



Poker Stars Live Manila Super Series 2023: Live Updates

Main Event – Live Updates – Day 1A

Date: May 31, 2023
Buy in: PHP 15,000 (~US$ 270)
Guarantee: PHP 3,000,000 (~US$ 53,320)
Day 1A: 144 entries / 22 ITM

CHIPS IN PLAY – 4,320,000

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22:39: Bubble bursts! Joonhee Kim eliminated
Level 18: 4000-8000 ante 8000

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Short stacked Joonhee Kim is all in with one big blind and Kd7h holecards, he is joined all in by the button Hayato Karuo who has AcKc, the blinds call then check down the board As4hKsQhAh. Karuo has a sweet full house spread, the blinds muck, Kim is eliminated on the bubble.

22:19: Choi Jaeki delivers a brutal defeat
Level 18: 4000-8000 ante 8000

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 On a flop 10d8h8c and 20,000 in the middle, under the gun checks, button Choi Jaeki bets 30,000, utg shoves, it doesn’t scare Choi who calls. Choi opens Qc9c gutshot, utg has Kd8d trips, the turn Ac and river 3c is a runner runner flush to Choi to clean one out in brutal fashion. 

Choi Jaeki – 580,000

22:15: Blinds up, 24 left, two to the money
Level 18: 4000-8000 ante 8000

Blinds are up again with 24 remaining. Only two left before the end of Day 1A and the money reached.

22:12: William Jones doubles up through Norbert Koh
Level 17: 3000-6000 ante 6000

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The shoves continue with William Jones’ responding to Norbert Koh’s 20,000 raise. Koh makes the call and opens 9s9h which is dominated by Jones’ JsJd. With the board running 10h2s10sQs5h, it’s a double up for Jones.

William Jones – 120,000
Norbert Koh – 170,000

22:04: Takumu Eguchi doubles up, Joonhee kim plunges
Level 17: 3000-6000 ante 6000

All in preflop, Takumu Eguchi AcQc, caller Joonhee Kim with 10s10d, the board runs As2s3s3d8h for a double up to Eguchi.

Takumu Eguchi – 80,000
Joonhee Kim – 8,000

21:57 Erwin Navarro boots one
Level 17: 3000-6000 ante 6000

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Action folds to the button who shoves, small blind Rahul Chinchalkar and big blind Erwin Navarro call. The board completes 9hKc10hAc3c, no side pot created, button shows 8d5h, Chinchalkar 2s2d, Navarro ships it and rails the button with Qh10d second pair.

Erwin Navarro – 220,000
Rahul Chinchalkar – 170,000

21:43 Hayato Karuo rails one
Level 17: 3000-6000 ante 6000

Hijack player jams with KcQd and button Hayato Karuo calls with 10h10c for a flip. The board runs in Karuo’s favor 5h5s10h6c8s for a commanding full house takedown.

Hayato Karuo – 80,000

21:38: Blinds up, 26 remaining
Level 17: 3000-6000 ante 6000

26 players remaining, four more to the money.

21:30: Szu Jui Chiu scores big double up through Kelway
Level 16: 2000-5000 ante 5000

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Action folds to the small blind Szu Jui Chiu who shoves, big blind Kelway calls. Chiu has AhAs, Kelway with Jh9h. The board runs 8cJd8h2h8d for a higher full house to Chiu and a timely double up.

Szu Jui Chui – 300,000
Kelway – 15,000

21:22: Rico Dela Cruz gets lucky on Szu Jui Chiu 
Level 16: 2000-5000 ante 5000

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After paying a double up to Kelway, Rico Dela Cruz gets lucky against Szu Jui Chiu. From utg, Dela Cruz four-bets all in with 7c7s and is dominated by Chiu’s KcKs. With the board running 10h6d9s8h6s Dela Cruz lands a lucky straight to survive and double up. 

Rico Dela Cruz – 160,000
Szu Jui Chiu – 140,000

21:18  Kelway doubles up through Rico Dela Cruz
Level 16: 2000-5000 ante 5000

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All in preflop, Rico Dela Cruz with Ad5d, Kelway dominates with As10h, the board is 7h9sQs10s8c for a double up to Kelway. 

Kelway – 150,000
Rico Dela Cruz – 80,000

21:08: Blinds up, 28 players remaining
Level 16: 2000-5000 ante 5000

Blinds up, field is down to 28 players. Six more to the money round.

20:52: Erwin Navarro doubles up on a cooler
Level 15: 2000-4000 ante 4000

Erwin Navarro goes all in behind and is ahead with pocket Kings against pocket Queens. No bad beats arrive for a double up to 150,000. 

20:44: Another triple for Tracy Crisostomo
Level 15; 2000-4000 ante 4000

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Earlier in the event Tracy Crisostomo tripled up and doubled up, now she triples up again. Hand opens with cutoff Norbert Koh raising to 8000, small blind Crisostomo three-bet jams, big blind Chua Teck Heng joins with a four-bet shove, and Koh calls to put both players at risk. 

Crisostomo AdJd
Chua 10h10s
Koh QdQh

With the board fanning out 5c3dKd4d10c, Crisostomo improves to a flush for a triple up. Chua spikes a set on the river to survive and claim the side pot.

Tracy Crisostomo – 210,000
Chua Teck Heng – 55,000
Norbert Koh – 160,000

20:38: 32 players remaining at new level
Level 15: 2000-4000 ante 4000

32 players remaining at the new level. 

20:12: Chua Teck Heng doubles up through Joonhee Kim
Level 14: 1500-3000 ante 3000

Chua Teck Heng goes all in from under the gun with AcQc and hijack Joonhee Kim attempts to eliminate with 10s10d, with the board running AhQh2c3c3d, Heng doubles up. 

 Chua Teck Heng – 100,000
Joonhee Kim – 240,000

20:04 Hayato Karuo eliminates a player
Level 14: 1500-3000 ante 3000

All in preflop, Hayato Karuo with AcJs, at risk player with KsJh, board runs Kc8d10hJcAs, Karuo ships it with a higher two pair while booting one out. 

Hayato Karuo – 150,000

19:58: 36 players remaining at the new level
Level 14: 1500-3000 ante 3000

Getting closer to the money round. 36 players remaining at the new level.

19:52 Jun Kai delivers double bust
Level 13: 1000-2500 ante 2500

Three way preflop, Jun Kai ships it with Qd10d on a board 9dQhQs8c4s. He busts two players with Ac3c and As7h

Jun Kai – 230,000

19:45 Mike Takayama wins big pot
Level 13: 1000-2500 ante 2500

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On a flop 7sKc10h and 40,000 in the pot, lojack check-calls hijack Mike Takayama’s 12,000 bet. On the turn 8h Takayama bets 16,000 and is check-called. The river Jd, Takayama shoves, this time lojack opts to check-fold.

Mike Takayama – 170,000
Lojack – 35,000

19:35: Louie Princesa wins a big pot against William Ysmael
Level 13: 1000-2500 ante 2500

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Louie Princesa and William Ysmael battle for a pot that has grown to 70,000 on a board showing Js7h10c4d. Big blind Ysmael check-calls Princesa’s half pot bet of 35,000. The river Ad, Princesa shoves, Ysmael check-folds. 

Louie Princesa – 220,00
William Ysmael – 60,000

19:28: New level, 42 remaining
Level 13: 1000-2500 ante 2500

New level, 42 players remaining. Day 1A bags up at 22 players

19:17: Szu Jui Chiu eliminates one
Level 12: 1000-2000 ante 2000

Szu Jui Chiu three-bet jams and initial raiser from utg position calls. The board runs QsKh5dKs10c. Chiu’s AhQd dominates Ac5c to boot one out.

Szu Jui Chiu – 70,000

19:09: Norbert Koh delivers a double bust
Level 12: 1000-2000 ante 2000

Three way all in preflop, utg has AcKc, button also with AhKs, small blinf Norbert Koh has AsAd and the biggest stack. Aces hold on a board 8sKh10h2d9s for a double KO. 

Norbert Koh – 200,000

19:00: New level, 47 players remaining
Level 12: 1000-2000 ante 2000

The hunt to the money of 22 places is on! 47 remaining.

18:35: Hayato Karuo doubles up through Takuo Serita
Level 11: 1000-1500 ante 1500

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Preflop betting war leads to two players all in. Takuo Serita with KsQh and is flipping against Hayato Karuo’s 10d10c. The board runs 8sAs5cJh9c. Karuo doubles up.

Hayato Karuo – 80,000
Takuo Serita – 170,000

18:30: Registration closes with 135 entries
Level 11: 1000-1500 ante 1500

That’s it! Main  Event Day 1A registration is in the books. 144 entries for this flight. If you missed your chance, return tomorrow at 1pm for Day 1B. The remaining players now race to the money of 22 players.

18:00: Niro Logan doubles through Crisostomo
Level 10: 600-1200 ante 1200

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Niroshan Logan and Tracy Crisostomo complete a board Ah6dAdAcQd and 40,000 in the pot. Both are all in. Crisostomo has KdKc full house, Logan has As9d quads to double up.

Niro Logan – 80,000
Tracy Crisostomo – 60,000

17:50: Last level to enter 
Level 10: 600-1200 ante 1200

Last 30 minutes to enter. 131 entries. Sign up now and still have 25 big blinds to play with. Starting stack 30,000.

17:45: Louie Princesa sends one packing
Level 9: 600-1200 ante 1200

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From under the gun Louie Princesa limps, hijack player raises to 3600, small blind three-bet jams, Princesa joins in, but no three-way with initial raise hijack opting to fold.

Princesa 8c8s
Small blind AdKd

With the board running 2s7sQsQc10s, the snowmen hold to boot out big slick.

Louie Princesa – 85,000

17:30: Samson Hui wins the three-way
Level 9: 600-1200 ante 1200

Three way all in, Samson Hui has KhKd ahead of utg’s AhQh and lojack’s Ac10h. With the board running 6h6s7h9c3d lojack goes bus and Hui rises to 50,000.

Samson Hui – 50,000
Utg – 40,000

17:20: William Ysmael cleans one out
Level 9: 600-1200 ante 1200

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5:23 William Ysmael eliminate one

On a board showing 9s10d6d4c and 12,000 in the pot, two players in the hand. Big blind player checks to cutoff William Ysmael who bets 8500, he is called. On the river 3d,  Ysmael shoves, big blind tank-calls for everything in the barrel, Ysmael opens 5d}8d flush on the river, bb busts with 10h3c two pair.

William Ysmael – 70,000

17:10: New round begins, 131 entries
Level 9: 600-1200 ante 1200

Last two levels to join the action. 131 entries now and climbing.

16:50: Tracy Crisostomo on a roll, doubles up to 140,000
Level 8: 500-1000 ante 1000

After a triple up, Tracy Crisostomo doubles up. Hand opens with two limpers, small blind Crisostomo raises to 6000, both limpers call. On the flop {8s}9d6c, Crisostomo c-bets 15,000, one player folds, the other jams, Crisostomo snap calls for her tournament life and opens AcAd, ahead of As7s. The turn {4c} and river {8d} are good for a double up to Crisostomo. 

Tracy Crisostomo – 140,000

16:45: New level, 115 entries
Level 8: 500-1000 ante 1000

115 entries at the start of Level 8. Registration closing at 6:20 pm.

16:40: Tracy Crisostomo triples up
Level 7: 400-800 ante 800

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On a board showing Jh5h9d3d and around 15,000 in the pot, lojack checks, hijack bets 10,500, cutoff Tracy Crisostomo three-bet shoves, and is called by both players who proceed to check the river Js.

Crisostomo opens 3s3c full house for a tripe up to 60,000.

16:30: Vishal Aswani rails one
Level 7: 400-800 ante 800

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With 13,000 in the pot and a flop {Ks}3d10d, Vishal Aswani shoves and is called by a player with less chips. Aswani with Ad9d draw, at risk player has Qh10s pair. The turn Js and river Qc improves Aswani to a straight.

Vishal Aswani – 140,000

16:20: New level, 107 entries
Level 7: 400-800 ante 800

New level, into triple digits with 107 entries. Registration open until the start of Level 11 at 6:20pm.

16:15: Andy Chan delivers a double KO
Level 6: 300-600 ante 600

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With a pot of 4,000 brewed, three players take turns shoving on the flop {8s}7h2d. Andy Chan ahead 2c2h against a player with pocket Tens and pocket Nines. No help comes on the turn and river for the set to hold and ship it. Chan eliminates two players. 

Andy Chan – 90,000

16:05: Yang Jen Hung doubles up
Level 6: 300-600 ante 600

With a pot of 50,000 and a board {2s}9d8d8hQd, Yang Jen Hung shoves and gets called. He shows 2c2h full house and doubles up against a player’s Kd10d flush. 

Yang Jen Hung – 80,000

15:50: Mehdi busts one
Level 6: 300-600 ante 600

Two players all in on a flop 7sKsQd, Mehdi ahead KdQc against a player’s {Ah}Ac. The turn 2h and river 6s secures the win to Mehdi to crack and bust out aces. 

Mehdi – 55,000

15:45: New level begins, 89 entries
Level 6: 300-600 ante 600

Level 6 sees 89 entries. Registration still open, closing at 6:20pm.

15:40: Kelway doubles up
Level 5: 200-500 ante 500

All in preflop the board completes {9d}2cJcAs4c. Lojack has 10c10c, Kelway wins with Ac5s

Kelway – 55,000

15:25: Jenjen eliminates one 
Level 5: 200-500 ante 500

On a board showing 5s8c3hQc8s and 26,000 in the pot, cutoff Jenjen checks then calls button player’s all in. Jenjen has 4c4h, all in player busts with AsJd

Jenjen – 60,000

15:15: JK doubles through Ledina
Level 5: 200-500 ante 500

After doubling up, Jojo Ledina drops while JK doubles up. On a flop 4c10s5s and 12,000 in the pot, big blind Ledina check-raises all in and hijack JK risks it. Ledina has As10c top pair, JK has KsQs draw, the turn 4h is no help to JK but the river 8s is the flush for a double up.

JK – 50,000
Jojo Ledina – 27,000

15:00: New level, 83 entries
Level 5: 200-500 ante 500

New level, entries now at 83. Late registration open until 620pm. Buy in is PHP 15,000. Guarantee is PHP 3,000,000. Come on over!

14:45: Jojo Ledina doubles up
Level 4: 200-400 ante 400

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Jojo Ledina

On a board of As4c5d3s7d, Jojo Ledina has Kc7c which is good for the win and the double up.

Jojo Ledina – 55,000

14:35: Robert William wins the three-way
Level 4: 200-400 ante 400

With a pot of 4000 in the middle, three players stare down a flop QcJd3h, small blind player Wallace checks, hijack player bets 1400, cutoff Robert William calls sending the decision back to Wallace who check-raises to 5500. Hijack goes all in, William and Wallace do the same for a three-way battle.

Wallace 3s3c set
William 10c9c open ended
Hijack AsQd top pair

The turn Kh and river 8d grants William the super straight to ship it.

Robert William – 45,000
Wallace – 35,000
Hijack – eliminated

14:30: New level, 74 entries
Level 200-400 ante 400

New level, entries now at 74. Late registration open until 620pm. Buy in is PHP 15,000. Guarantee is PHP 3,000,000. Come on over!

14:15: Asnani Harisha Kumar doubles up with rockets
Level 3: 100-300 ante 300

Asnani Harisha Kumar is all in on a turn board 10h4h9d6c with AdAs on hand against a player’s Kd10s top pair. The river 4s is a double up for Kumar.

Asnani Harisha Kumar – 45,000

14:10: Sia Dastmalchi rails a player
Level 3: 100-300 ante 300

On a board showing 2c9s6cKhQc, Sia Dastmalchi has Kc3c flush to win the pot and rail a player in the process.

Sia Dastmalchi – 75,000

14:00: New level, 58 entries
Level 3: 100-300 ante 300

Level up, the previous round picked up 18 more entries for 58 total. Registration open until 620pm so plenty of time for latecomers to join the action.

13:50: Jaehoon Lee shoves out Baba
Level 2: 100-200 ante 200

Hijack player opens, called by cutoff Jaehooon Lee, small blind named Baba three-bets to 3600, hijack gets pushed out, Lee calls. At the flop 8h7c2c, Baba leads out 4500, Lee shoves and wins the pot.

Jaehoon Lee – 39,000
Baba – 17,000

13:35: New round begins
Level 2: 100-200 ante 200

More players have pulled up seats with 40 at the start of the new level. Blinds increase every 30 minutes. Players that sign up now start with a deep 150 times the starting 30k stack.

13:08: Cards in the air!
Level 1: 100-100 ante 100

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Light start with 15 players over two tables. More players lined up at registration. Five hours of late reg available closing at 620pm. Among the early go-ers is local pro Edilberto Gopez.

Welcome to the Manila Super Series Main Event! The series headliner kicks off today at the PokerStars LIVE Manila hub in Okada Manila with three starting flights running from May 31 to June 2. For a buy in of PHP 15,000 (~US$ 270), players have a shot at the PHP 3 Million (~US$ 53,320) guaranteed prize pool. Registration closes at the start of Level 11 which is at approximately 6:20pm (Philippine time). Unlimited re-entry and multiple stacks is allowed.

Day 1A: Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Day 1B: Thursday, June 1, 2023
Day 1C: Friday, June 2, 2023

It pays to get there early as players start off with 30,000 in chips which is equivalent to 300 times the opening blinds. Blinds increase every 30 minutes. Once registration closes, the remaining players race to the money round of 15% of the field then bag up for Day 2. For the qualifiers, Day 2 blinds increase at a slower 40 minute pace.

Day 2: Saturday, June 3, 2023
Final Table: Sunday, June 4, 2023

Cards in the air at 1pm. Stay tuned for the Live Updates.

Main Event – Live Updates – Day 1B

Date: June 1, 2023
Buy in: PHP 15,000 (~US$ 270)
Guarantee: PHP 3,000,000 (~US$ 53,320)
Day 1B: 220 entries / 33 ITM

CHIPS IN PLAY – 6,600,000

End of Day 1B survivors – 33 players

Edilberto Gopez 572,000
Cezar Quiambao 462,000
Zhiqiang Liu 399,000
Yun Rong Cheong 373,000
Mikko Cayetano 292,000
Ronny Tiang Luok Lee 287,000
Darren Yu 286,000
Yan Ke 275,000
Wei Hsiang Chen 268,000
Conor Berry Grimsley 264,000
Ryusuke Ota 263,000
Randy Lee 250,000
Edmil Marcelo 225,000
Dexter Santos 190,000
Gilson Chan 185,000
Andre Nagy 180,000
Sukki Kim 172,000
John Niko Costiniano 164,000
Dexter Manapat 164,000
Anthony Gabitan 142,000
Ivan Tabucal 139,000
Junghoon Choi 132,000
Emmanuel Segismundo 129,000
Meng Xuan Anh 120,000
Denis Mikolasenko 108,000
Santiago Dorwelo 100,000
Sergei Matveev 95,000
Marciel Cerbito 90,000
Jannodin Riga 84,000
Liao Pin Hung 66,000
Andy Chan 66,000
Magnus Martin 55,000
Albert Muir 54,000

22:21 Mikko Cayetano delivers the bubble
Level 18: 4000-8000 ante 8000

Manila Super Series 286

The bubble has been delivered with Mikko Cayetano cracking the ladies. It opened with a player raising to 17,000, small blind Cayetano shoved, utg called and showed QcQd. Cayetano was behind with 7s7d, however, with the board running Ks6c9cAs7c, Cayetano spiked the two-outer to end a player on a double whammy bad beat bubble. 

