Blind level
Level 17: 5,000 / 10,000 ante: 10,000
Total Chips
Blaise de LeonBlaise de Leon
2/15/2025, 11:57:39 AM
Nabil Cardoso Chips Up
Level 10: 1,000 / 2,000 ante: 2,000

Hunter Stevens raises to 4,000 and earns two callers out of the blinds including Nabil Cardoso and Michael Sideridis. On the T♠ 9♥ 8♦ flop, it checks to Sideridis who bets4,000. Stevens calls and Cardoso check-raises to 13,000 for Sideridis to call and Stevens to fold.
Cardoso bets big on the 8♠ turn and Sideridis tank-folds with fewer than ten blinds behind.
Player | Chips |
HS Hunter Stevens | 145,000(73 BB) |
MG Mark Gruendemann | 145,000(73 BB) |
NC Nabil Cardoso | 95,000(48 BB) |
AI Abhinav Iyer | 60,000(30 BB) |
MS Michael Sideridis | 18,000(9 BB) |
DM Dhaval Mudgal | busted |
Blaise de LeonBlaise de Leon
2/15/2025, 6:15:03 AM
New Notables in the Field
Level 3: 200 / 400 ante: 400

Day 1b has grown to 156 entries with 147 players remaining and among the latest notables to enter the fray are Adam Friedman, Michael Sideridis, Mark Gruendemann, Tien Dung Pham, Somashekar Nahadeva, Thomas Ward (the one from the UK), as well as Adam Watkins.