PokerStars LIVE APPT Manila Championship 2024Philippines, Okada ManilaEVENT
2024.10.21 - 2024.10.22
Asia Pacific Poker Tour
Rank | Player | Country | Prize |
#1 | MW Matthew Wakeman (2) | Australia | $84,270 Philippine Peso 4,835,000 |
#2 | DK Dohwan Kim | Korea (Republic of) | $52,810 Philippine Peso 3,030,000 |
#3 | GT Gary Thompson | Ireland | $37,650 Philippine Peso 2,160,000 |
#4 | JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | Taiwan | $28,930 Philippine Peso 1,660,000 |
#5 | FC Florencio Campomanes | Philippines | $22,310 Philippine Peso 1,280,000 |
#6 | JR Jaime Ramon Reyes | United States of America | $17,080 Philippine Peso 980,000 |
#7 | JW Julian Warhurst | Australia | $13,595 Philippine Peso 780,000 |
#8 | LE Lester Edoc | Philippines | $11,330 Philippine Peso 650,000 |
#9 | YW Yan Wen Yee | Malaysia | $9,500 Philippine Peso 545,000 |
#10 | RC Ruben Clamares | Philippines | $8,295 Philippine Peso 476,000 |
#11 | JM Joris Michl | Netherlands | $8,295 Philippine Peso 476,000 |
#12 | FP Finn Penderak | Germany | $7,215 Philippine Peso 414,000 |
#13 | YI Youngshin Im | Korea (Republic of) | $7,215 Philippine Peso 414,000 |
#14 | JJ Jeremy Jehanne | France | $6,275 Philippine Peso 360,000 |
#15 | JH Jacky Ho | China | $6,275 Philippine Peso 360,000 |
#16 | AR Aladin Reskallah | France | $5,455 Philippine Peso 313,000 |
#17 | JM James Mendoza | Philippines | $5,455 Philippine Peso 313,000 |
#18 | JT Jimmy Tunggadjaja | Indonesia | $4,740 Philippine Peso 272,000 |
#19 | GY Gab Yong Kim | Korea (Republic of) | $4,740 Philippine Peso 272,000 |
#20 | DG Damien Gayer | France | $4,740 Philippine Peso 272,000 |
#21 | SC Stevan Chew | Australia | $4,130 Philippine Peso 237,000 |
#22 | HN Hieu Ngo | Viet Nam | $4,130 Philippine Peso 237,000 |
#23 | TY Takashi Yagura | Japan | $4,130 Philippine Peso 237,000 |
#24 | CR Czardy Rivera | Philippines | $3,590 Philippine Peso 206,000 |
#25 | CM Christopher Mateo | Philippines | $3,590 Philippine Peso 206,000 |
#26 | TC Toan Chan Truong | Viet Nam | $3,590 Philippine Peso 206,000 |
#27 | TM Troy Mclean | Australia | $3,590 Philippine Peso 206,000 |
#28 | HN Hadinoto Nyo | Indonesia | $3,120 Philippine Peso 179,000 |
#29 | VA Vladislavs Azans | Latvia | $3,120 Philippine Peso 179,000 |
#30 | TO Takumi Odani | Japan | $3,120 Philippine Peso 179,000 |
#31 | CJ Cho Jaegeol | Korea (Republic of) | $3,120 Philippine Peso 179,000 |
#32 | NJ Neel Joshi | India | $2,700 Philippine Peso 155,000 |
#33 | JC Jennifer Cassell | Australia | $2,700 Philippine Peso 155,000 |
#34 | TH Tom Henricus Verbruggen | Netherlands | $2,700 Philippine Peso 155,000 |
#35 | WK Woojin Kim | Korea (Republic of) | $2,700 Philippine Peso 155,000 |
#36 | AH Andrew Hinrichsen | Australia | $2,700 Philippine Peso 155,000 |
#37 | AK Anh Khoa Ngo | Viet Nam | $2,700 Philippine Peso 155,000 |
#38 | NN Nguyen Nang Quang | Viet Nam | $2,700 Philippine Peso 155,000 |
#39 | SA Seitaro Aso | Japan | $2,700 Philippine Peso 155,000 |
#40 | MB Minh Bach | Viet Nam | $2,510 Philippine Peso 144,000 |
#41 | GG Grant Gardner | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | $2,510 Philippine Peso 144,000 |
#42 | BP Bert Perry | Australia | $2,510 Philippine Peso 144,000 |
#43 | BL Benjamin LeBlond | Canada | $2,510 Philippine Peso 144,000 |
#44 | DM Dang Minh Dat | Viet Nam | $2,510 Philippine Peso 144,000 |
#45 | MR Martin Rundulf Gonzales | Philippines | $2,510 Philippine Peso 144,000 |
#46 | RG Renniel Galvez | Philippines | $2,510 Philippine Peso 144,000 |
#47 | PB Pham Bao | Viet Nam | $2,510 Philippine Peso 144,000 |