22:15: 34 players left, bubble time
Level 18: 4000-8000 ante 8000

Bubble time with 34 remaining….

21:42: Dexter Manapat doubles up through Andrej Nagy
Level 17: 3000-6000 ante 6000

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Under the gun Andrej Nagy raises to 12,000, acting next is Dexter Manapat who three-bet jams. Nagy calls to put Manapat at risk of elimination. 

Manapat KhKs
Nagy 5h5d

The board runs clean for the cowboys 9d6s10dAc4d, Manapat doubles up.

Dexter Manapat – 180,000
Andrej Nagy – 200,000

21:36: 38 players remaining, five more to the money
Level 17: 3000-6000 ante 6000

Getting close to the bubble round with 38 remaining and the money just five spots away.

21:35: Mikko Cayetano doubles up, Rick Ambata plunges
Level 16: 2000-5000 ante 5000

Manila Super Series 250

All in preflop, Rick Jason Ambata with KcKd, Mikko Cayetano at risk with AdKs. With the board running 8s9cAcQd5s, Cayetano survives to double up while Ambata plunges to 8 big blinds

Mikko Cayetano – 120,000
Rick Jason Ambata – 40,000

21:30: Stephen Yen recovers through Cezar Quiambao
Level 16: 2000-5000 ante 5000

Manila Super Series 254

Having just lost a big pot to Cheong Yun Rong, Stephen Yen three-bet shoves utg’s Cezar Quiambao’s 11,000 bet. Quiambao calls to place Yen at risk of elimination. Quiambao opens 8d8h, Yen way ahead with KdKs, with the board running 5h2d7dJc6s, Yen recovers and rises to 250,000. 

Stephen Yen – 250,000
Cezar Quiambao – 420,000

21:24: Cheong Yun Rong win big pot against Stephen Yen
Level 16: 2000-5000 ante 5000

Manila Super Series 274

By the turn board 5h9sQdAs a massive 100,000 pot has been built. Under the gun Stephen Yen bets 45,000, beside him Cheong Yu Rong jams, much too much, Yen folds.

Cheong Yun Rong – 460,000
Stephen Yen – 110,000

21:14: Randy Lee claims a head
Level 16: 2000-5000 ante 5000

Under the gun player goes all in with Ad7d but is unable to steal the blinds and antes with big blind player Randy Lee calling with Kd6d. With the board running Ks9h5s6sQs, Lee improves to two pair to eliminate a player.

Randy Lee – 250,000

21:06: 43 players remaining, ITM at 33 players
Level 16: 2000-5000 ante 5000

The field has thinned out even more with 43 remaining. Only ten players are guaranteed a spot in Day 2.

20:55: Rick Jason Ambata win big pot against Shahir Rahman
Level 15: 2000-4000 ante 4000

Manila Super Series 271

On a board showing 10s7d8c7s6h and 80,000 in the pot, big blind Rick Jason Ambata bet 45,000 and Shahir Rahman folds.

Rick Jason Ambata – 160,000
Shahir Rahman – 80,000

20:48: Cezar Quiambao delivers a double KO
Level 15: 2000-4000 ante 4000

Manila Super Series 282

Three way all in preflop, Cezar Quiambao has AdAc, short stacked big blind As9h, and short stacked button player Ah2h. The board is 4sKh7d10d5h for a double bust to Quiambao.

Cezar Quiambao – 40,000

20:42: John Niko Costiniano exposes Mikko Cayetano’s bluff
Level 15: 2000-4000 ante 4000

On a board showing 4cQcKh6h4s and a huge pot of 80,000 weighing down the middle, button player Mikko Cayetano bets 30,000, lojack John Costiniano check-calls. Cayetano shows the failed bluff 8d7d, Cayetano wins the pot with AsQd.

John Niko Costiniano – 160,000
Mikko Cayetano – 60,000

20:36: 52 players remaining
Level 15: 2000-4000 ante 4000

Players are dropping fast. 52 players remaining, money is at 33 players.

20:23: Edilberto Gopez doubles up big
Level 13: 1000-2500 ante 2500

Manila Super Series 279

All in preflop, Edilberto Gopez with 2c2h and is flipping against a player with Kx3x. The board runs Kd2d4h10hQd for a double up to Gopez.

Edilberto Gopez – 340,000

20:08: Andrej Nagy lands two-outer to rail cowboys
Level 13: 1000-2500 ante 2500

Manila Super Series 261

Action folds to the button Andrej Nagy who raises to 6000, small blind three-bets to 16,500, Nagy four-bet jams and small blind makes the call with less chips. Nagy opens 9d9h, small blind KcKs, with the board running 6h6c9s2s10h, Nagy lands the two-outer to crack and bust out kings.

Andrej Nagy – 240,000

20:02: Lucky Gilson Chan rails Seung Yong Yi
Level 13: 1000-2500 ante 2500

Manila Super Series 236

By the turn 10d5sAc7d a 30,000 pot was built, two players are all in Seung Yong Yi AhQc, and Gilson Chan Ac9s. When the river dropped a 9d, Chan improved to two pair to rail Seung.

Gilson Chan – 100,000

19:50: JM San Manuel ends one
Level 13: 1000-2500 ante 2500

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Lojack JM San Manuel raises to 5500, hijack three-bet shoves, Manuel snap-calls and opens KsKd. Hijack has AcJs. The board runs 7s6cKc4hJh, Manuel ships it while ending one in the process.

JM San Manuel – 170,000

19:26: 80 players remaining
Level 13: 1000-2500 ante 2500

The previous round saw 16 players go bust. Only 33 players are guaranteed a spot to the next round.

19:20: Jen Hung Yang sends one to the rail
Level 12: 1000-2000 ante 2000

Manila Super Series 232

Jen Hung Yang and the big blind are all in preflop, Yang with QcJd, big blind Ad8h, the board runs to Yang’s favor 6d10d7sQs6s to win the pot and clean one out.

Jen Hung Yang – 90,000

18:56: 96 players remaining
Level 12: 1000-2000 ante 2000

96 players remaining at the start of Level 12. Day 1B plays down to the 33 players.

18:54: Oh Kwang Min wins a big pot

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Three players build a pot of 17,000 preflop, the flop comes 6c7c7h. Small blind Oh Kwang Min checks, utg+1 bets 5500, cutoff and Min call. On the turn 9d, Min shoves, no callers to take it down.

Oh Kwang Min – 80,000

18:45: Cyril Gallo doubles up
Level 11: 1000-1500 ante 1500

Another all in preflop situation with cutoff Cyril Gallo initiating and small blind calls to put Gallo at risk of elimination. Gallo is ahead AsAd, small blind QsJd, the board is 8h7c6s10s5c for a double up to Gallo. 

Cyril Gallo – 30,000

18:39: James Moriles eliminates one
Level 11: 1000-1500 ante 1500

Manila Super Series 44

Under the gun raises to 3500, hijack James Moriles three-bet shoves, small blind joins in, utg opts to fold. Moriles has AcKc, small blind behind As7s, the board is 4h6h9sKh8c. Moriles ships it and rails one.

James Moriles – 55,000 

18:32: Dexter Manapat doubles up
Level 11: 1000-1500 ante 1500

On a board showing Kh7h3dAh9h and 25,000 in the pot, big blind checks, lojack Dexter Manapat shoves, big blind calls, Manapat bags a double with As[qh}.

Dexter Manapat – 80,000

18:26: Registration closes at 220 entries
Level 11: 1000-1500 ante 1500

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Registration closes at 220 entries! This well surpassed the Day 1A entries of 144 to send the prize pool soaring to PHP 4.8 Million. There are 104 players remaining. The flight will play down to 33 players / ITM of 15% of the field. If you missed your chance, there is still Day 1C which takes place on Friday, June 2 starting at 1pm.

18:13: Conor Berry eliminates one
Level 10: 600-1200 ante 1200

Manila Super Series 37

Two player build a pot of 10,000 preflop, the cards fan out 2h3sKh. Small blind shoves with KsJh top pair, button player Conor Berry calls with 4h3h bottom pair flush draw. The turn is Jc and river 9h grants Berry the flush to boot one out of the field.

Conor Berry – 150,000

18:08: Kuan Wei Wang doubles up through Apling Pamplona
Level 10: 600-1200 ante 1200

All in preflop, button Apling Pamplona all in with 9c9h, small blind Kuan Wei Yang risks it with Ad6c, the board runs Qc7dJsAc4c for a double up to Yang

Kuan Wei Yang – 35,000
Apling Pamplona – 20,000

18:02: Joven Huerto delivers double KO
Level 10: 600-1200 ante 1200

52942344269 6268627528 o

Under the gun shoves, small blind, joins in, then big blind Joven Huerto with a big stack makes it a three way. Under the gun Ah4h, small blind 2h2d, Huerto with AcQh. The board runs JsAd9c9hJh. Huerto ships it while knocking out tow in the process.

Joven Huerto – 55,000

17:53: Albert Muir burns one on the river
Level 10: 600-1200 ante 1200

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On a flop Ah7s9s and 10,000 in the pot, heavy betting action follows. First, small blind Albert Muir checks, cutoff bets 2500, button raises to 88000, back to Muir who shoves, called only by the button. Muir has 10s8s open ended flush draw, button with 9c7c two pair, the turn Qd keeps the button ahead but the river 6c is the money card for Muir to burn the button.

Albert Muir – 80,000

17:46: 185 entries, new level
Level 10: 600-1200 ante 1200

No new entries during the past level with the count still at 185. The is the last level to register. If you haven’t yet heard, the guarantee has been breached! Well over 320 entries at the moment. How high will it go? Join the action at Okada Manila. Buy in is PHP 15,000.

17:40: Seung Yong Yi wins a big pot
Level 9: 600-1200 ante 1200

Big pot of 60,000 by the time the board completed 4dJc8cAh9c. Under the gun Seung Yong Yi shoves, button player folds.

Seung Yong Yi – 85,000

17:29: Magnus Brendan versus Randy Lee
Level 9: 600-1200 ante 1200

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Magnus Brendan and Randy Lee build a pot of 20,000 by the turn Kc7d3s9h. Small blind Brendan bets 6000, button Lee calls. On the river 9c, Brendan sends out a smaller 5000 and despite the discount, Lee folds.

Magnus Brendan – 65,000
Randy Lee – 85,000

17:21: Darren Yu eliminates Alvin Sembrano
Level 9: 600-1200 ante 1200

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Preflop action sees Darren Yu and Alvin Sembrano build an 8000 pot. The flop runs 3sJsQd. Under the gun Yu leads out 15,000, button Sembrano shoves, Yu calls and shows AhKh overcards. Sembrano has As6s nut flush draw. The turn 4d and river 3d are no help to Sembrano to bust out.

Darren Yu – 60,000

17:16: 185 entries at start of Level 9
Level 9: 600-1200 ante 1200

The blinds are up again, now at 600-1200 ante 1200. The tally is 185 entries with one hour left of late registration. If you haven’t yet heard, the guarantee has been breached! How high will it go? Join the action at Okada Manila. Buy in is PHP 15,000.

17:14: James Moriles doubles up
Level 8: 500-1000 ante 1000

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Two players have their chips out front preflop, one of them is James Moriles with AhQd that dominates his opponent’s Ad10s. With the board running 7c7hQs5cKc Moriles further improves to a pair to double up.

James Moriles – 15,000

17:06: Cyril Gallo doubles up
Level 8: 500-1000 ante 1000

From under the gun+1 Cyril Gallo goes all in and small blind calls. Gallo has 4c4h, sb with KsQs for a flip. The board runs 5h6s6h6s3s. Gallo double up with a full house.

Cyril Gallo – 25,000

17:00: Big pot for Seung Yong Yi
Level 8: 500-1000 ante 1000

On a board showing 8c6c7cJs3c and 24,000 in the pot, Seung Yong Yi shows Qc10h flush to win the pot. His opponent mucks.

Seung Yong Yi – 55,000

16:53 Randy Lee eliminates one
Level 8: 500-1000 ante 1000

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With 16,000 in the pot and a turn board As6sJc3s, two players are all in, Randy Lee with Ad6d two pair and big blind with AcKs. Both players improve on the river Ah, and Lee ships it with a full house, railing bb in the process.

Randy Lee – 100,000

16:46: 159 entries, Main Event crosses over 300 entries
Level 8: 500-1000 ante 1000

Tables are buzzing with players with entries now at 159. This has surpassed the Day 1A flight of 144 entries. Combined, the tally is 303 entries and rising. If you haven’t yet heard, the guarantee has been breached! How high will it go? Join the action at Okada Manila. Buy in is PHP 15,000.

16:45: Cezar Quiambao doubles up
Level 7: 400-800 ante 800

Showdown between Cezar Quiambao and the lojack player. Quiambao behind Ah5c against Ad7d, with the board running 5dKh9hAc3s, Quiambao improves to two pair to avoid elimination.

Cezar Quiambao – 20,000

16:27: Seung Yong Yi eliminates one
Level 7: 400-800 ante 800

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Preflop all in by short stacked cutoff player, button Seung Yong Yi calls. Cutoff has 7s9s, Seung with 10c10s which holds on a board 9hKc10dAd7h

Seung Yong Yi – 60,000

16:21 Ramdrick Asnar bests Emman Segismundo
Level 7: 400-800 ante 800

Ramdrick Asnar and Emmanuel Segismundo stared down a turn board 7hAd4c5h with 18,000 in the pot. Lojack Segismundo checks then calls Asnar’s 7300 bet. On the river Js, Asnar sends out 11,100, this time Segismundo’s check follows a fold.

Ramdrick Asnar – 60,000
Emman Segismundo – 35,000

16:16: Blinds up, 142 entries
Level 7: 400-800 ante 800

Blinds up, start of the last four levels of registration. 142 entries and climbing. Just three more needed to surpass the Day 1A entries. If you haven’t yet heard, the guarantee has been breached! How high will it go? Join the action at Okada Manila. Buy in is PHP 15,000.

16:15: Shahir Rahman head to head against John Niko Costiniano
Level 6: 300-600 ante 600

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Cutoff Shahir Rahman raises to 1500, big blind John Costiniano three-bets to 5500, Rahman calls and both head to the flop KsQc5s. Costiniano c-bets 4000 and is called. Both players check the turn Js to bring the river 2d. Costiniano checks again, Rahman bets 55,000, Costiniano folds.

Shahir Rahman – 55,000
John Niko Costiniano – 85,000

16:05: Apling Pamplona wins a big pot
Level 6: 300-600 ante 600

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On a board showing Ad10d6dJs and 16,000 in the pot, big blind Apling Pamplona bets 4500 and is called by a player from cutoff position. On the river 10h, both players check. Pamplona is first to show and opens Kd5d nut flush to win the pot. 

 Apling Pamplona – 40,000

15:51: Senon Pastores wins the flip
Level 6: 300-600 ante 600

Hjack player raises to 1500, cutoff Senon Pastores three-bet jams, small blind joins the shoving, and initial raiser opts to fold. Pastores has 10s10c, small blind with AdKd, with the board running Jc8c2h5d7s, Pastores wins the flip for a much needed double up.

Senon Pastores – 20,000

15:46: Day 1B at 127 entries, closing in on Day 1A’s 144 entries
Level 6: 300-600 ante 600

More players have graced the felt. The tally is now 127 entries at the start of Level 6. Four levels left to join the action and have a shot at the hugely growing pot. If you haven’t yet heard, the guarantee has been breached! How high will it go? Join the action at Okada Manila. Buy in is PHP 15,000.

15:30: John Costiniano eliminates one for a big pot
Level 5: 200-500 ante 500

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From under the gun, John Costiniano raises to 5000, he finds two callers until it reaches cutoff who three-bet jams. Costiniano joins the shove and the two callers opt to fold. Costiniano has AcQd and is ahead of Ks3s, the board runs 9cAh10dAsJh for Costiniano to ship it and boot one in the process.

John Niko Costiniano – 100,000

15:21 Ramdrick Asnar doubles up through Alvin Sembrano
Level 5: 200-500 ante 500

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Two players have built a pot of 20,000 by the river 3s7cJc4s10s. Utg+1 Ramdrick Asnar shoves and gets called by hijack Alvin Sembrano. Asnar has AcAs, Sembrano mucks.

Ramdrick Asnar – 45,000
Alvin Sembrano – 30,000

15:14: Big pot for Cyril Gallo
Level 5: 200-500 ante 500

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Under the gun raises to 2000, acting next Cyril Gallo calls, more action down the orbit with cutoff three-betting to 8000, utg and Gallo call. At the flop 6sKd6c. Gallo bets 6000, cutoff folds, utg check-calls. Both players check the turn 3s, then on the river 4d, utg bets 6000, Gallo calls, utg shows JcJh, Gallo wins the pot with KsJs top pair.

Cyril Gallo – 75,000

15:06: Blinds up, 110 entries, guarantee breached!
Level 5: 200-500 ante 500

Action has picked up significantly with 110 entries at the start of Level 5 which means the PHP 3 Million guarantee has been dusted! Plenty of time for latecomers to jump in with registration closing at the start of Level 11. 

15:05: Another pot for Richard Marquez
Level 4: 200-400 ante 400

Shortly after winning with a flush, Richard Marquez picks up another pot. By the turn 7c5h7h3c and 6000 in the middle, Marquez bets near pot of 5000 and is check-called. On the river 8d, Marquez shoves and wins the pot.

Richard Marquez – 48,000

14:55: Richard Marquez gets there on the river
Level 4: 200-400 ante 400

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With a pot of 11,000 and a board KcAcKd5s, cutoff Richard Marquez bets 2000 and big blind check-calls. On the river 9c, Marquez fires 3300, gets called, shows 5c8c flush to win the pot against AsQh.

