Day1C ends - 51 Qualifiers

Player | Chips |
BG Biao Guo | 715,000(60 BB) |
IK Ivan Karatayeu | 706,000(59 BB) |
NV Nguyen Van Thanh | 641,000(53 BB) |
ZJ Zheng Jie | 504,000(42 BB) |
DQ Do Quang Trinh | 481,000(40 BB) |
JS Jianfeng Sun | 408,000(34 BB) |
AS Aditya Sushant | 380,000(32 BB) |
HM Ha Manh Tuong | 371,000(31 BB) |
HV Ha Van Thien | 366,000(31 BB) |
VH Vu Hoang Dat | 361,000(30 BB) |
LX Li Xinze | 322,000(27 BB) |
PT Phi Tien Sang | 319,000(27 BB) |
XS Xiong Sheng | 316,000(26 BB) |
DQ Do Quang Thang | 315,000(26 BB) |
NT Nguyen Tuan Anh | 312,000(26 BB) |
ND Nguyen Dinh Vy | 308,000(26 BB) |
LK Lee Koangho | 295,000(25 BB) |
LN Le Nguyen Khanh Linh | 282,000(24 BB) |
WY Waki Yasuhiro | 266,000(22 BB) |
NT Nguyen Than Minh | 229,000(19 BB) |
DH Dang Hung Duong | 225,000(19 BB) |
PY Po Yung Hui | 224,000(19 BB) |
EK Edgaras Kausinis | 219,000(18 BB) |
NT Nguyen Trung Phong | 216,000(18 BB) |
ND Nguyen Dieu Phuong Linh | 216,000(18 BB) |
KD Kim Doyeon | 212,000(18 BB) |
ND Nguyen Duc Cuong | 211,000(18 BB) |
TQ Tran Quang Trung | 208,000(17 BB) |
SK Shin King Lun | 193,000(16 BB) |
PV Pham Van Xuan | 187,000(16 BB) |
FY Fan Yingkun | 186,000(16 BB) |
SM Shu MIchael Jun Zheng | 182,000(15 BB) |
XY Xin Yuan | 173,000(14 BB) |
WC Wang Chen | 165,000(14 BB) |
AK Amit Kaushik | 160,000(13 BB) |
VT Van Tien Pham | 159,000(13 BB) |
TM Thi Minh Hong Pham | 157,000(13 BB) |
ZC Zhang Cheng (3) | 148,000(12 BB) |
LY Liu Yongyi | 147,000(12 BB) |
EC Eugene Co | 133,000(11 BB) |
HK Haver Kamper | 131,000(11 BB) |
HQ Haisheng Qiu | 124,000(10 BB) |
TH Tran Hai Duong | 108,000(9 BB) |
NP Nguyen Phuong Tung | 105,000(9 BB) |
LG Le Giang Nam | 103,000(9 BB) |
WJ William Jia (2) | 102,000(9 BB) |
JK Juwon Kim | 90,000(8 BB) |
LV Laurinaitis Vytautas | 65,000(5 BB) |
NC Nguyen Canh Tan | 60,000(5 BB) |
NQ Nian Qishun | 54,000(5 BB) |
KV Khuc Van Hung | 15,000(1 BB) |
Double Bubble!

Two players busted at the bubble for a double bubble.
In the first bubble - action fell to the last 3 with big blind Ryan Johnson all-in on his blinds for 12,000. Button Lee Koangho and small blind Haver Kamper just matched the blinds and checked down the board of A♠ 6♠ 4♥ 5♥ K♠.
Johnson showed Q♠ 2♥ - missing the board completely.
Kamper's J♥ 7♠ also missed the board.
However, Koangho showed K♣ 5♦ for a two pair, which was more than enough to bust Johnson at the bubble and win the pot.
Player | Chips |
KL Koangho Lee | 295,000(25 BB) |
131,000(11 BB) | |
RJ Ryan Johnson | busted |

In the second bubble, action folded to the blinds and Lee Jonggu shoved all-in for 67,000 in the small blind. Ivan Karatayeu had the stack to defend the big blind and made the call.
Jonggu showed Q♥ 8♦ while Karatayeu held K♣ T♥.
The board ran 5♣ 3♣ 2♥ J♣ 7♦. Both missed the board, but the king-high of Karatayeu was still the better hand and good enough to bust Jonggu as the second bubble.
Lee Jonggu and Ryan Johnson will each earn half of the minimum payout from the prize pool for their double bubble bust. That's still better than nothing.
Player | Chips |
IK Ivan Karatayeu | 706,000(59 BB) |
LJ Lee Jonggu | busted |
Nguyen Ngoc Dai Busts On Soft Bubble

Both Nguyen Ngoc Dai and Jianfeng Sun had their chips in the middle. Dai was at risk with his last 98,000 covered.
Nguyen Ngoc Dai - the USOP Main Event champion - was ahead with the kicker when both flopped their jacks for a pair. However, the poker gods love drama and suspense, so they threw one of three nines on the river to give Jianfeng Sun a two-pair to take out Dai as the soft bubble.
Spell "sick".
Player | Hand | Chips |
NN Nguyen Ngoc Dai | J♠T♥ | 3(0 BB) |
JS Jianfeng Sun | J♦9♥ | 415,000(35 BB) |
Level 20: 6,000 / 12,000 ante: 12,000
40 minutesTrinh Gets Big Stack Boost

