Blind level
Level 17: 5,000 / 10,000 ante: 10,000
Total Chips


Blaise de LeonBlaise de Leon
2/14/2025, 4:23:21 PM

Split Pot Between Neng Zhao And Leo Soma

Level 16: 4,000 / 8,000 ante: 8,000

Leo Soma opens from the button with A T and Neng Zhao defends his big blind with T 4 . When the flop comes 6 T T , both players land trips and go firing. Zhao checks, Soma bets 11,000, Zhang raises 42,000, Soma three-bets 75,000, Zhao flats. The turn 7 sees Zhao lead out 37,000, Soma shoves 160,000, Zhao doesn't hesitate to call and they flip them. With the top kicker, it looks like a double up for Soma until the river 6 denies him for a split pot.

Blaise de LeonBlaise de Leon
2/14/2025, 3:40:30 PM

Neng Zhao Jams Into Leo Soma

Level 15: 3,000 / 6,000 ante: 6,000

With only 33,000 in the middle to the A Q 7 flop, Leo Soma bets and Neng Zhao raises to 78,000. Soma makes it 120,000 to go only for Zhao to move all-in and force an instant fold from Soma.

Neng ZhaoAustralia [AUS]Australia
665,000(111 BB)
Leo SomaFrance [FRA]France
170,000(28 BB)
Blaise de LeonBlaise de Leon
2/14/2025, 3:18:16 PM

Leo Soma Gets Robert Kiss To Commit It All

Level 14: 2,500 / 5,000 ante: 5,000

Catching the action on a board A 3 7 4 and 55,000 in the pot, from the big blind Leo Soma with 5 7 check-calls a bet of 45,000 from Jun Li who has A 7 . Money card river for Soma with 6 giving him the straight. Soma shoves to send Kiss to the think tank. After a couple of minutes, Kiss commits his last 61,000 then packs up.

Leo SomaFrance [FRA]France
314,000(63 BB)
Robert KissUnited States of America [USA]United States of America
Blaise de LeonBlaise de Leon
2/14/2025, 2:01:01 PM

Nikolai Guliaev Chips Up on Big Stack Table

Level 13: 2,000 / 4,000 ante: 4,000

Leo Soma raises to 8,000 and Nikolai Guliaev calls from two seats over, all other players fold. On the Q T 2 flop, Soma checks and Guliaev wins the pot with a bet of 12,000.

The same table also features Brian Green and Jun Li, the latter of which reached the final table in the 2024 WPT Prime Taiwan Main Event.

Li JunUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [GBR]United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
310,000(78 BB)
Brian GreenUnited States of America [USA]United States of America
300,000(75 BB)
200,000(50 BB)
Leo SomaFrance [FRA]France
180,000(45 BB)
Blaise de LeonBlaise de Leon
2/14/2025, 8:44:51 AM

Leo Soma Takes from Tom Verbruggen

Level 6: 400 / 800 ante: 800

A new table opens with Chien Chih "Maggie" Weng, Leo Soma, as well as Tom Verbruggen. The latter opens to 1,600 in the cutoff and Soma defends the big blind.

On a flop of J 5 4 , both check and that leads to the 9 turn. Soma check-raises from 1,600 to 9,000 and Verbruggen calls. They check the T river and Soma wins the pot with Q T .

Tom VerbruggenNetherlands [NLD]Netherlands
52,000(65 BB)
Leo SomaFrance [FRA]France
29,000(36 BB)