Richard Marquez – 35,000

14:40: Alvin Sembrano doubles up
Level 4: 200-400 ante 400

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Around 10,000 is in the pot and a turn board on the felt 5d9s3c5c, hijack player Alvin Sembrano bets over half the pot of 6000, button raises all in, Sembrano calls for his tournament life with 7c7s. His opponent has 2h2s. The river 5h secures the win and the double up for Sembrano.

Alvin Sembrano – 35,000

14:35: Blinds up, 65 entries
Level 4: 200-400 ante 400

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Blinds are up again, 65 entries so far. Registration is open for several more hours, closing at 6:20pm, at the start of Level 11. Buy in is PHP 15,000. The Main Event features a PHP 3 Million guarantee.

14:30 Liao Po Hsun wins the preflop war
Level 3: 100-300 ante 300

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Hijack player opens for 600, cutoff calls, button three-bets to 3000, small blind Liao Po Hsun four-bet jams, no takers.

Liao Po Hsun – 20,000

14:20 Munkherdene doubles up
Level 3: 100-300 ante 300

Another double up here with player Munkherdene getting the max for his set. The betting reached the river board 2cAc7dJd5s with 20,000 already in the pot. Munkherdene jammed his 10,000 stack on the big blind and was called by the small blind. Munkherdene showed 7h7s, sb mucked.

Munkherdene – 40,000

14:15: Jose Colada drags in a big one 
Level 3: 100-300 ante 300

Two players bump up a  pot to 18,000 by the river board As9h3d6dKh. Lojack position Jose Colada bets 11,500 and wins it to rise to 40,000.

Jose Colada – 40,000

14:06: Blinds up, 46 entries
Level 3: 100-300 ante 300

Blinds are up to 100-300 ante 300. 46 entries so far. Registration is open until the start of Level 11 which is at 6:20pm.

14:05: Kenneth Thariyan doubles up
Level 2: 100-200 ante 200

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With 13,000 in the pot and a board that completed QcAdJc3h7c, Kenneth Thariyan shoves and gets called. He opens AcJd two pair and wins a double up back to near starting stack.

Kenneth Thariyan – 25,000

13:57 Serge Matveev wins a big pot
Level 2: 100-200 ante 200

Three players are still in on a turn board 8hAcQc3c and 12,000 brewed in the pot, small blind Serge Matveev bets 6000 and his two opponents call to beef up the pot further. On the river 6s, Matveev fires 13,000, finds just one caller. Matveev opens 4c5c flush and claims the big pot.

Serge Matveev – 70,000

13:47: Ryusuke Ota doubles up
Level 2: 100-200 ante 200

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By the turn board 4c5dKh10c two players have built a 6000 pot. Ryusuke Ota bets 4000 and gets check-called. On the river 3s. Ota jams, gets called again and open Ac{kd which outkicks Ks8c for a double up.

Ryusuke Ota – 36,000

13:35: 41 players and rising
Level 2: 100-200 ante 200

The numbers have quickly climbed to 41 entries. Registration is open until 6:20pm. For a chance at the PHP 3 Million guarantee,  buy in is just PHP 15,000.

13:05: Card are flying! 
Level 1: 100-100 ante 100

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Cards are flying for Main Event Day 1A with 16 players over three tables already on the hunt. Blinds increase every 30 minutes so players will be looking to chip up as fast as possible to get a good start on the latecomers.

Welcome to Day 1B of the Main Event featuring a PHP 3 Million guarantee! Cards are in the air here at Okada Manila for the 17th edition of the Manila Super Series. Players start with 30,000 in chips which is 300 times the opening blinds. Registration is open until the end of Level 10 which is at 6:20pm. Buy in is PHP 15,000.

The Manila Super Series is one of the most popular PokerStars LIVE event in the Philippines. Its past editions of the Main Event has seen its guarantee surpassed as pros and recreational players from all over the world come out to compete for the title. One of the largest prize pools was back in March 2018 with 1,118 entries for a PHP 9.1 Million pot. Filipino pro Lester Edoc won it for a handsome payout of PHP 1.3 Million (~US$ 26.450).

The ongoing event will be looking to breach those numbers with 144 entries at Day 1A. Two flights remain with Day 1B currently underway. Stick with us here for all the updates.

Main Event – Live Updates – Day 1C

Date: May 29 to June 4, 2023
Buy in: PHP 15,000 (~US$ 270)
Guarantee: PHP 3,000,000 (~US$ 53,320)
Day 1A: 144 entries / 22 ITM
Day 1B: 220 entries / 33 ITM
Day 1C: 382 entries / 58 ITM
Total entries: 746
Prize pool: PHP 9,551,784 (~US$ 170,918)
ITM: 113 players

1st prize: PHP 1,762,000 + APPT Manila Main Event Package worth PHP 105,000
2nd prize: PHP 1,075,000 + APPT Manila Main Event Seat worth PHP 65,000

End of Day 1C survivors – 58 players

Ricardo Singapan 728,000
Alexis Cruz 539,000
Wai Sing Wilson 486,000
Richard Marquez 470,000
Jay Gerardo Lubas III 411,000
Sang Ho Cho 365,000
Ting Yi Chen 360,000
Jeremy Noguero 335,000
Soochang Lee 334,000
Po Hsun Liao 332,000
Florencio Campomanes 299,000
David Lennard Ang 288,000
Hai Shien Tan 285,000
Joven Huerto 276,000
Siavasch Dastmalchi 268,000
Seung Yong Yi 266,000
Mitsuya Matsubara 266,000
Johnson Tan 230,000
Alexander Goh 227,000
Takashi Shiono 227,000
Richard Ko 221,000
Munkh Natsagdorj 192,000
Vivencio Nachor 186,000
Marc Regalario 181,000
Stefano Giuriolo 176,000
Chua Feng Ji 175,000
Michael Gabby Concepcion 173,000
Rick Jason Ambata 171,000
Teck Heng Chua 163,000
Hsing Hsiung Tai 146,000
Kazuki Yamashita 140,000
Mark De Vera 136,000
Masafumi Kimura 132,000
William Ysmael 132,000
Jie Hui Chang 128,000
Hirotaka Kihara 128,000
Manuel Mascunana 122,000
Jae Yi Chang 121,000
Kenneth Ching 116,000
Ruzzel Jose 114,000
Digno Camacho 113,000
Genesis Pilao 110,000
Allan Daypuyart 109,000
Jody Kitchen 107,000
Sangmook Park 104,000
Gary Lantoria 101,000
Jharome Pena 98,000
Tsunyin Ng 84,000
Edgar Asehan 77,000
Lester Timonera 75,000
Junji Matsubara 72,000
Kenneth Thariyan 72,000
John Philip Baider 62,000
Shih Hung Huang 61,000
Mc Yeldarb Mantos 57,000
Yukiko Fujiki 55,000
Fujiki Daisuke 50,000
Ricardo Torres 29,000


DAY 1C CHIPS IN PLAY – 11,460,000

22:25: Bubble bursts! Ricardo Singapan delivers the bubble
Level 18: 4000-8000 ante 8000

DJ704023 scaled

The bubble round didn’t last long with Ricardo Singapan eliminating a player. The hand sees cutoff Singapan raise to 17,000, small blind three-bet shoves, back to Singapan who calls and shows JcJs. Small blind opens AsKs for a flip. The board runs out 10d7c2s6hQd. Singapan’s jacks ship it to end Day 1C. 

22:05: Blinds up, 59 players, bubble round begins
Level 18: 4000-8000 ante 8000

Blinds are up and the field is down to 59 players which means it is bubble time.

21:58: Yukiko doubles up through Ricardo Torres
Level 17: 3000-6000 ante 6000

Yukiko Ogisawara scaled

Hijack Ricardo Torres raises to 13,000, big blind Yukiko Ogisawara three bet jams, Torres calls. Yukiko ahead KdKc of Torres’ QhJs. The board runs Qd5s4h4s4c for a higher full house to Yukiko and a double up. Torres drops to 5 big blinds. 

Yukiko Ogisawara – 80,000
Ricardo Torres – 33,000

21:43: Takashi Shioho knocks one out
Level 17: 3000-6000 ante 6000

Hijack shoves, cutoff calls, big blind Takashi Shioho three-bets all in, again cutoff calls for a three-way showdown. Hijack JdJc, cutoff AcQh, Shioho QsQd. The board runs Kd9c4cQc7d, Shioho wins the pot as one player goes bust.

Takashi Shioho – 160,000

21:35: 64 players remaining, blinds up
Level 17: 3000-6000 ante 6000

Blinds are up and the field has trimmed some more. Only eight spots to the money round. 64 remaining.

21:34 Jody Kitchen doubles up through Jose Colada
Level 16: 2000-5000 ante 5000

Jody Kitchen 2 scaled

Hijack Jody Kitchen goes all in with 4s4c, Jose Colada attempts to eliminate with As10c. The flip goes to Kitchen on a board running 8c3dAh4d2d.

Jody Kitchen – 130,000
Jose Colada – 6,000

21:20: John Philip Baider triples up
Level 16: 2000-5000 ante 5000

John Philip Baider scaled

Three way all in preflop, lojack John Philip Baider with AhKd, button player shortest with QcJc, small blind Allan Daypuyart with Js10d. The board runs low 5h5d2s7s4c for big slick to hold and tripl up.

John Philip Baider – 120,000
Allan Daypuyart – 170,000

21:05: 80 players remaining, blinds up
Level 16: 2000-5000 ante 5000

Blinds are up again. Sixteen players go bust on the previous round to bring the field down to 80 players. The race is for one of the final 58 spots into Day 2.

20:53: Chua Xue Wei doubles up against Rick Jason Ambata

Level 15: 2000-4000 ante 4000

All in preflop, Chua Xue Wei with AdKd, Rick Jason Ambata Ac7c, Chua further improves to a flush on the board 3d2d3sQc8d for a double up.

Chua Xue Wei – 80,000
Rick Jason Ambata – 120,000

20:46: Alex Goh with a boat to bust two
Level 15: 2000-4000 ante 4000

Alex Goh 2 scaled

All in preflop, cutoff with Kd10d, button Alex Goh with AsAh, and short stacked small blind with Jh2c. The board runs AcKh2s7dKs for a sweet boat to Goh to ship it all. 

Alex Goh – 160,000

20:40: Mark Devera ends one and rises to six digits
Level 15: 2000-4000 ante 4000

Mark Devera 2 scaled

Under the gun limps, lojack Mark De Vera raises to 12,000, back to utg who calls. At the flop 6h8d2d, De Vera c-bets 1000, utg check-raises all in, De Vera calls and shows AsKd over cards. Utg is also drawing with 10s9s. The turn Ks gives De Vera a pair and with the river 6d, De Vera rails one and rises to 100,000. 

Mark De Vera – 100,000

20:35: Down to 96 players, blinds up
Level 15: 2000-4000 ante 4000

Blinds are up and the field is dropping fast. Only 96 players remaining. 58 players are guaranteed a spot into Day 2.

20:20: Lee Soochang doubles up through Khoo Fong Chee
Level 14: 1500-3000 ante 3000

On a board showing 5hAc2h4s and 60,000 in the pot, big blind Khoo Fong Chee checks, hijack Lee Soochang shoves, Khoo calls. Lee opens KdKc, Khoo has 7d6s open ended, The river 7c is a double up for Lee. 

Lee Soochang – 120,000
Khoo Fong Chee – 220,000

20:12: Gerardo Lubas III eliminates a player
Level 14: 1500-3000 ante 3000

Gerardo Lubas III 2 scaled

Under the gun player goes all in and nearly steals the blinds and antes with Gerardo Lubas III defending. Utg has Ad7c, Lubas with 9c9s, the board runs 10c7d4sQs5d. Lubas rails one and rises to 90,000. 

Gerardo Lubas III – 90,000

20:04: Li Chien Lee doubles up
Level 14: 1500-3000 ante 3000

Another all in face-off with under the gun / short stacked Li Chien Lee risking it holding 8h6c and small blind putting the heat on with Jc10c. With the board running 8d6s7d4s2h, Lee is saved to rise to 40,000. 

Li Chien Lee – 40,000

19:59: David Tai claims a big pot and rails one
Level 14: 1500-3000 ante 3000

David Tai 2 scaled

Under the gun raises to 5500, hijack calls, small blind David Tai (CTP / Asia Poker Arena founder) three-bets to 35,000, utg four-bets all in, hijack folds, Tai calls. Utg opens As10s, Tai ahead with AhQs. The board runs 2dJh3d5s6c, Tai has the better spread to ship it and rail one in the process. 

David Tai – 250,000

19:55: Blinds up, 112 remaining, Marquez leads
Level 14: 1500-3000 ante 3000

Blinds are up, 1500-3000 ante 3000. Out of the 112 remaining players vying for one of the 58 spots into Day 2. In the lead is Richard Marquez with 350,000 in chips.

19:47: Kazuki Yamasita triples up, Jenjen busts one
Level 13: 1000-2500 ante 2500

Three players are all in by the river Kd9h8s7d9c. Button Kazuki Yamashita wins the main pot with Jh10c straight, player nicknamed Jenjen claims the side pot with 10s6s straight, and small blind AsAh is eliminated. 

Kazuki Yamashita – 140,000
Jenjen – 110,000

19:21: Blinds up, 125 players remaining
Level 13: 1000-2500 ante 2500

Blinds are up, 125 players remaining. They race down to 58 remaining before bagging up.

19:17: Lee Soochang dominates with aces
Level 12: 1000-2000 ante 2000

Lee Soochang scaled

All in preflop, Lee Soochang with AhAc dominates utg+1 JcJs. Lee further improves on a board 6hJh10dAsQs to ship it and send one packing. 

Lee Soochang – 80,000

19:09: Richard Ko claims another head
Level 12: 1000-2000 ante 2000

Richard Ko 1 scaled

Action folds to the button who jams, small blind Richard Ko challenges, big blind folds. Button opens Qc9c, Ko has AcKd, the board runs 7c5hJc4d7s. Button is eliminated and Ko chips up to 170,000. 

Richard Ko – 170,000

19:04: Chua Feng Ji doubles up through Ruzzel Jose
Level 12: 1000-2000 ante 2000

Chua Feng Ji scaled

By the flop 8c8h7c and 170,000 in the pot, hijack player Chua Feng Ji bets his last 5000 and cutoff Ruzzel Jose calls the very affordable bet. Chua has KdKc overpair, Jose with AsKh air. The turn Ks and river 6d further improves Chua for a double up to 180,000. 

Chua Feng Ji- 180,000
Ruzzel Jose – 140,000

19:00: Richard Kool ends one
Level 12: 1000-2000 ante 2000

Preflop all in with under the gun holding Ah10c and hijack Richard Ko looking to rail with KcJs. With the board running Jd2d5s5c8h, Ko spikes a pair to clean out a player and rise to 140,000. 

Richard Ko – 140,000

18:55: 160 players remaining, blinds up
Level 12: 1000-2000 ante 2000

The race is on for a spot into Day 2. Only 58 players will go through and join the 55 players from the previous flights. We will also have the official prize pool and payouts shortly.

18:25: Day 1C registration closes at 382 entries; 746 entries total
Level 11: 1000-1500 ante 1500

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Registration for the Main Event has closed! Day 1C pulled in 382 entries, which was more than the combined total of the first two flights. The event drew a 746 entries total for a prize pool of over PHP 9.5 Million,  making it the richest Manila Super Series in history. A total of 58 players qualify for ITM and advance to the next round.

18:03: Ronnie Jimenez doubles up
Level 10: 600-1200 ante 1200

Ronnie Jimenez scaled

Hijack Ronnie Jimenez goes all in with Ac10s and is challenged by the small blind with KsQs. The board runs out QhJcJdAs8d for a higher pair to Jimenez and a double up. 

Ronnie Jimenez – 40,000

17:57: Jonald Garcia outdraws one out of the running
Level 10: 600-1200 ante 1200

Short stacks continue to shove hoping for a double or bust and re-enter before reg closes. Hijack player raises, button Jonald Garcia three-bets all in, back to hijack who goes all in with Ah4h. Garcia opens KdJh. The board runs 6c7sKs7dQc, Garcia outdraws to claim the pot and rail one.

Jonald Garcia – 40,000

17:50 Allan Daypuyart triples up, Chua Xue Wei wins side pot
Level 10: 600-1200 ante 1200

Allan Daypuyart scaled

Three way all in preflop with short stack Allan Daypuyart AsAh, big stack Chua Xue Wei JsJh and the mid stacked player 8c8s. With the board running 3h3c10hQsQh, Daypuyart scores the main pot for a triple up, Chua wins the side pot while railing one in the process.

Allan Daypuyart – 30,000
Chua Xue Wei – 90,000

17:45: Last level to register, 350 entries
Level 10: 600-1200 ante 1200

This is the last level to join the Main Event. The pot continues to brew and is now at PHP 9.1 Million with a combined total of 714 entries. Registration closes at the start of Level 11 which is at 620pm so make sure to jump in before it closes! Buy in is PHP 15,000

17:42: Ronnie Jimenez eliminates a player
Level 9: 600-1200 ante 1200

Preflop all in with short stacked cutoff holding Ah2h and Ronnie Jimenez defending the big blind with 7d8d. With the board running 10d6h2d7hJs, Jimenez ships it and sends one packing. 

Ronnie Jimenez – 20,000

17:34: Danilo Ola doubles up
Level 9: 600-1200 ante 1200

Danilo Ola 1 scaled

Next to send it all in is Danilo Ola and the big blind player. Ola ahead with KsJs, bb with Kd9s, both players connect on the board Kh10h5c3c4d. Ola has the higher five-card spread to ship a double up.

Danilo Ola – 25,000

17:26: Kuei Yang Chen doubles through Ricardo Torres
Level 9: 600-1200 ante 1200

More preflop shoves taking place with Kuei Yang Chen and Ricardo Torres going head to head. It is a flip with Chen holding AdJs and Torres 5c5s. With the board running 3sAcJhQh4c, Chen doubles through to 20,000.

Kuei Yang Chen – 20,000
Ricardo Torres – 90,000

17:19: Noguero Izquierdo busts one
Level 9: 600-1200 ante 1200

Noguero Izquierdo 2 scaled

On a board showing 10h4h8cAs and 30,000 in the pot, under the gun Noguero Izquierdo bets 10,000, button player jams, back to Izquierdo who makes the call and opens 10s9s top pair. Button player has QdJc gut shot and overcards. The river 5s is not one of the outs for the button to bust out.

Noguero Izquierdo – 120,000

17:15: New level, 300 entries
Level 9: 600-1200 ante 1200

Blinds are up again which means two levels left of late registration. The count is 300 entries with the prize pool now at PHP 8.4 Million. Registration closes at the start of Level 11 which is at 6:20pm. Buy in is PHP 15,000.

