Nariman Yaghmai Gets Maximum For Aces
Nariman Yaghmai raises from under the gun then shoves after Ankit Ahuja three-bets 46,000. Ahuja makes the fast call and is dominated.
Nariman Yaghmai: A♥ A♠
Ankit Ahuja: T♠ T♥
The board comes 3♦ 7♠ 4♣ 2♣ A♦ , Yaghmai doubles up.
Player | Chips |
AA Ankit Ahuja | 590,000(74 BB) |
NY Nariman Yaghmai | 300,000(38 BB) |
Assorted Counts in the Field
Player | Chips |
SH Sho Homma | 770,000(128 BB) |
LG Lynn Gilmartin | 645,000(108 BB) |
JM John Matsuda | 540,000(90 BB) |
NY Nariman Yaghmai | 465,000(78 BB) |
MS Martin Stausholm | 430,000(72 BB) |
YS Yunsheng Sun | 425,000(71 BB) |
AA Ankit Ahuja | 380,000(63 BB) |
JJ Jeremy Jehanne | 320,000(53 BB) |
GT Guy Taylor | 315,000(53 BB) |
TB Thomas Boivin | 290,000(48 BB) |
HD Huu Dung Nguyen | 242,000(40 BB) |
NP Nils Pudel | 240,000(40 BB) |
230,000(38 BB) | |
HK Hayato Kitajima | 210,000(35 BB) |
AR Amin Riyazati | 190,000(32 BB) |
BZ Bobby Zhang | 150,000(25 BB) |
MS Martin Sedlak | 142,000(24 BB) |
BJ Bo Jin | 130,000(22 BB) |
AG Asish Ghosh | busted |
Sho Homma Has The Goods
Looking down at K♣ T♥ , Sho Homma defends his big blind by calling the raise of under the gun Narman Yaghmai. At the flop 5♦ K♦ T♣ , Homma check-calls his top two for 15,000. On the turn 3♥ , Yaghmai bets 45,000, Homma tries to trap with a check-raise of 120,000 but Yaghmai doesn't take the bait. Homma flips open his hand.
Player | Chips |
SH Sho Homma | 760,000(152 BB) |
NY Nariman Yaghmai | 480,000(96 BB) |
Nariman Yaghmai Earns With Aggression

Kiyoung Kim opens 9000, Nariman Yaghmai makes it 25,500, Kim flats to see the flop J♠ 9♥ 6♦ . Yaghmai continues for 22,000, Kim gives it up.
Player | Chips |
NY Nariman Yaghmai | 217,000(54 BB) |
KK Kiyoung Kim | 193,500(48 BB) |
Updated Counts and Casualties
Player | Chips |
IK Ivan Karatayeu | 555,000(222 BB) |
NT Nguyen Thi Bao An | 390,000(156 BB) |
DN Daniel Neilson | 385,000(154 BB) |
DD Dylan DeStefano | 330,000(132 BB) |
FC Florencio Campomanes | 300,000(120 BB) |
EA Edgar Antezana | 255,000(102 BB) |
DN Dominik Nitsche | 250,000(100 BB) |
DG Deepankur Gupta | 235,000(94 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 230,000(92 BB) |
YS Yunsheng Sun | 215,000(86 BB) |
YL Yuhan Liu | 175,000(70 BB) |
CH Christian Harder | 175,000(70 BB) |
TE Travis Endersby | 175,000(70 BB) |
DC Daniel Charlton | 160,000(64 BB) |
DF Dylan Foster | 155,000(62 BB) |
CT Chao Ting Cheng | 145,000(58 BB) |
NY Nariman Yaghmai | 140,000(56 BB) |
AP Alexander Puchalski | 125,000(50 BB) |
RH Ronald Haverkamp | 120,000(48 BB) |
CN Cao Ngoc Anh | busted |
RM Remy Murcia | busted |
RC Rayan Chamas | busted |
GA Gicovanu Alexandru | busted |
Egidijus Digrys Leads the Field at the Break with 242,800

