Lee Juyeol leads Main Event Day 1A

The first Main Event flight on schedule wrapped up with South Korea's Lee Juyeol bagging the largest across the 341 (248 unique) entry field. Lee stands as the sole runner to hold down a seven digit chip count - 1,099,000 (92 BB), followed closely by Tan Xing with 989,000 (82 BB).
Lee was already amongst the big stacks late in the day and managed to pull to the lead after his A♦ A♥ held up against Joris Michl's K♦ Q♦ on board J♣ 9♦ 4♠ 6♦ 8♥ . Lee ended the day on top of the charts, accompanied by 42 other players moving on to Day 2.
Day 1A Entries: 341 (248 unique)
Chips in play: 13,640,000
Average stack: 317,209 (26 BB)
Blinds: 6,000/ 12,000 ante 12,000
Remaining players: 43
Date/s: September 19 – 23, 2024
Buy-in: VN₫ 30,000,000 (~USD 1,200)
Guarantee: VN₫ 15,000,000,000 (~US$ 609,500)
Day 1A: 341 entries / 43 qualified
Day 1B: Friday, September 20
Day 1C: Saturday, September 21
Day 1D (Turbo): Saturday, September 21
Day 2: Sunday, September 22
Day 3/ Final Day: Monday, September 23
End of Main Event Day 1A Chip Counts
Day 1A Entries: 341 (248 unique)
Chips in play: 13,640,000
Average stack: 317,209 (26 BB)
Blinds: 6,000/ 12,000 ante 12,000
Remaining players: 43
Player | Chips |
LJ Lee Juyeol | 1,099,000(92 BB) |
XT Xin Tang | 989,000(82 BB) |
JN Johnni Nielsen | 712,000(59 BB) |
TK Tan Kean Wei | 574,000(48 BB) |
LK Lee Kun Han | 505,000(42 BB) |
TH Tom Henricus Verbruggen | 498,000(42 BB) |
YZ Yankai Zhang | 491,000(41 BB) |
RP Ryan Plant | 480,000(40 BB) |
437,000(36 BB) | |
PB Pham Bao | 419,000(35 BB) |
JW Julian Warhurst | 410,000(34 BB) |
JS Jianfeng Sun | 395,000(33 BB) |
LN Le Nhu Hai | 393,000(33 BB) |
376,000(31 BB) | |
354,000(30 BB) | |
NK Ngo Khoa Anh | 332,000(28 BB) |
PT Pham Tien Thanh | 327,000(27 BB) |
JL Jun Li | 324,000(27 BB) |
HK Hoang Khiem | 299,000(25 BB) |
NT Nguyen Thanh Phat | 278,000(23 BB) |
258,000(22 BB) | |
LV Luong Viet Bac | 250,000(21 BB) |
MS Martin Sedlak | 238,000(20 BB) |
LK Leo Kamiya | 229,000(19 BB) |
217,000(18 BB) | |
BK Bhavik Khatsuria | 213,000(18 BB) |
212,000(18 BB) | |
ZY Zhichen Yu | 194,000(16 BB) |
DL Dmytro Lytvynov | 192,000(16 BB) |
NN Nguyen Ngoc Hai Duy | 190,000(16 BB) |
186,000(16 BB) | |
TD Truong Dinh Giang | 184,000(15 BB) |
BC Bui Cong Tuan | 173,000(14 BB) |
CM Chu Manh Huong | 170,000(14 BB) |
VT Vu Ta Nhat | 158,000(13 BB) |
DD Dang Duc Dong | 156,000(13 BB) |
KK Kim Kiyoung | 132,000(11 BB) |
TZ Tianhao Zheng | 130,000(11 BB) |
YX Yuan Xu | 122,000(10 BB) |
YY Yu Yuan | 96,000(8 BB) |
81,000(7 BB) | |
TA Trinh Anh Dung | 70,000(6 BB) |
67,000(6 BB) |
Jang Wongeun bubbles Main Event Day 1A

With Jang Wongeun already all-in on the big blind for his last 16,000, Johnnie Nielsen minraised and was joined by Ngo Khoa Anh. Both players checked flop Q♦ 4♣ J♣ through to turn K♦ where Nielsen bet 30,000. Ngo continued on to river 4♠ and headed to showdown as no more bets came in. Top pair wins it for Nielsen, signaling the day's close.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JN Johnni Nielsen | K♣9♦ HJ | 712,000(59 BB) |
NK Ngo Khoa Anh | Q♠T♣ SB | 332,000(28 BB) |
JW Jang Wongeun | 5♠3♠ BB | busted |
Level 19: 6,000 / 12,000 ante: 12,000
40 minutesTom Verbruggen wins blind war

A preflop back and forth between the blinds saw Tom Verbruggen make the final call with K♣ K♥ for his 264,000 stack. Up against Dang Duc Dong's J♥ J♠ , Verbruggen secured the double up as board ran 4♣ 4♠ 2♦ 5♠ 8♣ .
Player | Chips |
TH Tom Henricus Verbruggen | 538,000(54 BB) |
DD Dang Duc Dong | 182,000(18 BB) |
Tang Xin gets three raises through

With bubble time nearing, Tang Xin has been pumping up the aggression. In just one orbit, Tang fired three three bets with none of the initial raisers able to continue.
Player | Chips |
XT Xin Tang | 800,000(80 BB) |
[Update] Konstantin Held stacks massive across Billionaire Club Challenge Day 1

The Billionaire Club Challenge Day 1 has come to a close with bracelet winner Konstantin Held stacking high across the 37 (26 unique) entry field. Held eliminated Dao Minh Phu by the last five hands, with a blind vs blind flip for a 178 BB pot. Registration for the last USOP Elite trophy event of the Hai Phong series remains open through Day 2, September 20th across two levels.
Date/s: September 19-20, 2024
Buy in: VN₫ 250,000,000 (~US$ 10,000)
Guarantee: VN₫ 4,000,000,000 (~US$ 162,660)
Day 1 Entries: 37 (26 unique)
Chips in play: 9,250,000,000
Average stack: 513,888 (64 BB)
Blinds: 4,000/ 8,000 ante 8,000
Remaining players: 18