17:09: Lia Po Hsun outkicks a player
Level 8: 500-1000 ante 1000

Cutoff player shoves preflop with Kc10s, big blind Lia Po Hsun calls with KsQh, the board runs 6dJh7hKh4c for Lia’s higher kicker booting out a player. 

Lia Po Hsun – 40,000

16:57: Munkherdene eliminates Richard Marquez
Level 8: 500-1000 ante 1000

Preflop betting war begins with under the gun +1 raising to 2500, cutoff Munkherdene calls, big blind Richard Marquez three-bets all in, back to utg+1 who opts to fold while Munkherdene calls to put Marquez at risk of elimination. Marquez opens 10s10h and is flipping against Munkherdene’s AhQh. With the board running 9hKh4s3sAd, Munkherdene connects on the river to rail Marquez.

Munkherdene – 65,000

16:50: Janno Alvarez recovers some lost chips
Level 8: 500-1000 ante 1000

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After paying a double up to Hernan Villa, Janno Alvarez is down to 14,000 and finds luck on his side. He comes from behind with 6d6c flush against a player’s 7h7s set on a board 7c5c3cJc4h.

Janno Alvarez – 30,000

16:47: Hernan Villa connects on the river to luck out
Level 8: 500-1000 ante 1000

Hernan Villa scaled

On a flop 5h3h9s and 16,000 in the pot, Hernan Villa and Janno Alvarez find themselves all in. Cutoff Alvarez ahead with 6d6h against big blind Villa’s 5s7s, the turn comes 2c and the river 5d for trips to Villa for a lucky double up.

Hernan Villa – 45,000
Janno Alvarez – 14,000

16:45: New level, 299 entries
Level 8: 500-1000 ante 1000

Blinds are up, only three rounds left to register. 299 entries so far. The pot has grown to PHP 8.4 Million. The prize pool to beat is PHP 9.54 Million amassed back at Manila Super Series 6 in 2018. Registration closes at the start of Level 11 which is at 6:20pm. Buy in is PHP 15,000.

16:36: Chris Pasion lucks out on the river
Level 7: 400-800 ante 800

All in preflop, Allan Daypuyart with AdQc that dominates Christopher Pasion’s Ac5c, the board runs Ks3c10s4s5h for a pair to Pasion on the river. He avoids the rail and climbs to 30,000.

Chris Pasion – 30,000
Allan Daypuyart – 15,000

16:28: John Jay Magadan has trips for the pot
Level 7: 400-800 ante 800

Two players stare down a board AhQd8sAd5c and 26,000 in the pot. Small blind John Jay Magadan bets 10,100, utg+1 calls, Magadan has AcJd trips, his opponent mucks and is down to 5000.

John Jay Magadan – 50,000

16:23: Chen Shao Ching wins the draw
Level 7: 400-800 ante 800

On a flop 5c7h4h and 12,000 in the pot, Chen Shao Ching and button player are all in. Chen with 6h9h draw and button with Jh8h higher flush draw, the turn Qs is no help to either player but the river 3s is an out for Chen to complete the straight. Chen ships it and rails one in the process.

Chen Shao Ching – 90,000

16:18: Victor Zhuchkov jumps to 100 bb
Level 7: 400-800 ante 800

Victor Zhuchkov scaled

By the turn 9d3c10cJd with 20,000 in the pot, small blind Victor Zhuchkov check-raises from 8000 by the button player to make it 40,000. Button calls for everything behind. Zhuchkov opens KhQc straight, button with 10s10h set, the river Ah doesn’t pair the board for Zhuchkov to ship it and rail the button.

Victor Zhuchkov – 80,000

16:15: Blinds up, 265 entries
Level 7: 400-800 ante 800

Blinds are up again, event now enters Level 7. The field has grown to 265 entries which means the pot has now spilled over PHP 8 Million and continues to rise. The prize pool to beat is PHP 9.54 Million amassed back at Manila Super Series 6 in 2018. Registration closes at the start of Level 11 which is at 6:20pm. Buy in is PHP 15,000.

16:10: Ho eliminates one
Level 6: 300-600 ante 600

Player nicknamed Ho Sn and another player have built a pot of 36,000 by the river 10h9c9sJcAc. Under the gun +1 bets 10,000, hijack Ho Sn shoves, utg+1 calls for everything and opens 8s7s straight. Ho Sn ships it with KdQd higher straight.

Ho Sn – 70,000

16:03: Stefano Giuriolo’s rockets stand firm against ladies
Level 6: 300-600 ante 600

Another preflop all in, Stefano Giuriolo has the nuts AcAs against an at risk player with QsQc. The board runs low to send one packing and Giuriolo to chip up to 65,000.

Stefano Giuriolo – 65,000

15:56: Alexis Cruz eliminates one
Level 6: 300-600 ante 600

lexis Cruz scores a player’s stack. It was all in preflop with Cruz AhKd flipping against a player’s JcJs. The board was QhKhQd5s7s.

Alexis Cruz – 50,000

15:50 Teng I Huang eliminate a player
Level 6: 300-600 ante 600

Teng I Huang raises to 1600 from hijack, cutoff calls, button player three-bet jams, back to Huang who joins with all his chips, cutoff folds. Huang opens 8s9s, button with AdKs. The board runs to Huang’s favor 3hQd9c2s8c. Huang outdraws big slick to ship it and rail one in the process.

Teng I Huang – 45,000

15:45: Day 1C surpasses Day 1B entries, 223 entries and rising
Level 6: 300-600 ante 600

Blinds are up and so is the field with 223 entries and rising. With the screens flashing 223 entries, that means Day 1C has surpassed the Day 1B count. Only five levels left to join the action. The pot is now at PHP 7.5 Million. For all those fence sitters, make sure to get in before registration closes at the start of Level 11, which is at 6:20pm. Buy in is PHP 15,000.

15:28: How Wee Meng outdraws one to ship it
Level 5: 200-500 ante 500

How Wee Meng scaled

From under the gun How Wee Meng raises to 1000, lojack player three-bet shoves, small blind and Meng both call. At the flop 10c4c6c, sb checks, Meng bets 5000 for a side pot but sb folds. Meng opens 4s6s two pair, lojack with AhJd, the turn 3d and river Kd completes the board. Meng ships it and boots lojack.

How Wee Meng – 60,000

15:20: Li Chien Lin eliminates one
Level 5: 200-500 ante 500

Under the gun Li Chien Lin raises to 1500, utg+1 three-bets all in, small blind calls, back to Li who also calls. Both sb and Li check down the board 7h4s8h4cQh, Li opens AhQc and ships the pot while railing one in the process.

Li Chien Lin – 50,000

15:15: Battluga Ganbold doubles up
Level 5: 200-500 ante 500

Lojack raises to 1300, hijack and cutoff call, small blind Battulga Ganbold three-bets to 8200, back to initial raiser lojack who shoves. only Battulga joins and puts himself at risk of elimination. Lojack AhJs opens, Battulga way ahead with AcAs, the board runs 2s2d9s3d4c, Battulga doubles up.

Battulga Ganbold – 60,000

15:08: Khoo Fong Chee delivers a double KO
Level 5: 200-500 ante 500

Khoo Fong Chee scaled

We missed the action but on a board showing 6c4c10h2d3c, big blind Khoo Fong Chee has 10c7c flush to ship the pot and rail two players – under the gun KhKc and utg+1 JhJc.

Khoo Fong Chee – 90,000

15:05: New level opens with 180 entries
Level 5: 200-500 ante 500

Blinds are up, 180 entries up to this point and rising. Still plenty of time to sign up. Prize pool is currently pushing into PHP 7 Million. Don’t miss out! Buy in is PHP 15,000. Registration closes at the start of Level 11 at 6:20pm.

14:54: Jae Chang eliminates a player
Level 4: 200-400 ante 400

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Jae Chang raises to 1100 from lojack, button player calls, big blinds three-bet shoves, back to Chang who four-bets to 7100, button opts to get out of the way. Chang opens As6s, big blind has KhJs. The board runs 9s5d4s6h2d

Jae Chang – 40,000

14:42: Rick Jason Ambata doubles up
Level 4: 200-400 ante 400

Rick Jason Ambata scaled

Two players stare down a board 5s8s2hQh2c and 20,000 in the pot, small blind Rick Jason Ambata shoves holding Ks2s trips, lojack has AhAs. Ambata ships it for a double up.

Rick Jason Ambata – 60,000

14:35: Blinds up, 151 entries
Level 4: 200-400 ante 400

Blinds are up again and number of entries as well with 151 flashing on the screens. It will be a big one today so for all those fence sitters, time to sign up. Buy in is PHP 15,000. Registration closes at the start of Level 11 at 6:20pm.

14:33: Xin Wang doubles up
Level 3: 100-300 ante 300

After a preflop war, Xin Wang is all in from cutoff with 10s10c for around 13,000 and dominates small blind’s 8d8s. With the board running QcJsAd3d7c, the higher pocket pair holds for a double up to Wang.

Xin Wang – 26,000

14:20 Jing Fang Lin cleans one out
Level 3: 100-300 ante 300

By the turn 2d3d10d9c, two players have built a pot of 36,000. Under the gun checks, button Jing Fang Lin bets near pot of 26,700, utg goes all in with less chips and shows QcQs. Jing opens Ad5d flush, utg is drawing dead. The river was 2s.  

Jing Fang Lin – 80,000

14:12: Joseph Santos doubles up through Yu Chiu Hu
Level 3: 100-300 ante 300

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It’s a classic flip with defending champion Joseph Santos holding QhQc and Yu Chiu Hu with AhKd, the board is 8hQs9hAs2c for the ladies to stand firm and earn Santos a double up.

Joseph Santos – 80,000
Yu Chiu Hu – 15,000

14:05: 120 entries and rising
Level 3: 100-300 ante 300

Blinds have gone up! The previous level saw the headcount cross over 100 with 120 entries currently flashing on the screens. It will be a big one today so for all those fence sitters, time to sign up. Buy in is PHP 15,000. The prize pool is well over PHP 6.2 Million and rising fast. Registration closes at the start of Level 11 at 6:20pm.

14:03: Stefano Giuriolo busts one
Level 2: 100-200 ante 200

Under the gun down in chips, decides to shove with Qc9c, lojack Stefano Giuriolo calls with AcKc, the board runs Ks5dQs6s3s. Giuriolo ships it while busting utg in the process.

Stefano Giuriolo – 35,000

13:57: Noguero Izquierdo Je crack aces to survive
Level 2: 100-200 ante 200

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On a board showing 4d2d9dJs and 15,000 in the pot, under the gun Noguero Izquierdo bets it all, lojack player calls. Izquierdo opens 9s9c set, lojack has AsAc, the the river Qs is a double up for Izquierdo as he cracks aces. 

Noguero Izquierdo – 75,000

13:49: Khoo Fong Chee’s ladies rails one
Level 2: 100-200 ante 200

From hijack, Khoo Fong Chee raises to 800 then four-bets all in after big blind three-bets to 3000. Big blind calls with less chips. Khoo opens QdQh, big  blind with AsQc, the board runs 9dKs2c7c5h. Khoo ships it and rails one.

Khoo Fong Chee – 60,000

13:35: Blinds up, 59 entries
Level 2: 100-200 ante 200

The field has more than doubled with 59 entries and rising. This is the last flight to enter this event. If you haven’t heard, the pot is now over PHP 4.6 Million. To enter, buy in is PHP 15,000. Registration closes at the start of Level 11 at 6:20pm.

13:15: Early double up for Chen Shao Ching
Level 1: 100-100 ante 100

Heavy action on the first level with Chen Shao Ching already banking a double up. It opened with hijack Jerson Quiras raising to 5000, cutoff Chen three-bet all in, Quiras with the call. Chen opens As[qc}, Quiras JhJd it’s a flip. The board runs 8cAh7h3d10s for a higher pair to Chen. 

Chen Shao Ching – 60,000
Jerson Quiras – 2,000

13:05: Cards in the air for Day 1C
Level 1: 100-100 ante 100

Welcome to Day 1C of the Main Event! This is the last flight to enter the headliner of the Manila Super Series 17. The past two days drew a combined 364 entries to shatter the PHP 3M guarantee. Players are now looking at a prize pool north of PHP 4.6 Million. We will have the official number once Day 1C registration closes which is at 6:20pm tonight.

To enter this event, head to Okada Manila, Philippines. Buy in is PHP 15,000 with unlimited re-entry. Players can attempt for multiple stacks but only the biggest one moves forward. You can track the action right here.

Main Event – Live Updates – Day 2

Date: May 29 to June 4, 2023
Buy in: PHP 15,000 (~US$ 270)
Guarantee: PHP 3,000,000 (~US$ 53,320)
Day 1A: 144 entries / 22 ITM
Day 1B: 220 entries / 33 ITM
Day 1C: 382 entries / 58 ITM
Total entries: 746
Prize pool: PHP 9,551,784 (~US$ 170,918)
ITM: 113 players

CLICK HERE for Payouts

CHIPS IN PLAY: 22,380,000

Final 9 players

Rank Player Flag Stack
1 Yun Rong Cheong Singapore 5,590,000
2 Hai Shien Tan Singapore 4,050,000
3 William Ysmael Philippines 3,420,000
4 Takashi Shiono Japan 3,370,000
5 Ting Yi Chen Taiwan 1,770,000
6 Gerardo Lubas III Philippines 1,235,000
7 Joven Huerto Philippines 1,125,000
8 Ronny Lee Malaysia 950,000
9 Edgar Asehan Philippines 875,000

Final 9 scaled

20:20: Ke Yan eliminated in 10th place – PHP 109,500 (~$1,955)
Level 27: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

Ke Yan 6 scaled

After losing a chunk to William Ysmael, Ke Yan three-bet shoved with 5s5c and initial raiser Yun Rong Cheong called with As10d. With the board running 4s9d10sKc9h, Yan was eliminated in 10th place.

Yun Rong Cheong – 5,590,000
Ke Yan – eliminated in 10th place

20:18: William Ysmael bumps up again
Level 27: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

William Ysmael scaled

On a board 6hKh6c and 240,000 in the pot, under the gun William Ysmael bets 300,000 and big blind Ke Yan check-calls. On the turn 8c more chips land with Yan leading out 575,000, and Ysmael making the call. On the river 8h, both opt to check, Ysmael has the higher two pair with KcQs over Yan’s Ad7s.

William Ysmael – 3,400,000
Ke Yan – 900,000

20:14: Lubas survives the flip against Ysmael
Level 27: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

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Button player raises to 125,000, small blind William Ysmael calls, then big blind Jay Lubas III shoves, button folds while Ysmael calls. Lubas has 5s5h, Ysmael with overcards Ks10c, the board runs 3cAhQdQs7d for a double up to Lubas.

Gerardo Lubas III – 1,300,000
William Ysmael – 2,200,000

20:05: Takashi Shiono wins a sizable pot against Huerto
Level 27: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

A pot of 350,000 was brewed by the flop 10dQd2h. Hijack position Joven Huerto bets 145,000 and big blind position Takashi Shiono check-raises to 375,000. Huerto calls. On the turn Kh, Shiono leads out 300,000, Huerto calls. On the river 6s, both players check. Shiono is first to show and has Ks7d, Huerto mucks.

Takashi Shiono – 3,100,000
Joven Huerto – 1,100,000

20:00: Ronny Lee spikes the two-outer to stay in the game
Level 27: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

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Ronny Lee is all in with 7s7c, Ke Yan dominates with QdQs, when the flop comes 7h4h4c it’s an instant full house to Lee. With the turn 10h and river 8s, it’s a double up to Lee.

Ronny Lee – 1,300,000
Ke Yan – 2,600,000

19:55: Ricardo Singapan eliminated in 11th place – PHP 109,500 (~$1,955)
Level 27: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

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The day’s entering chip leader Ricardo Singapan will not be bringing home an MSS Main Event trophy having fallen in 11th place to Takashi Shiono. It was all in preflop with the short stacked Singapan risking it on the small blind with Js5d. His attempt to steal the blinds and ante was denied by big blind Shiono with AdJd on a board Jc6c6s3s8d.

Takashi Shiono – 2,200,000
Ricardo Singapan – eliminated in 11th place

19:53: Richard Marquez eliminated in 12th place – PHP 97,500 (~$1,741)
Level 27: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

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End of the road for Richard Marquez. On a board Ad9cJs5s and 400,000 in the pot, Marquez check-calls Ke Yan’s shove. Marquez with KsJd mid pair, Yan with 6d7d gutshot, the river 8c delivers a sick bad beat to Marquez with Yan improving to a straight.

Ke Yan – 3,100,000
Richard Marquez – eliminated in 12th place

19:45: Lester Timonera eliminated in 13th place – PHP 97,500 (~$1,741)
Level 27: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

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Lester Timonera looked down at AhAd and was glad to get it all in. She faced Ting Yi Chen with a lesser pair 5c5s. However with the board running 5h9s2dJs5d, Chen improved to quads to crush Timonera’s aces out in 13th place.

Ting Yi Chen – 1,700,000
Lester Timonera – eliminated in 13th place

19:43: Blinds up, 13 players remaining
Level 27: 30,000-60,000 ante 60,000

Blinds are up, 13 players remaining for the hunt to the a final 9 seat.

19:34: Cheong doubles through Marquez
Level 26: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

Yun Rong Cheong 2 scaled

Under the gun player raises to 110,000, small blind Richard Marquez and big blind Yun Rong Cheong call to see the flop 5c6h9s. All three check, the turn is 5s, Marquez leads out 200,000, only Cheong continues. On the river 6s, Marquez fires 250,000, Cheong jams, Marquez folds.

Yun Rong Cheong – 4,000,000
Richard Marquez – 1,000,000

19:27: Raymundo Gomez eliminated in 14th place – PHP 88,000 (~$1,571)
Level 26: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

Under the gun Joven Huerto raises to 120,000, button Raymundo Gomez three-bets, Huerto calls and shows 10c10d. Gomez with AdQs for a flip. With the board running 2s2c2hJc7h Huerto wins the flip and Gomez goes bust in 14th place.

Joven Huerto – 2,000,000
Raymundo Gomez – eliminated in 14th place

19:19: Set over set! Ysmael back up over 3M
Level 26: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

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Hijack player Ke Yan raises to 110,000 then calls cutoff William Ysmael‘s 335,000 raise. Both players proceed to check the board to the river 7d6hKs5sQc. Yan bets 300,000, Ysmael raises to 800,000, Yan calls. Ysmael has QsQd set and wins the pot. Yan shares his hand 5c5h lower set.

