WPT Vietnam Main Event Day 1C: Nam Hyung Kim bags big at Day 1C to claim overall chip lead

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Nam Hyung Kim

World Poker Tour (WPT) Vietnam Main Event wrapped up its third and last starting day with a booming 411 entries and 56 players advancing to the next round. Holding the torch as front runner was Korean superstar Nam Hyung Kim who bagged a massive 729,000 stack (145 bb). This was also more than enough to earn the top spot in the overall Day 2 counts.

Read up on how Kim amassed his chips by scrolling down to the live updates. Finishing in second rank was Germany’s Tim Schimmel with 138 bb and to round out the top three was Vietnamese pro Cao Ngoc Anh with 127 bb. All three players advanced to Day 2 in the same order.

Date: October 14, 2023
Buy in is ₫30,000,000 (~US$ 1,230)
Guarantee: ₫12,000,000,000 (~US$ 492,100)
*Champion will also win a package to the $40 Million guaranteed WPT World Championship in December at Wynn Las Vegas

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Day 1A: 130 entries (95 unique) / 21 advanced
Day 1B: 309 entries (207 unique) / 47 advanced
Day 1C: 411 entries {254 unique) / 56 advanced

WPT Vietnam – Day 2 Chip Counts, Seat Draw, Payouts

Day 1C – 56 players

Nam Hyung KimKorea729,000
Tim SchimmelGermany690,000
Ngoc Anh CaoViet Nam636,000
Dang Hoang VietViet Nam631,000
Ly Tran TienViet Nam628,000
Baxoka (Tan Wah Weng)Singapore553,000
Tran Manh HungViet Nam547,000
Nguyen Van SangViet Nam525,000
Do Quang Thang (Doquata)Viet Nam524,000
Sorawit SuriyakarnThai Land496,000
Nguyen The AnhViet Nam489,000
Pham Duy AnhViet Nam429,000
Baby Tuchu (Nguyen Thanh Tung)Viet Nam417,000
Manoj PentakotaIndia412,000
Dao Xuan KhanhViet Nam396,000
Leonard YanickFrance386,000
Shue Sing ChurkChina379,000
Mr Lak (Nguyen Tuan Anh)Viet Nam359,000
Harsh DemblaIndia358,000
Somashekar Kurkhepally MahadevaIndia341,000
Xue SongChina322,000
Junggu KimKorea304,000
Pham Quyet TienViet Nam297,000
Jaemoon SeokSouth Korea295,000
Cankai ZhangChina292,000
Tian Hao ZhengChina292,000
Hong Sol VinKorea273,000
Lin Hua WeiTaiwan265,000
Sumit SapraIndia260,000
Cheng PengChina250,000
Amit KaushikIndia238,000
Rahul MelwaniIndia218,000
Chang Yu ChungTaiwan216,000
Xiao Yu ChengChina208,000
Wang ShuiChina200,000
Hieu TonyViet Nam189,000
Daniel SmithNew Zealand189,000
Nguyen Khoi (Captain Pk)Viet Nam176,000
Manh HoangViet Nam172,000
Terry GonzagaPhilippines168,000
Adones CarmonaPhilippines166,000
Yota MitsuiJapan165,000
Mai BienViet Nam153,000
Ho Koon WongSingapore148,000
Quang VuViet Nam147,000
Albert NguyenCanada141,000
KudoViet Nam131,000
Wang XinChina101,000
Chen Dong YueChina92,000
Vu Van LinhViet Nam90,000
Nguyen Tien Thanh (Poso)Viet Nam85,000
Le Xuan LongViet Nam81,000
Nguyen Van PhuongViet Nam73,000
Liang PengChina72,000
Nguyen Trung HaViet Nam63,000
Aayush AryaIndia52,000

Chips in play: 16,440,000

23:00: Nevan Chang four-bets Nguyen Van Sang
Level 14: 2500-5000 ante 5000

Cutoff Nevan Chang raises 10,000, button Nguyen Van Sang three-bets 27,500, Chang four-bets 175,000 (leaving himself 1,000 behind), Nguyen folds.

22:55: Ly Tran Tien wins last showdown of the day
Level 14: 2500-5000 ante 5000

Ly Tran Tien calls a short stack’s all in and is behind Qh10h against AdQc. A ten turns up on the flop and holds.