Dinh Gia Tu lands a full double up

Small blind Dinh Gia Tu opened to 30,000, called by big blind Lee Juyeol. Dinh checked flop A♣ 5♣ J♣ to Lee, who bet all-in for Dinh's 159,000 behind. Dinh tanked using three time banks before calling off with K♣ K♥ . Dinh is ahead against Lee's 5♦ 4♠ and secured the win after turn T♠ and river 2♥ completed the board.
Player | Chips |
LJ Lee Juyeol | 900,000(90 BB) |
388,000(39 BB) |
Zhou Jin hangs on
Level 18: 5,000 / 10,000 ante: 10,000
40 minutesKeep updated on all of the results:

Tan Kean Wei knocks Xudong Yang out
Xudong Yang open shoved his last 146,000 with A♦ Q♠ and was called behind by Tan Kean Wei with A♣ A♥ . In trouble, Yang headed out after failing to connect with board 3♠ 6♦ 2♣ 5♣ 2♦ .
Player | Chips |
TK Tan Kean Wei | 470,000(59 BB) |
XY Xudong Yang | busted |
Dang Duc Dong runs into aces

Dang Duc Dong open shoved his 120,000 remaining with T♥ T♦ and ran smack into Lin Wencheng's A♦ A♥ . In rough shape, Dang suffered the loss as board ran 8♣ 4♠ Q♣ 8♥ 7♠ .
Player | Chips |
360,000(45 BB) | |
DD Dang Duc Dong | busted |
Ryan Plant saved by runout

A three way all-in saw Tom Verbruggen ahead of two opponents with his premium pocket pair. The runout T♣ 8♠ 6♥ 5♣ 9♣ however, was not in his favor as it landed the nut flush for Ryan Plant.
Player | Hand | Chips |
RP Ryan Plant | A♣Q♣ UTG | 430,000(54 BB) |
NH Nguyen Huu Vinh | A♦Q♠ CO | busted |
TH Tom Henricus Verbruggen | K♠K♦ SB | 296,000(37 BB) |
Tom Verbruggen doubles through Kim Kiyoung

Utg Kim Kiyoung opened and called off Tom Verbruggen's 176,000 all-in and is in for a flip. At risk, Verbruggen dodged elimination as board showed Q♣ 3♠ 4♥ 5♠ 7♦ .
Player | Hand | Chips |
KK Kim Kiyoung | J♥J♠ UTG | 129,000(16 BB) |
TH Tom Henricus Verbruggen | A♣Q♠ BB | 364,000(46 BB) |
Zhichen Yu on the winning side of a cooler

Another all-in preflop situation saw Zhichen Yu get a full double up for his 133,000 stack against Lee Kun Han. Yu cruised to victory with the board A♦ T♣ 2♠ 5♣ A♥ running safe for his pocket pair.
Player | Hand | Chips |
ZY Zhichen Yu | K♣K♠ HJ | 286,000(36 BB) |
LK Lee Kun Han | Q♦Q♥ UTG+1 | 423,000(53 BB) |
Level 17: 4,000 / 8,000 ante: 8,000
40 minutesMain Event Break Update - 53 players remaining
The first Main Event flight on schedule is down to 53 players out of the 341 (248 unique) entry field remaining in battle. Only 43 runners are guaranteed a spot into Day 2 with today's action set to close following ten more eliminations. South Korea's Lee Juyeol stands ahead of the pack as the single contender with a seven digit chip count.
Day 1A Entries: 341 (248 unique)
Chips in play: 13,640,000
Average stack: 257,358 (32 BB)
Blinds: 4,000/ 8,000 ante 8,000
Remaining players: 53
Date/s: September 19 – 23, 2024
Buy-in: VN₫ 30,000,000 (~USD 1,200)
Guarantee: VN₫ 15,000,000,000 (~US$ 609,500)
Day 1A: 341 entries / 43 qualified
Day 1B: Friday, September 20
Day 1C: Saturday, September 21
Day 1D (Turbo): Saturday, September 21
Day 2: Sunday, September 22
Day 3/ Final Day: Monday, September 23
Player | Chips |
LJ Lee Juyeol | 1,000,000(167 BB) |
XT Xin Tang | 840,000(140 BB) |
LK Lee Kun Han | 500,000(83 BB) |
JL Jun Li | 490,000(82 BB) |
ZC Zhai Changyu | 446,000(74 BB) |
PB Pham Bao | 435,000(73 BB) |
JW Julian Warhurst | 420,000(70 BB) |
YZ Yankai Zhang | 400,000(67 BB) |
LN Le Nhu Hai | 400,000(67 BB) |
KK Kim Kiyoung | 380,000(63 BB) |
NX Nguyen Xuan Tan | 355,000(59 BB) |
TK Tan Kean Wei | 310,000(52 BB) |
15 minutesZhai Changyu flops the nuts

Having fired a four bet to 90,000, Zhai Changyu was left at risk after initial raiser Xudong Yang five bet jammed for his 108,000 behind. Up against the best hand, Zhai lucked out having flopped the nut straight on board Q♦ T♦ J♠ 7♥ 9♦ to remain in contention.
Player | Hand | Chips |
CZ Changyu Zhai | A♥K♣ D | 446,000(74 BB) |
XY Xudong Yang | A♦A♣ UTG+1 | 140,000(23 BB) |
Lee Juyeol continues to dominate

Lee Juyeol opened from utg and saw player next to him put in a raise to 18,000. Pham Bao called behind, followed by another raise to 40,000 from Lee. Only Pham continued to flop K♠ 8♣ 3♥ , checked by both players. On turn 9♥ , Lee bet 70,000 and Pham folds.
Player | Chips |
LJ Lee Juyeol | 980,000(163 BB) |
PB Pham Bao | 300,000(50 BB) |
Nguyen Tan Phuong outruns Florent Remi

Nguyen Tan Phuong opened to 13,000 and went on to call Florent Remi's 56,000 all-in. In for a race, Remi's run came to a halt shortly after the board T♥ 6♣ 4♣ 2♠ J♣ turned up on the felt.
Player | Hand | Chips |
NT Nguyen Tan Phuong | J♦T♠ UTG | 205,000(34 BB) |
FR Florent Remi | K♦Q♥ BB | busted |
Level 16: 3,000 / 6,000 ante: 6,000
40 minutesDo Minyong suffers bad beat

A preflop back and forth saw 117,000 already in the middle even before the flop Q♥ 9♦ 5♣ was dealt. Truong Dinh Giang led for 35,000 and snap called against Do Minyong's all-in. Whilst behind, Truong survives through after the turn came a K♦ to land him the advantage.
Player | Hand | Chips |
TD Truong Dinh Giang | K♠K♣ HJ | 285,000(57 BB) |
A♦A♠ D | 150,000(30 BB) |
Tran Tuan Anh busts Tobias Bui

