



Poker Stars Live Manila Super Series 2023 – 18: Live Updates

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Latest poker news about ManilaSuperSeries18

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Main Event – Live Updates – Day 1A

21:28: Day 1A action closes
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

The 198-entry field has dwindled down to 15% or 30 players to wrap up today’s games. Two more flights – Day 1B and Day 1C are available on schedule with all qualifiers returning to the Day 2 games on Saturday, September 23.

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Shin Hyeonho leads the 30-player pack with 507,000 in chips (~101 BB), followed by Ashley Patterson with 485,000 (~97 BB). Runners Ronato Alcano (482,000, ~96BB), John Tech (347,000, ~69BB), and Jester Initia (328,000, ~65BB) bag big stacks as well to cap the day.

21:28: Huang Yu Chen bubbles in 31st
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

Left with less than 5BB to work with, Huang Yu Chen jumped the gun with Qd10h and was called by small blind Ronato Alcano with AcJc. The board ran Jd4h5c7h9s, giving Alcano top pair for the win. Huang exits as Day 1A’s bubble with two more chances to return for a chance of the Manila Super Series 18 Main Event title.

Ronato Alcano – 482,000

21:28: Ye Jiaxian exits two places short of the money
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

Running a short stack, Ye Jiaxian flicked in his 34,000 stack with 7h7d and was called by big blind Ashley Patterson with Ks8s. Whilst a flip, Ye was quickly left drawing thin after Patterson paired up on the flop 4h9d8c and further improved to two pair on runout JcKh. Ye exits in 32nd, just two spots short of qualifying into Day 2.

Ashley Patterson – 490,000

21:26: Anthony Cierco crippled 
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

Folded to the hijack, Anthony Cierco moved all-in with Ah10d and was called by shorter stacked Reynolds Nicholas behind with 9s9d. Up for a flip, Reynolds faded all Cierco’s outs on board 6sQc7hKsKh and dodged an untimely elimination.

Reynolds Nicholas – 140,000
Anthony Cierco – 20,000

21:23: Marko Puskadija falls into trap
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

Hijack Oleg Mordassov opened to 10,000, called behind by Hong Jung Gi. Button Marko Puskadija squeezed all-in for 80,000 total, Mordassov folds, and Hong quickly puts the chips in.

Puskadija AsJc
Hong KhKc

The board 5h8d7sKd8c was no sweat for Hong as his full house easily put Puskadija out a few places before bubble time.

Hong Jung Gi – 230,000
Oleg Mordassov – 265,000

21:19: Top pair no good for Yee Shun Jian
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

Facing an open jam from bigger stacked Kim Kihyung, Yee Shun Jian called off for his remaining 70,000 with As9h and was crushed to face Kim’s KsKd. The board AdKc3c10s8d landed Yee top pair but still remained behind against his opponent’s set of Kings.

Kim Kihyung – 170,000

21:14: Lee Wei quickly recovers
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

Following the loss a few minutes beforehand, short stacked Lee Wei dodged a potential elimination after he moved all-in against utg Ashley Patterson’s open. From the small blind, Reiji Amada shoved behind for 68,000 total, prompting the original raiser to fold.

Lee 9h10h
Amada AdKd

The flop 3s9sJh instantly gave Lee a pair of nines and was good enough to claim the 75,000 pot after Amada failed to pair up on the turn or river.

Lee Wei – 75,000
Reiji Amada – 46,000
Ashley Patterson – 440,000

21:11: Monster flop for Jester Initia
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

An early open from Jester Initia saw two players call behind, revealing a flop of 5d5c6c. Initia continued with an 8,000 bet, raised by cut off Lee Wei to 21,000. Initia made the call and moved on to turn 10c. Both players checked round and the river 7h completed the board. Initia fired a 21,000 river bet and Lee made the final call. Initia showed trips 9d5h, followed by a muck from Lee to secure his win.

Jester Initia – 260,000
Lee Wei – 27,000

21:04: Ivan Tabucal runs into aces
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

After raising utg to 12,000, Ivan Tabucal called a 68,000 all-in from Jose Cheung with AcQc. Whilst a premium hand, it was no match for Cheung’s AdAh and was left with little hope after the board ran low and dry.

Jose Cheung – 146,000
Ivan Tabucal – 40,000

20:58: Ashley Patterson puts on the pressure
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

Utg+1 Kenzo Mendoza opened to 11,000, called by cut off Ashley Patterson and button Lee Wei. On the small blind, Reynolds Nicholas opted to squeeze to 47,000 total, leaving only Patterson with the call behind. Heads up, the flop came KhJh8d, and Reynolds bet folded 35,000 after Patterson raised for 65,000 more.

Ashley Patterson – 450,000
Reynolds Nicholas – 125,000
Lee Wei – 70,000
Kenzo Mendoza – 100,000

20:50: No showdown for Shin Hyeonho
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

Oleg Mordassov opened on the button to 9,000, called by the small blind and saw a three bet from big blind Shin Hyeonho to 45,000. Mordassov makes the call and small blind folds. Action went check-check on both flop 5d6s6h and turn Ah. The river 5c saw Shin throw in a 120,000 overbet to which Mordassov folded.

Shin Hyeonho – 330,000
Oleg Mordassov – 360,000

20:43: Great spot for Amada Reiji 
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

With an open from the cut off, button Gosai Diven fired a three bet to 35,000 and was committed to calling off after small blind Amada Reiji slammed his short stack in for 4,000 more. Original raiser folds and the two table:

Reiji AcJs
Diven QhJh

Runout revealed a dry ten-high, giving Reiji’s ace-high the win.

Amada Reiji – 96,000
Gosai Diven – 90,000

20:39: John Tech stacks more chips
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

Cutoff John Tech kicked off the action with an open to 8,000 and was met with a three bet from small blind Bardauskas Aivaras. Tech decided to go with it and put his opponent all-in. Aivaras made the call with AcJh and was ahead against Tech’s Kh8h. The board 10s7c7d7s remained safe for Aivaras up until the river 8d paired up Tech for a full house.

John Tech – 410,000

20:37: Ye Jiaxian double barrels
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

Utg+1 Ye Jiaxian opened to 10,000 and Anthony Cierco defended his big blind. The two saw a flop of AdQdJh and Ye continued with a 10,000 bet, check-called by Cierco. Turn came 10s and Ye fired another 15,000, to which Cierco folded.

Ye Jiaxian – 130,000
Anthony Cierco – 100,000

20:25: Break Time!
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

41 players remain in the running out of the 198 total entries recorded. Day 1A play ends after ITM is reached at 30 players.

Top Chip Counts:

Oleg Mordassov – 370,000
Koo Bomil – 320,000
Beaudoux Bertrand Zo – 300,000
John Tech – 290,000
Shin Hyeonho – 280,000

20:15: Alvir Inocentes with a better ace
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Folded to Alvir Inocentes on the button, he raised all-in with AcQc and was called by big blind Gerges Kyrillos with Ad7h. An ace high flop 5dAh8d gave both players top pair but the run out 2sJc meant that kickers would place. Inocentes locked up the win with the better ace for a full double up.

Alvir Inocentes – 70,000
Gerges Kyrillos – 160,000

20:11: Lee Wei wins flip for survival
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Beginning with a limp from Reiji Amada, small blind Lee Wei jumped the gun and moved all-in for his 34,000 stack. Amada made the call with 10s10d and was up for a flip against Lee’s AcKc. The board ran Js9cKh2c7s, giving Lee top pair for the win.

Lee Wei – 72,500
Reiji Amada – 50,000

20:00: Sidark Amanda drops down to 6BB
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Preflop action was spotted with all the chips in the middle with Sidark Amanda’s 10h10d up against Reynolds Nichols’ QhQs. The flop Qd7d5d gave Nichols a set but left Amada drawing to a diamond flush. The runout however, drew blank as Nichols took down the pot, leaving Amanda with 6BB behind.

Reynolds Nichols – 230,000
Sidark Amanda – 20,000

19:48: Mason Warren secures a double
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Facing an open from Yee Shun Jian, big blind Mason Warren went all-in for 25,500 total and was called by his opponent with KcJh. Warren was ahead with QdQh and scooped up a double after the board ran 4d7d4c8h8c.

Mason Warren – 54,500
Yee Shun Jian – 100,000

19:43: Reiji Almada coolers Abesamis Antonio
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Another preflop all-in situation, Abesamis Antonio found himself as the underdog in a cooler spot against bigger stacked Reiji Almada.

Almada KsKh
Antonio QcQd

Unfortunately for Antonio, the jack-high board 8c6dJhJc5d wasn’t good enough to save him from being eliminated.

Reiji Almada – 110,000

19:36: Dexter Santos heads for the rails
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Short stacked Dexter Santos was facing pressure from the increasing blinds and decided to go with Jc9s for his 9BB stack. Big blind Hong Jung Gi made the call with As8d for a race. Hong remained ahead all the way on a board of 10c4d5sKh4h and successfully secured the additional 20,000 boost to his stack.

Hong Jung Gi – 140,000

19:32: Ishikawa Yusuke catches river bluff
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Cut off Ken Okumura opened to 5,000, called behind by button Ishikawa Yusuke and big blind Alcano Ronato. Flop came 5d8h6s and first to act Ronato checked, Okumura bet 12,000, called only by Yusuke. Turn saw a 6h, checked by both players. A 9h completed the board and Okumura bet all-in. Yusuke makes the call with Ad9d for rivered top pair, well beating Okumura’s king-high bluff KdJc. Okumura is eliminated while Yusuke boosts to a healthy 52BB stack.

Ishikawa Yusuke – 130,000

19:24: Jayson Langlan runs into Jeon Changhyun’s top range
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

Folded to small blind Jayson Langlan, he shoved his 10BB stack in with 6c10h and was snap called by big blind Jeon Changhyun with QdQc. Langlan flopped a pair on 10c8sKd7c8h but was not enough to beat his opponent’s holdings.

Jeon Changhyun – 80,000

19:17: Beaudoux Bertrand Zo scores double elimination
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

A three-way all-in preflop ensued with Beaudoux Bertrand Zo covering both short stacked Marc Rivera and Choi Hyeonwoo.

Zo QcQd
Rivera As10h
Choi AdQs

A nine high board 6d9h7h3c7d faced up with Zo’s two pair queens and sevens, enough to send both players out.

Beaudoux Bertrand Zo – 260,000

19:11: Gosai Diven busts Myungil Ryu
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

With half his stack already in, Myungil Ryu called for his remaining 15,000 in after small blind Gosai Diven raised all-in.

Ryu 8d8h
Diven Qc10c

Up for a flip, Ryu’s hopes were immediately crushed after the flop revealed JsKd10s with no eights coming up on either turn or river. Diven’s pair of ten secures the win as Ryu is eliminated.

Gosai Diven – 75,000

19:07: Oesterstroem Phenix loses preflop battle
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

Utg Oesterstroem Phenix opened to 4,000, followed by a three bet to 12,000 from Karl Batao two seats behind. Oesterstroem clapped back with another raise to 30,000, and Batao pushed a five-bet to 62,000 total. Oesterstroem found the fold, saving his chips for a better spot.

Karl Batao – 250,000
Oesterstroem Phenix – 70,000

19:02: Jester Initia sends Giovanni Belcastro out
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

Folded to hijack Giovanni Belcastro, he open shoved his 16BB stack in and was called behind by Jester Initia for a flip.

Belcastro AhQs
Initia 10h10d

Board 5hKh7c5c7h faded Belcastro’s outs, sending him out in today’s games.

Jester Initia – 220,000

18:59: Julio Anicete doubles off Kenzo Mendoza
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

Early position Julio Anicete opened to 5,000 and defended his raise against Kenzo Mendoza’s three bet to 17,000. Flop came 3h10hJd, and Anicete check-called Mendoza’s all-in bet with two pair.

Mendoza AhKs
Anicete Jh10d

Mendoza was left drawing to four outs for a straight or a runner-runner situation. The runout 9s8d showed none of that as Anicete bagged the 140,000 pot.

Julio Anicete – 140,000
Kenzo Mendoza – 80,000

18:51: Alvir Inocentes dodges bust
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Utg Alvir Inocentes stuffed his short stack in and was called by small blind Lee Wei with Qh10c. Inocentes revealed Kh3d and secured a double up after the board ran 5d7dJd6cKc.

Alvir Inocentes – 15,000
Lee Wei – 30,000

18:47: Karl Batao outruns Myungil Ryu
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

A button vs big blind battle, all the chips piled high in the middle preflop after Myungil Ryu fired a final five-bet jam of 96,500 total. Karl Batao found the call for his tournament life, only to find himself as the underdog.

Batao AdQc
Ryu AhKc

Dominating his opponent for the huge pot, Ryu unfortunately saw a terrible runout on board 5d9hKd10d4d as the river completed Batao’s nutflush.

Karl Batao – 195,000
Myungil Ryu – 15,000

18:40: Rebei Karim delivers three eliminations in three minutes
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

After outflopping Zhuchkov Viktor’s KdQh with KcJh just the hand prior, Rebei Karim delivered two more eliminations following his momentum. Karim opened to 4,000, and called small blind Tan Wei Chuan’s 22,000 shove while also including Sato Hajime’s 2BB stack.

Karim KdQd
Tan 10s10d
Sato 10c4c

The flop gave Karim no sweat as it instantly revealed 2d4dKs with the runout continuing to fade Tan’s one outer. Karim scoops up the pot, eliminating both players in quick fashion.

Rebei Karim – 190,000

18:31: Antonio Angeles heads for the exit
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Facing a button open, big blind Antonio Angeles jammed his short stack in with 4s4h and was up against Jose Cheung’s AhQs. Board 5dJs9s7sQd fared well for Angeles up until the river landed him his unfortunate demise.

Jose Cheung – 95,000

18:31: John Tech collects value
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Cut off John Tech opened to 3,500, and button Doroshenko Bogdan and big blind Tomoto Daijiro both called behind. Flop saw Ac4s5d and action went Daijiro with a check-fold to Tech’s 6,000 bet. Bogdan made the call and saw a turn of 7s to which both players checked round. Another 7h showed up on the river and Tech sent out an 8,500 bet. Bogdan made the final call, revealing Tech’s Ah9d for the win.

John Tech – 130,000
Doroshenko Bogdan – 45,000
Tomoto Daijiro – 90,000

18:15: Late Registration closes
Level 10: 600 – 1,200 ante 1,200

Registration is closed for Day 1A with a total of 198 entries recorded and a generated prize pool of PHP 2,535,192. Remaining field will play down to ITM at 30 players to cap the first flight on schedule.

Big stacks spotted:

Gerges Kyrillos – 230,000
Beaudoux Bertrand Zo – 230,000
Edgar Asehan – 190,000
Oleg Mordassov – 160,000
Egor Starovoitov – 150,000

17:38: Lau Chun Ming wins preflop war
Level 9: 600 – 1,200 ante 1,200

Button Edwin Dela Cruz opened to 2,500, small blind Ho Tung Chun three-bet to 6,600 and big blind Lau Chun Ming decided to four-bet squeeze all-in. Both players fold and Lau Chun Ming takes the preflop pot down with his aggression.

Lau Chun Ming – 95,000
Ho Tung Chun – 28,000
Edwin Dela Cruz – 35,000

17:33: Reiji Almada scores double elimination
Level 9: 600 – 1,200 ante 1,200

Action began with an early open from Paolo Boccaletti, called behind by John Tech and Reiji Almada. Flop came 10d9dAs and was checked to button Almada who bet 5,500. Boccaletti raised all-in to 12,400, followed by Tech who came over the top with 22,500, and Almada called to complete the action.

Boccaletti 10c10s
Tech AcKc
Almada AdQd

Covering both opponents, Almada spiked the flush on the turn 3d and sealed the win as the river 8c missed to pair the board.

Reiji Almada – 170,000

17:17: Overcards does it for Junnie Pamplona
Level 9: 600 – 1,200 ante 1,200

Cut off Junnie Pamplona opens to 2,400 and calls button Steve Arnold’s short stack all-in of 7,500.

Pamplona Js9s
Arnold 2c2h

The board ran 3dQh9d7c9c, leaving Arnold out one level left before registration closes.

Junnie Pamplona – 55,000

17:11: Doroshenko Bogdan wins three bet pot
Level 8: 500 – 1,000 ante 1,000

Utg Egor Starovoitov opened to 2,200, Marc Rivera right behind three-bets to 5,000 and cut off Doroshenko Bogdan joins the action, as well as Starovoitov. The three see a flop of JdJh4c and Starovoitov checks, Rivera bets 3,000, and Bogdan raises to 7,000. Starovoitov folds and Rivera continues to the turn 2d. Rivera checks and Bogdan moves all-in, prompting the Filipino pro to fold.

Doroshenko Bogdan – 140,000
Marc Rivera – 18,000
Egor Starovoitov – 90,000

17:02: Tomoto Daijiro piles in more chips 
Level 8: 500 – 1,000 ante 1,000

On a lucky streak, utg Tomoto Daijiro opened to 2,500, Egor Starovoitov fired a three-bet to 7,000, and big blind Karim Rebei cold-called behind. Action back on Daijiro he reraised to 22,000 total, Starovoitov folds and Rebei shoved his 30,000 stack in. A quick call from Daijiro, revealed both players’ hands:

Rebei Js3s
Daijiro JdJc

Rebei, way behind found no luck as the board ran 3h5h4h9dKh, guaranteeing his elimination. Daijiro takes the easy win and climbs to 160,000 in chips.

16:55: Pablo Pastores loses back to back pots
Level 8: 500 – 1,000 ante 1,000

After losing 19,000 in the pot beforehand, Pablo Pastores opened under the gun and was answered with a three-bet to 4,500 by small blind Tomoto Daijiro. Pastores raised all-in for his remaining 25,000 and Daijiro made the call.

Pastores AcAs
Daijiro 3s3c

In a sweet spot for a double up, Pastores couldn’t fade his opponent’s two outs as the board ran 3d7h6hKh7s. Pastores’ pocket aces is cracked, eliminating from the games.

Tomoto Daijiro – 120,000

16:42: No suck outs on Ju Jaeheung’s watch
Level 7: 400 – 800 ante 800

Facing a late open, button Ju Jaeheung three-bet to 5,300 and big blind Chierro De Leon pushed all-in for 18,000 total. Original raiser folds and Jaeheung makes the call.

De Leon As10s
Jaeheung JcJh

The flop 10h8cAd favored De Leon, but the runout 9dQs gave Jaeheung a straight, giving his pocket pair justice.

Ju Jaeheung – 90,000

16:34: Dexter Santos turns up the aggression
Level 7: 400 – 800 ante 800

Hijack Dexter Santos opened to 2,400 and was met with a three-bet behind from Georges Chenade to 6,200. Santos completes and moves on to see a flop of 10s2h8h. Santos checks, Chenade fires a bet of 4,600 and action back on Santos sees him raise to 10,400 total. Chenade gives up the fight and slips his cards face down.

Dexter Santos – 60,000
Georges Chenade – 25,000

16:12: Kuchin Yu wins flip
Level 7: 400 – 800 ante 800

Facing an open, Kuchin Yu threw in his remaining 11BB and was called behind by small blind Ju Jaeheung. Original raiser folds and the two run a flip.

Yu 7c7s
Jaeheung QsJs

Board ran 7hJh6c4dAc, giving Yu a set right on the flop and a smooth double up to remain in the game.

Kuchin Yu – 20,400
Ju Jaeheung – 70,000

16:05: Anicete Julio gets max value
Level 7: 400 – 800 ante 800

Hijack Anicete Julio opened to 1,800, called by small blind Lau Chun Yin. Flop came Ah9hJd and Yin check-raised to 5,500. Julio made the call and saw a turn of 9c. Yin continued with a 7,000 bet and called Julio’s all-in behind.

Julio Qs9d
Yin AcJh

River came blank and Julio’s turned trips against Yin’s two-pair earns him the double up.

Anicete Julio – 56,000
Lau Chun Yin – 1,400

16:12: Lucky turn for Edgar Asehan
Level 6: 300 – 600 ante 600

Preflop action saw Lee Youngsai open to 1,200, Jinwoo Yu called, and button Edgar Asehan raised to 8,000. Only Yu completed and immediately bet all-in (10,000) on a flop of AhJhKd. Asehan made the call with AcQs, behind Yu’s two pair KcJd. The turn 10s however, gave Asehan the nut straight with the river 9h sealing his win.

Edgar Asehan – 120,000

16:05: Lau Chun Yin eliminated
Level 6: 300 – 600 ante 600

Folded to Lau Chun Yin on the button, he shoved his remaining 6,700 in with Kh9s. Small blind Ishikawa Yusuke made the call with 7h7s and the two saw a board of 7d10h6c2c3h. Yusuke’s flopped set scoops the win and Lau Chun Yin is eliminated with king-high.

Ishikawa Yusuke – 22,000

15:59: Aces kicks Yuki Watanabe to the curb
Level 6: 300 – 600 ante 600

Utg Beaudoux Bertrand Zo opened and called button Yuki Watanabe’s three-bet to 2,200. Flop revealed Kd3c2d which saw all the chips quickly pushed in the middle within a few minutes.

Zo Ks2s
Watanabe AdAc

Runout came 9s5h, leaving Zo’s flopped two pair ahead all the way.

Beaudoux Bertrand Zo – 160,000

15:36: Break Time!
Level 5: 200 – 500 ante 500

First break of the day sees 144 runners in and the pot up to PHP 1,843,776.

15:28: Shikanai Shota busts first bullet
Level 5: 200 – 500 ante 500

Button open to 1,100 was met with a three bet from small blind Abesamis Antonio to 5,000, followed by a four-bet all-in of 13,000 from big blind Shikanai Shota. Button folds and Antonio makes the call.

Shota AsQs
Antonio 7c7d

Board ran Jc3c3sKs2h, dodging all of Shota’s outs as he headed for the rails.

Abesamis Antonio – 30,000

15:19: All-in does it for Kirishima Akinobu
Level 5: 200 – 500 ante 500

Utg Christian Ong opened to 1,200, called by Kirishima Akinobu on the cut-off. Big blind Mark Ortiz answered with a three bet to 4,600 with only Akinobu completing behind. The two went on to see a flop 10d10s4d and Ortiz continued with a 3,500 bet. Akinobu called and turn a third diamond 5d. Ortiz checked and Akinobu shoved for 12,300 total. Ortiz folds and gives up the fight.

Kirishima Akinobu – 30,400
Mark Ortiz – 28,000

14:57: Sule Hugh pays off
Level 4: 200 – 400 ante 400

A four-way pot beginning with an open from Christopher Mateo, the flop 6h2s10h saw all the chips pile in the middle after action was checked to Beaudoux Bertrand Zo on the button. Zo bet 3,500, Kaktsuka Tetsuya called, and was raised by Mateo to 15,000. Hugh made the call behind and Zo raised all-in over the top. Mateo folds and Hugh makes the call.

Beaudoux Bertrand Zo 10c10s
Sule Hugh KcKh

A 3c2c runout completed the board, improving Zo’s flopped set to a better full house.

Beaudoux Bertrand Zo – 80,000
Sule Hugh – 40,000
Christopher Mateo – 7,000
Kakitsuka Tetsuya – 25,000

14:49: Queens no good for Chen Zhigang
Level 4: 200 – 400 ante 400

Hijack Ju Jaeheung opens to 1,200, called by Karl Batao on the button. Big blind Chen Zhigang raises to 5,200, called by both behind. Flop came Ad6sJh and Chen checked. Ju fired a bet of 6,300 and the two mucked their hands one after the other, not after Chen showed QcQh.

Ju Jaeheung – 65,000
Karl Batao – 20,000
Chen Zhigang – 28,000

14:23: Beaudoux Bertrand Zo’s pocket kings cracked
Level 3: 100 – 300 ante 300

Action began with an open from Won Jongmin to 700, called by Sule Hugh behind. On the button, Beaudoux Bertrand Zo raised to 2,100 and both players made the call. Flop came 7s10s9d and Won led out a 3,500 bet. Hugh folds and Zo raised all-in. Won snaps with the nuts Jc8c, leaving Zo’s KsKd drawing dead.

Won Jongmin – 40,000
Beaudoux Bertrand Zo – 11,000

14:16: Lau Chun Yin survives
Level 3: 100 – 300 ante 300

Action began with a ~15BB open shove from Lau Chun Yin on the cut off, called by Almir Alimkulov on the big blind.

Yin Kd10d
Alimkulov As5c

Board ran 8d6s9d7s5c, giving Yin a higher straight for the pot.

Lau Chun Yin – 10,000
Almir Alimkulov – 23,000

14:00: Giovanni Belcastro takes it down
Level 2: 100 – 200 ante 200

A three-bet pot with small blind David Rodgers as the aggressor, three players went on to see a flop of QdJc6c. Rodgers continued with a bet of 2,500, called behind by Giovanni Belcastro. Turn came 7c and Rodgers check-called Belcastro’s 5,000 bet. The river 2s completed the board and Rodgers check-folded a final 10,000 bet from his opponent.

Giovanni Belcastro – 37,000
David Rodgers – 21,000

13:54: Cowan Graham doubles up
Level 2: 100 – 200 ante 200

Following a limp-limp, button Won Jongmin bumped it up to 800 and both players made the call. Flop came 5s3sAh and action checked to Jongmin where he bet 1,500. Cowan Graham raised all-in and Jongmin made the call.

Cowan Graham 4s9s
Won Jongmin Ad9c

Turn immediately saw a 7s, completing Graham’s flush for the win.

Cowan Graham – 30,000
Won Jongmin – 18,000

13:30: Mark Ortiz flops the nuts
Level 1: 100 – 100 ante 100

Hijack Javalera Ireneo opens to 300, joined by Mark Ortiz on the button and Kirill Gladchenko on the big blind. Flop came 9s5h6h. Checked to Ortiz, he fires 500, called by both players. Turn saw 4c and Gladchenko led out 1,100, Ireneo folds, Ortiz bumps it up to 3,500. Gladchenko makes the call and sees an Ad complete the board. Gladchenko check calls a 9,000 bet from Ortiz. Ortiz shows 8h7h for a flopped straight.

Mark Ortiz – 45,000
Kirill Gladchenko – 15,000

13:18: Top pair good for Ryoma Kochi
Level 1: 100 – 100 ante 100

Preflop action began with an early open from under the gun and three callers behind. Ryoma Kochi on the big blind led out an 800 bet on flop 10c8h2s, called by all three opponents. Turn came 5d and Kochi sent out another 2,000 bet. Only Cowan Graham threw in the chips and saw the river 4d. Kochi fired a 4,000 river bet, commanding another call from Graham. Kochi revealed As10d for top pair, top kicker, good enough to take down the pot.