Nguyen Tuan Hung raised to 20,000 from the cut-off. Do Quang Trinh three-bet raised to 60,000 on the button. Hung answered by by shoving all-in for 214,000. Trinh called for his 217,000.
Trinh's pocket fives took out one of Hung's outs and as left with just 3 kings in the deck. None came, and Hung was removed from the tournament while Trinh received a huge double up.
Player | Hand | Chips |
DQ Do Quang Trinh | 5♣5♠ | 456,000(46 BB) |
NT Nguyen Tuan Hung | K♠5♥ | 116,000(12 BB) |
Level 19: 5,000 / 10,000 ante: 10,000
40 minutesBreak!
This will be the last break of the evening. When play resumes the remaining 59 players will be competing for the 51 qualifying slots to advance to Day 2 and earn a minimum share from the prize pool.
Mini Main Event Day 1C
Date: December 3, 2024
Buy-in:VND 20,000,000 (~USD 780)
Guarantee: VND 15,000,000,000 (~USD 600,000)
Entries: 419 (298 unique)
ITM: 51 places to advance to Day 2
Starting Stack: 30,000
Total Chips in Play: 12,570,000
Average Stack: 213,000
Players Remaining: 59
Player | Chips |
BG Biao Guo | 655,000(82 BB) |
IK Ivan Karatayeu | 630,000(79 BB) |
NV Nguyen Van Thanh | 532,000(67 BB) |
JS Jianfeng Sun | 385,000(48 BB) |
NT Nguyen Tuan Anh | 365,000(46 BB) |
340,000(43 BB) | |
330,000(41 BB) | |
HV Ha Van Thien | 290,000(36 BB) |
NP Nguyen Phuong Tung | 280,000(35 BB) |
HM Ha Manh Tuong | 260,000(33 BB) |
Koangho Doubles To Breathe

UTG+2 raised to 17,000. Wang Chen called on the button. Big blind Lee Koangho had less than 10BB left and shoved his last 71,000 all-in. UTG+2 folded, but Chen made the call.
Koangho's kings led against the A♣ Q♦ of Cheng. Kings doubled up after the board completed, and took him a step out of the danger zone.
Player | Hand | Chips |
K♣K♦ | 171,000(21 BB) | |
WC Wang Cheng | A♣Q♦ | 175,000(22 BB) |
Defending The Big Blind
Dang Hung Duong raised to 17,000 from UTG+1. Chu Manh Huong three-bet to 45,000 from the hijack. Ha Manh Tuong re-raised all-in for 128,000 in the big blind. Everyone folded and Tuong made an easy scoop to pad the stack.
Player | Chips |
DH Dang Hung Duong | 270,000(34 BB) |
HM Ha Manh Tuong | 222,000(28 BB) |
CM Chu Manh Huong | 153,000(19 BB) |
Dai'S Runners Clean Out Khiem

Nguyen Ngoc Dai raised to 16,000 from the hi-jack and Hoang Khiem defended the big blind. Both were given a flop of J♠ 9♥ 4♦. Khiem checked-raised the 15,000 bet of Dai all-in for 63,000. Dai made the call.
Khiem showed T♣ 9♠ and was ahead with a pair of nines. Dai showed A♠ Q♠ and had nothing, but a draw to over cards. However, the 3♠ turn offered outs to a flush, and right on cue, the poker gods delivered the flush with a 7♠ on the river. Dai scoops the big pot and Khiem cursed the poker gods for the bad beat while he stood up from the table.
Player | Chips |
NN Nguyen Ngoc Dai | 316,000(40 BB) |
HK Hoang Khiem | busted |
Level 18: 4,000 / 8,000 ante: 8,000
40 minutesKings Split

Ivan Karatayeu and Pham Van Xuan were both in the hand.
There was some raise-reraising pre-flop. Then, there was some more bet-raise-calling after the flop 4♦ 3♥ 8♠. Then, there was all-in and calling when the turn came A♠.
Karatayeu flipped over K♠ K♦ and Pham Van Xuan showed K♥ K♣. The J♥ was of no use since both split the pot already.
Player | Chips |
IK Ivan Karatayeu | 546,000(91 BB) |
PV Pham Van Xuan | 236,000(39 BB) |
Hai Hurts Doyeon
Ke Nhu Hai raised to 12,000 from under the gun and was called by Kim Doyeon two seats over. Both players saw a flop of A♥ 4♥ 2♠. Hai check-called th 15,000 bet of Doyeon to open a J♥ on the turn. Hai check-raised all-in after Doyeon bet out 40,000.
Doyeon had to pause for a moment, take a peek at his cards, wondered if AI will rule the world, threw in a time-bank token and also threw his cards to the muck.
Player | Chips |
LN Le Nhu Hai | 173,000(29 BB) |
KD Kim Doyeon | 50,000(8 BB) |
Level 17: 3,000 / 6,000 ante: 6,000
30 minutesNguyen Tuan Anh Knocks Out Two

Three players were in the hand - Lojack Le Thanh Hung, Hi-jack Li Jun and big blind Nguyen Tuan Anh.
The flop was out and showed T♦ 3♦ 4♦. There was 38,000 in the pot. All three pushed their chips in the middle. Hung had his 98,000 all-in. Jun had 105,000. Anh had them both covered.
Hung showed Q♥ T♣ for a top pair. Jun showed Q♦ J♦ for a flush. The best hand though belong to Anh with a K♦ 9♦ for a king-high flush.
Anh scooped the huge pot and showed the exit to Hung and Jun.
Player | Chips |
NT Nguyen Tuan Anh | 443,000(89 BB) |
JL Jun Li | busted |
LT Le Thanh Hung | busted |
Straight OVer Set Doubles Co

