Day1A Chip Count - 28 Qualifiers

Player | Chips |
VK Ved Kartik Mahesh | 608,000(76 BB) |
LY Li Yongxin | 594,000(74 BB) |
JR Jules Rohr | 579,000(72 BB) |
DT Dinh Tien Thanh | 339,000(42 BB) |
AB Agharazi Babayev | 335,000(42 BB) |
311,000(39 BB) | |
VQ Vo Quoc Hiep | 292,000(37 BB) |
NT Nguyen Thanh Long | 278,000(35 BB) |
IP Isaac Phua Chern Chze | 277,000(35 BB) |
HS Haoran Sun | 265,000(33 BB) |
TV Truong Vu Tran Khanh | 260,000(33 BB) |
TL Tung Le Tien | 234,000(29 BB) |
ZC Zhang Chunhao | 221,000(28 BB) |
PD Pham Duy Anh | 216,000(27 BB) |
MK Minku Kim | 189,000(24 BB) |
HB Harsh Bubna | 184,000(23 BB) |
XC Xie Chengrun | 167,000(21 BB) |
LV Le Van Hung | 154,000(19 BB) |
ZW Zhiyu Wang | 147,000(18 BB) |
IL Ivan Lukianov | 123,000(15 BB) |
ZY Zhou Yutong | 122,000(15 BB) |
MF Mai Fen | 120,000(15 BB) |
OS Ozturk Sencer | 115,000(14 BB) |
WJ Wang Jingyi | 111,000(14 BB) |
ZW Zhao Wanhao | 104,000(13 BB) |
GY Ge Ying Rui | 102,000(13 BB) |
YS Yun Sung Jin | 96,000(12 BB) |
YC Yuanxi Chen | 56,000(7 BB) |
Nguyen Trung Phong Is Bubble Boy

Nguyen Trung Phong shove all-in for his last 30,000 from the hi-jack and Dinh Tinh Thanh defended the big blind.
Thanh was ahead pre-flop and took the lead on the flop of A♠ J♥ 8♥ when his ace paired. The T♠ river offered a gut-straight draw to Phong, but the 9♣ wasn't the card he needed.
Phong busts out as the bubble boy while Thanh boosted his stack.
Player | Hand | Chips |
DT Dinh Tien Thanh | A♥Q♥ | 339,000(42 BB) |
NT Nguyen Trung Phong | K♥4♣ | busted |
Minku's Sixes Eliminate Iliadi
Irvan Parmana Iliadi raised to 8,000 from under the gun and Kim Minku three-bet raised all-in on the big blind to 176,000. Iliadi made the call for his last 151,000.
Ace-Queen Off vs Sixes. A coin flip.
The board missed Iliadi allowing the sixes of Minku to win the pot and take out Iliadi on the soft bubble.
Player | Hand | Chips |
IP Irvan Pramana Iliadi | A♣Q♥ | busted |
MK Minku Kim | 6♣6♦ | 339,000(42 BB) |
Level 18: 4,000 / 8,000 ante: 8,000
40 minutesRemaining Players: 31/220
Yongxin's Straight Earns Big

Both Li Yongxin and Irvan Pramana Iliadi were staring at a board of A♣ 4♥ Q♦ Q♣ beside a pot with 73,000 chips.
Small blind Yongxin led out with 43,000 with big blind Iliadi re-raising to 125000. Yongxin flat called to open a 5♥ river. Yongxin checked and Iliadi checked behind. Yongxin showed a straight and Iliadi showed a pair of aces.
Player | Hand | Chips |
LY Li Yongxin | 575,000(96 BB) | |
IP Irvan Pramana Iliadi | 80,000(13 BB) |
Tung Le Tien Boards A Boat

Lee Jonggu raised all-in from the hi-jack and Tung Le Tien called from the cut-off to put his remaining 103,000 chips at risk.
Jonggu's hand looked promising, but the flop gave Tien an ace to make top pair, then the turn threw another ace to make it a set. Finally, a nine on the river adding some icing to build a beautiful boat to cripple Jonggu's stack.
Player | Hand | Chips |
TL Tung Le Tien | A♠9♠ | 221,000(37 BB) |
LJ Lee Jonggu | K♦K♠ | 84,000(14 BB) |
Level 17: 3,000 / 6,000 ante: 6,000
30 minutesRohr Bites A Chunk From Yingrui