Tran Tuan Anh opened and called off Tobias Bui's 67,000 all-in for a flip. Board Q♠ 2♠ 2♥ 2♠ 6♥ ran in favor of Tran, eliminating Bui from the Main Event qualifier.
Player | Hand | Chips |
A♣Q♥ HJ | 300,000(60 BB) | |
TB Tobias Bui | 8♦8♣ BB | busted |
Sun Jianfeng crushes with kings

Sun Jianfeng opened and snap called Doan Quang Trung's 10 BB jam with K♣ K♠ . Doan at risk with A♥ K♥ , exited the Main Event games shortly after failing to improve on board T♥ 9♠ T♦ 8♣ 5♠ .
Player | Chips |
JS Jianfeng Sun | 265,000(53 BB) |
busted |
Zhang Chunhao surrenders
With a pot off 65,000 on board K♥ Q♥ K♠ 3♠ , action was seen on big blind Zhang Chunhao with a bet of 40,000. Small blind Isaac Phua check raised all-in for 121,000 more and saw his opponent use up all his time banks. Zhang eventually makes the fold and shoots down to 22 BB.
Player | Chips |
276,000(55 BB) | |
CZ Chunhao Zhang | 115,000(23 BB) |
Level 15: 3,000 / 5,000 ante: 5,000
40 minutesLee Juyeol takes the lead

Cutoff Lee Juyeol opened to 10,000 and was met with a three bet to 36,000 from small blind Joris Michl. Lee clicked back to 75,000, called by his opponent. On flop J♣ 9♦ 4♠ , Michl check called another 70,000 and went on to check raise all-in for 284,000 on turn 6♦ . Lee snap calls with A♦ A♥ and is up against Michl's combo draw K♦ Q♦ . The river 8♥ bricks out for Michl, busting him out entirely.
Player | Chips |
LJ Lee Juyeol | 917,000(229 BB) |
JM Joris Michl | busted |
Pham Bao takes it down

A three way three bet pot led by He Junjie saw flop 9♦ 8♦ 4♣ . Action was checked through to turn 3♦ where initial raiser Pham Bao led for 32,000. Both opponents fold and Bao claims the boost.
Player | Chips |
PB Pham Bao | 360,000(90 BB) |
NN Nguyen Nang Quang | 120,000(30 BB) |
HJ He Junjie | 95,000(24 BB) |
Kamiya Leo bets strong all the way through

Chu Manh Huong defended his big blind against Kamiya Leo's open and called two streets - 7,000 and 25,000 on board 3♦ Q♠ 6♠ Q♥ 4♠ . By the river, Chu led for 35,000 yet folded after Leo put in a raise to 115,000.
Player | Chips |
LK Leo Kamiya | 330,000(83 BB) |
CM Chu Manh Huong | 141,000(35 BB) |
Joris Michl delivers double bust
Action began with an all-in from Nguyen Duc Thanh for 30,000, followed by another from Pham Quyet Tien for 75,000. Joris Michl on the small blind put in the final call for a three way showdown. The board ran J♦ 5♥ 3♦ K♥ 6♠ , earning Michl the entire pot while busting two in the process.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JM Joris Michl | Q♠Q♣ SB | 380,000(95 BB) |
7♥7♣ HJ | busted | |
ND Nguyen Duc Thanh | J♠T♠ MP | busted |
Some players in battle at the Billionaire Club Challenge

Level 14: 2,000 / 4,000 ante: 4,000
40 minutesMain Event Break Update
The Main Event Day 1A continues to be in play with 90 players seated out of the 341 (248 unique) entry field. Action is set to close once the field is down to 43 runners remaining. Johnni Nielsen currently holds down the lead, being the sole player to break through the 500,000 mark.
Day 1A Entries: 341 (248 unique)
Chips in play: 13,640,000
Average stack: 151,555 (37 BB)
Blinds: 2,000/ 4,000 ante 4,000
Remaining players: 90
Date/s: September 19 – 23, 2024
Buy-in: VN₫ 30,000,000 (~USD 1,200)
Guarantee: VN₫ 15,000,000,000 (~US$ 609,500)
Day 1A: 341 entries / 43 qualified
Day 1B: Friday, September 20
Day 1C: Saturday, September 21
Day 1D (Turbo): Saturday, September 21
Day 2: Sunday, September 22
Day 3/ Final Day: Monday, September 23
Player | Chips |
JN Johnni Nielsen | 538,000 |
LJ Lee Juyeol | 460,000 |
BC Bui Cong Tuan | 385,000 |
LK Lee Kun Han | 333,000 |
TH Tom Henricus Verbruggen | 310,000 |
KK Kim Kiyoung | 300,000 |
300,000 | |
295,000 | |
YZ Yankai Zhang | 275,000 |
BK Bhavik Khatsuria | 270,000 |
NT Nguyen Thi Bao An | 261,000 |
LK Leo Kamiya | 245,000 |
LA Le Anh Dung | 243,000 |
CM Chu Manh Huong | 242,000 |
NV Nguyen Van Sang | 230,000 |
[Update] William Jia gets his revenge at the Super High Roller

"It feels great, I finally get a win! Last time, I lost a flip heads up. I got my revenge this time!”, commented Jia following his victory.
"That’s been a goal of mine for the past year. My goal was to hit $1M in live earnings. I finally achieved that!"
Australia's William Jia bested the Super High Roller 137 (83 unique) entry field and bagged the largest cut of the VN₫ 10,402,400,000 (~US$ 422,690) pot following two days of play. Reminiscent of the recently concluded USOP Hai Phong High Roller Championship, Jia again, battled Romania's Bogdan Munteanu for the title. This time around, Jia closed out the victory, taking with him VN₫ 2,101,014,000 (~US$ 85,440) in winnings and the third series USOP Elite trophy.
"I didn’t make any adjustments heads up because the player is a strong, competent player so I played as theoretically as sound as I imagined it to be. Just got lucky, I got a lot of cards."
Jia entered the final table middle of the pack and was two hours in before he finally picked up momentum. In a clash against Nguyen Ngoc Dai, Jia secured a full double up with K♥ K♣ against the Vietnamese runner's A♣ J♦ to rise up second in rank. Jia eventually overtook the lead, widening the gap even further having cracked Karrim Ahmed's A♦ A♠ with 8♣ 9♣ on board 9♥ 7♥ K♣ T♣ 9♦ . Jia went on to finish the South African runner in fourth place with a blind battle seeing his J♥ 9♠ outrun Ahmed's J♣ Q♥ having spiked a nine on board.