Ly Tran Tien – 420,000

22:50: Nam Hyung Kim pushes Vu Van Linh
Level 14: 2500-5000 ante 5000

From mid position, Nam Hyung Kim opens, small blind Vu Van Linh calls. When the board runs out 7h3c5c3d5h, Kim bets the flop and turn and Vu calls. On the river, the pot amassed to 108,000, Vu leads out 65,500, Kim jams, Vu tanks then folds.

Nam Hyung Kim – 703,000
Vu Van Linh – 60,000

22:45: Hua Wei Lin rails Pham Quang Van
Level 14: 2500-5000 ante 5000

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Hua Wei Lin

Utg Somashekar KM limps, Hua Wei Lin raises 10,000, Pham Quang Van all in for 19,500, Somashekar four-bets 35,000, Lin five-bets to 150,000, Somashekar folds.

Hua Wei Lin JcJs
Pham Quang Van KcQc

Board runs 7hJh7cKh6s, Pham busts.

Hua Wei Lin – 300,000

22:40: Xiao Yu Cheng doubles up through Tan Wah Meng
Level 14: 2500-5000 ante 5000

All in preflop, Xiao Yu Cheng AcKc, Tan Wah Meng KdKh, board runs 7sJcAd8hJh for a double up to Cheng.

Xiao Yu Cheng – 190,000
Tan Wah Meng – 485,000

22:35: Manoj Pentakota uses six time banks
Level 14: 2500-5000 ante 5000

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Manoj Pentakota

From hijack, Manoj Pentakota opens 10,000, cutoff three-bets 33,000, Pentakota calls. At the flop 10h8hQh, cutoff c-bet 16,000, Pentakota check-call. Both players check the turn 5c to bring the river 10s. Pentakota leads out 38,000, cutoff raises 200,000 – just covering Pentakota’s stack, Pentakota tanks. Pentakota proceeds to use all of his remaining six time-banks and just before time runs out, he calls and doubles up.

Cutoff Ks8s
Manoj Pentakota QcJc

Manoj Pentakota – 450,000

22:30: Yannick Leonard banks a huge double up off Ian Modder
Level 14: 2500-5000 ante 5000

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Yannick Leonard

Hijack Pham Duy Anh raises 13,000, button Yannick Leonard three-bets 36,000, big blind Ian Modder four-bets all in, Pham folds, Leonard calls for his tournament life.

Yannick Leonard JcJh, Modder As5s, board runs Ah10h10dKh6h for a flush to Leonard.

Yannick Leonard – 422,500
Ian Modder – 55,000

22:25: Hua Wei Lin rails a short stack
Level 14: 2500-5000 ante 5000

Hua Wei Lin cleans out a short stack with AcKh dominating AsQd on a board 10c3dAdKc2c.

Hua Wei Lin – 175,000

22:20: Ho Koon Leong lands two-outer against Adones Carmona
Level 14: 2500-5000 ante 5000

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Ho Koon Leong

All in preflop, Ho Koon Leong at risk with JhJd against bigger stacked Adones Carmona’s KdKs. When the flop runs 6hJc3h Leong spikes a lucky two-outer, then with the turn 6s and river 10c, Leong doubles up.

Ho Koon Leong – 160,000
Adones Carmona – 188,500

22:15: Blinds up, 64 players remaining – last level of play
Level 14: 2500-5000 ante 5000

Blinds are up, 64 players remaining. This is the last round of play. Just announced, if the field drops to 52 players, they will bag up. Here are the chip leaders:

Tim Schimmel – 670,000
Doqata – 610,000
Tan Wah Meng – 570,000
Hoang Viet – 549,000
Sorawit Suriyakarn – 508,000
Nguyen Van Sang – 480,000
Manh Hung Tran – 460,000

22:50: Nguyen Duc Hieu at top end of a cooler against Amit Kaushik
Level 13: 2000-4000 ante 4000

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Nguyen Duc Hieu

Utg+2 Amit Kaushik opens 8000, button three-bets 26,500, big blind Nguyen Duc Hieu four-bets all in 97,500, Kaushik shoves as well, button folds.

Nguyen Duc Hieu KdKh
Amit Kaushik QcQs

Board runs out 6cJcAd3d2h.

Nguyen Duc Hieu – 223,500
Amit Kaushik – 220,000

21:40: Tan Wah Meng rails Yo Hwan Lim
Level 13: 2000-4000 ante 4000

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Tan Wah Meng

Tan Wah Meng raises 8000, big blind Yo Hwan Lim three-bets all in for 78,000, Tan tanks using up three time banks then calls. Lim has 9s9d, Tan AdQs, board runs JhAh8s10dAs.

