Blind level
Level 11: 800 / 1,600 ante: 1,600
Total Chips

Day 1B

Janette BeeJanette Bee
2/27/2025, 6:12:29 AM

Pair Wins for Sungbae Jang

Level 5: 300 / 500 ante: 500
Sungbae Jang

Sungbae Jang defended his big blind against Christopher Mateo's 1,000 hijack open, and went to battle on flop 7 9 K . Both checked to see turn 4 , where Mateo this time, churned out a 1,000 bet. Jang check called, and arrived at showdown shortly after Mateo opted to cease fire.

Jang showed two pair T 7 , leaving Mateo to slip it in the muck.

57,100(114 BB)
42,000(84 BB)
Janette BeeJanette Bee
2/27/2025, 5:49:17 AM

Sungbae Jang Strikes with Aggression

Level 5: 300 / 500 ante: 500
Sungbae Jang

Aleksei Zhukov opened 1,200 mid position and was joined by Sungbae Jang on the small blind onto flop 9 7 2 . Zhukov bet 2,500 and tank called Jang's check raise to 8,400.

On turn J , Zhukov was quick to give it up as Jang pushed his last 30,000 in.

Aleksei ZhukovRussian Federation [RUS]Russian Federation
123,100(246 BB)
50,200(100 BB)