Stacking more than half the chips in play at this point, Jia relinquished the lead as Bogdan Munteanu chipped 25 big blinds off his stack with the latter's A♣ T♦ crushing his A♠ K♣ . Fortunately, Jia recovered right away after delivering Duong Chi Thanh's bust in third place to reach heads up play with the advantage. Unlike their previous battle, today's match saw an ICM deal in place with Munteanu guaranteed a lesser payout of VN₫ 1,948,985,000 (~US$ 79,260), and the trophy left for play. Action continued for less than half an hour before Jia finally booked the win, with the final hand seeing the Australian pro run two pair with K♠ 2♦ on board 5♣ 2♠ A♦ K♣ 5♥ against Munteanu's J♣ T♦ .
Date/s: September 18-19, 2024
Buy in: VN₫ 88,000,000 (~US$ 3,520)
Guarantee: VN₫ 2,400,000,000 (~US$ 97,520)
Prize pool: VN₫ 10,402,400,000 (~US$ 422,690)
Entries: 137 (83 unique)
ITM: 21 places
Final Table Payouts
1st William Jia - VN₫ 2,101,014,000*
2nd Bogdan Munteanu - VN₫ 1,948,985,000*
3rd Duong Chi Thanh - VN₫ 1,180,000,000
4th Ahmed Karrim - VN₫ 858,600,000
5th Nishant Sharma - VN₫ 645,700,000
6th Nguyen Ngoc Dai - VN₫ 490,000,000
7th Tommy Kemter - VN₫ 378,000,000
8th Cao Tran Ngoc - VN₫ 299,100,000
9th The Naing - VN₫ 241,000,000
*Denotes deal was made
15 minutesTom Verbruggen cracks Peter Kiem's rockets

Peter Kiem opened and went on to four bet 37,000 against button Tom Verbruggen. Verbruggen put in the call and called for another 30,000 on flop K♥ Q♠ J♣ . On turn Q♥ , Kiem check called for his last 60,000, and is ahead with A♣ A♦ against Verbruggen's A♥ J♥ . The river however, filled up Verbruggen's flush to bag the win.
Player | Chips |
TH Tom Henricus Verbruggen | 350,000(117 BB) |
PK Peter Kiem | busted |
Grant Gardner chips off of Yankai Zhang

Grant Gardner defended his big blind against Yankai Zhang's open and check called two streets on board T♠ J♦ 5♣ 7♥ 8♣ . Both players checked the river down with Gardner showing J♥ 8♥ for the win.
Player | Chips |
YZ Yankai Zhang | 290,000(97 BB) |
GG Grant Gardner | 132,000(44 BB) |
He Junjie puts on the pressure
Cutoff He Junjie opened to 6,000 and saw both players on the blinds come along on flop 6♣ 4♣ 8♦ . He continued for 8,000 and proceeded to shove his 69,000 stack after Ge Ying Rui put in a raise. Ge tanks and folds, saving his 25 BB behind.
Player | Chips |
HJ He Junjie | 115,000(38 BB) |
YG Yingrui Ge | 76,000(25 BB) |
Tobias Bui rakes in a boost
Tobias Bui defended his open against big blind Jung Jinwoo's 23,000 three bet and saw flop J♣ 6♣ 5♣ . Action was checked to turn 9♦ where Bui led for 22,000. Jung snap called and got to showdown as no more bets went in on river 6♠. Bui shows Q♥ J♥ and collects the pot.
Player | Chips |
255,000(85 BB) | |
TB Tobias Bui | 210,000(70 BB) |
Xudong Yang gets lucky runout

A preflop back and forth saw Mai Jinyuan make the final call for his remaining 70,000 against Xudong Yang. A huge favorite, Mai instead headed out after the board 9♠ T♦ A♣ Q♣ 5♥ spiked his opponent's two outer.
Player | Hand | Chips |
XY Xudong Yang | Q♦Q♠ HJ | 165,000(55 BB) |
JM Jinyuan Mai | K♦K♠ CO | busted |
Level 13: 1,500 / 3,000 ante: 3,000
40 minutesKim Kiyoung ahead all the way

A three way three bet pot led by small blind Wong Tin Lam rolled flop 7♦ 8♦ 9♦ . Wong continued for 27,000, called by both opponents. On turn 5♣ , Yun Jungsup led out a 100,000 and saw Kim Kiyoung behind call for his lesser 83,500. Wong opts out and Kim reveals A♦ T♦ , leaving Yun's 6♠ 6♣ drawing dead.
Player | Chips |
KK Kim Kiyoung | 313,000(125 BB) |
JW Joey Wong | 143,000(57 BB) |
JY Jungsup Yun | 140,000(56 BB) |
Top pair lands Vu Ta Nhat in trouble

A three way three bet pot revealed flop 3♥ 2♦ T♣ . Action was checked to Johnni Nielsen who bet 45,000. Only initial raiser Vu Ta Nhat continued to turn 3♠ where Nielsen pushed all-in for 126,500. Vu snap called with K♥ T♥ and was crushed to see Nielsen table J♠ J♣ . River 8♠ changed nothing with Nielsen scooping up the pot with his better two pair.
Player | Chips |
JN Johnni Nielsen | 384,000(154 BB) |
VT Vu Ta Nhat | 92,000(37 BB) |
[Update] Billionaire Club Challenge underway

The last USOP Elite trophy event, Billionaire Club Challenge is currently underway with 19 (16 unique) entries recorded by the fourth level. Registration remains open through tomorrow, September 20th for two more levels. Amongst the mix are crushers Konstantin Held, Anton Lu, Tony Miles, and Dao Minh Phu.
Date/s: September 19-20, 2024
Buy in: VN₫ 250,000,000 (~US$ 10,000)
Guarantee: VN₫ 4,000,000,000 (~US$ 162,660)
Thomas Lind scoops three way pot