Tan Wah Meng – 580,000
Yo Hwan Lim – Eliminated

21:30: Nguyen Tuan Anh’s cowboys cracked by Zheng Tian Hao
Level 13: 2000-4000 ante 4000

Nguyen Tuan Anh

Utg Zheng Tian Hao opens, hijack Nguyen Tuan Anh three-bets 25,000, Zheng calls. At the flop 9c4s6s, Zheng check-calls 30,000. On the turn 9s, Zheng shoves, Nguyen calls and turns over KcKs overpair, Zheng is ahead with QsJs. The river 4h is not a spade or a king, Zheng doubles up.

Zheng Tian Hao – 310,000

21:20: Doquata cracks Noel Llamedo’s aces
Level 13: 2000-4000 ante 4000


Hijack Noel Llamedo opens 8000, small blind calls, flop runs 4dJd10h. Doquata leads out, Llamedo jams, Doquata calls and shows 4h4c set. Llamedo has AcAh. With the turn 6d and river 7h, Llamedo is eliminated.

Doquata – 525,000
Noel Llamedo – Eliminated

21:10: Amit Kaushik rises over 400K
Level 13: 2000-4000 ante 4000

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Amit Kaushik

Hijack opens, cutoff Amit Kaushik three-bets 28,000, hijack calls, flop comes 4c2sQs. Kaushik c-bets 12,000, hijack check-folds.

Amit Kaushik – 408,000

21:00: Blinds up, 75 remaining
Level 13: 2000-4000 ante 4000

Blinds are up, 75 players left out of the 411 entry field. The heat wraps up at the end of Level 14. These are the current big stacks:

Tan Wah Meng – 545,000
Hoang Viet – 496,000
Manh Hoang – 420,000
Chen Peng – 400,000
Nguyen Van Sang – 400,000

21:50: Nguyen The Anh dusts Justin Geronimo
Level 12: 1500-3000 ante 3000

Nguyen The Anh

Heavy preflop betting leads to Justin Geronimo all in holding 8h8d and falls to Nguyen The Anh’s KdKh.

Nguyen The Anh – 330,000
Justin Geronimo – Eliminated

20:40: Somashekar rails one on a flip
Level 12: 1500-3000 ante 3000

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Somashekar KM

Utg+2 opens, hijack three-bets 18,000, big blind Somashekar KM calls, utg+2 four-bets all in, hijack folds, Somashekar calls. At the showdown, it’s a flip with utg+2 9s9d and Somashekar KcQc. The board runs AdQdKd10dKs for a boat to Somashekar.

Somashekar KM – 415,000

20:30: Liang Peng doubles up through Don Carmona
Level 12: 1500-3000 ante 3000

Liang Peng

Cutoff Don Carmona opens, small blind Liang Peng three-bets 19,000, Carmona calls. At the flop Qh10sJs, checks, Carmona bets, Liang shoves, and Carmona calls. Liang ahead 9c8c straight, Carmona has plenty of outs As9s. However with the turn 5c and river 6h, Carmona misses to pay the double up.

Liang Peng – 128,000
Don Carmona – 97,000

20:20: Nam Hyung Kim burns Vu Van Linh
Level 12: 1500-3000 ante 3000

Nam Hyung Kim

From utg+1, Nam Hyung Kim opens and finds three callers to the flop 7c5d10h. Kim c-bets 10,000, cutoff folds, button Vu Van Linh and big blind call. On the turn 6c, Kim bets 25,000, Vu raises 55,000, Kim tanks then shoves, Vu snap calls.

Vu Van Linh 9c8c straight
Nam Hyung Kim 10d7d two pair

The river comes 7s for a full house to Kim and a double up.

Nam Hyung Kim – 316,000
Vu Van Linh – 120,000

20:10: Nguyen Thanh Tung doubles up through Dhanesh Chainani
Level 12: 1500-3000 ante 3000

Nguyen Thanh Tung

From lojack Dhanesh Chainani opens 6000, hijack Justin Geronimo calls button calls, big blind Nguyen Thanh Tung three-bets 26,500, Chainani four-bets all in, fold-fold, Nguyen calls with less chips.

Dhanesh Chainani KdQs
Nguyen Thanh Tung KhKc

The board comes 4c9c5hKsAh for a double up to Nguyen.

Nguyen Thanh Tung – 281,000
Dhanesh Chainani – 20,000

20:00: Blinds up, 108 players remaining
Level 12: 1500-3000 ante 3000

Tan Wah Meng

Blinds are up, 108 players remaining. The event plays to the end of Level 14.

