



Poker Dream Taiwan: Crazy Weekend – Final Day Updates

Poker Dream Taiwan – Crazy Weekend – Final Day Updates

Buy in: TWD 7,500 (~USD 250) – 196 entries
Buy in: TWD 15,000 (~USD 500) –  171 entries
Guarantee: TWD 3,000,000 (~USD 97,840)
Entries: 367
Prize pool: TWD 3,522,555 (~USD 114,880)
ITM: 39 players

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Place Player
Payouts in TWD
1 Sungrock Jung 706,600
2 Tian Yu Lee 469,600
3 Justin Geronimo 343,400
4 Slade fisher 277,200
5 Alan Wong 217,300
6 Hsiao Ming Cheng 164,500
7 Chih Chien Shen 120,800
8 Kuang Hung Lee 88,800
9 Tzu Chien Hsieh 73,600

Follow the final table action via the livestream!

Chips in play: 5,505,000

Final 9 players
Level 23: 15,000-30,000 ante 30,000

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1 Tzu Chien Hsieh 475,000
2 Sungrock Jung 320,000
3 Slade Fisher 1,900,000
4 Ming Cheng Hsiao 515,000
5 Chih Chien Shen 240,000
6 Tian Yuan Lee 1,100,000
7 Kuang Hung Lee 615000
8 Alan Wong 585,000
9 Justin Geronimo 2,300,000


21:05: Charles Wong eliminated in 10th place – TWD 61,600 (~USD 2,008)
Level 23: 10,000-25,000 ante 25,000

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From the button, Charles Wong sends out 180,000 leaving 5,000 behind. Alan Wong goes all in, Charles tosses his last chip in the middle.

Charles KhQd
Alan Ah9h

The board runs 9s8sAd4d9c for a full house to Alan Wong. Charles Wong falls and misses the final table.

20:55: Luke Lee doubles up through Charles Wong 
Level 22: 10,000-25,000 ante 25,000

Luke Lee aka Kuang Hung Lee is all in with AsKh and Charles Wong takes him on with 7h7d. It’s a flip! The board runs 2h10dKsAd5s. Lee pairs both of his cards to double up.

Luke Lee – 555,000
Charles Wong – 185,000

20:10: Break time, 10 players remaining
Level 21: 10,000-20,000 ante 20,000

Livestream table

2 Justin Geronimo 2,500,000
3 Tzu Chen Hsieh 405,000
4 Sungrock Jung 375,000
6 Chih Chien Shen 230,000
7 Slade Fisher 815,000

Table 2

2 Charles Wong 325,000
3 Alan Wong 400,000
4 Hsiao Ming Cheng 1,600,000
5 Luke Lee 400,000
8 Tian Yu Lee 900,000

20:08: Lucky runout for Chih Chien Shen 
Level 21: 10,000-20,000 ante 20,000

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Shortly after losing a shove, Chih Chien Shen three-bet shoves from the big blind with 7d5d, initial raiser Slade Fisher from utg calls with Ah10s. With the board running 4c6d6c10d8h, Shen rivers a straight to happily double up.

Chih Chien Shen – 242,000
Slade Fisher – 905,000

20:05: Sungrock Jung scores a double with big slick
Level 21: 10,000-20,000 ante 20,000

Sungrock Jung all in with AhKd and is at risk of elimination with bigger stacked Chih Chien Shih calling with As10s. The board runs Ks8d6h2c10h for a double up to Jung.

Sungrock Jung – 237,000
Chih Chien Shen – 126,000

20:00: Ori Kossonogi eliminated in 11th place – TWD 61,600 (~USD 2,008)
Level 21: 10,000-20,000 ante 20,000

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Ori Kossonogi falls with 10d10c dominated by Tian Yu Lee’s JhJd on a board running Ks9d3cAh2s.

