Day 1/A - Early bird
TMT Main Event A - 73 Qualifiers
Player | Chips |
MG Martin Gonzales | 891,000(74 BB) |
FY Feng Yu Sheng | 815,000(68 BB) |
WY Wu Yi Wei | 713,000(59 BB) |
YH Yen Hao Chiu | 645,000(54 BB) |
601,000(50 BB) | |
584,000(49 BB) | |
537,000(45 BB) | |
JK Josei Kamei | 525,000(44 BB) |
EY Edward Yam | 519,000(43 BB) |
508,000(42 BB) | |
492,000(41 BB) | |
460,000(38 BB) | |
WF Wei Feng Lin | 448,000(37 BB) |
446,000(37 BB) | |
BK Beng Ker | 432,000(36 BB) |
431,000(36 BB) | |
429,000(36 BB) | |
405,000(34 BB) | |
YC Yung Chun Wang | 397,000(33 BB) |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | 396,000(33 BB) |
SC Seongyeol Cho | 395,000(33 BB) |
388,000(32 BB) | |
375,000(31 BB) | |
366,000(31 BB) | |
362,000(30 BB) | |
334,000(28 BB) | |
333,000(28 BB) | |
329,000(27 BB) | |
323,000(27 BB) | |
323,000(27 BB) | |
321,000(27 BB) | |
313,000(26 BB) | |
RJ Ruei Jiun Liang | 300,000(25 BB) |
CS Chiu Shih Kai | 298,000(25 BB) |
YL Yufeng Lu | 272,000(23 BB) |
269,000(22 BB) | |
268,000(22 BB) | |
JT Jui Tse Kao | 263,000(22 BB) |
ZC Zhe Cheng Zheng | 260,000(22 BB) |
259,000(22 BB) | |
255,000(21 BB) | |
242,000(20 BB) | |
YL Yung Lin Ren | 232,000(19 BB) |
228,000(19 BB) | |
227,000(19 BB) | |
224,000(19 BB) | |
DH De Hao Lai | 210,000(18 BB) |
202,000(17 BB) | |
201,300(17 BB) | |
HP Huang Peng Lin | 200,000(17 BB) |
200,000(17 BB) | |
198,000(17 BB) | |
193,000(16 BB) | |
183,000(15 BB) | |
176,000(15 BB) | |
175,000(15 BB) | |
YK Yi Kai Chiu | 174,000(15 BB) |
172,000(14 BB) | |
NF Nicholas Feng | 164,000(14 BB) |
163,000(14 BB) | |
HY Hsien Yang | 157,000(13 BB) |
IC I Chieh Lin | 157,000(13 BB) |
151,000(13 BB) | |
151,000(13 BB) | |
136,000(11 BB) | |
130,000(11 BB) | |
124,000(10 BB) | |
CJ Chi Jen Chen | 123,000(10 BB) |
TT Tingpang Tsai | 117,000(10 BB) |
108,000(9 BB) | |
103,000(9 BB) | |
KK Kao Kuo Wei | 100,000(8 BB) |
70,100(6 BB) |
Chun Yao Hou Doubles Up In Time

Chun Yao Hou raised all-in utg for his last 90,000 and was called by Wu Yi Wei behind.
Chun in great shape, bagged the win as board K♦ 3♦ 8♥ J♠8♣ felted no aces.
Player | Hand | Chips |
9♥9♠UTG | 210,000(18 BB) | |
WY Wu Yi Wei | A♣9♦ HJ | 713,000(59 BB) |
Wu Yi Wei Delivers Elimination

Utg+1 opened to 24,000 and proceeded to fourbet jam his entire 251,000 following a raise from Wu Yi Wei. Wu called off with J♠J♣ and was in for a flip against his opponent's A♣ K♠.
Wu instantly flopped a set on board J♦ Q♠9♠2♦ 3♣ and delivered the bust shortly after the runout missed to land a straight for player at risk.
Top Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
MG Martin Gonzales | 600,000(75 BB) |
WF Wei Feng Lin | 465,000(58 BB) |
462,000(58 BB) | |
427,000(53 BB) | |
425,000(53 BB) | |
LR Liang Ruei Jiun | 420,000(53 BB) |
YC Yung Chun Wang | 402,000(50 BB) |
397,000(50 BB) | |
375,000(47 BB) | |
CH Cheng Hao Che | 363,000(45 BB) |
331,000(41 BB) | |
330,000(41 BB) | |
326,000(41 BB) | |
ZC Zhe Cheng Zheng | 320,000(40 BB) |
309,000(39 BB) | |
305,000(38 BB) | |
JT Jui Tse Kao | 292,000(37 BB) |
LC Li Chih Hao | 280,000(35 BB) |
YL Yuen Liu | 278,000(35 BB) |
270,000(34 BB) | |
270,000(34 BB) | |
WY Wu Yi Wei | 265,000(33 BB) |
265,000(33 BB) | |
TC Teng Chang | 263,000(33 BB) |
261,000(33 BB) | |
261,000(33 BB) | |
261,000(33 BB) | |
BK Beng Ker | 260,000(33 BB) |
CL Cheng Lo | 259,000(32 BB) |
253,000(32 BB) | |
248,000(31 BB) | |
FY Feng Yu Sheng | 241,000(30 BB) |
240,000(30 BB) | |
240,000(30 BB) | |
230,000(29 BB) | |
227,000(28 BB) | |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | 220,000(28 BB) |
210,000(26 BB) | |
EY Edward Yam | 200,000(25 BB) |
Yan Lin Li Continues to Hang On
Yan Lin Li stuffed his last 51,000 and was called by utg raiser Wu Yi Wei for a flip.
At risk, Yan's overcards held through on board Q♥ T♥ 9♥ 6♠A♥ , keeping him in the Main Event Day 1A running.
Player | Hand | Chips |
A♦K♣ SB | 114,000(19 BB) | |
WY Wu Yi Wei | 8♠8♣ UTG | 268,000(45 BB) |
Wu Yi Wei Bags a Triple Up
Another three way all-in ensued with Wu Yi Wei at risk against two pocket queens.
Wu Yi Wei A♦ K♣
Wanyu Lo Q♣ Qâ™
Utg Q♦ Q♥
Gunning for overcards, Wu found one on the river T♥ 2♦ 3♦ 8♦ A♠, turning the tables in his favor.
Chi Ting Chieh in No Sweat

Four players in a three bet pot found themselves in battle on a flop of Q♥ Q♦ 2♦ . Action checked round to turn 4♠, where initial raiser Wu Yi Wei led 4,000. Chi Ting Chieh called behind, and faced a final one big blind bet on river J♥ . Chi this time, raised to 10,000, and raked in the pot with a full house Q♣ J♣ after Wu found no escape.
Player | Chips |
CT Chi Ting Chieh | 50,300(126 BB) |
WY Wu Yi Wei | 5,600(14 BB) |