Big stacks update:

Tan Wah Meng – 568,000
Manh Hoang – 385,000
Amit Kaushik – 375,000
Churk Shue – 375,000
Somashekar KM – 370,000
Doqata – 367,000
Hoang Viet – 340,000
Chen Peng – 297,000
Hong Sol Vin – 290,000
Terry Gonzaga – 278,000
Vu Van Linh – 263,000

19:30: Big stacks update, 117 remaining
Level 11: 1500-2500 ante 2500

Tan Wah Meng – 563,000
Doqata – 350,000
Hieu Nguyen – 330,000
Yeh Hung Wei -310,000
Pham Quang Van – 280,000
Albert Nguyen – 270,000
Terry Gonzaga – 260,000

19:25: Somashekar KM scores a huge double up against Chen Mingcong
Level 11: 1500-2500 ante 2500

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Somashekar KM

Utg Pham Quang Van opens 5500, cutoff Somashekar KM and big blind Chen Ming Cong call, flop comes Ac6h8c. Pham c-bets 11,000, Somashekar calls, Chen check-raises 41,500, Pham and Somashekar call. On the turn 10h, Chen shoves (146,500), Pham tank-folds, Somashekar tanks using up three time-banks then calls.

Somashekar KM Qc10c draw
Chen Mingcong 6s8s two pair

The river 5c is the money card for Somashekar to double up.

Somashekar KM – 285,000
Chen Mingcong – 65,000
Pham Quang Van – 280,000

18:45: Blinds up, 157 players remaining
Level 11: 1500-2500 ante 2500

Blinds are up, 157 players remaining out of 411 entries. Game plays to the end of Level 14. Currently in the lead is Terry Gonzaga with 370,000.

18:30: Yo Hwan Lim rails Ivan Konechnyi
Level 10: 1000-2000 ante 2000

Yo Hwan Lim

Ivan Konechnyi all in for 31,000 and Kh10h, Yo Hwan Lim calls AhJd, board is 9h8d4dAcKd.

Yo Hwan Lim – 113,000

18:10: Terry Gonzaga puts pressure on Sumit Sapra
Level 10: 1000-2000 ante 2000

Terry Gonzaga

Utg Sumit Sapra opens, big blind Terry Gonzaga defends, flop comes Kc5c2s. Sapra c-bets 3500, Gonzaga check-raises 8500, Sapra folds.

Terry Gonzaga – 370,000

18:00: Short stacks battle, Bich Nguyen ships it
Level 10: 1000-2000 ante 2000

Yasuhiro Waki raises 4000, Bich Nguyen three-bets jams 30,000, beside him a player joins in for 31,000, action folds around, Waki folds. Nguyen AhJh is up against KsJs. Both players miss the board for a double up to Nguyen.

Bich Nguyen – 69,000

17:50: Yeh Hung Wei rails one
Level 10: 1000-2000 ante 2000

All in preflop, Yeh Hung Wei’s QdQs delivers a knockout to a short stack with Kd10h on a board 4s3d9c6cJd.

Yeh Hung Wei – 230,000

17:45: Day 1C closes at 411 entries! 217 players remaining
Level 10: 1000-2000 ante 2000

Churk Shue

Last break of the day is over, that means registration to the Main Event is closed. Day 1C drew the largest field of 410 entries to bring the total entries to 850. We will have the prize pool up once it has been made available. Currently 217 players left in the field. They play until the end of Level 14. Blinds go up every 60 minutes.

Chip leaders:

Churk Shue – 320,000
Nguyen Van Sang – 298,000
Doqata – 297,000
Tim Schimmel – 290,000
Nam Hyung Kim – 250,000
Terry Gonzaga – 250,000

17:20: Pham Tien Dung survives against Richard Marquez
Level 9: 800-1600 ante 1600

Pham Tien Dung

Richard Marquez opens 3300, button Tran Thi Xuan Ha calls, small blind Pham Tien Dung shoves 7,300, Marquez four-bets 15,800, Tran folds. Marquez has Js10h, Pham 6c8s, the board is kind to Pham as it runs 4d7c2dAc5c for a straight.

Pham Tien Dung – 21,100

17:10: Heng Kien Tat jams for the pot
Level 9: 800-1600 ante 1600

Utg+1 raises 3200, Heng Kien Tat and big blind call. At the flop Kc6d3c, utg+1 c-bets 3200, Heng shoves, no callers.

