



USOP Vietnam – Mystery Bounty Final Day updates

To Bao Tuan perseveres at the Mystery Bounty


Watch the Final Table race via the recorded livestream via the link below. For updates leading up to the final table, scroll down.

Place Player Bounty in VN₫ Total Payout in VN₫
1 To Bao Tuan 271,500,000 811,500,000
2 Thuy Trung Duong 85,500,000 461,500,000
3 Hieu Quang Nguyen 45,000,000 285,000,000
4 Roland Kivi 120,500,000 281,700,000
5 Benjamin Sai 315,500,000 439,500,000
6 Dao Minh Phu 96,500,000 200,500,000
7 Thang Chien Hoang 0 85,500,000
8 Quang Ngoc Phan 245,500,000 313,500,000
9 Dien Van Le (Kenny) 106,000,000 159,500,000

Payouts 10th – 52nd

Place Player Bounty in VN₫ Total Payout in VN₫
10 Rolands Norietis 19,000,000 63,700,000
11 Zachary Lim 45,500,000 90,200,000
12 Nevan Chang 12,700,000 50,200,000
13 Dat Van Ngo 0 37,500,000
14 Rusin Dzmitry 9.500,000 47,000,000
15 Nam Hai Hoang 5,500,000 43,000,000
16 Anh Tuan Nguyen 15,000,000 45,600,000
17 Kien Duc Tran 0 30,600,000
18 Hung Viet Le 0 30,600,000
19 Thanh Tien Dinh 0 25,400,000
20 Tien Van Dinh 0 25,400,000
21 Po Wen Fang 0 25,400,000
22 Ryan Ong 0 21,000,000
23 Linh Ngo Duong 0 21,000,000
24 Patrick Liang 5,500,000 26,500,000
25 Chien Van Nguyen 0 17,500,000
26 Michael Newby 0 17,500,000
27 Ngoc Phuong Nguyen 0 17,500,000
28 Ha Manh Dien 0 14,400,000
29 Jeffry Kurniawan 0 14,400,000
30 Tai Anh Do 0 14,400,000
31 Luat Khac Nguyen 0 14,400,000
32 Thien Van Ha 9,500,000 23,900,000
33 Kong Fung 0 14,400,000
34 Trung Van Nguyen 5,500,000 19,900,000
35 Vuong Cong Le 0 14,400,000
36 Austin Ang 0 14,400,000
37 Ngoc Anh Cao 0 12,900,000
38 Aleksei Varashev 0 12,900,000
39 Cuong Manh Nguyen 0 12,900,000
40 Duc Anh Le 0 12,900,000
41 Thu Truong Pham 0 12,900,000
42 Kimotsuki 0 12,900,000
43 Eric Chan 0 12,900,000
44 Anh Duy Nguyen 0 12,900,000
45 Thanh Tu Le 0 12,900,000
46 Shyh Chyn Lim 0 11,700,000
47 Phu Van Nguyen 0 11,700,000
48 Funitaka Ikeda 0 11,700,000
49 Nhat Ta Vu 0 11,700,000
50 LInh Duc Dinh 0 11,700,000
51 Wayne Lam 0 11,700,000
52 Chak Lam Tsang 0 11,700,000

Mystery Bounty Final table
Level 25: 20K-40K, 40K ante


Seat 1: Thuy Trung Duong – Vietnam – 735,000
Seat 2: Dao Minh Phu – Vietnam – 2,890,000
Seat 3: Hieu Nguyen – Vietnam – 1,035,000
Seat 4: Benjamin Sai – Singapore – 740,000
Seat 5: Hai Tien Tuan – Vietnam – 390,000
Seat 6: Roland Kivi – Estonia – 1,930,000
Seat 7: Quang Ngoc Phan – Vietnam – 875,000
Seat 8: Kenny – Vietnam – 1,285,000
Seat 9: Thang Chien Hoang – Vietnam – 500,000

Watch the livestream at Crown Poker Club’s facebook page. 

Remaining payouts

Place Payout in VN₫
1 540,000,000
2 376,000,000
3 240,000,000
4 161,200,000
5 124,000,000
6 104,000,000
7 85,500,000
8 68,000,000
9 53,500,000

16:00: Rolands Norietis eliminated in 10th place – VN₫ 63,700,000 (~US$ 2,717)
Level 25: Blinds 20K-40K, 40K ante – 10 players

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Rolands Norietis

Action folds to the small blind Roland Kivi who pushes with Kh[qs}, big blind Rolands Norietis tank-calls for his tournament life and shows Jd10s. The board runs 6s8h4h6h5d to end Norietis in 10th place. He earns VN₫ 44,700,000 plus VN₫ 19,000,000 in bounties for a total of VN₫ 63,700,000 (~US$ 2,717).

15:50: Benjamin Sai lucks out on the river to survive
Level 25: Blinds 20K-40K, 40K ante – 10 players

Nearly out, Benjamin Sai shoved from utg with Ad9c, small blind Dao Minh Phu called with 7h7s, the board ran 3h2h5c10c9h.

