Day 1B
Day1B Ends - 44 Survivors
Player | Chips |
RV Renato Villanueva Jr | 401,600(251 BB) |
KE Kim Enriquez | 361,400(226 BB) |
KM Kevin Mateo | 271,800(170 BB) |
LE Lenart Ecarma | 212,600(133 BB) |
KC Kookrim Choi | 205,900(129 BB) |
199,800(125 BB) | |
EG Edilberto Gopez | 196,700(123 BB) |
FL Ferdinand Lu | 192,100(120 BB) |
JT John Tech | 188,000(118 BB) |
JW Jariah Waring | 173,900(109 BB) |
AV Aaron Valencia | 172,600(108 BB) |
JK Juhwan Kim | 169,700(106 BB) |
HT Henrik Tollefsen | 147,500(92 BB) |
RM Richard Marquez | 142,800(89 BB) |
RG Renniel Galvez | 138,200(86 BB) |
MS Mitsuki Sakimoto | 127,600(80 BB) |
MR Marc Rivera | 116,800(73 BB) |
LH Lee Hyundong | 115,200(72 BB) |
AC Alexis Cruz | 113,500(71 BB) |
YC Yuhyeon Chu | 111,400(70 BB) |
FC Florencio Campomanes | 107,700(67 BB) |
DJ Dong Jae Lee | 106,000(66 BB) |
AK Akihiro Kawaguchi | 104,100(65 BB) |
HC Han Chang Rok | 103,200(65 BB) |
YK Younghoon Kim | 102,200(64 BB) |
PC Philip Cabol | 102,200(64 BB) |
CC Carlo Calingasan | 89,600(56 BB) |
AI Alvir Inocentes | 83,500(52 BB) |
ED Emmanuel Derecho | 73,200(46 BB) |
WK Wanhee Kang | 68,400(43 BB) |
SK Sihyun Kim | 64,900(41 BB) |
DK Dongyeon Kang | 59,500(37 BB) |
JK Jang Kyungsu | 58,400(37 BB) |
AM Akimichi Motomura | 55,200(35 BB) |
YJ Yoonhwan Jeon | 54,900(34 BB) |
YL Youngtaek Lim | 53,700(34 BB) |
RO Reo Oshitate | 53,200(33 BB) |
MM Michihiko Matsuda | 48,300(30 BB) |
RM Rene Mar David | 48,000(30 BB) |
FL Frank Lillis | 40,000(25 BB) |
BL Byeongsoo Lee | 40,000(25 BB) |
HL Hanbyul Lee | 25,400(16 BB) |
NT Nguyen Tien Thanh | 18,600(12 BB) |
TZ Tianzhe Zhao | 16,900(11 BB) |
Yuhyeon Chu Crushes with Quads

Up against a late position open and a call, Yuhyeon Chu squeezed all-in on the big blind for 27,600 (20 BB) and was challenged by initial raiser Kevin Mateo.
Chu already significantly ahead, bagged a slam dunk win on board T♦ T♠6♦ 9♠A♦ , having left his opponent drawing dead at an instant.
Player | Hand | Chips |
T♥T♣ BB | 60,300(43 BB) | |
KM Kevin Mateo | 9♦9♣ CO | 176,200(126 BB) |
Yuheon Chu Takes It Down

Haechang Lee opened on the cutoff and put out 3,000 more following a raise from Yuhyeon Chu a seat after.
Action was checked round to turn K♥ 6♣ T♠2♣ , where Chu fired a delayed continuation bet of 8,000. Lee opted not to risk more chips and threw in the fold.
Player | Chips |
83,000(83 BB) | |
HL Haechang Lee | 40,800(41 BB) |
Top Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
KM Kevin Mateo | 183,100(183 BB) |
YL Youngtaek Lim | 150,000(150 BB) |
FL Ferdinand Lu | 120,300(120 BB) |
KE Kim Enriquez | 120,100(120 BB) |
JM James Moriles | 119,500(120 BB) |
118,200(118 BB) | |
CC Carlo Calingasan | 113,300(113 BB) |
RM Richard Marquez | 109,200(109 BB) |
JW Jariah Waring | 108,300(108 BB) |
RV Renato Villanueva Jr | 103,900(104 BB) |
AC Alexis Cruz | 99,100(99 BB) |
AZ Aleksei Zhukov | 91,400(91 BB) |
89,300(89 BB) | |
IC Inkyu Choi | 88,200(88 BB) |
HS Heungsub Shim | 85,100(85 BB) |
JT John Tech | 82,100(82 BB) |
EG Edilberto Gopez | 81,900(82 BB) |
78,200(78 BB) | |
SY Seungmin Yu | 77,200(77 BB) |
AM Akimichi Motomura | 76,500(77 BB) |
Wonkook Son Takes a Gamble

Wonkook Son defended his cutoff open and called a 3,000 three bet from Yuhyeon Chu on the button.
On flop 2♠2♣ 3♥ , Chu wasted no time and demanded for the rest of Son's 21 BB stack. Son called off for his last 12,700 with a straight draw 6♠5♦ and was up against Chu's 8♦ 8♣ for his tournament life.
Runout A♥ K♦ bricked for Chu, ending his run at today's Day 1B games.
Player | Chips |
56,800(95 BB) | |
SW Son Wonkook | busted |
Sihyun Kim Bets for Value

In a final attempt to secure the 15,200 in the middle across a completed board of 2♣ 3♣ J♣ 5♠, Sihyun Kim shot out a bet of 5,000 and was looked up by Yuhyeon Chu on the small blind.
Kim showed a king-high flush K♣ T♥ and raked in the pot as Chu tossed his hand back to the dealer.
Player | Chips |
SK Sihyun Kim | 62,100(104 BB) |
10,400(17 BB) |
Adrien Rohe Coolered by Youngtaek Lim
Adrien Rohe opened in early position and was met with a 2,500 three bet from Yuhyeon Chu on the button. Youngtaek Lim on the big blind, bumped it up to 8,500 and saw Rohe stuff his entire 37,200. Chu got out of the way and Lim snap called for the rest.
A cooler situation, Rohe bowed out shortly after finding no escape on board 8♥ J♠7♥ 9♦ 8♣ .
Player | Hand | Chips |
YL Youngtaek Lim | A♥A♣ BB | 83,600(167 BB) |
K♦K♣ UTG+1 | busted | |
33,400(67 BB) |