17:00: Truong Vu Tran Khanh cracks cowboys
Level 9: 800-1600 ante 1600

Truong Vu Tran Khanh calls a short stack’s all in. Khanh has AhQd, at risk player with KdKs, board runs 6hAc6h7d3d.

Truong Vu Tran Khanh – 80,000

16:55: Pham Duy Anh bets every street and lands runner runner to bust one
Level 9: 800-1600 ante 1600

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Pham Duy Anh

Getting the action from Pham Duy Anh, utg opens, from utg+2 Pham three-bet, hijack calls, initial raiser folds. At the flop 4h3hAc, Pham bets 15,000 and hijack calls. On the turn 8d Pham bets 25,000 and is called again. On the river 8s with 86,000 in the pot, Pham shoves, hijack calls for everything, Pham opens Qd8h trips, hijack busts with Ah7h two pair.

Pham Duy Anh – 235,000

16:50: Blinds up, 371 entries – last level to enter the Main Event
Level 9: 800-1600 ante 1600

Blinds are up, 371 entries (255 unique). For those just about to enter, starting stack is 40,000. Registration is open until the start of Level 10. Blinds increase every 40 minutes then to 60 minutes once registration has closed at approximately 5:30pm.

16:50: Yannick Leonard rails Tran Duc Kien
Level 8: 600-1200 ante 1200

Action folds to button Yannick Leonard who raises 2500, small blind Tran Duc Kien shoves (17,200), Leonard calls and shows As9d, Tran with 10h10c. The board runs 3d8d9s7hAh, Leonard spikes the ace to eliminated Tran.

Yannick Leonard – 65,000

16:45: Song Li goes up then busts to Nguyen Huu Tuan
Level 8: 600-1200 ante 1200

Nguyen Huu Tuan

Under the gun Song Li raises 2500 and finds five callers to the flop KhAc5d. Song c-bets 12,000, no callers to claim the pot.

Next hand, cutoff Nguyen Huu Tuan raises 3500, button calls, big blind Song three-bets 11,500, Nguyen and button call. At the flop 3h10c3c, Song c-bets 15,000, Nguyen calls, button folds. On the Kc turn, Song jams, Nguyen calls. Song shows AdQd, Nguyen with AcAs. The river 7c further improves Nguyen to a flush to ship it and boot Song.

Nguyen Huu Tuan – 130,000
Song Li – Eliminated

16:40: Chhikara Himanshu delivers a double KO
Level 8: 600-1200 ante 1200

Utg+1 raises 2500, hijack Chhikara Himanshu calls. small blind Dinh Xuan Dinh shoves 25,100, initial raiser tank-calls for 20,100, Himanshu calls with the biggest stack.

Dinh Xuan Dinh Qc10c
Utg+1 6d6c
Chhikara Himanshu AdAh

Board runs out 7sJhQdJsJc, Himanshu sweeps and delivers a double bust.

Chhikara Himanshu – 94,000
Dinh Xuan Dinh – Eliminated

16:35: Nguyen Thi Bao An busts on a flip against Teddy Pham
Level 8: 600-1200 ante 1200

Teddy Pham

Nguyen Thi Bao An is all in for 13,200 with AdJd but doesn’t improve against Teddy Pham’s 4d4h on a board 2c5cQc6h8s to bust out.

Teddy Pham – 57,000
Nguyen Thi Bao An – Eliminated

16:30: Dong Kyu Kim says Tens always no good, Hoang Viet doubles
Level 8: 600-1200 ante 1200

Hoang Viet three-bet shoves 21,100, initial raiser Dong Kyu Kim calls. Hoang Ac7h, Kim 10h10c. The board runs 2hAd3dKhJs for a double up to Hoang to 44,200.

16:25: Tan Wah Meng takes it on four-bet
Level 8: 600-1200 ante 1200

Utg raises 1200, Nguyen utg+2 Nguyen Van Sang three-bets 2400, finds one caller, hijack Tan Wah Meng four-bets 12,500, no callers.

16:20: Big blind special for Yinan Zhou to rail one
Level 8: 600-1200 ante 1200

Yinan Zhou

Button raises 2900, blinds call, flop comes 9c7d6d. buton c-bets 7,200, small blind folds, big blind Yinan Zhou check-raises 14,600, button jams, Zhou snap-calls. Zhou has 5h8s straight, button qh}9h top pair. With the turn 10h and river 6c, Zhou ships it and boots one.