EugeneCo raised to 10,000 from the hijack. Phi Tieu Jang three-bet re-raised 26,000. Co shoved all-in for 101,000. Jang called without flinching.
Two overcards vs lower pair. Coin flip.
Jang led all the way and in fact even thought he sealed the deal when his nines made a set on the river. However, careful examination showed that Co rivered a straight to point the win arrow his way along with a whole bunch of chips.
Player | Hand | Chips |
EC Eugene Co | J♥T♦ | 215,000(43 BB) |
PT Phi Tieu Jang | 9♦9♣ | 93,000(19 BB) |
Lee Jonggu Doubles And Decimates

Nguyen Duc Nhat raised to 10,000 from UTG+1. Lee Jonggu three-bet shoved all-in for 68,000 from the cutoff. Nhat tanked a bit, examined the possible stack damage, looked at his cards, took a long look at Jonggu, wondered if cats can see ghosts, threw in a time-bank card and threw a chip in for the call.
Two over cards vs a smaller pair. A coin flip. The board favored Jonngu and gave him a double-up while leaving Nhat's stack to crumbs.
Player | Hand | Chips |
LJ Lee Jonggu | 8♠8♣ | 149,000(30 BB) |
ND Nguyen Duc Nhat ( Mr Sumo ) | A♣9♠ | 12,000(2 BB) |
Was That A Bluff?

Action fell to the blinds. Lu Wang completed the small blind and Nguyen Duc Cuong checked to see a friendly flop of A♥ Q♦ 2♦.
Wang bet 6,000 and called the 16,000 raise of Cuong.
The turn came 7♠. Wang checked and didn't continue when Cuong fired 35,000.
Cuong showed K♣ J♣.
Player | Chips |
ND Nguyen Duc Cuong | 186,000(37 BB) |
LW Lu Wang | 115,000(23 BB) |
Level 16: 3,000 / 5,000 ante: 5,000
30 minutesNo Need To Show

Action folded to the blinds. Small blind Pham Van Xuan raised to 8,000 and Natalia Rozova defended the big blind. Both players were given a flop of 8♦ 4♦ 4♥. Xuan c-bet for 11,000 and Rozova called again.
The turn came K♦. Both checked to open A♣ on the river. Xuan bet 35,000. Rozova raised to 70,000. Xuan called and Rozova quickly threw her cards away.
Player | Chips |
PV Pham Van Xuan | 213,000(53 BB) |
NR Natalia Rozova | 157,000(39 BB) |
Karatayeu Extends Chip Lead After Eliminating Yuequan

Ivan Karatayeu raised to 8,000 from under the gun and Jia Yuequan defended the big blind. Both players were dealt a flop of A♣ T♥ 8♠. Yuequan check-raised the 11,000 bet of Karatayeu to 28,000.
Karatayeu called to see a 6♥. Yuequan shoved all-in for 83,000 and Karatayeu snap called and threw down the A♦ T♦ for two pair. Yuequan showed a J♣ 9♠, hoping for the open-ended to make a straight.
The river 6♠ didn't help and Yuequan was shown the exit. Karatayeu scooped the pot to extend his chip lead
Player | Chips |
IK Ivan Karatayeu | 540,000(135 BB) |
busted |
Dat Doubles From Hung

Vu Hoang Dat shoved all-in from UTG+2 for all his 55,000 chips. Nguyen Tuan Hung liked his cards enough from the big blind to make the call.
Hung was ahead preflop and on the flop, but the poker gods threw a king on the turn to give Dat the lead and the win after the board completed. Dat doubled up and dented Hung's stack.
Player | Hand | Chips |
VH Vu Hoang Dat | K♦Q♦ | 116,000(29 BB) |
NT Nguyen Tuan Hung | A♣J♥ | 116,000(29 BB) |
Level 15: 2,000 / 4,000 ante: 4,000
30 minutesPlayers Are On A Break!
Player | Chips |
IK Ivan Karatayeu | 405,000(135 BB) |
BG Biao Guo | 286,000(95 BB) |
259,000(86 BB) | |
HQ Haisheng Qiu | 241,000(80 BB) |
ND Nguyen Duy Thuc | 241,000(80 BB) |
NV Nguyen Van Thanh | 240,000(80 BB) |
NR Natalia Rozova | 239,000(80 BB) |
ND Nguyen Dieu Phuong Linh | 235,000(78 BB) |
NN Nguyen Ngoc Dai | 225,000(75 BB) |
DQ Do Quang Thang | 215,000(72 BB) |
Trinh Puts The Hurt On Chong

