Day 2
Three-Way Showdown Goes To Chung Heng Chan
Big stacked at one point, Jonald Garcia found himself down to 10 bb and sent it all in when everyone folded to him on the button. Small blind Hidenari Tomita went all in as well and big blind Chung Heng Chan snap-shoved to also be at risk.
Player | Hand | Chips |
CH Chung Heng ChanHong Kong | K♣K♠ BB | 318,000(40 BB) |
HT Hidenari TomitaJapan | T♠T♣ SB | 180,000(23 BB) |
JG Jonald GarciaPhilippines | Q♥7♥ D | busted |
Top Stacks After The Bubble
Player | Chips |
ZC Zong Chi HeTaiwan | 880,000(147 BB) |
YH Yu HsuTaiwan | 755,000(126 BB) |
TS Tirajad SirimueanphongThailand | 735,000(123 BB) |
LY Ling Yen HuangTaiwan | 710,000(118 BB) |
WC Wei Cheng WenTaiwan | 695,000(116 BB) |
CM Chang Ming HungTaiwan | 543,000(91 BB) |
ML Mao Lun YuTaiwan | 530,000(88 BB) |
FD Francesco DasticiItaly | 495,000(83 BB) |
JG Jonald GarciaPhilippines | 492,000(82 BB) |
YL Yoda LinTaiwan | 477,000(80 BB) |
WY Wan Yu LoTaiwan | 435,000(73 BB) |
YC Yu Chen HuangTaiwan | 419,000(70 BB) |
JL Jonathan Looi Tek WyeMalaysia | 385,000(64 BB) |
KK Kim KunwooKorea (Republic of) | 380,000(63 BB) |
HS Hao ShenChina | 377,000(63 BB) |
CP Chen Po JuiTaiwan | 365,000(61 BB) |
CH Chunyao HouTaiwan | 365,000(61 BB) |
FS Fu Sheng KuangTaiwan | 351,000(59 BB) |
340,000(57 BB) | |
EN Erwin NgSingapore | 330,000(55 BB) |
HC Hsuan Cheng LaiTaiwan | 305,000(51 BB) |
CH Chen Huang JieTaiwan | 300,000(50 BB) |
LK Lee Kun HanTaiwan | 295,000(49 BB) |
DY Daniel YangTaiwan | 277,000(46 BB) |
Hand For Hand: Chien Dou Houng Doubles Up
Two players join raiser Jonald Garcia to the flop 8♣ 4♣ 4♥ . Garcia c-bets 24,000, one player folds, Chien Dou Houng check-raises all in for 32,000. Easy call for big stacked Garcia.
With the turn 4♦ and river 8♥ , Chien scores a double up and more.
Player | Hand | Chips |
CD Chien Dou HoungTaiwan | K♥K♦ BB | 101,000(20 BB) |
JG Jonald GarciaPhilippines | A♥2♣ UTG+1 | 546,000(109 BB) |
Yu Cheng Hsu Sends Jonald Garcia A Barrage Of Bets
Yu Cheng Hsu starts it off with a 12,000 raise, Jonald Garcia pops it up to 37,000, Hsu is unfazed and punches back with 90,000, Garcia puts a stop to the battle by calling.
This brings a flop of K♥ 8♠ 9♠ . Hsu continues the barrage with a 60,000 bet, Garcia tanks for nearly a minute then calls. On the turn 2♠ , Hsu goes all in for 296,000, Garcia snap-folds.
Player | Chips |
YH Yu HsuTaiwan | 608,000(122 BB) |
JG Jonald GarciaPhilippines | 540,000(108 BB) |
Top Stacks At The New Level
Player | Chips |
JG Jonald GarciaPhilippines | 582,000(146 BB) |
LY Ling Yen HuangTaiwan | 560,000(140 BB) |
ZC Zong Chi HeTaiwan | 516,000(129 BB) |
WC Wei Cheng WenTaiwan | 494,000(124 BB) |
YH Yu HsuTaiwan | 427,000(107 BB) |
JL Jonathan Looi Tek WyeMalaysia | 411,000(103 BB) |
CH Chen Huang JieTaiwan | 390,000(98 BB) |
WY Wan Yu LoTaiwan | 389,000(97 BB) |
CH Chunyao HouTaiwan | 365,000(91 BB) |
HS Hao ShenChina | 360,000(90 BB) |
LK Lee Kun HanTaiwan | 355,000(89 BB) |
RJ Ruei Jiun LiangTaiwan | 338,000(85 BB) |
TS Taisei SakamotoJapan | 335,000(84 BB) |
PZ Poh Zi JieTaiwan | 332,000(83 BB) |
CC Chia Chin LiaoTaiwan | 313,000(78 BB) |
TS Tirajad SirimueanphongThailand | 307,000(77 BB) |
KK Kim KunwooKorea (Republic of) | 295,000(74 BB) |
FD Francesco DasticiItaly | 283,000(71 BB) |
MZ Mu Ze LiTaiwan | 271,000(68 BB) |
EN Erwin NgSingapore | 251,000(63 BB) |
SC Shih Chuan HuTaiwan | 247,000(62 BB) |
CT Chang Tao WeiTaiwan | 240,000(60 BB) |
LT Li Ta HsuTaiwan | 230,000(58 BB) |
220,000(55 BB) |
Huge Overbet By Jonald Garcia Wins The Pot
Three players stare down a flop A♥ 6♥ 7♣ with 18,500 in the pot. Jonald Garcia c-bets a small 5000, only Guo Zhanxi calls to the turn Q♦ . After both opt to check it, Garcia fires an overbet of 50,000 on the river 2♠ and takes down the pot.
