Blind level
Level 21: 8,000 / 16,000 ante: 16,000
Total Chips
Day 1/G
Janette BeeJanette Bee
1/18/2025, 1:36:04 PM
Jackie Wu Finishes Lee Kuo Wei
Level 20: 6,000 / 12,000 ante: 12,000
Two hands later saw Lee Kuo Wei stuff his remaining 60,000 on the button, called by Jackie Wu on the big blind for a flip.
Board 3♦ J♦ T♥ 9♥ T♦ showed none of Lee's overcards, sending him out of the Main Event running.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JW Jackie Wu | 6♠6♣ BB | 280,000(23 BB) |
A♥K♣ D | busted |
Janette BeeJanette Bee
1/18/2025, 1:32:17 PM
Overcards Work in De Long Song's Favor
Level 20: 6,000 / 12,000 ante: 12,000
Action folded to De Long Song on the small blind, pushing him to open shove 235,000 in preflop. Lee Kuo Wei snap called behind and was in for a flip for majority of his stack.
Board J♣ J♠ 7♥ 7♦ 6♦ was a slam dunk win for Song, crippling Lee down to five big blinds.
Player | Hand | Chips |
A♣J♥ SB | 472,000(39 BB) | |
T♥T♠ BB | 60,000(5 BB) |
Janette BeeJanette Bee
1/18/2025, 12:28:28 PM
Top Chip Counts
Level 18: 4,000 / 8,000 ante: 8,000
Player | Chips |
830,000(104 BB) | |
576,000(72 BB) | |
CE Ching En Chen | 560,000(70 BB) |
JH Jian Hong Chen | 474,000(59 BB) |
440,000(55 BB) | |
428,000(54 BB) | |
415,000(52 BB) | |
401,000(50 BB) | |
396,000(50 BB) | |
390,000(49 BB) | |
390,000(49 BB) | |
PL Poching Lee | 360,000(45 BB) |
CH Chen Hong Yu | 359,000(45 BB) |
358,000(45 BB) | |
355,000(44 BB) | |
345,000(43 BB) | |
336,000(42 BB) | |
SH Shen Hao | 310,000(39 BB) |
300,000(38 BB) | |
300,000(38 BB) | |
CY Cheng Yu Yang | 290,000(36 BB) |
GY Guan You Lin | 290,000(36 BB) |
250,000(31 BB) | |
YK Yuchuan Kan | 250,000(31 BB) |
Janette BeeJanette Bee
1/18/2025, 11:26:27 AM
One Bet Works for Lee Kuo Wei
Level 16: 2,500 / 5,000 ante: 5,000
Chan Kuok Hang opened 10,000 utg+1 and called 14,000 more following a raise from Lee Kuo Wei behind. On flop A♥ 6♥ 3♦ , Chan was left unable to continue after Lee bet 15,500.
Player | Chips |
328,000(66 BB) | |
57,000(11 BB) |