Final Day
John Tech Calls To His Doom In 7th Place - PHP 2,340,000

John Matsuda opens 320,000, button John Tech uses four time-banks then re-raises 800,000 (leaving 175,000 behind), Matsuda calls. On the flop 3♣ 9♠ 6♣ , Matsuda pushes, Tech snap-calls.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JT John Tech (2) | K♦J♣ | busted |
JM John Matsuda | 7♠7♥ | 5,700,000(36 BB) |

Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
SO Shobu Oda | 8,350,000(52 BB) |
6,575,000(41 BB) | |
DB Daniel Benor | 6,295,000(39 BB) |
JM John Matsuda | 5,835,000(36 BB) |
MR Maxwell Rosete | 4,470,000(28 BB) |
JT John Tech (2) | 1,375,000(9 BB) |
VM Vamerdino Magsakay | 1,250,000(8 BB) |
Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
DB Daniel Benor | 10,690,000(89 BB) |
SO Shobu Oda | 10,345,000(86 BB) |
6,020,000(50 BB) | |
MR Maxwell Rosete | 3,515,000(29 BB) |
JM John Matsuda | 3,355,000(28 BB) |
JT John Tech (2) | 2,945,000(25 BB) |
VM Vamerdino Magsakay | 1,840,000(15 BB) |
John Tech Earns Off The Leader

Daniel Benor raises 200,000 and big blind John Tech calls. Flop comes Q♦ 7♦ 4♥ , Tech check-calls a 150,000 c-bet from Benor. The turn 2♠ and river A♣ is checked. Tech wins the pot with A♥ 2♣ two pair.
Player | Chips |
DB Daniel Benor | 11,450,000(115 BB) |
JT John Tech (2) | 3,150,000(32 BB) |
Xiong Cheng Has Top Pair
John Tech raises 210 from utg, hijack Daniel Benor and cutoff Xiong Cheng call for the flop 3♣ T♦ 6♣ , Tech checks to Benor who bets 230,000, Cheng raises 530,000, Tech gets out of the way, Benor calls. Both players opt to check the turn 7♣ and river J♠ , Benor has 9♠ 9♥ , Cheng wins the pot with K♥ T♥ top pair.
Player | Chips |
DB Daniel Benor | 11,800,000(118 BB) |
4,200,000(42 BB) | |
JT John Tech (2) | 2,800,000(28 BB) |
Final Table

Player | Chips | Table | Seat |
SO Shobu Oda | 4,875,000(49 BB) | 21 | 3 |
JM John Matsuda | 4,585,000(46 BB) | 21 | 4 |
VM Vamerdino Magsakay | 3,090,000(31 BB) | 21 | 5 |
MR Maxwell Rosete | 6,470,000(65 BB) | 21 | 7 |
BK Beng Ker | 550,000(6 BB) | 21 | 9 |
DB Daniel Benor | 11,390,000(114 BB) | 22 | 1 |
XC Xiong Cheng | 3,800,000(38 BB) | 22 | 2 |
JT John Tech (2) | 3,625,000(36 BB) | 22 | 6 |
NZ Neo Zhi Han | 745,000(7 BB) | 22 | 8 |
Table 22
Player | Chips | Table | Seat |
DB Daniel Benor | 11,500,000(115 BB) | 22 | 2 |
4,660,000(47 BB) | 22 | 3 | |
SO Shobu Oda | 3,600,000(36 BB) | 22 | 4 |
NZ Neo Zhi Han | 1,450,000(15 BB) | 22 | 7 |
JT John Tech (2) | 3,500,000(35 BB) | 22 | 8 |
John Tech Muscles The Leader

Daniel Benor opens 160,000 from utg and John Tech defends the big blind. Flop comes 3♥ 6♣ 6♦ , Benor c-bets 110,000, Tech check-calls. On the turn A♣ , Benor fires 255,000, Tech tanks for one time-bank then raises 615,000, Benor folds.
Player | Chips |
DB Daniel Benor | 11,500,000(144 BB) |
JT John Tech (2) | 3,500,000(44 BB) |
Action Packed Hand Seized By Xiong Cheng