Player | Chips |
JG Jonald GarciaPhilippines | 338,000(135 BB) |
GZ Guo ZhanxiTaiwan | 50,500(20 BB) |
Big Stacks At The New Level
Player | Chips |
LY Ling Yen HuangTaiwan | 351,000(140 BB) |
DY Daniel YangTaiwan | 346,000(138 BB) |
CH Chen Huang JieTaiwan | 320,000(128 BB) |
YJ Yoon Jae SeoungKorea (Republic of) | 320,000(128 BB) |
LK Lee Kun HanTaiwan | 310,000(124 BB) |
TS Taisei SakamotoJapan | 300,000(120 BB) |
EN Erwin NgSingapore | 298,000(119 BB) |
CP Chen Po JuiTaiwan | 295,000(118 BB) |
JG Jonald GarciaPhilippines | 295,000(118 BB) |
MZ Mu Ze LiTaiwan | 289,000(116 BB) |
JL Jonathan Looi Tek WyeMalaysia | 289,000(116 BB) |
LY Li Yang LaiTaiwan | 275,000(110 BB) |
SC Shih Chuan HuTaiwan | 269,000(108 BB) |
HS Hao ShenChina | 263,000(105 BB) |
255,000(102 BB) | |
251,000(100 BB) | |
LT Li Ta HsuTaiwan | 250,000(100 BB) |
WY Wu Yi SyuanTaiwan | 237,000(95 BB) |
KK Kim KunwooKorea (Republic of) | 224,000(90 BB) |
WY Wan Yu LoTaiwan | 215,000(86 BB) |
AF Adrien FavreFrance | 208,000(83 BB) |
YY Yiu Yeung LeungHong Kong | 200,000(80 BB) |
CC Chia Chin LiaoTaiwan | 198,000(79 BB) |
CS Corine ShiSingapore | 190,000(76 BB) |
LW Lin Wei ChunTaiwan | 187,000(75 BB) |
AV Armon Van WijkAustralia | 180,000(72 BB) |
JC Jia Cheng LuoTaiwan | 178,000(71 BB) |
TC Tao Chu (2)Taiwan | 175,000(70 BB) |
Chia Lin Huang's Hooks Deny Big Slicks
Three way showdown began with Fei Hsuan Hsu raising 4000, called by hijack, then cutoff Jonald Garcia pumped it up to 17,000. However, the betting wasn't even close to finish with Chia Lin Huang four-betting all in for 43,000. Action back to Hsu who joins all in for 51,000, hijack bows out, and Garcia calls with the largest stack.