Do Quang Trinh raised to 6,500 from under the gun then called the 19,000 three-bet re-raise of Victor Chong in the small blind. The flop showed A♣ T♦ 6♣
Chong led out for 11,000 then called Trinh's raise of 25,000. The turn showed K♥. Chong checked. Trinh bet all-in for his last 41,500. Chong took a moment to analyze the situation, threw in two time-bank tokens, counted his chips and eventually pushed them beyond the betting line for a call.
Trinh showed a two pair with his A♠ T♣. Chong showed Q♥ Q♣ and needed some help. The 9♣ river wasn't the help Chong needed and he was left with crumbs while Trinh boosted to a healthy double up.
Player | Chips |
DQ Do Quang Trinh | 177,000(59 BB) |
VC Victor Chong | 9,500(3 BB) |
Hoa's Big Slick Burns Long
The cutoff raised to 7,000. Bui Ngoc Long three-bet raised all-in for 35,500. Tran Nhuan Hoa called from the small blind and the cutoff avoided any more damage.
Hoa's big slick was dominating pre-flop and completed the domination when the board ran out 6♥ 8♠ 3♦ 6♣ 4♣. All the chips got shipped Hoa's way while Long was shipped towards the rail and out of the tournament.
Player | Hand | Chips |
BN Bui Ngoc Long | K♥J♦ | busted |
TN Tran Nhuan Hoa | A♥K♣ | 201,000(67 BB) |
Linh Climbs Up The Chip Counts

Su Shanhe raised to 6,000 from under the gun. Jiang Xiangzhu three-bet raised to 17,000. Nguyen Dieu Phuong Linh called on the button as did Shanhe. All three entered a flop of K♠ K♥ 6♠.
Shanhe tapped the option over to Xiangzhu, who fired 15,000. Linh called and Shanhe gave up. The turn came 8♣. Xiangzhu checked. Linh fired 20,000. Xiangzhu tanked and wondered if Bruce Lee would've been a UFC champion, then folded to award the pot to Linh.
Player | Chips |
ND Nguyen Dieu Phuong Linh | 205,000(68 BB) |
SS Su Shanhe | 121,000(40 BB) |
JX Jiang Xiangzhu | 52,500(18 BB) |
Level 14: 1,500 / 3,000 ante: 3,000
30 minutesLinh Doubles From Shanhe

Su Shanhe raised to 5,000 from the lo-jack and Nguyen Dieu Phuong Linh called from the small blind. Both players were treated to a flop of 4♣ 5♠ A♠. Linh check-called the 7,500 bet to see a T♣ on the turn. Linh check-called the 17,500 bet to see a 7♠ on the river.
Linh check-called all-in the 70,000 bet of Shanhe, putting the last 31,000 chips at risk along with his tournament life.
Shanhe showed 7♣ 8♠ for a rivered pair of sevens while Linh showed A♦ J♥ for a pair of aces to book the win and earn a double-up.
Player | Chips |
SS Su Shanhe | 212,000(85 BB) |
ND Nguten Dieu Phong Linh | 127,000(51 BB) |
Tuan Pressures Hong

Nguyen Thanh Tuan raised to 6,000 from UTG+2 and found 2 callers. The flop came Q♠ J♥ 4♥. Big blind checked to Tuan, who bet 7,500. Nguyen Thi Minh Hong made the call from the lo-jack and the big blind stepped away.
The turn came 4♠. Tuan fired second barrel of 17,000 and Hong called again. The river came A♦ and Tuan bet all-in. Hong thought about it, took a peek at her cards and at the board, then released her cards back to the dealer.
Player | Chips |
NT Nguyen Thanh Tuan | 121,000(48 BB) |
NT Nguyen Thi Minh Hong | 51,000(20 BB) |
Vasquez Gets Lucky With The Ladies

UTG+1 started the party with a raise to 5,000. The lo-jack called. Andres Vasquez, on the cut-ff, three-bet to 25,000. Zhang Hongru on the big blind four-bet raised to 55,000. UTG+1 and lo-jack stood down. Vasquez shoved all-in for 68,000. Hongru paused, examined the possible stack damage, looked at his cards, looked over at Vasquez. wondered if unicorns exist and threw in a chip for the call.
The ladies of Vasquez held their ground and more than doubled him up while delivering a crippling blow to Hongru.
Player | Hand | Chips |
AV Andres Vasquez (2) | Q♠Q♦ | 149,500(60 BB) |
ZH Zhang Hongru | T♥T♠ | 21,000(8 BB) |
Level 13: 1,000 / 2,500 ante: 2,500
30 minutesBetting Pressure
UTG +1 raised to 4,000 when Lin Wencheng three-bet re-raised to 8,000. Big blind Nguyen Trung Ha re-popped to 33,000 with Wencheng the only one to stay on.
The flop landed Q♦ 6♦ 5♥. Ha led out for 12,000 and Wencheng called to see a K♣ turn. Ha fired another 40,000 to put Wencheng at risk. However, he decided to save the call for another time.
Player | Chips |
NT Nguyen Trung Ha | 126,000(63 BB) |
LW Lin Wencheng | 21,000(11 BB) |
Xianggu Sends Yam Chun Ho Edward Home
Player | Chips |

Yu Xuanggu raised to 3,000 from the cut-off and called the 22,000 three-bet all-in from Yam Chun Ho Edward.
It was a coin flip between two overs and a small pair. Eventually, Xianggu turned a pair and rivered two pair to book the convincing win to knock out Edward.
Player | Hand | Chips |
K♠T♦ | 118,000(59 BB) | |
9♣9♦ | busted |
Level 12: 1,000 / 2,000 ante: 2,000
30 minutesKicker Helps Jia Double Up