A three way all-in ensued with Thomas Lind behind both opponents Ryan Plant and Yang Xudong. In luck, Lind spiked his two outer on board 8♠ 3♠ K♥ 7♦ 2♦ to rake in the triple up.
Player | Hand | Chips |
TL Thomas Lind | 7♥7♠ CO | 173,000(69 BB) |
RP Ryan Plant | T♦T♥ BB | 130,000(52 BB) |
XY Xudong Yang | Q♦Q♣ UTG+1 | 114,000(46 BB) |
Level 12: 1,000 / 2,500 ante: 2,500
40 minutesTop pair good for Kim Kiyoung
A three way three bet led by big blind Huang Qi saw flop T♦ 7♣ 4♠ . Action was checked to Kim Kiyoung who bet 11,000. Huang raised it up to 33,000 and called 15,500 more after Kim moved all-in. Kim shows K♣ T♥ , crushing Huang's 3♠ 3♦ all the way through turn A♣ and river 8♣ .
Player | Chips |
KK Kim Kiyoung | 145,000(73 BB) |
HQ Huang Qi | 11,000(6 BB) |
Easy win for Lee Kun Han

Lee Kun Han opened and four bet jammed against Nguyen Ngoc Dai with the latter making the final call for his last 53,000 stack. Drawing slim, Nguyen headed out after no bad beats were seen on board T♥ 3♦ 4♠ 2♥ K♣ .
Player | Hand | Chips |
LK Lee Kun Han | K♥K♠ | 345,000(173 BB) |
NN Nguyen Ngoc Dai | 6♠6♦ | busted |
Haitao Luan bricks out
Bui Cong Tuan defended his big blind vs Haitao Luan's button open and check called another 3,500 on flop Q♦ 8♦ T♠ . On turn J♠ , Bui check raised all-in and was called by Luan with K♣ 6♥ . Bui tables a straight 9♥ 3♠ and locks in the win after the river 8♥ failed to fill up Luan's draw.
Player | Chips |
BC Bui Cong Tuan | 400,000(200 BB) |
HL Haitao Luan | busted |
Level 11: 1,000 / 2,000 ante: 2,000
40 minutesMain Event Day 1A Registration closed - 341 entries
Main Event Day 1A registration is officially closed with 341 (248 unique) total entries recorded across ten levels, booking a strong start for the VN₫ 15,000,000,000 (~US$ 609,500) guaranteed headliner. Day's action is set to close once the field is to 12.5% at 43 players.
Day 1A Entries: 341 (248 unique)
Chips in play: 13,640,000
Average stack: 90,933 (45 BB)
Blinds: 1,000/ 2,000 ante 2,000
Remaining players: 149
Date/s: September 19 – 23, 2024
Buy-in: VN₫ 30,000,000 (~USD 1,200)
Guarantee: VN₫ 15,000,000,000 (~US$ 609,500)
Day 1A: 341 entries / 43 qualified
Day 1B: Friday, September 20
Day 1C: Saturday, September 21
Day 1D (Turbo): Saturday, September 21
Day 2: Sunday, September 22
Day 3/ Final Day: Monday, September 23
Player | Chips |
LK Lee Kun Han | 270,000(180 BB) |
265,000(177 BB) | |
BC Bui Cong Tuan | 260,000(173 BB) |
TA Trinh Anh Dung | 259,000(173 BB) |
RP Ryan Plant | 255,000(170 BB) |
DD Dang Duc Dong | 227,000(151 BB) |
NT Nguyen Trung Quan | 223,000(149 BB) |
XY Xin Yuan | 210,000(140 BB) |
TT Tran The Anh | 210,000(140 BB) |
LA Le Anh Dung | 205,000(137 BB) |
MB Max Buschmann | 205,000(137 BB) |
VT Vu Ta Nhat | 200,000(133 BB) |
TZ Tianhao Zheng | 197,000(131 BB) |
192,000(128 BB) | |
JL Jun Li | 168,000(112 BB) |
15 minutesTruong Minh Thang bows out

Truong Minh Thang open shoved 27,200 in with 9♥ 9♦ and was called by Yun Jungsup behind with A♥ Q♥ . In for a flip, Truong's pocket pair failed to hold on board J♣ 4♥ T♦ 8♥ J♥ , knocking him out of the Main Event qualifier.
Player | Chips |
JY Jungsup Yun | 205,000(137 BB) |
busted |
Tobias Bui wins blind battle
Tobias Bui defended his big blind vs William Teoh's 3,500 open and went on to call another 3,000 on flop 6♠ 5♥ 6♥ . On turn 3♦ , Teoh this time check called a 7,000 bet from Bui, and got to showdown by river 4♦ after it was checked through. Teoh shows a busted straight draw 9♣ 8♥ , with Bui's 8♣ 5♣ good for the pot.
Player | Chips |
TB Tobias Bui | 43,000(29 BB) |
WT William Teoh | 16,500(11 BB) |
One bet works for Zhai Changyu

Facing an open and a three bet, button Zhai Changyu fired a four bet to 20,000 and saw only Doan Quang Trung continue. Zhai sent out another 25,000 on flop A♥ 4♥ 3♦ and shipped the pot following a fold.
Player | Chips |
115,000(77 BB) | |
81,000(54 BB) |
Level 10: 1,000 / 1,500 ante: 1,500
40 minutesKhatsuria Bhavik picks up a stack

Another preflop back and forth saw Tan Kean Wei make the final call for his 51,300 stack against Khatsuria Bhavik. Drawing slim, Tan headed out of the Main Event flight after board A♥ 7♦ J♠ 6♦ 7♥ felted no tens.
Player | Hand | Chips |
BK Bhavik Khatsuria | K♦K♠ UTG+1 | 142,000(118 BB) |
TK Tan Kean Wei | T♣T♥ UTG | busted |
Ge Ying Rui shoves for the win

Ge Ying Rui opened to 2,500 and was met with a three bet to 11,000 from Nguyen Huu Vinh and a cold four bet to 25,000 from Pham Bao. Action back on Ge, he shoved 78,000 in and picked up the pot after both players folded.
Player | Chips |
YG Yingrui Ge | 117,000(98 BB) |
PB Pham Bao | 106,000(88 BB) |
NH Nguyen Huu Vinh | 48,000(40 BB) |
River wins it for Choe Changgyu