Ryoma Kochi – 40,000
Cowan Graham – 22,800

13:00: Action begins!
Level 1: 100 – 100 ante 100

Shuffle up and deal, good luck to all the players!

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The crown jewel Main Event of the Manila Super Series 18 kicks off today at the PokerStars hub at Okada Manila Resort & Casino at 13:00 sharp! The first of three starting flights will play down to ITM or 15% of the field heading into Day 2, Saturday September 23rd. Buy-in is set at PHP 15,000 (~USD 264) with each entry starting off with a 30,000 stack, commencing 30 minute blind levels throughout Day 1A.

Late Registration will be open until Level 10 @ 18:20.

Manila Super Series 18 Main Event

Dates: September 20-24, 2023
Buy in: PHP 15,000 (~USD 264)
Guarantee: PHP 3,000,000 (~USD 52,842)

Start Time: 13:00
Starting stack: 30,000

Main Event – Live Updates – Day 1B

21:35: Day 1B action wraps up
Level 17: 3,000 – 6,000 ante 6,000

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Day 1B action has concluded with 47 players remaining in contention for the PHP 6,517,236 pot. Local runner Mark Dela Cruz ends the day with the lead, stacking a 593,000 high chip count, followed closely behind by Michael De Leon with 522,000.

Last chance to qualify runs tomorrow Day 1C at 13:00!

Top Chip Counts:

Mark Dela Cruz – 593,000
Michael De Leon – 522,000
Hsieh Hao An – 510,000
Ronald Acosta – 425,000
Cowan Graham – 401,000
Alexis Lim – 346,000
Hachimine Munehiro – 333,000

21:35: Oleg Alex Kaminski exits as day’s bubble
Level 17: 3,000 – 6,000 ante 6,000

Oleg Alex Kaminski opened from early position and was called by Michael De Leon on the cut off. Flop came Kh4sJc and Kaminski bet all-in. De Leon made the call with QsJs, behind against Kaminski’s overpair AcAs. The river Qd however, gave De Leon two pair to burst the bubble and eliminate Kaminski in a painful bad beat.

Michael De Leon – 522,000

21:34: Ronald Acosta crushes with kings
Level 17: 3,000 – 6,000 ante 6,000

Facing an open from Ronald Acosta, Stephen Howell moved all-in behind for 107,000 total and was immediately called by the original raiser.

Howell AcQh
Acosta KcKs

Two spots away from the money, Howell was in deep trouble after the flop came Kh10s2h. Acosta further improved to a full house following the runout 7d10c, leaving Howell headed for the exit.

Ronald Acosta – 420,000

21:29: Top pair no good for Rio Shinohara
Level 17: 3,000 – 6,000 ante 6,000

Another button vs blind preflop all-in, Rio Shinohara dropped down to 50,000 in chips after Michael De Leon locked in the win with a set of sevens on board 7d4dJh3d4c.

De Leon 7h7s
Shinohara Ax Jx

Michael De Leon – 410,000

21:27: Kim Hyeongjae spikes runner runner
Level 17: 3,000 – 6,000 ante 6,000

A button vs blind battle, all the chips went in preflop with big blind Kim Hyeongjae at risk for his tournament life.

Kim KsQs
Alexis Lim JsJh

The flop Jd5h3c was ready to send Kim packing yet changed things quickly after the runout 9h10h completed the board. Kim rivers the king-high straight to top Lim’s flopped set of jacks.

Kim Hyeongjae – 160,000
Alexis Lim – 330,000

21:22: Hsieh Hao An triple barrels against big blind
Level 17: 3,000 – 6,000 ante 6,000

Small blind Hsieh Hao An started the action with an open to 15,000. Cowan Graham on the big blind came in and saw a flop of 3d4d6s. Hsieh continued with the aggression and fired 20,000, called by Graham. Turn Kh saw Hsieh with another 74,000 bet, called again behind. The river 4s did nothing to stop Hsieh as he sent out a final 120,000. Graham decides to fold as Hsieh climbs past the 500k mark.

Hsieh Hao An – 510,000
Cowan Graham – 400,000

21:14: Yee Shun Jian crushes with better ace
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

Utg Ang Kai Loon opened to 10,000 and raised all-in for 137,000 total after big blind Yee Shun Jian three bet to 30,000. Yee with a call, was in a good spot against Ang’s AhQh, with AdKd.

The board ran As10h10c6cKh, leaving no chops and a huge win for Yee.

Yee Shun Jian – 300,000
Ang Kai Loon – Eliminated

21:12: Triple up for Otsubo Megumi
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

Hijack Otsubo Megumi shoved his 26,000 stack in and was called by both players on the blinds – Stephen Howell and Paolo Boccaletti. The board ran 8c5hKc9sAh with no side pot action seen between the two.

Megumi AcQc
Howell QdJs
Boccaletti Kd2d

Megumi’s top pair ends up good for the win, earning him a nice triple up to 83,000.

Stephen Howell – 145,000
Paolo Boccaletti – 200,000

21:09: Michael De Leon gives up the fight
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

Button Rio Shinohara opened to 10,000 and was met with a three bet to 32,000 from small blind Michael De Leon. Shinohara completes and sees the flop Qc6d8s. De Leon continues with a 30,000 bet and folded shortly after Shinohara raised all-in.

Rio Shinohara – 190,000
Michael De Leon – 230,000

21:06: Ang Kai Loon’s pocket pair holds
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

Utg Arnold Steve open shoved his 55,000 stack in and was called by small blind Ang Kai Loon with 10d10s. Arnold’s Ad7c needed to spike an ace for his tournament life, none of which came on board 3d4c6sJd3s. Ang’s pocket pair holds for the win, eliminating Arnold from the tables.

Ang Kai Loon – 135,000

20:55: Double barrel does the job for Paolo Boccaletti
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

Hijack Otsubo Megumi opened to 8,000 and called small blind Paolo Boccaletti’s three bet to 22,000. Flop came 9sKh10h and Boccaletti continued with 18,000, called behind by Otsubo. The turn 7s was enough for Boccaletti to fire another 35,000, to which Otsubo folded.

Paolo Boccaletti – 220,000
Otsubo Megumi – 80,000

20:51: Euryd Rivera railed by Bryan Santos
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

With 50,000 left, Euryd Rivera open shoved all-in and was called by button Bryan Santos with AcJs. Rivera found himself behind with KsQd yet flopped well on Kc10h9s. The turn Qc however, gave Santos the nut straight and sealed the win after the river 9c completed the board.

Bryan Santos – 240,000
Euryd Rivera – Eliminated

20:38: Ho Tung Chun cripples Jason Kyle Magbanua
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

After firing a three bet to 22,000, Jason Kyle Magbanua called off Ho Tung Chun’s four bet jam for 78,000 total.

Ho 10c10s
Magbanua AhKc

In for a crucial flip, the board 6h8h7dQs2d faded either Magbanua’s ace or king outs with Ho’s pocket tens holding for the win.

Ho Tung Chun – 166,000
Jason Kyle Magbanua – 17,000

20:25: Break Time!
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

64 players left in the running with 17 more eliminations to go before Day 1B action wraps up.

Top Chip Counts:

Hsieh Hao An – 420,000
Mark Dela Cruz – 328,000
Cowan Graham – 285,000
Cheng Wai Chiu – 274,000
Chua Boon Seah – 260,000

20:22: Hachimine Munehiro dominated
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Following the preflop battle, a massive 109 BB pot was seen in the middle with Mark Dela Cruz ahead with AsKh, dominating small blind Hachimine Munehiro’s AcQd. The board 8sJh4c5d2c failed to pair either player and awarded Cruz the huge stack with ace-king high.

Mark Dela Cruz – 328,000
Hachimine Munehiro – 180,000

20:16: Conrad Lumaban wins flip
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Another crucial flip, preflop saw all the chips pile in the middle with Conrad Lumaban‘s 8s8h up against big blind Maurillo Bulauitan’s Ad10h. The board KsKh4s7s6c failed to pair Bulauitan’s overcards, eliminating him from the games.

Conrad Lumaban – 130,000

20:08: Ang Kai Loon gets coolered
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

An all-in preflop situation, Ang Kai Loon’s JcJd was no match against Alexis Lim’s QdQs for the 61BB pot. The board Ad4d4c10c10d served justice to Lim’s better pocket pair for the win.

Alexis Lim – 183,500
Ang Kai Loon – 110,000

20:05: Midpair good for Andy Chan
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Hijack Andy Chan opened to 6,500, called by Ireneo Javalera behind. Flop came 6s7h9c and Chan fired a 7,500 bet. Javalera raised to 15,000, called by Chan. The turn 10s and river 3c saw no more action continue as Chan reveals pair of nines with Ac9d. Javalera mucks and moves on to the next hand.

Andy Chan – 130,000
Ireneo Javalera – 120,000

20:00: Jason Kyle Magbanua recovers with aces
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Hijack Jason Kyle Magbanua opened to 6,000, called by Hsieh Hao An behind. Button Kirill Gladchenko squeezed to 22,500 and called Magbanua’s all-in preflop after Hsieh folded.

Magbanua AsAh
Gladchenko KhQs

The board ran AcKs3s8c3h and awarded Magbanua’s set of aces the win.

Jason Kyle Magbanua – 110,000
Kirill Gladchenko – 150,000

19:54: Alexis Cruz lands monster flop
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Defending his big blind against Ono Takuma, Alexis Cruz saw a flop of 5d5s2h. Cruz check-raised Takuma’s continuation bet and led out 21,000 on turn 7h. Takuma raised all-in and Cruz quickly made the call.

Cruz 5h10s
Takuma QcQs

The river Ad sealed the win for Cruz’ trip fives, taking the pot away from his opponent.

Alexis Cruz – 130,000
Ono Takuma – 110,000

19:51: Jose Cheung hits two outer
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Up against Fernan Co’s JcJh for his last 6.5BB, Jose Cheung’s 6c6s luckily spiked his much need two outer to survive. The board ran 6d5cQs8dKd, keeping Cheung in the action.

Jose Cheung – 35,500
Fernan Co – 150,000

19:44: Michael Philip Piedragoza draws thin
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Facing an utg open from Alexis Lim, small blind Michael Philip Piedragoza slammed his 17,000 in with Ah9h and was snap called by the original raiser. Lim, ahead with QcQs, kept his advantage throughout the board 10s5h10d5s2d, and sent Piedragoza out of the Main Event games.

Alexis Lim – 90,000

19:32: Ho Tung Chun claims three way pot
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Utg+1 Kirill Gladchenko opened to 5,500, and was called by both Ho Tung Chun and big blind Jason Kyle Magbanua. Flop came Ah2h4c, checked to Gladchenko, he continued with a 5,000 bet. Both players call and reveals turn Jc. Action went check-check, and button Ho sent out 20,000 which was met with no calls from either opponent.

Ho Tung Chun – 170,000
Kirill Gladchenko – 220,000
Jason Kyle Magbanua – 90,000

19:26: Yeo Chong Jin collects easy double
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

An all-in preflop situation, Yeo Chong Jin managed to bag a smooth double up with 10c10d after his opponent showed 8s8d. The board ran 6sQhAs10h3s, quickly earning him the 44BB pot.

Yeo Chong Jin – 110,000

19:16: Nick Hozjan reveals aces
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

Utg open and a call from Suzuki Kenjiroh, button Nick Hozjan raised to 15,000 total. Original raiser folds and Suzuki completes. Hozjan pushed all-in out of turn even before the flop ran 3sKdJd. Suzuki folds and Hozjan reveals AdAs while raking the pot.

Nick Hozjan – 80,000
Suzuki Kenjiroh – 25,000

19:08: Gerardo Lubas sends Ogiwara Taisei packing
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

After being spared from elimination just a few hands prior, Ogiwara Taisei stuffed his 23,500 once more and was called by big blind Gerardo Lubas. Whilst ahead this time with Ac6d, the board 10hKd8d8c3c gave Lubas’ KcJh two pair, serving Ogiwara his exit.

Gerardo Lubas – 67,000

19:04: Short stack vs short stack
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

Having opened to 5,000, Chen Ying Chang called for his remaining 8,000 and found himself ahead of Zorig Angar’s Kc10s. Chen with a slightly better KdJs left his opponent crippled down to 2BB after the board 7d9d6c10d2d tabled four diamonds for a flush.

Chen Ying Chang – 31,000
Zorig Angar – 3,500

19:00: Ricardo Torres suffers bad beat
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

All the chips went in on the flop 4d5d10h with Ricardo Torres’ overpair JcJs ahead against big blind Shikanai Shota’s Ac10s. Unfortunately for Torres, the turn Ad and river 10c gave his opponent a runner-runner full house for the win.

Shikanai Shota – 105,000
Ricardo Torres – 44,000

18:55: Teck Guan Low loses flip for tournament life
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

A massive preflop all-in situation, Teck Guan Low pushed the final all-in for his 107,500 stack and was called by utg raiser Chua Boon Seah.

Teck JhJd
Chua AhKs

A flip for a pot over 145 big blinds, the board ran 9h8s4s2sKc with the river sealing Teck’s fate and elimination.

Chua Boon Seah – 240,000

18:48: Stephen Howell claims pot with overpair
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

A blind vs blind battle, Stephen Howell opened to 4,000, called by Chen Ting Yi behind. Flop came 2s5c6d and Howell continued with another 4,000 bet. Chen raised all-in, called by his opponent.

Chen 5h3h
Howell 10s10c

A pair with a straight draw, Chen missed to hit any of his outs on either turn Kd or river 8s. Howell’s pocket pair holds for the win.

Stephen Howell – 80,000
Chen Ting Yi – 27,000

18:41: Gladchenko Kirill gets lucky
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Hijack Gladchenko Kirill opened to 3,000, called by the button. Big blind Ho Tung Chun fired a raise to 14,000 total, to which Gladchenko answered with an all-in for 46,500. Button folds and Ho throws in the chips.

Gladchenko 4c5c
Ho QhQd

Up against a monster, Gladchenko’s aggression earned him a double up after the board ran 2c9c2s10c10d for a flush.

Kirill Gladchenko – 98,500
Ho Tung Chun – 75,000

18:37: Set good for Murase Hajime
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Murase Hajime called an utg open and was up against a three bet from cut off Adel Bautista. Original raiser folds and Hajime raised all-in for 20,500 total, called by Bautista.

Hajime JcJs
Bautista AsQc

The flop QsJh5h hit both players, Hajime with a set and Bautista with top pair. Turn 8h and 6h changed nothing as Hajime racked the double up.

Murase Hajime – 48,000
Adel Bautista – 33,000

18:33: Chen Ying Chang dodges elimination
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Facing an open and a call, Chen Ying Chang flicked his 6.5BB in and was called by the original raiser Otsubo Megumi with Kh5h. Chen with AhJs secured the pot after the board missed to pair both parties, deeming Chen’s ace-high good for the take down.

Chen Ying Chang – 21,000
Otsubo Megumi – 45,000

18:20: Registration is closed!
Level 10: 600 – 1,200 ante 1,200

That’s it for Day 1B with a total of 311 entries recorded across ten 30 minute levels. Prize pool has swelled to double in value amounting to PHP 6,517,236! Action will close when 15% of the field remains (ITM) at 47 players.

Big stacks spotted on the felt:

Hsieh Hao An – 300,000
Kim Joonhee – 250,000
Hachimine Munehiro – 238,000
Archie Mariano – 180,000
Oleg Alex Kaminski – 170,000
Bardauskas Aivaras – 170,000
Ron Ryan Mesina – 150,000

One starting flight left to go as Day 1C runs tomorrow at 13:00.

17:42: Archie Mariano delivers double elimination
Level 9: 600 – 1,200 ante 1,200

Hijack Dexter Santos open jammed his 10,000 stack in, called by small blind Archie Mariano. Big blind Cezar Quiambao reshoved for 65,000 total, called again by Mariano.

Santos Ah2c
Mariano 9h9s
Quiambao AcKh

The board ran 9d4c5cAd8s and Mariano successfully knocks out both opponents, stacking 160,000 in chips following the win.

17:32: Top pair holds for Jayvon Carreon
Level 9: 600 – 1,200 ante 1,200

A three way all-in was spotted on wet flop 7s4cQs.

Jayvon Carreon KcQc
William Ysmael As5s
Alexis Lim Ks10s

Turn 9h and river 10c filled up the board with Carreon’s top pair holding for the win. Lim takes the side pot while defending champion Ysmael is eliminated.

Jayvon Carreon – 70,000
Alexis Lim – 30,000

17:24: Ron Ryan Mesina bluff catches opponent
Level 9: 600 – 1,200 ante 1,200

Utg+1 Ron Ryan Mesina opened and called a three bet from Uchiyama Hiroaki behind. Board came 2d9s6h4s and Mesina was seen check-calling two barrels from his opponent. River 6c saw both players check, with showdown revealing Mesina’s 10d9h for the win.

Ron Ryan Mesina – 110,000
Uchiyama Hiroaki – 20,000

17:11: Chu Baekho completes a flush
Level 8: 500 – 1,000 ante 1,000

All the chips went in right on the flop 4cJs2c with Chu Baekho drawing for a flush with Ac10c against Ronald Gorgonia’s 2h4h. Turn Jc immediately completed Chu’s flush and the river missing to improve Gorgonia’s two-pair to a full house.

Chu Baekho – 80,000
Ronald Gorgonia – 10,000

17:04: Daniel Johnston spikes overcards
Level 8: 500 – 1,000 ante 1,000

After utg Daniel Johnston limped, button Kim Jaegwang opened to 2,400 and was followed by a three bet to 8,000 from big blind Ivan Tabucal. Both players join in and see a flop of JcJs8d. Checked to Kim, he bets all-in for 9,400 and Johnston with a call with KhQc. Kim ahead with 7c7h for two-pair, was eliminated shortly after the runout Qh5d completed the board.

Daniel Johnston – 120,000
Ivan Tabucal – 45,000
Kim Jaegwang – Eliminated

16:58: Joseph Magnotti scoops up three bet pot
Level 8: 500 – 1,000 ante 1,000

Utg+1 Cezar Quiambao opened to 2,200, called by the button. Big blind Joseph Magnotti decided to three bet to 8,000 with only Quiambao completing the action. Flop came 6dKc4s, Magnotti check-calls Quiambao’s 2,500 bet. Turn saw 5c and Magnotti check-raised all-in, convincing Quiambao to fold.

Joseph Magnotti – 45,000
Cezar Quiambao – 38,000

16:50: Chua Boon Seah outruns Ting Yen Huang
Level 8: 500 – 1,000 ante 1,000

An early open from Chua Boon Seah saw him call off Ting Yen Huang’s short stack shove with 10c9c. Ting ahead with Ac8s flopped top pair on As10sQd but failed to dodge Chua’s remaining outs on turn and river 10dQc. Chua bags the pot with a full house tens over queens for the win.

Chua Boon Seah – 55,000
Ting Yen Huang – Eliminated

16:42: Cezar Quiambao gets a lucky double 
Level 7: 400 – 800 ante 800

First hand of the day for Cezar Quiambao saw him pile all his chips right in the middle against Yoki Watanabe’s nutted AcAd. Quiambao with the second best KcKh, quickly turned the tables as the flop revealed 8h4cKd. Turn and river saw 6s6h improve his set kings to a full house for a complete double up.

Cezar Quiambao – 62,000
Yoki Watanabe – 13,000

16:29: Unlucky river sends Benedict Koh out
Level 7: 400 – 800 ante 800

Following an open and a call, button Benedict Koh pushed all-in for 15,000 total, called by Shayne Villanueva with AdQh. Koh ahead with QdQc faded the ace up until the river As completed the board.

Shayne Villanueva – 120,000
Benedict Koh – Eliminated

16:21: Christopher Mateo crushed
Level 7: 400 – 800 ante 800

On flop 4h10d8d, small blind Christopher Mateo bet 5,000 on a 6,400 pot and called an all-in for 21,000 effective from Hachimine Munehiro.

Mateo 10s9c
Munechiro 8s8c

Falling behind, the turn 4s left Mateo drawing dead against his opponent’s full house as he headed for the exit.

Hachimine Munehiro – 125,000

16:12: Lee Joongwon eliminated
Level 6: 300 – 600 ante 600

Having opened the cut off to 1,200, Ireneo Javalera called Lee Joongwon’s 5,500 shove behind with Jh9h. Lee’s Ad5c was slightly ahead but the board 6s9d10dQcKs favored Javalera and sent the former packing.

Ireneo Javalera – 120,000

16:09: Terrible runout for Edmon Rebadulla
Level 6: 300 – 600 ante 600

Following an open and two callers behind, big blind Jayvon Carreon squeezed to 13,500 and called for his remaining chips after original raiser Edmon Rebadulla pushed all-in.

Rebadulla QdQh
Carreon 6h6s

Aggression paid off for Carreon as the board 7s8c9d4s10s ran a one card straight to his six for the win.

Jayvon Carreon – 55,000
Edmon Rebadulla – 20,000

15:55: Richard Marquez gets paid
Level 6: 300 – 600 ante 600

Two players limped and cut off Richard Marquez bumped it up to 2,000, called by three opponents. The flop saw As5dJc and was checked around. Turn came 5c and small blind Kuen Chong led out for 3,700, player folds and Marquez raises to 14,000. Button folds and Chong calls for his remaining chips.

Marquez 5h8h
Chong Ac10d

Drawing dead against Marquez’ turned trips, Chong heads for the rails with Marquez taking the boost to his stack.

Richard Marquez – 40,000

15:34: Break Time!
Level 6: 300 – 600 ante 600

A total of 217 entries have joined Day 1B’s games with late registration open for five more levels. Pot is now listed at PHP 5,313,660.

15:32: Raymundo Gomez heads for the rails
Level 5: 200 – 500 ante 500

Having limped from utg, Angar Zorig called Raymundo Gomez’ 11BB shove with 2s3s. Gomez was ahead with AsQd but failed to pair up on board 9c2d10c5d8d. Zorig claims the pot with his bottom pair, eliminating Gomez from the table.

Angar Zorig – 25,000

15:27: Raymond Mcglinchey behind all the way
Level 5: 200 – 500 ante 500

A four way pot preflop saw both players on the blinds build action on flop 4d6d8s. Raymond Mcglinchey led out a 3,000 bet, raised by Ireneo Javalera to 6,000, and folded back to Mcglinchey who raised for 16,500 total. Javalera calls another bet on turn 7c as well as an all-in from Mcglinchey on river 10d.

Mcglinchey 4h8h
Javalera 6c6s

Javalera’s set of sixes tops Mcglinchey’s flopped two pair for the win.

Ireneo Javalera – 140,000
Raymond Mcglinchey – Eliminated

15:13: Chu Baekho takes it down
Level 5: 200 – 500 ante 500

Four players went on to see a flop of Ad10s4h and saw small blind Chu Baekho lead for 1,600. Ronald Morfe and Lemmor Patulot called behind, and headed to the turn 4s. Action checked round and Chu sent out 13,400 on river Qs. Both players fold and Chu is awarded the pot.

Chu Baekho – 65,000
Ronald Morfe – 13,000
Lemmor Patulot – 70,000

15:00: Kevin Bortfeld spared
Level 4: 200 – 400 ante 400

Utg+1 Dexter Santos opened to 1,300 and called an all-in from small blind Kevin Bortfeld.

Santos KcKh
Bortfeld 10c10d

A huge underdog, Bortfeld was spared after the board ran a straight flush 3s4s5s2s6s for a chop.

Dexter Santos – 27,000
Kevin Bortfeld – 24,000

14:52: Ho Swee Ngee folds to all-in
Level 4: 200 – 400 ante 400

A three way three bet pot ensued with small blind Ho Swee Ngee as the aggressor. Flop came 9d8h3h and Ho continued with a 6,500 bet on an 11,900 pot. Only Stephen Howell called and moved on to turn 4c. Ho checks, Howell moved all-in, pushing Ho to give up the battle.

Stephen Howell – 47,000
Ho Swee Ngee – 16,500

14:44: River bet does it for Kim Sangyoon
Level 4: 200 – 400 ante 400

Having called a three bet from Hsieh Hao An preflop, Kim Sangyoon check raised Hsieh’s continuation bet to 6,500 on flop Ks7h5h. Hsieh calls and another Kc popped up on the turn. Kim leads for 5,000, called by Hsieh. River Ad prompts Kim to send out 13,500, to which Hsieh folded.

Kim Sangyoon – 70,000
Hsieh Hao An – 24,000

14:32: Ohara Yuta spikes lucky river
Level 3: 100 – 300 ante 300

Beginning with an open and two callers behind, big blind Ohara Yuta fired a three bet to 3,500. Action went fold-fold, and small blind Reynaldo Tuason clicked back to 7,00. Ohara calls and the flop tables 5sAsKh. Tuason continues for 2,000, called by Ohara. Turn 10s saw Tuason with another bet of 7,000, called again behind. River Qd was checked by Tuason, allowing Ohara to move all-in for his remaining 14,800. Tuason makes the call and mucks shortly after Ohara reveals JsJh for a straight.

Ohara Yuta – 63,000
Reynaldo Tuason – 15,000

14:23: Kim Hyeonjae suffers bad beat
Level 3: 100 – 300 ante 300

On a flop of Ks3cQc, all the chips piled in with Kim Hyeonjae’s set of threes 3h3d ahead against John Jay Magadan’s top two pair KhQh. The run out Kd7c however, hit Magadan’s four outer for a better full house and a humongous double up.

John Jay Magadan – 60,000
Kim Hyeonjae – 1,000

14:15: Oleg Alex Kaminski collects a full double
Level 3: 100 – 300 ante 300

Cut off Oleg Alex Kaminski opened to 800, raised by big blind Murase Hajime to 2,000. Kaminski calls and sees a flop of 9c6cKh. Murase check-calls Kaminski’s 3,000 bet and sees turn 2h. Murase opts for another check-call for a bigger 6,000 and heads on to river Qc. Murase leads out for 15,000, raised all-in to 21,600 by Kaminski. Murase makes the call with top pair AcKd and is crushed by Kaminski’s top set KcKs.

Oleg Alex Kaminski – 65,600
Murase Hajime – 10,000

14:03: Guarantee breached!
Level 3: 100 – 300 ante 300

After only two levels of registration, the generated pot has already breached the PHP 3,000,000 (~USD 52,842) guarantee. 108 entries has been recorded so far with the prize pool now listed at PHP 3,918,024. 

13:59: Kings in the muck for Benedict Koh
Level 2: 100 – 200 ante 200

Facing a limp, cut off Alejandro Rottier raised to 800, and big blind Benedict Koh three-bet to 3,200 total. Rottier completes and flop 5s4h2c is revealed. Both players check and move on to turn 3h. Koh check-calls a 6,000 bet from Rottier, with no more action seen on river 5c.

