Final Day Recap
Ke Hong Jing became the very first champion of the inaugural event of the Won Poker Cup Main Event#2 at the Won Majestic Hotel in Sihanoukville, Cambodia and won a cash prize of $97,100 and will be taking home the WPC Gold Eagle trophy.
The main event guaranteed a prize pool of $500,000 and although the entries didn't meet the GTD, it can be said that this is one of the friendliest main events, reminiscent of the early days of poker in Asia. The battle at the final table was especially fierce as each player was determined to be the last man standing. But despite that, they helped each other get bottles of water when not in the hand, joked with each other in lucky draws or patiently explained rules to recreational players. It was a combination of exciting, tense and fun.
Please stay tuned for the daily recap that will be giving the complete payout and standings of the players in the final 9 of the main event as well a summary of what had transpired in the side events on the last day of the festival. Hopefully, we will all see each other again, in this beautiful coastal city Sihanoukville, Cambodia at the Won Majestic Hotel some time soon.
We have Champion!
On post flop action where both players limped the pot, Ke Hong Jing called an all-in from Armon Van Wijk. Tabling the cards, Wijk had an open straight draw with 7♣ 4♣ on a board of 6♥ 5♣ 5♦, while he had over cards J♥ 9♥, slightly ahead of Wijk. Both players started praying, Jing for a Jack to seal the deal and Wijk for one of his 14 outs to appear.
The turn J♠ made Jing do a fist pump and a cheer while Wijk continued to hope. The A♥ on the river, Won Poker Cup found itself a champion.
Player | Hand | Chips |
Wijk Doubles Up
With only 1,680,000 letf, Armon Van Wijk shoved all-in with A♥ 3♥ just to discover that Ke Hong Jin held K♦ K♠. Waiting for the flop, he told his friends, he had to do it. Railbirds started cheering for him as the flop unfurled and showed 7♥ A♦ J♥ giving him top pair with a flush draw.
The 3♦ on the turn sealed the deal with a two-pair. Still hoping for a King, Jing didn't get a redraw with the Q♠ river.
Player | Hand | Chips |
Level 30: 80,000 / 160,000 ante: 160,000
60 minutesBreak
Jing Straight at the River
Ke Hong Jing called the blinds to see a K♠ A♥ 2♥ flop with Armon Van Wijk. Allowing Jing to lead out, Wijk called a bet of 250,000. The second 2♥ made both players slow down and somewhat look at each other warily. Wijk fired 800,000 at the 5♦ river. Jing raised it to 2,000,000.
Wijk used a time bank just to be reminded by Jing that the 3 time bank cards Wijk was holding were his. The floor was called and Wijk informed the floor that he had 1 time bank left but thought that all time banks were reset at heads-up
Resolving the situation by giving Jing, his time banks, Wijk had a few seconds left to act then made the call. Jing showed 4♦ 3♣ for a straight and Wijk mucked his hand telling a friend at the rail that he had trips with the 2.
Player | Hand | Chips |
We're Heads Up!
And now we're heads up between Ke Hong JIng from Malaysia and Armon Van Wijk from Australia
Player | Chips |
KH Ke Hong Jing | 7,470,000(62 BB) |
AV Armon Van Wijk | 4,655,000(39 BB) |
No Luck for Zou
Finally finding his spot, Zou jammed all-in for his tournament life with 9♣ 9♦ against Ke Hong Jin's A♥ Q♠.
Unfortunately, as the cards were dealt, the window card showed Q♣ which made Zou start walking off the stage. Armon Van Wijk was calling after him saying you could still get a 9 but Zou didn't stop but just looked back with a smile. The turn and river showed 5♠ J♦.
Player | Hand | Chips |
Wijk Leaves Zou with 6BB
All 3 players remaining limped into a hand that flopped 4♦ 3♠ 4♣. Checked to Zou at button, he bet 225,000 and got Ke out of the way. Wijk called. At the river 8♥, Wijk let Zou lead with 400,000 then called. Wijk had showed the two-pair he caught at the river versus Zou's Q♣ 7♣ blank.
Player | Hand | Chips |
Level 29: 60,000 / 120,000 ante: 120,000
60 minutesDown to Three
Anzhela Vasylenko jammed her short stack in at middle position and got called by Zou.
Vasylenko held A♥ T♦ versus Zou's K♥ K♠ for a coin flip. The flop unfurled J♠ 5♠ 3♠ giving Zou a flush draw to put him on advantage. The T♠ made Vasylenko stand up to leave the stage. The river was K♣.
Player | Hand | Chips |
Much Needed Chips for Vasylenko
Azhela Vasylenko was at the big blind and got called by both the Ke Hong Jing at button and Armon Van Wijk at big blind.