Action began with an open from Huang Qi, called by both players on the blinds. All three checked flop A♣ 3♣ T♠ through to turn 2♦ where Huang bet 5,500. Vu Van Linh check raised to 17,000 and saw Choe Changgyu behind continue to river 4♣ . Both players check it down, revealing Vu's 2♣ 3♥ , no good against Choe's rivered two pair 3♦ 4♦ .
Player | Chips |
HQ Huang Qi | 81,000(68 BB) |
72,000(60 BB) | |
18,100(15 BB) |
Do Minyong sends Tan Kean Wei packing

Do Minyong defended his open vs small blind Tan Kean Wei's 10,500 three bet and headed to flop K♠ T♦ 9♥ . Action ran quick with Tan pulling a check raise all-in, with Do snap calling with Q♦ J♠ . Tabling the nuts, Tan's A♦ A♥ was left crushed entirely to knock him out shortly after.
Player | Chips |
172,000(143 BB) | |
TK Tan Kean Wei | busted |
Level 9: 600 / 1,200 ante: 1,200
40 minutesFirstov Ilya wins set over set

With 10,200 in the middle, both stacks piled in right on flop 6♣ 2♦ Q♠ with Firstov Ilya tabling 6♥ 6♠ against Ryan Plant's 2♣ 2♥ . A terrible spot for Plant, the USOP Elite trophy winner booked the loss as the turn A♦ and river 4♥ completed the board.
Player | Chips |
IF Ilya Firstov | 91,800(92 BB) |
RP Ryan Plant | 65,000(65 BB) |
Set wins it for Lee Hasung
A three way raised pot led by Tran Hai Ha rolled flop T♥ 4♣ 6♣ . Tran continued for 3,000, called by Lee Hasung. Big blind Lee Tsung Ying decided to raise to 7,000 yet folded after being met with an all-in and a call. Tran tabled Q♣ J♣ against Hasung's 6♦ 6♥ and headed for the rails shortly after missing his club draw on turn Q♥ and river 2♦ .
Player | Chips |
77,000(77 BB) | |
TL Tsung Lee | 52,000(52 BB) |
TH Tran Hai Ha | busted |
Some players at the Main Event

Li Shankui cracks kings

Button Li Shankui raised all-in for 23,000 and saw chip leader Nguyen Nang Quang call from the big blind. Up against a monster pair, Li was in luck to flop a straight flush on board J♣ Q♣ 8♣ Q♥ 5♣ to capture the win.
Player | Hand | Chips |
SL Shankui Li | T♣9♣ D | 47,500(48 BB) |
NN Nguyen Nang Quang | K♣K♥ BB | 160,000(160 BB) |
[Update] Player of the Series

Check out the latest POTS (Player of The Series) Point Leader updates and see who's leading the charge!
The player with the highest points in a single series will be honored with the Player of the Series (POTS) Ring—a magnificent tribute to their remarkable performance.
Visit the USOP Official website or download the USOP APP now to get all the details and rankings.
USOP Website: https://useriespoker.com/awards/player-of-the-series/
USOP App: https://useriespoker.com/downloads/
Level 8: 500 / 1,000 ante: 1,000
40 minutesMain Event Break Update

The Main Event games is in full swing with 270 entries already recorded across Day 1A. Nguyen Nang Quang has so far amassed the largest stack yet is still in for a long way ahead as registration remains open through Level 11 @ 18:10.
Date/s: September 19 – 23, 2024
Buy-in: VN₫ 30,000,000 (~USD 1,200)
Guarantee: VN₫ 15,000,000,000 (~US$ 609,500)
Chips in play: 10,960,000
Average stack: 62,988 (62 BB)
Blinds: 500/ 1,000 ante 1,000
Player | Chips |
NN Nguyen Nang Quang | 210,000 |
190,000 | |
178,000 | |
RP Ryan Plant | 172,000 |
TP Trung Phong Nguyen | 167,000 |
DM Dao Minh Phu | 161,000 |
PT Pham Tien Dung | 157,000 |
150,000 | |
LJ Lee Juyeol | 132,000 |
AJ Anton Johnson | 129,000 |
HK Hoang Khiem | 125,000 |
AT Anh Tien Tran | 124,000 |
NT Nguyen Thanh Minh | 115,000 |
YC Yongliang Cai | 115,000 |
NB Ni Bai Yu | 112,000 |
TA Trinh Anh Dung | 108,000 |
YY Yu Yuan | 105,000 |
15 minutesNguyen Duc Thanh bags a full double up

A preflop back and forth saw both stacks rush to the middle with Nguyen Duc Thanh at risk against Tran Van Phuc. A major flip, Nguyen locked in the double up as no overcards were seen on board 5♣ 5♥ J♥ 7♣ 7♦ .
Player | Hand | Chips |
ND Nguyen Duc Thanh | Q♠Q♦ BB | 127,000(159 BB) |
TV Tran Van Phuc | A♣K♣ MP | 20,000(25 BB) |
Dao Minh Phu pumps up the aggression
Cutoff Dao Minh Phu opened to 2,000 and went on to four bet 12,000 against small blind Trinh Anh Dung. On board 4♥ T♥ 6♠ 6♣ , Dao double barreled 8,000 and 17,100 with Trinh only able to continue with the first bet. Dao picks up another boost after being met with a fold.
Player | Chips |
DM Dao Minh Phu | 170,000(213 BB) |
TA Trinh Anh Dung | 115,000(144 BB) |
Notables spotted in battle at the Main Event
Amongst the 172 players seated in the Main Event games, several notables are seen in the mix with chip counts as follows:
Player | Chips |
NN Nguyen Nang Quang | 200,000(250 BB) |
DM Dao Minh Phu | 141,000(176 BB) |
RP Ryan Plant | 135,000(169 BB) |
LJ Lee Juyeol | 135,000(169 BB) |
NB Ni Bai Yu | 105,000(131 BB) |
NK Nguyen Khoi | 65,000(81 BB) |
TK Tan Kean Wei | 60,000(75 BB) |
DL Dmytro Lytvynov | 58,000(73 BB) |
KB Kyle Bao Diep | 55,000(69 BB) |
LK Lee Kun Han | 50,000(63 BB) |
HH Hoang Hai Nam | 47,000(59 BB) |
RK Robert Kiss | 45,000(56 BB) |
PK Peter Kiem | 40,000(50 BB) |
PB Pham Bao | 36,000(45 BB) |
TB Thi Bao Nguyen | 13,300(17 BB) |
JL Jun Li | 11,600(15 BB) |
YJ Yun Jung Sup | 8,000(10 BB) |
Level 7: 400 / 800 ante: 800
40 minutesWong Tin Lam runs quads

An all-in preflop situation saw Tang Xinxing at risk for his last 22,000 against Wong Tin Lam. A classic flip, Wong instantly landed the advantage, running quads on Q♠ 5♠ 7♥ Q♥ J♥ to knock his opponent out.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JW Joey Wong | Q♣Q♦ MP | 125,000(208 BB) |
TX Tang Xinxing | A♠K♠ HJ | busted |
[Update] Super High Roller Final Table is set!