Rottier AcQc
Koh KsKh

Rottier takes down the pot with a straight, cracking Koh’s Kings for the win.

Alejandro Rottier – 45,000
Benedict Koh – 15,000

13:54: Teck Guan Low snags four bet pot
Level 2: 100 – 200 ante 200

Utg Teck Guan Low opened to 400 and was met with a three bet from big blind Huang Guo Lun. Teck pushed a four bet to 6,500, and a call from Huang. Pot is at 13,000 when flop came As4h7h to which Huang check-called a 4,100 continuation bet from Teck. Turn saw another Ac and Huang check-folded after Teck fired another 8,000.

Teck Guan Low – 37,000
Huang Guo Lun – 20,000

13:46: Keun Chong doubles through Cheun Eui Ho
Level 2: 100 – 200 ante 200

Following a limp, small blind Cheun Eui Ho raised to 1,100, called by big blind Keun Chong. Flop came 9c7d6s, Cheun continued with a bet of 1,100, and Chong makes the call. Turn saw 8d and Cheun check-called a 2,400 bet from Chong. River came a 4s and raiser Cheun once again checked. Chong moved all-in for 6,000, called by Cheun. Chong shows a ten-high straight with As10s, followed by a muck from his opponent.

Keun Chong – 21,600
Cheun Eui Ho – 15,700

13:30: Two pair good for Murase Hajime
Level 1: 100 – 100 ante 100

Cut off Ho Young Jung opened to 400, called by button Yoki Watanabe. Small blind Murase Hajime decided to three-bet to 1,200 with only Watanabe completing the action. Flop came 10h7h5h and Murase check-called a 1,000 bet from Watanabe. Turn saw 4c and Murase check-called another 1,500 bet. River Jh was checked down and Murase showed 5s4s for two pair, good for the win.

Watanabe Ad10s

Murase Hajime – 40,000
Yoki Watanabe – 25,000
Ho Young Jung – 28,000

13:18: Alfredo Boligor fires triple barrel bluff
Level 1: 100 – 100 ante 100

Utg Johnston Daniel opened to 300, called behind by Alfredo Boligor and button Paolo Bocaletti. Flop came Ad5sKh, Johnston checks, Boligor bets 1,200, and Bocaletti calls. Original raiser folds and turn saw another As. Boligor continues with 3,000, called again by Bocaletti. River 6h completed the board and Boligor once again fired 8,000. Bocaletti makes a final call and Boligor throws his hand face down.

Alfredo Boligor – 17,500
Paolor Bocaletti – 43,000
Daniel Johnston – 29,000

13:02: Action begins!
Level 1: 100 – 100 ante 100

Cards are in the air, good luck to all the players!

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The Manila Super Series 18 festivities at Okada Manila Resort & Casino, Philippines is in full swing with its Main Event games playing through its Day 1B starting flight today. Day 1A completed yesterday with 198 entries recorded for a generated pot of PHP 2,535,192 (~USD 44,530) so far.

Action is set to play down to ITM or 15% of the field moving forward to Day 2, Saturday September 23rd. Buy-in is set at PHP 15,000 (~USD 264) with each entry starting off with a 30,000 stack, commencing 30 minute blind levels throughout.

Late Registration will be open until Level 10 @ 18:20.

Manila Super Series 18 Main Event Review

Dates: September 20-24, 2023
Buy in: PHP 15,000 (~USD 264)
Guarantee: PHP 3,000,000 (~USD 52,842)

Day 1 Results

1A: 198 entries / 30 advanced

Day 1 Live Updates
Day 1A Recap

Main Event – Live Updates – Day 1C

22:00: Day 1C concludes
Level 17: 3,000 – 6,000 ante 6,000

The third and last flight for the Manila Super Series 18 Main Event has closed the action with 79 players qualifying into Day 2. Today’s pack will join the 77 runners from Day 1A and Day 1B combined, in contention for the PHP 13,239,336 (~USD 233,240) prize pool. All remaining players are guaranteed a minimum payout upon their return to the felt tomorrow at 13:00 sharp.

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Local runner Butch Bautista ends the day as the flight’s chip leader with a stack of 630,000. Bautista scored the boost minutes before the bubble burst after pushing Aoyama Takanobu to fold half of his remaining stack to the money.

Top Chip Counts:

Butch Bautista – 630,000
Lee Wei – 547,000
Kim Michael Enriquez – 485,000
Joshua Figuerres – 473,000
Ivan Dela Cruz – 442,000

22:00: Piete Douglas Tooley closes flight as bubble
Level 17: 3,000 – 6,000 ante 6,000

Action began with an open from Kim Enriquez to 14,000, called by Piete Douglas Tooley behind. Button Christopher Oswald threw in a three bet to 35,000 to which both players completed. Board ran all the way to the river 6hKh3cAd9s with no action seen prior. Checked to Piete, he bet all-in for 15,000 and was called behind by Oswald.

Piete QsJs
Oswald 7d6d

Piete bubbles with queen high, closing the action on the Day 1C festivities.

Christopher Oswald – 239,000
Kim Enriquez – 485,000
Piete Douglas Tooley – Eliminated

21:58: Butch Bautista spikes up the aggression
Level 17: 3,000 – 6,000 ante 6,000

Utg Aoyama Takanobu opened to 16,000, called behind by Butch Bautista. The two head on to the flop As4s3c and Takanobu continued for 34,000. Bautista fired a raise to 86,000, Takanobu clicked back to 150,000, and Bautista pushed the final all-in for his opponent’s 171,000 behind. Takanobu folds, giving up the fight as the bubble approaches.

Butch Bautista – 630,000
Aoyama Takanobu – 171,000

21:46: Worst spot for William Evans
Level 17: 3,000 – 6,000 ante 6,000

An all-in preflop situation, there was nothing William Evans could do but get his pocket kings in against Michael Bueza’s AhAc. The jack-high board 5cJs10s7s9d locked in his fate as Bueza raked in the 58 BB pot.

Michael Bueza – 440,000
William Evans – Eliminated

21:41: Joshua Figurres piles it high
Level 17: 3,000 – 6,000 ante 6,000

With chips to spare, big blind Joshua Figurres called a 40,000 all-in from the hijack with 7h10h and was up against AcJs. The board 6d10c8s2hKh favored Figurres, giving him a pair of tens for the win.

Joshua Figurres – 485,000

21:38: Full house for Isogai Taichi
Level 17: 3,000 – 6,000 ante 6,000

Utg Joel Leo Sheng open shoved his 75,000 stack in and was called by small blind Isogai Taichi for a flip.

Sheng KhQh
Taichi 9c9s

A terrible flop Qs9dAh for Sheng, Taichi’s set would remain ahead as the runout Qd6d completed the board. Taichi claims the pot with a full house, eliminating Sheng from the running.

Isogai Taichi – 160,000

21:33: Ivan Tabucal rakes it in with aces
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

After bagging a double just the hand prior, Sim Myeonghun found himself in bad shape after piling all the chips in on flop 8d6cQs against small blind Ivan Tabucal’s overpair.

Sim AsQc
Tabucal AcAd

Gunning for two outs, the runout 8h5c sealed Sim’s defeat with ten players left to the money.

Ivan Tabucal – 320,000
Sim Myeonghun – Eliminated

21:29: Sim Myeonghun lands crucial flip
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

Hijack Sim Myeonghun opened to 10,000 and called off small blind An Jungwoon’s shove for his tournament life.

An AhQh
Sim 3c3h

In for a flip, An spiked top pair on flop As4s2s but was immediately drawing dead when the turn 5h faced up on the table. Sim survives with a straight, crippling Sim to 1.5BB.

Sim Myeonghun – 150,000
An Jungwoon- 8,000

21:20: Smooth double for Joseph Magnotti
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

William Evans fired a three bet to 30,000 after utg opened and called off small blind Joseph Magnotti’s jam for 74,000 total.

Magnotti AdAc
Evans AsJh

Crushed by the best hand in poker, the Qh8d2c4c2d board did not save Evans from forking over the 34 BB pot.

Joseph Magnotti – 168,000
William Evans – 130,000

21:12: Li Minghui draws thin
Level 16: 2,000 – 5,000 ante 5,000

Facing an utg open from Cheong Yun Rong, Li Minghui raised all-in for 73,000 total, called by Cheong.

Li 8d8c
Cheong JdJc

In a pickle, Li failed to improve on board 9c4d5cJs9s, giving up his chances of making it to Day 2.

Cheong Yun Rong – 190,000
Li Minghui – Eliminated

21:02: Sim Myeonghun dominated
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

Cut off Sim Myeonghun opened to 9,000, called by two players behind. Big blind Ivan Tabucal squeezed all-in for 77,000 and was called by the original raiser.

Tabucal AdKd
Sim AcAc

Dominated, the As9s8c flop changed nothing for Sim with the runout 2hKs improving Tabucal’s top pair to two pair for the pot.

Ivan Tabucal – 164,000
Sim Myeonghun – 120,000

20:52: Great play by Tan Hai Shien
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

Cut off Tan Hai Shien opened to 8,000 and was met with a three bet from button Christopher Pasion to 20,000. Tan clicked back to 50,000 to which Pasion completed. Both players checked the flop 4s6sQd and headed to the turn 10s. Tan bet all-in for 111,000, Pasion with a call.

Tan KdKc
Pasion Jd10c

Tan’s overpair takes the cake after the river 2d ran blank for Pasion’s five remaining outs.

Tan Hai Shien – 342,000
Christopher Pasion – 105,000

20:47: Berdejo Jean Paul dodges elimination
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

Hijack Berdejo Jean Paul shoved all-in for 17,000 and was called by small blind Isogai Taichi.

Berdejo Jd9h
Isogai Ks8h

The board ran 6s4hJhAs2s with Berdejo’s pair of jacks good for the double up.

Berdejo Jean Paul – 42,000
Isogai Taichi – 110,000

20:42: Top pair good for John Clyde Tan
Level 15: 2,000 – 4,000 ante 4,000

Four players saw a flop of Kc2s9h. Small blind Jimmy Suico and big blind John Clyde Tan moved all-in for 48,000. Two players fold behind and Suico makes the call.

Tan Kd5h
Suico 6h6c

Tan ahead with top pair, scoops up the pot after runout Jh10h completed the board.

John Clyde Tan – 132,000
Jimmy Suico – 85,000

20:25: Break time!
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Break time sees 133 / 525 players left in the running. Day 1C set to conclude with 79 players remaining.

20:17: Ang Boon Seng scores a double
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Button Ellezer Castillo opened to 7,000, called by small blind Ang Boon Seng. Flop came 4h4c6d and Ang check-called Castillo’s all-in for his remaining 60,500.

Castillo 8h8s
Ang KsKh

Ang remained ahead on turn Qd and river 10d for the win.

Ang Boon Seng – 141,000
Ellezer Castillo – 46,000

20:10: Richard Marquez packs in more chips
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Down to 12 BB, hijack Dave Erquiaga moved all-in for 36,500 and was called by big blind Richard Marquez.

Erquiaga Ah9s
Marquez JhJs

The board 4s10c5h5dKd ran king-high and was no scare for Marquez as he sent local pro Erquiaga out of the Main Event games.

Richard Marquez – 360,000

20:05: Zhang Lijun gets coolered
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

Utg Zhang Lijun open shoved his 56,000 in and was quickly called by Michael Bueza behind. Zhang held premium AsKd but was no match against Bueza’s KsKh. A cooler spot, the board ran 5hJd4s10s3s, sealing Bueza’s win and Zhang’s unfortunate elimination.

Michael Bueza – 170,000

19:59: Bottom pair good for Andrew Nicholas
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 ante 3,000

With 20,000 in the pot, four players headed to a flop of 2d5h3c. Small blind Andrew Nicholas checks and big blind Eman Segismundo moved all-in for 16,000. Both players behind fold and Andrew makes the call.

Segismundo Ac6s
Andrew 7c2c

A ton of outs for Segismundo, the turn 5c and river 9h changed nothing, leaving Andrew’s pair of deuces good for the pot.

Andrew Nicholas – 150,000
Eman Segismundo – Eliminated

19:52: Ron Ryan Mesina picks up dead money
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Cut off opened, button Sakui Sho three bet to 20,000. Big blind Ron Ryan Mesina moved all-in for 110,000 total, pushing both players to fold.

Ron Ryan Mesina – 149,000
Sakui Sho – 40,000

19:46: Rick Jason Ambata shows down pocket aces
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Utg Ricardo Torres opened and called a three bet to 11,000 from Rick Jason Ambata. Flop came Ks9s2h, Torres led out a 5,000 bet and again called Ambata’s raise to 16,000 total. Turn Qs and river 7c saw no more betting action as the two headed for showdown. Ambata reveals AcAh and Torres mucks behind.

Rick Jason Ambata – 120,000
Ricardo Torres – 55,000

19:39: Benedict Koh runs into monster hand
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Button Jose Colada opened to 6,000 and called a 57,000 shove from big blind Benedict Koh.

Colada QcQh
Koh Kc10d

Board ran 3c7d6hQsJh and Colada quickly picked up the pot with his set of queens.

Jose Colada – 140,000
Benedict Koh – Eliminated

19:34: Joven Huerto’s big blind defense pays off
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,500 ante 2,500

Hijack Jayvon Carreon opened to 6,000 followed by a big blind call from Joven Huerto. Flop came 5h7c8d and Huerto check-raised to 14,000. Carreon clapped back and raised for Huerto’s entire stack. Huerto made the call and was ahead with top pair straight draw.

Carreon KsJh
Huerto 8h9h

The turn 6h killed any chances for Carreon, giving Huerto the pot and a full double up.

Joven Huerto – 70,000
Jayvon Carreon – 300,000

19:25: Jimmy Suico scoops another pot
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

Hijack Jimmy Suico opened to 4,500 and called big blind Lin Zhiqiang’s 36,000 shove with 9d9h. Lin behind with Ad4h, saw no ace on board 3hJh8cKc4s leaving him to head for the exit.

Jimmy Suico – 250,000
Lin Zhiqiang – Eliminated

19:23: Maxwell Rosete gets a tiny boost
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

Hijack Maxwell Rosete open shoved all-in and Marion Lato called with a shorter stack right behind.

Rosete JcJs
Lato AhJh

Rosete claimed the pot after the board 9h7c7dQh8c faded the ace for a 5BB boost to his stack.

Maxwell Rosete – 36,000
Marion Lato – Eliminated

19:20: Terrible runout for Jeoffrey Sibal
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

Utg+1 Zhuo Xinghua open shoved all-in with Ad10s and was called behind by Jeoffrey Sibal with a better AcKh. Lucky for Zhuo, the board 5c3d6dQd2d ran a one card flush to his diamond for the win. Zhuo claims the double and survives with 16BB.

Zhuo Xinghua – 32,000
Jeoffrey Sibal – 70,000

19:16: Cen Zhuoyue busts by river
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

Utg Cen Zhuoyue flicked in his short stack 13,500 and was called by big blind Kawai Yuki.

Cen 10h10c
Kawai Ks8c

The board Js8d5hQd steered clear of Kawai’s one overcard up until the river hit Kd. Kawai wins with two pair and sends Cen packing.

Kawai Yuki – 100,000

19:14: No sweat for Shimabukuro Shoji
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

Utg Hosoya Ryona open shoved all-in with Ah3s and was called behind by Shimabukuro Shoji with a better AcKh. The board 9dQsKcAs2c was an easy win for Shimabukuro’s top two pair and a quick bust for Hosoya’s weaker ace.

Shimabukuro Shoji – 165,000

19:10: Justice for Jimmy Suico on the river
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

Utg+1 Jimmy Suico opened to 5,500 and Raymundo Gomez decided to move all-in for 30,500 one seat after. Suico made the call with AcKd, ahead of Gomez’ Qs9s. The flop came Qd10s2s giving Gomez top pair, but was soon followed by 2hKc, claiming justice for Suico’s overcards.

Jimmy Suico – 160,000
Raymundo Gomez – Eliminated

19:04: Bonifacio Mondalo railed
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 ante 2,000

Left with 5BB to work with, Bonifacio Mondalo open shoved with Qh9h, called by cut off Han Yoonseung with Ac2h. Already a favorite, Han flopped top pair on As6c10c and locked in the win shortly.

Han Yoonseung – 120,000

18:54: Suditu Madalin bags flip
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Having opened the button to 3,000, Suditu Madalin called the big blind’s shove with AhJc and was up against 5c5h for a flip. Board Ad2s6h4d6s ran in Suditu’s favor, busting his opponent from the table.

Suditu Madalin – 100,000

18:48: Lin Zhiqiang gets outpipped
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Action began on Jimmy Suico with an open to 3,500, called by Jayvon Carreon behind. Button Lin Zhiqiang fired a three bet to 12,500 and was joined by both opponents. Flop came 4hQc8s. Checked to Lin, he bet all-in, called only by Suico.

Lin As10h
Suico AcJh

Holding a better ace, Suico secured the pot after the runout Ad5c gave both players top pair, Suico with a higher kicker.

Jimmy Suico – 55,000
Lin Zhiqiang – 15,000
Jayvon Carreon – 320,000

18:35: Sugai Takatumi wins race
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Facing an open from cut off Do Songhyun, button Sugai Takatumi shoved all-in for 23,000 total and was called by Do.

Takatumi KhJs
Do 8c10h

The board ran 2c2s6h7s2d with Takatumi’s king-high earning him a double up.

Sugai Takatumi – 50,000
Do Songhyun – 27,000

18:33: Berdejo Jean Paul bricks runout
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

A three bet pot preflop with button Do Songhyun as the aggressor, Do continued on flop Ac10cKc with an all-in after action was checked to him. Original raiser Berdejo Jean Paul found the call and was in for a combo draw against Berdejo’s top pair.

Do As7s
Berdejo JdJc

Runout revealed 9h10d, leaving Do’s pair of aces good for the win.

Do Songhyun – 50,000
Berdejo Jean Paul – 20,000

18:28: Thomas Lamb crashes into chip leader
Level 11: 1,000 – 1,500 ante 1,500

Following two limps, Thomas Lamb shoved all-in for 40,500 and crashed into Jayvon Carreon’s AcAs right behind. Lamb with 9c9d was left gunning for two outs which failed to show up on board 6sJd2h2d5h, leaving him to exit the Main Event arena,

Jayvon Carreon – 330,000

18:24: Registration is closed!
Level 10: 600 – 1,200 ante 1,200

Day 1C registration for Manila Super Series 18 Main Event is now closed with a whopping total of 525 entries collected for the last flight on schedule. A record breaking prize pool of PHP 13,239,336 has been generated across three starting flights, making this season’s Main Event festivities the richest in its 18-installment history. Day 1C play will conclude after 15% of the field (ITM} or 79 players remain.

Top Chip Counts:

Jayvon Carreon – 290,000
Kim Enriquez – 220,000
Malortigue Lex – 190,000
Aoyama Takanobu – 180,000
Ivan Dela Cruz – 170,000
Oleg Alex Kaminski – 160,000

17:41: Rong Xiang heads for the exit
Level 9: 600 – 1,200 ante 1,200

Following an open and both blinds in the action, the flop 5c4s3s saw Jayvon Carreon lead out for 5,500. Big blind Rong Xiang pushed all-in for 33,000, raiser folds, and Carreon takes the spot.

Xiang Jc2s
Carreon 5d2c

Both with an open ender, Carreon claimed the pot with his pair of fives after both draws missed.

Jayvon Carreon – 210,000
Rong Xiang – Eliminated

17:34: Aoyama Takanobu pulls all-in bluff
Level 9: 600 – 1,200 ante 1,200

Facing an open and a call, small blind Nino Carlo Mercado fired a three bet to 7,500 total and was called by both players. Flop came 8c4d2c, Mercado continued with another 7,500, original raiser folds, and button Aoyama Takanobu moved all-in. Mercado makes the call with overpair QdQc. Takanobu with KhQs, lost his chance to win the pot after his three outer missed on runout 6h3d.

Nino Carlo Mercado – 85,000
Aoyama Takanobu – 160,000

17:28: John Harold Beveridge delivers double elimination
Level 9: 600 – 1,200 ante 1,200

Hijack Chan Wai Wallace opened to 2,500, called behind by John Harold Beveridge. Big blind Khalife Hanna stuffed his 9BB stack in, allowing Chan to reshove all-in. Beveridge makes the final call and covers both players.

Khalife Ac2s
Chan Ah5h
Beveridge JhJc

Board ran 6cQs9sKh4d with Beveridge’s pair of jacks enough to knock out both opponents in quick fashion.

John Harold Beveridge – 120,000
Chan Wai Wallace – Eliminated
Khalife Hanna – Eliminated

17:18: Ng Wee Meng misses to get value
Level 9: 600 – 1,200 ante 1,200

Four players headed into the flop 4d10c2c. Original raiser Christopher Pasion continued with a bet of 2,000 and was raised behind by Ng Wee Meng to 6,000. Two other players fold and Pasion makes the call. Turn Ac and river Kh were checked on both streets to showdown.

Pasion Ah5h
Ng 10h10d

Ng claims the pot with his set of tens good against Pasion’s top pair.

Ng Wee Meng – 70,000
Christopher Pasion – 80,000

17:10: Flush over flush
Level 8: 500 – 1,000 ante 1,000

With 11,400 in the middle on flop 9c5c3s, Kim Minsu check-raised all-in with Qc10c and was called by Aoyama Takanobu with Ac3c. Turn 6c immediately killed any hopes for Kim as his lower flush sent him to the rails.

Aoyama Takanobu – 240,000
Kim Minsu – Eliminated

17:06: Michael Piedragoza fires double barrel
Level 8: 500 – 1,000 ante 1,000

Utg+2 Ernesto Sarmiento opened to 2,200, called by button William Teoh. Action on small blind, Michael Piedragoza threw in a three bet to 7,000 total, to which both players called. Flop came 4c7d3h and Piedragoza bet 6,500 into 22,000. Sarmiento calls, Teoh opts out. Turn saw Ah and Piedragoza pulled the trigger with an all-in for 12,700, enough for Sarmiento to surrender.

Michael Piedragoza – 48,700
Ernesto Sarmiento – 22,500
William Teoh – 25,000

16:57: Easy call for Ivan Tabucal
Level 8: 500 – 1,000 ante 1,000

Utg+1 Fujii Takuto open shoved 11,000, followed by another all-in from Bucinkas Darius, and a quick call from big blind Ivan Tabucal.

Fujii AhJs
Bucinkas Ac10c
Tabucal KsKh

The board ran jack-high with Tabucal raking in the 60 BB pot.

Ivan Tabucal – 60,000
Fujii Takuto – 11,000
Bucinkas Darius – Eliminated

16:49: Cooler spot for Joseph Chong
Level 8: 500 – 1,000 ante 1,000

All the chips were seen stuffed in the middle preflop with Joseph Chong’s AdKh in deep trouble after running into William Kang’s AcAh. The board 9c9dKcQc2d paired up Chong but was not enough to beat Kang’s pair of aces.

William Kang – 120,000
Joseph Chong – Eliminated

16:41: Lamb Thomas delivers huge badbeat
Level 8: 500 – 1,000 ante 1,000

Utg Tay Fu Jie opened to 2,000 and saw mid position Thomas Lamb shove all-in for 222,000 total. Tay snap calls with KhKd and is way ahead of Lamb’s JsJh. The flop Jd2h2d however, instantly crushed Tay’s premium pair, landing him a terrible badbeat after the runout 3h8c sealed his fate.

Thomas Lamb – 464,000
Tay Fu Jie – 4,500

16:41: Lamb Thomas delivers huge badbeat
Level 7: 400 – 800 ante 800

Utg Tay Fu Jie opened to 2,000 and saw mid position Thomas Lamb shove all-in for 222,000 total. Tay snap calls with KhKd and is way ahead of Lamb’s JsJh. The flop Jd2h2d however, instantly crushed Tay’s premium pair, landing him a terrible badbeat after the runout 3h8c sealed his fate.

Thomas Lamb – 464,000
Tay Fu Jie – 4,500

16:33: Kim Yonggoo clips some off chip leader
Level 7: 400 – 800 ante 800

Utg Kim Yonggoo opened to 1,600, raised to 3,200 behind by chip leader Aoyama Takanobu. Kim completes and check-calls a flop bet of 4,500 on 7h7c5s. Turn Kc went check-check and Kim led out 5,000 on the river 9d. Aoyama called the final bet but mucked quickly after Kim showed Ac5c.

Kim Yonggoo – 55,000
Aoyama Takanobu – 205,000

16:26: Battle of the aces
Level 7: 400 – 800 ante 800

Folded to the button, Cezar Quiambao pushed all-in for 8,400 total and was called by big blind Saito Tetsunori with As4h. Quiambao ahead with Ah7s, was saved after the turn 9d4s2s7d6d gave him a higher pair.

Cezar Quiambao – 18,000
Saito Tetsunori – 25,000

16:18: Nicholas Andrew cracks kings
Level 7: 400 – 800 ante 800

With 10,000 in the middle on board 10hKsAdJs, Mike Takayama bet all-in for 5,200 and was called by the player behind. Button Nicholas Andrew raised to 35,000, pushing the third player to fold.

Takayama KdKh
Andrew Qs10d

River came 4d and failed to fill up Takayama’s set to a full house. Andrew takes the pot with a straight.

Nicholas Andrew – 75,000
Mike Takayama – Eliminated

16:13: Mike Takayama dominated
Level 6: 300 – 600 ante 600

All the chips piled high in the middle preflop with Mike Takayama’s AsQc behind against Zhang Lijun’s better AcKd. The board 2sJd7d10s6c offered no help to Takayama as he dropped down to 13 BB.

Zhang Lijun – 40,000
Mike Takayama – 8,000

15:58: Cezar Quiambao cuts stack in half
Level 6: 300 – 600 ante 600

Utg+1 Anacleto Quijano opened to 1,300, called by two players behind. Action on small blind, Cezar Quiambao squeezed three bet to 9,000 total with only Quijano making the call. Flop came Kd9h3c and Quiambao continued with a small bet of 4,500, Quijano, again with the call. Turn saw Jh and Quiambao check-folded after Quijano bet for the rest of his chips.

Anacleto Quijano – 45,000
Cezar Quiambao – 12,000

15:51: Jayden Zalac wins preflop war
Level 6: 300 – 600 ante 600

Utg+1 Jayden Zalac opened to 1,200 and was met with a three bet to 2,100 from Roberto Alcano. Small blind Richard Tolentino pushed a cold four bet to 7,000 which did not convince Zalac to back down. Zalac jammed all-in for 27,900, urging both players to fold behind.

Jayden Zalac – 38,200
Roberto Alcano – 65,000
Richard Tolentino – 22,000

15:34: Break time!
Level 5: 200 – 500 ante 500

First break of the day sees 347 runners in for today’s flight. Prize pool has swelled to a sweet PHP 10,960,224! Late registration remains to be open until the end of Level 10 @ 18:20.

