Blind level
Level 11: 10,000 / 20,000 ante: 20,000

Day 1

2/23/2025, 2:50:13 PM

Christopher Park Is Put All-in With The Nuts

Level 10: 10,000 / 15,000 ante: 15,000
Christopher Park

Chris Park kicks off the action with a min-raise to 30,000, taking Martin Nielsen to the flop 8 7 A that gets checked to the turn 6 . Another check from Park has Nielsen slide 75,000 over the line before Park check-raises to 160,000 and another call completes the board 5 . Park leads for 40,000, making it look like a blocker, Martin Nielsen falls for it, puts his opponent all-in for 265,000 with J 8 which gets snapped by Park's nuts T 9 .

Christopher Park (2)United States of America [USA]United States of America
950,000(63 BB)
285,000(19 BB)
2/23/2025, 1:50:05 PM

Stephen Chidwick Sucks Out

Level 9: 6,000 / 12,000 ante: 12,000
Stephen Chidwick

After Martin Nielsen opened 27,000 from the button and Stephen Chidwick defended his big blind the chips go flying on 9 4 5 with Chidwick at risk for 203,000.

564,000(47 BB)
Stephen ChidwickUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [GBR]United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
468,000(39 BB)

The turn 2 gives Chidwick four more outs, hitting one of them on the river 3 to deal a huge blow to Nielsen.

2/23/2025, 1:09:43 PM

Massive Double Up for Martin Nielsen

Level 8: 5,000 / 10,000 ante: 10,000
Martin Nielsen

Under the gun Miao Chenxiang kicks off the action with a raise to 25,000, the cutoff calls, Martin Nielsen pumps it to 100,000 from the button, Miao four-bet jams 521,000 holding A J , the cutoff folds and Nielsen snaps with A A , putting last night's $15,000 Superstar Challenge 6th place finisher in a great spot to double up.

952,000(95 BB)
70,000(7 BB)