin, and Nguyen Kim Truong Son. Also seen crushing the felt was Vietnam’s Vu Thai Bao who bagged a monster stack at the Mystery Bounty. We’ve got all those results, just scroll down.

[Vietnamese translation]
USOP Hanoi – Coverage
USOP Hanoi – Full schedule
USOP Hanoi – Festival Results
USOP Hanoi – Photo Gallery

Event 1: Mystery Bounty – Day 1A results

vu thai bao mystery bounty day 1a chipleader

Vu Thai Bao was a wrecking ball at Day 1A of the Mystery Bounty 3BN guaranteed, eliminating players at every turn to set the bar high for the next starting day. Vu’s rise began soon after registration closed at 108 entries. At Level 12, a player check-raised all in on the river 3s2s3c4s6d with KsJs flush only to crash to Vu’s 4c4d full house.

usop hanoi mystery bounty day 1a bubble hand
Bubble time at the Mystery Bounty 3BN – Day 1A

Three levels later, Vu knocked out another player who three-bet jammed on a flop 5d4d9s holding Jd8d flush draw, Vu called with Ah9d top pair. The turn was 4s and river Qh. To close out the day, Vu knocked out Dac Long on the bubble with 8c8h full house over AcQh two pair on a board Ad4dKs4s8s.

The 14 qualifiers into Day 2 have a day break before returning to action on Sunday, September 3 at 10:30am. While they wait, the last two heats will command the floor – Day 1B and Day 1C – as players attempt to survive and reach the next round.

Date: September 1, 2023
Buy in: VND 11,000,000 (~USD 465)
Guarantee: VND 3,000,000,000 (~USD 124,560)
Day 1A: 108 entries (75 unique) / 14 ITM
Day 1B: Saturday, September 2, 2023 @11:00am
Day 1C: Saturday, September 2, 2023 @3:30pm

End of Day 1A – 14 players

Day 1A Player Flag Stack
1 Vu Thai Bao Vietnam 753,000
2 Phung Minh Hoan Vietnam 303,000
3 Nguyen Van Viet Vietnam 219,000
4 Nguyen Quy Quyen Vietnam 191,000
5 Thien Ha Vietnam 183,000
6 Nghiem Tuan Hung Vietnam 163,000
7 Ta Van Chat Vietnam 160,000
8 Minh Tien Vietnam 143,000
9 Ngoc Ha Nguyen Vietnam 118,000
10 Nguyen Van Phuong Vietnam 117,000
11 Hoay The Thach Vietnam 114,000
12 Nguyen Duc Hoa Vietnam 82,000
13 John Bonadies UK 81,000
14 Nguyen Vu Cuong Vietnam 73,000

Abhinav Iyer ends four year drought at the Mini High Roller

It has been four years since Abhinav Iyer shipped a live event. In fact, his last recorded live win was at the WSOP 2019 for his career first bracelet. From then on to the present, he has collected a long list of deep runs but no victory… that is until opening day of USOP Hanoi. Iyer outlasted the 96 entry field of the Mini High Roller event, defeating Pierre Husson at heads up to claim his first USOP trophy and a payout of VND 830,000,000 (~USD 34,460). Adding to his impressive win, Iyer did not use a single time-bank!

abhinav iyer usop hanoi mini highroller champion 1

Laying out the highlights, prior to Iyer’s ascent, Husson was the lucky benefactor of a mind-blowing hand. During the bubble round, under the gun Husson three-bet pre-flop, c-bet the flop, then shoved on the turn 2d10d3c9c. Utg+1 Hyeonho Shin tank-called for nearly everything and showed AsJs ace-high which was surprisingly ahead of Husson’s Kc6c king-high flush draw. Despite the impressive call, the river Ks gave Husson a pair to send Shin down to 8 bb.

usop hanoi mini highroller bubble hand

Shortly after, the bubble burst on Sebastian Tan who three-bet jammed AhJh on the big blind, only to miss the board and fall to Pham Bao‘s 9s9h. Another six busts later, the final table was formed led by Amit Kaushik.

DJR01838 Enhanced NR 1

The final table race to victory was a long grind. Iyer was down to 11 bb when he picked up momentum. With 3d3h set on the river, he cleaned out Sebastian Mueller AhQh in 8th place on a board 2d10cJcQd3s.

Abhinav Iyer and Pierre Husson

At five-handed, Iyer went on a knockout spree, eliminating Dinh Quang Vu (5th), Amit Kaushik (4th), and Pham Bao (3rd), to face Husson for the title ahead 2:1. Despite Husson’s efforts, Iyer kept his lead intact. The final hand Husson pushed 5c6c, Iyer dominated with KcKs, the board completed 4cQd7d4d5s

Relive the race to victory via the link provided:


Date: September 1, 2023
Buy in: VND 33,000,000 (~USD 1,395)
Guarantee: VND 1,000,000,000 (~USD 41,520)
Entries: 96 (69 unique)
Prize pool: VND 2,793,600 (~USD 115,990)
ITM: 14 places

Place Player
Payout in VND
1 Abhinav Iyer 830,000,000
2 Husson Pierre 515,600,000
3 Pham Ngoc Quoc Bao 310,000,000
4 Kaushik Amit 206,000,000
5 Dinh Quang Vu 165,000,000
6 Yadav Anuj 135,000,000
7 Pham Duy Anh 112,000,000
8 Muller Sebastian 93,000,000
9 Zhang Jia Ming 79,000,000
10 Sebastian Tan 72,000,000
11 Shin Hyeonho 72,000,000
12 Yeh Hung Wei 72,000,000
13 Lee Tse Ian 66,000,000
14 Pham Huu Son 66,000,000

Yuan Xin denies Anatoliy Gorbushin the Deepstack title

yuan xin usop hanoi deepstack champion 2

China’s Yuan Xin locked up his career first USOP side event trophy after overcoming big stacked Anatoliy Gorbushin at heads up of the Deepstack event. Xin was one of 67 runners vying for the title. His lucky break materialized at heads up when his Ad6s shove dodged the rail against Gorbushin’s Ah8c with a six landing on the river JhQdQcQh6c. The double up gave Xin the momentum which he took to the finish line for a payout of VND 135,400,000 (~USD 5,620).

The Deepstack event was the first USOP Hanoi event to award a champion. The bubble burst on Trent Fechter who risked his short stack on the big blind with Ah5h and was outdrawn by Kunal Patni‘s Jh8c one card flush on a board 3c6c9c4s7c.

Date: September 1, 2023
Buy in: VND 6,600,000 (~USD 279)
Entries: 67 (57 unique)
Prize pool: VND 389,900,000 (~USD 16,190)
ITM: 8 places

Place Player
Payout in VND
1 Yuan Xin 135,400,000
2 Gorbushin Anatoliy 79,500,000
3 Nguyen Van Dan 52,500,000
4 Kunal Patni 39,000,000
5 Nguyen Tien Thanh 29,800,000
6 Park Cheonggil 22,600,000
7 Pham Song Hau 17,500,000
8 Sablani Jatin 13,600,000

Nguyen Kim Truong Son holds on to lift the Hyper Turbo trophy

nguyen kim truong son usop hanoi hyper turbo champion

It was anyone’s game at the Hyper Turbo event that drew 43 entries. By the time the money was reached, only five remained. Nguyen Phi Vu was first to cash out followed by Nguyen Duc Huy who lost a costly showdown against Pierre Ribera when the board counterfeited his 2d2h. Vietnam’s Nguyen Kim Truong Son sent Huy packing then Ribera eliminated Mai Tri Minh (3rd) to battle for the title.

With blinds high, it didn’t take long for the final hand to arrive. Nguyen shipped it with KcKs over Ad10h on a board of 8d9c8sJs2d. The champion pocketed VND 50,000,000 (~USD 2,075) and lifted his first USOP trophy.

Date: September 1, 2023
Buy in: VND 3,400,000 (~USD 144)
Entries: 43 (39 unique)
Prize pool: VND 125,100,000 (~USD 5,194)
ITM: 5 places

Place Player
Payout in VND
1 Nguyen Kim Truong Son 50,000,000
2 Ribera Remi Benoit Pierre 30,000,000
3 Mai Tri Minh 19,800,000
4 Nguyen Duc Huy 14,000,000
5 Nguyen Phi Vu 11,300,000

USOP Hanoi – VND 32 Billion in guarantees

USOP Hanoi is the young brand’s third event since its break out to the live scene on February 2023. With its variety of offerings and buy ins that cater to all types of bankrolls, the USOP has quickly become one of the most sought after festivals in the region.

usop hanoi vietnam main event trophy 4

If you haven’t heard yet, for this edition, the brand has spiced up the schedule with VND 32 Billion in guaranteed prize pools. Games run from September 1 to 11, 2023. The star attraction is the Main Event which carries a mighty VND 12 Billion guarantee, that’s over half a million USD! Mark these dates, Main Event runs from September 7 to 11, 2023. Buy in is VND 25,000,000 (~USD 1,060).

Hoodies have become the go-to choice of table attire for poker players, and at USOP, participants who register and have their chips in play during Level 1 of the Main Event will be gifted the newest USOP hoodie. It’s advisable to join on Day 1A as supply is limited to a total of just 250 pieces.

usop hanoi hoodie

New Events

Several new events have also been added. The Heads Up Challenge is gearing up to be one of the most exciting with all 32 spots quickly claimed. Click the link down below for the list of players. Other new ones are:

Run It Twice – September 3, 2023
Mixed NLH/PLO – September 5, 2023
Tag Team Event – September 8, 2023
Freezeout – September 10, 2023

USOP Hanoi – Heads Up Challenge players revealed

Check out the schedule for all the details.

USOP Hanoi – Full schedule

Livestream Events

Event Date
Mini High Roller September 1, 2023
High Roller Warm Up September 2, 2023
Mystery Bounty September 3, 2023
Superstar Challenge September 4, 2023
High Roller Superstack September 4, 2023
Mini Main Event September 6, 2023
High Roller Megastack September 6, 2023
Super High Roller September 7, 2023
Heads Up Challenge September 8, 2023
Main Event September 11, 2023
High Roller Finale September 11, 2023

Final table promo

usop hanoi caps 4

In addition to the Hoodie promo, players that reach the final table of any trophy event will receive a newly designed USOP cap. Three colors are available: black, white, and pink.


[Vietnamese translation]
USOP Hanoi – Coverage
USOP Hanoi – Full schedule
USOP Hanoi – Festival Results
USOP Hanoi – Photo Gallery
USOP Hanoi – Heads Up Challenge players revealed
USOP Hanoi: Bigger, Fresher, More Lucrative

[Vietnamese translation]

usop hanoi main event day1b 2

Wall to wall action all day at the Crown Poker Club  as players poured in for Day 1B of the USOP HANOI MAIN EVENT. By the close of registration, the tally was a towering 357 entries (214 unique), which was nearly 100 entries more than Day 1A’s 268 count. Combined together, the 625 draw was more than enough to break the VN₫ 12 Billion guarantee. The prize pool is currently at VN₫ 13.6 Billion and with two more entry flights to play out, surpassing the USOP record VN₫ 16.5 Billion for this event is practically a certainty. The question will be, how high?

yu jin long 2

During the twelfth hour of play, Hu Jin Long skyrocketed after delivering multiple knock outs. This led to the money bubble round where Hu sent Dinh Van Tien crashing out to bag up a massive 1,096,000 stack, equivalent to 137 bb. Hu is currently the overall chip leader with two flights remaining.  Also causing havoc was reigning USOP Vietnam Main Event champion NguyễN NgọC ĐạI who bagged up 556,000 (69 bb). NguyễN was tabled with USOP Taiwan champion Edwin Dela Cruz who didn’t fare well in the day’s bout. He will likely be returning for another shot at advancing.