Neo Zhi Han has been stealing blinds and antes and this time his raise gets called. From utg+1, he opens 120,000, hijack John Tech calls, button Daniel Benor three-bets 405,000, small blind Xiong Cheng tanks for one time-bank then calls while everyone else folds.
On the flop Q♣ 7♥ 2♦ , Cheng leads out 600,000, Benor calls for the turn Q♦ . Cheng checks this time, Benor slides out 450,000, Cheng snap-shoves 1,320,000 which puts a stop to Benor.
Player | Chips |
DB Daniel Benor | 8,250,000(138 BB) |
4,140,000(69 BB) | |
JT John Tech (2) | 2,700,000(45 BB) |
NZ Neo Zhi Han | 1,450,000(24 BB) |
Table 22
Player | Chips | Table | Seat |
ML Man Lok Chan | 1,110,000(19 BB) | 22 | 1 |
DB Daniel Benor | 9,800,000(163 BB) | 22 | 2 |
1,200,000(20 BB) | 22 | 3 | |
800,000(13 BB) | 22 | 4 | |
FZ Feng Zhao | 3,000,000(50 BB) | 22 | 5 |
TM Takuya Morita | 1,760,000(29 BB) | 22 | 6 |
NZ Neo Zhi Han | 975,000(16 BB) | 22 | 7 |
JT John Tech (2) | 2,600,000(43 BB) | 22 | 8 |
Shobu Oda Four-Bets John Tech

Hijack Shobu Oda opens 130,000, button John Tech three-bets 325,000, Oda four-bets 1,100,000, Tech gives up his stake on the pot. Oda rises past 4M.
Player | Chips |
SO Shobu Oda | 4,300,000(72 BB) |
JT John Tech (2) | 2,400,000(40 BB) |
Player | Chips | Table | Seat |
JM John Matsuda | 3,735,000(62 BB) | 19 | 1 |
BK Beng Ker | 2,645,000(44 BB) | 19 | 4 |
JT John Tech (2) | 2,740,000(46 BB) | 19 | 5 |
875,000(15 BB) | 19 | 7 | |
FZ Feng Zhao | 2,535,000(42 BB) | 19 | 8 |
SO Shobu Oda | 4,270,000(71 BB) | 21 | 1 |
TH Tran Huy Hoang | 1,435,000(24 BB) | 21 | 2 |
QH Quang Huy Nguyen | 730,000(12 BB) | 21 | 3 |
VM Vamerdino Magsakay | 1,950,000(33 BB) | 21 | 4 |
MR Maxwell Rosete | 945,000(16 BB) | 21 | 5 |
NZ Neo Zhi Han | 1,145,000(19 BB) | 21 | 7 |
TM Takuya Morita | 785,000(13 BB) | 21 | 8 |
JJ Jongbea Jang | 1,875,000(31 BB) | 22 | 2 |
DB Daniel Benor | 5,295,000(88 BB) | 22 | 3 |
730,000(12 BB) | 22 | 4 | |
HD Huu Dung Nguyen | 3,365,000(56 BB) | 22 | 5 |
ML Man Lok Chan | 1,110,000(19 BB) | 22 | 7 |
MT Mike Takayama | 1,965,000(33 BB) | 22 | 8 |
Final 18 Players
Player | Chips |
DB Daniel Benor | 5,295,000(88 BB) |
SO Shobu Oda | 4,270,000(71 BB) |
JM John Matsuda | 3,735,000(62 BB) |
HD Huu Dung Nguyen | 3,365,000(56 BB) |
JT John Tech (2) | 2,740,000(46 BB) |
BK Beng Ker | 2,645,000(44 BB) |
FZ Feng Zhao | 2,535,000(42 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 1,965,000(33 BB) |
VM Vamerdino Magsakay | 1,950,000(33 BB) |
JJ Jongbea Jang | 1,875,000(31 BB) |
TH Tran Huy Hoang | 1,435,000(24 BB) |
ML Man Lok Chan | 1,110,000(19 BB) |
MR Maxwell Rosete | 945,000(16 BB) |
875,000(15 BB) | |
TM Takuya Morita | 785,000(13 BB) |
730,000(12 BB) | |
QH Quang Huy Nguyen | 730,000(12 BB) |
Day 2
End Of Day 2 Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
DB Daniel Benor | 5,295,000(106 BB) |
SO Shobu Oda | 4,270,000(85 BB) |
JM John Matsuda | 3,735,000(75 BB) |
HD Huu Dung Nguyen | 3,365,000(67 BB) |
JT John Tech (2) | 2,740,000(55 BB) |
BK Beng Ker | 2,645,000(53 BB) |
FZ Feng Zhao | 2,535,000(51 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 1,965,000(39 BB) |
VM Vamerdino Magsakay | 1,950,000(39 BB) |
JJ Jongbea Jang | 1,875,000(38 BB) |
TH Tran Huy Hoang | 1,435,000(29 BB) |
ML Man Lok Chan | 1,110,000(22 BB) |
MR Maxwell Rosete | 945,000(19 BB) |
875,000(18 BB) | |
TM Takuya Morita | 785,000(16 BB) |
730,000(15 BB) | |
QH Quang Huy Nguyen | 730,000(15 BB) |
Table 23
Player | Chips | Table | Seat |
JM John Matsuda | 2,570,000(51 BB) | 23 | 1 |
VC Victor Chong | 750,000(15 BB) | 23 | 3 |
BK Beng Ker | 2,600,000(52 BB) | 23 | 4 |
JT John Tech (2) | 1,700,000(34 BB) | 23 | 5 |
MR Marc Rivera | 1,330,000(27 BB) | 23 | 6 |
500,000(10 BB) | 23 | 7 | |
FZ Feng Zhao | 3,100,000(62 BB) | 23 | 8 |
John Tech Rails George Salud