15:25: Chia Ka Siong Roger scores lucky triple up
Level 5: 200 – 500 ante 500

Utg+1 Ahmed Raul opened to 2,100, hijack George Manolas raised all-in and button Chia Ka Siong Roger called all-in with a smaller stack. Back to Ahmed, he makes the call, covering both opponents.

Manolas AsAd
Chia QdQc
Ahmed AhKd

Lucky for Chia, the flop Qh6d7s instantly gave him a set with the last ace on deck missing to show up on turn 9d and river 3s. Chia takes the triple up while Manolas takes the side pot.

Chia Ka Siong Roger – 50,000
George Manolas – 11,000
Ahmed Raul – 6,000

15:16: Ito Akira runs into aces
Level 5: 200 – 500 ante 500

An all-in preflop situation, Ito Akira was in trouble after getting it in with JhJs against Nishike Nariyoshi’s AdAs. The flop 2h5d4s left Ito drawing to two outs, none of which came on turn Kc and river Ks.

Ito Akira – 5,000
Nishike Nariyoshi – 60,000

15:08: Big pot for Malortigue Lex
Level 5: 200 – 500 ante 500

Hijack Malortigue Lex opened to 1,200 and was called by three players behind. Flop came 6s10dKh and saw the small blind push all-in for 4,000. Malortigue bumped it up to 9,000, raised again by Ruderico Dela Cruz behind for 18,000 total. Button folds and Malortigue stuffs his remaining chips, called by Dela Cruz.

Malortigue Ks10s
Dela Cruz AsKc
Small Blind Kd8h

Malortigue’s flopped two pair scoops the pot, eliminating his short stacked opponent and crippling Dela Cruz to 6BB.

Malortigue Lex – 70,000
Ruderico Dela Cruz – 3,000

14:59: Nitatwichit Nutpakan’s pocket pair holds
Level 4: 200 – 400 ante 400

Nitatwichit Nutpakan opened from utg and called a short stack all-in of 5,600 from Monziar Villariza.

Villariza AdJh
Nutpakan 2c2h

Board ran 9s9d9h6cQs, completing Nutpakan’s small pocket pair to a full house.

Nitatwichit Nutpakan – 60,000
Monziar Villariza – Eliminated

14:48: Eldee Lim claims three bet pot
Level 4: 200 – 400 ante 400

Hijack Eldee Lim opened to 900 and called a three bet behind from Kawai Yuki. Kawai continued with a 1,600 bet on flop Qc3cJh but folded to Lim’s raise to 5,200.

Eldee Lim – 31,000
Kawai Yuki – 20,000

14:41: Monster flop for Li Minghui
Level 4: 200 – 400 ante 400

Utg+1 Li Minghui opened to 800, called by both players on the blinds. Flop came Ad4d4s and saw big blind Yuto Seki lead out for 1,500. Both players make the call and see a turn of 9c. Action checked to raiser Li who fired 2,500, called by blinds Oesterstroem Phenix and Yuto. River came 3d and both Oesterstroem and Yuto check-folded Li’s 7,000 bet.

Li shows Ah4h and takes the boost to his stack.

Li Minghui – 45,000
Oesterstroem Phenix – 10,000
Yuto Seki – 40,000

14:26: Two double ups for Giovanni Belcastro
Level 3: 100 – 300 ante 300

Following three limpers, big blind Giovanni Belcastro threw in his 2,200 stack and was called only by Zorig Angar.

Belcastro 2s2h
Zorig Ah5d

Up for a flip, the board ran Kd9hQd8d4s, saving Belcastro from elimination and a double to 5,400.

Zorig Angar – 40,000

A few hands after, Belcastro open shoved with 5c5h and was called by Yewale Jayant with AhQh. Belcastro once again dodged his opponent’s overcards as the board ran Jd9d9c3cKc.

Belcastro Giovanni – 12,000
Yewale Jayant – 28,000

14:11: Rockets for Soh Phay Hwee
Level 3: 100 – 300 ante 300

Three players went on to flop 2h9d7s after calling small blind Soh Phay Hwee’s three bet to 2,300. Soh continued for 2,500, called only by Khalife Hanna behind. Turn Ks and action went check-check. River 9c saw Soh lead out for 3,500, called by Khalife.

Soh AcAd

Soh’s overpair wins the pot as Khalife throws his hand in the muck.

Soh Phay Hwee – 43,000
Khalife Hanna – 12,000

14:03: Carmona Adones busted by the river
Level 2: 100 – 200 ante 200

Utg Toh Wei Min Alvin opened to 500 and was met with a three bet behind from Cho Minseong. Short stacked Carmona Adones shoved 3,100 from the big blind, called by both players. Board ran 8h5d2d9sQc with Toh and Cho checking back to the river. River saw Toh put a 3,000 into the side pot, to which Cho folded.

Toh KsQd
Carmona JcJd

Toh claims the pot with his rivered top pair enough to beat Carmona’s pocket jacks.

Toh Wei Min Alvin – 50,000
Cho Minseong – 34,000
Carmona Adones – Eliminated

13:52: Queens good for Shimazaki Kenji
Level 2: 100 – 200 ante 200

A three bet pot preflop with big blind Shimazaki Kenji as the aggressor, Shimazaki double barreled on board Kd9d2s4s6c against original raiser Huang Yu Chen. River saw no action and Shimazaki showed a pair of queens QsQc to claim the pot.

Shimazaki Kenji – 38,000
Huang Yu Chen – 19,000

13:43: Ang Boon Seng takes it down
Level 2: 100 – 200 ante 200

A 5-way pot on flop 9c5c7s, action checked to button Ang Boon Seng who bet 1,200. Only Seo Jung Il continued to the turn 3h. Seo check-called another 2,200, and check-folded on the river Ac after Ang fired a final bet of 5,000.

Ang Boon Seng – 35,000
Seo Jung Il – 25,000

13:35: Aihara Takayaki tables full house
Level 1: 100 – 100 ante 100

Four players joined the action and saw a flop of 6sAsJs. Preflop raiser Ahmed Raul continued with a 1,100 bet, called by Aihara Takayaki and the button. Turn revealed 8h, Ahmed pulled another 5,000 bet, this time only called by Aihara behind. River Jc saw Ahmed check-call a 5,000 bet from Aihara.

Aihara reveals full house 6d6h for the win.

Aihara Takayaki – 45,000
Ahmed Raul – 18,000

13:12: Bhatt Yagyavalk pulls river bluff
Level 1: 100 – 100 ante 100

Utg Bhatt Yagyavalk opened to 400, called by the button and big blind Siang Theng Chee. Flop came 6h4d8h. Siang check-raises Bhatt’s 1,200 bet to 2,200, button folds, and Bhatt makes the call. Turn saw Jd and Bhatt check-called Siang’s 2,600 bet. River 8s, Bhatt leads out for 7,500, and Siang with a fold.

Bhatt shows Qh3h for a busted flush draw.

Bhatt Yagyavalk – 37,000
Siang Theng Chee – 24,700

13:03: Action begins
Level 1: 100 – 100 ante 100

Shuffle up & deal, good luck to all the players!

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The last starting flight for the Manila Super Series 18 Main Event kicks off today at Okada Manila, Resort & Casino, Philippines. A total of 509 entries have so far been recorded, building the prize pool up to double in value at a massive PHP 6,517,236 (~USD 114,683).

Similar to the previous flights, Day 1C will play down to 15% of the field (ITM) with today’s qualifiers set to join the 77 player list returning to the felt on Saturday, September 23rd. Buy-in is set at PHP 15,000 (~USD 264) and each entry starting off with a 30,000 stack, commencing 30 minute blind levels throughout.

Late Registration will be open until Level 10 @ 18:20.

Manila Super Series 18 Main Event Review

Dates: September 20-24, 2023
Buy in: PHP 15,000 (~USD 264)
Guarantee: PHP 3,000,000 (~USD 52,842)

Day 1 Results

1A: 198 entries / 30 advanced
1B: 311 entries / 47 advanced

Day 1 Live Updates
Day 1A Recap
Day 1B Recap

Main Event – Live Updates – Day 2

23:35: Day 2 closes with final nine set
Level 28: 40,000/80,000 ante 80,000

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Day 2 action is officially closed with the final nine players returning tomorrow in contention for the PHP 2,400,000 (~USD 42,232) top prize. Xia Qi leads the pack with over 6.3 Million in chips, followed closely by Ho Tung Chun with 6.2 Million. Final table gameplay resumes tomorrow on Level 29: 50,000/100,000 ante 100,000 at 13:00 sharp!

Chip Counts:

Xia Qi – 6,345,000
Ho Tung Chun – 6,215,000
John Clyde Tan – 4,270,000
Paolo Boccaletti – 3,270,000
Shah Chirag – 3,245,000
Edilberto Gopez – 2,740,000
John Jay Magadan – 2,480,000
Shin Hyeonho – 1,520,000
Ivan Dela Cruz – 775,000

Remaining Payouts

1st – PHP 2,400,000
2nd – PHP 1,450,000
3rd – PHP 1,020,000
4th – PHP 765,000
5th – PHP 590,000
6th – PHP 430,000
7th – PHP 315,000
8th – PHP 225,000
9th – PHP 176,336

23:28: Darrell Griffith bubbles final table in 10th place – PHP 147,000
Level 29: 50,000/100,000 ante 100,000

Utg Ho Tung Chun opened to 225,000 and called off small blind Darrell Griffith’s 1,150,000 all-in for a race.

Darrell Ad6d
Ho KsQc

At risk, Darrell quickly lost his run for the top prize after the flop QhKc7s gave Ho two pair. With no runner runner in place, Darrell closes the day’s action in 10th place as the final table bubble.

Ho Tung Chun – 6,215,000
Darrell Griffith – Eliminated

23:25: Joemark Vasay crashes in 11th place – PHP 147,000
Level 28: 40,000/80,000 ante 80,000

Button Joemark Vasay opened to 160,000, called by big blind Paolo Boccaletti. Flop came 5hJd5d and Boccaletti check-called Vasay’s 150,000 continuation bet. Turn Ah saw Boccaletti again with a check-call for Vasay’s remaining 600,000.

Vasay Ac4c
Boccaletti Kh3h

Ahead with two pair, Vasay needed to fade a heart for Boccaletti’s flush. The river 4h however, worked in Boccaletti’s favor, sending to the rails in 11th place.

Paolo Boccaletti – 3,300,000
Joemark Vasay – Eliminated

23:15: Paolo Boccaletti wins flip
Level 28: 40,000/80,000 ante 80,000

Folded to small blind, Edilberto Gopez opened to 245,000 and called off a jam from big blind Paolo Boccaletti for 1,1650,000 total.

Boccaletti 10c10h
Gopez QdJd

The blind vs blind battle ran a board of 10s8h7s7d6h, giving Boccaletti a full house for a crucial double up.

Paolo Boccaletti – 2,410,000
Edilberto Gopez – 2,800,000

23:10: Midpair good for Xia Qi
Level 28: 40,000/80,000 ante 80,000

Cut off Edilberto Gopez limped call a raise from small blind Xia Qi to 425,000. Flop came Qd10c7c and Xia check-called 200,000 from his opponent. Turn 8h and river 2s were checked round with Xia revealing Ah10d by showdown. Xia’s pair of tens was good for the pot after Gopez threw his cards in the muck.

Xia Qi – 5,700,000
Edilberto Gopez – 3,700,000

23:03: Joemark Vasay folds to jam
Level 28: 40,000/80,000 ante 80,000

Button Xia Qi opened to 180,000 and was met with a three bet to 310,000 from big blind Joemark Vasay. Action back on Xia, the chip leader moved all-in for Vasay’s 600,000 behind. Vasay folds and dwindles down to 7.5 BB.

Xia Qi – 5,400,000
Joemark Vasay -600,000

22:55: Shin Hyeonho takes some off Shah Chirag
Level 28: 40,000/80,000 ante 80,000

Button Shin Hyeonho opened to 160,000, joined by big blind Shah Chirag to see a flop of 10cQh5d. Shah check-called for 135,000 and sees turn 10s. This time, Shah led out for 275,000, called by Shin behind. River As completed the board with Shah going for a check-fold on Shin’s 500,000 river bet.

Shin Hyeonho – 1,800,000
Shah Chirag -3,850,000

22:49: Joemark Vasay scores a double up
Level 28: 40,000/80,000 ante 80,000

Having defended his big blind against button Xia Qi’s open, Joemark Vasay check called all-in on flop 6c3cQc for his remaining 240,000. Vasay is ahead with a pair of sixes Jd6d against Xia’s KhJh. The turn Jc and river 2h improved both player’s hands, Vasay with two pair for a double up.

Joemark Vasay – 940,000
Xia Qi – 4,600,000

22:40: Break Time!
Level 28: 40,000/80,000 ante 80,000

11 players left in the running, two more eliminations before the day wraps up. Final table gameplay will resume tomorrow at 13:00.

Chip Count Update:

Xia Qi – 5,000,000
Edilberto Gopez – 4,600,000
John Clyde Tan – 4,400,000
Shah Chirag – 4,200,000
Ho Tung Chun – 3,100,000
John Jay Magadan – 2,700,000
Darrell Griffith – 2,500,000
Paolo Boccaletti – 1,700,000
Shin Hyeonho – 1,300,000
Ivan Dela Cruz – 1,300,000
Joemark Vasay – 400,000

22:33: Shah Chirag takes down pot
Level 27: 30,000/60,000 ante 60,000

Button Shin Hyeonho opened to 150,000 and called a click back to 300,000 from big blind Shah Chirag. Flop came 7c4c4s and Shah check-called a 220,000 bet from Shin. Another 7h showed up on the turn and Shah again, check-called for 450,000. River Jc completed the board with both players checking to showdown.

Shah reveals AhJd for two pair jacks and sevens, Shin with a muck behind.

Shah Chirag – 4,200,000
Shin Hyeonho – 1,350,000

22:19: Darrell Griffith pays off John Clyde Tan
Level 27: 30,000/60,000 ante 60,000

Folded to the small blind, John Clyde Tan opened to 150,000, called behind by Darrell Griffith. Flop came 10cAh9s, Tan continued for 100,000 and called a raise to 300,000. Turn came Jh and saw both players check. Another Js completed the board and Tan sent out a bet of 550,000, called by Darrell after using up all his time banks.

Tan Jc8s
Darrell AdQh

Tan claims the pot with his rivered trip jacks topping Darrell’s two pair.

John Clyde Tan – 4,400,000
Darrell Griffith – 1,850,000

22:17: Alvir Inocentes railed in 12th place – PHP 133,000
Level 27: 30,000/60,000 ante 60,000

Committed to his raise, button Xia Qi called off a 485,000 shove from small blind Alvir Inocentes.

Inocentes 5c5s
Xia 7c9c

The two run the flip and saw a board of 10c9s8cKsJc,  quickly crushing Inocentes run for the trophy. Xia scores another elimination with a rivered jack-high straight.

Xia Qi – 5,200,000
Alvir Inocentes – Eliminated

22:14: Ivan Dela Cruz gets lucky
Level 27: 30,000/60,000 ante 60,000

Following a late position open and a call, big blind Ivan Dela Cruz pushed all-in for 655,000 and was called by button Ho Tung Chun with 6c6s. Dela Cruz with As5h needed to spike his overcard to survive. Fortunately for him, the board ran AdQd4h4s9d with his flopped top pair good for the win.

Ivan Dela Cruz – 1,500,000
Ho Tung Chun – 3,000,000

22:10: Gladchenko Kirill eliminated in 13th place – PHP 133,000
Level 27: 30,000/60,000 ante 60,000

Facing a button open, small blind Gladchenko Kirill moved all-in for 665,000 and was met with another all-in behind from Ho Tung Chun. Original raiser folds and the two head on for a race.

Gladchenko Jd10d
Ho AdKd

The board 3s3d9sKc10h hit both players’ hands, Ho with a better two pair kings and threes.

Ho Tung Chun – 3,600,000
Gladchenko Kirill – Eliminated

22:05: Aihara Takayaki busts in 14th place – PHP 119,000
Level 27: 30,000/60,000 ante 60,000

Hijack Aihara Takayaki opened to 125,000 and was joined by both players on the blinds. Action checked all the way to the river QcQd9cJc3c, which suddenly saw Xia Qi and Aihara pile all the chips in the middle.

Xia QhJh
Aihara 3d3h

Both having made a full house, Xia claimed the pot with a better full queens over jacks vs Aihara’s full threes over queens, leaving his opponent out of the running.

Xia Qi – 4,600,000
Aihara Takayaki – Eliminated

21:57: John Niko Constiniano suffers badbeat in 15th place – PHP 119,000
Level 27: 30,000/60,000 ante 60,000

Utg+1 Xia Qi opened to 150,000 and called off a 625,000 jam from small blind John Niko Constiniano.

Constiniano QsQd
Xia 6h6d

In a great spot to double up, Constiniano was left packing after the flop 6cKdJh gave Xia a set, with the turn 9h and river 7h failing to improve his pocket queens.

Xia Qi – 3,500,000
John Niko Constiniano – Eliminated

21:54: Blinds up
Level 27: 30,000/60,000 ante 60,000

15 players left in the Main Event games, each guaranteed a minimum payout of PHP 119,000. Day 2 closes following six more eliminations with the final table set to play through tomorrow at 13:00.

21:47: Kim Enriquez bricks in 16th place – PHP 106,000
Level 26: 25,000/50,000 ante 50,000

Utg+1 Shin Hyeonho opened to 100,000 and saw both blinds complete to see a flop of Ah2hKc. Checked to Shin, he fired a bet of 105,000, called by John Clyde Tan. Action on big blind Kim Enriquez, he stuffed all-in for 680,000 total and was called by the original raiser.

Enriquez Qh9h
Shin AsQc

Top pair vs flush draw, no more hearts came on either turn Jc or river 8c, sending Enriquez out in 16th place.

Shin Hyeonho – 3,000,000
John Clyde Tan – 2,400,000
Kim Enriquez – Eliminated

21:35: Sidark Amanda out in 17th place – PHP 106,000
Level 26: 25,000/50,000 ante 50,000

Folded to small blind Edilberto Gopez, he opened to 120,000 and called off big blind Sidark Amanda’s jam for 420,000 total.

Sidark Ad6d
Gopez 8s10d

Slightly ahead, the runout 6c2h5s4c10s couldn’t save Sidark from his unfortunate elimination after the river gave Gopez a pair of tens to beat his pair of sixes.

Edilberto Gopez – 5,200,000
Sidark Amanda – Eliminated

21:30: Gerges Kyrillos exits in 18th place – PHP 93,000
Level 26: 25,000/50,000 ante 50,000

Hijack Gerges Kyrillos opened to 58,500, leaving himself 10,000 behind. Button Ho Tung Chun made the call and saw flop 4dQdJd. Checked to Ho, he bet the 1BB left and Gerges flicked in the rest of his stack.

Ho KhQh
Gerges 5h5s

Drawing to two outs, the runout QcJh missed to help Gerges leaving him to head for the exit in 18th.

Ho Tung Chun – 2,900,000
Gerges Kyrillos – Eliminated

21:22: Lim Seyoon outpipped
Level 26: 25,000/50,000 ante 50,000

Getting it all-in preflop, Lim Seyoon’s short stack was in danger as his AsJc was dominated by opponent Darrell Griffith’s better ace AdQs. The board 5d9sQhKd6h suggested no bad beats with Darrell’s pair of queens claiming the pot.

Darrell Griffith – 3,200,000
Lim Seyoon – Eliminated

21:13: Two double ups for Joemark Vasay
Level 26: 25,000/50,000 ante 50,000

Following a 4BB double up a few minutes ago, Joemark Vasay managed to land another double from John Jay Magadan in a cooler spot. Action folded to Magadan on the button, he shoved all-in with AcJh, called by Vasay with a monster KsKc for his remaining 395,000.

Vasay secures the win after no ace showed up on board 6d7s10s5h9d.

Joemark Vasay – 890,000
John Jay Magadan – 2,000,000

21:06: Gladchenko Kirill dodges bust
Level 26: 25,000/50,000 ante 50,000

Utg+1 Gladchenko Kirill open shoved for 600,000 and was called by small blind Shin Hyeonho.

Gladchenko AcKs
Shin JsJh

Two strong hands, the board 2s5h6cKhQs this time favored Gladchenko’s overcards, giving him a pair enough to beat his opponent’s pocket jacks.

Gladchenko Kirill – 1,300,000
Shin Hyeonho – 1,400,000

21:04: Blinds up
Level 26: 25,000/50,000 ante 50,000

19 players left in the Main Event games with minimum payout now set at PHP 93,000.

21:03: Kim Enriquez loses a chunk of his stack
Level 25: 20,000/40,000 ante 40,000

Facing a hijack open and a 1,410,000 all-in from cut off Darrell Griffith, big blind Kim Enriquez put in the chips and was up to run a classic Hold’em flip.

Darrell QcQd
Enriquez AsKc

The board ran ten-high 10h6s2h3s9c, costing Enriquez to fork over a chunk of his stack following the loss.

Darrell Griffith – 3,000,000
Kim Enriquez- 1,100,000

20:54: Aces no good for Shah Chirag
Level 25: 20,000/40,000 ante 40,000

Cut off John Jay Magadan opened to 85,000 and called a three bet from big blind Shah Chirag to 250,000. Flop came 10c10d6h, Shah with a continuation bet of 180,000, called by Magadan. Turn saw 4c and Shah fired another 550,000. Magadan moved all-in for 345,000 more and Shah puts in the final call.

Magadan Kd10h
Shah AcAs

River 4d completed Magadan’s full house tens over fours for the 67 BB pot.

John Jay Magadan – 2,700,000
Shah Chirag – 1,900,000

20:48: Turn brings justice for Ho Tung Chun
Level 25: 20,000/40,000 ante 40,000

Cut off Ho Tung Chun opened to 100,000 and called a 1,000,000 all-in from big blind Sidark Amanda.

Sidark As7s
Ho QdQc

The flop AdKh5d immediately peeled ace-high for Sidark’s top pair, but the turn Qs shifted it back to Ho’s advantage.

Ho Tung Chun – 2,060,000
Sidark Amanda – 400,000

20:45: John Jay Magadan fires four bet jam
Level 25: 20,000/40,000 ante 40,000

Utg John Jay Magadan opened to 110,000 and was met with a three bet from button Shah Chirag to 250,000 total. Magadan opted not to call, but to push all-in for 1,075,000. Convinced to be behind, Shah makes the fold.

John Jay Magadan – 1,425,000
Shah Chirag – 3,400,000

20:44: Griffin Darell locks in a double up
Level 25: 20,000/40,000 ante 40,000

Hijack Shin Hyeonho opened to 85,000 and called off a 725,000 jam from button Griffin Darell.

Shin 8c8h
Griffin JcJh

An easy double up for pocket jacks, Griffin cruised his way to victory after the board felted 3h10h4s4dKs.

Griffin Darell – 1,550,000
Shin Hyeonho – 2,200,000

20:42: Alvir Inocentes folds to min raise
Level 25: 20,000/40,000 ante 40,000

Utg Alvir Inocentes opened to 100,000, called by hijack Aihara Takayaki. Flop 9s2s5h saw Inocentes continue for another 100,000. Aihara pushed a min raise to 200,000 with Inocentes making the fold behind.

Aihara Takayaki – 1,300,000
Alvir Inocentes – 600,000

20:39: John Clyde Tan takes in another one
Level 25: 20,000/40,000 ante 40,000

Keeping his momentum, utg John Clyde Tan opened and was joined by two other players. Flop came 7d5s4c and saw Tan check-call a 145,000 all-in from hijack Kim Yoonhee.

Kim AcJh
Tan AsQh

Needing only a jack to stay alive, the turn 5h and river Ah sealed Kim’s elimination from the running with Tan’s better ace good for the win.

John Clyde Tan – 3,900,000
Kim Yoonhee – Eliminated

20:36: John Clyde Tan wins showdown
Level 25: 20,000/40,000 ante 40,000

Utg+1 John Clyde Tan opened to 85,000, called by John Jay Magadan behind as well as the big blind. Flop saw 2d3h7s and Tan continued for 125,000. Magadan makes the call with the two checking down the action through to the river Ah2h. Tan shows down 8c8s, Magadan with a muck.

John Clyde Tan – 3,500,000
John Jay Magadan – 900,000

20:30: Hsieh Hao An hero calls for the win
Level 25: 20,000/40,000 ante 40,000

Hijack Edilberto Gopez opened to 100,000, called by button Hsieh Hao An. Flop came 2h10h6d and Gopez continued for 150,000, called by Hsieh. Action on turn 4h went check check, leading up to the river Qd. Gopez threw in a final bet of 250,000, raking another call from his opponent behind. Gopez quickly mucks his hand and Hsieh wins by default but still shows 5h5d.

Hsieh Hao An – 1,400,000
Edilberto Gopez – 3,000,000

20:15: Break Time!
Level 25: 20,000/40,000 ante 40,000

21 players left in the game, each guaranteed a minimum payout of PHP 80,000. Day 2 action will close once the final nine is reached.

Top Chip Counts:

Shah Chirag – 3,700,000
Edilberto Gopez – 3,500,000
John Clyde Tan – 3,100,000
Shin Hyeonho – 3,000,000
Kim Enriquez – 2,200,000

20:13: Back to back wins for Ho Tung Chun
Level 24: 15,000/30,000 ante 30,000

Cut off Jie Shawn open jammed for 320,000 and was called by Ho Tung Chun on the button with a smaller stack.

Jie 6h6d
Ho KsJh

In for a flip, Ho ran a smooth double up after the board Kh9c10d3c4d faced up on the felt. Jie, left with 75,000, flicked it in the following hand and once more lost to Ho Tung Chun.

Ho Tung Chun – 715,000
Jie Shawn – Eliminated

20:08: Seat Redraw
Level 24: 15,000/30,000 ante 30,000

Seat redraw with 23 players left in the running.

20:06: Kim Enriquez eliminates Chen Ying Chan
Level 24: 15,000/30,000 ante 30,000

Folded to the small blind, Kim Enriquez bumped up the action to 80,000 and called off big blind Chen Ying Chan’s jam for 320,000 more.

Chen 4s4c
Enriquez KcKd

The board 10d8s3h5c5s peeled no fours, giving Enriquez the 400,000 boost to his stack.

Kim Enriquez – 2,200,000
Chen Ying Chan – Eliminated

19:58: Gladchenko Kirill rails Chua Boon Seah
Level 24: 15,000/30,000 ante 30,000

Hijack Chua Boon Seah open shoved for 265,000 and was met with another all-in by Gladchenko Kirill.