End of Day 1B – top 10 in chips

1 Hu Jin Long China 1,096,000
2 Micky Vietanam 929,000
3 Sahil Agarwal India 644,000
4 An NguyễN Vietnam 573,000
5 NguyễN NgọC ĐạI Vietnam 556,000
6 ĐồNg Văn Tân Vietnam 541,000
7 Pham Huu Son Vietnam 528,000
8 Ngô Quang Ninh Vietnam 511,000
9 NguyễN ĐứC Thành Vietnam 496,000
10 Sun Li Wei Taiwan 482,000

USOP Hanoi – Main Event Day 1B updates

Date: September 8, 2023
Buy in: 25,000,000 (~USD 1,057)
Guarantee: VN₫ 12,000,000,000 (~USD 500,000)
Day 1A: 268 entries (175 unique) / 34 ITM
Day 1B: 357 entries {214 unique) / 45 ITM

Top 10 in chips entering Day 2

Player Flag Stack
1 Hu Jin Long China 1,096,000
2 Micky Viet Nam 929,000
3 ĐặNg Minh ĐạT Viet Nam 912,000
4 Tanawat Barapapanuwong Thai Land 808,000
5 Ankit Jajod India 800,000
6 Lee Ju Yeol Korea 690,000
7 Yong Shang Bing Malaysia 660,000
8 Sahil Agarrwal India 644,000
9 Vũ Thái BảO Viet Nam 594,000
10 An NguyễN Viet Nam 573,000

USOP Hanoi – MAIN EVENT – Chip Counts

Chips in play: 14,280,000

23:35: Hu Jin Long eliminates Dinh Van Tien on the bubble!
Level 17: 4,000-8,000 ante 8,000

Bubble bursts! The unfortunate bubble boy was Dinh Van Tien. Hand opens with utg+1 Hu Jin Long raising to 20,000, small blind Dinh three-bet shoves (122,000) holding AhJh, massive stacked Hu calls and shows 10c6c. The board runs out 4d6hKd5c9c Hu spikes a pair to rail Dinh in 46th place.

Hu Jin Long – 1,096,000
Dinh Van Tien – eliminated

23:29: Bubble round! Rosa Nguyen earns good-sized pot
Level 17: 4,000-8,000 ante 8,000

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Rosa Nguyen

From hijack, Terry Sua raises to 20,000, Rosa Nguyen three-bets to 40,000, Sua flats. At the flop As8c5h, Nguyen c-bets 125,000, Sua check-calls. Same action on the turn 5s with a 125,000 bet called by Sua again. Both players check the river 3s. Sua has two pair Ac3s, Nguyen has AhQc same two pair and Queen kicker to win the pot.

Rosa Nguyen – 900,000
Terry Sua – 450,000

23:13: Hu Jin Long cleans out another
Level 17: 4,000-8,000 ante 8,000

Heavy preflop betting begins with Hu Jin Long raising to 16,000 from the button, big blind Khoa Anh re-raises to 58,000, Hu four-bet shoves, Khoa Anh calls for everything and shows AdQc. Hu has Ac7d. The board runs out KcAs7s9c5c.

Hu Jin Long – 800,000
Khoa Anh – eliminated

23:05: Pierre Husson rails one
Level 17: 4,000-8,000 ante 8,000

Under the gun+2 all in holding KdQd, hijack Pierre Husson three-bet jams and isolates, no takers, he opens 9c9h. Board runs out 9sQc7h5h8h, Husson ships it and rails one.

Pierre Husson – 350,000

23:00: Bien Mai falls to Hu Jin Long
Level 17: 4,000-8,000 ante 8,000

bien mai
Biên Mai

Bien Mai has fallen four spots from the money round. His last sees him shove from under the gun, Hu Jin Long calls. Mai has Kc9h, Hu with 8c8h for a flip. Board runs 5h6h8sAhJd.

Hu Jin Long – 370,000
Bien Mai – eliminated

22:49: Ewe Eng Soon dusted by Quang Van’s ladies
Level 17: 4,000-8,000 ante 8,000

Under the gun+2, Ewe Eng Soon all in with Ad9s, hijack Quang Van sends him packing with QhQs on a Jack-high board.

Quang Van – 320,000
Ewe Eng Soon – eliminated

22:40: Blinds up, 52 players remaining
Level 17: 4,000-8,000 ante 8,000

Blinds are up, 52 players remaining which means we are just 7 spots from the money round and end of day. 45 players are guaranteed to ITM.

22:18: Ashish Ahuja outkicks and boots Tung Nguyen
Level 16: 3,000-6,000 ante 6,000

ashish ahuja
Ashish Ahuja

From under the gun+2, Ashish Ahuja raises to 13,000, big blind Tung Nguyen calls, flop comes 7d10dKs, Ahuja c-bets 17,000, Nguyen check-raises to 40,000, Ahuja three-bets it all, Nguyen calls for his tournament life.

Ahuja KhQs top pair
Tung Nguyen Kc2c

Turn [7h} and river 5c ends it for Nguyen.

Ashish Ahuja – 360,000
Tung Nguyen – eliminated

22:10: Terry Sua on the rise
Level 16: 3,000-6,000 ante 6,000

terry sua 2
Terry Sua

Heavy preflop betting starts with utg+2 raising to 13,000, hijack and button call, small blind Terry Sua four-bets to 68,000, utg+2 folds, hijack five-bets to 138,000, button folds, Sua six-bet shoves. Hijack folds. Sua shows AsKd as he drags in the pot.

Terry Sua – 950,000

21:51: Blinds up, 60 players remaining
Level 16: 3,000-6,000 ante 6,000

Blinds are up, field is down to 60 players. Day 1B plays down to the money round of 45 players.

21:40: Nguyen Van Phuong falls to Terry Sua
Level 15: 3,000-5,000 ante 5,000

phuong van nguyen
Nguyen Van Phuong

Cutoff Terry Sua min-raises, small blind calls, big blind Nguyen Van Phuong three-bets to 30,000, Sua calls, small blind folds, flop comes 7d3c10c. Nguyen c-bets 40,000, Sua calls. Nguyen goes all in (74,000) blind, the river is Kd. Sua calls. Nguyen opens Qc2c and shows a missed draw, Sua ships it with Qd10d pair.

Terry Sua – 620,000
Nguyen Van Phuong – eliminated

21:21: Nguyen Tuan Hoang rails Dennis Ng
Level 15: 3,000-5,000 ante 5,000

nguyen tuan hoang 2

Flipping time with Nguyen Tuan Hoang holding JhJd and at-risk player Dennis Ng with AhQc. The board runs clean 3s2h3c9s3h for a full house to Nguyen and Ng the exit.

Nguyen Tuan Hoang – 220,000
Dennis Ng – eliminated

21:15: Thanh Nguyen ousts Edwin Dela Cruz
Level 15: 3,000-5,000 ante 5,000

han nguyen
Thanh Nguyen

Button Thanh Nguyen raises to 12,000, big blind Edwin Dela Cruz three-bets it all for 85,000, Nguyen calls to put Dela Cruz at risk. Dela Cruz has Kh8d, Nguyen As5h, the board runs 3dQd3hAhKd.

Thanh Nguyen – 225,000
Edwin Dela Cruz – elininated

21:12: Blinds up, 71 players remaining
Level 15: 3,000-5,000 ante 5,000

Blinds are up, the field is down to 71 players. They play down to the money round of 45 players.

21:03: Nguyen Ngoc Dai continues to scalp heads
Level 14: 2,000-4,000 ante 4,000

nguyen ngoc dai 2

Under the gun Nguyen Ngoc Dai raises to 9,000, small blind three-bets all in for 52,000. Nguyen calls and opens Kh10h. Sb has AdJc, the board runs 7c7d4d6d10c for a pair on the river to the champ.

Nguyen Ngoc Dai – 400,000

20:49: Dong Van Tan turns it to survive
Level 14: 2,000-4,000 ante 4,000

dong van tang 2
Dong Van Tan

Hijack opens, cutoff Nhat Nguyen calls, small blind Dong Van Tan three-bets all in for 129,000, hijack folds, Nguyen calls and shows AhKs, Dong has As10s. The cards fan out Qs7hQc10s4d, Dong pairs up.

Dong Van Tan 266,000
Nhat Nguyen – 70,000

20:43: Nguyen Ngoc Dai on a slashing spree
Level 14: 2,000-4,000 ante 4,000

Defending champion is on a mission to clean out the table. His next casualty was Dhaval Mudgal with JcJh running into the champ’s KsKd. The board was Ah5dQs10c7c

Nguyen Ngoc Dai – 380,000
Dhaval Mudgal – eliminated

20:40: Ta Son Tung ends Chris Tong
Level 14: 2,000-4,000 ante 4,000

Button raises to 9,000, small blind Chris Tong three-bets all in for 30,000, big blind Ta Son Tung calls, button calls. The flop 2dAd10d is checked. On the turn 9h, Ta leads out 15,000, button calls for a side pot. On the river 4s both players back to checking. Ta has 10c9c two pair and wins the side pot, he also wins the main pot with the Tong showing Jc10s pair.

Ta Son Tung – 200,000
Chris Tong – eliminated

20:34: Seung Mook Jung outdraws Yuan Xin
Level 14: 2,000-4,000 ante 4,000

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Seung Mook Jung

Under the gun Seung Mook Jung raises to 8,000, small blind calls, Yuan Xin three-bets to 35,000 from the big blind, Jung replies with a four-bet shove. Small blind folds, Yuan calls for his tournament life.

Seung Mook Jung KhQd
Yuan Xin AsJs

The board runs 3s8d3c}Qc4d for a pair of queens to Jung.

Seung Mook Jung – 160,000
Yuan Xin – eliminated

20:30: Blinds up, 84 players remaining
Level 14: 2,000-4,000 ante 4,000

Blinds are up, 84 players remaining. Day 1B attracted 357 entries which means they play down to ITM of 45 players.

20:02: Champions battle!
Level 13: 1,500-3,000 ante 3,000

USOP Taiwan champion raises to 7,000 from under the gun, USOP Vietnam champion Nguyen Ngoc Dai three-bets to 15,000, Dela Cruz calls. On the flop and turn 4h4c3d5c, Dela Cruz check-calls 8,500 and 15,000. Then on the river 9c, both players check. Dela Cruz has AcKh, Nguyen wins it with QsQs two pair.

