Day 4
Stojanovic Dispatches Noppon

Dylan Foster opened up the action with a raise to 120,000 from early position and Vlada Stojanovic three-bet to 300,000 from the hijack. Taengruen Noppon then shipped his stack of just over 600,000 into the middle from the cutoff, and only Stojanovic called.
Taengruen Noppon: A♥ J♥
Vlada Stojanovic: K♥ Q♥
Noppon's hand was in the lead, but it didn't stay there for long as the 4♣ 8♦ K♦ flop saw Stojanovic pair his king. A T♥ on the turn added a Broadway draw for Noppon, but the 6♠ river bricked out, ending his Main Event run.
Player | Chips |
VS Vlada Stojanovic | 2,285,000(38 BB) |
NT Noppon Taengruen | busted |
Taengruen's Shrinking Stack

Dylan Foster raised to 100,000 from middle position and Noppon Taengruen called on the button.
Both saw a flop come 2♥ 2♦ 7♣ and Foster continued for 175,000, to which Taengruen put in a raise to 350,000. Foster made the call after thinking for a while.
The 4♦ hit on the turn, where Foster check-called another barrel of 500,000 from Taengruen.
The 8♦ dropped on the river and it went check-check.
Foster tabled 8♣ 8♠ for a rivered full house, leaving Taengruen no choice but to muck the cards.
Taengruen has less than one million chips now.
Player | Chips |
DW Dylan Wayne Foster | 3,025,000(61 BB) |
NT Noppon Taengruen | 900,000(18 BB) |
Ugay Folds with An Ace on Hand
Noppon Taengruen raised to 125,000 from early position and Alexander Ugay called on the button.
Both saw a flop of K♠ 6♠ 5♠ and checked through to see the J♠ turn, where Ugay checked to Taengruen, who bet 60,000. This was enough to make Ugay open-muck A♣ 9♣ .
Player | Chips |
AU Alexander Ugay | 4,800,000(96 BB) |
NT Noppon Taengruen | 2,025,000(41 BB) |
Tsujisaka Flops Trips
Tetsuya Tsujisaka made it 120,000 to go from middle position and was defended by Noppon Taengruen from the big blind.
On a flop of 9♣ 9♦ 4♦ , Taengruen check-called after Tsujisaka continued for 75,000. The 2♣ came on the turn and it went check-check.
The river brought a 3♣ . Taengruen then made a bet of 125,000, and Tsujisaka put in a raise to 425,000. Taengruen called for a showdown.
Tsujisaka flipped trips of nines with K♠ 9♥ to rack in the sizable pot as Taengruen returned his cards back to the dealer.
Player | Chips |
TT Tetsuya Tsujisaka | 2,500,000(50 BB) |
NT Noppon Taengruen | 1,950,000(39 BB) |
Chu Fires for the River Three
Danavan Chu raised the small blind to 60,000 and was defended by Noppon Taengruen from the big blind.
Both players saw the 7♠ 4♠ 7♥ flop and checked through to see the J♣ land on the turn, where Chu fired out 55,000, which Taengruen made the call.
The river showed a 3♠ . Chu was determined to take down the pot and sent another chunky barrel of 200,000. Taengruen eventually threw his cards back to the dealer after some consideration.
