



APT Player of the Year Race and the Unstoppable Razavi

The 2016 APT Player of the Year race remains in its infancy, but already there is a familiar feel to proceedings, mostly due to a man who seems determined to spend the rest of his life glued to the top of the standings. Sam Razavi has accelerated to the top once again, and has already extended a 379 point lead over the highly talented APT regular Iori Yogo, in 2nd.

APT Sam razavi

Sam Razavi (Photo APT)

Nick Blackburn follows up in 3rd place after a fantastic APT Daegu, where he picked up three 1st places, a 2nd and a 4th. Blackburn certainly has some live tournament experience under his belt, having banked several five figure scores, and one six figure score in his career so far. It is still early days of course, with plenty of stops remaining on the tour – but already, the question is being asked. Who can stop Sam Razavi?

APT Player of the Year 2016

1 SAMAD RAZAVI ENGLAND 2 19 1,391.00
2 Iori Yogo Japan 3 5 1,012.00
3 Nick Blackburn United States 2 12 985.20
4 Tetsuya Tsuchikawa Japan 0 9 878.60
5 Sj Kim Korea 4 7 781.80

Razavi not content with topping APT POY leaderboard

While the irrepressible Sam Razavi has made an outstanding start to his latest APT POY defence, leaving competitors in his wake – he is also topping other leaderboards on a global level. The standings for the most live cashes in the world in 2016 currently show Razavi out in front on 20 cashes, with his nearest challenger sat on 17. He is a man who continues to amaze with his consistency. 

2016 Number of Cashes


1st Samad Razavi 20
2nd Blake Whittington 17
3rd Ben Palmer 16
4th James Petzing 15
5th Roland Israelashivili 14
5th Tetsuya Tsuchikawa 14


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Louis Hartwell

Graduated in Media Communication at the University of Lausanne, Louis Hartman is a co-founder of He began his career in Cambodia as freelance journalist. In same time he was making his living by playing poker every night at that time. Intense learner, he read dozens of poker strategy books to improve his skills during many years. With a strong interest about poker "behind the scene" in Asia and his communication skills, Louis launched Somuchpoker in 2014.

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