Player | Hand | Chips |
CL Chia Lin HuangTaiwan | J♦J♥ SB | 137,000(69 BB) |
JG Jonald GarciaPhilippines | A♦K♥ CO | 299,000(150 BB) |
FH Fei HsuTaiwan | A♣K♣ MP | 8,000(4 BB) |
Day1B - 44 Qualifiers
Player | Chips |
CP Chen Po JuiTaiwan | 340,500(227 BB) |
EN Erwin NgSingapore | 302,000(201 BB) |
LK Lee Kun HanTaiwan | 275,000(183 BB) |
TC Tao Chu (2)Taiwan | 226,000(151 BB) |
CC Chia Chin LiaoTaiwan | 220,500(147 BB) |
214,000(143 BB) | |
JG Jonald GarciaPhilippines | 203,500(136 BB) |
KK Kim KunwooKorea (Republic of) | 194,000(129 BB) |
JL Jonathan Looi Tek WyeMalaysia | 184,500(123 BB) |
HS Hao ShenChina | 183,500(122 BB) |
179,000(119 BB) | |
AF Adrien FavreFrance | 178,000(119 BB) |
HL Huang Ling (2)Taiwan | 165,000(110 BB) |
156,000(104 BB) | |
MG Manuel GeronimoPhilippines | 130,500(87 BB) |
NK Nguyen Kinh HuyenViet Nam | 130,000(87 BB) |
PL Poching LeeTaiwan | 128,000(85 BB) |
YL Yu Liang (2)Taiwan | 127,500(85 BB) |
LD Leonardo DragoItaly | 118,500(79 BB) |
117,000(78 BB) | |
HY Hung Yu LiaoTaiwan | 116,500(78 BB) |
LC Li Chih FengTaiwan | 116,000(77 BB) |
KC Kenneth ChuangTaiwan | 114,500(76 BB) |
LC Lin Chien WeiTaiwan | 109,000(73 BB) |
98,000(65 BB) | |
TS Tirajad SirimueanphongThailand | 94,000(63 BB) |
CY Chen Yu HungTaiwan | 90,000(60 BB) |
PY Paul YugendraMalaysia | 80,000(53 BB) |
72,000(48 BB) | |
CC Chu Che ChunTaiwan | 67,500(45 BB) |
CT Chao Ting ChengTaiwan | 63,000(42 BB) |
SL Suya LeeKorea (Republic of) | 62,500(42 BB) |
AL Anson LauHong Kong | 58,500(39 BB) |
MC Midas ChuHong Kong | 55,000(37 BB) |
54,500(36 BB) | |
IH Isaac HechanovaPhilippines | 51,500(34 BB) |
45,000(30 BB) | |
TW Ting Wei ChaoTaiwan | 42,000(28 BB) |
HY Hong Yun YaoTaiwan | 41,000(27 BB) |
LW Lam Wei-MingSingapore | 38,000(25 BB) |
WC Wang Cheng HaoTaiwan | 37,000(25 BB) |
JY Jing Yu HuangTaiwan | 28,500(19 BB) |
YC Yu Chi LiuTaiwan | 25,000(17 BB) |
FL Feng LingChina | 21,500(14 BB) |
Day 1B
Day1B Ends - 44 Qualifiers
Player | Chips |
CP Chen Po JuiTaiwan | 340,500(227 BB) |
EN Erwin NgSingapore | 302,000(201 BB) |
LK Lee Kun HanTaiwan | 275,000(183 BB) |
TC Tao Chu (2)Taiwan | 226,000(151 BB) |
CC Chia Chin LiaoTaiwan | 220,500(147 BB) |
214,000(143 BB) | |
JG Jonald GarciaPhilippines | 203,500(136 BB) |
KK Kim KunwooKorea (Republic of) | 194,000(129 BB) |
JL Jonathan Looi Tek WyeMalaysia | 184,500(123 BB) |
HS Hao ShenChina | 183,500(122 BB) |
179,000(119 BB) | |
AF Adrien FavreFrance | 178,000(119 BB) |
HL Huang Ling (2)Taiwan | 165,000(110 BB) |
156,000(104 BB) | |
MG Manuel GeronimoPhilippines | 130,500(87 BB) |
NK Nguyen Kinh HuyenViet Nam | 130,000(87 BB) |
PL Poching LeeTaiwan | 128,000(85 BB) |
YL Yu Liang (2)Taiwan | 127,500(85 BB) |
LD Leonardo DragoItaly | 118,500(79 BB) |
117,000(78 BB) | |
HY Hung Yu LiaoTaiwan | 116,500(78 BB) |
LC Li Chih FengTaiwan | 116,000(77 BB) |
KC Kenneth ChuangTaiwan | 114,500(76 BB) |
LC Lin Chien WeiTaiwan | 109,000(73 BB) |
98,000(65 BB) | |
TS Tirajad SirimueanphongThailand | 94,000(63 BB) |
CY Chen Yu HungTaiwan | 90,000(60 BB) |
PY Paul YugendraMalaysia | 80,000(53 BB) |
72,000(48 BB) | |
CC Chu Che ChunTaiwan | 67,500(45 BB) |
CT Chao Ting ChengTaiwan | 63,000(42 BB) |
SL Suya LeeKorea (Republic of) | 62,500(42 BB) |
AL Anson LauHong Kong | 58,500(39 BB) |
MC Midas ChuHong Kong | 55,000(37 BB) |
54,500(36 BB) | |
IH Isaac HechanovaPhilippines | 51,500(34 BB) |
45,000(30 BB) | |
TW Ting Wei ChaoTaiwan | 42,000(28 BB) |
HY Hong Yun YaoTaiwan | 41,000(27 BB) |
LW Lam Wei-MingSingapore | 38,000(25 BB) |