Nguyen Ngoc Dai – 350,000
Edwin Dela Cruz – 90,000

19:54: Nguyen Ngoc Dai charges on a showdown
Level 13: 1,500-3,000 ante 3,000

Under the gun+2 Dhanesh Chainani raises to 6,000, small blind three-bets all in for 50,000, Nguyen Ngoc Dai defends the big blind and calls, Chainani folds. Small blind has KhQc, Nguyen with Ac6c, the board runs 10hAh4s7h9s, Nguyen ships it and dusts one.

Nguyen Ngoc Dai – 270,000
Dhanesh Chainani – 66,000

19:45: Michael Allen falls with Kings
Level 13: 1,500-3,000 ante 3,000

Under the gun +3 Terry Sua all in with {ad{}kh}, hijack Michael Allen KcKs calls for his tournament life. The board runs Ah9c5s8dJd, Sua spikes the ace to burn Allen.

Terry Sua – 400,000
Michael Allen – eliminated

19:40: Blinds up, 95 players remaining
Level 13: 1,500-3,000 ante 3,000

Blinds are up, the field is down to 95 players. Day 1B attracted 357 entries which means they play down to ITM of 45 players. The two USOP Main Event champions are seated at the same table.

Nguyen Ngoc Dai – 190,000
Edwin Dela Cruz – 150,000

19:30: Do Anh Tai’s queens survive the flip against big slick
Level 12: 1,000-2,500 ante 2,500

Utg+1 raises to 5,000, lojack calls, cutoff Do Anh Tai three-bets to 20,000, initial raiser four-bets it all, lojack folds, call by Do. Utg+1 has AhKs, Do with QhQs. The board kicks off with Queen on the window then runs out Qc7c2s2hJd. Do wins it and busts one.

Do An Tai – 160,000

19:25: Vishal Ojha cracks Aces to survive
Level 12: 1,000-2,500 ante 2,500

Cutoff Vishal Ojha shoves his last 18,500 with AsJs to battle with, cutoff Dang Van Hien three-bets to 40,000, no other callers.

Vishal Ojha AsJs
Dang Van Hien AhAd

The board runs 8cJd3c{ jh}8h for a full house to Vishal and a matching stack to stay in the game.

Vishal Ojha – 43,000
Dang Van Hien – 230,000

19:18: Quads for Nguyen Trung Quan
Level 12: 1,000-2,500 ante 2,500

Under the gun Nguyen Trung Quan 9s9d is flipping with Le Huy Thanh AdKc, with the board running 9h9c3c, Le is drawing dead and drops to 4 bb.

Nguyen Trung Quan – 70,000
Le Huy Thanh – 10,000

19:07: Dang Van Hien rivers it to rail one
Level 12: 1,000-2,500 ante 2,500

Under the gun+1 raises to 5,500, cutoff  three-bets all in for 40,000, button Dag Van Hien four-bets all in, initial raiser folds. Cutoff opens 9d9s and it’s a flip with Dang holding AdQs. With the board running 10c7h2s4cQd, Dang spikes the queen on the river to rail one.

Dang Van Hien – 200,000

19:05: Edwin Dela Cruz fires at every round
Level 12: 1,000-2,500 ante 2,500

edwin dela cruz
Edwin Dela Cruz

Under the gun+2 Dhaval Mudgal raises to 5,000, button Edwin Dela Cruz three-bets to 16,000, Mudgal calls, the flop is 8c{3d2d. Mudgal checks to the aggressor Dela Cruz who c-bets 7,500, Mudgal calls. On the turn Ad, Dela Cruz fires another bet of 30,000, Mudgal gives up his stake on the pot.

Edwin Dela Cruz – 150,000
Dhaval Mudgal – 60,000

19:00: Blinds up, 115 players remaining
Level 12: 1,000-2,500 ante 2,500

Blinds are up, 115 players remaining. With 357 entries in this heat, 45 players are guaranteed a spot in the money round.

18:50: Jia Ming Zhang’s set crushes Ip Ho Yuen’s top pair
Level 11: 1,000-2,000 ante 2,000

jia ming zhang
Jia Ming Zhang

Hijack opens, button Jia Ming Zhang calls, big blind Ip Ho Yuen calls, flop comes Qc3c8h. hijack c-bet 5,000, Zhang calls, Yuen check-raises to 165,000, hijack folds, Zhang re-raises to 45,000, Yuen calls. On the turn 7h, Yuen checks to Zhang who bet 60,000, Yuen flats. The river Jc, Zhang pushes, Yuen is covered, he tank-calls with KhQs top pair then falls to Zhang’s QhQd set.

Jia Ming Zhang – 550,000
Ip Ho Yuen – eliminated

18:40: Ip Ho Yuen lands sick two-outer
Level 11: 1,000-2,000 ante 2,000

Cutoff Phan Hung Cuong bumps it up to 12,000, button Ip Ho Yuencalls, small blind calls, it’s a three-way to the flop 10sAs4s. Action checks to Yuen who bets 50,000, small blind folds, Phan check-raises all in but can’t shake Yuen who calls.

Phan Hung Cuong AdQs top pair
Ip Ho Yuen 6h6s

The turn is a sick two-outer 6d, and with the river 8d, Phan is eliminated.

Ip Ho Yuen – 370,000
Phan Hung Cuong – eliminated

18:30: Nguyen Van Hung rails Amit Kaushik
Level 11: 1,000-2,000 ante 2,000

Under the gun+1 Amit Kaushik jams with KdJd, runs into Nguyen Van Hung’s AsAd. Board offers no help Kaushik 5c10cQd6hKh, Nguyen sends Kaushik to dust.

Nguyen Van Hung – 200,000
Amit Kaushik – eliminated

18:15: Big stack update
Level 11: 1,000-2,000 ante 2,000

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Phan Huu Son

Yoon Su Kim – 540,000
Ewe Eng Soon – 350,000
Pham Huu Son – 375,000
Ngo Quang Ninh – 300,000
Nguyen The Hung – 300,000

18:13: Main Event Day 1B registration closes at 357 entries!
Level 11: 1,000-2,000 ante 2,000

That’s it, Main Event Day 1B registration closes at a massive 357 entries (214 unique). Only 12.5% of the field advances to the money round which is 45 players.

Good news to players, the VND 12 Billion guarantee has been exceeded, the pot is now at VND 13+ Billion with two flights yet to complete tomorrow. The figure to beat is VND 16.5 Billion set last April.

18:00: Yoon Su Kim dominates with Aces
Level 10: 1,000-1,500 ante 1,500

Under the gun Nguyen Quang Huy opens, small blind Yoonsu Kim three-bets, Nguyen four-bets, Kim five-bets, Nguyen calls. At the flop 10c8c9s, Kim c-bets, Nguyen shoves, Kim calls.

Nguyen Quang Huy QhQs
Yoon Su Kim AdAh

The turn 9d and river 10d are no help to Nguyen for Kim to double up.

Yoon Su Kim – 540,000
Nguyen Quang Huy – 43,000

17:35: Yuan Xin ships a three-way
Level 10: 1,000-1,500 ante 1,500

Under the gun Yuan Xin raises to 3,000, cutoff Phan Huu Son and small blind call, big blind GACKT three-bets to 15,000, Yuan jams, fold-fold, GACKT calls.

Yuan Xin QdQc

With the board running 5s2h8d6c10d, Yuan wins the flip, GACKT pays up.

Yuan Xin – 110,000
GACKT – 45,000
Phan Huu Son – 370,000 (chip leader)

17:23: Blinds up, 335 entries (210 unique)
Level 10: 1,000-1,500 ante 1,500

Last level to enter! Blinds are up and so are the entries to 335 (210 unique). Registration closes at the start of Level 11 which is at 6:10pm. Buy in is VND 25 Million (~USD 1,057) featuring a VND 12 Billion guarantee – USD 500,000!

17:20: Amit Kaushik banks it with aces
Level 9: 600-1,200 ante 1,200

Under the gun Amit Kaushik bumps it up to 2,500, two players call, small blind Nguyen Duy Anh shoves (24,000), big blind Tung Nguyen calls, back to Kaushik who four-bets all in for 39,000, fold-fold, Nguyen calls.

Amit Kaushik AcAd
Nguyen Duy Anh AhJd
Tung Nguyen AsQd

With the board running 3d3s8hJc8s, Kaushik wins it, Nguyen Duy Anh busts with top pair, Tung Nguyen pays.

Amit Kaushik – 110,000
Tung Nguyen – 110,000
Nguyen Duy Anh – eliminated

17:00: Ladies good to Kunal Patni 
Level 9: 600-1,200 ante 1,200

Preflop betting war leads to three players all in, Kunal Patni QsQd, Pham Duy Anh Jh8d, Le Huy Thanh AdQc. The board runs out 6d7c4cKd3d, Patni ships it, Pham busts and quickly re-enters.

Kunal Patni – 140,000
Le Huy Thanh – 43,000
Pham Duy Anh – eliminated

16:40: Blinds up, 313 entries (203 unique)
Level 9: 600-1,200 ante 1,200

Blinds are up and so are the entries to 313 (203 unique). Only this level and the next left to jump in today’s heat. Registration closes at the start of Level 11 which is at 6:10pm. Buy in is VND 25 Million (~USD 1,057) featuring a VND 12 Billion guarantee – USD 500,000!

16:35: Dhaval Mudgal doubles up and more
Level 8: 500-1000 ante 1000

dhaval mudgal 1

Under the gun+2 Dhaval Mudgal opens, hijack calls, small blind three-bets, Mudgal calls, hijack folds. On the flop Ks4s5c, small blind c-bets Mudgal raises then faces a three-bet, Mudgal four-bet shoves and gets called.

Dhaval Mudgal Kh5h
Small blind KcQc

The turn 10c and river Jh keep Mudgal ahead.

Dhaval Mudgal – 145,000

15:53: Blinds  up, 282 entries (195 unique)
Level 8: 500-1000 ante 1000

Blinds are up and so are the entries to 282 (195 unique). Plenty of time to jump in. Registration closes at the start of Level 11 which is at 6:10pm. Buy in is VND 25 Million (~USD 1,057) featuring a VND 12 Billion guarantee – USD 500,000!

15:50: Best and worst battle
Level 5: 400-800 ante 800

Under the gun Dong Hee Kim all in for 10,200 holding what’s considered the worst holecards 7d2s, lojack Pierre Husson calls with premium AhKd, the board runs out 10d4s2d9dQc. Kim doubles up.

Dong Hee Kim – 22,000
Pierre Husson – 75,000

15:40: Heavy preflop action
Level 5: 400-800 ante 800

ha nguyen 1
Ha Nguyen

Under the gun+1 raises to 1,600, utg+2 three-bets to 5,200, lojack calls, button Ha Nguyen four-bets 15,000, small blind five-bets all in, fold-fold-fold, button calls with more chips and opens AdAh. Small blind with QcQd. No help comes for the at-risk player on a board Ks3h6d6sJh.