Following twenty levels of play, the Super High Roller 137 entry field is down to its final nine players with South Africa's Ahmed Karrim leading the charge. A lot of room for play is left on the table with the average stack sitting at 50 big blinds. Listed up top is VN₫ 2,410,000,000 in prizes along with the third USOP Elite trophy to be awarded, with each contender now guaranteed VN₫ 241,000,000 in cashes.
Date/s: September 18-19, 2024
Buy in: VN₫ 88,000,000 (~US$ 3,520)
Guarantee: VN₫ 2,400,000,000 (~US$ 97,520)
Prize pool: VN₫ 10,402,400,000 (~US$ 422,690)
Entries: 137 (83 unique)
ITM: 21 places
Watch it LIVE via USOP Livestream
Chips in play: 27,400,000
Average stack: 3,044,444 (50 BB)
Blinds: 30,000/ 60,000 ante 60,000
Remaining players: 9
Final Table Payouts
1st VN₫ 2,410,000,000
2nd VN₫ 1,640,000,000
3rd VN₫ 1,180,000,000
4th VN₫ 858,600,000
5th VN₫ 645,700,000
6th VN₫ 490,000,000
7th VN₫ 378,000,000
8th VN₫ 299,100,000
9th VN₫ 241,000,000
Player | Chips | Table | Seat |
WJ William Jia (2) | 3,835,000 | 1 | 1 |
TK Tommy Kemter | 1,350,000 | 1 | 2 |
CT Cao Tran Ngoc | 1,955,000 | 1 | 3 |
NS Nishant Sharma | 1,730,000 | 1 | 4 |
NN Nguyen Ngoc Dai | 4,320,000 | 1 | 5 |
AK Ahmed Karrim | 5,000,000 | 1 | 6 |
BA Bogdan Andrei Munteanu | 4,450,000 | 1 | 7 |
DC Duong Chi Thanh | 2,690,000 | 1 | 8 |
TN The Naing | 2,010,000 | 1 | 9 |
Dao Minh Phu spikes the river

Facing an open and a call, Dao Minh Phu shoved all-in for 25,500 and saw initial raiser Nguyen Tan Khoa make the call. In for a flip, the board J♥ T♠ 6♦ 2♣ A♦ ran safe for the pocket pair up until the river ran ace to turn the tables.
Player | Hand | Chips |
DM Dao Minh Phu | A♠K♣ SB | 53,500(89 BB) |
NT Nguyen Tan Khoa | 7♠7♥ MP | 51,000(85 BB) |
Level 6: 300 / 600 ante: 600
40 minutesNguyen Xuan Tan collects in full
With 35,300 already in the pot on board 4♠ 3♣ 9♣ Q♠ , action was seen on big blind Zhou Ledong leading out a bet of 16,000. Nguyen Xuan Tan raised all-in for 28,500 total and shipped the pot shortly after Zhou put in the call with A♣ Q♦ . Nguyen tabled 9♦ 9♠ and left his opponent drawing dead against his set of nines.
Player | Chips |
92,300(185 BB) | |
22,000(44 BB) |
Yashiro Naoki gets it through

Yashiro Naoki fired a three bet to 4,500, called by initial raiser Nguyen Thanh Cao. On flop 7♥ 4♥ Q♠ , Naoki continued for 3,500 and went on to jam 21,100 in after Nguyen put in a raise. Nguyen gives it up and throws in the fold.
Player | Chips |
NT Nguyen Thanh Cao | 51,000(102 BB) |
YN Yashiro Naoki | 40,000(80 BB) |
Nguyen Nang Quang ships it all

A preflop back and forth saw Shao Jianbin make the final call against Nguyen Nang Quang. A premium pair battle, Nguyen's better holdings remained ahead all the way through A♥ 2♦ 6♦ 3♥ 2♠ for the pot.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JS Jianbin Shao | Q♦Q♠ MP | 9,000(18 BB) |
NN Nguyen Nang Quang | K♦K♥ HJ | 67,500(135 BB) |
Level 5: 300 / 500 ante: 500
40 minutesMain Event First Break

The first Main Event flight on schedule has so far drawn 180 total entries with 23 tables currently running on the floor. Day is set to close once the field is down to 12.5% with registration remaining open through Level 11 @18:10.
Date/s: September 19 – 23, 2024
Buy-in: VN₫ 30,000,000 (~USD 1,200)
Guarantee: VN₫ 15,000,000,000 (~US$ 609,500)
Chips in play: 7,200,000
Average stack: 48,979 (122 bb)
Blinds: 300/ 500 ante 500
Player | Chips |
155,000(388 BB) | |
WJ Wei Jen Wang | 128,000(320 BB) |
VV Vu Van Lich | 127,000(318 BB) |
125,000(313 BB) | |
NT Nguyen Thanh Phat | 119,000(298 BB) |
DQ Do Quang Trinh | 100,000(250 BB) |
TA Trinh Anh Dung | 92,000(230 BB) |
92,000(230 BB) | |
JZ Jun Zhao | 91,000(228 BB) |
VT Vu Ta Nhat | 87,000(218 BB) |
CZ Changyu Zhai | 85,000(213 BB) |
JP Jun Peng | 85,000(213 BB) |
JN Johnni Nielsen | 83,000(208 BB) |
PT Pham Tien Thanh | 83,000(208 BB) |
AK Andrei Kosarev | 80,000(200 BB) |
15 minutesRoman Altynikov gives up the fight

A three way three bet pot led by Roman Altynikov rolled flop 4♦ Q♥ T♣ . Altynikov continued for 3,000, called by Le Thong Su. On turn 5♥, Altynikov barreled another 4,500 yet folded after Le raised to 11,500.
Player | Chips |
57,000(143 BB) | |
RA Roman Altynikov | 30,000(75 BB) |
Vu Van Lich takes the lead