Tom Verbruggen raised to 3,000 from UTG+2 and William Jia defended his big blind. Both players were given a flop of 4♠ K♠ 3♠. Jia check-raised all-in the 5,000 bet of Verbruggen. Verbruggen called.
Verbruggen showed K♥ 7♥ while Jia peeled K♦ T♥. Jia was ahead and remained ahead after the board completed with Q♦ 6♦. Jia got a crucial double-up and Verbruggen got damaged.
Player | Chips |
WJ William Jia (2) | 53,500(36 BB) |
TV Tom Verbruggen | 35,000(23 BB) |
Toi Doubles From Thang
Do Quang Thang raised to 3,000 from under the gun then called the 8,000 three-bet raise by Vu Duc Toi from two seats over. Both players were shown a fop of K♥ 2♥ 2♣.
Thang check-raised the 5,000 bet of Toi to all in, putting Toi's stack at risk. Toi thought about it real hard, used a time-bank token, tried to remember the lyrics to that Nirvana song about mosquitos and then pushed his last 23,500 past the betting line for a call.
Toi showed A♥ Q♠ and was ahead against Thang's Q♥ J♥ despite not hitting anything on the board. However, Thang was on a huge flush draw and there were cards to avoid.
The 6♠ turn and T♦ river were bricks for Thang and a reward to Toi for making such a bold call.
Player | Chips |
DQ Do Quang Thang | 148,500(99 BB) |
VD Vu Duc Toi | 67,000(45 BB) |
Sailboats Don't Take Off For Tianhao

After some tug-of-war raise-reraise, Mao Eric Lim finally shoved all-in from the lo-jack and Zhang Tianhao risked all 23,000 chips in the small blind.
The flop showed a queen on the window to give Lim the top pair. No help came for Tianhao and his sailboats were left to sink along with his tournament life.
Player | Hand | Chips |
A♥Q♣ | 183,500(122 BB) | |
4♠4♦ | busted |
Nguyen Canh Tan Improves Stack

UTG+1 Nguyen Duc Cuong and button Nguyen Canh Tan were looking at 16,500 chips in the pot alongside a flop of 3♦ 5♥ 4♦. Cuong check-called the 9,000 bet of Tan to see a 6♣ turn. Cuong checked and allowed Tan to fire another 25,000.
Cuong went into deep thought and studied the possibilities. Cuong peeked back into his hole cards, played with his chips, used two-time banks, wondered what to eat for dinner and folded. Tan scooped the pot to improve his stack.
Player | Chips |
NC Nguyen Canh Tan | 129,000(86 BB) |
ND Nguyen Duc Cuong | 65,000(43 BB) |
Level 11: 1,000 / 1,500 ante: 1,500
30 minutesQuick Question With Hong Thi Minh Pham

SMP reporters - Derick and I - were walking around Hai Phong looking for a place to eat when someone was waving to us from inside a restaurant. We accepted the invitation to go inside and she quickly snapped, "You guys should eat here! I was looking for places to eat and found this. It's so good!"
We were surprised that she spoke fluent English.
Derick asked, "You're Vietnamese, right?"
She said "Yes"
When I asked how you speak English so fluently? She said, "because I live in London."
And when asked what are you doing here, "I'm here for the USOP poker event."
And that's when it dawned upon me - "Oh you're Thi Minh Hong Pham. You came in fourth."
"Fifth," she snap corrected. "Good memory," she added.
Then, I had to explain that we do the reporting for So Much Poker.
We introduced ourselves, and she introduced herself as Sarah.
I'm thinking to myself, "Sarah would've been easier to write down than her longer name."
We went on to ask her about her life in London, and she explained that she's really a poker pro in Europe. Both her and her husband.
Who's the better player?
"I've been a pro for 3 years and he's been playing for 8 years, but we're even in terms of winnings, so maybe I'm more profitable," she jokes. "But of course every player has their own approach and strategy, so no one's really better. It's not a competition," she explained.
She found out online about the event in Hai Phong, and she took the opportunity to come home to visit her parents and do some "work."
Work has paid off well so far, considering her 5th place finish at the Madness Kickoff.
What other events are you playing?
"I was looking forward to the Mystery Hunter, but that got change to Mini Main Event. I'll still play though," explained Sarah.
She explained that it's good to be playing 'back home' because she can stay with her parents and not be too worried about expenses and all. "Back in Europe, there's a lot to spend on hotels, food and getting around. Back home in Hai Phong, there's less tilt and less to worry about."
It was surprising to know that Sarah was very chatty with SMP. "I'm very quiet at the poker table. Talking too much gives away a lot of information, so I just keep quiet. Everyone gets surprised when I start chatting them up away from the felt," she says. "Oh - you speak! --- that's they're usual reaction."
After the quick exchange of pleasantries and quick questions - Sarah went off to finish her lunch as did Derickand myself.
What was lunch? Crab Noodles. WOW!
We were so thankful Sarah waved us in for this culinary find. We're even more thankful that when we asked for the bill, the lady explained that it had already been taken care of. Double WOW!
Derick explained later, "That's the first time a girl has ever treated me for anything."
On behalf of Derick and myself... Thank you, Sarah!
Good luck at the tables!
Last Break Before Registration Closes!
Day 1c Top Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
SS Su Shanhe | 257,000(214 BB) |
LT Le Thanh Hung | 225,000(188 BB) |
BG Biao Guo | 204,000(170 BB) |
DQ Do Quang Thang | 193,000(161 BB) |
HQ Haisheng Qiu | 163,000(136 BB) |
151,000(126 BB) | |
133,000(111 BB) | |
VL Vladimir Litasov | 133,000(111 BB) |
IK Ivan Karatayeu | 130,000(108 BB) |
Anh Doubles And Cripples
Nguyen Hoang Anh raised to 3,500 from UTG+1 and was three-bet raised to 8,500 by Nguyen Sy Dong on the next seat. Anh answered back by re-popping to 20,000. Dong made the call to see a flop of 3♥ 7♦ 8♦. Both checked to see a 7♣ turn.
Anh shoved all-in for 25,300 and Dong snap called. Anh showed 9♦ 9♥ while Dong showed J♣ 8♥.
The river Q♠ sealed the deal for Anh's win and double-up.
Player | Chips |
NH Nguyen Hoang Anh | 92,600(116 BB) |
NS Nguyen Sy Dong | 7,100(9 BB) |
Su Shanhe Extends Chip Lead

