Blind level
Level 17: 5,000 / 10,000 ante: 10,000
Total Chips


Blaise de LeonBlaise de Leon
2/15/2025, 7:33:05 AM

Down And Up For Mark Gruendemann

Level 4: 300 / 500 ante: 500

Mark Gruendemann enters back to back hands with the first one costing him some chips then gaining it back and more on the following hand. Up against Luc Ramos, Gruendemann defends his big blind by calling the 1100 raise then they both check to the turn 2 J 9 4 . Gruendemann check-calls Ramos's 1500 bet then opts to fold on the river 6 after Ramos bets 1200.

The next hand, newcomer to the table Keisuke Tajiri opens 1200, Gruendemann makes it 5300, Tajiri calls. Gruendemann continues at the flop Q J 6 for 7000, Tajiri calls again. On the turn Q , Gruendemann slows to a check then calls Tajiri's 5000 bet but on the river, Gruendemann jams which earns a quick fold from Tajiri.

50,800(102 BB)
Luc RamosSwitzerland [CHE]Switzerland
42,900(86 BB)
21,700(43 BB)