Day 1B
Day1B Ends - 44 Survivors
Player | Chips |
RV Renato Villanueva Jr | 401,600(251 BB) |
KE Kim Enriquez | 361,400(226 BB) |
KM Kevin Mateo | 271,800(170 BB) |
LE Lenart Ecarma | 212,600(133 BB) |
KC Kookrim Choi | 205,900(129 BB) |
199,800(125 BB) | |
EG Edilberto Gopez | 196,700(123 BB) |
FL Ferdinand Lu | 192,100(120 BB) |
JT John Tech | 188,000(118 BB) |
JW Jariah Waring | 173,900(109 BB) |
AV Aaron Valencia | 172,600(108 BB) |
JK Juhwan Kim | 169,700(106 BB) |
HT Henrik Tollefsen | 147,500(92 BB) |
RM Richard Marquez | 142,800(89 BB) |
RG Renniel Galvez | 138,200(86 BB) |
MS Mitsuki Sakimoto | 127,600(80 BB) |
MR Marc Rivera | 116,800(73 BB) |
LH Lee Hyundong | 115,200(72 BB) |
AC Alexis Cruz | 113,500(71 BB) |
YC Yuhyeon Chu | 111,400(70 BB) |
FC Florencio Campomanes | 107,700(67 BB) |
DJ Dong Jae Lee | 106,000(66 BB) |
AK Akihiro Kawaguchi | 104,100(65 BB) |
HC Han Chang Rok | 103,200(65 BB) |
YK Younghoon Kim | 102,200(64 BB) |
PC Philip Cabol | 102,200(64 BB) |
CC Carlo Calingasan | 89,600(56 BB) |
AI Alvir Inocentes | 83,500(52 BB) |
ED Emmanuel Derecho | 73,200(46 BB) |
WK Wanhee Kang | 68,400(43 BB) |
SK Sihyun Kim | 64,900(41 BB) |
DK Dongyeon Kang | 59,500(37 BB) |
JK Jang Kyungsu | 58,400(37 BB) |
AM Akimichi Motomura | 55,200(35 BB) |
YJ Yoonhwan Jeon | 54,900(34 BB) |
YL Youngtaek Lim | 53,700(34 BB) |
RO Reo Oshitate | 53,200(33 BB) |
MM Michihiko Matsuda | 48,300(30 BB) |
RM Rene Mar David | 48,000(30 BB) |
FL Frank Lillis | 40,000(25 BB) |
BL Byeongsoo Lee | 40,000(25 BB) |
HL Hanbyul Lee | 25,400(16 BB) |
NT Nguyen Tien Thanh | 18,600(12 BB) |
TZ Tianzhe Zhao | 16,900(11 BB) |
Top Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
KM Kevin Mateo | 183,100(183 BB) |
YL Youngtaek Lim | 150,000(150 BB) |
FL Ferdinand Lu | 120,300(120 BB) |
KE Kim Enriquez | 120,100(120 BB) |
JM James Moriles | 119,500(120 BB) |
118,200(118 BB) | |
CC Carlo Calingasan | 113,300(113 BB) |
RM Richard Marquez | 109,200(109 BB) |
JW Jariah Waring | 108,300(108 BB) |
RV Renato Villanueva Jr | 103,900(104 BB) |
AC Alexis Cruz | 99,100(99 BB) |
AZ Aleksei Zhukov | 91,400(91 BB) |
89,300(89 BB) | |
IC Inkyu Choi | 88,200(88 BB) |
HS Heungsub Shim | 85,100(85 BB) |
JT John Tech | 82,100(82 BB) |
EG Edilberto Gopez | 81,900(82 BB) |
78,200(78 BB) | |
SY Seungmin Yu | 77,200(77 BB) |
AM Akimichi Motomura | 76,500(77 BB) |
Akimichi Motomura Sweeps the Table

Three players clashed on board Q♣ 7♠A♠J♣ , all vying for the 17,200 already in the middle. Turn action saw Akihiro Kawaguchi lead 5,000, raised by Shinya Fukutomi to 13,000, and finished with Akimichi Motomura pushing all-in for 26,400. Both opponents likewise got their stacks in for a three way showdown.
Motomura Kâ™ Tâ™
Kawaguchi A♥ Q♦
Fukutomi A♣ J♦
Motomura with a straight, scooped it all as river 4♦ failed to fill up any boats.
Player | Chips |
AM Akimichi Motomura | 81,700(102 BB) |
SF Shinya Fukutomi | 19,200(24 BB) |
AK Akihiro Kawaguchi | busted |
Dream Spot for Akimichi Motomura

Kim Enriquez opened utg and was joined by four other players onto flop J♠2♠9♦ . Enriquez continued for 4,000, called only by Akimichi Motomura behind. On turn 9♥ , Enriquez gunned for the rest and Motomura easily chucked his remaining 7,800 in the middle.
Enriquez A♥ J♣
Motomura 9♠9♣
Dead against quads, Enriquez relinquished the pot to Motomura just as river 8♦ landed on board.
Player | Chips |
KE Kim Enriquez | 57,600(72 BB) |
AM Akimichi Motomura | 32,400(41 BB) |