Ha Nguyen – 230,000

15:13: Blinds up, 254 entries (187 unique)
Level 7: 400-800 ante 800

Blinds are up and so are the entries to 287 (187 unique). Plenty of time to jump in. Spotted in the field are Heads Up Challenge bust outs Chris Tong, GACKT, Yeh Hung Wei, Terry Sua, and William Jia. Others were Abhinav Iyer, Chen An Lin, Kunal Patni, Dennis Ng, Jasven Saigal, Meo Xinh, Yuan Xin, and Ashish Munot.

Registration closes at the start of Level 11 which is at 6:10pm. Buy in is VND 25 Million (~USD 1,057) featuring a VND 12 Billion guarantee – USD 500,000!

14:33: Blinds  up, 231 entries (176 unique)
Level 6: 300-600 ante 600

Blinds are up and so are the entries to 231 (176 unique). Plenty of time to jump in. Registration closes at the start of Level 11 which is at 6:10pm. Buy in is VND 25 Million (~USD 1,057) featuring a VND 12 Billion guarantee – USD 500,000!

14:22: Ewe Eng Soon busts one
Level 4: 300-500 ante 500

From cutoff, Ewe Eng Soon three-bets, big blind four-bets, initial raiser folds. On the flop 3c3s6c, big blind leads out 7,000, Soon raises to 17,000, big blind three-bets to 28,300 then calls Soon’s shove.

Ewe Eng Soon 10h10s
Big blind AcAd

Turn comes 10c for Soon to spike the two outer, and with the river Qh, the boat holds to ship it.

Ewe Eng Soon – 80,000

14:10: More notables seen in the mix
Level 4: 300-500 ante 500

Spotted in the field, Lee Kun Han, Rishab Malik, Huy Pham, Nguyen Quang Huy, Le Huy Thanh, Amit Kaushik, Hasagi, Ta Son Tung, Ngo Minh Tien, and High Roller Superstack champion Dong Van Tan. 

14:05: The Naing wins the three-way
Level 4: 300-500 ante 500

Three way all in preflop initiated by hijack 8h8d, button biggest stacked Le Huy Thanh likes his 6h9h and calls, small blind The Naing looks down at KhQc and joins the fun with less chips. With the board running 6d5c10c3c9c, it’s a one card flush for The Naing. Hijack is elminated.

The Naing – 75,000
Le Huy Thanh – 18,000

13:50: Blinds  up, 187 entries (151 unique)
Level 5: 300-500 ante 500

Blinds are up and so are the entries to 187 (151 unique). Plenty of time to jump in. Registration closes at the start of Level 11 which is at 6:10pm. Buy in is VND 25 Million (~USD 1,057) featuring a VND 12 Billion guarantee – USD 500,000!

13:30: Runner runner for Jayvon Carreon
Level 4: 200-400 ante 400

Under the gun raises to 1,000, cutoff Jayvon Carreon three-bets to 3,100, button four-bets to 9,000, initial raiser folds, Carreon calls. At the flop 10hJsQd, Carreon check-calls the button jam and opens QdQh set, button has AhKc straight. The turn 2d and river 2c is a runner-runner full house for Carreon to boot one and ship it.

Jayvon Carreon – 85,000

13:10: Blinds  up, 146 entries (123 unique)
Level 4: 200-400 ante 400

First break of the day has passed, blinds are up and so are the entries to 146 (123 unique). Plenty of time to jump in. Registration closes at the start of Level 11 which is at 6:10pm. Buy in is VND 25 Million (~USD 1,057) featuring a VND 12 Billion guarantee – USD 500,000!

12:50: Dinh Van Tien with a double KO
Level 3: 200-300 ante 300

Under the gun+1 opens, lojack Dinh Van Tien calls, button Dongkyu Kim three-bets, which gets a call-call. On the flop 5h6s9h, utg+1 leads out, Dinh calls, Kim jams, utg+1 is all in, Dinh calls.

Utg +1 Jc{js{} overpair
Dongkyu Kim Ac9c top pair
Dinh Van Tien AhQh flush draw

The turn 6c changes nothing but the river 7h is a flush and a double KO for Dinh.

Dinh Van Tien – 150,000
Dongkyu Kim – eliminated

12:20: Blinds up, 98 entries (87 unique)
Level 3: 200-300 ante 300

Blinds are up and the entries as well to 98. Anatolii Gorbushin, Richard Marquez, Le Huy Thanh, Bien Mai are in the mix. Plenty of time to jump in. Registration closes at the start of Level 11 which is at 6:10pm. Buy in is VND 25 Million (~USD 1,057) featuring a VND 12 Billion guarantee – USD 500,000!

11:40: Blinds up, 63 entries (59 unique)
Level 2: 100-200 ante 200

Blinds are up, 63 entries with 4 busts in the opening level. Plenty of time to jump in. Registration closes at the start of Level 11 which is at 6:10pm. Buy in is VND 25 Million (~USD 1,057) featuring a VND 12 Billion guarantee – USD 500,000!

11:20: Notables in action
Level 1: 100-100 ante 100

43 in the field among them Pierre Husson, Sebastian Mueller, Jung Sup Yun, Pham Tien Dung, Tran Duc Kien, and Kyle Bao Diep.

11:00: Main Event Day 1B underway!
Level 1: 100-100 ante 100

Cards in the air for Day 1B of the Main Event! Players that have their chips in play at Level 1 will receive a limited edition USOP hoodie so make your way! Registration closes at the start of Level 11 which is at 6:10pm. Buy in is VND 25 Million (~USD 1,057) featuring a VND 12 Billion guarantee – USD 500,000!

Main Event Day 1A recap

Main Event – Entry Days

Day 1A: 268 entries (175 unique) / 34 ITM advance
Day 1B: Friday, September 8 at 11am
Day 1C: Saturday, September 9 at 10:30am
Day 1D (Turbo): Saturday, September 9 at 5pm

At the USOP, the pots only get richer. Reviewing the past runs, the inaugural USOP Taiwan Main Event paid out NTD 18M which was roughly USD 600,000, this was followed by a more lucrative prize pool of VN₫ 16.5 Billion in Hanoi, equivalent to USD 700K.

dai ngoc nguyen
Nguyen Ngoc Dai

Edwin Dela Cruz and  Nguyen Ngoc Dai both captured their first Main Event titles at USOP and both walked away with substantial payouts equivalent to six figure USD prizes. Nguyen was seen at Day 1A but fell on multiple attempts. We will most likely see him back at today’s final two heats.

The next champion could be you!

USOP Hanoi – Festival Results

Dates: September 1 to 11, 2023
Venue: Crown Poker Club, Hanoi, Vietnam
Trophy Events: 39

Main Event

Date: September 7 to 11, 2023 
Buy in: VND 25,000,000 (~USD 1,057)
Guarantee: VND 12,000,000,000 (~USD 498,806)
Entries: 1336 (459 unique)
Prize pool: VND 29,158,200,000 (~USD 1,212,021)
ITM: 168 places
*Heads up ICM deal, play for trophy

vishal ohja usop hanoi main event champion 2
Vishal Ojha
Place Player Payout in VND
1 Vishal Ojha 4,952,000,000*
2 Mai Bien 4,298,000,000*
3 Yao Ren Hao 2,105,000,000
4 Lee Kun Han 1,520,000,000
5 Ewe Eng Soon 1,020,000,000
6 Tan Xiao Hui 735,000,000
7 Le Ngoc Minh 620,000,000
8 Hu Jin Long 532,000,000
9 Charles Wong 455,000,000
10 Sun Li Wei 379,200,000
11 Seung Mook Jung 310,000,000
12 Ngo Minh Tien 310,000,000
13 Yeh Hung Wei 251,000,000
14 Phan Huu Minh Tri 251,000,000
15 Nguyen Ngoc Tung 251,000,000
16 Le Huy Thanh 193,000,000
17 Terry Nguyen 193,000,000
18 Hoang Le Anh Tuan 193,000,000
19 Ashish Munot 164,000,000
20 Allen Michael Joseph 164,000,000
21 Jajodia Ankit Kumar 152,000,000
22 The Naing 152,000,000
23 Nguyen Ngoc Ha 140,000,000
24 Trinh Anh Dung 140,000,000
25 Lê TuấN KiệT 120,000,000
26 Lee Juyeol 120,000,000
27 Ong Teck Haw 120,000,000
28 Burapapanuwong Mr 103,000,000
29 Lam Kim Long 103,000,000
30 Ngo Quang Ninh 103,000,000
31 Nguyen Duc Thanh 103,000,000
32 Nguyen Manh Hung 103,000,000
33 Dong Van Tan 103,000,000
34 Ly Tran Tien 103,000,000
35 Diep Quoc Bao 103,000,000
36 Tran Huy Tien 103,000,000
37 Nguyen Quang Huy 91,000,000
38 Vu Duc Trung 91,000,000
39 Kurkhepally Mahadeva 91,000,000
40 Lubas Gerardo 91,000,000
41 Pham Duy Anh 91,000,000
42 Duong Trung Thuy 91,000,000
43 Nguyen Quang Minh 91,000,000
44 Young Shang Bing 91,000,000
45 Dinh Manh Hung 91,000,000
46 Vu Thai Bao 79,000,000
47 Pham Duy Tien 79,000,000
48 Konechnyi Ivan 79,000,000
49 Vu Minh Tra 79,000,000
50 Dang Minh Dat 79,000,000
51 Luc Quang Van 79,000,000
52 Tong Van Viet 79,000,000
53 Wiermymr Kristian 79,000,000
54 Grover 79,000,000
55 Dao Minh Phu 73,000,000
56 Paul Yugendra 73,000,000
57 Phan Trung Hieu 73,000,000
58 Nguyen Minh Thanh 73,000,000
59 Charles Lesmana 73,000,000
60 Pham Huu Son 73,000,000
61 Lim Zong Xian 73,000,000
62 Cao Ngoc Anh 73,000,000
63 Doan Quang Trung 73,000,000
64 Nguyen Duy Thuc 67,000,000
65 Sembrano Alvin Jeff 67,000,000
66 Nguyen Tuan Anh 67,000,000
67 Ahuja Ashish 67,000,000
68 Dela Cruz Edwin 67,000,000
69 Yadav Anuj 67,000,000
70 Vanlerberghe Laury 67,000,000
71 Nguyen Duy Anh 67,000,000
72 Zheng Xiaosheng 67,000,000
73 Sood Gaurav 67,000,000
74 Sua Shung Er 67,000,000
75 Qiu Haisheng 67,000,000
76 Pham Quyet Tien 67,000,000
77 Agarwal Sahil 67,000,000
78 Adrian Chua Boon Chye 67,000,000
79 Dinh Duc Linh 67,000,000
80 Nguyen Manh Tuan 67,000,000
81 Gautam Rohilla 67,000,000
82 Nguyen Thi Hien Hoa 62,000,000
83 Yar Gin Wee 62,000,000
84 Pham Thanh Tung 62,000,000
85 Phan Hung Cuong 62,000,000
86 Zhang Jia Ming 62,000,000
87 Nguyen Kinh Huyen 62,000,000
88 Nguyen Thi Tuyet Trinh 62,000,000
89 Dinh Thanh Tung 62,000,000
90 Tong Jia Chuan 62,000,000
91 Ernst Teo 62,000,000
92 Leroy Kagit 62,000,000
93 Chen Yuhang 62,000,000
94 Kanjani Rajeev 62,000,000
95 Nguyen Thanh Tung 62,000,000
96 Nguyen Hoang Anh 62,000,000
97 Hoang The Thanh 62,000,000
98 Do Anh Tai 62,000,000
99 Cemepehko Semerenko 62,000,000
100 Chee Kar Wee 62,000,000
101 Zhang Cankai 62,000,000
102 Nguyen Van Sang 62,000,000
103 Hoo Teng Yang 62,000,000
104 Dinh Quang Vu 62,000,000
105 Tech John Zendrick 62,000,000
106 Husson Pierre 62,000,000
107 Nguyen Thanh Phat 62,000,000
108 Lim Kar Hou 62,000,000
109 Khanna Ritwik 59,000,000
110 Nguyen Trung Ha 59,000,000
111 Nguyen Van Trung 59,000,000
112 Nguyen Quang Hoang 59,000,000
113 Zidek Patrik 59,000,000
114 Jia William 59,000,000
115 Tan Keng Yong 59,000,000
116 Bernard Koh Wei Yao 59,000,000
117 Nguyen Thanh Hai 59,000,000
118 Nguyen Anh Tu 59,000,000
119 Nguyen Ngoc Dai 59,000,000
120 Pham Quang Van 59,000,000
121 Cho Seongho 59,000,000
122 Hwang Jeong Ho 59,000,000
123 Dang Van Hien 59,000,000
124 Tan Kwang Chung 59,000,000
125 Dinh Quang Huy 59,000,000
126 Su Duo 59,000,000
127 Lin Chen An 56,000,000
128 Gregor Martin 56,000,000
129 Nguyen Van Hung 56,000,000
130 Tan Ong Kwan 56,000,000
131 Nguyen The Hung 56,000,000
132 Mao Renji 56,000,000
133 Zurvan Tumboli 56,000,000
134 Dela Cruz Mark Rirod 56,000,000
135 NguyễN Chánh Tín 56,000,000
136 Do Thanh Tuan 56,000,000
137 Lu Anton Zhen Zhao 56,000,000
138 Abhinav Iyer 56,000,000
139 Tech John Zendrick 56,000,000
140 Alan Khoo 56,000,000
141 Nguyen Hai Ninh 56,000,000
142 Phi Tien Sang 56,000,000
143 Nguyen Tuan Hoang 56,000,000
144 Dinh Van Tien 56,000,000
145 Nguyen Dinh Vy 53,000,000
146 Sebastian Tan Shi Ting 53,000,000
147 Tran Duc Kien 53,000,000
148 Benloch Florent Remi 53,000,000
149 Jankowski Lukasz Jaro 53,000,000
150 Nguyen Tien Thanh 53,000,000
151 Patni Kunal 53,000,000
152 Gan Meng Yew 53,000,000
153 Kamal Kumarsogani 53,000,000
154 Oshiro Gakuto ( Gackt ) 53,000,000
155 Nguyen Khoi 53,000,000
156 Kim Yoonsu 53,000,000
157 Huang Chang Wei 53,000,000
158 Nguyen Van Dan 53,000,000
159 Nguyen Van Duong 53,000,000
160 Nguyen Thanh Tu 53,000,000
161 Dinh Tien Thanh 53,000,000
162 NguyễN Đoàn Trung HiếU 53,000,000
163 Lee Tse Ian 50,000,000
164 Eugene Kim 50,000,000
165 Gorbushin Anatolii 50,000,000
166 Nguyen Huu Dung 50,000,000
167  Doan Quang Trung 50,000,000
168 Dinh Van Tien 50,000,000

