Day 3
Hilberts's Ace Works Well
A flop came down K♥ 8♠ A♣ with around 69,000 chips in the middle. Thijs Hilberts checked from big blind, and Hayama Miei sent a bet of 25,000 from the hijack, which Hilberts dropped in a call.
Both saw the Q♦ drop on the turn and checked through to see the K♠ river, where was another check round.
After Hilberts revealed a flopped pair of aces with A♠ T♦ , Miei tossed his cards into the muck.
Player | Chips |
TH Thijs Hilberts | 510,000(43 BB) |
488,000(41 BB) |
Day3 Qualifiers - 175 Players
Player | Chips |
1,168,000 | |
JZ Javier Zarco | 959,000 |
NS Nobuaki Sasaki | 922,000 |
SM Samuel Mullur | 834,000 |
828,000 | |
IG Ivan Govorov | 820,000 |
JS Jeoffrey Sibal | 769,000 |
JZ Jayden Zalac | 734,000 |
DW Dylan Wayne Foster | 700,000 |
DE David Erquiaga | 680,000 |
ML Matthias Lipp | 640,000 |
VS Vlada Stojanovic | 620,000 |
HI Hiroya Iwamoto | 613,000 |
LW Lawrence Wong | 597,000 |
TT Tetsuya Tsujisaka | 593,000 |
LK Lars Kamphues | 592,000 |
MT Mike Takayama | 577,000 |
577,000 | |
GG Geno Gendrano | 551,000 |
CT Chuning Tan | 545,000 |
HL Hyundong Lee | 545,000 |
CZ Cheng Zhou | 540,000 |
AU Alexander Ugay | 516,000 |
NT Noppon Taengruen | 511,000 |
LP Leonidas Panagiotopoulos | 492,000 |
ED Egidijus Digrys | 489,000 |
SI Senan Inoue | 481,000 |
RE Ramana Epparla | 474,000 |
FC Florencio Campomanes | 472,000 |
468,000 | |
465,000 | |
SD Sita Divari | 464,000 |
JM Javier Martinez | 460,000 |
457,000 | |
NK Nattawut Kwunsong | 450,000 |
CY Cheng Yen Lo | 442,000 |
434,000 | |
428,000 | |
TC Tsz Chan (2) | 428,000 |
ES Emmanuel Segismundo | 403,000 |
397,000 | |
389,000 | |
JH Jiaqi He | 386,000 |
SK Sangbum Kim | 363,000 |
353,000 | |
SK Siddharth Karia | 345,000 |
YA Yuya Asakawa | 336,000 |
SL Stephen Lai | 333,000 |
MG Marc Gagne | 331,000 |
WZ Wanhao Zhao | 331,000 |
330,000 | |
330,000 | |
AA Anusorn Asiralertsiri | 322,000 |
JM Joshua Mccully | 321,000 |
JF Joshua Figuerres | 315,000 |
DS Daniel Smiljkovic | 311,000 |
311,000 | |
MG Martin Gonzales | 311,000 |
NP Nopparut Piyatassakorn | 305,000 |
YI Yousuke Ino | 305,000 |
DL Daehyung Lee | 302,000 |
MA Marco Almerez | 300,000 |
DC Donavan Chu | 291,000 |
TH Thijs Hilberts | 291,000 |
MA Mark Almusajin | 287,000 |
SL Suya Lee | 286,000 |
285,000 | |
SK Sho Katsura | 285,000 |
280,000 | |
274,000 | |
LD Luke Dainton | 270,000 |
AG Anthony Gabitan | 267,000 |
266,000 | |
RM Rishi Mehra | 266,000 |
JL Jacques Le Guennec | 262,000 |
JO Jihwan Oh | 257,000 |
KT Kaga Tam | 253,000 |
OS Olivier Serrie | 246,000 |
246,000 | |
TL Thomas Lee | 245,000 |
MR Marc Rivera | 242,000 |
BQ Bao Qiang Ho | 241,000 |
MF Martin Finger | 240,000 |
YT Yu Tang Wang | 237,000 |
DB Dmitrii Belikov | 232,000 |
BK Byeongjin Kim | 226,000 |
NH Ngoc Huyen Quach | 226,000 |
225,000 | |
219,000 | |
JR Jesse Rivera | 218,000 |
BY Benhur Ybarsabal | 216,000 |
MM Michikiko Matsuda | 215,000 |
EM Edwin Marzan | 210,000 |
ZY Zhifan Ye | 210,000 |
NK Nattamon Kaweesorasak | 206,000 |
204,000 | |
HW Hua Wei Lin | 203,000 |
JL Junghyun Lee | 198,000 |
RA Rokas Asipauskas | 194,000 |
191,000 | |
190,000 | |
182,000 | |
TM Takumi Monden | 182,000 |
DN Dominik Nitsche | 180,000 |
179,000 | |
JZ Jie Zhang | 177,000 |
DH Daichi Hiruma | 174,000 |
TC Tsz Chung Yip | 171,000 |
170,000 | |
RJ Raju Jaruplavath | 169,000 |
ZC Zhen Chen | 165,000 |
PT Prommin Talordpong | 163,000 |
JC | 158,000 |