15:45: Quang Ngoc Phan bluffs Kivi out of big pot
Level 25: Blinds 20K-40K, 40K ante – 10 players

On a board 5h8h9c8d9h, Quang Ngoc Phan goes all in, Roland Kivi tanks then folds. Phan shows 3s3h as he ship it. Phan up to 1,280,000, Kivi drops to 875,000.

15:15: Dao Minh Phu rails Zachary Lim, rises to massive 2.6M
Level 24: Blinds 15K-30K, 30K ante – 11 players

Dao Minh Phu is the overwhelming chip leader with 2.6 Million in chips. He eliminated Zachary Lim with 10d10h holding firm against AhKs overcards.

It is down to the final 10 players. One more bust to form the final table.

14:50: Suckout over suckout – Benjamin Sai rails Ngo Van Dat
Level 23: Blinds 10K-25K, 25K ante – 13 players

Benjamin Sai was very happy for two reasons, his aces held up to eliminate Ngo Van Dat  and then he drew a VN₫ 40 Million bounty. Sai had AsAd, Dat 7d7s, the board ran 8h3d9c7h for a set to Dat, then Ac on the river for Sai to regain the lead and ship it. Earlier in the day, Sai drew the biggest bounty worth VN₫ 270 Million.

14:45: Quang Ngoc Phan rails three then draws second biggest bounty of VN₫ 150,500,000!!
Level 23: Blinds 10K-25K, 25K ante – 14 players

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Quang Ngoc Phan

The day’s entering chip leader Quang Ngoc Phan has just drawn the second biggest bounty of VN₫ 150,500,000!! Before doing so, Phan also drew the last VN₫ 80 Million boutny. The busts that awarded these prizes was a double KO with Qd10d outflipping Wayne Lam’s 8h8c and Keni Tran‘s AcJh on a board of Qc2h7c2cQh. Phan also knocked out Rusin Dzmitry and claimed a VN₫ 5.5 Million bounty.

Just before him, Kenny also drew an VN₫ 80 Million bounty reward for railing Than Tien Dinh. 

14:30: Rusin Dzmitry hang in there, lands two double in Level 22
Level 22: Blinds 10K-20K, 20K ante – 18 players remaining

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Rusin Dzmitry

Belarusian Rusin Dzmitry has been sitting on a short stack for some time and his tablemates have attempted to send him out. However, it was not to be. Dzmitry doubled up a few times. His latest was with JhJd spiking a set against Nam Hai Hoang‘s AcQc on a board Ad2d5hJh9h.

14:00: Roland Kivi owns Level 21
Level 21: Blinds 10K-15K, 15k ante – 19 players remaining

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Roland Kivi

Roland Kivi was down to just a handful of blinds when he mounted an impressive rise that ballooned his stack to 1M. One of the first hands we caught was a double up with Eight-Seven top pair surviving a player’s Ace-Ten. Later in the round, he delivered a double knockout with King-Jack trips. We missed the next bust. He drew VN₫ 80 Million, VN₫ 9.5 Million, and VN₫ 5.5 Million in bounty rewards.

13:10: Kenny ships a massive double, takes the lead
Level 20: Blinds 6K-12K, 12K ante

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Sick hand went down at Table 13 with Patrick Liang all in with AsQd, called by Kenny with Ad3d, a few spots over chip leader Dao Minh Phu AhKs jams, Kenny risks his 38 bb stack for a three-way. When the board landed 10s9d3hJc4s, Liang busted, Kenny paired his three card to survive and drag in a monster pot. He is now chip leader with nearly 1.2M, Phu dropped to just over 1M.

Benjamin Sai draws the biggest bounty – VN₫ 270,00,000!!!

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Benjamin Sai

At the start of the next round, Benjamin Sai draws the biggest bounty of VN₫ 270 Million!! He railed Anh Ngoc Cao on a previous round and decided to wait to draw. Good decision! The next big bounty is VN₫ 150,500,000.

Level 19: Blinds 5K-10K, 10K ante

Five players go bust in this round with Dao Minh Phu picking up another pile to drive his stick to 1.245M. However, he only draws a small reward of VN₫ 5.5 Million.

Another big hand, Dat Van Ngo doubles through Phu Van Nguyen. On a flop 9h7dKd, Ngo tank-calls Duong’s check-raise. On the turn 2s both players are all in, and the river is 4h. Duong’s Ad5d misses, Ngo ships it with Js9s.

Third Level of Mystery Bounty Day 2 – Blinds 4K-8K, 8K ante 

The game has slowed significantly with only five players busting in this round to bring the field down to 31 players. One of the most brutal hands was the fall of Trung Van Nguyen to Hai Tien Tuan. On a flop 10c7hQd, with Austin Ang all in, Nguyen jammed, Tuan tank-called. Ang with 3c4s, Nguyen with 10h7s two pair, Tuan way behind with 6s6d, the turn 9h and river 8h improved Tuan to a runner runner straight to oust Nguyen and Ang. Tuan drew VN₫ 80 Million and VN₫ 9.5 Million.

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Another big hand was Dao Minh Phu Qc6h trips shoving on a board 6d2c9c6sAs and Ha Thien tank-calling for all his chips with Ah2h. Phu shipped it and drew VN₫ 40 Million. Phu is now the overwhelming chip leader with just under 2M in chips.

