Day1A Ends - 17 Survivors
Player | Chips |
AW Ankit Wadhawan | 970,000(121 BB) |
HP Hyunkyou Park | 495,000(62 BB) |
RK Robert Kiss | 479,000(60 BB) |
HZ Hongru Zhang | 422,000(53 BB) |
TM Tom Maguire | 406,000(51 BB) |
KW Kaifan Wang | 345,000(43 BB) |
NT Nguyen Tuan Hung | 345,000(43 BB) |
AB Adrien Berger | 282,000(35 BB) |
VF Victor Fryda | 268,000(34 BB) |
TH Takashi Hirukawa | 242,000(30 BB) |
HC Huntae Choi | 237,000(30 BB) |
VO Vishal Ojha | 226,000(28 BB) |
PB Pham Bao | 199,000(25 BB) |
FR Fabian Rolli | 161,000(20 BB) |
JS Josip Simunic | 138,000(17 BB) |
JL Johan Lees | 137,000(17 BB) |
RS Raffaele Sorrentino | 85,000(11 BB) |
Pham Bao Finishes Luc Ramos

Pham Bao open shoved utg+1 and saw Luc Ramos call off for his last 33,000 (6 BB) on the small blind.
Ramos behind, failed to catch up on board J♦ 4♠3♥ 7♥ 3♦ , sending him out a few spots short of making Day 2.
Chip Count Update
Player | Chips |
KS Karan Sitlani | 386,000(64 BB) |
XY Xin Yuan | 356,000(59 BB) |
VO Vishal Ojha | 350,000(58 BB) |
RK Robert Kiss | 339,000(57 BB) |
TM Tom Maguire | 333,000(56 BB) |
AB Adrien Berger | 293,000(49 BB) |
280,000(47 BB) | |
HZ Hongru Zhang | 278,000(46 BB) |
VF Victor Fryda | 272,000(45 BB) |
TH Takashi Hirukawa | 262,000(44 BB) |
NT Nguyen Tuan Hung | 225,000(38 BB) |
FR Fabian Rolli | 212,000(35 BB) |
RS Raffaele Sorrentino | 209,000(35 BB) |
JL Johan Lees | 202,000(34 BB) |
JS Josip Simunic | 200,000(33 BB) |
HP Hyunkyou Park | 180,000(30 BB) |
KW Kaifan Wang | 174,000(29 BB) |
DB Daniel Bushell | 158,000(26 BB) |
AS Aditya Sushant | 154,000(26 BB) |
AW Ankit Wadhawan | 128,000(21 BB) |
PB Pham Bao | 123,000(21 BB) |
HB Harsh Bubna | 106,000(18 BB) |
KT Kabir Tandon | 66,000(11 BB) |
LR Luc Ramos | 64,000(11 BB) |
Top Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
VO Vishal Ojha | 488,500(163 BB) |
RK Robert Kiss | 393,000(131 BB) |
NT Nguyen Tuan Hung | 298,000(99 BB) |
KS Karan Sitlani | 221,000(74 BB) |
VA Vincent Albert | 214,000(71 BB) |
TH Takashi Hirukawa | 211,000(70 BB) |
PB Pham Bao | 192,000(64 BB) |
FR Fabian Rolli | 189,000(63 BB) |
HB Harsh Bubna | 180,500(60 BB) |
HZ Hongru Zhang | 165,000(55 BB) |
YS Yakiv Syzghanov | 163,000(54 BB) |
MD Max Deveson | 147,000(49 BB) |
AB Adrien Berger | 144,000(48 BB) |
JL Johan Lees | 142,000(47 BB) |
VF Victor Fryda | 139,500(47 BB) |
KT Kabir Tandon | 139,000(46 BB) |
DK David Kozma | 132,000(44 BB) |
Andres Vasquez Bets to Win
Andres Vasquez fired a 11,000 three bet against an early open and saw Pham Bao behind pad it further to 22,000. Initial raiser opted out and Vasquez shelled out the other 11,000.
Action on board 6♣ 5♣ 4♦ 2♠2♦ was checked all the way down to the river, where Vasquez led a bet of 16,000. Pham uninterested, snap folded, giving Vasquez the win with no showdown.
Player | Chips |
PB Pham Bao | 152,000(76 BB) |
AV Andres Vasquez | 87,500(44 BB) |
Pham Bao Leads the Way

Pham Bao opened utg and called a 15,000 three bet from Nikolai Guliaev on the cutoff.
On board Q♦ J♥ 2♣ 9♣ , Pham took initiative and went ahead to lead both streets - 7,000 and 25,000. Guliaev called the first bet but gave it up after Pham showed no signs of slowing down.
Player | Chips |
PB Pham Bao | 163,000(82 BB) |
98,000(49 BB) |
Top Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
AS Aditya Sushant | 127,300(159 BB) |
FR Fabian Rolli | 118,100(148 BB) |
XY Xin Yuan | 103,500(129 BB) |
TH Takashi Hirukawa | 102,300(128 BB) |
93,200(117 BB) | |
88,000(110 BB) | |
KS Karan Sitlani | 87,500(109 BB) |
IY Ihor Yerofieiev | 86,200(108 BB) |
JS Josip Simunic | 84,700(106 BB) |
LR Luc Ramos | 82,200(103 BB) |
AS | 74,500(93 BB) |
RM Remy Murcia | 73,100(91 BB) |
AH Ali Hassan | 68,200(85 BB) |
HP Hyunkyou Park | 64,900(81 BB) |
SL Shanhui Li | 63,000(79 BB) |
PB Pham Bao | 61,300(77 BB) |
Josip Simunic Doubles Up on First Deal
With his seat still cold, Josip Simunic found his starting stack at risk right on his first hand of the day after a series of back and forth saw Simunic six bet jam his entire 40,000 in, called by Pham Bao for a flip.
Board 6♦ 2♦ 5♠J♠9♦ ran safe for Simunic's ladies, crippling Pham in the process.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JS Josip Simunic | Q♥Q♠HJ | 81,000(203 BB) |
PB Pham Bao | A♥K♣ CO | 1,000(3 BB) |