John Tech opens 100,00 then calls George Salud's 600,000 jam. Salud goes on to fall in 27th place.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JT John Tech (2) | K♦K♥ | 2,800,000(70 BB) |
GS George Salud | A♠J♠ | busted |
Random Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
AF Aldous Formanes | 1,800,000(113 BB) |
HD Huu Dung Nguyen | 1,650,000(103 BB) |
JT John Tech (2) | 1,500,000(94 BB) |
DB Daniel Benor | 1,470,000(92 BB) |
SO Shobu Oda | 1,240,000(78 BB) |
TH Tran Huy Hoang | 1,050,000(66 BB) |
FZ Feng Zhao | 1,000,000(63 BB) |
IH Im Heesoo | 965,000(60 BB) |
JM John Matsuda | 955,000(60 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 950,000(59 BB) |
JC Jeremy Catalig | 825,000(52 BB) |
MU Motokatsu Uhara | 800,000(50 BB) |
SH Seokchul Hwang | 798,000(50 BB) |
HK Hyunyeong Kang | 754,000(47 BB) |
BK Beng Ker | 740,000(46 BB) |
740,000(46 BB) | |
VC Victor Chong | 715,000(45 BB) |
ES Emmanuel Segismundo | 640,000(40 BB) |
PC Park Chongmin | 638,000(40 BB) |
TM Takuya Morita | 630,000(39 BB) |
KU Keiju Utsu | 610,000(38 BB) |
ED Edwin Dela Cruz | 590,000(37 BB) |
GS George Salud | 575,000(36 BB) |
JJ Jongbea Jang | 530,000(33 BB) |
EA Edgar Asehan | 520,000(33 BB) |
RG Raymundo Gomez | 510,000(32 BB) |
KK Kim Kiyoung | 490,000(31 BB) |
JM Joris Michl | 460,000(29 BB) |
MN Maiki Nishi | 426,000(27 BB) |
MR Maxwell Rosete | 409,000(26 BB) |
400,000(25 BB) | |
MS Michael Soyza | 56,000(4 BB) |
Chip Count Update
Player | Chips |
MT Mike Takayama | 1,114,000(111 BB) |
SK Sanjeev Kapoor | 795,000(80 BB) |
SB Scott Black | 775,000(78 BB) |
CM Christopher Mateo | 595,000(60 BB) |
SH Seokchul Hwang | 575,000(58 BB) |
HK Hyunyeong Kang | 510,000(51 BB) |
490,000(49 BB) | |
MN Maiki Nishi | 490,000(49 BB) |
MS Michael Soyza | 480,000(48 BB) |
RG Raymundo Gomez | 460,000(46 BB) |
TT Tetsuro Tomita | 450,000(45 BB) |
JH Jacky Ho | 450,000(45 BB) |
VC Victor Chong | 440,000(44 BB) |
QH Quang Huy Nguyen | 431,000(43 BB) |
WT William Teoh | 425,000(43 BB) |
TH Tran Huy Hoang | 415,000(42 BB) |
TM Takuya Morita | 390,000(39 BB) |
IS Ionut Stochita | 390,000(39 BB) |
JJ Jongbea Jang | 371,000(37 BB) |
MB Mikhail Bakharev | 361,000(36 BB) |
MD Michael De Leon | 352,000(35 BB) |
LN Le Ngoc Khanh | 350,000(35 BB) |
NZ Neo Zhi Han | 321,000(32 BB) |
JT John Tech (2) | 320,000(32 BB) |
KU Keiju Utsu | 320,000(32 BB) |
CC Chase Cokaliong | 315,000(32 BB) |
IB Ira Blumenthal | 315,000(32 BB) |
MH Matthew Holley | 310,000(31 BB) |
YL Yen Lun Chen | 279,000(28 BB) |
DB Daniel Benor | 264,000(26 BB) |
AC Alexis Cruz (3) | 257,000(26 BB) |
MM Mac Mantos | 240,000(24 BB) |
DL Daryl Loh | 238,000(24 BB) |
WO William Okeby | 238,000(24 BB) |
FC Florencio Campomanes | 232,000(23 BB) |
AN Andrew Nguyen | 230,000(23 BB) |
MS Masayuki Segawa | 215,000(22 BB) |
John Tech Gets Lucky