Tian Yu Lee – 900,000

19:50: Top pair for Hsiao Ming Cheng 
Level 21: 10,000-20,000 ante 20,000

On a board 5sAc6c, small blind Alan Wong bets 35,000, big blind Hsiao Ming Cheng calls. Both players check the turn Js to bring a free river look 10s. Wong leads out 45,000, Hsiao calls, Wong opens Jh4d mid pair, Hsiao claims the pot with As3c top pair.

19:45: Lian Herry eliminated in 12th place – TWD 53,900 (~USD 1,758)
Level 21: 10,000-20,000 ante 20,000

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From the small blind, Lian Herry goes all in with Jh10s, big stacked Justin Geronimo on the big blind calls with {h}3h. With the board running Kd5s2sQdKh, Herry is eliminated in 12th place.

Justin Geronimo – 2,450,000

19:20: Big stacks tangle
Level 21: 10,000-20,000 ante 20,000

Four way raised pot to the flop 3sJc5h, Tzu Chen Hsieh bets 50,000, Slade Fisher calls, Justin Geronimo check-raises to 150,000, Hsieh folds, Fisher calls. On the turn 2s, Geronimo sends out a larger 250,000 bet, Fisher calls, and the river comes 7h. Both players check. Geronimo opens QcJs, Fisher mucks.

Justin Geronimo – 1,400,000
Slade Fisher – 1,300,000

19:15: Ori Kossonogi chipping up
Level 20: 8000-16,000 ante 16,000

Ori Kossonogi picks up a couple of back-to-back good pots. The first one was up against Tian Yu Lee that saw a turn board 2h4s6c8d and about 100,000 in the pot. Kossonogi bet 57,000 and Tian Yu Lee check-called. On the river 7h, Lee checked again, Kossonogi bet 101,000, Lee tank-folded. Kossonogi proceeds to pick up the next pot to rise to 700,000.

Ori Kosonogi – 700,000

19:05: Kai Sheng Yang eliminated in 13th place – TWD 53,900 (~USD 1,758)
Level 20: 8000-16,000 ante 16,000

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Kai Sheng Yang just got a boost after railing Ho Yin Ting but on his next shove his JsJh ran into Slade Fisher’s KdKh. The board ran 4c5h3dKc3h to end Yang’s run in 13th place.

Slade Fisher – 1,800,000

18:53: Chen Hsuan Chao eliminated in 14th place – TWD 48,600 (~USD 1,585)
Level 20: 8000-16,000 ante 16,000

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End of the road for Chen Hsuan Chao who is all in with KdQc and runs into Hsiao Ming Cheng’s QdQh. The board runs 3h2dAdJd6s.

Hsiao Ming Cbeng – 1,200,000

18:50: Ho Yin Ting eliminated in 15th place – TWD 48,600 (~USD 1,585)
Level 20: 8000-16,000 ante 16,000

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Hijack Lian Herry opens, small blind Kai Sheng Yang shoves, big blind Ho Yin Ting joins the shove to send the action back to Herry who tank-folds.

Yang 6h6c
Ting Qc5c

The board runs KhKd3h8s9d, Ting is eliminated.

Kai Sheng Yang – 365,000

18:45: Tian Yu Lee lands another pot
Level 20: 8000-16,000 ante 16,000

Tian Yu Lee continues to rise, he picks up another pot with Ace-King to pair King besting Hsiao Ming Cheng’s King-Queen.

Tian Yu Lee – 712,000
Hsiao Ming Cheng – 940,000

18:40: Blinds go up, 15 players remaining
Level 20: 8000-16,000 ante 16,000

15 players remaining over two tables.

18:35: Tian Yu Lee retaliates
Level 19: 6000-12,000 ante 12,000

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Round two between Tian Yu Lee and Chen Hsuan Chao. Action folds to Chao on the small blind who min-raises and big blind Lee defends. At the flop Kh8c10h, all the chips go in. Chao with Kc6h top pair, Lee with Jh9d open ended. No help on the 2c turn for Lee but the river Qs is the money card straight for a double up.