WC Wang Cheng HaoTaiwan | 37,000(25 BB) |
JY Jing Yu HuangTaiwan | 28,500(19 BB) |
YC Yu Chi LiuTaiwan | 25,000(17 BB) |
FL Feng LingChina | 21,500(14 BB) |
Chip Count
Player | Chips |
CP Chen Po JuiTaiwan | 265,200(221 BB) |
TC Tao Chu (2)Taiwan | 204,200(170 BB) |
JL Jonathan Looi Tek WyeMalaysia | 185,500(155 BB) |
EN Erwin NgSingapore | 181,500(151 BB) |
JG Jonald GarciaPhilippines | 179,000(149 BB) |
HY Hung Yu LiaoTaiwan | 163,300(136 BB) |
LD Leonardo DragoItaly | 163,200(136 BB) |
HS Hao ShenChina | 160,000(133 BB) |
MG Manuel GeronimoPhilippines | 159,000(133 BB) |
KK Kim KunwooKorea (Republic of) | 153,700(128 BB) |
150,400(125 BB) | |
PL Poching LeeTaiwan | 149,800(125 BB) |
NK Nguyen Kinh HuyenViet Nam | 140,300(117 BB) |
LK Lee Kun HanTaiwan | 129,700(108 BB) |
PY Paul YugendraMalaysia | 125,700(105 BB) |
TW Ting Wei ChaoTaiwan | 122,500(102 BB) |
CC Chia Chin LiaoTaiwan | 109,700(91 BB) |
Jonald Garcia Back In Contention For The Lead
Kim Kunwoo's 2,400 raise from UTG finds three customers to see the flop J♠ 7♣ T♣ where he continues for 5,500 and only takes BU Jonald Garcia to the turn J♦ . Slowing down, Kim Kunwoo opts to check-call Jonald Garcia's 6,400 bet in position that completes the board Q♥ with Jonald Garcia sliding out a winning bet of 12,500.
Player | Chips |
KK Kim KunwooKorea (Republic of) | 152,800(127 BB) |
JG Jonald GarciaPhilippines | 152,200(127 BB) |
Blind Battle Decided Pre
Hu Chung I open-limps the SB, Jonald Garcia makes it 4,200 and the limper announces all-in after tanking for a while. Jonald Garcia lets it go.
Player | Chips |
JG Jonald GarciaPhilippines | 131,300(109 BB) |
65,600(55 BB) |
Two Former Chip Leaders Collide
Initiating the action with a 2,000 open from UTG, Murly Manokharan opts to call when faced with a 6,900 three-bet from CO Jonald Garcia to unveil the flop K♠ T♠ J♥ . A 5,000 c-bet gets snap-called for the turn 8♦ to be checked to the river Q♦ that gives both players the nuts with their aces and all the chips go in, just to be separated again when Murly shows A♠ 9♣ and Jonald tables A♣ 7♦ .
Player | Chips |
126,000(126 BB) | |
JG Jonald GarciaPhilippines | 79,100(79 BB) |
Chip Count
Player | Chips |
CP Chen Po JuiTaiwan | 246,000(246 BB) |
TC Tao Chu (2)Taiwan | 196,500(197 BB) |
PL Poching LeeTaiwan | 169,500(170 BB) |
168,100(168 BB) | |
KK Kim KunwooKorea (Republic of) | 165,000(165 BB) |
LK Lee Kun HanTaiwan | 143,000(143 BB) |
JL Jonathan Looi Tek WyeMalaysia | 128,000(128 BB) |
MG Manuel GeronimoPhilippines | 123,000(123 BB) |
109,700(110 BB) | |
TN Tuan Nguyen (5)Viet Nam | 107,000(107 BB) |
107,000(107 BB) | |
104,000(104 BB) | |
104,000(104 BB) | |
KC Kenneth ChuangTaiwan | 103,000(103 BB) |
LC Lin Chien WeiTaiwan | 102,000(102 BB) |
YH Yen HuangTaiwan | 101,000(101 BB) |
LW Lam Wei-MingSingapore | 96,000(96 BB) |
JG Jonald GarciaPhilippines | 95,000(95 BB) |
FL Feng LingChina | 91,000(91 BB) |
85,000(85 BB) |
Chun Wai Chan Dips Into The Leaders Stack
With a raise to 2,500 from UTG, Chun Wai Chan takes BB Jonald Garcia to the flop A♣ Q♠ 5♦ that gets checked to the turn 9♦ where Jonald Garcia starts to lead with a 4,000 bet that gets called for the board to complete J♦ . Having rivered a flush with 6♦ 2♦ Jonald Garcia tries to get max value by putting his opponent all-in, but learns he's betting into the nuts after Chun Wai Chan calls 18,900 and flips over A♦ K♦ .
Player | Chips |
JG Jonald GarciaPhilippines | 150,500(151 BB) |
CC Chan Chun WaiHong Kong | 52,300(52 BB) |