Chua 6d6s
Gladchenko 8c8d

Already ahead, Gladchenko didn’t need another eight on board As8sJd4h3d to take down the pot.

Gladchenko Kirill – 800,000
Chua Boon Seah – Eliminated

19:54: Ashley Patterson crashes into kings
Level 24: 15,000/30,000 ante 30,000

Facing an utg open and a three bet behind from Edilberto Gopez, Ashley Patterson moved all-in for 700,000 total and was called by Gopez.

Patterson AcQc
Gopez KsKd

The board KhQh7h2c5c quickly gave Gopez top set, leaving Patterson drawing dead by the turn.

Edilberto Gopez – 3,600,000
Ashley Patterson – Eliminated

19:47: Shah Chirag cracks aces
Level 24: 15,000/30,000 ante 30,000

Getting it all-in preflop, Tan Hai Shien was way ahead with the best hand in poker AcAd against Shah Chirag’s QcQh for a pot of 780,000. The board Qs7c8d9h2c however, crushed Tan’s dreams of a Main Event title as Shah’s set of queens claimed the win.

Shah Chirag – 3,630,000
Tan Hai Shien – Eliminated

19:44: Kim Joonhee holds on to tournament life
Level 24: 15,000/30,000 ante 30,000

Running a short stack, utg Kim Joonhee moved all-in for 180,000 and found his JhJc up against Ashley Patterson’s AcKc. Lucky for Kim, the board 3dQcQs7d2h saw no ace or king, earning him a double up to 14 BB.

Kim Joonhee – 435,000
Ashley Patterson – 1,400,000

19:41: Sidark Amanda plays back from the big blind 
Level 24: 15,000/30,000 ante 30,000

Sidark Amanda defended his big blind against utg raiser Edilberto Gopez and saw a flop of Ks6d4c. Sidark led out a bet of 55,000 and called a raise to 165,000 from Gopez. Turn 5s went check-check, leading to the river 4s. Sidark bet 350,000, enough for Gopez to chuck in the fold.

Sidark Amanda – 1,700,000
Edilberto Gopez – 2,100,000

19:33: Shah Chirag bumps up the aggression
Level 24: 15,000/30,000 ante 30,000

Folded to the small blind, John Clyde Tan put in 75,000, called behind by big blind Shah Chirag. The two headed on to see a flop of 10d3h9h. Tan continued for 55,000, raised by Shah to 125,000. Tan makes the call and peels turn 7s. Shah fires another 210,000, check-called by Tan. River 2c completed the board and Shah threw in a final bet of 750,000, to which Tan folded.

Shah Chirag – 3,000,000
John Clyde Tan – 3,200,000

19:30: Tournament bug!
Level 24: 15,000/30,000 ante 30,000

Supposedly Level 25, a tournament bug was detected eight minutes past the clock with the tournament director deciding to carry on play for another round of Level 24: 15,000/30,000 ante 30,000.

29 players left in the running, minimum payout is now listed at PHP 57,000.

19:22: Chen Ying Chan unable to continue
Level 24: 15,000/30,000 ante 30,000

Hijack Edilberto Gopez opened to 65,000, called by big blind Chen Ying Chan. Flop came 5c2h10h. Chen leads out for 110,000, called by the raiser. Turn 4s saw Chen with another bet of 120,000. This time, Gopez put him all-in for his 400,000 behind. Chen used up all of his remaining two time banks before making the fold.

Edilberto Gopez – 2,700,000
Chen Ying Chan – 400,000

19:19: Tan Hai Shien chips down
Level 24: 15,000/30,000 ante 30,000

Tan Hai Shien defended his big blind against Shah Chirag’s open and saw a flop of Ad10d7h. Tan checked and Shah threw in a 1 BB bet, raised by Tan to 90,000 (3BB). Shah moves all-in for his opponent’s 150,000 behind and Tan snap folds.

Shah Chirag – 2,650,000
Tan Hai Shien – 150,000

19:16: Sidark Amanda wins blind battle
Level 24: 15,000/30,000 ante 30,000

A blind vs blind battle, all the chips went in the middle preflop and turned up a flip, Sidark Amanda being at risk.

Sidark 4d4c
Edilberto Gopez AhKd

The flop 5d3h7h fared safe for Sidark and remained that way after the turn 6h completed his straight for the double up.

Sidark Amanda – 1,450,000
Edilberto Gopez – 1,450,000

19:09: Tan Hai Shien surrenders
Level 24: 15,000/30,000 ante 30,000

Cut off Tan Hai Shien opened to 60,000 and was joined by big blind John Clyde Tan. Flop came JcAs10s, John checks, Hai bets 65,000 and calls a raise to 150,000. Turn 4d saw John move all-in for Hai’s remaining 350,000. Hai used up four of five time banks before folding, but showed Ad10d for two pair.

John Clyde Tan – 4,000,000
Tan Hai Shien – 350,000

19:02: One stab does it for Chen Ying Chan
Level 24: 15,000/30,000 ante 30,000

Midposition Ashley Patterson opened to 60,000 and completed Chen Ying Chan’s raise to 150,000 from behind. Flop saw 10d10c5c and Patterson easily check-folded following a 110,000 bet from Chen.

Chen Ying Chan – 800,000
Ashley Patterson – 1,750,000

18:52: Edilberto Gopez hits gold on the river
Level 24: 15,000/30,000 ante 30,000

Hsieh Hao An defended his big blind against Edilberto Gopez’ open and saw a flop of Ks5c9c. Hsieh check-called a 50,000 bet from his opponent and headed to the turn 7s. Again with a check, Gopez fired 175,000 and called a raise from Hsieh to 455,000. The river Qd completed the board and Hsieh moved all-in for Gopez’ 820,000 behind. Gopez reveals the nuts Jh10s, earning him the massive pot and a boost to the top of the pack.

Hsieh 5d7c

Hsieh Hao An – 600,000

18:47: Blinds up
Level 24: 15,000/30,000 ante 30,000

32 players left in the running for the lion’s share of the PHP 13,29,336 pot. Minimum guaranteed payout stands at PHP 49,000.

18:44: Paolo Boccaletti takes it down
Level 23: 10,000/25,000 ante 25,000

Having defended his open against Paolo Boccaletti’s 160,000 three bet preflop, John Tech check-called another 60,000 on Kc9h2s. Boccaletti continued with a bet of 200,000 on turn 10s, Tech with a check-fold.

Paolo Boccaletti – 1,600,000
John Tech – 600,000

18:41: Tan Hai Shien snap folds the river
Level 23: 10,000/25,000 ante 25,000

Button Tan Hai Shien opened and called a raise to 130,000 from small blind Hsieh Hao An. Flop came Jc10h2d, checked by both players. Turn 7h saw Hsieh lead out for 80,000, called by Tan. River 3h merited another 200,000 bet from Hsieh to which Tan snap folded.

Hsieh Hao An – 1,900,000
Tan Hai Shien – 600,000

18:39: Shin Hyeonho running hot
Level 23: 10,000/25,000 ante 25,000

Utg+1 Shin Hyeonho opened and called off a button jam from Nitatwichit Nutpakan with QsJs. Nitatwichit ahead with Ad10h, lost his chance for a double up after the board ran Qd10s8d9s7h. Shin’s top pair on the flop further improved to a queen high straight, eliminating his opponent entirely from the Main Event games.

Shin Hyeonho – 2,100,000
Nitatwichit Nutpakan – Eliminated

18:36: Two pair no good for Hong Jung Gi
Level 23: 10,000/25,000 ante 25,000

Button Hong Jung Gi opened to 60,000 and called a huge raise to 350,000 from big blind Shah Chirag. Hong makes the call and flops Kh2h6s. Shah bets 100,000 and calls off Hong’s jam for 710,000 total.

Hong AhKs
Shah Qh10h

Top pair vs flush draw, the turn 7h filled up Shah’s flush with Hong’s two pair by the river As not enough for him to survive.

Shah Chirag – 1,950,000
Hong Jung Gi – Eliminated

18:32: Chuck Peregrino gets rivered
Level 23: 10,000/25,000 ante 25,000

Utg+1 Javalera Ireneo opened to 50,000, called by both button Ivan Dela Cruz and small blind Aihara Takayuki. Flop came 6d5h7h, Aihara led out a 65,000 bet, raised to 200,000 by Javalera. Dela Cruz and Aihara make the call behind and sees turn Ad. Action checked to Dela Cruz allowed him to move all-in and collected no callers for the pot.

Ivan Dela Cruz – 1,880,000
Javalera Ireneo – 1,300,000
Aihara Takayuki – 600,000

18:27: Chuck Peregrino gets rivered
Level 23: 10,000/25,000 ante 25,000

Utg+1 Chuck Peregrino opened and called off for his remaining 10 BB after Shin Hyeonho raised all-in behind.

Shin KsQs
Peregrino AhJs

Ahead all the way to the turn As6c9cKd, the river Qd instantly turned the tables and gave Shin two pair for the win.

Shin Hyeonho – 1,800,000
Chuck Peregrino – Eliminated

18:22: Two steals for Kim Joonhee 
Level 23: 10,000/25,000 ante 25,000

Runner Kim Joonhee pushed all-in twice preflop and found no calls from his opponents. Two steals mean Kim successfully added 120,000 to his short stack.

Kim Joonhee – 330,000

18:17: Joemark Vasay sends Makino Takuya packing
Level 23: 10,000/25,000 ante 25,000

Cut off Makino Takuya open shoved all-in for 325,000 and was called by small blind Joemark Vasay.

Makino KhJs
Vasay AhKd

A terrible spot for Makino, the 3s8dQd9sAc board left no hope of a double up as Vasay’s top pair gave the Manila Super Series 14 Main Event champion another run for the trophy.

Joemark Vasay – 775,000
Makino Takuya – Eliminated

18:12: Bernard Chua crashes into kings
Level 23: 10,000/25,000 ante 25,000

A button vs blind battle, chips piled high in the middle with two monster hands seen heading into showdown.

Bernard Chua QsQd
Shin Hyeonho KsKd

The jack-high board Js5h6h6d3h couldn’t save Chua from elimination as Shin soared past the one million mark.

Shin Hyeonho – 1,500,000
Bernard Chua – Eliminated

18:09: Blinds up
Level 23: 10,000/25,000 ante 25,000

45 players left in the Main Event games, minimum payout remains to be at PHP 42,000.

18:08: Tan Hai Shien pays off the nuts
Level 22: 10,000/20,000 ante 20,000

Tan Hai Shien defended his big blind against cut off Shah Chirag’s open to 45,000 and saw a flop of Js9s7h. Both players checked and headed on to turn 10s. Tan check-called a 40,000 bet from Shah and saw Ad fill up on the river. Tan again with another check-call for 90,000 quickly mucked after seeing Shah’s KhQs for the nut straight.

Shah Chirag – 1,500,000
Tan Hai Shien – 900,000

18:02: John Tech gives up the river
Level 22: 10,000/20,000 ante 20,000

Hijack Hsieh Hao An opened to 40,000, called by the cut off. Button John Tech put in a raise to 135,000 and was joined only by the original raiser. Flop 6c7s8s saw no bets and carried on to see turn 10s. Hsieh fired a 75,000 bet, called by Tech. River came another 10h and Hsieh sent out 185,000. Tech folds, leaving him with 1,000,000 behind.

Hsieh Hao An – 1,300,000

17:50: Lee Wei bags three bet pot
Level 22: 10,000/20,000 ante 20,000

Button Alexis Cruz opened to 50,000 and called a raise to 225,000 from big blind Lee Wei. Flop came 6d8cJc, checked by both players. Turn saw 10s, Lee this time fired a bet of 45,000, called by Cruz. River 4c completed the board and Lee moved all-in for 150,000. Cruz puts in the fold and takes his stack to the next round.

Lee Wei – 720,000
Alexis Cruz – 350,000

17:44: Onishi Ryoma gets felted
Level 22: 10,000/20,000 ante 20,000

Utg+1 Onishi Ryoma open shoved for 255,000 and was called by Alvir Inocentes in the cut off.

Onishi Ah3c
Inocentes AdJs

The board As8cQs7h2d gave both players top pair, Inocentes with a better kicker for the win.

Alvir Inocentes – 1,000,000
Onishi Ryoma – Eliminated

17:38: Edilberto Gopez packs in more chips
Level 22: 10,000/20,000 ante 20,000

Cheong Yun Rong defended his big blind against utg Edilberto Gopez’ open to 40,000 and saw a flop of 5h6h7h. Cheong check-called a 30,000 continuation bet from his opponent and moved on to turn 2c. Action went check-check and Cheong led out for 65,000 on the river Jh. Gopez answered with an all-in to which Cheong folded.

Edilberto Gopez – 1,700,000
Cheong Yun Rong – 475,000

17:31: Amada Reiji turns the nuts
Level 22: 10,000/20,000 ante 20,000

Cut off Beaudoux Bertrand Zo open shoved all-in for his 125,000 stack and was called behind by Amada Reiji.

Beaudoux 5s7h
Amada KcQd

Needing to improve with seven-high, Beaudoux found no help from the board 10d8dJsAc6c, eliminating him shortly. Amada takes the pot with the nut straight and adds the 8.5BB boost to his stack.

Amada Reiji – 450,000
Beaudoux Bertrand Zo – Eliminated

17:21: Break time!
Level 22: 10,000/20,000 ante 20,000

55 players left in contention for the Manila Super Series 18 Main Event title, minimum payout stands at PHP 42,000.

Top Chip Counts:

Ashley Patterson – 1,800,000
Edilberto Gopez – 1,500,000
John Clyde Tan – 1,250,000
Javalera Ireneo – 1,200,000
John Tech – 1,070,000

17:20: John Tech wins preflop battle
Level 21: 8,000/16,000 ante 16,000

Utg Hsieh Hao An opened to 35,000, called by a player behind. Hijack John Tech fired a three bet to 128,000 and faced a four bet to 285,000 from the original raiser. Other player folds and Tech moves all-in for 740,000 total. Hsieh gives up the fight and throws his hand in the muck.

John Tech – 1,070,000
Hsieh Hao An – 1,000,000

17:15: Chen Ying Chan tables pocket aces
Level 21: 8,000/16,000 ante 16,000

All the chips went in the middle following a preflop war between hijack Shin Hyeonho and small blind Chen Ying Chan.

Shin AhKd
Chen AcAs

A cooler situation, Chen picked up the double with a full house on board 4s6sQh4dAd and left his opponent down to 15 BB.

Chen Ying Chan – 568,000
Shin Hyeonho – 250,000

17:10: Easy scoop for John Tech
Level 21: 8,000/16,000 ante 16,000

Utg John Tech opened to 35,000 and called off for his remaining 370,000 behind after Beaudoux Bertrand Zo slammed all-in one seat behind.

Beaudoux JcJs
Tech QhQc

An 80% favorite, Tech easily bagged the double following a queen-high board turned up on the felt.

John Tech – 780,000
Beaudoux Bertrand Zo – 185,000

17:05: All-in does it for Paolo Boccaletti
Level 21: 8,000/16,000 ante 16,000

Utg Archie Mariano opened to 33,000 and was met with a three bet to 100,000 from Paolo Boccaletti behind. Mariano completes and sees flop 9h8d7c. Mariano checks, Boccaletti pushes all-in for 351,000, raking in no calls for showdown.

Paolo Boccaletti – 591,000
Archie Mariano – 520,000

17:00: Amada Reiji scores another double
Level 21: 8,000/16,000 ante 16,000

Utg Amada Reiji limped and called off for his remaining 93,000 behind after big blind Tomoto Daijiro moved all-in

Amada KdQh
Tomoto 6s6c

At risk, Amada was quickly in the clear after the board ran 4hAcQc7d9h, gaining a double up for his pair of queens. Tomoto survives but is crippled down to 3.5 BB.

Amada Reiji – 242,000
Tomoto Daijiro – 52,000

16:56: Gerges Kyrillos gets paid
Level 21: 8,000/16,000 ante 16,000

Utg Gerges Kyrillos opened to 33,000, called by button Butch Bautista. Flop came 8d10h3h and saw Kyrillos check-call a 31,000 bet from Bautista. Kyrillos checked the turn 10d, prompting a 50,000 bet from his opponent. This time, Kyrillos raised to 125,000 and Bautista answered with a bigger 300,000. Kyrillos moved all-in for 89,000 more, called once more behind.

Kyrillos 10s10c
Bautista 5h5d

With quads, Bautista was left drawing dead and lost over 28 BB from his stack from the hand alone.

Gerges Kyrillos – 946,000
Butch Bautista – 360,000

16:49: Snowmen good for Shin Hyeonho
Level 21: 8,000/16,000 ante 16,000

Hijack Shin Hyeonho opened to 34,000 and called a 236,000 all-in from small blind Setoguchi Masakatsu.

Setoguchi Ac10s
Shin 8c8s

In for another flip, Setoguchi found himself in the losing end after the board ran Qh4s2s3d8h, ending his Main Event journey altogether.

Shin Hyeonho – 900,000
Setoguchi Masakatsu – Eliminated

16:43: Lim Seyoon lands triple up
Level 21: 8,000/16,000 ante 16,000

A three way all-in starting with an open shove for 138,000 from Lim Seyoon saw Jie Shawn and Cheng Wai Chiu in search for less outs.

Lim 4c4s
Jie AcKc
Cheng AhKh

The board 6d3hJd2d9s faced up on the table with Lim’s pocket fours good enough to beat Jie and Cheng’s ace highs for a sweet triple up. Jie and Cheng split the side pot and move on to the next hand.

Lim Seyoon – 454,000
Jie Shawn – 420,000
Cheng Wai Chiu – 870,000

16:37: Blinds up
Level 21: 8,000/16,000 ante 16,000

61 players left in the Main Event games, now guaranteed PHP 35,000 in winnings.

16:35: Kim Joonhee banks a boost
Level 20: 6,000/12,000 ante 12,000

With pressure from the blinds continuously increasing, utg Liao Po Hsun open shoved for 177,000 and was called by big blind Kim Joonhee.

Liao KhQd
Kim JsJh

Fortunately gunning for a flip, Liao wasn’t so lucky after the board 9c2h3h7s4c left him with only king-high to show for. Kim earns the 32 BB pot with his pocket jacks.

Kim Joonhee – 445,000
Liao Po Hsun – Eliminated

16:29: Shimabukuro Shoji eliminated
Level 20: 6,000/12,000 ante 12,000

Cut off Archie Mariano opened to 26,000 and called off Shimabukuro Shoji’s 160,000 shove from the small blind.

Shimabukuro As8d
Mariano AdJc

Ahead with a better ace, Mariano cruised to victory after the board 2s9d10c10h5h failed to pair either one.

Archie Mariano – 570,000
Shimabukuro Shoji – Eliminated

16:25: Javalera Ireneo backs down
Level 20: 6,000/12,000 ante 12,000

Folded to the small blind, Javalera Ireneo opened to 24,000, called by big blind Shah Chirag. Flop came 9d6d9c and Javalera continued with an overbet of 75,000, again called by Shah. Turn 3h saw another 75,000 bet from Javalera to which Shah answered with an all-in for 370,000 total. Javalera doesn’t put anymore chips in and makes the fold.

Shah Chirag – 670,000
Javalera Ireneo – 1,000,000

16:20: Amada Reiji outflops John Tech
Level 20: 6,000/12,000 ante 12,000

Utg Amada Reiji open shoved his 55,000 stack in, called by the cut off. Button John Tech raised all-in for 140,000 total, pushing the third player out of the way.

Reiji Ac9s
Tech Ad10s

Whilst dominated, Reiji locked in the triple up after managing to outflop Tech on 9cJc6hJh5d for the pot.

Amada Reiji – 195,000
John Tech – 320,000

16:18: John Clyde Tan busts Ooi Chuan Ian
Level 20: 6,000/12,000 ante 12,000

John Clyde Tan opened to 28,000 and called a 115,000 all-in from Ooi Chuan Ian behind.

Ooi 6c6s
Tan AcKc

The flop Ah10d5s instantly put Tan way ahead, with the runout 9sAs further improving his top pair to trip aces.

John Clyde Tan – 970,000
Ooi Chuan Ian – Eliminated

16:13: Sidark Amanda claims pot
Level 20: 6,000/12,000 ante 12,000

Cut off Sidark Amanda opened to 24,000, called by button Ho Tung Chun. Flop came Qh4c7d and Sidark check-called a 25,000 bet from his opponent. Runout 2cKd saw no more chips put in with Sidark’s pair of queens QsJh good for the showdown.

Sidark Amanda – 800,000
Ho Tung Chun – 730,000

16:10: No callers for Kawai Yuki
Level 20: 6,000/12,000 ante 12,000

Hijack John Niko Constiniano opened to 25,000, called by the button. Small blind Kawai Yuki squeezed all-in for 300,000 total and both players didn’t hesitate to throw in the towel.

Kawai Yuki – 368,000
John Niko Constiniano – 800,000

16:05: Robert Lim crushed
Level 20: 6,000/12,000 ante 12,000

With all the chips in the middle, Robert Lim was seen drawing thin after running his small pocket pair 5s5h smashed right into Beaudoux Bertrand Zo’s AcAh. The ace-high board was more than enough to send Lim packing as Beaudoux piled in the 30BB pot.

Beaudoux Bertrand Zo – 370,000
Robert Lim – Eliminated

16:01: Blinds up
Level 20: 6,000/12,000 ante 12,000

71 players left in the Main Event games, now guaranteed a minimum payout of PHP 35,000.

15:58: Ashley Patterson emerges as chip leader
Level 19: 5,000/10,000 ante 10,000

Hijack Ashley Patterson opened to 22,000 and called a click back to 44,000 from button Julio Anicete. The two headed on to flop Ad7h5h where Patterson check-called a 48,000 bet from Anicete. Turn came 10d, Patterson again with another check-call for 108,000. River 4c completed the board, sending Patterson with an all-in, snap called by Anicete behind.

Patterson As10c
Anicete AhQc

Patterson wins the pot with two pair and soars to the top as the new chip leader.

Ashley Patterson – 1,500,000
Julio Anicete – Eliminated

15:53: Back to back queens for Karl Batao
Level 19: 5,000/10,000 ante 10,000

An all-in preflop situation saw a classic Hold’em flip run for a 28 BB pot, Noel Regencia with the smaller stack.

Regencia AsKs
Karl Batao QcQd

The board JdJc4h4d5c revealed no overcards to Batao’s pocket queens, eliminating Regencia from the table. Next deal sees Batao raise again with QhQd but merited no callers

Karl Batao – 450,000
Noel Regencia – Eliminated

15:48: Javalera Ireneo wins blind battle
Level 19: 5,000/10,000 ante 10,000

Folded to Javalera Ireneo on the small blind, he limp calls a 30,000 raise from big blind Shah Chirag. Action checked round on flop KhJc9c and saw a turn of Jh. Javalera led out a 50,000 bet to which Shah folded. Javalera shows two pair KsAs.

Javalera Ireneo – 1,300,000
Shah Chirag – 250,000

15:42: Oleg Alex Kaminski in a tight spot
Level 19: 5,000/10,000 ante 10,000

Utg Oleg Alex Kaminski opened to 21,000 and was joined by three players behind. Flop came 6c2h2c. Checked to Kaminski, he continued with an 80,000 bet, called only by mp Javalera Ireneo. Turn 7c saw Kaminski check-call a 100,000 bet from Javalera, moving on to see river 7d. Kaminski again with a check, couldn’t make the final call after using all his time banks as Javalera moved all-in for his remaining 200,000. Javalera takes down the pot and shows one card Qc.

Javalera Ireneo – 1,240,000
Oleg Alex Kaminski – 200,000

15:32: Ace high good for Shayne Blanco Villanueva
Level 19: 5,000/10,000 ante 10,000

Running a micro stack, button Yuichiro Yamanaka flicked in his 3BB and was called by both players on the blinds. Flop came 6h5s10c and small blind Shayne Blanco Villanueva bet all-in for 18,000. Big blind folds and Villanueva is ahead with As3c against Yuichiro’s Qc8c. The runout 7s2d completes the board, leaving Villanueva’s ace high good enough for the win.

Shayne Blanco Villanueva – 188,000
Yuichiro Yamanaka – Eliminated

15:26: Joemark Vasay hits his two outer
Level 19: 5,000/10,000 ante 10,000

Utg+1 Ashley Patterson opened to 21,000 and called off Joemark Vasay‘s 84,000 shove behind.

Patterson KcKh
Vasay QhQs

A cooler spot, Manila Super Series 14 Main Event champion Vasay got the luck of the draw after the board ran 3h10s5cQc8h for his two outer.

Joemark Vasay – 193,000
Ashley Patterson – 835,000

15:21: Julio Anicete wins crucial flip
Level 19: 5,000/10,000 ante 10,000

A button vs blind battle, all the chips went in preflop and was in for a flip, Julio Anicete being at risk.

Anicete AhQh
Bryan Manalo 10c10d

The flop KhQdJh came all overcards yet left straight draw outs for Manalo’s pocket tens. Turn 7s and river 2c however, ran blank as Anicete claimed the pot with his pair of queens.

Julio Anicete – 518,000
Bryan Manalo – 130,000

15:07: Break time!
Level 18: 4,000/8,000 ante 8,000

First break of the day sees 90 players left in contention for the PHP 2,400,000 (~USD 42,232) top prize. Remaining players are now guaranteed a minimum payout of PHP 30,000.

Top Chip Counts:

Butch Bautista – 960,000
Lee Wei – 940,000
Ashley Patterson – 920,000
Ireneo Javalera – 900,000
Edilberto Gopez – 900,000

14:59: Aivaras Bardauskas crippled to 3BB
Level 18: 4,000/8,000 ante 8,000

Utg+1 Kimura Masatumi open shoved for 126,000 and was met with another all-in from Aivaras Bardauskas.

Kimura As10h
Bardauskas AdKc

Dominated by a better ace, it was Kimura’s lucky day as the board hit 7s10cAcJs7h, giving him a higher two pair for the win.

Kimura Masatumi – 272,000
Aivaras Bardauskas – 24,000

14:53: Aihara Takayuki delivers double elimination
Level 18: 4,000/8,000 ante 8,000

Hijack open shoved his 63,000 in with two more all-ins – Aihara Takayuki (185,000) and Rick Jason Amabata (180,000), following behind.

X Jd10d
Takayuki AdAs
Ambata QdQh

Covering all opponents, Takayuki ran a smooth flop 8s6c7s and further improved to a set on turn and river 3hAh to knockout both players.

Aihara Takayuki – 440,000
Rick Jason Ambata – Eliminated

14:48: Hong Jung Gi wins race
Level 18: 4,000/8,000 ante 8,000

Hijack Hong Jung Gi opened to 22,000 and called off Lloyd Callaway’s 100,000 shove from the small blind.