William Ysmael – 3,200,000
Ke Yan – 1,400,000

19:17: Rick Jason Ambata eliminated in 15th place – PHP 88,000 (~$1,571)
Level 26: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

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Rick Jason Ambata shoves with Ad7h and needs to get lucky against Hai Shien Tan’s JcJd. The board runs 4s8sAhJh6c. Ambata improves but so does Tan to end Ambata’s run in 15th place.

Hai Shien Tan – 3,100,000
Rick Jason Ambata – eliminated in 15th place

19:16: Big slick awards Huerto the max
Level 26: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

Joven Huerto scaled

Button player Joven Huerto shoves with AcKc, small blind Rick Jason Ambata attempts to rail with As10s, the board runs 2d9s7hJcAh. Huerto doubles up.

Joven Huerto – 1,100,000
Rick Jason Ambata – 200,000

19:11: Erwin Navarro eliminated in 16th place – PHP 78,500 (~$1,402)
Level 26: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

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On a board showing Ah3sAsQd9s and 900,000 weighing down the middle, button player Yun Rong Cheong goes all in, big blind Erwin Navarro check-calls for all he’s got and shows Ad4s trips. Cheong wins the pot with 10s6s flush to send out Navarro in 16th place.

Yun Rong Cheong – 2,600,000
Erwin Navarro – eliminated in 16th place

19:08: Ke Yan doubles up through Matsubara
Level 26: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

On a flop 3hJd2c and 200,000 in the pot, Ke Yan bets 75,000, Mitsuya Matsubara shoves, back to Yan who calls for all he’s got. Yan opens Jh9h top pair, Matsubara with 4h5c open ended. The turn Ks and river 3c are no help to Matsubara for a big double up to Yan. 

Ke Yan – 2,600,000

19:05: Tan rails Takayama
Level 26: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

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All in preflop, Mike Takayama with Ad7c, Hai Shien Tan with 10s8d, the board runs out 9c8c3hQcQd. Takayama is eliminated. 

Hai Shien Tan – 2,900,000
Mike Takayama – eliminated

19:00: Marquez outdraws Guiriolo
Level 26: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

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From hijack, Richard Marquez raises to 100,000, cutoff Stefano Guiriolo three-bets jams 165,000, Marquez calls putting the all in player at risk. Guiriolo opens Ah9s, Marquez with Js10s, the cards fan out 8d10c5s2s7h for top pair to Marquez. Guiriolo is eliminated.

Richard Marquez – 2,200,000
Stefano Guiriolo – eliminated 

18:56: Ysmael pays Chen, drops rank
Level 26: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

All in preflop, Ting Yi Chen with AdKd, William Ysmael attempts to eliminate with AhQs. The board runs 4d8c3d6h8h for a double up to Chen. Ysmael loses the chip lead.

Ting Yi Chen – 2,100,000
William Ysmael – 2,000,000

18:51: Shiono boots short stacked Cruz
Level 26: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

Takashi Shiono 3 scaled

Action folds to the small blind Alexis Cruz who shoves his short stack with Ks2d to battle with. Big blind Takashi Shiono calls and has better Kd10h. With the board running 4dKh10d9hQh, Cruz is eliminated, Shiono rises to 2,000,000.

Takashi Shiono – 2,000,000
Alexis Cruz – eliminated

18:44: Blinds up, 19 players remaining
Level 26: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

Blinds are up again with 19 players remaining. Average stack is 1,177,894 which is 23 big blinds. The heat bags up once the Final 9 players is reached. 

18:46: Hai Shien Tan rails Princesa
Level 26: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

Tan Hai Shien 3 scaled

Lojack Louie Princesa shoves with Ad4s, Hai Shien Tan calls from hijack with Kh10h. The board runs 9h4c2sKdJd for a pair to Tan. 

Hai Shien Tan – 2,100,000
Louie Princesa – eliminated

18:40: Hai Shien Tan claims the pot
Level 26: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

Action folds to the button player who raises to 90,000, small blind Louie Princesa and big blind Hai Shien Tan call. At the flop 7h8h10d, all check. On the turn Qd, Princesa bets 155,000, Tan and button call. On the river 3h, Tan leads out 200,000, no callers. 

Ha Shien Tan – 1,800,000
Louie Princesa – 200,000

18:32: Pilao calls to his doom
Level 26: 25,000-50,000 ante 50,000

From cutoff, Genesis Pilao raises to 80,000, big blind Yun Rong Cheong three-bet shoves, back to Pilao who calls for his tournament life. Pilao has As7s, Cheong with AhKd, the board runs Jc10s3hKsJh

Yun Rong Cheong – 1,600,000
Genesis Pilao – eliminated

18:22: Ke Yan claims a pot against the leader
Level 25: 20,000-40,000 ante 40,000

Ke Yan 4 scaled

From cutoff, William Ysmael raises to 80,000, the blinds call, the flop runs 9h2h8h. Ysmael c-bets 65,000, only small blind Ke Yan continues. Both players check the turn 5d to bring the river Ks. Ysmael fires 90,000, Yan check-calls. Ysmael shows a 5s, Yan wins it with 7d8d higher pair.

Ke Yan – 1,000,000
William Ysmael – 3,400,000

18:17: Navarro lands a boat for a double up
Level 25: 20,000-40,000 ante 40,000

Erwin Navarro 3 scaled

On a flop 3s3c2d and 160,000 in the pot, under the gun Ke Yan bets 70,000, big blind Erwin Navarro check-raises to 180,000, Yan three-bet shoves, Navarro calls and shows 3h2h full house. Yan has Ad6d. With the turn 10h Yan is drawing dead. The river 6s completes the board.

Erwin Navarro – 1,300,000
Ke Yan – 800,000

18:15: Alexis Cruz triples up
Level 25: 20,000-40,000 ante 40,000

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Yun Rong Cheong raises to 80,000 from hijack, small blind Alexis Cruz three-bet shoves, big blind and Cheong both call. At the flop 8h2c3h, Cheong bets 75,000 for a side pot big blind folds. Cheong opens 10sJs, Cruz with Ah9s, the turn 4s and river 5c further improve Cruz to a straight to triple up.

Alexis Cruz – 250,000
Yun Rong Cheong – 800,000

18:08: Cowboys pay Takashi Shiono the max
Level 25: 20,000-40,000 ante 40,000

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All in preflop, Yun Rong Cheong with AcJc, Takashi Shiono with KdKs. The board runs 8cKhJs5h3c. Shiono’s cowboys prevail for a double up.

Takashi Shiono – 1,200,000
Yun Rong Cheong – 800,000

18:00: Blinds up, 25 players remaining
Level 25: 20,000-40,000 ante 40,000

Another round in the dust, blinds are up. 25 players remaining. Average stack is 895,200 which is 22 big blinds.

17:54: Erwin Navarro survives against the leader
Level 24: 15,000-30,000 ante 30,000

All in preflop, Erwin Navarro at risk of elimination with KsQs against chip leader William Ysmael‘s 10c10d. With the board running 5hKdAs4h9d, Navarro wins the flip for a double up.

Erwin Navarro – 900,000
William Ysmael – 3,200,000

17:49: Lester Timonera doubles up through Daypuyart
Level 24: 15,000-30,000 ante 30,000

Hazel Timonera 2 scaled

All in preflop, Lester Timonera with 8h8c, Allan Daypuyart with AsQh for a flip. The board runs out 10c4c3h7c7h for the snowmen to hold. Timonera soars, Daypuyart down to 3.3 big blinds.

Lester Timonera – 900,000
Allan Daypuyart – 100,000

17:40: Takayama drops to 10 bb, Shiono doubles up
Level 24: 15,000-30,000 ante 30,000

Mike Takayama 3 scaled

From under the gun , Mike Takayama raises to 60,000, small blind Takashi Shiono calls, the flop runs 4h3h9s. Both players check. The turn lands Qh, Takayama bets 55,000, Shiono check-raises to 150,000, Takayama calls, On the river Kc, Shiono goes all in, Takayama calls, Shiono has Ah7h nut flush, Takayama with 9c9d set and pays up. Takayama down to 10 big blinds.

Takashi Shiono – 900,000
Mike Takayama – 300,000

17:32: End of the line for Norbert Koh
Level 24: 15,000-30,000 ante 30,000

Under the gun Norbert Koh raises to 250,000, hijack William Ysmael calls, the flop comes 9cAc3s. Koh lays out a 70,000 c-bet, Ysmael shoves, Koh calls for his tournament life and shows KhQs. Ysmael with 10c10s. The turn Jh and river 7d are no help to the Singaporean pro to bust out.

William Ysmael – 3,500,000

17:28: Ke Yan won’t be bullied by a check-raise
Level 24: 15,000-30,000 ante 30,000

Ke Yan 1 scaled

On a flop AsJc8c and 135,000 in the pot, button player Ke Yan bets 60,000, big blind check-raises to 160,000, back to Yan with a three-bet to 535,000, big blind folds.

Ke Yan – 1,600,000

17:24: Asehan banks a double off Matsubara
Level 24: 15,000-30,000 ante 30,000

Edgar Asehan scaled

Hijack Edgar Asehan shoves preflop and big blind Mitsuya Matsubara calls. Asehan has Ah7s, Matsubara behind with As5s. The board runs out Kd6d7cJh8d for a pair to Asehan.

Edgar Asehan – 700,000
Mitsuya Matsubara – 600,000

17:20: Blinds up, 28 players remaining
Level 24: 15,000-30,000 ante 30,000

Blinds up again and the field down several more players. 28 remaining. The heat bags up once the final 9 is established. William Ysmael maintains his lead with 3,000,000 in chips.

17:10: Yun Rong Cheong rails Liu 
Level 23: 10,000-25,000 ante 25,0000

Zhi Qiang Liu jams and limper Yun Rong Cheong calls. Liu opens KhJc and is flipping against Cheong’s 3s3c. The board runs 3d7d5cQsQh for a full house to Cheong and the exit for Liu.

Yun Rong Cheong – 1,300,000

16:57: Ting Yi Chen doubles through Takayama
Level 23: 10,000-25,000 ante 25,0000

Chen Ting Yi 3 1 scaled

Button player Ting Yi Chen raises to 60,000, small blind Mike Takayama tree-bets to 300,000, back to Chen who four-bet shoves, Takayama calls. Chen KcKs dominates Takayama’s 9hQs. The board runs out 4d8h7dJhQh for a double up to Chen.

Ting Yi Chen – 750,000
Mike Takayama – 700,000

16:50: Mitsuya Matsubara boots with a straight
Level 23: 10,000-25,000 ante 25,0000

Mitsuya Matsubara 2 scaled

Mitsuya Matsubara has AhJc, at risk player with KsQh, the board runs 10hQs8d9c9h for a straight to Matsubara to rail one.

Mitsuya Matsubara – 900,000

16:35: Blinds up, 30 players
Level 23: 10,000-25,000 ante 25,0000

Blinds are up and the field is down to the last 30 players. William Ysmael maintains command with 2,800,000. The heat plays down to the final 9 players.

16:32: Joven Huerto cracks cowboys
Level 22: 10,000-20,000 ante 20,000

Joven Huerto 2 scaled

Joven Huerto is behind at the showdown with 8h8s against a player’s KsKd but with the board running QdQs2c10d8c it’s a full house on the river for Huerto to ship it.

Joven Huerto – 550,000

16:26: Asehan rails one
Level 22: 10,000-20,000 ante 20,000

All in preflop, at risk player with KcKs and caller Edgar Asehan with AsJs. The board runs out Ad4h9sQsAc. Asehan outdraws kings and rises to 430,000.

Edgar Asehan – 430,000

16:22: Cayetano rails Choi
Level 22: 10,000-20,000 ante 20,000

End of the line for Jae Ki Choi who lost the rest of his chips to Mikko Cayetano. It was all in on a flop Qc5h3c with Cayetano Kh8c and Choi 4c2c. The turn 7s and river 7h help neither for King-high to hold.

Mikko Cayetano – 800,000
Jae Ki Choi – eliminated

16:17: Choi continues to drop, Cayetano doubles up
Level 22: 10,000-20,000 ante 20,000

Under the gun Jae Ki Choi raises to 55,000, cutoff calls, big blind Mikko Cayetano three-bets all in, back to Choi who calls with Ad3d, cutoff folds, Cayetano opens Ah9h. With the board running 2c7c5d9c5c, neither player has clubs, Cayetano ships a double up with two pair.

Mikko Cayetano – 650,000
Jae Ki Choi – 150,000

16:07: William Ysmael rises to 140 big blinds
Level 22: 10,000-20,000 ante 20,000

William Ysmael 1 scaled

On a  board showing KhKd7c3hQc and 280,000 in the pot, under the gun +1 William Ysmael bets 200,000 cutoff Jae Ki Choi tank-folds. Ysmael shows AhKc trips and climbs to 140 big blinds.

William Ysmael – 2,800,000
Jae Ki Choi – 550,000

16:03: Mascunana cleans out Karuo
Level 22: 10,000-20,000 ante 20,000

From under the gun, Hayato Karuo shoves holding Kh10h, button player Manuel Mascunana calls with AhKs. The board runs out 8s5hAs9h7d. Karuo is eliminated.

Manuel Mascunana – 800,000

15:57: Joven Huerto banks it with big slick 
Level 22: 10,000-20,000 ante 20,000

Joven Huerto 1 scaled

From hijack Joven Huerto shoves holding AcKc and big blind defends with Ah4d. With the board running Ks8dAd2dKs, it’s a double up for Huerto.

Joven Huerto – 360,000

15:50: Zhi Qiang Liu rails Ang
Level 22: 10,000-20,000 ante 20,000

Zhi Qiang Liu scaled

All in preflop, at risk player Meng Xuan Ang has AhQd, Zhi Qiang Liu ahead in chips and in holecards AsKd. The board runs out Kc7h9c3s3c to further ensure Liu’s win.

Zhi Qiang Liu – 1,200,000
Meng Xuan Ang – eliminated

15:45: Blinds up, 40 players remaining
Level 22: 10,000-20,000 ante 20,000

The shove fest has slowed down with only 9 players joining the railbirds. Only 40 players remaining. William Ysmael leads with over 2 Million.

15:40: Erwin Navarro boots one
Level 21: 8000-16,000 ante 16,000

Under the gun limps, small blind calls, big blind Erwin Navarro shoves, back to utg who risks it with 10s9s. Small blind opts to fold, Navarro has KdQd. With the board running 2h5hQc7s10d, Navarro ships it while booting one out.

Erwin Navarro – 450,000

15:33: William Ysmael soars to over 2M, Yamashita eliminated
Level 21: 8000-16,000 ante 16,000

William Ysmael 3 scaled

William Ysmael has taken over the chip lead in a head on collision with Kazuki Yamashita. According to Ysmael he had JxJx and Yamashita AxQx. The board ran eight-high, Yamashita was eliminated.

William Ysmael – 2,200,000

15:28: Raymundo Gomez with the nut flush chunks Seung Yong Yi
Level 21: 8000-16,000 ante 16,000

Raymundo Gomez 1 scaled

A pot of 100,000 brewed and two players facing a board 9c7dAs10dQd. Big blind Seung Yong Yi bets 45,000, button Raymundo Gomez raises to 135,000, Seung three-bets to 255,000, Gomez four-bet shoves, Seung calls. Gomez has Ad8d nut flush that beats Seung’s KdJd second nuts. Gomez drags in the big pot.

Raymundo Gomez – 850,000
Seung Yong Yi – 70,000

15:23: Yamashita climbs to 900,000
Level 21: 8000-16,000 ante 16,000

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Kazuki Yamashita fueled in more chips by railing short stacked Cezar Quiambao to climb to 900,000.

15:20: Ambata doubles through Cerbito 
Level 21: 8000-16,000 ante 16,000

Rick Jason Ambata 2 scaled

On a flop of QsJs7d and 80,000 in the pot, big blind Marciel Cerbito bets 120,000 and button Rick Jason Ambata calls. On the turn Ah, Cerbito shoves, Ambata snap calls and opens Ks10c straight, Cerbito behind with Qc7s two pair. The river Jd are no help to Cerbito for Ambata to double through.

Rick Jason Ambata – 840,000
Marciel Cerbito – 250,000

15:16: Timonera banks it with aces
Level 21: 8000-16,000 ante 16,000

Hazel Timonera 1 scaled

Hijack player Richard Marquez raises to 35,000, cutoff calls, small blind Lester Timonera thee-bet shoves with a short stack, only Marquez calls and shows 3s3d. Timonera has the nuts AsAh. The board runs Ac4d10c5c10h.

Lester Timonera – 180,000
Richard Marquez – 500,000

15:15: 49 players remaining, blinds up
Level 21: 8000-16,000 ante 16,000

The players are back in their seats. The first three levels was incredibly action packed with more than half of the 113 starting field tumbling. 49 players remain. They are now guaranteed a minimum PHP 33,500 (~US$ 598). The event bags up when the final 9 players is established.

15:00: Chip leaders at the break, Norbert Koh up top
Level 20: 6000-12,000 ante 12,000

First break of the day with 49 remaining. Here are the top 5 in chips.

Norbert Koh – 1,260,000
Jae Ki Choi – 950,000
William Ysmael – 900,000
Ke Yan – 820,000
Ronny Lee- 750,000

14:53: Pena with the higher two pair
Level 20: 6000-12,000 ante 12,000

Jerome Pena scaled

On a board showing 3h10sKdJs and 120,000 in the pot, under the gun Jharome Pena bets 37,000, hijack Erwin Navarro jams, back to Pena who calls for his tournament life. Pena has KcJd two pair and is ahead of Navarro’s Jc10c two pair, the river 4s ensures the win for Pena.

Jharome Pena – 380,000
Erwin Navarro – 450,000

14:44: Mascunana rivers the set
Level 20: 6000-12,000 ante 12,000

Manuel Mascunana 1 scaled

From hijack, Hayato Karuo shoves with As4h and is called by Manuel Mascunana 8c8d. By the turn QcAh10dJd, Karuo is ahead, but when the river 8c lands, Mascunana lands a set to retake the lead and double up.

Manuel Mascunana – 280,000
Hayato Karuo – 100,000

14:32: Marquez knocks out Tai
Level 20: 6000-12,000 ante 12,000

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CTP founder David Tai has been dealt his last hand with Richard Marquez cleaning him out. Tai went all in with As9d, Marquez called with 9c9h, the board was no help to Tai running Jh4c5s4d6c.

Richard Marquez – 550,000
David Tai – eliminated

14:25: Blinds up, 62 players remaining
Level 20: 6000-12,000 ante 12,000

More players have fallen here at the Main Event with 62 players remaining from the 113 that started the day. In the lead is Norbert Koh with 1.3 Million. Today’s agenda is to play down to the Final 9.