Event 1: Mystery Bounty

usop hanoi mystery bounty champion 1
Anatolii Gorbushin  – Champion
vu thai bao biggest bounty winner
Vu Thai Bao – Biggest Bounty Winner

Date: September 1 to 3, 2023
Buy in: VND 11,000,000 (~USD 456)
Guarantee: VND 3,000,000,000 (~USD 124,560)
Total entries: 497
Prize pool: VND 3,127,200,000 (~USD 129,840) 
Bounty pool: VND 1,683,900,000 (~USD 69,915)
ITM: 63 places
*Heads up ICM deal, play for trophy

Place Player Bounties Bounty in VND
Payout in VND
1 Anatolii Gorbushin 10 172,500,000 722,500,000*
2 Le Xuan Long 3 82,500,000 562,500,000*
3 Vu Thai Bao 9 715,000,000 988,000,000
4 Ha Van Thien 3 20,000,000 232,000,000
5 Nguyen Quy Quyen 1 5,000,000 164,000,000
6 Vu Duc Trung 1 5,000,000 130,000,000
7 Nguyen Van Viet 0 0 98,000,000
8 Phi Tien Sang 4 115,000,000 191,100,000
9 Dinh Quang Vu 4 30,000,000 90,300,000
10 Luong Van Quang 2 15,000,000 63,800,000
11 Nguyen Thi Hien Hoa 1 100,000,000 148,800,000
12 Nguyen Duc Trong 5 55,000,000 103,800,000
13 Nguyen Ngoc Son 0 0 40,300,000
14 Nguyen Van Dan 2 20,000,000 60,300,000
15 Nguyen Duc Thinh 2 18,900,000 59,200,000
16 Nguyen Dinh Anh Cuong 2 155,000,000 189,100,000
17 Nghiem Tuan Hung 0 0 34,100,000
18 Nguyen Huu Vinh 2 40,000,000 74,100,000
19 Nguyen Tien Thanh 1 5,000,000 33,500,000
20 Chadha Arjanveer Singh 2 60,000,000 88,500,000
21 Nguyen Duc Hoa 0 0 28,500,000
22 Pham Van Hiep 1 5,000,000 29,000,000
23 Luong Truong Giang 1 5,000,000 29,000,000
24 Trinh Anh Dung 0 0 24,000,000
25 Nguyen Doan Trung Hieu 0 0 20,300,000
26 Liu Chen Chieh 1 10,000,000 30,300,000
27 Patni Kunal 3 20,000,000 40,300,000
28 Geronimo Justin Jerome 0 0 17,000,000
29 Pham Van Cong 0 0 17,000,000
30 Villanueva Renato Jr 0 0 17,000,000
31 Fendy 2 20,000,000 37,000,000
32 Hoang The Thanh 0 0 17,000,000
33 Phan Trung Hieu 0 0 17,000,000
34 Nguyen Ngoc Ha 0 0 17,000,000
35 Huang Chang Wei 0 0 17,000,000
36 Lee Jin Xiong 0 0 17,000,000
37 Su Duo 0 0 14,400,000
38 Malik Rishab 0 0 14,400,000
39 Phung Minh Hoan 0 0 14,400,000
40 Nguyen Xuan Truong 0 0 14,400,000
41 Sood Gaurav 0 0 14,400,000
42 Tran Hoang Hoa 0 0 14,400,000
43 Celsi Simone 0 0 14,400,000
44 Ngo Minh Tien 0 0 14,400,000
45 Nguyen Manh Tuan 0 0 14,400,000
46 Agrawal Ronak Sanjeev 0 0 12,800,000
47 Tran Duc Tuan 0 0 12,800,000
48 Ta Van Chat 0 0 12,800,000
49 Pham Ngoc Tuan 0 0 12,800,000
50 Dang Thanh Luong 1 10,000,000 22,800,000
51 Tran Duc Kien 0 0 12,800,000
52 Bonadies John 0 0 12,800,000
53 Vu Munh Tra 0 0 12,800,000
54 Nguyen Manh Trung 0 0 12,800,000
55 Agarwal Sahil 0 0 12,000,000
56 Pham Tien Dung 0 0 12,000,000
57 Nguyen Vu Cuong 0 0 12,000,000
58 Nguyen Ngoc Dai 0 0 12,000,000
59 Nguyen Van Phuong 0 0 12,000,000
60 Nguyen Van Xuan 0 0 12,000,000
61 Hu Jinlong 0 0 12,000,000
62 Nguyen Thanh Hai 0 0 12,000,000
63 Camponanes Florencio 0 0 12,000,000

Event 2: Mini High Roller

abhinav iyer usop hanoi mini highroller champion 1
Abhinav Iyer

Date: September 1, 2023
Buy in: VND 33,000,000 (~USD 1,395)
Guarantee: VND 1,000,000,000 (~USD 41,520)
Entries: 96 
Prize pool: VND 2,793,600,000  (~USD 115,990)
ITM: 14 places

Place Player Payout in VND
1 Abhinav Iyer 830,000,000
2 Husson Pierre 515,600,000
3 Pham Ngoc Quoc Bao 310,000,000
4 Kaushik Amit 206,000,000
5 Dinh Quang Vu 165,000,000
6 Yadav Anuj 135,000,000
7 Pham Duy Anh 112,000,000
8 Muller Sebastian 93,000,000
9 Zhang Jia Ming 79,000,000
10 Sebastian Tan 72,000,000
11 Shin Hyeonho 72,000,000
12 Yeh Hung Wei 72,000,000
13 Lee Tse Ian 66,000,000
14 Pham Huu Son 66,000,000

Event 3: Deepstack

yuan xin usop hanoi deepstack champion 2
Yuan Xin

Date: September 1, 2023
Buy in: VND 6,600,000 (~USD 279)
Entries: 67 
Prize pool: VND 389,900,000  (~USD 16,190)
ITM: 8 places

Place Player Payout in VND
1 Yuan Xin 135,400,000
2 Gorbushin Anatolli 79,500,000
3 Nguyen Van Dan 52,500,000
4 Kunal Patni 39,000,000
5 Nguyen Tien Thanh 29,800,000
6 Park Cheonggil 22,600,000
7 Pham Song Hau 17,500,000
8 Sablani Jatin 13,600,000

Event 4: Hyper Turbo

nguyen kim truong son usop hanoi hyper turbo champion
Nguyen Kim Truong Son

Date: September 1, 2023
Buy in: VND 3,400,000 (~USD 144)
Entries: 43 
Prize pool: VND 125,100,000  (~USD 5,195)
ITM: 5 places

Place Player Payout in VND
1 Nguyen Kim Truong Son 50,000,000
2 Ribera Remi Benoit Pierre 30,000,000
3 Mai Tri Minh 19,800,000
4 Nguyen Duc Huy 14,000,000
5 Nguyen Phi Vu 11,300,000

Event 5: High Roller : Warm Up

usop hanoi warm up highroller champion 2
Do Quang Trinh

Date: September 2, 2023
Buy in: VND 44,000,000 (~USD 1,860)
Guarantee: VND 1,200,000,000 (~USD 49,820)
Total entries: 78
Prize pool: VND 3,026,400,000  (~USD 125,655)
ITM: 12 places 