Ge Yungrui raised to 12,000 from the hi-jack and was called by Jules Rohr in the small blind. The flop came 8♣ 6♥ 2♠. Rohr check-raised the 8,000 bet of Yungrui to 26,000. Yungrui called to see a Q♣ turn. Rohr fired 53,000.
Yingrui gave it much thought, looked at his cards, threw in two time-bank tokens and eventually also threw his cards to the muck, awarding the pot to Rohr. who now sits at the chip leader throne.
Player | Chips |
JR Jules Rohr | 555,000(111 BB) |
YG Yingrui Ge | 166,000(33 BB) |
Level 16: 3,000 / 5,000 ante: 5,000
30 minutesJonggu Forces Fold To Win Pot

Lee Jonggu raised to 8,000 from the hi-jack and called the three-bet to 21,000 by Yang Qinghao on the cut-off. Both players were shown a flop of 6♠ Q♠ J♥. Both checked to see a Q♣ turn. Jonggu led for 17,000 and Qinghao called.
The river came K♥. Jonggu fired 30,000, but Qinghao didn't call.
Player | Chips |
LJ Lee Jonggu | 250,000(83 BB) |
YQ Yang Qinghao | 53,000(18 BB) |
Thanh's Rockets Busts One, Doubles From Another

Li Yongxin, The UTG+2 Player and Dinh Tien Thanh were are all-in before the flop.
Dinh Tien Thanh: A♠ A♦
Li Yongxin: 8♦ 8♠
UTG+2: 9♠ 4♠
Board ran Q♠ 3♠ 6♦ 9♦ A♥
Thanh's hand improved to a set on the river for winning emphasis, busting out UTG+2 and doubling frmo Yongxin.
Player | Chips |
LY Li Yongxin | 270,000(90 BB) |
DT Dinh Tien Thanh | 174,000(58 BB) |
Noting But A G Thang!
UTG player raised to 9,000 with Ge Yingrui calling from the cutoff and Tran Minh Thang defending the big blind. The flop came J♥ 9♠ 4♥. Thang pushed all-in for 49,000. UTG player stepped down, but Yingrui continued.
Thang was ahead when they showed cards, but Yingrui had outs. The turn 8♦ and river 7♠ improved Thang to two-pair and gave him a double-up to exact revenge on Yingrui.
Player | Hand | Chips |
TM Tran Minh Thang | 9♦7♥ | 131,000(44 BB) |
YG Yingrui Ge | K♦Q♣ | 242,000(81 BB) |
Yingrui Gets A Big Double Boost

Both Ge Yingrui and Tran Minh Thang had their chips in the middle with Yingrui risking of elimination for his last 127,000.
However, Yingrui was in good shape against Thang. The flopped queen almost immediately sealed the deal for Yingrui's assured double-up.
Player | Hand | Chips |
YG Yingrui Ge | A♣Q♠ | 262,000(87 BB) |
TM Tran Minh Thang | A♦2♠ | 22,000(7 BB) |
Remaining Players: 50/220
Break Time!
The remaining 50 players are on a 15-minute break.
Meanwhile, here are some top chip counts
Player | Chips |
IL Ivan Lukianov | 282,000(113 BB) |
273,000(109 BB) | |
PD Pham Duy Anh | 263,000(105 BB) |
VQ Vo Quoc Hiep | 225,000(90 BB) |
218,000(87 BB) | |
214,000(86 BB) | |
LJ Lee Jonggu | 201,000(80 BB) |
JR Jules Rohr | 200,000(80 BB) |
200,000(80 BB) | |
200,000(80 BB) |
Jiaming's Kings Double Against Fish Hooks
Li Jiaming raise to 6,500 from under the gun with UTG+1 calling. Small blind Tran Minh Thang three-bet to 25,000 and was four-bet jammed by Jiaming for 90,500. UTG+1 folded, but Thang stuck around.
The board went dry and Jiaming's kings booked the double-up.
Player | Hand | Chips |
K♣K♦ | 193,500(77 BB) | |
TM Tran Minh Thang | J♣J♥ | 161,000(64 BB) |
Duy Cracks Kings To Double
Pham Duy raised to 6,000 from the hi-jack and was three-bet by Nikhil to 21,000. Duy four-bet shoved to 65,000 and Nikhil made the call.
Duy was in bad shape, but an ace on the flop gave him the lead. The turn and the river didn't help Nikhil and bagged the win for Duy to double up.
Player | Hand | Chips |
PD | A♣Q♣ | 137,500(55 BB) |
K♦K♠ | 139,500(56 BB) |
Level 14: 1,000 / 2,500 ante: 2,500
30 minutesKhang Busts Out Tien-Min
The hi-jack raised to 5,000 and Dinh Xuan Khang called from the button. Small blind Liang Tien-Min three-bet shoved all-in for 50,000. Hijack folded, but Khang made the call.
Khang was dominated by Tien-Min, but a jack on the turn gave Khang the lead. Tien-Min had one out, but that was asking too much from the poker gods. The river was a blank ad Tien-Min was ousted from the tournament.
Player | Hand | Chips |
J♦T♦ | 219,000(110 BB) | |
T♥T♣ | busted |
Yutong's Aces Bust Linh