Callaway AdJd
Hong KcQc

Slightly behind, the board 9s4s6cQh8h ran in Hong’s favor, pairing up his queen to bag the pot.

Hong Jung Gi – 550,000
Lloyd Callaway – Eliminated

14:40: Javalera Ireneo cracks kings
Level 18: 4,000/8,000 ante 8,000

Utg+1 Ronato Alcano opened to 16,000, called behind by Javalera Ireneo. Button Ronald Acosta threw in a three bet to 55,000 and was joined by both players. Flop came Jc3c3h. Checked to Acosta, he bet 46,000. Alcano calls and Javalera puts in a raise to 130,000. Acosta completes, Alcano opts out. Javalera then pushes all-in blind for the rest of Acosta’s 140,000 with the turn 6h, enough for Acosta to make the call for his tournament life.

Javalera JhJs
Acosta KcKs

The river Ah sealed the win for Javalera’s full house, busting his opponent from the Main Event arena.

Javalera Ireneo – 950,000
Ronato Alcano – 420,000
Ronald Acosta – Eliminated

14:32: Matsuda Michihiko overbets pot
Level 18: 4,000/8,000 ante 8,000

Having opened to 17,000, Jie Shawn called a three bet to 45,000 from Matsuda Michihiko and saw a flop of Qs8s7h. Jie checked and Matsuda bet all-in for Jie’s 170,000 behind. Jie gives up the fight and makes the fold.

Matsuda Michihiko – 745,000
Jie Shawn – 170,000

14:28: Blinds up
Level 18: 4,000/8,000 ante 8,000

108 players left in the game, minimum payout listed at PHP 26,000.

14:22: Chua Boon Seah fires double barrel
Level 17: 3,000/6,000 ante 6,000

Utg+1 John Clyde Tan opened to 13,000 and completed small blind Chua Boon Seah’s raise to 33,000 total. Flop came Ks6c4c, and Chua continued for 25,000, called by Tan. Turn 3d saw Chua send out a bigger 60,000, alarming Tan to fold.

Chua Boon Seah – 290,000
John Clyde Tan – 240,000

14:16: Andy Chan heads for the rails
Level 17: 3,000/6,000 ante 6,000

Utg+1 Paolo Boccaletti opened to 16,000 and called off button Andy Chan’s 150,000 jam.

Chan AcQc
Boccaletti AsKd

Whilst dominated, Chan flopped a flush draw on Jc7c8d but failed to fill up after the runout 3sKh peeled no club.

Paolo Boccaletti – 340,000
Andy Chan – Eliminated

14:12: Matsuda Michihiko bags huge pot
Level 17: 3,000/6,000 ante 6,000

Hijack Richard Tolentino opened to 13,000 and pushed a four bet jam for 270,000 total against small blind Matsuda Michihiko’s three bet. Matsuda makes the quick call with QcQd, a huge advantage against Tolentino’s 8s8d.

The board ran 9d4d7d5hJc, giving Matsuda’s pair of queens the massive 92BB pot.

Matsuda Michihiko – 640,000
Richard Tolentino – Eliminated

14:04: Set good for Xia Qi
Level 17: 3,000/6,000 ante 6,000

Utg opened to 14,000, Richard Marquez fired a raise to 28,000 and was called by both Xia Qi and the original raiser behind. Flop came AsJh10h, utg leads out for 30,000, called by Marquez. Xia puts in a raise to 105,000, utg folds, and Marquez then uses three time banks before moving all-in, Xia with a final call.

Marquez AhJs
Xia JcJd

Top two pair vs set, Marquez was left drawing to two aces from the deck, none of which arrived on turn 4c and river 7d.

Xia Qi – 550,000
Richard Marquez – 85,000

13:58: Edilberto Gopez scores a boost
Level 17: 3,000/6,000 ante 6,000

Utg+1 Edilberto Gopez opened to 13,000, called by the button. Small blind Chandra Wendy decided it was a good time to squeeze all-in for 70,000 total. Gopez takes the spot and moves all-in with the button folding behind.

Chandra Kd4d
Gopez 10s10c

The board ran AhQs9s9d10h and Gopez secured the easy boost.

Edilberto Gopez – 520,000
Chandra Wendy – Eliminated

13:53: Jason Kyle Magbanua gets railed
Level 17: 3,000/6,000 ante 6,000

Following an open, button John Niko Constiniano three bet to 35,000 and called off small blind Jason Kyle Magbanua‘s all-in behind for 75,000 total.

Magbanua AcQh
Constiniano JhJd

Running a flip, the ten-high board 10c8c6h5c8d fared safe for Constiniano’s overpair, eliminating Manila Super Series 15 Main Event champion Magbanua from the games.

John Niko Constiniano – 640,000

13:50: Blinds up
Level 17: 3,000/6,000 ante 6,000

129 players left in the running. Players are now guaranteed a minimum payout of PHP 24,000.

13:49: Tai Hai Shien breaks 500k mark
Level 16: 2,500/5,000 ante 5,000

Cut off opened, small blind Paolo Boccaletti fired a three bet to 32,000 and big blind Tai Hai Shien pushed a cold four bet to 80,000 total. Boccaletti completes and sees a flop of Qc7c10s. A check-call of 45,000 from Boccaletti sees turn Ah. Action went check-check and river 3s completed the board. Checked to Tai, he threw a bet of 85,000, followed by a fold from Boccaletti.

Tai Hai Shien – 520,000
Paolo Boccaletti – 170,000

13:44: Nick Hozjan suffers badbeat
Level 16: 2,500/5,000 ante 5,000

Button Nick Hozjan opened and called off for his tournament life after big blind Darren Yu moved all-in.

Yu KhQh
Hozjan AdQd

Hozjan was in a good spot to double up but fell short after the board ran king-high, giving his opponent top pair.

Darren Yu – 220,000
Nick Hozjan – Eliminated

13:33: Emilio Dela Cruz runs into the rockets
Level 16: 2,500/5,000 ante 5,000

Shouting for another call, Emilio Dela Cruz met his demise after he shoved his 33,000 stack in and found himself up against Tai Hai Shien’s monster hand.

Dela Cruz AdKc
Tai AcAs

The board Jh5s3s6s7s ran a one card flush to Tai’s As for the win.

Tai Hai Shien – 400,000
Emilio Dela Cruz – Eliminated

13:32: John Jay Magadan doubles with top pair
Level 16: 2,500/5,000 ante 5,000

John Jay Magadan defended his big blind vs an open from hijack Park Joungwoo and saw a flop of 10s7d2d. Magadan check-raised all-in for 51,000 with Park completing his 10,000 bet behind.

Magadan 10h3d
Park Ac3h

Ahead with top pair, Magadan locked in the double up after the runout Kd6h was revealed.

John Jay Magadan – 133,000
Park Joungwoo – 100,000

13:25: Kirishima Akinobu dominated
Level 16: 2,500/5,000 ante 5,000

Utg short stacked Kirishima Akinobu open shoved his 40,000 in with Ks5h and was called by big blind Kenzo Mendoza with a better KdJs. The board ran 8h2s3sAc6h and failed to pair either player. Mendoza takes the pot with king-jack high and sends Kirishima out within the first level of the day.

Kenzo Mendoza – 190,000
Kirishima Akinobu – Eliminated

13:20: Three way clash!
Level 16: 2,500/5,000 ante 5,000

Hijack Jimmy Suico opened to 17,000 and met with an all-in from button Reynold Nicholas, and another from big blind Sugai Takafumi. Suico makes the final call and a three-way all-in is in place.

Reynold Ac4d
Sugai KsKc
Suico QsQd

One overcard against two premium pairs, Reynold scored a lucky triple up after the board ran 2c9hAd9dAs, giving him a full house by the river. Sugai wins the side pot and survives on to the next hand.

Reynold Nicholas – 271,000
Sugai Takafumi – 70,000
Jimmy Suico – Eliminated

13:16: Ooi Chuan Ian flops quads
Level 16: 2,500/5,000 ante 5,000

Following an utg limp, small blind Shinohara Rio stuffed his 47,000 stack in and was met with another all-in behind by big blind Ooi Chuan Ian. Limper folds and the two run the board.

Shinohara AdQd
Ooi JcJh

The flop came JsJs5s quickly turning Ooi’s pocket jacks into quads for the ultimate win.

Ooi Chuan Ian – 220,000
Shinohara Rio – Eliminated

13:13: Riki Tasaki exits as day’s first casualty
Level 16: 2,500/5,000 ante 5,000

Facing an open from hijack Matsuda Michihiko, button Riki Tasaki moved all-in for 92,000 with AhKs and was called by the original raiser with 4s4c. In for a flip, the flop 10s4d6s instantly left Tasaki drawing dead, leaving him to exit as the day’s first bust.

Matsuda Michihiko – 450,000
Riki Tasaki – Eliminated

13:06: Action begins!
Level 16: 2,500/5,000 ante 5,000

Shuffle up and deal, good luck to all the remaining players!

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The Manila Super Series 18 Main Event has wrapped up all starting flights on schedule following three days of nonstop action in the PokerStars hub at Okada Manila Resort & CasinoPhilippines. Another stellar turnout was recorded in this season’s festivities with a total of 1,034 entries collected across three rounds of Day 1 play, generating the tour’s richest PHP 13,239,336 (~USD 233,240) prize pool in its eighteen installment history.

A band of 154 players return to the felt today guaranteed a minimum payout of PHP 23,000 (~USD 404) and remaining in contention for the PHP 2,400,000 (~USD 42,232) top prize. Action resumes on Level 16: 2,500/5,000 ante 5,000, playing through 40 minute blind levels all the way down to the final nine.

Manila Super Series 18 Main Event Review

Dates: September 20-24, 2023
Buy in: PHP 15,000 (~USD 264)
Guarantee: PHP 3,000,000 (~USD 52,842)
Prize pool: PHP 13,239,336 (~USD 233,240)
Entries: 1,034
ITM: 156 players

Day 1 Results

1A: 198 entries / 30 advanced
1B: 311 entries / 47 advanced
1C: 525 entries / 79 advanced

Day 1 Live Updates
Day 1A Recap
Day 1B Recap
Day 1C Recap

Main Event – Live Updates – Final Day

18:55: Paolo Boccaletti wins the Manila Super Series 18 Main Event for PHP 1,692,000!

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Congratulations to Italy’s Paolo Boccaletti for taking down the richest Manila Super Series Main Event in history! Boccaletti takes home PHP 1,692,000 in winnings, the trophy plus an additional PHP 75,000 PokerStars LIVE Manila Megastack Main Event package, for his impressive run. 

18:52: Xia Qi finishes in 2nd place – PHP 1,415,000
Level 36: 250,000/500,000 ante 500,000

Down to 2BB, both players flicked it in and ran the final hand of the Main Event.

Xia Qi KcQc
Paolo Boccaletti Js10c

The board ran Ac10h5h4d6h, sealing the win for Paolo Boccaletti with a pair of tens. Xia Qi exits the arena with a runner up finish and a bonus PHP 35,000 Manila Megastack Main Event entry in addition to his ICM winnings.

Paolo Boccaletti – 31,000,000
Xia Qi – Eliminated

18:49: Xia Qi crippled
Level 36: 250,000/500,000 ante 500,000

Button Paolo Boccaletti limped, Xia Qi raised to 2,000,000. Boccaletti answered with an all-in and Xia makes the call.

Boccaletti Ad2d
Xia Kh10h

In for a race, the board 3d3c3h9d6h missed to pair either player with Boccaletti’s ace-high good for the pot.

Paolo Boccaletti – 29,700,000
Xia Qi – 1,100,000

18:45: Paolo Boccaletti bags another pot
Level 36: 250,000/500,000 ante 500,000

Button Paolo Boccaletti opened to 1,000,000, called by Xia Qi. Flop Qh4hJs saw Boccaletti continue for 800,000, check called by the big blind. Both players again checked the turn 9s and headed to the river 7h. Xia this time, check folded after Boccaletti threw in a bet of 3,000,000.

Paolo Boccaletti – 13,300,000
Xia Qi – 17,500,000

18:42: All-in does it for Paolo Boccaletti
Level 36: 250,000/500,000 ante 500,000

Button Xia Qi opened to 1,200,000, called by Paolo Boccaletti. Flop came AsQcJd and Boccaletti check called Xia’s 800,000 bet. Both players checked the turn 3c and the river Ks completed the board. Boccaletti pushed all-in, Xia with a fold.

Paolo Boccaletti – 11,000,000
Xia Qi – 19,800,000

18:39: Xia Qi bumps up the aggression
Level 36: 250,000/500,000 ante 500,000

A limp pot on flop 3d7c8c, big blind Xia Qi led for 500,000, called behind by Paolo Boccaletti. Both players checked the turn Qd and headed on to the river Qc. Xia fired another 700,000 to which Boccaletti folded.

Xia Qi – 21,800,000
Paolo Boccaletti – 9,000,000

18:36: Blinds up
Level 36: 250,000/500,000 ante 500,000

Heads up play sees Xia Qi still in the lead for the trophy and PHP 75,000 PokerStars LIVE package up for grabs.

18:36: Xia Qi reveals straight
Level 35: 200,000/400,000 ante 400,000

Button Paolo Boccaletti opened to 800,000, Xia Qi with a call. Flop came 2d5c7s and Xia check called a 1,000,000 bet from the raiser. Turn Ah saw Boccaletti fire another 2,000,000 to which Xia check raised to 6,000,000. Boccaletti gives it up and finds a fold. Xia shows 4s3h for a turned wheel straight.

Xia Qi – 19,800,000
Paolo Boccaletti – 11,000,000

18:34: Paolo Boccaletti with a check raise
Level 35: 200,000/400,000 ante 400,000

Button Xia Qi opened to 800,000, Paolo Boccaletti with a call. On flop 7cAsKh, Boccaletti check raised Xia’s 800,000 bet to 3,000,000 and got his opponent to fold.

Paolo Boccaletti – 14,800,000
Xia Qi – 16,000,000

18:24: Heads up!
Level 35: 200,000/400,000 ante 400,000

Heads up is now in play with Xia Qi slightly ahead with 16,250,000 in chips vs Paolo Boccaletti with 14,600,000.

18:23: John Jay Magadan busts in 3rd place – PHP 1,215,000
Level 35: 200,000/400,000 ante 400,000

Folded to the small blind, John Jay Magadan moved all-in for 2,150,000 total. Big blind Xia Qi made the call with 9h9s. Magadan in trouble with Js6s, headed for the rails not long after the flop 9d4c2d left him drawing dead.

Xia Qi – 16,250,000
John Jay Magadan – Eliminated

18:20: Xia Qi takes it down
Level 35: 200,000/400,000 ante 400,000

A limp pot on the blinds, the flop 5c7c7d saw John Jay Magadan lead out for 400,000, called by Xia Qi behind. Turn 3s this time, saw Magadan with a check-call for 600,000. River Qd completed the board and Magadan check folded after Xia sent out a 1,600,000 river bet.

Xia Qi – 14,000,000
John Jay Magadan – 2,800,000

18:18: John Jay Magadan finds chop
Level 35: 200,000/400,000 ante 400,000

Button Xia Qi opened to 900,000 and called off big blind John Jay Magadan’s 4,000,000 jam.

Magadan Ad4d
Xia Ac7s

The board ran Ah9c2d10h8c, giving both players top pair with no kickers in play for a chop.

John Jay Magadan – 4,200,000
Xia Qi – 13,700,000

18:08: Break Time!
Level 35: 200,000/400,000 ante 400,000

Three players remain in the running for Manila Super Series 18 Main Event title, which means blind levels will be adjusted to 20 minutes moving forward.

Chip Count Update:

Xia Qi – 14,800,000
Paolo Boccaletti – 10,600,000
John Jay Magadan – 5,450,000

17:54: John Jay Magadan bounces back
Level 34: 150,000/300,000 ante 300,000

After opening the button, John Jay Magadan called off for his tournament life after big blind Paolo Boccaletti moved all-in.

Boccaletti AsQc
Magadan Kd10h

Running a race, Magadan quickly turned it in his favor after flopping top pair on Ks7h8d. The turn 4h and river 10d further improved his hand to two pair for a double up.

John Jay Magadan – 5,000,000
Paolo Boccaletti – 11,600,000

17:50: Xia Qi goes for max value
Level 34: 150,000/300,000 ante 300,000

Button Xia Qi opened to 700,000, called by big blind John Jay Magadan. On board 2h2c6s4dJh, Magadan check-called all three streets including Xia’s river bet of 3,000,000, only to muck his hand after Xia tabled KcKh.

Xia Qi – 12,800,000
John Jay Magadan – 2,500,000

17:42: John Clyde Tan exits in 4th place – PHP 1,203,000
Level 34: 150,000/300,000 ante 300,000

Button Xia Qi opened, called by small blind Paolo Boccaletti, and big blind John Clyde Tan squeezed all-in for 5,650,000. Xia folds and Boccaletti puts the chips in.

Tan Ah6s
Boccaletti 7d7c

Ahead with his pocket pair, Boccaletti sent Tan packing after the board 9hQs8s2h9s feleted no ace.

Paolo Boccaletti – 16,800,000
John Clyde Tan – Eliminated

17:32: Xia Qi wins flip
Level 34: 150,000/300,000 ante 300,000

Button John Clyde Tan opened to 700,000 and snap called big blind Xia Qi’s 4,800,000 all-in.

Xia 8h8s
Tan AdKc

Up for a flip, the flop 8c4h2d quickly left Tan drawing thin with the runout Ks10h sealing Xia’s set of eights good for the win.

Xia Qi – 10,000,000
John Clyde Tan – 6,700,000

17:27: Paolo Boccaletti takes in another loss
Level 34: 150,000/300,000 ante 300,000

Utg John Clyde Tan opened to 700,000, joined by Paolo Boccaletti from the big blind. Action was checked to the turn 8d8cJcAh where Tan bet 400,000, check-called by Boccaletti. Another As showed up on the river, killing the action altogether.

Tan QhJh
Boccaletti Qc2c

Tan collects the pot once again with a better two pair, aces and queens.

John Clyde Tan – 12,200,000
Paolo Boccaletti – 7,200,000

17:24: John Clyde Tan bags a double
Level 34: 150,000/300,000 ante 300,000

A limp pot between the blinds, the two saw a flop of 6d4s5s. Small blind Paolo Boccaletti led out for 300,000, called by John Clyde Tan behind. Turn 8d saw another 700,000 from the chip leader, called again by Tan. River 6s didn’t stop Boccaletti as he fired 1,500,000. Tan raised all-in for 875,000 more and Boccaletti with a call.

Tan shows two pair Jh8s for the pot, Boccaletti with a quick muck.

John Clyde Tan – 9,450,000
Paolo Boccaletti – 8,300,000

17:17: ICM deal in place
Level 33: 125,000/250,000 ante 250,000

A four-way deal has been agreed upon with Paolo Boccaletti banking the lion’s share of the PHP 13M prize pool. Left to play for is the trophy along with a PHP 75,000 PokerStars LIVE Manila Megastack Main Event package (seat and accommodation) for the champion and a PHP 35,000 entry to Manila Megastack Main Event for the runner-up.

ICM Payouts:

Paolo Boccaletti – PHP 1,692,000
Xia Qi – PHP 1,415,000
John Jay Magadan – PHP 1,215,000
John Clyde Tan – PHP 1,203,000

16:47: Discussing ICM
Level 33: 125,000/250,000 ante 250,000

Talks of an ICM deal is being discussed at the table.

Chip Count Update:

Paolo Boccaletti – 13,450,000
Xia Qi – 7,800,000
John Jay Magadan – 4,875,000
John Clyde Tan – 4,725,000

16:45: Shin Hyeonho eliminated in 5th place – PHP 590,000
Level 33: 125,000/250,000 ante 250,000

Button Paolo Boccaletti opened to 750,000 and called off small blind Shin Hyeonho’s 3,000,000 jam.

Shin Ac4h
Boccaletti AsJh

A great spot for Boccaletti, the flop 6c6sKs suggested some possible chops but failed to push through after the runout revealed 3d2s.

Paolo Boccaletti – 13,450,000
Shin Hyeonho – Eliminated

16:35: Paolo Boccaletti bags crucial win
Level 33: 125,000/250,000 ante 250,000

Button Xia Qi opened to 550,000 and called off a 4,725,000 (19 BB) jam from small blind Paolo Boccaletti.

Boccaletti 8s8c
Xia AsQs

In for a flip, the board 9h4d3c10h3h ran safe for Boccaletti’s pocket pair as he took a chunk off the chip leader.

Paolo Boccaletti – 9,950,000
Xia Qi – 7,300,000

16:29: John Jay Magadan remains in the game
Level 33: 125,000/250,000 ante 250,000

Utg Xia Qi opened to 550,000, Shin Hyeonho fired a three bet to 1,400,000, and big blind John Jay Magadan shoved for 1,725,000. Xia folds and Shin takes the spot.

Magadan JhJc
Shin As2c

The board ran Qc10c4s3c7s, leaving Magadan’s pocket jacks good against Shin’s ace-high.

John Jay Magadan – 4,375,000
Shin Hyeonho – 3,500,000

16:18: Shin Hyeonho scores two double ups
Level 33: 125,000/250,000 ante 250,000

Utg Xia Qi opened to 550,000 and called off a 750,000 all-in from Shin Hyeonho.

Shin Ad10c
Xia Ah2c

Shin with a better ace, locked in the double up the board 8s9d9s5d4s missed to pair either player.

Same scenario went down a few hands later, Shin again with a better ace AsJh against Xia’s Ah3h. Shin secured another double up off the chip leader after the board spared no bad beats.

Shin Hyeonho – 5,375,000
Xia Qi – 12,100,000

16:10: Blinds up
Level 33: 125,000/250,000 ante 250,000

Five players left in the running, Xia Qi remains in the lead with 16,000,000 in chips.

16:09: John Jay Magadan survives
Level 32: 100,000/200,000 ante 200,000

Cut off John Jay Magadan open shoved for 900,000 and was called by big blind Shin Hyeonho.

Magadan Ad5h
Shin Kh9d

Slightly ahead, Magadan cruised to a smooth double up after flopping top pair on board Ac7s10s7hKd.

John Jay Magadan – 2,100,000
Shin Hyeonho – 875,000

16:07: John Clyde Tan pays Xia Qi
Level 32: 100,000/200,000 ante 200,000

Cut off John Clyde Tan opened to 450,000, called by both players on the blinds. Flop came As3s10h. Checked to Tan, he continued for 575,000, called only by small blind Xia Qi. Turn 4s went check check and river 8h saw Xia bet 1,300,000, called behind. Xia shows Ad8c rivered two pair for the win.

Xia Qi – 16,000,000
John Clyde Tan – 5,000,000

16:03: Paolo Boccaletti double barrels
Level 32: 100,000/200,000 ante 200,000

Utg Paolo Boccaletti raised to 500,000, joined by big blind Xia Qi. Flop came 6c9hQh and Xia check called 375,000 from the raiser. Turn 7h saw Boccaletti send out another 700,000, Xia with a check fold.

Paolo Boccaletti – 7,100,000
Xia Qi – 12,900,000

15:59: Xia Qi continues to dominate
Level 32: 100,000/200,000 ante 200,000

Shin Hyeonho defended his big blind against Xia Qi’s button open to 450,000 and saw a flop of 3h6h5s. Shin led out for 375,000, called by the raiser. Turn 4h saw Shin check call 900,000 from Xia and another 900,000 on the river Jd.

Xia shows a straight with 7d9c, Shin with a muck behind.

Xia Qi – 13,500,000
Shin Hyeonho – 2,100,000

15:48: Two pots for Paolo Boccaletti
Level 32: 100,000/200,000 ante 200,000

After shoving all-in against button Xia Qi’s open, Paolo Boccaletti scored another pot after opening the button to 450,000 and continuing for 350,000 on flop Kc8c2c against the big blind. Opponent folds and Boccaletti wins back to back small pots.

Paolo Boccaletti – 6,200,000

15:44: Xia Qi breaks 11 million 
Level 32: 100,000/200,000 ante 200,000

Utg Xia Qi opened to 400,000, called by Shin Hyeonho behind. Flop saw Qd3sKs, Xia again with a check call of 300,000 from his opponent. Turn 10s merited no bets, river 7c prompted Xia to lead out for 650,000, Shin with a fold.

Xia Qi – 11,000,000
Shin Hyeonho – 5,800,000

15:42: Shah Chirag busts in 6th place – PHP 430,000
Level 32: 100,000/200,000 ante 200,000

Utg Shah Chirag flicked in his 2BB stack and was called by both players on the blinds. Action was checked down to the river Qc7c4s5c10d where John Jay Magadan claimed the pot with a pair of tens 10h9c.

Shah Jh9h
John Clyde Tan Jc4d

John Jay Magadan – 1,500,000
John Clyde Tan – 7,600,000
Shah Chirag – Eliminated

15:38: Ho Tung Chun crashes in 7th place – PHP 315,000
Level 32: 100,000/200,000 ante 200,000

A three way all-in preflop, Ho Tung Chun’s overcards were in for a flip against two pocket jacks.

Ho AhKh
Shah Chirag JcJs
Shin Hyeonho JhJd

The board Qc9s4d6c10d unfortunately for Ho, ran queen high with his two opponents splitting his 2,150,000 stack for the win.

Shin Hyeonho – 6,200,000
Shah Chirag – 425,000
Ho Tung Chun – Eliminated

15:34: Shah Chirag gets coolered
Level 32: 100,000/200,000 ante 200,000

All the chips quickly piled high in the middle with John Clyde Tan at risk vs Shah Chirag.

Tan AhAc
Shah KsKc

A massive cooler, no kings were seen on board Qs6s6c6h10s, giving Tan a sweet double up. Shah survives but is crippled down to less than 1BB.

John Clyde Tan – 7,950,000
Shah Chirag – 175,000

15:20: Break Time!
Level 32: 100,000/200,000 ante 200,000

First break of the day sees seven players remain in contention for Manila Super Series 18 Main Event title.

Chip Count Update:

Xia Qi – 10,125,000
Paolo Boccaletti – 5,500,000
Shin Hyeonho – 4,200,000
Shah Chirag – 3,950,000
John Clyde Tan – 3,775,000
Ho Tung Chun – 2,150,000
John Jay Magadan – 650,000

15:18: Xia Qi packs in more chips
Level 31: 80,000/160,000 ante 160,000

Utg Xia Qi opened to 325,000, called behind by John Clyde Tan. Flop Kd3d4h saw Xia check call a 300,000 bet from Tan. Action on turn Qc went check check, heading on to the river 6c. Xia led for 710,000, Tan with a tank-fold.