Place Player Payout in VND
1 Do Quang Trinh 900,000,000
2 Lu Anton Zhen Zhao 570,000,000
3 Husson Pierre 360,000,000
4 Nguyen Thanh Tung 251,400,000
5 Tan Tong 193,000,000
6 Nguyen Duc Hieu 156,000,000
7 Hoang Hai Nam 130,000,000
8 Du Boisbaudry Leo 111,000,000
9 Benloch Florent Remi 97,000,000
10 Tran Duc Chinh 86,000,000
11 Nguyen Quang Minh 86,000,000
12 Pham Alan Anh Minh 86,000,000

Event 6: Hyper Turbo

nguyen khoi usop hanoi hyper turbo2 champion
Nguyen Khoi

Date: September 2, 2023
Buy in: VND 4,500,000 (~USD 190)
Total entries: 79
Prize pool: VND 306,500,000  (~USD 12,725)
ITM: 10 places

Place Player Payout in VND
1 Nguyen Khoi 96,500,000
2 Agarwal Ronak Sanjeev 59,900,000
3 Yoo Eunjung 38,500,000
4 Jhon Hendri 26,000,000
5 Dinh Xuan Huy 20,300,000
6 Nguyen Ngoc Tung 16,700,000
7 Crespo Rodriguez Juan 14,300,000
8 Nguyen Thanh Song 12,700,000
9 Nguyen Dac Long 11,400,000
10 Kyle Bao Quoc An Diep 10,200,000

Event 7: 10/10/10

ng shun hong usop hanoi 10 10 10 champion
Ng Shun Hong

Date: September 2, 2023
Buy in: VND 3,400,000 (~USD 144)
Total entries: 32
Prize pool: VND 93,100,000 (~USD 3,865)
ITM: 4 places

Place Player Payout in VND
1 Ng Shun Hong 43,000,000
2 Suchkov Dmitry 25,000,000
3 Wong Wai Cheong 15,500,000
4 Jayvon Carreon 9,600,000

Event 8: Superstack Madness

superstack madness champion 2
Ip Ho Yuen

Date: September 3, 2023
Buy in: VND 6,600,000 (~USD 279)
Guarantee: VND 600,000,000 (~USD 24,910)
Entries: 181 (124 unique)
Prize pool: VND 1,053,400,000 (~USD 43,736)
ITM: 23 places 

Place Player Payout in VND
1 Ip Ho Yuen 272,000,000
2 Nguyen Xuan Truong 183,000,000
3 Vu Minh Hai 108,000,000
4 Konechnyi Ivan 70,000,000
5 Tran Thanh Hung 51,500,000
6 The Naing 42,200,000
7 Iablokov Sergei 35,900,000
8 Babushkin Nikolai 30,800,000
9 Nguyen Van Phuong 26,800,000
10 Malik Rishab 23,000,000
11 Kaushik Amit 23,000,000
12 Pham Ngoc Tuan 23,000,000
13 Hu Jinlong 19,400,000
14 Ng Siu Tin Anthony 19,400,000
15 Pham Tien Dung 19,400,000
16 Nguyen Duc Hoa 16,000,000
17 Sablani Jatin 16,000,000
18 Mr Pheeratham 16,000,000
19 Nguyen Vu Lam 12,800,000
20 Nguyen Huu Hung 12,800,000
21 Duong Trung Thuy 12,800,000
22 Bonadies John Pantale 9,800,000
23 Villanueva Renato Jr 9,800,000

Event 9: Superstar Challenge

superstar challenge winner 1
Hoang Hai Nam

Date: September 3 to 4, 2023 
Buy in: VND 120,000,000 (~USD 5,074)
Guarantee: VND 2,500,000,000 (~USD 103,800)
Entries: 94 (42 unique)
Prize pool: VND 10,212,100,000  (~USD 424,000)
ITM: 14 places

Place Player Payout in VND
1 Hoang Hai Nam 3,000,000,000
2 Lee Tse Ian 1,900,000,000
3 Oshiro Gakuto 1,170,000,000
4 Nguyen Van Sang 781,100,000
5 Abhinav Iyer 576,000,000
6 Allen Michael Joseph 456,000,000
7 Pham Alan Anh-Minh 385,000,000
8 Agarwal Sahil 336,000,000
9 Do Quang Trinh 298,000,000
10 Teoh Minh Hong 270,000,000
11 Pham Duy Anh 270,000,000
12 Kitazato Yohei 270,000,000
13 Husson Pierre 250,000,000
14 Benloch Florent Remi 250,000,000

Event 10: Mini Deepstack

usop hanoi mini deepstack champion
Berinov Andrei

Date: September 3, 2023
Buy in: VND 3,400,000 (~USD 144)
Entries: 77 (65 unique)
Prize pool: VND 224,000,000  (~USD 9,300)
ITM: 10 places 

Place Player Payout in VND
1 Berinov Andrei 70,500,000
2 Isaac Phua Chern Chze 44,000,000
3 Nguyen Ngoc Tung 27,800,000
4 Tran Duc Chinh 19,000,000
5 Tran Huy Hoang 14,900,000
6 Nguyen Thi Thao 12,200,000
7 Dinh Duy Quang 10,500,000
8 Ng Shun Hong 9,300,000
9 Tran Thi Xuan Ha 8,300,000
10 Bui Duc Dat 7,500,000

Event 11: Turbo

tran minh thang turbo champion
Tran Minh Thang

Date: September 3, 2023
Buy in: VND 4,500,000 (~USD 190)
Entries: 42 (34 unique)
Prize pool: VND 162,900,000  (~USD 6,763)
ITM: 5 places

Place Player Payout in VND
1 Tran Minh Thang 66,000,000
2 Shimizu Keisuke 38,200,000
3 Dela Cruz Edwin 26,700,000
4 Phan Huy Thanh 18,000,000
5 Nguyen The Minh 14,000,000

Event 12: Run it Twice

vu thai bao run it twice champion 1
Vu Thai Bao

Date: September 3, 2023
Buy in: VND 3,400,000 (~USD 144)
Entries: 40 (29 unique)
Prize pool: VND 116,400,000  (~USD 4,833)
ITM: 5 places

Place Player Payout in VND
1 Vu Thai Bao 47,000,000
2 Park Cheonggil 28,000,000
3 Hoang Dinh Nguyen 17,000,000
4 Jayvon Carreon 13,400,000
5 Nakajima Kei 11,000,000

Event 13: Mini Main Event

le huy thanh usop hanoi mini main event champion 2
Le Huy Thanh

Date: September 4 to 6, 2023 
Buy in: VND 8,800,000 (~USD 372)
Guarantee: VND 2,000,000,000 (~USD 83,040)
Entries: 708 (477 unique)
Prize pool: VND 5,494,000,000  (~USD 228,110)
ITM: 89 places

Place Player Payout in VND
1 Le Huy Thanh 1,150,000,000
2 Hu Jin Long 715,000,000
3 Ip Ho Yuen 440,000,000
4 Luong Van Quang 330,000,000
5 Nguyen Duc Trong 220,000,000
6 Lee Tsung Ying 173,000,000
7 Nguyen Khac Cuong 138,000,000
8 Choi Jaeki 119,000,000
9 Tai Weiliang 99,000,000
10 Nguyen Quynh Thu 80,000,000
11 Nguyen Tien Dong 64,000,000
12 Dang Thanh Luong 64,000,000
13 Ho Yaoyu 54,000,000
14 Dinh Tien Thanh 54,000,000
15 Yuan Xin 54,000,000
16 Nguyen Thanh Long 44,000,000
17 Sembrano Alvin Jeff Sil 44,000,000
18 Nguyen Tai Hai 44,000,000
19 Le Ngoc Minh 38,000,000
20 Babushkin Nikolai 38,000,000
21 Nguyen Minh Thanh 38,000,000
22 Harsh Jhirairia 33,000,000
23 Vanlerberghe Laury 33,000,000
24 Wong Kuok Siew 33,000,000
25 Le Viet Hung 30,000,000
26 Hoang Trung Hieu 30,000,000
27 Konechnyi Ivan 30,000,000
28 Pham Van Tien 27,000,000
29 Magadan John Jay 27,000,000
30 Gautam Rohilla 27,000,000
31 Nguyen Trong Viet 27,000,000
32 Khanduja Chirag 27,000,000
33 Nguyen Xuan Manh 27,000,000
34 Nguyen Tien Thanh 27,000,000
35 Nguyen Thanh Hai 27,000,000
36 Phan Dinh Nam 27,000,000
37 Nguyen Dac Long 24,000,000
38 Le Nhu An 24,000,000
39 Dinh Duc Linh 24,000,000
40 Suchkov Dmitry 24,000,000
41 Hoang Dinh Minh 24,000,000
42 The Naing 24,000,000
43 Patni Kunal 24,000,000
44 Sapra Sumit 24,000,000
45 Strebkkov Denis 24,000,000
46 Nguyen Manh Tuan 21,000,000
47 Nguyen Dieu Phuong Linh 21,000,000
48 Nguyen Van Dan 21,000,000
49 Nguyen Doan Phuong 21,000,000
50 Pham Van Hiep 21,000,000
51 Diep Quoc Bao 21,000,000
52 Bonadies John Pantale 21,000,000
53 Nguyen The Vinh 21,000,000
54 Lubas Gerardo 21,000,000
55 Pham Thanh Binh 20,000,000
56 Nguyen Van Xuan 20,000,000
57 Vu The Tuan 20,000,000
58 Edoc Redentor 20,000,000
59 Dela Cruz Mark Rirod 20,000,000
60 Chadha Arjanveer Singh 20,000,000
61 Nguyen Ngoc Ha 20,000,000
62 Lim Cheng Jing 20,000,000
63 Phi Tien Sang 20,000,000
64 Marquez Richard 19,000,000
65 Pham Minh Khoa 19,000,000
66 Thotapalli Ramesh Srin 19,000,000
67 Vu Hung Kien 19,000,000
68 NguyễN Văn Trung 19,000,000
69 Nguyen Quy Quyen 19,000,000
70 Jajodia Ankit Kumar 19,000,000
71 Yun Jungsup 19,000,000
72 Shin Hyeonho 19,000,000
73 Ahuja Ashish 18,000,000
74 Nguyen Manh Cuong 18,000,000
75 Borlagdan Jayvee 18,000,000
76 Duong Trung Thuy 18,000,000
77 Nguyen Trung Phong 18,000,000
78 Vu Duc Trung 18,000,000
79 Shpunt Konstantin 18,000,000
80 Kaushik Amit 18,000,000
81 Nguyen Khac Luat 18,000,000
82 Won Jongmin 18,000,000
83 Nguyen Thai Minh Duc 18,000,000
84 Huang Chang Wei 18,000,000
85 Bui Xuan Bien 18,000,000
86 Tan Keng Yong 18,000,000
87 Nguyen Thi Hien Hoa 18,000,000
88 Pham Duc Dung 18,000,000
89 Nguyen Dinh Vy 9,000,000
90 Nguyen Hai Ninh 9,000,000