14:14: Lester Timonera survives the flip
Level 19: 5000-10,000 ante 10,000

Hijack player shoves with AhQc and cutoff Lester Timonera calls for everything with 9s9d. With the board running 6d7cQdJh9c, it is  double up for Timonera.

Lester Timonera – 140,000

14:08: Norbert Koh sweeps and zooms to 1.3M
Level 19: 5000-10,000 ante 10,000

Norbert Koh 1 scaled

Lojack Norbert Koh raises to 20,000, hijack Ji Chua Feng three-bets all in, big blind also shoves with less chips, and Koh calls to put them both at risk of elimination.

Koh Kd10d
Ji 9c9s
Big blind As8c

The board runs out Js10h5s3s6d for a higher pair to Koh and the sweep.

Norbert Koh – 1,300,000
Ji Chua Feng – eliminated

14:04: Yan wins the flip against Chiu
Level 19: 5000-10,000 ante 10,000

Ke Yan 2 scaled

From hijack, Szu Jui Chiu shoves holding AsKs, button Ke Yan calls with 9h9d. The flip goes to Yan on a board running 7cJs6h7d2c.

Ke Yan – 350,000
Szu Jui Chiu – eliminated

13:55: Grimsley rails Choi
Level 19: 5000-10,000 ante 10,000

The shove fest continues with Junghoon Choi sending it all in on the button with JhJd and big blind Conor Grimsley calls with Qd9d. With the board running 10d2d8cKd4h, Grimsley lands the flush to boot out Choi.

Conor Grimsley – 270,000
Junghoon Choi – eliminated

13:47: Kimura doubles up through Lee
Level 19: 5000-10,000 ante 10,000

Under the gun Randy Lee limps then calls small blind Masafumi Kimura’s shove. Lee opens Qd7d, Kimura with As8h, the board runs Jc7c10d8dJs for a higher pair to Kimura.

Masafumi Kimura – 170,000
Randy Lee – 130,000

13:41: Blinds up, 86 players remaining
Level 19: 5000-10,000 ante 10,000

Players dropped fast! From what started as 113 players it is now down to 86 in just one level.  Blinds are up to 5000-10,000 ante 10,0000.

13:40: Big stacks butt heads, Cheong rails Dastmachi
Level 18: 4000-8000 ante 8000

Cheong Yun Rong 1 scaled

Big stacks build a huge 300,000 pot preflop, the flop comes Kc6c10s. Cutoff Siavasch Dastmachi shoves with AcKh, button Yun Rong Cheong calls with AhAs. The turn 7h and river 3d are no help to Dastmachi to fall early in the day.

Yun Rong Cheong – 750,000
Siavasch Dastmachi – eliminated

13:39: Marcelo wins the flip against Liu
Level 18: 4000-8000 ante 8000

Edmil Marcelo scaled

From Hijack, Edmil Marcelo raises to 18,000, big blind Zhiqiang Liu three-bets to 58,000, Marcelo four-bets all in, Liu calls. Marcelo opens 10h10d, LIu with AhKc, the board runs Js10c9d3c4h. Marcelo lands a set and holds for a double up.

Edmil Marcelo – 355,000
Zhiqiang Liu – 200,000

13:28: Navarro rails Tabucal
Level 18: 4000-8000 ante 8000

Lojack Ivan Tabucal shoves with Ah6d, hijack Erwin Navarro calls with JsJc, lots of clubs find the board Ac8cKc9c6h for Navarro’s flush to boot Tabucal’s top pair.

Erwin Navarro – 400,000
Ivan Tabucal – eliminated

13:15: McYeldarb lands broadway tostay alive
Level 18: 4000-8000 ante 8000

Mantos Mc Yeldrab scaled

Under the gun raises to 18,000, hijack calls, button Mantos McYeldarb three-bet shoves with Ac10s, big blind Kong Hee Ng defends and calls with 7h7s, utg and button opt to fold. With the board running Qh10dKc10hJs, McYeldarb doubles up.

Mantos McYeldarb – 120,000
Kong Hee Ng – 160,000

13:11: Tai doubles up through Cho
Level 18: 4000-8000 ante 8000

David Tai 2

More early shoves with David Tai banking the max against Sang Ho Cho. Tai’s As4s paired up on a board 3sAcQh8c8s to overtake Cho’s 10s10h.

David Tai – 360,000
Sang Ho Cho – 160,000

13:09: Yamashita cleans out short stacked Ng
Level 18: 4000-8000 ante 8000

Entering with just 10 big blinds, Tsunyin Ng got it all in with KsJs but failed to connect on a board 5h7s6h5dAs to fall to Kazuki Yamashita’s 4c4h.

Kazuki Yamashita – 220,000
Tsunyin Ng – eliminated

13:07: Asnani doubles through Liao
Level 18: 4000-8000 ante 8000

Asnani Harish Kumar 1

Action folds to the small blind Po Hsun Liao who shoves, big blind Harish Kumar Asnani calls for his tournament life. Liao has KhQc, Asnani Ad4s, the board runs QsAh3c5h9c for a double up to Asnani.

Harish Kumar Asnani – 150,000
Po Hsun Liao – 250,000

13:05: Hunt ends Eguchi’s run early
Level 18: 4000-8000 ante 8000

Hunt Cameron 1 scaled

From under the gun Cameron Hunt shoves with KdJd and down the orbit Takumi Eguchi risks his tournament life with Ac10h. The board runs 10d2dJh3c5c. Eguchi goes bust.

Cameron Hunt – 160,000
Takumi Eguchi – eliminated

Welcome to Day 2 of the record breaking Manila Super Series Main Event!

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Cards are now flying at Day 2 of the Manila Super Series Main Event! The past three days drew 746 entries for a record-breaking event prize pool of PHP 9,551,784. Today, the 113 qualifiers are each guaranteed a minimum payout of PHP 23,000 (~US$ 411) and will race for a seat to the Final 9. You can track some of the thrilling action right here. Blinds open at 4000-8000 ante 8000 increasing every 40 minutes.

Day 2 qualifiers – 113 players

Ricardo Singapan 728,000
Jae Ki Choi 666,000
Edilberto Gopez 572,000
Alexis Cruz 539,000
Wai Sing Wilson 486,000
Richard Marquez 470,000
Cezar Quiambao 462,000
Jay Gerardo Lubas III 411,000
Zhiqiang Liu 399,000
Yun Rong Cheong 373,000
Sang Ho Cho 365,000
Louie Princesa 360,000
Ting Yi Chen 360,000
Mike Takayama 342,000
Jeremy Noguero 335,000
Soochang Lee 334,000
Po Hsun Liao 332,000
Hong Kee Ng 317,000
Norbert Koh 303,000
Florencio Campomanes 299,000
Mikko Cayetano 292,000
David Lennard Ang 288,000
Ronny Tiang Luok Lee 287,000
Darren Yu 286,000
Hai Shien Tan 285,000
Joven Huerto 276,000
Yan Ke 275,000
Wei Hsiang Chen 268,000
Siavasch Dastmalchi 268,000
Seung Yong Yi 266,000
Mitsuya Matsubara 266,000
Conor Berry Grimsley 264,000
Ryusuke Ota 263,000
Randy Lee 250,000
Erwin Navarro 248,000
Johnson Tan 230,000
Alexander Goh 227,000
Takashi Shiono 227,000
Edmil Marcelo 225,000
Richard Ko 221,000
Rahul Chinchalkar 220,000
Vishal Aswani 206,000
Munkh Natsagdorj 192,000
Szu Jui Chiu 191,000
Dexter Santos 190,000
Vivencio Nachor 186,000
Gilson Chan 185,000
Marc Regalario 181,000
Raymundo Gomez 180,000
Andre Nagy 180,000
Stefano Giuriolo 176,000
Chua Feng Ji 175,000
William Jones 174,000
Michael Gabby Concepcion 173,000
Bonifacio Mondalo 172,000
Sukki Kim 172,000
Rick Jason Ambata 171,000
John Niko Costiniano 164,000
Dexter Manapat 164,000
Teck Heng Chua 163,000
Tracy Crisostomo 157,000
Christopher Richards 156,000
Hsing Hsiung Tai 146,000
Anthony Gabitan 142,000
Kazuki Yamashita 140,000
Ivan Tabucal 139,000
Mark De Vera 136,000
Junghoon Choi 132,000
Masafumi Kimura 132,000
William Ysmael 132,000
Ruderico Dela Cruz 130,000
Emmanuel Segismundo 129,000
Jie Hui Chang 128,000
Hirotaka Kihara 128,000
Manuel Mascunana 122,000
Jae Yi Chang 121,000
Meng Xuan Anh 120,000
Kenneth Ching 116,000
Ruzzel Jose 114,000
Digno Camacho 113,000
Genesis Pilao 110,000
Allan Daypuyart 109,000
Denis Mikolasenko 108,000
Jody Kitchen 107,000
Sangmook Park 104,000
Gary Lantoria 101,000
Santiago Dorwelo 100,000
Takuo Serita 98,000
Jharome Pena 98,000
Sergei Matveev 95,000
Hayato Karuo 94,000
Cameron Hunt 91,000
Marciel Cerbito 90,000
Jannodin Riga 84,000
Tsunyin Ng 84,000
Edgar Asehan 77,000
Lester Timonera 75,000
Harish Kumar Asnani 74,000
Battulga Ganbold 73,000
Junji Matsubara 72,000
Kenneth Thariyan 72,000
Liao Pin Hung 66,000
Andy Chan 66,000
John Philip Baider 62,000
Shih Hung Huang 61,000
Takumu Eguchi 57,000
Mc Yeldarb Mantos 57,000
Magnus Martin 55,000
Yukiko Fujiki 55,000
Albert Muir 54,000
Fujiki Daisuke 50,000
Ricardo Torres 29,000
Jeffrey Perdales 11,000

Main Event – Live Updates – Final Day

Date: May 29 to June 4, 2023
Buy in: PHP 15,000 (~US$ 270)
Guarantee: PHP 3,000,000 (~US$ 53,320)
Day 1A: 144 entries / 22 ITM
Day 1B: 220 entries / 33 ITM
Day 1C: 382 entries / 58 ITM
Total entries: 746
Prize pool: PHP 9,551,784 (~US$ 170,918)
ITM: 113 players

CLICK HERE for Payouts

Final 9 payouts

Place Player Payout in PHP Payout in USD
1 William Ysmael ₱1,867,000 33,339
2 Ting Yi Chen ₱1,140,000 20,357
3 Edgar Asehan ₱765,000 13,661
4 Takashi Shiono ₱577,000 10,304
5 Yun Rong Cheong ₱457,500 8,170
6 Hai Shien Tan ₱346,000 6,179
7 Ronny Lee ₱248,500 4,438
8 Gerardo Lubas ₱169,784 3,032
9 Joven Huerto ₱134,500 2,402

1st place: inclusive of APPT Manila Main Event Package worth PHP 105,000
2nd place: inclusive of APPT Manila Main Event seat worth PHP 65,000

CHIPS IN PLAY: 22,380,000

William Ysmael wins the MSS Main Event for PHP 1,762,000 plus an APPT Manila Main Event package!

DJ704804 Enhanced NR

18:45: Ting Yi Chen eliminated in 2nd place – PHP 1,140,000 (~$20,357)
Level 36: 250,000-500,00 ante 500,000

Ting Yi Chen 6

From the button, Ting Yi Chen is all in for his last 3 bb, William Ysmael calls. Chen opens 8d7d, Ysmael with Kh4h. The board runs out 10d5s6hJd5h. Chen is eliminated in 2nd place. He wins PHP 1,075,000 in cash and an APPT Manila Main Event seat worth PHP 65,000.

18:40: Ysmael doubles up, Chen plunges to 2 bb
Level 36: 250,000-500,00 ante 500,000

William Ysmael 6

Button William Ysmael limps, big blind Ting Yi Chen checks. At the flop 8c6h7d, Chen checks, Ysmael bets 2,000,000, Chen shoves, Ysmael calls for the first all in showdown at heads up.

Chen 5d10s open ended
Ysmael 4c5h straight

After the turn 3c and river 2d, Ysmael doubles up.

William Ysmael – 20,700,000 (41 bb)
Ting Yi Chen – 1,600,000 (3 bb)

18:35: Small pot for Ysmael
Level 36: 250,000-500,00 ante 500,000

Button Ting Yi Chen limps, big blind William Ysmael checks. Both players check the flop 5c8s6s. On the turn 3h, Ysmael bets 700,000, Chen folds.

William Ysmael – 10,300,000 (20 bb)
Ting Yi Chen – 12,000,000 (24 bb)

18:30: Ysmael’s bluff fails, Chen widens lead
Level 36: 250,000-500,00 ante 500,000

Button Ting Yi Chen limps, William Ysmael checks. Both players check to the river Kd3c9dJsQs. Ysmael bets 700,000, Chen check-calls. Ysmael opens 5c8c air, Chen has better 5sQh.

Ting Yi Chen – 13,000,000 (26 bb)
William Ysmael – 9,300,000 (18 bb)

18:20: Ysmael close to par
Level 35: 200,000-400,000 ante 400,000

Button Ting Yi Chen raises to 900,000 then folds to William Ysmael‘s shove. Two hands later, Chen raises to 1,700,000, Ysmael shoves again. Chen folds.

William Ysmael – 11,000,000 (27 bb)
Ting Yi Chen – 11,300,000 (28 bb)

18:00: HEADS UP! 
Level 35: 200,000-400,000 ante 400,000

DJ704767 Enhanced NR

Ting Yi Chen – 14,700,000 (36 bb)
William Ysmael – 7,600,000 (19 bb)

18:00: Edgar Asehan eliminated in 3rd place – PHP 765,000 (~$13,661)
Level 35: 200,000-400,000 ante 400,000

Edgar Asehan 1 1

Small blind Edgar Asehan shoves with Qs9h, big blind Ting Yi Chen calls with AsKd. The board runs out 10sAh4cQd6s, Asehan is eliminated in 3rd place.

Ting Yi Chen – 14,700,000 (36 bb)
Edgar Asehan – eliminated in 3rd place

17:55: Asehan doubles up
Level 35: 200,000-400,000 ante 400,000

Small blind William Ysmael raises to 1,000,000, big blind Edgar Asehan calls with less chips. Ysmael shows 6c8c, Asehan with Ah7s, the board runs out 9cJcAd8s2h. Asehan doubles up.

Edgar Asehan – 2,100,000 (5 bb)
William Ysmael – 7,600,000 (19 bb)

17:52: Chen doubles up, Asehan plunges
Level 35: 200,000-400,000 ante 400,000

Button Edgar Asehan shoves with Ad2h, small blind Ting Yi Chen risks it all with JdJc. The board runs out 10cQsQh7c8c for Jacks to hold and award Chen the max.

Ting Yi Chen – 12,600,000 (31 bb)
Edgar Asehan – 1,300,000 (3 bb)

17:50: Chen on the rise
Level 35: 200,000-400,000 ante 400,000

After stealing the blinds and antes, Ting Yi Chen proceeds to shove from the big blind and button raiser William Ysmael folds, giving up his 800,000 raise.

Ting Yi Chen – 5,700,000 (14 bb)
William Ysmael – 9,100,000 (22 bb)

17:45: Ysmael doubles up
Level 35: 200,000-400,000 ante 400,000

Small blind Ting Yi Chen raises to 750,000, big blind William Ysmael shoves, Chen calls and shows JhJd, Ysmael with As6h. The board runs out 3s6d10dAcKd, Ysmael’s spikes the Ace to double up.

William Ysmael – 9,300,000 (31 bb)
Ting Yi Chen – 3,700,000 (12 bb)

17:42: Asehan doubles up, takes the lead
Level 34: 150,000-300,000 ante 300,000

Button player William Ysmael raises to 600,000, small blind Edgar Asehan three-bets all in with JhJs, big blind Ting Yi Chen four-bet shoves with 9s9d, Ysmael opts to fold. The board runs out Ad4c5s2s10d for Jacks to hold and double up.

Edgar Asehan – 9,300,000 (37 bb)
Ting Yi Chen – 8,100,000 (32 bb)
William Ysmael – 4,800,000 (19 bb)

17:35: Chen’s turn to drag in a pot
Level 34: 150,000-300,000 ante 300,000

Small blind Ting Yi Chen raises to 900,000, big blind William Ysmael defends, the flop runs Ac2c7s. Chen c-bets 600,000, Ysmael folds.

Ting Yi Chen – 12,500,000 (50 bb )
William Ysmael – 4,500,000 (18 bb)

17:30: Asehan chipping up
Level 34: 150,000-300,000 ante 300,000

Small blind William Ysmael limps, big blind Edgar Asehan checks. At the flop 8sAc6c, Ysmael checks, Asehan bets 300,000, Ysmael calls. On the turn 2d Asehan continues with a bet of 800,000, this time Ysmael folds.

Edgar Asehan – 5,100,000 (20 bb)
William Ysmael – 5,600,000 (22 bb)

17:26: Chip count update
Level 34: 150,000-300,000 ante 300,000

Seat Player Stack BB
4 William Ysmael 6,000,000 24
8 Edgar Asehan 4,500,000 18
9 Ting Yi Chen 11,900,000 48

17:24: Ysmael gains a little
Level 33: 125,000-250,000 ante 250,000

Small blind Ting Yi Chen limps, big blind William Ysmael checks, the flop comes Ah9h8d. Chen checks, Ysmael bets 300,000, Chen calls. On the Ks turn, Ysmael fired 500,000, this time Chen folds.

William Ysmael – 6,100,000 (24 bb)
Ting Yi Chen – 12,200,000 (49 bb)

17:15: Chip count update
Level 33: 125,000-250,000 ante 250,000

Seat Player Stack BB
4 William Ysmael 4,800,000 19
8 Edgar Asehan 3,800,000 15
9 Ting Yi Chen 13,700,000 55

17:05: Chen has the straight
Level 33: 125,000-250,000 ante 250,000

Button player William Ysmael raises to 500,000, big blind Ting Yi Chen calls. Both players check it to the river board 5c10dJs9h2c. Chen bets 800,000, Ysmael calls then mucks to Chen’s 8h7s straight.

Ting Yi Chen – 13,500,000 (54 bb)
William Ysmael – 4,800,000 (19 bb)

17:00: Chip count update
Level 33: 125,000-250,000 ante 250,000

Seat Player Stack BB
4 William Ysmael 6,100,000 24
8 Edgar Asehan 4,200,000 17
9 Ting Yi Chen 12,000,000 48

16:45: Short stacked Asehan battles for chips, doubles up
Level 32: 100,000-200,000 ante 200,000

Edgar Asehan 2 1

Small blind Edgar Asehan limps, big blind Ting Yi Chen shoves his massive stack, Asehan folds. Next hand, Asehan shoves on the button, no takers to win the blinds and ante.

