Top Pair Holds Strong for Nattawut Kwunsong
Nattawut Kwunsong opened 2,000 utg+1 and saw Jerome Finck flick in his last 3,400. Shahin Norouzian on the small blind joined the action and Kwunsong completed.
On board A♦ J♠ 8♠ K♦ , Kwunsong bet both streets - 2,500 and 6,200, building up a side pot as Norouzian check called onto river 9♣ . Kwunsong slowed down and checked it back, revealing his top pair to be good against both opponents' pair of kings.
Player | Hand | Chips |
NK Nattawut Kwunsong | A♠6♦ UTG+1 | 61,900(77 BB) |
SN Shahin Norouzian | K♠T♠ SB | 67,800(85 BB) |
JF Jerome Finck | K♥Q♣ HJ | busted |
Nattawut Kwunsong Saved by Runout
Up against an open and a call from Nattawut Kwunsong, Gary Guerrero lodged a 6,000 three bet on the button and saw Jerome Finck push all-in on the small blind for 38,400. Kwunsong snap called for his lesser 32,300 and Guerrero got out of the way, open folding 9♣ 9♠ as he left the two to showdown.
Kwunsong dominated, was in luck to find three diamonds on board 8♦ 6♦ Q♥ 2♠ 7♦ , shipping him the win with the nut flush.
Player | Hand | Chips |
NK Nattawut Kwunsong | A♦9♦ HJ | 73,000(122 BB) |
JF Jerome Finck | A♣K♠ SB | 6,100(10 BB) |
GG Gary Guerrero | 47,800(80 BB) |
Nattawut Kwunsong Finishes Nadav Cohen
Down short, Nadav Cohen flicked in his last 4,200 and was challenged by utg raiser Nattawut Kwunsong to showdown.
Board T♥ 6♥ 9♠ 8♣ K♠ ran a straight for Kwunsong, eliminating Cohen right before the first break of the day.
Player | Hand | Chips |
NK Nattawut Kwunsong | K♦7♦ UTG | 54,600(137 BB) |
NC Nadav Cohen | 6♣3♠ HJ | busted |
Small Attempt from Thai Do
Blind vs blind action on board 5♣ A♣ Q♣ 7♥ 7♦ saw Nattawut Kwunsong check to his opponent behind. Thai Do went with a final bet of 1,600 into a pot of 4,400, and got caught with a bluff 8♠ 6♦ as Kwunsong easily looked him up with two pair A♠ J♥ .
Player | Chips |
NK Nattawut Kwunsong | 54,100(271 BB) |
TD Thai Do | 47,000(235 BB) |