Blind level
Level 17: 5,000 / 10,000 ante: 10,000
Total Chips


Blaise de LeonBlaise de Leon
2/15/2025, 10:17:49 AM

Aggression Wins It For Jon Kyte

Level 8: 600 / 1,200 ante: 1,200
Jon Kyte

Two hands after the split pot, Jon Kyte is back in action with a three-bet of 8000 from late position. Big blind Jungsup Yun defends and initial raiser from under the gun Adam Friedman calls. At the flop T K T , Kyte continues for 7000, both opponents check-call then they check the turn 3 . After two checks on the river 7 , Kyte shoves with a stack well covering both players, Yun folds, Friedman gives it some thought then folds as well.

Jon KyteNorway [NOR]Norway
165,000(138 BB)
Adam FriedmanUnited States of America [USA]United States of America
71,400(60 BB)
Jungsup YunKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
70,400(59 BB)
Blaise de LeonBlaise de Leon
2/15/2025, 10:13:24 AM

Good Call By Jon Kyte With King-High To Split

Level 8: 600 / 1,200 ante: 1,200

Jon Kyte isn't too happy at the turnout of this hand however, he isn't complaining either having split the pot with Jungsup Yun. The hand opens with a 2500 raise from Yun at early position, Kyte three-bets 8000 from the button, Yun calls. They check it to the river 7 3 6 7 3 . Yun test Kyte with a bet of K T , Kyte tanks then finds reason to call with K Q king high. It's the right call with Yun showing K T to split it.

Jon KyteNorway [NOR]Norway
130,000(108 BB)
Jungsup YunKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
94,000(78 BB)