Somashekar Nahadeva Doubles Thru Thomas Boivin

Thomas Boivin raises from under the gun to 20,000 and Somashekar Nahadeva calls in the small blind. Nahadeva check-calls for 25,000 on the 8♠ 8♥ 5♦ flop and another 85,000 on the J♦ turn.
Nahadeva checks the K♠ on the river and Boivin moves all-in to get snapped off. Nahadeva doubles for 166,000 with J♣ J♥ for jacks full, while Boivin takes a major hit holding the K♦ Q♣.
In the meanwhile, Karan Sitlani is heading to the payout desk as first casualty on Day 3.
Player | Chips |
SN Somashekar Nahadeva | 600,000(60 BB) |
TB Thomas Boivin | 208,000(21 BB) |
KS Karan Sitlani | busted |
Daniel Neilson Happy To Take It Down

On a board 5♣ J♦ A♠ 6♣ and 82,000 in the pot, Karan Sitlani bet 42,000, Daniel Neilson calls then they check the river 8♠ . Neilson shows 8♣ which is good as Sitlani mucks.
Player | Chips |
DN Daniel Neilson | 856,000(107 BB) |
KS Karan Sitlani | 240,000(30 BB) |
Assorted Counts in the Field
Player | Chips |
IK Ivan Karatayeu | 615,000(154 BB) |
DN Dominik Nitsche | 600,000(150 BB) |
SH Sho Homma | 550,000(138 BB) |
NT Nguyen Thi Bao An | 495,000(124 BB) |
NH Ngoc Ha Nguyen | 470,000(118 BB) |
GT Guy Taylor | 460,000(115 BB) |
KH Konstantin Held | 390,000(98 BB) |
AR Amin Riyazati | 390,000(98 BB) |
JP Jerwin Pasco | 295,000(74 BB) |
KS Karan Sitlani | 270,000(68 BB) |
FC Florencio Campomanes | 242,000(61 BB) |
YH Yukako Hiroi | 220,000(55 BB) |
RB Renat Bohdanov | 180,000(45 BB) |
RK Ryo Kotake | 175,000(44 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 145,000(36 BB) |
MC Mario Colavita | 130,000(33 BB) |
DM Dhaval Mudgal | 125,000(31 BB) |
AS | 110,000(28 BB) |
YC Yita Choong | 100,000(25 BB) |
CP Chengcai Pan | busted |
Karan Sitlani Earns The Pot

Three players in a raised pot with 32,500 in the middle take the action to the flop 8♥ J♥ T♣ . Tianyuan Tang checks to aggressor Bo Su who continues for 7000. Karan Sitlani calls and Tang folds.
The turn J♦ sees Su check, Sitlani bets 21,o00, Su gives it a thought then folds.
Player | Chips |
KS Karan Sitlani | 248,000(62 BB) |
BS Bo Su | 153,000(38 BB) |
TT Tianyuan Tang | 107,000(27 BB) |
Karan Sitlani Sends Nikolai Guliaev To the Rail
Fabian Gumz raises to 6,000 and earns two callers including Karan Sitlani in the next seat. Nikolai Guliaev then jams for 60,500 in the small blind and Gumz folds, Sitlani calls and the only other player in the hand folds.
Guliaev is ahead with T♥ T♦ versus 8♥ 8♦ but cannot hold on the J♥ 9♥ 8♥ J♣ 4♣ board to bust right before their table breaks.
Player | Chips |
KS Karan Sitlani | 280,000(93 BB) |
FG Fabian Gumz | 260,000(87 BB) |
NG Nikolai Guliaev | busted |
Thi Hue Dang Eliminated
The cards of Thi Hue Dang are in the muck and she heads to the rail where Ngoc Anh Cao is waiting. Karan Sitlani rakes in the pot with his J♦ J♠ on a board of K♣ 8♦ 5♦ Q♦ 4♥ .
"I had a straight," Alfie Adam says.
Player | Chips |
KS Karan Sitlani | 155,000(62 BB) |
TD Thi Dang | busted |
Karan Sitlani Shoves the Turn in a Multi-Way Pot
With the board showing 8♠ 6♠ 6♦ K♣ on the turn, Jacopo Eutizi bets 7,100 from the small blind. Alan Arbos Fernandez calls utg, and Karan Sitlani moves all in from the hijack for 26,000.
Eutizi quickly folds, and Fernandez tanks for a long time before he also folds. Sitlani takes the pot.
Player | Chips |
JE Jacopo Eutizi | 123,000(246 BB) |
KS Karan Sitlani | 47,000(94 BB) |
AF Alan Fernandez | 37,000(74 BB) |
Andrew Swenson And Karan Sitlani Exchange Punches

Following a raise, button player Andrew Swenson three-bets 2000, small blind Karan Sitlani defends with a four-bet of 7000, this squeezes out initial raiser while Swenson flats to tame the action. At the flop J♥ 4♥ 7♠ , Sitlani resumes for 3100, Swenson makes it 12,000, Sitlani tank-calls.
On the turn 6♥ , action slows down with checks until the river 5♠ with Swenson going all in that pushes Sitlani out of the pot.
Player | Chips |
AS Andrew Swenson | 73,500(184 BB) |
KS Karan Sitlani | 26,200(66 BB) |