On the third consecutive hand, button player Ting Yi Chen raises to 450,000, Asehan shoves from the big blind, Chen calls and shows Ks8s, Asehan is ahead with AdJd. The board runs 4c6d10c9dQc. It’s a double up for Asehan.

Edgar Asehan – 5,100,000 (25 bb)

16:37: Chen gets lucky for a huge double up
Level 32: 100,000-200,000 ante 200,000

DSC 0646

Button player William Ysmael raises to 400,000, big blind Ting Yi Chen three-bets to 900,000, Ysmael four-bet shoves, Chen calls for all his chips.

Ysmael QsQh
Chen 8h8c

The board runs 6s10s9d5h7s for a lucky straight to Chen to avoid the rail and score a massive double up.

Ting Yi Chen – 12,000,000 (60 bb)
William Ysmael – 6,700,000 (33 bb)

16:30: Takashi Shiono eliminated in 4th place – PHP 577,000 (~$ 10,304)
Level 32: 100,000-200,000 ante 200,000

Takashi Shiono 1

After losing numerous blinds and antes, Takashi Shiono shoved from under the gun holding 9s9d then ran into big blind Ting Yi Chen’s 10c10s. The board runs out Js7cAc5c5h. Shiono is eliminated in 4th place.

Ting Yi Chen – 6,000,000
Takashi Shiono – eliminated in 4th place

16:15: Chip count update
Level 31: 80,000-160,000 ante 160,000

Seat Player Stack BB
1 Takashi Shiono 3,700,000 23
4 William Ysmael 11,000,000 69
8 Edgar Asehan 3,200,000 20
9 Ting Yi Chen 4,100,000 26

16:00: Yun Rong Cheong eliminated in 5th place – PHP 457,500 (~$8,170)
Level 31: 80,000-160,000 ante 160,000

Yun Rong Cheong 2 1

William Ysmael shoves from the small blind and big blind Yun Rong Cheong takes the risk for his tournament life. Ysmael opens Ac3h, Cheong with 9dQc. The board runs out Jd5c7d7s4h. Cheong is eliminated in 5th place.

William Ysmael – 11,000,000
Yun Rong Cheong – eliminated in 5th place

15:40: Cheong doubles up
Level 31: 80,000-160,000 ante 160,000

Yun Rong Cheong shoves with QcQd and is called by Edgar Asehan with Ah6h. The board runs 6s7c10h10dJh.

Yun Rong Cheong – 1,700,000 (10 bb)
Edgar Asehan – 3,200,000 (20 bb)

15:35: Asehan doubles up, Cheong plunges to 4 bb
Level 31: 80,000-160,000 ante 160,000

Button player William Ysmael raises to 320,000, small blind Yun Rong Cheong three-bet shoves with Ad4d, big blind Edgar Asehan joins the shove with AsKd, back to Ysmael who opts to fold. The board runs out 7c2h4cKh6d, Asehan doubles up, Cheong plunges to 4 bb.

Edgar Asehan – 3,800,000 (23 bb)
Yun Rong Cheong – 600,000 (4 bb)
William Ysmael – 9,000,000 (56 bb)

15:32: Ysmael takes it with top pair
Level 30: 60,000-120,000 ante 120,000

Small blind Takashi Shiono raises to 250,000, William Ysmael defends on the big blind, the flop comes 2h7hAs. Shiono bets 200,000, Ysmael calls. Same action on the turn 8c with Ysmael calling a 500,000 bet. Both players proceed to check the river 4d. Shiono has 5c5s, Ysmael wins the pot with Ac6s.

William Ysmael – 9,300,000 (77 bb)
Takashi Shiono – 3,700,000 (30 bb)

15:30: Shiono picks up another pot
Level 30: 60,000-120,000 ante 120,000

Takashi Shiono 3 1

Under the gun William Ysmael raises to 250,000, small blind Ting Yi Chen and big blind Takashi Shiono call, the flop comes Ah2sQd and all check. At the turn Ks, Shiono bets 300,000, Ysmael calls, Chen folds. On the river 7s, Ysmael bets 250,000, Shiono check-calls. Ysmael has Ac5s, Shiono Kd2c two pair wins the pot.

Takashi Shiono – 4,700,000 (39 bb)
William Ysmael – 8,300,000 (69 bb)
Ting Yi Chen – 4,200,000 (35 bb)

15:20: Shiono takes on the leader
Level 30: 60,000-120,000 ante 120,000

From under the gun, William Ysmael raises to 250,000, big blind Takashi Shiono defends, the flop runs 3c10h9s. Shiono checks then calls Ysmael’s 300,000 bet. On the turn 4h, Shiono checks again, Ysmael fires 550,000, Shiono shoves and pushes out Ysmael.

Takashi Shiono – 3,800,000 (31 bb)
William Ysmael – 9,100,000 (75 bb)

15:15: Hai Shien Tan eliminated in 6th place – PHP 346,000 (~$6,179)
Level 30: 60,000-120,000 ante 120,000

Hai Shien Tan

From cutoff, William Ysmael raises to 250,000, small blind Hai Shien Tan three-bets to 1,000,000 leaving behind around 800,000. Back to Ysmael who shoves, Tan commits the rest of his stack.

Tan Ah5s
Ysmael JsJh

The board runs 3h9c7s2c8s to end Tan’s run in 6th place.

William Ysmael – 10,200,000
Hai Shien Tan – eliminated in 6th place

15:05: Cheong doubles up through Tan
Level 30: 60,000-120,000 ante 120,000

After his failed bluff, Yun Rong Cheong shoves from the small blind holding 9d7c and big blind Hai Shien Tan calls with QcJh. The board runs out 8c5s4d9h8d. Cheong spikes a pair to double up.

Yun Rong Cheong – 2,700,000 (22 bb)
Hai Shien Tan – 1,800,000 (15 bb)

15:00: Cheong bluff fails, Ysmael soars to 75 bb
Level 30: 60,000-120,000 ante 120,000

On a board showing 10d6sKh2d and 600,000 in the pot, small blind William Ysmael bets 250,000, big blind Yun Rong Cheong raises to 1,000,000, Ysmael calls. On the river 5h, Ysmael checks, Cheong fires 1,700,000, Ysmael calls. Cheong shows As7s bluff, Ysmael ships it with 10h2h.

William Ysmael – 9,100,000 (75 bb)
Yun Rong Cheong – 1,300,000 (11 bb)

14:45: Chip count update
Level 30: 60,000-120,000 ante 120,000

Seat Player Stack BB
1 Takashi Shiono 1,900,000 16
4 William Ysmael 6,100,000 51
6 Yun Rong Cheong 4,300,000 36
7 Hai Shien Tan 3,100,000 26
8 Edgar Asehan 2,400,000 20
9 Ting Yi Chen 4,100,000 34

14:30: Asehan doubles up
Level 29: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

Button player Yun Rong Cheong raises to 200,000, small blind Hai Shien Tan and big blind Edgar Asehan call. At the flop 8h2c3h, Tan checks, Asehan shoves 1,100,000, Cheong folds, Tan calls.

Tan 6d6h
Asehan Kd8d

The turn 4s and river Js secures the double up for Asehan.

Edgar Asehan – 2,900,000
Hai Shien Tan – 3,400,000
Yun Rong Cheong – 4,200,000

14:24: More chips for Ysmael
Level 29: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

William Ysmael 3 1

Cutoff Edgar Asehan raises to 225,000, big blind Ysmael defends, the flop comes 2cQs2s. Ysmael checks, aggressor Asehan bets 175,000, Ysmael calls. Both players check the turn 5d, then on the river 4d, Ysmael leads out 225,000, Asehan folds.

William Ysmael – 5,500,000 (55 bb)
Edgar Asehan – 1,400,000 (14 bb)

14:14: Ysmael wins the pot
Level 29: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

Small blind William Ysmael limps then calls big blind Yun Rong Cheong’s 400,000 raise. At the flop 2c7d10h, Ysmael check-calls a 300,000 c-bet from Cheong. Both players check the turn Kd and river 9s. Ysmael shows Kh10d two pair and wins the pot.

William Ysmael – 4,000,000 (40 bb)
Yun Rong Cheong – 4,300,000 (43 bb)

14:09: Hard-betting Asehan pushes for the pot
Level 29: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

Button player Edgar Asehan raises to 250,000, big blind Takashi Shiono defends. At the flop 5h3d7c, Asehan c-bets 250,000, Shiono check-calls. On the turn 8h, Asehan shoves, Shiono check-folds.

Edgar Asehan – 2,100,000 (21 bb)
Takashi Shiono – 2,100,000  (21 bb)

14:04: Ronny Lee eliminated in 7th place – PHP 248,500 (~$4,438)
Level 29: 50,000-100,000 ante 100,000

Ronny Lee 1

Down to 750,000 (7.5 bb), Ronny Lee sends it all in with AcQs and small blind Hai Shien Tan snap calls with KdKh. The board runs out Js9s2h4d5s, Lee misses the board to fall in 7th place.

Hai Shien Tan – 4,400,000 (44 bb)
Ronny Lee – eliminated in 7th place

14:00: Gerardo Lubas III eliminated in 8th place – PHP ₱169,784 (~$3,032)
Level 28: 40,000-80,000 ante 80,000

Gerardo Lubas III 1

Lojack Ting Yi Chen raises to 175,000, from cutoff Gerardo Lubas III three-bets all in, Chen calls and shows 8h8c. It’s a flip with Lubas holding AcQd. The board runs out Jd4h5d10c3d. Lubas misses to fall in 8th place.

Ting Yi Chen – 4,200,000 (52 bb)
Gerardo Lubas – eliminated in 8th place

13:50: Joven Huerto eliminated in 9th place – PHP 134,500 (~$2,402)
Level 28: 40,000-80,000 ante 80,000

Joven Huerto 2 1

First casualty of the final table has just been delivered. Hijack player Joven Huerto enters a preflop betting war against Ting Yi Chen that kicks off with Huerto raising to 175,000, cutoff Yun Rong Cheong calls, big blind Chen jams, back to Huerto who calls for his tournament life, Cheong opts to get out of the way.

Chen As8s
Huerto JdJc

The board runs out 3dKs5c2cAc for a higher pair on the river to Chen to eliminate Huerto.

Ting Yi Chen – 3,000,000 (37 bb)
Joven Huerto – eliminated in 9th place

13:41: Lee doubles up through Chen
Level 28: 40,000-80,000 ante 80,000

First all in showdown of the final table opens with lojack Ting Yi Chen raising to 160,000, button player Ronny Lee three-bets all in, Chen calls.

Lee KcQc
Chen 10s10d

The board runs Jh6c2c6dKd for a rivered King-high pair to keep Lee in the running

Ronny Le – 1,500,000 (19 bb)
Ting Yi Chen – 1,600,000 (20 bb)

13:33: Tan drives the pot, Ysmael wins it
Level 28: 40,000-80,000 ante 80,000

From under the gun +2, William Ysmael raises to 160,000, cutoff Hai Shien Tan thr/ee-bets to 380,000, back to Ysmael who calls. At the flop KdJs3d, Ysmael checks to Tan who c-bets 225,000, Ysmael calls. Both players check the turn 6s. On the river 8d, Ysmael leads out 850,000, Tan folds.

William Ysmael – 4,200,000 (52 bb)
Hai Shien Tan – 3,000,000 (37 bb)

13:23: Cheong takes the opening pot
Level 27: 30,000- 60,000 ante 60,000

Button player William Ysmael raises to 120,000, big blind Yun Rong Cheong defends, the flop comes Ac2s7h. Ysmael bets 90,000, Cheong check-calls. The turn 7c and river Ah both players check, Cheong shows Ks3s king-high and Ysmael mucks.

Yun Rong Cheong -5,800,000 (97 bb)
William Ysmael – 3,200,000 (53 bb)

13:20: Cards in the air! Race to the title begins!
Level 27: 30,000- 60,000 ante 60,000

DJ704689 Enhanced NR

Shuffle up and deal! The race to the MSS Main Event title and coveted top prize of PJP 1,867,000 is underway!

Final 9 players

Rank Player Flag Stack
1 Yun Rong Cheong Singapore 5,590,000
2 Hai Shien Tan Singapore 4,050,000
3 William Ysmael Philippines 3,420,000
4 Takashi Shiono Japan 3,370,000
5 Ting Yi Chen Taiwan 1,770,000
6 Gerardo Lubas III Philippines 1,235,000
7 Joven Huerto Philippines 1,125,000
8 Ronny Lee Malaysia 950,000
9 Edgar Asehan Philippines 875,000

Remaining payouts

Place Payout in PHP Payout in USD
1 ₱1,867,000 33,339
2 ₱1,140,000 20,357
3 ₱765,000 13,661
4 ₱577,000 10,304
5 ₱457,500 8,170
6 ₱346,000 6,179
7 ₱248,500 4,438
8 ₱169,784 3,032
9 ₱134,500 2,402

Key Info PokerStars Manila Super Series 2023

  Location: Okada Manila, Philippines

  Dates: May 29th to June 4th

  Main Event Buy-In: 15,000 PHP

Schedule: PokerStars Live Manila Super Series 2023 Schedule


Poker enthusiasts in Asia have plenty to rave about as the highly popular Manila Super Series kicks off today! The weeklong festival runs from May 29 to June 4, 2023 at the PokerStars LIVE Manila hub in Okada Manila, Philippines. The event advertises PHP 6 million (~US$ 107,290) in guaranteed prize money with seven iconic PokerStars spade trophies up for grabs.


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Through the years, the Manila Super Series has become one of the most enjoyable and sought after PokerStars LIVE Manila events in the country. Since its inception in 2017, it has consistently grown in popularity and scale, amassing over a thousand Main Event entries on numerous occasions. The allure of this festival extends beyond borders, as both local players and international talents continue to grace the felt. In addition, its low to mid-range buy-ins provide a platform for recreational players and novices to test their skills and chase glory.

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The current edition marks its seventeenth installment. As the cards hit the felt today, the Warm Up event takes the spotlight, offering a PHP 1 Million guarantee (~US$ 17,880). The opener serves as a perfect opportunity for players to kickstart their trophy hunt and prepare for the highly anticipated Main Event. With two flights available today, players will battle it out until the money round is reached which is 15% of the field. Buy in is an affordable PHP 6,000 (~US$ 107) with unlimited re-entry. Those who survive will progress to Day 2, scheduled for tomorrow, May 30, 2023.

Following the excitement of the Warm Up event is the festival headliner. The Main Event boasts a substantial PHP 3 Million guarantee (~US$ 53,640) which has consistently been breached. The richest MSS was installment #6 with 1,118 entries and a prize pool of over PHP 9.5 Million.

Among the many notable players that have claimed the crown were Korea’s Hyung Jo (MSS 1), Hong Kong’s Alan King Lun Lau (MSS 4), Filipino WSOP bracelet winner Mike Takayama (MSS 5), Filipino pro Lester Edoc (MSS 7), and first female champion Japan’s Yuka Asaka (MSS 8).

The Main Event runs from May 31 to June 4 with three entry flights, providing multiple chances for players to join the action and make their mark in the tournament. Buy in is PHP 15,000 (~US$ 270) with unlimited re-entry.

For more information, head to the PokerStars LIVE Manila website. 

Key Events

Key Events Guarantee (PHP) Dates
Buy in (PHP)
Warm Up 1,000,000 May 29-30 6,000
Knockout 500,000 May 30 6,500
Main Event 3,000,000 May 31 to June 4 15,000
Super Series Turbo 1,000,000 May 31 to June 4
Mystery Bounty 500,000 June 4 6,500

*Photos by PokerStars LIVE

Manila Super Series 17 – Festival Results

Main Event

DJ704816 Enhanced NR
William Ysmael

Date: May 29 to June 4, 2023
Buy in: PHP 15,000 (~US$ 270)
Guarantee: PHP 3,000,000 (~US$ 53,320)
Total entries: 746 (374 unique, 372 re-entry)
Prize pool: PHP 9,551,784 (~US$ 170,918)
ITM: 113 players