A cooler situation, all chips were in the middle preflop with Vu Van Lich collecting a full double up on board A♠ T♣ 5♦ 5♠ J♦ .
Player | Hand | Chips |
LC Luong Chac | K♦K♠ | 14,200(36 BB) |
VL Van Lich Vu | A♥A♦ | 125,600(314 BB) |
Level 4: 200 / 400 ante: 400
40 minutesNguyen The Anh takes a gamble

Nguyen The Anh fired a three bet to 1,300 and saw Thanh Van Chung behind bump it up further. Nguyen five bet jammed all-in, called by Thanh for his 25,000 stack. Crushed against the rockets, Thanh easily picked up the double as board ran Q♣ 2♥ 3♣ A♥ K♦ .
Player | Hand | Chips |
7♦6♦ MP | 14,800(49 BB) | |
A♠A♣ D | 51,400(171 BB) |
Vu Ta Nhat collects max value

Vu Ta Nhat defended his early open against small blind Vu Van Lich's 1,800 three bet and saw flop J♣ K♣ J♥ . Ta Nhat raised to 3,000 and went on to barrel 11,000 on turn T♦ and a final all-in for 21,000 on river 5♥ . Van Lich tanked and eventually made the final call. Ta Nhat shows J♦ 8♦ , sending Van Lich's A♦ A♠ towards the muck.
Player | Chips |
VT Vu Ta Nhat | 74,200(247 BB) |
VL Van Lich Vu | 26,000(87 BB) |
[Update] Nguyen Duc Nhat bubbles Super High Roller
Super High Roller Day 2
Day 1 of the Super High Roller played through 17 levels of 40 minute blinds and saw its 137 (83 unique) entry field draw down to 24 players by night's end. With 21 places paid, an hour into Day 2 saw the money bubble burst with Nguyen Duc Nhat falling one spot short of the money.
Date/s: September 18-19, 2024
Buy in: VN₫ 88,000,000 (~US$ 3,520)
Guarantee: VN₫ 2,400,000,000 (~US$ 97,520)
Prize pool: VN₫ 10,402,400,000 (~US$ 422,690)
Entries: 137 (83 unique)
ITM: 21 places
1st VN₫ 2,410,000,000
2nd VN₫ 1,640,000,000
3rd VN₫ 1,180,000,000
4th VN₫ 858,600,000
5th VN₫ 645,700,000
6th VN₫ 490,000,000
7th VN₫ 378,000,000
8th VN₫ 299,100,000
9th VN₫ 241,000,000
10th-12th VN₫ 205,000,000
13th-15th VN₫ 185,000,000
16th-18th VN₫ 170,000,000
19th-21st VN₫ 160,000,000

Level 18: 15,000/ 30,000 ante 30,000
Up against an open, Nguyen Duc Nhat shoved his last 350,000 in right on bubble time and was called by initial raiser Nguyen Van Sang. At risk, Duc Nhat exited as the money bubble as the board T♥ T♦ 2♦ 8♦ 5♠ ran a flush for his opponent.
Player | Hand | Chips |
7♥7♦ HJ | busted | |
A♦Q♦ UTG+1 | 1,210,000 |
Mai Fen locks in a double up

Action began with an open from Mai Fen to 600, followed by two calls and a three bet. Small blind Nguyen Tan Phuong fired a four bet 20,100 and called 16,400 more after Mai moved all-in. Board ran Q♠ Q♦ 3♣ 5♦ 8♠ , earning Mai the full double up.
Player | Hand | Chips |
FM Fen Mai | J♦J♥ UTG | 79,100(264 BB) |
NT Nguyen Tan Phuong | 9♣9♠ SB | 13,200(44 BB) |
Level 3: 200 / 300 ante: 300
40 minutesRemaining Players: 99/110
Liu Yong Yi rakes in an early boost

With 47,900 already in the pot on board T♣ 7♦ T♥ 8♣ 6♣ , action was seen on Liu Yong Yi with a final all-in for 14,600. Opponent Nguyen Tan Khoa snap called, and shot down to 24 BB after Liu revealed the better pocket pair.
Player | Hand | Chips |
NT Nguyen Tan Khoa | Q♥Q♠ UTG | 2,400(24 BB) |
YL Yong Liu (3) | K♦K♥ UTG+1 | 77,100(771 BB) |
Midpair good enough for Hoang Hai Long
With an open and three calls ahead, big blind Nguyen Khoi fired a three bet to 3,000 and saw only initial raiser Hoang Hai Long continue to flop 3♦ Q♦ A♣ . Hoang check called a 2,100 bet from Nguyen and arrived at showdown after turn 2♦ and river 9♠ were checked through. Nguyen shows T♦ T♠ , no good against Hoang's K♦ Q♥ .
Player | Chips |
HH Hoang Hai Long | 52,000(520 BB) |
NK Nguyen Khoi | 34,000(340 BB) |
Five tables already running
Five tables are currently up and running with 41 players already seated by the opening level of the day. Spotted amongst the early birds are notables Johnni Nielsen, Nguyen Khoi, and Dmytro Lytvynov.
Don't forget to catch the brand's Main Event promotion with the first 600 players to register and sit in during Level 1, claiming an exclusive USOP Signature Hoodie for free!

Level 1: 100 / 100 ante: 100
40 minutesToday's Events - September 19, 2024

USOP Hai Phong Main Event kicks off!

A flurry of excitement has filled the air at Dream Dragon Resort, Hai Phong, Vietnam over the past week with the U Series of Poker Hai Phong festivities, in partnership with Crown Poker Club and Lucky Poker Tour, in full swing. Across its 66 trophy event lineup, the awaited VN₫ 15,000,000,000 (~US$ 609,500) guaranteed Main Event remains on top of everyone’s list.
Today, September 19th marks the start of the Main Event games with its first of four flights taking up the earliest time slot on schedule at 11:00 am local time. Entry for the headlining tournament is slated at VN₫ 30,000,000 (~USD 1,200), with the day's action set to close once the field is down to 12.5%.
Date/s: September 19 – 23, 2024
Buy-in: VN₫ 30,000,000 (~USD 1,200)
Guarantee: VN₫ 15,000,000,000 (~US$ 609,500)
Day 1A: Thursday, September 19
Day 1B: Friday, September 20
Day 1C: Saturday, September 21
Day 1D (Turbo): Saturday, September 21
Day 2: Sunday, September 22
Day 3/ Final Day: Monday, September 23