SC Shyh Chyn Lim | 157,000 |
AT Alex Tchong | 149,000 |
AC Alexis Cruz | 149,000 |
OY Or Yaaqov Nezer | 149,000 |
GM Geronimo Manuel | 148,000 |
TT Tomoki Terashima | 147,000 |
JH Joshua Hamilton Duce | 141,000 |
136,000 | |
135,000 | |
EC Edward Chun Ho Yam | 134,000 |
WY Won You | 134,000 |
AK Alari Kunnapuu | 133,000 |
BE Benjamin Ebarle | 131,000 |
RM Richard Marquez | 129,000 |
TS Tirajad Sirimueanphong | 129,000 |
KH Kaito Hashimoto | 128,000 |
CG Collin Gentner | 124,000 |
MS Moses Saquing | 124,000 |
JK Jaejoong Kim | 123,000 |
SL Shengwei Liang | 122,000 |
TG Terry Gonzaga | 122,000 |
119,000 | |
YT Yuji Tsuboi | 119,000 |
SA Seina Asagiri | 117,000 |
113,000 | |
108,000 | |
YK Yohei Kitazato | 105,000 |
CR Czardy Rivera | 97,000 |
EK Edgaras Kausinis | 93,000 |
SD Sithanh Deuansavanh | 93,000 |
92,000 | |
JM James Moriles | 91,000 |
LV Laurinaitis Vytautas | 91,000 |
GL Gregory Liow | 90,000 |
KF Kam Fung Lee | 90,000 |
BH Beng Hong Ker | 88,000 |
KM Kazuma Maekawa | 88,000 |
SS Somasekhar Sanampuri | 84,000 |
77,000 | |
AK Akihiro Kawaguchi | 74,000 |
74,000 | |
RP Runch Pornraksamanee | 73,000 |
YP Yohn Paredes | 71,000 |
RH Rex Hunt Ai | 68,000 |
AK Anthony Kastelic | 64,000 |
BG Battulga Ganbold | 64,000 |
JW Jakub Wojtas | 64,000 |
JK Jason Kyle Magbanua | 62,000 |
59,000 | |
IC I-chun Chiu | 58,000 |
CL Craig Landry | 56,000 |
55,000 | |
40,000 | |
35,000 | |
AN Andrew Nguyen | 34,000 |
RG Renniel Galvez | 24,000 |
JY Joonhee Yea | 19,000 |
IA Ish Agarwal | 18,000 |
KM Kaito Mori | 17,000 |
YA Yusuke Arima | 15,000 |
12,000 | |
MM Masayuki Murata | 5,000 |
Day 2
Spotlight on APT Manila Classic Main Event Day 2 Action

The stage is set for Day 2 of APT Manila Classic Main Event, where 377 survivors from the four starting flights will converge at the Crowne Plaza and battle for a share of the PHP 60,000,000 guaranteed prize pool. With 1,146 entries recorded across all starting flights, the number is expected to rise as registration remains open until the start of play.
The action kicks off at 11:00 AM local time. Blinds begin at 800/1,600 with a big blind ante of 1,600. A 15-minute break is scheduled every two levels, and contestants will play through 60-minute levels until making it into the money.
Leading the pack in Day 2 is Japan’s Tomoki Terashima, who amassed an impressive stack of 347,300 after navigating through Flight A. Close behind is Austria’s Matthias Lipp. He bagged up 345,000 chips, less than two big blinds gap from the chip leader. Lithuania’s Andrius Janca also crossed the three-hundred mark, securing 338,000 chips and the third spot on the chipboard.
Top Ten Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
TT Tomoki Terashima | 347,300 |
ML Matthias Lipp | 345,000 |
JA Janca Andrius | 338,000 |
TH Thijs Hilberts | 292,600 |
KM Kwonhwan Mun | 288,200 |
LK Lars Kamphues | 259,800 |
JC | 252,900 |
AU Alexander Ugay | 248,000 |
RH Rex Hunt Ai | 230,400 |
JB Jayaram Bharath | 229,100 |
Other notable APT titleholders advancing to Day 2 include Joshua Chargualaf (252,900), David Erquiaga (205,800), Henrik Tollefsen (202,200), Marco Espela (201,900), Thanisom Saelor (200,500). Kunal Patni (184,500), fresh off his Mystery Bounty Hunter victory, and Mike Takayama (173,600) are also among the contenders.
Stay tuned for comprehensive coverage of the Main Event Day 2 and discover who will outlast and advance to Day 3.