John Perry Earns Another Knockout
John Perry raises from under the gun and earns callers in Florencio Campomanes as well as Tam Truong.
On the T♥ 6♦ 3♦ flop, the action checks to Campomanes and he bets 21,000. Truong check-raises to 60,000 with around 80,000 behind. Perry moves all-in and Campomanes sigh-folds, Truong calls.
Perry rolls over the 6♠ 6♣ for middle set and Truong is in rough shape with 3♠ 3♣ for bottom set. Nothing changes with the K♥ A♥ on turn and river to see Perry approach seven figures.
Player | Chips |
JP John Perry | 975,000(163 BB) |
FC Florencio Campomanes | 180,000(30 BB) |
TT Tam Truong | busted |
Updated Counts in the Field
Before their table breaks, Marc Joseph tangles with Sho Homma and they create a pot of nearly 150,000 to the 5♣ 4♥ 2♣ 8♥ 9♥ river. Homma checks and Joseph bets 100,000 with only a few chips behind. The snap fold follows and they head different ways soon after.
Several other updated counts can be found below.
Player | Chips |
AV Artem Vezhenkov | 985,000(197 BB) |
AA Aditya Agarwal | 725,000(145 BB) |
SH Sho Homma | 530,000(106 BB) |
KP Kunal Patni | 515,000(103 BB) |
JP John Perry | 440,000(88 BB) |
AS | 395,000(79 BB) |
AG Apoorva Goel | 340,000(68 BB) |
HG Hugues Girard | 338,000(68 BB) |
TV Tom Verbruggen | 330,000(66 BB) |
MJ Marc Joseph | 280,000(56 BB) |
MF Mario Fata | 280,000(56 BB) |
YH Yukako Hiroi | 271,000(54 BB) |
RB Renat Bohdanov | 240,000(48 BB) |
JP Jerwin Pasco | 240,000(48 BB) |
TT Tam Truong | 230,000(46 BB) |
AS Aliaksandr Shylko | 205,000(41 BB) |
DF Dylan Foster | 175,000(35 BB) |
EA Edgar Antezana | 140,000(28 BB) |
AK Ari Kumpumaki | 120,000(24 BB) |
JS Josip Simunic | 100,000(20 BB) |
PD Peter Da | 80,000(16 BB) |
XZ Xiaosheng Zheng | busted |
Assorted Late Night Counts
Player | Chips |
AR Azizjon Rakhimov | 380,000(152 BB) |
340,000(136 BB) | |
JM John Matsuda | 330,000(132 BB) |
YS Yunsheng Sun | 330,000(132 BB) |
DD Dylan DeStefano | 310,000(124 BB) |
GT Guy Taylor | 230,000(92 BB) |
DF Dylan Foster | 200,000(80 BB) |
AA Ankit Ahuja | 185,000(74 BB) |
KV Kou Vang | 170,000(68 BB) |
HD Huu Dung Nguyen | 160,000(64 BB) |
MM Michel Molenaar | 150,000(60 BB) |
MF Mario Fata | 150,000(60 BB) |
140,000(56 BB) | |
TT Tam Truong | 130,000(52 BB) |
JC Jennifer Cassell | 125,000(50 BB) |
JL Jun Lai | 120,000(48 BB) |
CC Charlie Chiu | 100,000(40 BB) |