Player | Chips |
NT Noppon Taengruen | 900,000(36 BB) |
DC Donavan Chu | 870,000(35 BB) |
Day4 Qualifiers - 48 Players
Player | Chips |
JZ Jie Zhang | 3,930,000 |
AU Alexander Ugay | 2,335,000 |
SM Samuel Mullur | 2,065,000 |
GG Geno Gendrano | 1,995,000 |
1,755,000 | |
JZ Jayden Zalac | 1,740,000 |
TT Tetsuya Tsujisaka | 1,630,000 |
ED Egidijus Digrys | 1,609,000 |
RM Rishi Mehra | 1,465,000 |
1,365,000 | |
1,345,000 | |
CT Chuning Tan | 1,300,000 |
1,295,000 | |
DL Daehyung Lee | 1,260,000 |
OY Or Yaaqov Nezer | 1,260,000 |
HI Hiroya Iwamoto | 1,220,000 |
LK Lars Kamphues | 1,200,000 |
JS Jeoffrey Sibal | 1,175,000 |
DB Dmitrii Belikov | 1,170,000 |
HL Hyundong Lee | 1,100,000 |
NT Noppon Taengruen | 1,090,000 |
BM Bonifacio Mondalo Jr. | 1,050,000 |
1,030,000 | |
VS Vlada Stojanovic | 990,000 |
IG Ivan Govorov | 970,000 |
JH Jiaqi He | 945,000 |
SK Siddharth Karia | 940,000 |
SM Shinya Matsuda | 800,000 |
740,000 | |
NH Ngoc Huyen Quach | 665,000 |
NP Nopparut Piyatassakorn | 615,000 |
DC Donavan Chu | 525,000 |
SJ Seungmook Jung | 480,000 |
470,000 | |
NS Nobuaki Sasaki | 450,000 |
DW Dylan Wayne Foster | 420,000 |
410,000 | |
CZ Cheng Zhou | 320,000 |
SK Sangbum Kim | 320,000 |
ES Emmanuel Segismundo | 315,000 |
LD Luke Dainton | 315,000 |
MM Michikiko Matsuda | 310,000 |
AA Anusorn Asiralertsiri | 300,000 |
285,000 | |
TG Terry Gonzaga | 280,000 |
TS Tirajad Sirimueanphong | 280,000 |
YK Yu-chien Kung | 250,000 |
JZ Javier Zarco | 30,000 |
Day 3
Day3 Qualifiers - 175 Players
Player | Chips |
1,168,000 | |
JZ Javier Zarco | 959,000 |
NS Nobuaki Sasaki | 922,000 |
SM Samuel Mullur | 834,000 |
828,000 | |
IG Ivan Govorov | 820,000 |
JS Jeoffrey Sibal | 769,000 |
JZ Jayden Zalac | 734,000 |
DW Dylan Wayne Foster | 700,000 |
DE David Erquiaga | 680,000 |
ML Matthias Lipp | 640,000 |
VS Vlada Stojanovic | 620,000 |
HI Hiroya Iwamoto | 613,000 |
LW Lawrence Wong | 597,000 |
TT Tetsuya Tsujisaka | 593,000 |
LK Lars Kamphues | 592,000 |
MT Mike Takayama | 577,000 |
577,000 | |
GG Geno Gendrano | 551,000 |
CT Chuning Tan | 545,000 |
HL Hyundong Lee | 545,000 |
CZ Cheng Zhou | 540,000 |
AU Alexander Ugay | 516,000 |
NT Noppon Taengruen | 511,000 |
LP Leonidas Panagiotopoulos | 492,000 |
ED Egidijus Digrys | 489,000 |
SI Senan Inoue | 481,000 |
RE Ramana Epparla | 474,000 |
FC Florencio Campomanes | 472,000 |
468,000 | |
465,000 | |
SD Sita Divari | 464,000 |
JM Javier Martinez | 460,000 |
457,000 | |
NK Nattawut Kwunsong | 450,000 |
CY Cheng Yen Lo | 442,000 |
434,000 | |
428,000 | |
TC Tsz Chan (2) | 428,000 |
ES Emmanuel Segismundo | 403,000 |
397,000 | |
389,000 | |
JH Jiaqi He | 386,000 |
SK Sangbum Kim | 363,000 |
353,000 | |
SK Siddharth Karia | 345,000 |
YA Yuya Asakawa | 336,000 |
SL Stephen Lai | 333,000 |
MG Marc Gagne | 331,000 |
WZ Wanhao Zhao | 331,000 |
330,000 | |
330,000 | |
AA Anusorn Asiralertsiri | 322,000 |
JM Joshua Mccully | 321,000 |
JF Joshua Figuerres | 315,000 |
DS Daniel Smiljkovic | 311,000 |
311,000 | |