Zhou Yutong raised to 5,000 from the lo-jack and as called by the dealer and the big blind. Three players were given a flop of 8♥ 2♣ 3♥. Action was checked to Yutong, who fired 6,000. The button folded, but big blind Tran Quang Linh shoved all-in for 32,500. Yutong made the quick call.
Linh showed A♦ 8♠ for a pair of eights, but Yutong showed A♣ A♥ for a much-better pair. The board ran 2♠ 4♣, booking the win for Yutong and busting out Linh.
Player | Chips |
218,000(109 BB) | |
busted |
Li Jiaming Pressures Pre-flop for Pot
UTG+1 raised to 5,500. Zhan ZIjing at UTG+2 three-bet to 13,000. Jules Rohr called in the small blind. Big blind Li Jiaming four-bet all-in for 65,500. There were no more customers and Jiaming scooped the pot.
Player | Chips |
JR Jules Rohr | 156,000(78 BB) |
108,000(54 BB) | |
99,000(50 BB) |
Zhao Wanhao Slowly Builds
Zhao Wanhao raised to 5,000 from UTG+2 and found three callers. Four players entered a flop of J♣ 9♠ 7♦. Action was checked around to Li Jia on the lo-jack who fired 8,000. The button and big blind stepped away, but Wanhao stuck around to see an A♥ turn.
Both checked to open a Q♣ river. Wanhao pushed all-in to put Jia at risk, but Jia decided to fight another time.
Player | Chips |
ZW Zhao Wanhao | 119,000(60 BB) |
LJ Li Jia | 37,000(19 BB) |
Wang Jingyi Grows Stack
Yang Qinghao raised to 5,500 from under the gun and was called by Wang Jingyi from UTG+2. The dealer peeled a flop of 4♣ 4♥ 9♥. Both checked to see a 6♣ turn. Qinghao led out for 6,000 and Jingyi called to open a 5♦ river.
Qinghao bet 21,000, but did not call when Jingyi raised to 50,000.
Player | Chips |
122,000(61 BB) | |
YQ Yang Qinghao | 112,000(56 BB) |
Level 13: 1,000 / 2,000 ante: 2,000
30 minutesNikhil Busts Duy
Gutta Nikhil raised to 4,000 from UTG+1 and Pham Duy Anh called from the cut-off. Small blind Pham Duy all-in shoved forhis last 25,500. Nikhil and Anh called behind to see a flop of T♥ 9♥ K♠. Both checked down to see 5♥ turn. Nikhil bet 20,000 and Anh did not continue.
The two remaining showed their hands. Nikhil showed Q♥ J♦ for a flopped straight while Duy showed A♦ J♥. The 4♣ didn't help improve anything and Nikhil took down the pot while eliminating Duy.
Player | Chips |
124,000(83 BB) | |
PD Pham Duy Anh | 123,000(82 BB) |
PD | busted |
Jin's Ladies Make A Double

Yung Sung Jin raised to 5,000. Zheng Jie three-bet to 11,000. Tran Nhuan Hoa four-bet all-in.
Jin five-bet all-in, putting his last 42,500 at risk. Jie stood down and two players headed to a showdown.
Queens vs suited Big Slicks. A flip.
Queens held for Jin to double up his stack and cripple Hoa.
Player | Hand | Chips |
Q♣Q♠ | 99,000(66 BB) | |
A♣K♣ | 14,000(9 BB) | |
ZJ Zhang Jie | 51,000(34 BB) |
Hear The Rohr

Jules Rohr and Ge Yingrui were looking at a flop of 5♥ K♦ 2♣ and a 31,000 pot. Yingrui was the first to act and checked his option. Rohr fired out 9,500 which Yingrui raised to 30,000. Rohr answered by going all-in to put Yingrui at risk. Yingrui surrendered.
Player | Chips |
JR Jules Rohr | 222,000(148 BB) |
YG Yingrui Ge | 62,000(41 BB) |
Weng Chien Chih Pressures Ved Kartik Mahesh

