Blind level
Level 17: 4,000 / 8,000 ante: 8,000
Total Chips
Janette BeeJanette Bee
2/11/2025, 2:50:14 PM
Ace High Enough for Adrien Berger
Level 15: 2,500 / 5,000 ante: 5,000

Adrien Berger opened utg+1 and called a 26,000 three bet from Max Deveson behind.
On flop 9♣ 4♠ 3♦ , Berger check called another 21,000, and arrived at showdown shortly after no more bets went in on either turn 2♦ or river 2♥ .
Berger showed A♣ Q♣ and won the pot with ace-high.
Player | Chips |
AB Adrien Berger | 380,000(76 BB) |
MD Max Deveson | 171,000(34 BB) |
Janette BeeJanette Bee
2/11/2025, 1:46:11 PM
David Kozma Outpipped
Level 13: 1,500 / 3,000 ante: 3,000
Max Deveson launched a 16,000 three bet on the button against an open and saw David Kozma on the small blind, push for 111,000 total. Initial raiser got out of the way and Kozma made the call for a showdown.
Dominated, Kozma exited the arena shortly after failing to improve on board 8♦ 2♦ 5♣ J♣ 8♣ .
Player | Hand | Chips |
MD Max Deveson | A♠K♦ D | 250,000(83 BB) |
DK David Kozma | A♦Q♦ SB | busted |
Janette BeeJanette Bee
2/11/2025, 1:17:33 PM
Top Chip Counts
Level 13: 1,500 / 3,000 ante: 3,000
Player | Chips |
VO Vishal Ojha | 488,500(163 BB) |
RK Robert Kiss | 393,000(131 BB) |
NT Nguyen Tuan Hung | 298,000(99 BB) |
KS Karan Sitlani | 221,000(74 BB) |
VA Vincent Albert | 214,000(71 BB) |
TH Takashi Hirukawa | 211,000(70 BB) |
PB Pham Bao | 192,000(64 BB) |
FR Fabian Rolli | 189,000(63 BB) |
HB Harsh Bubna | 180,500(60 BB) |
HZ Hongru Zhang | 165,000(55 BB) |
YS Yakiv Syzghanov | 163,000(54 BB) |
MD Max Deveson | 147,000(49 BB) |
AB Adrien Berger | 144,000(48 BB) |
JL Johan Lees | 142,000(47 BB) |
VF Victor Fryda | 139,500(47 BB) |
KT Kabir Tandon | 139,000(46 BB) |
DK David Kozma | 132,000(44 BB) |