Xia Qi – 10,125,000
John Clyde Tan – 3,775,000

15:10: Shin Hyeonho pushes all-in
Level 31: 80,000/160,000 ante 160,000

Hijack Xia Qi opened to 325,000 but folded shortly after small blind Shin Hyeonho pushed all-in for 3,555,000.

Shin Hyeonho – 4,200,000
Xia Qi – 9,400,000

15:06: Sevens good for Paolo Boccaletti
Level 31: 80,000/160,000 ante 160,000

Cut off Ho Tung Chun opened to 325,000 and big blind Paolo Boccaletti defended his big blind to see a flop of Ks9s4c. Action checked all the way to the river 9d3d where Boccaletti led out for 500,000, called by Ho. Boccaletti shows 7c7h for the win.

Paolo Boccaletti – 5,515,000
Ho Tung Chun – 2,500,000

15:02: Xia Qi turns two pair
Level 31: 80,000/160,000 ante 160,000

A limp pot between the blinds, the flop 3h2s8h was checked round and headed to turn Qd. Small blind Shah Chirag led out for 160,000, raised by Xia Qi to 500,000. Shah folds and Xia shows Qc8c for two pair.

Xia Qi – 9,700,000
Shah Chirag – 3,500,000

14:57: Paolo Boccaletti wins preflop battle
Level 31: 80,000/160,000 ante 160,000

Hijack Paolo Boccaletti opened to 320,000 and faced a three bet to 950,000 from button John Clyde Tan. Boccaletti took a minute before shoving all-in for 3,340,000. Action back on Tan, he used up four time banks before finally making the fold.

Paolo Boccaletti – 4,690,000
John Clyde Tan – 4,100,000

14:51: Shah Chirag backs down
Level 31: 80,000/160,000 ante 160,000

Utg+1 Shah Chirag opened to 325,000 and was met with a three bet from Xia Qi to 950,000. Shah resists to complete and makes the fold.

Xia Qi – 9,300,000
Shah Chirag – 3,300,000

14:45: Ivan Dela Cruz busts in 8th place – PHP 225,000
Level 31: 80,000/160,000 ante 160,000

Facing an open and a call from Ivan Dela Cruz, small blind Xia Qi squeezed three bet to 950,00 and called Dela Cruz’ all-in for 2,300,000.

Dela Cruz JdJh
Xia AdQd

Running a flip with Dela Cruz at risk, the board AcAh10cQc7d secured Xia the pot with a full house. Dela Cruz heads for the exit in 8th place after losing the flip.

Xia Qi – 8,600,000
Ivan Dela Cruz – Eliminated

14:42: Shin Hyeonho claims pot
Level 31: 80,000/160,000 ante 160,000

Utg+1 Shin Hyeonho opened to 325,000, joined by chip leader Xia Qi from the big blind. Flop Ah9d3s saw Xia check call a 200,000 bet from his opponent. Both players check the turn Kc and Xia, with a final check fold on river Qd after Shin fired 350,000.

Shin Hyeonho – 4,600,000
Xia Qi – 5,300,000

14:38: Blinds up
Level 31: 80,000/160,000 ante 160,000

Eight players left in the running with Xia Qi in the lead with 6,500,000 in chips.

14:34: Ho Tung Chun folds to all-in
Level 30: 60,000/120,000 ante 120,000

Utg+1 Ho Tung Chun opened to 250,000, called behind by Paolo Boccaletti. Flop came Kd6d4d, Ho continued for 250,000, called by his opponent. Turn 9h saw Ho bet another 500,000. Boccaletti snap raised all-in for 1,640,000 to which Ho turned a fold.

Paolo Boccaletti – 3,440,000
Ho Tung Chun – 3,800,000

14:30: No callers for Paolo Boccaletti 
Level 30: 60,000/120,000 ante 120,000

Short stacked Paolo Boccaletti open shoved twice in a row and found no callers. Two rounds of blinds mean Boccaletti collected an additional boost of 600,000.

Paolo Boccaletti – 2,000,000

14:26: Xia Qi wins back to back big stack battle
Level 30: 60,000/120,000 ante 120,000

Utg Xia Qi opened to 260,000, joined by small blind Ho Tung Chun. Flop 3s8d9c was checked round to the turn 6d. Xia bet 200,000 and was check-called by Ho. The river Jd saw Xia gun for another 650,000, Ho with a check-fold this time around.

Xia Qi – 6,100,000
Ho Tung Chun – 5,800,000

Next hand saw button Ho open to 250,000 and Xia with a big blind defense. On flop 2d6d8h, Xia check-called a 250,000 bet from Ho. Turn 8s went check-check, leading to the river Qd. Xia bet 500,000, called behind. Xia shows KdQh for two pair, Ho with a muck.

Xia Qi – 7,200,000
Ho Tung Chun – 4,800,000

14:20: Ivan Dela Cruz outflops Ho Tung Chun
Level 30: 60,000/120,000 ante 120,000

Following two shoves with no callers, short stacked Ivan Dela Cruz pushed all-in for 825,000 on the button and was finally called by big blind Ho Tung Chun.

Dela Cruz Ad4d
Ho As7c

Ho, ahead with a better ace, was left drawing thin after the flop 4h9dQh paired up Dela Cruz’ four. Turn 2h and river 10s sealed the double up for Dela Cruz as he dodged his potential elimination.

Ivan Dela Cruz – 1,830,000
Ho Tung Chun – 6,210,000

14:15: Edilberto Gopez railed in 9th place – PHP 176,336
Level 30: 60,000/120,000 ante 120,000

Utg+1 Edilberto Gopez opened to 250,000, called behind by Xia Qi. No bets were seen on flop AdJs5h with Gopez leading the turn 8h for 300,000, Xia with a call. River 3s completed the board and Gopez used up two time banks before moving all-in for his 500,000 left. Xia makes the call with top pair Ac10c, beating Gopez’ bluff with Ks4c.

Xia Qi – 5,400,000
Edilberto Gopez – Eliminated

14:08: John Clyde Tan gets value
Level 30: 60,000/120,000 ante 120,000

Midposition John Clyde Tan opened to 260,000, called behind by button Edilberto Gopez. Flop came Ad9s3c, checked by both players to the turn 3d. Tan threw in a bet of 325,000, called by Gopez. River 5s saw Tan with another 700,000 bet, called again behind.

Tan shows AhQh for two pair, Gopez with a muck.

John Clyde Tan – 4,500,000
Edilberto Gopez – 1,000,000

14:03: Ho Tung Chun rivers top pair
Level 30: 60,000/120,000 ante 120,000

Utg Edilberto Gopez opened to 250,000 and Ho Tung Chun defended his big blind to see a flop of Jc7c4s. Ho check-called a 300,000 bet from Gopez and saw no more bets on either turn 8c or river Ah. Ho shows AcQs for top pair, Gopez with a muck behind after showing Js.

Ho Tung Chun – 6,700,000
Edilberto Gopez – 2,500,000

13:59: Blinds up
Level 30: 60,000/120,000 ante 120,000

Nine players still remaining in the Main Event games, Ho Tung Chun in the lead with 6,000,000 in chips.

13:58: Shin Hyeonho wins preflop war
Level 29: 50,000/100,000 ante 100,000

Cut off Paolo Boccaletti opened to 250,000 and was met with a three bet to 650,000 from button Shin Hyeonho. Boccaletti answered with a four bet to 1,100,000, Shin tanked and shoved all-in for 2,840,000. Boccaletti used up four time banks before making the fold.

Shin Hyeonho – 4,200,000
Paolo Boccaletti – 2,000,000

13:49: Edilberto Gopez gives it up
Level 29: 50,000/100,000 ante 100,000

Hijack Edilberto Gopez opened to 225,000, called by Shah Chirag behind. Flop 8s9s8c saw Gopez quickly check fold to Shah’s 300,000 bet.

Shah Chirag – 3,800,000
Edilberto Gopez – 2,300,000

13:47: Edilberto Gopez fires three bet
Level 29: 50,000/100,000 ante 100,000

Hijack Ho Tung Chun opened to 200,000 and folded to a three bet behind from Edilberto Gopez to 550,000 total.

Edilberto Gopez – 2,500,000
Ho Tung Chun – 6,200,000

13:40: Back to back pots for Ho Tung Chun
Level 29: 50,000/100,000 ante 100,000

Xia Qi opened to 225,000 and Ho Tung Chun defended his big blind to see a flop of 5s5d9c. Both players checked, moving on to turn 2d. Ho led out a 300,000 bet, called by the raiser. River Jd saw Ho with another 400,000 to which Xia folded.

Ho Tung Chun – 5,500,000
Xia Qi – 5,400,000

Next hand saw button John Jay Magadan open to 225,000 and fold to an all-in from small blind Ho Tung Chun.

Ho Tung Chun – 5,900,000
John Jay Magadan – 2,000,000

13:33: One bet good for Ho Tung Chun
Level 29: 50,000/100,000 ante 100,000

Ho Tung Chun opened to 200,000, called by both players on the blinds. Flop Qh9s3h was checked to Ho who continued with 350,000. Both blinds fold and Ho rakes in the pot.

Ho Tung Chun – 4,800,000

13:30: Shin Hyeonho doubles up
Level 29: 50,000/100,000 ante 100,000

Utg+1 Shin Hyeonho opened to 200,000, called by Ho Tung Chun and small blind Xia Qi behind. Flop came 2c7sJc, checked to Shin, he fired 400,000, called only by Ho. Turn 9c saw Shin bet all-in for 920,000. Ho tanked and forked in the call with top pair.

Shin QhQc
Ho Jh10c

Up against an overpair, the river 3d did nothing for Ho as Shin claimed the pot with his pair of queens.

Shin Hyeonho – 3,440,000
Ho Tung Chun – 4,300,000
Xia Qi – 5,900,000

13:24: Ho Tung Chun folds to three bet
Level 29: 50,000/100,000 ante 100,000

Cut off Ho Tung Chun opened to 225,000 and was met with a three bet to 700,000 from small blind Shah Chirag. Ho makes the fold.

Shah Chirag – 2,900,000
Ho Tung Chun – 6,000,000

13:22: Paolo Boccaletti takes down first pot 
Level 29: 50,000/100,000 ante 100,000

Utg+1 Paolo Boccaletti opened to 250,000, called by big blind Shah Chirag. Flop came AcKhQh, and Shah check-called a 220,000 bet from Boccaletti. Turn saw 4c with Shah unable to continue after the preflop raiser fired another 475,000.

Paolo Boccaletti – 3,900,000
Shah Chirag – 2,500,000

13:18: Action begins!
Level 29: 50,000/100,000 ante 100,000

Final Table action is up and running. Each player is guaranteed a minimum payout of PHP 176,336, best of luck to the final nine!

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The weeklong Manila Super Series 18 is down to its final day of festivities with the record-breaking Main Event set to crown a champion today. Three starting flights played through on schedule, collecting a stellar turnout of 1,034 entries for the tour’s richest PHP 13,239,336 (~USD 233,240) prize pool. Only nine players return today with China’s Xia Qi leading the band, in contention for the PHP 2,400,000 (~USD 42,232) top prize.

Final Day action resumes on Level 29: 50,000/100,000 ante 100,000 at 13:00 sharp. Blind duration will play at 40 minutes per level, and will adjust down to 20 minutes once three players remain.

Final Table Chip Count

Pos. Player Flag Chip Count ~Big Blinds
1 Xia Qi China 6,345,000 63 BB
2 Ho Tung Chun Taiwan 6,215,000 62 BB
3 John Clyde Tan Philippines 4,270,000 42 BB
4 Paolo Boccaletti Italy 3,270,000 32 BB
5 Shah Chirag India 3,245,000 32 BB
6 Edilberto Gopez Philippines 2,740,000 27 BB
7 John Jay Magadan Philippines 2,480,000 24 BB
8 Shin Hyeonho South Korea 1,520,000 15 BB
9 Ivan Dela Cruz Philippines 775,000 7 BB

Remaining Payouts

1st – PHP 2,400,000
2nd – PHP 1,450,000
3rd – PHP 1,020,000
4th – PHP 765,000
5th – PHP 590,000
6th – PHP 430,000
7th – PHP 315,000
8th – PHP 225,000
9th – PHP 176,336

Manila Super Series 18 Main Event Review

Dates: September 20-24, 2023
Buy in: PHP 15,000 (~USD 264)
Guarantee: PHP 3,000,000 (~USD 52,842)
Prize pool: PHP 13,239,336 (~USD 233,240)
Entries: 1,034
ITM: 156 players

Day 1 Results

1A: 198 entries / 30 advanced
1B: 311 entries / 47 advanced
1C: 525 entries / 79 advanced

Live Updates
Day 1A Recap
Day 1B Recap
Day 1C Recap
Day 2 Recap

Key Info Manila Super Series 18

  Location: Okada Manila

  Dates: September 18th to September 24th

  Main Event Buy-In: ₱15,000 (13,200+1,800)

  Schedule: Manila Super Series 18 (2023) Schedule and Player's Guide


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The eighteenth edition of the fan favorite Manila Super Series is fast approaching with three days left on the calendar before action kicks off on the felt. From September 18-24, the PokerStars hub right at the heart of Okada Manila Resort & Casino, Philippines will once again welcome hundreds of players to the floor, in contention for the PHP 8,000,000 (~USD 141,014) festival pot. 

A conservative number for the usual twenty event lineup, the center of attention Main Event already takes up nearly half of this listed guarantee. Year after year, garnered results have easily shattered the PHP 3,000,000 (~USD 52,880) advertised Main Event prize pool as shown below in its previous five seasons. Players will have several opportunities to make it through Day 2 with a total of three starting flights available on schedule beginning on the 20th.

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Other tournament highlights include the PHP 2,000,000 (~USD 35,253) guaranteed Superstack, PHP 1,000,000 (~USD 17,626) guaranteed Warm Up and Super Series Turbo, and PHP 500,000 (~USD 8,813) guaranteed Knockout and Mystery Bounty events.

Manila Super Series Past Main Event Results

Date Manila Super Series Edition Champion Prize (PHP) Prize (USD)  Entries Prize pool
June 2023 17 William Ysmael ₱1,867,000 $33,339 746 ₱9,551,784
October 2022 16 Joseph Santos ₱1,000,000 $16,966 366 ₱4,792,770
July 2022 15 Jason Magbanua ₱1,340,000 $23,961 500 ₱6,457,500
February 2022 14 Joe Mark Vasay ₱720,000 $14,014 398 ₱5,211,810
December 2019 13 Koki Takeishi ₱925,000 $18,222 540 ₱5,531,328

Last June’s Manila Super Series 17 festivities saw a massive PHP 21,125,730 (~US$ 377K) in total prize awarded, towing a boosted turnout of 746 entries collected for its Main Event games. Filipino pro William Ysmael took home the largest share of the ₱9,551,784 (~USD 170,918) prize pool after defeating Taiwan’s Ting Yi Chen in heads up play and capturing his first career spade trophy. 

Manila Super Series 17
William Ysmael

Manila Super Series 18 Full Schedule

Time Event # Tournament Name Buy-in (PHP)
Monday, September 18
13:00 1/A Warm-up – Flight A Play ITM – Re-Entry (₱1 Million Guarantee) ₱6,000 (5,280+720)
18:00 1/B Warm-up – Flight B Play ITM – Re-Entry (₱1 Million Guarantee) ₱6,000 (5,280+720)
21:00 2 Hyper Turbo – Re-entry ₱5,500 (4,840+660)
Tuesday, September 19
13:00 1/Final Warm-up – Day 2 Final
13:00 3 Knockout (₱500K GTD) [₱2K Bounty] – Re-entry ₱6,500 (5,720+780)
18:00 4 Turbo – Re-entry ₱5,500 (4,840+660)
20:00 5 Turbo Freezeout ₱10,000 (8,800+1,200)
21:00 Q6 Qualifier to Main Event – Win Your Seat at 80K Chips ₱2,200 (1,936+264)
Wednesday, September 20
13:00 7/A Main Event – Flight A Play ITM – Re-Entry (₱3 Million Guarantee) ₱15,000 (13,200+1,800)
17:00 8 Win the Button – Re-Entry ₱10,000 (8,800+1,200)
19:00 9/A Super Series Turbo – Flight A Play ITM – Re-Entry (₱1 Million Guarantee) ₱4,500 (3,960+540)
21:00 Q10 Qualifier to Main Event – Win Your Seat at 80K Chips ₱2,200 (1,936+264)
21:00 11 Hyper Turbo – Re-Entry ₱15,000 (13,200+1,800)
Thursday, September 21
13:00 7/B Main Event – Flight B Play ITM – Re-Entry (₱3 Million Guarantee) ₱15,000 (13,200+1,800)
17:00 12 Pot Limit Omaha Turbo – Re-Entry ₱10,000 (8,800+1,200)
19:00 9/B Super Series Turbo – Flight B Play ITM – Re-Entry (₱1 Million Guarantee) ₱4,500 (3,960+540)
21:00 Q13 Qualifier to Main Event – Win Your Seat at 80K Chips ₱2,200 (1,936+264)
21:00 14 Hyper Turbo – Re-Entry ₱15,000 (13,200+1,800)
Friday, September 22
13:00 7/C Main Event – Flight C Play ITM – Re-Entry (₱3 Million Guarantee) ₱15,000 (13,200+1,800)
17:00 15 Deep stack Play ITM – Re-Entry Day 1 ₱25,000 (22,500+2,500)
19:00 9/C Super Series Turbo – Flight C Play ITM – Re-Entry (₱1 Million Guarantee) ₱4,500 (3,960+540)
21:00 16 Knockout Hyper Turbo

[₱2K Bounty] – Re-entry
₱10,000 (8,800+1,200)
Saturday, September 23
13:00 7/Day 2 Main Event – Day 2
13:00 15/Final Deep stack Play ITM – Re-Entry Final
13:00 17 ₱10,000 Super Knockout [₱5K Bounty] – Re-Entry ₱10,000 (8,800+1,200)
15:00 18 Superstack Re-Entry – Day 1

(₱2 Million GTD)

₱25,000 (22,500+2,500)
19:00 9/D Super Series Turbo – Flight D Play ITM – Re-Entry (₱1 Million Guarantee) ₱4,500 (3,960+540)
20:00 19 Super Series High Roller Day 1 – Re-Entry (Day 2 Entry Allowed) ₱50,000 (45,000+5,000)
21:00 20 Hyper Turbo – Re-entry ₱10,000 (8,800+1,200)
Sunday, September 24
13:00 7/Final Main Event – Final
13:00 9/Final Super Series Turbo – Final
13:00 19 Super Series High Roller Day 1 – Re-Entry (Day 2 Entry Allowed) ₱50,000 (45,000+5,000)
14:00 21 Mystery Bounty (₱500K GTD) ₱10,000 (8,800+1,200)
15:00 18/Final Super Series Turbo – Final
18:00 22 Six Handed Turbo – Re-Entry ₱20,000 (17,600+2,400)
19:00 23 Super Hyper Turbo – Re-Entry ₱5,000 (4,600+400)

Manila Super Series 18 Player Guide

Manila Super Series 18 – Festival Results

Dates: September 18 to 24, 2023
Venue: Okada Manila Resort & Casino, Manila, Philippines
Trophy Events: 20

Main Event

7 Main Event Final CHAMPION
Paolo Boccaletti – Photo by PokerStars LIVE

Date: September 20 to 24, 2023
Buy in: PHP 15,000 (~USD 265)
Guaranteed: PHP 3,000,000 (~USD 52,800)
Total entries: 1,034 (541 unique)
Prize pool: PHP 13,239,336 (~US$ 232,970)
ITM: 156 places ( Two player qualified twice)
*Four-way ICM deal, play for trophy and package

Place Player Flag Payout in PHP
1 Paolo Boccaletti Italy ₱1,767,000
2 Qi Xia China ₱1,450,000
3 John Jay Magadan Philippines ₱1,215,000
4 John Clyde Tan Philippines ₱1,203,000
5 Hyeonho Shin Korea, South ₱590,000
6 Chirag Shah India ₱430,000
7 Tung Chun Ho Taiwan ₱315,000
8 Ivan Dela Cruz Philippines ₱225,000
9 Edilberto Jr Gopez Philippines ₱176,336
10 Darrell Griffith United States ₱147,000
11 Joemark Vasay Philippines ₱147,000
12 Alvir Inocentes Philippines ₱133,000
13 Kirill Gladchenko Russia ₱133,000
14 Takayuki Aihara Japan ₱119,000
15 John Niko Costiniano Philippines ₱119,000
16 Kim Michael Enriquez Philippines ₱106,000
17 Amanda Sidark Sweden ₱106,000
18 Kyrillos Gerges Australia ₱93,000
19 Seyoon Lim Korea, South ₱93,000
20 Hao-An Hsieh Taiwan ₱93,000
21 Joonhee Kim Korea, South ₱80,000
22 Shawn Jie Singapore ₱80,000
23 Ying Chan Chen Taiwan ₱80,000
24 Boon Seah Chua Singapore ₱67,000
25 Wai Chiu Cheng Hong Kong ₱67,000
26 Ashley Patterson United Kingdom ₱67,000
27 Reiji Amada Japan ₱67,000
28 Hai Shien Tan Singapore ₱57,000
29 Yun Rong Cheong Singapore ₱57,000
30 Wei Lee Singapore ₱80,000
31 Ireneo Javalera Philippines ₱57,000
32 John Tech Philippines ₱49,000
33 Anthony Cierco France ₱49,000
34 Dexter Manapat Philippines ₱49,000
35 Nutpakan (NUT) Nitatwichit Thailand ₱49,000
36 Michael De Leon Philippines ₱49,000
37 Jung Gi Hong Korea, South ₱49,000
38 Michihiko Matsuda Japan ₱49,000
39 Chuck Peregrino Philippines ₱49,000
40 Alexis Cruz Philippines ₱42,000
41 Takuya Makino Japan ₱42,000
42 Yun Xiang Lee Singapore ₱42,000
43 Bryan Santos Philippines ₱42,000
44 Bernard Chua Philippines ₱42,000
45 Mark Dela Cruz Philippines ₱42,000
46 Joshua Figuerres Philippines ₱42,000
47 Athonis Popotas Australia ₱42,000
48 Ryoma Onishi Japan ₱42,000
49 Karl Batao Philippines ₱42,000
50 Takuma Ono Japan ₱42,000
51 Koichi Nozaki Japan ₱42,000
52 Bertrand Zo Beaudoux France ₱42,000
53 Archie Mariano Philippines ₱42,000
54 Butch Bautista Philippines ₱42,000
55 Masafumi Kimura Japan ₱42,000
56 Daijiro Tomoto Japan ₱35,000
57 Oleg Alex Kaminski Canada ₱35,000
58 Bryan Manalo Philippines ₱35,000
59 Yuki Kawai Japan ₱35,000
60 Masakatsu Setoguchi Japan ₱35,000
61 Jester Intia Philippines ₱35,000
62 Po Hsun Liao Taiwan ₱35,000
63 Shoji Shimabukuro Japan ₱35,000
64 Michael Bueza Philippines ₱35,000
65 Ron Ryan Mesina Philippines ₱35,000
66 Shayne Blanco Villanueva Northern Mariana Islands ₱35,000
67 Ian Ooi Chuan Malaysia ₱35,000
68 Jose Cheung Philippines ₱35,000
69 Robert Lim United Kingdom ₱35,000
70 Vamerdino Magsakay Philippines ₱35,000
71 Julio Anicete Philippines ₱35,000
72 Bonil Koo Korea, South ₱30,000
73 Alexis Lim Philippines ₱30,000
74 Noel Regencia Philippines ₱30,000
75 Oleg Mordassov Switzerland ₱30,000
76 Ronato Alcano Philippines ₱30,000
77 Bun Uthaitirat Thailand ₱30,000
78 Joseph Magnotti United States ₱30,000
79 Ivan Tabucal Philippines ₱30,000
80 Suheil Saliba United States ₱30,000
81 Munehiro Hachimine Japan ₱30,000
82 Aoi Noguchi Japan ₱30,000
83 Dexter Santos Philippines ₱30,000
84 Yamanaka Yuichiro Japan ₱30,000
85 Nicholas Reynolds Ireland ₱30,000
86 Darren Yu Philippines ₱30,000
87 Curt Livermore Ireland ₱30,000
88 Marko Puskadija Croatia ₱30,000
89 Jimmy(Paru G) Valle Philippines ₱30,000
90 Jayant Yewale Ireland ₱30,000
91 Aivaras Bardauskas Lithuania ₱30,000
92 Juanito Ibarra Philippines ₱30,000
93 Bartolome Carbonell Philippines ₱30,000
94 Jayvon Carreon Philippines ₱30,000
95 Megumi Otsubo Japan ₱30,000
96 Lex Malortigue France ₱26,000
97 Rick Jason Ambata Philippines ₱26,000
98 Yen Chih Huang Taiwan ₱26,000
99 Edgar Asehan Philippines ₱26,000
100 Amir Alimkulov Kazakhstan ₱26,000
101 Lloyd Callaway United States ₱26,000
102 Hyeonjae Kim Korea, South ₱26,000
103 Jian Yee Shun Singapore ₱26,000
104 Ronald Acosta Philippines ₱26,000
105 Yuki Yoshida Japan ₱26,000
106 Heo Jeongwoo Korea, South ₱26,000
107 Graham Cowan Australia ₱26,000
108 Richard Marquez Philippines ₱49,000
109 June Guan Puah Singapore ₱26,000
110 Takanobu Aoyama Japan ₱26,000
111 Gilson Chan Singapore ₱26,000
112 Kihyung Kim Korea, South ₱26,000
113 Andy Chan Singapore ₱26,000
114 Joven Huerto Philippines ₱26,000
115 Yukiko Fujiki Japan ₱26,000
116 Richard Tolentino Philippines ₱26,000
117 Conrad Lumaban Philippines ₱26,000
118 Christophe Oswald France ₱26,000
119 Evgenii Ni Russia ₱26,000
120 Joungwoo Park Korea, South ₱24,000
121 Kenzo Mendoza Philippines ₱24,000
122 Eldee Lim Singapore ₱24,000
123 Wendy Chandra Indonesia ₱24,000
124 Vivencio Nachor Jr. Philippines ₱24,000
125 Yuhei Ando Japan ₱24,000
126 Joseph Sia Philippines ₱24,000
127 Jason Kyle Magbanua Philippines ₱24,000
128 Jeffrey Pardales Philippines ₱24,000
129 Jharome Pena Philippines ₱24,000
130 Yusuke Ishikawa Japan ₱24,000
131 Ilyoung Son Korea, South ₱24,000
132 Viktor Zhuchkov Russia ₱24,000
133 Nick Hozjan Canada ₱24,000
134 Taichi Isogai Japan ₱24,000
135 Emelito Dela Cerna Philippines ₱24,000
136 Benjamin Mangaliman Philippines ₱24,000
137 Ledina Jr Benigno Philippines ₱24,000
138 Boon Seng Ang Singapore ₱24,000
139 Takafumi Sugai Japan ₱24,000
140 Shota Shikanai Japan ₱24,000
141 Akinobu Kirishima Japan ₱24,000
142 Jose Colada Philippines ₱24,000
143 Jimmy Suico Philippines ₱24,000
144 Tetsuro Tomita Japan ₱23,000
145 Ryo Kawauchi Japan ₱23,000
146 Rio Shinohara Japan ₱23,000
147 Madalin Suditu Romania ₱23,000
148 Fernan Co Philippines ₱23,000
149 Paul Nattapatsiri Thailand ₱23,000
150 Paul Magadan Philippines ₱23,000
151 Paul Warren Mason South Africa ₱23,000
152 Riki Tasaki Japan ₱23,000
153 Jongyeon Kim Korea, South ₱23,000
154 Kaoru Okazoe Japan ₱23,000