Flop went T♦ Q♦ T♥. Everyone checked. The turn produced a 3♣ where Wijk shot 125,000 and Vasylenko jammed her stack beyond the line for 330,000 . Jing folded and Wijk called to show Q♣ 5♦ but Vasylenko had trips on the flop with her T♣ 6♥
Player | Hand | Chips |
Angel on the Line
With only 600,000 in chips, Anzhela Vasilenko is hanging on for dear life, waiting for the best moment to jam here chips in the middle of the felt
Player | Chips |
KH Ke Hong Jing | 4,500,000(45 BB) |
AV Armon Van Wijk | 3,500,000(35 BB) |
Z Zou | 2,300,000(23 BB) |
Level 28: 50,000 / 100,000 ante: 100,000
60 minutesBreak
10 minutes
Jing Slowly Building His Stack
In relatively medium sized pots, Ke Hong Jing had been building his stack slowly, getting bits of chips from every one left at the table. One such instance was when he raised the pot for 160,000 at button and both Zou and Armon Van Wijk came for the ride.
All players breezed through the flop ran K♣ 7♠ 8♥, with no actions. Jing decided to give the 7♥ a shot by betting 250,000. Zou and Wijk continued to cruise along. Jing fired at the Q♠ river and finally both Zou and Wijk folded.
Player | Hand | Chips |
Not Thanh's Time to be Champ
After the hand with Valysenko, Nguyen Duc Thanh went all-in at cutoff for 670,000 holding J♥ T♠. Zou at small blind called with A♥ T♥ to see the board go 2♥ K♣ 7♣ 5♦ Q♣.
Thanh finished at 6th place taking home $21,400.
Player | Hand | Chips |
Valysenko Doubled Up on Thanh
We arrived at the table with Azhela Valysenko all-in against Nhuyen Duc Thanh. The board went:
Valysenko: Q♣ Q♥
Thanh: A♣ 7♦
Board: 3h8s 4♥ T♦ T♠ doubling Valysenko up.
Player | Hand | Chips |
Level 27: 40,000 / 80,000 ante: 80,000
60 minutesChipping Away at Thanh
Seated to the right of Nguyen Duc Thanh, Armon Van Wijk normally finds himself in a battle of blinds with Thanh slowly chipping away at the latter's stack.
In a recent hand, we found the blinds in a raised pot on a board of J♦ A♦ 3♠. Checked to Thanh shot 105,000 and called by Wijk. Same happened on the turn of 7♥. Just for Wijk to bet the J♠ 150,000 making Thanh fold
Player | Hand | Chips |
Hoping for some action, we caught Zou raise the pot to 125,000 to be called by Nguyen Duc Thanh in early. Flop comes down 8♣ A♥ 3♦. Zou continued with 125,000 to be called by Thanh.
The T♠ turn was checked by both to see a 5♥ river where Thanh bet 405,000 to be called by Zou. Anti-climactically, Zou showed A♠ J♦ and Thanh tabled A♣ J♥ for a split pot.
Player | Hand | Chips |
Action Slows Down
With each player now guaranteed $27,200, action has significantly slowed down with the final 5 folding the moment a raise is made. Every player is wary of the other, all being careful, each one hoping to win the top prize of $97,100 first place cash out.
Nguyen Duc Thanh
Nguyen Duc Thanh is a regular player in major poker tournament circuits in Asia. He's been recorded to have been playing since 2019. He's had a lot of side-event victories to his name. Will Won Poker Cup's inaugural event be his first main event triumph?
Player | Chips |
KH Ke Hong Jing | 3,200,000(53 BB) |
Z Zou | 2,700,000(45 BB) |
ND Nguyen Duc Thanh | 2,500,000(42 BB) |
AV Anzhela Vasylenko | 2,000,000(33 BB) |
AV Armon Van Wijk | 1,470,000(25 BB) |
Level 26: 30,000 / 60,000 ante: 60,000
60 minutesBreak
10 minutes
Player | Chips |
Z Zou | 3,500,000(70 BB) |
Shangfei's Fun Ends
Raising the pot with 100,000, Armon Van Wijk called Zhang Shangfei's all-in and immediately tabled T♣ T♦. This time with a premium hand Shangfei showed A♥ Q♠. Unfortunately, Shangfei wasn't able to catch neither an Ace nor a queen on the board of 6♥ 3♣ J♦ 8♥ K♣ sending the fun and loud player off the final table stage.
Player | Hand | Chips |
Level 25: 25,000 / 50,000 ante: 50,000
60 minutesRemaining Players: 9/404
Shangfei Tries to Steal the Blinds; Doubles Thanh Up Instead
Everyone folded to the small blind Zhang Shangfei who tried to use his massive stack to steal the blinds by going all-in to short stacked Nguyen Duc Thanh. Thanh called showing A♦ 6♦ and Shangfei tabled T♦ 4♣.