Tian Yu Lee – 470,000
Chen Hsuan Chao – 75,000

18:30: Huang Chien Ming coolered – TWD 43,300 (~USD 1,412)
Level 19: 6000-12,000 ante 12,000

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Down  to around 8 bb, Huang Chien Ming goes all in and finds no callers. On his next shove, he has JsJh and runs into Chih Chien Shih’s QcQs. With the board running empty 9s6h4c2c8h, Huang is eliminated.

Chih Chien Shih – 489,000
Huang Chien Ming – eliminated

18:25: Tian Yu Lee loses two showdowns
Level 19: 6000-12,000 ante 12,000

First hand of after the redraw and Sungrock Jung is all in with QcJs. He is called by Tian Yu Lee with Ad9d. With the board running 4c10cAc8s9h, it’s a straight for Jung to double up.

Sungrock Jung = 225,000
Tian Yu Lee – 305,000

Immediately following that hand, Lee finds himself paying another double up, this time to Chen Hsuan Chao with Ks7s flush on the turn defeated by a full house on the river. Chen had Ah9d on a board 5s5hQsAsAd.

18:10: Final 2 tables
Level 19: 6000-12,000 ante 12,000


1 Lian Herry 680,000
2 Justin Geronimo 1,335,000
3 Tzu Chen Hsieh 505,000
4 Yang Kai Sheng 184,000
5 Ting Ho Yin 180,000
6 Chih Chien Shen 310,000
7 Slade Fisher 905,000
8 Huang Chien Ming 98,000

Table 2

1 Ori Kossonogi 480000
2 Charles Wong 442000
3 Alan Wong 694000
4 Hsiao Ming Cheng 1,150,000
5 Luke Lee 520,000
6 Sungrock Jung 112,000
7 Chen Hsuan Chao 175,000
8 Tian Yu Lee 416,000

17:45: Chip counts at the break, 17 remaining
Level 18: 5000-10,000 ante 10,000

Livestream table 

1 Alan Wong 380,000
2 Herry Lian 640,000
3 Zi Sheng Ong 207,000
6 Kuang Hung Lee 515,000
7 Hsien Tzu Chen 460,000

Table 2

1 Huang Chein Ming 330,000
2 Justin Geronimo 1,180,000
5 Ting Ho Yin 164,000
6 Charles Wong 333,000
7 Yang Kai Sheng 185,000
8 Hsiao Ming Cheng 1,150,000

Table 3

1 Tian Yu Lee 455,000
2 Sungrock Jung 154,000
4 Hsuan Chao Chen 380,000
5 Chih Shih Shen 200,000
7 Ori Kossonogi 555,000
8 Slade Fisher 675,000

17:20: 21 players remaining
Level 18: 5000-10,000 ante 10,000

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Chip leaders at 21 remaining

Justin Geronimo – 1,150,000
Slade Fisher – 940,000
Hsiao Ming Cheng – 910,000

17:15: Slade Fisher cracks Po Chun Liu’s aces
Level 18: 5000-10,000 ante 10,000

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Catching the action at the end with a massive pot in the middle and a board 6cQs7h9c7c. Po Chun Liu is all in holding AdAh and busts out to Slade Fisher’s KcJc flush.

Slade Fisher – 940,000

15:15: Bubble time: Double bust! Kossonogi and Geronimo scoop
Level 15: 3000-5000 ante 5000

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Two tables with a player all in. At table 2, on a board that completed 3sJd4h2d9h with 70,000 in the pot, cutoff, Justin Geronimo pushes, Bubble Rush champion Alex Lim on the small blind calls for all his chips. Lim has KsJh top pair and is eliminated by Geronimo’s Ah5d straight.

Justin Geronimo – 630,000
Alex Lim – eliminated – splits last place cash with Wei Chung Liu

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Over at table 3, it is a three way showdown. Hand opens with Wei Chung Liu tossing in his last 2,000 stack, hijack Andrew Chong raises to 16,000, cutoff Ori Kossonogi calls, big blind Kiwanont Sukhum shoves. Back to Chong who opts to fold while Kossonogi risks his tournament life with roughly 180K behind.

