Blind level
Level 17: 5,000 / 10,000 ante: 10,000
Total Chips


Blaise de LeonBlaise de Leon
2/14/2025, 1:24:04 PM

Steve Buckner Doubles Thru Mats Gramsborg Ullereng

Level 12: 1,500 / 3,000 ante: 3,000

Steve Buckner raises from middle position to 6,500, Mats Gramsborg Ullereng reraises from the hijack to 18,000, and Buckner calls.

Buckner checks in the dark before the flop comes 9 8 2 . Ullereng bets 17,000, and Buckner calls.

Buckner checks in the dark again before the turn card pairs the board with the 9 . Ullereng checks behind.

The river card is the 7 , Buckner bets 17,000, and Ullereng moves all in for about105,000. Buckner goes into the tank.

Buckner says, "I don't think I can fold this, cuz. I don't think I can fold this."

Buckner calls all in for 95,000, and Ullereng shows 5 T for a king-high bluff. Buckner turns over 6 5 to win the pot with a nine-high straight and double up in chips.

Steven BucknerUnited States of America [USA]United States of America
267,500(89 BB)
10,000(3 BB)
Blaise de LeonBlaise de Leon
2/14/2025, 10:32:07 AM

Mats Ullereng Doubles Thru Hon Cheong Lee

Level 8: 600 / 1,200 ante: 1,200

On a table with several big stacks, Hon Cheong "Ivan" Lee check-jams into Mats Ullereng on the 9 8 3 flop and Ullereng calls with the T T . Lee only has A 9 and cannot get there on the 3 6 runout.

Ullereng's double is for 41,300 to leave Lee very short.

180,000(150 BB)
140,000(117 BB)
90,000(75 BB)
8,000(7 BB)