Place Player Payout in PHP
Payout in USD
1 William Ysmael ₱1,867,000 33,339
2 Ting Yi Chen ₱1,140,000 20,357
3 Edgar Asehan ₱765,000 13,661
4 Takashi Shiono ₱577,000 10,304
5 Yun Rong Cheong ₱457,500 8,170
6 Hai Shien Tan ₱346,000 6,179
7 Ronny Lee ₱248,500 4,438
8 Gerardo Lubas III ₱169,784 3,032
9 Joven Huerto ₱134,500 2,402
10 Yan Ke ₱109,500 1,955
11 Ricardo Singapan ₱109,500 1,955
12 Richard Marquez ₱97,500 1,741
13 Lester Timonera ₱97,500 1,741
14 Raymundo Gomez ₱88,000 1,571
15 Rick Jason Ambata ₱88,000 1,571
16 Erwin Navarro ₱78,500 1,402
17 Mitsuya Matsubara ₱78,500 1,402
18 Mike Takayama ₱69,000 1,232
19 Stefano Guiriolo ₱69,000 1,232
20 Alexis Cruz ₱69,000 1,232
21 Louie John Princesa ₱59,500 1,063
22 Mikko Cayetano ₱59,500 1,063
23 Wai Sing Wilson ₱59,500 1,063
24 Genesis Pilao ₱50,500 902
25 Manuel Mascunana III ₱50,500 902
26 John Philip Baider ₱50,500 902
27 Allan Daypuyart ₱50,500 902
28 Norbert Koh ₱43,500 777
29 Zhiqiang Liu ₱43,500 777
30 Jie Hui Chang ₱43,500 777
31 Sergei Matveev ₱43,500 777
32 Soochang Lee ₱38,000 679
33 Jaeki Choi ₱38,000 679
34 Teck Heng Chua ₱38,000 679
35 David Lennard Ang ₱38,000 679
36 Jharome Pena ₱38,000 679
37 William Jones ₱38,000 679
38 Seung Yong Yi ₱38,000 679
39 Hayato Karuo ₱38,000 679
40 Gilson Chan ₱33,500 598
41 Mc Yeldarb Mantos ₱33,500 598
42 Christopher Richards ₱33,500 598
43 Marciel Cerbito ₱33,500 598
44 Meng Xuan Ang ₱33,500 598
45 Hong Kee Ng ₱33,500 598
46 Kazuki Yamashita ₱33,500 598
47 Anthony Gabitan ₱33,500 598
48 Cezar Quiambao ₱33,500 598
49 Po Hsun Liao ₱33,500 598
50 Jeremy Noguero ₱33,500 598
51 Alexander Goh ₱33,500 598
52 Denis Mikolaenko ₱33,500 598
53 Edmil Marcel ₱33,500 598
54 Hirotaka Kihara ₱33,500 598
55 Cameron Hunt ₱33,500 598
56 Hsing Hsiung Tai ₱29,500 527
57 Dexter Manapat ₱29,500 527
58 Dexter Santos ₱29,500 527
59 Vivencio Nachor Jr ₱29,500 527
60 Rahul Chinchalkar ₱29,500 527
61 Ruderico Dela Cruz ₱29,500 527
62 Harish Kumar Asnani ₱29,500 527
63 Digno Camacho Jr ₱29,500 527
64 Santiago Dorwelo ₱29,500 527
65 Michael Gabby Concepcion ₱29,500 527
66 Conor Berry Grimsle ₱29,500 527
67 Masafumi Kimura ₱29,500 527
68 Vishal Aswani ₱29,500 527
69 Chua Feng Ji ₱29,500 527
70 Mark De Vera ₱29,500 527
71 Randy Lee ₱29,500 527
72 Richard Ko ₱25,500 455
73 Chiu Szu Jui ₱25,500 455
74 Edilberto Gopez ₱25,500 455
75 Andrey Nagy ₱25,500 455
76 Florencio Campomanes ₱25,500 455
77 Ruzzel Jose ₱25,500 455
78 Junghoon Choi ₱25,500 455
79 Bonifacio Mondalo ₱25,500 455
80 Johnson Tan ₱25,500 455
81 Wei Hsiang Chen ₱25,500 455
82 Emmanuel Segismundo ₱25,500 455
83 Munkh Natsagdorj ₱25,500 455
84 John Niko Costiniano ₱25,500 455
85 Battulga Ganbold ₱25,500 455
86 Siavasch Dastmachi ₱25,500 455
87 Tracy Crisostomo ₱25,500 455
88 Ryusuke Ota ₱25,500 455
89 Yukiko Fujiki ₱25,500 455
90 Ivan Tabucal ₱25,500 455
91 Marc Regalario ₱25,500 455
92 Andy Chan ₱25,500 455
93 Darren Yu ₱25,500 455
94 Kenneth Thariyan ₱25,500 455
95 Shih Hung Huang ₱25,500 455
96 Sang Ho Cho ₱23,000 411
97 Gary Lantoria ₱23,000 411
98 Sukki Kim ₱23,000 411
99 Kenneth Ching ₱23,000 411
100 Ricardo Torres ₱23,000 411
101 Sangmook Park ₱23,000 411
102 Jeffrey Pardales ₱23,000 411
103 Jannodin Riga ₱23,000 411
104 Liao Pin Hung ₱23,000 411
105 Takuo Serita ₱23,000 411
106 Junji Matsubara ₱23,000 411
107 Magnus Martin ₱23,000 411
108 Fujiki Daisuke ₱23,000 411
109 Tsunyin Ng ₱23,000 411
110 Jae Yi Chang ₱23,000 411
111 Albert Muir ₱23,000 411
112 Jody Kitchen ₱23,000 411
113 Takumu Eguchi ₱23,000 411

Event 1: Warm Up

52945730764 d0d1015c6f c
Raymundo Gomez

Buy in: PHP 6,000 (~US$ 107)
Guarantee: PHP 1,000,000 (~US$ 17,850)
Entries: 411 {162 unique, 249 re-entry)
Prize pool: PHP 2,104,978 (~US$ 37,575)
ITM: 62 places

Rank Player Flag Payouts in PHP
1 Raymundo Gomez Philippines ₱305,000
2 Vivencio Nachor Jr Philippines ₱275,000
3 Florencio Campomanes Philippines ₱270,000
4 Jester Intia Philippines ₱147,000
5 Edgar Asehan Philippines ₱115,000
6 Jharome Pena Philippines ₱90,000
7 Lester Timonera Philippines ₱68,000
8 Joseph Sia Philippines ₱48,000
9 Young Wook Jang South Korea ₱39,678
10 Chiu Szu Jui Taiwan ₱32,000
11 Federick Cruz Philippines ₱32,000
12 Jay Gerardo Lubas III Philippines ₱28,000
13 Deokryong Kim South Korea ₱28,000
14 John Tech Philippines ₱25,000
15 Louis Wong Singapore ₱25,000
16 Joseph Santos Philippines ₱21,700
17 Ryan Chua Philippines ₱21,700
18 Danilo Ola Philippines ₱19,600
19 Elvis Guevarra Philippines ₱19,600
20 Roque Lima III Philippines ₱19,600
21 Kristof Debie Belgium ₱17,500
22 Carmelita Yutuc Philippines ₱17,500
23 Maurillo Bulauitan Philippines ₱17,500
24 Rick Jason Ambata Philippines ₱15,400
25 Wallace Chan Wai Ting China ₱15,400
26 Christopher Pasion Philippines ₱15,400
27 Jose Padilla Philippines ₱15,400
28 Kim Taeyoon South Korea ₱13,300
29 Kim Michael Enriquez Philippines ₱13,300
30 Jimmy Valle Philippines ₱13,300
31 Ricardo Singapan Philippines ₱13,300
32 Ephraim Guevarra Philippines ₱11,200
33 Yudai Yamaguchi Japan ₱11,200
34 Rodrigo Sequite Philippines ₱11,200
35 Joven Huerto Philippines ₱11,200
36 Darren Yu Philippines ₱11,200
37 Cameron Hunt Uk ₱11,200
38 Winifred Obedoza Philippines ₱11,200
39 Manuel Mascunana III Philippines ₱11,200
40 Mc Yeldarb Mantos Philippines ₱9,700
41 Jeffrey Pamplona Philippines ₱9,700
42 Noel Regencia Philippines ₱9,700
43 Alexander Topacio Philippines ₱9,700
44 Kunhao Liu China ₱9,700
45 Jimmie Javier Philippines ₱9,700
46 Jayvon Carreon Philippines ₱9,700
47 Richard Marquez Philippines ₱9,700
48 Benyamin Zoughi Iran ₱9,700
49 Yoke Seng Ng Malaysia ₱9,700
50 Minkyu Kim South Korea ₱9,700
51 Reynaldo Salonga Philippines ₱9,700
52 Jeremiah Maraig Philippines ₱9,700
53 Richard Magaro Philippines ₱9,700
54 Renato Villanueva Philippines ₱9,700
55 Pescador Segiredo Philippines ₱9,700
56 Victor Zhuchkov Russia ₱9,000
57 Albert Muir Usa ₱9,000
58 Allan Dy Philippines ₱9,000
59 Xuexing Chen China ₱9,000
60 Dexter Manapat Philippines ₱9,000
61 Denis Mikolaenko Russia ₱9,000
62 Jose Cheung Philippines ₱9,000

Event 2: Knockout

52945729584 dd3c185270 c
Joseph Sia

Buy in: PHP 6,500 (~US$ 116)
Guarantee: PHP 500,000 (~US$ 8,925)
Entries: 237 (158 unique, 79 re-entry)
Prize pool: PHP 1,788,971 (~US$ 31,935)
ITM: 31 places

*Payouts do not include bounties
*Final 3 even chop, play for trophy

Rank Player Flag
Payouts in PHP
1 Joseph Sia Philippines ₱127,500
2 Dexter Manapat Philippines ₱127,500
3 John Carlo Sayo Philippines ₱127,500
4 Ivan Tabucal Philippines ₱68,500
5 Tsunyin Ng Hong Kong ₱54,000
6 Jason Cruz Philippines ₱41,000
7 Tetsunori Saito Japan ₱30,000
8 Munkh Natsagdorj Mongolia ₱22,000
9 Aleksandr Smolin Russia ₱18,971
10 Xuexing Chen China ₱15,500
11 Jaekang Park South Korea ₱15,500
12 Rafael Gerardo Tensuan Philippines ₱13,500
13 Rodrigo Sequite Philippines ₱13,500
14 Anthony Castro Philippines ₱12,500
15 Victor Zhuchkov Russia ₱12,500
16 Michael Bueza Philippines ₱11,000
17 Jose Padilla Philippines ₱11,000
18 Haris Zambas Cyprus ₱10,000
19 Kevin Zagala Usa ₱10,000
20 Muthu Kumaran Malaysia ₱10,000
21 Ireneo Javalera Philippines ₱9,000
22 Alvir Inocentes Philippines ₱9,000
23 Sergei Matveev Russia ₱9,000
24 Junkai Lim Singapore ₱8,000
25 Winifred Obedoza Philippines ₱8,000
26 Maaku Tanaka Japan ₱8,000
27 Hwimok Kim South Korea ₱8,000
28 Trang Quan Linh Vietnam ₱7,500
29 Tracy Crisostoo Philippines ₱7,500
30 Segei Ivanov Russia ₱7,500
31 Roque Lima Philippines ₱7,500

Event 4: Super Series Turbo

DJ704831 Enhanced NR
Chierro De Leon

Buy in: PHP 3,500 (~US$ 63)
Guarantee: PHP 1,000,000 (~US$ 17,850)
Entries: 626
Prize pool: PHP 1,870,238 (~US$ 33,385)
ITM: 95 places

*Final 3 ICM deal

Rank Player Flag Payouts in PHP
1 Chierro De Leon Philippines ₱276,800*
2 Yee Shun Jian Singapore ₱235,900*
3 Keith Basso USA ₱213,800*
4 June Nuestro Philippines ₱122,000
5 Jose Ramon Ramos Philippines ₱97,000
6 Wo Kui Lam Hong Kong ₱76,000
7 Jose Cheung Philippines ₱56,000
8 Jeffrey Pardales Philippines ₱38,238
9 Jesus Rivera Philippines ₱30,000
10 Jose Padilla Philippines ₱25,000
11 Meng Xuan Ang Singapore ₱25,000
12 Jose Colada Philippines ₱20,500
13 Edilberto Gopez Philippines ₱20,500
14 Jessie Trance Philippines ₱18,000
15 Francis Villamar Philippines ₱18,000
16 Kuo Hsi Tung Taiwan ₱16,000
17 Cyril Gallo France ₱16,000
18 Chun Kuo Su Taiwan ₱14,000
19 Wei Hsiang Chen Taiwan ₱14,000
20 Li Chien Lin Taiwan ₱14,000
21 Patrick Ramil Bathan Philippines ₱12,500
22 Royly Oracion Philippines ₱12,500
23 Mc Edwin Montanes Philippines ₱12,500
24 Kieu Oanh Uyen Tran Vietnam ₱11,000
25 Rodillo Parsacala Jr Philippines ₱11,000
26 Shih Hung Huang Taiwan ₱11,000
27 Liberty Icao Philippines ₱11,000
28 Jinhyuk Kang South Korea ₱9,500
29 Fernando Trinidad Philippines ₱9,500
30 Alex Tazumi Canada ₱9,500
31 Richard Marquez Philippines ₱9,500
32 Reynaldo Tuazon Philippines ₱8,000
33 Bryan Areglado Philippines ₱8,000
34 Alvin Jeff Sembrano Philippines ₱8,000
35 John Carlo Sayo Philippines ₱8,000
36 Teng Huang Taiwan ₱8,000
37 Chiu Szu Jui Taiwan ₱8,000
38 Jason Cruz Philippines ₱8,000
39 John Philip Baider Philippines ₱8,000
40 Eric De Vietro France ₱7,000
41 Jaekang Park South Korea ₱7,000
42 Reynaldo Salonga Philippines ₱7,000
43 Nicolas Rodier France ₱7,000
44 Koichiro Tsuzuki Japan ₱7,000
45 Angelo Mejia Philippines ₱7,000
46 Raji Rivera Philippines ₱7,000
47 Jed Jay Javier Philippines ₱7,000
48 Ronato Alcano Philippines ₱7,000
49 Marciel Cerbito Philippines ₱7,000
50 Battulga Ganbold Mongolia ₱7,000
51 Yu Chui Hu Taiwan ₱7,000
52 Hai Shien Tan Singapore ₱7,000
53 Ho Tung Chun Taiwan ₱7,000
54 Masakazu Miyamoto Japan ₱7,000
55 Benjamin Mangaliman Philippines ₱7,000
56 Kyo Takahashi Japan ₱6,000
57 Antonio Abesamis Philippines ₱6,000
58 Jianyi Ni China ₱6,000
59 Daniel Dagupan Philippines ₱6,000
60 Samson Hiu Singapore ₱6,000
61 Myeonghun Sim South Korea ₱6,000
62 Yosuke Sanehira Japan ₱6,000
63 Archie Mariano Philippines ₱6,000
64 Giap Leng Ng Singapore ₱6,000
65 Edson Orbino Philippines ₱6,000
66 Takashi Aoyagi Japan ₱6,000
67 Jianping Wu China ₱6,000
68 Jehyung Bang South Korea ₱6,000
69 Steven Opulencia Philippines ₱6,000
70 Emanuel Florendo Philippines ₱6,000
71 Milbert Bautista Philippines ₱6,000
72 Teck Heng Chua Singapore ₱5,500
73 Baltazar Garcia Philippines ₱5,500
74 Ellezer Castillo Philippines ₱5,500
75 David Sumaoi Philippines ₱5,500
76 Yoshihiro Noguchi Japan ₱5,500
77 Sedrick Celi Canada ₱5,500
78 Rosh Opulencia Philippines ₱5,500
79 Danilo Magtanong Jr Philippines ₱5,500
80 Mizuki Iino Japan ₱5,500
81 Kento Chogo Japan ₱5,500
82 Daniela Lamattina Uk ₱5,500
83 Rommel Vasquez Philippines ₱5,500
84 Gary Rotzler Usa ₱5,500
85 Taimu Fujimori Japan ₱5,500
86 Rommel Angeles Philippines ₱5,500
87 Eugene Co Philippines ₱5,500
88 Itsuki Chiba Japan ₱5,500
89 Chirag Shah India ₱5,500
90 Takayasu Itagaki Japan ₱5,500
91 Chun Wai Mak Hongkong ₱5,500
92 Elline Lui Singapore ₱5,500
93 Winifred Obedoza Philippines ₱5,500
94 Kam Fung Lee Hong Kong ₱5,500
95 Ramdrick Aznar Philippines ₱5,500

Event 5: Super Knockout

Liao Pin Hung

Buy in: PHP 20,000 (~US$ 357)
Entries: 125 (101 unique, 24 re-entry)
Prize pool: PHP 3,432,500 (~US$ 61,275)
ITM: 17 places

*Payouts do not include bounties

Rank Player Flag Payouts in PHP
1 Liao Pin Hung Taiwan ₱234,000
2 William Jones Usa ₱158,500
3 Jharome Pena Philippines ₱103,000
4 Teck Heng Chua Singapore ₱85,500
5 Rahul Chinchalkar India ₱69,000
6 Ofer Greenberg Usa ₱54,500
7 Manabu Onda Japan ₱41,500
8 Ediberto Gopez Philippines ₱31,000
9 Nomoto Kenjiro Japan ₱23,500
10 Jen Hung Yang China ₱19,000
11 Franklin Nuguid Philippines ₱19,000
12 Sangmook Park South Korea ₱17,000
13 Terrence Zhengzhong Singapore ₱17,000
14 Albert Muir Jr Usa ₱15,500
15 Kuan Hung Chou Taiwan ₱15,500
16 Egor Staroviotov Russia ₱14,500
17 Chia Wei Chang China ₱14,500

Event 6: Mystery Bounty

DJ704884 Enhanced NR
Hernan Jaybee Villa

Buy in: PHP 6,500 (~US$ 116)
Guarantee: PHP 500,000 (~US$ 8,925)
Entries: 307
Prize pool: PHP 2,163,859 (~US$ 38,630)
ITM: 47 places

*Payouts do not include bounties
*Four way deal

Rank Player Flag Payouts in PHP
1 Hernan Jaybee Villa Philippines ₱180,000*
2 Rommel Angeles Philippines ₱160,000*
3 Conrad Lumaban Philippines ₱141,000*
4 Christopher Pasion Philippines ₱126,000*
5 Takashi Aoyagi Japan ₱74,000
6 Richard Marquez Philippines ₱57,000
7 Heo Jeongwoo South Korea ₱42,000
8 Lester Timonera Philippines ₱31,000
9 Yukiko Fujiki Japan ₱24,859
10 Joven Huerto Philippines ₱21,000
11 Hayato Karuo Japan ₱21,000
12 Hiroyuki Suehara Japan ₱19,000
13 Yuichiro Yamanaka Japan ₱19,000
14 Segei Ivanov Russia ₱17,000
15 Kento Chogo Japan ₱17,000
16 Orly Dequina Philippines ₱14,500
17 Areum Heo South Korea ₱14,500
18 Egor Starovoitov Russia ₱12,500
19 Alexis Lim Philippines ₱12,500
20 Rodrigo Sequite Philippines ₱12,500
21 Ju Won Chung South Korea ₱11,500
22 Chien Wen Chen Taiwan ₱11,500
23 Yun Rong Cheong Singapore ₱11,500
24 Benjamin Mangaliman Philippines ₱10,000
25 Rick Jason Ambata Philippines ₱10,000
26 Rico Pecho Philippines ₱10,000
27 Edson Orbino Philippines ₱10,000
28 Daniela Lamattina Uk ₱9,000
29 Teck Heng Chua Singapore ₱9,000
30 Sukki Kim South Korea ₱9,000
31 Taro Sakai Japan ₱9,000
32 Jhana Hale Australia ₱7,500
33 Young Hwa Kim South Korea ₱7,500
34 Ruderico Dela Cruz Philippines ₱7,500
35 Jeoffrey Sibal Philippines ₱7,500
36 Milbert Bautista Philippines ₱7,500
37 Jianping Wu China ₱7,500
38 Jose Cheung Philippines ₱7,500
39 Keijiro Shimojo Japan ₱7,500
40 Carmelita Yutuc Philippines ₱7,000
41 Munkh Natsagdorj Mongolia ₱7,000
42 Po Hsun Liao Taiwan ₱7,000
43 Archie Mariano Philippines ₱7,000
44 Antonio Abesamis Philippines ₱7,000
45 Bo Han Song Taiwan ₱7,000
46 Norbert Koh Singapore ₱7,000
47 Mizuki Lino Japan ₱7,000

Event 7: Hyper Turbo Freezeout

DJ704861 Enhanced NR
Ofer Greenberg

Buy in: PHP 10,000 (~US$ 179)
Players: 25
Prize pool: PHP 213,400 (~US$ 3,810)
ITM: 5 places

Rank Player Flag Payouts in PHP
1 Ofer Greenberg USA ₱78,500
2 Christian Relucio Philippines ₱54,000
3 Po Kai Ho Taiwan ₱34,500
4 Kentaro Aramaki Japan ₱25,000
5 Hirotaka Kihara Japan ₱21,400