Weng Chien Chih and Ved Kartik Mahesh were staring at a board of K♥ A♥ 8♠ A♦ and a 17,000 pot.
Chih checked his option from the big blind to allow Mahesh to fire 8,000. Chih matched and saw a 3♠ turn. Chih then fired 19,000 all-in, but Mahesh did not continue.
Player | Chips |
52,000(35 BB) | |
42,500(28 BB) |
Level 12: 1,000 / 1,500 ante: 1,500
30 minutesRemaining Players: 91/220
Nam Flushes Over Thieu's Set

Nghem Xuan Thieu raised to 3,000 from under the gun and found three callers. Four players saw a flop of A♠ K♣ 2♣. The blinds checked their option to Thieu who fired 6,000. Two players folded except for Le Giang Nam in the small blind.
The turn came 7♣. Both checked to see an 8♣ on the river. Nam checked and Thieu checked behind.
Thieu showed 2♥ 2♦ for a set of twos while Nam showed A♦ T♣ for a flush to take down the pot.
Player | Chips |
LG Le Giang Nam | 62,500(52 BB) |
NX Nghem Xuan Thieu | 51,000(43 BB) |
Hiep Hiep Hooray!

Babayev Agharazi raised to 3,000 from UTG+1 and was called by both blinds. The flop arrived 7♣ 7♦ 5♥. Small blind Vo Quoc Hiep checked to big blind Nguyen Thi My Phuong, who fired 6,500 to the pot. Agharazi and Hiep called to see a 4♣ on the turn.
Hiep checked and Phuong shoved all-in for 40,500. Agharazi also re-raised all-in to isolate, but Hiep didn't back down.
Phuong showed 8♣ 2♣ for a flush draw; Agharazi flipped over a better Q♦ Q♠, but Hiep held a leading hand of 7♠ 9♦ for a set. The river K♦ kept Hiep ahead, eliminating Phuong and denting Agharazi.
Player | Chips |
VQ Vo Quoc Hiep | 210,500(175 BB) |
48,000(40 BB) | |
busted |
Nguyen Tan Phuong's Set of Sixes KOs Train Hai Ha

Tran Hai Ha pushed his last 22,500 chips all-in from the cut-off and was challenged by Nguyen tan Phuong on the big blind.
Ace-Ten off vs Sixes. A coin flip.
The flop gave Phuong a set and didn't look back. Ha was drawing dead on the turn and the river completed his ouster from the tournament.
Player | Hand | Chips |
NT Nguyen Tan Phuong | 6♠6♥ | 63,500(53 BB) |
TH Tran Hai Ha | A♠T♥ | busted |
Level 11: 600 / 1,200 ante: 1,200
30 minutesRemaining Players: 112/220
Registration Officially Closed!
Registration has officially closed for Mini Main Event Day 1A. A total of 220 entries bought in for VND 20,000,000 (~USD 780) to earn a shot for a share from the VND 15,000,000,000 (~USD 600,000) guaranteed prize pool.
112 players remain to compete for 28 qualifying slots for the Day 2 final. So far, leading the chip counts of Day 1A is Zhao Wanhao with 158,000 chips. Truong Vu Tuan Khanh is not far behind with the second largest stack of 157,000. Jules Rohr rounds up the top three chip counts with 154,500.
Mini Main Event Day 1A
Date: December 2, 2024
Buy-in:VND 20,000,000 (~USD 780)
Guarantee: VND 15,000,000,000 (~USD 600,000)
Entries: 220 (165 unique)
ITM: 28 places to advance to Day 2
Starting Stack: 30,000
Total Chips in Play: 6,600,000
Average Stack: 58,900
Players Remaining: 112
Player | Chips |
ZW Zhao Wanhao | 158,000(132 BB) |
TV Truong Vu Tuan Khanh | 157,000(131 BB) |
JR Jules Rohr | 154,500(129 BB) |
PD Pham Duy Anh | 146,000(122 BB) |
TM Tran Minh Thang | 140,500(117 BB) |
IL Ivan Lukianov | 136,500(114 BB) |
VQ Vu Quoc Hiep | 121,000(101 BB) |
FL Feiqiang Li | 117,500(98 BB) |
DT Dinh Tien Thanh | 116,000(97 BB) |
LY Li Yongxin | 115,000(96 BB) |
Live updates begin at the end of registration at 430pm local time.