Event 14: High Roller : Superstack

dong van tan high roller superstack champion 3
Dong Van Tan

Date: September 4 to 5, 2023 
Buy in: VND 55,000,000 (~USD 2,326)
Guarantee: VND 1,200,000,000 (~USD 49,823)
Entries: 149 (90 unique)
Prize pool: VND 7,226,500,000  (~USD 300,042)
ITM: 22 places
*Heads up ICM deal, play for 100 million VND and trophy

Place Player Payout in VND
1 Dong Van Tan 1,705,250,000*
2 Tan Kean Wei 1,505,250,000*
3 Ngo Khoa Anh 741,000,000
4 Nguyen Trung Quan 451,000,000
5 Nguyen Doan Trung Hieu 348,000,000
6 Tran Duc Tuan 288,000,000
7 Nguyen Quang Huy 249,000,000
8 Nguyen Van Phuong 216,000,000
9 Do Quang Trinh 183,000,000
10 Tanimura Muneyuki 157,000,000
11 Do Anh Tai 157,000,000
12 Nguyen Huu Tuan 157,000,000
13 Wong Kuok Siew 134,000,000
14 Qiu Haisheng 134,000,000
15 Nguyen Ngoc Son 134,000,000
16 Ojha Vishal 111,000,000
17 Mao Renji 111,000,000
18 Pham Duy Anh 111,000,000
19 Patni Kunal 89,000,000
20 Vu Thai Bao 89,000,000
21 You Jun Hong 89,000,000
22 Muller Sebastian 67,000,000

Event 15: Short Deck

short deck champion 2
Nguyen Quang Minh

Date: September 4, 2023
Buy in: VND 4,500,000 (~USD 190)
Entries: 32 (26 unique)
Prize pool: VND 124,100,000  (~USD 5,152)
ITM: 4 places
*Heads up, ICM deal

Place Player Payout in VND
1 Nguyen Quang Minh 45,800,000*
2 Luong Trac Tu 45,900,000*
3 Tan Ong Kwan 19,900,000
4 Le Dinh Hai 12,500,000

Event 16: Mystery Rush Bounty

mystery rush bounty winner 2
Huang Chang Wei

Date: September 4, 2023
Buy in: VND 6,600,000 (~USD 279)
Entries: 93 (71 unique)
Prize pool: VND 360,800,000  (~USD 14,980)
Bounty pool: VND 234,586,000 (~USD 9,707)
ITM: 12 places
*Bounties not included.

Place Player Bounty in VND
1 Huang Chang Wei 108,000,000
2 Nguyen Van Dan 66,000,000
3 Gorbushin Anatolii 43,000,000
4 Kapoor Mohak 32,100,000
5 Nguyen Vu Lam 23,400,000
6 Nguyen Manh Trung 18,600,000
7 Le Giang Nam 15,100,000
8 Pham Duc Dung 12,600,000
9 Lim Beng Wei 11,100,000
10 Nguyen Ngoc Ha 10,300,000
11 Yuan Xin 10,300,000
12 Kanjani Rajeev 10,300,000

Event 17: High Roller : Megastack

DJR02534 Enhanced NR
Đao Minh Phu

Date: September 5 to 6, 2023 
Buy in: VND 77,000,000 (~USD 3,256)
Guarantee: VND 2,000,000,000 (~USD 83,040)
Entries: 114 (64 unique)
Prize pool: VND 7,740,600,000  (~USD 321,387)
ITM: 17 places

Place Player Payout in VND
1 Đao Minh Phu 2,154,000,000
2 Nguyen Quang Huy 1,329,000,000
3 Jia William 809,300,000
4 Mao Renji 580,000,000
5 Pham Alan Anh-Minh 445,100,000
6 Sood Gaurav 369,800,000
7 Su Duo 309,600,000
8 Tran Duc Tuan 257,400,000
9 Anilkumar Ashish Munot 209,000,000
10 Nguyen Ngoc Dai 178,000,000
11 Jhon Hendri 178,000,000
12 Grover 178,000,000
13 Nguyen Huu Dung 154,800,000
14 Ta Son Tung 154,800,000
15 You Jun Hong 154,800,000
16 Dinh Quang Huy 139,500,000
17 Allen Michael Josheph 139,500,000

Event 18: Hyper Turbo

hyper turbo champion 1
Ngo Viet Thao

Date: September 6, 2023
Buy in: VND 3,400,000 (~USD 144)
Entries: 72 (49 unique)
Prize pool: VND 209,500,000  (~USD 8,698)
ITM: 9 places

Place Player Payout in VND
1 Ngo Viet Thao 71,000,000
2 Ang Jek Cheng 43,000,000
3 Do Anh Tai 27,300,000
4 Nguyen Ngoc Tung 19,400,000
5 Nguyen Hai Long 14,800,000
6 Phung Minh Hoan 11,500,000
7 Isaac Phua Chern Chze 9,000,000
8 Ong Beng Wei 7,300,000
9 Nguyen Xuan Manh 6,200,000

Event 19: Mixed NLH/PLO

nguyen khoi mix plo nlh champion 2
Nguyen Khoi

Date: September 5, 2023
Buy in: VND 5,500,000 (~USD 233)
Entries: 31 (23 unique)
Prize pool: VND 150,300,000  (~USD 6,240)
ITM: 4 places

Place Player Payout in VND
1 Nguyen Khoi 70,000,000
2 Liew Yew Tong 40,000,000
3 Tran Kien Thiet 25,300,000
4 Tran Thanh Hung 15,000,000

Event 20: Super High Roller 

hoang hai nam
Hoang Hai Nam, Photo by Crown Poker Club

Date: September 6 to 7, 2023 
Buy in: VND 88,000,000 (~USD 3,721)
Guarantee: VND 2,000,000,000 (~USD 83,040)
Entries: 146 (87 unique)
Prize pool: VND 11,329,600,000  (~USD 470,694)
ITM: 22 places

Place Player Payout in VND
1 Hoang Hai Nam 3,070,000,000
2 Agarwal Sahil 1,940,000,000
3 Zheng Xiaosheng 1,160,000,000
4 Nguyen Trung Quan 706,000,000
5 Sun Li Wei 579,000,000
6 Kunal Patni 487,000,000
7 Le Ngoc Minh 408,000,000
8 Yadav Anuj 345,000,000
9 Ng Hui Fen Michelle 288,000,000
10 Lu Anton Zhen Zhao 239,000,000
11 Husson Pierre 239,000,000
12 Kim Yoonsu 239,000,000
13 Nguyen Doan Trung Hieu 198,000,000
14 Pham Ngoc Quoc Bao 198,000,000
15 Nguyen Hoang Long 198,000,000
16 Cho Seongho 165,000,000
17 Doan Quang Trung 165,000,000
18 Yeh Hung Wei 165,000,000
19 Nguyen Huu Dung 139,000,000
20 Truong Toan Chan 139,000,000
21 Ojha Vishal 139,000,000
22 Du Boisbaudry Leo 123,600,000

Event 21: Pot Limit Omaha

usop hanoi plo event champion 3 1
Lim Kar Hou

Date: September 6, 2023
Buy in: VND 6,600,000 (~USD 279)
Entries: 52 (37 unique)
Prize pool: VND 302,600,000  (~USD 12,564)
ITM: 7 places

Place Player Payout in VND
1 Lim Kar Hou 111,000,000
2 Jankowski Lukasz Jaro 66,000,000
3 Lim Shyh Chyn 40,100,000
4 Nguyen Xuan Manh 30,600,000
5 Singh Antariksh 23,400,000
6 Tong Jia Chuan 17,900,000
7 Kaushik Amit 13,600,000

Event 22: Turbo

turbo champion 2
Doan Van Cuong

Date: September 6, 2023
Buy in: VND 3,400,000 (~USD 144)
Entries: 127 (96 unique)
Prize pool: VND 369,500,000  (~USD 15,341)
ITM: 16 places
*Heads up even chop, played for trophy

Place Player Payout in VND
1  Doan Van Cuong 84,400,000*
2  Lim Jieh Therk Jason 84,500,000*
3 Nguyen Trong Viet 40,000,000
4 Nguyen Tuan Anh 28,000,000
5 Nguyen Dieu Phuong Linh 22,000,000
6 Nguyen Khoi 18,000,000
7 Ng Hui Fen Michelle 15,000,000
8 Pham Van Cuong 12,000,000
9 Pham Van Nghia 10,000,000
10 Fechter Trent Wayne 8,500,000
11 Sun Li Wei 8,500,000
12 Dinh Tien Thanh 8,500,000
13 Carreon 7,700,000
14 Chan Sheng Wei 7,700,000
15 Ahuja Ashish 7,700,000
16 Jasven Saigal 7,000,000

Event 24: Bounty Event

usop hanoi bounty winner 2
Nguyen Quang Huy

Date: September 7, 2023
Buy in: VND 6,600,000 (~USD 279)
Guarantee: VND 500,000,000 (~USD 20,773)
Entries: 186 (136 unique)
Prize pool: VND 721,600,000 (~USD 29,980)
Bounty pool: VND 602,523,000 (~USD 24,933)
ITM: 23 places
*Bounties not included

Place Player Payout in VND
1 Nguyen Quang Huy 175,000,000
2 Lim Kar Hou 112,000,000
3 Vu Minh Hai 75,300,000
4 Dinh Quang Vu 55,800,000
5 Sim Chen Hon Kelvin 46,500,000
6 Ngo Quang Ninh 37,900,000
7 Pham Van Nghia 30,800,000
8 Nguyen Nam Long 24,600,000
9 Dela Cruz Edwin 19,200,000
10 Mizoguchi Tadafumi 14,900,000
11 Nguyen Manh Trung 14,900,000
12 Yun Jungsup 14,900,000
13 Ngo Tho Long 11,500,000
14 Kim Kyungrok 11,500,000
15 Bach Quang Truong 11,500,000
16 Konechnyi Ivan 9,200,000
17 Nguyen Duc Huy 9,200,000
18 Cemepehko Semerenko 9,200,000
19 Maruo Tasuku 7,900,000
20 Tran Duc Kien 7,900,000
21 Nguyen Van Hung 7,900,000
22 Tho Kar Mun 7,000,000
23 Magadan John Jay 7,000,000

Event 25: Hyper Turbo

usop hanoi hyper turbo event25 winner 1
Hu Jing Long

Date: September 7, 2023
Buy in: VND 3,400,000 (~USD 144)
Entries: 60 (48 unique)
Prize pool: VND 174,600,000 (~USD 7,254)
ITM: 8 places

Place Player Payout in VND
1 Hu Jing Long 61,000,000
2 Dhanesh Vijaykumar Chainani 36,000,000
3 Nguyen Ba Thinh 23,000,000
4 Nguyen Kim Loc 17,200,000
5 Phan Tien Dung 13,000,000
6 Le Nhu An 10,100,000
7 Lai The Chinh 7,800,000
8 Tran Manh Hung 6,500,000

Event 26: Win The Button

Photo by Crown Poker Club
Ang Jek Cheng, Photo by Crown Poker Club

Date: September 7, 2023
Buy in: VND 4,500,000 (~USD 190)
Entries: 47 (35 unique)
Prize pool: VND 182,300,000 (~USD 7,574)
ITM: 6 places