Su Shanhe raised to 1,600 from UTG+1 and called the 5,500 three-bet re-raise by Wang Haozhao from the cut-off. Flop arrived Q♠ J♠ 2♣.
Shanhe check-raised the 4,000 bet of Haozhao to 14,000. Haozhao took a moment to think, counted his stack, peeked into his cards, wondered if dragons really existed, threw in a time-bank token and threw in a chip to make the call. The turn came 5♣.
Shanhe led out for 22,800 and Haozhao didn't waste any time sending his cards to the muck.
Player | Chips |
SS Su Shanhe | 173,800(217 BB) |
WH Wang Haozhao | 59,300(74 BB) |
Level 8: 400 / 800 ante: 800
30 minutesPlayers Are On A Break!
Player | Chips |
SS Su Shanhe | 150,200(250 BB) |
141,500(236 BB) | |
DQ Do Quang Thang | 120,300(201 BB) |
118,200(197 BB) | |
LT Le Thanh Tung | 112,400(187 BB) |
LB | 103,500(173 BB) |
HA Ho Anh Tuan | 98,600(164 BB) |
VH Vu Hoai Lam | 96,500(161 BB) |
ND Nguyen Dinh Vy | 92,000(153 BB) |
LY Liu Yongyi | 87,700(146 BB) |
Nikhil Sniffs And Snaps

Gutta Nikhil min-raised to 1,200 from UTG+1 and found two callers. Three players were shown a flop of 7♥ 2♣ 8♠ . Nikhil opened with 3,000 and lo-jack Nong Quoc Tap and button Le Nguyen Khanh Linh completed to see a 9♠ turn.
Nikhil bet 9,000 and both Tap and Linh called to see a 2♣ river. Nikhil and Tap checked to Linh who fired 15,000. Nikhil snap called and Tap stood out of the way when that happened.
Linh showed her K♠ T♠ that missed the flush and straight while Nikhil showed the top pair nine which was enough to take down the pot.
Player | Chips |
129,500(216 BB) | |
NQ Nong Quoc Tap | 24,300(41 BB) |
LN Le Nguyen Khanh Linh | 6,200(10 BB) |
Chien Wins Flopless Pot
Nguyen Trung Chien raised to 1,200 from under the gun. Nguyen Thi Hien Hoa three-bet to 2,600 and the dealer button player made the call. Action came back to Chien who four-bet to 8,200.
Everyone folded to give Chien the pot.
Player | Chips |
NT Nguyen Thi Hien Hoa | 59,800(100 BB) |
NT Nguyen Trung Chien | 49,700(83 BB) |
Ladies Take Out A Lady

UTG +1 raised to 1,500. Small blind Nguyen Thi Minh Hong three-bet shoved her last 8,300 all-in. Big blind Nguyen Thi Nga also shoved all-in for all her chips. UTG+1 got out of the way for a two-way all-female showdown.
Nga's queens dominated from the start and continued until the river was done. Nga scooped the pot and took out Hong from the tournament.
Player | Hand | Chips |
NT Nguyen Thi Nga | Q♠Q♥ | 21,600(36 BB) |
NT Nguyen Thi Minh Hong | A♥Q♦ | busted |
Level 7: 300 / 600 ante: 600
30 minutesFlush Over Flush Flushes Ha Out

Tran Hai Ha raised to 1,200 from the lo-jack with three callers. The flop came 8♣ 4♦ 6♦. Action checked to Wang Hengning on the button, who fired 2,100. The blinds folded, but Ha raised to 10,800. Hengning called to see a 4♥ turn. Ha went all-in for 18,000 and Hengning made the call.
Ha showed T♦ 9♦ for.a flush draw and Hengming also showed Q♦ 5♦ also for a flush draw. Hengming was ahead and stayed ahead when both hit the flush on the river when the 3♦ came on the board.
Ha busted and might have been headed to the registration booth for a re-entry.
Player | Chips |
66,800(134 BB) | |
TH Tran Hai Ha | busted |
What Did He Have?

Tran Quang Trung raised to 1,000 from UTG+1 and found the blinds calling to see a flop of J♠ T♦ T♥. The blinds checked to Trung, who fired 1,200. The small blind folded, but big blind Bui The Nguyen raised to 3,700. Trung made the call to see a Q♠ on the turn.
Both checked to see a 2♠ on the river. Nguyen led out for 3,500. Trung thought about it pretty hard, spending two-time bank tokens and wondering if there are still elvish people with pointy ears. Trung finally folded, showing K♣ K♥ to the table before giving it back to the dealer.
Player | Chips |
TQ Tran Quang Trung | 50,300(101 BB) |
BT Bui the Nguyen | 38,300(77 BB) |
Runners Give Hoffmann A Flush To Double

