APT Manila, Philippines 2024Philippines, City of Dreams ManilaEVENT
Philippines National Cup
2024.10.28 - 2024.10.29
Asian Poker Tour
Rank | Player | Country | Prize |
#1 | ME Marco Espela | Philippines | $20,065 PHP 1,170,050 |
#2 | MC Maggy Cenon | Philippines | $18,515 PHP 1,079,513 |
#3 | ML Mack Lee | Singapore | $10,590 PHP 616,000 |
#4 | AP Ashley Patterson | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | $8,010 PHP 466,000 |
#5 | KS Kiwanont Sukhum | Thailand | $6,380 PHP 371,000 |
#6 | SY Sunjong Yoo | $4,900 PHP 285,000 | |
#7 | AI Alvir Inocentes | Philippines | $3,540 PHP 206,000 |
#8 | PC Poyu Chen | Taiwan | $2,420 PHP 141,000 |
#9 | LL Lun Luo | China | $1,925 PHP 112,000 |
#10 | SL Suya Lee | Korea (Republic of) | $1,560 PHP 91,000 |
#11 | AA Antonio Abesamis | Philippines | $1,560 PHP 91,000 |
#12 | NM Nino Mercado | Philippines | $1,340 PHP 78,000 |
#13 | LM Li Minghui | China | $1,340 PHP 78,000 |
#14 | MT Mitchell Tsang | United States of America | $1,220 PHP 71,000 |
#15 | FL Frank Lillis | Ireland | $1,220 PHP 71,000 |
#16 | ER Euryd Rivera | Philippines | $1,080 PHP 63,000 |
#17 | AS Alvin Sembrano | Philippines | $1,080 PHP 63,000 |
#18 | JP Jeongmin Park | Korea (Republic of) | $960 PHP 56,000 |
#19 | BL Benjamin LeBlond | Canada | $960 PHP 56,000 |
#20 | SL Shaotao Li | $960 PHP 56,000 | |
#21 | JC Jin Choi | Korea (Republic of) | $825 PHP 48,000 |
#22 | GO Genexon Osin | Philippines | $825 PHP 48,000 |
#23 | JI Jester Intia | Philippines | $825 PHP 48,000 |
#24 | YT Yen Ting | China | $705 PHP 41,000 |
#25 | MS Mark Sanchez | United States of America | $705 PHP 41,000 |
#26 | DS Dino Sabatini | Ireland | $705 PHP 41,000 |
#27 | JL Jeorge Lagatuz | Philippines | $705 PHP 41,000 |
#28 | GL Godfrey Leung | Canada | $600 PHP 35,000 |
#29 | SK Seokjong Kim | $600 PHP 35,000 | |
#30 | BG Ben Gur | Israel | $600 PHP 35,000 |
#31 | RC Rex Clinkscales | United States of America | $600 PHP 35,000 |
#32 | HK Heejun Kim | Korea (Republic of) | $530 PHP 31,000 |
#33 | VA Vladislavs Azans | Latvia | $530 PHP 31,000 |
#34 | HJ Haewon Jung | Korea (Republic of) | $530 PHP 31,000 |
#35 | FP Federico Peralta (3) | Philippines | $530 PHP 31,000 |
#36 | SO Shion Ogawa | Japan | $530 PHP 31,000 |
#37 | YK Yongkyun Kim | Korea (Republic of) | $530 PHP 31,000 |
#38 | GY Gyeong Yoo | Korea (Republic of) | $530 PHP 31,000 |
#39 | NL Nhu Le | Viet Nam | $530 PHP 31,000 |
#40 | MS Marhen Simbre | Philippines | $480 PHP 28,000 |
#41 | DL Daniel Lee | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | $480 PHP 28,000 |
#42 | CF Curtis Freeze | United States of America | $480 PHP 28,000 |
#43 | RS Reynaldo Salunga (2) | Philippines | $480 PHP 28,000 |
#44 | ED Enrico De Rosa | Italy | $480 PHP 28,000 |
#45 | AB Alfredo Boligor | Philippines | $480 PHP 28,000 |
#46 | MD Mariano Dela Pena | Philippines | $480 PHP 28,000 |
#47 | JP Junnie Pamplona | Philippines | $480 PHP 28,000 |
#48 | TT Thanh Tuan Nguyen | Viet Nam | $480 PHP 28,000 |