Liu 6s6h
Sukhum AdKc
Kossonogi JdJh

With the board running 4d9h3s2d8c, Liu is eliminated and Kossonogi ships the pot for a double up and more.

Ori Kossonogi – 380,000
Kiwanont Sukhum – 16,000
Wei Chung Liu – eliminated – splits last place cash with Alex Lim

15:10: Bubble time: Alan Wong drags in a big one
Level 15: 3000-5000 ante 5000

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From under the gun, Zi Sheng Ong raises 12,000, two players call, button Alan Wong three-bets to 50,000, back to Ong who four-bets to 100,000, Wong calls. At the flop Jd5c10d, Ong checks, Wong shoves and wins the pot with Ong folding.

Alan Wong – 360,000
Zi Sheng Ong – 250,000

14:55: Bubble time: Po Chun Liu doubles through Kiwanont Sukhum
Level 15: 3000-5000 ante 5000

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It is bubble time at with 40 remaining. At table 3, one player is down to just 5000 and will be the small blind on the next hand. From hijack, Kiwanont Sukhum opens and the button Po Chun Liu calls. At the flop AsKc9h, Sukhum c-bets 10,000 and Liu calls. On the turn, Sukhum fires another barrel amounting to 36,000, Liu tank-calls. The river Qs, Sukhum shoves, Liu tanks again and is behind in chips. Liu finds the courage to call.

Sukhum Qc5c
Liu Ac7c

Po Chun Liu – 322,000
Kiwanont Sukhum – 200,000

14:40: Ori rails one, bubble round at hand
Level 15: 3000-5000 ante 5000

With 41 players remaining, Ori Kossonogi rails one in brutal fashion with Ac9c against 8d8s burning the set with a runner runner straight on a board 4dQc8hJd10h.

Ori Kossonogi – 180,000

14:20: Blinds up, 47 players remaining
Level 15: 3000-5000 ante 5000

Blinds are up, bubble is approaching with 39 players paid. The previous level saw another 8 players drop to bring the field down to 47.

13:40: Blinds up, 55 players remaining
Level 14: 2000-4000 ante 4000

Blinds are up and the field is down to 55 players. Hsiao Ming Chang continues to hold the lead with 560,000 in chips. Kiwanont Sukhum is second rank with 400,000, and Andrew Chong in third rank with 370,000.

13:00: Cards in the air for the Crazy Weekend final day
Level 13: 2000-3000 ante 3000

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Shuffle up and deal! Cards are flying at the final day of the Crazy Weekend event. 66 players in the field, each one seeking a spot in the money round which starts at 39th place. The day opens with 2000-3000 ante 3000 blinds with levels increasing every 40 minutes. We will have updates posted right here until a champion is crowned.

Crazy Weekend – Accumulator Format – Day 1 results

A combined 367 signed up for one of the newest formats in the menu, the Crazy Weekend Accumulator Format, with buy in offered at TWD 7,500 and TWD 15,000. This new game encouraged players to attempt for multiple stacks which could be combined in Day 2.

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After four entry heats, a total of 70 advanced with four of them bagging up two stacks each. One of them was Hsiao Ming Cheng who not only topped Day 1C with an enormous 411,000 stack, he also added 103,000 for qualifying at Day 1B.

End of all Day 1 chip counts and Payout breakdown

Day 1A: 105 entries / 14 qualifiers
Day 1B: 69 entries / 18 qualifiers
Day 1C: 91 entries / 12 qualifiers
Day 1D: 102 entries / 26 qualifiers

