Day 1
Day 1 Survivors
Player | Chips |
CC Chee Chen | 589,000(196 BB) |
WW Wilson Wang | 467,000(156 BB) |
HT Hidenari Tomita | 438,000(146 BB) |
KS Kristof Segers | 438,000(146 BB) |
LS Liang Sheng Yeh | 353,000(118 BB) |
CW Chih Wang (2) | 340,000(113 BB) |
HJ Hyunsick Jang | 334,000(111 BB) |
YL Yoda Lin | 314,000(105 BB) |
DK Daniel Kwon | 300,000(100 BB) |
YS Yuhan Su | 251,000(84 BB) |
TH Tom Henricus Verbruggen | 240,000(80 BB) |
HC Hao Cheng | 229,000(76 BB) |
EN Erwin Ng | 189,000(63 BB) |
CJ Chi Jen Chen | 187,000(62 BB) |
JK Joe Keating | 177,000(59 BB) |
WC Wu Chiayun | 174,000(58 BB) |
KH Kun Han Lee | 172,000(57 BB) |
GK Gilsoo Kim | 160,000(53 BB) |
EC Eddy Cheng | 153,000(51 BB) |
MZ Mu Ze Li | 151,000(50 BB) |
ML Mao Lun Yu | 146,000(49 BB) |
MI Masaaki Izushima (2) | 132,000(44 BB) |
LH Lai Hsuan Yu | 130,000(43 BB) |
TN Tang Ngong | 100,000(33 BB) |
WY Winfred Yu | 96,000(32 BB) |
LW Lam Wei-Ming | 87,000(29 BB) |
CC Chun Chiu (2) | 87,000(29 BB) |
PY Paul Yugendra | 76,000(25 BB) |
OK Ori Kossonogi | 66,000(22 BB) |
JL Jun-Zhong Loo | 64,000(21 BB) |
BH Baron Ha | 62,000(21 BB) |
JY Jun Yi | 56,000(19 BB) |
GF Gerald Foo | 55,000(18 BB) |
AW Anson Wong | 54,000(18 BB) |
DY Daniel Yang | 52,000(17 BB) |
KS Ka Shing Leung | 52,000(17 BB) |
Hidenari Tomita Sees a Payday

A three way raised pot led by Ka Shing Leung dealt flop J♣ J♦ 4♣ . Leung continued for 5,500 and saw both Masaaki Izushima and Tomita Hidenari stick around to turn 4♣ . Leung barreled another 18,000, leaving Izushima to fold, and Hidenari with a raise to 40,000. Leung called, and paid another 40,000 on river 6♠ , only to muck as Hidenari revealed a full house J♠ 3♠ .
Player | Chips |
HT Hidenari Tomita | 421,000(140 BB) |
MI Masaaki Izushima (2) | 189,000(63 BB) |
KS Ka Shing Leung | 50,500(17 BB) |
Hon Cheong Lee Heads for the Rails

Hon Cheong Lee open shoved 38,000 on the cutoff and saw Hidenari Tomita wake up to the challenge.
In rough shape, Lee headed out shortly after board 3♥ 3♦ 2♠ 5♣ J♥ failed to save him from his demise.
Player | Hand | Chips |
HC Hon Cheong Lee | A♦8♦ CO | busted |
HT Hidenari Tomita | A♣Q♥ D | 321,000(107 BB) |
Hidenari Tomita Looks Up Hsiao Hao Wei

A button vs big blind battle brewed 23,500 in the middle across board 8♥ 8♣ 6♦ 4♣ K♥ . Hsiao Hao Wei tried to make a run for it with a 15,000 bet, but instead got his Q♣ 3♣ exposed after Hidenari Tomita check called with 5♥ 4♠ .
Player | Chips |
HT Hidenari Tomita | 237,000(95 BB) |
55,000(22 BB) |
Final Day
Tomita Hidenari Out With The Bubble In Sight

Tang Ngong opens another hand with 32,000 from +1, HJ Yoda Lin Calls and CO Tomita Hidenari wagers his remaining 233,000 with A♠ Q♥ . Trying to isolate, Tang Ngong jams his massive stack with 9♣ T♣ , but Yoda Lin sniffs a good spot to change his tournament for the better, calling 433,000 with A♥ J♥ . The dealer grants him total victory by tabling 5♥ A♣ 6♥ 9♥ K♠ for a flush to send Tomita Hidenari packing and surpassing the former chip leader to his right.
Player | Chips |
YL Yoda Lin | 1,139,000(71 BB) |
TN Tang Ngong | 1,050,000(66 BB) |
HT Hidenari Tomita | busted |
Lu Chin Tien Out And Chih Feng Li Ascends

Catching the end of Kim Gilsoo eliminating Lu Chin Tien with a nut flush on the flop, propelling him into the lead, we move on to the next table with the action kicked off by LJ Tomita Hidenari opening to 16,000, Chih Feng Li three-bets to 50,000 and Tomita Hidenari fills up to see the unicolor flop 2♣ 7♣ 5♣ . A 30,000 c-bet and a check-call reveal the turn A♠ where Chih Feng Li lays out a second barrel of 80,000. With the aid of two time banks, Tomita Hidenari finds a min raise to 160,000, but has to let it go after watching Chih Feng Li snap shove 271,000.
Player | Chips |
GK Gilsoo Kim | 830,000(104 BB) |
CF Chih Feng Li | 611,000(76 BB) |
HT Hidenari Tomita | 280,000(35 BB) |
busted |
Top Stacks With Late Registration Closed
Player | Chips |
CC Chee Chen | 725,000(145 BB) |
HC Hao Cheng | 600,000(120 BB) |
HT Hidenari Tomita | 503,000(101 BB) |
YH Yue Hin Lam | 440,000(88 BB) |
KS Kristof Segers | 415,000(83 BB) |
352,000(70 BB) | |
CW Chih Wang (2) | 330,000(66 BB) |
LC Lok Chan | 310,000(62 BB) |
TS Taisei Sakamoto | 306,000(61 BB) |
LS Liang Sheng Yeh | 280,000(56 BB) |
EN Erwin Ng | 275,000(55 BB) |
GK Gilsoo Kim | 275,000(55 BB) |
CY Chun Yu Ma | 250,000(50 BB) |
EC Eddy Cheng | 225,000(45 BB) |
David Erquiaga Hits The Rail Next

Tomita Hidemari min-raises to induce an 18,000 jam from David Erquiaga which gets called.
Player | Hand | Chips |
HT Hidenari Tomita | 8♥8♠ UTG+1 | 441,000(110 BB) |
DE David Erquiaga | K♥T♥ SB | busted |