Daon Kang raised to 1,000 from the hi-jack and Simon Hoffmann three-bet all-in for his last 7,400. Kang made the call. Both flipped near identical cards and were favored to split the pot. However, these poker gods can be entertaining. They threw runner-runner hearts to give Hoffmann a flush and a double-up.
Player | Hand | Chips |
SH Simon Hoffmann | A♥5♥ | 16,100(32 BB) |
DK Daon Kang | A♦5♦ | 20,200(40 BB) |
Level 6: 300 / 500 ante: 500
30 minutesThieu vs Thieu
Nguyen Duc Thieu was all-in for 19,600 and Nghiem Xuan Thieu met the challenge.
The flop gave Nguyen Duc Thieu the lead and never looked back to double up and cripple his namesake.
Player | Hand | Chips |
ND Nguyen Duc Thieu | K♥J♥ | 40,200(101 BB) |
NX Nguyen Xuan Thieu | K♦Q♠ | 3,100(8 BB) |
Ghosh Doubles With A Two Pair

The hi-jack raised to 800. Cutoff Nguyen Hoang Anh three-bet raised to 2,500. Ghosh Asish Kumar called from the big blind as did the hi-jack. The flop came 2♥ 2♦ 8♠. Action checked its way to Anh, who fired 3,600. Ghosh anwered with a re-raise to 10,200. Hi-jack folded and Anh spent a time-bank token before counting some chips to make the call.
The turn came K♥. Ghosh pushed his last 5,000 all-in and Anh snap called. Anh showed A♠ K♣ for a top pair of kings while Ghosh showed K♦ 8♦ for two pair. A 7♥ hit the river to book the win and the double-up for Ghosh.
Player | Chips |
38,500(96 BB) | |
11,500(29 BB) |
Yvtautas Rivers To Double Up

Nguyen Doc Hieu raised to 900 from the cut-off and the button player called. However, small blind Laurinaitis Vytautas three-bet to 3,100 with only Hieu continuing to see a flop of T♠ 8♠ 4♥. Vystautas led for 4,000 and Hieu called to see a 9♥ on the turn.
Vytautas then shoved his last 9,400 chips all-in and as snap called by Hieu.
Huc showed A♣ 8♣ for a pair of eights, which was ahead over the K♥ J♣ of Vytautas that hit nothing, but had several outs. 14 to be exact.
The river came J♦ and switched the win arrow to Vytautas with Hieu disappointed at the unlucky river bad beat.
Player | Chips |
42,600(107 BB) | |
ND Nguyen Duc Hieu | 18,300(46 BB) |
Level 5: 200 / 400 ante: 400
30 minutesPlayers Are On Break!
Mini Main Event Day 1C Top Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
LY Liu Yongyi | 79,800(266 BB) |
LT Le Thanh Hung | 68,400(228 BB) |
67,400(225 BB) | |
61,900(206 BB) | |
MV Mac Van Khoa | 61,200(204 BB) |
DD Duong Dac Dung | 61,200(204 BB) |
TH Tran Hai Duong | 57,900(193 BB) |
56,300(188 BB) |
David Erquiaga In The House

Four players limped to see a friendly flop of Q♣ 2♠ 4♦ . Action was checked around to Juwon Kim on the button who fired 2,000. David Erquiaga called from the big blind and the 2 players in the hijack and cutoff got out of the way.
Kim and Erquiaga were shown a J♣ on the turn. Both checked and saw an A♥ on the river. Erquiaga led with 3,000 and Kim folded.
Player | Chips |
DE David Erquiaga | 34,300(114 BB) |
JK Juwon Kim | 27,600(92 BB) |
Tung Takes It Down
Bui Quang Tung raised to 700 from the hi-jack. Lei Tran Hai Dang three-bet to 2,100 on the button with small blind Dai Duong Nguyen and Tung calling.
Three players set a flop of 9♦ 5♦ 4♦ . Action was checked to Dang who fired 1,600. Nguyen called and Tung re-popped to 6,000. Dang got away while Nguyen threw a time-bank chip and went into some thought before making the call. A J♦ appeared on the turn. Nguyen checked and Tung fired 6,300. Nguyen surrendered.
Player | Chips |
BQ Bui Quang Tung | 36,800(123 BB) |
22,600(75 BB) | |
DD Dai Duong Nguyen | 13,000(43 BB) |
Tung Takes It Down

Bui Quang Tung raised to 700 from the hi-jack. Lei Tran Hai Dang three-bet to 2,100 on the button with small blind Dai Duong Nguyen and Tung calling.
Three players set a flop of 9♦ 5♦ 4♦ . Action was checked to Dang who fired 1,600. Nguyen called and Tung re-popped to 6,000. Dang got away while Nguyen threw a time-bank chip and went into some thought before making the call. A J♦ appeared on the turn. Nguyen checked and Tung fired 6,300. Nguyen surrendered.
Player | Chips |
BQ Bui Quang Tung | 36,800(123 BB) |
22,600(75 BB) | |
DD Dai Duong Nguyen | 13,000(43 BB) |
Nguyen Trong Quyet Flexes Some Chips

Bui Nfoc Long raised to 700 from under the gun an found two callers to see a flop of Q♠ J♠ 6♣. Long c-bet again for 1,200 and cut-off Nguyen Trong Quyet re-raised to 3,500. The dealer button folded while Long stayed on to see a 3♣ on the turn.
Both checked to see a A♣ river. Long led with 3,500 and Quyet pumped it up to 12,000. Long let it go.
Player | Chips |
NT Nguyen Trong Quyet | 41,800(139 BB) |
BN Bui Ngoc Long | 21,500(72 BB) |
Level 4: 200 / 300 ante: 300
30 minutesDouble Scoop For Mac Van Khoa

