Day1A Ends - 33 Survivors
Player | Chips |
SS Suguru Sawada | 959,000(80 BB) |
AL Andrew Lunde | 721,000(60 BB) |
AA Ahmed Abdellatif | 665,000(55 BB) |
626,000(52 BB) | |
AA Alfie Adam | 602,000(50 BB) |
SN Shahin Norouzian | 598,000(50 BB) |
IB Ilia Barkov | 593,000(49 BB) |
DM Dragoljub Martinovic | 565,000(47 BB) |
AS Akhilendra Singh | 539,000(45 BB) |
NC Nevan Chang | 477,000(40 BB) |
RK Ran Koller | 475,000(40 BB) |
SN Sreekanth Narayanan | 475,000(40 BB) |
YK Yeow Kian | 435,000(36 BB) |
RP Rosalie Petit | 424,000(35 BB) |
PK Peter Kiem | 410,000(34 BB) |
CH Chak Hei Chan | 403,000(34 BB) |
HW Hao Wu | 389,000(32 BB) |
JS Jaemoon Seok | 352,000(29 BB) |
DK David Kozma | 297,000(25 BB) |
AA Amir Abbas | 291,000(24 BB) |
YL Yongjia Lin | 287,000(24 BB) |
284,000(24 BB) | |
JL Jun Li | 284,000(24 BB) |
TD Thai Do | 249,000(21 BB) |
TK Takayuki Koga | 237,000(20 BB) |
FR Fabian Rolli | 207,000(17 BB) |
NC Nadav Cohen | 197,000(16 BB) |
SK Simas Karaliunas | 191,000(16 BB) |
VL Vadzim Lipauka | 190,000(16 BB) |
AV Anzhela Vasylenko | 177,000(15 BB) |
NB Nazar Buhaiov | 112,000(9 BB) |
AS Arun Sriram | 106,000(9 BB) |
RK Robert Kiss | 78,000(7 BB) |
Approaching Bubble Time
The day's action is nearing ITM with only three more eliminations to go before the flight wraps up. 33 players are guaranteed a spot into the Final Day games, as well as a portion of the prize pool.
Top Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
SS Suguru Sawada | 800,000(67 BB) |
AL Andrew Lunde | 751,000(63 BB) |
AA Ahmed Abdellatif | 640,000(53 BB) |
610,000(51 BB) | |
AA Alfie Adam | 608,000(51 BB) |
SN Shahin Norouzian | 600,000(50 BB) |
DM Dragoljub Martinovic | 585,000(49 BB) |
YK Yeow Kian | 500,000(42 BB) |
AS Akhilendra Singh | 490,000(41 BB) |
RK Ran Koller | 470,000(39 BB) |
NC Nevan Chang | 440,000(37 BB) |
PK Peter Kiem | 433,000(36 BB) |
CH Chak Hei Chan | 405,000(34 BB) |
HW Hao Wu | 395,000(33 BB) |
SN Sreekanth Narayanan | 380,000(32 BB) |
IB Ilia Barkov | 370,000(31 BB) |
JS Jaemoon Seok | 352,000(29 BB) |
RP Rosalie Petit | 350,000(29 BB) |
YL Yongjia Lin | 343,000(29 BB) |
JL Jun Li | 314,000(26 BB) |
AA Amir Abbas | 312,000(26 BB) |
Shahin Norouzian Benefits from Armon Van Wijk's Bumble
Shahin Norouzian opened 30,000 on the hijack, which was left unnoticed by Armon Van Wijk on the small blind. Van Wijk raised all-in 180,000 in an attempt to go head to head with the big blind, but instead was called down by Norouzian.
“Oh no. I didn’t see that”, said Van Wijk but was entirely too late as the runout 7♦ 5♦ 2♥ T♠ T♣ had already sealed his fate.
Player | Hand | Chips |
SN Shahin Norouzian | Q♥Q♠ HJ | 657,000(66 BB) |
AV Armon Van Wijk | A♥6♦ SB | busted |
Alfie Adam Ramps Up the Aggression

With a pot of 76,000 centered in the middle on flop 5♦ 2♠ J♣ , three way action was checked to Alfie Adam, who bet 42,500. Initial raiser Shahin Norouzian called to see turn 2♥ , but surrendered shortly after Adam pulled another 110,000.
Player | Chips |
AA Alfie Adam | 592,000(59 BB) |
SN Shahin Norouzian | 410,000(41 BB) |
Shahin Norouzian Stands Strong with Midpair
Shahin Norouzian opened utg and called a 42,000 three bet from Jakkapong Sreprasom a seat after.
On flop T♣ Q♠ 4♦ , Norouzian snap called Srepasom's all-in for 61,000 with midpair T♠ 9♠ , putting his opponent at risk. Srepasom behind with A♦ K♦ , failed to catch up on either turn 5♦ or river T♥ , busting him in the process.
Player | Chips |
SN Shahin Norouzian | 492,000(62 BB) |
JS Jakkapong Sreprasom | busted |
Top Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
AA Alfie Adam | 533,000(107 BB) |
AA Amir Abbas | 423,000(85 BB) |
AS Akhilendra Singh | 378,000(76 BB) |
SK Simas Karaliunas | 376,000(75 BB) |
YG Yamen Ghanem | 374,000(75 BB) |
SN Sreekanth Narayanan | 364,000(73 BB) |
NT Noppon Taengruen | 341,000(68 BB) |
NB Nazar Buhaiov | 335,000(67 BB) |
AL Andrew Lunde | 321,000(64 BB) |
VF Victor Fryda | 306,000(61 BB) |
PK Peter Kiem | 306,000(61 BB) |
YL Yongjia Lin | 297,000(59 BB) |
AA Ahmed Abdellatif | 288,000(58 BB) |
SN Shahin Norouzian | 262,000(52 BB) |
TK Takayuki Koga | 242,000(48 BB) |
FR Fabian Rolli | 242,000(48 BB) |
AV Anzhela Vasylenko | 242,000(48 BB) |
FG Fabrice Giz | 238,000(48 BB) |
TD Thai Do | 238,000(48 BB) |
DM Dragoljub Martinovic | 235,000(47 BB) |
228,000(46 BB) | |
218,000(44 BB) | |
RK Ran Koller | 215,000(43 BB) |
DA Dinesh Alt | 205,000(41 BB) |
JF Jerome Finck | 204,000(41 BB) |
JL Jun Li | 203,000(41 BB) |
Top Pair Holds Strong for Nattawut Kwunsong
Nattawut Kwunsong opened 2,000 utg+1 and saw Jerome Finck flick in his last 3,400. Shahin Norouzian on the small blind joined the action and Kwunsong completed.
On board A♦ J♠ 8♠ K♦ , Kwunsong bet both streets - 2,500 and 6,200, building up a side pot as Norouzian check called onto river 9♣ . Kwunsong slowed down and checked it back, revealing his top pair to be good against both opponents' pair of kings.
Player | Hand | Chips |
NK Nattawut Kwunsong | A♠6♦ UTG+1 | 61,900(77 BB) |
SN Shahin Norouzian | K♠T♠ SB | 67,800(85 BB) |
JF Jerome Finck | K♥Q♣ HJ | busted |