Day 2
Yuri Ishida Lands The Pair To Avoid Elimination

Natalie Teh opens then heads to the flop K♦ 3♥ J♦ with big blind caller Yuri Ishida. Teh continues for 30,000, Ishida check-raises all in for 106,000, Teh calls and covers.
Player | Hand | Chips |
NT Natalie Teh | A♦T♦ | 69,000(7 BB) |
YI Yuri Ishida | 7♦8♦ | 267,000(27 BB) |
At the reveal, both players are drawing for the flush with Teh ahead. The turn 7♥ pairs up Ishida which holds to the river 2♠ for a double up.
Day 1B
Natalie Teh Bags Day 1B Chip Lead; 56 Advance

After 15 rounds, Day 1B is a wrap! Malaysia's Natalie Teh closed as heat leader with 452,000 in chips. At her tail is Lester Edoc with 392,000, and to round out the top three is Shobu Oda who delivered a double knockout during the last level of the day.
Stay tuned for the recap or scroll the updates for the day's action.
Natalie Teh's Straight Earns

From the button, Juliever Pelayo raises 8000 and goes to the flop 5♦ T♠ 2♣ with caller Natalie Teh. Pelayo c-bets 9000, Teh check-calls. The turn 3♦ is checked by both then Teh leads out 27,000 on the river 9♠ . Pelayo tank-calls and quickly mucks to Teh's A♣ 4♣ straight.
Player | Chips |
NT Natalie Teh | 445,000(148 BB) |
JP Juliever Pelayo | 82,000(27 BB) |
Natalie Teh Eliminates Lars Hougaard
Natalie Teh claims another stack, sending Lars Hougaard out next. From utg Hougaard raises 7000, Teh three-bets 21,000, Hougaard jams his 156,000 stack, Teh calls and covers.
Player | Hand | Chips |
NT Natalie Teh | K♣K♦ | 395,000(132 BB) |
LH Lars Hougaard | A♠K♥ | busted |
Random Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
LE Lester Edoc | 375,000(125 BB) |
AB Alfonso Baja | 328,000(109 BB) |
LP Liao Po Hsun | 325,000(108 BB) |
ED Emamanuel Derecho | 305,000(102 BB) |
BK Beng Ker | 300,000(100 BB) |
JT John Tech (2) | 265,000(88 BB) |
MM Mac Mantos | 249,000(83 BB) |
NT Natalie Teh | 240,000(80 BB) |
PM Pratik Modi | 225,000(75 BB) |
TK Timothy Kuok | 215,000(72 BB) |
RE Redentor Edoc | 211,000(70 BB) |
AW Alex Ward | 190,000(63 BB) |
SK Sanjeev Kapoor | 190,000(63 BB) |
TF Tobias Fabech | 182,000(61 BB) |
CS Christopher Soyza | 172,000(57 BB) |
LS Lee Sunghak | 169,000(56 BB) |
JW Julian Warhurst | 161,000(54 BB) |
RM Rebel Magdagasang | 160,000(53 BB) |
VT Van Tung Nguyen | 157,000(52 BB) |
LH Lars Hougaard | 156,000(52 BB) |
VM Vamerdino Magsakay | 155,000(52 BB) |
HD Huu Dung Nguyen | 151,000(50 BB) |
KJ Kim Jitae | 150,000(50 BB) |
KL Kolja Lucking | 150,000(50 BB) |
JP Juliever Pelayo | 145,000(48 BB) |
TN Thanh Nguyen | 137,000(46 BB) |
SH Seokchul Hwang | 135,000(45 BB) |
WT William Teoh | 135,000(45 BB) |
HT Henrik Tollefsen | 135,000(45 BB) |
FZ Feng Zhao | 130,000(43 BB) |
BB Bobby Byran | 128,000(43 BB) |
RH Ronald Haverkamp | 120,000(40 BB) |
TK Tony Khoang | 120,000(40 BB) |
NK Nikhil Kedia | 115,000(38 BB) |
JM Joris Michl | 110,000(37 BB) |
KK Kim Kiyoung | 47,000(16 BB) |
Natalie Teh Has The Boat
From hijack, Kei Okuda opens 5000, three players call for a flop K♠ 9♠ 4♣ . Following the blinds check, Okuda c-bets 11,000, only the big blind Natalie Teh calls. Same action on the turn K♦ with Teh check-calling 15,000. Both tap the river 4♥ . Okuda shows A♣ A♦ , Teh rakes it in with K♠ 5♠ full house.
Player | Chips |
NT Natalie Teh | 260,000(104 BB) |
KO Kei Okuda | 68,000(27 BB) |
Big Stack Around The Room
Player | Chips |
LE Lester Edoc | 390,000(156 BB) |
AB Alfonso Baja | 355,000(142 BB) |
ES Emmanuel Segismundo | 325,000(130 BB) |
TL Thomas Lee | 285,500(114 BB) |
LP Liao Po Hsun | 280,000(112 BB) |
BK Beng Ker | 250,000(100 BB) |
TK Timothy Kuok | 216,000(86 BB) |
VT Van Tran Thinh | 204,000(82 BB) |
II Irvan Iliadi | 194,000(78 BB) |
SK Sanjeev Kapoor | 186,000(74 BB) |
LS Lee Sunghak | 183,000(73 BB) |
KL Kolja Lucking | 180,000(72 BB) |
TN Thanh Nguyen | 176,000(70 BB) |
NT Natalie Teh | 170,000(68 BB) |
JT John Tech (2) | 167,000(67 BB) |
HD Huu Dung Nguyen | 155,000(62 BB) |
KJ Kim Jitae | 150,000(60 BB) |
PM Pratik Modi | 148,000(59 BB) |
JW Julian Warhurst | 141,000(56 BB) |
137,000(55 BB) | |
CS Christopher Soyza | 135,000(54 BB) |
DL Daehyung Lee | 130,000(52 BB) |
TK Tony Khoang | 120,000(48 BB) |
DC Daniel Callaghan (2) | 119,000(48 BB) |
RG Raymundo Gomez | 115,000(46 BB) |
JM Joris Michl | 110,000(44 BB) |
RA Rommel Angeles | 110,000(44 BB) |
RM Richard Marquez | 105,000(42 BB) |
MJ Minwoong Jeong | 100,000(40 BB) |
Natalie Teh Cleans Out David Erquiaga

Natalie Teh calls David Erquiaga’s 35,000 three-bet shove and it’s a flip. Erquiaga misses the board for Teh's pair to send him packing.
Player | Hand | Chips |
NT Natalie Teh | 6♠6♥ | 174,000(87 BB) |
DE David Erquiaga | A♣7♥ | busted |
Player | Chips |
AB Alfonso Baja | 210,000(140 BB) |
KO Kei Okuda | 205,000(137 BB) |
LP Liao Po Hsun | 193,000(129 BB) |
HD Huu Dung Nguyen | 177,000(118 BB) |
RG Raymundo Gomez | 175,000(117 BB) |
VT Van Tran Thinh | 170,000(113 BB) |
SK Sanjeev Kapoor | 167,000(111 BB) |
TL Thomas Lee | 165,000(110 BB) |
JM John Matsuda | 160,000(107 BB) |
147,000(98 BB) | |
NK Nikhil Kedia | 143,000(95 BB) |
II Irvan Iliadi | 140,000(93 BB) |
JI Jester Intia | 133,000(89 BB) |
RM Richard Marquez | 130,000(87 BB) |
KA Kenneth Anthony | 125,000(83 BB) |
BB Bobby Byran | 123,000(82 BB) |
NT Natalie Teh | 120,000(80 BB) |