Event 1: Warm-up

chang chia wei
Chang Chia Wei – Photo by PokerStars LIVE

Date: September 18 to 19, 2023
Buy in: PHP 6,000 (~USD 105)
Guaranteed: PHP 1,000,000 (~USD 17,645)
Total entries: 525
Prize pool: PHP 2,688,840 (~US$ 47,330)
ITM: 79 places

Place Player Flag Payout in PHP
1 Chia Wei Chang Taiwan ₱515,000
2 Bryan Manalo Philippines ₱323,000
3 Ledina Jr Benigno Philippines ₱231,000
4 Mark Almusajin Philippines ₱180,000
5 Seung Hyeob Baek Korea, South ₱141,000
6 Michihiko Matsuda Japan ₱111,000
7 Chun Ming Lau Hong Kong ₱83,000
8 Faustino Alcantara Philippines ₱57,000
9 Hanna Khalife Lebanon ₱46,840
10 Michelle Bricknell Ireland ₱39,000
11 Megumi Otsubo Japan ₱39,000
12 Jose Drilon Philippines ₱33,000
13 Roberto Alcano Philippines ₱33,000
14 Alvin Toh Wei Min Singapore ₱28,000
15 Matthew Sheils Ireland ₱28,000
16 Benyamin Zoughi Philippines ₱25,000
17 Nick Hozjan Canada ₱25,000
18 Jongmin Won Korea, South ₱22,000
19 Jose Padilla Philippines ₱22,000
20 Janno Alvarez Philippines ₱22,000
21 Vivencio Nachor Jr. Philippines ₱19,000
22 Takafumi Sugai Japan ₱19,000
23 Christopher Pasion Philippines ₱19,000
24 Joven Huerto Philippines ₱16,000
25 Jonald Garcia Philippines ₱16,000
26 Venoni Paltep Philippines ₱16,000
27 Dexter Santos Philippines ₱16,000
28 Rico Pecho Philippines ₱14,000
29 Ian Scot Macdonald United States ₱14,000
30 Maaku Tanaka Japan ₱14,000
31 Tung Chun Ho Taiwan ₱14,000
32 Ann Klein Lazo Philippines ₱12,500
33 William Kang Ireland ₱12,500
34 Emmanuel Imperial Jr Philippines ₱12,500
35 Jonathan David Tan Philippines ₱12,500
36 Martir Christopher Philippines ₱12,500
37 Craig Landry Australia ₱12,500
38 Winifred Obedoza Philippines ₱12,500
39 Atsushi Hongo Japan ₱12,500
40 Mohammad Sairudin Singapore ₱11,000
41 Yoonseung Han Korea, South ₱11,000
42 Ronald Gorgonia Philippines ₱11,000
43 Koo Bonjae Korea, South ₱11,000
44 Tatsuki Ono Japan ₱11,000
45 John Jay Magadan Philippines ₱11,000
46 Kevin Bortfeld United States ₱11,000
47 Tokumi Mitsunori Japan ₱11,000
48 Jayvon Carreon Philippines ₱11,000
49 Egor Starovoitov Russia ₱11,000
50 Alghanim Luqman Saudi Arabia ₱11,000
51 Bogdan Doroshenko Russia ₱11,000
52 Kenneth Aklus Miah Philippines ₱11,000
53 Yu Chen Huang China ₱11,000
54 Kim Michael Enriquez Philippines ₱11,000
55 Pierre Mathys Switzerland ₱11,000
56 Edwin Dela Cruz Philippines ₱10,000
57 Emelito Dela Cerna Philippines ₱10,000
58 Junnie Pamplona Philippines ₱10,000
59 Oliver Buquiran Philippines ₱10,000
60 Joseph Talamayan Philippines ₱10,000
61 Andrew Ong Philippines ₱10,000
62 Shoji Shimabukuro Japan ₱10,000
63 Jerson Quiras Philippines ₱10,000
64 Lex Malortigue France ₱10,000
65 Viktor Zhuchkov Russia ₱10,000
66 Yusuke Ishikawa Japan ₱10,000
67 Benjamin Mangaliman Philippines ₱10,000
68 Catherine Castelo Philippines ₱10,000
69 Yusuke Kato Japan ₱10,000
70 Steve Arnold United States ₱10,000
71 Andrew De Ocampo Philippines ₱10,000
72 Aristotle Sigua Philippines ₱9,000
73 Wai Chiu Cheng Hong Kong ₱9,000
74 Kazuki Nomura Japan ₱9,000
75 Fernan Co Philippines ₱9,000
76 Po Hsun Liao Taiwan ₱9,000
77 Kaoru Okazoe Japan ₱9,000
78 George Manolas New Zealand ₱9,000
79 Minki Kim Korea, South ₱9,000

Event 2: Hyper Turbo

MSS 18 winner hyper turbo 3
Alvin Jeff Sembrano, Photo by Pokerstars LIVE

Date: September 18, 2023
Buy in: PHP 5,500 (~USD 97)
Total entries: 48 (42 unique)
Prize pool: PHP 225,350 (~USD 3,976)
ITM: 7 places

Place Player Flag Payout in PHP
1 Alvin Jeff Sembrano Philippines ₱70,950
2 Athonis Popotas Australia ₱51,300
3 Yuu Taga Japan ₱32,700
4 Aaron Jacobs United States ₱24,800
5 Navid Ostadsaraei Iran ₱19,200
6 Angar Zorig Mongolia ₱14,600
7 Daijiro Tomoto Japan ₱11,800

Event 3: Knockout

yuhei ando
Yuhei Ando – Photo by PokerStars LIVE

Date: September 19, 2023
Buy in: PHP 6,500 (~USD 115)
Guaranteed: PHP 500,000 (~USD 8,823)
Total entries: 216 (163 unique)
Prize pool: PHP 766,454 (~US$ 13,525)
ITM: 31 places
*Three way Deal, winner receives a trophy and PHP 85,000, remaining price even chop

Place Player Flag Payout in PHP
1 Yuhei Ando Japan ₱85,000
2 Benjamin Mangaliman Philippines ₱131,727
3 Christopher Pasion Philippines ₱131,727
4 Tetsunori Saito Japan ₱62,400
5 George Manolas New Zealand ₱49,400
6 Berdejo Chavez Perù ₱37,500
7 Alvin Jeff Sembrano Philippines ₱27,400
8 Muthukumaran Muthukumaran Malaysia ₱20,000
9 Ann Klein Chua Philippines ₱16,600
10 Hiroki Kajiwara Japan ₱14,000
11 Keita Saegusa Japan ₱14,000
12 Paolo Boccaletti Italy ₱12,500
13 Mohammad Sairudin Singapore ₱12,500
14 Juanito Ibarra Philippines ₱11,300
15 Katsunori Hotta Japan ₱11,300
16 Keijiro Shimojo Japan ₱10,200
17 Yasunori Takahashi Japan ₱10,200
18 Minseong Cho Korea, South ₱9,000
19 Catherine Castelo Philippines ₱9,000
20 Joven Huerto Philippines ₱9,000
21 Royly Emir Oracion Philippines ₱8,300
22 Vivencio Nachor Jr. Philippines ₱8,300
23 Jaegwang Kim Korea, South ₱8,300
24 Maggy Mae Cenon Philippines ₱7,500
25 Ireneo Javalera Philippines ₱7,500
26 Suk Hun Lee Korea, South ₱7,500
27 Chun Yin Lau Hong Kong ₱7,500
28 Reiji Amada Japan ₱6,700
29 Jayvon Carreon Philippines ₱6,700
30 Hugh Sule Guam ₱6,700
31 Anthony Gabitan Philippines ₱6,700

Event 4: Turbo

yoshiyuki matsumoto
Yoshiyuki Matsumoto – Photo by PokerStars LIVE

Date: September 19, 2023
Buy in: PHP 5,500 (~USD 97)
Total entries: 72 (62 unique)
Prize pool: PHP 338,026 (~USD 5,965)
ITM: 11 places

Place Player Flag Payout in PHP
1 Yoshiyuki Matsumoto Japan ₱92,826
2 Chin Yong Hui Malaysia ₱66,100
3 Dongjun Jang Korea, South ₱43,300
4 John Mark Tan Philippines ₱33,300
5 Rommel Angeles Philippines ₱26,400
6 Junnie Pamplona Philippines ₱20,600
7 Jonathan David Tan Philippines ₱16,200
8 Hongli Chen China ₱12,700
9 Shoji Hashimoto Japan ₱9,600
10 Winifred Obedoza Philippines ₱8,500
11 Jeffrey Pardales Philippines ₱8,500

Event 5: Turbo Freezeout

munehiro hachimine
Munehiro Hachimine – Photo by PokerStars LIVE

Date: September 19, 2023
Buy in: PHP 10,000 (~USD 177)
Total entries: 40
Prize pool: PHP 341,440 (~USD 6,025)
ITM: 6 places

Place Player Flag Payout in PHP
1 Munehiro Hachimine Japan ₱116,140
2 Edwin Tetsushi Philippines ₱80,200
3 Ron Ryan Mesina Philippines ₱51,200
4 Kirill Gladchenko Russia ₱39,300
5 Tetsushi Iwashita Japan ₱30,700
6 Kendrick Tan Philippines ₱23,900

Event 8: Win the Button

Yagyavalk Bhatt – Photo by PokerStars LIVE

Date: September 20, 2023
Buy in: PHP 10,000 (~USD 177)
Total entries: 16
Prize pool: PHP 136,576 (~USD 2,410)
ITM: 3 places

Place Player Flag Payout in PHP
1 Yagyavalk Bhatt India ₱68,276
2 William Evans Canada ₱41,000
3 Kirill Gladchenko Russia ₱27,300

Event 9: Super Series Turbo

Ronato Alcano – Photo by PokerStars LIVE

Date: September 20 to 24, 2023
Buy in: PHP 4,500 (~USD 80)
Guaranteed: PHP 1,000,000 (~USD 17,645)
Total entries: 615 (358 unique)
Prize pool: PHP 2,362,338 (~US$ 41,570)
ITM: 93 places

Place Player Flag Payout in PHP
1 Ronato Alcano Philippines ₱450,000
2 Kohei Kda Japan ₱278,000
3 Bernard Chua Philippines ₱198,000
4 Karen Talamayan Philippines ₱152,000
5 Eugene Co Philippines ₱120,000
6 Xabier Abdon Philippines ₱94,000
7 Samson Hiu Zuo Kai Singapore ₱68,000
8 Lemmor Patulot Philippines ₱46,000
9 Chun Yin Lau Hong Kong ₱36,838
10 Tetsuro Ohta Japan ₱31,000
11 Guan Low Teck Malaysia ₱31,000
12 Tzu Hsiang Chou China ₱26,500
13 Junnie Pamplona Philippines ₱26,500
14 Jeffrey Pamploma Philippines ₱23,500
15 Xavier Cortez Philippines ₱23,500
16 Juanito Ibarra Philippines ₱21,000
17 Shota Shikanai Japan ₱21,000
18 Dale Boyles Philippines ₱18,500
19 Sheng Fan Yang Taiwan ₱18,500
20 Johnathan Hargrave New Zealand ₱18,500
21 Yusuke Ishikawa Japan ₱16,000
22 Luis Berbardo II Philippines ₱16,000
23 Yamanaka Yuichiro Japan ₱16,000
24 Solsona Mark Philippines ₱13,500
25 Aristotle Sigua Philippines ₱13,500
26 Frida Andersson Sweden ₱13,500
27 Kuan Wei Wang Taiwan ₱13,500
28 Alvin Toh Wei Min Singapore ₱12,000
29 Rodillo Jr Parsacalla Philippines ₱12,000
30 Hitomi Wataru Japan ₱12,000
31 Taruli Asima Aritona Indonesia ₱12,000
32 Wei Lee Singapore ₱10,500
33 Jiego Erquiaga Philippines ₱10,500
34 Ying Chan Chen Taiwan ₱10,500
35 Jimin Won Korea, South ₱10,500
36 Raymundo Gomez Philippines ₱10,500
37 Masayuki Suzuki Japan ₱10,500
38 Ethan Monteverde Philippines ₱10,500
39 Taeyoon Kim Korea, South ₱10,500
40 Winifred Obedoza Philippines ₱9,000
41 Kenji Shimazaki Japan ₱9,000
42 Shoji Hashimoto Japan ₱9,000
43 Masakatsu Setoguchi Japan ₱9,000
44 Maxwell Philippe Rosete Philippines ₱9,000
45 Marco Cesa Philippines ₱9,000
46 Hikaru Hayamizu Japan ₱9,000
47 Kwan Tung Karen Ng Hong Kong ₱9,000
48 Wade Joseph Norgrove New Zealand ₱9,000
49 Oleg Mordassov Switzerland ₱9,000
50 Carlo Aricayos Philippines ₱9,000
51 Dexter Manapat Philippines ₱9,000
52 Ho Young Moon Korea, South ₱9,000
53 Ilyoung Son Korea, South ₱9,000
54 Dexter Santos Philippines ₱9,000
55 Ohshin Kwag Korea, South ₱9,000
56 John Edgar Ragasa Philippines ₱8,000
57 Antonio Abesamis Philippines ₱8,000
58 Shunta Watanabe Japan ₱8,000
59 Sorawit Suriyakarn Thailand ₱8,000
60 Keijiro Shimojo Japan ₱8,000
61 Jester Intia Philippines ₱8,000
62 Zhuoyue Cen Singapore ₱8,000
63 Raymond Mc Glinchey Ireland ₱8,000
64 Donggi Lee Korea, South ₱8,000
65 Jian Yee Shun Singapore ₱8,000
66 Ji Hyunsoo Korea, South ₱8,000
67 Yasuto Suzuki Japan ₱8,000
68 Leonito Mirande Philippines ₱8,000
69 David Lennard Ang Philippines ₱8,000
70 Catherine Castelo Philippines ₱8,000
71 Chin Yong Hui Malaysia ₱8,000
72 Loong Chai Chang Singapore ₱7,000
73 Elmer Kalaquian Philippines ₱7,000
74 Takuma Ono Japan ₱7,000
75 Alvin Jeff Sembrano Philippines ₱7,000
76 Kangjian Chen China ₱7,000
77 Sanjiv Mahbubani Hong Kong ₱7,000
78 Michael Cheng Philippines ₱7,000
79 Patrick Jolas Guerrero Philippines ₱7,000
80 Charlie Bautista Philippines ₱7,000
81 Joseph Sia Philippines ₱7,000
82 Koh Norbert Singapore ₱7,000
83 Pee Jay Aratea Philippines ₱7,000
84 Alghanim Luqman Saudi Arabia ₱7,000
85 Meng Ng Wee Singapore ₱7,000
86 Minsu Kim Korea, South ₱7,000
87 Martin Astorga Philippines ₱7,000
88 Bun Uthaitirat Thailand ₱7,000
89 Chehade Georges Lebanon ₱7,000
90 Philip Reyes Philippines ₱7,000
91 Hannah Belle Rocas Philippines ₱7,000
92 Chirag Shah India ₱7,000
93 Kyle Patrick Lim Philippines ₱7,000

Event 11: Hyper Turbo

Jimin Won – Photo by PokerStars LIVE

Date: September 20, 2023
Buy in: PHP 15,000 (~USD 265)
Total entries: 17
Prize pool: PHP 217,668 (~USD 3,842)
ITM: 4 places

Place Player Flag Payout in PHP
1 Jimin Won Korea, South ₱91,468
2 Jeong (Peen) Seonghun Korea, South ₱60,900
3 Hongli Chen China ₱39,200
4 Hiroto Nagashima Japan ₱26,100

Event 12: Pot Limit Omaha

Hernan Jaybee Villa – Photo by PokerStars LIVE

Date: September 21, 2023
Buy in: PHP 10,000 (~USD 177)
Total entries: 42 (34 unique)
Prize pool: PHP 358,512 (~USD 6,328)
ITM: 6 places

Place Player Flag Payout in PHP
1 Hernan Jaybee Villa Philippines ₱121,812
2 Christopher Mateo Philippines ₱84,300
3 Matthew Sheils Ireland ₱53,800
4 Lex Malortigue France ₱41,200
5 Chia Wei Chang Taiwan ₱32,300
6 Boon Seng Ang Singapore ₱25,100

Event 14: Hyper Turbo

Jong Song – Photo by PokerStars LIVE

Date: September 21, 2023
Buy in: PHP 15,000 (~USD 265)
Total entries: 17 (14 unique)
Prize pool: PHP 217,668 (~USD 3,842)
ITM: 4 places

Place Player Flag Payout in PHP
1 Jong Song Korea, South ₱91,468
2 Manabu Onda Japan ₱60,900
3 Raymond Mc Glinchey Ireland ₱39,200
4 Chia Wei Chang Taiwan ₱26,100

Event 15: Deepstack

Shintaro-Mae – Photo by PokerStars LIVE

Date: September 22, 2023
Buy in: PHP 25,000 (~USD 440)
Total entries: 22 (17 unique)
Prize pool: PHP 480,150 (~USD 8,450)
ITM: 4 places

Place Player Flag Payout in PHP
1 Shintaro Mae Japan ₱201,750
2 Miura Yoshiki Japan ₱134,400
3 Yuta Tanabe Japan ₱86,400
4 Hiroki Kajiwara Japan ₱57,600

Event 16: Knockout  Hyper Turbo

Vincent Wong – Photo by PokerStars LIVE

Date: September 22, 2023
Buy in: PHP 10,000 (~USD 177)
Total entries: 50 (35 unique)
Prize pool: PHP 426,800 (~USD 7,533)
ITM: 7 places

Place Player Flag Payout in PHP
1 Vincent Wong Singapore ₱74,900
2 Christopher Mateo Philippines ₱74,900
3 Bogdan Doroshenko Russia ₱74,900
4 Chun Yin Lau Hong Kong ₱35,900
5 Jean Paul Berdejo Perù ₱27,800
6 Dai Ooyama Japan ₱21,200
7 Zhuoyue Cen Singapore ₱17,200

Event 17: NLH Super Knockout [₱5K Bounty]

17 ₱10000 Super Knockout ₱5K Bounty Re Entry
Darren Yu – Photo by PokerStars LIVE

Date: September 23, 2023
Buy in: PHP 10,000 (~USD 177)
Total entries: 182 (148 unique)
Prize pool: PHP 1,553,552 (~USD 27,338)
ITM: 27 places

*Bounties not included

Place Player Flag Payout in PHP
1 Darren Yu Philippines ₱142,652
2 Jeffrey Pardales Philippines ₱96,200
3 Timothy David Sypko United States ₱66,200
4 Minsub So Korea, South ₱54,000
5 Keita Saegusa Japan ₱43,100
6 Sho Sakui Japan ₱33,100
7 Haris Zambas Cyprus ₱24,100
8 Joseph Talamayan Philippines ₱17,400
9 Raymond Mc Glinchey Ireland ₱14,400
10 Yuhei Ando Japan ₱12,200
11 Viktor Zhuchkov Russia ₱12,200
12 Jongmin Won Korea, South ₱10,600
13 Giovanni Belcastro Italy ₱10,600
14 Gilson Chan Singapore ₱9,700
15 Ayoun Kim Korea, South ₱9,700
16 Seung Won Song Korea, South ₱8,700
17 Sine Tee Yong Malaysia ₱8,700
18 Shintaro Mae Japan ₱7,700
19 Tetsuro Tomita Japan ₱7,700
20 Jongyeon Kim Korea, South ₱7,700
21 Hyekyung Kim Korea, South ₱7,100
22 Emelito Dela Cerna Philippines ₱7,100
23 Sandro Bruni Italy ₱7,100
24 Dexter Santos Philippines ₱6,400
25 Tetsuya Kakitsuka Japan ₱6,400
26 Peter Paul Uy Philippines ₱6,400
27 Andy Chan Singapore ₱6,400

Event 18: SuperStack

Chierro De Leon – Photo by PokerStars LIVE

Date: September 23, 2023
Buy in: PHP 25,000 (~USD 440)
Guaranteed: PHP 2,000,000 (~USD 35,194)
Total entries: 84 (66 unique)
Prize pool: PHP 2,000,000 (~USD 35,194)
ITM: 11 places

Place Player Flag Payout in PHP
1 Chierro De Leon Philippines ₱550,000
2 Jonald Garcia Philippines ₱391,000
3 Kai Loon Ang Singapore ₱256,000
4 Noel Regencia Philippines ₱197,000
5 Jayvon Carreon Philippines ₱156,000
6 Aivaras Bardauskas Lithuania ₱122,000
7 Emmanuel Segismundo Philippines ₱96,000
8 William Kang Ireland ₱75,000
9 Chin Yu Ku Taiwan ₱57,000
10 Christopher Mateo Philippines ₱50,000
11 Edwin Dela Cruz Philippines ₱50,000

Event 19: Super Series High Roller

Kirill Gladchenko – Photo by PokerStars LIVE

Date: September 23 to 24, 2023
Buy in: PHP 50,000 (~USD 880)
Total entries: 51 (46 unique)
Prize pool: PHP 2,226,150(~USD 39,173)
ITM: 7 places

Place Player Flag Payout in PHP
1 Kirill Gladchenko Russia ₱701,150
2 Kai Loon Ang Singapore ₱506,000
3 Niroshan Loganathan Canada ₱323,000
4 Anthony Cierco France ₱245,000
5 Chun Ming Lau Hong Kong ₱189,000
6 Ron Ryan Mesina Philippines ₱145,000
7 Michael Wookju Chung Korea, South ₱117,000

Event 20: Hyper Turbo

20 Hyper Turbo Re entry
Yoonseung Han – Photo by PokerStars LIVE

Date: September 23, 2023
Buy in: PHP 10,000 (~USD 177)
Total entries: 32 (26 unique)
Prize pool: PHP 273,152 (~USD 4,806)
ITM: 6 places

Place Player Flag Payout in PHP
1 Yoonseung Han Korea, South ₱92,852
2 Amir Alimkulov Kazakhstan ₱64,200
3 Zhuoyue Cen Singapore ₱41,000
4 Gilson Chan Singapore ₱31,400
5 Tetsunori Saito Japan ₱24,600
6 Chun Yin Lau Hong Kong ₱19,100

Event 21: Mystery Bounty

Seyoon Lim – Photo by PokerStars LIVE

Date: September 24, 2023
Buy in: PHP 10,000 (~USD 177)
Guaranteed: PHP 500,000 (~USD 8,823)
Total entries: 317 (231 unique)
Prize pool: PHP 2,705,912 (~US$ 47,615)
ITM: 47 places
*Heads up deal even chop, Seyoon Lim get the trophy

Place Player Flag Payout in PHP
1 Seyoon Lim Korea, South ₱279,706
2 Ermito Sorio Jr Philippines ₱279,706
3 Gilson Chan Singapore ₱162,900
4 Yuki Katayama Japan ₱131,800
5 Rommel Angeles Philippines ₱103,900
6 Chun Yin Lau Hong Kong ₱79,300
7 Jesse Rivera United States ₱58,300
8 Rio Shinohara Japan ₱42,800
9 Philip Reyes Philippines ₱35,100
10 Takuya Makino Japan ₱29,500
11 Joseph Sia Philippines ₱29,500
12 Amanda Sidark Sweden ₱26,000
13 Kuan Hung Chou Taiwan ₱26,000
14 Lemmor Patulot Philippines ₱23,300
15 Joven Huerto Philippines ₱23,300
16 Christopher Mateo Philippines ₱20,700
17 Ken Okumura Japan ₱20,700
18 Atsushi Hongo Japan ₱18,100
19 Jian Yee Shun Singapore ₱18,100
20 Christopher Pasion Philippines ₱18,100
21 Richard Marquez Philippines ₱16,300
22 Kazusa Kugai Japan ₱16,300
23 Keiichi Matsuda Japan ₱16,300
24 Po Hsun Liao Taiwan ₱14,600
25 Fazli Rozani Singapore ₱14,600
26 Terry Gonzaga Philippines ₱14,600
27 Jeffrey Pamploma Philippines ₱14,600
28 Shoji Shimabukuro Japan ₱12,800
29 Roque Lima Iii Philippines ₱12,800
30 Ryo Kawauchi Japan ₱12,800
31 Takuto Fujii Japan ₱12,800
32 Karen Talamayan Philippines ₱11,200
33 Koh Norbert Singapore ₱11,200
34 Jiego Erquiaga Philippines ₱11,200
35 Jhoriel Castillo Philippines ₱11,200
36 Takayuki Aihara Japan ₱11,200
37 Chris Luwei Feng Singapore ₱11,200
38 Adones Carmona Philippines ₱11,200
39 Peter Magnus Karlsson Sweden ₱11,200
40 Chia Wei Chang Taiwan ₱10,000
41 Alghanim Luqman Saudi Arabia ₱10,000
42 Bun Uthaitirat Thailand ₱10,000
43 Masafumi Kimura Japan ₱10,000
44 Lee Seng Wee Malaysia ₱10,000
45 Yoshihiro Noguchi Japan ₱10,000
46 Paul Nattapatsiri Thailand ₱10,000
47 Bernard Chua Philippines ₱10,000

Event 23: Super Hyper Turbo

Vincent Wong – Photo by PokerStars LIVE

Date: September 24, 2023
Buy in: PHP 5,000 (~USD 88)
Total entries: 45 (43 unique)
Prize pool: PHP 200,790 (~USD 3,533)
ITM: 6 places

Place Player Flag Payout in PHP
1 Vincent Wong Singapore ₱68,190
2 Manabu Onda Japan ₱47,200
3 Sheng Pei Hung China ₱30,100
4 Chul Min Bae Korea, South ₱23,100
5 Jean Paul Berdejo Perù ₱18,100
6 Jongyeon Kim Korea, South ₱14,100