Korea Poker Cup (KPC) 2024: A New Era in Live Poker
Emerging into the live scene in 2024, the Korea Poker Cup (KPC) is a South Korean based live poker series looking to establish the island of Jeju as a new and thriving location for international poker tournaments. In order to achieve this goal, the brand has partnered up with several different poker brands such as Poker Dream and Red Dragon Poker Tour (RDPT) to host their own sponsored events as part of the schedule.
In November 2024, the KPC held their first full schedule series as part of the Jeju Poker Festival in cooperation with WPT Korea and RDPT at the Landing Casino inside of Jeju Shinhwa World. Highlight on the KPC schedule was the KRW 1 Billion guaranteed Main Event with a buy.in of KRW 1.6 Million (~USD 1,100), which attracted 247 entries and 283 re-entries.