#49 | AT Atsushi Takeuchi | Japan | $480 PHP 28,000 |
#50 | KK Kyoungmoon Kim | $480 PHP 28,000 | |
#51 | JS John Somera | $480 PHP 28,000 | |
#52 | TS Tan Shien | Singapore | $480 PHP 28,000 |
#53 | JK Jongkook Kim | Korea (Republic of) | $480 PHP 28,000 |
#54 | MM Michael Manlapaz | Philippines | $480 PHP 28,000 |
#55 | SM Solsona Mark | Philippines | $480 PHP 28,000 |
#56 | GM Gyungseop Min | $410 PHP 24,000 | |
#57 | SK Shinji Kubo | Japan | $410 PHP 24,000 |
#58 | CQ Cezar Quiambao | Philippines | $410 PHP 24,000 |
#59 | LY Li Yang Hsu | $410 PHP 24,000 | |
#60 | YK Yan Ke | Taiwan | $410 PHP 24,000 |
#61 | YY Yan Yee | Malaysia | $410 PHP 24,000 |
#62 | EH En Hao Chan | Taiwan | $410 PHP 24,000 |
#63 | MS Mandeep Singh | Philippines | $410 PHP 24,000 |
#64 | DM Dilip Menon | India | $410 PHP 24,000 |
#65 | IP Isaac Phua | Malaysia | $410 PHP 24,000 |
#66 | WK Wooseok Kim | $410 PHP 24,000 | |
#67 | CL Chung Lin | Taiwan | $410 PHP 24,000 |
#68 | JL Jan Leoncio | Philippines | $410 PHP 24,000 |
#69 | NK Nikolaos Kiourntzidis | Greece | $410 PHP 24,000 |
#70 | ML Marlon Laxamana | $410 PHP 24,000 | |
#71 | YW Yew Wong | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | $410 PHP 24,000 |
#72 | JK Jaejoong Kim | $375 PHP 22,000 | |
#73 | WF William Funnell | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | $375 PHP 22,000 |
#74 | CT Crossley Thomas | $375 PHP 22,000 | |
#75 | MR Maxwell Rosete | Philippines | $375 PHP 22,000 |
#76 | JV Joemark Vasay | Philippines | $375 PHP 22,000 |
#77 | SP Sunhye Park | $375 PHP 22,000 | |
#78 | BM Benjamin Mangaliman | Philippines | $375 PHP 22,000 |
#79 | FA Fernando Abrahan | $375 PHP 22,000 | |
#80 | JL Jiping Li | China | $375 PHP 22,000 |
#81 | ES Emmanuel Segismundo | Philippines | $375 PHP 22,000 |
#82 | CL Christian Lortie | Canada | $375 PHP 22,000 |
#83 | BH Beh Han | Singapore | $375 PHP 22,000 |
#84 | TC Tracy Crisostomo | Philippines | $375 PHP 22,000 |
#85 | KK Kwanjung Kim | $375 PHP 22,000 | |
#86 | MC Mark Comayingking | $375 PHP 22,000 | |
#87 | JA Janno Alvarez | Philippines | $375 PHP 22,000 |
#88 | KP Kenny Poon | $375 PHP 22,000 | |
#89 | DK Dongjun Kim | Korea (Republic of) | $375 PHP 22,000 |
#90 | BE Benjamin Ebarle | Philippines | $375 PHP 22,000 |
#91 | TH Tsz Him Ng | $375 PHP 22,000 | |
#92 | TK Tsz Kan Ip | $375 PHP 22,000 | |
#93 | JK Jongha Kim | Korea (Republic of) | $375 PHP 22,000 |
#94 | WY William Ysmael | Philippines | $375 PHP 22,000 |
#95 | BW Bryan Wong (2) | Singapore | $375 PHP 22,000 |
#96 | LP Liao Po Hsun | Taiwan | $340 PHP 20,000 |
#97 | YW Yutang Wang | Taiwan | $340 PHP 20,000 |
#98 | CM Christopher Mateo | Philippines | $340 PHP 20,000 |
#99 | KM Kim Min | Korea (Republic of) | $340 PHP 20,000 |
#100 | CI Czar Ian Marcos | Philippines | $340 PHP 20,000 |
#101 | HC Hsuan Cheng Lai | Taiwan | $340 PHP 20,000 |
#102 | KS Keijiro Shimojo | Japan | $340 PHP 20,000 |
#103 | PC Phatsakorn Chaiprasart | $340 PHP 20,000 |