Second Level of Mystery Bounty Day 2 – Blinds 3K-6K, 6K ante

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Hieu Ngo

Lots of VN₫ 5.5 Million bounties drawn in this round. Nine players were eliminated bringing the field down to 36 players. Short stacked Hieu Nguyen knocked out two players in one go with AhKc doing the deed against Aleksei Vazashev As10d and Cuong Manh Nguyen‘s Ad2s.

First Level of Mystery Bounty Day 2 – Blinds 3K-5K, 5K ante

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Thuy Trung Duong

The first level sees seven players drop with big stacked Thuy Trung Duong picking up a couple of bounties, both VN₫ 40 Million. Duong rails Linh Duc Dinh with 10d10h beating King-4 offsuit and short stack with Ace-2 staying ahead of Queen-Jack.

Anh Tuan Nguyen delivers a double bust with KcKd dominating Phu Van Nguyen pocket Queens and Fumitaka Ikeda’s pocket Nines. Anh draws one bounty worth VN₫ 9.5 Million.

Zachary Lim also gets involved in a three-way and wins with AdAc to eliminate a player Ace-King and double through Nhat Ace-Queen. Lim draws a good one worth VN₫ 40 Million.

Mystery Bounty Day 2 underway!! 


Stay tuned…. random live updates running throughout the final day. Cards in the air at 10:30am.

Mystery Bounty info

Buy in: VN₫ 11,000,000 (~US$ 470)
Guarantee: VN₫ 2,500,000,000 (~US$ 106,600)
Entries: 414
Prize pool: VN₫ 2,609,900,000 (~US$ 111,320)
Bounty Pool: VN₫ 1,405,500,000 (~US$ 59,950)
Day 2 qualifiers / ITM: 52 players

Chips in play: 10,350,000
Average stack: 199,038
Day 2 opening blinds: 3K-6K, 6K ante

Player Flag Stack BB
Quang Ngoc Phan Vietnam 454,000 76
Dao Minh Phu Vietnam 434,000 72
Snow Love 419,000 70
Pham Truong Thu Vietnam 380,000 63
Ngo Anh Cao Vietnam 347,000 58
Ha Thien Vietnam 345,000 58
Vu Ta Nhat Vietnam 330,000 55
Roland Kivi Estonia 323,000 54
Nevan Chang Taiwan 317,000 53
Thanh Tien Dinh Vietnam 311,000 52
Ryan Ong Singapore 306,000 51
Po Wen Fang Taiwan 291,000 49
Thuy Trung Duong Vietnam 286,000 48
Tuan Tien Hai Vietnam 283,000 47
Benjamin Sai Singapore 270,000 45
Kong Fung Hong Kong 258,000 43
Anh Tuan Nguyen Vietnam 243,000 41
Rolands Norietis Latvia 238,000 40
Kien Duc Tran Vietnam 225,000 38
Trung Van Nguyen Vietnam 224,000 37
Nguyen Manh Cuong Vietnam 223,000 37
Dat Van Ngo Vietnam 219,000 37
Hoang Hai Nam Vietnam 216,000 36
Kenny Vietnam 211,000 35
Tien Van Dinh Vietnam 191,000 32
Zachary Lim Malaysia 187,000 31
Anh Duy Nguyen Vietnam 178,000 30
Chak Lam Tsang Hong Kong 178,000 30
Ngoc Phuong Nguyen Vietnam 163,000 27
Hung Le Vietnam 158,000 26
Michael Newby England 149,000 25
Vuong Cong Le Vietnam 144,000 24
Aleksei Vazashev Russia 139,000 23
Patrick Liang Brazil 120,000 20
Fumitaka Ikeda Japan 117,000 20
Phu Van Nguyen Vietnam 112,000 19
Austin Ang Yang Siang Malaysia 110,000 18
Le Anh Duc Vietnam 109,000 18
Wayne Lam Hong Kong 104,000 17
Linh Ngo Duong Vietnam 101,000 17
Jeffry Kurniawan Indonesia 100,000 17
Kimotsuki Yoshihiro Japan 96,000 16
Tu Le Austalia 95,000 16
Luat Khac Nguyen Vietnam 92,000 15
Rusin Dzmitry Belarus 89,000 15
A. Tai Vietnam 84,000 14
Chien Van Nguyen Vietnam 83,000 14
Shyh Chyn Lim Malaysia 80,000 13
Linh Duc Dinh Vietnam 76,000 13
Hieu Nguyen Vietnam 69,000 12
Eric Chan Sai Hoe Malaysia 64,000 11
Thang Chien Hoang Vietnam 37,000 6
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Tricia David

Tricia David has long experience as a recreational poker player and has been covering poker events since 2010 for numerous outfits in Asia. She spent one year working part time with Poker Portal Asia then became editor and lead writer for all event coverage of the Philippine Poker Tour (PPT). Under the PPT, she overlooked content for their website, and produced live updates on all their events. In addition, she served as the live and online events website content writer for the Asian Poker Tour. Currently, she does live events reporting in Asia for online news site Somuchpoker and is also one of their news contributors.

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