Thanh doubled with Ace-high on a board of K♦ 5♦ Q♠ 8♥ K♥.
Player | Hand | Chips |
How Leaves the Building
We caught the action with Yen Chun How with all his chips in the middle of the felt and called by Ke Hong JIng who covered him.
Tabled cards showed:
How: 8♥ 8♦
Jing: 9♥ 9♦
Board went K♣ 7♠ 2♣ 6♠ Q♥ ending How's tournament life at 7th place.
Player | Hand | Chips |
Wu Out!
With 1BB left, Wu was all-in at big blind. Zhang Shangfei in late position raised to 80,000 pushing the rest of the players out of the hand to show 9♣ 3♣ to A♣ Q♥ to the surprise of Wu. With a flop 8♦ 7♦ A♠ 2♣ 9♥ Wu was able to double up.
But he wouldn't be so lucky a second time as the small blind when he went all-in after a 100,000 raise from Shangfei. Hole cards showed pocket 8♥ 8♣ from Shangfei and K♦ 8♦ for Wu. The board revealed 9♣ 4♦ A♠ 5♠ 4♥ eliminating Wu in 8th place.
Player | Hand | Chips |
Thanh Doubled Up
We caught the action with Nicky Wu all-in at UTG for 595,000. Button player Nguyen Duc Thanh called the all-in. Both players tabled their cards to show A♦ Q♠ for Thahn and A♠ 5♦ for Wu.
Railbirds from Vietnam started cheering for Thanh as everyone saw the flop 7♣ 5♥ 8♠ 2♠ Q♥. Wu was left with 1BB
Player | Hand | Chips |
Nicky Wu raised the pot at hijack to 80,000 and Zhang Shangfei called from the big blind. Dealer flopped J♣ 4♣ 8♠ which both players checked. Shangfei fired at the 2♥ turn which called by Wu. At the 7♦ river Shangfei went all-in for 1,100,000 and Wu snapped called.
Shangfei tabled 8♦ 4♦ beside J♦ T♣ of Wu.
Yen Chun How couldn't help but exclaim as he saw the cards tabled, "Crazy!"
Player | Hand | Chips |
Level 24: 20,000 / 40,000 ante: 40,000
50 minutesBreak
10 minutes
Battle of the Leaders
We arrived at the table with a 410,000 bet from Zou at the river of a board T♣ 9♠ 5♠ 9♥ 7♠ against Zhang Shangfei. Shangfei was intently looking at his chips and Zou and finally reraised the latter to 810,000 which Zou snap called.
Shangfei showing K♦ Q♠, Zou raked the pot with K♠ T♠ flush.
Player | Hand | Chips |
Player | Chips |
Z Zou | 3,200,000(107 BB) |
LS Liv Shangfei | 1,800,000(60 BB) |
Simwoo Eliminated at 9th Place
After Ke Hong Jing called the blinds at mid-position Kim Simwoo in big blind went all-in for 315,000 chips. It was call for Jing who held K♣ Q♥ against Simwoo's A♦ 9♠.
The flop unfurled T♣ 7♠ 7♥ uneventfully. The 8♥ turn gave Simwoo an open-ended straight draw which garnered a grunt from Jing. But the Q♣ at the river was all that was needed to eliminate Simwoo at 9th place.
Player | Hand | Chips |
Wu Gets a Bit Back from Shangfei
We found Zhang Shangfei and Nicky Wu at it again. This time Shangfei in mid position shot 60,000 and got called by Nicky Wu preflop.
Dealer flopped A♣ 8♥ 7♥. Shangfei shot another 75,000 into the pot which got called by Wu. The 2♥ made Shangfei check to Wu who fired 125,000. Shangfei looked at Wu and considered his action for a few seconds then folded.
Player | Hand | Chips |
Bluffed Out of a Huge Pot
The air was intense at the final table with the final 9 absolutely determined to win the first prize.
Nicky Wu in middle position raised the pot to 60,000 to be re-raised by Zheng Shangfei at the small blind to 190,000. Wu called.
Flop came 5♣ 9♠ 3♦. Shangfei continued with 200,000 and got called by Wu again. The 4♠ turn got the same treatment from Shangfei and got the same reaction from Wu. The river J♠ got a shove from Shangfei. Wu threw a time bank card in considering his tournament life. At the last second, Wu folded and Shangfei triumphantly showed his bluff of T♠ 2♣
Wu was not very happy. If looks could kill, Shangfei would be done for.
Player | Hand | Chips |

Level 23: 15,000 / 30,000 ante: 30,000
50 minutesRemaining Players: 9/404