MG Martin Gonzales | 311,000 |
NP Nopparut Piyatassakorn | 305,000 |
YI Yousuke Ino | 305,000 |
DL Daehyung Lee | 302,000 |
MA Marco Almerez | 300,000 |
DC Donavan Chu | 291,000 |
TH Thijs Hilberts | 291,000 |
MA Mark Almusajin | 287,000 |
SL Suya Lee | 286,000 |
285,000 | |
SK Sho Katsura | 285,000 |
280,000 | |
274,000 | |
LD Luke Dainton | 270,000 |
AG Anthony Gabitan | 267,000 |
266,000 | |
RM Rishi Mehra | 266,000 |
JL Jacques Le Guennec | 262,000 |
JO Jihwan Oh | 257,000 |
KT Kaga Tam | 253,000 |
OS Olivier Serrie | 246,000 |
246,000 | |
TL Thomas Lee | 245,000 |
MR Marc Rivera | 242,000 |
BQ Bao Qiang Ho | 241,000 |
MF Martin Finger | 240,000 |
YT Yu Tang Wang | 237,000 |
DB Dmitrii Belikov | 232,000 |
BK Byeongjin Kim | 226,000 |
NH Ngoc Huyen Quach | 226,000 |
225,000 | |
219,000 | |
JR Jesse Rivera | 218,000 |
BY Benhur Ybarsabal | 216,000 |
MM Michikiko Matsuda | 215,000 |
EM Edwin Marzan | 210,000 |
ZY Zhifan Ye | 210,000 |
NK Nattamon Kaweesorasak | 206,000 |
204,000 | |
HW Hua Wei Lin | 203,000 |
JL Junghyun Lee | 198,000 |
RA Rokas Asipauskas | 194,000 |
191,000 | |
190,000 | |
182,000 | |
TM Takumi Monden | 182,000 |
DN Dominik Nitsche | 180,000 |
179,000 | |
JZ Jie Zhang | 177,000 |
DH Daichi Hiruma | 174,000 |
TC Tsz Chung Yip | 171,000 |
170,000 | |
RJ Raju Jaruplavath | 169,000 |
ZC Zhen Chen | 165,000 |
PT Prommin Talordpong | 163,000 |
JC | 158,000 |
SC Shyh Chyn Lim | 157,000 |
AT Alex Tchong | 149,000 |
AC Alexis Cruz | 149,000 |
OY Or Yaaqov Nezer | 149,000 |
GM Geronimo Manuel | 148,000 |
TT Tomoki Terashima | 147,000 |
JH Joshua Hamilton Duce | 141,000 |
136,000 | |
135,000 | |
EC Edward Chun Ho Yam | 134,000 |
WY Won You | 134,000 |
AK Alari Kunnapuu | 133,000 |
BE Benjamin Ebarle | 131,000 |
RM Richard Marquez | 129,000 |
TS Tirajad Sirimueanphong | 129,000 |
KH Kaito Hashimoto | 128,000 |
CG Collin Gentner | 124,000 |
MS Moses Saquing | 124,000 |
JK Jaejoong Kim | 123,000 |
SL Shengwei Liang | 122,000 |
TG Terry Gonzaga | 122,000 |
119,000 | |
YT Yuji Tsuboi | 119,000 |
SA Seina Asagiri | 117,000 |
113,000 | |
108,000 | |
YK Yohei Kitazato | 105,000 |
CR Czardy Rivera | 97,000 |
EK Edgaras Kausinis | 93,000 |
SD Sithanh Deuansavanh | 93,000 |
92,000 | |
JM James Moriles | 91,000 |
LV Laurinaitis Vytautas | 91,000 |
GL Gregory Liow | 90,000 |
KF Kam Fung Lee | 90,000 |
BH Beng Hong Ker | 88,000 |
KM Kazuma Maekawa | 88,000 |
SS Somasekhar Sanampuri | 84,000 |
77,000 | |
AK Akihiro Kawaguchi | 74,000 |
74,000 | |
RP Runch Pornraksamanee | 73,000 |
YP Yohn Paredes | 71,000 |
RH Rex Hunt Ai | 68,000 |
AK Anthony Kastelic | 64,000 |
BG Battulga Ganbold | 64,000 |
JW Jakub Wojtas | 64,000 |
JK Jason Kyle Magbanua | 62,000 |
59,000 | |
IC I-chun Chiu | 58,000 |
CL Craig Landry | 56,000 |
55,000 | |
40,000 | |
35,000 | |
AN Andrew Nguyen | 34,000 |
RG Renniel Galvez | 24,000 |
JY Joonhee Yea | 19,000 |
IA Ish Agarwal | 18,000 |
KM Kaito Mori | 17,000 |
YA Yusuke Arima | 15,000 |
12,000 | |
MM Masayuki Murata | 5,000 |