Zhao Feng has John Tech on the ropes however the board favors Tech for a lucky double up.
Player | Hand | Chips |
FZ Feng Zhao | K♥K♠ | 200,000(25 BB) |
JT John Tech (2) | K♦Q♠ | 288,000(36 BB) |
Seokchul Hwang Makes John Tech Tank

From utg, Seokchul Hwang min-raises then calls button John Tech's 41,000 three-bet. The flop 3♥ 6♣ J♠ is checked, Hwang leads out 50,000 on the turn 5♣ . Tech uses one time-bank then calls. On the river 2♠ , Hwang fires 80,000, again Tech tanks for one time-bank then folds.
Player | Chips |
SH Seokchul Hwang | 470,000(78 BB) |
JT John Tech (2) | 136,000(23 BB) |
Day 1B
John Tech Stops Kiyoung Kim

John Tech kicks it off with a 7000 bet, big blind Kiyoung Kim defends, then both check the flop 3♣ A♣ A♦ . Kim leads out 6000 on the turn 6♣ , Tech calls. Kim continues 10,000 on the river, Tech raises 57,000, Kim folds.
Player | Chips |
JT John Tech (2) | 270,000(90 BB) |
KK Kim Kiyoung | 186,500(62 BB) |
Random Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
LE Lester Edoc | 375,000(125 BB) |
AB Alfonso Baja | 328,000(109 BB) |
LP Liao Po Hsun | 325,000(108 BB) |
ED Emamanuel Derecho | 305,000(102 BB) |
BK Beng Ker | 300,000(100 BB) |
JT John Tech (2) | 265,000(88 BB) |
MM Mac Mantos | 249,000(83 BB) |
NT Natalie Teh | 240,000(80 BB) |
PM Pratik Modi | 225,000(75 BB) |
TK Timothy Kuok | 215,000(72 BB) |
RE Redentor Edoc | 211,000(70 BB) |
AW Alex Ward | 190,000(63 BB) |
SK Sanjeev Kapoor | 190,000(63 BB) |
TF Tobias Fabech | 182,000(61 BB) |
CS Christopher Soyza | 172,000(57 BB) |
LS Lee Sunghak | 169,000(56 BB) |
JW Julian Warhurst | 161,000(54 BB) |
RM Rebel Magdagasang | 160,000(53 BB) |
VT Van Tung Nguyen | 157,000(52 BB) |
LH Lars Hougaard | 156,000(52 BB) |
VM Vamerdino Magsakay | 155,000(52 BB) |
HD Huu Dung Nguyen | 151,000(50 BB) |
KJ Kim Jitae | 150,000(50 BB) |
KL Kolja Lucking | 150,000(50 BB) |
JP Juliever Pelayo | 145,000(48 BB) |
TN Thanh Nguyen | 137,000(46 BB) |
SH Seokchul Hwang | 135,000(45 BB) |
WT William Teoh | 135,000(45 BB) |
HT Henrik Tollefsen | 135,000(45 BB) |
FZ Feng Zhao | 130,000(43 BB) |
BB Bobby Byran | 128,000(43 BB) |
RH Ronald Haverkamp | 120,000(40 BB) |
TK Tony Khoang | 120,000(40 BB) |
NK Nikhil Kedia | 115,000(38 BB) |
JM Joris Michl | 110,000(37 BB) |
KK Kim Kiyoung | 47,000(16 BB) |
Well Earned Double Up For Rebel Magdagasang
Rebel Magdagasang raises 5000 from the button and is joined to the flop by the blinds. The flop K♥ 9♥ J♥ is checked to Magdagasang, he continues for 6000 and both players call to see the turn J♥ . Again, action is checked to Magdagasang who puts out a 10,000 bet and both call. The river T♣ big blind John Tech bets 45,000 which covers Magdagasang’s stack by 1,000, he calls, small blind Scott Black folds.
Player | Hand | Chips |
RM Rebel Magdagasang | A♥6♥ | 153,000(61 BB) |
SB Scott Black | 105,000(42 BB) | |
JT John Tech (2) | K♦9♦ | 265,000(106 BB) |
Easy Peasy For John Tech
John Tech opens 5500, three players call, flop runs J♦ 8♠ K♣ , Tech continues for 8000, all three fold.
Player | Chips |