Yinan Zhou – 96,000

16:10: Blinds up, 350 entries
Level 8: 600-1200 ante 1200

Blinds are up, 350 entries (253 unique). For those just about to enter, starting stack is 40,000. Registration is open until the start of Level 10. Blinds increase every 40 minutes then to 60 minutes once registration has closed at approximately 5:30pm.

15:40: Pham Quang Van picks up a heavily fueled pot
Level 7: 500-1000 ante 1000

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Pham Quang Van

Utg+2 opens 2200, three players call, big blind three-bets 7200, utg+2 and lojack Pham Quang Van call, cutoff Nguyen Nang Quang folds, button calls for four-handed to the flop Ad10c9c. Two checks, Pham bets 12,000, no callers.

Pham Quang Van – 73,000

15:30: Blinds up, 314 entries
Level 7: 500-1000 ante 1000

Blinds are up, 314 entries (238 unique). For those just about to enter, starting stack is 40,000. Registration is open until the start of Level 10. Blinds increase every 40 minutes then to 60 minutes once registration has closed at approximately 5:30pm.

15:15: Break time chip leaders
Level 6: 400-800 ante 800

Adones Carmona

Players are on their second 15-minute break. Quite a few have chips well over 100K, here are the some of the big stacks:

Pham Duy Anh – 147,000
Adones Carmona – 166,000
Heng Kien Tat – 134,000
Yun Kyu Song – 131,800
Vu Van Linh – 130,000

15:10: Hieu Ngo triples up
Level 6: 400-800 ante 800

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HIeu Ngo

Utg opens, lojack Nguyen Quang Minh three-bets 5000, hijack and cutoff Hieu Ngo call, utg folds. Three players to the flop Ad2dQd, action is checked to Hieu who bets 5000, Nguyen raises 10,000, hijack jams, Hieu and Nguyen call.

Hijack AcKh
Hieu Ngo 10d9d
Nguyen Quang Minh AsKd

With the turn {10h and river Ah, Hieu’s flush holds for a triple up. Nguyen and hijack split the side pot.

Hieu Ngo – 80,000
Nguyen Quang Minh – 58,000
Hijack – 23,000

14:50: Big slick pays the max and more to Richard Marquez
Level 6: 400-800 ante 800


Utg Aayush Arya opens 1800, three players call, small blind three-bets 8500, big blind Richard Marquez shoves for 33,800. Initial raiser Arya calls, utg+1 joins the all in with 23,500, two players fold, small blind folds.

Richard Marquez AcKs
Aayush Arya QhQs
Utg+1 7s8s

The board runs Kd4h4s8s6c, Marquez ships it while booting one in the process.

Richard Marquez – 104,000
Aayush Arya – 79,400

14:45: Nam Hyung Kim sends John Tech to the tank
Level 6: 400-800 ante 800

Nam Hyung Kim

Utg+1 Nam Hyung Kim raise 1600, hijack John Tech three-bets 5100, Kim four-bets 14,000, Tech calls, flop comes 8h6h7d. Kim c-bets 8000, Tech calls. On the turn 4h, Kim shoves, Tech is covered and tanks using up two time banks then folds. Tech asks Kim if he had Ace-Five hearts, Kim said no.

Nam Hyung Kim – 113,500
John Tech – 44,5000

14:40: Chen Dong Yue Delivers a Triple KO
Level 6: 400-800 ante 800

Chen Dong Yue

Four way all in at the flop 3h8c9c, one player with 3c3d set, Nguyen Van Trung 6d6s, Chen Dong Yue KhKd overpair, shortest with Qc10d gut shot. No change on the turn 5h but on the river Kc, Chen scores the higher set and sweeps sending three players to the rail.

Chen Dong Yue – 124,000

14:35: Blinds up, 273 entries
Level 6: 400-800 ante 800

Blinds are up, 273 entries (228 unique). For those just about to enter, starting stack is 40,000. Registration is open until the start of Level 10. Blinds increase every 40 minutes then to 60 minutes once registration has closed at approximately 5:30pm.

14:20: Ankit Wadhawan plunges with second nuts against Nguyen Duc Hieu
Level 6: 400-800 ante 800

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Nguyen Duc Hieu

Cutoff Nguyen Duc Hieu opens, blinds call, flop comes Qc2c3d. Nguyen c-bets, small blind Ankit Wadhawan calls, big blind folds. Both players check the turn 7s, then Wadahawan leads out 10,400 on the river 5c, Hieu raises 35,000, Wadhawan tanks using up five time banks then calls. Nguyen has Ac3c nut flush, Wadhawan shows his Kc7c second nuts.

