Blind level
Level 17: 5,000 / 10,000 ante: 10,000
Total Chips


Blaise de LeonBlaise de Leon
2/15/2025, 11:57:39 AM

Nabil Cardoso Chips Up

Level 10: 1,000 / 2,000 ante: 2,000
Nabil Cardoso

Hunter Stevens raises to 4,000 and earns two callers out of the blinds including Nabil Cardoso and Michael Sideridis. On the T 9 8 flop, it checks to Sideridis who bets4,000. Stevens calls and Cardoso check-raises to 13,000 for Sideridis to call and Stevens to fold.

Cardoso bets big on the 8 turn and Sideridis tank-folds with fewer than ten blinds behind.

Hunter StevensUnited States of America [USA]United States of America
145,000(73 BB)
145,000(73 BB)
95,000(48 BB)
60,000(30 BB)
18,000(9 BB)
Blaise de LeonBlaise de Leon
2/15/2025, 9:57:10 AM

Hunter Stevens Has The Flush

Level 7: 500 / 1,000 ante: 1,000
Hunter Stevens

Heavy preflop betting opens with a raise of 2000 from under the gun+1 Hunter Stevens, to his immediate left, Jaemoon Seok three-bets 6000, after players fold around back to Stevens he four-bets 12,000, and Seok puts the brakes with a call.

At the flop 5 6 6 , both players opt to slow down and and check to the turn 8 . Stevens resumes for 12,700, Seok flats, the river comes 9 . Again Stevens fires for a slightly larger 18,000, Seok tank-calls then mucks to A 4 flush. When asked if he had jacks, Seok said he had kings.

Hunter StevensUnited States of America [USA]United States of America
64,000(64 BB)
Jaemoon SeokKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
Blaise de LeonBlaise de Leon
2/15/2025, 7:36:24 AM

Hunter Stevens Knocks Out a Player

Level 4: 300 / 500 ante: 500
Hunter Stevens

After a flop of 7 5 4 , the player in the small blind gets it all in against two other players -- Hunter Stevens (UTG+1) and Tien Dung Pham (button). Any further betting will create a side pot.

The turn card pairs the board with the 7 , and both players check. The river card double-pairs the board with the 4 , Stevens bets 8,000, and Pham folds.

The small blind shows 8 4 for a full house, fours full of sevens, but Stevens turns over 7 6 to win the pot with a larger full house, sevens full of fours. The player in the small blind is eliminated.

Hunter StevensUnited States of America [USA]United States of America
64,000(128 BB)