*Four players bagged two stacks

Final Day qualifiers: 66 players

1 Hsiao Ming Chang Taiwan 514,000
2 Lee Tian Yu Taiwan 317,000
3 Geronimo Justin Jerome Philippines 279,000
4 Yang Kai Sheng United States 273,000
5 Li Nien Heng Taiwan 260,000
6 Lian Herry Germany 236,000
7 Li Yun Taiwan 233,000
8 Fisher Slade Richard New Zealand 231,000
9 Ong Zi Sheng Malaysia 229,000
10 Kiwanont Sukhum Thailand 222,000
11 Wong Cho Fung Alan Hong Kong 212,000
12 Yeung Tsz Wai Hong Kong 204,000
13 Lim Kim Siong Malaysia 193,000
14 Lo Wei Taiwan 174,000
15 Liu Po Chun Taiwan 169,000
16 Chen Hsuan Chao Taiwan 153,000
17 Wong Charles Ying Wai Hong Kong 152,000
18 Li Chih Feng Taiwan 139,000
19 Pun Tsz Him Hong Kong 139,000
20 Lee Ruo Tian Taiwan 126,000
21 Kossonogi Ori Israel 121,000
22 Shen Chih Chien Taiwan 120,000
23 Yang Jen Hao Taiwan 120,000
24 Oh Sumin Korea, South 119,000
25 Chan Hung Pun Hong Kong 118,000
26 Shimojo Keijiro Japan 117,000
27 Chen Jung Chou Taiwan 115,000
28 Wu Jui Heng Taiwan 113,000
29 Zeng Katherine Canada 113,000
30 Lo Chien Hua Taiwan 112,000
31 Tsang Ka Yan Karen Hong Kong 102,000
32 Lam Pak Chuen Burton Hong Kong 100,000
33 Liu I Hsuan Taiwan 99,000
34 Lee Seongmin Korea, South 97,000
35 Lee Kuang Hung Taiwan 96,000
36 Wong Ho Tak Darius Honduras 95,000
37 Ng Wai Loon Malaysia 93,000
38 Lim Gai Lax Malaysia 92,000
39 Lee Junam Korea, South 91,000
40 Jung Sungrock Korea, South 89,000
41 Tsang Dicky Siu Hang Hong Kong 88,000
42 Hu Wei Chung Taiwan 86,000
43 Tan Hoong Kiat Malaysia 86,000
44 Li Jia Chi Taiwan 82,000
45 Alleson Richard Canada 79,000
46 Li Mu Ze Taiwan 77,000
47 Lau Wing Yu Hong Kong 74,000
48 Hsueh Chung Heng Taiwan 71,000
49 Ting Ho Yin Malaysia 68,000
50 Chong Chee Kiat Andrew Malaysia 67,000
51 Lin Yu Yung Taiwan 64,000
52 Chang Hao Ming Taiwan 63,000
53 Hsieh Tzu Chen Taiwan 63,000
54 Vayumhasuvan Vimin Thailand 58,000
55 Chen Jui Ting Taiwan 56,000
56 Lee Huai Sheng Taiwan 53,000
57 Lee Jaeho Korea, South 53,000
58 Wang Jun Zhong Taiwan 53,000
59 Huang Chien Ming Taiwan 51,000
60 Wan Siew Yong Malaysia 51,000
61 Chan Man Lok Macau 43,000
62 Lin Hua Wei Taiwan 34,000
63 Wai Sze Long Hong Kong 32,000
64 Lam Wai Kin Hong Kong 16,000
65 Au Wai Ho Hong Kong 14,000
66 Yeh Su Lung Taiwan 12,000


Payout in TWD
1 706,600
2 469,600
3 343,400
4 277,200
5 217,300
6 164,500
7 120,800
8 88,800
9 73,600
10-11 61,600
12-13 53900
14-15 48,600
16-17 43300
18-20 38,000
24-27 31,000
28-31 27,500
32-39 24,300
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Tricia David

Tricia David has long experience as a recreational poker player and has been covering poker events since 2010 for numerous outfits in Asia. She spent one year working part time with Poker Portal Asia then became editor and lead writer for all event coverage of the Philippine Poker Tour (PPT). Under the PPT, she overlooked content for their website, and produced live updates on all their events. In addition, she served as the live and online events website content writer for the Asian Poker Tour. Currently, she does live events reporting in Asia for online news site Somuchpoker and is also one of their news contributors.

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