Place Player Payout in VND
1 Ang Jek Cheng 69,000,000
2 Jhon Hendri 42,000,000
3 Fendy 26,700,000
4 Chan Sheng Wei 19,200,000
5 Ong Beng Wei 14,100,000
6 Lim Cheng Jing 11,300,000

Event 27: Heads Up Challenge

usop hanoi heads up champion 1
Leo Du Boisbaudry

Date: September 8, 2023
Buy in: VND 33,000,000 (~USD 1395)
Entries: 32
Prize pool: VND 931,200,000 (~USD 38,639)
ITM: 4 places

Place Player Flag Payout in VND
1 Leo Du Boisbaudry France 500,000,000
2 Renji Mao China 250,000,000
3 Gaurav Sood India 90,600,000
4 Nguyen Quang Minh Vietnam 90,600,000

Event 28: Super Deepstack

usop hanoi super deepstack champion 2
Nguyen Vu Lam

Date: September 8, 2023 
Buy in: VND 5,500,000 (~USD 233)
Guarantee: VND 500,000,000 (~USD 20,773)
Entries: 138 (100 unique)
Prize pool: VND 669,300,000 (~USD 27,772)
ITM: 17 places

Place Player
Payout in VND
1 Nguyen Vu Lam 185,000,000
2 Park Cheonggil 114,000,000
3 Dang Minh Dat 72,000,000
4 Tran Thanh Hung 50,300,000
5 Yun Jungsup 40,000,000
6 Cemepehko Semerenko 32,500,000
7 Hwang Jeong Ho 25,800,000
8 21,200,000
9 Tan Ong Kwan 18,100,000
10 Hoang Dinh Nguyen 15,400,000
11 Edoc Redentor 15,400,000
12 Santos Bryan 15,400,000
13 Paul Yugendra 13,400,000
14 Mekphan Mr.Puttipongthorn 13,400,000
15 Villa Hernan Jaybee 13,400,000
16 Cho Seongho 12,000,000
17 Iablokov Sergei 12,000,000

Event 29: Tag Team Event

Dinh Xuan Truong / Le Nguyen Vinh, Photo by Crown Poker Club

Date: September 8, 2023
Buy in: VND 13,200,000 (~USD 558)
Entries: 66 (44 unique)
Prize pool: VND 384,100,000 (~USD 15,938)
ITM: 5 places

Place Player
Payout in VND
1 Dinh Xuan Truong / Le Nguyen Vinh 157,400,000
2 Koh Yong Chong / Shi Huiqi Corine 90,200,000
3 Carreon / Dela Cruz Edwin 59,000,000
4 Lai Xin Hua / Te Yong Song 42,500,000
5 Ip Ho Yuen / Ip Yan Kay Philemon 35,000,000

Event 30: Card PLO

Ong Beng Wei, Photo by Crown Poker Club

Date: September 8, 2023
Buy in: VND 4,500,000 (~USD 190)
Entries: 73 (36 unique)
Prize pool: VND 283,200,000 (~USD 11,751)
ITM: 10 places

Place Player
Payout in VND
1 Ong Beng Wei 85,000,000
2 Lim Zong Xian 51,000,000
3 Tran Kien Thiet 38,200,000
4 Navkiran Singh 28,500,000
5 Nguyen Tuan Anh 21,000,000
6 Dela Cruz Mark Rirod 16,000,000
7 Nguyen Manh Tuan 13,000,000
8 Tong Jia Chuan 11,000,000
9 Nguyen Duc Kieu Hung 10,000,000
10 Abarca Francis Gimpaya 9,500,000

Event 31: Ladies Event

usop hanoi ladies event winner 4
Yoo Eunjung

Date: September 9, 2023
Buy in: VND 4,500,000 (~USD 190)
Entries: 27 (19 unique)
Prize pool: VND 104,700,000 (~USD 4,352)
ITM: 3 places
*3-way even chop, play for trophy

Place Player
Payout in VND
1 Yoo Eunjung 34,900,000*
2 Onoe Asuka 34,900,000*
3 Nguyen Thi Tuyet Trinh 34,900,000*

Event 32: Hyper Turbo

super deepstack winner
Andrew Yeo Kai Chen, Photo by Crown Poker Club

Date: September 9, 2023
Buy in: VND 3,400,000 (~USD 144)
Entries: 57 (38 unique)
Prize pool: VND 165,800,000 (~USD 6,892)
ITM: 7 places

Place Player
Payout in VND
1 Andrew Yeo Kai Chen 60,000,000
2 Chan Sheng Wei 37,000,000
3 Gary Cheung 22,900,000
4 Ng Hui Fen Michelle 16,000,000
5 Alan Khoo 12,500,000
6 Nguyen Manh Dung 9,900,000
7 Tran Kien Thiet 7,500,000

Event 33: Megastack

usop hanoi megastack winner 3
Chadha Arjanveer Singh

Date: September 10 to 11, 2023 
Buy in: VND 11,000,000 (~USD 465)
Guarantee: VND 1,000,000,000 (~USD 41,550)
Entries: 138 (101 unique)
Prize pool: VND 1,338,600,000 (~USD 55,619)
ITM: 17 places

Place Player
Payout in VND
1 Chadha Arjanveer Singh 372,000,000
2 Dang Minh Dat 230,000,000
3 Kevin Lim Jie Yong 141,000,000
4 Iablokov Sergei 102,000,000
5 Alex Chong Zeng Kai 77,200,000
6 Tho Kar Mun 63,500,000
7 Chen Qiang 53,100,000
8 Le Giang Nam 43,500,000
9 Tan Kwang Chung 36,100,000
10 Bernard Koh Wei Yao 30,700,000
11 Hwang Jeong Ho 30,700,000
12 Lester Wee Yong Xiang 30,700,000
13 Phan Thanh Hung 26,700,000
14 Ryue Jaeho 26,700,000
15 Ip Ho Yuen 26,700,000
16 Munsaf Meherzad Viraf 24,000,000
17 Tran Duc Dong 24,000,000

Event 34: High Roller : The Finale

kunal patni usop hanoi high roller finale winner 1
Patni Kunal

Date: September 10 to 11, 2023 
Buy in: VND 66,000,000 (~USD 2,791)
Guarantee: VND 2,000,000,000 (~USD 83,100)
Entries: 169 (102 unique)
Prize pool: VND 9,835,800,000 (~USD 408675)
ITM: 25 places

Place Player
Payout in VND
1 Patni Kunal 2,400,000,000
2 Luhan Haitao 1,570,000,000
3 Du Boisbaudry Leo 1,007,000,000
4 Nguyen Thanh Tung 679,000,000
5 Mr Uten 544,000,000
6 Ngo Khoa Anh 454,000,000
7 Nguyen Huu Dung 383,000,000
8 Abhinav Iyer 319,000,000
9 Chu Thai Thinh 260,000,000
10 Benloch Florent Remi 209,000,000
11 Nguyen Van Viet 209,000,000
12 Wong Kuok Siew 209,000,000
13 Nguyen Quang Huy 168,000,000
14 Do Quang Trinh 168,000,000
15 Vu The Tuan 168,000,000
16 Nguyen Anh Tu 136,000,000
17 Jung Seungmook 136,000,000
18 Leroy Kagit 136,000,000
19 Pham Thanh Duy 109,000,000
20 Nguyen Van Sang 109,000,000
21 Birewar Alok Pradip 109,000,000
22 Dinh Quang Huy 91,000,000
23 Te Yong Song 91,000,000
24 Yadav Anuj 91,000,000
25 Lu Anton Zhen Zhao 80,800,000

Event 35: Freezeout

usop hanoi freezeout winner
Choi Jaeki, Photo by Crown Poker Club

Date: September 10, 2023
Buy in: VND 4,500,000 (~USD 190)
Entries: 61
Prize pool: VND 236,600,000 (~USD 9,835)
ITM: 4 places

Place Player
Payout in VND
1 Choi Jaeki 80,000,000
2 Jonathan Looi Tek Wye 50,000,000
3 Dong Hung Minh 32,800,000
4 Lim Zong Xian 23,400,000
5 Nguyen Khac Cuong 17,900,000
6 Ryue Jaeho 13,700,000
7 Park Cheonggil 10,600,000
8 Takashimizu Tomoya 8,200,000

Event 36: Superstack Closer

usop hanoi superstack closer winner
Yap Joe Sam

Date: September 11, 2023 
Buy in: VND 6,600,000 (~USD 274)
Guarantee: VND 500,000,000 (~USD 20,773)
Entries: 98 (69 unique)
Prize pool: VND 570,300,000 (~USD 23,695)
ITM: 12 places

Place Player
Payout in VND
1 Yap Joe Sam 175,000,000
2 Nguyen Sy Nhan 108,000,000
3 Tran Thanh Hien 67,200,000
4 Chan Heng Kien 45,000,000
5 Nguyen Tien Thanh 35,000,000
6 Kurkhepally Mahadeva 28,700,000
7 Konechnyi Ivan 24,000,000
8 Pham Quang Huy 20,800,000
9 Young Shang Bing 18,000,000
10 Nguyen Tai Hai 16,200,000
11 Tai Weiliang 16,200,000
12 Lester Wee Yong Xiang 16,200,000

Event 37: Turbo

usop hanoi turbo winner 2
Le Giang Nam

Date: September 11, 2023
Buy in: VND 3,400,000 (~USD 144)
Entries: 45 (39 unique)
Prize pool: VND 130,900,000 (~USD 5,435)
ITM: 6 places

Place Player
Payout in VND
1 Le Giang Nam 50,000,000
2 Harsh Jhirairia 30,000,000
3 Ha Minh Tuan 19,000,000
4 Chen Qiang 13,800,000
5 Vu Dong Hiep 10,000,000
6 Kim Junggu 8,100,000

Event 38: Bubble Rush

usop hanoi bubble rush winner 3 1
Li Ho Kuen

Date: September 11, 2023
Buy in: VND 3,400,000 (~USD 144)
Entries: 39 (33 unique)
Prize pool: VND 113,400,000 (~USD 4,708)
ITM: 5 places

Place Player
Payout in VND
1 Li Ho Kuen 46,000,000
2 Calvin Tan Seet Pin 27,000,000
3 Mao Renji 17,900,000
4 Truong Dinh Giang 12,500,000
5 Tong Jia Chuan 10,000,000

Event 39: Single Day High Roller

usop hanoi single day high roller winner 2
Sahil Agarwal

Date: September 11, 2023 
Buy in: VND 44,000,000 (~USD 1,827)
Guarantee: VND 1,200,000,000 (~USD 49,823)
Entries: 51 (34 unique)
Prize pool: VND 1,978,800,000 (~USD 82,159)
ITM: 8 places

Place Player
Payout in VND
1 Agarwal Sahil 680,000,000
2 Zheng Xiaosheng 413,000,000
3 Le Huy Thanh 270,000,000
4 Ip Ho Yuen 193,000,000
5 Tan Keng Yong 148,000,000
6 Nguyen Van Sang 115,000,000
7 Pham Quyet Tien 90,000,000
8 Zidek Patrik 69,800,000

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