There was 5,100 in the pot with UTG Mac Van Khoa, lo-jack Jiang Ziangzhu and big blind Dinh Xuan Khang in the hand. The flop showed 6♥ 8♦ 9♦.
Khang and Khoa checked to Xiangzhu who bet out 3,000. Both called behind for all to see a T♦ on the turn. Khang checked and Khoa fired out 6,5000. Xiangzhu spent one time-bank chip to think about it then folded. Khang, meanwhile, raised all-in. Khoa called immediately for his last 22,200.
Khoa showed 7♦ 7♠ for a straight while Khang showed A♥ T♥ for top pair. The 4♦ river didn't affect the outcome of the chips being shipped Khoa's way.
Player | Chips |
MV Mac Van Khoa | 58,500(293 BB) |
JX Jiang Xiangzhu | 48,300(242 BB) |
34,600(173 BB) |
What A Fold ?!?
UTG Tom Eady and cut-off Liu Yuhan were looking into a pot of 5,100 with a board that showed 8♠ 3♠ J♥ 4♣.
Eady checked his option and Yuhan fired 5,000. Eady called to see a J♠ river. Eady checked again and Yuhan dropped 20,500.
Eady folded and flashed A♥ A♦ before giving the cards back to the dealer.
Player | Chips |
36,400(182 BB) | |
18,800(94 BB) |
Level 3: 100 / 200 ante: 200
30 minutesNikhil Bags From Tap

UTG+1 Nong Quoc Tap raised to 300 with the cut-off calling. Big blind Gutta Nikhil three-bet to 1,500 with Tap pumping up to 3,700. Cut-off went away but Nikhil completed to see a flop of T♠ 4♦ 5♥.
Nikhil check-called Tap's 2,800 bet. to see a T♥ turn. Both checked to see a T♣ river. Nikhil bet 6,500. Tap thought about it long enough to spend a time-bank card, but eventually folded.
Player | Chips |
38,200(382 BB) | |
NQ Nong Quoc Tap | 22,000(220 BB) |
Do Tien Vu Doubles And Damages
Big blind Do Tien Vu and Simon Hoffmann on the button were competing for a pot of 17,900 with a board showing 3♥ T♥ T♦ 9♣.
Vu checked his option to Hoffmann, who fired 9,200. Vu re-popped it all-in for 21,200 and Hoffmann made the call.
Hoffmann's two pair kings and tens looked good, but Vu's boat of nines over tens looked much better.
Vu took down the huge pot and left Hoffmann in shambles.
Player | Hand | Chips |
DT Do Tien Vu | 9♥9♦ | 60,300(603 BB) |
SH Simon Hoffmann | K♦K♣ | 2,400(24 BB) |
Lam Takes From Scagnetti

UTG +1 raised to 200 and was called by the lo-jack. Hijack Adrian Scagnetti three-bet to 700. Big bling Vu Hoai Lam four-bet to 2,100. All else folded, except for Scagnetti.
Both players were shown a flop of 3♥ 6♥ T♦. Lam bet 1,200 and Scagnetti called. Turn came J♦. Lam led for 4,200 and Scagnetti gave the pot up.
Player | Chips |
VH Vu Hoai Lam | 33,300(333 BB) |
AS Adriano Scagnetti | 26,800(268 BB) |
Level 2: 100 / 100 ante: 100
30 minutesJeon Segye Makes An Early Mark
Nguyen Phuong Tung raised to 300 from the hi-jack with the cut-off calling. Small blind Dang Duc Dong three-bet to 1,100. Big blind Jeon Segye called along with Tung and the cut-off.
Four players entered a flop of K♦ K♠ T♥ . Both blinds checked to Tung, who fired 1,900. Cut-off and Dong folded, but Segye stayed on.
Turn came 6♦. Both checked to see a J♦ on the river. Segye fired 4,000 and Tung called.
Segye showed Q♥ Q♠ and Tung didn't show to ship the pot to Segye.
Player | Chips |
JS Jeon Segye | 36,600(366 BB) |
DD Dang Duc Dong | 30,000(300 BB) |
NP Nguyen Phuong Tung | 21,300(213 BB) |
Level 1: 100 / 100
30 minutesDay 1C Notables

Some of the notable poker pros already spotted at the tables in the Grand Ballroom of the Grand Pullman Hotel in Haiphong, Vietnam, include:
Vietnam's very own Trung Phong Nguyen, who has already cashed in 2 events of this series, including a final table appearance in the Madness Kickoff, where he placed 7th.
Italian Adriano Scagnetti made his first recorded ITM on Asian soil in this series. Scagnetti has been making ITM, but will need more to climb higher in the payout ladder.
Michael Falcon of Denmark is also in the field. Falcon just recently made a runner-up finish at the APPT Cambodia National Cup event last month and will look to continue his streak in this series.
Cards Are In The Air!
Flight C of the Mini Main Event is underway with 10 early birds taking to the felt. It's a sluggish Tuesday morning here at the Grand Pullman Hotel in Hai Phong with the weather at a cool and comforting 26C. However, don't expect the pros to sleep in, especially when there's a VND 15 Billion (~USD 600,000) guaranteed prize pool to compete for.
Stay tuned here for the latest updates and reports.