Blind level
Level 17: 5,000 / 10,000 ante: 10,000
Total Chips


Blaise de LeonBlaise de Leon
2/14/2025, 3:21:39 PM

Micheal O'Neill Goes Up, Jun Li Plunges

Level 14: 2,500 / 5,000 ante: 5,000

Classic flip at table 6 with Micheal O'Neill open shoving 109,000 and Jun Li snap-calling. O'Neill has Q Q , Li has A K , the board runs low 6 5 3 7 J . O'Neill doubles up as Li plunges to 2 big blinds.

226,000(45 BB)
Li JunUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [GBR]United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
12,000(2 BB)
Blaise de LeonBlaise de Leon
2/14/2025, 2:46:04 PM

Pete Chen Wins a Three-Way All-In to Knock Out a Player

Level 14: 2,500 / 5,000 ante: 5,000

There is a three-way all-in situation at Table 6, with the small blind all in for 9,000, WPT Champions Club member Pete Chen all in from the big blind for 242,000, and Jun Li covering them both from the button.

Jun Li: Q Q

Pete Chen: K K

Small Blind: 9 4

The board came low, with nothing higher than a jack, and the pocket kings held up for Chen to win the entire pot, doubling thru Li and eliminating the player in the small blind.

Pete ChenTaiwan [TWN]Taiwan
498,000(100 BB)
Li JunUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [GBR]United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
58,000(12 BB)
Blaise de LeonBlaise de Leon
2/14/2025, 2:01:01 PM

Nikolai Guliaev Chips Up on Big Stack Table

Level 13: 2,000 / 4,000 ante: 4,000

Leo Soma raises to 8,000 and Nikolai Guliaev calls from two seats over, all other players fold. On the Q T 2 flop, Soma checks and Guliaev wins the pot with a bet of 12,000.

The same table also features Brian Green and Jun Li, the latter of which reached the final table in the 2024 WPT Prime Taiwan Main Event.

Li JunUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [GBR]United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
310,000(78 BB)
Brian GreenUnited States of America [USA]United States of America
300,000(75 BB)
200,000(50 BB)
Leo SomaFrance [FRA]France
180,000(45 BB)
Blaise de LeonBlaise de Leon
2/14/2025, 9:47:25 AM

Jun Li Burns Amin Riyazati On The River

Level 7: 500 / 1,000 ante: 1,000

From early position, Amin Riyazati opens 2000 then calls big blind Jun Li's 8000 reraise. When the flop comes 5 6 3 , Li continues for 5000 that Riyazati calls. Li fires again on the turn 3 , this time putting Riyazati all in who takes this.

Riyazati is ahead with a pair 7 6 , Li has A Q . The river A burns Riyazati's lower pair and he heads to registration to buy back in.

Li JunUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [GBR]United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
77,300(77 BB)
Amin RiyazatiAustralia [AUS]Australia