Nguyen Duc Hieu – 101,500
Ankit Wadhawan – 900

14:15: Heng Kien Tat ships it and boots one
Level 6: 400-800 ante 800

Heng Kien Tat

Utg+1 raises 1100, three players call to see the flop Qc4s6d. Utg+1 c-bets 2700, two players call, big blind Heng Kien Tat check-raises 8200, only lojack calls. On the turn 9h, Heng shoves (~80k), lojack (17.7k) tanks then calls for his tournament life. Heng is ahead KhQd top pair, lojack 6s8s lower pair, Heng ships it on the river 2c.

Heng Kien Tat – 130,000

14:00: Vu Van Linh rails Marc Rivera
Level 6: 400-800 ante 800

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Vu Van Linh

From hijack, Vu Van Linh raises 2600, button Marc Rivera shoves 9600, Vu tank-calls and shows KdQd. Rivera slightly ahead with Ah5d. Board runs Kc5h6dJs9c. Vu improves to rail Rivera.

Vu Van Linh – 73,000
Marc Rivera – Eliminated

13:55: Blinds up, 236 entries
Level 6: 400-800 ante 800

Blinds are up, 236 entries (205 unique). For those just about to enter, starting stack is 40,000. Registration is open until the start of Level 10. Blinds increase every 40 minutes then to 60 minutes once registration has closed at approximately 5:30pm.

13:45: Duy Ho busts and re-enters
Level 4: 300-500 ante 500

Shortly after paying a double up when his Qc8c lost the flip against 7h7d, Duy Ho is at risk on a queen high flop with QcJc that’s dominated by Heng Kien Tat’s KhQh. No improvement on the turn and river to bust. Duy quickly re-enters.

13:30: Frank Lillis and Tran Van Quang go pound for pound
Level 4: 300-500 ante 500

Frank Lillis

All in on a flop Qs2s2d, at risk player Frank Lillis holds KsQc, Tran Van Quang As5s, turn Jh and river 5d is double up for Lillis.

tranvanquang 1
Tran Van Quang

Immediately after, cutoff Tran opens from cutoff, Lillis three-bets 5000 from the small blind, Tran four-bets 10,500, Lillis five-bet shoves, Tran calls and opens AcAs, Lillis with QdQc. No bad beat on the board, Tran doubles up.

Tran Van Quang – 47,200
Frank Lillis – 56,300

13:20: Albert Nguyen cleans out short stacked Thomas Liffick
Level 4: 300-500 ante 500

Albert Nguyen

Big blind Thomas Liffick is down to 9000 (18 bb) and sends it all in with AsKh, initial raiser Albert Nguyen on utg calls with 10h10c. Liffick bricks on a board 6c3h5h7s2s.

Albert Nguyen – 47,000
Thomas Liffick – Eliminated

13:15: Blinds up, 187 entries
Level 4: 300-500 ante 500

Blinds are up, 187 entries (169 unique). For those just about to enter, starting stack is 40,000. Registration is open until the start of Level 10. Blinds increase every 40 minutes then to 60 minutes once registration has closed at approximately 5:30pm.

13:00: First break of the day, 169 entries
Level 3: 200-400 ante 400

Two hours has quickly passed. Players are now on their first 15-minute break of the day. Registration is open until the start of Level 10. Blinds increase every 40 minutes then to 60 minutes once registration has closed at approximately 5:30pm.

12:55: Leem Dong Hyun triples up his short stack with quads
Level 3: 200-400 ante 400

Leem Dong Hyun

Button Deepak Bothra opens, small blind calls, big blind three-bets all in for his last 2700, call-call. At the flop 10h10c6d, Bothra bets 2500 for a side pot but sb folds. Leem has Ad10d, Bothra 4s6s. The turn Ah seals the win and the river 10s quads is overkill.

Leem Dong Hyun – 8,500
Deepak Bothra – 74,000

12:50: Pot for Chu Tien Thanh
Level 3: 200-400 ante 400

Utg+1 Chu Tien Thanh raises 1000, small blind three-bets 4200, Chu calls, flop comes Ah6d3d, sb c-bets 1500, Chu calls. On the turn 4h, sb checks, Chu bets 6000 and wins the pot.

Chu Tien Thanh – 53,000

12:40: Bich Nguyen shoves for the pot
Level 3: 200-400 ante 400

Bich Nguyen

Utg+2 Bich Nguyen raises 800, cutoff three-bets 2700, button calls, Nguyen calls to make it a three-way to the flop 10d4d3c. Action is checked to button who bets 6500, Nguyen calls, one player folds. The turn 2d, Nguyen jumps out with a shove that well covers button’s stack. Button folds.