A scan of the field during the break turned up six players with at least 175K in chips, creating an unofficial leaderboard:
Player | Chips |
242,800(243 BB) | |
XZ Xiaosheng Zheng | 200,400(200 BB) |
WF Wendy Freedman | 200,000(200 BB) |
NY Nariman Yaghmai | 198,700(199 BB) |
JP Jerwin Pasco | 192,800(193 BB) |
DE David Erquiaga | 183,500(184 BB) |
Jerwin Pasco Leads the Field at the Break with 178,800
A scan of the field during the break turned up six players with at least 150K in chips, plus one more knocking on the door to create an unofficial leaderboard:
Player | Chips |
JP Jerwin Pasco | 178,800(298 BB) |
TP Timon Prill | 177,700(296 BB) |
DA Dinesh Alt | 171,900(287 BB) |
NY Nariman Yaghmai | 166,800(278 BB) |
DE David Erquiaga | 166,600(278 BB) |
PD Peter Da | 158,900(265 BB) |
XZ Xiaosheng Zheng | 147,100(245 BB) |
Assorted Counts in the Field
Player | Chips |
DA Dinesh Alt | 95,000(238 BB) |
AS Arun Sriram | 75,000(188 BB) |
75,000(188 BB) | |
NY Nariman Yaghmai | 68,000(170 BB) |
VO Vishal Ojha | 68,000(170 BB) |
GT Guy Taylor | 63,000(158 BB) |
NA Najeem Ajez | 62,000(155 BB) |
60,000(150 BB) | |
HZ He Zhou | 60,000(150 BB) |
KV Kou Vang | 55,000(138 BB) |
BL Ben Loo | 53,000(133 BB) |
MZ Monika Zukowicz | 50,000(125 BB) |
AV Armon Van Wijk | 50,000(125 BB) |
AA Anil Adiani | 50,000(125 BB) |
NZ Neng Zhao | 50,000(125 BB) |
RH Ronald Haverkamp | 50,000(125 BB) |
MH Micha Hoedemaker | 50,000(125 BB) |
RS Raffaele Sorrentino | 45,000(113 BB) |
PN Pradeep Nudurumati | 34,000(85 BB) |
FF Frederik Farrington | 16,300(41 BB) |
Aggressive Play Pays Juyeol Lee

Juyeol Lee check -raises 3500 on a flop 4♣ 3♠ 8♦ and Nariman Yaghmai tops up his 1500 bet. With the pot now at 9700, Lee fires 7,000 on the turn 9♠ and this time claims the pot uncontested.
Player | Chips |
JL Juyeol Lee | 75,000(188 BB) |
NY Nariman Yaghmai | 27,800(70 BB) |
Assorted Counts in the Field
Masato Yokosawa has already been eliminated and re-entered with some 11 participants on the rail so far. Below are other assorted counts in the field.
Player | Chips |
MC Mario Colavita | 130,000(433 BB) |
SB Shmuel Bechor | 110,000(367 BB) |
BG Brian Green | 95,000(317 BB) |
PK Peter Kiem | 90,000(300 BB) |
YL Yiannis Liperis | 65,000(217 BB) |
TB Thomas Boivin | 61,000(203 BB) |
JS Joseph Serock | 53,000(177 BB) |
MY Masato Yokosawa | 50,000(167 BB) |
TV Tom Verbruggen | 50,000(167 BB) |
UD Upeshka De Silva | 50,000(167 BB) |
AR Amin Riyazati | 42,000(140 BB) |
KB Koen Breed | 41,000(137 BB) |
NY Nariman Yaghmai | 35,000(117 BB) |
RN Rolands Norietis | 33,000(110 BB) |
AG Asish Ghosh | 33,000(110 BB) |
BD Bas de Laat | 21,500(72 BB) |
EK Edgaras Kausinis | busted |
More Notables in the Field
Day 1a is now up to 93 entries and among the next casualties is Anton Johnson over on table one seat one, replaced by Nariman Yaghmai soon after. Also in the mix now are Koen Breed, Graham Cowan, Asish Ghosh, Yiannis Liperis, Arun Sriram, Thomas Boivin, Mike Falcon, Michael Gathy, Adrien Berger and Marius Kudzmanas.