JT John Tech (2) | 330,000(132 BB) |
Big Stack Around The Room
Player | Chips |
LE Lester Edoc | 390,000(156 BB) |
AB Alfonso Baja | 355,000(142 BB) |
ES Emmanuel Segismundo | 325,000(130 BB) |
TL Thomas Lee | 285,500(114 BB) |
LP Liao Po Hsun | 280,000(112 BB) |
BK Beng Ker | 250,000(100 BB) |
TK Timothy Kuok | 216,000(86 BB) |
VT Van Tran Thinh | 204,000(82 BB) |
II Irvan Iliadi | 194,000(78 BB) |
SK Sanjeev Kapoor | 186,000(74 BB) |
LS Lee Sunghak | 183,000(73 BB) |
KL Kolja Lucking | 180,000(72 BB) |
TN Thanh Nguyen | 176,000(70 BB) |
NT Natalie Teh | 170,000(68 BB) |
JT John Tech (2) | 167,000(67 BB) |
HD Huu Dung Nguyen | 155,000(62 BB) |
KJ Kim Jitae | 150,000(60 BB) |
PM Pratik Modi | 148,000(59 BB) |
JW Julian Warhurst | 141,000(56 BB) |
137,000(55 BB) | |
CS Christopher Soyza | 135,000(54 BB) |
DL Daehyung Lee | 130,000(52 BB) |
TK Tony Khoang | 120,000(48 BB) |
DC Daniel Callaghan (2) | 119,000(48 BB) |
RG Raymundo Gomez | 115,000(46 BB) |
JM Joris Michl | 110,000(44 BB) |
RA Rommel Angeles | 110,000(44 BB) |
RM Richard Marquez | 105,000(42 BB) |
MJ Minwoong Jeong | 100,000(40 BB) |
River Shove Wins It For Michihiko Matsuda
Cutoff John Tech opens 4500, two players call, then all three check to the turn Q♠ 5♥ 9♣ 9♥ . Tech sends out 11,000, losing button Van Tung Nguyen while small blind Michihiko Matsuda calls. On the river 5♥ , Matsuda leads out with a shove of 9500, Tech surrenders his hand.
Player | Chips |
JT John Tech (2) | 181,000(91 BB) |
VT Van Tung Nguyen | 116,000(58 BB) |
MM Michihiko Matsuda | 38,000(19 BB) |
Scott Black Saved By The River
On a board showing 2♠ T♠ 9♣ 7♥ and 26,500 in the pot, action is checked to hijack John Tech who bets10,500, big blind Sunghak Lee check-raises 26,500, utg+1 Scott Black shoves for 56,000, Tech tank-calls, Lee folds
Black's set is behind Tech's straight however with the river T♣ , it pairs the board to improve Black to a full house.
Player | Hand | Chips |
LS Lee Sunghak | 150,000(75 BB) | |
SB Scott Black | 9♠9♦ | 157,000(79 BB) |
JT John Tech (2) | J♥8♥ | 245,000(123 BB) |
Rebel Magdagasang Takes The Pot

From utg, Rebel Magdagasang raises 3500, hijack John Tech and small blind Sunghak Lee call. At the flop 7♣ 9♥ 6♠ , aggressor Magdagasang bets 5500, and both opponents call. The turn K♣ is checked around for a free river 6♦ . Magdagasang reignites again firing 11,500 and wins the pot with no callers.
Player | Chips |
JT John Tech (2) | 285,000(190 BB) |
LS Lee Sunghak | 192,000(128 BB) |
RM Rebel Magdagasang | 164,000(109 BB) |
Big Stacks Around The Room
Player | Chips |
LE Lester Edoc | 360,000(300 BB) |
ED Emamanuel Derecho | 300,000(250 BB) |
JT John Tech (2) | 245,000(204 BB) |
RE Redentor Edoc | 240,000(200 BB) |
TF Tobias Fabech | 200,000(167 BB) |
BK Beng Ker | 200,000(167 BB) |
More Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
JT John Tech (2) | 87,000(145 BB) |
JI Jester Intia | 67,000(112 BB) |
KY Kunlong Yu | 38,000(63 BB) |
ID Ivan Dela Cruz | 35,000(58 BB) |
LA Leonard Aban | 21,600(36 BB) |
AT Alessandro Taranto | 21,200(35 BB) |