Bich Nguyen – 66,000

12:25: Tony T takes on the heavy hitters Truong Vu Tran Khanh, Dong Kyu Kim
Level 3: 200-400 ante 400

Tony T

From lo-jack Truong Vu Tran Khanh opens, button Tony T three-bets 3000, small blind Dong Kyu Kim four-bets 9000, Truong and Tony call. At the flop 9h4d10d, it is checked to Tony who bets 10,000, no callers.

Tony T – 83,000

12:20: Blinds up, 132 entries
Level 3: 200-400 ante 400

Blinds are up, 132 entries (124 unique). For those just getting to the venue, starting stack is 40,000. Registration is open until the start of Level 10. Blinds increase every 40 minutes then to 60 minutes once registration has closed at approximately 5:30pm.

12:15: Nguyen Phuc Tan triple barrels with Jacks
Level 2: 200-300 ante 300

Nguyen Phuc Tan

Utg opens 700, utg+1 calls, big blind Nguyen Phuc Tan three-bets 3500, utg folds, utg+1 calls. At the flop 6h2s8c, Nguyen c-bets 4500 and is called. Same action on the 8h turn with 5500 called. On the river Ah, both players check. Nguyen shows JhJs, utg+1 mucks.

Nguyen Phuc Tan – 61,500

12:00: Truong Vu Tran Khanh splits with Dong Kyu Kim
Level 2: 200-300 ante 300

Truong Vu Tran Khanh

Hijack Truong Vu Tran Khanh raises 1100, button Dong Kyu Kim three-bets 4,000, Truong shoves, Kim snap-calls. Truong has AcKc, Kim AhKs, board runs 9hQs3h10h5d for a split pot.

Several hands after, small blind Truong three-bets 2700, called by initial raiser Dong Kyu Kim and button Nguyen Thi Bao An. They all check the flop KhJs3s. On the turn Ah, Truong bets 6500, no callers.

Truong Van Khanh – 48,000

11:50: Yun Kyu Song takes it on a four-bet
Level 2: 200-300 ante 300

Yun Kyu Song

Utg+1 Yun Kyu Song raises 900, hijack Nguyen Van Trung three-bets 3100, small blind calls, back to Song who four-bets 12,500, no callers.

Yun Kyu Song – 59,000

11:45: Seen in action
Level 2: 200-300 ante 300

Over 100 entries with notables scattered around the room. Among them are local stars Vu Thai Bao, Nguyen Van Trung, Pham Tien Dung, Khoi Nguyen, Bien Mai, and Nguyen Thi Bao An.

Among the international players are newly minted Victor Chong, Deepak Bothra, Nishant Sharma, Jean Mathieu Malouch, Jinlong Hu, Marc Rivera, and Hyunsup Kim.

11:40: Blinds up, 99 entries
Level 2: 200-300 ante 300

Blinds are up, 99 entries (97 unique). For those just getting to the venue, starting stack is 40,000. Registration is open until the start of Level 10. Blinds increase every 40 minutes then to 60 minutes once registration has closed at approximately 5:30pm.

Welcome to Day 1C of the WPT Vietnam Main Event! This is the last chance to enter. Cards are now flying at the Crown Poker Club in Hanoi, Vietnam. The past two days drew 439 entries at ₫30,000,000 (~$1,230) buy in each which means the ₫12 Billion guarantee has already been breached with 40 entries at the starting gun of today’s heat.

For those just getting to the venue, starting stack is 40,000 (200x the opening blinds). Registration is open until the start of Level 10. Blinds increase every 40 minutes then to 60 minutes once registration has closed at approximately 5:30pm.

Date: October 14, 2023
Buy in is ₫30,000,000 (~US$ 1,230)
Guarantee: ₫12,000,000,000 (~US$ 492,100)
*Champion will also win a package to the $40 Million guaranteed WPT World Championship in December at Wynn Las Vegas

Day 1A: 130 entries (95 unique) / 21 advanced
Day 1B: 309 entries (207 unique) / 47 advanced

The player to catch is Phi Tien Sang who bagged up 629,000 which is equivalent to 104 bb of the next stage starting blinds. 68 players have made the cut to Day 2.

*You can view theWPT Vietnam – Day 2 Chip Countsin the Main Event Day 2 – Live Updates tab.