Top Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
AA Alfie Adam | 533,000(107 BB) |
AA Amir Abbas | 423,000(85 BB) |
AS Akhilendra Singh | 378,000(76 BB) |
SK Simas Karaliunas | 376,000(75 BB) |
YG Yamen Ghanem | 374,000(75 BB) |
SN Sreekanth Narayanan | 364,000(73 BB) |
NT Noppon Taengruen | 341,000(68 BB) |
NB Nazar Buhaiov | 335,000(67 BB) |
AL Andrew Lunde | 321,000(64 BB) |
VF Victor Fryda | 306,000(61 BB) |
PK Peter Kiem | 306,000(61 BB) |
YL Yongjia Lin | 297,000(59 BB) |
AA Ahmed Abdellatif | 288,000(58 BB) |
SN Shahin Norouzian | 262,000(52 BB) |
TK Takayuki Koga | 242,000(48 BB) |
FR Fabian Rolli | 242,000(48 BB) |
AV Anzhela Vasylenko | 242,000(48 BB) |
FG Fabrice Giz | 238,000(48 BB) |
TD Thai Do | 238,000(48 BB) |
DM Dragoljub Martinovic | 235,000(47 BB) |
228,000(46 BB) | |
218,000(44 BB) | |
RK Ran Koller | 215,000(43 BB) |
DA Dinesh Alt | 205,000(41 BB) |
JF Jerome Finck | 204,000(41 BB) |
JL Jun Li | 203,000(41 BB) |
Top Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
YL Yongjia Lin | 310,000(155 BB) |
AA Alfie Adam | 288,500(144 BB) |
SN Sreekanth Narayanan | 221,000(111 BB) |
MJ Maurice Jeevanji | 212,500(106 BB) |
IB Ilia Barkov | 198,000(99 BB) |
AA Ahmed Abdellatif | 193,000(97 BB) |
KC Kornkrit Chaveewanitkun | 171,000(86 BB) |
TD Thai Do | 158,000(79 BB) |
AS Arun Sriram | 157,000(79 BB) |
156,000(78 BB) | |
RK Robert Kiss | 151,000(76 BB) |
DM Dragoljub Martinovic | 142,500(71 BB) |
VF Victor Fryda | 141,000(71 BB) |
HW Hao Wu | 138,000(69 BB) |
CN Cao Ngoc Anh | 137,000(69 BB) |
LS Leo Soma | 136,500(68 BB) |
129,000(65 BB) | |
DA Dinesh Alt | 129,000(65 BB) |
EC Eric Ceret | 125,000(63 BB) |
PG Pablo Garcia | 122,000(61 BB) |
VO Vishal Ojha | 121,500(61 BB) |
FL Foo Long | 121,000(61 BB) |
119,000(60 BB) | |
118,000(59 BB) | |
AV Armon Van Wijk | 116,500(58 BB) |
NT Noppon Taengruen | 115,000(58 BB) |
113,000(57 BB) | |
FG Fabrice Giz | 112,000(56 BB) |
PK Peter Kiem | 111,000(56 BB) |
JS Joseph Serock | 110,500(55 BB) |
MS Michael Smith | 109,000(55 BB) |
Noppon Taengruen Catches Up on the River

Andres Vasquez flicked in his last big blind, raised by Dang Thi Hue to 3,000. Noppon Taengruen fired a three bet to 9,500, and called for his remaining 39,700 after Dang answered with an all-in.
With two aces already showing, another fell on board A♥ 3♥ 9♦ 2♠, leaving Taengruen drawing slim. The river J♣ however, spiked the Thai's one of two outs, earning him the sweet boost while Vasquez headed for the rails.
Player | Hand | Chips |
NT Noppon Taengruen | J♦J♥ MP | 102,400(85 BB) |
DT Dang Thi Hue | A♠5♥ MP | 16,000(13 BB) |
AV Andres Vasquez | A♦7♥ UTG | busted |
Sreekanth Narayanan Gets a Payday
Sreekanth Narayanan opened in early position, raised by Andres Vasquez to 6,700. Noppon Taengruen cold called on the small blind and Narayanan completed for a three way pot.
Action on flop 9♥ 4♦ 5♠checked round to turn 9♣ , where Taengruen led 4,500. Narayanan called while Vasquez bumped it up to 14,000. Both stuck around to see river K♠, where Vasquez bet a final 32,900 checked to him. Taengruen called and so did Narayanan, making it a three way showdown.
Vasquez showed trip nines A♠9♠, beating Taengruen's Q♦ Q♣ but not Narayanan's full house 5♦ 5♥ for the win.
Player | Chips |
SN Sreekanth Narayanan | 245,000(245 BB) |
NT Noppon Taengruen | 34,100(34 BB) |
AV Andres Vasquez | 1,000(1 BB) |